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Reich © (SS) · THE ELITE OF THE THIRD REICH A Global War 1936-1945 Expansion Overview (v3.0) 3 ... ** SS Mountain gain a +1 defense in mountains and never suffer an attacker penalty.

Oct 22, 2020



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  • Historical Board Gaming is excited to present SS Divisions of the Third Reich © (SS) – An exploration of Germany’s Elite SS units in World

    War II.

    In this expansion we will present both a Basic and Advanced version to suit your style of play. In the basic version Germany can build up to 35 unique SS units of different types based on their historic availability. In the advanced version we allow you to follow the historical progression of each unit as they evolve to different types (infantry, mechanized, armor etc..) during the war.



    THE ELITE OF THE THIRD REICH A Global War 1936-1945 Expansion

    Overview (v3.0)

  • 3

    1.0 Overview: Germany receives various SS Divisions and the ability to create or upgrade

    divisions based on their historic availability. This replaces the German ability to purchase SS

    Panzer Grenadiers listed on the German National Reference Sheet in the Global War 1936 rules.

    1.1 SS Statistics: SS Divisions have the following statistics: Note that no cost is listed for these

    units since they are built from existing units as explained later in the rules.

    * SS Militia may move only within German home country and conquered territory by strategic rail


    ** SS Mountain gain a +1 defense in mountains and never suffer an attacker penalty.

    *** SS Mechanized may Blitz without pairing with armor.

    Set Contents


    · SS Division Markers Set (60/set) HERE or Expansion can be played if you

    own the SS Divisions Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4, and Set 5.

    1.0 SS Divisions

    Unit Attack Defense Move

    SS Militia* 2 3 0

    SS Infantry 3 5 1

    SS Mountain 3 5 1

    SS Cavalry 4 3 2

    SS Motorized 3 5 2

    SS Mechanized

    Panzer Grenadier*** 4 5 2

    SS Armor +1 base unit +1 base unit Same as base unit\Users\Doug\Documents\Alfa_Win10\Users\Doug\Documents\Alfa_Win10\Users\Doug\Documents\Alfa_Win10\Users\Doug\Documents\Alfa_Win10\Users\Doug\Documents\Alfa_Win10\Users\Doug\Documents\Alfa_Win10

  • 4

    2.1 Availability: On specific turns players get the option to place SS markers under certain types

    of units and in some cases may get entire SS units for free. If a player cannot meet all the

    requirements to place the SS marker – such as owning the zone or having the correct type of unit

    present – the opportunity is lost.

    2.2 Placement: When the rules state that you can put an SS marker beneath a specific type of

    unit, that type of unit must be present in the zone to place the SS marker. Note that this could be a

    unit that was already there or a unit that was placed in the place units phase. All units are placed in

    Place Units and Collect Income Phase and upgrades are paid for

    at time of placement.

    2.3 Elimination: Once an SS unit is eliminated, remove the

    marker from the game. It can no longer be upgraded and cannot

    be rebuilt.

    2.4 Upgrades: Sometimes SS units will be “upgraded”. For

    example a rule might ask you to change an infantry to a

    mechanized infantry. In these instances you will simply change the

    piece on top of the marker to reflect a different type of unit. These

    are free upgrades. Upgrades are done during the Place Units and

    Collect Income Phase.

    2.0 SS DIVISIONS –


    Supply Path: Many units require being in a supply path to be upgraded.

    This means the unit has to be able to trace a path from its current

    location along an undamaged railroad to a major factory in the home

    nation. The path may go over sea zones so long as it enters and leaves

    land zones through a Naval Facility that is not blockaded or damaged.

    The presence of enemy ships does not block a supply path.

  • 5

    At Start of Game (During Set Up) 1936 and 1939 Scenarios:

    On January 1939 turn (or July 1939 Set Up):

    Any turn after Germany has declared war on Poland:

    Any turn that Warsaw is German Aligned/Controlled:


    Location Division


    Place the 1st SS Infantry, (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) Division

    marker beneath an infantry or Militia in Berlin (Player’s

    choice). This unit is a 2/3 unit that does not move.

