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Requiem for Václav Havel - Cathedral of Saint Vitus, Prague - December 23, 2011, 12.00

Apr 06, 2018



Ramsiel Eva
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  • 8/3/2019 Requiem for Vclav Havel - Cathedral of Saint Vitus, Prague - December 23, 2011, 12.00


    Requiem za Vclava Havla

    katedrla sv. Vta

    ptek 23. prosince 2011, 12:00 hodin


    Requiem for Vclav Havel

    Cathedral of Saint Vitus

    Friday, December 23rd 2011, 12:00


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    Liturgick prvod vychz z Arcibiskupskho palce.


    Antonn Dvok: Requiem, op. 89

    I. Requiem aeternam

    Requiem ternam dona eis,

    Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

    Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion,

    et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem.

    Exaudi orationem meam;ad te omnis caro veniet.

    Pokoj vn dej jim, Pane,

    a svtlo vn a jim svt.

    Tob se zpv hymnus, Boe, na Sionu

    a tob se pin ob v Jeruzalm.

    Tob, kter vysly prosby,k tob pijde veker hn tlo.

    Ve 12.00 hodin minuta ticha.

    Vichni stoj.


    Hlavn celebrant zahajuje mi svatou znamenm ke:

    Ve jmnu Otce i Syna i Ducha svatho.

    Vichni: Amen.

    Hlavn celebrant pozdrav shromdn:Kristv pokoj a je s vmi.

    Vichni:I s tebou.

    Hlavn celebrant nkolika slovy pivt ptomn.

    Nsledn bude peten dopis Jeho Svatosti papee Benedikta XVI.adresovan prezidentu Vclavu Klausovi.

    kON kAjNOST

    Hlavn celebrant nkolika slovy uvede kon kajcnosti.

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    Liturgical procession leaves the Archbishops Palace


    Antonn Dvok: Requiem, op. 89

    I. Requiem aeternam

    Requiem ternam dona eis,

    Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.

    Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion,

    et tibi reddetur votum

    in Ierusalem. Exaudi orationem meam;ad te omnis caro veniet.

    Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord

    And let perpetual light shine upon them

    A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Zion

    And a vow shall be paid to thee

    in Jerusalem Hear my prayerAll fesh shall come beore you.

    At 12.00 one minute o silence.

    All stand.


    Main celebrant opens the Holy Mass with the Sign of the Cross:In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

    All: Amen.

    Main celebrant greets assembly:

    The Lord be with you.

    All: And with your spirit

    Archbishop welcomes everybody.

    Letter o His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI. addressed to the presidentVclav Klaus


    Main celebrant introduces the penitential act.

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    Vyznvm se vemohoucmu Bohu a vm vem, e asto hemmylenm, slovy i skutky a nekonm, co mm konat: Je to m vina,m velik vina. Proto prosm Matku Bo, Pannu Marii, vechny andlya svat i vs, brati a sestry, abyste se za m u Boha pimlouvali.

    Hlavn celebrant:

    Smiluj se nad nmi, vemohouc Boe, odpus nm hchy a dove nsdo ivota vnho.

    Vichni: Amen.


    Hlavn celebrant:

    Modleme se.Boe, u tebe nachzej hnci milosrdenstv a svat blaenost; Prosmet, dej podl se svmi svatmi i svmu sluebnku Vclavovi, ktermudnes prokazujeme slubu lsky; a je zbaven pout smrti a doshneblaenho paten na tvou tv. Skrze tvho syna Jee Krista,naeho Pna, nebo on s tebou v jednot Ducha svatho ije a kralujepo vechny vky vk. Amen.

    Vichni: Amen.


    Vichni sed.

    PRVN TENJob 19,1.2327a

    Lektor:ten z knihy Job.Job se ujal slova a ekl:K by byla napsna m slova, k by byla vyryta do mdi, eleznmrydlem do olova, navky vtesna do kamene. Ale j vm, e mjObhjce ije a jako posledn vstane na zemi, u sebe m postav po mmprobuzen a ve svm tle spatm Boha. J sm ho spatm.Slyeli jsme slovo Bo.

    Vichni: Bohu dky.

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    I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have

    greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in

    what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most

    grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and

    Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

    Main celebrant:

    May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring usto everlasting life.

    All: Amen.


    Main celebrant:

    Let us pray.O Lord, with you sinners nd mercy and the saints beatitude. We askyou to give a share of the beatitude also to your servant Vclav, towhom we today demonstrate a service of love. May he is free from thebondage of death and receives a blissful vision at your face. Grant thisthrough our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with youin the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.

    All: Amen.


    All sit.

