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Resar Catolico

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    ahora y sie*pre por los si+los de los si+los. A*en.

    Oh My 4esus Oh *i 4es5s perd9nanos nuestros pecados l$ranos del ue+o delinierno lle

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: Humility

    The First Joyful Mystery - TH*++,+-$T$%+

    1. The time for the Incarnation is athand.

    2. Of all women od prepared Maryfrom her conception to !e the Motherof the Incarnate "ord.

    #. The $n%el a!riel announces: &'ail(full of %race) The *ord is with thee.&

    +. Mary wonders at this salutation.,. The $n%el assures her: &Fear not . . .

    you shall conceie in your wom!( and%ie !irth to a Son.&

    . Mary is trou!led for she has made aow of ir%inity.

    /. The $n%el answers that she willconceie !y the power of the 'olySpirit( and her Son will !e called theSon of od.

    0. The Incarnation awaits Marysconsent.

    . Mary answers: &3ehold the handmaidof the *ord. 3e it done unto meaccordin% to your word.&

    14.The "ord was made flesh and dwelt

    amon% us.

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: ove of +eighbor

    The Second Joyful Mystery - TH*/$S$TT$%+

    1. Marys cousin 5li6a!eth conceied ason in her old a%e . . . for nothin% is

    impossi!le with od.2. 7harity prompts Mary to hasten toisit 5li6a!eth in the hour of herneed.

    #. The 8ourney to 5li6a!eths home isa!out ei%hty miles re9uirin% four orfie days.

    +. Thou%h lon% and arduous( the8ourney is 8oyous( for Mary !ears withher the Incarnate "ord.

    ,. $t Marys salutation( John the 3aptist

    is sanctified in his mothers wom!.. 5li6a!eth eclaims: &3lessed are youamon% women( and !lessed is thefruit of your wom!.&

    /. &'ow hae I desered that themother of my *ord should come tome;&

    0. &3lessed is she who !elieed that the*ords words to her would !efulfilled.&

    . Mary replies: &My soul proclaims the

    %reatness of the *ord( and my spiritfinds 8oy in od my Saior.&

    14.Mary seres her cousin in all humilityfor three months until the !irth ofJohn the 3aptist.

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    Spiritual Fruit: &overty of Spirit

    The Third Joyful Mystery - TH* +T$/$T0

    1. Joseph and Mary %o to 3ethlehem tocomply with the decree of 7aesar


    2. The hour for Mary to %ie !irth isnear( !ut there is no room in the inn. #. In the stillness of the ni%ht( the Saior

    is !orn in a cae( Mary remainin% aaid a Saior("ho is 7hrist the *ord.&

    0. The an%elic chorus sin%: &lory tood in the hi%hest( and peace to 'ispeople on earth.&

    . The shepherds come to the sta!le topay homa%e to the Infant Jesus.

    14.The Ma%i come to adore the 'oly7hild and offer 'im %ifts.

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    Spiritual Fruit: &urity ofMind and 'ody

    The Fourth Joyful Mystery - TH*&)*S*+TT$%+

    1. O!serin% the law of Moses theyta=e Jesus to the temple to present

    'im to the *ord.2. $ccordin% to the *aw the first!ornmale child of eery family should !econsecrated to the *ord.

    #. Mary offers her Son to the Father(then ransoms 'im !ac= at the pricepaid !y the poor.

    +. Jesus is not su!8ect to the law ofMoses( yet to teach o!edience(su!mits to it.

    ,. Mary is not su!8ect to the law of

    purification( yet in humility shesu!mits to it.. od had reealed to Simeon that he

    would not see death until he hadseen the Messiah.

    /. ?eco%ni6in% the 7hild( he prays:&@ow you can dismiss your serant inpeace. Aou hae fulfilled your word.&

    0. &This 7hild is destined to !e thedownfall and rise of many in Israel( asi%n that will !e opposed.&

    . $nd to Mary Simeon reeals: &$ndyour own soul a sword shall pierce.&

    14.$fter they fulfill all the *aw re9uiresthey return to @a6areth.

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: %bedience

    The Fifth Joyful Mystery - TH* F$+1$+# %FJ*S,S $+ TH* T*M&*

    1. "hen Jesus is twele years old( 'e%oes with 'is parents to Jerusalem

    for the feast of the Bassoer.2. $fter the feast of the Bassoer(Joseph and Mary un=nowin%ly setout for @a6areth without Jesus.

