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1 Resource Book Intermediate II
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    Intermediate II

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    People in a hurry

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    1 These children are ______________at English. (good)

    2 Your brother ______________works at all. (hard)

    3 Ann ______________ had an accident last Sunday. (near)

    4 Have you been to the cinema ______________ . (late)

    5 Mary always dresses______________ . (beautiful)

    6 Yes, it was raining ______________for two hours. (heavy)

    7 He has painted it ______________ . (nice)

    8 What a ______________worker he is! (quick)

    9 He is always very ______________ . (polite)

    10 He is often ______________ . (nervous)

    11 Arthur ______________ rode back to the inn. (quick)

    12 They saw a ______________butterfly on a rose. (beautiful)

    13 When the teacher heard about the missing book He said______________:"You should be more

    careful." (angry)

    14 When he told him the truth, he was ______________ .(quiet)

    15 "This wound looks ______________ ", the doctor said. (bad)

    16 She is a ______________ girl. (quiet)

    17 She went to bed ______________ . (quiet)

    18 He is not a good student but he writes ______________ . (good)

    19 You should speak more ______________ . (soft)

    20 The children behaved ______________ . (bad)

  • 4

    Complete these opinions about modern life. Use the correct form of the words.

    1. Young people don't dress _______________ (proper) these days.

    They don't wear _______________ (appropriate) clothes.

    2. Parents see things very _______________ (different) from their

    children, so families argue a lot.

    3. Young people don't know how to speak _______________ (correct).

    They use a lot of slang.

    4. Nobody feels _______________ (safe) on the highways because

    people drive too _______________ (fast) and _______________ (reckless).

    5. On buses, people seem very _______________ (rude). They don't

    _______________ (automatic) give their seats to older people.

    6. People are getting very _______________ (impatient). They expect you to answer their

    e-mails _______________ (immediate).

  • 5

    Personality and Character


    "My English teacher. He's incredibly talented and creative. And she has a great

    sense of humor. She's pretty disorganized, though. She forgets something almost every class, but her classes are absolutely wonderful!"

    Liza Marks

    "I really admire a guy in my karate class. He's extremely competitive, but

    when he wins, he's not arrogant like some of the other guys.

    He's not very outgoing, so some people think he's unfriendly, but I think he's basically just shy."

    Peter Zukowski

    "I think my dad's a pretty cool guy. We get along really

    well. He's fairly easygoing and laid-back. And he's very practical and down-to-

    earth, so he always gives me good advice. Also, he's completely honest with me. I

    can trust what he says."

    Katy Lee

    "My friend Luisa. She's so helpful and generous. I mean, she's always doing

    things for other people. She's not selfish at all. And she's totally reliable. If

    she says she'll help you with something, she does. You can always count on


    Eva Sanchez

    Which of the personality words or expresions describe these qualities?

    Winning is very important to you People can always count on you

    You handle everyday probles well You are overly proud of yourself

    You give a lot of time or money to people Youre not well organized

    You tell the truth and never cheat or steal Youre relax about life

  • 6

    Complete the sentences with the adjectives of personality and character.

    1. My aunt likes to paint. She has creative ideas and is incredibly __________________

    2. Ellie is totally __________________. She can never find her car keys and is always losing her cell phone.

    3. My friend Steve is extremely down-to-earth and __________________. He gives useful advice.

    4. Bill is really __________________. He isn't shy at all.

    5. My dad bought me a laptop computer for college. He's very kind and __________________ like that.

    6. Max is usually good about completing his work. He's __________________.

    7. Alice is pretty laid-back and __________________. She never gets upset about anything.

    8. My little sister never shares anything. She's so __________________!

    Complete each question with the opposite of the adjective given.

    Then write true answers.

    1. Are you honest ___________________ ?


    2. Is your doctor friendly or ___________________ ?


    3. Is your best friend reliable or ___________________?


    4. Are you organized or ___________________?


    5. Are you patient or ___________________?


    6. Are your neighbors considerate or ___________________ ?



    Patient Considerate Friendly Reliable Honest Organized

  • 7

    10 Things that you didnt know about

    Megan Fox

    1. Her full name is Megan Denise and she was born on May 16th 1986. Her friends call her foxy Megan and Mega Fox. She was born in Tennessee where she started her career as a model. Actually she lives in Los Angeles.

    2. She is obsessed with Marilyn Monroe and

    she identifies totally with her. She has a tattoo of the Marilyns face and she declares that she cries when she sees acting.

    3. She says that she is a faithful person and she has had only two boyfriends in her life.

    4. When she was a kid, she liked to play with the Barbie dolls and she cut them off the head to tint their hair.

    5. When she was 15 years old, she worked in a smoothies ice cream store and she had to disguise of a big banana and dancing for the costumers, but the costume wasnt too discrete and it showed her face totally, so

    some of her friends passed by the store and they had fun of her.

    6. She doesnt have many friends and she prefers staying home. She doesnt have friends in Hollywood either, she considers herself a boring girl and she doesnt like to attend social events. But she has never been in rehab like other actresses.

    7. When she moved to Los Angeles she wore jeans for a month because she didnt have money for a razor to shave.

    8. She says that the actress Angelina Jolie is really sexy and talented.

    9. She thought that when she became famous she would be a confident person, but it didnt happened.

    10. She says that she really admires to Zac Efron and hes his favorite actor.

  • 8

    Write down 10 things that the people dont know about you

  • 9

    Hopes and Dreams

    Can you complete these sentences about the people above?

    1. Jill Richardson has always ______________ to be an actor.

    2. Sonia and Carlos Silva ______________ saved enough money to buy a sailboat.

    3. Raquel Garza ______________ never tried surfing before

  • 10

    Write down the sentences. Use present perfect.

    Example: Snoopy / climb / onto his house. Snoopy has climbed onto his house.

