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- REPORT 1094 AN EXPERil\iENTAL INVESTIGATION OF TRANSONIC FLOW PAST WEDGE AND CIRCULAR-ARC SECTIONS USING A l\IACH-ZEHNDER INTERFEROl\IETER 1 By .\.RTHl"R EARL BRYSON, Jr. SUMMARY Interferometer mea!furemmts are gil'en of the flow fields near two-dimensional u:edge and circular-arc sections at zero angle · of attack at high-g-ubsom·c and lO'IJHJ1.lpersonic t·elocities. Both 8'1/.bsonic flou· with local 8Upersonic zone and supmmnic flow with shoe!..· u:au hau been inrestigated. Pressure distrib-utifYT!s and drag coefficients as functions of }1fach number hare been obtained. The u:edge data are compared u>ith the theoretical work on .flow pa.'tf wedge sect-ions of Guderley and roshihara, rincent·i and Wagoner, and Cole. It Ut slw-wn that the local J.Jach n·umber at any point on the surface of a finite three-dimensional body or an un8'1Cept two- dimensional body, mocing through a-n infinite fluid, has a . -1tat-ionary r:alue at _lfach number 1 and, in fact, remains nearly constant for a range of speed8 below and abou Jlach number 1. On the basis of th·i.s concept and the e.:tperimental data, pres8'Ure distribut-ions and drag coefficients for the wedge and circular-arc sections are presen.teri tll.roughout the entire transonic range of ulocities. INTRODUCTION DIFFICULTIES OF THEORY EXPERIMENT I!'< THE TRANSONIC B..L'II'GE OF 'iELOCITIES The difficulties inherent in studying transonic How are Theoretical analysis is made difficult by the nonlinearity of the differential equations of compressible fluid motion. This nonlinearity leads to a change-o-ver in type of the differential equations from elliptic to hyper- bolic when transition is made from subsonic to supt>rsonic speeds. Since the essential feature of transonic .flow is this mi:'{ed subsonic-sup(•rsonic character, it is obvious that no linearization of the differential equations (at least in the physical plane) can adequately describe the flow. Wind-tunnel studies in the ti'8.I1Sonic range are made difficult by the large lateral extent of the perturbation flow field around bodies in this range. This means that models which are small compared with the test section must be used. Even then there is still a range of speeds from just below Jf.,. = 1 to just above JI.., = 1 where the model and/or its support configuration are "choked," that is. where local supersonic zones embedded in the subsonic field extend from tl1e model to the tunnel walls, or, in the supersonic case. where embedded subsonic zones extend to -the tunnel walls, or shock waves, reflected from the walls, impinge on the model. Some progress hilS been made recently in modifying wind-tunnel test sections so as to :rpinimize these effects, but, on the whole, the majority of good test data in the range very close to .. =1 has so far come from free-flight tests. Some good transonic data are available, howe.,.·er, from transonic-bump tests made in wind tunnels (reference 1). Using small models usually results in low Reynolds numbers so that difficulty is often experienced in extrapo- lating data to full-size Re.rnolds numbers; this seems to be particularly true of the transonic speed range since the . · effects of boundary-layer and shock-wave interactions seem to be quite large there (references 2 and 3) . In this paper it is shown that in many instances tests need not be made in the region very close to ..Jl.., = 1 since the flow in this range can be inferred from testing below and above this range and using an interpolation based on the fact that the local :i\Iach number at any point on the surface of WlSWept two-dimensional bodies and finite three-dimen- sional bodies has a stationary value at Jl.=l. EnBTE..."iCE OF POTE."i'TIAL TRANSONIC FLOWS Guderley (reference 4) hilS made a detailed in.estigation of the possibility of smooth transonic flows (i. e., subsonic flows with an embedded supersonic zone in which no shock waves appear). He proposes that such smooth flows are exceptional, that they are discrete cases occurring for only particular body shapes at particular free-stream :\.Jach num- bers. Any perturbation of the shape with the :\Iach number held constant (or vice -.ersa), Guderley claims, would result in a shock appearing in the flow. This bears an analogy to the well-known Busemann supersonic biplane which theoret- ically hilS no shocks (and hence no drag) at a discrete -.alue of free-stream J.Iach number and angle of attack (reference 5, p. 154). Guderley's proposal is still controversial (e. see the paper of Sears who hilS made a critical survey of the work to date on the existence of transonic potential flows (reference 6)). It is obvious that the potential flow must break down for a given body shape at some J.Iach number less than I. The 'Supersedes NAC..!. TX l!o560 ... An Esperimental Invmlmtfon of Transonfc Flow past Two-O!m,;<Wonsl Wedge :md Clrcub.r·.U'c i!ectlon.s Ustng a llach-Zehnder Interferotneter' b.r Arthur Earl Bryson, lllliL 725

REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS

Nov 08, 2021



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Interferometer mea!furemmts are gil'en of the flow fields near two-dimensional u:edge and circular-arc sections at zero angle

· of attack at high-g-ubsom·c and lO'IJHJ1.lpersonic t·elocities. Both 8'1/.bsonic flou· with local 8Upersonic zone and supmmnic flow with detach~d shoe!..· u:au hau been inrestigated. Pressure distrib-utifYT!s and drag coefficients as functions of }1fach number hare been obtained. The u:edge data are compared u>ith the theoretical work on .flow pa.'tf wedge sect-ions of Guderley and roshihara, rincent·i and Wagoner, and Cole.

It Ut slw-wn that the local J.Jach n·umber at any point on the surface of a finite three-dimensional body or an un8'1Cept two­dimensional body, mocing through a-n infinite fluid, has a . -1tat-ionary r:alue at _lfach number 1 and, in fact, remains nearly constant for a range of speed8 below and abou Jlach number 1. On the basis of th·i.s concept and the e.:tperimental data, pres8'Ure distribut-ions and drag coefficients for the wedge and circular-arc sections are presen.teri tll.roughout the entire transonic range of ulocities.



The difficulties inherent in studying transonic How are well-known~ Theoretical analysis is made difficult by the nonlinearity of the differential equations of compressible fluid motion. This nonlinearity leads to a change-o-ver in type of the differential equations from elliptic to hyper­bolic when transition is made from subsonic to supt>rsonic speeds. Since the essential feature of transonic .flow is this mi:'{ed subsonic-sup(•rsonic character, it is obvious that no linearization of the differential equations (at least in the physical plane) can adequately describe the flow.

Wind-tunnel studies in the ti'8.I1Sonic range are made difficult by the large lateral extent of the perturbation flow field around bodies in this range. This means that models which are small compared with the test section must be used. Even then there is still a range of speeds from just below Jf.,. = 1 to just above JI.., = 1 where the model and/or its support configuration are "choked," that is. where local supersonic zones embedded in the subsonic field extend from tl1e model to the tunnel walls, or, in the supersonic case.

where embedded subsonic zones extend to -the tunnel walls, or shock waves, reflected from the walls, impinge on the model. Some progress hilS been made recently in modifying wind-tunnel test sections so as to :rpinimize these effects, but, on the whole, the majority of good test data in the range very close to J£ .. =1 has so far come from free-flight tests. Some good transonic data are available, howe.,.·er, from transonic-bump tests made in wind tunnels (reference 1). Using small models usually results in low Reynolds numbers so that difficulty is often experienced in extrapo­lating data to full-size Re.rnolds numbers; this seems to be particularly true of the transonic speed range since the . · effects of boundary-layer and shock-wave interactions seem to be quite large there (references 2 and 3) .

In this paper it is shown that in many instances tests need not be made in the region very close to ..Jl.., = 1 since the flow in this range can be inferred from testing below and above this range and using an interpolation based on the fact that the local :i\Iach number at any point on the surface of WlSWept two-dimensional bodies and finite three-dimen­sional bodies has a stationary value at Jl.=l.


Guderley (reference 4) hilS made a detailed in.estigation of the possibility of smooth transonic flows (i. e., subsonic flows with an embedded supersonic zone in which no shock waves appear). He proposes that such smooth flows are exceptional, that they are discrete cases occurring for only particular body shapes at particular free-stream :\.Jach num­bers. Any perturbation of the shape with the :\Iach number held constant (or vice -.ersa), Guderley claims, would result in a shock appearing in the flow. This bears an analogy to the well-known Busemann supersonic biplane which theoret­ically hilS no shocks (and hence no drag) at a discrete -.alue of free-stream J.Iach number and angle of attack (reference 5, p. 154). Guderley's proposal is still controversial (e. ~-, see the paper of Sears who hilS made a critical survey of the work to date on the existence of transonic potential flows (reference 6)).

It is obvious that the potential flow must break down for a given body shape at some J.Iach number less than I. The

'Supersedes NAC..!. TX l!o560 ... An Esperimental Invmlmtfon of Transonfc Flow past Two-O!m,;<Wonsl Wedge :md Clrcub.r·.U'c i!ectlon.s Ustng a llach-Zehnder Interferotneter' b.r Arthur Earl Bryson, lr~ lllliL •


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argument whether this breakdown occurs precisely when a supersonic region first appears on the body or at a slightly higher Mach number seems somewha~ academi~ (although very interesting), since it is well-known experlm.entally tliat the drag-rise Mach number (i. e., the Mach number where noticeable shocks first appear) is very close to the critic;:al Mach number (i. e., the Mach number at which sonic velocity first appears on the body) for most bodies without surface · slope discontinuities.

Kuo (reference 7) proposes that supersonic compression is unstable to disturbances; that is, a supersonic region on a body in subsonic flow must end in a. shock with no com­pression occurring in the supersonic flow ahead of the shock. There seems to be ample experimental evidence to show that this is not strictly true since, for example, the com­pressioR region of a >..-shock is clearly supersonic. However, the >.-shock configuration is believed to be a phenomenon associated with laminar-boundary-layer and shock-wave in­teraction; with turbulent boundary ]ayer (a ~o:ridition more closely approaching nonviscous flow) hardly any ·noticeable supersonic compression occurs before the shock ending the supersonic zone (s~e reference 8).


Two-dimensional flow is much simpler to handle than axially symmetric flow both in t.heoret,ical work and in inter-:­ferometry. Hence it was decided to study two-dimensional flows despite the well-known difficulties in approximating two-dimensional flow in a wmd tunnel.

Because of the considerations mentioned previously it was decided to test very small ·models which would be of such a. shape that viscous influences . would not materi~ly affect the flow over tltem. This led to the choice of "half airfoils"-wedges and circular-arc sections followed by straight sections. These models favorable pressure gradients on their surfaces over most of the ,transonic range so that boundary-layer separation, if it does occur, will only occur because of shock-wav-e intluence. Further­more, such separation will occur downstream of the par.t of the body being studied and hence will not affect the measure­ments. Certain viscous effects will still be evident, however, for instance, the effective rounding off of the shoulders and leading edges of the wedge models. "

Both theoretical advantages and practical need make the study of thin sections d~irable. Consequently, the semi­wedge angles chosen were 4! 0

, 71°, and 10° (a 26.6° \\·edge was also used in order to make a comparison with some avail­able theoretical work on a wedge of thiS angle). The circular­arc section chosen was essentially the front half of an 8.8-percent-thick biconvex circ.ula.:t-arc airfoil, followed by a straight section. Models qf seqtions muc~t thilmer than this, with the same chord lengths used, run. irito structi.iral difficulties and also the ratio of bolmda.ry-layer thickness to model thickness becomes large enough to cause considerable deviation from nonviscous flow.


