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Research Article Classifying Obstructive and Nonobstructive Code Clones of Type I Using Simplified Classification Scheme: A Case Study Miroslaw Staron, 1 Wilhelm Meding, 2 Peter Eriksson, 3 Jimmy Nilsson, 3 Nils Lövgren, 3 and Per Österström 4 1 Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden 2 Ericsson SW Research, Ericsson AB, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden 3 Ericsson AB, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden 4 Business Region G¨ oteborg AB, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Correspondence should be addressed to Miroslaw Staron; [email protected] Received 4 September 2015; Revised 13 November 2015; Accepted 18 November 2015 Academic Editor: Nicholas A. Kraſt Copyright © 2015 Miroslaw Staron et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Code cloning is a part of many commercial and open source development products. Multiple methods for detecting code clones have been developed and finding the clones is oſten used in modern quality assurance tools in industry. ere is no consensus whether the detected clones are negative for the product and therefore the detected clones are oſten leſt unmanaged in the product code base. In this paper we investigate how obstructive code clones of Type I (duplicated exact code fragments) are in large soſtware systems from the perspective of the quality of the product aſter the release. We conduct a case study at Ericsson and three of its large products, which handle mobile data traffic. We show how to use automated analogy-based classification to decrease the classification effort required to determine whether a clone pair should be refactored or remain untouched. e automated method allows classifying 96% of Type I clones (both algorithms and data declarations) leaving the remaining 4% for the manual classification. e results show that cloning is common in the studied commercial soſtware, but that only 1% of these clones are potentially obstructive and can jeopardize the quality of the product if leſt unmanaged. 1. Introduction Given their complexity and required quality, most domain specific soſtware products in the telecom industry repre- sent a major long-term investment for these organizations. Organizations tend to ensure the longevity of these products by maintaining and evolving these products by adapting them to constantly changing functional and nonfunctional requirements. Code clones are one of the aspects which has a potential of deteriorating the quality and introducing inconsistencies into soſtware designs and products [1]. ey can cause inconsistent evolution of source code and thus increased defect proneness. e phenomenon of code clones has been studied from multiple perspectives and a number of methods and tools for detecting code clones have been developed, for exam- ple, based on pattern matching, syntax parsing, or tree parsing [2]. However, the majority of research published about clones is based on open source soſtware [3] where the quality assurance is significantly different than in the propri- etary soſtware [4]. In this paper we investigate soſtware prod- ucts that are ubiquitous in our society and are part of telecom- munication networks. Compared to open source products studied in previous works we had the unique opportunity of presenting the results to the designers working with the devel- opment of these products, obtaining feedback on the reasons why cloning “happens” in the development, and assessing how obstructive each clone is for the quality of the product. In this study we worked with large soſtware develop- ment programs at Ericsson (a few hundred designers) who develop large telecom products. e organizations work in a distributed environment with empowered teams spread over a number of continents and continuously delivering code increments to common branch for each product. Since one Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Soware Engineering Volume 2015, Article ID 829389, 18 pages

Research Article Classifying Obstructive and Nonobstructive Code … · 2019. 7. 31. · Research Article Classifying Obstructive and

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Research ArticleClassifying Obstructive and Nonobstructive Code Clones ofType I Using Simplified Classification Scheme: A Case Study

Miroslaw Staron,1 Wilhelm Meding,2 Peter Eriksson,3 Jimmy Nilsson,3

Nils Lövgren,3 and Per Österström4

1Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden2Ericsson SW Research, Ericsson AB, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden3Ericsson AB, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden4Business Region Goteborg AB, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden

Correspondence should be addressed to Miroslaw Staron; [email protected]

Received 4 September 2015; Revised 13 November 2015; Accepted 18 November 2015

Academic Editor: Nicholas A. Kraft

Copyright © 2015 Miroslaw Staron et al.This is an open access article distributed under theCreativeCommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Code cloning is a part ofmany commercial and open source development products.Multiplemethods for detecting code clones havebeen developed and finding the clones is often used inmodern quality assurance tools in industry.There is no consensuswhether thedetected clones are negative for the product and therefore the detected clones are often left unmanaged in the product code base. Inthis paper we investigate how obstructive code clones of Type I (duplicated exact code fragments) are in large software systems fromthe perspective of the quality of the product after the release. We conduct a case study at Ericsson and three of its large products,which handle mobile data traffic. We show how to use automated analogy-based classification to decrease the classification effortrequired to determine whether a clone pair should be refactored or remain untouched. The automated method allows classifying96% of Type I clones (both algorithms and data declarations) leaving the remaining 4% for the manual classification. The resultsshow that cloning is common in the studied commercial software, but that only 1% of these clones are potentially obstructive andcan jeopardize the quality of the product if left unmanaged.

1. Introduction

Given their complexity and required quality, most domainspecific software products in the telecom industry repre-sent a major long-term investment for these organizations.Organizations tend to ensure the longevity of these productsby maintaining and evolving these products by adaptingthem to constantly changing functional and nonfunctionalrequirements. Code clones are one of the aspects whichhas a potential of deteriorating the quality and introducinginconsistencies into software designs and products [1]. Theycan cause inconsistent evolution of source code and thusincreased defect proneness.

The phenomenon of code clones has been studied frommultiple perspectives and a number of methods and toolsfor detecting code clones have been developed, for exam-ple, based on pattern matching, syntax parsing, or tree

parsing [2]. However, the majority of research publishedabout clones is based on open source software [3] where thequality assurance is significantly different than in the propri-etary software [4]. In this paper we investigate software prod-ucts that are ubiquitous in our society and are part of telecom-munication networks. Compared to open source productsstudied in previous works we had the unique opportunity ofpresenting the results to the designersworkingwith the devel-opment of these products, obtaining feedback on the reasonswhy cloning “happens” in the development, and assessinghow obstructive each clone is for the quality of the product.

In this study we worked with large software develop-ment programs at Ericsson (a few hundred designers) whodevelop large telecom products. The organizations work in adistributed environment with empowered teams spread overa number of continents and continuously delivering codeincrements to common branch for each product. Since one

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of the products also moved from one-site development tomultiple-site development we had the opportunity to observeif this kind of distribution of development influences codecloning. In this paper we focus on Type I code clones [5](exact code duplicates) as in our exploration this type ofclones was the most fundamental one and allowed us touse the same methods for different programming languages(C/C++/Erlang) and platforms (Unix/Linux/Windows/Real-time OSs). We study how common the clones are and howobstructive this type of cloning is in commercial systems.We set off to investigate whether cloning takes place inthe industrial systems; given the large body of researchabout cloning in open source software we wanted to explorecloning in commercial software. The initial results showedthat cloning is common and that practitioners need supportin distinguishing which clones can be problematic.

Therefore, in this paper we address the following researchquestion:

RQ 1: Given the number of clones in large softwaresystems, how to efficiently identify those which arepotentially obstructive for the quality of the product?

In order to address this research questionwe designed a studyof large software systems at Ericsson (previously studiedin [6–9]). We had this unique opportunity to work with acompany with mature software development where moni-toring of code quality is done continuously. The productsstudied in this paper are large (over 9 MLOC), developedin a distributed environment (multiple continents) and withthe empowered development teams in a combination ofAgile and Lean software development. In such a distributedenvironment, the management of the clones has becomeincreasingly important as the code can be developed continu-ously andmultiple teams can beworking in parallel on similarfunctionality (a practice prone to cloning).

We were able to use methods for clone detection andtriggered improvement initiatives based on the clones foundduring the study. We used a simple text recognition method[10] to identify clones and we used interviews with designersto assess how potentially obstructive the clones are. In thisstudy we define obstructive clones as those duplicate codefragments which contain code with algorithms (or part ofalgorithms) which are critical for seamless operation of theproduct in the field. Examples of such clones are codefragments for parsing packet data units, complex algorithmimplementations, or code with multiple pointers (C/C++).

In order to address the research question RQ 1 weinvestigated two subquestions:

RQ 1a: Which clones found in commercial products areobstructive?RQ 1b: How to efficiently distinguish between theobstructive and nonobstructive clones?

