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_________________________________________________________________ Releasing Resistance to Allow Your Heart’s Desires Page 1 of 40 Releasing Resistance Dissolving Blockages to Allow Your Heart’s Desires Working with the Law of Attraction is a very natural process that most of us undergo without conscious thought. The formula for this mysterious “law” is simple: Whatever you tend to focus on the most, you will draw into your life. When you focus on things that excite and inspire you, you draw them closer. When you focus on things that annoy and upset you, you also draw those things closer! Like everyone else, you probably tend to gravitate toward the things that make you feel good, so you would likely "feel" your way to the better life circumstances you desire anyway – but it often turns into a long, grueling process that could easily be shortened by taking the time to observe the manifestation process more closely. When you start paying closer attention to the way you feel, you can see how a negative focus seems to make things worse, and a positive focus seems to amplify your moments of joy, happiness, love and abundance. So, the answer to attracting more of what you want is simple, right? Focus more on things that please you, and less on things that don't. But it's not that easy, is it? Many people today have developed a chronic, destructive habit that can effectively block everything good they are trying to attract – and worst of all, the majority of these people don’t even realize they have this chronic habit and that it is holding back all of the goodness they desire. Do you have this chronic habit too? It’s called RESISTANCE, and this guide is going to help you understand exactly what it is, and exactly how to dissolve it.

Releasing Resistance · Releasing Resistance to Allow Your Heart’s Desires Page 6 of 40 Resistance-Releasing Exercises The following 11 exercises are designed to help shift you

Aug 01, 2020



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Releasing Resistance

Dissolving Blockages to Allow Your Heart’s Desires

Working with the Law of Attraction is a very natural process that most of us undergo without conscious thought. The formula for this mysterious “law” is simple: Whatever you tend to focus on the most, you will draw into your life. When you focus on things that excite and inspire you, you draw them closer. When you focus on things that annoy and upset you, you also draw those things closer! Like everyone else, you probably tend to gravitate toward the things that make you feel good, so you would likely "feel" your way to the better life circumstances you desire anyway – but it often turns into a long, grueling process that could easily be shortened by taking the time to observe the manifestation process more closely. When you start paying closer attention to the way you feel, you can see how a negative focus seems to make things worse, and a positive focus seems to amplify your moments of joy, happiness, love and abundance. So, the answer to attracting more of what you want is simple, right? Focus more on things that please you, and less on things that don't. But it's not that easy, is it? Many people today have developed a chronic, destructive habit that can effectively block everything good they are trying to attract – and worst of all, the majority of these people don’t even realize they have this chronic habit and that it is holding back all of the goodness they desire. Do you have this chronic habit too? It’s called RESISTANCE, and this guide is going to help you understand exactly what it is, and exactly how to dissolve it.

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What is Resistance?

At its core, resistance is nothing more than negative emotion. Feelings like sadness, frustration, fear, anxiety, uneasiness, insecurity, self-loathing, jealousy – any emotion that makes you feel “not good”, in other words. Big deal; feelings are harmless, right? Not when it comes to the Law of Attraction! When you focus on something with strong emotion, you begin the countdown to physical manifestation. Thinking about it just once probably won’t do it. But if you think about something often enough with strong negative emotion, you are essentially saying to the universe, “I want to experience this; please bring it to me.” The universe does not judge the things you focus upon. It treats every thought you have as a request. And when you think a lot of thoughts on a certain subject, and those thoughts start triggering corresponding emotions, you are communicating a strong signal to the universe that immediately and automatically begins drawing more of that essence toward you. It doesn’t matter if you’re focusing on something you do want, or something you don’t want – your very focus on something for long enough will draw it into your life. How to Tell If You Have Resistance The biggest clue that you've got some resistance is that you just don't feel good, emotionally and maybe even physically. You may be overcome with uncomfortable, heavy emotions like frustration, anger, defeat, overwhelm, stress, and so on. Any negative emotion is a sign that you've got some resistance.

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Resistant thoughts can also cause physical sensations like fatigue, anxiety, stress...and if they are allowed to continue long-term, they can even cause illness or exacerbate an existing illness in the body. Resistant thoughts are often related to one specific area of your life, like money, relationships, health, and so on. When you are focused on that specific area of your life, negative feelings come up because you are struggling or dealing with problems in that area. Sometimes, however, the resistance can cover a lot of different situations at the same time. If you are struggling in multiple areas of your life, or if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, you might have a negative outlook no matter what you focus on. These constant negative emotions will prevent you from feeling good, which also blocks your desires from manifesting! Check for Resistance Frequently Now that you know how destructive resistance can be, it's a good idea to start checking in with yourself on a regular basis. Simply turn your attention inward and consider, "How do I feel right now? Is resistance present in my thoughts, or my body?" You will be able to tell right away if you have resistance, simply because you won't feel good. Your thoughts will be jumbled and scattered, you will feel some type of negative emotion, and your body may also feel tense, tight, stressed, or overwhelmed. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, resistance is pretty easy to spot! The Destructive Power of Resistance If you have been living in a resistant state for a long time, you may be so used to it that you don't even realize how destructive it is. You may think that life is just