    #. $t the end of the first days 8ourneythey discoer Jesus is missin%.

    +. 'is parents return immediatelyloo=in% for 'im.

    ,. This loss causes %rief and aniety!eyond our understandin% to thehearts of Mary and Joseph.

    . On the third day they find Jesus inthe Temple amon% the >octors whowere astonished at 'is wisdom.

    /. Mary: &Son( why hae you done thisto us; Aour father and I hae !eensearchin% for you in sorrow.&

    0. Jesus: &"hy did you search for me;>id you not =now that I must !ea!out my Fathers !usiness;&

    . Jesus %oes down with them to@a6areth( and is su!8ect to them.

    14.Mary =eeps all these thin%s in herheart.

    The Sorrowful Mysteries

    For each of the mysteries below we have provided short meditations to goalong with each Hail Mary that you pray. We have also included a SpiritualFruit that is exemplified in the mystery. s you pray! you may wish to as"#od for help to increase these fruits in your own spiritual life. $mages andtext are ta"en from %ur Family &rayer 'oo" ( )osary *dition.
  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: Mortification of theSenses

    The Second Sorrowful Mystery - TH*S-%,)#$+# T TH* &$)

    1. Jesus is ta=en !efore the 'i%h Briestwhere 'e is falsely accused(

    !uffeted and insulted.2. The Jewish leaders ta=e Jesus!efore Bilate( for only he can imposethe death penalty.

    #. The ro!!er( 3ara!!as( is preferred toJesus.

    +. Bilate can &find no cause in 'im&( yetto appease the Jews( he ordersJesus to !e scour%ed.

    ,. The scour%e is made of leatherthon%s to which are attached small

    sharp !ones.. Jesus is !ound to a pillar and cruellyscour%ed until 'is whole !ody iscoered with deep wounds.

    /. The *am! of od offers 'is sufferin%for the sins of man=ind.

    0. Jesus suffers so much in 'is sacredflesh to satisfy( especially( for sins ofthe flesh.

    . The prophesy of Isaiah is fulfilled:&'e was wounded for our ini9uities(

    'e was !ruised for our sins.&

    14.Father( !y the merits of Jesus in thispainful scour%in%( hae mercy on usand on the whole world.

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: )eign of -hrist in%ur Heart

    The Third Sorrowful Mystery - TH*-)%W+$+# W$TH TH%)+S

    1. Bilate as=s( &$re Aou a =in%;& Jesusanswers: &I am a Din%( !ut My

    =in%dom is not of this world.& 2. In the praetorium( the soldiers placean old purple ro!e on Jesus inmoc=ery of 'is claim to !e a =in%.

    #. They fashion a crown out of thorns(and forcefully press it down upon 'ishead.

    +. In 'is !ound hands they place areed( as a sceptre( in moc=ery of 'is=in%ship.

    ,. Dneelin% !efore 'im in derision( they

    spit on 'im( and cry out: &'ail( Din%of the Jews)&. Ta=in% the reed from 'is hand they

    stri=e 'im on the head( driin% thethorns more deeply into 'is scalp.

    /. Bilate !rin%s Jesus !efore thepeople( hopin% 'is pitiful si%ht willsoften them: &3ehold the man)&

    0. Their response: &7rucify 'im) 7rucify'im)&

    . Our 3lessed *ord su!mitted to this

    terri!le humiliation to ma=ereparation for our pride.

    14.Father( !y the merits of this painfulhumiliation( hae mercy on us andon the whole world.

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: &atient 'earingof Trials

    The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery - TH*-))0$+# %F TH* -)%SS

    1. One condemned to death !ycrucifiion is forced to carry the cross

    to the place of eecution.2. The sufferin% of Jesus is intense asthe cross is laid on 'is !ruised andwounded !ac= and shoulders.

    #. "ea= and ehausted from loss of!lood( lac= of food and rest( Jesusfalls three times under the cross.

    +. Jesus meets 'is afflicted Mothercausin% untold an%uish in the 'eartsof Son and Mother.

    ,. The countenance of Jesus is

    disfi%ured with !lood and sweat( withdust and spittle..