    1 Brian / play / football


    2 Susan / read / her new book.


    3 I / find / some money in the street.


    4 Mr. and Mrs. Baker / buy / new house.


    5 Tom Davis / win / the volleyball match.


    6 Alison Brown / lose / the swimming match.


    7 Mr Martin / make / breakfast for the boys.


    8 The girls / bring / some wood for the fire.


    9 The Snows / buy / a van for their holidays.


    10 Mrs Black / wash / the dishes


  • 11

    Change the next sentences to negative and interrogative form

    1 .I have been in the garden.

    2 .My sister has cooked dinner.

    3. Sue has read the book twice.

    4. My computer has crashed.

    5. Jeane has been on holiday for eight days.

    Complete the conversations with the present perfect. Then practice with a partner.

    1. A I _______________ always _______________ (want) to try scuba diving.

    B Really? Not me. I _______________ always _______________ (be) afraid of deep water.

    2. A I _______________ (not do) anything fun lately.

    B Me neither. I _______________(not have) any time.

    3. A I _______________ (not see) the new Spider-Man movie. I really want to see it.

    B We should go! All my friends _______________ (see) it, and they loved it.

    4. A I _______________ (go) windsurfing three or four times this year. It's fun.

    B Can I go with you sometime? I _______________ never _______________ (try) it before.

    5. A I want to go to Europe. I_______________ never _______________ (be) to Paris.

    B Me neither. My cousin lives there. He _______________ (invite) me several times, but I _______________ (not have)

    enough money to go.

  • 12

    Complete the conversations with the simple past or present perfect.

    1. A ___________ ever ___________ (go) cliff diving?

    B No, I ___________ It sounds too scary!

    ___________ you ___________ (do) it?

    A Yeah, I ___________ (go) last weekend.

    B Wow! You're brave. How ___________ (be) it?

    A It was incredible! I ___________ (love) it.

    2. A I ___________never___________ (travel) alone.

    How about you?

    B No, but I ___________always ___________ (want) to. I'm sure it's


    A I think so, too. Do you know my friend Jill?

    She ___________ (take) a hiking trip alone last year.

    B I know. I ___________ (speak) to her about it last week.

    3. A ___________ you ever ___________ (try) horseback riding?

    B Yeah. I actually ___________ (do) it once several years ago.

    A Really? ___________ you ___________(like) it?

    B No, not really. It ___________ (be) very scary.

    A Oh, too bad. I go all the time. I ___________(get) really good.

    4. A ___________ you ___________ (do) anything special last weekend?

    B Yes. My husband and I ___________ (take) a ride in a hot-air balloon!

    ___________ you ever ___________ (be) in one before?

    A No, I ____________. ___________ you ___________ (enjoy) it?

    B Yeah, we ___________ (love) every minute! It was amazing!

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  • 13

    Human Wonders

    Complete these questions about your country. Use the superlative form of the adjectives or the

    superlative with nouns.

    1. What's _______________ (large) city?

    2. Which airport has _______________ (flights) every day?

    3. What's _______________ (fast) way to travel?

    4. What's _______________ (beautiful) region?

    5. Which city has _______________ (tourism)?

    6. What's _______________ (famous) monument?

    7. What's _______________ (good) university?

    8. What's _______________ (bad) problem for people?

  • 14

    Natural Wonders

    Complete with Superlatives

    1. Peter is _______________ (intelligent) pupil of the school.

    2. The Grand Canyon is _______________ (long) canyon in the world.

    3. But _______________ (deep) is Hell's Canyon.

    4. John Wayne was _______________ (famous) cowboy in Hollywood.

    5. Marie is _______________ (tall) in the town.

    6. I am _______________ (good) pupil in the class.

    7. He is _______________ (bad) pupil in the school.

    8. He is _______________ (fast) boy in the street.

    9. This dog is _______________ (nice) in the country.

    10. You are _______________ (funny) boy in the world.

  • 15

    The Mexicos longest river is Rio Bravo 2896 km long.

    The Mexicos highest mountain is Pico de Orizaba 5702 meters high.

    The Mexicos largest desert is El Desierto de Sonora, 1208 square km.

    The Mexicos biggest lake is Chapala, 1112 square km.

    The Mexicos tallest building is La Torre Mayor, 230.4 meters.

    1.- Q ___________________________________

    A ____________________________________

    2.- Q ___________________________________

    A ____________________________________

    3.- Q ___________________________________

    A ____________________________________

    4.- Q ___________________________________

    A ____________________________________

    5.- Q ___________________________________

    A ____________________________________

  • 16

    Family Gripes

    Complete the sentences about the people above

    Complete the sentences with verbs.

    1. When I was a kid, my parents never let me _________to school by myself.

    2. My parents made me __________ to bed at 8:00.

    3. My mother couldn't get me _________ any vegetables.

    4. My sister never lets me _________ her computer.

    5. My parents want me __________ more time with them.

    6. My wife's always telling me ________ more exercise.

    7. I always have my husband __________ breakfast on the weekends.

    8. I think kids should help their parents __________ the house.

  • 17

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  • 19

    Healthy Food Look at the picture and complete the table:

    Use the words in the box:

    Choose How much or How many

    a) _______________ cheese do you buy?

    b) _______________ books are there in your bag?

    c) _______________ films did Tom see last week?

    d) _______________ money do you spend every week?

    e) _______________ friends does Linda have?

    f) _______________ sugar do we need?

    g) _______________ tomatoes are there in the fridge?

    h) _______________ meat are you going to buy?

    i) _______________ milk did you drink yesterday?

    j) _______________ apples do you see?

    Countable Uncountable

    An apple Jam

    apple, jam, pear, chicken,

    banana, ice-cream, carrot, milk,

    tomato, water, lettuce, coke,

    yoghurt, cheese, watermelon,

    bread, pork chop

  • 20

    Practice this conversation. What do Carla and Leo want to order?

    Carla Are you going to have dessert?

    Leo No, I'm too full. I ate too many fries.

