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Research on Recommender Systems: Beyond Ratings and Lists Denis Parra, Ph.D. Information Sciences Assistant Professor, CS Department School of Engineering Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Tuesday, November 11 th of 2014

Research on Recommender Systems: Beyond Ratings and Lists

Jul 02, 2015



Keynote at Chilean Week of Computer Science. I present a brief overview of algorithms for Recommender and then I present my work Tag-based Recommendation, Implicit Feedback and Visual Interactive Interfaces.
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Page 1: Research on Recommender Systems: Beyond Ratings and Lists

Research on Recommender Systems: Beyond Ratings and Lists

Denis Parra, Ph.D. Information Sciences Assistant Professor, CS Department School of Engineering Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Tuesday, November 11th of 2014

Page 2: Research on Recommender Systems: Beyond Ratings and Lists


•  Personal Introduction •  Quick Overview of Recommender Systems •  My Work on Recommender Systems

– Tag-Based Recommendation –  Implicit-Feedback (time allowing …) – Visual Interactive Interfaces

•  Summary & Current & Future Work

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Personal Introduction

•  I’m from Valdivia! •  There are many reasons to love Valdivia

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The City

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Personal Introduction

•  I’m from Valdivia! •  There are many reasons to love Valdivia

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The Sports

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Personal Introduction

•  I’m from Valdivia! •  There are many reasons to love Valdivia

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The Animals

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Personal Introduction

•  B.Eng. and professional title of Civil Engineer in Informatics from Universidad Austral de Chile (2004), Valdivia, Chile

•  Ph.D. in Information Sciences at University of Pittsburgh (2013), Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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Personal Introduction

•  B.Eng. and professional title of Civil Engineer in Informatics from Universidad Austral de Chile (2004), Valdivia, Chile

•  Ph.D. in Information Sciences at University of Pittsburgh (2013), Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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INTRODUCTION Recommender Systems

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* Danboard (Danbo): Amazon’s cardboard robot, in these slides it represents a recommender system


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Recommender Systems (RecSys) Systems that help (groups of) people to find relevant items in

a crowded item or information space (MacNee et al. 2006)

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Why do we care about RecSys?

•  RecSys have gained popularity due to several domains & applications that require people to make decisions among a large set of items.

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A lil’ bit of History

•  First recommender systems were built at the beginning of 90’s (Tapestry, GroupLens, Ringo)

•  Online contests, such as the Netflix prize, grew the attention on recommender systems beyond Computer Science (2006-2009)

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The Recommendation Problem

•  The most popular way that the recommendation problem has been presented is about rating prediction:

•  How good is my prediction?

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Item 1 Item 2 … Item m

User 1 1 5 4

User 2 5 1 ?

User n 2 5 ?


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Recommendation Methods

•  Without covering all possible methods, the two most typical classifications on recommender algorithms are

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Classification 1 Classification 2 -  Collaborative Filtering -  Content-based Filtering - Hybrid

- Memory-based - Model-based

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Collaborative Filtering (User-based KNN)

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•  Step 1: Finding Similar Users (Pearson Corr.)










1 2


Active user




active user  




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Collaborative Filtering (User-based KNN)

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•  Step 1: Finding Similar Users (Pearson Corr.)










1 2


Active user










CRi nniCRi uui

CRi nniuui





22 )()(


active user  

user_1   0.4472136  

user_2   0.49236596  

user_3   -0.91520863  

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Collaborative Filtering (User-based KNN)

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•  Step 2: Ranking the items to recommend









Active user







Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

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Collaborative Filtering (User-based KNN)

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•  Step 2: Ranking the items to recommend









Active user










uneighborsn nni

u nuuserSim





Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

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Pros/Cons of CF PROS: •  Very simple to implement •  Content-agnostic •  Compared to other techniques such as content-

based, is more accurate CONS: •  Sparsity •  Cold-start •  New Item

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Content-Based Filtering •  Can be traced back to techniques from IR, where

the User Profile represents a query.