'l'he investigations of Yon Karman: Busemann, Guderley, l!'rankl, and many others have contributed significantly to methods of approach which can he used to study transonic

flow (referene£>s 9 to 14). The detailed numerical ealculations for sp.ecific cases made by 1\faccoll a.nd Codd, Emmons[ · Dr.oug_ge1. Drebinger, Guderley and Yoshihnra, and Vincenti and Wagoner (references 15 to 21) have lwlpcd to disp<'l the idea of a "sonic barrier." Recently Cole at GALCIT has given 'aii ·analysis of the flow past wcdgn sections at high­subsonic speeds (refer£>nce 22). By combining the results of Guderley and Y oshihara's, Vincenti and Wagoner's, and Cole's calculations, the .flow past thin wedge sections can be given completely through the transonic rango permitting a. comparison with tho present experiments. Some of tho investigations mentioned above will he rliscusscd in more detail further on in the present paper.

Available experiments in the transonic range on thin wedge sections are surprisingly few. Pack (reference 23) describes some interferometric expl:'riments on 10° and 20° scmianglo wedges made at Braunschweig. His subsonic data appear to be good, but the flow in the supersonic inlerferograms appears to be somewhat nonuniform and not very <'losely two-dimensional; only one supersonic :Maeh number was tested where detached shocks occurred. His conclusion that the pfp., distributions on the surfa('e of the 20° semianglo wedge are very much the same for 1lf .. =0.803 and AI.= 1.40 is _interesting, hut the statement that this agn•es with the tJ10oret.ical predictions of ~Iaccoll nnd Codd is incorrect. since they indicated that the PIPo distributions would be nearly tlw same.

Griffith at Princeton has just recently publishl•d tho results of some very carefully done expf:'riments on flow past wedge sections of semiangles of 7°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°1 and 90° (and se-veral other shapes) with detacht'd shoek waves (reference 24). These exp£>riml:'nts \vere.done in a shock tube and intl.'rfcrograms are pr£>sented of t.he flow fields .. The expt'rimcnts clearly show that the shap<' of tlH' detadll'd shock and its dctachtuent distance from the sonic point on a wedge dept'nd only on the body thicknes.~ and tllt' :\1a('h number (not the wedge angle) when the Mach munlwr is well below the shock-attachment Mach number. This is in generaL agreement with Busemann's con~iderations in his paper on detached shock waves· (refert'ncc 10). ·

Licpmann, Ashkenas, and Cole (reference 8) mad1• some careful pressure measurements on the surfaces of 6- and 12-percent-thick biconvex circular-arc airfoils at. Z<'ro anglo of att.ack at high-subsonic speeds in conne('Hou with studil's of shock-\vaYe and boundary-layer inh•radion. Bome of tho results of their tests rombined lwre with corresponding low-sup('rsonic test results from the present investigation-to indicate the Iwhavior of the pressure distribution on ein~ulnr­arc airfoils at zero angle of attack through the entire transonic ran{;'e.


This work was conducted at. the California Institute of Technology undPr the sponsorship and with t.he finnncinl assistance of the National Advisory Committ-l.'t' for AC'ro­na.utics. Grateful acknowledgment is made to Dr. Buns Wolfga~ Liepmann \Yho supervised the rcscnrrh, to the members of the GALCIT Transonic Rest'n.rch Group, lo 1\Ir. Walter G. Vincenti of the NACA, nnd to Dr. J.D. Col<' of GALCIT for helpful discussions and assistanec in enrry-

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ing out the experimental work. Some of the results of these experiments have already been reported in reference 25.

sound velocity airfoil chord


pressure-drag coefficient . . • ( l'Y+ 1)111CD) reduced drag coeffictent , ('/c)ili

pressure coefficient

reduced p~ure coefficient (l'Y+l)LIIlJ11) (t/c'f"

k l ll n

Gladstone-Dale constant model span :\lach number index of refraction

p pressure q dynamic pressure t[c airfoil thickness ratio ·u horizontal component perturbation velocity (per-

turbation from a•) r vertical component perturbation velocity :r~ y Carte~~ian coordinates1 origin at leading edge . of.

profile i reduced vertical distance (!( 'Y+ l)t/c}llly) a angle of attack 'Y ratio of specific heats (1.4 for air) 9 semiwedge angle A wave length of monochromatic light used on inter-


( J.l.P-1 ) ~ reduced number .('Y+l)*ll(t/c)lli

p density Subscripts and sup~rscripts: ( .1. conditions in free stream ( .1. reservoir conditions ( ).' reservoir conditions behind a shock wave ( ) • conditions at sonic velocity

S~'1D.bols used without subscripts indicate local conditions.



The measurements were made in the GALCIT 4.- by 10-inch transonic wind tunnel. For a description of the tunnel and the flexible nozzle employed see reference 26. The tunnel can be run at both snbsonic and low-supersonic vt-locities with continuous Mach number variation through use of the flexible nozzle and a variable second-throat nozzle downstream of the test section.


The models used were half airfoils followed by straight sections. Four of the models were wedges (semiangles 4.53°, 7.56°, 10.00°, and 26.57°) followed by straight sections and the fifth was half of a bicon"lex circular-arc airfoil (8.80 percent thick) followed by a straight section (see fig. 1). The distance from the leading edge to the point where the straight section began W"B.S of the order ot }~ inch for all five models. The models were made of tool steel and were very carefully machined and lappP-d. so as to gh·e e:mct cylindrical

. - .-- .. ..... -

. ~


.093 1

~.264 _ _J_352_j f


. .

surfaces. Two pressure orifices on opposite sides of the were placed exactly the same distance from the leading edge to aid in setting the model to zero a.ngle of attack by balancing these pressures on an alcohol U-tube. Because of the very short chord lengths vernier-protractor measure- . ments of the opening angles of the leading edge were of doubtful accuracy, so the angles were measured by lettmg · ~-­the leading edge split a beam of parallel light and measuring the position of the reflected spots on· it. wall behind the model. In this manner the angles could be measured to ±0.03°. - ··=-


The .interferometer used in this investigation is described · in references 27 and 28. One of the main features of this···­interferometer is that both light beams are passed through ·· · the test section, one over the model and the other ahead of.

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t.lw model in the uniform flow field, that is, where t.he velocity is nearly the free-stream ¥elocity. The advantages of this are: (I) Tho fringe shifts are in relation to the free-stream opnsit,v and (2) the effects of the side-wall boundar5' layers arc approximatt•ly canceled out since both beams traverse neu.r·l~· the same boundary layer at each side window. This leads to improved accuracy when the interferograms arp 1'\'aiuated on the basis of the absolute value of the fringe shift from no-flow eonditions. For these tests finite-fringe intt•rfprograms were used and another method of evaluation was devised which is much simpler and more accurate than t.lw above-mentionf.'d technique. Infinite-fringe interft>ro­grams, wlJile th(•.r give the constant-density contours im­mediately, are less accurate than the superimposed finite­fr·inge intt>rferograms because an;\' optical inaccuraeies in ·the Bystem cause the contour fringes to. be distorted. Tht•se inaecuracies are calibrated out in tlw superimposed finitt>­fringe interferograms. Also there are times when om• dO('S

not. know whethl'r tht• t!t'll.Sit v increment bet We('D contours of an infinite-fringe interferogram is positive or nf'gati\·e; this trouble does not arise with the finitE>-fringe interfero­gnnns. A typical finite-fringe interferogram is shown in figurf' 2.

Fr•; l'HB 2.-Typlcat !lnlw-!rlnge lnterferogram. 8.8-prre<·nt circular-arc section at.'.£"' -r.liXl.


Tlu~ method of evaluation used here depends on two tt•chniques: (a) Photographie superposition of disturbed and undisturbed intcrfcrograms and (b) fringe identification u:\· u pressure measured on the model.

Direct photographi1• suprrposition of a "no-flow" finit~­fringe intt>rferogram on a "with-flow" finitc-fringt' inlerfero­gram gives rise to dashed shadowy lines (the dashes being where tllC dark fringes of one pirt uri' cross thr light fringes

Fwt·RE 3.-Typ!cal •upl.'l"!m(IOI'<'d Jlnlte·lr!nge lntl'rlerogram. 10" :<emlllllfll• wN~Ke aL .'>£00 -r.m.

of the other); see figure 3 for an (•xamplP of this type o! picture. Tlwst> shadowy Iirws t·an Pasily bt• shown to be litH'S

of eonsla.nt. density for two-dimeusiona.l flow nnd nre the same contours as would be obtairwd on 1111 infinite-fringl' intPrferogram madf' ·with pPrfpl'f. optienl surfnces. The increment in dt•nsity bet ween these shadowy lint•s is a constant tlepPndrnt only on t.he span of tht• lll01h•l and tlw wave length of the monochromatic light being used. Tlris is easily shown since the uilft•rrn,·c in opt ienl put lr IPngths of the light rays between two adjacent eonstnnt-dt•nsily con­tours must be 1 wave length of tlH• light bdng used. For two-dimensional flow the uilft•n•nc·e in opt ieal path ·h·ngth \Vill simpl:r be l11n, wht•re lis tht• span of the moclel and An is the difference ih index of refraction between the two light paths. Thus

l11n=X (l)

But the rdution between ind(•X of rPfrut'lion und dPnHit,r inn gas is given by

11-l=kp (2)

where k is the Gladstone-Dale constant (a funetion of the light frequency and typt• of gas). TIH•refore

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where ll.p is tilt! difference in density between two adjaeent oonstant-density contours. For these experimt"nts


X=5461 A (mercury green line) k=O.ll62 cu ft{slug 1=3.50 in.

.lp/p.=0.0250 pt>r fringe shift

where p.=0.00211 slug pPr cubic foot was the usual tunnel stagnation density.

The advantagt> of photographie supt"rposition is not only in time saved but also in increased accuracy of evaluation. Any slight changes in fringe spacing or fringe orientation with respt-ct to the no-Bow interferogram which occur before the with-flow intt>rferogram is taken can be almost exactly canceled out by causing the two superimposed interfpro­grams to coincidl' exactly in a region where it is known that the flo\\· was uniform, since in such regions there should be nfl isopycnic contours. This is particularly easy to do for 15Upersonic flow if a portion of the flow field ahead of the nose shock wave is included in the interferogram. For subsonic flow care must be taken to include enough of the flow field ahead of the model in the interfero~ to have some of the nearly undisturbed flow field for comparison; this was quite simplf.' to do for the small, thin models used in these testa.

The actual supt>rposition technique used here \\"as first to make a print (3~ times enlarged) of the with-flow intetfero­gram. This print was then pia~ under .the enlarger and the no-flow interferogram·e was put into the enlarger. By changing the enlargement scale and moving the with-flow intprferogram um{pr the enlarger the fringes were made to 1'0ineide exactly in the regions of uniform flow. The c.on­stant-dPnsity contours could then be drawn in on the print. Alternath-ely, the first print could be .made on transparl'nt papt'r (Ansco Reprolith Ortho was used) and when the super­position was accomplishoo a piece of photosensitin pa.pPr was slipped under the- transparent print and a print of the two interferograms was obtained. This was the technique used .for figure 3. -·

Iq. order to identify the density values \\ith the fringes a pressure tap was plal.'ed on ea('h model approximately half­way from the leading edge to the shoulder (a region where the pressure gradient was expectt'd to be large). From the pressure reading the density at the pressure tap was calcu­lated using reservoir fluid propt'rties (taking into account entropy changes through shock waves). The pressure tap will always lie between two fringe contours or on a contour, so that. by knowing the density inere~nt between fringt'

, oontours, the valut"S of the density on the adjacent contours ·~an be obtained by interpolation. The whole interferogram is dt'term.ined once the density is known on one contour (e."t:­~~pt for the shifts through shock waves).


It is interesting to note that the interferometric method has its greatest sensitivity in the transonic range. As pointed out previously, the density increment between tw-o a~\ja.cent contour fringes is a. constant


Now in any part o-f the flow field \t'here the stagnation density is constant •long a streamline,


p ( 'Y-1 )-?-1 -= 1 + ---- ."-f'l P• 2


so -....!....

dp ( 'Y-1 ) ?-1 --==- 1+ 2 .:.lf.l .\ld.M P• -


Hence the increment in ::\.Iach number between adjacent contour fringes is given approximately by

( 'Y-1 )":1

1+ 2J.P "' Jl.J[ = J[ 7dP. (6)

smce ll.p },.