    Carla Do you mind if I have something? My salad wasn't filling enough. I mean, is there enough time? I

    know I eat too slowly - probably because I talk too much!

    Leo That's not true! Anyway, I want another iced tea. I'm really thirsty. I guess I put too much salt on

    my fries.

    Carla OK. So I'm going to order some apple pie.

    Leo Mmm, Sounds good. Maybe I'll have some, too.

    Carla Well, as they say, there's always room for dessert!

    Complete these sentences with too, too much, too many, or enough.

    1.I eat ____________ fast food and not __________ fruit and vegetables.

    2.I'm never hungry ____________ to eat dinner because I eat ___________ snacks.

    3.There's never ____________ time to shop or cook, so I eat out a lot.

    4.During my exams, I study ___________ , and I don't sleep or eat ---~--

    5.I don't like smoked or pickled foods because they're ___________ salty.

    6.If I don't eat ____________ for breakfast, I'm __________ hungry by lunchtime.

    7.When I'm stressed out, I eat ___________ quickly. Then I get a stomachache.

    8.I think there's ____________ fat in fried foods. It's better to grill them or steam them.

    Complete with too or enough.

    1. I can't work today. It's _______________ hot.

    2. I'd like to buy those shoes, but they are _______________ expensive.

    3. We need another ladder. This one isn't long _______________ .

    4. I can't do this exercise because it's _______________ difficult.

    5. Nobody bought my bike because it's _______________ old.

    6. We had to change rooms because our room wasn't big _______________ .

    7. John didn't win the race because his car wasn't fast _______________ .

    8. Don't play near the railway line. It's _______________ dangerous.

    9. Pam couldn't reach the top shelf because she wasn't tall _______________ .

    10. I'm sorry, but your work isn't good _______________ .

  • 21

    A question of taste

    Complete the chart with the ways of preparing the food

    Fried Grilled Steamed Boiled Baked Pickled Roasted Barbecued Raw Smoked

  • 22

    Making Plans

    Use the conversation above and choose the best verb Form

  • 23

    Complete the conversations with appropriate ways to talk about the future, using the words

    given. There are two possible answers in many cases. Practice with a partner.

    1. A I ______________ (have) a little party at my place Friday night. Can you come?

    B Actually, I _______________ (go) to the basketball game. It _________________ (start) at 8:00.

    So I don't think it _____________ (be) over until after 9:00. Is that too late?

    A Not at all. My guess is that most people ________________ (not arrive) until 9:00 or 9:30.

    B Great. So I _____________ (come) over right after the game.

    2. A What ______________ (you / do) tomorrow night?

    B Well, I _____________ (go) shopping for some shoes. But I'm free after that.

    A When _____________ you _____________ (be) finished? Do you know?

    B By 8:00. Then we can meet at the coffee shop.

    3. A ____________ (you / go out) for lunch?

    B Well, I ______________ (go) to the bank, but I'm not sure about lunch. How about you?

    A I don't know. I think I __________________ (have) lunch outside somewhere.

    Do you want to come with me? It ______________ (be) nice to sit in the sun.

    B OK. I _____________ (finish) this e-mail, and then I _______________ (be) ready to go.

    Circle the best verb forms to complete the conversations.

    Conversation 1

    Ahmed Hey, Finn. What do you do / are you doing after work tonight? Finn I have no plans. I just go / I'm just going home. Why? What are you up to? Ahmed Well, I go / I'm going to the gym around 5:00, but after that, I have no plans. Finn OK. Well, maybe I'm stopping by / I'll stop by later. Ahmed Sure. I rent / I'll rent a movie. Finn Oh, no. I just remembered. I have / I'm having a doctor's appointment at 6:00. Ahmed That's OK. I'm waiting / I'll wait for you to watch the movie. Just come right over when you're done. Finn All right. I'm going to be / I'll be there by 7:30. Ahmed Don't be late!

    Conversation 2

    Leah Hi, Mom. I was just calling to let you know that I take / I'm going to take a 5 :30 train this Friday. Mom Great, honey. I'm meeting / I'll meet you at the station. Leah No, that's OK. I won't need / I'm not needing you to pick me up. I'm getting / I'll get a taxi. Mom OK. Do you bring / Are you bringing your friend? Leah Yeah. Janice will come / is coming with me. Mom Oh, how nice. I can't wait to meet her! Leah I'm sure you're going to like / you like her. See you Friday!

  • 24

    Problems and Solutions

    Read the life coach's Web page. Complete the expressions with the correct form of

    do or make. Then listen and check your answers. Do you have a personal problem that you'd rather not discuss with friends or family? Get some confidential advice from our online life coach.

    Q1 Sometimes I think I ought to ________________ some volunteer work in a school or a hospital, but I'm too busy just trying to ________________ a living. I have very little free time, so I think I'd better

    not add anything to my schedule right now. Am I right?

    Don't ________________ excuses. You don't have to spend all your free time doing volunteer

    work three hours a week is enough. ________________ some research and find an organization where

    you feel you can ________________ a difference and ________________ some good for other


    Q2 My boss is a bully. He yells at me if I ________________ a mistake, and he ________________fun of me in front of my co-workers. I've tried talking to him, but it doesn't

    ________________ any good. He won't listen. I guess I'm going to have to ________________

    something about this problem, but what?

    It doesn't ________________ any sense to ignore this problem, and you'd better do something

    quickly before it gets worse. ________________ an appointment with your Human Resources

    representative. You might want to take a colleague with you, too.

    Q3 I'm meeting my girlfriend's parents for the first time next weekend. They've invited me for dinner. I'm going to _______________ my best to _______________ a good impression on them, but I'm

    really nervous. Any advice?

    _______________ an effort to dress nicely, and _______________ sure you take them a small

    gift, such as flowers or chocolates. _______________ some nice comments about their home, the

    food, etc., but don't overdo it. You ought to let them _______________ the talking at first. The most

    important thing, however, is just to be yourself.