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supposed to be this way...pain, struggle, problems, challenges, it's all just another average day in your life! But it's SO MUCH bigger than that. Chronic resistance can literally destroy parts of your life, and maybe even shorten your life if it manifests into serious physical ailments. But long before that, resistance will affect you in two important ways: First, resistance creates an ongoing "vicious cycle" of negative thoughts,

negative beliefs, and negative feelings in your mind and body. Second, resistance BLOCKS the good things you are trying to attract, and

only allows you to attract more negative stuff because that's where your "frequency" is vibrating!

In order to allow in wonderful things, you need to feel wonderful! The moment you release resistant thoughts and feelings and you start feeling better, you dissolve the blockages that were holding back your heart’s desires. Suddenly, all of these things:

Abundance Romance Joy Love Well-Being Intimacy Vitality Strength Happiness Freedom Inner Peace

. . . and more – can come flooding into your life.

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It’s like removing a logjam from your energetic river! Best of all, this process of dissolution can be SO MUCH FUN! It does not have to be difficult at all; in fact, if it seems hard you’re probably creating even more resistance. The rest of this guide is going to provide some easy, soothing exercises that you can use each day to help you release resistance and allow the manifestation of everything you desire – and if you’re diligent with the practice it will probably happen a lot faster than you think!

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Resistance-Releasing Exercises The following 11 exercises are designed to help shift you out of a resistant state and into a state of “allowing” – that is, allowing everything good you want. At a minimum, try to use at least one exercise daily because repetitive use of these exercises will help you get into the habit of releasing resistance, and eventually you won’t have to think about it much – it will become second nature. Feeling relaxed and open will become your dominant state of mind. In the meantime, try using one of these exercises every time you feel overwhelmed by negative emotion. The exercises will gently remove your focus from the negativity and make you feel better in the heat of the moment.

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Exercise #1 – I Want to Feel . . .

If you’re like most people, you probably get hung up on the negative emotions you feel at any given moment, and you may have a hard time releasing them and feeling better. This exercise will help you remove your focus from feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, and the like – and help you focus on feeling better. Write at the top of a blank sheet of paper: “I Feel __________” (fill in your dominant emotion at the time). Below that, write: “I Want to Feel __________” (fill in how you would rather feel). Then, begin describing how it feels to feel the way you want to feel. That’s quite a mouthful, so let’s use an example to demonstrate:

I feel overwhelmed.

I want to feel empowered. “I love feeling empowered because I feel strong enough to tackle any challenge. I feel like I could smash obstacles to smithereens. Feeling empowered makes me feel energetic and eager to change my life for the better. When I feel empowered, nothing can stop me! When I feel empowered, I know that I can do anything, accomplish anything, and enjoy my life to the fullest. “What is stopping me from feeling empowered right now? I feel like the ability to change this situation is completely out of my hands, but is that really true? Maybe not. “Maybe, as I stay focused on feeling empowered, the answers and solutions I need will come to me. Maybe, when I begin to believe in my own strength and ability, I

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will see a clear path to resolve this situation for good. I believe that can happen! I’m starting to feel more empowered right now, just thinking about all of this. “No situation is ever beyond my ability to improve it, if I only believe in my ability to improve it. And even if this situation doesn’t turn out exactly like I hope, I know I’ll still be okay. I’ll be better than okay – I’ll be fantastic because I have the power to create plenty of joy and happiness in my life. “This situation will be resolved quickly and easily. From this moment on I give myself permission to feel empowered in ALL situations in my life.” Keep writing like this until you feel uplifted, empowered, and inspired! You can use this exercise to change ANY negative emotion into a more positive one. (Note: if you happen to be in a place where you can’t write but you want to do this exercise, you can go through it mentally or speak it out loud as well. Writing it down does seem to work better however, because you’ll be spending more time on the exercise and tuning more clearly into the positive feelings.)

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Exercise #2 – Peaceful Surrender

This exercise is great for situations where you just can’t seem to change it for the better no matter what you do. Each of us has “chronic” situations in our lives that seem to be stuck in a negative pattern, regardless of how much we visualize something better. Most of the time, the cause for this “stuckness” is that we are trying too hard to change it, and that very essence of trying to force something to happen backfires and no progress can be made. Surrendering to the universe is a GREAT way to get “unstuck” because the moment we stop trying to force things to change, change can happen spontaneously and easily. This exercise can be done both verbally and in written form, whichever suits your needs at the moment. Start by writing or speaking the following: I can’t seem to change _______ (describe the situation) and it’s making me feel _______ (describe how you feel). I choose to let go of this situation and surrender to the universe now.