P• =I:lp.

This function has a at Jl = ~ 'Y! 1 which ·is

}.{: 0.914 for air ('Y=1.4}. A graph of this function is shown in figure 4. Not-e that the llach number increment per fringe for these tests was always closely equal to 0.05.



\ L ' v ' """"' ........ r-.

_ __......,..... .

· \Minimum at M• ff•o.st4 I t _r +I 1



AM(,!jDs ,04


0 2. A R B LO 12 L4 IS IB 2.0 2.2 M

Frot·aa .f..-Increment Ia Yaah II.DII1ber per rrtDae CODtotzr IPfDst" lac!III !'ti8IIh number ror air h-U). Far tii!R tat1 )J~.-o 02ld:.O 00t..

Similarly, the e.""tpression for the increment in pressure coefficient between adjacent contour fringes is approxi­mately

(I+ 'Y 2 1 JP) -a ,._

.lC,= ,. .........-1 (7) - A"LP•

Jl.l(t+'Y 21 J.Py-1 •

For values of M close to ll., this expression has a minimum

a.t Jf.=~ whlch is 1.8.32 for air.


A close approximation to two-dimensional flow over the whole span of the model was required since the interferometer integrates the value of the density from wall to wall. In a

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nonviscous fluid letting the model extend from wall to wall would theoretically give two-dimensional flow oYer the whole span. If the model did not span the whole tunnel, the flow would correspond to that pa.St a model of infinite span with periodic gaps in it where the gaps were equal to twice the distance from the edge of the modelto the wall. The effect of the side-wall boundary layers, for a model that does not span the tunnel, is roughly to decrease the size of this gap. Approximately, the gap size would be decreased by twice the displacement thickness of the wall boundary layer. By making the gap between the edge of the model and the wall approximately equal to the wall-boundary-layer displace­ment thickness, one might hope to approximate closely two­dimensional flow over the span. This phenomenon is, of course, very much more complicated than this, particularly in the supersonic case where the shock w·aves interact with the wall boundary layer. However, by taking circular­cylinder and wedge models and varying the gap size in in­crements of ?{&inch, it was found that the detached bow wave became closely two-dimensional when the gap size was~ inch (i.e., there was no blur ahead of or behind the shock pictures) which· is almost exactly the boundary-layer displacement thickness when measured without a model in the tt>st sect-ion. When the gap was ~~inch the shock was blurred ahead of the main shock and when the gap was ~~ inch it was blurred. behind the main shock. These tests were further sub­stantiated by some schlieren pictures, which Mr. ~alter G. Vincenti of the NACA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory kindly made available, showing a view looking down on a wedge model so that the leading edge of the detached shock appeared as a line; by Yarying the model span a discrete value of the span was found where this line was almost exactly parallel to the leading edge of the model, wlille for just slight variations from this gap size the shock was curved forward or backward. Figure 2 shows a finite-fringe fnter­ferogram of the circular-arc section with a detached shock where the definition of the shock wave was unusually sharp. This is strong, but, of course, not conclusive, evidence that t.he flow was closely two-dimensional over most of the span. Further evidence that the flow differed from two-dimensional flow only slightly is given in the next section.


A result of the method of intel'l'erogram evaluation de­scribed above is that the effect of the side-wall boundary layer is approximately canceled out, since the over-all fringe shift from no-flow conditions is unimportant, only the relati,·e fringe shifts from a point of known density being used. This is strictly true only if the integrated side-wall boundary-layer · density, defined by

J:· pdy (8)

wllt:'re y is the direction perpendicular to the tunnel wall and y= 0 is the wall, is the same over the entire field of Yiew of t.hc interferometer. Obviously, this can never be exactly true since the pressure field caused by the model, the boundary-layer growth, and the shock-wave and boundar;\·­layer interaction all tend tc change this value. An indica­tion that all these effects might be small was obtained· from

the model te.skl where pressures werl' ml'asUrf'd at two points on the model in the <'l'llter of tlH' span, wlwrl' the flow is closely two-dimensional; I Ill' dPnsity iner<'ment bt•­twcen t.hese two points on the model was comptll'l'd with the density increment given by the intcrfcrogram. Thtl standard deviation from zero of the difTl•rence between thc:;c two increments over the whole range of test :\Inch numbers was about 1 percent of the stagnation density. Also, the values of pressure-drag coefficient obtained interferomet­rically for the'd-shock-wavc cases checkcd the oblique-shock theory very closely, and it is well-known thnL the oblique-shock theory checks C."\:pcriment quite well.


An interesting result of the met.hod of evaluation just dc.scribcd is that the free-stream .:\fach number in subsonic flow can be determined from the interferogram ancl the measured pressure on t.he mod('l, providf'd a large enough field of view ahead of tho model is obla.incu in the int<'r­ferogram.' This can be done . by noticing that a certain number of compression contours appPar around the lcuding edge and then expansion contours follow these toward tho back part of the airfoil; the center fringe corresponding to free-stream density can then be traced out into the How field (sec, e. g., figs. 9(a) to 9(d) of the 10° wedge in subsonic flow). The exact value of the density can be determined on this fringe as described preYiously and, hence, ku~?wing the stagnation density in the settling chamber, the efTectiYe free~stream Mach number can be determinr.d from the isentropic-flow relations. It is believed that this cffcetivc .Mach number is a good approximation to the free-flight free-stream MaC'h number and would give the same flow as that measured in the wind tunnel for the very small models used in these tests.

This method is more accurate at high-subsonic speeds than at low speeds since more contour lines are obtainl'u on the airfoil at the higher speeds (sec above discussion). The estimated accuracy in determining free-stream :Mach num­ber in this way was ±0.01 for the range of subsonic i\fach numbers tested.

The free-stream Mach numlwrs for the supersonic tests were obtained by calibrating the flexiblt.>-nozzle jack settings against Mach number with a static-pressure probe irt the center of the tunnel. The probe was traversed upstream and do·wnstream in t.he region where the models were to be tested and an average Mnch number was obtained there. The standard deviations from this avcragc value wcrc of the order of ±0.005 in Mach number for tho range of supersonic Mach numbers tested.


In all the subsonic testing the embedded supersonic zone was .not allowed to tOuch the upper or lower walls. In one or two of the low-supersonic tests there was a qucst.ion whctlH'r t.he embedded subsonic zone touched tlJC ceiling or not. In case it did, it is well-known that in such cases the dctached shock changcs its curvaturo ncar the ceiling so as to come in nearly normal to the walls. Since the models were so Yery small (}{a in. thick compared with the 10-in. height of the tmmel), it is believed that the effect of lhis on the pressure distribution was negligible.

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The "Value of the Reynolds number for all of these tests ·wllS approximately 60,000 based on the chord of the model. The boundary layer on the models was laminar and no effort was made to trip the boundary layer to make it turbulent. The compression region in the shocks shown in the high-subsonic-flow interferograms is believed to be a_qgociated with the laminar boundary layer, as mentioned previously.



In 1946 ~Iaccoll presented a paper at the Si.'Cth Interna­tional Congress for Applied Mechanics in which he described a relaxation calculation of the compressible .flow past a 20° semiangle wedge followed by a straight section at ).lach numbers of 0.7 and 1.5. The flow field in both cases con­tained both subsonic and supersonic velocities. His main assumptions were: (1) Sonic v-elocity occurs at the shoulder and (2) the streamlines of the flow a,.re perpendicular to the sonic line {i. e., the line where sonic velocity occurs in the flow). The first REsumption can be shown to be correct (see reference 22) so that, indeed, it is not an assumption. The second assumption, as Ma.ccoll realized, was only approxi­mately correct for ~\!..,=1.5 and certainly quite incorrect far away from the wedge at 1\1.,=0.7 (since the assumption leads to an infinite supersonic region above the wedge). In P-ffect, his solution at 11.!..,=0.7 was "choked" in the sense that the back part of the body could have no influence on the front part. lL is well-known that for bodies at high­subsonic speeds a finite, closed supersonic region occurs in the flow, so that the sonic line makes all angles possible with the strE.'amlines, including 0°. The method of solution used was to assume positions of the shock wave and sonic line-, calculate the residues in the relaxation net using the isen­tropic-flow equations (an appro:rimation since flow behind a curved shock is not isentropic), and then readjust the shock­wave and sonic-line location, calculate again, and so forth, iterating until the solution closely repeated itself. } found that the p/po' distribution on the wedge surface at Jl.,= 1.5 was nearly identical with the PIPo distribution at JI., = 0.7. This lE'd him to propose that the pressure in the transonic region, on bodies with distinct corners, varied as tht.> stagnation pressure and he presented .a drag curve through Jf..,=1 for the 20° semiangle wedge calculated on this basis.

Drougge in 1948, following l\Iaccoll, calculated thE' flow past a finite cone of 45° semiangle with detached shock, wave at ~u ... =1.80 and 1\!.,=2.15, using the same assumptions as ).laccoll (reference 18). He also made experiments on this cone and found the agrE.'ement with his theory rather good. He made several tests at lower supersonic Mach numbers also and found that the p/po' distribution on the cone surface did remain nE'arly constant except as the ~Tach numbE.'r became close to the attachment :\.Iach number.

DrE'hingE.'r in 1950 showed how to calculate, by relaxation techniques, the flo,,. past finite cones and wedges with de­tached shocks, eliminating the isentropic-flow assumption s.nd the assumption on the streamlines being perpendicular to the sonic line (reference 19); He calculated a specific

example-a. 26.6° semia.ngle wedge at .L)..f.=l.44G-and checked the calculat-ed shock-wave shape and position exper~ imentally. His calculations showed that, even for the de­tached-shock case, the streamlines differed from being per­pendicular to the sonic lines by angles as large as 30°. His calculation was checked in detail experimentally in these tests and agreement was found to be excellent. ----


By assuming that the velocity component parallel to the free--stream direction differs only by a small quantity u from a*, the critical velocity, and keE'ping only the highest-order terms in the differential equation, the equations of two­dimensional irrotational fluid motion are reduced to

( +l)~~C>v_o} 'Y · a* C>x C>y-

()u C>v • C>y-C>x -0 .


It was from these equations that Yon Klirrrum and Guderley independently arrived at the transonic similarity laws (references 9 and 4). For two-dimensional steady .flow past sections whose shape functions are the same, these laws imply that


-where Jl is the local Mach number on the surface of the section. The similarity in pressure and drag coefficients is then

('Y+1)I1307= { .il/.,2-1 } (t/c)ll3 g [('Y+ l)tfc]11a (11)

('Y+ 1)113C D { Jo.f.., 2-1 } (t/c)!l1 k [('Y+ I)tfc] 2"


These quantities will be called reduced local ).! number1

reduced free-stream ).lach nun1ber, reduced pressure coef-- ·--~-·­ficient, and reduced drag coefficient, respectively, using

symbols t, t., C11 , and CD. By interchanging depi'ndent and independent variables

in the perturbation equations, the problem becomes linear:


where ,

and, by eliminating x by differentiation, the Tricomi equa­tion is obtained:


The main difficulties with this hodograph (u, v) plane are: (a) The mapping of physical boundaries into the hodograph

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plane is, in general, not known until the solution to the probl('m is known so that it is not known where to apply the boundary conditions in the hodograph plane and (b) the mapping is often multivalued, complicating the solution. Two interesting cases are known where these difficulties are avoided. They are: (a) The free jet, studied by Tschap­lygin in 190!5, and (b) the finite wedge, studied recently by Guderl('y and Yoshihara, Vincenti and Wagoner, and Cole. These latter studies came to the author's attention after the pres('nt e.xpl'rimental study of the finite wedge in transonic flow had begun and served to make the study more interest­ing since the data could then be compared with the theo­retical result-s.