    Q4 My boss recently offered me a promotion. I've _______________ a lot of thinking about it, but I cant _______________ up my mind if I should take it. Sometimes think I'd rather stay in my current

    job. I've got to decide by next week. What should I do?

    _______________a list of the pros and cons of each job, and give each one a score from 1 to 5

    (5 = the best). Then _______________ the math - add up the points for each list, and subtract the can

    totals from the pro totals. Which job has the highest score? Does that help you _______________a


  • 25

  • 26

    Circle of Friends

    Combine each pair of sentences. Use relative clauses. More than one answer may be possible.

    1. I have a friend. She calls me a lot to talk about her problems. _________________________________________________________________________

    2. I made some new friends at a club. It organizes hiking trips and things like that. _________________________________________________________________________

    3. My best friend has a guitar. She bought it from a rock star. _________________________________________________________________________

    4. I know someone. He has a big party once a year for all his friends. _________________________________________________________________________

    5. I have a really interesting friend. I met her at my health club. _________________________________________________________________________

    6. I found this cool Web site. It helps you find your old school friends. _________________________________________________________________________

  • 27

    Complete the sentences with relative clauses in simple present. Use who or which. 1.This is the man (work at the station) . _________________________________________________________________________

    2.The tree (grow in the garden) is an apple tree. _________________________________________________________________________

    3.The man (go jogging) every Friday is my neighbour. _________________________________________________________________________

    4.The elephants (live in Africa) have big ears. _________________________________________________________________________

    5.Turn left at the yellow house (be opposite) the petrol station. _________________________________________________________________________

    Give a definition using relative clauses

    1. a banana _________________________________________________________________________

    2. a hat _________________________________________________________________________

    3. a pony _________________________________________________________________________

    4. a dentist _________________________________________________________________________

    5. a bus _________________________________________________________________________

    Complete the sentences with true information. Use relative clauses.

    1. I have a friend ______________________________________________________ 2. My neighbor is someone ______________________________________________ 3. I like stores ________________________________________________________ 4. I take a class _______________________________________________________ 5. I know someone _____________________________________________________

  • 28


    Which Verbs in the history mean the same as the underlined expressions below.

    1. Steve and Anna spent their childhood in the same town.

    2. Steve and Anna started dating.

    3. Anna went to college in a different city.

    4. Steve and Anna decided to stop dating.

    Complete the chart with two-part verbs from the history.

    along away back down up out

  • 29

    Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below

    Break up Get along Go back Go out Settle down Sign up Work out

    1. It's more fun to _____________ with someone you know than to go on a "blind date."

    2. If you don't _____________ well with your boyfriend's or girlfriend's family, your

    relationship won't _____________.

    3. It's good to date a lot of different people before you _____________with one person.

    4. After you _____________ with someone, you should try and stay friends.

    5. You should never _____________to someone you've broken up with.

    6. If you want to meet someone, it's a good idea to _____________ for a class.

    Group work. Ask and answer the questions

    1. Do you think it's OK to go out with more than one person at the same time?

    2. What should you do if you're not getting along with your boyfriend or girlfriend?

    3. Do you think long-distance relationships can work out?

    4. Is it OK to go out with someone who is a lot older or younger than you?

    5. What's a good age to settle down?

    6. What's the best way to break up with someone?

    Circle the correct particle to complete each sentence.

    1. I grew (out I down I up) in Morocco, but now I live in California.

    2. My brother isn't ready to settle (out I up I down). He doesn't want to get married yet.

    3. My mother's away on business now, but she plans to fly (away I along I back) next Tuesday.

    4. I thought I had a doctor's appointment today, but it turns (out I up I down)

    that it's next week.

    5. My best friend is moving (up I away I along) next month. I'm going to miss her.

    6. I forgot to sign (back l out I up) for the class trip to the museum, so I can't go.

    7. I sent my pen pal an e-mail last week, but he never wrote (back I away I out).

  • 30

    Breaking up is hard to do

    Complete the conversation with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. Sometimes

    more than one answer is possible.

  • 31


    Are this sentences True or False.

    1. Berta wants to go kayaking more often.

    2. Min Sup and Eun have enough money for a bigger place.

    3. Bryan is going to Egypt this year

    4. Irene lives close to her sister

  • 32


    What are these people wishing for right now? Complete the sentences

    1. James ________________________ 2. Emi and Sue ______________________

    3. Joey ________________________ 4. Esteban and Pilar ________________________

    5. Al ________________________ 5. Li-Ming ________________________

  • 33

    Complete with the right answer

    1 I don't understand this point of grammar. I wish I _______________ it better.

    a) understood

    b) would understand

    c) had understood

    2 It never stops raining here. I wish it _______________ raining.

    a) stopped

    b) would stop

    c) had stopped

    3 I should never have said that. I wish I _______________ that.

    a) didn't say

    b) wouldn't say

    c) hadn't said

    4 I miss my friends. I wish my friends _______________ here right now.

    a) were

    b) would be

    c) had been

    5 I speak terrible English. I wish I _______________ English well.

    a) spoke

    b) would speak

    c) had spoken

    6 I cannot sleep. The dog next door is making too much noise. I wish it _______________ quiet.

    a) kept

    b) would keep

    c) had kept

    7 This train is very slow. The earlier train was much faster. I wish I _______________ the earlier train.

    a) caught

    b) would catch

    c) had caught

    8 I didn't see the TV programme but everybody said it was excellent. I wish I _______________ it.

    a) saw

    b) would see

    c) had seen

    9 I went out in the rain and now I have a bad cold. I wish I _______________ out.

    a) didn't go

    b) wouldn't go

    c) hadn't gone

    10 This movie is terrible. I wish we _______________ to see another one.

    a) went

    b) would go

    c) had gone

  • 34

    GOOD ADVISE Read these letters from the problem page of the school monitor.