    FRST READNGJob 19,1.2327a

    Lector:Reading from the Book of JobThen Job answered and said: Oh, would that my words were writtendown! Would that they were inscribed in a record: That with an ironchisel and with lead they were cut in the rock forever! But as for me,I know that my Vindicator lives, and that he will at last stand forth uponthe dust; And from my esh I shall see God.The Word of the Lord

    All: Thanks be to God.

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    ALMl 27(26)

    Shromdn odpovd:

    Vm, e uvidm blaho od Hospodina v zemi ivch!


    Hospodin je m svtlo a m spsa, koho bych se bl?Hospodin je ztita mho ivota, ped km bych se tsl?



    Jedno od Hospodina dm a po tom toum:Abych sml pebvat v Hospodinov dom po vechny dny svho

    ivota, abych poval Hospodinovy nhy a patil na jeho chrm.



    Sly, Hospodine, mj hlas, jak volm,smiluj se nade mnou, vysly m!Hospodine, hledm tvou tv, neskrvej svou tv pede mnou.


    Kantor:Vm, e uvidm blaho od Hospodina v zemi ivch! Dvujv Hospodina, bu siln, a se vzmu tv srdce, doufej v Hospodina!



    III. Dies irae (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Dies irae, dies illa,

    solvet saeclum in avilla,

    teste David cum Sybilla.

    Quantus tremor est uturus,

    quando Judex est venturus,

    cuncta stricte discussurus!

    Onen hrozn den hnvu,

    promn vechno v popel,

    jak o tom svd David i Sibylla.

    Jak hrza nastane,

    a pijde soudce,

    aby vechno psn rozsoudil!

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    PSALMPs 27(26)

    Assembly response:

    I believe I shall enjoy the Lords goodness in the land of the living!


    The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom do I fear?The Lord is my lifes refuge; of whom am I afraid?



    One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek:To dwell in the Lords house all the days of my life, To gaze on the

    Lords beauty, to visit his temple.Response


    Hear my voice, Lord, when I call;have mercy on me and answer me. Come, says my heart,seek Gods face; your face, Lord, do I seek!.



    But I believe I shall enjoy the Lords goodness in the land of the living.Wait for the Lord take courage; be stout-hearted, wait for the Lord!



    III. Dies irae (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Dies irae, dies illa,

    solvet saeclum in avilla,

    teste David cum Sybilla.

    Quantus tremor est uturus,

    quando Judex est venturus,

    cuncta stricte discussurus!

    Day o wrath, day that

    will dissolve the world into burning

    coals, as David bore witness with

    the Sibyl.How great a tremor is to

    be, when the judge is to come

    briskly shattering every (grave).

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    IV. Tuba mirum

    Tuba mirum spargens sonum,

    per sepulchra regionum,

    coget omnes ante thronum.

    Mors stupebit et natura,

    cum resurget creatura,

    judicanti responsura.

    Polnice zn mocnm zvukem,

    otevr vechny hroby,

    vol kadho ped trn.

    Smrt i proda uasnou,

    a povstane ve stvoen,

    aby se zodpovdalo ped soudcem.

    Liber scriptus proeretur,

    in quo totum continetur,

    unde mundus judicetur.

    Judex ergo cum sedebit,

    quidquid latet apparebit,

    nil inultum remanebit.Dies irae, dies illa...

    Bude pinesena kniha,

    v n je ve zapsno

    a podle n bude souzen svt.

    A pak soudce zasedne,

    ve, co je skryt, se uke

    a nic nezstane bez odplaty.Onen hrozn den hnvu...


    Alleluja (G. F. Hndel: Mesi)

    Vichni stoj.

    EVANGELUMJan 6,3740

    Jhen: Pn s vmi!

    Vichni: I s tebou.

    Jhen: Slova svatho evangelia podle Jana.

    Vichni: Slva tob, Pane!


    Je ekl zstupm:Kad, koho mi Otec dv, pijde ke mn, a kdo ke mn pijde, toho

    jist neodmtnu, protoe jsem sestoupil z nebe, ne abych konal svouvli, ale vli toho, kter m poslal. A to je vle toho, kter m poslal:

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    IV. Tuba mirum

    Tuba mirum spargens sonum,

    per sepulchra regionum,

    coget omnes ante thronum.

    Mors stupebit et natura,

    cum resurget creatura,

    judicanti responsura.

    The trumpet, scattering its awful sound

    Across the graves of all lands

    Summons all before the throne. Death

    and nature shall be stunned

    When mankind arises

    To render account before the judge

    Liber scriptus proferetur,

    in quo totum continetur,

    unde mundus judicetur.

    Judex ergo cum sedebit,

    quidquid latet apparebit,

    nil inultum remanebit.

    Dies irae, dies illa...

    The written book shall be brought

    In which all is contained

    Whereby the world shall be judged When

    the judge takes his seat

    all that is hidden shall appeal Nothingwill

    remain unavenged.

