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National Grant Competition Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer Advancing technologies with strategic potential for the earlier detection of breast cancer 2011 NGC-ED Application Form This 2011 NGC-ED Application Form is the second part of an application for the CBCF National Grant Competition on Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer. Do not complete this form unless you have submitted the pre- requisite Registration Form, and have been invited by CBCF to submit a full application for this Competition. The deadline for submitting a full application to the 2011 National Grant Competition on Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer is on or before November 16, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT. Due to the nature of the peer-review process, all application materials must be completed in English. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all required information and supporting documentation in the correct format. To ensure timely and thorough review of your submission, please follow these guidelines: Review the 2011 National Research Grants Guidebook and the 2011 National Grants Application Guide before completing this application form. The 2011 NGC-ED Application Form is the only acceptable format for submitting an application. Note the character limitations for all input fields. Characters that are counted include: letters, symbols, numbers and punctuation. Spaces are NOT included in the count. The text of submissions beyond the character limits will be truncated. Additional pages may NOT be added to the application to supplement input fields. All application documentation must be submitted electronically to [email protected] 1

Research proposal forms (2007) - CBCF Web viewThis Application Form must be submitted as a Word document (.doc/.docx). ... Duration of project ... Research proposal forms (2007) Author:

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National Grant CompetitionEarlier Detection of Breast Cancer

Advancing technologies with strategic potential for the earlier detection of breast cancer

2011 NGC-ED Application Form

This 2011 NGC-ED Application Form is the second part of an application for the CBCF National Grant Competition on Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer. Do not complete this form unless you have submitted the pre-requisite Registration Form, and have been invited by CBCF to submit a full application for this Competition.

The deadline for submitting a full application to the 2011 National Grant Competition on Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer is on or before November 16, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT.

Due to the nature of the peer-review process, all application materials must be completed in English.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all required information and supporting documentation in the correct format. To ensure timely and thorough review of your submission, please follow these guidelines:

Review the 2011 National Research Grants Guidebook and the 2011 National Grants Application Guide before completing this application form.

The 2011 NGC-ED Application Form is the only acceptable format for submitting an application.

Note the character limitations for all input fields. Characters that are counted include: letters, symbols, numbers and punctuation. Spaces are NOT included in the count. The text of submissions beyond the character limits will be truncated. Additional pages may NOT be added to the application to supplement input fields.

All application documentation must be submitted electronically to [email protected] This Application Form must be submitted as a Word document (.doc/.docx). All other attachments (i.e. certifications, CVs, Letters etc.) must be submitted

as either PDFs or Word documents (.pdf/.doc/.docx). All files must use the naming convention: [surname]-[detail].doc/.docx/.pdf.



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1. Proposed Project Information

Project Title(Must be identical to the Registration Form)Proposal Lay Abstract Provide a concise (maximum 1,500 characters), plain language abstract describing why the study is being proposed, how it will be done, and what will be accomplished. Include in your narrative a description of how the study relates to the Foundation’s Vision, Mission and the Grant Program Objective and priorities, and the impact arising from this work.

Project Key Words (list up to 6 key words)

Project Focus Area (check all that apply)

Advancing technology that has strategic potential to enable the first detection of breast cancer at its earliest stages (primary malignant transformation).Using or screening existing sample or population resources that are relevant to the discovery and/or validation of markers; orUnderstanding the psychosocial ramifications of introducing new early detection technology into practice and the implications for technology adoption strategies.

Project CSO Subcategory Selection (Provide, in order of relevance, the three CSO codes that best describe the primary, secondary and tertiary focus areas of the proposed project. More details on the CSO codes can be found in

CSO Code 1CSO Code 2


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CSO Code 3

Scientific Abstract Provide a detailed (maximum 3,800 characters), scientific abstract which clearly outlines: Relevant background

and rationale for the project; how it will advance knowledge and/or care)

The hypothesis/Research Question and Objectives

Study design and research methods

Anticipated impact/relevance to earlier breast cancer detection

Actions for mobilizing research outcomes and post-project impact considerations.