    1b Dear Confused

    Cheating on an exam is very serious. If I saw someone cheating, I would tell the teacher. Cheating isnt fair to the other students who have studies hard to pass the exam.

    2b Dear Sad Girlfriend I think I would talk to my boyfriend. I would ask him if hes interested in my friend. Id ask him to be honest with me If he said shes just a friend, Id believe him. PROBLEM 3

    3b Dear Loyal Friend

    If I were you I would tell him exactly what I saw and I would tell to my friend who is the boy so he could hit him. I would introduce him a lot of girls to make him to forget that girl, and I tell him all the day the bad she is.

    Complete the sentences with the correct forms of would and the verbs in parentheses.

    1. What _________________________ you do if you ______________________ (see) someone stealing money?

    2. If I ___________ (have) a lot of money, I _________________ ____________________ (buy) a car.

    3. If Monica ___________________ (study) more, she ______________ ________________ (be) a good student.

    4. We _______________ ______________ (speak) English perfectly if we _________________ (live) in England

    5. If I ____________________ (be) you, I __________________ __________________ (wash) that shirt, Its dirty!


    Dear Advisor: I have a dilemma. I saw a classmate cheating on the last history exam. What

    should I do?


    1a Dear Confused

    If I were you, I would talk to my classmate. I would ask him why he cheated on the exam, and I would tell him to ask the teacher for extra help.


    Dear Advisor:I have been going out with my boyfriend for about a year. Yesterday I saw him talking

    to a friend of mine at the lunch they were laughing and joking! Should I break up with him?

    Sad Girlfriend

    2a Dear Sad Girlfriend

    If I were you, Id be really angry! I would break up my boyfriend, and I wouldnt be friends

    with that girl anymore

    Dear advisor:

    Yesterday, I saw my best friends girlfriend kissing with another boy who wasnt my friend in a park, so I dont know what to do because my friend is really in love of this girl and I wouldnt like to lose his friendship if he doesnt believe to me.

    Loyal Friend

    3a Dear Loyal Friend

    If I were you the first thing that I would do it would be to advise to my friend not to trust blindly in that girl,

    because hes very in love and he could see her in a different way, and I wouldnt tell him anything bet I

    would try him to see her by himself.

  • 35

    Write the correct form of each verb 1. If Joe ______________ (be) here, he ______________ (catch) some fish for supper. 2. It ______________ (be) nice if the rain ______________ (stop)! 3. I ______________ (sing) you a song if I ______________ (have) my guitar. 4. If I ______________ (have) a better sleeping bag, I ______________ (not feel) so cold. 5. If this tent ______________ (be) any smaller, one of us ______________ (have to sleep) outside! 6. I ______________ (look) out for bears if I ______________ (be) you! 7. If I ______________ (not be) so hungry, I ______________ (share) my beans with you.

    Fill the gap using the verb in brackets.

    1. I ___________________ that if I were you. It's bad luck. (to do)

    2. They'd be a better team if they ___________________ fitter. (to be)

    3. If I had some spare money, I ___________________ a DVD player. (to buy)

    4. Those children ___________________ so horrible if their parents were stricter. (to be)

    5. I wouldn't go out with him even if you ___________________ me. (to pay)

    6. If we ___________________ so hard, we wouldn't be so tired all the time. (to work)

    7. If she didn't take so long in the shower, she ___________________ more time for breakfast. (to


    8. If you ___________________ so much beer, you wouldn't be so fat. (to drink)

    9. The world ___________________ a better place if politicians were less vain. (to be)

    10. I ___________________ to visit Thailand if I had the chance. (to love)

    11. If I had more free time, I ___________________ a play. (to write)

    12. If you ___________________ a digital camera, you could send photos by email. (to have)

    13. He would definitely lose weight if he ___________________ eating carbohydrates and sugar. (to


    14. We would go travelling across France if we ___________________ a tent. (to buy)

    15. Valencia would have the perfect climate if it ___________________ so hot in July and August.

    (to be)

  • 36

    Make questions with would using the ideas below

    1. you find a wallet on the sidewalk outside a school / leave it there


    2. you hear a scream in the street at night / go outside to see what happened


    3. a salesperson forgets to charge you for something / tell him or her about it


    4. you damage a car in a parking lot / leave a note with your name and number


    5. you are half an hour late meeting a friend for dinner / expect him or her to wait for you


    6. you break something in a store / offer to pay for it


  • 37

    Tech savvy?

    Become the next 2 sentences into 1

    1. What is the problem? Does anyone know? _______________________________________

    2. Which web site did I use? I cant remember ______________________________________

    3. How do you do that? I Forget _________________________________________________

    4. Can anyone remember? What is the Yamans phone number?


  • 38

    Rewrite these questions. Start with the expressions given.

    1. How much does it cost to download music files off the Internet? (Do you know ... ?)


    2. Are there any Internet cafes around here? (I wonder ... )


    3. Where can I buy a really cheap computer? (Do you know ... ?)


    4. How much did your cell phone cost? (Can you remember ... ?)


    5. How can I put my vacation photos on the Web? (Do you have any idea ... ?)


    6. How many songs can you store on an MP3 player? (I wonder ... )


    Discuss the questions. Then listen and write the answers you hear.

    1. Do you have any idea what percent of e-mail is spam? ___________________________

    2. Do you know what the biggest search engine is? ____________________________

    3. Do you know what the three most common languages on the Internet are? ____________

    4. Can you guess which continent has the most Internet users? _______________________

    5. Can you guess how long Internet user spends online each week? __________________

    Unscramble the questions

    1. which battery / Do you know / should / buy / I ?

    2. they / where / are / Can you tell me?

    3. when / you / Can you remember / it / last changed?

    4. it / Do you have any idea / how much / costs?

