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Respect: Be Thoughul Integrity: Do the Right Thing Excellence: Do your very best Responsibility: Be in charge of yourself Newsletter Term 4 Week 1115th December 2020 Dates to Remember December 15th—Grade 6 Graduation 16th—Adventure Park 17th—Final assembly @ 9am 17th—Students vs Teachers Netball 17th—Whole School Christmas Party 18th—Last day of School 1:30 finish Waubra Primary Schools Vision To develop academically and socially confident students in an engaging learning environment, where they are inspired to reach their full potenal.

Respect: Be Thoughtful Excellence: Do the Right Thing Newsletter · 2020. 12. 15. · Thank you all for your unending support; staff, students, parents and extend-ed families. I wish

Feb 02, 2021



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  • Respect: Be Thoughtful

    Integrity: Do the Right Thing

    Excellence: Do your very best

    Responsibility: Be in charge of


    Newsletter Term 4 Week 11— 15th December 2020

    Dates to Remember December 15th—Grade 6 Graduation 16th—Adventure Park 17th—Final assembly @ 9am 17th—Students vs Teachers Netball 17th—Whole School Christmas Party 18th—Last day of School 1:30 finish

    Waubra Primary School’s Vision

    To develop academically and socially confident students in an engaging learning environment, where they are inspired to

    reach their full potential.


    Following yesterday’s fantastic leadership speeches, it gives me great pleasure to

    introduce our 2021 school leaders.

    SCHOOL CAPTAINS—Evie Davidson and Tom Koros

    HOUSE CAPTAINS— Mackenzie (Bolton), Tess (Mullawallah) and Izzy (Springs)

  • Principal’s Report

    With only a few days until we venture off and get ready to enjoy are well earned Christmas

    break, it is important we reflect on the year that was and how well the Waubra PS community

    has adapted and come out the other side. I want to thank our wonderful staff. The care and

    dedication you all show day in and day out is a credit to you and our community is extremely

    lucky to have such assets within our school. To all of our students, you should be incredibly

    proud of the way you have finished off the year. Reading every single school report, it was

    great to read about the important role you all play in your classroom and the development

    you have made this year. Thank you to our parents who have had a tougher year than normal,

    juggling the role of parent and teacher and doing it so well.

    We farewell Marg, Ms Hurse and Rachel this week. All 3 of you will be missed by every mem-

    ber of the Waubra community. The dedication and commitment you have all shown to make

    our students time at school rewarding and memorable has been wonderful.

    Well done to our graduating Grade 6 students’ who tonight get the chance to celebrate at

    their graduation dinner. Thanks to Tim for all his hard work in preparing our students' for the

    night and also organising the graduation.


    Tomorrow we head off on our whole school trip to Adventure Park. Although the weather

    doesn’t look as warm as we would like, it is sure to be a great day. As we are staying at the

    park until 5pm, students will be provided with some BBQ food prior to our departure home. As

    per the note, a packed lunch, snacks and drink bottle are to be brought along. No students will

    be able to bring spending money.


    Our final assembly is Thursday 17th December at 9am. All parents and family

    members are welcome. We will celebrate and farewell Marg, Rachel and Ms

    Hurse along with our Graduating Grade 6 students.

    Following our assembly, the inaugural Teachers vs Students netball game will take

    place. Students will then have a small snack and go to lunch time play.

    At 12:00pm we will have our whole school Christmas Party. Can all students

    please bring a plate of food to share. Students will also be taking home all be-

    longings so send along a bag or two to transport home this year’s belongings.


    Staff return Wednesday January 27th

    Student testing— Thursday January 28th and Friday 29th (online booking has

    been sent out)

    Monday February 1st - all students return to school


    From Term 1, 2021 the Victorian Government has ceased school banking programs in Victorian

    government schools. As a result, the CommBank School Banking program will no longer oper-

    ate at our school after the end of this term. If you are unsure of other methods of depositing

    to your child’s account, please feel free to contact the Bank’s general enquiries hotline on 13

    2221 or alternatively visit your local CommBank branch.

    If your child is eligible to receive a reward, please notify our School Banking Co-ordinator Sue

    Holland prior to the 11th December 2020.

    We would like to thank you for your participation and support throughout the School Banking



    On Thursday 28th January and Friday 29th January, all students are required to

    take part in a 30 minute testing session with their classroom teacher.