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Objective/Aim DescriptionEnumerate the project’s objectives/aims in the fields provided (copy from project proposal). Include a description of each and the associated milestone.Maximum of 100 words per Objective/Aim.

PlannedDate of Completion



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Resubmission (Past Project Information)Applicants re-submitting proposals that were considered but not funded in a prior CBCF funding Call for Proposals must clearly and directly respond to review panel feedback from the prior submission. For resubmissions, please provide the following information and include as a separate attachment prior reviewer feedback.

Is this a resubmission of a proposal previously reviewed by CBCF?

Yes / No

Previous Project TitleDate of Previous SubmissionPrevious Call for Proposals (e.g. Ontario Region Fall 2009)

Principal Investigator

Prefix Given Name


Please provide a brief explanation of how the current proposal addresses the feedback provided in the previous review (Maximum 3000 Characters)


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Project ProposalApplicants must provide a detailed project proposal, following specific content and formatting guidelines as outlined below. The Project Proposal should be crafted off-line, saved as a Microsoft Word document (do not attach a PDF document), and attached to this application form.

The following files are to be attached to this application and all must be formatted as per the instructions below:

File #1: A detailed project proposal of up to 10 (ten) pages, plus references and definitions of acronyms

File #2: Figures/Tables/Charts of up to 5 (five) pages Additional Files: Study Surveys and Questionnaires (if applicable)

In order to promote fairness for all applicants, proposals varying from the prescribed formatting standards will be ineligible for peer review without appeal.

Required Formatting – Project Proposal:Written text of up to a maximum of ten (10) numbered pages, single-spaced with 12-point font (Times New Roman). Condensed fonts or condensed character spacing may not be used. References and acronyms used in the body of the proposal must also be summarized as lists immediately after the body of the proposal; these lists are not included in the page limit count. Every page of text must display clearly visible line numbers in the left margin and

each page must be numbered independently (i.e. each page starts with line ‘1’). No page may exceed 46 lines.

Side margins must be 1”. Top and bottom margins should be adjusted to ensure 46 lines per page, as above.

Attach the list of References used in the proposal, and the list of Definitions for Acronyms used directly after the proposal in the same document.

All of the above information must be compiled and saved as one file.

Contents of Project Proposal The items below must be addressed within the detailed project proposal. It is not necessary to duplicate the section headings. Proposals are subject to methodological and statistical review so please ensure that sufficient information is provided to inform assessments of methodological and statistical components of the proposed project, including power calculations (if applicable).

Background Data Review of relevant literature, relevant preliminary data and/or consultations

that led to the development of this project

Rationale for the Project Explain why this project is being proposed and what you hope to achieve. Demonstrate how the project builds upon existing knowledge and/or expertise.

Hypothesis/Research Question Identify the key concept(s) or correlation(s) to be tested or the research


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question(s) to be answered.

Objectives Identify a limited number of specific objectives for the project that are concise

and measurable.

Study Design Specify study parameters and inclusion/exclusion criteria. Demonstrate that the research design is appropriate for the questions being

asked and that the data generated will answer the questions asked. Explicitly state assumptions.

Resources Demonstrate that you will acquire the necessary human and material

resources to complete the project as planned.

Risks Identify anticipated risks to completing the project as planned and strategies

to be used to mitigate risk.

Research Methodology Describe methods to be used in sufficient detail that reviewers will understand

the steps/protocols. Demonstrate that the research methods match the specific objectives for the

project. Reference established/validated instruments or methodologies whenever

possible. Statistically justify sample size (for studies involving human research subjects,

specify the population of interest, how accrual rates have been determined and evidence that accrual expectations will be met).

Data Analysis Specify subgroups and stratification parameters for statistical analysis. Provide biostatistical information (sample size calculations, power estimates,

etc.). Formal consultation with a biostatistician or including a biostatistician as a co-applicant is highly recommended for most projects.

For qualitative projects, please provide justification for chosen analysis (es).

Timetable/Milestones Provide a timetable for project activities and identify specific milestones to be

achieved within the project.