    Day of wrath, day that

    will dissolve...


    Alleluia (G. F. Hndel: Messiah)

    All stand.

    THE GOSPELJohn 6,3740

    Deacon: The Lord be with you!

    All: And with your spirit.

    Dean: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John..

    All: Glory to you o Lord!


    Jesus said to them: Everything that the Father gives me will come to me,and I will not reject anyone who comes to me, because I came down fromheaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me. Andthis is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not lose anything of

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    abych neztratil nikoho z tch, kter mi dal, ale vzksil je v posledn den.Nebo to je vle mho Otce: aby kad, kdo vid Syna a v v nho, mlivot vn. A j ho vzksm v posledn den.

    Slyeli jsme slovo Bo.

    Vichni: Chvla tob, Kriste.

    Jhen pozvedne knihu a za zpvu Aleluja ji pin hlavnmu celebrantovi, kter

    ji polb a poehn s n shromdn.

    Vichni se znamenaj kem.


    Homilii pednese arcibiskup Dominik Duka OP.

    Vichni sed.


    Vichni stoj.

    Hlavn celebrant uvede modlitbu vcch:

    Brati a sestry, stojme na samm prahu Vnoc, kdy vrchol nae touhapo setkn s betlmskm dttem. Modleme se, aby se pan prezidentVclav Havel a o Vnocch i kad z ns mohl setkat s tm, kdo jevtlen pravda a lska.

    Sbor pedzpv: Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison.

    Vichni opakuj: Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison.

    Dva lektoi tou pmluvy:

    1. Modleme se za nai zem, kterou prezident Havel miloval a statense j zastal: K je sttem spravedlivm a pokojnm.

    2. Modlime sa za cirkvi a svetov nboenstv: Nech v duchu vzjomnejcty doku pravdivo odpoveda udstvu i kadmu jednotlivcovina otzky o zmysle a konenom cieli bytia.

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    what he gave me, but that I should raise it (on) the last day. For this is thewill of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him

    may have eternal life, and I shall raise him (on) the last day.

    The Gospel of the Lord.

    All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

    Deacon lifts up the book and during the chant Alleluia and the verse brings it to

    the main celebrant who kisses the book and blesses with it the assembly

    All make the Sign o the Cross.


    Homily is pronounced by Archbishop Dominik Duka OP.

    All sit.


    All stand.

    Main celebrant.Main celebrant introduces the prayer of the faithful:Brothers and sister, we stand at the threshold of Christmas whenculminates our desire to meet with the Child of Bethlehem. Let us pray,that president Vclav Havel and all of us at Christmas could meet withHim, who is incarnated Truth and Love.

    Choir: Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison.

    All repeat: Kyrie, Kyrie, eleison.

    Two lectors read the intercessions:

    1. Let us pray for our country that president Havel loved and bravely

    defended. May it is the just and peaceful state.

    2. Let us pray for the churches and word religions. May in the spirit ofmutual respect truly respond the questions about the sense and nal

    aim of being to humanity and every individual.

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    3. Modleme se za nrody ijc pod jamem nesvobody a totalitnchsystm: K pociuj nai solidaritu, zachovaj si svobodu duchaa jejich nadje ve spravedlnost se napln.

    4. Modlime sa za litertov a mysliteov: Nech doku sprvnerozpoznva znamenia doby a s statonmi sluobnkmi pravdya spravodlivosti.

    5. Modleme se za toto shromdn a za vechny obany naeho sttu:K si nepestvme vit daru svobody a nejsme lhostejn k sprvvc veejnch.

    6. Modlime sa za tch, ktor s v akostiach alebo sa trpia na tele ina duchu: Nech nadchdzajce dni preij v dstojnch podmienkach

    prijatia a pocitu domova.

    7. Modleme se za rodinu, blzk a ptele naeho zemelho: Kmilosrdn Bh sete jejich slzy a vlo jim do srdce novou radost.

    8. Prosme za zomrelho pna prezidenta Vclava Havla: Nech Pnodmen jeho celoivotn slubu pravde a lske, odpust mu hriechya prijme ho naveky do svojho otcovskho nruia.

    Hlavn celebrant:Boe, se smutkem, ale i s nadj ti pedkldme tyto nae prosbya vme, e s otcovskou lskou vysly to, o jsme t prosili.Skrze Krista, naeho Pna.

    Vichni: Amen.


    Vichni sed.


    Obtn dary pinej sestry z kongregace svatho Karla Boromejskho,

    kter v posledn dob o prezidenta Vclava Havla peovaly.

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    3. Let us pray for the nations living under the yoke of oppression andtotalitarian systems. May they feel our solidarity and preserve theliberty of the spirit and their hope will be fullled in justice.