Now write a few words about your willingness to truly let go and turn the situation over to the universe, God, (or whatever words would best fit with your own spiritual beliefs). Example: “As much as I would love this situation to be a different way, I have to remember that I can only control my own thoughts and feelings. But, as I change my own thoughts and feelings, everything around me MUST change to reflect what is happening within me.

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“As I choose to let go and feel at peace with this situation, I open the door for the universe to work its magic. "I may feel fearful about letting go because I don’t want this situation to stay like it is right now, but I acknowledge that the moment I DO let go, the universe will step in and begin working on my behalf. "The only thing standing in the way is my own stubborn refusal to let go and surrender. “Starting now, I choose to let go and surrender to my own highest good. I know that all is well, and everything will keep getting better from here. I let go, I let go, I let go – I happily and confidently LET GO NOW!” (smile! ) (Note: if the situation is extremely stressful or worrisome, you may need to keep affirming your willingness to let go, sometimes dozens of times each day! Keep doing so until you feel a sense of inner peace!)

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Exercise #3 – Focus Discipline

Like many other people, you may have “lazy” mental habits – meaning you haven’t spent a lot of time directing your thoughts purposely. Instead, you probably do what plenty of other people do, focus on this or that as it happens to appear before you, or random thoughts pop into your mind. There’s nothing really wrong with doing this – except that these scattered thoughts will continue to attract more and more experiences that you really don’t want! This exercise will help you to discipline your focus so that you are increasingly spending more time focusing on good things, and therefore attracting more good things into your life. Here’s how to do this exercise: Starting now, as often as you can throughout the day, start paying attention to the things you are focusing most of your attention upon. When you first wake up in the morning, what do you start thinking about? Is it something positive or negative? If it’s negative, IMMEDIATELY shift your focus onto something more positive. Example: You get up and start feeling resentful about having to go to work that day. You dread dealing with annoying people, your demanding boss, the same old daily grind, etc. As soon as you notice that your thoughts are moving in that direction, it’s time to discipline your mind by purposely and firmly moving it in a better direction. Thoughts like this should work well: “Okay, so work isn’t my favorite place to be, but I can just as easily choose a positive attitude rather than a negative one. I can intend that today is going to be

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a great day. I can intend that my workflow is efficient and productive. I can intend that my coworkers and boss are in good moods today. I can intend that the day flies by quickly so I can enjoy spending time with my family later...” Keep going with the positive thoughts for as long as you can, and you will find that it definitely helps shift your mood into a more positive place. However, remember that thoughts are largely habitual! Don't be surprised if your thoughts keep veering into negative territory again and again during the course of the day. That's okay! Keep repeating this exercise all day long, every time you notice you’re starting to slip into negative territory. Over time, this practice will dramatically improve your point of focus – and your outer circumstances will transform for the better too.

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Exercise #4 – Tapping into the Essence

Sometimes the reason you may have a hard time attracting something specific is because you think about it mentally but don’t really tap into the vibrational “essence” of it emotionally. Unfortunately, you are probably often tapped into the vibrational essence of what you DON’T want – so you just keep attracting more and more of it. This exercise will help you tap directly into the essence of what you want, and steadily release any resistance that is blocking it from arriving. Start by writing what you want, and then delve into WHY you want it:

I want to allow more money into my life.


“Having plenty of money makes me feel really good. I love buying things that bring me pleasure. I love paying my bills easily and on time! "There is no greater feeling than having plenty of money in the bank and knowing that I can cover anything I need to buy or pay for. I want to allow more money into my life in easy, fun ways. "I want to be relaxed and carefree about money. I want my income to expand constantly, so I always have more and more and MORE money! I want to do work that inspires me, work that I feel passionate about, work that thrills me in every way. And I want that work to pay me very well. VERY WELL! “I also want more money to come to me in ways besides my job. I LOVE receiving unexpected sums of money in fun ways! I want to open my vibrational signal so that I attract more and more of these unexpected sums of money.

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"Having money is FUN! Having money makes me feel FREE! Having money makes me feel BLESSED! Having money makes me feel EXCITED! Having money makes me feel AT PEACE! I love money!” Do you notice that just thinking thoughts like this really does make you feel better? That’s because you are tapping into the essence of abundance, and therefore immediately begin attracting more of it. (You can use this exercise for anything else also: love, physical wellness, career goals, and so on.)

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Exercise #5 – Happy Anyway

Did you know that just feeling happy is a HUGE dissolver of resistance? No matter what else happens in your life, if you can master the ability to feel happy at will, you will have the power to transcend any situation and keep attracting wonderful experiences into your life. The best way to start is by reciting a daily mantra:

“No matter what happens today, I’m going to feel happy anyway.” Start saying it when you first wake up, and every time you say the word “happy,” allow yourself to tune into the feeling of happiness. After a few minutes of saying this mantra and focusing on the essence of happiness, you should notice that you really DO feel happy – at least happier than you normally do, anyway. Then, as you go about your normal daily routine, use this mantra especially when you encounter a situation or a thought that makes you feel unhappy, stressed, frightened, etc. Stop and say, “That’s right, I almost forgot – no matter what happens today I’m going to feel happy anyway.” Note: Some people who try this exercise may encounter a slight problem in actually feeling the emotion of happiness. They’ll be saying the words over and over, but feeling . . . nothing. The whole exercise will seem flat and ineffective. If that happens to you too, it may help to momentarily imagine yourself in a place that WOULD make you feel happy. Perhaps a pretty garden, an amusement park, curled up at home with a good book, or any place that would make you feel good.

