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© 2010 ExcelPR Group. All Rights Reserved. “Growing Your Practice with PR and Social Media” ASOA Symposium & Congress April 12, 2010 Erik Deutsch, ExcelPR Group

Refractive Surgery PR and Social Media

Jan 14, 2015



ExcelPR Group

This course provides an overview of how public relations, including the latest social media tactics, can be used to help grow a refractive surgery practice. The latest techniques will be covered, with best practices illustrated through brief case studies. Special attention will be paid to how traditional publicity and online word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing can be used together to build brand awareness and improve the bottom line.
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  • 1. Growing Your Practice withPR and Social MediaASOA Symposium & CongressApril 12, 2010 Erik Deutsch, ExcelPR Group


  • 15+ years in PR
  • Large/boutique agency experience
  • Worked as trade media journalist
  • Launched ExcelPR Group in 2004
  • Specialize in healthcare PR
  • Instructor UCLA Extension PR Program
  • PRSA-LA Vice President (2010)
  • BA in Economics UCLA
  • MA in Communications Mgmt. - USC

Erik Deutsch WHO IS THIS GUY? 3. If youre tweeting this session

  • Im@ErikDeutsch
  • Hashtag:#ASCRS2010
  • Other Appropriate Hashtags:
  • #ophthalmology
  • #brilliant
  • #knowshisstuff
  • Inappropriate Hashtags:
  • #boring
  • #fail
  • #worstpresentationever

4. Today Well Focus on: Traditional PR Publicity in print,broadcast and onlinemediaWord of Mouth (WOM)via online social media 5. What is Traditional PR? Its not advertising (paid media)Its earned mediaPublic Relations (abbr. PR)n :1. Communication with the purpose of creating a favorable relationship with the public.2. Communications often in the form of news distributed to media for which the sponsoring organization does not pay a fee. 6. Theres an old expressionAdvertisingis something youPAYfor. PRis something youPRAYfor . 7. If a young man meets a young woman and tells her what a great guy he is, thats advertising. But if the girl propositions the young man because she heard from her friends that hes a great guy, thats public relations. 8. Dramatic Changes

  • Decline of Traditional Media
  • Disappearing News Hole

9. Rise of Social Media, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Citizen Journalism 10. PR Need Not be Complicated PR Requires time, planning and ongoing commitment 11. Traditional PublicityWhat is newsworthy ? Hard News(new procedure, remarkable case/patient) Soft News (human interest features, news you can use,profile, seasonal) 12. Which is newsworthy? 1) Our surgeon is a great guy and really knows his stuff. 2) We finally got our hands on an Intralase so we can offer All-Laser LASIK. 3) Our practice is the first in our area to offer a new treatment option for patients who until now were not good candidates for refractive surgery. 4) We just opened a second surgery center in another part of town. A short quiz: 13. Another Short Quiz Which is newsworthy?

  • Our doctor just performed LASIK on the guy who came in third on Survivor last season.

3) Our surgeon will perform free surgery on a soldier returning from Iraq or Afghanistan if someone in the media will first commit to doing a story? 2) Our doctor is treating the guy who came in third on Survivor with a new and exciting treatment option likely to be approved soon by the FDA.4) Our surgeon has been providing free vision correction for soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan for some time. One such patient who has an interesting personal story is scheduled for treatment. 14. Traditional PR/Publicity Process:1) Identify (or create) a viable story idea 2) Assemble media contact list3) Formulate the pitch4) Send news release or pitch letter 5) Follow-up6) Understand journalists needs/speak their language 7) Pray 15. Publicity Example #1 16. Publicity Example #2 17. Publicity Example #3 18. Publicity Example #4 19. Welcome to Social Media User Generated, Two-Way Content No traditional media gatekeeper Individuals and Brands as Publishers Viral DistributionUnprecedented opportunity to build AND destroy your brand 20. Social Media Platforms

  • Forums
  • Blogs
  • Microblogging (Twitter, Posterous)
  • Wide-Appeal Social Networks (Facebook)
  • Niche Social Networks (LinkedIn, etc.)
  • Podcasts
  • Sharing & Bookmarking

21. The social media universe 22. Its a Brave New World 23. First Steps

  • Protect your identity/reserve your name on major sites
  • Make it easy to find your practice
  • Go where the audience is
  • LISTEN, monitor and gather info
  • Dive in, engage and join the conversation
  • Market by offering value
  • Empower consumers to spread your message
  • Link to one another and the mother ship

24. Where are your prospective patients?general interest social networking micro bloggingvideo sharinglocal business reviews 25.

  • Largest, most used online social network
  • More than 400 million active users
  • 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
  • Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook

26. 27.

  • Profiles (individuals)
  • Groups (causes/organizations)
  • Fan Pages (personal and corporate)

Three Types of Pages on Facebook 28.

  • Content is King
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Testimonials
  • Promotions

29. A word about Vanity URLs

  • Custom URL:
  • Standard URL:

30. Facebook Advertising

  • Hypertargeting
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Education
  • Occupation
  • Hobbies
  • Relationship Status

31. Facebook Example Loden Vision Center 32. 33.

  • A tool for "micro-blogging" or posting very
  • short (140 character) updates, comments or
  • thoughts
  • A cross between instant messaging (IM) and
  • chat room
  • Follow and engage with consumers in an
  • ongoing dialogue

34. Who do people follow on Twitter? 35. Dr. Cary Silverman (aka TheLASIKDoc) 36. Dr. Cary Silverman (aka TheLASIKDoc) 37. Twitter Tactics

  • Make yourself easy to find
  • Communicate as a person, not a faceless brand
  • Follow others AND ENGAGE in order to get followed
  • Provide useful information and insights


  • Video sharing site where users can upload,
  • view and share clips
  • Create your own channel
  • Post news stories, patient testimonials, surgeon
  • Q & A, etc.
  • Search-optimized title and description

39. 40.

  • Yelp enables consumers to post and share
  • reviews of all sorts of businesses - from restaurants
  • to medical practices
  • Businesses can setup a free account or paid
  • premium account
  • About 20 million searches each month

41. 42. 43. Additional Tips for Social Media Success:

  • Let your personality show
  • (dont be a faceless
  • brand)
  • Bring value to the conversation
  • Remember its all
  • on the record
  • Cross-link and promote on all marketing materials

44. 45. Questions?Erik Deutsch ExcelPR Group [email_address] @ErikDeutsch