    4. Let us pray for the writer and thinkers: may they discern the signs ofthe epoch and are brave servants of truth and justice.

    5. Let us pray for this assembly and all citizens of our state. May we donot cease to appreciate the gift of freedom and are not indifferent tothe administration of public affairs.

    6. Let us pray for those, who are in difculties or they are afictedphysically or spiritually. May they spend the upcoming days indignied conditions of welcome and sense of home.

    7. Let us pray for the family, and friends of our bellowed departed. Maythe merciful Lord wipes out their tears and puts in their hearts new


    8. Let us pray for the departed president Vclav Havel. May the Lordreward his whole life long service to the truth and love, forgives himsins and welcomes him forever in his paternal arms.

    Main celebrantLord, with sadness but with hope we present you these intercessions andwe believe that with paternal love you will grant what have asked for.Though Christ, our Lord.

    All: Amen.


    All sit.


    Oertory gits bring Sisters o the Congregation o Saint Charles Borromeo.

    They were taking care o departed Vclav Havel in the recent period.

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    IX. Offertorium Domine Jesu Christe (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae,

    libera animas omnium delium

    deunctorum de poenis inerni

    et de proundo lacu.

    Libera eas de ore leonis,

    ne absorbeat eas tartarus,

    ne cadant in obscurum;

    sed signier sanctus Michael

    repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam.

    Quam olim Abrahae promisisti

    et semini ejus.

    Pane Jei Kriste, Krli slvy,

    vysvobo due vech vrnch zemelch

    od trest pekla a od zvratn hlubiny.

    Vysvobo je ze lv tlamy,

    a je nepohlt propast

    a a se nezt do tmy.

    Ale vojevdce svat Michael

    a je uvede do svatho svtla,

    kter jsi kdysi slbil Abrahmovi

    a jeho potomstvu.

    Jhen okou kadidlem hlavnho celebranta, koncelebranty a shromdn.

    Vichni stoj.

    Ppravu dar zakon hlavn celebrant vzvou k lidu:

    Modleme se, aby Bh pijal ob sv crkve.

    Vichni: A ji pijme ke sv slv a k spse svta.


    Hlavn celebrant:

    Pinme ti, Boe, ob smru a svujeme do tvch rukou naehobratra Vclava, s kterm se dnes loume: smyj skvrny jeho hcha odpus mu, m se v lidsk slabosti provinil.Prosme o to skrze Krista, naeho Pna.

    Vichni: Amen.


    Hlavn celebrant: Pn s vmi.Vichni: I s tebou.

    Hlavn celebrant: Vzhru srdce.Vichni:Mme je u Pna.

    Hlavn celebrant: Vzdvejme dky Bohu, naemu Otci.Vichni: Je to dstojn a spravedliv.

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    IX. Offertorium Domine Jesu Christe (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae,

    libera animas omnium delium

    deunctorum de poenis inerni

    et de proundo lacu.Libera eas de ore leonis,

    ne absorbeat eas tartarus,

    ne cadant in obscurum;

    sed signier sanctus Michael

    repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam.

    Quam olim Abrahae promisisti

    et semini ejus.

    Lord Jesus Christ, king o glory,

    deliver the soulds o all the aithul departed

    rom the pains o Hell

    and the bottomless pit.Deliver them rom the jaws o the lion,

    lest hell engul them,

    lest they be plunged into darkness;

    but let the holy standard-bearer Michael

    lead them into the holy light,

    as once you promised to Abraham

    and to his seed.

    Deacon incenses the main celebrant, concelebrating priests and the assembly.

    All stand.

    Main celebrant ends the offertory by exclamation:

    Pray, brethren, that my sacrice and yours may be acceptable to God,the almighty Father.

    All: May the Lord accept the sacrice at your hands for the praise andglory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church


    Main celebrant:

    O Lord, we bring the sacrice of reconciliation and we entrust to yourhand our brother Vclav, to whom we bid farewell today. Wash awaythe stains of his sins and forgive him what he, in his human weakness,done wrongly. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.



    Main celebrant:The Lord be with you.All: And with your spirit.

    Main celebrant: Lift up your heartsAll: We lift them up to the Lord

    Main celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our GodAll: It is right and just.

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    Hlavn celebrant:

    Vpravd je dstojn a spravedliv, dobr a spasiteln, svat Ote,vemohouc, vn Boe, abychom ti vdycky a vude vzdvali dky.Nebo ty jsi n tvrce i spasitel: od tebe mme ivot a ve tvch rukou

    jsme, kdy ijeme i kdy umrme; a ty ns skrze svho ukiovanhoSyna vysvobozuje z otroctv hchu, a a se vrtme do zem, z n

    jsme vzati, ty ns skrze nho vzks a d nm ast na jeho slv.A proto t chvlme a s andly a vemi svatmi zpvme pse o tvslv a volme:

    SanctusXI. Sanctus Benedictus (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus,

    Dominus Deus Sabaoth!Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.