Guderley was the first to formulate the problem of the thin finite wedge in the hodograph; he and Yoshibara found an approximate solution to the problem of the flow past a thin double-wedge profile at z('ro angle of attack at Mach number 1 using the transonic perturbation equations (reference 20) ..

Vincl•nt.i and '\.Yagoner considered the thin double-wedge profile at zero angle of attack fo,r low-supersonic :r ... Iach numbers where the shock wave is detached (reference 21). Their solutions were effected by relaxation calculations in the hodograph plane. Here the bow shock wave and the sonic line arC' fixed boundaries (their positions are not known originally in the physical plane) and the boundary condition on the shock is the slope of the streamlines (or the lines y=Consta.nt). This boundary conditio_u was first shown by Busemann, who aptly called the configura­tion a "hedge hog."

Cole (reference 22) has recenLl.v given a simple approxi­mate analytical solution to the flow past a thin symmetrical wedge followed by a straight section at high-subsonic speeds (~U ... ~ 1). His solution satisfies the Tricomi equa­tion and the boundary conditions on the wedge and at infinity but not the boundary conditions on the sonic line. Effec­tively, his solution gives a finite vertical sonic line from the shoulder which is also a limiting line. Cole has indicated that this solut.ion is the singular part of the solution in the hodograph and as such is most likely the main part of the solution. It is interesting to note that the drag-curve slope and curvature at .M..,=1 obtained from Cole's solution agree exactly with the values obtained from the simple physical considerations of the next section. Also, the pres­sure distribution on the wedge at M.., = 1 agrees within I or 2 percent with t.hat obtained by Guderley and Yosbihara.

Sine,o the back half of a double-wedge profile has only a very weak influence on the pressure distribution on the front half for M ... >1 (only through the "last .Mach wave" from the shoulder point to the sonic point on the detached shock), it is reasonable to take the solution of the double wedge at M.., ~ 1 and use the front-half solutions in con-

, nect.ion with Cole's results for AI .. ~ 1 for the wedge fol­lowed by a straight section and thus have a solution for the latter semi-infinite body completely through the transonic range. By using linearized subsonic theory and the shock-

expansion supersonic theory, the zero-angle-of-attack flow is obtained for all possible values of M..,.

Tsien and Baron (reference 29) have shown that the shock-expansion theory can be expressed in the transonic similarity form for thin bodies in pure supt:>rsonic flow UNU'

11.1. .. =1. Von Ktirman (reference 9) has indicated also how linear!

ized subsonic- and supersonic-flow results may be written in the transonic similarity form since, from the Prnndtl­Glauert similarity, in linearized subsonic th£'ory,

0 =--~Jc~,,ll-111 z1!.) (15) , ,/1-111} c "' c

and, in lin£'arized supersonic theory,

0 t[c c~~ ! M z_1ll) (IG) " ,j.M./-1 g c ' '"' c

and from the expressions for reduc£'d pressure coefficient b·+ 1)1/3

and Mach number, multiplying both sides by (tfc)"~ll'

these equations may also be writtl'n as:

('Y+ 1)11301' (tfc)zta


/[h+ l)tfc]zts . "V l-M.., 2

f{~' 1-111..,2 [< >t]11&y} ( )

· c [('Y+ l)l/c]111 'Y+ 1 c c 15a·

/[(-y+ 1)l/c]211 ... -- ~.

'V M .. 2-l

}x .M..,2-l [ t]1

'1 y}

. g {'C' [(-y+ 1)l/c]2' 3 ('Y+ 1) r ( ('Y+ 1)1110,

C, (tfc)ft•

Ill ,,,2-1 ~"' ==r ( 'Y-+~1 )-=-=t;c-:-:1 z=,s

y= [('Y+ l)tfcptay


so equations (15) and (16) may be written in tran::;onic form


:;t, (.r y ,-)-v,=G c' c' '~ ... (18)

The subsonic pressure-distribution and drag-col'ffirit•nt. curv~ have been calculated here from Cole's analytical expressions and, combined with the results of Guderlt•y and Yoshihara, Vincenti and Wagoner, and Tsieu and Baron, the curves for reduced pressure and !\fa('h number distribu~ tion and reduced drag coefficient 2 are given in figures 5 to 8 for the finite wedge followed by a straight section.

• The reduced drag COt>lfick>nt ([ln•n In llgure Sis th~t ror t11e h~lr wcdp and Is rqual to

l':o-L' C~>d (f)

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_,..,921 . 058 ~ .-·.703 ~;::::;:;'

/ ~ ~ ...- _..:..~ -:::""' / - / ~----- .,._, _,.- I - --=----- ..... _,_271

I~ ~-:.:.t ..;:-- -~:::-.970 I

--- -f ~~- / -.690 /

..... -- --------- ~:435-·' -e.o~:;:. .. ..... --I --- --

I ..... --~----




-3 {


-5 J .2 .4 .6 .a 10 I. 2


Fr•a:n 5.-Theoretl<!e.l ndnced local ~lw:h number distributions on 11 ~near :Mach numb~r l. Data from references 20 to 22 and.~-




-I 0 eCD

xlt=O--- --

2 3

Fr••t:aa G.-Theoretical reduced local :l.lach number apwt reduced free.,ostream :\Iac!J number at senral chordw~ station! on a wed~. Data from references 20 to 22 and 29.



--- -.435 -- -.690

-2r-----~------~----~------~----~-----~-.~97~0~ --- -1.271


-~OL-=r112'ZZZZ2~r:::::;.~====:::l .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 .Vc

FIGl"U: 'i.-Theoretical rednced presrure~mclent distr!butloWI on a wedgl> near :l.lach nnmber I. De.t& from references 20 to 22 and 29.


3..0 f--- ~ I .? ~~kJocmL_ ty2B . v 11-·M>l

f--- t)==?~x l '\ c-1

v -r;· ndBo I~

·eote (~'0)-J Slen a ron-· -((CD>I.26) I

l7 o ~ncenli





v • Guderley -- I I 9.ID -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -.5 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0


FIGg,:& s.-Thtoret!clll reduced drs& coemcl.ant ap!nst reduced MilCh number tor 11 wedct-.

It can be shown that Cole's solution for large negative values of t.. goes over exactly into the linearized subsonic solution (see appendi.~ A). The reduced-pressure-coefficient curve for t .. = -2.02 in figure 7 is so nearly identical for both

.solutions that they cannot be told apart (except that Cole's solution goes to C., .. a.t xfc= 1_ while the linearized solution goes to - a:1). This is to be expected since the transonic perturbation equations are not restricted to transonic flow but apply equally well to completely subsonic aD.d. __ _ completely supersonic flow. 3 The tmnsonic equation can be written in the form

a This was pointed out to tbt author by Dr. :\lUton Van Dyke or the N!1.CA -~mes -~a-~ nantlcai Laborator:y.

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(1-.M 2'1 ?J2f{) + CJ2f{) = 2M .. (1 + -y- 1 M ') bf{) b1

f{). (19). "' 1 (5? by1 a., 2 ... bx bx1

where f{) is the perturbation potential such that u=U +~:~

v = ~ Thus it is clear that for completely subsonic or

completely supersonic flows the term on the right is negli­gibly small but becomes of paramount importance in t.ransonic flow.



Critical Mach number.--The Mach number at which sonic velocity first appears on the wedge is M ... =O (within the inviscid theory) since subsonic flow cannot turn a sharp corner. Because of the fact that the boundary layer rounds off the corner, and perhaps also because of the spatial resolution limitations of the interferometric method, sonic velocity was not found there experimentally until approximately t .. =-0.80 for the wedges.

The critical Mach number for a half circular-arc airfoil followed by a straight section can be obtained approximately from linearized subsonic theory. This theory gives the surface -pressure distribution as

G., -4(tfc) [1-(1-!) lo xfc J 'lr·Jl-:M ... 2 c g. 1-(x/c)

which yields -1.626(tfct ,ji-M..,'.



at xfc=0.783 (see appendix B). This equation can also be written in transonic similarity form by multiplying both

( +1)1/8 . sides by (t/c)218 (as shown in the previous section) :

"" -1.626 c.,,...,. ,; ~... . . (22)

Now, within the transonic perturbation theory,

c,=-2(~-~ .. ) Hence



Equating OP,.,., to CP,. one obtains the critical reduced Mach number

~ .... =-0.871

For the thickness ratio t/c=0.088 used in these tests, this predicts a critical Mach number of 0.824 at x/c='0.783. Experimentally, the critical Maeh number was found to be 0.825 and occurred somewhere between :cfc=0.75 and 0.95 (the pressure distribution was very flat in this range). It is interesting to note that the experimental }.f.,er was higher for the wedges than for the circular-arc profile of the same thickness ratio. This was probably due to a combination of three effects: (1) The boundary layer for the same

Reynolds numbers used here was fairly thick in comparison with the dimensions of the model and thus it "rounded off'' the shoulder more than would be the case at higher Reynolds numbers. (2) The height of the supllrsonic zone, even for an ideal nonviscous flow past thin wedges, appears to be quite small until the free-strram 1-.Jach number is quite close to 1. This is apparent from Cole's tlu .. 'Ory and also from the argument in reference 25 that the height of shocks in the supr.rsonie zone must be of the form

('Y+l)- -=-OD [ t]1'1 h 1 ""

c c ~ .. 1

(3) The spatial resolution of the interferometric method may not have beun sufficient to detect very small supersonic

. zones near the shoulder. There is also a large refraction error near the shoulder due to the high density gradients which tends to obscure details of the flow there.

Shock-attachment Mach number.-The sho<"k-attuehnwnt Mach number depends only on the opening angle of the profile at the leading edge and can be predicted quito pre­

. cisely by oblique-shock theory. If 8 is the scmiop<'ning angle, then it can be shown that approximately, for thin profiles,

j1,J 2-1 3 f_.A [(;+Al)/1]218=> 4t/S -(25)

(see appendix C). If tfc is the thickness ratio of the circular­arc section, (}t::$2(tfc). Hence for the circular-arc profile

3 ~ .. A=zm (26)

Mach number at which sonic velocity appears behind an oblique shock.-The Mach number at which sonic Yeloeity appears behind an oblique shock M ... , is just slightly higher than :Af..,A and again is a function only of the opening angle. These values can also be found quite precisely from oblique­shock theory nod approximately in similarity form can be given as


for the wedge (see appendix C) and


for the circular-arc section.


Mach number at leading edge.--The Mach number at the leading edge is zero (a stagnation point) for all free-stream :Mach numbers less than the attachment .Mach number.

Mach number at shoulder of wedge.- ·-The Mach number at the shoulder of the wedge just before the turn is alw·ays 1. This is easily seen in the case of flow with detached shock since. the only characteristic distance of the finite wedge is the distance from the leading edge to the shoulder which must d~termine the shock-detachment djstance, and, if the sonic point occurred ahead of the shoulder, the shoulder

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!Ould not influence the shock position. Subsonic flow camiot the .Mach number ahead is above 1. This follows Crom the_ . ;urn a sharp corner so the flow must therefore reach Mach normal-shock relation: 1umber 1 right at the comer. In the case of subsonic fre&- i-J!~.~= Mt2-1_ 1tream flow the argument is not so simple (see referenee 22).

