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Regents Format 50 Multiple Choice Questions 1 Thematic Essay 1 DBQ 8 – 12 Scaffolding Questions 3 Hours You must stay for 2 hours Essay and docs in blue or black pen Multiple choice in pencil

Regents Format 50 Multiple Choice Questions 1 Thematic Essay 1 DBQ 8 – 12 Scaffolding Questions 3 Hours You must stay for 2 hours Essay and docs in blue.

Dec 26, 2015



Angel Bryan
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50 Multiple Choice Questions1 Thematic Essay1 DBQ8 – 12 Scaffolding Questions3 HoursYou must stay for 2 hoursEssay and docs in blue or black penMultiple choice in pencil

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Questions 1 – 40 (approx) are chronological

Questions 40 – 50 are randomMaps, charts, graphs, quotes, and

passages make up to 15 questions30 (or so) questions from Global 10

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2 PencilsBlue or Black PensEssay in penSign your nameEat breakfastSleep

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Card #1: Social Studies/Early People

Nomads/Hunter-Gatherers – people who moved from place to place and followed food sources

Neolithic Revolution – beginning of farming, permanent settlements, and domesticated animals

River Valleys – Cradle of Civilization, fertile land

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Card #1: Early People/History

Culture/Cultural DiffusionCivilization – governments, writing, laws,

architecturePrimary Source – first hand accountEconomist – MoneyAnthropologist – Studies peopleArchaeologist – Studies artifacts

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Card #2 – China/Yellow River

Huang He (Yellow) River – “River of Sorrows”; loess makes it yellow and fertile

Dynastic Cycle – leader rules until he loses the Mandate of Heaven

Written language

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Card #3 – Mesopotamia: Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

Rivers flood and leave behind fertile siltMajor city-state: Sumer; Also known as Fertile CrescentModern day IraqPolytheistic. Built temples called

zigguratsSystem of writing was cuneiform

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Card #3 – Mesopotamia: Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (cont)

Babylonians:Hammurabi – written system of laws; unequal for poor“an eye for an eye”

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Card #4 – Egypt: Nile River

Hieroglyphics – system of writingPapyrus - paperContributions: science, medicine,

math, pyramidsAdvanced CivilizationPharaohPolytheism

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Card #5: Classical Greece

Located on Mediterranean Sea; Greeks became skilled seafarers

Geography: Many small islands and mountains led to disunity among Greeks and creation of independent city-states

Sparta: militaristic Athens: education, culture and first direct

democracy Athens was a limited democracy (only adult,

land owning male citizens could vote) Philosophy in Athens: Socrates, Plato

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Card #5: Classical Greece (cont)

Alexander the Great: created a large empire and culture that

included Greek, Indian, Persian, and Egyptian cultures

Became known as Hellenistic CultureAdvancements in science, math,

architecture (GOLDEN AGE)

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Card #6: Classical Rome

Rome begins as a Republic: government officials chosen by the people

Social Classes: Patricians (rich) and Plebeians (poor)

The Senate was the governing body 12 Tables – written laws (compare with…) Rome becomes an empire Pax Romana – period of peace in the Roman

Empire (led by Augustus Caesar)

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Card #6: Classical Rome

Roman Impact: Laws, architecture, roads, aqueducts, Greco-Roman culture

Bread and Circus – gladiator fightsFall of Rome: corruption, invasions, high

taxesRome is divided into two parts to make it

more manageable (western empire called Rome, eastern called Byzantine)

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Card #7: Byzantine Empire

The Roman Empire is split because it is too large

The western part was Rome and the eastern part was Byzantine

Byzantine preserved Roman culture and laws with Justinian’s Code of Laws (compare with…)

Greatly influenced Russia’s alphabet (Cyrillic) and religion (Orthodox Christianity)

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Card #8 – Trading Routes

Silk Road (China) stretched up to 4000 miles– cultural diffusion

Phoenicians – Mediterranean trading empire. Contribution - alphabet

Zheng He (China) – sea trade. Canton, China became trading center

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Card #9 – Christianity and Judaism

MonotheisticTen Commandments – written laws,

moral and ethical code of conductTorah – Jewish holy book, half of the

Christian Bible (Old Testament)Important people: Jesus, Moses

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Card #10 - Islam

MonotheisticGod: AllahFounder: MuhammadHoly City – MeccaHoly Book – Koran (Qu’ran)

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Islam (cont)