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user_profile = {w_1, w_2, …., w_3} using TF-IDF, weighting

Doc_1 = {w_1, w_2, …., w_3}

Doc_2 = {w_1, w_2, …., w_3}

Doc_3 = {w_1, w_2, …., w_3}

Doc_n = {w_1, w_2, …., w_3}




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PROS/CONS of Content-Based Filtering PROS: •  New items can be matched without previous

feedback •  It can exploit also techniques such as LSA or LDA •  It can use semantic data (ConceptNet, WordNet,

etc.) CONS: •  Less accurate than collaborative filtering •  Tends to overspecialization

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Hybridization •  Combine previous methods to overcome their

weaknesses (Burke, 2002)

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C2. Model/Memory Classification

•  Memory-based methods use the whole dataset in training and prediction. User and Item-based CF are examples.

•  Model-based methods build a model during training and only use this model during prediction. This makes prediction performance way faster and scalable

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Model-based: Matrix Factorization

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Latent vector of the item

Latent vector of the user

SVD ~ Singular Value Decomposition

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PROS/CONS of MF and latent factors model

PROS: •  So far, state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy (these

methods won the Netflix Prize) •  Performance-wise, the best option nowadays: slow

at training time O((m+n)3) compared to correlation O(m2n), but linear at prediction time O(m+n)

CONS: •  Recommendations are obscure: How to explain that

certain “latent factors” produced the recommendation

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Rethinking the Recommendation Problem

•  Ratings are scarce: need for exploiting other sources of user preference

•  User-centric recommendation takes the problem beyond ratings and ranked lists: evaluate user engagement and satisfaction, not only RMSE

•  Several other dimensions to consider in the evaluation: novelty of the results, diversity, coverage (user and catalog), serendipity

•  Study de effect of interface characteristics: user-control, explainability

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My Take on RecSys Research

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My Work on RecSys

•  Traditional RecSys: accurate prediction and TopN algorithms

•  In my research I have contributed to RecSys by: –  Utilizing other sources of user preference (Social Tags) –  Exploiting implicit feedback for recommendation and for

mapping explicit feedback –  Studying user-centric evaluation: the effect of user

controllability on user satisfaction in interactive interfaces

•  And nowadays: Studying whether Virtual Worlds are a good proxy for real world recommendation tasks

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This is not only My work J

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•  Dr. Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA

•  Dr. Alexander Troussov IBM Dublin and TCD, Ireland

•  Dr. Xavier Amatriain TID / Netflix, CA, USA

•  Dr. Christoff Trattner NTNU, Norway

•  Dr. Katrien Verbert KU Leuven, Belgium

•  Dr. Leandro Balby-Marinho UFCG, Brasil

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Tag-based Recommendation

•  D. Parra, P. Brusilovsky. Improving Collaborative Filtering in Social Tagging Systems for the Recommendation of Scientific Articles. Web Intelligence 2010, Toronto, Canada

•  D. Parra, P. Brusilovsky. Collaborative Filtering for Social Tagging Systems: an Experiment with CiteULike. ACM Recsys 2009, New York, NY, USA

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Motivation •  Ratings are scarce. Find another source of user

preference: Social Tagging Systems

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A Folksonomy

•  When a user u uses adds an item i using one or more tags t1,…, tn, there is a tagging instance.

•  The collection of tagging instances produces a folksonomy

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Applying CF over the Folksonomy

•  In the first step: Calculate user similarity

•  In the second step: incorporate the amount of raters to rank the items (NwCF)

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Traditional CF Tag-based CF Pearson Correlation over ratings

BM25 over social tags

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Tag-based CF

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Doc_2 Doc_3


= Active User

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Okapi BM25

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BM25: We obtain the similarity between users (neighbors) using their set of tags as “documents” and performing an Okapi BM25 (probabilistic IR model) Retrieval Status Value calculation.

),())(1(log),( 10 iupredinbriudpre ⋅+=ʹ′

∑∈ +




qt tq



tdd tfk






1 )1())/()1((

)1(sim(u,v) =

Tag frequency in the neighbor (v) profile

Tag frequency in the active user (u) profile

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Item # unique instances # users 784

# items 26,599

# tags 26,009

# posts 71,413

# annotations 218,930

avg # items per user 91

avg # users per item 2.68

avg # tags per user 88.02

avg # users per tag 2.65

avg # tags per item 7.07

avg # items per tag 7.23

Item Phase 2 dataset

# users 5,849

# articles 574,907

# tags 139,993

#tagging incidents


Filtering process

•  Crawl during 38 days during June-July 2009

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•  Test-validation-train sets, 10-fold cross validation

