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170 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al. © d v a n c e d S t u d y e n t e r o L t d Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 48 (2017) 170-178 Corresponding author: A.E. Romanov, e-mail: [email protected] RELAXATION PHENOMENA IN DISCLINATED MICROCRYSTALS A.E. Romanov 1,2,3 , A.L. Kolesnikova 1,2,4 , I.S. Yasnikov 1 , A.A. Vikarchuk 1 , M.V. Dorogov 1 , A.N. Priezzheva 1 , L.M. Dorogin 1,2 and E.C. Aifantis 1,2,5 1 Togliatti State University, 445020 Togliatti, Russia 2 ITMO University, 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia 3 Ioffe Institute RAS, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia 4 Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, 199178 St. Petersburg, Russia 5 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece Received: February 21, 2017 Abstract. Disclinated microcrystals (DMCs) can be obtained in the form of decahedrons, icosa- hedrons, and pentagonal prisms. We present results of metallic DMC fabrication by employing the process of electrodeposition. We further provide experimental evidence of structural transfor- mations in DMCs during electrodeposition and heat treatment. We propose a model of DMC in the framework of continuum mechanics and discuss some typical results for calculations of the stresses and internal energy for elongated and sphere-like crystalline objects containing either one or six disclinations, or a distributed spherical disclination. Relaxation of mechanical stresses caused by disclinations leads to structural transformations in DMCs. We review the existing models of stress relaxation in DMCs and discuss new models of stress relaxation through dislocation loops or additional disclination ensembles in the DMC interior or lattice mismatched shells formed on the DMC surface. 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays it is well-established that physical and mechanical properties of solids are size-dependent. The size-dependence has been attributed to mate- rial non-uniformities, stochastic effects, and gradi- ents of various physical fields, as observed in a va- riety of materials and processes ranging from nano/ micro and meso/macro to mega/giga scales. Early and more recent discussions of this topic can be found in Refs. [1(a-c)] and works quoted therein. The size effects can be found more pronounced in n a n o a n d m i c r o c r y s t a l l i n e o b j e c t s f o r c o m p r e h e n sive reviews see Refs. [2-9]. One remarkable struc- tural feature of such objects is the presence of five- fold symmetry in individual small particles (the first publications on this subject are dated back to the m i d s [ ] a n d i n t h e l o c a l a r r a n g e m e n t o f grains in polycrystals [12,13]. We focus on the micro-objects having shapes of a decahedron, a pentagonal prism and an icosahe- dron, therefore having either one or six axes of pen- tagonal symmetry. Such crystalline pentagonal par- ticles (PPs) and rods (PRs) are usually fabricated from materials with FCC crystal structure such as Cu, Ag, Au, Si, C etc.; e.g. see reviews [14-21] and some recent works [22-30]. In the process of FCC crystal growth low-energy {111}-type twin boundaries (TBs) can be formed in the material interior. In pen- tagonal micro-objects TBs are arranged in special configurations providing the observed five-fold sym- metry, and this is why PPs and PRs are some- t i m e s r e f e r r e d t o a s m u l t i p l e t w i n n e d [ ] n other important feature of pentagonal micro-objects

RELAXATION PHENOMENA IN DISCLINATED … · 172 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al. The essential role of experimental parameters such

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Page 1: RELAXATION PHENOMENA IN DISCLINATED … · 172 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al. The essential role of experimental parameters such

170 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al.

© 2017 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.

Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 48 (2017) 170-178

Corresponding author: A.E. Romanov, e-mail: [email protected]


A.E. Romanov1,2,3, A.L. Kolesnikova1,2,4, I.S. Yasnikov1, A.A. Vikarchuk1,M.V. Dorogov1, A.N. Priezzheva1, L.M. Dorogin1,2 and E.C. Aifantis1,2,5

1Togliatti State University, 445020 Togliatti, Russia2ITMO University, 197101 St. Petersburg, Russia

3Ioffe Institute RAS, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia4Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, 199178 St. Petersburg, Russia

5Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

Received: February 21, 2017

Abstract. Disclinated microcrystals (DMCs) can be obtained in the form of decahedrons, icosa-hedrons, and pentagonal prisms. We present results of metallic DMC fabrication by employingthe process of electrodeposition. We further provide experimental evidence of structural transfor-mations in DMCs during electrodeposition and heat treatment. We propose a model of DMC inthe framework of continuum mechanics and discuss some typical results for calculations of thestresses and internal energy for elongated and sphere-like crystalline objects containing eitherone or six disclinations, or a distributed spherical disclination. Relaxation of mechanical stressescaused by disclinations leads to structural transformations in DMCs. We review the existingmodels of stress relaxation in DMCs and discuss new models of stress relaxation throughdislocation loops or additional disclination ensembles in the DMC interior or lattice mismatchedshells formed on the DMC surface.


