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REFERENCES - Springer978-94-010-0552-4/1.pdf · Ballweg, Joachim (1988a): Die Semantik der deutschen Tempusformen. DUsseldorf: Schwann ... 260 REFERENCES BUring, Daniel (1994): "Mittelfeldreport

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accent 24, 33, 40-42, 45-52, 84, 93, 120,192,216,246

accomplishment 111 achievement 111 activity/process 111 Admoni 11, 119 adverb of quantification 15, 110 adverbials, position and duration

110 Aktionsart 20,37,57,66,97 Alexiadou 38 als 189 alternative semantics 40 Anagnostopoulou 38 anteriority 25, 185 anteriority focus 42, 93 aspect 6,16

see also imperfective, perfect, perfective, progressive, pro­spective aspect repeated aspect 8, 39

aspect time 8, 17 atemporal uses of the present tense

11 auxiliary 1,22,29,31 Ballweg 10,22,25,27,69, 117, 184 base positions of adverbials 251 Bauerle 4, 14, 16, 22, 25, 68, 117,

201,253 Behrens 31 Betrachtzeit 70 Betten 30 bevor 213 Bierwisch 21, 26, 29 Binnick 4,6 bis 167,220



bleaching 31 Brinkmann 69 Bulgarian 38 BUring 38, 46, 248 Buscha 11,44, 186, 193-194,210,

224-225, 234 C 16 Chadic 38 Chomsky 105 Cinque 38 completedness 25, 64, 70, 90-93 complex universal/existential

ambiguity 165 Comrie 21,25,57,67-68,98,117,

130, 161, 163 conjunctions 184 content focus 40 content rich/poor verbs 47-48 Curme 66, 105 Davidsonian argument 15 Declerck 4, 66, 105 defmite tense readings 14 Demirdache 8,39 Dentler 85 Diesing 245, 248-249 DM 176 Dowty 6,111,157,245 DP 175 Duden 11 duration adverbials 110 duration/universal 113 3A 17 3p 58 3T 15 Eckardt 125

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Ehrich 4, 10,22,25,27,35, 37, 48, 65-66,69, 77, 87, 91, 95, 97-98, 110,117,137,224,250

Einstein 65-66, 71-72, 105, 106 Elsness 105 end-of-interval reading 174 English 1,4,6,8,24,32,34,38-39,

41,60,64-65,68,71-72,93,105-107,116,141,157,164-165,175, 184,200,208,214,216,227,243, 245-249 English aspect 6

EPF-phrases 137 Eroms 30 Eva 31 event arguments 15 eventive passive 29 existence-implying 14 existence-independent 14 existential perfect 67, 159, 163 existential readings 57 existential-universal perfect readings

162 experiential perfect 57,67 extended now 68-69, 107, 137, 140-

141,157-158,164 Fabricius-Hansen 4, 10, 22, 25, 35,

37,68,76,8~ 110, 117, 125, 130, 137,140,154,157-158,165-166,

FD 46 FI 41 Fintel 16, 17, 248 Focus Desambiguation 45-46 focus effects 40 Focus Interpretation 41 focus projection 40, 43 Focus Realization 41 frame times 87 frame-positional reading 173 frame-setting modifier 125 French 85, 107 Functional Application 18 functional verb constructions 48 FUT 15 future adverbial 23, 35-36


future perfect 1-2,21,54,61,85, 159,207,230,253

Future reading possible 10,37 future tense 1-5,9, 15,20,21,29,

75,159,170,207,212,219,230, 253

ge ... enlt sei-Ihab- 58 Geenhoven 184,191,216,227 Gelhaus 186 generic/habitual tense uses 11-12,

15,20,66,99, 119, 149, 167, 177, 204-205, 225

generic noun phrases 127 German aspect 6-8 Glinz 69 grammaticalization 30-31,39-40,51 Greek 38 Grewendorf 10,22,25-26,68-71,