    Location Division Rule

    Anywhere in

    German Home


    2nd SS Panzer

    (Das Reich)


    Pay 1 IPP to place the 2nd SS marker

    beneath any light or medium armor unit.

    Location Division Rule

    Anywhere in

    German Home


    3rd SS Panzer



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 3rd SS marker

    beneath any light or medium armor.

    Location Division Rule

    Anywhere in

    German Home


    4th Panzer


    (Polizei) SS


    Pay 1 IPP to place the 4th SS marker beneath a

    Mechanized Infantry. This unit becomes an SS

    Panzer Grenadier unit. (Also see expansion

    compatibility for Polizei units)

  • 6

    Any Turn that both Belgium & Netherlands or both Denmark & Norway are

    German Aligned / Possessed:

    Any turn that Finland is German Aligned:

    Any turn after Yugoslavia is German Aligned / Possessed:

    Any turn that Romania is German Aligned and Germany is at war with USSR:

    Location Division Rule



    5th SS Panzer

    (Wiking) Division

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 5th SS marker beneath

    a medium armor unit.



    11th SS



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 11th SS marker

    beneath an infantry unit.

    Location Division Rule

    Helsinki 6th SS Mountain

    Infantry (Nord)


    Place 1 free SS Mountain Infantry in Helsinki

    with a 6th SS marker beneath it.

    Location Division Rule

    Yugoslavia 7th , 13th 31st, &

    23th SS Mountain


    Pay 3 IPP each to place up to four SS

    Infantry divisions in Yugoslavia.

    Location Division Rule

    Romania 8th SS Cavalry

    (Florian Geyer)


    Place one free SS Cavalry unit in Romania

    with the 8th SS marker beneath it.

  • 7

    Any turn in 1943 - Germany may upgrade up to 4 units on each of the two turns

    in 1943 as follows (7 total):

    Location Division Rule

    Anywhere in

    German Home


    9th SS



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 9th SS marker

    beneath any light, medium or heavy armor


    Anywhere in

    German Home


    10th SS



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 10th SS marker

    beneath any light, medium or heavy armor


    Anywhere in

    German Home


    12th SS Armor



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 12th SS marker

    beneath any light, medium or heavy armor



    14th SS



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 14th SS marker

    beneath an infantry unit.


    15th SS

    (1st Latvian)


    Pay 1 IPP to place the 15th SS marker

    beneath an infantry unit.


    16th SS



    Pay 1 IPP to place the 16th SS marker

    beneath a Motorized or Mechanized SS

    Infantry unit.

    Paris 17th SS (Götz

    Von Berlichingen)


    Pay 1 IPP to place the 17th SS marker

    beneath a Motorized or Mechanized SS

    Infantry unit.

  • Any turn in 1944: Germany may place or upgrade up to 4 units in each of the 2

    turns in 1944 so long as they have lost a combined total of 8 IPP worth of land

    units during its prior turn, they may choose to build or upgrade units as follows:


    Location Division Rule

    Hungary 18th SS Division Pay 1 IPP to place the 18th SS marker

    beneath an infantry unit.

    Latvia 19th SS Division

    (2nd Latvian)

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 19th SS marker

    beneath an infantry unit.

    Estonia 20th SS Division (1st Estonian)

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 20th SS marker

    beneath an infantry unit.

    Albania 21st SS Division

    (1st Albanian)

    Place one free 21st SS Mountain infantry unit

    in Albania.

    Romania 22nd SS Division Pay 1 IPP to place the 22nd SS marker

    beneath a cavalry unit.

    Northern Italy 24th SS Division Place one free 24th SS Mountain Infantry division

    in Northern Italy is German-possessed.

