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Report of the week-long celebrations culminating in 150 th Birth day Anniversary Celebration of the Father of Nation-Mahatma Gandhi by ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore भाक अनुप-के Ûीय पटसन एवं समवगय रेशा अनुसंधान संèथान ICAR-CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR JUTE & ALLIED FIBRES (भारतीय िअन संधान पिरषद) (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) नीलगंज, बैरकपुर, कोलकाता-700120, पिæचम बंगाल NILGANJ : BARRACKPORE: KOLKATA-700120 : WEST BENGAL (An ISO 9001: 2015 certified Institute)

Report of the week-long celebrations culminating in 150th ...

Dec 27, 2021



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Page 1: Report of the week-long celebrations culminating in 150th ...

Report of the week-long celebrations culminating in 150th Birth day Anniversary Celebration of the Father of Nation-Mahatma Gandhi by

ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore

भाकृअनुप-के द्रीय पटसन एवं समवगीर्य रेशा अनुसंधान सं थान ICAR-CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR JUTE & ALLIED FIBRES

(भारतीय कृिष अनसंुधान पिरषद) (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

नीलगंज, बैरकपुर, कोलकाता-700120, पि चम बंगाल NILGANJ : BARRACKPORE: KOLKATA-700120 : WEST BENGAL

(An ISO 9001: 2015 certified Institute)

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Floral tribute to Gandhiji by Director, Dr Gouranga Kar 

Discussion on Gandhian philosophy of sustainable agriculture and Atmnirvar Bharat (offline/online) 

Report of the week-long celebrations culminating in 150th Birth day Anniversary Celebration of the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi by ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore

During week-long celebrations before culminating in 150th Birth day on 2nd October, 2020 of the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore organized several activities including tree plantation, speech competition, swachhata campaign, painting competition and special guest lectures on Gandhian philosophy of Gram Swaraj and its essence for Sustainable Agriculture, women empowerment, non-violence, Swadeshi and

Atmanirbhar Bharat. The datewise week-long celebration is given below:

Date: 25.09.2020 : Inaugural ceremony (on line) The week-long programme was inaugurated by Director, Dr. Gouraga Kar on 25.09.2020 by paying homage and tribute to Mahatma ji with bunch of flowers in the Committee room of the Institute. All the employees attended the programme through on line mode. Dr. S. Satpathy, Coordinator of the week-long activities briefed about the day-wise activities to be organized during the week. Officials physically present in the programmes deliberated on Gandhijis principles, importance of Gandhian philosophy in the life of every Indian.

Director, Dr. Gouranga Kar threw light on the life of Mahatma, his principle, and his contribution to the country and the humanity. He highlighted all the historic movements and satyagrahas led by Gandhi ji to free India from British rule. He emphasized that Gandhiji’s thought of non-violence and truth should be embedded by every person that can pave the way for establishment of a peaceful and prosperous society and nation. Mahatma’s thinking of Swadeshi, will make India as Atmanirbhar Bharat. He appealed all the employees to participate enthusiastically in all the events to be organized during the week-long celebration and express their views and thoughts about Mahatma Gandhi. He also conveyed best wishes for successful events ahead during the

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Director, ICAR-CRIJAF is visualising the paintings on Gandhiji 

week. The inaugural programme was coordinated by Dr. Suman Roy. The programme concluded with vote of thanks given by the co-ordinator.

Date: 26.09.2020: Painting Competition (on line)

The institute conducted Painting Competition encompassing Gandhian thinking like “Rural India” Swachhata Hi Seva”, “Save Earth” and “Atmanirbhar Bharat”. The competition was opened for participants from 6 to 18 years and above age. The participants of this competition included not only staffs of the Institute but also the wards and family members of all the staffs of the institute. Altogether 30 participants took part in the competition and depicted their thinking regarding Gandhiji’s view on different themes in the canvas of their painting. For encouragement of the participants the innovative paintings were awarded and the painting performances of the kids were recognized with certificates from Director.

Paintings are being judged by the judging committee 

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Tree Plantation by The Director, ICAR-CRIJAF 

Date: 28.09.2020: Tree Plantation

As a part of the scheduled observance of week-long celebrations culminating in 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, tree Plantation (by maintaining COVID protocol and social distancing) activity was organized by ICAR-CRIJAF in the farm area. Gandhiji always emphasized on greener environment and sustenance of income and nutrition of real people. In this direction the Institute organized the fruit sapling planation drive to mark this special occasion. In the main programme, Dr. Gouranga Kar, Director, ICAR-CRIJAF planted aLitchi (Litchi chinensis) saplings along with saplings of Sapota (Manilkar azapota), Guava (Psidium guajava), Wax apple (Syzygium samarangense) and Coconut (Cocos nucifera) in the institute’s farm area. The senior

Painting : Theme-‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’  Painting : Theme – ‘Swachhata Hi Seva’ 

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officials and other staff of the Institute also participated in the plantation drive coordinated v by Dr. Sitangshu Sarkar, Principal Scientist.