157 Grice 78-79 Grimm 29-30 Gmnvik 29-30 Gussenhoven 41 Hauser-Suida 23, 187 Heidolph 10, 11 Heim 15,17 Heinamaki 184,187,200,208,214,

220,231 Heine 224 Helbig 11,44,186, 193-194,210,

224-225, 234 Herweg 35,65,87,97,117,159,

184-185,189,192-193,200,205, 208,210-212,214,216,219-222, 224-227,230-233,235-238

Hill 93 Hinrichs 200-201 historical present tense 12 Hitzeman 165,244-245 Hohle 26,41 Hoppe-Beugel 23, 187 Horn 133 Hornstein 4 how-long-question test 33 imperfective aspect 6-8, 17

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imperfective vs. (restricted) perfective aspect 8

implicature 3,20,70, 79, 80, 91, 96, 104-105,156,172,181,188,222

in 173 indefinite tense readings 14,67,94,

98 individual-level 13-14,66-67,71-

72,77-80,98-103,254 informativity 74, 78-79, 100 Inoue 105 iteration of adverbials 130 Jacobs 133,247 Jager 245, 248 Janssen 4,22,69 Jespersen 11,66, 105, 119 Johnston 184,239 just-before-TU reading 98 Kamp 110, 112, 125, 164,200,245 Klein 5-6,10,12-13,22,25-27,31,

41,60,64,71-72,74-75,84-86, 96-97, 106, 165,209,216,245, 253

Konig 244 Kratzer 4,10,13-14,16,27,66,

100,253 Krifka 6, 18,38,88,90, Ill, 134,

260 A-Conversion 18 /ang(e) 179 language acquisition 31 Lenerz 248 lifetime effect 67,72,77-80, 100,

101, 103, 105,254 lifetime presupposition 13 limit-specifying adverbial 152, 168 Lutzeier 208,212 Maienborn 44,50,125-126,250, Marillier 85 Maxim of Quantity 78 maximal intervals 87 maximal-duration reading 174 McCawley 17,105,161,163 McCoard 68,93,107,157 meaning effects 63


meaning of the present perfect clause 54

Meinunger 248 Mittwoch 34 Mofu-Gudur 38 Musan 5,7,12-13,27,75,77-78,

99,121,127,139,161,248 nachdem 224 negation 50,131-135,214,243-244,

246,248,251,256 Nerbonne 4,21 non-p-definite 245 nonquantificational temporal

adverbials 109 nontemporal meanings of

conjunctions 184 NP-internal modifier 27 Ohl 51 Old High German 29,31 optimality theory 46 Oubouzar 29-30 P 175 Parsons 6, 32, 34, Ill, 125 Partee 5, 14, 191,201 participle 1,29

attributive use 27 Paslawska 38 PAST 15 past adverbial 23,35 past auxiliary hypothesis 26 past participle hypothesis 26 past perfect 1-2,21,24,33,35,38,

54,61,64,66,69,81-83,85,100-104,117,121,142-143,145,153, 159,176,187,191,193,202,212, 230, 234-235, 250

pasttense 1-5,9-10,12,15,17,20-23, 25, 26, 33, 41, 60-61, 63-65, 67-72,74-78,81-83,86,88-92, 94-97,100-103,119,128,131, 134,138-139,141,146-148,159, 171,174,176,181,187,202,212, 219,230,234-235,253-254

p-definite 245 perfect 1-257

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perfect aspect 6 perfect constructions, stativity of 32,

