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REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE

Aug 15, 2020



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Page 1: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE






PRIX: $ 0.50

lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart

A AJg I J.o'R- - b



Page 2: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE



I. - Report or the Secretary

II. - lt«-porl or the Trcasurn

III. -- Appendices :

A. Statuts de l'Unlon lntrrnatlonale de Mccanlque theorlque et appliquee .

B. Rl·solutlon d<' 1'/\ssf'mblrc g~n~rale de Pnllnnza .

C. Statutf's of the International Union or Theoretical and





/\pplled Mechanics . 15

D. Resolution of the Gem•ral /\sscmbly at Pallanza . 18

E. /\dherlng Organisations and Members of the Gcneral/\sscmbly 19

F. Bureau of the Union . 22

G. S econd Symposium on Gas Dynamics of the Inters tellar Clouds 23

H. Second International Congress on Rheology . 27

I. Memorandum on a Revised Organisation of I. C. S. U. . 28

J . Bureau d<'s Resumes analytlques du C. I. U.S. Abstracting Board. - Stntuts .

K . ICSU Abstracting Board : Report 1953 .

L. Publications

M. /\nnual Subscriptions

N. Bank accounts of IUT/\M

I. c. s. u. 34





Page 3: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE



A meeting of the Bureau of JUT AM was held at Brussels on Septem· ber 21, 1953 hom JO n. m. to 12 :45 p . m. and from 3 p. m. to 4 :15 p.m. All of the members of the Bureau were present : fY II. L. Dryden, president, P rof. j. Peres, vice-president, Prof. F. II . van tlen Dungen, secretary, Prof. G. Temple, treasurer, ami Prof. J . M. Burgers, Prof. R. Gramme!, Prof. F. G. K. Odqvist, members.

1 . Adhering Organisations.

The Polish Academy o [ Sciences ( Pol~kn Aknclernia Nauk) has sent two letters rer1ue~ting admis~ion as an adhe ring orp:nni1.ation. The request will be submitted to the vole of the General Assemhly. (*)

2. Proceedings of Eighth International Congress.

The Organizing f.ommillcc of the \'filth lnternationnl Congress of Applied 1\1cr·hanics ( lstanhnl l9S2) hns need of financial assistance in the printin~ of the l'rocc('dingR of the Congress. The International Committee for the Con~rc~~e~ h11 s ordcrrd one lwnrlrcd copie~ to he sold in Eur~pe. The Bureau dcci•le,l to purchase another one hunclred copies to be sold in Amerir.a.

3. Meeting of Executive Boord of ICSU.

The Sc('rclnry reported on the meeting of tl1e Executive Board of ICSU held at Strashourg, Jul y 9-19, 19~3.

a) The status of g rants to IUTAM for 1954 is as follows:

Pnhlirations General A~scmhly . Sympo~in

Rcquc.~rrd Allotted

s 500 s 350 ~000 2500 :~ooo 3ooo

Total $ .R500 $ 5R50

b ) l>r. Frasrr, l'NES\.0-ICSU Liaison Officer. proposed new forms to be n~crl for the Union's reports to ONESCO on the use of grants and for requests for pnymr nt.

c) A mcmor:mrlurn hy l f.S(r Pn~l - prr~i•lcnt \ 'Oil Murnlt concerning a propused future poliey 011 the orgnni7.nlional structures and financing of

(•) The P olish Academy of Sciences h:~s bcC'n ~inr,. admitted (February, 1, 1!1:<;4)

Page 4: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE


ICSU and a modified proposal prepared hy the ICSU Bureau were di scussed at lcn~J.t. No final rleci~ion was taken and the mntter will be submitted to the Ceneral A!'sembly of ICSU. lt Union wns requested to consider the « Five Federations » scheme nt it!' next General As~emhl y ami report the findings of its As!'ernbly to tftr llnrr:att of ICSU. The Bur(•au will prepa re n (;omposite statement for ~ nhrnittnl to the ICSU General Ac;sernhly in 1955.

d) A mcrnornndum by the Srcretary-General on the future policy with rr·•r•rd to the administration of ICSU and liaison with UN ESCO was di s­<"n« rd. l'ropo~als on Statutes and Hules for an administrative secretary 1•: ith nn r~t nhli ~lrrd po~ition ancl defined cluties will he brought before the IC~ l · Ct•nrrnl A~~emhly. The proposal that the admini~trati ve office he '""'' '" tn l.orulnll nml remai n there duriug the tenure of the present ~ •. , t l'l·n ~--l.rne ral wa!' accepted.

4 . Report of the Treasurer.

'If ,. Trcn :< llrcr p:n\·e an inl rr im report on expcnditnrrs for the se!'ond ~ \ '"l"" ill lll 0 11 (; a~ n~' IH!nti l'!' of luter!'tdlar Clouds hcJ,J at Cnrnhridge, Et•l!l<tttd. Jnly (,. )I, l9S:{. The folloll' ing pnymen ts were nuthori1ed from tmrr~lt i!'lcd hmcls :

!:') 1:1 Belgian frall('S for printing of the 1952 lllTAM report; i\ I j q ·rllaneou~ cxpcn~es of .1: ;{2j:1j0 a t the Cambridge Symposium; St•·rro f.! raphi r. cxprn~c!:' in f'onncrtion with Cambridge Sympo~imn; J:m l>ull·h florins f!Jr tra vrl rx prn!<es of J. 1\1. Burgers to meeting of

Brit i!'h a~•odat ion : J:riml•nr!'l'lllf' lll. where r tr! 'l'!'~IHy. of cxpr n!'es of travel of members o f

lltrrrmr to l!rm;scls mrcti11g.

5. IUTAM Committees.

u I The Committee on I nlernal Uanrping hns no study ready for printing tl ris nar.

f, I Tloe nrxt l.cncral As!'rmhly will cli:::cuss a propo!'nl to form a Com­nri ~s inn on Notation nnrl Nomrn,·lnture in Mrdrani('s in liaison with the lnt nll:tt innal l lnion of 1\ lathcmatirs nrul the lutcrnationnl Standards Asso· l'intinn.

6 . Colloquia.

!I I '< I .e~ A clef' du f.olloquc de Porqnerolles » on Non-J .inear Mcdm­nit ·.o 1(1)511 hn,·r hcen puhlishcd in the ~cries« Puhlirntions Scir ntifiques r l Trdmiryucs rlu 1\ de !'Air, nn 2R1 '>. f.opie!l mny he ohtninr1l hy addre~~ ill f! 1\lini!'tcre 1le !' Air, 2. nrrnue de Ia f'nrl r d'lf'sV, Pnri~ 15•, Frnnre, nl a t'n!'t of lP.OO Fr. fr . .

,, ) rrnr. lluq!rt!" rrad n rrport on the Sef'OIHI Symposium 011 C.ns Dynami r.s of Interstella r Clouds. ( Cnrnhriclge, England, July 6-11, l9S:q

REPORT 1953 5

c) h wns dcciclrd that the Colfo,plium on l'hotocla!'licit y and Photo· plasticity will he hcl1l i11 Brussel~ on July 29-:H , 1951, immediately following the General Assemhly of ll!Ti\1\1. The dntcs wrrr ~rlected to he ncar the meeting of the Genrml i\ :::scmhly of the lntcnontionnl Union of Crystallo­graphy which has expressed interest in this rollO!Jtriurn.

The Scientific f.ommillee. l'rof. H. Favre, f'hni rmnn, l'rof. II . Le Boitcux, and Prof. M. 11!-trnyi hns set up n prnpo!'cd list of f.uropean parti cipant ~ hut the select ion of Ameri1·aJt partic·ipmrt s is still pe11ding.

The Bureau cleri ,Jecf to allot $ 2500 to this Colloquium, S 2000 from the UNF:SCO grant nll(l $ 500 from llJTAI\1 unre!'-lridnl funds.

d) A small colloquium (one da y) is to he orgnrrizc<l in the autumn of 1951. in connediorr with thr Collo')uium on 0!'!'illatiorr~ r t Senome­nmi~m~ Non-f.inrarr1< orgnnized J, y the Societe clcs Hndioclectriciens. Prot Prri·s ng,rce<l to orgnnizc thi~ collorynimll and tlu: Bureau agreed to allot the remuinder of the t lNESCO l'lllloquium ~ran(l, $ 1000, (or expen~es.

c) The Bmcau hacl the plr asurc of hearin~ an imitntion delivered personally loy rrprcsrrrt ati\'{'~ of our adherin~ orJ!nnization, lnstituto Na('ional de Tccnil'a Aeroniiu! if':t. ~lnclrid . Spnin, Dircdorio C('llcral Antonio Nuiiez and Srcretnrio CPrwral y Ti:miro Antonio l'cn;z.J\lnrin . The Bureau clecicfcd to orZanizc a Coii1Hp1iurn on the Solirl State aJHI l'la!'tic-it y (pro­vi!'ionnl title) at Madrid. Sel'temlocr 2(,, 27, 2ll, l%S. ( l'rO\'i!' ional dal e!'.) The International l lninn of l'nre nnrl Applied l'hy~ics and the International Union of Cry~tnllograpltv will llf' notified.

The S.-irnlifi,· ConrrniiiiT rH1n11·d to plan tlti::: colloquium con~ists of l'rof. B. C.rnrnmrl, drairrnnn. ami Prof. C. I. Taylor, Prof. Th . \'On Kar­man, Prof. lVI. Hoy nnd a Spani~h dr.lrgatc. mrmhers.

j) It wa!'- ,lecicl<"<l to plan tlr(! following tolloquia in fntnre years : ( l9S5) Fntigne. Swedru. ( ] 9.",() ) Some Topic· in Flni,J 1\ledtanir~. Cermany. ( 1957) Thircl Symposium on Cns Dynamics. Place not !'elected.

7. Requests to ICSU for 1955 and 1956.

The Bmcan de,·ic!r•,J to rr')tr<':<l tire following grnnts :

Fo r 195S : Colloqu ium 0 11 thr Snlid Stale and l'la!'tiei ty Colloquium on F'nli~!UC .. Pulrlkntions

Total For fl);,(i:

Ccnl?rnl A ~scm lol~· Colloquium on Flui<l ~1cdJnni('s

s 5000 :~ooo


! 9000

! 5000 <1000

..... . .. ! 41 fltl()ll

Page 5: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE


8. General Assembly in 1954.

The Geneml Assembly will meet in Brn~~eh; on July 27 and 2fi imme­diatl·lr prrred ing the Colloquium on Pholoelnsticity and Photoplnsti r ity. The Bureau flecided the provisional agenda. No change in the Statutes will he propose1l. Prof van den Dung('n agreed to serve as secretary until 1956 and the Bur('au decided to propose that Prof. Odqvist continue as member of the Bureau until 1956.

It was desired to fill the vacancy caused by the death in Deccmhcr 1952 nf K. Eri rn. memhe r of the Bureau, as soon as possible. Accordingly a Idiot of the memhe rs of the c;cneral Assembly will be taken by corres­pnndmre in acc:onhm cc with Article V of the Statutes. The Bureau nomi· nat {'~ to the Grneral A~scmhly another resident of the Ncar East, Prof. S. Goldstein of Haifa, Israel.

9. Other Business.

Prof. Peres was dc!<ignated to reprrsent I UTA M at the next meeting of the Arid Zones Committee at Montpellier in November 1953.

Prof. Burgers read a report on the Second International Congress on Hhcology held at Oxford, England, on July 26-31, 19S3.

The flureau examined the Introductory Hrporl on the Scientist's Bights prepared hr the Department of Cultural Activities of UNESCO all(! der:idcd to watdt the progress of these studies. The Bureau was not prepared to comment on the report at this time.

F. H. van den Dungen, Secretary.

\ :I I i I (

i l


Su.rnmarised Statements of Receipts arrd l'ayments for the year ended 31st October 1953


Balances, 1st November 1952


Suhscriptions 1952 : Germany India Sweden . U.S. A. Suhscripti01~s 1953 : Au~tria . Belgium Finland . France Germany Great Britain Japan U.S. A. Yugoslavia .

Ad1litionnl amount received from International Council of ScientiFic Unions for amount ovcr!lpcnt on mee·

. ting of General Assembly, lstnnhul 1952 .

Contribution from lnl<'rnntio· nal Committee for the Con· gresses of Applied Mechn· nic!l to equalise secretarial ex pcn!'\e!l of Con~rcss at htanbul, Augn!'t 1952 .

Income from Dank Account .



50.00 400.00

150.00 50.00

150.00 400.00


Pmmds Francs

611/ 13/ 3 77185

35/ H / 3

17/ 17/ 2

112/ 2/ 0

20/ 0/ 0


87500 52517

Guilders 993.03



Total 2.fi72.75 R27/ 6/ 8 234784 ll87.80

Page 6: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE


"")'lllf'llf .~ Scnctarial Expenses Trn,·clling and Suhsisten('e

Exprn.•es of Professor Rur­gers n~ delegate to meeting of Briti ~h Association for the Adnmccrnent of Scien­rc. J.i,·e rpool 1953

Trn,·r lling and Subsisterl!'e F.x pr n~es, 1\feeting. of ·nu. rca u

Audito r~· fee 111 respect of p·ar to :l l st Octo her 1952 .

1\ li ~··cllancous Expen~cs of Symposium on Cosmical Aerodynamics. Cambridge, F.nJ!Iaud. 1953 .

Bank Charges

Total Payments






~o; o;o

35/ 17/ 1 1/ 8/ B

67/ 6/ 0

Ba lance~. ~ l si Octol>er 195:-l 2.718.99 760/ 0/8


llnlanrc~, l ~t November 1952


Gra nt , 195.1, from lln iled Na­tions Eclurational, Scicnti ­fir. and Cultu ral Organisa· lion · . . . . . . . 3.000.00

Conlrihution from Tnternalio­nnl A~tronom i r.a l Union to crpralise expcn~cs of Spn· po~ium, Cam hridge, 195:{ . 150.65

Internal transfers between hanking accounts 370/ 0/ :J

Total 3.150.65 :no; 0/3


Sym pn•ium on Cn~m i rn l Acro­rlynamil'~, Cnmhridgt>, Eng· lnrul. 195.1 :

Francs Guilders




7 .29


231781 760.85



( 117.10)

ii ..