Anticipated Impact/Relevance to the Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer Describe the proposed project outcomes, and how they relate to the

Foundation’s Mission, Vision, and Grant Program Objectives. Describe how the proposed project, if successful, will advance the earlier

detection of breast cancer.


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Knowledge Mobilization Plan Provide full details of all knowledge dissemination/translation strategies and

methods. Applicants are encouraged to consider activities that go beyond traditional/standard practices. This may include engaging with decision makers, utilizing social media or mobile technologies, newsletters or other methods.

A detailed description of the Foundation’s expectations regarding Knowledge dissemination/translation can be found in the 2011 National Grants Application Manual.

Figures/Tables/Charts A maximum of up to five (5) pages of figures/tables/charts and associated

legends may be included in the application, but must be attached as a separate file.

Figures must be large enough to be easily legible; figure/graphic labels must be at least 10pt font.

Associated legends must contain only the information necessary to understand the data being presented and not be used to circumvent the detailed proposal page length limitations.

The figures, tables and charts should be listed in the “Project Proposal Attachments” list section at the end of the Application Form.

Study Surveys and Questionnaires If the project methodology includes the use of study surveys and

questionnaires, these items should be attached as separate file(s) and listed in the “Project Proposal Attachments” list section at the end of the application form.

Please Note: No other project or supporting information may be included in the same document as the “Detailed Project Proposal”. Additional attachments, such as background materials, supporting documents may be submitted in a separate document as a separate attachment. Applicants are advised however, that peer reviewers are not obligated to review these additional attachments. Please list any such documents in the “Project Proposal Attachments” list section at the end of the application form.

File Naming Convention – Detailed Project Proposal: PI Last Name Detailed Proposal.doc

File Naming Convention – Figures/Tables/Charts: [PI Last Name Figures Tables.doc or PI Last Name Figures Tables.pdf]

If the project methodology includes the use of Study Surveys and Questionnaires, please save these items separately.

File Naming Convention – Study Surveys and Questionnaires: [PI Last Name Survey Questionnaire #.doc or PI Last Name Survey Questionnaire #.pdf]


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2. Project Team Information

Principal Investigator/Primary Applicant Information The Primary Applicant must remain unchanged between the Registration and Application Forms.

Principal Investigator

Prefix Given Name



Host Institution

Mailing Address

#, Street, Unit.City Provinc


Postal Code

Telephone # Ext. Fax #Email

Project Team Provide the following information for all project participants (add additional rows as needed). Please refer to the 2011 National Research Grants Guidebook to determine the participant type (e.g. co-applicant, additional author, research associate, collaborator) for each project participant. Co-applicants are not eligible to receive salary support as part of the project grant. Students, fellows, and technicians may not be designated as co-applicants. All co-applicants, research associates, and additional authors must also complete a Project Team Member Certification form and provide a Curriculum Vitae (CV). Collaborators must provide a Letter of Collaboration.

# Participant Details Project Responsibilities (Maximum 300 characters)1 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 2 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 3 Given Name




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Type CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached

4 Given NameSurnameAffiliation

Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 5 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 6 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 7 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 8 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 9 Given Name


Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached 10

Given NameSurnameAffiliation

Participant Type

CV Attached Signed Certificate Attached

Project Partners Provide the following information for all partners (add additional rows as needed). Partners make a substantial financial contribution to the project, allowing a larger project budget that would be possible through CBCF funding alone. Please refer to the 2011 National Research Grants Guidebook for more information on Partners. All Partners must also complete a Partner Certification form.

# Contact Name Organization Name Contribution to Project


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(Maximum 300 characters)

Given Surname






Location of ProjectResearch must be conducted within settings providing the facilities and staff necessary to support the requirements of the Detailed Project Proposal. Provide all locations, including Project Host Organization facilities, where proposed work will take place. Please explain briefly what work will take place in each of the locations that are specified in this proposal.