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As you imagine yourself being there, pretend that you can “feel” the energy of this place, as if you were physically there. As you tune into the energy of the place, you should also be able to feel a sense of happiness flooding through you too, even if it’s subtle to begin with (it should get stronger as you continue with the exercise). You can also focus on a memory where you felt extremely happy, and allow those feelings to flood over your body now. Just think about a time in your past, a wonderful event that happened, and focus on those feelings of happiness until you start to feel them now. No matter how you get there, just focusing on feelings of happiness as often as you can will steadily release resistance and uplift your frequency.

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Exercise #6 – Appreciation and Gratitude Feelings of appreciation and gratitude instantly dissolve resistance, and employing them is incredibly easy. There are two basic ways to do it: either improve the way you feel about a negative situation, or remove your focus from a negative situation and focus on a positive situation. Either one will work well – I’ve provided examples for both below:

Improve Your Feelings About a Situation (Example: Illness)


First state the problem:

“This illness is causing me a lot of pain and discomfort.”

Now focus on what you appreciate:

“I appreciate that my body is still hanging in there despite my being so ill. I appreciate the thought of feeling better someday soon. "I appreciate the idea of being able to live my life with a strong, healthy body. I appreciate my body for being here for me through all of these years. "Even though I haven’t always taken the best care of my body, it still keeps bouncing back again. Even when I’ve been very sick, my body knew enough to heal itself, and I believe my body can do it now too. "I appreciate the complex systems of my body! I have no idea how it operates, and yet it knows exactly what to do to keep on going. "That is so fascinating! I appreciate my beautiful body and I allow it to feel better now.”

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Remove Your Attention from a Problem (Example: Not Enough Money)



“I feel stressed about not having enough money.”

Gratitude exercise:

“It’s true that not having enough money makes me feel frustrated, but I do have so many wonderful things to be grateful for. "I’m grateful for my wonderful family and friends. I’m grateful that they are always there for me when I need support. "I’m grateful for my health and well-being. I’m grateful for living in the area I do – it’s so beautiful and colorful! I’m grateful that I have so many opportunities available to me, even if I don’t always recognize them or take advantage of them. "I’m grateful for the knowledge that I can improve my life in so many ways, including financially. No situation is ever permanent, and I’m grateful for the awareness that I feel very blessed in so many wonderful ways.” (Note: You can use the feelings of appreciation or gratitude interchangeably for this exercise. However, it’s most important to really FEEL the feelings; it should be an emotional exercise, not just a mental one.)

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Exercise #7 – My New Reality

Another common reason why you may feel “stuck” in your present circumstances is because you focus intently on "what is" rather than on the circumstances you would rather be experiencing. This is normal; we all do it, but it only delays the arrival of the new, improved situation that we want to hurry up and get here. Obviously, you have to focus on your present reality since you are still living in it! But you can also start shifting your focus little by little toward the better circumstances. And if you do this every day, you will steadily and surely begin altering the “signal” you send to the universe, which will begin transforming your present reality into something more enjoyable. This exercise is very easy and fun to do; simply write out a detailed description of your NEW reality, and how wonderful it will be – but write it in present tense (this process is often referred to as “scripting”):

My New Reality “I am so thrilled with my amazing job! For once I actually enjoy going to work – just the thought of being there makes me feel eager and happy. "Every day I feel challenged, but in a good way! I feel my creative juices flowing and I know that my work is making a difference in the world. "Even better, I get paid a hefty salary to do this work I love so much! I make enough money that I can easily cover all of my bills, put a sizeable amount into savings each month, PLUS have plenty of money for fun spending. I enjoy this feeling of freedom so much! “I actually love my boss and my coworkers too! They are all very creative, interesting people that I resonate with perfectly. We work together as a team and come up with some amazing ideas.

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"This company is one that I feel so proud to be a part of; I am so aligned with the company’s vision, it’s like this company was created just for me to work there.” Do this exercise daily on a wide range of subjects and watch how quickly resistance fades away and you begin attracting the perfect opportunities and resources to create your new reality.