•  Training to obtain parameter K: neighb. size •  One run the experiment: ~12 hours

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Results & Statistical Significance

•  BM25 is intended to bring more neighbors, at the cost of more noise (neighbors not so similar)

•  NwCF helps to decrease noise, so it was natural to combine them and try just that option

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    CCF  NwCF  BM25+CCF  BM25+NwCF

MAP@10  0.12875  0.1432*  0.1876**  0.1942***

K (neigh.size)  20  22  21  29

Ucov  81.12%  81.12%  99.23%  99.23%

Significance over the baseline: *p < 0.236, ** p < 0.033, *** p < 0.001

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•  We can exploit tags as a source for user similarity in recommendation algorithms

•  Tag-based (BM25) similarity can be considered as an alternative to Pearson Correlation to calculate user similarity in STS.

•  Incorporating the number of raters helped to decrease the noise produced by items with too few ratings

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Work with Xavier Amatriain

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•  Slides are based on two articles: – Parra-Santander, D., & Amatriain, X. (2011). Walk the

Talk: Analyzing the relation between implicit and explicit feedback for preference elicitation. Proceedings of UMAP 2011, Girona, Spain

– Parra, D., Karatzoglou, A., Amatriain, X., & Yavuz, I. (2011). Implicit feedback recommendation via implicit-to-explicit ordinal logistic regression mapping. Proceedings of the CARS Workshop, Chicago, IL, USA, 2011.

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Introduction (1/2)

•  Most of recommender system approaches rely on explicit information of the users, but…

•  Explicit feedback: scarce (people are not especially eager to rate or to provide personal info)

•  Implicit feedback: Is less scarce, but (Hu et al., 2008) There’s no negative feedback

… and if you watch a TV program just once or twice?


… but explicit feedback is also noisy (Amatriain et al., 2009)

Preference & Confidence

… we aim to map the I.F. to preference (our main goal)

Lack of evaluation metrics

… if we can map I.F. and E.F., we can have a comparable evaluation

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Introduction (2/2)

•  Is it possible to map implicit behavior to explicit preference (ratings)?

•  Which variables better account for the amount of times a user listens to online albums? [Baltrunas & Amatriain CARS ‘09 workshop – RecSys 2009.]

•  OUR APPROACH: Study with users – Part I: Ask users to rate 100 albums (how to sample) – Part II: Build a model to map collected implicit feedback

and context to explicit feedback

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Walk the Talk (2011)

Albums they listened to during last: 7days, 3months, 6months, year, overall For each album in the list we obtained:

# user plays (in each period), # of global listeners and # of global plays

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Walk the Talk - 2 •  Requirements: 18 y.o., scrobblings > 5000

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Quantization of Data for Sampling •  What items should they rate? Item (album) sampling:

–  Implicit Feedback (IF): playcount for a user on a given album. Changed to scale [1-3], 3 means being more listened to.

–  Global Popularity (GP): global playcount for all users on a given album [1-3]. Changed to scale [1-3], 3 means being more listened to.

–  Recentness (R) : time elapsed since user played a given album. Changed to scale [1-3], 3 means being listened to more recently.

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4 Regression Analysis

•  Including Recentness increases R2 in more than 10% [ 1 -> 2] •  Including GP increases R2, not much compared to RE + IF [ 1 -> 3] •  Not Including GP, but including interaction between IF and RE

improves the variance of the DV explained by the regression model. [ 2 -> 4 ]

M1: implicit feedback

M2: implicit feedback & recentness

M4: Interaction of implicit feedback & recentness

M3: implicit feedback, recentness, global popularity

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4.1 Regression Analysis

•  We tested conclusions of regression analysis by predicting the score, checking RMSE in 10-fold cross validation.

•  Results of regression analysis are supported.

Model RMSE1 RMSE2 User average 1.5308 1.1051 M1: Implicit feedback 1.4206 1.0402 M2: Implicit feedback + recentness 1.4136 1.034 M3: Implicit feedback + recentness + global popularity 1.4130 1.0338 M4: Interaction of Implicit feedback * recentness 1.4127 1.0332

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Conclusions of Part I

•  Using a linear model, Implicit feedback and recentness can help to predict explicit feedback (in the form of ratings)

•  Global popularity doesn’t show a significant improvement in the prediction task

•  Our model can help to relate implicit and explicit feedback, helping to evaluate and compare explicit and implicit recommender systems.

