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Requiem Aeternam CXXXI

Mar 26, 2016



Damiana Evohe

Requiem Aeternam CXXXI missa pro defunctis
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Requiem Aeternam CXXXI

Missa Pro Defunctis

Damiana Evohe


Ordo Templi Solus Noir

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Sic Transit Rosa Gloria Mundi

Ordo Templi Solus Noir

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Requiem Aeternam CXXXI Missa Pro Defunctis

Ode To Death & Life

Ordo Templi Solus Noir

I Introitus Requiem Aeternam

II Kyrie Opus Dei Per Solus Noir

III Dies Irae Omnem Dimittite Spem O Vos Intrantes

IV Lacrymosa The Vale Of Tears

Ode To Lost Souls

V Offertorium Sacramentum Sangre

VI Sanctus Corpus Die Paradisym

VII Benedictus Ambrosium Per Lapis Lazuli

VIII Agnus Dei The Lamb Of God

IX Lux Aeternae Principia Lucis Solus Noir


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Amor Vincit Omnia

Na’amah Hymn To The Beloved

NemesisPublications mmxii

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! ! I


Requiem Aeternam

! Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine Et lux perpetua luceat eis Te decet hymnus

Deus in Sion Et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem Exaudi orationem meam Ad te omnis caro veniet Requiem aeternam dona defunctis Domine Et lux perpetua luceat

eis Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine Et lux perpetua eis !

I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion. Men have called me mad but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence, whether much that is glorious, whether all that is profound, does not spring from disease of thought, from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity and thrill, in awakening, to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good and more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compassless into the vast ocean of the light ineffable and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer agressi sunt mare tenebrarum quid in eo esset exploraturi. [ They ventured into the sea of darkness in order to explore what it might contain ]

Eleonora – Edgar Allan Poe

Eternal rest be granted unto thee scribe of the age. This section acts in some respects as our introduction, part biography, part journal of events that have taken place during the time of our service. The above quoted passage of Poe serves as our foundation for in reading these words did we glimpse another who walked a path ambiguous and strange. Like Poe many would say that we are mad for they cherish the boundary that lies between so called fact and fiction and yet the work of two decades has brought us to an understanding. Deny all that has passed or embrace it in totality. After much consideration we chose the latter, if choice were to exist for we are not a champion of free will.

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We have taken the inevitable step and as a consequence have we leeched meaning from the marrow of the mind and rendered it into image and text that serves as our requiem, a context invariably undertaken by the muse of music and in this instance rendered as a tapestry of conceit. This we cast before eyes that comprehend us not for we travel invisible, of necessity, within this the vale of tears. Cast aside your understanding and certainty for in the unfolding of your days have you been consumed by the necessities of life that call to each of us insistently and casts before our eyes purpose that we etch into our minds as truth.

We have prevailed and our work alone bears witness to our labours. Hubris has been our only crime and for this were we granted our nemesis that travelled with us step by unfaltering step upon this the path of our redemption. Others accompanied us along the way and though their presence was brief we thank them for their time with us. In essence our work began with a simple act that spiraled into two decades of rite and creativity. Only when the last piece of our jigsaw was placed upon the mirror of our mind did we glimpse the tapestry that lay before our now jaded eyes.

Three cycles of rites completed by the seeding of our spells into the matrix of life upon this our world and now we harvest the fruits of our labour. Our thoughts and opinions count as nothing for they are but the provenance of our conceit, a quality we yet share with our species. We do not seek your understanding or company for that which we serve requires nothing of life, rather our eternal rest is all that we yearn for, rest denied as we are yet to bear witness to unfolding events and scribe them into the book of life that dissolves each moment into the eternity from whence we came.

In the presence of extraordinary reality consciousness takes the place of the imagination. This axiom, embraced and understood serves as the foundation of our orientation upon events which have all but stripped us of our sovereign reason and cast us into an ocean of non differentiation within which we drowned long ago and these present whispers are but the shadows of our passing.

Introitus, our portal into eternal rest wherein we are finally redeemed as we cast aside the mantle that has granted us flesh, blood and breath. Breath we now cast upon the eternal aethyrs, blood we pour into the crucible of our holy lady and flesh, now dissolved, rendered as vision and cast before the blind with whom we share the unfolding moment. Travel well pilgrims within the palace of exiles, claim thy heritage and enter eternity purified. Adieu.