Nowadays it is well-established that physical andmechanical properties of solids are size-dependent.The size-dependence has been attributed to mate-rial non-uniformities, stochastic effects, and gradi-ents of various physical fields, as observed in a va-riety of materials and processes ranging from nano/micro and meso/macro to mega/giga scales. Earlyand more recent discussions of this topic can befound in Refs. [1(a-c)] and works quoted therein.The size effects can be found more pronounced innano and microcrystalline objects – for comprehen-sive reviews see Refs. [2-9]. One remarkable struc-tural feature of such objects is the presence of five-fold symmetry in individual small particles (the firstpublications on this subject are dated back to the

mid-1960’s [10,11]) and in the local arrangement ofgrains in polycrystals [12,13].

We focus on the micro-objects having shapes ofa decahedron, a pentagonal prism and an icosahe-dron, therefore having either one or six axes of pen-tagonal symmetry. Such crystalline pentagonal par-ticles (PPs) and rods (PRs) are usually fabricatedfrom materials with FCC crystal structure such asCu, Ag, Au, Si, C etc.; e.g. see reviews [14-21] andsome recent works [22-30]. In the process of FCCcrystal growth low-energy {111}-type twin boundaries(TBs) can be formed in the material interior. In pen-tagonal micro-objects TBs are arranged in specialconfigurations providing the observed five-fold sym-metry, and this is why PPs and PRs are some-times referred to as “multiple twinned” [14-16]. An-other important feature of pentagonal micro-objects

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171Relaxation Phenomena in Disclinated Microcrystals

is the crystallography of their surface; decahedraland icosahedral particles are bounded by {111}-typecrystallographic facets and pentagonal prisms have{100}-type crystallographic planes as side facets,as well as {111}-type planes as cap facets [16]. Thisspecific crystallography was also shown to be re-sponsible for enhanced catalytic activity of pentago-nal micro-objects [18]. Finally, as it was originallypointed out in Refs. [31,32], pentagonal microcrys-tals contain disclinations – specific defects of rota-tional type (for a review on the properties ofdisclinations, see Ref. [33]). Therefore, pentagonalmicro-objects can be also classified as disclinatedmicrocrystals (DMCs). In the following, we will em-ploy this notation to underline the role of disclinationsin the properties of PPs and PRs.

In this paper, we first present results of DMCfabrication in the process of electrodeposition ofmetals. In particular, we demonstrate that the pa-rameters of electrodeposition, such as temperatureand pH of electrolyte, electric current and voltagestrongly influence the morphology and internal struc-ture of DMCs. We also provide experimental evi-dence of structural transformations in DMCs duringelectrodeposition and heat treatment, namely, theappearance of internal cavities and pores, as wellas the formation of outgrowths (or extrusions) atcopper icosahedral particles and pentagonal prisms.Second, we consider a model of DMC and presentsome results on calculation of stresses and inter-nal energy for elongated and sphere-like crystallineobjects containing either one or six disclinations,or a distributed spherical disclination. Relaxation ofmechanical stresses due to disclinations is real-ized via structural transformations in DMCs. We thusreview existing models of stress relaxation in DMCs[16,34]. We also discuss new models of stress re-laxation based on the formation of additionaldisclination ensembles at DMC subsurface layersand the nucleation of dislocation loops near thesurface of DMCs.

Fig. 1. DMCs with perfect (a - c) and defective (d - f)exterior shapes: decahedral (a) and icosahedral (b)silver particles; pentagonal prismatic copper rodwithout (c) and with (d) hole inside and copper out-growth/extrusion from the PR (e) and PP (f).

Fig. 2. Transformation of the habit/morphology of copper icosahedral microcrystals with six fivefold symme-try axes at concentrations (a) 0, (b) 1.0, (c) 2.0 g/L of the KBr inhibitor added to the standard sulfuricelectrolyte (adapted from [36]).