  • 39

    Unscramble the statements

    1. why / isn't / I have no idea / working / it


    2. last changed it / when / I don't know / I


    3. two / I / if / I wonder / should / batteries / buy


    1. I wonder _________________________________________________________________

    2. Can you tell me ____________________________________________________________?

    3. Do you Know ______________________________________________________________?

    4. Do you have any idea ________________________________________________________?

    5. Can you remember __________________________________________________________?

    6. Can you remember __________________________________________________________ ?

    7. I wonder ___________________________________________________________________

    8. Do you know _______________________________________________________________ ?

  • 40

    How things work

    Listen. What problem is Ken having? Practice the conversation. Ken Pedro, how do you turn on the DVD player? I read the instruction manual, but I can't figure out how to do it. Pedro Let's see. I think you can use the remote to turn it on. Do you know where it is? Ken Yeah, it's right here. Pedro OK, so let me show you what to do. First, you press this button. That turns the DVD player on. Huh. It's not working. Ken I wonder if there's something wrong with the remote. Pedro Actually, the problem is the DVD player. We need to plug it in! Ken Oh, right. Circle the two correct choices in each question. Compare with a partner. 1. Do you turn your TV on / turn on your TV / your TV turn on every morning? 2. Do you turn the TV off / turn it off / turn off it when you're not watching it? 3. Do you know to play / how to play / how you play a DVD on a computer? Complete the sentences as in the example. Then practice with a partner. 1. A) Do you know how __________________________________ ? (this cell phone / turn off) B) This button ______________. You need to push it really hard. 2. A) I don't know how _______________. (the air conditioning / turn down) B) I can show you how _____________ . Just turn this dial. 3. A) Can you show me where ______________? (my laptop / plug in) B) You can _________________ right over there. 4. A) I can't figure out how ___________________. (the CD player / turn on) B) I'm not sure how _____________________ . Maybe you press this button. 5. A) Can you show me how ___________________ on my computer? (the volume / turn up)

    B) Im sorry, but I have no idea how ______________________.

  • 41

    Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in the box. Add the the correct pronoun.

    Hook up Put away Put on Take out Turn down

    Look up Put down Take off Throw away Turn off

    1. Thanks for bringing in the box of groceries. Could you ______________ over here?

    2. The radio is a bit loud. Can you _________________ ?

    3. I hate those sticky price labels on things you buy. I can never __________________ .

    5. My VCR doesn't work anymore. I wonder if I should just _________________.

    6. I just bought these new headphones. Do you want to ___________ and try them out?

    7. I wonder if you can help me with my new computer? I have no idea how to ___________.

    8. I don't know what this word means. Maybe I should _________________ on the Internet.

    9. My brother leaves his CDs all over the floor. He should ____________ or they'll get


    10. The garbage can is full. Can you ______________ , please?

  • 42

    Catching Up

    Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect progressive).

    1.He (work) _______________________ in this company since 1985.

    2.I (wait) ____________________________ for you since two o'clock.

    3.Mary (live) __________________________ in Germany since 1992.

    4.Why is he so tired? He (play) _________________ tennis for five hours.

    5.How long (learn / you) _______________ English?

  • 43

    6.We (look for) ________________________ the motorway for more than an hour.

    7.I (live) _________________________ without electricity for two weeks.

    8.The film (run / not) ____________________ for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial break


    9.How long (work / she) ____________________ in the garden?

    10.She (not / be) _________________________ in the garden for more than an hour.

    Complete the sentences using for or since

    1- Theyve been working ______________ five or six hours.

    2- Nobody has come to see us ______________ we bought this small house.

    3- She has been a doctor ______________ 1998

    4- Nobody has seen her ______________ then.

    5- They have all been ill ______________ the last week.

    6- My father has been talking to them in that room ______________ six or seven hours.

    7- He bought the car in 1999 and has driven it ______________ then.

    8- Peter went to the library. He has studied there ______________ a long time.

    9- It has been very foggy ______________ early morning.

    10- Ive worked with you ______________ nine years

    Use the words below to form negative present perfect continuous tense

    I / grow / vegetables for a while ______________________________________________

    2. You / walk / very much lately ______________________________________________

    3. She / come / home early _________________________________________________

    4. The clock / work / since last year __________________________________________

    5. Tina / teach / English all year _____________________________________________

    6. They / live / in Sydney since 1995 _________________________________________

    7. We / go / to the new swimming pool _______________________________________

    8. He / exercise / regularly _________________________________________________

    9. You / read / much recently _______________________________________________

    10. They / meet / in secret __________________________________________________

  • 44


    Make a review of a movie. Then describe it to a partner.

    Its a ______________________________________________________________________

    Its set in ______________________________________________________________________

    It takes place in ______________________________________________________________________

    Its about ______________________________________________________________________

    He/ She plays ______________________________________________________________________

    I ______________________________________________________________________

  • 45

    Use Already, Still or Yet

    1. Charles is _________________ in love with Joanna.

    2. She would go to the cinema if she hadn't _________________ seen that film.

    3. We are in March and spring _________________ hasn't come.

    4. Has the postman come _________________ ?

    5. Does your father _________________ keep horses?

    6. He hasn't written to his girlfriend ___________________.

    7. Have you eaten _________________ ? You have just started!

    8. Don't leave _________________ ! I've got something to tell you.

    9. The details have _________________ to be worked out.

    Write the reviews of the movies that you have seen.

    1. I really enjoyed

    2. Is now playing

    3. The best movie Ive ever seen is

    4. I didnt like

  • 46

    Ups and Downs

    Fill the gaps with the adjectives in brackets.

    1 Everyone's very ________________ about the news. (excited / exciting)

    2 That lamp produces a very ________________ effect. (pleased / pleasing)

    3 The whole school was ________________ by the tragic event. (saddened / saddening)

    4 I don't like watching ________________ films on my own. (depressed / depressing)

    5 I was ________________ when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing)

    6 I'm very ________________ in films and theatre. (interested / interesting)

    7 It was a very ________________ situation. (interested / interesting)

    8 His mother was ________________ by what she found under his bed. (disgusted / disgusting)

    9 Their hamburgers are ________________ . (disgusted / disgusting)

    10 Dad always arrives home from work ________________ . (exhausted / exhausting)

    11 He's always showing off. It's really ________________ . (annoyed / annoying)

  • 47

    What word do you need to complete the sentence?