RQ 1a was motivated by the existing body of research whichdoes not provide a definitive answer whether code clonesare negative, positive, obstructive, or not relevant. Thusleading to an assumption that the significance depends onthe clone. We set to find an underlying model which would

explain what kind of characteristics a clone should possessto be obstructive for the quality of the product—a cloneclassification scheme.

RQ 1b was motivated by the large amount of clonedcode reported in literature and found in the studied systems.Designers and architects need an immediate feedback onwhether they should react upon a discovered clone or not.In order to address this research question we needed to find anew method and tool for classifying clones according to howobstructive they are.

The results show that large, professionally developedsoftware products can contain many clones, but over 90%of the clones are not obstructive. The nonobstructive clonesare usually found in locations where they can be expected;for example, set-up of environment for test cases or targetplatform code.

What we have also found during the course of this studyis that we can use analogy-based classification to almostautomatically classify clones according to how obstructivethey are. By using these methods we were able to reduce theneed of manual classification to 4% of all clones. Using thismethodmakes it possible to use clone detection as immediatefeedback to designers and reduces the costs of detecting andfiltering only the relevant clones.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2presents the most important related work. Section 3 presentsthe concept of code clones and the classification. Section 4presents the design of the study and Section 5 presents theresults. Section 6 contains the discussion of our results inthe light of the existing research and Section 7 presents theconclusions.

2. Related Work

2.1. Reviews of Cloning Evidence. One of the most compre-hensive works on code clones is the recent systematic reviewby Rattan et al. [3]. Rattan et al. investigated 213 papers onclones and were able to summarize the types of clones, clonedetection methods, and types of systems studied. They werealso able to summarize 12 papers where the harmfulness ofclones was discussed. This systematic review was an inputto our study and triggered the interviews on the reasons forcloning and the development of a classification scheme forclones. Despite the thorough work done by Rattan et al.,only 7 commercial systems were found to be studied in the213 reported investigations of cloning. Our intention withthis paper is to contribute with insights on the significanceof clones for the product quality, the evolution of clonesover time, and the insights from designers working with thissystem on why the clones exist in the studied software in thefirst place.

Pate et al. [11] presented another review (preceding theone by Rattan et al.) where one of the research questionswas concerned with the consistency of clone changes. Theyhave found that there is evidence in literature that the cloneschange inconsistently over time. This formed an importantinput to our analysis of clones in new and old code bases.Their study of 30 papers, however, was not as extensive as thestudy of Rattan et al.

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2.2. Cloning and Software Quality. Juergens et al. [12] investi-gated the consistency of cloning and concluded that incon-sistent clones are the most serious type as they usuallyjeopardize software quality. They have also found that thelocation of the clones is a determinant of the seriousness ofthe clone. Similar study was also presented by Toomim et al.[13]. The location of the clones was also found important inclassifying clones in our study.

Krinke [14] has studied 200 weeks of evolution of fiveopen source projects from the perspective of stability ofsource code. The conclusion was that in these systems thecloned code was on average more stable than the nonclonedcode. This study has shown that the number of changes islarger in the noncloned code compared to the cloned code.In our study we wanted to expand on this and explore thenumber of clones and their size over a number of releases ofcommercial software systems.

Monden et al. [15] studied the relationship betweencloning and reliability of software systems. Their resultsshowed that the presence of clones had a positive influenceon reliability. Their analysis suggested that the number ofclones (coverage) decreases over time—the older themodule,the lower the number of clones. Our analysis shows that itcan indeed be the case that clones could be positive. Thenumber of clones usually increases unless directed clone-removal activities are done and the clones usually are notobstructive. Their analysis does not take into considerationhow obstructive the clones are.

Kapser [16] has conducted an extensive study on cloningand concluded that not all clones can be considered negativefor software quality. Kapser has found that clones can evenhave a positive effect on the maintainability of softwaresystems. The study in [16] was, nevertheless, conducted onopen source projects. In their further work, Kapser andGodfrey [17] have found that by adding semantic to the clonesfound in the software one can filter out as many as 65% of theclones as false-positives. Our results show that by classifyingthe clones with the experts can filter out as much as 96%of clones as nonobstructive. Thus we see our work as anextension of the work of Kapser and Godfrey.

Selim et al. [18] have conducted a study of open sourceprojects and concluded that the effect of cloning on defectsdepends on the software product.Their recommendation is tofocus on products with long history to obtain better statisticalpower, an approach used in our case study of commercialproduct with a number of years of presence on the market.

2.3. Detection and Classification of Clones. Kapser and God-frey [19] recognized the fact that not all clones are serious andintroduced a template for the patterns of cloning (i.e., howdesigners introduce clones to their products). They have alsoidentified variations (platform, hardware, and experimental),templating (boiler-plating, language idioms, and API), andcustomization (bug workarounds, replicating/specializing)as different cloning patterns. However, their work was notlinked to empirical investigation of the significance of clonesin industrial systems. Thus our work complements the workof Kapser and Godfrey [19].

Kim et al. [20] studied how designers work with cloningby observing software designers and analyzing log files. Theyhave used augmented Eclipse environment to log and recordactivities of designers and followed up on these activities ininterviews, all in order to understand the reasoning behindcloning from designer’s side. The reasons for cloning varyfrom reordering/reorganizing of code segments to reusecomplex control structures in the code. They also identifyunderlying reasons that might cause the designers to copy-paste, for example, limitations in the expressiveness of theprogramming language. We used this work when designingthe analogy-based classification algorithms and to decidewhether a particular code clone can potentially have anegative impact on software quality or not.

Kodhai et al. [5] present a method for detecting clonesbased on the similarity of code patterns. They convert thesource code into a pattern (declaration of variables, loops,etc.) and through that find Type I and Type II clones. Theirapproach can be used instead of simple textual analysespresented in our work in order to identify more clones. How-ever, as the goal of our study was to understand the cloningpractices, our industrial partners found the simple textualanalyses to be sufficient as they allowed the practitioners todirectly see the duplication of code without contextualizing it(e.g., by changing variables names).

There exist numerous tools for identifying and managingcode clones, for example, CCFinder [21], Gemini [22], orClone tracker [23], to name a few. Our work is intended tosupport clone tool research in providing empirical evidenceon how to classify clones in order to highlight which ones canbe prioritized for removal.

In practice there exist a large amount of work on clonedetection in the mainstream programming languages. How-ever, the evidence of cloning in domain specific programminglanguages like Erlang is scarce. Li and Thompson [24–26]provided evidence and tool support for removing cloning inErlang programs. Haskell, which is a programming languageclose to Erlang, suffers from similar problems as described byBrown andThompson [27].

An interesting aspect of cloning can be found in theworksof LaToza et al. [28] who have found that cloning can be anuisance for the programmers/maintainers as they may beforced to make the same change in several places of the code.

Thummalapenta et al. [29] developed clone evolutionclassification framework which can be used in connectionwith our classification scheme. Combining the complemen-tary schemes can provide organizationswith the possibility totrack the obstructive clones over time in case it is not possibleto remove them directly.

2.4. Cloning in Industrial Applications. Yamanaka et al. [30]studied the introduction of the clone management system atNEC corporation and showed that cloning tend to decreaseover time. In our work we learn from their experiencesin introducing the clone monitoring methods and tools atEricsson in order to decrease or eliminate completely theclones which are identified to be obstructive.

Dang et al. [31] provided the evidence of cloning practicesat Microsoft by studying how their tool, XIAO, is used at

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the company. Their results show a viral effect of spreading ofthe use of the tool, indicating that the issue of code cloningis an important one for companies. Our results support theclaim that this is important for software development com-panies working with large-scale software products. Similarclaims are made by Hummel et al. [32].

Our work complements also the work on distance-basedclone classification by Kapser and Godfrey [33]. Kapserand Godfrey found that distance-based clustering of clonescan help in prioritizing maintenance activities. Our workcould support further prioritization so that the architects anddesigners can focus only on the top 10 most problematiccloned code fragments in the multimillion lines-of-codeproduct. We believe that our work can also help to increasethe efficiency in creating vector-spaces of similar clones asadvocated by Grant and Cordy [34] by providing additionaldimension of semantic information about the clone.