RF:l'OitT 1953 9

Dollars Pounds Francs Guilders Travelling expenses (Sdw·

,)ulc l) 2.735.00 19/ 11/ 2 304.00 Su bsistem:e expenses (Sche·

dule If) 84.00 100/ 5/0 9830 ----

Total Payments 2.!119.00 119/ 9/ 2 9830 304.00

Balances, 31st Oetohcr 195:~ 631.65 250/ 11/1 (9830) ( 45l.IO)

SuMM,, nv oF UAt.A NCES

Unrestricted Funds . Hcstrictc(l Funds

Ualances at Banks :Hst October

2.718.99 631.66

7GO/ 0/8 234784 760.85 250/ 11/ 1 (98.30) ( 451.10)

1953 :uso.M l.OI0/ 11/ 9 224954 :3o9.75 ---- ------- for tlrr )' f'nr e11dcd 3/.~t Octobt•r 1953

Svllti'OSJUM oN CosMIC.\!. AF:nonv NA MJcs, CAMnnmGF:, ENGt.ANO, 195~

Trar•f •flin~ 1-:xpm.~•·.~

Frnrll'c, J. Knml'" de Frrirr Great Britain, l\1. l.ighthill

1lo M. Seaton clo C. Temple

Holland I. Brol'f . do J. Brr r!!crs

U. S. A. 11. Emmons 1lo F. Frcnkid .lo A. Kantrowib: do 0. Laporte 1lo Jl. Licpmann do S. Sc·haaf . do C. Wei1.siickcr


GO 450 500 550 GOO 500 75

H / S/ ll 2/ IV G

15/ 0 1/ I0/ 0

Totals 2.735 19/0~/2 = (SS:t7R)

Grand Total $,n.71l

( 0 ) ( ) Ornn(f"S <frclur (ion.

152 152

304 = (S80)

(••) Th~ ha l~ nrc shn"'n hy th~ b~n tc on lhr doll.1r ~crounl ~ ~ :li st nc tnhcr 19S3 \\':IS$ :14 9!1 .!19 To thi' must lw added S 41iO.ti5 in prwr<~ , ,f r " lll'clinn from I A. U. and from it rnnst hr <kdurlrd nn nnprcscnlc<l chrqu~> for S liOfl for travelling expenses (C.1mbri•lgc Sympnsimn).

Page 7: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE



Dollar$ PoundJ FrancJ Guilder.Y SubsiJtence ExpenseJ

Frnnce, J. Kampe de Ferier 9830 Great Oritain, 1\1. Lighthill 1/ 10/ 0

do M. Seaton 10/ 0/ 0 do G. Temple 10/ 0/ 0

Holland I. Broer 10/ b/0 do J. Burgers 10/ 0/ 0 u. s. A.. II. Emmons 28 do F. Frenkicl 10/ 0/0 rlo A. . Kantrowitz 28 !lo T. Karman 12/3 do 0. Laporte 28 drJ C. Wei1.siieker 101 o;o

Consnlidated F:xpenses on meals 38/ 2/ 9

Totals 84 1oo; s; o 9830 Nil

Grand Total $392.70 ($280.70) = ($28)

i I I

I l I


A. Statuh de I'Union internationale de Mecanique theorique et appliquee


A.fin <le cont ribuer pins efficaccmcnt au devcloppemcnt de In science de In mccaniquc, le Comitc International des Congrrs de Mccanique Appli­quee nvait decide, lors de sa reunion a Paris en septernhre 1946, de fonder une organisation permnnente portant le nom d'« Union internationale de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee. "

Ceue Union n etc ndmise dans le Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques par deci~ion du Comite Executif de ce Conseil en 1917.

Dans les reuniotJS tenues it Lomfres en !'Cptemhrc ] 9t1.8, il a etc decide que le Comite International continucra, en tant que corps independant de t'Union, a orgnniser, comme par le passe, les Congrcs lntcrnationaux de Mecanirpre Appliquee et <JUe ce Comite aura le Statut d' une organisation adherente 8 !'Union.

L'Union lnternationale de Mecanique Theorique el Appliquee a pour buts :

a) De former 1111 lien entre des pe rsonnes et drs organisations natio­nales ou intcrnntionnles s'occupant de reche rches scicntifiques (thcoriques ou cxpcrimentales) da ns le domaine de Ia mecanique ou des sciences conn exes ;

b) De coopcrcr, s11r sa (lcmaJH!e, nvec lc Comite International des Cong rcs <le Mcraniqne Appliquee, e t d'orgnni~er d'autrcs reunions interna­tionales sur des sujets du domaine de Ia mecanique thcorique ou appliquee;

c) Oe p rendre tout PS nutres initiatives propres a contribuer au deve­loppement scientifique de Ia mccaniqne theorique ou appliquee.


J.'orgnne adif de I'Hnion lnlcmationalc {le Mer·anique T IH!orique et A.pplirprre est son Asscmblce generate.

L' Assemhlcc gencrnle a pouvoir <le decision pour toutes lcs questions conrerna nt !' Union , y compris Ia mo<lification des stntuts. Elle peut deleguer ce ponvo ir pour drs sujct ~ ~Jlrl' ifics n des organr.s nppropries .

La composition rlr. I' AssrmhlrP ~rnFrnle P~t rf!!lr~P par !'article IV.

Page 8: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE


III lk~ orf!anisations s'occupanl d'ctlHles s!'ientifiqnes dans le 1lomaine de

Ia mf.t ·n nique thcorique on appliquee ( ou des unions nationales de tcllcs nrgnni~ation~) f!Cli\'Cnt clre ndmiscs par J'i\sscmbJce generate com me orgn­ni ~ation~ nrlhcrcnlcs de !'Union Jntcrnntionale.

CllrHJliC organisntion ndhcrentc aura 1les rcprescntanls a l'i\sscmhlee !!•;nrralc de !'Union ct. paicra nne ~ouscription annucllc a !'Union, d'aprcs lcs indications de !'article JX .


L' A~!'e ml>lrc gcncrolc de 1'1 fnion lntcrnationale de Mccaniqnc ThCo­riqnc !'I Appliquee est forrnre JHH :

a) Lr~ represent at ions ties organisations adhcrentcs a !'Union;

b) Lcs membrcs clus pnr I'Assemhlec generate de !'Union, qui ,!oivcnt r·ln· "('~ pcr~onnes s'occupant er£cetivcmcnt de recherches scicnlifiqucs dans lc .Jomainc ric In mccaniquc ou tics science~ conncxes;

,. ) Si I' 1\~~rmhlee gcnernlc en <ICc ide ainsi, des repre~cntants de Com­mi ~~ ion~ .Jp !'Union.

I.e n•1mhrr. 1lcs mcmhres elus de l'Asscmlt!Cc genernlc nppartcnant a llliC ml-mc nalionalilc ne rleHa, en general, dcpasscr cinq. Des exceptions pourront eire bites sculemcnt par dcci~ion de I'As~cmhlee gi'~ni'~ralc.

La rlurcc du mantlnt de chaqne membre clu sera fixee pnr I' Assemblee [;l:ncralc an moment de son election.

L'A~~cmhlec gcncralc n·illern it t'C que soicnt rcprcsentcs de fa~on npproprice lcs pays dans lesquels sont er£cctuees des rccllCrdiPs impor­tnntes de mccnniquc theoriquc 011 appliquee, mais dans lesqucls n'existe pas encore d'organisation nationnle.

v Dnn~ le cas o!t il est m~ccssnire d'cffccturr till vote, dtnquc mrmhrc cle

r A~~Pmbh;e gcnerale dispose d'une voix. Tout mernbre crnpcc.hc d'nssi~tcr it unc rrunion pcut, pa r lcllre nd rcs~rc an secrCtaire 1lc !'Union, conslitucr ··nmmc ~on mnndalnirc 1111 aulre mrmhrc ric I'Agscmblcc gcncrale. rlc, ision s ordinaires el lc~ clectinns sont Iaitcs it Ia majorite des H>te~ exprimes. Pour toute modification des statuts, Ia majoritc doit etrc les 2/ 1 des voix.

Vans l'intenallc entre les reunions rle I'Asscrnblec gencrale, lc vote pr.ut a\·oir lien par corrc~pondance sur propof: itions faitcs par lc Bureau In rtidr \'II) ; dons ce en~. une tlccision ne sera valable que si lc nomiJre ,J,.~ pnsonncs participant nn \'Ole est au moins les 2/ { du nomine total des tn•·nd•re!' de I'A ssemL.Iec generate.

vr Les reunions de I'A ~~Pmlolrc p;rneral(• aurnnt lien aux mnmrnls fixes

par IP Bureau ou sur dcmnndc de rlix mcmbres au moins de I' Assernblce r···n r~ ntlc.

REPORT 1953 13


Min de maintcnir son activite dans rintcrvalle entre lcs reunions de I'Assemblee generate, celle-ci nomme un Bureau compose :

D'un prcsi1lent, Du prcsi1fcnt sortant, vicc·presidcnt,

D'un sccrctaire,

D'un trcsorier, Et de quatre autrcs mcmhrcs de I'Asscmhlcc gcncrale.

. Lcs membrcs du Burcnu sonl elns pour nne pcri(J(lc de •Jnalre ans au maximum et sont rccligihlcs. Les mcmhres nouvellement clns enlrent en fonction !e J•r novemltre qui suit I'Asscmhlce grnerale qui les n clns.

I.e Bureau .toil sc rcunir au JllOins IIIIC fois par on. Tout mcmbre du f1urean pent Cll en prcveuant pnr lcllre le secrctnirc, ~c Caire rcmplaccr par nn nutr~ mcmhrc 1le I'Asscmblcc generate, s'il lui est impossible de prendre part it unc rf~tmion.

Lc role IIU sccretnire e~t tl'assltTCT lcs liai~ons perll11lliCIIICS pour tout

511 jet int{~rcssant rlJnion. y I 'Oilllll'i~ lcs relations avec lcs organisations adhercnlcs Oil el rnng\-rcs it !'Union.

Le ~ii·ge legal de l'l.fnion e~t In residence du ~cr.retaire. Lc Bmcnu e~l nutoris(· it IHHIHIICr des trcsoricrs atljoint~ dnns lcs pays

ou I' I Inion n tm compte en hantpte. Lc~ tresoricrs nrljoints rloin~nl ctrc mcmhrcs ric l'Asscmblee generale,

rnais ne sont pas nct·rs~aircmcnl memhres du Bureau.


Lcs moycns financiers clc l't Inion provirnncnt : a) Des souscriptions annudlcs des organisations adhcrenles;

h) Des dons ou subventions.

[,'Union ctahlil d1aque ntllli~P unc lisle de hicnfailcurs, dnns Jaquclle sont in scr its lcs 110rns des personncs 011 des ins! itutions qui on! nccorde des dons, des lcp:s 011 aulrcs 5Hhvrntions it !'Union.

. I.e Burrn11 1lc 1'l lnion ctnhlittm hndgct pour cl!nqnc annce et a1lrninistrc les finann$. II doit ~oumellre 1111 rapport financier annucl aux mcmbres de I'Assemhlee generate.


f.r nomll)'{~ de rrprcscnt ants !l'unc organi~ation adhcrcntc ct lc mont ant dr! Ia somwript ion allnlldh· it pa ypr par I"(' til' OTf!ani~al ion ~!'rnnt rcgles

1faprcs le harl~mc suivnnt ~ nr proposil ion ric !'organisation arlhcrentc et n prl·s n pproha I inn de r" ~Sf' Ill J,l{•p J!:CIIernlr IIC l'Un ion.

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Ill IV v

Nombrc rlc repr~scn tan ts

1 2 3 4 5

Unil~s de souscription annuelle

1 2 3 5 8

I.e montant d 'une unite de !'onscription nnnnelle sera de S 50 U.S. A. on son equivalent en monnaie du pays it In date rlu paiement.


Dnus tonics ses decisiQn!', 1' As!'emblee gcncrnle s'inspirern de In t rnlli­tion de cooperation scieutifiqne lihre et inlcrnationale qui s'est dcveloppee daus lcs Congres I nternationamc: de Mccanique Appliquee.


Lc present texte f rnn~ais fern antorite pour I' interpretation a donner nux !'latuts.

B. Resolution de I' Assemblee generale de Pallanza (27 juin 1950)

r::u ron firmation des ornn 10r1s exprim~cs prcrrdemment it 1' As!'emhlce ~-:rnrrale de scplemhre 1948 au moment ou les presents statuts ont etc adopl rs :

1. L'Assernhlce gcucrnle estime IJnc, daus les pays ou il cxiste plu!! d'nnc orgnui!'ation natiouale nclive dans le champ rle In mccanique theo­ri,pre et nppliqn~e. nn cornite special de coordination doit ctre forme. ~n grncral , il est convenn de reconnnitre seulement une organisation adhcrente dans r l1nque pays;

2. L'Assemblee grnerale eslime qnc sa composition devra ct re gra· dnr llcmeul modifiee de fa~Qn it re rpr'elle comprenne principnlement les rrprr~cntanl !' des organi!'ations adhcrenles it !'Union, Ia •categoric flcs mrrnhrcs clus de\·nnt !-tn; rcscn·rc pom rlc!' r·as partieulicrs et cxccptionnck Dans rc !Jut. ellc donne 8\· i ~ ric ~on intention de rcduire le nomhrc des mernbres clus lorf'qne, en 1952, ils scront arrives nu tcrme de leur mandat.

' 1


! \





RET'ORT 1953

C. Statutes of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics



In order to he more fully cquippe1lto promote flevelopmcnt of the science of me<'hanics, the J nte rnal ion a I Committee for the Congresses of Applied Mechanics at its meeting at Paris in September 1916 decided to found a permanent organisation, called « The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ».

This Union has been admitte•l into the International Council of Scien· tific Unions hy decision of the Executive Committee of this Council in 1917.

At the mcetinr;s at London in September 19-1-3 it was decided that the lntcrnntional Committee would continue to organise the Congresses of Applied Mc!'hanics as 311 irulepcndcnt hody as in the past. and that the International Committee would have the status of an a{lhering organisation of the Union.

The ohjccts of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied · Mechanics are :

a.) To form a link hctwecn persons ami national or international organisations engaged in sticntific work (theorcti<'al or experimental) in mechanics or in relatcrl sciences;

b) To •:oopcratc with the Inte rnational Commillec for the Congresses of Applied Mechanics when requc!'tcd, and to organi~c other international meetings for suhjcets falling within the field of theoreti cal and applied mechanics;

c) To engage in other adivitics meant to promote development of mechanics, both theoretical and applied, as a branch of science.


The active or,;an of the lnl<'rnational Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is its Cr.neral Assembly.

The Cencral As!'cmhly has power to decide all questions affecting the Union, including alteration of the slnlntes. On specified question it may delegate this power to appropriate ho1lirs.

The composition of the Cencrnl A!<semhly is regulntecl in Article IV.


Org:misations oceupierl in scientific work in theoret ical or applied rnechnnics (or n ational union~ of surh organisations) ca n he admitted hy tlw Ccncrnl A !'~rmhly as adhering orJ!anisations of the International Union.

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Each adhering organisation shall have representatives in the General A!"scmhly of the International Union, and pay an annual subscription to the Union in accordance with Article IX.