    Hosanna in excelsis.

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

    Hosanna in excelsis!

    Svat, Svat, Svat,

    Pn, Bh zstup.Nebe i zem jsou plny tv slvy.

    Hosana na vsostech.

    Poehnan, jen pichz

    ve jmnu Pn.

    Hosana na vsostech.


    Hlavn celebrant:Vpravd jsi svat, Boe, jsi pramen veho posvcen.

    Vichni kle nebo i nadle stoj.

    Hlavn celebrant spolu s koncelebranty:

    Proto prosme: Seli rosu svho Ducha tak na tyto dary a posv je,a se stanou tlem a krv naeho Pna, Jee Krista.Nebo on, kdy se vydval na smrt, vzal pi veei chlb, vzdal ti dky,lmal, dval svm uednkm a ekl:


    Po veei vzal tak kalich, znovu ti vzdal dky, dal svm uednkm a ekl:


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    Main celebrant:

    It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always andeverywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternalGod, through Christ our Lord. In him you have been pleased to renewall things, giving us all a share in his fullness. For though he was in theform of God, he emptied himself and by the blood of his Cross broughtpeace to all creation. Therefore he has been exalted above all things,and to all who obey him, has become the source of eternal salvation.And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, andwith all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of yourglory, as without end we acclaim:

    SanctusXI. Sanctus Benedictus (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus,

    Dominus Deus Sabaoth!

    Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.

    Hosanna in excelsis.

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine


    Hosanna in excelsis!

    Holy, holy, holy

    Lord God of hosts!

    Heaven and earth are full of your


    Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he

    that cometh in the name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest!.


    Main celebrant:You are indeed Holy, O Lord, the fount of all holiness:

    All kneel or keep standing up.

    Main celebrant with concelebrating priests:Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spiritupon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Bodyand Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the time he was betrayed andentered willingly into his Passion, he took bread and, giving thanks,broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:


    In a similar way, when supper was ended, he took the chalice and,once more giving thanks, he gave it to his disciples, saying:

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    Hlavn celebrant:

    Tajemstv vry.


    Tvou smrt zvstujeme, tv vzken vyznvme, na tvj pchodekme, Pane, Jei Kriste.

    Vichni stoj.

    Hlavn celebrant spolu s koncelebranty:

    Proto konme, Ote, pamtku smrti a vzken tvho Syna, obtujemeti chlb ivota a kalich spsy a vzdvme dky za to, e smme sttped tebou a meme ti slouit.A v pokoe t prosme: A ns vechny, kdo mme ast na tle a krvi

    Kristov, shromd a sjednot Duch svat.

    1. koncelebrant:

    Pamatuj, Boe, na svou crkev po celm svt;ve ji k dokonalosti lsky v jednot s nam papeem Benediktem,s biskupem tto diecze Dominikem a se vemi, kdo jsou poveni,aby v tv crkvi konali slubu.

    2. koncelebrant:

    Pamatuj na svho sluebnka Vclava, kter odeel z tohoto svta

    k tob. Byl poktn v Krista a stal se mu podobnm ve smrti. Dej, a semu podob i ve vzken.

    3. koncelebrant:

    Pamatuj tak na nae bratry a sestry, zesnul v nadji ve vzken,a na vechny, kdo zemeli v tvm slitovn; pijmi je do svho svtla,a vid tvou tv.Smiluj se nad nmi nade vemi: dej nm vn ivot ve spoleenstvse svatou Pannou a Bohorodikou Mari, s tvmi apotoly a se vemispravedlivmi od potku svta; a t s nimi chvlme a oslavujemeskrze tvho Syna, Jee Krista.

    Hlavn celebrant a koncelebranti:

    Skrze nho a s nm a v nm je tvoje vechna est a slva,Boe, Ote vemohouc, v jednot Ducha svathopo vechny vky vk.

    Vichni: Amen.

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    Main celebrant:The mystery of faith.

    All: We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrectionuntil you come again.

    All stand.

    Main celebrant with concelebrating priests:

    Therefore, as we celebrate the memorial of his Death and Resurrection,we offer you, Lord, the Bread of life and the Chalice of salvation, givingthanks that you have held us worthy to be in your presence and ministerto you. Humbly we pray that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ,we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit.

    1. concelebrant

    Remember, Lord, your Church, spread throughout the world, and bringher to the fullness of charity, together with Benedict our Pope andDominik our Bishop and all the clergy.

    2. concebrant:

    Remember your servant Vclav who left this word towards you. Hewas baptized in Christ and in his death he resembles to Him. Pleasegrant that he resembles to Him also in the Resurrection.