An alternative to classifying clones is to measure theirproperties, which is advocated by Higo et al. [35]. Theirwork proposes and evaluates a number of useful metrics likedistance in class hierarchy or coupling to the surroundingcode. Our work can be seen as an alternative method tobe used when computing the metrics is not possible, forexample, in the case of multiple programming languages inthe same system (like in the three studied products).

Aversano et al. [36] studied how code clones are main-tained in practice and found that the majority of clones areupdated consistently. However, they also describe the dangersof uncontrolled spread of cloning and lack of management ofclones. The classification scheme presented in our work canprovide a possibility to direct management activities towardsthe obstructive clones or differentiate between managementstrategies between obstructive and nonobstructive clones.

3. Code Clones

In this section we present the classification which we usein this paper and outline several of the methods used inthe detection of clones. We start by introducing the types ofclones recognized today and explaining the reason to chooseone of the types for our study.

3.1. Types of Clones. We use the basic classification of clonesinto four types.Thefirst three are based on thework of Kapser[16]:

Type I: segments of code which are lexically identical.Type II: segments of code which are lexically identicalif one ignores identifier names.Type III: adjacent segments of clones of Type I orII which are separated by nonisomorphic lines (so-called “gapped” clones).

Another classification of clones is presented by Roy andCordy [2] which recognizes even a fourth type of clone basedon the functionality of the code:

Type IV: two or more parts of the code which imple-ment the same computation but are implemented bydifferent syntactic variants.

These different types of clones require different detectionmethods since their nature is quite different, from a simple“duplicate” of code to a reimplementation of the samealgorithm in a different way. In this paper, however, we startwith Type I clones in order to explore this cloning patternsin industrial, commercial products and in further work weintend to expand to other types of clones.

The reason for focusing on Type I clones is quite prag-matic, the ability to use tools working on different platforms(Unix, Windows, and Linux), the ability to quickly adapt thetools for different programming languages (C/C++/Erlang),and the ability to quickly start with the clone detection. Theinitial goal of this study was to explore how much cloninghappens in commercial software systems and therefore start-ing with Type I clones was considered by the research team(researchers and practitioners in this study) to be a goodlogical first step. As our results later in the paper show,even this simple clone detection of Type I yielded interestingresults.

3.2. Detection Methods. Based on the recent systematicreview by Rattan et al. [3] we can summarize relevant clonedetection methods relevant for our work (the original reviewlists 13 different methods):

(i) Source code/text: using text processing methods likestring comparison, block sizes, or string comparisonwith distance metrics. The method can detect Type Iclones and Type III clones combining Type I clones.

(ii) Regularized tokens: using statements, sets of state-ments, and functions. The method can detect Type I,Type II, and Type III clones.

(iii) AST/parse tree: using the abstract syntax tree to findequivalent code fragments. The method can detectType I, Type II, and Type III clones.

In the source code/textmethodsweuse the simplemethods ofstring comparisons to detect clones, for example, fingerprint-ing (hash code) or distance metrics (Levenshtein distance,[37]) combined with the size of blocks. These detectionparameters determine which clones are detected and evenwhich kinds of clones are detected.

3.3. Obstructive and Nonobstructive Clones. We developed adefinition of obstructive clones and found examples of thesein the studied products, in order to address the researchquestion RQ 1a: Which clones found in commercial productsare obstructive? In this paper we define obstructive clonesas those duplicate code fragments which contain code withalgorithms (or part of algorithms) which are critical forseamless operation of the product in the field. Examples ofsuch clones are

(i) code for parsing data packets,(ii) code with multiple pointers and references (e.g.,

function calls) to other code fragments,(iii) code for defining complex data types reused in multi-

ple code modules,

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. . .

∗p++ = iInt;. . .

∗p++ = 0;Int nLength = sizeof(parameter1) + pLen;memcpy(p,&nLength, sizeof(nLength));p += sizeof(nLength)if (pVar){

memcpy(p, pVar, pLen);p += pLen;


return p;. . .

Algorithm 1: Example clone. Comments and explanationsremoved for confidentiality reasons. Variable names were changed.

(iv) locally modified global declarations (used instead ofpolymorphism).

These clones obstruct the operation of the product long afterthe release, especially if they have evolved in an uncontrolledmanner. For example, a duplicated code fragment whichcontains many pointers that has evolved separately fromits original is prone to cause problems when the data typechanges; to prevent it one has to use extensive testing thatcovers 100% of all data type values, which is unfeasible inpractice. An example clone is presented in Algorithm 1 withcomments and explanations removed. The code contains apart of an algorithm and has been found to be copied acrosstwo distinct modules (not between two different places inthe same code module). Modifying this code in one placeonly can lead to problems with very specific functionality ofthe product in the field, hard to detect without extensive andtime-consuming debugging.

We define the nonobstructive clones as those duplicatecode fragments which do not constitute problems for theproduct after the release. Examples of such code clones are

(1) code templates which could be caused by designtemplates;

(2) local declarations which could be caused by the nam-ing conventions and avoidance of global declarations;

(3) autogenerated code fragments which could be gener-ated from interface descriptions or frommodels (e.g.,skeletons of state-machines);

(4) code for handling of portability or variability whichcould be caused by a design decision of how toimplement the portability or variability mechanisms(e.g., to keep code complexity low);

(5) repetitive declarations of data types with minor mod-ifications.

The nonobstructive clones can cause (at worst) nuisancefor the organization to maintain repetitive code fragments

(1) Product selection

(2) Tool calibration

(3) Clone detection

(4) Classification

(5) Validation

Figure 1: Research process.

(as one of the designers expressed this in the study: “theorganization could be chasing ghosts”). This kind of nuisancehas been previously found by LaToza et al. [28].

An example of a code clone which is nonobstructiveis a template for state machine implementation which wascommon for the whole module (1). This kind of clone is nat-urally not obstructive and is in fact necessary for the correctfunctioning of the software and consistency of programmingat the company prescribed by coding guidelines.

The repetitive declarations (5) are nonobstructive andthey could be considered as “noise” caused by the measure-ment instruments used, detecting only Type I clones based onpattern matching.

4. Design of the Study

We used a flexible research design advocated by Robson [38],because part of the research method needed to evolve duringthe study—the clone classification method. The goal was seta priori; research questions regarding the significance of theclones were presented in the introduction. The researcherwas present at the company on a weekly basis over a periodof ca. 6 months. We classify this type of research as a casestudy withmultiple units of analysis, three different products.Since the study was conducted over a number of releases andover a longer period of time, we treat it as a longitudinalstudy. Our prepositions when designing the case study wasthat combining simple clone identificationmethods with simpleclassification methods can reduce the number of clones to beevaluated manually by over 80%.

4.1. Research Process. In this study we followed a researchprocess defined a priori, presented in Figure 1.

In step 1 we started by identifying three products basedon a number of criteria: size of the product (both large and

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Customer PM SM DM Test Release








Figure 2: Feature development in Lean/Agile methods.

medium code base), diversity of programming languages (C,C++, and Erlang), maturity (multiple releases), developmentmethod (distributed, parallel development, and Streamlinedevelopment), and availability of experts for the classificationand calibration. After identifying the products we proceededto calibrating the tool (step 2); the results of the calibrationcan be found in Section 4.3. In the next step (3) we collectedthe clones from all products. In the proceeding step weclassified the clones (as described in Section 4.4) and finallywe validated the classification together with the practitioners(described in Section 4.5).

4.2. Product Selection. Ericsson develops large products forthe mobile telephony network. At the time of the study, thesize of the organization was several hundred engineers andthe size of the projects was up to a few hundreds. (The exactsize of the unit cannot be provided due to confidentialityreasons.) Projects were increasingly often executed accordingto the principles of Agile software development and Leanproduction system, referred to as Streamline development(SD) within Ericsson [39]. In this environment variousdisciplines were responsible for larger parts of the processcompared to traditional processes: design teams (cross-functional teams responsible for complete analysis, design,implementation, and testing of particular features of theproduct) and integration testing. As Agile developmentteams became self-organized the software development workbecame more distributed and harder to control centrally[40]. The difficulties stemmed from the fact that Agile teamsvalued independence and creativity [41] whereas architecturedevelopment required stability, control, transparency, andproactivity [42].