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Part II: Extension of Walk the Talk

•  Implicit Feedback Recommendation via Implicit-to-Explicit OLR Mapping (Recsys 2011, CARS Workshop) – Consider ratings as ordinal variables – Use mixed-models to account for non-independence of

observations – Compare with state-of-the-art implicit feedback


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Recalling the 1st study (5/5) •  Prediction of rating by multiple Linear Regression

evaluated with RMSE. •  Results showed that Implicit feedback (play count

of the album by a specific user) and recentness (how recently an album was listened to) were important factors, global popularity had a weaker effect.

•  Results also showed that listening style (if user preferred to listen to single tracks, CDs, or either) was also an important factor, and not the other ones.

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... but

•  Linear Regression didn’t account for the nested nature of ratings

•  And ratings were treated as continuous, when they are actually ordinal.

User 1

1 3 5 3 0 4 5 2 2 1 5 4 3 2

User n

3 2 1 0 4 5 2 5 4 3 2 1 3 5

. . .

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So, Ordinal Logistic Regression! •  Actually Mixed-Efects Ordinal Multinomial Logistic

Regression •  Mixed-effects: Nested nature of ratings •  We obtain a distribution over ratings (ordinal

multinomial) per each pair USER, ITEM -> we predict the rating using the expected value.

•  … And we can compare the inferred ratings with a method that directly uses implicit information (playcounts) to recommend ( by Hu, Koren et al. 2007)

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Ordinal Regression for Mapping

•  Model

•  Predicted value

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•  D1: users, albums, if, re, gp, ratings, demographics/consumption

•  D2: users, albums, if, re, gp, NO RATINGS.

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Conclusions & Current Work

Problem/ Challenge

1.  Ground truth: How many Playcounts to relevancy? > Sensibility Analysis needed

2. Quantization of playcounts (implicit feedback), recentness, and overall number of listeners of an album (global popularity) [1-3] scale v/s raw playcounts > modifiy and compare 3. Additional/Alternative metrics for evaluation [MAP and nDCG used in the paper]

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Part of this work with Katrien Verbert

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Visualization & User Controllability

•  Motivation: Can user controllability and explainability improve user engagement and satisfaction with a recommender system?

•  Specific research question: How intersections of contexts of relevance (of recommendation algorithms) might be better represented for user experience with the recommender?

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The Concept of Controllability MovieLens: example of traditional recommender list

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Visualization & User Controllability

•  Motivation: Can user controllability and explainability improve user engagement and satisfaction with a recommender system?

•  Specific research question: How intersections of contexts of relevance (of recommendation algorithms) might be better represented for user experience with the recommender?

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Research Platform

•  The studies were conducted using Conference Navigator, a Conference Support System

•  Our goal was recommending conference talks



Author List


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Hybrid RecSys: Visualizing Intersections

Clustermap Venn diagram

•  Clustermap vs. Venn Diagram

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TalkExplorer – IUI 2013 •  Adaptation of Aduna Visualization to CN •  Main research question: Does fusion (intersection) of

contexts of relevance improve user experience?

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TalkExplorer - I

Entities Tags, Recommender Agents, Users

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TalkExplorer - II

Recommender Recommender

Cluster with intersection of entities Cluster (of

talks) associated to only one entity

•  Canvas Area: Intersections of Different Entities


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TalkExplorer - III

Items Talks explored by the user

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Our Assumptions

•  Items which are relevant in more that one aspect could be more valuable to the users

• Displaying multiple aspects of relevance visually is important for the users in the process of item’s exploration

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TalkExplorer Studies I & II •  Study I

– Controlled Experiment: Users were asked to discover relevant talks by exploring the three types of entities: tags, recommender agents and users.

– Conducted at Hypertext and UMAP 2012 (21 users) –  Subjects familiar with Visualizations and Recsys

•  Study II –  Field Study: Users were left free to explore the interface. – Conducted at LAK 2012 and ECTEL 2013 (18 users) –  Subjects familiar with visualizations, but not much with


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Evaluation: Intersections & Effectiveness •  What do we call an “Intersection”?