5 Pillars of Islam – Faith – in one GodPrayer – 5X per day facing MeccaFasting – one month during daylightPilgrimage (hajj) – to Mecca once in your

lifeAlms (Charity) – to the less fortunate

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Card #11 – Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism:Caste system: social class system with

no mobilityReincarnation – rebirth. Which caste

determined by karma (actions in life; can be good or bad) and dharma (moral and religious duties)

Moksha – enlightenment; end of reincarnation

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Card #11: Hinduism and Buddhism (cont)

BuddhismFounder: Siddhartha GuatamaReincarnation (same as Hindu) Nirvana: enlightenment; end of

reincarnation (same as moksha)

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Card #11: Hinduism and Buddhism (cont)

Buddhist Holy LawsFour Noble Truths

Suffering exists because of desire. No desire, no suffering

Eightfold Path – The way to avoid suffering

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Card #12: Other Religions

Confucianism (China): Everyone has a duty or responsibility

based on their position in life5 Relationships: Inferior must serve

superiorFilial Piety: Respect for parentsBasis for civil service exams in China

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Card #12: Other Religions (cont)

Shinto and AnimismSpirits exist in everythingWorship of nature

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Card #13: Islamic Civilization

Golden Age: preserved Greco-Roman cultureLearning: algebra, medicine, architecture

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Card #14: Medieval Europe

Feudalism (MANORIALISM) – social and political system where everyone had a responsibility to someone else

All lived on a manor; self-sufficient Lords owned land, knights protected it

(chivalry), serfs worked the land Church was very powerful Black Plague killed many; spread thru trade

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Card #15: The Crusades

Pope asks Christians to take back the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims

They go because: promised heaven, gain land, excitement, escape feudalism

Christians win at first, but can’t keep Jerusalem

Effects: trade, new products, learning, cultural diffusion, feudalism ends

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Card #16 - Japan

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Card #16 - Japan

Borrow culture from Korea and ChinaFeudalismDaimyo = LordSamurai = KnightBushido = Chivalry

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Card #17 - Mongols

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Card #17 - Mongols

Unified by Genghis KhanWarriors on horseback; nomadsVery large empirePax Mongolia: stability and peaceMarco Polo: traveled and wrote about

time with Mongols in China

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Card #18: West African Civs

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Card #18: West African Civs

Mali, Ghana, Songhai engaged in salt and gold trade through the Sahara

Timbuktu: center of learning and tradeMansa Musa: spread Islam

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Card #19: Renaissance

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Card #19: Renaissance

Begins in Italy b/c of ports, patrons who pay for art

Humanism: focus on the individual and present life

Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel, David Da Vinci: Renaissance Man Shakespeare: sonnets, plays Machiavelli: wrote The Prince, gain and keep

power at any cost Printing press: invented by Gutenberg;

increased literacy and spread ideas

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Card #20 – Protestant Reformation

Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses complaining about the Church, specifically the sale of indulgences, or pardons for sins

Protestants: Christian religions that “protested” the Catholic Church

John Calvin: Calvinism; predestination (your path in life is already chosen)

King Henry VIII created Anglican Church, or Church of England

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Card #21: Counter (Catholic) Reformation

Catholic Church reforms to win back followers by holding the Council of Trent

Reformation leads to disunity in religion in Europe

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Card #22: Spain/Portugal

Use of sailing technology such as the compass, astrolabe, and caravel allows Spain and Portugal explore

Dias and da Gama sail to and around the tip of Africa

Columbus sails to “India”New trade routes createdSpanish conquistadors

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Card #22: Spain/Portugal

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Card #23 - Mesoamerica

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Mexico CityAdvanced Civilization – architecture,

science, math, calendarPolytheisticChinampas – floating gardens (adapting

to environment)

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Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula)Advanced Civilization

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Andes Mts, Peru, South AmericaTerrace Farming on mountains (adapting

to environment)City Planning – roads

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Card #24: Exploration

Conquistadors: Pizarro (Inca) and Cortes (Aztec)

Encomienda System: social class system of Spanish America based on place of origin

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Card #24: Exploration (cont)

Native Americans die out due to diseaseTriangular Slave Trade: African slaves

for raw materials for finished productsColumbian Exchange: global exchange

of food, people, ideas, etcMercantilism: nations should export

more than they import, and the colonies should help

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Card #24: Exploration

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Card #25: Absolutism

Absolute Monarch – complete control over a nation

Divine Right – authority to rule from GodLouis XIV (France): “The Sun King” – “I

am the state.”Peter the Great (Russia): westernize;

wanted a warm water port

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Card #25: Absolutism (cont)