Tree Plantation by The Director and other officials 

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Date: 29.09.2020: Guest Lectures on ‘Gram Swaraj’

A Guest Lecture on “Gram Swaraj -The Basis for Sustainable Agriculture” was arranged through online mode by ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore as a part of Celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi. At the onset of the event, Dr. S.K. Jha, I/c Agricultural Extension Section and Coordinator of the event briefed about the event and introduced the Guest Lecturer, Dr. Soumen Bera, Asst. Teacher, Hingalganj High School, before the audience who participated online in this programme. Dr. Gouranga Kar, Hon’ble Director of ICAR-CRIJAF, welcomed Dr. Bera on behalf of the institute and requested him to start his precious lecture. The speaker discussed about the philosophy of Gandhi Ji, his view about Gram Swaraj, decentralization of power, similarity between Gandhian philosophy and Tagore’s philosophy about rural India, the essence of Gandhian philosophy in today’s context, importance of Gram Swaraj for sustainable agriculture, Atma Nirbhar Bharat etc. He also summarized the life, works and views of Gandhi Ji and its wide applicability in global context.

Director, Dr. Gouranga Kar, in his concluding remarks told that the lecture was very much informative and relevant in the context of sustainable agriculture.

Glimpes of special guest lecture

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Swachhata Campaign

A cleanliness drive of the ICAR-CRIJAF campus by maintaining COVID protocol and social distancing was organized as a part of the week long celebrations at the ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (ICAR- CRIJAF), Barrackpore, Kolkata. The staff of the Institute under the leadership of Director actively participated in the cleaning campaign. All the protocols in place for COVID-19 were followed in this campaign.

Glimpes of campus cleaning by Director and other staffs 

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Cleanliness Drive under Swachha Bharat Abhiyan-2020 was organized by KVK, North 24 Parganas (Additional) on 29.09.2020 at the main gate of the KVK Campus. Dr. Tanmay Samajdar, Head, KVK and Mr. Rakesh Roshan, Technical Officer, KVK took part in the programme.

Speech Competition: How Gandhiji’s Swadeshi movement match today’s call for Atmanirbhar Bharat A speech competition was organized on “How Gandhiji’s Swadeshi movement matches Today’s call for Atmanirbhar Bharat” was also organized on 29.09.2020 through online mode participated by all the staff of the Institute. Eleven participants took part in the competition and expressed their views with much enthusiasm. The judges evaluated their speech by focusing mainly on the content of the content, expression, and fluency of the speakers.

Glimpes of cleaning at KVK, ICAR-CRIJAF campus  

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Glimpses of ONLINE participants of Speech Competition 

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Date: 1.10.2020 : Guest lecture on Importance Yoga in Modern life

A Guest Lecture on “Importance Yoga in Modern life” was arranged through offline/online mode by ICAR-CRIJAF, Barrackpore. The non-violence and self-restraints demonstrated by Gandhiji in every movement was due to very high mental determination and motivation which can be embedded only through yoga. Director, CRIJAF in his comments highlighted the importance of yoga in day to day life. He also explained how Gandhiji’s principles are related to yoga, self-restrain and non-violence. The guest speaker delivered on usefulness of different yoga postures on specific diseases and day to day problems faced by the peoples. The staff of the institute interacted with the guest speakers to get the reply on their specific queries.

Guest lecture on Yoga 

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Swachhata pledge being administered by the Director (online) 

Date: 02.10.2020: Pledge taking and Concluding Session In the beginning of the concluding session of the week-long programme during the culminationg ceremony of 150th Birth Day Celebarion of Father of the Nation, the Director administered Swachhata pledge online to all the emplyess of the institute and it’s regional station. After that Director and other Head of Divisions and in charges offered floral tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.

A special lecture was addressed online by Dr. Pratik Ghosh, Director - Secretary, Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya (Gandhi Memorial Museum), Barrackpore, on “Mahatma Gandhi’s thinking on Gram Swaraj for inclusive growth and development of rural India”. Dr. S. Satpathy, presented a detail report of the week long programmes organized in this occasion. The attractive paintings prepared by the kids and family members of the staff were displayed through PP presentations and the names of the prize winners of different competitions were declared. All the senior officials of the Institute attending the programme physically (offline) shared their views on Mahatmaji and the importance of his principles in the present context.

In the concluding remarks, the Director, appealed that it is high time to inculcate the principles and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi in every sphere of life including agriculture with special reference to jute and allied fibre crops. He emphasized that proper technology development and extrapolation of the usefulness of natural fibres can fulfil Gandhiji’s dream of clean and green India. He thanked all the coordinators of the programme and every individual of the institute for their active participation in the events. The Director specifically mentioned the role of AKMU cell in conducting the whole programme successfully in online mode due to the COVID restrictions.

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Swachhata pledge being administered by the Director (offline) 

Floral tribute to Mahatma by Director on the concluding day  

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Demonstration on low cost vermicomposting and training under Poshan Abhiyan

Initiation of FLD on low cost vermicomposting under Swachha Bharat Abhiyan-2020 and Awareness training under Poshan Abhiyan-2020 was organized by KVK, North 24 Parganas (Additional) on 02.10.2020 in Bodai village, Amdanga, North 24 Parganas. In the programme, Low cost HDPE vermicomposting units were distributed to six SC farmers of different villages of North 24 Parganas.

After celebrations of events on the occasion of culminating in 150th Birth day Anniversary Celebration of the Father of Nation-Mahatma Gandhi throughout the week (from 25.09.202 to 2.10.2020), the programme was concluded with vote of thanks to the chair, special guests and to all who are directly or indirectly involved in making the celebration successful. The vote of thanks was given Dr. Suman Roy, the coordinator of the concluding session. The programme ended after the National Anthem.

Special guest lecture on Gram Swaraj   Concluding remarks by Director