    3. concelebrant:

    Remember also our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in thehope of the resurrection, and all who have died in your mercy:welcome them into the light of your face. Have mercy on us all, we

    pray, that with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with the blessedApostles, and all the Saints who have pleased you throughout the ages,we may merit to be coheirs to eternal life, and may praise and glorifyyou through your Son, Jesus Christ.

    Main celebrant with concelebrating priests:

    Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in theunity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours, for ever and ever.

    All: Amen.

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    Hlavn celebrant uvede Modlitbu Pn.

    Vichni se spolen modl:

    PATER NOSTER,qui es in caelis, sancticetur nomen tuum.Adveniat regnum tuum.Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,et dimitte nobis debita nostra,sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,sed libera nos a malo.Amen.

    Hlavn celebrant:

    Vysvobo ns ode veho zlho, Boe, a dej naim dnm svj mr.Smiluj se nad nmi a pomoz nm: a se nikdy nedostaneme do podruhchu, a ijeme v bezpe ped kadm zmatkem a s nadj oekvmepoehnan pchod naeho Spasitele Jee Krista.

    Vichni: Nebo tv je krlovstv i moc i slva navky.


    Hlavn celebrant:

    Pane Jei Kriste, tys ekl svm apotolm:Odkazuji vm pokoj, svj pokoj vm dvm. Nehle tedy na naehchy, ale na vru sv crkve, a podle sv vle ji napluj pokojem a vek jednot. Nebo ty ije a kraluje na vky vk.

    Vichni: Amen.

    Hlavn celebrant: Pokoj Pn a zstv vdycky s vmi.

    Vichni: I s tebou.

    Jhen vyzve vc, aby se navzjem pozdravili a ujistili se vzjemnou lskou:Pozdravte se navzjem pozdravenm pokoje.

    A vichni se navzjem pozdrav podnm ruky se slovy:

    Pokoj s tebou.

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    Main celebrant introduces the Lords Prayer

    All pray together:

    PATER NOSTER,qui es in caelis, sancticetur nomen tuum.Adveniat regnum tuum.Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,et dimitte nobis debita nostra,sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,

    sed libera nos a malo.Amen.

    Main celebrant:

    Deliver us, Lord, we pray, from every evil, graciously grant peace inour days, that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free fromsin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and thecoming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    All: For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever.


    Main celebrant:

    Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles:Peace I leave you, my peace I give you, look not on our sins, but onthe faith of your Church, and graciously grant her peace and unity inaccordance with your will. Who live and reign for ever and ever

    All: Amen.

    Main celebrant: The peace of the Lord be with you always

    All: And with your spirit

    Deacon asks to exchange the sign of peace:

    Let us offer each other the sign of peace

    And all offer one another the customary sign of peace: a handclasp or handshake

    with words:Peace be with you!

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    AGNUS DEMissa pro defunctis (chorl)

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

    miserere nobis.

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

    miserere nobis.

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

    dona nobis pacem.

    Bernku Bo, kter snm hchy

    svta, smiluj se nad nmi.

    Bernku Bo, kter snm hchy

    svta, smiluj se nad nmi.

    Bernku Bo, kter snm hchy

    svta, daruj nm pokoj.


    Vichni kle nebo i nadle stoj.


    Hlavn celebrant:

    Hle, Bernek Bo, ten, kter na sebe vzal hchy svta.Blahoslaven, kdo jsou pozvni k veei Bernkov.


    Pane, nezasloum si, abys ke mn piel, ale ekni jen slovo, a m

    due bude uzdravena.

    Vcm bude svat pijmn rozdlovno na nkolika mstech

    v katedrle dle aktulnho pokynu.

    XIII. Agnus Dei (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Agnus Dei,

    qui tollis peccata mundi,dona eis requiem sempiternam.

    Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,

    cum sanctis tuis in aeternum,

    quia pius es.

    Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,

    et lux perpetua luceat.

    Bernku Bo,

    kter snm hchy svta,dej jim odpoinut vn.

    Vn svtlo a jim svt, Pane,

    s tvmi svatmi na vky,

    nebo jsi shovvav a pln lsky.

    Odpoinut vn dej jim, Pane,

    a svtlo vn a jim svt.

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    AGNUS DEMissa pro defunctis (chorale)

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

    miserere nobis.

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

    miserere nobis.

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,

    dona nobis pacem.

    O Lamb o God, that takest away

    the sins o the world,

    Grant them rest.

    O Lamb o God, that takest away

    the sins o the world,

    Grant them eternal rest.


    All kneel or stand up.


    Main celebrant:

    Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of theworld. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.


    Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say

    the word and my soul shall be healed

    The Holy Communion will be distributed to the aithul in the cathedralon several spots based on instructions.