The Genernl Assembly of the International Union of T heoretical and Applied l\fechanics is composed of :

a) Hcprcsentath·es of the organisat ior1s a dherin g to t he Union;

fJ ) l\lcmhcn; elected hy the General Assembly of the tlnion, who ~hnll lw f'Cr~ons actually enga ged in sdentific work in mechanics or in related ~.-ir n rc!<;

c) If so decided hy the r.eneral Assembly, representatives of Com­Ill iII ecs.

The m11nhe r o£ «:'l«:'r-trd mcmlwrs o£ the Gene ral Assembly of the sntne nal ionnlit y in gcncrnl !<lwuld nol cxcced five. Exception!< ea n he made only lo y d«:'ci!<ion of I he C;cneral A !<~cnrhly. The term o f each elected member ~ hall he determined hy the General A!>scmhly at the time of hi!: election .

The r.eneral A!'~emhly !:l1nl1 provide for adequate representation of <'Olin I ries where important research is ('nrried out in theoretical or applied mcdl!lnics, hut where a nationa l organisation docs not yet exist.


\\' he n voling is necessnry r vcry mcrnher of the General AsscmLly shall di ~pMc of one vote. Any mr mhcr \\'ho may he unnhlc to attend a meeting rna ,· hy a letter to the secretary constit ute another mcmher of the General t\s~ernhly as Ids proxy.

For onlinary deci!'ions nnd for rlel'lions a simple majority o f the votes h rourhl forward is rcqui rrd. For nn altcration of the st.atutcs the maj ority re'luircd is 2;:~ of the \·otcs !nought forwnrd.

Jlct"·ecn mcrtings of the Genc rnl t\ sscmhly voting may he curried out hy c<Hr{'!<porulcrH·c upon propo~als mnde hy 1 he Bttr{'a 11 (sed ion VII) ; in thi~ <·asc decisions will he \'alid only provided the number of persons Inking part in the vole is not less than 2/ i! of the total membership of the Ccncrnl As~crnhly .


~lretin~~ o f the Gcnr rnl A~~cn.J,Jy '"i ll tak r pln(·e nt times deci1lcd hy the Burcau ( ~rction VII) or on rcque~t o f nt lca~t 10 members o f the Ccneral t\~s!'!nhl v.

RErORT 1953 17


In order to carry out work hctween the meetings of the General Assembly, the latter appoin ts a Bureau, consisting of :

A president, The retiring president, who shall serve as viec-presi<lent,

A secretary,

A treasurer, And four otlter members of the General Assemhly.

The members of tire Bureau will be elected for a }Jeriod of at most 4 years and will be cligihle for re-election. Newly electrd members of the Bureau enter in to office on the date of November 1"', following the General Assembly at which they have hcen elected.

The Bureau will meet at least every year. A member of the Burcnu who is prevented from attending a meeting may by a letter to the secretary designate another memhcr of the General Assembly to replace him.

The function of the secretary will be to net as a permanent centre for matters affecting the Union, including relations with adhering or outside organisa tions.

The legal domici le of the Union shall be the place where the secretary lives.

Tire Bureau is authorized to appoint a ssistant-treasurers in those countries where tire Union has a bank account.

The a ssistant-treasurers must be memhers of the General Assembly but treed not to be memhers of tire Bureau.


Tire finan cial means of the Union are formed hy :

a) The annual suhscriptions of the adhering organisations;

f1) Gifts and grants.

The llnion shall maintain a roll of hcnefactors on widt shall be inscribed annually the namcs of those persons or institutions which have a ccorrlcd gifts, legacies or otlrcr suhvcntion~ to the Union .

The Bureau of tire lfn ion shall draft a budget for raeh coming year, and shall administrate tlr«:' finaru:es. The Bureau shall suhmit an annual finan cial report to the m{'mbcrs o£ the General As~emhly .


Tlte number o{ r{'prcscnlnti\'cs of an ndltcring organi~ation and the nm<'lllll of thr aununl suh!'criptiou to h~ paicl hy tl1 nt orgnnisation will he rcgnlntcd neeonling to one of the fnllowinl! f'll lr~orir~. as propMed by

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the adhe ring organisation a nd afte r approval of the Gene ral Assembly of the Union :

I II Ill IV v

Numhcr of reprcscnla t i '·cs

1 2 3 4 5

Units of annual subscription

1 2 3 5 8

The amount of the unit nnnud suhscripl ion will he S 50 U.S. A. or it~ C!]uivnlent in local currency at the date of payment.


In all its decis ions the General Assembly shall he guided h y the tradi ­ti on of free interna tional scientifi c rooperation which has heen developed rn the International Congresses fo r Applied Mechanics.


T he French text of the !<latutcs ( o f whidr the nho\•e rs a translntion ) shnll he considered to be the authoritative text ..

D. Resolution of the General Assembly at PallanKa

(2 7 June 1950)

In confirmnt ion of the ,· i rw~ nlrca dy e:q• rcs!'c1l nt the ( ;cneral Assemhly of Scptcmher 1948 when t he prr sent s tatutes we re framed :

1. T ire General Assemhly expects tlrat in those coun tries where more tlran one national orgnnisntion is acti ve in theoretical nnd applied mccha­ni rs, n nntionnl coonlinntinp; committee will IJe formed. In general it is expected t o recognize only one a{llrering body in each country ;

2. T he General Assembly hclieves tha t a grad ual t rans ition should he mndc in its com position, ~o that ultirnntcly it will cons ist mainly of repre · scnl:rti vcs of organis:r lions arlhering to the Un ion wit lr the catr gor y of elected mcmhcrs reserved fo r except ional a nd un11sual casr s . To th is end it l! i,·es n nt ir·c o f its inte ntion to reclnr·c the mnnhcr of r lccted members whr n the te rms of tlrl" prcs~nt elcrted rnemhcrs expi re in 1952.

RErORT 1953 19

E. Adhering Organisat ions and Members of the General Assembly (31 December 1953)

a} A d/r('rirtg orgnni.~atinns and tlr ('ir reprcscntntivcs :

1. Inte rnational Commitlcc for the Congresses of Applied Meclranics. ( 1 9r1~~) P resident : Professor F. H. van den Ou11gen, 41, avenue de l 'A rhnl,~te, Roitsfort, ·nruxelles; secretary : Professor W. T. Koiter, Nicnwe La an, 76. Delft , Nethe rlancls; treasurer : Sir Hi chard V. Southwell. T he Old House, Trumpington , Cambridge , England. Hcprcsentative : W. T. Koitc r. O rga nising Committee for the I':Jinth lnterria tional Congress for Applied Mechanics, Bruxellcs 1956 : Cha irman, Professor F . H. van den Dungcn.

2. T ire Hoyul Society of Lo11rlon ( 19r18). Assistant Secretary : Dr. D. C. Mart i11 , Tire Hoyal Societ y, Burlington House, Picca dilly, London W. 1. Hrpresr nlat i"cs : Dr. II. J. Gough, llnilever llou~e. lllackfriars, Lon­<lon, E. C. 4; Pro fc!'sor G. Temple, The 1\1allll'mati l'nll11stilnle. 10 Parks Road, Oxford, A. A. llall, Hoyal Airnnfl r.~tahli flrmenl, Farnhorough, llants; S ir Cha rles Darwin, Ncwnlrarn Grange, Cambriclgc; Sir David Brunt, The Hoyal Society. Rnrlington Hout=:e, London, W. 1;

3. Tire flmrgnrinn 1\"adr my of Sciences, Rudapest ( 19·18). General Secretary : P rofessor G. Alcxits, Map:yar Tudomanyos Akadcmia, Geza ut1·a 2, Ruda pc~t. Hcprcsrntati \'e still to he appointed.

4 . Lc Comitc Nati onal FrarH:;:ris tic IHccaniquc ( 1949 ), 19, rue Blanche, Pari ~ I X. P rPsident : J\1. lc Profe~seur H. Villat. Hc prPsclltalll!' : 1\t i\lhn l Ca qnot, 1, rue BeclllO \'CII , Paris XVI; M . .Jean Cha1.y, vil'e-p residcnt du Comil c, 6, rue Jo~eph Da rn, Paris VI; M. Maurir·c Hoy, secrctaire gene ral du Comite, 55, boulevard Males· lrerbes, Pa ris VIII; M. Henri Villat , 47. houle vanl Au~ustc Tllanl]lli , Paris XIII.

5. T ire National Committee on Tlrro rctienl and Applied Mechanics of the Czccho!<lovuk Na tio11nl ComH·il o f Hcscnrdrcs ( Ccskoslovenska narodni m lln hadatcl!<ka ) I 1949) , Opletalo\':r , 19, P rnha II. Heprescntative : Zdrnek Horak, secretary of the Committee, Professor of Phyllirs, Ter lm ienl Hnivcrsity, Ka rlovo nam. U , P raha II.

6. Tire National f:ommittre on T l.eorrtir al nntl Applied 1\Techani cs of the Norwegian Academy of Science 1\11(1 l.ell<:'rs ( Ort Norske Vident=:kaps· A karlc mi i o~ln) ( 19·19). Dr:rmmcn~vri<'n , i fl, o~l o. President and representative : Profe!'~or Dr. If. Solberg. J onns Reinsgnte, 6, Oslo.

7. Cons iglio Nn1.iona le 11clle Hiccrchc ( 19-19) . Pia 1.1.ale 1lclle Scienze, 7, Horna. P res i1lent ct reprfsentant : Professor G. Colonnetti .

8 . I .e Comite Na tional de Mcra nique Tlrcorique ct Appliquee de Ia classe riP~ Sdcnres 1lr I'Ar nllb nic Hoyalc 1IP Hrlgiquc ( 19·19) . Prc~ ident : le Baron Ch . J. 1le Ia \l (l ll f.e l'ouss in (i ,oll\'ain ): v i r ·r-prr~iclent : M. f.h.

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llnllOl'IJ (Liege); secrctaire : M. F'. II. van den Duugen (Bruxelles) . Hcpr~scn t n uts : L. Bnes, .~8, rue Emile Bouillot, I xelles-Bruxelles; A. Coppens, 106, rue Marie-Tilcrcse, Louvain; F'. II. vnn den Dungen, 41, avenue de I'Arbalcte, Doitsfort, Druxelles.

9 . The U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mrchnnics ( 19·~9) . Secretary : Col. C. E. Davies, ltoom ll01, 29 West 39th Street, New York 18, N. Y. Hcpresenlnti"es : Professor N. 1. II of£, Polytechnic Institute of Brook· lyu, 99, Lidugslon Street, Brooklyn 2, New York. l'rofe~~or A. 1'. lpprn , Hydrodynamics Lahoratory, Massachusetls lnsti· tule of Technology, Ca mhridgc 39, 1\lassnc:huscll s; l'ro fe~sor 1\1. H. .Marlin, University of Marylnnd, College Park, I\ fa ryland; Professor R. D. 1\lindlin, Columbia University, New York 27, New 'Yo rk; Professo r N. 1\1. Newmnrk, Talbot Laboratory, University of 1llinois, l 1rhana. Illinois.

10. The Academy of Tcdmi cnl Scicucc~ of IJemunrJ< (Akademiet for tie Tckui ske Vidensknhcr) ( 19·1-9) . Oster Voldgade 10, Kobcnhavn K. l're~idcnt : P. Christrnsen; Secreta ry : V. 1\farstrand. Hcpre~enl ative : Professor .J . L. i\1ansa, Engiueering Lahoralory, Oster Fnrimag~gnde 2-C, Kobenhavn K.

11. T he Swedish National Committee for Mechani cs ( 1950), Box 5073, Stockholm 5. President : Professor W. Wei bull ( Rofors); Scr rctary : G. Lj ungherg, Swedish Academy of Engineeriug Sc:ieuce, Stor kholrn 5. Representative : Profesgor F. K. G. Odqvist, Royal Jnslitule of Tech· nology, Stockholm 26.

12. The Turki sh Society for Pure and Applied Mntl1ematics ( 1950) . Prrsideut and representative : X.

13. The 1\linisrry of Nnt ion a I Hesources nnrl Sricnrific Rc!"carch, Co,·ern· mcnl of India, New Delhi (1950) . Centro! Secretariat: Sir Shnnti Swaroop Dhatnagnr, F'. H. S., Secretary, and Mr. D.O . Gupta, Under Secreta ry. Hcprescnlali,·e : Dr. S. H. Sengupln, Principal of the Bengal Engi· ncering College, Shi bpur, P. 0. Botanic Garden, Distri ct Howrah, India; Dr. V. Gnda rnhe, As~ islant Director Notional P hysical Laboratory, Hill Side Road, New Delhi.

H. L'Ecole Polytechniq ue Fctlerale (Ziiril'h) ( 1950). Hcprcsrntant : Professor Dr. Hans Ziegler, Ziirich.

IS. Die Ge~cll schaft fiir angewnncltc Mathcmnrik und Mcchanik (Stull· gar! ) ( 19!>0). Prc~idrnt: l'rofr~!'or Dr. If. Grammt>l. llrpn~~rnl :~t h·es : Profc~sor J)r. II . Giirtlcr, Stallt!'trns!'c 57, Frei­hurg i, Br.; Pro fessor Dr. H. Crnmmcl, Rolll'ri -Bngrlt·!'lrns!'c 101, Sruugnrt·N.; Prnfcs!'or Dr. A. Walther. Firhl c~lrn~~r :~2. Darm!'lndt.

I l


RErORT 1953 21

16. lsrncl Society for Theorrtieal and Applied Mcchnnics ( 1950). Pre~ident nnd representative : Professor Dr. M. Heiner, Hebrew Tech· nical College, Haifa.

17. lnst ituto Nacionnl de Tccnia aeronautics « Esteban Terradas:. (1950), Serrnno <13, Madrid. Heprcsentants : Antonio Nuiiez Hodrigue1., Direclorio General;, Antonio Pert-:r..Marin, Secrelario Genernl y

18. Die Oestcrrcichische Akademie cle r Wissencha ffen (1951), Dr. Ignatz· Seipelplnt7. 2, Wien I. President : P rofessor Dr. Richard Meister; secre· tary : Profe~sor Dr. J ohann Hadon. He presentative : P rofessor Dr. Karl Federho fer, F'elix-Dahnplatz 9/ 11, Gra1..

19. The National Commiltee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Sdence Counci l of Japan ( 1951 ). Veno Park, Tokyo. Chairman: Dr. F . Nakanishi. Hepre~cntali\·es : Dr. F'ujio Na~ani!'hi, Professor of Mechanical Engi· neering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo; Dr. Su~um Tomot ika , Professor of Physics, Physical Institute, Faculty of Science, University o f Kyoto. Kyoto; Dr. Takeo Mogami, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Dun· kyoku, Tokyo.

20. Le Comite National de liaison avec J'HJTAM du Conseil des Academics de In RF'P cle You~o~lnv ie ( 1952). Heprcgentant : Prof. A. Bilimovic, Conse il des Academies de Ia RFPY, Proletrrskih Brignda 5 1, llelgrnclc, Yougoslavie.