1+...!!._ (M


1) . . (32) - _...__ ....-

At the shoulder the flow around the comer is locally a 'Y+ 1 centered Praiuitl-Meyer fan starting from M = 1. The ~Iach number just behind the comer is thus determined only. by the wedge angle and is independent of the free-stream MacJ:l number. Behind thjs point the 1Iow will recompress to the

where J/1 is the ~[ach nUIIi.ber ahead of the shock and i\f1 is the ~Iach number behind the shockj so near,

free-stream ~Iach number through ~shock or series of shocks, or for free-stream Mach numbers less than the attachment Mach num,her. The expression for :Mach number J!,.JC b~hind an expansion from Jf = 1 through an angle 9 is


B= h+ftan-t h 1 ,J .. \fPll"-1-tan-1 , 1!fpJ,/-1.(29) v :Y-1 "'Y + 1

Expanding the right-hand side in powers of .,f.l/pJl-1 (assumed.small), the first nonzero term yields

which is in transonic similarity form so

][px'-:1. (3)211 ~li=[('Y+1)9J211.., 2





During the course of these investigations it was found that for the wedge and circular-arc seetions the local ~Iach number <listributions on these sections at very high subsonic speeds (abQve M ••• but below choking l\!ach number} and at very low supersonic speeds (where the detached shock wave was a chord length or so ahead of the section) were nearly identical. In trying to' understand why this should be so, the following explanation was derived: (1) At low-supersonic speeds the bow shock wave ~ detach~ a great distance ahead of the profile and a subsomc flow regton is embedded in the flow field between the shock and the sonic line.. The part of the shock directly ahead of th~ profile is nearly normal over quite a distance (of course, the slope of the shock asymptotically tends to the slope of the Mach wave of the free-stream flow at large distances lateral to the flow direction). Nagamatsu (reference 30) has pre­viously indicated this and points out that the .O.ow past the profile should be closely approximated by assuming ~he profi.le is in a high-speed subsonic flow where the veloe1ty distribution at infinity is slightly nonuniform, the minimum velocity being directly aheJUi of .the profile and equal to the v~locity behind the normal shock and then increasing in both I~teraJ directions. (2) Now the normal shock near Mach. number 1 is nearly symmetrical in the sense that the Mach number behind the shock is just as much below 1 as


Therefore if .lf.=1+e, where e is small, the flow past the pro.file is nearly the same as the .O.ow past the profile at J.f = 1-e since the ~Iach number behind the centrar part of • the detached shock wave is almost exactly 1-e. It· , ........... follows therefore that the local Mach number distribution on the pro.file · surface must have a stationary value at

. . .

.ll. = 1 and furthermore vary only slowly in the neighbor- . hoodofJf.=l: ').IathematicaUythismea.ns · -· -·-- ....


It should be noticed that this lll"glim.ent is based on two assumptions:' (1) The detached bow- wave moves very far &head of the profile as the flight :Mach number decreases toward 1. (2) The radius of curvature of the detached bow wave at points directly &head of the profile becomes ex:­tremely large as the flight Mach number decreases toward 1..

Ex&m.ining these assumptions, it would seem tha.t the same reasoning should apply to any finite three-dimensional body iii an infinite fiuid traveling at speeds near Mach number 1, except that now two radii of curvature at points on the detached bow wave ahead of the body must be assumed to hi!come large as the flight Mach number de­creases toward 1. The detached bow wave is so far away from the body at speeds just slightly above :Mach .number 1 that t1ie body appears as only a very small obj~t in relation to the radii of curvature of the bow wave and,. hence, it. would appear as though the shape and attitude of the body could have no appreciable effect in changing the argument. presented above. ·

. . --

The reasoning should also apply to an infinite yawed cylinder (whose cross seetion may be finite or, if the angle of attack is 0, ma.y extend infinitely far downstream) pro­vided tha.t the .Mach number considered is the component of the Mach number normal to the generators of the cylinder.

These ~ents are for steady-flight speeds. Large _ .. _ accelerations through sonic flight speed could conceivably modify the phenomenon. Thus it is difficult to judge whether or not the available flight-test data confirm the concept since nearly all such data come from missile tests

5 n 11 bellev8cl tllllt t~ an DOt lll!tually 111111mptlol!l b~ ere eapabii! of demaiiStrat!cll If ODe llllllmel • IIIIIIOth Ylllfatloo ol dr.i& tbrutllh Mae~~. lllliD.ber I.

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that involved large accelerations (or decelerations) through sonic flight speeds. The trllJlsonic-bump tests of Weaver on sweptback wings (reference 1) would seem to support these conclusions since tl1ey show drag-coefficient ma.ximums very near Mach number 1, a necessary consequence of the concept for finite three-dimensional bodies and finite, unswept, two-dimensional bodies as will now be shown.


Equation (35) enables one to calculate the slope of the pressure- and drag-coeffident curves at :Mach number 1 as follows:



1 + "Y .., 1 J.l-1,,./)'l'~l ]

( ' __ 2__ - -1 p- ][ J

"Y .n· ., 1 + "Y 2 1 Af2 (37)

for isentropic flow so

-- (38)


Now for a two-dimensional body the pressure-drag coefficient (based on the chord) is given by the contour integral-

where t unit vector in st-ream direction 1i unit vector normal to profile pointing outward ds element of lengt-h along profile contour so if the angle of attack is constant- and ltl,., is changing

But ~t·fl. ds=O for a closed contour, so

--~9D I =--2- OD[M I d.M., Mao-! "Y+ 1 .,-




For the front part of a profile (defined as that pnrt ahead of the ma.-nmum thickness) the usual definition of a drag coefficient is

lj'b On,.=-~ C 11t·ftds c ..



where G means the counterclockwise line integral from the

point of maximum thickness on the upper surface to the point of maximum thickness on the lower surface; thus



t ma.~imum thickness of profile a angle of attack of profile Similarly the drag coefficient for tlw rear part is





For the tests on wedge and circular-arc sections followed by straight sections the concept of drag coefficient of tho front part of the section will often be used.

For- bodies of revolution (which include sph(>rcs, cone­cylinders, etc.) the pressure-drag coefficient (based on maxi­mum cross-sectional area) at ZNO angle of attack is

' ll )2 CD= epa(Rr "'l-0

where R maximum radius of body l length of body x distance from nose along axis Therefore


as before in the two-dimensional case. However, for front and back drag coefficients

CDF=i~/1PdCilY (4 7)



and similarly


and thl•se differ from two-dimensional values obtained above in equations (43) and (45) by not involving the firwncss ratio of the body (this is of course due t-o the cliiTt•rtmt reference areas for drag cocfficil•nts). '

For the general finite three-dimensional body the pressure-drag coefficient is given by ·

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1\·lu~re ...4. is some reference area of the body and S is the mrface of the body. It follows as it did previously that

dC'o I 2 0 I dM =-+1 DM.,-l ~ .. Jl .. -1 'Y


Within the transonic appro:rimation


Now dd;"\1! I _ =0 implies that dd~E I _ =0; hence

•I ,. M. 1 <;.,f .. 0



rtc,l = 2 rl~ .. l~ .. -o

C'p=-- c.t·nd -- 1 ~- • (-~·) tfc c

dOni _ 0 dE,., E .. -o-

Similarly it is easy to show that










As mentioned previously, Maccoll in 1946 had already proposed the slow variation of local :\lach number near 1\.f .. =l on "bodies having distinct corners." It appears that this latter restriction is not necessary. :\[accoll's pro­posal was based on rather slim evidence and it is believed that here, on the basi."! of the argument presented concerning the nonnal shock, the principle is explained more convinc­ingly. Also the experimental evidence given ·here and by Drougge (reference 18), Bleakney and Griffith (personal communication), Weaver (reference 1), and by some NACA. rE>ports tends to bE>ar out the conclusions of slow variation of lorall\.fach number on bodies near Jf .. =l.

This fact is sometimes slightly obscured in the NACA reports because pressure coefficient was plotted instead of p{p. or local ).lach number. However, conStant :\lach number lines were sometimes drawn in these plots and there the evidence shows up strongly (see, e. g., refeff'nce 31, figs. 7 to 11, pp. a6 and 37). The relative constancy of local

1Iach number distribution near .:lf .. =l for airfoils_ at an angle of attack is also shown clearly in figures 8, 9, and 10 of reference 32.


In references 21 and 25 discussions were presented on the philosophy of comparing experiments with approximate theories, and these disc.ussions will not be repeated here, except to mention that in some of the theoretical curres presented here the values have been shown with a certain spread which results from using a pressure coefficient equ~

u-u u-u to -2 -r or -2 ~ (the formc.r value is the one that

fits into transonic similarity theory; the latter value is the one more commonly used in perturbation analysis).

In connection with the idea presented in reference 25 of extrapolating experimental data to zero thickness in order to compare with results from transonic perturbation analyses, it is interesting to note that the characteristic ).lach numbers mentioned in the section "Characteristic Features of Tran­sonic Flow past Wedge and Circular-Arc Sections" can be presented in powers of the thickness of the wedge (or equi\"­alently in powers of the wedge angle), the first term of which gives the transonic similarity expression; two ·or these V"alues are


1(-r+ 1)8]1/J


=(~)1/3{ 1 + -±L_[3(-r + 1)]!/3 lf/3+0(8''3)} (58) 2 5(-r+ 1) 2

(See appendixes D aml E.) In transonic perturbation theory the terms in 8 on the right-hand side are neglected . This can lead to fairly large errors for even moderately large values of 8 since the approach to 8=0 is nonlinear and


Judging from this one might expect that quantitath·e agreement of transonic perturbation analyses with experiment would not be so good. However, in comparing two similar shapes with only slightly different thickness ratios by transonic similarity considerations one would e."tpect fairly good agreement.



Figure 9 shows interferograms of the fl.ow past the 10° sem.iangle wedge for 14 Mach numbers from 0.700 to 0.892 and 1.207 to 1.465 (the interferograms for the 4~0 and 7}~0 wedges were very similar and hence are not shown here).

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(a.) M.., •0.700; ,..,/,..•0.7fll, (b) M .. -o.~; ,...,,,. •• o.743.

FIGURE 9.-Interf~roP"Sms of !low past 10" semlangle wedge tor various MilCh numbt'l's.

(c) M ..,•O.M2; ,. .. r,.,•0.712. (d) M.., •0.892; p 00 /p,•D.691

FIGURE 0.-contlnued,

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lhl .l\{. -1.315; ~-/.a.•D.47&. Fto:.u:u P.-contlnued.


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. 67Q.-.• ~=0.695 ..••.

.721· .• • 74&-~·



F!GUIIX g.-Continued •


ck) M,. -1.:m; p.,fp.-O.«I.

FrouBB 9.-0ontlnued.


p "PP .. 0.690-.716 .742 .768

co M .. -1.411; .... r •• -o.432.


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..f.. .664-. Po •0.682


,m, .u .. -1.436: ,.r,.-o.-c!2.. FlGt:U. g.-concluded.