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Exercise #8 – Truth Statements

The New Reality exercise is better done while you are at home, relaxed and focused. However, throughout the course of each day you may enjoy using an abbreviated version of this exercise, and that is where “truth statements” can work well. Do you know how many times during the day you utter statements that you believe to be your “truth”? Things like: - This is a dead-end job; I’ll never get anywhere working here. - My boss is an ignorant twit. - I’m only capable of earning $_______ per year. - I can only receive money through my job. - I’ll never meet Mr./Ms. Right, all the good ones are taken. These things may feel like truth, but they are merely perceptions you have adopted – and like all perceptions, they can be changed! When you change your perceptions, you change your point of attraction and the universe can then begin delivering something different to you. To change these perceptions, you just need to start replacing them with the truth(s) you prefer, and you need to be consistent about it. Here’s how: Every time you notice that you are operating under a certain perception that you would like to change (like when you become aware of your perception that you can’t receive money except through your job, or you feel certain that your Mr. or Ms. Right is not out there somewhere), immediately and firmly replace that truth statement with a better one.

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Examples: “I’ll never find my Mr./Ms. Right.” --- “Wait - yes, I will! The perfect man/woman for me is out there somewhere and when the time is right, we WILL meet.” “This is a dead-end job.” --- “Hold on; there is never a shortage of opportunities for the person who is open to them. I choose to remain open to great job opportunities today, whether they come through my current employment or somewhere else.” Keep doing this with every limiting perception you notice, and before long you’ll see that indeed, you can CHOOSE your own truth any time you like! Just keep in mind that strong beliefs like these may take a little time to fully shift in a better direction. It's okay if you don't believe them at first; simply keep insisting on your NEW truth, and before long you will start to believe them.

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Exercise #9 – I Can Imagine . . .

This is a great exercise to do if you want to focus on something a little more relaxing and “informal”. It’s easy to do while driving, doing mundane chores around the house, waiting in line, etc. Best of all, it easily dissolves resistance! Think of one great thing that you would love to experience. Maybe it’s a romantic cruise with your spouse, winning the lottery, regaining your slender figure, buying your dream home, and so on. Start thinking about this thing and how much fun it would be to experience it. But don’t make it just a mental exercise – really get into the feelings of excitement and passion it stirs up within you. Here’s an example of what your train of thoughts might be like:

I Can Imagine . . . “I can imagine how much fun it would be to meet the love of my life. I can see it now: I’d be out somewhere, maybe at the supermarket, maybe standing in line at the bank – doesn’t matter where, really – and I’d be looking like a million bucks! I’d be in a great mood, feeling really good about myself and happy with my life. "Suddenly, there he would be, and our eyes would meet and it would be like an instant connection that we both felt. He’d smile, I’d smile, and we’d start talking. “From that moment on, our love would grow stronger and stronger – until we just couldn’t deny it anymore; we are meant to be together! We would both know it, and we would also know how perfect we are for each other. “I can almost feel his presence around me right now. He’s so real to me energetically that I wouldn’t be surprised if he manifested physically right before my eyes!

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"I know that we’re going to have so much fun together; we’re going to laugh and live long happy lives and be madly in love with each other.” Staying with exciting thoughts like these, before long you should feel a warm flow of energy moving around and through you – that’s a sign that you are putting out the right signal to attract your ideal partner! (Obviously, you can use this same process for anything you want to attract; just focus on the essence of what it will feel like to experience it.)

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Exercise #10 – I Feel Satisfied When . . .

Have you ever noticed how much time you spend feeling dissatisfied about situations in your life? You can probably come up with a list of dozens of things that make you feel dissatisfied – but can you come up with an equally long list of things that make you feel satisfied? If not, it’s time to work on that! This exercise is great because it’s relatively easy to perform. Rather than trying to imagine that your life is different than it is right now, you can simply focus on how it feels when things satisfy you. That may not seem like a big difference but it’s a more relaxed approach which can help you see results much quicker. Examples: “I feel satisfied when . . . everything in my life flows easily and smoothly. I love that! Like when the perfect resources I need to solve a problem just pop right into my life. Or when I decide to do something and suddenly here come the exact opportunities or people who can help me do it. That makes me feel great.” “I feel satisfied when . . . my family helps out cleaning up around the house. I love it when my spouse picks up his/her messes and puts everything back where it belongs. When my kids pick up after themselves it makes me feel pleasantly surprised – like I’ve just been given a gift. When other people pitch in to help, I feel loved and supported, and that is a great feeling!” “I feel satisfied when . . . my body feels strong and slender. I love the feeling I get when I slip on a pair of skinny jeans or the perfect top – I know I look great and I love feeling so good about my body. I feel satisfied when I treat my body with respect and eat healthful, nutritious foods – I’m rewarded with better health and more energy!”

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“I feel satisfied when . . . my spouse and I get along and co-exist peacefully. I love it when he/she is respectful and considerate, and when I extend the same courtesy to him/her. I love it when we communicate effectively so we’re both on the same page with our goals, dreams and day-to-day activities. We make a good team when we work together, and I love how that feels!” If you don't want to write it out in paragraph form like the examples above, just make a list of anything and everything you can imagine that would make you feel satisfied. Example: A good meal. A delicious cup of hot coffee. A good night's sleep. A productive day at work. Clearing clutter. Having my hair/nails done. Cuddling with my cat. A hot shower/bath.