2l. IJc Nederlnmlsc Commi!'~ ie \·oor Theoret isdiC en Tocgepaslc Mechanica (Ncrhcrlancls Cornmillcc for Thcorctiral and Applied Mechanics ; 1952) . Chairman : Prof. 0. Bnllema, Delft; secretary : Prof. R. Tim man, Delft. He presenlali ves : Prof. ( :. n. Hir7cno, Nieuwe Lann :m, Delft; l'rof. j . M. Burgrr~, Lnhornlorium voor Acrodynamica, Nieuwe Lnnn 7(i, DeHt.

22. The Firmi!<h Nntional Cornmillcc on Mcchonirs ( l952) . Chnirnnn nrul rrprrscntnti\'C : P rof. S. E. Stenij, Kulosaari, Helsinki.

23. J'ogkicj Akadcmii Nouk ( I 951.) . Scrrclnry : S. Zolkicwegki. Hcpresentati\'eS : X.

b) Mr·mlwrs t•lrrtrd l1y !lrr r.r 11 r ml A.w·mMy for 19.S2-1956:

Ackcrrl. .T. : Jngfilnl fm Acro,ly11nrnik, Fi(lgcnossische Tcclmisclre Hoch· sd111lr, Sonnrl!r.~r rn~~.- :1, Ziirid1. Sui~se.

Cror<'o. G. A. : Via Alr!'~anrlro Torlon ia 25. Romn. ltnlic. Drydr n. II. L. : Dircdor, Nor innnl Add~nry Commill rc for Aeronautics,

1724 F ~!reel N. W.: \Vashin l!lon 2S. D. C., U.S. A.

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Favre, !'- : Chaire de Mecanique, Ecole Polyteclmique Fcdcrale, Ziirich, Su1sse.

Goldstein, S. : Institute of Technology, Hai'fn, Israel.

Hunsaker, J . C. : Department of Aeronautical Enginrering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass., U.S. A.

''On K~rman, Th. : Honornry Professor of Columbia University, New York C1ty; 1501 S. Marengo Avenue, Pasadena, Cali f. , U.S. A.

Ku, Y. M. : Mnssaclwsctts Institute of Technology, Cnrnhridge 39, Moss., U. S. A.

Peres, J. : 95, Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris V•, Frnnce.

Popoff, K. : noulcvard Nikolni Nikolacvitr.h 15, Sofia, Bulgarie. Huhinowicz, W. : Ul. lloza 71, rn. 4, Wars1.nwa, Pologne.

Southwell . R. V. : The Old House. Trmnpington, Cambridge, Engla11<l. Tnylor, G. I. : Fnrmficld, Huntingdon Road, Camhridge, F:ugland.

Timosllcnko, S. P . : Division of Engineering Mechanics, Stanford Univer-~< ity, Stanford, Calif., U.S. A.

Wcihull , W. : Aktiebolagct Bofors, Uofor!'l, S ucrle.

F. Bureau of the Union (1952-1956)

Pre~<irlcnt d'Honneur ric !'Union : Theodore von K:lrrn:in. President : H. L. Dryden. Vice-president. J. Peres. Secretary : F. II. van den Dungen. Trensm cr : G. Temple.

l\1cmhers: J.M. Burger!'~, S. Goldstein (*), R. Gramme!, F.K.G. Odqvist.

. Hn•.(,(e du Srcretariat :

'11, A venue de I' A rhalcte, Doitsfort-Bruxcllcs (Belgique).

( • ) E lec t('cl on February. I, 19.54.

j •

I ! ' !


G. Second Symposium on Gas Dynamics of the lntentellar Clouds


Cambridge (England), July 6-11, 1953, at the Engineering Laboratory Trumpington Street.

Organised by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and the International Astronomical Union.

The Symposium was attented by 63 scientists :

a) From Cambridge itself : E. W. Rastin, G. K. Ratd~elor, A. Rccr, II. Rondi, F. Hoyle, H. Hide, H. Jc£.

freys, H. von Kliiber, E. II. Linfoot, H. A. Lyttlcton, W. H. McCrea, H. 0. Redman, W. H. Reid, M. Ryle, D. W. Sciama, F. J. M. Sttatton, G. I. Taylor;

b) From other places in Great Brita in :

E. C. Dullard (Teddington); T. C. Cowling (Leeds); T. Gold (Herstmon­ceux); R. C. Jennison (Jorlrcll Bank, Manchester) ; F. D. Kahn (Man­chester) ; 1\1. J . Lighthill (Mnnchc!=~lcr); L. Mestel (Leeds); A. Maxwell (Manchester); W. II. Hamsey (Manchester); M. J . Seaton (London); G. Temple (London) ;

c) From other countries :

P . Le1loux (Liege, Belgium); J. Tuominen (Helsinki, Finland);

J . F. Denissc (Paris, France); J. Kampe de Fcriet (Lille, France); E. Schatz­man (Paris, France);

F. Becker (Bonn, Germany) ; L. Biermann, S. von Hoerner, A. Schluter, C. F. von Weizsacker (all from Gottingen, Germany);

M. K. Das Gupta (India, temporarily at Manchester) ; Z. Sncmoto (Tokyo, temporarily at Cambridge) ; A. Blaauw (Leirlen, Netherlands); L. J. F. Broer (Delft, Netherlands);

J. M. Rmgers (Delft, Netherlands); II. C. van de Hulst (Leiden, Nctherlamls); J. H. Oort (Leiden, Netherlands); H. Zanstra (Amster­dam, Netherlands) ;

Bart J. Bok and Priscilla F. Ook (Camhridgr, Mass.); A. Deutsch (Pasa­dena, Cali£. ); H. W. Emmons (Cambridge, Mass., temporarily at Cam­bridge, England); F. N. Frcnkiel (Washin~ton, D. C.); W. D. Hayes (U.S. A., temporarily at London); E. P. lluhhle (Pasadena, Calif.); A. H. Knnt.rowitz ( lthacn, N. Y.); Th. von K:irmiin (Pasadena, Cali£. aTul Paris, Fmnce); 0. Laporte (Ann Arhor, Mich.) ; H. W. Liepmann (Pasadena, Ca lif.); F. E. 1\fa rhle (Pasadena, Calif.); D. H . Menzel (Cnmbridge, Ma~s . ); H. Minkowski (Pasadena, Calif.) ; M. P . Save· doH (U.S. A., tempora rily at Lci•lcn , Nrthcrlnnds); S. A. Schaaf rnrrkr!.·v. r.nliL): P . N. Tlonmno: l~alt l.akr Citv. lltnh).

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Secretaries of the Symposium were J. M. IJurgers and 11 . C. vnn • de llul~t; locnl arrangements at Cambridge have been taken cnre of by G. K. Bntchclor.

Both l lnions had rere i\'ed a grant from UNESCO in order to ref'titute trn\'ellinf! expenses and a pnrt o f suhsistcnce expenses, made by scientists roming to Cnrnhridge; 111!-o a grnnt h11s been given for c~vering a part of the exprn~es of publishing the Proceedings of the Sympostum.

A set of 15 « Prclimin11ry Communications » had been prepared, ~neral of which were dis tributed in advance, while copies of the other nnrs were n1·ailnhle for dis tribution at the meeting room. Extensive collec­tion ~ of photog raphs of parts of the l\Jilky Way 11rul of pnrtir:r~ln_r .'·lasses of nebulae were exhihit ecl on the walls of the common room 11c!Jommg the lr<:tmc room; the large~! one hr Dr. Minkowski (prints from Schmidt plates t11ken nl l\lount Palomar Observatory); further by Dr. Bart J. flok (Southern Emission Nebular from plates taken at Jlarvanl Kopje, Bloemfont ein) ; and photographs with accompanying n~tcs . f'Cnt hy Dr. A. D. Thackeray, from the Hadcliffe Ohscrvntory, I rctonn (Pre!. Comm. 2) and by Dr. G. Shajn, from Simeis, C rimea, U. H. S. S .

The !'CSf'ions of the Symposium roverc1l tire following suhjccts :

1\londny July 6, 1953, afternoon :

Opr.ning of the Symposium hy Sir Gcoffrry Taylor. . H. l\linkowski : New o hsrrvations of f'trurlnrlll details of co~mrc douds

(luminous rdgc~, thin wi~p~<, dark lanes and dond!l) . E. P. Ifuhble : Stnrctnral patterns in f'tcllar sy~tcms anrl nehulac. ] . II . Oorl : Information on vrlocit y mul density distrihulion in the

intc ri'tcllnr gas derived from int crf'tcllar lines (Pre!. Comm. 12) and from 21 om radiation.

f.cncral rliscus!lion on strudnral patient ~ and rotation in the Gal11xy.

Tucsdny July 7, morning :

11 . C. ,·nn de Hulst : Sun·cy o£ pro blems and proposed explanations (Pre I. Comm. 9).

A. Schliiter ! Influence o f electric condnr tivity on gas clyn11mics and flow problems (Pre!. Comm. 1 0).

f)i !"CU~si on on elect ric comlnr l ivit y (T. G. Cowl in~ 11nd other!<). !\ f. P. Sa,·cdoH: Tcmperatnre regulation in the interstellar gas (Pre!.

f.ornm. 11). F. D. Kllhn : f:Hcrts of kine ti c f'nNgy on the heating or intcrstcllllr

clouds (Pre!. Comm. :n . 11. Zan~tra : On the formation of condensations in a gaseous nchuln

(Prcl. f.omm. 1). lli ~r~~ ~~ ion (B. l\link ow!<ki. l\1. J. Seaton nml other!').

Tt~l·« l :• r July 7. afternoon :

A. II. Kantrowitz : f.-:prriuwnli' on rndiali11n :1111! inni i'alion pro,Ju,·c,J h y i' ho<"k 11'11\.f'S, and prohlc mi' involved in their cxplnnntion.

J)i ~rui'sion on !'hock 11"11\'C~ (0. L11porte nncl others) .


' '



IIF.J'ORT }953 25

B. J. nok : Slides of Southern emission nebulae (Prel. Comm. 6, 6a anrl 7).

Ohscrvationnl data on luminous edges of interstellar clouds by R. Min­kowski, II. C. van de Hulst, J . H. Oort.

General discussion.

Wednesday July R, morning :

G. K. flatrlrelor : Turbulence and magnetic fields. E. C. f3ullarcl: Production of a magnetic field inside a fluid sphere by

temperature differences. l\1. J. Lighthill: Effects of compressibility on turbulence. E. Schatzman: Hcport on a publication by G. Courtes on turbulence in

the interstellar medium. Ccnernl discussion on ltrrbulen ce in nebulae. F. n. Kahn : On the production of electric fielcls by the collision of

two douds. - IJiscu!<sion.

Tlurrf'day July 9, morning :

A. Sdrliiter : On the drnrncleri!ltic fcntnrcs of co!lmic clouds. }. II. Oort : On the origin and the acceleration of cosmic clouds (Prel.

Comm. 15). M.P. Snvedoff :On the time dcpcmlcut theory of the Stromgren Spheres. Geucrnl di st:Uf'!<ion on the expansion of cosmic cloucl!', etc. C. f . von Weizsiieker : l'rohlems connected with the origin of spiral

arms. S. Von Hoerner: Co11lrihution to tire turbulence theory of Galaxies

(Pre!. Comm. n). )). W. Sdnma : A mo1ld for the formation of galaxies. Ccnc ral discuf'siou 011 lurhnlencc in the Galaxy.

friclay July 10, morning :

W. If. McCrea : Motion of slnrs through clouds and accretion. (Prel. Comm. 8).

Discllsf'ion 011 11 crret ion , etc. F.. Srlratzman : 011 I Ire a1-rrcti.on prohlem; and on the motion of H. I

and II . I I 1.011es . Fri1lny .July 10, morning ( rontinuc1l) : F. I loylc : l'lrys i,·al procl'~!'rs connected with early type stars. II. Bondi : A,lditionnl rcmark i' on the accretion problem. Ceneral discuss ion 011 star fo rmation.

Friday July 10, 11£tcrnoon :

1.. Binm111111 : 1\fai'!' loalanrc of the intrrf'tc llar rne<lillrn in view of condc·11qtion into i'tar!' 11n•l I ' IITJII'~ ' · ulnr ~mii'!<ion hy i'lnrs (J'rcl. Comm. 11).

IJi f'f'Uf'i' ion on tire rnns!' hr.Jaru·c. F. lloylc : On eonlrnction in cosmic (!:lli'Cous masses. Cc11era I rli scussion 011 coni ract ion prohlems.

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Saturday July 11, morning :

M. P. Savedoff : The relation between gas and dust in interstellar clouds (Pre!. Comm. 4).

B. J . nok : Hatio of gas to dust in interstellar space. Di scussion on the tlust problem. J. l\t. nurgcrs: Summary of the Symposium. II. Gold : On turbulence in the interstellar gas. Final discussion.

The tliscussions at the Symposium, both during the sessiom and on ot f1rr occasions, were very lively and t.o the point, since many, of the sci en· ti -t~ pre~cnt were acquainted with each other's ideas. The Symposium I ' OII ~C'lllelltly CO Uld lead to a COnsiderable deepening Of in~ight in SCVCral pwblcms concerning the motion of the interstellar gas and it brought a mnrke1l advance when compared with the preceding meeting, held at Paris in 1949, without which, however, the present results could not have been arhievcd. A matter of great importance was the, recognition of the decisive influence of gain and loss of energy of the gas through radiative processes, which has a great effect on its equation of state and consequently comes into c\·ery problem of motion. It has become clear that collisional pheno· mcna of a variety of types play a complicated role in the energy balance. Another point of great interest is the recognition of a new type of turbu­lcnrc, in whid1 an irregular collection of rompression and expansion waves forms the primary feature. This « compressional turhulcncc '> (in which ('hnnJH'~ of density nrc preponderant) must. be di~tinguishcd from the ordinary or <~: shear turhulencc », which is the type appearing in incom· prc~~ ihle fluids and which thus far has received most attention. In a com­prc~~ihle medium, one form is generated by the other one. In the interstellar gn~ it is the compressible tmbulence which probably plays the primary pnrt; it is caused hy the heating and ioni1.ation of the gas through the rndintion from high temperature stars, which heating has a random distri· hution in space and in time. ln conscqHcucc of the non-linear character of the equation!' governing the behaviour of the gas, shock waves are conti­nnnlly rJc,·cloping out of the system of compression waves; when shock wn\T~ mcrt in an npproprintc way, stronger !<hock wavrs r:nn be ger1crated, while on tl1e other hnrul dis~ipntion of energy through ,·iscous forces, thrrmnl conducti,·ity, electric and magnetic fichls, detract energy from the ~ h ock ,,.n,·cs. The stnt i~lil'al trcntmcnt of such a collection of shock waves will form an intcrc~ting, hut extremely rlifficult , problem for future work. It is pos~iblc that the cncrf!:y spectrum connected with shock wave turbu­lrrH·e will rliffer from the energy speetrum found in the case of shear I urhulcnr.c.