    XIII. Agnus Dei (A. Dvok: Requiem)

    Agnus Dei,

    qui tollis peccata mundi,dona eis requiem sempiternam.

    Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,

    cum sanctis tuis in aeternum,

    quia pius es.

    Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,

    et lux perpetua luceat.

    O Lamb of God, that takest away

    the sins of the world,Let everlasting light shine on them,

    O Lord with your saints for ever:

    for you art merciful.

    Eternal rest grant them, O Lord;

    and let perpetual light shine upon


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    Vichni stoj.

    Hlavn celebrant:

    Modleme se. Prosme t, vemohouc Boe, za tvho sluebnkaVclava, kter odeel z tohoto svta; a je psobenm obti, kterou

    jsme slavili, oitn a zbaven hch, a pi vzken a doshne plnostivnch radost. Skrze Krista, naeho Pna.

    Vichni: Amen.


    Vichni sed.


    Prezident esk republiky Vclav Klaus

    Ministr zahraninch vc esk republiky Karel Schwarzenberg

    Bval ministryn zahrani USA Madeleine Albrightov

    SVATOVLAVSk HORLText: M. V. teyer 1683 / Npv: KSJ 1863

    Vichni stoj1. Svat Vclave, vvodo esk zem, kne n, pros za ns Boha,

    Svatho ducha!

    Kriste, eleison.

    2. Ty jsi ddic esk zem, rozpome se na sv plm, nedej zahynoutinm ni budoucm, svat Vclave!Kriste, eleison.

    3. Pomoci my tv dme, smiluj se nad nmi, ut smutn, zaeve zl, svat Vclave!Kriste, eleison.

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    All stand.

    Main celebrant:

    Let us pray. We pray, o almighty God, for your servant Vclav wholeft this world. And grant that he is puried and liberated from sins bythe sacrice that we celebrated and at Resurrection he receives thefullness of eternal joy. Through Christ, our Lord.

    All: Amen.


    All sit.


    Vclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic

    Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

    Madeleine Albrightov, Ex- Minister of Foreign Affairs, USA

    SANT WENESLAS HORALE (old Czech hymn to Saint Wenceslas)Text: M. V. teyer 1683 / Npv: KSJ 1863

    All stand1. Svat Vclave, vvodo esk zem, kne n, pros za ns Boha,

    Svatho ducha!

    Kriste, eleison.

    2. Ty jsi ddic esk zem, rozpome se na sv plm, nedej zahynoutinm ni budoucm, svat Vclave!Kriste, eleison.

    3. Pomoci my tv dme, smiluj se nad nmi, ut smutn, zaeve zl, svat Vclave!Kriste, eleison.

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    Smuten promluva bisupa Vclava Malho

    Biskup Vclav Mal:

    S vrou jsme se za naeho bratra Vclava pomodlili a nyn se s nmloume. Jsme smutn a pleme, ale ne jako ti, kdo nemaj nadji.Nebo na nadj je Kristus, kter je uprosted ns. V jeho jmnu jsmese shromdili kolem naeho zemelho bratra. Vme, e ns Kristus

    jednou shromd tak ve svm krlovstv, kde u nebude rozlouen.A v tto ve a je nae tcha.

    Pokropen a okouen rakve

    Biblick pse A. Dvoka Pi ekch babylonskch

    Biskup Vclav Mal:

    Pane, dobr Boe, kter miluje ivot, dkujeme ti za naeho prezidentaVclava Havla. Dkujeme ti za jeho nadji, vru v pravdu a lsku, odvahuchrnit nejhlub lidsk hodnoty. Dkujeme ti za radost z ptelstv,kterou nm mnohm dval zakusit. Dkujeme ti za vechno, co udlalpro nai zemi, kulturu a divadlo, ale i mr ve svt. Dkujeme ti za jehosil, pevnost i radost ze ivota. Dkujeme ti, e jsi nm tak skrze njdaroval monost vybudovat svobodnou zemi. Boe, dkujeme ti za dar

    jeho ivota! Ote milosrdenstv, Boe veker tchy, shldni na nai

    bolest a na n pl a vlij nm nadji, e ty m moc vysvobodit ze smrtia dovst do krlovstv svtla a ivota. Skrze Krista, naeho Pna, kters tebou ije a kraluje v jednot Ducha svatho po vechny vky vk.Amen.

    Biskup Vclav Mal:

    Odpoinut vn dej mu, Pane,

    Vichni: a svtlo vn a mu svt.

    Biskup Vclav Mal:

    A odpov ve svatm pokoji.

    Vichni: Amen.

    Vynen rakve.

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    ondolence speech of Mons. Vclav Mal

    Bishop Vclav Mal:

    We prayed for our brother Vclav with faith and now we say farewell.We are sad and we are crying, but not like those who dont have hopebecause Christ is our hope and He is among us. In His name we havegathered around our departed brother. We believe that Christ will gatherus one day in his kingdom, and there will be no need for farewell. Andin this faith is our consolation.