Xotice that the lines of constant density in the subsonic-flow -interferograms are roughly elliptical in shape as predicted by the theory (see appendb:es A and B). A supersonic flow region was first detected between ]/., =0.700 and 0.794 ! the sonic line is shown as a dashed line in the figures) and a shock emanating from the corner appears in the super­sonic· zone at .M .. =0.794. As the :\Iac.h number was incrE>ased, this zone grew larger and a shock appeared at the rear of it, while the shock emanating from the corner weakened and disappeared. This rearward shock was of the typical >. type associated with a laminar boundary layer, and the interferograms clearly indicated the separation of the boundary layer ahead of this shock. The similarity between the flow field at .U.=0.892 and at il.f .. =1.207 ifigs. 9 (d) and 9 (e)) is striking; the base of the rearward shock has moved quite far back on the wake of the blunt trailing edge at 1'1.1., = 1.207 but in the vicinity of IU).d ahead of the sonic line the two fields are nearly identical except for the detached shot·k wa..-e which appears about 1 ~ chord lengths ahead of the wedge at Jf ... = 1.207. As the ~.fach number was increased above 1.207, the detached shock moved in closer to the leading edge and finally "attached" at a ~la<'h numbt>r quite dose to the theoretical attachment Mach numbE>r of J£.,=1.418. Xotice that the process of attachment is very continuous. The effect of the boundary layer is quite noticeable in the last few interferogtams: This l'an be roughly accounted for by considering the

boundary layer to change the shape of the body by its displaC'ement thickness and then considering a nonviscous flow past this revised shape. On the wedge the boundary layer will not grow so rapidly as on a fiat plate because of the fav_orable pressure gradient and, in fact, the effect of the strong expansion around the corner is known to cause an almost complE>te collapse of the boundary layer there, As the bow shock wave gets close to attachment, the velocities in the subsonic region behind it are getting very close to sonic velocity and hence the flow in this region is very sensitive to any slight currature of the "revised shape'' of the wedge. This accounts for the shift of the base of the sonic line forward to the leading edge as the shock aP:- __ _ proaC'hes attachment. The nonviscous theory would in· dicate that the sonic line would always begin @ot the corner and, at a ~Iach number just slightly above the shock­attachment ).!ach number,_the whole subsonic region would become sonic; then, with increasing ~lach number, the flow behind the sh(){.'k would be completely supersonic. Ab observed, the boundary-layer effect is to make the wedge have a curred surface and the sonic line actually moves slowly from the corner to the nose. E ... -en with an attach~d shock wave at J/m=l.465 the flow behind the shock is noL quite uniform (as nonviscous theory would indicate it should be; because of the effective ('UITed surface caused by the boundary layer.

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Figure 10 shows tJ1e variation of local Mach number distribution on tJw surfaces of the 4~0, 7~0 , and 10° semiangle wedges with free-stream Mach number. This should. be compared with figure 5 which shows the corresponding tJ1ooretical curves in terms of the transonic similarity param­eters. The general behavior of the theoretical and ex­perimental curves is quite definitely in good a..,OTeement. Particularly noteworthy is the slow variation of the local Mach number distribution free-stream Mach number 1.


The slow variation of the Mach number distribution in the range near M .. = 1 _is obscured when the resuit.s are plotted in termB of pressure coefficient, since t.he pressure coefficient changes a great deal if local Mach number is con­stant while the free-stream Mach number changes. A better parameter for presenting transonic pre5sure distributions would be PIPo (pfpo' in case of a detached shock). Typical CP distributions are shown in figure 11 for the 7~0 wedge (the results for the 10° and 4~0 wedges were very similar and hence they are not presented). The points shown were

, where the isopycnics intersected the body in tJ1e interfero­



---Supersonic -- - Subsonic

(a) 100 semlangle wedge.

l"'ouu 10.-Looal Mach number aa;aln!t ztc lor lncreaa!n& free-atream Msch number.

~ ... ~ Cll .0 E :::> c

-5 c :::z: "6


~ ... ~ .! E :::> c

.<::: 8 :::E



~ Supersonic --Subsonic

.21-----+-------+ ----l-------t -- -·-- -·-- - ----1


0 .2 .4 .6 x;c

(b) 7W semlflnlle wedg~.

FIGURE 10.-contlnued.

.8 1.0 1.~




--- Supersonic --Subsonic



.2 .4 .6 xjc

(e)- 'K• semlangle wedie. F!GUU 10.-Goncluded.

.8 1.0 1.2

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T 0.1 i

\ \ \

--Cp"O --- Position or sonic velocity

Zero for M<D =



(a :::::~J 0 2 .:4 .6 .8 10


la·l Subsonic.

Frou..ll.-Pres!!ure dlstrlbatlons for 7*0 semfan&le w~.

Since for a wedge the drag coefficient is proportional to the average 0.,, the drag rise is evident in the subsonic distribu­tions as the point where 0 11 =0 moves rearward with increasing free-stream Mach number. Linearized subsonic theory (whlch predicts Co=O) locates the 0,.=0 point at xfc=50 percent. Figure 7 shows theoretical reduced 0 11 distributions at various reduced free-stream ~Iach numbers. .Again the qualitative agreement of these curves with e::tperiment I.S



Figure 12 shows the shock-detachment distance against reduced free-stream Mach number for the three thin wedgtls and includes the theoretical values from reference 21. Here Vincenti and Wagoner's values for t .. have been multiplied

t t .. All-7*0 • rd . . s>y , [ m o er to make the transomc perturbation

c; .. A 1•0" . .

\·alue of detachment reduced Mach number agree with the value from oblique-shock theory for the 7"0 wedge: 1 The reason for this was discussed in the section "On Comparing Theory and Experiment," namely, the difficulty of comparing

• In terms ot Maeh number, fat the iJ.i" w~ the shock theocy predicts attachDU'Ilt aJ;

M .. .1. •1.33 <E .. " -1.68), wl:~ t~ transon!e perturbation theory pred1cta M.,. "-1.25 <E •" -ugJ.

T 0.1 _L

Zero for MtrJ'"

----Position of sonic velocity



~ ::J 0 2 .4 .6 .8 10


(b) Bapenonic.

Fl.auu 11.-concluded.


- 1.230




- 1.310

- 1.330




transonic perturbation theory quantitatively with e.~peri­ment. Notice how rapidly the shock wave moves away from the wedge as the 1\.Iach. number is decreased toward 1.


It was shown in reference 25 that the viscous effects on the wedge tend to compensate each other at the leading edge and the shoulder so that the over-all pressure drag iS- - ---nearly the same as if the flow were inviscid. ThU$ it would be expected that the pressure-drag coefficients obtained by integrating the experimental pressure distributions would check the inviscid transonic perturbation theory. The reduc~d drag coefficient used here was


which is, in essence, the reduced drag coefficient of the upper (or lower) half wedge. This was done since the wedge model was regarded as the front half of a. double-wedge profile and hence the value given here is the part of the re-

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\ I 2f ~ I 8~c:__:r

~·~ -I 1-1 I


I I \

~ •


\~ G 10° semianole wedge

0 7 to semianore wedge

' 4fsemia~9h1 wedge _

\ -•- Vincenti (E'cx;•value adjusted-see ted}

~ ~~ ..,..




. 4

0 .4 .a 12 IS 2D 2A

FIOURB 12.-8hoclt-detachmcnt distance against reduced Mncb number for a. wedl:e.

ducecl drag coefficient contributed by the front half of such an airfoil (CnF as in equation (42)), based on the chord of the double-wedge profil<', which would he twice the chord of the

.I 4

.I 2

G 100 o wedoe} 0 7 to wedoe Experimenl II 4'f wedoe

1-I Vincenti }Theory = Cole • Guderley ,



v J J .06 v v

~ v . I


/ /

~ Mr: V" ~ ~ _:::::::::.

. 04


I ~

model used here. Of course, this viewpoint is valid only for supersonic free-stream Ma<'h numbers.

Figure 13 shows the reduced drag coefficients for the three thin wedges _plotted against reduced !\fach number. It is

25~--+---4---~---+---+--~--~~ .. tY

2.0 i-;$3- X ----J.--+--1·--1---l':-l~llr---

c; 1.5;~ ---+---1----1---1-- • 10• semiangle wedge} • I o 7·f semicngle wedge Exper~nl


. • 4-f semiarqle wedge -!'~ ---- 10". semionole wedqe}Shock------- 7~ semiong!e wedge expansion

--- 4!- semiangle wedge theory Theoretical slppe at_ E'.., •0



F!GUliB 13.-Experlm~ntal redu~ draa coelllcl~nt qalnstredu~ Mach nwnhlll' on & wedgt' •

seen that the results give nearly a universal curve, which they should if t.he transonic similarity law is true, but that there are. systematic variations with wt'<ige angle. This is to be expected based on the discussion of the section "On Comparing Theory and ExpPrimrnt." Tlw vertical lines through th<' cxpt>rimental point.s indicate estimated accuracy of the data. This figure should be compared with figure 8, the theoretical reduced-drag-coefficient. variation with n•­duced ~Iach number. It is obvious that the qualitative

+ + + ~ +~ +' ++• T ' . \T:- M>l

G '

T i\\L ref wed e

I li ?~ y? 1'.., '

~'--<•' t+k- M>l "1· r---. ~\ 7rwedoe

• ,i

f'-. ............ ·.t-~ ...

I hf t~ M>l ·· .. sMck-expansion


' I 4-fw~~~~e ..

' T !'--.......(_ ~--····-.. ' ... .

.6 .7 .a .9 10 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Free -stream Mach number, Ma:~

FmttRE 14.-Drag coefllclent against Mach numh<-r for Hi0, 7!-2°, and 10" semlanitle wedges. Comparison of throry l\'ltb exPI'rlrn~nt.

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agreement of theory and. experiment is good. In figure 14 the theory and experiment are compared directly for the three thin wedges. Here the theoretical drag coefficients are shown with a vertical spread, the upper values for J/ CD> 1 corresponding to the use of the pressure coefficient

-?(u-u ) C,= - * .. and the lower values, to the use of the pres-a

sure roefficient Cl>= -2

(u[;-·u.). The situation is vice

versa. for .Jf.<L From this figure it is evident that the transonic perturbation theory gives a good approximation to expt>riment.

FLOW FlELD AT ;\!..,-l.M. FOR THE 26.&" WEDGE

Figure 15 shows the experimental and theoretieal constant­velocity lines in tht> subsonic region behind the detached shock wave for a 26.57° semiangle wedge at .M.=1.44.

--- Theoretical (Drebinger)

--- Expeimentol



I I I I p f;:? loQ • ? " 0

Flr.t'IIK !5.-cODlltant Mach numbtr contOUr\! tor 26.o- seml&nrl~ wedge at .\!CD-1.4.W.

The theoretical analysis was made from rela.'Cation calcu­lations by Drebinger (reference 19) who used the flow equa­tions with entropy variation behind the shock taken into account. The experimental constant-velocity lines were determined from the isopycnic lines of the interferogram by taking into account the lateral stagnation-pressure gradient behind the curved shock. The isopycnic lines near this

strong shock wave were probably slightly in error because of the "smearing out" of the pressure discontinuity across the shock in the side-wall boundary layers. It is seen that the s.greement between theory and expt>riment on detachment--­distance and constant-velocity contours near the wedge is good.

Frgure 16 shows the surface prt>ssure distribution from reference 17 and the present experiments. .Again it is seen that the agreement is good.

I. [ [

-- Theoretical (Dreblnger)

0 Experimental 10

\ ~ ~ ~ ~

p Po' .8


~ o\



.50 .2 .4 J5 .8 tO X/C


Figure 17 shows interferograms of the- flow past the 8.8-percent circular-fire section for 14 ~Iach numbers from 0.718 to 0.936 and 1.11 to 1.500.

Supersonic velocity first occurred at Jl .. =0.825 (see the section "Critical ~Iach number") and in figures 17 (c) and 17 (d) a nearly symme-tric supersonic zone is shown at .MCD=0.848. No shock waves were appart>nt in this zone, although a sensitive schlieren apparatus might have shown~ some weak shocks there. At Jf.=0.890 the supersonic zone has grov.-n rapidly and now terminates in the >.-shock configuration. Further increase of the 1-Iach number to .M .. =0.935 (figs. 17 (e) and 17 (f)) shows the supersonic zone inereasing laterally and the terminating shock moving rearward into the wake of the body. Figures 17 (e) and 17 (f) also show the density distribution at JJ., I':< 1.11 (the deta.ched shock wave was just out of the field of view of the interferomett>r) and it is intt>resting to note the similarity between the flow field at Jf.,=0.935 and J1.,1':<1.11. It would appear as though the shock terminating the supPr­sonic zone at .H .. -:-0.935 had moved rearw-ard to form the trailing-edge shock (which is actually in the wake here because of the blunt trailing edge) and the supersonic zone had grown laterally until the sonic line joined with the detached shock far away from the body at J.i.,= 1, thus· causing an embedded subsonic zone in tht> supersonic flow with furtlu~r inert>ase in ~Iach number. ·

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••• p,p =0.718 • 0

p .• ---JSO ~ 0.770

(a) (bl

(a) M m-o. 718; p.,/,.,•0.783. (b) M.,-o.stD; ,.,.,,. •• o.730.