England: Responses to AbsolutismMagna Carta, Glorious Revolution, and

the English Bill of Rights: led to England becoming a limited monarchy

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Card #26: Scientific Revolution

Scientific Method - experimentCopernicus – heliocentric modelGalileo – TelecopeNewton – GravityObservation, inquiry,


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Card #27: Enlightenment

Question, reason, democracyLocke – natural rights (life, liberty, and

property)Montesquieu – separation of powers and

checks and balancesVoltaire – free speechEffects: American Rev, French Rev

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Card #28: French Rev/Napoleon

Causes: Enlightenment, American Rev, Inequality

3rd Estate: High taxes, no say in gov’tBastille – symbolic of the revolutionDeclaration of Rights of ManRobespierre – Reign of Terror

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Card #28: French Rev/Napoleon

Napoleon – Napoleonic Code (equality), large empire, defeat in Russia

Congress of Vienna – gave Napoleon’s land back to previous monarchs

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Card #29: Latin American Revolutions

Toussaint L’Ouverture and Simon Bolivar: independence leaders/nationalists/revolutionaries

Spanish America: Encomienda system. Peninsulares (pure Spanish blood) on top

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Card #29: Latin American Revolutions

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Card #30: Nationalism

Italy: Cavour, Garibaldi, and Mazzini are nationalists/unifiers

Germany: Otto von Bismarck (OVB) used blood and iron to unify German speaking people

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Card #31: Industrial Revolution

Caused by agricultural revolution and population explosion

EffectsUrbanization (increase population in

cities), child labor, child labor laws, improved living standards, better and faster products, rise of the middle class and big business

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Card #31: Industrial Revolution (cont)

Karl Marx (Marxism): The lower class (the have nots or the proletariat) will revolt against the factory owners (haves or the bourgeoisie) in an uprising that will spread across the world. History is based on social class struggles.

Adam Smith (Capitalism/Market Economy/Laissez Faire): prices set by supply and demand; consumers have choices

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Card #31: Industrial Revolution (cont)

Laissez Faire: gov’t stays out of people’s economic affairs

Example: Irish potato crop fails; many die, many migrate to America

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Card #32: Imperialism

Caused by:racism (White Man’s Burden: a poem

that spoke of the inferiority of the Africans)

Desire for natural resourcesMissionaries

Berlin Conference – Africa divided up by European powers

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Card #32: Imperialism

China: Boxer Rebellion/Opium Wars were fought to get rid of foreign influence. Spheres of influence were trading areas for foreign powers

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Card #32: Imperialism (cont)


Received technology and modernization but also suffered greatly.

Sepoy Rebellion – fight against disrespect of Indian culture (compare with…)

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Card #33: Meiji Restoration

Japan was isolationist, but the West wanted to trade with them

Matthew Perry arrives and forces them to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa

Meiji Restoration – Shogun is taken out and Emperor Meiji modernizes, westernizes, and industrializes Japan

Trade increases and Japan gains colonies

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Card #34: World War I

Causes: Nationalism: Serbia wanted their

independence from Austria. A nationalist assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

This area was called the Powder Keg because it could blow at any minute

Militarism: Germany built up their military Alliances: Triple Alliance (Central Powers) and

Triple Entente (Allies)

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Card #34: World War I (cont.)

Trenches, technology (tanks, machine gun, poison gas), total war (all of the nation’s resources went to the war effort)

US enters due to unrestricted sub warfare

Russia exits due to Russian RevolutionTreaty of Versailles: Blame, reparations,

lost land and military for Germany, new nations created, League of Nations

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Card #35: Russian Revolution

Czar is a totalitarian ruler

Causes of revolution:World War I, Bloody Sunday

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Card #35: Russian Revolution

March Revolution: Czar out; Temporary Gov’t set up; they fail b/c they stay in WWI

November Revolution: Bolsheviks (communists), led by Lenin, take over

Peasants support them b/c they promise “Peace, land, and Bread”

Set up a command economy (communism) where the state controls everything

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Card #35: Russian Rev (cont)

Stalin takes over and focuses on industry (5 year plan) and agriculture (combining small farms into state run collective farms)