    Hungary 25th SS Division

    (1st Hungarian)

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 25th SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry in Hungary

    Hungary 26th SS Division

    ( 2nd Hungarian)

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 25th SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry in Hungary

    Netherlands 27th SS Division Pay 1 IPP to place the 27th SS marker

    beneath a medium armor

    Belgium 28th SS Division Pay 1 IPP to place the 28th SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry

    E. Ukraine, Russia 29th SS Division

    (1st Russian)

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 29th marker beneath a

    Mechanized Infantry in Eastern Ukraine.



    30th SS Division

    (1st Belerussian)

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 30th SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry in Southern

    Hungary 31st SS Division Pay 1 IPP to place the 31st SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry in Hungary

    Vichy France

    (Southern France) 33rd SS Division

    Pay 1 IPP to place the 33rd SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry.

  • 9

    Any turn in 1945: Germany may place several units if it lost 15 IPP worth of land

    units or more since its last turn.

    Special Divisions: There are 7 additional special divisions Germany can acquire

    as indicated on the table below:

    Location Division Rule

    Warsaw 36th SS Division Germany may place one free SS Infantry

    Berlin 39th SS Division Pay 1 IPP to place the 39th SS marker

    beneath a Mountain Infantry.

    Berlin 38, and 40-45thth

    SS Division

    Pay 1 IPP each for up to 7 total SS markers

    of the 38th- 45th SS divisions. Place beneath

    infantry in Berlin.

    Location Division Rule

    Anywhere in

    German Home


    500th & 600th SS


    Pay 1 IPP each to place the SS Airborne

    markers beneath airborne infantry.



    1st & 2nd

    Cossack Cavalry

    Germany places two elite 4/3 Cavalry Unit

    during the place units & collect income

    phase that it is at war with the USSR and

    possess the Doniets-Kuban territory.

    Berlin 101st, 102nd, &

    103rd SS Heavy

    Panzer Division

    German may upgrade three Advanced

    Armor or Tiger 1E to SS Panzer Divisions

    for 2 IPP each. These units gains +1 Attack

    and Defense.

  • 10

    4.0 Advanced Rules: In the advanced rules SS divisions change overtime. A division might, for

    example, start out as an infantry, later become a mechanized and ultimately end the game as an armored

    division (assuming it survives – a big “if” in Global War!). Unlike the basic rules there is no cost to place SS

    markers but there are more stringent requirements for units being in the right place at the right time in order to

    get the upgrades as paying costs to upgrade from one type of unit to another. (as per 2.4) Infantry/Militia units

    are represented by infantry, motorized units are represented by trucks, Panzergrenadier units are repesented

    by mechanized units and armor are represented by tank units. All units that are upgraded in table 4-2 become

    SS units.

    Table 4-2

    4.0 Advanced Rules

    Date Change

    Set up 1936 &



    1st SS Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler: During set up place the 1st SS Marker

    beneath a regular infantry or militia in Berlin. This unit is a 2/3 SS Militia that

    does not move until upgraded.

    July 1939

    2nd SS Verfügungs: Place the 2nd SS Marker beneath a motorized infantry in


    3rd SS Totenkopf: Place the 3rd SS Marker beneath a regular infantry in


    4th SS Polizei: Place the 4th SS marker beneath a regular Infantry or Militia

    unit in Berlin. This unit is a 2/3 Militia (but see expansion compatibility).

    January 1940

    5th SS Germania: Place the 5th SS marker beneath a regular infantry unit in


    1st SS: Pay 1 IPP to upgrade the 1st SS to a Motorized Infantry if it is in a

    supply path.

    July 1941 6th SS Kampfgruppe Nord: Place the 6th SS marker beneath a (free)

    infantry unit in Lapland (Finland) if Finland is Axis Controlled/Aligned and

    Finnmark is German possessed/controlled/Aligned.

  • 11

    Date Change

    January 1942

    3rd SS: Pay 1 IPP to upgrade the 3rd SS to a Panzer Grenadier division if it is

    in a supply path.

    4th SS: Upgrade 4th SS Polizei to an SS Infantry Division at no cost if in

    supply path.