You can use this technique to feel better about ANY subject quickly. Best of all, the more you focus on things that satisfy and thrill you, the more of them you will keep attracting into your life!

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Exercise #11 – Constant Expansion

It’s easy to feel stuck at times because you may see your life as being “incomplete” – meaning, you haven’t yet accomplished everything you wish to accomplish. What you may not have considered is that you will NEVER reach a point where you feel 100% satisfied with your life as it is! You will always have goals to strive for, new dreams to pursue, new adventures to enjoy. You will never stop wanting "more," no matter how much you have. And that's a good thing! Reminding yourself of this fact can be incredibly helpful when you start feeling frustrated or “stuck”. It dissolves resistance and shifts you into a state of peace and acceptance about where you are in your life right now. A quick and easy reminder would be to keep reciting an affirmation like this:

“I am constantly expanding and becoming more than I was before.”

Keep saying that until you feel the inner tension dissolve. Even better, try to focus on the FEELING of expansion, both within, and in your outer life. Keep reminding yourself that everything is always changing, growing, expanding, and you never have to feel stuck! You can also do a longer, more detailed version of this exercise, like this: “I want so many things, but I feel as if I’m not making progress on any of them. This feeling of being “stuck” is an illusion! I am making great progress because every day I expand and become more than I was the day before. “I’m getting stronger, more positive, more confident, and happier on many different levels. My life circumstances are getting smoother, calmer, and easier on many different levels. "All is well and it’s just going to keep getting better from here. All I have to do is relax and go with the flow.

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"I don’t have to try so hard to change things – I need to let go and allow the changes to happen. And they WILL happen when I start having more fun with this process of manifestation. “I can choose to make my expansion easy rather than hard. I’ve spent enough time making things hard for myself – I’m ready to let go, surrender and focus on becoming the person who will receive all of the wonderful things I dream of having. "I deserve those things, and I know the universe wants me to have them, so they will be mine. I trust that truth, and I know it IS my truth.” Can you feel the ease and peacefulness that those words inspire? There is nothing to rush toward, nothing to complete, nothing to do except relax and enjoy the journey. Obviously, you want to write this in your own words, not mine. It doesn't matter how you word it, but keep emphasizing that you are doing just fine and you are right on track, no matter "where" you happen to be in your life right now!

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Releasing Resistance is Simply About... FEELING BETTER!

Did you notice that all of the above exercises were designed to help you do one key thing: FEEL BETTER? Releasing resistance is all about stepping out of that cycle of negative thoughts, so that you can focus on something more positive. When you do that, the heavy feelings vanish too! You start feeling better, and you start attracting better! The exercises I just shared will be very helpful for you, but you don't have to stop there. ANY activity that shifts you into a better mental state will be very effective too. Here are a few more resistance-busting ideas for you: Step Away from Stress If your feelings of resistance are caused by stressful circumstances, a heavy workload, or any type of high-pressure situation, the best thing you can do for yourself is step away! Give yourself some time off. Remove yourself from the situation, at least temporarily. When you take a break from whatever is causing your stress and frustration, you release all of the resistance that was bogging down your energy signal, and suddenly things can start moving forward again. Of course, sometimes it's not possible to take a break right away. For example, if you are working on an important project and you are required to put in extra hours to meet a deadline, then of course you may not be able to drop everything and walk away from it.

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But make a point to do it as soon as you reasonably can. It may have to wait a few days, but then be sure to give yourself the time you need to release the stress and overwhelm. Or maybe you won't even need to take a LONG break! If you can get away for an hour or two, or half a day, spend some time getting your thoughts into a better place, it might be enough to help release some of the resistance and allow your frequency to rise again. Rest and Relaxation Giving yourself some time to rest, relax, and recharge is a fantastic way to release resistance! When you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or depleted, it's very difficult to feel positive, right? You need to release that tension from your body and focus your mind on something soothing. Gentle exercises like tai chi, yoga, walking, and stretching are all great ways to do this. Deep breathing exercises are also helpful, or you can use an energy technique like tapping (EFT). (I have another website devoted to tapping. Get a free "Getting Started" guide here.) No matter how you do it, the goal is the same: release the tension from your body, and bring your mind back to a centered, peaceful place. Fun Hobbies and Creative Pursuits Hobbies and creative activities are great ways to ease into better thoughts. It doesn't matter what type of activity you do, as long as you find it enjoyable! Bake something yummy, do some needlework, build a birdhouse, dig your hands into dirt or clay. Whichever activities you enjoy the most, spend some time on them when you feel resistance starting to take over your body.