Figure 2 presents an overview on how the functionalrequirements (FR) and nonfunctional requirements (NFR)were packaged into work packages and developed as featuresby the teams.

The requirements came from the customers and wereprioritized and packaged into features by product manage-ment (PM)who communicatedwith the systemmanagement(SM) on the technical aspects of how the features affectedthe architecture of the product. The system managementcommunicated with the teams (Design Management/DM,

Test) who designed, implemented, and tested (functionaltesting) the feature before delivering to the main branch.Thecode in the main branch was tested thoroughly by dedicatedtest units before they were able to release it [8].

In the context of this distributed software developmentcode, cloning could become an issue as technical decision-making was distributed. For example, refactoring initiativescould be prioritized and taken up differently by multipleteams. In addition to the distributed decision-making, in thisdistributed environment, knowledge-sharing might poten-tially be inefficient (teams might not always know whichother teams were working on the same code segments inparallel). Therefore monitoring the evolution of clones andassessment of how obstructive they are were of high impor-tance for architects, design owners, and quality managers atthe company.

4.2.1. Products. The development projects at the studiedorganization involved over 100 designers and lasted over anumber of years. The three products examined in this studywere independent from one another and had a number ofreleases in field (mature products and processes).

Product A. It was a large telecommunication product forhandling mobile data traffic at the application layers of theISO/OSI model. The product had ca. 1 MLOC and had beenunder development for a number of releases undermore than5 years. The process was waterfall in the first releases andStreamline development in the last years. The programminglanguage was C/C++.

Product B. It was a large telecommunication product forhandling mobile data traffic on the transport level of theISO/OSImodel.The product had over 9MLOC and had beenunder development for a number of releases undermore than7 years. The process was waterfall in the first releases andStreamline development in the last years. The programminglanguage was Erlang.

Product C. It was amember of a product line of a range of basestation controllers and other telecommunication infrastruc-ture components for an international market. The studied

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product was developed using traditional, waterfall model forthe first releases and according to Streamline development inthe later releases. The programming language was C/C++.

All products are developed with development teams atmultiple sites. However, Product A was developed at onelocation in the first releases (as indicated in Section 5).

4.3. Tool Calibration and Clone Detection. Type I clonedetection methods employed in our study were based ontext similarity and we used Duplo open source software( We used two param-eters when calibrating the method—the minimum block sizeand the minimum line size. Before conducting the analyseswe checked whether there is a major difference between theblock size of 5 lines (recommended in literature) and 10lines (as suggested by the practitioners). We calibrated theseparameters by collecting clones from a subset of the productwith different parameters, presenting them to the architectsand designers and discussing the results with them.

For Products A and B after inspecting a subset of cloneswe concluded that using 5 lines as the parameter gives manyfalse-positives, that is, duplicated code fragments which can-not be considered as clones. Examples of such code fragmentsare common variable declarations. Therefore the minimumnumber of lines was set to 10 for both Products A and B.

The other parameter, minimum length of the line in thecode, was calibrated to be 5 characters. Using longer lines, forexample, 10 characters, resulted in missing important clonessuch as state machine implementations common to differentmodules. The calibration was done by comparing the resultsfor different parameters on randomly chosen set of clones.

For Product C, however, we calibrated the methods to5 lines and 5 characters as recommended in the literature.During the discussions with the practitioners we found thatthe 10 lines were too restrictive and several of obstructiveclones contained less than 10 lines.

4.4. Classification. As presented in Figure 3 we started theclassification by introducing the classification framework (4a)to the practitioners and discussing its content—its complete-ness, semantics of the attributes, and discussed examples.After the introduction we randomly selected 10 clones toclassify (4b) together with the practitioners during an hour-long session (4c). The practitioners were asked to explaintheir rationale and teach us about how to recognize thedifferent attributes of the clones (in our classification schemepresented in Table 1). In each of the sessions, however, wemanaged to classify between 20 and 30 clones with expla-nation and towards the end of the session the practitionersexamined us on the ability to correctly recognize the clones(4d). This allowed us to move forward and create a script torecognize the attributes based on what we were taught by thepractitioners (4e) and automatically classify the majority ofthe clones (4f) as described in Section 5.4. The clones whichwere not classified automatically were classified manually byus, which was later cross-checked by the practitioners (4g).

In our study we worked directly with four architects andindirectly (through workshops) with over 20 design archi-tects.Thepractitioners involved in the study hadmore than 10years of experience and more than 5 years of experience with

(1) Product selection

(2) Tool calibration

(3) Clone detection

(4) Classification

(5) Validation

(4b) Random selection

(4c) Classification

(4d) Identification ofexamples

(4e) Tool calibration

(4f) Automaticclassification

(4g) Manual classification

(4a) Introduction

Figure 3: The process of classifying clones.

the product. Their role was software architects for the entireproduct (Product C) or subsystem architects (Products A andB). Their role was lead designers responsible for subareas ofthe product or architects. All researchers involved in the studyhad a background as professional programmers. In step (4d)(text recognition)we collected examples of themost commonclones, for example, state-machine implementations, codewith many pointers, and declarations of variables.

The results of the classification were validated duringworkshops with the same architects who classified the clonesin the first steps of the classification (4a–4d). During theworkshops (one per product) we showed the results of theclassification and emphasized “new” cases which were notcompletely aligned with the examples discussed in step (4d)(examples identification). Since the architects agreed withour classification of these “new” cases, we were confident inthe results. We also discussed 2-3 randomly chosen clonesaligned with the examples and there we still had a consensus,which reduces the risk of internal validity of subjectiveclassification of clones.

4.5. Design of Product Cloning Evaluation4.5.1. Measures and Units of Analysis. One of the importantaspects of assessing the significance of the clones was theirclassification in terms of time (release) and location (type ofthe code). In order to characterize cloning in the products interms of both time and locationwe used a set ofmeasures andtheir visualizations:

(i) Number of clones with granularity per file, per prod-uct, or per release.

(ii) Number of cloned LOC with granularity per file, perproduct, or per release.

(iii) Number of cloned files (number of files which includecloned code) with granularity per product or perrelease.

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Table 1: Code clone classification attributes.

Attribute Values Mapping to classification by Kapser and Godfrey [19]

Severity Obstructive/not obstructive N/A

Location/type of code

Product/Test/Target environment/Simulation environment/Platform specific code


Hardware variations (type of forking)Experimental variations (type of forking)Platform variations (type of forking)

SourceCoding guidelines/Templates/Unknown

General language or algorithmic idioms (templating)

Target actionRemove/Leave as-is/Refactor1


1The target action “Refactor” was recognized after the study was completed and therefore it is not part of the results presented in the paper.

We explicitly excluded the percentage of cloned code permodule or per subsystem from the analysis as it did not pro-vide insights into development practices leading to cloning. Itdid not provide the possibility of pinpointingwhether cloningis a problem or not.

In the study we also investigated how the clones spreadover the system, that is, whether cloning happens within thesame subsystem or within different subsystems. The cloneswhich spread between different subsystems could potentiallylead to more serious problems than clones within the samesubsystem (e.g., with respect to inconsistent updates of codeclones during corrective system maintenance). This analysiswas done by visualizing the patterns using heatmaps anddiscussing their right-to-be with the designers and architects.Heatmaps were used in our previous research [7, 43] tovisualize code changes and thuswere familiar to the designersand architects in the organization. The use of heatmaps forclone visualization was inspired by the visualization used byCCFinder [44].

4.5.2. Analysis Methods. In order to address the researchquestion we used the following analyses in the study: totalnumber of clones, cloned files, and cloned lines of code perrelease. This analysis provided us with the insight into howcloning evolved in the software lifecycle.

Cloning across subsystems. We investigated whether thecloned code was spread among subsystems of the product orit was part of only one subsystem. This analysis provided uswith the insight into whether cloning is a phenomenonwhichoccurs in “own” code orwhether it also occurs in other teams’code.