    7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division: Place for free 1 SS Mountain Infantry

    division in Yugoslavia if Yugoslavia is German Possessed/Aligned

    8th SS Cavalry: Place 1 free SS Cavalry in Romania if Romania is German


    July 1942

    1st SS: Upgrade the 1st SS to a Panzergrenadier for 1 IPP if it is in a supply


    2nd SS: Upgrade the 2nd SS to a Panzergrenadier for 1 IPP if it is in a supply


    5th SS: Upgrade the 5th SS to a Panzergrenader if it is in a supply path.

    6th SS: Upgrade the 6th SS to a Mountain Infantry at no cost if it is in a supply


    7th SS: Upgrade the 7th SS to an SS Mountain infantry for 1 IPP if it is in a

    supply path.

    January 1943

    4th SS: Upgrade the 4th SS to a Panzergrenadier division if it is in a supply


    9th SS: Panzer Division: Place the 9th SS marker beneath a medium armor in


    11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division: Place the 11th SS marker

    beneath a mechanized infantry anywhere in German home country that is in

    a supply path

    10th SS Panzer Division: Place the 10th SS marker beneath a medium armor

    in Berlin.

    12th SS Panzer Division: Place the 12th SS marker beneath a medium armor

    in Berlin.

    13th Waffen SS: Place the 13th Waffen SS marker beneath a Mountain

    Infantry in Yugoslavia.

  • 12

    Table 4-2 (Cont.)

    Date Change

    July 1943

    1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th: Upgrade the 1st SS, 2nd SS, 3rd SS and 5th SS to Medium

    Armor for 1 IPP if they are in a supply path.

    6th SS: Upgrade the 6th SS to a Mountain Infantry if it is in a supply path.,

    7th SS: Upgrade the 7th SS to Medium Armor if it is in a supply path

    1st SS Cossack Cavalry Division: Place a free SS Cavalry division in a

    German-owned land zone within 3 zones of Doniets-Kuban if the USSR and

    Germany are at war.

    101st SS Heavy Panzer: Place the 101st SS Heavy Panzer beneath any

    Advanced Armor (including Tiger 1E).

    500th SS Parachute: Place the 500th SS Marker beneath an Airborne Infantry

    in Bohemia.

    10th & 12th SS: Upgrade the 10th and 12th SS Divisions to a Medium Armor if

    they are in a supply path.

    16th SS Panzergrenadier: Place the 16th SS marker beneath a Mechanized

    Infantry unit in Berlin.

    17th SS Panzergrenadier: Place the 17th SS marker beneath a Mechanized

    Infantry unit in Aquitaine.

    January 1944

    15th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Latvian): Place the 15th SS marker

    beneath a Mechanized Infantry unit in Latvia.

    18th SS Grenadier Division: Place the 18thSS Marker beneath a

    Mechanized infantry unit in Hungary.

    19th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (2nd Latvian): Place the 19thSS Marker

    beneath a Mechanized infantry unit in Latvia.

    20th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Estonian): Place the 20thSS Marker

    beneath a Mechanized infantry unit in Estonia.

    22nd SS Volunteer Cavalry Division: Place the 22nd SS marker and a free

    SS cavalry division in Romania if Romania is Axis-Aligned.

    25th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Hungarian): Place the 25th SS

    Marker beneath a Mechanized Infantry Division in Hungary if Hungary is Axis


    102nd SS Heavy Panzer Division: Place the 102nd SS Heavy Panzer

    beneath any Advanced Armor (including Tiger 1E) in Berlin.

  • 13

    Table 4-2 (Cont.)

    Date Change

    July 1944

    14th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (1st Galician): Place the 14th SS

    marker beneath a Mechanized Infantry in East Poland.

    21st Waffen SS Mountain Division: (1st Albanian): Place the 21st SS

    Marker beneath a Mountain Infantry in Albania.

    24th Waffen SS Mountain Division: Place the 24th SS Marker

    beneath a Mountain infantry in Northern Italy.

    27th SS Volunteer: Place the 27th SS Marker beneath a Medium

    Armor in the Netherlands.