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In just minutes, you will be able to feel the tension draining away, and your thoughts shifting back into a positive direction. Yes, it really does work that fast! Investing in a Peaceful Center The exercises I'm sharing in this book will help you to release resistance when you notice you've got some, but it's also a good idea to prevent resistance from forming in the first place, whenever possible. If you spend just a few minutes a day on soothing, uplifting activities, your resistance will not build up to a chronic degree anymore. Daily Meditation Meditating for ten or fifteen minutes a day will easily keep your mind and emotions in a more positive place. Pretty much any type of meditation will do - you can listen to a guided meditation, soothing music, nature sounds like ocean waves or a babbling brook. Or don't listen to anything at all, except the sound of your breath flowing in and out of your lungs. The most important thing is to take some time to just BE. Let go of all action, rushing, fixing, pushing...and reconnect with your center. Doing this regularly, you will be amazed by how much calmer and happier you feel - which of course, opens up your frequency so that you start allowing all good things into your life much more easily and frequently. Uplift Yourself Any kind of positive activity will keep shifting you in a positive direction, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Make it a habit to read positive books, listen to uplifting music, and watch amusing or inspiring programs on television as much as possible.

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Positive affirmations are also very helpful, and you can keep them very simple. Try affirmations like this to start: "I choose to feel good. I'm ready to shift my thoughts in a better direction. I'm open to peace, well-being, love, and abundance in all areas of my life." Simply by affirming your desire to feel better, you break the cycle of negativity that resistant thoughts create. Let Go and Trust You may remember that Exercise #2 was about surrendering situations to the universe when they seem to be stuck. This exercise is similar, but it’s more of a portable tool that you can carry with you wherever you go. When most people try to manifest specific situations in their lives, they have a strong tendency to stay emotionally attached to the outcome. This is especially true for situations where they are desperate to see some positive change. Unfortunately, being "attached" to any outcome is a sure way to block it from arriving. Why? When you feel attached to anything, you are infusing your energetic signal with a sense of need. Think about the sensation of need right now – how does it feel? Most people would probably describe it as a feeling of anxiety, emptiness, lack, fear, or discomfort. When your signal is infused with these essences, you can only attract back situations that match them. Which means you won’t attract the situation that would alleviate your need; only situations that will amplify it.

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The good news is, there is a very easy way to let go of any sense of need or desperation, and therefore attract the outcomes you want much faster and easier. That is by deliberately letting go and trusting that your desired outcome is on the way. It sounds easy, right? It is easy – but it can also be challenging because you may not be in the habit of letting go, or trusting. There are basically three ways you can use this exercise. As Part of Your Daily Manifestation Practice: After you finish a visualization session, what is your dominant state of mind? Do you feel confident that you have started some energy moving in the right direction? Do you feel good? Are you able to set aside your desires and continue on with your normal activities? Or – do you feel unfulfilled because your desires still haven’t manifested? Do you feel defeated or pessimistic that the visualization may not be working? If your experience more closely resembles the pessimistic description, you will definitely want to work on developing a habit of letting go and trusting! (But even if you do feel confident and optimistic, you can still benefit from this exercise.) When you finish your visualization, meditation, scripting, affirmations or whatever tools you are using to get attuned to your chosen outcomes, make it a strong habit to always end the session by saying something like this:

“I feel fully confident that this outcome is now on its way to me. I let go of this desire and trust that the universe will deliver it to me in the best possible way, at the best possible time.”

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Then put the desire out of your mind and focus on being happy where you are right now. That doesn’t mean you have to love every aspect of your life, but do your best to be calm and positive in your current circumstances. When Dissatisfaction Rears Its Ugly Head: You will also want to use the letting go and trusting exercise every time you feel dissatisfied, for any reason. In context with the desire you are working on manifesting, it’s important to let go and trust again if you notice that you are starting to cling to a certain outcome, or feeling attached or “needy” in any way. Simply say aloud again: “I let go of this desire and trust that it will manifest in the perfect way, with perfect timing.” You may need to say that hundreds of times per day if you have a very strong attachment to something – but the more you say it, the more you will come to believe it and the easier it will get to keep letting go. This technique also comes in very handy when you are dealing with other unpleasant situations in your life. When you notice that you are starting to feel frustrated or dissatisfied about anything, let go of it!

“I let go of this situation and trust that it will work out perfectly.” Once again, you may encounter dozens or even hundreds of situations that you need to let go of each day, but the more you do it the easier it will get. As Part of Your Normal Routine: Finally, you will benefit greatly by making this technique a part of your normal routine.

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First thing in the morning, during break time at work, right before you go to sleep at night – choose one or more time periods during each day where you will decisively and calmly let go and trust that various situations in your life will work out fine. During your performance of this exercise, bring to mind any situation that is causing you stress or making you worry. Then very deliberately let go, turn it over and affirm your trust that it will be okay. Examples: “I release my worry about my relationship with my husband, and trust that we will grow closer and happier over time.” “I let go of my need to control my son’s actions. I will do my best to guide him and teach him to be independent and responsible, and I trust that my influence will benefit him positively.” “I release my feelings of insecurity about money. I let go of my need to control how and when money comes to me, and I trust that the universe will always provide for my needs.” “I turn my career over to the universe and trust that the perfect opportunities for success will come to me with perfect timing.” “I let go of my health concerns and trust that I will be shown the path to perfect, abundant well-being.” “I release the sale of our home to the universe and trust that the perfect buyers will be led to us easily and quickly.” ANY situation, fear, worry or concern can be released – and when you do this regularly, you consistently minimize the amount of “resistance” in your vibrational signal, and therefore positive solutions and opportunities can come to you much more easily!