5. Results

When presenting the results from the study, for confiden-tiality reasons, we cannot provide the absolute number ofclones. (As we studied commercial products which are onthe market, due to confidentiality reasons, we are not ableto provide such data as percentage of the cloned code, thetotal number of clones, the size of the clones, or the time-scale of the product development.) We use percentage and

100%150% 1187% 1217%


100% 140%1443% 1477%


168% 237% 267%797%

Number of clonesNumber of cloned LOCNumber of cloned files



X+ 11X + 2 X + 6X + 1X

Figure 4: Number of clones, cloned LOC, and files with clonesper release for Product A. The trend shows Type I clones. The ratebetween the obstructive and nonobstructive clones is consistentacross releases.

normalized values wherever applicable to show the trends.The names of the components are also changed due to thesame confidentiality agreement.

This section is structured as follows. In Sections 5.1and 5.2, we present the background results of how oftencloning happens in the commercial software in the studiedcompany. In Section 5.3, by applying the classification schemefrom Section 4 to the three commercial systems, we addressthe research question RQ 1a: Which clones are obstructiveand which are not? In Section 5.4, we address the researchquestion RQ 1b: How to efficiently distinguish which clonesare obstructive? In Section 5.5, we summarize the analysesand in Section 5.6 we present the feedback from architectsabout our results.

5.1. Evolution of Clones over Releases. Figure 4 shows theevolution of clones in Product A over a number of releases.

The figure shows a large increase between releases 𝑋 + 6and 𝑋 + 11 (almost 5 times) which might seem serious.This increase could lead to wrong conclusions if not followedup with the architects and designers of the system. After

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2089% 2291%



108%335% 359%

Number of clonesNumber of cloned LOCNumber of cloned files








X+ 2 X + 6 X + 9X








Figure 5: Number of clones, cloned LOC, and files with clones inProduct B. The trend shows Type I clones. The rate between theobstructive and nonobstructive clones is consistent across releases.




245% 201%

248% 234%

Number of clonesNumber of cloned LOCNumber of cloned files



X+ 4X + 2X

Figure 6: Number of clones and cloned LOC for Product C. Thetrend shows Type I clones. The rate between the obstructive andnonobstructive clones is consistent across releases.

the initial investigation with the designers we found that thelarge increase was caused by

(i) new platforms introduced, which required duplica-tion of code to handle portability,

(ii) mergingwith another product (and thus another codebase),

(iii) transition to distributed and cross-functional devel-opment.

During a workshop with design architects at the companyit was found that there can be good reasons for cloningwhich needed to be investigated further; for example, codingguidelines need to create functions with similar functionalityto existing ones but with slight modifications based onplatforms. These are reported in Section 5.4.

Figure 5 shows the increase of number of clones inProduct B. The trend is similar to the trend in Product Awhere the last releases have more clones in the existing filesthan the previous releases.

Our investigationswith the product showed that the trendand reasons for the existence of cloneswere similar to ProductB.

Figure 6 shows the increase of the number of clones andnumber of cloned lines (LOC) per release for Product C.

The trends show that there is an initial increase of thenumber of clones and cloned LOC (releases 𝑋 and 𝑋 + 2).


M34 M



32 M3




M37 M







22 M7

M13 M




35 M4



M36 M


21 M8





Figure 7: Map of clones per source code component for ProductA. Darker dots indicate large number of clones shared betweencomponents.

In release 𝑋 + 4 the number of clones decreased nonpropor-tionally to the number of files with clones. It was explained bythe architects that the project refactored the code in certaincomponent during that time. The total number of clonedLOC decreased compared to release 𝑋 + 2. This showed thatthe refactoring activities resulted in reducing the amount ofcloning, but there were still a large number of clones left inthe product. These results are in line with the results of Godewho found that clones of Type I need to be explicitlymanagedto be refactored [45].

No refactoring activities were reported for Product A andProduct B, which could explain the fact that no decrease innumber of clones was observed for Product A and Product B.

5.2. Detected Clones. Figure 7 shows how clones spreadover the product; the more intensive the color, the morethe clones shared between the two components. The greyscale represents the number of clones shared between eachcomponent or between modules in the case component. Thebackground represents 0 (no common clones). Given thatnumber of all clones is 100 (the real number of clones is,however, much higher), the scale is as follows: (i) black: 4or more clones, (ii) dark grey: 3 clones, (iii) medium grey:2 clones, and (iv) light grey: 1 clone.

As it is shown in the figure a number of clones are locatedwithin the same source code component, denoted by the darkcolor around the diagonal in the diagram (although theymaybe between different modules within the component). Thiscan be seen in line M29 which contains clones only withinthe same component.

However there are clones which are not within the samecomponents; for example, the fourth line from the top (M11)shows that component 11 (M11) shares cloneswith component

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M11 M






17 M9

M18 M




Figure 8: Map of clones per component for Product B.





M10 M













Figure 9: Map of clones per component for Product C.

M9. The right-hand side of the figure shows that cloningbetween components is quite common in this product.

Figure 8 presents the heatmap of clones per componentfor Product B.

This figure shows a pattern of cloning which is differentfrom Product A. Most of the clones are created within thesame component and only a subset of components share thesame code fragments.

Figure 9 presents the heatmap of clones per componentfor Product C.

The heatmap for Product C shows that the clones spreadover multiple components (for components M6, M8, andM9). This was validated with the architects who pinpointed

that the clones between different components were indeedpotentially negative for the software quality and should beaddressed.

As we can observe from these diagrams, the patterns ofcloning for ProductA andProductC include cloning betweencomponents. Given higher number of dark-colored cells wecan also observe that there aremany clones. After discussionswith practitioners it became even more evident that we needa simple way of almost automatically finding clones whichshould be removed (target-remove).

5.3. Obstructive and Nonobstructive Clones (RQ 1a)

5.3.1. Classification Scheme. The classification scheme pre-sented in this paper was developed for the purpose of thisstudy and addresses RQ 1b: How to efficiently distinguishbetween the obstructive and nonobstructive clones? (Althoughthe classification scheme was developed as part of the studywe present it in Section 3 in order to explain how theclassification was done.) Although there exists a classificationscheme developed by Kapser and Godfrey [19], a simplifi-cation of that scheme was needed in order to capture theobstructiveness of clones and at the same time require as littletime as possible from the classifiers (when bootstrapping)and low manual classification rate when using analogy-based classification. In particular our classification mergedsource of cloning (e.g., templating, boilerplating in Kapser’sclassification) to a few attributes relevant for the practitioners(e.g., coding guidelines). This adaptation was done after thediscussions with the practitioners who needed a tool formaking decisions on changing the product (e.g., removal ofthe clone) or changing processes (e.g., changing the codingguidelines).

Classifying the clones with practitioners is a means ofadding more semantic information to the clone and can actas an extension to automated classification using distanceand grouping of the clones (e.g., as described by Kapser andGodfrey [17]). The design rationale behind the classificationscheme was that it should be simple to fill-in and thusefficient, when used by designers.

In order for the scheme to be effective we needed toinclude attributes which would pinpoint the location of theclone (e.g., test code, product, and simulation environment)and its right-to-be (e.g., if it is ok to keep the clone or whetherit should be removed). These kinds of attributes were foundto be important in another study by Kapser and Godfrey [19].Table 1 presents the attributes in the classification scheme.This new scheme was developed together with practitionersat Ericsson and can partially be mapped to the classificationby Kapser and Godfrey.

One new attribute was target actionwhich allowed select-ing the clones which are not important for the product andcan be left in the code. Examples of such clones are clones inthe platformportability codewhich is supposed to implementthe same platform specific code in multiple ways; thus thecode clones are quite common and known. In theory thesecode clones are not serious or obstructive either. The targetaction means that the clone should be removed in the nextrelease of the software. During the discussions with architects

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we found that not all obstructive clones should be removed;sometimes there is a case that the code is scheduled forrefactoring (thus target action is to leave it as-is) or that theclone is in the code area which should not be altered and theclone should only be monitored. From the study by Zibran etal. [46]we could conjure that the properties of the clones (e.g.,size or location) do not always correlate with the decision toremove the clone and that manual assessment is needed.