In this section we consider some results of experi-mental studies of nano and microscale disclinatedparticles received by electrodeposition of copper andsilver in Togliatti State University, Russia (Figs. 1-3).

In Fig. 1 pentagonal Ag microparticles (a-b) andCu microrods (c) are depicted. These particles haveperfect shape, but this does not mean that they donot contain numerous internal defects. Fig. 1 alsoshows microparticles with a defective externalshape: PR with hole inside (d) and outgrowth emerg-ing from the copper particle (e-f) [19,23,35]. Theseimperfections originate during the electrodepositionprocess.

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172 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al.

The essential role of experimental parameterssuch as electrolyte temperature and chemical com-position, potentiostatic or galvanostatic conditionsof deposition was higlighted in papers [6,23,28]. Inparticular, increasing the pH value of electrolyte fromacidic to alkali solution caused the change of mi-crocrystal habitus/configuration from strongly dis-torted shape, through regularly faceted shape to asmooth one for electrodeposited small Ag particlesand microcrystals [28]. In addition, in [36] it wasdemonstrated demonstrated the transformation ofthe habit morphology of icosahedral pentagonalmicrocrystals at different concentrations of the KBrinhibitor added to the standard sulfuric copper-coat-ing electrolyte and fixed electrodeposition time (Fig.2). As we can see this leads to the growth of PRson the surface of the initial icosahedron.

Electrodeposition of particles with subsequentheating to 400°C and above in air, leads to the for-mation of cavities (Fig. 3a) and channels and thegrowth of numerous whiskers (Figs. 3b and 3c) out-side of initially outwardly perfect particles [37]. Simi-lar way heating in vacuum causes microparticles tolose faceting and no whiskers are observed (Fig 3d).The holes and empty channels are formed duringthe PP and PR growth (Fig. 3e). It can be observedthe formation of outgrowths or extrusions from theparticle, accompanied by the formation of internal

Fig. 3. Copper disclinated microcrystals (DMCs) with different habitus, configuration or morphology: (a) forma-tion of the cavities and (b-c) growth of numerous whiskers in DMC after heating to 400 °C in air; (d) loosefaceting in DMC after heating to 700 °C in vacuum; (e) internal cavities in DMC; (f) micro-PR growing fromthe places of TBs junctions.

cavities in the particle (Fig. 3f). In this connection, itis also worth mentioning that outgrowths emergingnear the places of TBs junctions, are often pentago-nal (Fig. 3f), i.e. they are micro-PRs.

The experimental data described above suggestthat under the influence of elastic stress fields as-sociated with disclination type defects, the exter-nal shape and configuration/morphology of smallparticles and microcrystals can be modified. Wewill discuss the possible channels or modes of re-laxation of stresses and associated diminishing ofelastic energy in Section 4.


The origin of pentagonal symmetry in PRs and PPsis illustrated in the schematics given in Fig. 4. Asshown in Fig. 4a, PR is a polycrystal consisting offive FCC monocrystalline regions divided by five TBs.Lateral faces of this multiple-twinned PR are crys-tallographic planes of {100}-type, whereas cup facesare of {111}-type. The axis of fivefold symmetry isparallel to <100>-type direction. The internal struc-ture of PRs can be understood from the schemat-ics of Figs. 4b and 4c [31]. In Fig. 4b, five undistortedparts of the PR are aligned along four TBs, which inFCC crystals are {111}-type planes; see, for ex-

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173Relaxation Phenomena in Disclinated Microcrystals

Fig. 4. Disclination models for DMCs: (a) PR with internal twin boundaries; (b) angular gap in a PR; (c)twinned crystal lattice of PR; (d) PR modeled as cylinder of radius R

P having positive wedge disclination of

strength ; (e) icosahedral PP; (f) PP with solid angle deficiency; (g) PP with six wedge disclinations ofstrength ; (h) PP with infinitesimal solid cones d; and (i) PP modeled as spheroid with distributed Marks–Yoffe disclination.

ample, Ref. [16]. Because of FCC crystal geometrythere is a small angular gap preventing the forma-tion of a completely connected and undistorted PR.This angular gap however can be eliminated bymutual rotation of the gap faces with the formationof a fifth TB. The closing of the gap is equivalent tothe introduction of a positive wedge disclination alongthe PR axis [31,38]. The resulting configuration ofthe crystal lattice in the PR cross-section (which isthe plane of the {110}-type) is shown in Fig. 4c wherea triangle designates a wedge disclination. In thecase of PPs, the standard morphology is that of anicosahedron with {111}-type crystallographic facetsonly [34,39]. The icosahedron possesses sixdisclinations shown in Fig. 4e. It has been proven[34] that each fivefold axis, which appears at thejunction of five twin boundaries in a PR or a PP,contains a positive wedge disclination of the strength=2 – 10arcsin(1/3) 7°20’.