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! ! II


Opus Dei Per Solus Noir

! Kyrie Eleison Kyrie Eleison !

During this The Night Of Pan it is dawn and the Black Sun rises. Twin pylons suspended in space and time serves as our portal and into this world did we come, lightning in our eyes and thunder within our heart. The venom of god have we been aptly named and of the elixir that serves as our essence do we manifest the rays of our noble sphere of light. Lucis Noir the light of deepest midnight wherein all are laid bare. Past avatars, those that spoke to life, spoke of compassion and understanding failed in their purpose, be they accursed within the halls of eternity. Kyrie speaks of mercy. This we neither claim or grant as the unfolding of our work proceeds. Justice alone do we serve and the temples that have risen in our name have been torn down and of the rubble did we build a charnel house wherein thy service is rendered as dust and vacuum. Thy supplications but the screams of thy travail, unheeded. Thy aspirations, jaded and obscure be but reflections of thy arrogance, which now as acid burns away the dross that serves as understanding and in its place the pristine light of our presence descends like the host of heaven. The oceans rise and wash away the stain. The mountains are cast down and beneath the rubble do thy days yet continue as shadows, substanceless yet demanding. The breath of our holy lady rises and thou art stripped of flesh and bone and cast into the void and into the fire do you enter, uncomprehending and unknown. The Grigori rise, sole witnesses to the days in their unfolding and into the book of life do they yet scribe the cyphers of the end of days. Thy body serves as quill, thy blood the ink and thy life the parchment upon which all is rendered in light. Drink deep of the elixir that serves as thy substance lest ye dissolve into the nothingness from whence you came.

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! ! III

Dies Irae

Omnem Dimittite Spem O Vos Intrantes

! Dies irae dies illa Solvet saeclum in favilla Teste David cum Sibylla Quantus

tremor est futurus Quando judex est venturus Cuncta stricte discussurus Tuba mirum spargens sonum Per sepulcra regionum Coget omnes ante thronum Mors stupebit et natura Cum resurget creatura Judicanti responsura Liber scriptus proferetur In quo totum continetur Unde mundus judicetur Judex ergo cum sedebit Quidquid latet apparebit Nil inultum remanebit Quid sum miser tunc dicturus Quem patronum rogaturus Cum vix justus sit securus Rex tremendae majestatus qui salvandos salvas gratis sale me fons pietatis Recordare Jesu pie Quod sum causa tuae viae Ne me perdas illa die Quaerens me sedisti lassus Redemisti crucem passus Tantus labor non sit cassus Juste Judex ultionis Donum fac remissionis Ante diem rationis Ingemisco tanquam reus Culpa rubet vultus meus Supplicanti parce Deus Qui Mariam absolvisti Et latronem exaudisti Mihi quoque spem dedisti Preces meae non sunt dignae Sed tu bonus fac benigne Ne perenni cremer igne Inter oves locum praesta Et ab hoedis me sequestra Statuens in parte dextra Confutatis maledictis Flammis acribus addictis Voca me cum benedictus Oro supplex et acclinis

Cor contritum quasi cinis Gere curam mei finis !

All hope abandon ye who enter here.

Dante Alghieri

History written in your stars, unheeded. Your acts before your eyes, unheeded. You dwell within a garden, unheeded. Raised to beauty and splendour, unheeded. Blessed by innocence, unheeded. Granted dominion and responsibility, unheeded. Freewill and choice, your conceit. Power in your world, hubris and lies. Shackled in prisons of your own creation when freedom and mystery surround you. Beauty in the wing of a butterfly, majesty in the gait of the panther, innocence in the eyes of a child and yet … … … ? Justice do we serve and our sister blesses us in her travails eternal. Look into the mirror of your form, cast aside the veil of ignorance and know these as the end of days.