34,38 perfect of persistent situation 57 perfective aspect 16-17

(standard) perfective aspect 8 restricted perfective aspect 7, 8 (restricted) perfective vs. imper­fective aspect 8

periphrastic verb constructions 22 PIC 73-74 Pittner 248 points oftime 4 position adverbials 110 position/existential 113 posteriority 185 post-state 34

typical post-state 97 pragmatic principles 73 Pr§Sens 3,5,20,253 Prateritum 3, 5,20, 85, 253 predicate 14 Predicate Modification 18 preposing 243,249 PRES 15 present adverbial 23, 35-36 present perfect 1, 54

present perfect accounts 68-71 present perfect vs. past tense 23, 25, 64, 68, 88-89

present relevance 65-66, 95-98 present tense 1,3-5,9-13, 15, 17,

20-22, 26, 35-39, 42, 54, 55-57, 61,64,69-70, 72, 75, 78-79, 81, 83,86,89-91,99-100, 105, 118-121, 137-139,141, 146, 148-150, 159,162,170-171,176,181,187, 202,207,212,230,235,253-254

Prince 44 Princeton 65,66,71-72,105 Principle of Frame TimerrS-

Proportion 87-88,94,96,99-100, 113-114,165,171,255

Principle ofInformative Contrast 74, 92,96,102


Principle of the Integration of Temporal Quantificational Structures 129-130

projection of temporal arguments 18 prospective aspect 6 pseudo-durative 143, 172 pseudo-universal 113 quantificational adverbials 110 R3 Rapp 27 Rathert 137,141,144,157,164,

165-166 reconstruction 40 reference time 3 Reichenbach 3-4, 6, 60, 186 reinterpretation 66,87,99, 111-112,

138,147,149,159,172,175,179, 181,185,211,214,221,225,227, 255

restricted perfective aspect 7, 8 resultant-state 34 Reyle 110,112,125,164,245,262 Rheinische Verlaufsform 6 Ritz 107, 193 Rooth 40, 192 Schipporeit 137-139, 142-143, 149,

157,174,235 scrambling 242, 246, 248-249 seit 141.231 seit-duration-adverbial 142 seit-position-adverbial 142 Selkirk 48 semantic composition 19,54,59,

118, 129, 184, 188,203 semantic types 14 sequence of tense 68 Shannon 265 shifted readings 68 simple universal/existential

ambiguity 164 simultaneity 186 simultaneous readings 68 situation time 3 situation type 1,6, 10,33-34,57.90,

97, Ill, 135, 175, 185.187,189,

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205-206,208-209,211,213-214, 222,224,231,239,254

situation type tests 32 situation-external modifier 125 situation-internal modifier 125 Smolensky 44 solange 236 Spanish 38 stage-level 13-14,66-67,71-72,77,

99-104,254 state 111 stative passive 28 Stechow 14-16,26,29,38,67-68,

131,137,141,154,157-160,203, 245,253

Sternefeld 203,245 Steube 11,189,205,208,224 subinterval property 111 surface positions of adverbials 251 Swart 184,187,200,243-244 syntactic structure 45 syntax-semantics interface 18 target-state 34, 97 temporal clauses 183 temporal relations between matrix

and subclause 194 temporal specifications 9 temporally (un)specified context 9 ten Cate 142 tense 5, 15 tense focus 40-41 tense time 5 Thieroff 10-11,67,119 time intervals 4 time of existence 13 topic time 5 topical status of times 84 topical times 85 topicalization 243,245 topichood 105, 243, 245-246, 248-

249,252,257 TS 3 TS-specification 24, 33, 35, 36 IT 5 IT-independent-adverbial 137, 139


IT-specification 24,33,35-36 TV 3 Turkish 38 Ukrainian 38 universal perfect 130, 159, 161 universal reading 57 up-to-IT -adverbial 137-138 Uribe-Etxebarria 8,39 UTN-phrase 137 utterance time 3 vagueness 63


Vater 4,10,22,25,66,69,77,87, 97-98,144

Vendler 6, 111 verum focus 40 Vlach 32, 110, 113,245 VP/non-VP-contrast 92 wiihrend 208 Waugh 85 Weinrich 138 Welsh 38 wenn 204 werden-constructions 29 Westerstahl 16 what-x-did-test 34 word order 241 Wunderlich 10-11,21,26,29,49,

52,69,189,201,205,208 Zeller 10, 12, 22, 25-26, 69 Zifonun 191, 193,200

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