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How to Tell if it's Working You will be able to tell if this technique is working for you simply by the way you feel. When you have truly let go of something and you truly trust that it will work out fine, it feels as if a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. It’s like a nice, deep sigh of relief that you can feel in every fiber of your being. Even better, the positive results continue to grow stronger and more obvious the more you do this. You’ll start waking up in the mornings feeling lighter and happier. You’ll feel calmer throughout the day, more and more peaceful as time goes on. Can you guess what that does to the signal you are always broadcasting to the universe? That’s right, you start attracting more and more situations and outcomes that continue to make you feel happy, peaceful and carefree. That doesn’t mean you will never have to face any negativity, but the intensity of the negativity should definitely diminish over time. Then, rather than big, gnarly, chaotic messes popping up all over the place, you may encounter occasional minor annoyances or temporary setbacks that seem to magically take care of themselves once you let go again.

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Living Resistance Free I hope, after working with the exercises in this guide, you realize now that you do not need to FEAR resistance! Sometimes people get nervous when they notice that they're feeling some resistance. They start thinking that something has gone horribly wrong and they are "screwing up" their manifestation work. It's not that big of a deal! Yes, resistance can be terribly destructive if you allow it to go on for a long time, but you now have the perfect tools and insights that can help you to clear it quickly! The next time you notice that you are feeling some resistance, don't panic! Take a deep breath and remember that you can release it very easily by doing some of the exercises we just covered. Resistance is just negative emotion, which is triggered by negative thoughts. It only becomes a big deal if you fail to recognize it and fail to do something to change direction with your thoughts. Now you know exactly how to do that, so it's pretty simple to manage! Rather than seeing resistance as a threat, see it as a helpful clue that lets you know when you have veered off-track with your goals and dreams. Then take steps to dissolve the resistance and you will be right on track again! With enough practice, you will learn how to keep your thoughts in balance, and live virtually resistance-free! Have you ever heard people talk about being “in the flow”? Maybe you’ve even been “in the flow” yourself from time to time? It’s that magical state of being where everything just seems to go your way, where problems barely make themselves known before solutions drop right into

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your lap, where you feel happy and eager and excited about life, where you feel passionate and creative and abundant in every possible way. When you conquer your resistance habit, everything in your life will seem to just FLOW, in wonderful, easy ways! It does take a bit of concentrated effort to reach that stage – but it is so worth it, and you deserve it! Go easy on yourself as you learn how to let go of your resistance. Approach it as a fun, lighthearted exercise in re-training your mind to think in a different way. Little by little, you’ll start to feel a positive shift within yourself, and that’s when the outer magic starts happening too. Just remember that you won’t be able to dissolve ALL of your resistant habits in one day. Instead, be committed about working on it steadily over the course of a few weeks, perhaps a month. By then you should have developed a pretty solid habit of releasing resistance and it will become second nature to keep doing so regularly. Here’s to living resistance-free! Wishing you ease, flow, and joy in all areas of your life! Wendy

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Other Courses by Wendy Wendy's life-changing courses can help you to improve your thoughts, form better beliefs, attract better circumstances, and create your best life possible. Featured Courses: Align Your Vibration Fun daily games and exercises help you to shift your vibrational frequency to a high, positive place and easily attract the desires of your heart. Opening to Receive Receiving is a SKILL that can be learned and practiced. Quick and easy exercises help you shed your resistance to receiving the wonderful things you want and deserve. Better Beliefs Program This 4-week course will help you to challenge the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back for years. Beliefs are just perceptions and they can be easily changed - which changes everything around you! Daily Abundance Inspiration In the next 30 days, you can release thoughts of lack, scarcity, and struggle, and call forth effortless abundance, ease, and joy in all areas of your life. Daily Wellness Inspiration Enjoy 30 days of soothing, inspiring thoughts on all aspects of wellness, helping you to release resistance and attract the vibrant, strong body you deserve. (See all available courses here)

E-Books by Wendy

(Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and other popular sites. Click each book's link to see all options.)

How to Attract Money How to Allow Abundance

Writing Affirmations That Work How to Attract Your Soul Mate 30 Days of Gratitude Tapping for Dental Fear & Anxiety

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Affirmation MP3s by Wendy Ease your thoughts in a better direction with Wendy's soothing affirmation audios! Choose from Abundance, Health & Wellness, Lottery Winnings, Business Success, Releasing Cravings, Attracting Your Dream Home, and many more! See All MP3s Here