    28th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division: Place the 28th SS Marker

    beneath a Mechanized Infantry in Belgium

    29th Waffen SS Grenadier Division: (1st Russian): Place the 29th SS

    marker beneath a Mechanized Infantry in Eastern Ukraine.

    30th Waffen SS Grenadier Division: (1st Belerussian): Place the 30th

    SS marker beneath a mechanized Infantry in Belorussia.

    31st SS Volunteer Grenadier Division: Place the 31st marker beneath

    a mechanized infantry in Hungary.

    103rd SS Heavy Panzer Division: (Berlin – heavy armor): Place the

    103rd SS Heavy Panzer beneath any Advanced Armor (including Tiger

    1E) in Berlin.

    January 1945

    23rd Waffen SS Mountain Division: Place the 23rd SS marker

    beneath a Mountain Infantry in Yugoslavia.

    26th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (2nd Hungarian): Place the 26th

    SS Marker beneath a Mechanized Infantry Division in Hungary.

    33rd Waffen SS Grenadier Division (Charlemagne): Place the 33rd

    SS marker beneath a Mechanized infantry in Vichy France (Southern

    France). It must leave Vichy France on its next turn

    36th Waffen SS Grenadier Division (Sturmbrigade): Place the 36th

    SS Marker beneath a Mechanized Infantry Division in any German-

    owned Polish territory.

    2nd Cossack Cavalry Division: Place the 2nd Cossack Cavalry

    Division Marker beneath a cavalry unit in Hungary.

    38th SS Division: Place the 38th SS marker beneath a medium armor

    in Berlin.

  • 14

    Table 4-2 (Cont.)

    Date Change

    July 1945

    39th Waffen SS Gebirgsjäger Division: Place the 39th SS marker

    beneath a Mountain infantry in Berlin.

    40-45th SS Infantry Divisions: Place each of the 40st- 45th SS

    Markers beneath infantry units in Berlin.

    January 1946 600th SS Parachute Division: Place the 600th SS marker beneath an

    airborne infantry in Berlin.

    When the first


    Rocket Base is


    Place a free Militia with the SS Division Z.v. marker beneath it. This is

    a 0/2 Militia that adds +2 damage to rocket attacks launched from its

    land zone.

  • 15

    Hypothetical SS Divisions: Germany may place the following free divisions in their

    Place Units & Collect Income Phase the first turn they possess any of the following

    land zones, place the new piece and SS marker as noted below.

    Location Rule Division

    London Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost SS Division

    Madrid Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost SS Division

    Switzerland SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Mountain Infantry at no cost


    Greece SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Mountain Infantry at no cost

    Moscow SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Medium Armor at no cost

    Sweden SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Mountain Infantry at no cost

    New York SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost


    DC SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Medium Armor at no cost


    Francisco SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost

    Ottawa SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost

    Argentina(Any Territory)

    SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost

    Brazil (Any Territory)

    SS Division Germany may place 1 SS Infantry at no cost


  • 16

    Partisans - SS Divisions have the following abilities:

    1st & 4th SS will act as if it were a Polizei unit: They increase Partisan failure by 1.

    1st & 2nd SS Cossack Cavalry, and 8th SS Cavalry: Each unit gains a +1 Attack bonus during

    anti-partisan operations, and acts as a Polizei unit, increasing Partisan failure by 1.

    Fascist Croatia: Make the following

    changes if you are using the overlay: Do

    not place SS units as indicated in Fascist

    Croatia but use this expansion instead.

    Place the 7th SS marker in Serbia,

    Yugoslavia (Per CRO 1.0)

    Place the 13th SS Mountain Division

    in Croatia (Per CRO 1.0)

    Place the 23rd SS marker in Croatia

    (Per CRO 1.0)

    Multiple Expansions: The 101st,102nd,

    and 103rd heavy armor markers can be

    placed beneath any German Armor Unit other than a Medium or Light Armor unit.

    Expansion Compatibility

    © Historical Board Gaming

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