It is intended to puhli ~h the « Proceedings of the Symposium '>,

in a ,·olumc of s imilar size as that preparrtl after the Pari!~ Symposium. Again m11('h attention will he given to an atle'luatc re ndering of the discus· ~lOllS.

The h0pr was rxpre~~ctl thnt a third Symposi11m may be organised on similar lines, after say' a period of 3 years.

.1. i\1 . fll!RGF.US.



H. Second International Congress on Rheology (Oxford, 26-31 July 1953)


The Second International Congress on Hheology was organised by a Committee set up by the British Society for Rheology. President of the Congress was Sir Geoffrey I. Taylor, Cnmhrirlge; honorary secretary Dr. G. W. Scott lllair, National Institute for Rescnrclr in Dairying, Shinficld ncar Reading, who ~hared the burden of the organisation with Dr. J. G. Oldroyd, Dr. V. G. W. Harrison and Mr. F:. W. Geidt. A number of about 165 British, 80 overseas scientists and some 50 guests attended the Congress, the overseas members representing the following countries :

Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, F'rance, Germany, India, Israel, ltnl)', Jugoslavia, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United States of America. Six general lectures were given by invitcrl speakers, while 49 paper~ were read, distributed over three sections. Many discussions took place, both following the reading of the various papers and also informally on many occasions between the sessions. The Congress was a great success.

Two special meetings were devoted to a discussion on international organisation in rheology nnd on rheological nomenclature. As a consequence of the first mentioned discussion, at which also was present Professor N. F. Molt, president of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, while Madame A. Dobry-Dudanx represented the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Professor J. M. Burgers the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, an International Committee on Rheology has hcen set up, with the following mandate :

I. To be a permanent body for organising future International Con· gresses on Hheology;

2. To encourage new national organisations for the study of rheology;

3. To net as eo-ordinating body in other international co-operations in the field of rheology.

The Committee provisionally was formed by : Prof. H. Weiss for Fran!'e; Prof. F. H. Miller for Germany; Mr. A.\,, Ward for Great Britain; Dr. H. N. J. San! for the Netherlands, and Or. H. S. Spencer for the United States. As further rncmhcrs were co-opted Prof. n . Gross for; Prof. M. Heiner for Israel, anrl Prof. A. Pclcrlin for Jugoslavia. The membership of the Committee is temporary, until the national societies can el~ct their own rcpres('nlati,·c~. IL was resolved also to send invitations to rheologists in the Sl'anrlinavian rormlries, in Indio ami in Japan, to nominate members for these countric~. Dr. H. N.J. Saal wa~ appointed as temporary secretary (address : Hoyal Dnt('h/ Shcll Lnhorntorie~, nadlmisw('g 3, Amsterdam-N.).

The possihility of some form of afriliation with one of the existing international ~rientific Unions was left open for the present.

As a result of the mccling on rheological nomenclature certain recom­mendations for collecting information on thi ~ suhject in various countries were ~cnt to the secretary of the lntemationnl Committee on Rheology.

During the Con~re!'s ll!rrr was nn ex l1i1Jition of rheological apparatus and a display of books on rheolo~y.


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I. Memorandum on a Revised Organisation of International Co-operation of Science

hy A. von Muralt (Uern), Past Presiclent

In the days of Calileo, Newton, l.cihnit 1. arul lluygrn~ tire ~eienti fi c lif!' of the world was cenl!'re<l in Europ!'. Free exdmnge of experience nnd tlrnught was eneouragecl hy such distinguished lea rned hoclies as the Ara· dernia dei Lincci, the Hoyal Society, tire Collegium Naturae Curiosorurn (Leopoldina ) and the Academic <les Sciences. The artivit y of these groups ~tirnulnted the formation of many other ar ndcrnics and sricutific societies iu the XVIJith and XIXth centuries. All these bo<lir.s n~surncd the respon· ~ ihility of encouraging nnd preserving knowlcclgc and ensured tire diffusion of new <lisroverics hy their puhlicalions nncl meetings.

Our century is marked hy the greatest expansion of ~r iencc irr human history : cxpnnsion of the nurnhcr of men engaged in rc!'eareh one! cxpan· sion in regard to countrirs rontrihuting to tire advan('cment of knowkcl:rr.. Tire maintenance of the irrtcllcctual cornmnnily of the scientitsls of the whole world has hecomc o prohlcnr o( the first order.

The fntc rnationnl Scientific Un ions, fonne<l after World War 1, reprscnt a form o f co-operation in science on the international !Orale, a .-n·operntion which hns hcen strikingly successful. Basing their efforts on the acti,·itics o f nationn l hodics they have tnken a ~ the ir drarge: a) the faci litation of relntions between scientists of different count ries, where internationnl co·opcrntion i!< useful; nrul b) the promotion of ~cicntific work in internationnl groups. As w gnrrls n. the solution of this task was nttcrnptcd hy the or~nni~ation o[ inl!'rrtnlional congres!'es and !<YillJI«rsin nrul the pnhli cntion of int ernational rln ta; as regards b. this 111sk wns tackled hy orgnnising intcrnntiorwl c-nrnmi~~ions for the stmly of special suhjects, the !'IH'<J11ra~erncn t of r·olll'<:tivc irn·e~tiJ!alinn. nml internntionlll ag reements •m stnnrlardisntion. lnterllatinnnl lahoratorics, such as tire Zoological Station nl Nnpl<'~ and the Jrrngfrrrujndr Sc·ientilie Stnt ion, nlthon::;h not <lircct ly att ndrrtl to the Union~. hnvr player! an importnnt role in the realisation of the!'c plnns.

The Internal iorw l S.-icrrl ifi· · I lnions nncl I cent rnl organi ~a t ion , the lnlnnntinnal Council of Sr·ientific llnions (ICSi l) , lrnvc clone mudr muler the~e responsibilities in the last thirrl nf n c!'nlury. llowrver, a growing tendency to spend most of the energy on mnllers of pure orga11isation and :rrlmini!'tration has, perhaps ine,·itahly, clevdopc:-d, an<l n process of bureau· r rat ic « cry!'tnllisation » lrns ( n~ nlmosl alwnys in human efforts!) taken much of the wind out of the sai ls of the ship whic-h started so hopefully in 1919. Some of the lfnions Iran~ ~rown nnt of propnrtio11 ns nn outcome nf the cfe,·eloprnent nf thc:-i r sc-ierrce!<, ami their admini!'lrntion Ira !< lo!<l the " frc~hness » wlr idr is so r s!'cntial lor the promot ion of sdentifir· enrlenvour.

A further phnse in the rle\Tlnpnwnl nHr!'l he nnl!'cl. In l<JHi a formal and rnulnnl draft n~ rremrn l lwtwren llNF.SCO anrl II.S(l was npprovcd. ICS l l was tl'r'O[!n i ~rcl ns thr n:rtunrl anrl nppropriate form for tl•e intrrnn· tinnal nrl!ani~ntinn o f !<<:i!'trr-r. nn1l tlw r·n.nrdinnting nrul rr prrs!'nlativr hody. I 'i\' 1-:SCO prm·itfl',f ,·r.n· snhstnntinl finnrwinl !=:uppnrt. whidt wn!< S 27S.OOO

t .i

REPORT 1953 29

in 1917 aJI(l is S 1H0.00() now. This support has enabled ICSU and the Unions to enlarge their programs and to organise international meetings on a rather generous scale. It has had tire disadvantage that budgets had to be presented, for the benefit of UNESCO, so mudt in advance of actual plans, that those in chnrge of prcpn ring thc!<e requests were forced to imagine ncccls long before such needs existed and that there was never any certairrty ohout tire future .

Crowing ns it tends to tlo, ICS!I mrr~t lind o new organisation and admirri!'tration which will meet not only the present situntion, lmt will be appropriate ol!<o for fntmc development. I suhmit therefore lor general discussion a plan, which I hove devided irrto two parts, one being « General Prin ciples :~>, the other a « P roposed Solution » if these general prirrciples a rc nccepted. This solution is one among many others and could cosily be changed or modified in any way which would meet general approval.

Gt•llrral l'rirrcipln of lrrtcmntiorrnl Cooperation in Scicrrce

] . It is in the nature o( seicut ific erHicavour that new fields are disco· ,·erell, tlevelopcd, and hero me independent. The iuternational organisnt ion of !'eiencc must hove sueh a slrudrc thnt the~c new fields can he lilted into I he f ramcwork, without being snhmittcd to the patronising influence o( existing mcmhc:-rs .

2. It is nn old lmrnan ex perience that « { lnions » hnve to remain small, if they arc to work efficiently and mnin taiu tire eommunity spirit. For pur· poses o( coordirration and ndminist ration such Unions con always be joined into fedrrations, without lo!'ing their identity and independence, which is on imporlnnl !'l imulu!' for activity.

:1. Inte rnational Cooperation must receive its impulse from the acti vity of Unions who wish to work together ami wnnt to join their efforts. « Hoof organi~at ions » earr fnrilitale and rcali1.c such plans (or cooperation, hut they !<hould not plan « from the top ».

-1 .. The formation of International Unions is bnscd on the desire for intr.rnnt ion of ronpernt iou expressed hy national hodies or committee!'. These hoclics are rle!< igrraterl a~ « Nntional Atlhcring Orgnnisntions » and there ~horrid he one for each union and each r·onntry. Orre National Adhrring Orgnnisation r·:rn 11<:1 as 11 nat ionnl hody for severn I Unions, as lor example tire Hoynl Society in Creal fhitain.

S. Tltr !=:lrtrdurc o f n Federation of Unions !=:hould be \·ery flexible : a) With rc~pcct to memhership; b) With respect to administration; d Wit lr rc!'ped to muh i-a<llrercnce of Unions to several federations.

o. An lnt~nrational Comwil of Sdrrrtifir· tlnion~ (f. C. S. ll.) should he tire cent ral organi~ation of nil (Jninns and tlrrir Federations. Tfre General Asscrnhly of tlri!=: <·otrndl !'honlrl he ron!'litrrtccl hy :

n) Ddrgnlcs n( enrh {Inion (Federntiorr!' heing merely administrative groups) :

b) DeiP):!:rlr~ of I hf' . ocllrrrinl! <·onrrl ries.

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;\ ~ regards n, the delegates of the Unions would be elected by the t 1uion ; 11 ~ regards b, the delegates of the countries would be appointe(! by the central scienlific orgrmisation tl1rough which the country adheres to ICS ! I. ( N11tional He~earch Council, or National Academy, or other repre­~rntnthe scientiric hody.) In 11 country whe re such an organisation does not !'Xist the tlclegatcs could he appointed by the Government.

7. The f.cneral Assembl y of ICSU should meet only at rather long int!'rral ~ (3 or 5 years). It ~hould entrust tl1e actual work to a rather small nJHl competent Ex<'cutive Board.

B. The inlcrnntional organi~alion of sci ence should be a financial unit. Snh~niptions of a(lhcring countries should be collcctrd by /CSU. The amo1111l of snhscription of an adhering counlry should depend on :

n) Calcgory of membership of the country; b I Nmnhcr of scientific Unions lo whi ch the country is a( Provision must !Jc made that a country could a!'smne a different calc·

gnn· of mcmb!'rship with rc!<pect In any specific Union in which that co uulry mi ght me !;pccially intere!'ted.

Fxnmplc. - Annual unil·rale, fixed by the General Assemhly of ICSU = S 1.000.

Catrg•Hy of country = 2. Number of Unions. to whieh rounlry is n•lhcring = 7. The country has a special interest in Crystallography and JS willing

to pay for this tlnion tmdcr Category :t Then the annual subscription of this country wonlcl he :

ICSU 2 X 1.000 = $ 2.000 6 Unions 6 X 2 = 1.000 = $ 12.000 1 Union . 1 X 3 = 1.000 S 3.000

Total $ 17.000

Tid.~ wm is rr.ceivrrf by ICSU, and $ 15.000 is dist ributed to those llnion ~ to which the country i~ nohering . lf coonl innlctl plans are made, I he tfnions have to (led de how mtwh of their annual burl~ct has to he !'<pent on rommon projed!' ( sympo~in, joint commissions, int crnalional geophy­~ical year, etc.). ICSU can he asked to act a s coordinating body and receive from the Unions contrihulions for this special task.

9. Pla nning of intern ntional cooperation in science must be hased on the sciclitifie interest of a proj ect and not on the fa ct that money is availahle.

Proposrd Solution

1. The whole present structure of Tnr r m ational Unions mu 1't he rcvi ~c,l. Some tin ions arc nctivc and vnlnflhle; others have out r,rown t.!Jcmsclve!', anrl nrc un~nti sfactory in tllf'ir present sl rttc; new Unions ha ve IH~en formed or nrc planned, hut cannot find a suitahle plaee in the present framework of ICSU.

REPORT 1953 31

General Principle 4 (referred to as GP. 4) states that th; Unions m_ust be based on the desire for their existence expressed by NatiOnal adhenng Organisations.

Proposition. - The maintenance or abolition of old Unions, an~ the formation of new Unions, must be decided by a discussion on the nat10nal scale first.

. For the gni£1ance of this discussion, ICSU should provide a definite plan for reorganisation.

2. According to GP. 2 Unions must remain small. Criteria for the new formation of a Union should he :

n) A recognised independent field of science; b) The organisation of its own international congress.

F'rom this point of view it is interesting to review the present Unions :

!All : no change. JUIJS : has 9 sections : Biometrics, Botany, experimental Cytology,

Embryology, Entomology, Genetics, Limnology, l\·1icrobiology, Zoology. Among these Botany, Zoology, Embryology, and Biometrics are indepen­

dent field s of science. Experimental Cytology, Genetics, and Microbiology are on their way to becoming independent, whereas Entomology belongs to Zoology and J .inmology is a borderline subject. A splitting up into 4-6 Unions seems indicatetl.

JliP;\C : has G ~f'clions : inorganic Chemistry, organic Chemistry, physical Chemistry, analytical Chemistry, biological Chemistry, applied Chemistry.

Among tlu~se inorganic, organif', phrsiral, and biological Chemistry are independent fi ehls of science. A splilling up into 4-5 Unions seems indi cated.

TUCr : no cha nge . IUGG : has 7 associntions : Geodesy, Se ismology, Meteorology, Ter·

rest rial Magnetism and Electricity, Physical Oceanography, Vulcanology, lly(lrology.