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: &ardoning of $n3uries

    The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery - TH*-),-$F$4$%+

    1. The hands and feet of Jesus arenailed to the cross in the presence of

    'is afflicted Mother.2. &Father( for%ie them for they =nownot what they do.&

    #. &This day you will !e with Me inparadise.&

    +. &"oman( !ehold your Son. Son(!ehold your Mother.&

    ,. &My od( My od( why hae Aouforsa=en Me;&

    . &I thirst.&/. &It is finished.&

    0. &Father( into Aour hands I commendMy spirit.&. The side of Jesus is pierced with a

    lance. 'is !ody is ta=en down andplaced in the arms of 'is Mother.

    14.Father( !y the merits of thecrucifiion and death of Jesus( haemercy on us and on the whole world.

    The #lorious Mysteries

    For each of the mysteries below we have provided short meditations to goalong with each Hail Mary that you pray. We have also included a SpiritualFruit that is exemplified in the mystery. s you pray! you may wish to as"#od for help to increase these fruits in your own spiritual life. $mages andtext are ta"en from %ur Family &rayer 'oo" ( )osary *dition.
  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: -hristian Hope

    The Second lorious Mystery - TH*S-*+S$%+

    1. Jesus remains on earth forty days after'is ?esurrection to proe 'e has truly

    risen from the dead.2. 'e commissions the apostles to preachthe %ospel to eery creature( andpromises to !e with them foreer.

    #. 'e will not leae them orphans( !ut willsend the 'oly Spirit to enli%hten andstren%then them.

    +. Jesus proceeds to Mt. Olietaccompanied !y 'is Mother and theapostles and disciples.

    ,. 5tendin% 'is pierced hands oer all in a

    last !lessin%( 'e ascends into heaen.. $s 'e ascends a cloud ta=es 'im fromtheir si%ht.

    /. Jesus ascends to ta=e 'is place at theri%ht hand of the Father.

    0. "hat 8u!ilation there must !e amid thean%els of heaen at the triumphant entryof Jesus.

    . The wounds in 'is %lorified !ody are anendless plea !efore the Father on our!ehalf.

    14.The disciples leae Mt. Oliet and &returnto Jerusalem with %reat 8oy.&

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: #ifts of the HolySpirit

    The Third lorious Mystery - TH* 1*S-*+T%F TH* H%0 S&$)$T

    1. The apostles are %athered in the upperroom where Jesus had held the *ast

    Supper.2. They are perseerin% in prayer with Marythe Mother of Jesus.

    #. $ sound comes from heaen li=e therush of a mi%hty wind( and it fills thewhole house.

    +. The 'oly Spirit descends on each ofthem in the form of ton%ues of fire.

    ,. Filled with the ifts of the 'oly Spirit(they are enli%htened and stren%thened tospread the %ospel.

    . 'ain% lost all fear of the Jewish leaders(the apostles !oldly preach 7hristcrucified.

    /. The multitudes are confounded !ecauseeery man hears them spea= in his ownton%ue.

    0. The 'oly Spirit comes upon the Infant7hurch neer to leae it.

    . That first day Beter %oes forth to preachand !apti6es three thousand.

    14.The feast of Bentecost is the !irthday ofthe 7hurch( for on that day it !e%ins to%row.

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: To JesusThrough Mary

    The Fourth lorious Mystery - TH*SS,M&T$%+

    1. $fter the apostles hae dispersed( the3lessed Mother %oes to lie with John(

    the !eloed disciple.2. Mary lies many years on earth after thedeath of 7hrist.

    #. She is a source of comfort( consolationand stren%th to the apostles.

    +. $s she had nourished the infant Jesus(so she nourishes spiritually the infant7hurch.

    ,. Mary dies( not of !odily infirmity( !ut iswholly raished in a rapture of diineloe.

    . 'er !ody as well as her soul is ta=en upinto heaen./. $fter her !urial the apostles %o to the

    tom! and find only fra%rant lilies.0. Jesus does not permit the sinless !ody

    of 'is Mother to decay in the %rae.. 7orruption of the !ody is an effect of

    ori%inal sin from which Mary is totallyeempted.

    14.The !odies of all man=ind( at the last

    8ud%ment( will !e !rou%ht !ac= andunited a%ain to the soul.

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: #race of Final&erseverance

    The Fifth lorious Mystery - TH*-%)%+T$%+

    1. $s Mary enters heaen( the entire courtof heaen %reets with 8oy this

    masterpiece of ods creation.2. Mary is crowned !y her diine Son asEueen of heaen and earth.

    #. More than we can eer =now the 'eartsof Jesus and Mary oerflow with 8oy atthis reunion.