    This testing is vital in starting day 1 of the year teaching to the individual stu-

    dent’s point of need.

    The booking for your testing session is online using the following web address;

    The event code is 7zu27

  • Student of the Week: Excellence

    Teacher Student Reason Ms Hurse Austin Dowler Finishing off the year with a cracking Big

    Write! Well done, Austin! You have demon-strated what you can achieve when you set your mind to it. Your writing piece about The Polar Express made me so proud to be your teacher and part of your learning jour-ney! Thank you

    Ms Hepburn Olivia Arvidson You have worked so hard to understand your emotions and develop positive ways to deal with frustrations. I am so proud of how far you have come! You are a star, Olivia!

    Tim Tyla Boef For demonstrating our school value of Ex-cellence by having such a fantastic attitude towards all areas of your schooling in 2020.

    You have made great progress and have displayed a positive attitude at all times during what has been a very tough year!

  • Goodbye to 2020!!

    So, here we are at the end of what has been a monumental year! I don’t think I will be alone in saying

    that I am glad 2020 is almost over. We have, however, made the most of it! Coming together to suc-

    cessfully navigate two Remote Learning experiences has really highlighted the importance of communi-

    ty, and working together to educate our children.

    I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on my time at Waubra, given I will be teaching at

    Maryborough Education Centre during 2021.

    For those of you who don’t know, I began my teaching career at Waubra at the beginning of Term 2,

    teaching Grade 2, 3, 4 in 2013. Initially, I was meant to stay for one term… and here we are! The Grade

    4 students in my grade that year are about to launch into Year 12 next year. They, and every other stu-

    dent I have taught since, are all still very much in my thoughts. I love hearing and seeing what they are

    up to, and where they are headed.

    Working in a small community school is a wonderful experience. I honestly feel like I am part of your

    family. This is not only due to the fact I get called ‘mum’ many times a day (I was once called Grandpa…

    thanks Will B!), but because you welcomed me into your community in so many ways. I will always feel

    that incredible sense of belonging and be fiercely protective of ‘our’ kids.

    Seeing your kids grow from tiny Foundation students, to confident and capable Grade 6 students is a

    great privilege. I have many happy memories of many happy and fun times. Sports Days, Concerts,

    Graduations, Book Week activities and dress-ups, Whole-School Maths/NAIDOC activities, Science Days

    on local farms, Camps and Excursions, Grade 6 vs Staff netty games… the list is endless really. And

    while Covid made a mess of most of those this year, we know we will be back at it in the near future.

    A year out of this community seems like an eternity, however I am looking forward to spreading my

    wings and enjoying new experiences in a larger school community. I have been blessed with many op-

    portunities to learn and develop as an educator at Waubra, and believe I have much to offer - they will

    learn as much from me as I will from them, in my opinion!

    Thank you all for your unending support; staff, students, parents and extend-

    ed families.

    I wish you all a very merry and safe Christmas. I hope you all get to have some time away from home

    to enjoy some rest and relaxation, with a different view! May the new year bring you happy times, and

    may 2021 be, well, better than 2020!

    See you all on the flip side! Keep smiling…

    Caroline x :)

  • What’s happening in Grade 4/5/6?

    Wowee, what a year it has been!

    It has been a tough year for so many people and a year like no other, that hopefully

    we never have to experience again.

    We went in and out of remote learning a couple of times and spent a bit less than half

    of the school year learning from home!

    I am so proud of every single one of the students for the effort they have put in during


    I would like to say a big thank-you to all of my students and their families for being so

    supportive and so flexible during these hard times!

    As you know I am leaving the senior class next year to take over as the Grade 3/4

    teacher. As sad as it will be not teaching these kids again, I’m looking forward to a new

    challenge and a great opportunity to develop myself as a teacher!

    Well done to Aki Wong, Tom Koros, Alex Bourke, Evie

    Davidson, Tom Machin, Mackenzie Hepburn-Swadling,

    Tess Wheeler, Izzy Grail and Shaelee Elliot for getting up

    in front of the whole school and saying a speech for the

    School/House Captain positions for 2021! Very Proud!

    I hope everyone has a great Christmas and New

    Year and enjoys their time off! See you back in


    Tim Haase