We chose to use the binary scale (e.g., obstructive versusnonobstructive) to reduce the conceptual need of classifiers tounderstand the difference in other scales (e.g., Likert scale).We chose instead to complement the scheme with moreattributes (e.g., type of code). In this choice we were inspiredby such classification schemes as, for example, OrthogonalDefect Classification or LiDeC [47, 48].

5.3.2. Automatic Classification. In order to identify whichclones are obstructive we collected all clones from ProductA and ordered them by two attributes:

(i) Location: module and directory where the clone waslocated.

(ii) Type of the code cloned: whether the clone was analgorithm or data declaration.

Then we asked a design architect to read the clone and reasonwhether this clone was obstructive and why. We have thenfilled in the attributes from the classification scheme. Thesewere used to develop a script for automated classification ofclones. We developed relatively simple scripts in MS ExcelVBA and Ruby to compare the similarity of clones. We thenrun a script which found clones in the same location and ofthe same type of the cloned code. The script classified theother clones (by analogy) to the same categories as the firstclone. Then we have proceeded with the next nonclassifiedclone and repeated the procedure.

The goal of the script was to be able to classify themajority(over 80% as stated in our preposition) of clones withouthuman intervention thus saving the time of the experiencedpractitioners. The resulting scripts were able to classify 95%-96% of the clones (for Product A, for the latest release, theywere able to classify 96%; for Product C it was 95%). Afterthe discussions with the practitioners we concluded that thebalance between the complexity of the scripts and the abilityto classify more clones was satisfactory.

5.3.3. Validation. The results of the classification were vali-dated during workshops with the same architects who classi-fied the clones in the first steps of the classification. Duringthe workshops (one per product) we showed the results ofthe classification and emphasized “new” cases whichwere notcompletely aligned with the examples discussed in step (4d)(examples identification). Since the architects agreed withour classification of these “new” cases, we were confident inthe results. We also discussed 2-3 randomly chosen clonesaligned with the examples and there we still had a consensus,which reduces the risk of internal validity of subjectiveclassification of clones.

Table 2: Percentage of obstructive/nonobstructive clones in Prod-uct A, the latest release.

Manual orautomated Obstructive Nonobstructive Total

M 1% 3% 4%A 0% 96% 96%Total 1% 99% 100%

In this paper we applied the automated analogy-basedclassificationmethod on the latest release of Product A wherethe number of clones was the largest. The method could beapplied across releases, but we decided to evaluate it on thelargest number of clones available to us, as the method issupposed to scale up to large quantities, both in terms ofperformance and accuracy.

The automated classification cannot classify all clones asthe variability of clones is just too large; for example, forProduct A for the latest release, 96% of clones could beclassified automatically and the remaining 4% were classifiedmanually.

We found that there is a correlation between the signifi-cance of a clone and the ability of our algorithm to classify itas obstructive/nonobstructive as presented in Table 2.

Using this analogy-based classification provided us with apossibility to identify obstructive clones and therefore definewhich they were (the same definition as that presented inSection 4): those duplicate code fragments which containcodewith algorithms (or part of algorithms)which are criticalfor seamless operation of the product in the field.The locationand type of cloned code determined this.

5.4. Distinguishing between the Obstructive and Nonobstruc-tive Clones (RQ 1b). After investigating the reason for this weconcluded that the obstructive clones are the ones which are“odd” in the sense that they do not fall into a known categorywhere our algorithm can easily classify them. Therefore wesee this algorithm as a filter and input to decision-making forarchitects and designers; it addresses the research questionRQ 1b: How to efficiently distinguish between the obstructiveand nonobstructive clones?

Our industrial partners saw this as a good trade-offbetween the erroneous classification and manual effort.

Figure 10 shows the statistics of clones per type of clonedcode.

The statistics in Figure 10 show that 92% of clones arerelated to platform, which in our classificationmeans that theclone is a duplicated code with minor modifications to reflectthe platform specific code, for example, memory handling fordifferent operating systems. The clones which are part of theproduct are in minority (category Product).

Closer investigation of the clones showed that 91% of theclones are caused by design decisions on how the platformportability is implemented (thus deemed not obstructive bythe design architect). These clones exist in the code base butnot in the product; when the code is compiled there is onlyone version of the code.

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2% 1% 4% 0%Platform Product Simulation






Figure 10: Types of clones in Product A.



Platform Product0




Figure 11: Types of clones in Product C.

In the studied code repository there were a few testcases (not the whole test repository) which are shown in thediagram.

In Product C we used the same approach and adjustedthe parameters of the algorithm (e.g., regular expressions ofcomponent names) and we were able to classify 100% of theclones automatically. Figure 11 presents the types of clonesfound in Product C.

The figure shows that the majority (91%) of clones in thisproduct are part of the product. All of them were classified asobstructive.

Since the results differed between Product A and ProductC we investigated the reasons for that and found that

(i) in product A we used the whole source code reposi-tory, which includedmuchmore than just the productcode, whereas in Product C the architects exportedthe list of files that were used in the production codewith some elements of the platform code (necessaryfor the code to execute);

(ii) in Product C the code base which we used in cloneanalysis was much smaller (ca. ten times) and thearchitects knew details of it and could directly pin-point why the clones are obstructive.

The quantitative analyses allowed us to visualize the magni-tude of the potential problem with cloning for the companywhich triggered improvements. However, we conducted also

the qualitative interviews with architects of Products A and Cin order to validate the quantitative analysis.

5.5. Summary of Analysis of Clones. The previous Sections5.1–5.3 presented a number of analysis of clones for each of theproducts. In this subsection we summarize and reflect on theresults of the analyses per product and identify commonali-ties and differences, drawing the conclusions which we usedas input for discussions with designers.

5.5.1. Product A. Product A was the first one to be analyzedand the analysis methods were adjusted during the researchprocess.The analyses were redone as we were able to calibratethe analysesmethods based on discussions with the designersand product owners.

For the product we observed the largest increase ofclones over time (60 times over a period of 11 releases).This kind of increase was previously observed in opensource projects, so this called for further analyses. Since thisproduct undergone a transition from waterfall developmentto Lean/Agile development (Streamline development [8, 49])our initial hypothesis was that the transition to distributedand self-organized development was the cause of the clones.However, the analyses showed that the clones were caused bythe increased number of supported platforms and includingthe platform code in the source code repository.

Since we did the analyses of the clones based on allsource codes available in the repository, the number offalse-positives was obstructive; 96% of the clones were notobstructive. We could consider this to be the noise whichshould be reduced in analyses. The remedy to this wasanalysis of Product C, where we involved the architects whenchoosing source code files in the analyses.

5.5.2. Product B. This product showed a different patternof clones than Product A. The spread of the clones overcomponents was lower than in Product A and the increaseof the number of clones in percent was much smaller (ca. 20times over 9 releases).

There were two factors which could potentially influencethis analysis—the analyzed code was developed at one site(compared to multiple sites in Product A) and the pro-gramming language used in the implementation was Erlang(compared to C/C++ in Product A).

5.5.3. Product C. Compared to the analyses of the previousproducts this product was considerably smaller, written inC/C++, and the input data for clone analyses was providedto us by the two main architects of the product. As theanalyses showed, the number of clones that were identified aspotentially obstructive wasmuch higher percentage-wise.Weconfirmed that number by discussing this with the architectsand their responses were that they had done the prefilteringof files to only the relevant ones. They had removed files withtest cases, simulation environment, or configuration.

Because of this prefiltering it was possible to create analgorithm which could classify all clones automatically basedon the location of the file (reflecting the architectural location

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of the file) and whether the code had clones within the sameor different components or blocks.

5.6. Feedback from Designers and Architects. During ouranalyses we kept close contact with the designers and archi-tects of the studied products in order to confirm or refute ourintermediate findings and to minimize the threat of makingwrong interpretation of the findings. We used their productand process knowledge and we also observed their reactionsto the presented data. In this section we report the mostprominent insight which both we and them found importantfor others who want to replicate this type of study.