Causes mass starvation and kills those who oppose him

Great Purge – fake trials and imprisonment (in Gulags) or killing of opposition

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Card #36: Rise of Fascism

Fascism uses extreme nationalism, terror and censorship

Germany: facing hyperinflation, desperation, and anger after WWI, Hitler is able to gain power

Italy: Mussolini gains powerThe Allies and League of Nations appease Hitler by letting him take over countries with no consequences

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Card #37: World War II

Causes:Appeasement (Munich Conference)German and Axis Powers aggression

(Poland was the last straw)

Major Events:Pearl Harbor, Stalingrad (cold in Russia),

Invasion of Normandy, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Card #37: World War II (cont)

Effects United Nations Germany Divided into democratic and

communist zone Nuremberg Trials – Nazis on trial for crimes

against humanity Marshal Plan - $ to rebuild Europe Truman Doctrine – military protection to fight


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Card #38: Cold War

Iron Curtain NATO (democratic) vs. Warsaw Pact

(communist) – military alliances satellites (countries surrounded and controlled

by the USSR) Marshall Plan ($ used to combat communism) Containment (keeping communism where it is) Domino Effect Non-alignment – countries who took sides on

a case by case basis (India)

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Card #38: Cold War (cont)

Key Events:Cuban Missile CrisisVietnam and Korean Wars – example of

containment and domino theoryBerlin AirliftBerlin WallSpace and Arms Race

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Card #39: Collapse of Communism

Reasons for the Fall of the Soviet Union Policies of Gorbachev: glasnost (free speech)

and perestroika (some capitalism)Effects of fall of USSR: End of Cold War and communism Berlin Wall falls Transition to market economy and democracy

for former satellites in eastern Europe Free elections and new nations formed

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Card #40: Chinese Communist Revolution

Commies led by Mao; supported by peasants

Mao’s Policies:Great Leap Forward: tried to improve

industry; set high quotas; led to backyard furnaces; communes for farming; leads to starvation

Cultural Revolution: Red Guards beat anyone who opposed Mao

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Card #40: Chinese Comm. (cont)

Deng’s policiesFour ModernizationsLimited Privatization: allows some

capitalism into China; successfulLimited Human Rights: Tiananmen

Square MassacreDifferent from Mao b/c…Same as Mao b/c…

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Card #41: Decolonization

After WWII many colonies gain independence from their imperialists

African independence leaders/nationalists: Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta

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Card #41: Decolonization (cont)

South Africa had apartheid: a system of unequal legal segregation of the black and white South Africans

Blacks had to carry passbooks, couldn’t intermarry, etc.

African National Congress (ANC), led by Nelson Mandela tried to end minority rule

Mandela imprisoned; other countries use sanctions

White rule ends in 1994 and Mandela elected president

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Card #41: Decolonization (cont)

IndiaGandhi uses civil disobedience to fight

British imperialism (Salt March) India is freed in 1947. It is also divided into

India (for Hindus) and Pakistan (for Muslims)

Massacres follow as each migrate to their new home

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Card #42: Modern Latin America

Developing Nations: Poor healthcare, government instability

Trying to turn to democracy

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Card #43: Hot Spots

Israel: Israelis (Jews) vs. Arabs (Muslims)Balfour Declaration promised Jews a

homelandPalestine, an Arab nation is divided for the

creation of IsraelSince, constant conflict. Hamas is a terrorist

group trying to remove IsraelCamp David Accords: peace between Israel

and Egypt

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Card #43: Hot Spots (cont)

Ethnic Conflict Ireland: Protestants vs. CatholicsRwanda: Hutu vs. Tutsi India vs. Pakistan (over Kashmir and

nuclear weapons

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Card #43: Hot Spots (cont)

Ethnic Cleansing/GenocideSlobodon Milosevic (Yugoslavia)Pol Pot (Cambodia)Darfur

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Card #44: Current Issues

Deforestation: in Amazon Basin and Sub-Saharan Africa

Green Revolution: farming technologyOverpopulationUrbanizationEnvironmental probs caused by burning

of fossil fuelsSolution: International cooperation

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Card #45: Other Stuff

Indus River: Monsoons, city planning Golden Ages: Maurya, Gupta, Tang, Song Trading cities: Venice, Mogadishu, Canton Anti-Semitism: Prejudice against Jews Ibn Battuta: wrote about his travels Ataturk: modernized Turkey Zionism: Jewish nationalism Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam nationalist European Union: economic alliance NAFTA: economic alliance OPEC: oil producing nations