Here we meet an en! i rdy tli ffercnt s ituation . Seismology and V ulcano· logy, for example, arc just differ!'nl aspects or geophysical phenomena which are all interrelated. I must leave the problem o( reorganisation of thiJg ricld to tho~e who nrc more familiar with it.

JGU: no chan gr . llJIIS : no change.

IMll : no change. ltfT AM: no chnn ge. IUPAP : no Phange.

UHSI : no change.

:1. A llliiiJhcr of new Unions arf' now heing planned or are already in existen~'e, although still outs ide the framework of ICSU. These are :

Physhlogy, Biochemistry, P harmacology, Nutritional Sciences, Psy­cholo~v.

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l'l:t ring them under IUBS, or IUPA C in the case of Biorhcmistry, ~m n_J ,~ rrol mrcl lhcir wishes. This rt>rogni!<cd fad , apart from an ything else, Jll~lrfr cs a reconsideration of the whole problem.

'1. A,.cortling to I. P. 5 Federations of l lni ons !<houlcf he formed in order lo fn •·ilit alc the roopernlion among llrrions of similar general interest nncl lo simplify administration.

Tire following Federations are proposed for discussion :

I. -- Frdrmfinn of Worlrl Science.~ - FWS fqrmcd hy IAll , IUCI.. ICU, llHSI, existing llnions.

One l lnion of l.cology, possible new Union.

II . - Frdl'rnfion of ,1forlr l'mnfiral ond /'fr y.~iml Scirnc(' .~ . FM 1'5 formed hy 11\lll, lliPi\P, IUTAI\1, llJCr, cxi~linJ): llnion~.

One l 1nion of Sratisrics, new Union (evcntuaily eontaining Biometri c!< ).

I I I. - Ft•drmfion of Chrmical Scirncr.~ . FCS formrcl hy the Section~ of IUPAC. reorgani~cd into ''··5 nrw Union~.

I \ '. - Frdr rnfinn of / 'hp iolo{!.iml Scicnrc.~ . Fl'S

. ll ' Physiol?gy, l_ll Biochrmi!<lry, Ill Pharmncolo~y , Il l expC'Timcntal <.ytolon. IU 1\lrcro-Brology, IU experimenlal l'~ycholog)', nf'w Unions.

V. - Frdrrrr fio11 of M orplrolo{!iml Sdr11et·.~. FllfS

. Ill R~•tany. I ll Zoology (wilh Entomology), JU Emhryology, Ill Gene· t 11 · ~. II I Lnnnology, new Union~.

ICS! l "·oulcl become tl1c central organisnlion of 25-26 Un ions. fo rmin g S ndministrative Fcderntions.

5. Fir1a1wial and udrnini ~lralil'c I'On~idrrations. fo:xpc.rir nce in S" il zt> rland has sl10wn thai l1 professional ~('('TC!ary of

n ~rclna l11111 ran handle th~ ~cpnrnl e admini~tration and hookkeepin~ of fJIIJi e a ~arge numher of « 111111 ~ » of ~twh a feclrration without nny dirfir.ulty.

. II 1~ therefore prnpo~crl that the fjq~ Frdrrnlions rnl!agc eadt a pro­fc~~JOnal scnelnr y. who hancllr~ ~rparntcl y tl1c admini~tration nnd hnnk­krrping of carh Union tlwt hclm1~!~ In the Fedl'Talion.'h l lnion has its own l'rrl' idrnl, Vicc-Pre~idrnl nncl Ccncral Secrelnry, who nrc elected on nn l10nornrr hnsi1<. The professional ~l'nrl n r y of the Fetlcrnt ion is at the cli 1'po~a l of thr~e o ffi<Tr~ for admini!<lrati,·e work (organisation of ml'rlings, 1 :anncn~ of durs, etc.) in proportion to the numhcr of llnion~ forming the f-rrler:tlt on. ? ne o f the Offi cer~ of the Pnions makin g up the Federation l nk~·1' rhc offH·e of l.rnrral St>l'rl'lary of thr. Frdr rnli on. (Thi ~ rould he an a ~~rp-~1111Cllt of r?tntion. or . an n ~~ ignmrn l In n pc r~nn parti cnlnrly ~uitcd tn the JOI.'). JJe •~ rc1<pnn1' tiJie for the ~nprrvi ~ion and gnitlanre of the proff'~~ t o na l 1'('rrr la ry nnd will pny ~prc ial attrnlion to ti1C fncl that an Prpral ~ hare of the proff'~~ional ~crrrlnr y'~ 1rork is d111' to Ntdt I lninn.

l f.Sil nl~o woul tl r nl!nge n secrrl nry on n fnll -time ha~ i~ nnd in ull 'f liC< Ii on ~ of ndmini <trnli on nml hook -krPpin ~ tlu~ fi1·c !'f'rreta rirs of the h·clrrntinn~ wonl•l hf' 111Hirr hi 1' f!f' ll f'ral tlirr d inn.

IIF: I'ORT 195:{ 33

Final Rrmarks

The rontinual increa!'e of dcmnnds of (l(lmission from new Unions, the rigid attitude of old Unions towards these demands, the financial uncer­tainty of our relation~ with UNESCO, ami the fact that now ICSU and the Unions are obtaining financial ~upport from the same country through direct subscription and through UNESCO contributions, indicates that a reform is urgent.

Honorary officers mu~t he the bal'e of scientific organisations, they hnve given admirable service in the pa~t and will do so in the future. lnt.e rnational cooperation of Science must he placed, however, on a sound lm!<inesslike administration. This can only be done Ly spending a certain sum of professional secretariats. Crouping Unions into Federations has not only lhe arlvantnge of providing close scientifir contact, but furnishes an excellent opportunity to coneentrate and simplify administration and to save money.


(Strasl10urg, 9-10 July 195:l)

14 May 1953.

The Bureau o£ ICStJ propo~cd a modified form of Professor von Muralt's feclcration ~dremc for the consi1lerntion of tire Bureau : : namely, a group of 5 Federntion~ as follow~ :

Cosmieal Sciences : I All, URSI; Enrllt Sciences : lliC(;; 1\lnthematical- l'hYsif':tl Sciences: JMl' , l llTA M, .J UPAP, IUCr; ( !remit-a I Scirrwc~~ : ll IP A P ; Life s .. ierwes : Ill BS. J( :t '· nntl new Unions !'IICh as Physiology,

with lUllS admiuedlr unplacecl.

Tin' l'rc~idPnl cmplra ~ i ~rd I frat stwh a rrg rouping did not at all imply a nf'w fin arll'ial ~lrttdll rl'. nrul rulrd tlral tl rr di ~!·u s~ion of the scheme should he mnfint>cl In thl' rwrd~ of tire future in rqrard to the continuing health and d!'ITiopmt>nl of i~tl rrrrntional ~dent ifie endeavour.

Tire l'rr~ident n l~o sl re!'~cd the point I hat no deci~ion could be taken now. or at any time hy the ExenttiYe Board alone. A decision restc1l with the Ccnentl A~~l'mhly. lie tlrerrfore proposed that the exchange of views al llrl' prr~rnt mrf'lin~ shnul1l he mnclr i11 the li ght of tire proper future prorr.rlurr. pri nr lo the nf'XI Crnrral A ~~cmhly nl Oslo in 1955.

He tlrf' n outlinr•l lhr. prorrdnrc propo~erl to the Hoard !Jy the llmeau; nanwly. tlrnt rndr I 1rmion ~lm11lrl cnmitlrr thf' « fh·l' FPderation » srlreme at it~ nrx t CPnrral A ~~r.mhl r. and rqHirt tlrr findings of ils Assembly to thr Burrnn. Thr Bur('all would then tahlc n conflalr1l rl'port at the General A~~f' mhly ICSll I<J:.S fnr it s finn! clc-•·i~ intt.

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J. Bureau des Resumes onolytiqucs du C. I. U.S. I. C. S. U. Abstracting Boord

STATUTS Db10mination. - Siege.

Article premier. - II est constitue une association internntionale a but scientifiquc, denommee « Bureau drs Hesumes Analytiqncs du CI.U.S. » ( Conseil lnternntionnl des Unions Scicnlifiqucs - « I.C.S.U. Ah~trncting Donrd » International Council of Scienli fi e Unions), nynnt son siege dans une commune de l'agglomeralion bruxelloise.

Objet. Art. 2. - L'association a pour objet d'orgnni ~er el de promouvoir,

~ur le plan internal ionnl , l'echnnge et Ia puhlieolion de com pies rene! us d 'ouvrngcs scientifi'lue~ se rnpporl:mt nux 1li!':dplincs couvertes par Irs Unions ndhcranl au Con5cil International des Unions Scicntifiques, dans le clomoine dcfini par ce dernier.


Art. 3. - Les mcmhres de l'ossocintion sont nornmes comme suit : n) Trois memhrcs drsignr.s par le Con~eil lnternntionnl des Unions

Srir utifiques (International Council of Scientifi c Unions); l'un cl'eux sera de nntionnlite beige; l'un cl 'eux !'era le Secrrtnire general du Conseil lnter­nntionnl des Unions Scicntifiques ou !':On drlrgue;

f1) Un mcmbre J esignr pnr ('hnnme des Unions ndhe renlcs nu clit Comcil et dont In discipline est intercssee par le Uurcau des Hesumes Ana­lyti'lucs du C. I. U.S. ;

r) tin mcmhre dr~igne par chacune <les personnes phrsiqucs ou mornlcs puhliant un pcriodiquc specialise dans les comptes rendus et aynnt ~ouscrit nux conditions imposees par I' Assemblee generale.

Art. 4. - Tout memhre desirnnt donner 58 Mmission devra le faire par Ia voie de l' orgnnisme qui l'aurn designe. Les organismes qui ont df~i ~11e les membrcs, ninsi 'lu' il est prevu 8 l'article precedent, peuvent rt:~n lcmcnt en proposer lc rem placement.

I.e mcmhre qui cc~sc, par deccs ou nutrement, de fnire pa rtie de l'n ~soriation est sans droit sur le fonds social.

AHr mblcc gcn.eralc.

Art. 5 . - L'Assernhlrc gcnc rnlc posscde In plenitude rlcs pouvoirs r•r rmrttnnt In rcali ~at i on de I' objet de l'nsmriat ion; elle peut delegucr tout Oi l part ic riC' S ('S pouvoi rs it 1111 Cornite exccutif.

Art. 6 . - L'Assemhlce grncrale !'e rrunit de plein droit !'OtiS In pre­~irlrnre dn Prr~ident rle l 'a ~!'Ocintion 011 d'un memhre rlu Comitc exccuti£ ,J,'·• pnr le President , to ns les trois ans, nu sirge social ,fe !'association nu ii l'cndroit i11diqnc dans Ia convocation. Celle-ci est fnite par le Secretaire dr l'n ~!'rwinti o n.

REPORT 1953 35

L'Asscmblee gcncrnle sera, en outre, convoquee par le Presid~nt ~u le Sccretaire 8 In demnnde d'un tiers au moins des memhres menhonnes a l'nrlide 3.' a et b, dans un delai de trois mois aprcs reception de cette demande.

Les membres pourront, chncun, se fnire representer aux _As~emblees generales avec !'accord prenlnhle des organismes qui les ont destgnes.

Art. 7. - San£ dans les cas exceptionnels prevus par les presents statuts, les resolutions sont prises a Ia simple majorite des membres presents et elles sont portces 8 Ia connaissance de tous les membres. La voix du President est prcponderante.

II ne peut etre statue sur un objet qui ne figure pas 8 l'ordre du jour <;auf resolution unnnime.

Art. 8. - Les resolutions de I' Assernblee generale sont inscrites dans '"' rrgistre signe par le President et le Secrctnire, et conserve par ce dernier qui le tiendra 8 Ia disposition des membres.


Art. 9. - L'assodation est ndministree par un Cornitc executi£ com· pose de cinq personnes choisies parmi ses membres et ci·apres denommces administrateurs; l'un des administrnteurs au moins est de nationalite beige; quatre administrateurs sont nommes par I' Assemblce generale; le cinquicme adrninistrateur est le Secrctaire general du Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques ou son delegue.

Les administrateurs en trent en fonction a pres I' Assemblee generate qui a prononce leur ele<;tion et ils y restent jusqu'8 Ia fin de l'Assemblee genernle suivnnte; ils sont immcdiatement reeligibles.

Les ndministrateurs peuvent etre revoques par I'Assemblee generale, stntuant a Ia majorite des deux tiers des membres presents.

Art. 10. - Le Comite exccutif elit dans son sein le President, le Vice·President et le Secretaire de )'association.

Art. 1). - Le Comite executif se reunit 8 Ia demande du President ou rln Secretaire; il <loit ~e reunir au moins une fois par an. Ses resolutions snnt pri~c!! n In majorite rles administrateurs presents; Ia voix du President est preponderante.

Art. 12. - Les resolutions du Comite executi£ sont inscrites dans un regi !':tre ~igne par le P resident et le Secretnire et conserve par ce dernier qui le tient o Ia rlisposition de!! membres de !'association.

Art. 13. - - Le Comite executif a tous les pouvoirs de gestion et d 'ndministration so us reserve des attributions de I' Assemblee generale. II pcut delegner Ia gestion journa lirre a son President ou ii un administra­teur 0 11 it une personne specialement designee a ret effet.

Art. H .. - Ton!' les octes 'l"i rngngrnt l'a~~oci ati on sont, sauf procu· ration~ speriales, signfs par deux nrlminislrnteurs ffont l'un doit eire le P resident ou le Secretaire ou I'Administrateur designe en vertu de !'ar­ticle 13; ils n'ont pas 8 justifier de pouvoirs vis·ii-vis de tiers.

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Art. 15. - Lcs nction~ judiciaire!', taut en dcn~andnnt qu'cn dCfen­danl , !'ont ~uivics, poursuitcs et diligences, du Comitc cxccutif reprcscntc par !'on President ou par un administrnteur dcsiguc a eel effct par cclui-ci.


Art. 16 - Les r<'S!-;OtJrre!< <le l'nssocintion sont com;tituces :

1. Par les coti ~a ti on~ cle!' orgnnismes rcprcsenlcs dans ]'association; ces r-oti!'ntions sont fixces par I'As!'cmhlcc gcncrnle;

2. l'a r des dons. subs ides et legs; :~ . l'nr to utcs rece!lcs ou frai s que l'assor:intion ponrrait p<'rcevoir en

comprnsation des servir<'s rerHius ou des travaux erfectncs.

Art. 17. - Les r!'cettrs cle l'n!'socintion sont conslwrl·rs nu paiement clrs d\-prnscs ncc:essaires nu fon ctionnemcnt de !'association dan~ les buts !ll·finis n l'nrtidr ] " des statuls.

