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Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance

Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Dec 27, 2015



Hilary Marshall
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Page 1: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Region #16Visual Arts Scholastic


February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas

Old Main Gym Entrance

Page 2: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


Denise Olson - VASE Director

Trina Taylor - Site Director

June Gabel - Jury Foreman

Page 3: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


Denise Olson - (806) 576-6980

Page 4: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


Fill out and turn in your Juror Payment Form!

You must include your SS#!!

If you would like to receive 8 hours of CPE

credit en lieu of the honorarium, check the CPE box and mark your honorarium as $0.00.

Page 5: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


The mission of the TEAE Visual Arts Scholastic Event is to recognize

exemplary student achievement in the Visual Arts by providing art

students and programs a standard of excellence in which to achieve.

Page 6: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


We will begin the day with breakfast in the breakroom, and review the day’s procedure. Please fill out your payment form at that time.

You will conduct the interviews in the AHS cafeteria.

You will interview students about their artwork and score them based on their interview and the quality of their work. They will be given a sccore of 1, 2, 3 or 4.

All artwork receiving the highest rating of 4 will be displayed in the Commons area.

After the individual judging we will have lunch in the breakroom and review the procedure for area judging, the pieces that will advance to State VASE.

You will work in division groups to judge area in the Commons. After that, your day is done. Thank You!

Page 7: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


It is our sincere belief that VASE be carried out in the spirit of a positive learning experience.

Jurors need to be mindful that the spirit of the Regional Event is to help students grow in their knowledge and application of the visual arts.

Jurors should be honest, fair and NURTURING as they judge the student’s art production and encourage the students to verbalize their personal art experience.

Jurors are to refrain from judgmental comments andanti-teacher/program remarks.

Page 8: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

VASE is to be a motivating experience for each student regardless of his or her ability or art level.

Competition is a real world activity and this event should be encouraging and serve as a growth experience.

Jurors are to provide support, create a climate of reassurance and concern, and encourage young artists to reach for the highest standard of excellencein their artworks.

Jurors must write a minimum of two strong positive statements regarding the student’s artwork and a minimum of one statement on an area to strengthenin the artwork.

Page 9: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


Have a table, chairs, and a place to set the artwork.

Receive pens/pencils, a timer, calculator and snacks in the breakroom!

Receive the first student promptly at 8:00 a.m.

Check the Juror Rating Form for an “OK” stamp from the qualifications desk

Look at and discuss the artwork with the student, ask questions, etc.

Need to save a little time at the end of each session to complete the rating form and write comments

Page 10: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Excuse the student when ready to complete the rating form.

Sign, tabulate and put your rating on each form.

Put completed form in the envelope provided (a runner will collect them).

Give artwork and envelope with completed jury form to a student runner.

Signal the next contestant (who will bejust outside the door) to come in.

Page 11: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


Set the timer each time a student enters enablingyou to stay on schedule (8 MINUTES FORTHE INTERVIEW, 2 MINUTES TO FILL OUT RATING FORM-10 MIN. TOTAL!).

Stay on schedule, the schedule is tight and itis extremely easy to get so involved you losetrack of time.

Be aware that the next student will be waiting outside your room.

Write comments and/or suggestions to the studentsfor feedback.

Page 12: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


The importance of feedback to the student regarding their score cannot be emphasized enough!!

Your comments are critical to the processof artistic growth.

We would like for you to write two positive comments on the artwork and one comment in regards to how

the student may be able to improve their work.

Page 13: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


“Excellent use of value – strong contrasts exist in all details.”

“Very accurate facial proportions, nicely done!”

“Great use of implied line.”

“Strong composition with a nice balance of positive and negative space.”

“The focal point is well defined, nice work.”

“Excellent concept! A new and creative approach to the subject.”

“Very nice use of color.”

“Your craftsmanship is amazing, keep upthe great work!”

Page 14: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


“Develop your values to create stronger contrast.”

“Composition is lacking a center of interest”

“Be careful! Smudges and fingerprints detract from your drawing.”

“Develop your own personal characters instead of reproducing others.

“These are copyrighted images – be careful!”

“Negative space is not ‘broken’ up with a variety of shapes and sizes.”