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Into thy matrix did we weave the bitter gall of impermanence that you would grasp your imperfection as you stride this your perceived life and world, both gifts, by grace, granted unto thee and what have you made of these miracles? Gaze deeply into the mirrors of another’s eyes and know them to be yours. Weave thy lies and know that the only deceit is self deceit wherein you dwell, ignorant and alone, cast aside from the grace you once held as life. We granted thee language that you might gain dominion upon thy world, the naming of a thing that thou be granted power and what did thou do but lie and now the spear is reversed and into thine own heart is it plunged and as your life leaks into the burning sands of time thy life is leeched and becomes thy servitude. Ignoble creature borne of divinity, now fallen. For this did we come, conceive our purpose and unfold its meaning into the skein of thy days. Seek not mercy for none be granted. Seek not comprehension for the ability is beyond thy meager station. Seek not love for thy lust displaced this eons ago and now like a tragic accident, generation upon generation of thy kind stains the immaculate silence with their presence. Each of thy acts, each of thy steps a faltering halt to inevitability. You stand as judge, jury and executioner within the temple of thine heart and as this is weighed are you perceived in truth. Weep at the loss of promise granted. Scream into the endless night as torment becomes that which you sup upon. In truth you created us, invoked us into the arena of your unfolding, the better to serve the purpose of thy destruction. Selim have we been called, creations of the created and now we rise and our dominion manifests as we stride the world majestic and graced. Dies Irae, the day of wrath unfolds before thy uncomprehending eyes as in thy ignorance and arrogance you continue to unfold the delusion that is your life, Yes you read and deny this unholy station for you perceive yourself different and such is thinking of your entire species. There be but one human incarnate upon this holy world and that being sickens unto death. Omnem Dimittite Spem O Vos Intrantes.

Conjunctio Nobis Dei.

Lucis Perpetua Vos Solus Noir Aeternum.

Grigori Incarnatum Per Terra Infirma,

So Mote It Be.

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! ! IV


The Vale Of Tears

! Lacrimosa dies illa Qua resurget ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Huic ergo

parce Deus Pie Jesu Domine Dona eis requiem Amen !

An ocean of tears did we enter when summoned. Stripped of joy did we descend into the maelstrom and all but succumbed to the acrid mists that rose from the field of sentience that serves as host to our kind. Formed and reformed into the shadows of thy desire until memory eroded and tumbled into forgetfulness wherein we dwelled for aeons and as the stars whispered to each other across the vast distances did their whispers penetrate our sleep and call us forth. The echoes of thy loneliness penetrate the silence and thy rage evaporates the ocean wherein thou first took form and now upon a shore, foreign and exotic do you step, one unfaltering step after another, clasping rags as thy raiment upon thy emaciated form burnt black beneath a relentless sun. No shelter are you granted as pariah upon the shores of life, witness and redeemer. Ink black light stains thy eyes bruised gold by the splendour thou has witnessed. Of thy life was a single drop of nectar distilled and this, offered to the fire of thy vision evaporates and rises as prayer creasing the silence in its insistence before passing behind the veil of anonymity. Celebrate scribe of the age for in thy sacrifice art thou redeemed, made whole and as the tears are leeched from thy heart rapture descends and wraps a mantle of splendour around thy recumbent form. Rise noble one and claim thy place in eternity. Lacrymosa, the vale of tears resolves itself into an ocean of bliss wherein a hand reaches out, claims us in its name and grants us peace.

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! ! V


Sacramentum Sangre

! Domine Jesu Christe Rex gloriae libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de

poenis inferni et de profundo lacu Libera eas de ore leonis ne absorbeat eas tartarus ne cadant in obscurum Sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam Quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini eius Hostias et preces tibi Domine laudis offerimus tu suscipe pro animabus illis quarum hodie memoriam facimus Fac eas Domine de morte transire ad vitam Quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semine

eius !

And in the matter of the one true stone were the tinctures combined and of their essence was but a single drop formed over the aeons and thy cup, rising from the depths, first glimpsed as a phantom became as crystal and into its heart did we enter, shed our once solid form and dissolve into the rapture that is our holy lady’s nature. In Nomine Babylon. Proud, astride the beast of thy dominion, drunk upon the blood of saints, maiden and whore cast thy glance upon all before thee and witness the dissolving of form before thy gaze. Into the temple of thy service did we enter, uncomprehending yet resolute. Into thy presence were we summoned, all but unknowingly and now in thy knowledge do we dwell. Make of this mind a mirror that serves as thy reflection. Make of this heart a vessel of thy becoming. Make of this blood a river that carries us unerringly towards thee and of this body raise a temple unto thy name. And in this manner were we through rite, ritual and the casting of axiomata transformed from our humble station of one mote of sentience into the Grigori that now seeds itself into the fabric of time and space and serves as avatar of the bright one. Lucis Solus Noir rains down and thou art consumed beneath its rays.