Lcs clons, lrg!' ct !'ubsiclcs soul , apn~s arcrptntion de I'Cux-d par le Comit c cxccntif. qui prcnd comwissance J es conclitions 'lui leur sont atta­dri·<'s. utili se!' scion le!' desirs cxprimcs par le!' donateurs.

l.n gestion drs foutls de !'association se fait suivant les <lireetives don­IH~<'!' pa r J'A~semblce gcncrale.

Art. lR. -- L'exc rl'i re social est rli•tmc, r hafJIIC nnnc<', le :n dccrmhre. Lr (omite executif e!'l (('IIU ric !'Oillltellre n rlHifliiC tl !'semhlt;e g{·nrrale les ('fiiiii'ICS pour Irs exercic!'s c•·oulcs ,lcpuis l'asscrnhlce pren~drutr., aius i rpte le budget pour les excreices suivants.

tllodifiratinn .~ a11x .~ lalllls cl di.~solution.

Art. 19. - Toutc proposition nynnt pour nl•jet une mo<liricatinn nux ~taints on n Ia dissolution de l'assrwiatinn, (loit Cllltlller <lu Comite excr:uti£ 011 dcs deux tiers des ntemhrrs cle l'assncintion .

Lr f:omite cxccutir doit porter li Ia I'OIIn:tissall l'e ell's llll'lllhrr~. an moins dcnx mois n I' a vance, Ia date ric I' Agscmhlcc gcnernle qui stntncrn sur Indit e proposition .

A ucune decision ne sera acquise s i elle n'e!!-l votee n In majorite des deux tiers clr!' mr.mhrcs clc !'association.

Toutrfois, si relic Asscrnhlce gf.nerale ne rcunit pns les deux tiers des ntrmhrc!' d r l'ns!'_oriation. une nou\'elle Assemhlee gcncrnle sera convo'luce cf nns Jcs 111Cnt('S COitditiOIIS IJUe r.i-dcssus. !]IIi Sllllllern d{- finitivcmcnl et ,·:tl:thlcnt!'lll ~liT Ia proposition en ca use, n Ia majorite des denx tiers cles nwrnhrrs prf.scnl s.

L'Asscrnhlce gcncrnle fi xera le mocle de. dissolution et de liltuirlation de !'associati on.

Di.<po.<itirm f{enhalr>.

Art. 20. -- Tout r l' qui n'r st pns prhu pnr Irs pr!·srnt.~ !-;tntuts rt w•t:nn mr11t lr~ puhlir·n tio11s ii fnire "" Mnni tr·rtr lwlf!,r'. srrn rrp:lc conro r­"';·mr llt nnx dispMitions ric Ia loi hclge du 2S odohrc 1919. nrnmlnnt Ia l '' ' l ~onuirir·ntinll f'i\'i)r !IIIX ns<oci:tli OIIS intcrnnfionnlf'R tt hnt sc·irlllifiqne.

llF:I'OitT 1953

K. ICSU Abstracting Board

Hnpport presente n Ia reunion du Comitc exccutif du Conseil International des Unions Scientifiques

(Strasbourg, 9-10 juillet 1953)


In Strnshourg, 011 July G-7, J95:l, ICSU Abs trncting Board, as it is at present constitute<l, will assemble for tlte firt st time. It seems thereforre necessary to sump up as l.ricfly as po!lsihle the past history and activities of th is organism.

Tlte Board enme into exi!'lence officially on June First, 1952. In fact its activity hn<l begun at n much cnrlier date (circa November 1951).

The re~ults obtainccl by the mnjor activity of the Board arc outlined as follows :

1. Autlwrs' Summaries

UNESCO's cleci!'ions and Hoyal Society Hules have been formally nccepted by nil periodicals printing papers on physic:s and published in the following countries :

- Unitecl Stnles of America; U. K. of Great flritain and Northern I rclancl; The Nctherlnnds ; Bclgiurn; France; Italy,

with the exception of a \'ery few publications printed in the United Kingdom. In each r-ase, the Board has communirnted with the Editor responsible

illtcl this person has to verify that the ~ummaries prepared by their authors have correctly and clearly summed up what is contained in their papers.

2. l'agr-Proofs

Another importnnt measure taken by the Bonn! was to ask the publi!'hers of the more irnportnnt joumals printing papers on phys ics to forward n ~et of the final pn~c-proo fs of each of the ir i~sue to one or both of the eclitors of « Science Abstracts » and tl1e « Bulletin Analytique » du C. N. ItS. At the request of Dr. Crowtlter nn1l Dr. Ke rsnint, this action wns nt rirst restricted to n fex !"elcded jouruals in each country and, again at the rerJUC!'t of the snmc per~ons, has heen extended from time to time other journnls. The )!resent situntion is Sllllllllell "I' in the following list :

J ournal at prc5ent sending page-proofs to either « Science Abstracts » or the « Bulletin Analytique du C. N. H. S. » or both :

l'ublisl~r·d irt the U. K. :

- Proreedings. Institution o f F:lectrical Engineers, - Proceedings Hoynl Society, - Philos. Transactions Roynl Society, - Proceedings Physicnl Sodety A & n,

J ournnl of Srienl ific lnst mm<'nt~, llriti!'h Journal Appliccl Ph}'~ics, Pror·eedings Cnmhridgc Plrilos. Society, Philosophical Maga1.ine.

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l'ubli.(hcd in thr. U.S. A. :

Physical Review, - Heview of Scientific Instruments, - J. Chemical Physics, - J. Applied Physics,

J. Acoustical Society of America, Bedew of Modern Physics, American J . of Ph pies, Bell System Tedmical Journal, Astrophysical Journal.

l'uhli.(lll·d in Frrmcc :

Hevue d'Optiquc, J. Chimie Ph y~ique, Bulletin Societe Chimi,tue de France, nullrtin Soriell! Frnnc;aise de Mineralogic et Lristallographie,

- Annnles d 'Astrophy!'ii]Ue, - Annnles de Geoph ysiqur, - Annalcs de Telecommunica tion,

- 1. Hecherche du C. N.H. S., - Annales de Physique,

J . de Physique, - Hrnte Grnerale de I' Eiectricite, - Cahiers de Physique .

I nlrmntirmnl ':

- Aria Crystallogrnphica.

l'uhli.1hrd in tlrr. N..tlrcrlnnds :

- Physica Ar.ta , --- Philips Hc~ea rch Hrports.

l'uhlishcd in .Su•it:rrland :

- lleh·etica Physica Acln, - Zeitschrift fiir aangewandte Mathematik u. Physik.

f'uhli.llr cd 0Pcrscas : - Austral ian J omnal o f Scientific Hcscnrch, - J ou rnal of the Physical Society of Japnn.

l'uhlislrr.d in Canada :

- Canadia n Joumnl n( Hc~rnrch. Nrgncintions are still pending with the editors of the following perio­

tlicnls with a view to ohtnin the same service :

l'u/,li.1h cd in. France : - L'Ontle Electrirptr, - Bullrtin de In Societe Franr;a i!'c de~ Flrrtriricns.

I •! 1 i I ~ j


f )

REI'ORT 1953 39

Published in Italy : - II Nuovo Cimento, - Alta Frequem:n, - Acta Pontifica Academia Scientiarium, Vat ican City.

l'ublisltcd in India : - Indian Journal of Physics, - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad), -- Proceedings of the National Institute o( Science of India.

A net result of our ndion has been to speed up considerably the appearance of the mo!lt important abstracts in the two journals : a delay from six to e ight weeks is tl111~ saved.

When only one set of the page-proofs (or other abstracts) is sent on hy a journal, this set is photocopied and communicated to the editor of both « Science Abstracts » and the ~ Bulletin Analytique du C. N. n. S ». The working of this has been, up to now, quite simple. It may become a little more elaborate when ICSU Abstracting Board has a greater number of member journals as at present. A regular exchange of page-proofs then have to be organised.

This las point may well come into discussion during t he Strasbourg meeting.

3. Coverage in Respect of Non-Periodical Journals

Measures have also been taken to deal with non-periodical publications. a) The Proceedings of varion~ physical societies in the world appear

from time to time at irregular intervals in the pages of some journals (A. J., Journal de Physique and Societe de Physique) . O ften these pro­ceedings give a short account of the papers which have been read at the meeting without speeifying whether these papers are to be published more fully Inter on in !'Orne journal~. Physical Societies have now been contacted nboul thi s question; hut it has been agreed that when the full paper is to be puhlishcd elsewhere, mention of th is la ter publi cation must appear in the ncr:ount of the meeting.

b) The non ·periodical publica tions which appear in France from time to time (Universities puhlil'ation~, govcmrnent reports and so on) will be reviewed hy the ·Editor of the French member-journal (the Bulletin Analy­tique du C. N. H. S.), Dr. G. Kersnint, who will send to the Editor of « Science Ab~t racts », Or. C rowther, the documents which, in his opinion ought to he nhstracterl.

For non pcriorlical puhlicntions printed in the United Kingdom, the same service wi ll he undn take11 by the crlitor o f « Science Abstracts » who will senrl to the rrlitor o f the « Bulletin Analytique » the documents which shoulcf he nhst rndcd.

On the reque!'l o f the ICSU Ah!'t rar"! ing Board in it ~ last Paris meetin g, action i!' now hcing tak f'n to extent! llti~ work to Northern countries. P ro­fe~sor B. l.i tulblnd has already been communicated with on this matter on March 16, 1953.

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c) From time to time collo!]uia and sympos ia nre orgnni!'cd under the nu!'pi ces of IUPAP. The General Secretary of IUPAP has agreed to ask the orgnniH•rs of all !'uch meetings to communicate to the Board at an early date nil documents regarding the organisation of the meetings and advnnce proofs of the pnpcrs to he read, if such proofs are printed; the ah!'tracting journals shoulcl he informed as soon as possible whether the papers arc to be publi!'hcd in a volume ( non·periodical publi cation).

The Board also rccommcmls that papers read at such internntional rnertings he published in one of the regula r journals or physics whenever possible. This recommrndntion ari!'rs out o f the nrce!'sily to avoid the multiplication of non ·pe riodical publications.

1. Ncgocintion.~ with tire Aut/rarities ur Germany

n) With the Physikalische Bcrichtc ns a potential memhe r Journal.

The Board hns received from the Association of Gcrmnn Physical Socicti e!' letters announcing officially thnt the German Phys ical Journal « l'h y!'ikalisrhe 13erichte » is resuming puhli ration. The Editor of « Physi­knli sche llcrirhtc » has also nnnouru·ed his intention to apply fo r rncmhcr­!'hil'lc ICSll Abstracting Hoard . The various rnrmhers of tlu~ Board have hccn mnsultcd on this po int. Their o pinion wns unanimo usly favournhle. Consequently, the editor of « Phys ikalischr. Berichtc » hns hecn supplied with thr drsirnblc info rmation about the Bonrd's nctivities and the services thi s nrganisn tion can rrrrdrr to it s memhrr.journals.

Following this the Vcrbnrrd Deutscher Physikalisdrcr l.e!'!'ehwhaftcrr a•·tin[: on behalf of the C< l'hysikalisr hc Bcri chte '> has fnrmnlly "I'Piird on .June 12. 195:\, for mcmhcrslrip o£ the lCSlf Abstractirr ~ l!oard. The admi~s iorr of the « l'hy!'ikali~ch c Bnichtc » is orrc of the rprestions 011 the ngcrub o f the meeting. A rPprcsentativc of the « Physiknlische Bcrichtc » has heen invit ed to attend orr .July 7th. I%:~.

h ) With lhc firm Sprin[!er in the supply of pa~e-proofs or eopics of l'"hli shed journals nt rrcluccrl prires.

The rrprr~rn t atin•s of the mrmhcr-journals of the Board h ave asked that this hotly comes in contact \\'ith the ,-a rions Ccnnan pnhlishing hou!'cs wi th n ,-irw to .,htaining s l'r c·inl !'llh"wriptiorr ratrs nncl/nr arlvarrcc proofs. Lnnr: nr~ori n ti nns J'ffHTr•dr·rl with the firm of Julius Sprirrgcr, llcirldhcrg. Tire house o f Sprin:.:rr while rcfusi rr g In supply p roofs , rvrn suhjcd to paymrnt. offrrcd to rr rhll'c th(' pri•T of !'uhsc·ripliorr for lire jnnrnal-memhcrs o f the Bonnl. Thi!' firm is rr ow willing In rcrlrrrr of 20 ~~ lhc !' llhscription ralr." of nil periodicals provitlcrl that the suhscription he taken out by I <:Slf i\h~tracti11g flonnl.

5. E.~lahli.<ltin~ of U.~l .< of ]ounrnl .~ in /'/,pic.~ {lltldi.~lrrd in !'nriou .• rnrtrtlrirs

At thr rrr,nrst of ()fll' of lhc llH'IIlhi'T" of tiH· n n:ml. tlrr· li sts nf .lnnrnnls of l'hysir·s l'"J,lislll'cl in tlw ~pani,Jr nrrcl l'nrtugursr lan 1~ 11:r g c~s have heen rc:Trrrtly rr,·ic11rcl. Tires~' li sls hare !wen c·r•nmHntir·ntrcl to lhr rnrmhrr!'.

REPORT 1953 41

lnquirie!l have Lecn rnarle with a ,·iew to estnhli shing correct lists of physical journals puhlishcrl in Jnpan anrl the Northern countries : Finland, Norwege, Sweden, Denmark, Nethcrlamls. These lists will be communicated to the members in the very near future.

6. A.!.!i.~ting IUPAI' in the Documc11tation of Paper.! in Phy.!ic.! published in the U.S.S.R. and as.wciated Countries

~ne minor a ctivity of lCSll Ahslracting lloard has consisted in helping malerrally the I UP A P in an unrlcrtakirrg whi ch concerns rlocumentation in the field of physics pape rs puhlisherl irr the Rus!'.ian nnd Allied languages. It has now heen agreed thnt the Italian Journal « II Nuovo Cimcnto :1>

will puhlish in 19S:~ an extrn nnmher which r.orrtcnts will include len to twelve articles reviewing the work of Huss ian schools in certain specialised subjects :

Ph.ysics of _solids, conrluct ihility, semi·comluctors, theoretical phy!'ics, magnctrsm, opt1cs, cosmie rnys, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, I]Uantir: theory of fields.

The help of tire Boarrl in t lti s matter has greatly and materially speeded up tlt e development of this project.

7. Clwmicnl Abstracting

1t will he re memhered that a Chcrniml Ahstracting Commille which met in Pnris in Deremhrr 1%1 rn·omnrcnrlccl that the suhject of chemical a.h~trn1:ting he transferrrd to ICSU Ahstra r ting Board which was, at that tunc. Ill I he I"OUTSC of f OUIHint ion . The I C:Str in its London meeting of May 16, 19!12. while agreeing irr prirrciple felt tlr at the Board's activities sho~tlrl he c·onfined to physical ah~lrort ing at lcnsl 1lnring tire early months of rts existence but that the ll'PAC slroulrf ha,·e an opportunity to judge of the progress of the new organisation. Arconlin l!ly, Dr. Lampill, treasure r ?f .((I PAC, was appointed Ohsen'cr on the Boa rd. Dr. Lampitt has been lltVIted to attend the Strashomg meeting nnd has ac·cepted the invitation.