FIGUBB 17.-lnterferogrwns or flow pQ!It 8.8-peccent clrcularofii'C! section foe varlotlll Macb numbers.

~ • 0.684

{c) (d)

(c} M., •0.848; ,.,fp,-0.713, (d) M.,. -o.ggo; ,. .. ,,..-o.60&. Frouu 17.-contlnned.

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Shock ...... '


Detached - shock

FI•Kitl: 17.-Contlnueti.

FIGUBI: 17.-contlnued

. 674- .649-


.649 •




--·._:.:..-. .c.=

Page 24: REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS


.688--- :··

.713·- ...

. 740 .. _ .765- .. ~.J.1ULLL-'-..L-..L-----::---:-~---::-,


.657- .... _

.683--- UJ!U'-L-..L-....L-....L-----''-----:---:~-:-;


FillUJI.B 17.-contlnuoo.

FIGU:B.B 17 .-Continued,


.624 ··­: .651· ··­

,~~~L-~~------~~ '- •• -.o,_

Page 25: REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS


{m) (n)

lD.) .M. •LSOO: ,_t..-0..395. Fl•ll'llll: 17.-Conclw.llld..




0~-~---~--~----3--~ . .

0 .2 .4 EJ .8 1.0 ltJt:

FJ.oiliU 18.-Local Mach_n!liilber aplnst rfc ror incn8sln&" free-5tream Mach number. 8.8-po!rCetl.t clrculat-erc aection.

With further increase of :\Iach nmp.ber above Jl.= ~.11, figures 17 (g) to 17 (n) show that the detached shock again approached the leading edge and the embedded subsonic zone decreased in si.ze until finally the shock "attached" somewhere between M .. = 1.400 and .11 .. = 1.450 (the theo­retical value being Jf •A. = 1.423).


Figure 18 shows the local Mach number distributions for the 8.8-pl'rcent circular-arc section as obtained from the experiments at various free-stream :..Iach numbers. Again it is apparent that the variation of local Mach number distribution nt'ar Jf. = 1 is very' slow and, indeed,_ the dis­tribution for ~\f.= 1 could be interpolated from this figure with good accuracy.

Figure 19 is a cross plot of the data of figure 18 except.



J5 X/C


FiaUBJ: 19.-Vsrlation or~ loceJ. MBCh number distributions with reO.u~ rr~-stream Mach number. 8.11-percent clrcnlar-a.rc section.

Page 26: REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS


that here the data are given in transonic similarity param­eters. This figure shows contoUI'S of constant reduced local Mach number on a plot of reduced free-stream Mach number against chordwise position. The dashed lines repre­sent subsonic local Mach numbers i the solid lines, supersonic Mach numbers. Note again t.he slow variation of local Mach nwnber distribution with free-stream Mach number near sonic velocity.


r Sonic point .- Cp•O

Figure 20 shows the pressure-coefficient distributions on tlu• 8.8-percent circular-arc section for various free-stream

Mach numbers. The points shown are where the isopycnics intersected the body in the interferogr~. Again the Cp

presentation in this manner obscures the interesting fact observed in figure 18. ·


Figure 21 shows the experimental determination of the drag coefficient of the front pa.rt of the 8.8-percent circular­arc seetion. This again is of the nature of a fore drag coef­ficient and, as shown in equation (43), it should have a.

T 0.1 l

0 .2 .4 .6 X/C

(a) Subsonlc.

: Sonic point I

- Cp•O

Zero for Me~

- o:s35


- .848



.8 1.0

FJGUU :10.-Pre&SUre distribution!! on an 8.8-percent clrcular-arc section.

T 0.1 1


0 .2 .4 .6 .8 ID X/C

(b) Supnsonlc.

FlUt'RJ: :10.-Concludl'd.

posi~iveslopeequal to--+4

1 !_ +21

OD!M .. -1 atAf.,=l; this .- 'Y C"f

is how the subsonic data have been joined with the ~uper­sonic data. The vertical lines through tllC experimental points again indicate estimated accuracy of the data.. For the ca.Se of an attached shock the pressure dist-ribution can be calculat-ed using cha.racteristics tl1eory and·. the shock polar; however, a close .approximation is obtained by con­sidering the flow behind the shock wave to be Prandtl­~feyer flow. (This yields, approximately, parabolic-shaped bow anp trailing-edge shock wavesj sec reference 33.) From this pressure distribution the drag was calculated and is shown in figure 21. Taking into account the 11refit•ctcd" cha.ra.cteristics from the shock wave would give more com­pression and increase the drag coefficient so that it would agree b.etter with the experimental values at ll/.,=1.450 and 1.500 aholVIl in figure 21.

Note that the t-ests were made at low enough supt'l'l'lOnic speeds to get definitely below the drag-coefficient maximum at J\1., ~1.20.

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/ N ~ v ........

K .

--~- --+-·,.. Lc--l r. ' / 1- M>l

v -

~ - r---~ I _).,.... 1'-----

I - Prandti -Meyer flow approximation

~v .

I :5 .6 71 .BI .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 15 1.6 1.7





Free -stream Mach romber, MCD

F!Ga& 21.-01'11& OOl'lliclent aplnst M:ieh nnmber fot 8.8-percent clrculal--iirc section.


Figure 22 shows local Mach number distributions from reference 8 for high-subsonic-speed flow o>er a 12-percent biconvex circular-arc airfoil (with turbulent boundary layer}. The data for the 8.8-percent drcular-src section at two supersonic speeds have been scaled according to the transonic similarity la\'5 to the 12-percent case and are shown for the front half of the 12-percent airfoil in figure 22. The back half for these two cases ~ been faired in using a Pra.ndtl-11eyer expansion which should be approximately correct {a more accurate determination could have been made using chara.cteristit:s theory and the shoe¥: polar). At l1.f. = 1.58, ihe theory indicates that the shock is attached with sonic speed just behind the shock on the leading edge, so that the distribution can be: obtained by standard methods ' mentioned above; again the Prandtl-Meyer expansion ap­proximation was used for the distribution at- 4!.= 1.58 in figure 22.

The behavior of the 1-fach number distributions is similar to that of the distributions shown previously, except in this case the movement of the shock terminating the local super­sonic zone is shown. Apparently little change in local 1\.fach number distribution occurs between J.f. = 0.936 and .lf .. =l.29.



_/ \ '

---Lieprnonn, Ashkenos, and Cole ---Similarity extension of present tests ---Prondtl-Meyer flow opproximotiOO



0 ~.2~~--A~----~£~----.~8--- - iD Xlc



l B

The data. of figure. 22 were converted to pressures which were integrat-ed to give the pressure-drag coefficient. for the various free-stream Mach numbers. The results are shown in figure 23. In addition the drags of the front and back halves are shown separately. The drag-coefficient variation between .L'l!. =0.96 and M. = 1.20 was based on constant local Mach number distribution at values interpolated between the

FlGuu: :.!2.-Looal !.Wh number 3Pinst rfc 6lr lnc:reiiS!ni: frl'>:ewn Mach number. 12-percent biconvex clrCI:11aHrc alrfofl.

- --.

Page 28: REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS


.12 ., -- - - I ~7,....,. - : · ..

' I I I

0 Co of whole airfoJ

/'--. G Co of ~r half of airfoll e Co of front half of airfoil -.10

I ~ ---- --- Prandti-Meyer flow

I r----o approximation

~ r---___

~ ~ N: -M>I


j_ -... -........ --


c0 .o6 v ~ -

ix l--M>I

~ I I

.04 vv ~ ------ -1-1--M> I .;, t-- I ---v v -

M<l-1 I

__) ' ·-

/ v


~5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Free-stream Mach number, MtJ>

FJOURJ: 23.-Drag ooeJ!Iclent against Mach number tor !~percent biconvex circular-arc alrtoll. (From data or ftg, 22 on basis or constant Mach numb<lr distribution from M .. •0.116 to UlO.)

curves for 1\f .. = 0. 936 and M., = 1.29. The data were faired int.o the curves for attached shock wave calculated on the Prandtl-Meyer expansion basis. It is seen that the fore drag coefficient has a maximum after lo.f,., = 1 while the drag coeffi­cient of the rear part has a maximum before lo.f., = 1. The over-all airfoil has a maximum drag coefficient just before 111,., = 1 in order for the curve to have the slightly negative slope at ~lf .. = 1 given by equation (41).


An experimental investigation of transonic flow past. two­dimensional wedge and circular-arc sections was made using a 1\-Iach-Zehnder interferometer. The conclusions may be stated as follows:

1. The transonic similarity theory of Von Ktirman and Guderley was checked and found to be in good_ agreement with experiment for thin wedge profiles near a free-stream Mach number of 1.

2. The results of theoretical calculations, using transonic perturbation theory, made by Guderley and Yoshihara, Vincenti and Wagoner, and Cole for a wedge in transonic flow were checked experimentally at high-subsonic and low­supersonic speeds for three wedges of different angles and were found to be in good agreement with experiment.

3. The flow field and the surface pressure distribut.ion for a 26.6° semiangle wedge at a free-stream Mach number of 1.44 were obtained experiment-ally and were found to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical calculations of this flow made by Drebiuger.

4. The pressure distributions and drag coefficients for an 8.8-percent circular-arc section followed by a straight section and for a 12-percent biconvex circular-arc airfoil were pre­sented completely through the transonic range. It was shown that some difficulty arises in comparing two-dimen­sional transonic perturbation theory with experiment, since this theory neglects thickness-ratio terms of order (t/c)m and higher; for even moderat-e thickness ratios this will cause noticeable deviations from more exact theory.

5. It was shown from some physical arguments that the local Mach number distribution on bodies traveling through an infinite fluid has a stationary value at free-stream Mach

·number 1. This was verified experimentally for the case of two-dimensional flow. It was shown that t-his concept implies a drag-~e.fflcient maximum just below free-stream Mach number 1 for all bodies in steady flight. This fact can he used to obtain the variation of local Mach number distribu­tion on bodies completely through the transonic range of velocities from wind-tunnel tests, provided sma11 models are used so that tests can be carried well above critical Mach number and to low enough supersonic ~fach numbers so that the bow shock wave is detached a chord length or so.


PASADENA, CALIF., June 1, 1951.

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Cole's solution for the high-subsonic-velocity How past a thin wedge (referenee 22) is given as follows (in Cole's notation):


1 1/3 z,a £"' cosh A(v.,- t•) T r )J '' )'d' = -z1 z D., • h , u:lJ:s~.AZ _ 1/3\"ZI " 1\. • o Sill 1\L'•


where the center line of the wedge is at y=O; the leading edge, at x=O; thr~ shoulder, at .r=I; and


and the other notation is the same as that in the present paper.

USing the standard methods of partial-fraction expansion, one may write

sinh A(r.-v) sinh AD.,


Substituting these into the integrtlls ahove and making use of the integrals

f"" xa .fo A~+~ J_1,.J.M)J_r,lX-y)dX=

{-~ L1/a(a-y)K-ua(af1); f1>y>O (66)

-~Kr,,(a.y)Ll,.J.a.fJ); 'Y>fl>O and

equations (61) and (62) can be written as

~• (2 z z1)1/3 "' . ( fl) (. Z) ( Zt)· 2 -

3-- ~nrsm nr- /-1/l nr:- K-113 n1r- ' z1>z>O V., v. n-1 D., D., D•

y=t:.,lllly= 2 Z Zt 113 co • D Z Zt • . 2(-3 --) ~nr sm(nr-)K-11a(n1!"-) f_t11(nr-)• z>z~>O

, V., V0 •-L D• Do 11o


' '

~laking use of ~he asymptotic formulas

I l.(z) ~ ~ -e•+ ... as z~ oo ,-;::rz

K.(z)::o::..J~r"+ ... as z----+oo

and the simple summations

sin 1rX 2 cosh a-2 cos rx




(69) 7

., cos rx-e-" "'"'e-• cos nrx= (73) f=f 2 cosh a-2 cos 1rX ·

one can write· equations (68) and (69) for large values of z and z1 as


• Equation (67) !strom refmi1Ce'34; eqoatlon (!56) II! obtained by ditrerenllation of equation (1!7) with n!!!pecl to 7· t FIJI:nres 6. S. and i WI!R ca!cniated from thll! eqna.tlon ror ••0, Cor th~ ~ t.., :ill.