Location Description of Work (Maximum 800 characters)1




Project Host OrganizationCBCF requires the identification of an eligible Project Host Organization to administer the proposed project if funded. Please refer to the Guidebook for a detailed description of the Project Host Organization commitments and responsibilities. Please provide the name of the Financial Department that will be receiving grant payments and tracking expenditures if your project is funded. Please provide contact information for the Project Host Organization Research Administrative Officer, who is designated with authority to address administrative issues related to the project with the Foundation.

Financial OfficeDepartment

InstitutionStreet Address #, Street,

Unit.City ProvinceCountry

Postal Code

CRA Charitable Registration #Financial Office Contact Person

Salutation Given Name


PositionTelephone # Ext. Fax #


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Payable To:Administrative Officer

Salutation Given Name



InstitutionStreet Address #, Street,

Unit.City ProvinceCountry

Postal Code

Telephone # Ext. Fax #Email


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3. Project Budget

Using the budget and budget justification tables below, indicate how CBCF funds will be expended. Provide budget information that is sufficiently detailed for review and consistent with the project plan. Please use the budget justification section (following page) to explain the budget.

Project Budget Outline

Duration of project # Months Start Date End Date

# CBCF Funds Requested

Partner(s) Contribution1

Use of Funds2

All Funds and Cash (not In-Kind)Project Expenses 2012 2013 2014 Supplies and




Equipment Fees6

Participant Honoraria7

Patient Related Costs8

Project Travel9 Dissemination10


Dissemination Travel11


Salaries and Benefits3

Technicians Technician Benefits Research Associates RA Benefits Support Staff Staff Benefits Salaries Subtotal Benefits Subtotal

Stipends Post-doctoral fellows Graduate students Other3

Stipends Subtotal


* Funding for equipment may be requested for up to 10% of the total project budget. Please refer to the Guidebook and Application Manual for details.


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Budget JustificationPlease explain the budget using the rows below, including partner contributions and estimated use of CBCF funds in each of the eligible cost categories. Please insert your justification of budget items in the space provided below, as applicable. (12,000 characters maximum)

1. Description of Partner Contributions

2. Use of funds and cash

3. Distribution of Funds for Staff. Include the % FTE of each salaried team member.

4. Justification of Supplies and Consumable costs

5. Justification of services (including to collaborators)

6. Justification of Equipment* and/or related fees

7. Justification of Honoraria

8. Justification of Patient Related Costs

9. Justification for travel

10. Justification of dissemination and printing costs

11. Justification of dissemination related travel (to a maximum $2,500 per year)

* Please refer to the Application Guide for detailed justification requirements.


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Other Current and Pending Sources of Research Support: Primary Applicant and Co-Applicants

For the Primary Applicant and each Co-Applicant, please indicate current and pending sources of research support. Add additional rows as needed.

Scientific abstracts for all sources of project funding must be included by attaching them as part of a full application submission .

1 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

2 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

3 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

4 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

5 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

6 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

7 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap


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8 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

9 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

10 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

11 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

12 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

13 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

14 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap

15 Project Participant

Project Title

Level of Effort (%) Primary Grant Holder SourceLevel of Overlap (%) Annual value ($) Start Date End DateNature of Overlap


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4. Lists of attachments

Administrative Attachments:Certifications, CV’s, Prior Reviewer Feedback and Letters of Collaboration

List all Certifications, CV’s, Letters, Funding Abstracts and if applicable, Prior Reviewer Feedback accompanying this application (add rows as necessary). For each, provide the name of the certificate provider, the type of attachment, and the organization or affiliation providing the certificate.

Required certificates demonstrating compliance with Research Ethics Board approvals, Animal Care, Biohazard/Biosafety, Radiation Safety, and others (as applicable) must be listed here if available at the time of the application. In the event the application is approved for funding, the initial instalment of CBCF funding will be contingent upon receipt of these required certifications.

Name Organization/Affiliation Attachment type (Team Member Certificate, Compliance Certificate, Reviewer Feedback, Letter, or CV).


Project Proposal AttachmentsList/describe all other attachments related to the project proposal (no more than five) accompanying this application (i.e. Detailed Project Proposal, appendix materials including figures, tables, published manuscripts, quotations, etc…).