    The con is sprinkled with holy water and incensed:

    Biblical pse A. Dvoka By the rivers of Babylon

    Bishop Vclav Mal:

    Good Lord, you are the one who loves life, we give you thanks for ourPresident Vclav Havel. We thank you for his hope, his trust in truth andlove, for his courage to protect the deepest of human values. We thankyou for the joy experienced by those among us who could considerhim as friend. We thank you for all his achievements for the sake of ourcountry, our culture and theatre but also for the world peace. We thankyou for all his efforts, for keeping steady, for his joy from life. Thankyou for giving us, through him, the possibility to build up a land living

    in freedom. God, we give you thanks for the gift of his life! Father ofmercies, God of all consolation, look upon our grief and see our tears.Pour in our hearts a rm trust in your power which is able to free fromdeath and to bring one into the kingdom of light and life. We ask thisthrough Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of theHoly Spirit now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Bishop Vclav Mal:

    Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord

    All: and let perpetual light shine upon him

    Bishop Vclav Mal:

    May he rests in peace.

    All: Amen.

    Con is being taken out.

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    Latinsk zpv modlitby Zdrvas, Krlovno.

    SALVE REGINA, Mater misericordiae.

    Vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.Ad te clamamus exsules lii Hevae.Ad te suspiramus, gementes et entesin hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo,Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordesoculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum,benedictum fructum ventris tui,nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria.

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    Prayer sung in latine Hail, Holy Queen.

    SALVE REGINA, Mater misericordiae.

    Vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.Ad te clamamus exsules lii Hevae.Ad te suspiramus, gementes et entesin hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo,Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordesoculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum,benedictum fructum ventris tui,nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria.

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    Hlavn celebrant a kazatel:

    Mons. Dominik Duka OP, arcibiskup prask a primas esk

    Prvn koncelebrant:

    Kardinl Giovanni Coppa

    Druh koncelebrant:

    Kardinl Miloslav Vlk

    Tet koncelebrant:Mons. Jan Graubner, arcibiskup olomouck

    tvrt koncelebrant:Mons. Giuseppe Leanza, apotolsk nuncius v esk republice


    et a moravt biskupov

    Obad poslednho rozlouen vede:

    Mons. Vclav Mal, pomocn biskup prask

    Prvodn slovo:Mons. Tom Holub, generln sekret esk biskupsk konference

    Pisluhujc jhni:

    tpn Faber, Martin Opatrn, Gilbert Antonn Plek, O. Praem.

    Lektor prvnho ten:Josef Abrhm

    Lektoi pmluv:Joel Ruml, pedseda ERC v R

    Milo Kltik, pedseda ERC ve SR

    Hlavn ceremon: Vojtch Mtl

    inkuj:Simona Houda aturov soprn

    Jana Wallingerov altJaroslav Bezina tenor

    Peter Mikul bas

    Prask lharmonick sbor:sbormistr: Luk Vasilek

    eskou lharmonii diriguje: Ji Blohlvek

    Pi liturgickch zpvech inkuje: Prask katedrln sbor

    Kantor: Jakub Hrub

    Na varhany hraje: Josef Kica

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    Main celebrant and preacher:

    Mons. Dominik Duka OP, Archbishop of Prague and Primas of Bohemia

    First concelebrant:

    Cardinal Giovanni Coppa

    Second concelebrant:

    Cardinal Miloslav Vlk

    Third concelebrant:

    Mons. Jan Graubner, Archbishop of Olomouc

    Forth concelebrant:Mons. Giuseppe Leanza, Apostolic Nuncio in the Czech Republic


    Czech and Moravian bishops

    Farewell Ceremony leads:

    Mons. Vclav Mal Auxsiliary Bishop of Prague


    Mons. Tom Holub, Secretary General of the Czech BishopsConference


    tpn Faber, Martin Opatrn, Gilbert Antonn Plek, O. Praem.

    Lector, rst reading: Josef Abrhm

    Lectors, intercessions:Joel Ruml, chairman Ecumenical Church Council in the Czech Republic

    Milo Kltik, chairman Ecumenical Church Council in Slovakia

    Master of Ceremony: Vojtch Mtl

    Music:Simona Houda aturov soprano

    Jana Wallingerov altJaroslav Bezina tenor

    Peter Mikul bas

    Prague Philharmonic Choir

    Choirmaster: Luk Vasilek

    Czech Philharmonic Conductor: Ji Blohlvek

    Liturgical music: Prague Cathedral Choir

    Cantor: Jakub Hrub

    Organs: Josef Kica

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    Grack prava a DTP: Gras studio - Radek Kraus