Page 30: REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS


Eliminate v between equations (74) and (75) for z1>z-oo

J __ y . .. 2 smh [?r(Z.~ii!V/t1.] _, ( f{.r+ Cz[zr)''ee-,<·-·~"'· r ) - (zfzl)ll& (z/zJ)liG . ~ t2(3zJ{2)118 sinh [1r(z -z1)/v.] 2 sinh [1r(z- z1)/v.J


and for z>z1-oo simply replace x by x-1 and z-z1 by z,-z in equation (76). Thus the lines of constant ~-fach number are ellipses with centers on y={), with ratio of semi­axes equal to


which is precisely the solut-ion given by the linearized subsonic theory (sec appendix B).

Now, in the notation of the present paper,

and since ~- ~ ... is small on the wedge and since

one can write 0p=-2(E-t.,)

C~> 1 - J''J } 2c-e .. )


21r < _ ~ )a'J{[t-~ c,. + ... J- 1} 3 .. . 4 (-E.,)

so, approximately,

r(z-2':1}~'-~(-t:. )'''lC =......!!..C~>-Jl-M,. 2

tl 0 2 ""' P 2 6 (78)

Similarly, for large values of z and Zt it that

(z)lts Zt ""'I; z, z,-!X) for z-z1 small (79)

Substituting equations (78) and (79) into equation (16), one gets the exact linearized subsonic solution for constant­velocity lines (see appendix B). Therefore on tho wedge (y=O), from equations (76), (78), and (79), one has approxi­mately for large values of z and Z1

Solving this for Cp,


- ~ 2- 1-x C -~=--log,--~> .. ?r X

C- -2ti lo _x_ ,_ r-b-Jf .. 2 g, x-1 (80)

which is precisely the linearized subsonic solution for flow past a wedge (see appendix B). Thus Cole's solution far away from .M ... =l tends exactly to the linearized subsonic solution.



Let the wedge center line be on y= 0, with the leading edge at x=O and the shoulder at x=c. Then the incom­pressible-flow problem is to find an analytic function u-iv such that v= 0 on y= 0 except for o<x<c where v= U8 and u-iv= 0 at infinitv. Such a function is ..

. U8 zfc u-tv=--;:-log, (z/c)-l (81)

where z=x+iy and U is the free-stream velocity. Thus on y=O, •

-2u -28 xfc ol>. u = 1r log. 1-(xfc) (82)

Using t.he Prandtl-Glauert transformation, for linearized subsonic flow

C- cl>o -28 xfc

11 - log, (83) .Jt-:M.,2 ?r.,f1-M,..2 1-(xfc)

'()r in transonic similarity notation

- -2 xfc cp = . . . log, --'--'11",, E., 1-(xfc)


For the incompressible case the lines of const-ant pressure in the fluid will be where

__E!_ (Z?C)=--f::z:Constan t

but these are circles with centers at

and radii •

-.-c, tl-,--.-c,

1-e '

-.-C, eTI

_,c, 1-e-,-

y=O (85)

In the Prandtl-Glauert transformation the 11 distance is stretched by the factor '-JI-ll! .. 2 as is the pressure cocffi-

Page 31: REPORT 1094 - CaltechAUTHORS


cient so the lines of constant pressure (and hence density) are ellipses with ratio of axes equal to .J1-Jf./ given by the equation



From the Ackeret theory the pressure coefficient insuper­sonic flow is proportional to the slope and for the- wedge yields simply


r = 28 . -, .• ,l:f),f ,,2-1



For the circular-arc section, the slope of the surface varies almost linearly with distance from the zero-slop~ point along the a..m of the profile. For the section ·shown in figure 1 then, with the center line on y=O, the leading edge at x=O, and the zero-slope point at x=c, the incom­pressible-flow problem is again to find an analytic function u-iv such that on y=O, v=O except for O<x<c where

o=2U f ( 1-~) where tis the half thickness at x=c and

u-iv=O at infinity. Such a function is

-u -i v = - •_"U_ .!_ cc~-1) log -;--;,.z f'--c----"7" r c c • (zfc)-1 (89)

On the wedge (y=O, o<x<c), then

c,. 2u= 4 _!_ rc1-~) lo xfc +1] (90) U ..- c L' c g. 1-(x[c)

so the linearized subsonic. solut_ion is

4 t

C,=- -b-=-~;_2 [(1-~) log. 1 ~{~/c) 1-1 J {91)


c,= 4 r(~1-~)1og. xfc +1] (92) r.J ~ .. l_l c 1-(xfc)

The minimum C, is obtained by differentiation, and one finds tqat

dC, =O d(xfc)

t th · t h 1 xfc 1 and · all the a e pom w ere og. 1-(xfc) xfc numenc y

solution of this transcendental equation is

- which gh·es xfc=0.783






The result here is again simple from the Ackeret theory:

C, 4(tfc) (1 -~) ··./}.1 .. 2-1 c


or - 4 ( X) o, = ,ff:. 1-~ (96)


The equation of the shock polar in the hodograph plane is


where U is the >elocity ahead of the shock and u and F are velocity components behind the- shock parallel and perpen­dicular to the direction of U, respectively. ).laking the tl'&Ilsonic approximation in this equation, let

~=a*+u} r=v

F=a*+u ..


Substituting into equation (97), neglecting higher powers of the perturbation "Velocities, one obtains '



one- then has

u'=(-r+ 1) ?l v'=h+1) cf.J

2(v')l=(u .. ' -u')l(u' +1t .. ')



The wedge angle for detachment of the shock will now be gi>en by the maximum value of v'. This is easily seen

to o~cur at u' = -i u .. ' gi~ o,.u' =~ .,f3 u .. 3'1

• Since

within the transonic approrimation

v'=(-r+ 1)9 on the wedge and

(102) this implies that

C-r+1)B.u,..a!',~ (J£.2-1)3'1 (103)

or, viewed in another I.lght, this implies that the reduced

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attachment Mach number is


Similarly, the wedge angle for obtaining exactly sonic ve­locity behind the shock is given by the value of v' where

-u'=O. This is v'= ~ (u..,') 812• Again using equation (102), -v2

this can be written 1 (-r+ 1)8, so::: {2 (.M ./-1)3

'1 (105)

and, viewed in another light, this implies that the reduced Mach number for which sonic velocity is obtained behind, the shock on a wedge is


E .. 8 =rc-r+ 1)tW's 211'=1.26 (106)



The oblique-shock relat.ions can be written


.'\1, Mach number ahead of shock M2 Mach number behind shock fJ shock-wave angle 8 flow deflection angle



For 11.12=1, eliminating f3 between these two equations yields



j(M1) -~N-1


Expanping the right-hand side in powers of "lf, z_I (assunwd small), one obtains

· (.Af,2-1)S/J[ 1+10-y J (-r+1)tan8 2111 1 S(-r+ 1)(AN-I)+ ... (110)

Reverting this series and letting ~~tan 8 and l1.f1----1ll .. 8


one finds

- J..f .. s2-1 =r ''a[ I +lO-y ta '' J E .. s-T(-r+1)8]1ta 2 I+ 12('Y~l)''aSZ +O(B') (111)

For~ · i.4,



The exact relation here is

F..xpanding the right-hand side in terms of .JM PAl-l,.usrng.

one obtains

(-r+ 1)8=~(.i\.fp.v2-I)St2 ± ( -l)"a,.(l\fP.ll-1)" . (113) 3 n-1 I+2n

3 where

Reverting this series, the first few terms are

J/py2-1=cac-r:l) oJ'J { I+sc~~ 1La<-r: 1) 8 J"+o<~'l)}

(114) Therefore,

For -y=l.4,

4"( [3(-r+ 1)]' 2/~ =1 09 ... 5(-y+ 1) 2 • I

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11. Husemann, Adolf: The Drag Problem at High. Sub.!onie Spe~. Jour. Aero. ~cL, vol. 16, no. 6, June 1949, pp. 337-344.

12. Guderley, K. Gottfried: Considerations of the Structure of !\!L'(ed Subso!lie-Supel'S\)nie Flow Patterll.8. Tech. Rep. No. F-TR-2168-ND, Air ~lateriel Command, Army Air Forces, Oct. 19-!i.

t:i. Ouderley, K. Gottfried: Singularities at the Sonic Veloeitv. Tech. Rep. Xo. F-TR-1171-ND, Air Materiel Command, Army Air Forces, June 1948.

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16. Emmons, Howard \\".: The Theoretical Flow of a Frictioule;;s, Adiabatie, Perft.'ct Ua.s illi<ide of a Two-Dimen;;ional Hyperbolic ~ozzle. ~ ACA TN 1003, 1946.

17. Emmonl", Howard \\".: Flow of a Compres:;;ible Fluid past a Symmetrical Airfoil in a Wind Tunnel and in Free Air. XACA TX 1746, 1948.

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19. Drebinger, J. W.: Detached Shock Waves. Ph. D. The:>~, Harvard Univ., May 1950.

20. Guderley, G., and Yoshihara, H.: The Flow over a \\"edge Profile at Mach Number One. Jour. Aero. SeL, vol. Ii, no. 11, Nov. 1950, pp. 723-736.

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25. Liepmann, H. W., and Bryson, A. E., Jr.: Tran.."'nic Flowpa;;t Wedge Sections. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. 17, no. 12, Dee. 1950, pp. i 4S:755.

26. Dhawan, Satish, and Roshko, Anatol: A, Flexible Noule for a Small Supersonic Wind Tunnel. Jour. Ae~. Sci., vol. 18, no. 4, April 1Q51, pp. 253-258.

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28. AshkeiiJl.S, Harry 1., and Bryson, Arthur E.: De$ign and Perform­ance of a Simple Interferometer for Wind-Tunnel i.\Iea.sure­mPnts. Jour. Aero. Sci., Yol. 18, no. 2, Feb. 1951, pp. 82-90.

29. TtJien, H. S., and Baron, J.: Airfoils in Slightly Supersonic Flow. Jour. Aero. SeL, voL 16, no. I, Jan. 1949, pp. 55-61.

30. Nagamatsu, Henry ·T.: Theoretical Investigation of Detached Shock Waves. Ph. D. Thesis, C. I. T., 1949.

31. Graham, Donald J., Nitzberg, Gerald E., and Ol:ron, Robert ~.:


A Systematic Investigation of Pressure Distributions at High Speeds over Fh·e Representative N ACA Low-Drag and Con- · ventional Airfoil Sections. N ACA Rep. 832, 1945.

32. Nitzberg, Gerald E., and Crandall, Stewart: A Study of. Flow Changes A.ssociated with Airfoil Section Drag Rl'!e at Super­critical Speeds. NACA. TN 1813, 1949.

33. Liepmann, H. W.: On the Relation between Wa\'e Drag and En­tropy Increase. Rep. ~o. S:\1-13726, Dougw Aircraft Co., Inc., ~Iarch 16, 1950.

3-t. Watson, G. ~.: A Treati:!e ou the Theory of Bessel Functiollll. Seconded., The Univ. Press (Cambridge), 19-l-!..