The introduction of the disclinations leads to elas-tic distortions of the crystal lattice in the bulk of thePR and PP. Within a continuum mechanics model,which is suitable for the calculation of elastic fieldsand energies, a PR can be described as an elasticcylinder with a coaxial positive wedge disclination(Fig. 4d) and a PP can be described as an elastic

spheroid with six positive wedge disclinations (Fig.4g) or with one distributed Marks-Yoffe disclination(Fig. 4i) [39]. Summarizing all the above, one canconclude that in order to describe the elastic prop-erties of the pentagonal faceted particles it is con-venient to use the configuration of a disclinated cyl-inder or a disclinated spheroid.

The characteristics and properties of disclinations,which distinguish them from dislocations, are impor-tant in our theoretical model. Namely, the elasticstrains and stresses of a single straight disclinationdiverge away from the disclination line. Disclinationenergy increases quadratically with increasing char-acteristic screening parameter, such as crystallitesize (more details on disclinations in crystals aregiven in the book chapter [38]). In this regard, straight-line disclinations can only exist in crystals of smallsize or in the presence of other defects that can re-duce (screen) their elastic fields. Such properties ofdisclinations in finite size bodies are the cause forthe manifestation of various mechanisms of mechani-cal stress relaxation in PRs and PPs.

There exist a number of models of stress relax-ation in disclinated crystals. In the following sec-tion we briefly describe the developed models ofstress relaxation related to pentagonal crystals

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174 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al.

[16,33,34] and present a new model of stress relax-ation, which explains the simultaneous formation ofan “outgrowth” on the surface and a “cavity” insidethe interior of a disclinated crystal.


Over the past two decades a number of models ofstress relaxation in PRs and PPs has been pro-posed. Fig. 4 presents the schematics of thesemodels. The energy criterion that triggers the relax-ation process is of the usual form E

initial E

final, where


and Efinal

are the energies of DMCs before andafter relaxation.

It has been shown that the following processescontribute to the diminishing of elastic energy inDMCs: appearance of an empty channel/hole (Fig.5a) [35,38,40]; formation of a straight-line disloca-tion (Fig. 5b) [16,33,34]; opening of a gap (Fig. 5c)

Fig. 5. Relaxation processes in DMCs: (a) appearance of empty channel; (b) formation of a straight-linedislocation; (c) opening of a gap; (d) appearance of a negative disclination with a system of stacking faults;(e, f) decomposing the disclination into two others linked by a “disclinational” stacking fault; (g, h) shiftingof the pentagonal axis towards the periphery; (i) formation of a region without a disclination; (j) formation ofan open sector outside TBs; (k) faceting of surface near the TBs; (l) faceting the surface around the disclinationaxis.

[16,24,36,41]; appearance of a negative disclinationwith a system of stacking faults (Fig. 5d) [16,24];decomposing a disclination into two others linkedby a “disclinational” stacking fault (Figs. 5e and 5f)[16,23]; shifting of the pentagonal axis towards theperiphery (Figs. 5g and 5h) [16, 24]; formation of aregion without a disclination (Fig. 5i) [16,24]; forma-tion of an open sector outside TBs (Fig. 5j) [16,28];faceting of the surface near the TBs (Fig. 5k) [21] oraround the disclination axis (Fig. 5l) [21,28,42]. Inaddition, molecular dynamics simulations showedthat the core of a disclination in a crystal has a“loose” structure, leading to the formation of an emptychannel [43].