Page 15: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


“Hi, Welcome to VASE! I’m Mr. Smith and you are?” Shake their hand if you’d like, take their artwork and paperwork off their hands.

Set up the artwork so that you can both see it while you talk about it.If the student has two pieces check to make sure the piece you are scoring

and the piece you are seeing are the same. Do not judge the same student twice!

“Have you participated in VASE before?”If they have, welcome them back. If they have not, briefly explain

the interview process.

“So, what level of art are you in?”By looking at their paperwork you will be able to see how many credits they have.

0.5-1=Art I 1.5-2=Art II 2.5-3=Art III 3.5+=Art IV or AP

“Wow, this is a beautiful painting, was it a class assignment?”If it was, ask a few specifics about the assignment like “what were the

general guidelines of the project?” or “did you study any artists inconjunction with the project?” or “did you focus on specific elements and principals

of art?” If it was not a class project, see the next sample interview question.

Page 16: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

“What was your inspiration for the piece?”They might rattle off a long story about it or they may look confused! If theyseem confused ask them specific questions about the piece like “who is thiswoman in the piece?” or “I see that you used various values of blue, is blue

your favorite color?” Asking simple questions like this will often spark conversation.

“Tell me about how you made this.”You are looking for a technical answer like “I worked from a still-life that my teacher set-up and this was the first time I used chalk pastels.” Again, you may have to pull the answer out of them! You want to know if they worked

from a photo or a still-life, if it is 2-D, if they had ever worked in this medium before this piece, etc.

“Tell me what you like best about this piece.”Agree with them or tell them what you like best about the artwork.

“If you could change anything, what would it be? Why?”If they mention one, discuss how this change may or may not enhance

the piece and why. If they do not mention one, say something like “If I had one suggestion at all, I would suggest…”

Page 17: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

“If you have not already, mention an area that could use polishing.”For example, “You have a lot of negative space in the background that detracts

from the focal point…is there something you can add to the background tomake it more interesting?”

“Conclude by identifying the strengths of the piece.”Reiterate the strengths even if you have already discussed them…leave on a

positive note!

“Thank them for participating and tell them to return to their teacher!”

“Remind students that you will be keeping their artwork just for a little while. It will be returned to them at the conclusion of the event.”

You will keep their artwork and paperwork, score it, write comments and then send artwork and paperwork with a student runner. DING! Your eight minutes are up!!

Page 18: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.


Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

The student will bring the Juror Rating Form to you,

along with their artwork. You will not fill out the rating

form until you have finished the interview and the student

has left the room.

Page 19: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

Student InfoMake sure you are scoring the correct

piece if student has two entries! Verify that the

division the student is in is correct. A simple

“I see you are in AP Art”will do…no need to drill

them! If the division seems to be incorrect, continue on with the

interview and scoring process and simply

place a post-it on the score sheet with a note.Linda will investigate!

Page 20: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

Scoring the InterviewIn this section you will score the interview you

had with the student. Remember, you are not to fill out the form until the

interview is complete and the student is gone.

You will give the student a 1, 2, 3 or 4 for each

category in this section.Add up the total and write

the number in the box. The interview score

counts as one third of the student’s final score.

Page 21: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

Scoring the ArtworkIn this section you will

judge the student on their technique and skill.

You will give the studenta 2, 4, 6 or 8 for each

category in this section.Add up the total and write

the number in the box. The interview score

counts as two thirds ofthe student’s final score.

Page 22: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

The Comments!!!This is where you will

write your two positive comments and one

comment on something that can be polished.

Page 23: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

The Total ScoreAdd the total for the

interview and the total for the artwork and put that

number in this box.Please use a calculator!

Page 24: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

Scoring RangeCircle the correct scoring

range in both spots.

Write in the regular numeral score at the bottom, 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Page 25: Region #16 Visual Arts Scholastic Event February 27, 2010 Amarillo High Amarillo, Texas Old Main Gym Entrance.

Texas Art Education Association

Visual Art Scholastic Event


TAEA Region #

Name of Participant Credits AP / IB Classification Media Division 2D / 3D

Bloom, Kira 2D Mixed Media Variety Y 3.5+ 4


Entry # - 14628 Room - 209 Time Slot - 8:30 AM


Teacher School

District TAEA No. Churchill High School


Piece 1


Erin Albright

Student Interview

Student Research and Application to Work Explain your purpose (assignment or individual) in developing this artwork and describe how you achieved that goal. Describe any influences from your study of art history, artists, or art periods and styles that have contributed to the development of this artwork.