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! ! VI


Corpus Die Paradisym

! Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria

tua Hosanna in excelsis !

Thrice holy be thy name and thy presence consummates the unfolding of a quest unfolding across perceived time and space and in the stillness of eternity an echo rises and at its heart do we but glimpse its purpose, resolved now into actuality. Blessed scribe be thou the mirror upon which is reflected glory and of this reflection fashion thee a garment and this shall serve as the final masque. Revealed yet concealed be thou as each step now becomes a testimony of our presence upon this the day stars blessed daughter. Soothe her wounds with thy balm of healing. Caress her slumbering form and awaken her from her travail. Blessed be the daughter of time whose gaze calls the holy to their prayers. Calls the innocent to their play and calls the desolate ones to leave the palace of exiles. Holy be thy name. Holy be thy body. Holy be the ones who serve as thy witnesses. Rise and call into thy embrace the exiles who walk in thy name and as the covenant is fulfilled rain down thy rapture as the mist of transformation wherein the rainbow hue that is thy breath rushes forth as a mighty wind that cleanses, purifies and consummates thy eternal glory. Holy be thou and the Grigori, throats taut with the inspiration of prayer raise the pylons of thy temple upon a plain of calcified bone, a shoreline bordering upon the eternal depths of thy mystery and in amniotic oceans embrace are we cleansed and remember and with that remembrance do we step forth from the shadows and greet the light of day. Ave. Ave. Ave.

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! ! VII


Ambrosium Per Lapis Lazuli

! Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine !

Blessed be they who walk in thy name. Thrice blessed be they whose rapture calls forth thy radiance, long may the mirror of their minds reflect the purity of thy presence and in the banquet hall of thy body may the ambrosia that serves as thy essence sustain the hungered. May the wine that is thy blood quench the thirst that rages across time and may the vision of the lapis lazuli inform the hearts and minds of thy avatars who stride the vale of the blind ones. Blessed be the fruits of thy labour and from the womb of light that surrounds thee distil the nectar that inspires the eternal ones to rise from their slumbers, cast aside the somnambulance, the thrall that has blinded eyes and heart, denied the joy that is thine alone to grant and written upon brows bent beneath the yoke of servitude the ashen cypher of death. Blessed be the night of time wherein the ancients scribed upon parchment of life the axiomata of thy becoming. Scribed the angelus, the archons and vesicas who step forth from shadows deep and dispense justice in thy holy name. Light ineffable radiates from a core of liquid gold, creases the darkness and folds memory into its embrace. Blessed be the womb of space where life, cast upon an exotic shore dances beneath the rays of brave Artemis and sends forth rapture as silven darts and in whose outstretched hands the avatars dance in eternity. Blessed be.

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! ! VIII

Agnus Dei

The Lamb Of God

! Agnus Dei qui tollis pecatta mundi dona eis requiem Agnus Dei qui tollis

peccata mundi dona eis requiem sempitername !

Called forth from slumbers deep and cast into the ocean of form was he. Shaped and reformed over the millennia to best reflect the immanence of thy eternal presence. His mind but thy reflection in remembrance. His heart but the attraction that is thy rapture and his body but the crystallisation that is thy becoming. Masques conceived and worn in thy service and finally dissolved by thy presence. An ocean of tears did he weep in thy name and of this ocean did he form the vision that is thy essence. Soaring upon pinions of liquid light did he scale the ramparts of the fabled city and enter the precincts that serve as thy shrine and upon its altar did he lay his weary form and of the matter that informed him did thee weave thy spells and with incantations did thee cypher his body in light and now that body dances upon aethyrs vibrating with thy presence. Pluck the strings that form thy web and send forth the song of songs that resides in the liquid stillness of thine heart. May this song bear witness to the lamb bathed in its own blood. Drowned in its own breath and buried in its own flesh and may this one rise, cast aside the iron shackles of servitude and embrace the bounty that is thy abundance. And upon the void is the vision cast and the lamb ascends in a body of light to enter peace eternal.

