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Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of ¯avonoids and chlorogenic acid in `Elstar' apple skin Mohamed A. Awad 1 , Anton de Jager * Fruit Research Station, P.O. Box 200, 6670 AE Zetten, The Netherlands Accepted 18 May 2001 Abstract The relationships between fruit N, P, K, Mg and Ca concentrations during the season and ¯avonoid and chlorogenic acid concentrations in skin of `Elstar' apples at maturity have been studied during three seasons in a nutrition experiment with the mutant `Elshof'), and in a separate experiment with standard `Elstar' using within-tree variation in nutrient concentration due to fruit position in the tree. Negative correlations were frequently found between the concentration of N and Mg and the N/Ca ratio, and occasionally with that of K, in fruit during growth and at maturity, and anthocyanin and total ¯avonoids concentration at maturity. Calcium concentration showed occasionally positive correlations with anthocyanin and total ¯avonoids concentration. Chlorogenic acid concentration showed only in the second experiment a correlation with some of the studied nutrients positive with P and Ca and negative with N, K, Mg and N/Ca). Regression models accounted for up to 40 and 30% of the variance in anthocyanin and total ¯avonoids concentration of `Elshof' mutant apples, and up to 70 and 65% of the variance in anthocyanin and total ¯avonoids concentration of standard `Elstar' apples, respectively. The most important variable in predictive models for the anthocyanin and total ¯avonoids concentration was N concentration in the fruit. The results suggest that the concentration of ¯avonoids in fruit skin could be increased by optimising fertilisation, especially that of N. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Apple; Plant nutrients; Flavonoids; Anthocyanin; Chlorogenic acid 1. Introduction Plant ¯avonoids constitute one of the largest group of naturally occurring phenolics, possessing ideal chemical structural as antioxidants, free radical scavengers and metal Scientia Horticulturae 92 2002) 265±276 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 31-488-473700; fax: 31-488-473717. E-mail address: [email protected] A. de Jager). 1 Department of Pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mansoura, El-Mansoura, Egypt. 0304-4238/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0304-423801)00290-4

Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

Jan 18, 2023



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Page 1: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 2: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 3: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 4: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 5: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 6: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 7: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 8: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 9: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 10: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 11: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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Page 12: Relationships between fruit nutrients and concentrations of flavonoids and chlorogenic acid in ‘Elstar’ apple skin

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