    I do the same thing every day. My job is very _________________ .

    I have nothing to do. I'm _________________ .

    My job is very varied. I find it _________________ .

    I'm _________________ in applying for the job.

    I heard some very _________________ news. I'm going to lose my job. I feel terrible

    Cheer up . Don't feel so _________________ . There are plenty of other jobs.

    I heard a very _________________ story. It will make you laugh.

    It's not _________________ that you failed the exam. You never did any work.

    I don't understand this exercise. I'm very _________________ .

    I thought your behaviour at the party was _________________ . You were sick in the middle of the


    My trip to Paris has been cancelled. I'm really _________________ . I really wanted to go.

    The performance of the English team was very _________________ . They played much worse than


    There are a lot of road signs. It's all very _________________ .

    I am very _________________ in this subject. I find it fascinating.

    The lesson was really _________________ . I almost fell asleep.

    I was _________________ by her behaviour. It was very funny.

    I was _________________ by the news. I didn't expect it.

    I was _________________ by his behaviour. It was outrageous.

    I'm _________________ in finding out more about this. Where can I look?

    When the students did badly, the teacher became really _________________ and didn't smile for


  • 48


    Its an American TV series about a group a group of forensic scientists who work in the U.S. city of Las Vegas investigating the crimes that happen in it. The series was created by Anthony E. Zuiker and it started on October 6th 2000 in the United States. The series mixes arguments of novels and black cinema with scientific research necessary to find evidence to solve dark crimes, while adding stories of ethical interest among researchers and victims. The story of the characters unfolds slowly throughout the episodes. The privacy of the group of policemen, scientists and civilians involved is showed with occasional humorous touches.


    Criminologists walk the crime scene, they collect irrefutable evidence and seek the missing pieces that will solve the mystery. The team consists of Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger), night shift supervisor of the unit in Las Vegas, Nick Stokes (George Eads), ex baseball player without ambitions and excellent friend, Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan), ex gambling addict and good cop, Greg Sanders (Eric Szmanda) a young and dedicated researcher, Dr. Al Robbins (Robert David Hall) expert in forensic medicine, Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) passionate and work addict shes in Love of Gilbert Arthur Grissom (William Petersen) shift boss, a reserved and cult man who always sees the problems as a scientific and he never takes vacations. They also have the help of homicide captain Jim Brass (Paul Guilfoyle), ex CSI boss who is assigned to homicides after he leaves the charge to Grissom.

  • 49

    SUCCESS The series won several prizes like the Emmy award, The PGA award, The Peoples Choice Award, The Screen Actors Award and the actors Marg Helgenberger and William Petersen were nominated for the Golden globe award. WORLDWIDE The series is broadcasted in The United States by CBS and the most of Latin America by the AXN channel, it occupied the 1st place in the rank of TV shows from 2002 to 2006. In 2005 one episode, Grave Danger was directed by Quentin Tarantino who is fan of the series. In this episode the agent Nick Stokes is buried alive, in 2008 the episode One to Go (when Grissom leaves the unit) was seen by 23 million people in the USA, more than the double of the competition. CHANGES In the 9th season the Hollywood actor Laurence Fishburne replaced to William Petersen in the series, Petersen is still one of the producers. William Petersen announced the hes preparing a movie with the original cast where he takes again his part as Grissom.

    1. What is the series about?

    2. In what year did the series start?

    3. What character is a passionate and work addict?

    4. What actress makes the part of the night shift supervisor?

    5. Who is the main character and boss in the series?

    6. What prizes obtain the series?

    7. In what TV channel is the series broadcasted in USA?

    8. What famous director made and episode and what was the name of the episode?

    9. In what episode did Grissom leave the series?

    10. Who is the actor who replaced him?

  • 50


    James Eugene Carrey was born in Newmarket Ontario, Canada

    in 1962, his mother was a house keeper and his father was a musician. He started working as a clown and making imitations of Jerry Lewis and Elvis Presley. When he was 15 years old he moved to Los Angeles to try luck and he was discovered by a producer who invited him to appear in the series In Living Color with Jennifer Lopez, the TV show was a success and he starred his first movie in Hollywood Ace Ventura: Pet detective and in the same year 1994 he starred with Cameron Diaz The Mask that movie sent him to the fame. Next Year he appeared in the movie Batman Forever co-starring Nicole Kidman where he was the Batmans villain The Riddler, his performance was really fantastic and acclaimed by the criticizes. In 1997 he starred the movie Liar Liar the history of a man who couldnt lie; he won a nomination for the golden Globe.

    In his personal life he married twice, the second marriage was with the actress Lauren Holly and he was ready to marry with the actress Rene Zellweger, but the actress broke with him and cancelled the wedding. In 1997 and 1998 he won the Golden Globe by the pictures The Truman Show and The man on the moon and in 2000 he starred the movie Irene, Me and Myself with his girlfriend Rene Zellweger making the role of a bi-polar man. In December of that year he appeared as The Grinch in the movie of the same name. Today he has a relationship with the former Baywatch and ex-playboy Jenny McCarthy. In 2003 He starred the movie Bruce Almighty with Jennifer Aniston where he has the chance to become God and he participated in the thriller of the director Joel Schumacher 23 where he appears like a phsyco. Answer the questions 1.- Where was Jim Carrey born? ________________________________________ 2.- in what movie he appeared as The Riddler? ________________________________________ 3.- How many times he married? ________________________________________ 4.- Who he made imitations of? ________________________________________ 5.- What prize he won in years 1997 and 1998? ________________________________________