For several models, the critical size of pentago-nal particles was evaluated (see, for example Refs.[16,33,34]). Starting from the critical size, the re-laxation processes in PRs and PPs are triggeredby disclinations. Some examples of the aforemen-tioned mechanisms are presented in Fig. 6. The

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175Relaxation Phenomena in Disclinated Microcrystals

Fig. 6. Examples of relaxation processes in DMCs observed in electrodeposition experiments: (a) openingof a gap instead of TB (Cu DMC); (b) formation of an open sector outside TBs (Ag DMC); (c) faceting surfacearound the disclination axis (Ag DMC), adapted from [28,41].

details of these mechanisms can be found in thereviews Refs. [16,33,34,38] but, by no means, ex-haust all possibilities and modes of internal stressrelaxation in DMCs. Recent experiments and theirtheoretical interpretation revealed new possibilitiesto reduce the energy associated with the disclinationtype defect in DMCs. Let us consider the main fea-tures of these new results.

a) One of the new mechanism of internal stressrelaxation in DMCs is the formation of vacancy pris-matic dislocation loops (DLs) in the transverse crosssection of DMCs. In [44] for DMCs with decahedralhabitus (PRs), it was shown that starting with acertain critical PR radius, the formation of DLs be-comes energetically favorable (Fig. 7a). This mecha-nism was indicative of a threshold character of thephenomenon of nucleation of prismatic DL in PRs.In thin PRs, the DL nucleation is energetically unfa-vorable, while in PRs with radius larger than the criti-cal one, nucleation becomes possible and the maxi-mum energy gain is achieved for DLs of a certainoptimum radius. An energy analysis of the forma-tion of straight dislocations in PRs, has also shownthat there is an optimum position of the dislocationrelative to the PW axis. It is interesting to note thatthe relative DL radius corresponding to the maxi-mum energy gain, strongly depends on the criticalPR radius for small PRs and virtually reaches satu-ration for large PRs.

In Ref. [44] it was highlighted that DL formationcan be considered as one possible mechanism ofthe formation of cavities in PRs, which was observedin experiments [35,40]. As it is well known, cavitiesare formed only during the growth of sufficiently thickPRs and do not appear in thin crystals. This is theevidence for the threshold character of this process,analogous to the considered threshold character of

prismatic DL formation. The process of cavity for-mation with the participation of DLs in PRs can in-volve the following steps: (i) nucleation of separatevacancy DLs through subtraction along the PR axis(e.g., due to the coagulation of vacancies, which ispossible during growth at elevated temperatures);(ii) increase in the density of DLs along the PR axis,which leads to their effective repulsion; (iii) escapeof DLs on the outgrowth edge surface with the for-mation of a trough. Thus, we can envision an imper-fection of a PR even before the formation of a visiblecavity. Since the optimum DL radius has a non-zerovalue, the appearance of a finite trough on the edgeof a growing PR can be expected starting with acertain critical radius, which was observed in ex-periments [35,40]

Another aspect of this mechanism was pre-sented in [45] as a stress relaxation in DPs withicosahedral habitus (PPs) through a similar gen-eration of circular prismatic DLs (Fig. 7b). It wasshown that loop generation is energetically favor-able in the equatorial section of the particle, theradius of which is larger than the critical one. Thedislocation loop then extends until it reaches itsoptimal radius which increases with particle size.Both the critical particle radius and the optimal loopradius strongly depend on the dislocation core en-ergy [45].

b) A new mechanism of internal stress relaxationin DMCs with different habitus was presented in [46-48]. The essence of this phenomenon is that a shellpossessing crystal mismatch with respect to theDMC core region (cylinder for PRs [46], sphere forPPs [47]), will reduce the internal energy of the DMCassociated with a disclination type defect (Figs. 7cand 7d). The existence of an optimal magnitude forthe core/shell crystal lattice mismatch and an opti-

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176 A.E. Romanov, A.L. Kolesnikova, I.S. Yasnikov, A.A. Vikarchuk, M.V. Dorogov et al.

Fig. 7. Recently discussed relaxation processes in DMCs: (a, b) formation of prismatic dislocation loops(DLs) in PR (a) and PP (b); (c, d) formation of a layer with lattice parameter misfit in PR (c) and PP (d); (e,f) outgrowth/extrusion from a DMC; (g, h) formation of screening multi-disclination configurations in DMCs.

mal shell thickness was predicted, providing maxi-mum energy release for this mechanism of mechani-cal stress relaxation. For PRs, it was pointed out in[46] that the considered relaxation mechanism canbe realized by the diffusion of impurities in the shellregion without change of the PR radius or by growthof a thin mismatched shell layer with a correspond-ing thickening of the PR.