Score : (Circle One) Low = 1 High = 4

Execution and Technique

Use of Elements and Principles of Art

Aesthetics and Critical Judgment

Personal Expression

Identify the technical skills related to the medium / media employed in this artwork.

Explain how you selected and organized the visual aspects of this work.

Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product.

In what ways does this artwork represent your individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

Student Interview Total

Artwork Evaulation Score : (Circle One) Low = 2 High = 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8

2 4 6 8



Personal Expression



- Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student's effort to achieve the stated purpose.

- The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work.

- The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive.

- The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and priniciples effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work.

- Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose.

Artwork Evaluation Total

General Comments & Suggestions

Scoring Range:

Rating (Circle one. DO NOT add minus or plus) Date

/ /

Total Score (Student Interview Total + Artwork Evaluation Total)

( 15 - 24 - I ) ( 25 - 36 - II ) ( 37 - 48 - III ) ( 49 - 60 - IV )

I II III IV Write in rating here

Signature of Juror

Sign and dateLast but not least, sign

and date the rating form.

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DO NOT give the artwork and Juror Rating Form back to the student!

Place the completed Juror Rating Form in the envelope provided.

Give the artwork and envelope to a student runner who will be circulating thehallways picking up artwork.If there is no runner available, hold on to artwork in theroom until a runner comes by.

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You will be interviewing students with different levels of experience. Make sure that you pay close attention to how many credits of art each student has.

You should not judge an Art I student as hard as you judge an AP Art student.

It is permissible for a student to have a school district designee in the interview room with them.

This is not a college critique. Every student should have a positive experience at VASE!

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We are not necessarily here to make them better artists. We are here to build self-esteem!

Do not criticize the quality of their supplies. Teachers may be working with a limited budget. For example, never suggest a student use a higher grade of paint.

If the student is in your room, interview them! You do not have the right to disqualify artwork. Each piece goes through a qualifications check but some pieces may slip through the cracks. After the student has left, you can question a piece of artwork by flagging down the Jury Foreman and asking to speak to the Regional Director – Denise Olson. She is the only one who can disqualify artwork. If disqualified, artwork will not be scored.

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Do not fuss at students for not knowing the elements and principals of art...chances are they are nervous! Let them use your cheat sheet or look at their paperwork on the back of their artwork, if need be.

If you feel that every student you interview deserves a high rating, give them one! We do not require you to give a certain number of 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s (no quota systems or bell curves). We do however, encourage you to be careful awarding 1s & 2s. Remember that a “1” represents “Below Average - student exhibits no attempts at achieving the objectives” and if a student has done the work to come to VASE, he probably has made some attempt to achieve the objectives.

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If a score is one point below what it takes to go to the next higher rating (a 48, 36, or 24), add one point to go up to the next level, or take one point away to make it solidly in the lower level. “One Point Misses” are very difficult for students and teachers to live with.

Don’t interview the same student twice!

If you know the student you are supposed to interview send them to the Jury Foreman to have them re-assigned to another juror.

If you are judging electronic media work turn on your computer when you get to your table. Log in as a “student” with a check mark in “work station only.”

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Lunch will take place after all students have been interviewed. Jurors will receive a snack at some point during the morning.

We will follow the schedule as best we can but we all know that situations arise.

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All of the students have been interviewed…now what?

After lunch, all artwork that received a 4 earlier in the day will be laid out on the Commons floor. The artwork

will be separated into divisions so there will be four sections of artwork. Find the division you will be


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Each division may send a percentage of their 4’s to state. During Area Judging you will choose which pieces you feel should go to state and

place a post-it note on them. If your division can send 15 pieces to state, each judge will receive 15 post-its. The pieces with the most post-its

will advance to state. If there is a tie, this process will be repeated on a smaller scale.

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There is no talking during Area Judging.

Make sure you have the correct color of post-it notes for the division you are judging.

Please choose pieces that will represent the highest quality of work.

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Once we confirm state qualifiers,