    Answer TRUE or FALSE to the next statements 1.- He starred to work as a charger ________________________________________ 2.- He acted in Batman Forever Next to Jennifer Lopez ________________________________________ 3.-Nicole Kidman was his girlfriend and they almost get married ________________________________________ 4.- In the movie Bruce Almighty he has the opportunity to be God ________________________________________ 5.- His movie debut was The mask co-starring Cameron Diaz ________________________________________

  • 51


    Nicolas Cage was born in Long Beach, California in 1964 and he is nephew of the famous director Francis Ford Coppola. His father was a teacher and his mother is a ballet dancer. His real last name is Coppola but he decided to change it because his uncle was very famous in Hollywood, in fact he took the last name of a Marvel comic named Luke Cage. Nicolas Cage is great comic fan, his son names Kal-El (as Superman). In 1995 he won the Oscar award for the movie Leaving in Las Vegas and he entered in the top of the Hollywood actors. In 1987 he became famous with his performance in Monstruck co-starring Cher, besides he acted with the most famous and beautiful Hollywood actresses like Meg Ryan in the romantic movie City of

    Angels Angelina Jolie in Action Gone in 60 Seconds and Tea Leony in the drama Family Man. He acted in super productions too, like Face-Off with John Travolta, Con Air co-starring John Malkovich and one of his last movies was the Disneys National Treasure as an obsessed Treasures rascal and as the race hero in Ghost Rider with Eva Mendez. He was married with Mary Elizabeth Presley, the Elvis Presleys daughter, but the marriage only lasted 3 months. His favorite music is country and one of his best friends is Johnny Deep and he was boyfriend of the actresses Uma Thurman and Christine Fulton. His new movie Knowing where he is a future predictor is breaking all the records in the USA today. Answer the questions 1.- Where was Nicolas Cage born? ________________________________________ 2.- What is his favorite music? ________________________________________ 3.- Who is his best friend in Hollywood? ________________________________________ 4.- How long was he married with Elvis Presleys daughter? ________________________________________ 5.- What prize he won by Leaving in Las Vegas? ________________________________________

    Answer TRUE or FALSE to the next statements 1.- He changed his last name because his uncle was a famous director in Hollywood ________________________________________ 2.- He acted in Face-off with Jim Carrey ________________________________________ 3.-One of his girlfriend was Angelina Jolie ________________________________________ 4.- City of Angels is co-starring Uma Thurman ________________________________________ 5.- His son has the same name than Superman ________________________________________

  • 52

    LEONARDO DICAPRIO He was born in Los Angeles, California. His name Leonardo is because he kicked his mom when she was pregnant and she was looking at a picture of Leonardo Da Vinci. He didnt study to be an actor, his movie debut was in the movie Critters 3 and he participated in many TV commercials. In 1993 co-starred Robert de Niro the movie This boys life and in the same year he was nominated to Oscar award for the movie What was eating Gilbert Grape? performing a mentally retarded boy. In 1996 he jump to the fame starring Romeo and Juliet with Claire Danes in a modern version of the English author. The film was totally filmed in Mexico. Next year, He starred the most successfully ever made film Titanic with Kate Winslet and the film became the greatest Oscar winner because it broke all world records in box offices. His best friend is the actor Tobey Maguire and he is the main candidate to be the starring of Captain America in 2011, hes friend of the actors Kate

    Winslet and Johnny Depp, currently he is boyfriend of the Top Model Bar Rafaeli but hes not married yet. His favorite sport is the surfing and his favorite place is the beach. In 2005 and 2006 he received Oscar nominees for the movies The aviator and Blood diamond but he didnt win the prizes. He was boyfriend of the actresses Liv Tyler, Alicia Silverstone and Drew Barrymore and the singer Emma Bunton the ex-Spice girl. He is a catholic boy and his height is 510 (1.80) his Horoscope sign is Scorpio and his favorite food is Italian, his favorite music is rap and The Beattles, and he has a BMW and a Mustang 67 cars. Answer the questions 1.- Where was Leonardo Dicaprio born? ________________________________________ 2.- in what movie he appeared as Romeo? ________________________________________ 3.- How many times he married? ________________________________________ 4.- Who actresses were his girlfriends? ________________________________________ 5.- What super hero movie is he going to do? ________________________________________

    Answer TRUE or FALSE to the next statements 1.- His name was inspired by artist Leonardo Da Vinci? ________________________________________ 2.- He acted in Titanic with Claire Danes ________________________________________ 3.-His Horoscope sign is Aquarius ________________________________________ 4.- His favorite music is rap and Britney Spears ________________________________________ 5.- His movie debut was in movie This boys life ________________________________________

  • 53

    Alejandro Fernndez Biography Alejandro Fernandez was born in Mexico city on april 24th 1971. He is son of Vicente Fernandez and Maria del Refugio Abarca and he was registred in Guadalajara Jalisco. When He was 5 years old He acts with his father and He sings the song Alejandra. That is his first live performance. Afterwards, He starts to study Architecture in 1989, He doesnt think to sing as a profession. In 1991 He launches his first album titled Alejandro Fernandez and He begins a very successful career. In 1993 he records his

    second album titled Piel de Nia which includes the song of the same name. In 1995 appears the album Que seas muy feliz His first big hit, where you can listen the song Como quien pierde una estrella which starts shouts and tears of his fans. The song is listened in pop radio stations and regional too. In 1997, under the production of Emilio Estefan Jr. he records his first pop album named Me estoy enamorando the album sells more than 3 million of copies around the world and the songs Yo naci para amarte, Si tu supieras and No se olvidar occupy the #1 during weeks in the billboard international list. In 1999, his new album Mi verdad wins his first Grammy award, and He breaks the record of sales for a Mexican Artist into United States. In 2004, after breaking his second marriage he launches the album A Corazon abierto the album is multiplatinum and the songs Me dedique a perderte Que Lastima and Que voy a hacer con mi amor reach again the top of the popularity charts. He has 15 years of carrer and He feels proudly Mexican, as He says My favorite date, its in a lonely place with the right girl and a shot of Tequila