•  We used #explorations on intersections and their effectiveness, defined as:

Effectiveness = |𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑  𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠|/|𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠  𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑| 

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Results of Studies I & II

•  Effectiveness increases with intersections of more entities

•  Effectiveness wasn’t affected in the field study (study 2)

•  … but exploration distribution was affected

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SetFusion – IUI 2014

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SetFusion I

Traditional Ranked List Papers sorted by Relevance. It combines 3 recommendation approaches.

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SetFusion - II Sliders Allow the user to control the importance of each data source or recommendation method

Interactive Venn Diagram Allows the user to inspect and to filter papers recommended. Actions available: -  Filter item list by clicking on an area -  Highlight a paper by mouse-over on a circle -  Scroll to paper by clicking on a circle -  Indicate bookmarked papers

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SetFusion – UMAP 2012

•  Field Study: let users freely explore the interface

-  ~50% (50 users) tried the SetFusion recommender

-  28% (14 users) bookmarked at least one paper

-  Users explored in average 14.9 talks and bookmarked 7.36 talks in average.

A AB ABC AC B BC C15 7 9 26 18 4 1716% 7% 9% 27% 19% 4% 18%

Distribution of bookmarks per method or combination of methods

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TalkExplorer vs. SetFusion

•  Comparing distributions of explorations

In studies 1 and 2 over talkExplorer we observed an important change in the distribution of explorations.

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TalkExplorer vs. SetFusion

•  Comparing distributions of explorations

Comparing the field studies: -  In TalkExplorer, 84% of

the explorations over intersections were performed over clusters of 1 item

-  In SetFusion, was only 52%, compared to 48% (18% + 30%) of multiple intersections, diff. not statistically significant

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Summary & Conclusions

•  We presented two implementations of visual interactive interfaces that tackle exploration on a recommendation setting

•  We showed that intersections of several contexts of relevance help to discover relevant items

•  The visual paradigm used can have a strong effect on user behavior: we need to keep working on visual representation that promote exploration without increasing the cognitive load over the users

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Limitations & Future Work

•  Apply our approach to other domains (fusion of data sources or recommendation algorithms)

•  For SetFusion, find alternatives to scale the approach to more than 3 sets, potential alternatives: – Clustering and – Radial sets

•  Consider other factors that interact with the user satisfaction: – Controllability by itself vs. minimum level of accuracy

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More Details on SetFusion?

•  Effect of other variables: gender, age, experience with in the domain, or familiarity with the system

•  Check our upcoming paper in the IJHCS “User-controllable Personalization: A Case Study with SetFusion”: Controlled Laboratory study with SetFusion versus traditional ranked list

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Challenges in Recommender Systems •  Recommendation to groups •  Cross-Domain recommendation •  User-centric evaluation •  Interactive interfaces and visualization •  Improve Evaluation for comparison (P. Campos of U.

of Bio-Bio on doing fair evaluations considering time) •  ML: Active learning, multi-armed bandits (exploration,

exploitation) •  Prevent the “Filter Bubble” •  Make algorithms resistant to attacks

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•  Why? We have a Second Life dataset with 3 connected dimensions of information

•  2 undergoing projects: Entrepreneurship and LBSN

Are Virtual Worlds Good Proxies for Real World ?

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Social Network


Virtual World

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Entrepreneurship •  Can we predict whether a user will create a store

and how successful will she/he be? Literature on this area is extremely scarce.

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Social Network Marketplace

James Gaskin SEM, Causal models BYU, USA

Stephen Zhang Entrepreneurship PUC Chile

Christoph Trattner Social Networks NTNU, Norway

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Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN) •  How similar are the patterns of mobility in real

world and virtual world ?

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Social Network Virtual World

Christoph Trattner Social Networks NTNU, Norway

Leandro Balby-Marinho LBSN and RecSys UFCG, Brasil

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Other RecSys Activities

•  I am part of the Program Committee of the 2015 RecSys challenge. Don’t miss it!

»  Is the user going to buy items in this session? Yes|No »  If yes, what are the items that are going to be bought?

•  Part of team creating the upcoming RecSys Forum (like SIGIR Forum). Coming Soon! (Alan Said, Cataldo Musto, Alejandro Bellogin, etc.)

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THANKS! [email protected]