One of the first elements of feedback we obtained on thestudy was when we presented the design of the study to thecompany. The initial feedback was that there would be noclones of Type I and Type II in the code due to the strictquality assurance and monitoring processes at the company.As we refuted this claim at the beginning of the analysis ofProduct A, we understood that we need to conduct a deeperanalysis of the sources and nature of clones to understandwhy the practitioners were mistaken; that is, how the needfor study of significance became evident.

For Product A we presented the results for the designowner and then for all component architects of the product.The set of initial answers was consistent:

(i) One of the explanations behind cloning could be thatif a code has been proved good, then we clone it inorder not to “reinvent the wheel.” The analysis of theobstructiveness of the clones showed that this canindeed be true. Designers do not clone the codewhichcan cause problems for the quality of the product butthe code which has obstructively lower importance(e.g., test code).

(ii) Another explanation of cloning is that in eachrelease one might change the design guidelines whichaffect the code, for example, adding a nonfunctionalrequirement that all modules have to implement thesame state machine.

(iii) Finally one more explanation was the changed pro-cess, that is, going Lean/Agile, which could contributeto the distribution of knowledge and the implicit needof duplicating/modifying code rather than refactor-ing not-owned code; as described in Section 5.5 wecould not find any evidence of that.

In Product C the architects asked for more fine-grained cate-gorization of obstructive clones. In particular they suggestedthat certain types of cloning patterns should be consideredas obstructive as they quickly become unmanageable; thosewere as follows:

(i) Clones within the same module should be avoidedand the teams should be able to identify those clonesthemselves.

(ii) Clones between different modules but within thesame software unit (one level up in the architecturalhierarchy) should be removed as there is a risk thatthe modules are assigned to different teams over time

and then the clones become unmanageable; thus thearchitects stressed the importance of the results ofKapser and Godfrey [50].

(iii) Clones between different software units or blocks areobstructive since they become unmanageable almostonce they are created; finding inconsistencies of fixingproblems with the related code is very difficult as theyare managed by different teams; confer [6].

We observed that the designers and architects took a “defen-sive” position when first confronted with the results, butafter a discussion their attitude changed to positive andconstructive. They helped in the analyses and read the clonesand made decisions about what to do with them. This wasthe final feedback to us that the results are important for thecompany and lead to making their product better, which wasthe goal of the collaboration from the very beginning.

For Product C, however, the architects have refactored allof the clones which were found obstructive in the study.

6. Discussion

In our study we focused on Type I clones, which are themost basic type of clones, exact code duplicates. By using theLevenshtein distancemetricwhen comparing code fragmentswe allowed for some modifications in the fragments thusexpanding the set of clones found.

Before setting off to study the clones there were a numberof challenges which we wanted to explore based on theexisting body of research on cloning in general; for example,whether there are clones in the commercial systems at all; howmuch cloning takes place; whether the clones are obtrusivefor software designers; and whether we can be able to providea simple method for finding the clones which should bedecided upon by the designers and architects.

For the first challenge, whether there are clones in thecommercial systems, we chose the systems in which wesuspected that the clones would be present given the factthat there is some evidence of cloning in commercial systemsas presented by Rattan et al. [3]. We also understood thatthe industrial set-up of large software systems is challengingfor the collection of advanced cloning data for such reasonsas (i) multiple language use (C/C++/Erlang), (ii) multipleenvironments (Windows, Unix, Linux, and Real-time OSs),and (iii) dependencies on hardware libraries, which madeit difficult for the parsers to parse the code out of itscontext. These findings quickly resulted in the fact that usingtools that can parse source code to extract clones was notfeasible. Therefore we focused on extracting the clones ofthe simplest type—Type I, exact clones. As Roy and Cordy[51, 52] pointed out this type of clone is simplistic and themore interesting ones are the Type III clones (e.g., near-missfunction clones) detected using more advanced extractionmethod (e.g., dedicated programming language TXL). Bystudying the clones of Type III presented in the literaturewe agree with the current finding but we perceive this as achallenge to extract them by practitioners.

This kind of need of simple usage for practitioners led usto investigating the challenge of how to provide this simple

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methods to industrial applications where the focus is onquick detection of clones and their quick classification. TypeIII clones are the most interesting type but require extraeffort from the usually busy software designers, which ledus to asking the question: how can we use Type I cloneswith some simple postprocessing (classification) to providesimilar information? This led us to the usage of distancemetrics (Levenshtein distance) when extracting the clones.This approach is not as robust as the fully fledgemetric-basedextraction such as that presented by Kontogiannis [53] whoused complexity and similar metrics as distance between theclones.

Using the metric-based approach would indeed improvethe ability to identify clones that should be removed becausethey contribute to lower quality. When discussing the cloneswith the practitioners such metrics as complexity could beeasily recognized as the metrics of the obstructiveness of theclones. For example the technical architects often regarded“complex” code to be more problematic when cloned (e.g.,contributing to lower understanding), but they have alsoindicated that this code might have been copied on purpose(because it was proven to work). In our previous studies wehave found a similar trend that the complexity was only asymptom that needed to be combined with other symptomsto indicate if it was a problem [54, 55].

In our further work we intend to find a method to useclones of Type III and to automatically classify them. Inlight of the existing body of research on cloning in opensource systems, we believe that this would be a step towardautomated support for refactoring. Since in Product C weobserved that the architects removed all obstructive clones,one could develop an early warning system for the designersto notify them that a cloned code is about to be introducedto the main software branch. When discussing the clonesand considering that code that represented an algorithm, wecould often see that the context of the clone (the code beforeand after the clone) was only slightly modified which meantthat if we used more advanced extraction of Type III cloneswe could increase the accuracy of the analysis, for example,automatically recognize if the cloned code was an algorithmor a data declaration. This remains to be studied further inour next studies, whether and which parameters of the clonesare important for the practitioners (e.g., algorithmversus datadeclaration, complex versus simple code).

For the second challenge, how much cloning takes place,we could observe that Type I cloning takes place quite often.The fact that we only used Type I contributed to the largenumber of clones found and the large number of clones thatwere found to be unobtrusive. We have also found that thatcloning tends to increase with the lifetime of the productunless specific initiatives take place (refactoring in ProductC after this study). The same trends were observed in opensource software in the study of Thummalapenta et al. [29].The practitioners participating in the study indicated that thiswas an “eye-opener” regarding the development practices,understanding of what consequences of cloning are, and howto deal with them.

For the third challenge, whether the clones are obtrusive,we set off to explore the significance of the clones for

practitioners. Given the body of research on cloning and noconsensus on whether they are a good or a bad phenomenonwe wanted to explore what practitioners consider to beproblematic in cloning. Therefore instead of asking aboutthe problems with clones we focused on whether the clonesobstruct the work of the software designers and architects.The first step was to define the concepts of an obtrusivesource code clone. We have found that the parameters whichthe practitioners considered were related to the location,type of code, and the fact whether the clone will actuallymake it into the compiled product.This last aspect, includingthe compiled code, is something that we have not foundto be considered in the existing body of research. We havefound that cloning takes place for test code, platform code,or another “auxiliary” code which often does not resultin duplicated code fragments after compiling the specificversion of the product. This can contribute to the debate onthe importance of clones, namely, by asking the questionwhatis essentially cloned?

The location as a determinant of a seriousness of cloninghas also been indicated in the studies of Juergens et al. [12]and Toomim et al. [13]. Thus we perceive that the industrialapplications are similar to the open source ones in this aspect.Therefore we also found that the location is a good indicatorfor the classification and therefore we used that parameter inthe classification scheme.

This distinction of the type of the code cloned was alsodiscussed during the workshop with design architects whodecided to prioritize the algorithm code for our studies.Theirperception was that it is harder to ensure the quality of thealgorithm codewithout advancedmethods and the consistentmodifications can be harder to capture compared to the datadeclarations.

7. Validity Evaluation

To evaluate the validity of the study we followed the frame-work presented by Wohlin et al. [56].