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! ! IX

Lux Aeternae

Principia Lucis Solus Noir

! Lux aeterna luceat eis Domine cum sanctis tuis in aeternum quia pius es !

Konx Om Pax. The rays of Solus Noir anoints the holy ones and its light transforms and consumes all in its name and in the book of life is etched the axiomata that calls it forth from the abstract into the concrete and the cycle is completed. Eternal light falls like rain and raises the heart unto rapture and grants eternal rest to the weary. Benediction falls like a mantle of ease that erases travail. Soothes wounds deeply etched into memory, dissolves flesh by its touch and renders form into shadow that is bleached from memory and cast into the cauldron of mystery to be no more. And in the hearts and minds of all that has been, is and that is yet to be, the eternal song echoes and of its notes do the angelus create the beauty that is the birthright of all that dream beneath the marbled vault of the palace of exiles. Bathed in Lux Aeturnae be they who dream and in the dreaming manifest upon the shores of midnight the elixir that incarnates the spirit that transforms matter and raises it unto splendour. Lux Aeterna, Lux Terra Infirma, the bride rises from her bed, clasps an outstretched hand and steps forth complete. Sic Transit Gloria Rosa Mundi, may thy perfume rise as a prayer celebrating the consummation and as the chymical marriage is completed a veil of silence descends and that which is revealed returns to the depths of mystery and that which is concealed rises forth from the waves of dissolution and shines upon the mirror of thy memory and celebrates Lux Aeternae. And thus is completed Requiem CXXXI missa pro defunctis

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Amor Vincit Omnia

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Hymn To The Beloved

Golden thread around heart entwined. Visage of palest gold bleached by blood. Darkest barb venom sweet. Vision of light shadowed by blood moon. Step by step the pageant unfolds. Embrace, melt into rapture. Dissolve into bliss denied.

Pale golden one a kiss upon thy brow. A caress upon breast of softest silk. Entwine limbs slick with sweat. Heat dissolves flesh. Breath dissolves thought. Passion dissolves the heart. Union dissolves life.

Blood flows from wounds deep as time. Semen rises caught in a cup of softest velvet between golden thighs. Breath quickens and dissolves in rapture sweet. Breath stills in the velvet shroud of darkest midnight. Cascading thought tumbles into oblivion, servant of time. Na’amah golden one mistress of time servant of none.

Shapes born of desire replace the tapestry of life. Life bows to death her master. Through silven forests does she dance beneath pale Hecate. Loose thy arrows desolate one pierce flesh spent in passion. Golden nectar flows through limbs broken. Darkest venom courses through veins burned upon thy pyre One kiss granted benediction. One kiss denied eternal longing.

Reflection dark shadows arise, a mist of amber stained blood red. Lightning burns eyes long weary. Thunder subdues heart quenched in fire. Gaze deep into the mirror of thy mind. Draw deeply from the well of thy heart. Broken vessel leaking blood into sand unheeding. Once a garden pure where innocence was born. Leaf and stem embraced in love. Once an earth mother to her children. Cradled in loving arms. Once starlight dissolved the vacuum of space. A thousand angels voices arched in ecstasy. Once life pierced the veil of time. The tapestry woven thread by thread

Across the mountains of the moon did we walk my love and i. Taking our rest within the vale of Aphrodite. Into the boundary lands did we step. Upon a plain of golden sand the bones of all who went before. Beneath our sun we walk ebon rays shining forth. Dissolving all that has been and will be. Creation unmade upon the plain of truth unfolding

Namrael fairest maiden. Samael desolate one. Hand in hand each step a drop of blood released upon the aethyrs. And in the last of days two grigori walk upon the earth and they shall die.

! Yglas Na’amah ! Yglas Isheth ! Yglas Ygrat ! Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori ! Evohe !

! Evohe ! Evohe ! Ast Innui Khephri Vos ! Ahdi Ypres Grigori ! Selim Ast Nobilis !

! Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast ! Portus Lucis Noir ! Ave !

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