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Presentation by … Redundancy Planning


May 26, 2015


Economy & Finance

Information from a financial perspective for those who are being made or have already been made redundant. Actions they can take and the Options they have
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Presentation by …

Redundancy Planning

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•Your Concerns•Money Management & Budgeting:

- Mortgages- Loans & Debts- Pension – Protection

•Taxation, Inheritance Tax & Will Planning•Investments & Savings•The Way Forward


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One of the UK’s foremost financial commentators

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Income? Growth? Family Protection?

Taxation? Advice? Investments?

Inflation? Pension Shortfall? Long Term Care?

Quality of life?Costs? Inheritance Tax?

Your Concerns

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Money Management

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Money Management – Our Belief

• The most effective management of resources should include benefits, savings and capital until new employment is found

• Our experience shows that by reviewing your personal financial situation most people can continue to meet day-to-day living expenses

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Question: How to cope with these outgoings?

What course of action?

Mortgage Approximately £250 per month

Loan / Credit Card Approximately £80 per month

Savings (Bank) Approximately £150 per month

Savings (Endowment) Approximately £50 per month

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• Review all your regular outgoings

• Review mortgage

• Consider repaying loans / credit cards

• Re-appraise your regular savings accounts and policies

Your Guide to your outgoings

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Job seeker allowance may be available

6 – 12 Months Mortgage Payments

6 – 12 Months Living Expenses

Could be funded from redundancy capital until new employment or replacement income is sourced

0 – 6 Months Plan

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Review & Restructure: •Debts•Mortgage•Commitments

Remember redundancy payment is compensation for :•Lost Benefits•Lost Pension•Lost Capital

Remember it is your job that is redundant not you!!

Other Considerations

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Reduce / Pay Off?• Consider Life Policies?

• Reduce your outgoings?

• Comfort factor

Retain?• Access to capital

• Investment Potential

• Re-negotiate

• Low interest rates

Your Mortgage Guide

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•Fixed and Capped Rates

•Flexible/Offset Mortgages

•Tracker Rates

•Discounted Rates

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

The Mortgage ‘Minefield’

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• Loans tend to be shorter term 3 – 5 years

• Credit cards can be expensive

• Check high APR

• Check surrender/penalties on loan

Your Guide to Loans and Debts

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• Savings to Bank – could be stopped

• Mortgage Endowment – It may be best to see it through to maturity

“To find out more about any of these issues, please

tick the coloured priority form”

Your Guide to Savings

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• Lump sum payment – currently tax free?• AVC’s / FSAVC’s?• Early Retirement?• Voluntary?• Ill health?• Death in service?• Death in retirement?• Preserved pension?• Dependant’s pension?• Children’s pension?

Pension Issues – Your Pension Checklist

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Severance payments over £30,000

Amounts over £30,000 = taxable income

Buy extra pension?


Pay tax and keep capital?

Pension Issues – Your Pension Checklist

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If you have AVC’s/FSAVC’s

• Open Market Option (OMO)

• Seek Advice

Crystallisation if over 55 years old

Pension Issues

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Options if under 55 years old

• Leave it where it is – as a preserved pension

• Transfer to new employer

• Transfer to Personal Pension Plan/Stakeholder Pension/”Section 32”

Buy-Out Policy

• Seek advice

Pension Issues

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• Future pension arrangements:• Join new employer’s scheme• Take out Personal Pension Plan• Take out Stakeholder Pension

• Alternative savings plans

Pension Issues – Other Points to consider

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How to provide for:

• lost benefits

• death in service

• life assurance • pension

Redundancy / Early Retirement

Pension Issues

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• Open to everyone even if they do not work

• Can invest £3,600 p.a. gross per tax year without evidence of earnings

• Tax Relief on Contributions (at highest marginal rate of income tax) up to “Annual Allowance” (£255,000 for 2011/12, £50,000 for 2012/13 )

Personal / Stakeholder pensions

Pension Issues

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• Pension Commencement Lump Sum of up to 25% of Pension Fund

• Anytime between 55 years of age and 75

• A Lifetime Annuity must be taken by age 75 or go into Alternatively Secured Pension (ASP)

• Choice of Providers

Personal / Stakeholder pensions continued…

Pension Issues

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• Family Income Benefit

• Term Assurance

• Pension Term Assurance (no tax relief on premiums now)

• Whole of Life

• Endowment


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• Permanent Health Insurance

• Critical Illness


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Female aged 20

Male aged 30

Female aged 30

Male aged 40

Female aged 40

Male aged 50

Female aged 50

Male aged 20

Life Protection only

Sum assured £100,000 – Level term benefit/level premium/ guaranteed rates. Quote based on non-

smoker; cover to age 60


Source: Assureweb April 2010

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Female aged 20


Male aged 30


Female aged 30


Male aged 40


Female aged 40


Male aged 50


Female aged 50

Male aged 20

Sum assured £100,000 – Level term benefit/level premium/ guaranteed rates. Quote based on non-

smoker own occupation; cover to age 60

Critical Illness only


Source: Assureweb April 2010

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Sum assured £100,000 – Level term benefit/level premium/ guaranteed rates. Quote based on non-

smoker own occupation; cover to age 60

Source: Assureweb April 2010

Life Protection / Critical Illness combined


Female aged 20


Male aged 30


Female aged 30


Male aged 40


Female aged 40


Male aged 50


Female aged 50

Male aged 20


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Your Guide to Taxation

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“I believe we should all pay our taxes with a smile – I tried, but they wanted cash!”