8. llfatlrrmaticul A l1.~trnrti11{{

Th~ qrr.rstion of ICSll Ahstrac-ti ug Bonrcl including mathematical ahst radrng 111 the smpe of its artivitics has rr e,·er heen formally raised. Ilowe,·cr, the Secretary of the lntcrrratiorrnl Mathcmatiral Union Prof. E. Bompiani, has applied for information ahout ICSU Abstracting 'noard.

9. Stntutrs a11d Admi11i.~lration

a ) The di~prr~inn of the mrmhcrs of the Boanl tlrrorrghout the world ~1as hrrn a sorrrcr .or .v~' iclnhle rlrlay. This ltnwrver has not seriously IIIIJ'I'IIC(I tire .Honrd s. adiVllres though the Serrclnry mar have felt cmha­r.asst-d from tune to !nne. This situatiorr will continrrc a s lorrg as the subven­tion allocnted to the Board wi!l not permit a lca~t one yearly meeting.

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b) Clerical facilities being necessary the services of a secretary typist were engaged. In the absence of any authority, this decision was referred to the liaison oHir:er ICS_U.UNESCO, Dr. H. Fraser, and approved by him.

c) Lrgal diffic:uhies ari~e from the fact that the Doard has on activity 111ul employs a secretary while it ha~ no legal existence in any country. For instance, the Board should pay « cotisations de Sccurite Sociale ~ according to the French Law, but cannot do so sillf'c in the eyes of this same Law there is no !>nch legal personality as the ICSU Abstracting Board, IUPAP has agreed, for the time hcing, to p_ay this money on our behalf, but the Crncral Secretary of IUPAP has recently a!'ked that the Doard take as soon as possible steps to put the situation in order.

d) In accordnr)Ce with the preceding remarks, the Doard of ICSU, after ha\·ing considered the matte r, recommended that ICSU Abstracting Board l>e given lr.gnl personality of it.s own in tlie same country as ICSU it !"clr, Belgium. In accorrlaru;c with this rccornmendntion , the Doard should clrart and adopt rules and by·laws which should govern its activities in the future.

G. A. Doutry, Secretary. I I! '·

I i r f


1 I I l I !

REI'ORT 1953 43

l. Publications

a) Publics par le secretariat (adressc : 1-'rof. F. II. van den Dungen 41, avenue de I' A rbali~tc, Boitsfort , llruxelles) .

Hcporl Scpternl>c r 19tfH of the International llnio11 of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Prix S 0.25

Report 19·1.9 of the Inte rnational Union of Theoretical and Applied Mecha· nics (out uf print} Prix S 0 .25

Happort 1950 de !'Union internationale de Mc~.:anique theorique et appliquee Prix S 0.25

Hcport 1951 of the Inte rnational Union of Theoretical and Applied 1\lechanics Prix S 0.50

Rapport 1952 de !'Union internati onale de l\1ecaniquc theorique ct appliquee Prix S 0.50

Report 195:~ of ltJTAM Prix S 0.50

lJ) Par Ia Commission sur l'amorlisscment interne des materiaull ( adre~se : Prof. F. II . van den Oungen, v. ci·dcssu~) .

1. l:cscarch Progress in U.S. on t.he Damping o( Vibrations (March 31, 1951) Prix S 0.25

2. Die Forschmrg im (;eL ict <lcr Sdnvingungdampfung fester Korper im deulschcn Spral'hgehiet ( 1938 · 1950) Prix S 0.25

c) lly the U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Me· chanics.

Proceedings of the First l J. S. National Congress of Applied 1\fcchanics, Chieago, June ll · 16, 195 1, publisltc<l by the American Society o( Mechanical Engineers. 29 West 39th street, New York 18, N. Y.

Prix S 20 d ) By the Science Couneil of Japan, Ueno Park, Tokyo :

Proceedings of the 1"1 Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics 1951 Prix S 3

Proceedings of the 2'1 Japan National Congress 1953 Prix S 3

c) Publications on Symposia, etc. :

l. Pro!Jirms of Co.nniral Arrodynamic.~, l'rorced ings of the SymJlOsium on the Moti on of Caseous Ma~scs of Cosmi ~.:al Dimen!:<ions lreld at Paris, August l(i.l 9, 1949, organi~ed by IUTAM and IAU. Published hy : Central Air Documents Office, Army·Navy·Air Force,

UB Builrling, Oaylon 2, Ohio, U. S. A.

Copies can he ohteincd from : Col. C. E. Davir.s, Secreta ry U.S. Nat. Comm. on Theor. and Appl. 1\lcdwnirs, Hoonr 110 1, 29 West 39th street, New York 18, N. Y., U.S./\. ., and from the secretariat of the Intern . Astro· nomical Union (atldre~l> : Profes!'or R Stromgren, University Observatory, O!<!Prvnlrl !!'arle :t Kohr nhan1. llr111nnrk).

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2. Cullnqur infi'Tnationnl de Mecaniquc, Pallanza, Lago Maggiore, ltalia, 2.1-21 jnin 1950. organise pa r H JTAM. Pnhlie par le Consi~lio Na7.ionale clelle Hicrrche, Homn, dans « La

ll kNrn Sf'irnlificn "· annce 20, n" 12, 1'1'· 1917, 19tl.2, Dec. 1950.

::. Cnllnquium orr l'lnstir Flou> and /Jcfornraticm with in. tire Eartlr, Hershey, Pcnn~yh·ania, Srptemher 12-14, 1950, organisrd hy ltJTAM mul IUGG.

l'ul o li~ hrd hy the Amrril'an Ccophysiral tfnion in !hr. « Transactions Amrril'an Crophpil'al Union >>. Vol. :~2. n" tl·, pp. 497- Stl.~. 195 1.

A frw copies c·an he ohlaincd from !he Scr.relariat of IUTAM and from Or. Wnltlo Smilh. Scrrclnry Amcri!'nn Geophysi cal Union, 15:m, P Street, N. W., Wnshinglon D. C. Prix ( sans converlure) S 0.75

. 1, [o /l()flll" .~ /lr In r 'illl'nfif/11 .~ Non-f.ill!:airrs, l!'llll n l'llr de Porf)liCrolles, \'nr, Frnn(·c. lH · 21 ~rplrmhrc 1951, org:misc par I UTAM et UHSI. l'uhli ralions ~c·irnlifil)ll!'~. n" 2:11 Prix fr. fr. l.BOO

5. L olloqlll' /11asw11. lcnu ir Bmxr lles lc~ 25- 29 avr il 1952, organise par lr romilc J\ln~~au. nYC(' lc roncour~ de Jl iTAI\1. A~so!'ialion 1lrs ln{!cnir.urs de Gand, m e 1lc In Victoire, Rrnxelles.

/l l 'roce1~din {!s of I he I nl crnal ional Con~rc~se!' for A l'l'lic1l l\1crhanics.

Thr or[!a ni ~nlinn of lhc• lnl!'rnnliotHJI Cr11t~rrssr~ for Applic·d J\1rf'hanit-s whi r·h i ~ ~ IIJWn· i~ccl hy lite « 1nl r rnnlion:rl Comrnillrr for !In~ Con~rcs!'C5 of Applir1l J\lcdwni l'~ ». is for cndr Congress !'rpnral r ly r rrtruslr d lo a lornl llrgnni ~i tt ;! Cornmillr·r. whir·h nl~o unclertakrs !he p11hli,·n1ion nf !he P nll'l'rding of lite Cmt!!TC!'~. Tlterr i ~ r·om'!''ltiPnlly 110 rcnlral poi11l from " hidt Prol'rcclinJ!s l'nn lo!' onlrrcrl. arul for rndr volume applil'nlion must be m:.t cl e to lhc pnhli ~h('l's ll'ho took rare of lhnl parlicular volume.

Tlr r lillr~ o f the H>lmncs mul lhc names of the publishing firms arc rin·n below.

l .<f C(lllf!,rt'H, Delft (1\'rlherbnds ). 22-2(i April 192·1-:

Procrrrlin:-rs o f the Fir~l lnlrrnalional Congrc~!' for Applied Mcr·lta­nir·~. lk lfl 192"·· cc1ilrrl hy C. H. nic1.eno and J. M. Rurgcrs (one vol.). Trdmi ~!'h c Borkhnnc!rl rn Dnrkkrrij J. Wa llman Jr .. 1)!'1(1 , 1925. ( .>\ limil crl number of !'opics nrc nvailrtble for !<ale nl lhr l .nhoralorinm 1oor Tocgrpa!'le l\lr·rhnni{'a or al lht> l .uho rato rimn voor Aero- e n II p lrody11nmira dcr T . II .. Orlft.)

:!rrd Congre.~s. Ziiridr ( Swit ?.c rland ) , 12-17 Seplcmhcr 192o.

\'r - Corllpt !'~ rrnrlus -- Prorrcrlin f!s of Ill!' 2nd lnlrr­nntinn:tl Coll f!re!'~ for 1\pplirrll\'lerhanir~. Ziiridr, 12-17 Srptrmhcr. 1926, hrrn ll!'f!c~rhrn \'nn E. Mri~~nrr ( onr ,·ol.). Ordl Fii!'sli Vrrla~. Ziiridr mul Lripr. it~- 1927.

:lrd [nrrf!,rr'H. Slnl'khnlm IS II'rclr n). 21 -2'l Anl!ll ~ l 1CJ:m.

Yrrhnnrllnrt ;!rn -- l'ror!'r rlill f!~ nf lllf' :l nl lnlf'Tilrtl in rr nl Co~t :•rr~~ for Applied 1\lcrharrirs - Complcs rcnrltt!', lrerau~gegchen ' 'on C. W. o~rcn mul W. Wrihull (1 ,·ok). i\ ll . ~n·ri ~r~ l.ilof•rn fi~k:r Tnd:r rir·r. Slrwk lrn1m . I CJ:\l .

IIF;I'ORT 195:3 45

4t" Congrr'$.~, Cambridge (England), :J-9 July 19:\tl-. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Applied Mecha· nirs, Cambridge, England, July :~rd-9th, J9:H (one vol.) . University Press, Cambridge (England), 1935.

5t!t Co11gre.fs, Cambridge (Massndru~etts, U.S. A.), 12-16 September 19~8. Proceedings of the Fiflh International Congress for Applied Mechanics, field at Harvard University and the Massnchusclts Institute of Tech­nology, Cambridge, Mass., September 12-16, 1938, edited by J. P. den Hartog and H. Peters (one vol.) . John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, and Chapman and Hall Ltd, London, 1939.

6t!t, Paris ( Frnnl'e) , 22-29 Scptemltcr 19t16 .

Proceedings not puhlished (was given in the hands of Gauthier-Villars, Paris).

7t!t Congre$s, London (England) , 5-11 Septemher l9t1R

Proceedings of tire Seventh lnlernalional Congrc~s for Applied Mecha­nics, 194H, published by the Committee (Introduction, Vol. I, Vol. II - Paris 1 and 2, Vol. Ill , Vol. IV). To he obtained from : The Modern Book Company, 19-23 Preadstreet, Pnddington, London W . 2.

8th Cmrgrr$$, Istanbul (Turkry), 20-28 August 1952.

Proceedings to Le puhlis lrcd hy tire Organising Committee. Sc<'rctnry : Professor Cahit Arf, Faculty of Sciences, University of lstnnlml , P. 0 . B. 215. lslanhul (Turkey) . Afler pultlir·alion to he ohlained from : The Modern Book Company, 19-2:~ Pread Street, Padrlington, London W . 2.

Page 25: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE


M. Annual Subscriptions Number of units

(unit = S 50 or equivalent) 1950 1951 1952 1958

International Committe, Congresses for Ap· plied Mechanics .

Gt. Britain (Hoal Sodety of London) . Hungary (Academy of Sciences, Budapest ) France (French Nationa l Committee) . Czechoslo,·akia (Czechoslovak Nationa l Com·

mittee) Norway (Norwegian National Committee) ltnly (National Hesearch Council) . Belgium (Belgian National Committee ) . United Stales (U.S. National Commillec) Denm~: rk (Academy of Technical Sciences) S weden (Swedish National Committee) Turkey (Society for P ure and Applied Me·

chanics) India ( ~lini stry of National Hesomces) Switzc rln111l (Federal I ns t itutc of Technology) . Germnny !Society of Applied Mathematics

and l\lechan ics) . Israel (Society for Theoreti cal an<l Applied

1\fechanics) Spain (lnst iture of Teclmical Aeronautics) Au.•! ria (Academy of Sciences) . Japan (Japanese Nat ional Committee) Y u~osla via (Nat ionnl Committee) Poland (Academy of Sciences)

1 8


1 1 1 3 8 1 1

2 1

N. Bank accounts of IUT AM

1 8


l 1 1 3 u 1 1

2 1



1 3

lnt('rnational llnion o f Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,







1 2 1 3 1


Nati onal Pruvindal Bank, Ltd., South Kensington Oranch, 1R, Cromwell Plar·e, London S. W . 7, England. Trensurer : Profes~or G. Temple.

lntem nli onnl Union of TheoretiC'al and Applied Mechanics, As!'istnnt treasurer : Professor N . J. Hoff. f.hernicnl Oa nk an.-1 T rmt Compa ny, Brooklyn Branch, New-York (N.Y. ).

l\lauri rc n oy, Scrr~t a ire ral !ln Comitc Nationnl Frn nc;a is de Mccanique, I re~ori cr adj oint <lr !'Union intcrnationnlc. Compte 11° 5 l.M-a Agence XB rlu Cr~rlit Lyonna i ~, 20, BoulevArd Malcshcrbes, Pnri~, FrAnce.

lrrtc rnnl innnlc llni c voor!"chc en Toegcpastc Mcchnnica, n" 9101-17, H. 1\'lccs en Zo ncn, Ou(lc Delft, 165, Delft, NethcrlnnJ s. A ~· i ~tnnl trr:r,urcr : Prof. J. 1\I. Bur~cr~, I.a hornlorinm voor Aerody· nami!'a. Nicul\'e Lnan , 76, Delft, Nethc rlnnrl!'l .

Page 26: REPORT 1953 - IUTAM · 2019-02-14 · REPORT 1953 I U T A M PRIX: $ 0.50 lnstitut 8 fur Mechanik Universitat Stuttgart A AJg I J.o'R- - b 41, AVENUE DE L'ARBALETE, BOITSFORT BELGIQUE


Chauss~e de Boondael, 802-602&

Tt.':Mphooe 48.92.01 • IXELLES