The main threat to the external validity of the resultsof this study is naturally the size of the sample, threeproducts. Although the sample is small we believe that thecontributions are valid as the results have been confirmedqualitatively through interviews and discussions with thepractitioners with insight into the product (all intervieweeshad more than 10 years of experience with these products).The initial results (e.g., number of clones) were in line withthe previous research on open source projects presented inthe systematic review [3] which also minimizes the risk ofexternal invalidity of the study. Using single case study has anatural threat to the external validity in terms of the specificcontext. However, we believe that the studied case providesinsights of the industrial practices. During the study none ofthe practitioners mentioned the code clones to be specific tothe telecom domain or the company but rather to the task ofdesigning software (as discussed in Section 5.4). This lack oftelecom specific statements together with the large body ofknowledge in the open source cloning studies indicates thatthe results can be extrapolated to other contexts. It also shows

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that the results from the open source clone studies apply tothe industrial software.

The main construct validity of the study which we iden-tified was the fact that we chose simple tools for detectingclones. This could result in the fact that we missed importantclones or that we found too many clones that were irrelevant.We recognized this threat in the study of Product A andtherefore, to minimize it, we asked the architects of ProductC to preselect files for us. Since this preselection had an effecton the number of found clones, we discussed that fact withthe architects. The common conclusion was that it would beinteresting to compare the results with and without the pre-filtering. The quality of the resulting automated classificationwas good enough to justify the prioritization of the architects’effort to other activities.

Another construct validity threat is the use of expertclassification as a measure of significance of the clone insteadof such measures as number of defects per component. Wehave collected the number of defects per component forProducts A and B, but the data was not reliable. For Product Cthe data was not available with the required resolution; it wasnot possible to link defect reports to particular components.Introducing low quality data would jeopardize the analysesand thereforewe decided not to analyzewhether the existenceof clones could be correlated with the number of defectsreported per module.

Since this evaluation is done a posteriori, that is, historicalreleases were analyzed years after the release, our study hasthe history effect—a threat to internal validity. In order tominimize the threat that we used wrong baseline in theanalyses, we confirmed the baselines with the official releasedocumentation and involved the configuration managementteam in accessing the right baselines in the study. Anotherimportant threat is the choice of the instruments, which inour case is the classification scheme and using binary scale foreach attribute (e.g., obstructive versus nonobstructive). Wedeliberately chose the binary scale in order to simplify theclassification process. To minimize the threat of misunder-standing we cross-checked the classification results with twoarchitects (for Product C). In all cases they both agreed withthe assignment of each attribute to each clone in a randomlychosen sample. We were also clear in our study that we onlyconsider clones of Type I.

There are two conclusion validity threats which we rec-ognized as obstructive and actively worked to minimalize.The first threat is the fact that the research was conductedat a company, which brings the question of the complete-ness of the information we obtained. Since we had a longhistory of collaboration (7 years) we could openly discussthe results and the practitioners treated us as one of them,providing thorough insights into the product. We were ableto analyze the source code and architecture descriptions andhad unlimited access to the engineers. The other threat is thelack of inferential statistics in our analyses. We consideredusing themeasure of number of defects as an “effect” andposehypothesis accordingly, but that measure was not reliableenough; in particular neither we nor the practitioners couldsay that the location in source code where the defect was fixedis the location where the defect occurs. Therefore we decided

to evaluate the results by interviews and presentations topractitioners. In total the results were presented to ca.40 engineers and managers for feedback (summarized inSection 5.6).

8. Recommendations for Replications

In short, based on the experience from this study, we canmake the following recommendations for companies willingto replicate this study:

(i) If possible, preselect software modules (files) beforerunning the clone analyzers; by using these twostrategies in Product A and Product C we couldobserve that the initial effort in filtering enabled fullyautomated analogy-based classification.

(ii) Carefully analyze the significance of clones beforespreading the information throughout the organiza-tion. As our analyses in Product A showed that therecould be a number of nonobstructive clones, only theobstructive ones should be spread; otherwise it couldlead to quick discrediting and rejection of the results.

(iii) Analyze the clones starting from the ones whichare “furthest away” from each other; clones whichare within the same source code file are potentiallyless obstructive than the ones from two differentsubsystems. From the discussions with architects ofProduct C we could observe that these clones causedthe most lively discussions that could lead to actions.

(iv) Once the clones are identified they should be moni-tored. Duala-Ekoko and Robillard [57] provide a toolwhich can be a complement to the analyses presentedin this paper. This tool can allow for tracking ofthe clones which are not considered obstructive butshould be updated in parallel.

Finally, we recommend using simple tools for the initial anal-yses. The simple tools produce results which are simple andhelp the organization to learn about the phenomena ratherthan get overwhelmed about the technical details of buildingabstract syntax trees and equivalence classes.This conclusionis also supported by the claims of Rattan et al. [3] who foundthat the token-based clone detection tools detect the mostnumber of clones but are not straightforward in helping thedesigners to remove the clones. Their recommendation wasto use tree-based approaches or text based approaches to startwith.

9. Conclusions

The phenomenon of clones of source code in software prod-ucts is known to the community and there exist a numberof tools which can detect cloning. There is, however, noconsensus whether cloning as a practice is really problematic.Reports about positive effects of code clones exist alongsidereports of the negative effects. In this paper we recog-nized this fact and investigated whether there are differentkinds of clones which are more obstructive than others.We set off to investigate the following research question:

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RQ 1: Given the number of clones in large software systems, howto efficiently identify those which are potentially obstructive forthe quality of the product?

The first element of our investigation was to find whichclones are obstructive (RQ 1a) and in order to do that we havecreated a classification scheme based on the experience of thearchitects and designers working with us. They identified thelocation and the type of the code clone to be the two mostimportant determinants of whether the clone was obstructiveor not. We used that knowledge to create a classificationscheme and to define an analogy-based classification forthe clones (RQ 1b). One of the requirements of the answerto this research question was the principle of simplicity.The goal was to find a method which would provide ameans of automatically classifying the majority of the clones(over 80%) and provide a direct feedback to the architectsand designers on how to proceed with the found clones.Therefore we combined the experiences of the architectswith the existing schemes (Pate et al. [11]) and designed aprocess of making an automated classification (described inSection 4.4).The results of applying this method showed thata limited number of example clones can be found and thatwe can use these examples to develop scripts to find similarexamples and classify them (e.g., based on the location of theclone or the type of the code like state-machine).

We analyzed three products and found that cloning is acommonpractice in industrial software development (similarto the reported studies in the open source software). Wehave also found that most of the clones in industrial softwaredevelopment do not matter for the quality of the product infield. When applying clone detection on the entire code base(without prefiltering, similar to applying clone detection onentire code base of an open source product) we could observethat only 1% of the clones were obstructive (Table 2). In sucha case we could also find that the simple script could classify96% of clones leaving only 4% for manual classification.

Wehave also found that when spending a small amount ofeffort to choose the right modules (Product C, Section 5.5.3)almost no manual effort is needed and 91% of the foundclones were potentially obstructive.

9.1. Further Work. In our future work we plan to expandthe analyses to clones of Type II, Type III, and Type IV,introduce more advanced clone detection tools to the qualitymonitoring processes, and perform clone analyses on a dailybasis which was shown to be successful in other projects withthis organization, for example, [58, 59]. We also intend toanalyze cloning patterns in test code as cloning of test codemight have an important, complementary, influence on thequality of the final product.

We also plan to use more advanced distance measures(e.g., using static code analysis metrics) during the classi-fication to increase the ratio between the clones classifiedautomatically and the ones classified manually. We also planto compare the performance of the automatic classification inorder to investigate howmuch precision and recall it providescompared to a fully manual classification.

Finally, our classification scheme can be used togetherwith mining software repositories (e.g., as advocated by

Canfora et al. [60]) and automatically classify newly minedclones based on analogy to already found clones.

The classification scheme presented in our work canprovide a possibility to direct management activities towardsthe obstructive clones or differentiate between managementstrategies of obstructive and nonobstructive clones.This kindof work would complement the work of Aversano et al. [36]who studied how code clones are maintained in practice andfound that the majority of clones are updated consistently.

In the further work we also intend to study the practicesof cloning between the project’s boundaries.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


The authors would like to thank the managers and designerswho helped in the study and supported their efforts. Theywould like to thankEricsson for the possibility to conduct thisstudy and for sharing the results with the community. Thiswork has been partially supported by the Swedish StrategicResearch Foundation under Grant no. SM13-0007.


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