Similar considerations for DMC with icosahedralhabitus (PPs) gave the value of the critical radius,above which the formation of a layer with latticeparameter misfit is energetically favorable. For typi-cal FCC metals (Cu, Ag), this was of the order of~10 nm, whereas the corresponding critical radiusfor DMC with decahedral habitus (PRs) is of theorder of ~100 nm [46-48]. The optimal mismatchparameter *=(a

core- a


shell, where a

core and a


are the lattice parameters of the core and the shellrespectively, gives the maximum energy release at

opt* -0.01 for PRs and opt

* -0.04 for PPs [46-48].It should be mentioned that the formation of a

circular prismatic misfit dislocation loop in compositecore–shell nanoparticles without disclination typedefects also becomes energetically favorable if themisfit parameter exceeds a critical value, which is

determined by the geometric characteristics of thesystem [49].

c) Appearance of outgrowths or extrusions froma DMCs can be considered as one of the indepen-dent mechanism of internal stress relaxation inDMCs (Figs. 7e and 7f). In Ref. [50], a physicalmodel of outgrowth formation from DMC is presented,which is based upon the notions of nucleation andslippage of prismatic dislocation loops in the elas-tic field of disclination defects that are inherent inDMCs. The first step of this mechanism is basedupon Eshelby’s notion [51] that dislocation loopsmight be involved in the transport of matter from thebase to the outgrowth. Internal stresses present inDMCs act as the driving force of the nucleation andpropagation of prismatic dislocation loops. Previ-ously, various authors studied the interaction of dis-location loops with isolated wedge disclinations,including the relaxation of stresses in extended pris-matic pentagonal crystals [44] and in the vicinity ofdisclinations emerging at the surface of half-spaces[52]. In the framework of the later model [50], theescape of interstitial dislocation loops at the DMCsurface leads to an increase in the whisker lengthrelative to the base, while incorporation of the va-

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177Relaxation Phenomena in Disclinated Microcrystals

cancy-type loops is accompanied by their accumu-lation on the internal surface. This model [50] wasillustrated by appropriate calculations that show again in the total DMC energy as a result of the for-mation of a pair of prismatic dislocation loops withopposite signs.

d) Starting from experimental data of Ref. [53],the model of structural changes in DMCs during theirgrowth has recently been developed and subse-quently amended in the Refs. [53-55] (Figs. 7g and7h). In [54], it was shown that after a certain criticalsize, it becomes energetically favorable for a DMCto form a subsurface layer free of TBs (which arethe only typical structural elements for smaller DMCsizes). In this layer, the low-angle dislocation bound-aries (DBs) are formed. Calculations of the energystored in the transformed DMC were based on adisclination model, in which the TB junctions, aswell as TB–DB junctions are treated as wedgedisclinations. In particular, it was demonstrated thatthe formation of a TB-free peripheral region becomesenergetically possible starting at a particle radiusof ~0.04 m for a disclination of power =0.128 atthe center of DMC, with an order of magnitude re-duction in power corresponding to particle sizes ~0.65 m.

The multi-disclination configurations with thescreening of elastic fields introduced in [54] furtherinteresting extensions in [55], suggest that they arethe structure-forming elements of relaxation processfor both DMCs and two-dimensional carbonnanostructures. In this sense, the disclination ap-proach has not only been successful to describetwo-dimensional carbon structures but also hasmade it possible to predict new structures takinginto account the minimization of the latent energyupon introduction of defects into an initially defect-free carbon film [55].


The structure of DMCs and the elastic distortion oftheir crystal lattice can be characterized in the frame-work of the disclination approach. It is the disclination-induced stress relaxation that causes structural trans-formations in DMCs. Based on experimental obser-vations and theoretical modeling we conclude thatthere are multiple channels and pathways of stressrelaxation and reduction of the elastic energy inDMCs. The realization of a particular relaxationmechanism depends on the environmental conditionsincluding temperature, pressure, presence of oxy-gen, pH of electrolyte, and other parameters involvedin the process of metal electrodeposition.


The authors acknowledge the support of the Minis-try of Education and Science of the Russian Fed-eration under the contract no. 14.B25.31.0011 inaccordance with the resolution of Russian Govern-ment no. 220.


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