    +. Only in heaen will we =now the %reatma8esty of that coronation( and the 8oy it%ae to the an%els and saints.

    ,. 5en the an%els( who !y nature are%reater than humans( hail Mary as their

    Eueen.. Mary shares so fully in the %lory of 7hrist!ecause she shared so fully in 'issufferin%.

    /. Only in heaen will we see how central isthe role of Mary in the diine plan ofredemption.

    0. The an%els and saints lon%ed for thecomin% of her whose heel crushes thehead of the serpent.

    . Mary pleads our cause as a most

    powerful Eueen and a most merciful andloin% Mother.

    14.$ %reat si%n appeared in heaenC awoman clothed with the sun( the moonunder her feet( and on her head a crownof twele stars.

    The uminous Mysteries

    For each of the mysteries below we have provided short meditations to goalong with each Hail Mary that you pray. We have also included a SpiritualFruit that is exemplified in the mystery. s you pray! you may wish to as"#od for help to increase these fruits in your own spiritual life. $mages andtext are ta"en from %ur Family &rayer 'oo" ( )osary *dition.
  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    Spiritual Fruit: #ratitude For the#ift of Faith

    The First *uminous Mystery - TH* '&T$SM%F TH* %)1

    1. John is !apti6in% in the Jordanproclaimin% a !aptism of repentance.

    2. &I am the oice of one cryin% in thedesert( ma=e strai%ht the way of the*ord.&

    #. &One mi%htier than I is comin% after me.&+. &I hae !apti6ed you with water( 'e will

    !apti6e you with the 'oly Spirit.& ,. Seein% Jesus( John eclaims: &3ehold

    the *am! of od.&. $fter Jesus !aptism a oice from

    'eaen: &This is my !eloed Son inwhom I am well pleased.&

    /. The Spirit descends upon Jesus in theform of a doe.0. In this heaenly manifestation is

    instituted the sacrament of !aptism.. The diine Trinity is manifested: the

    oice of the Father is heard as the Spiritdescends upon the Son.

    14.Filled with the 'oly Spirit( Jesus was led!y the Spirit into the desert for +4 days.

    Spiritual Fruit: Fidelity

    The Second *uminous Mystery - TH*

    W*11$+# %F -+

    1. Jesus( 'is Mother and disciples wereinited to a weddin% in 7ana.

    2. >urin% the weddin% feast the wine ranshort.

    #. Mary turned to Jesus: &They hae nowine.&

    +. Jesus replied: &"hat would you hae medo; My hour has not yet come.&

    ,. Mary said to the waiters: &>o whateer

    he tells you.&. There were si stone water 8ars( eachholdin% fifteen to twenty %allons.

    /. Jesus !ids the waiters to fill the 8ars withwater( and then draw some out and ta=eit to the chief steward.

    0. The chief steward said to the %room:&5ery man seres the %ood wine first...

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    !ut you hae saed the %ood wine untilnow.&

    . $t MaryGHs re9uest( Jesus wor=ed 'isfirst miracle.

    14.3y 'is presence( 7hristian marria%e wasraised to the di%nity of a Sacrament.

    Spiritual Fruit: 1esire forHoliness

    The Third *uminous Mystery -&)%-MT$%+ %F TH* 5$+#1%M

    1. &?epent( for the =in%dom of od is athand.&

    2. &My =in%dom is not of this world.. &nless a man !e !orn a%ain of water

    and the Spirit( he cannot enter the=in%dom of heaen.&

    +. &"hoeer does not accept the =in%domof od as a little child will not enter intoit.&

    ,. &I hae come to call sinners( not the8ust.&

    . &*oe your enemies( pray for those whopersecute you.&

    /. &3lessed are the poor in spirit( for theirsis the =in%dom of heaen.&

    0. &3lessed are they who hun%er and thirstfor 8ustice( for they shall !e satisfied.&

    . &3lessed are they who suffer persecutionfor 8ustice sa=e( for theirs is the =in%domof heaen.&

    14.&Aou are Beter( and upon this roc= I will!uild My church... I will %ie you the =eysof the =in%dom of heaen.&

  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


  • 8/13/2019 Resar Catolico


    it is offered up( and a sacramentinasmuch as it is receied.

    . In the Mass we offer ourseles to od(and od %ies himself to us.

    14.The Mass will !e fruitful in the measureof our surrender to the Father.