- Anon

Your Guide to Taxation

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Personal Allowances based on tax year 2010/11

Your Guide to Taxation

*From the 2010-11 tax year the Personal Allowance reduces where the income is above £100, 000 – by £1 for every £2 of income above the £100,000 limit. This reduction applies irrespective of age.

Under 65 £7,475

65-74 £9,490

75 £10,090

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Tax on Capital Assets on Death

Inheritance Tax

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• Tax on capital assets on death

• First £325,000 of estate - 0% tax

• Balance of estate - 40% tax

Inheritance Tax - based on tax year 10/11

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Your Guide to Estate Planning

What are you taxed on?


Is it a voluntary tax?

What is the current rate of tax?What is the Nil Rate Band?

Worldwide Assets


Some would say YES!

Levels and bases of, and reliefs from taxation are subject to change

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Worldwide assets• House• Savings• Investments• Cars• Caravans• Holiday homes (UK and Abroad)• House contents• Capital value of life interest trusts• Some pension funds

What is Inheritance Tax payable on?

Inheritance Tax - based on tax year 11/12

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Gifts to spouse

Main Exemptions

First £3,000 each year – annual exemption

“Normal expenditure”

Potentially Exempt Transfers (PETs)

Inheritance Tax - based on tax year 11/12

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Other exemptions

Levels and bases of, and reliefs from taxation are subject to change

On consideration of marriage• Child (for each parent) £5,000• Grandchild £2,500• Other £1,000

Small gifts £250Charities Unlimited

Political parties Unlimited

Inheritance Tax - based on tax year 10/11

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• All gifts other than exemptions and chargeable lifetime transfers are known as PETs

• After 7 years asset does not form part of estate

• Possible Tax relief on a sliding scale (rules apply however)

Early Planning!

Potentially Exempt Transfers

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• Making a gift but still retaining an interest in it.

• Inland Revenue will treat the asset as still belonging to you.

Gifts with reservation

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• Gifts from excess income could be used in the same way as

annual allowances

But watch out where income comes from*

* Surplus income should be shown to be able to come from normal income-producing assets such as pensions, deposit-based accounts, annuities and certain other types of investments.

Gifts out of income

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• Do Nothing

• Spend It/Give it away!

• Make lifetime gifts

• Plan to mitigate it

What can you do?

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On death Mr Smith passes all of his estate (plus jointly owned assets) to his wife free from IHT. However, this wastes 100% of his Nil Rate Band.

Nil Rate Band £325,000 (this amount has been frozen until 2015)

Mrs Smith total Sole Estate = £650,000

Mr & Mrs Smith’s total joint Estate £650,000.

A transferable Nil Rate Band now arises when one party to a marriage/civil partnership dies and the amount of their estate chargeable to IHT does not use up all of the Nil Rate Band. Where this happens, the unused part can now be transferred to the surviving spouse/civil partner when they die.

Assuming Mrs Smith dies after 9 October 2007, her executors may also utilise the late Mr Smith’s Nil Rate Band which he wasted by leaving everything to his widow.

Less 2 x Nil Rate Bands = £650,000

Taxable Estate = £0

Alleviation for Middle England

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Mr Smith’s Estate


Mrs Smith’s Estate


Mr Smith leaves the £325,000 in a Discretionary Will Trust.

Total Estate = £325,000

TAX DUE @ 40%


Taxable Estate = Nil

Nil Rate Band £325,000 (As of April 2010)

Levels and bases of, and reliefs from taxation are subject to change.

If the potential growth in value of an asset is likely to outstrip future increases in the Nil Rate Band, tax planned Wills on first death leaving an amount up to £325,000 [2010/11] to a trust should still be considered.

Inheritance Tax Solution

TAX DUE @ 40% = NIL

Year 2010 value of trust - £390,000 (available NRB - £325,000 had asset passed to surviving spouse on first


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Levels and bases of, and reliefs from taxation are subject to change

IHT savings may still be made via tax planned wills in the medium/long term even where the combined estate is <=£650,000.

Couples with existing Pre-Budget wills should revisit them. A simple codicil may suffice for required changes.

The ideal solution may be to always use a first death discretionary nil rate band trust and let the trustees decide the right action to take when death occurs.


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Your Guide to Wills and Estate Planning

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• Specialist financial advice needed to ensure your estate is equalised so that each can use nil rate bands.

• Possibly need to review life assurance and place in trust

• Need to look at death in service benefits and rules in connection with their payment

• Need to look at the value of your home and ensure that it is split 50/50. This may require severance of tenancy options

Why would I need a Financial Adviser?

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• To ensure your wishes are carried out after your death

• To ensure the right people get the right assets

• To speed up the transfer of assets (via Probate)

• To reduce Inheritance Tax through Will Trusts

Why make a Will?

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• Laws of Intestacy – the State determines who gets your estate

• Loss of absolute control over your assets

• Unmarried partners may suffer financially

• Long delays in transferring

• £250,000 to spouse plus a life interest in 50% of residue

• The remaining 50% interest for children (in trust under 18)

What happens without a Will?

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• Review it regularly

• Marriage will annul a Will

• Divorce will affect a Will

• Have you appointed Guardians?

• Do you have stepchildren?

• Is your Will tax-efficient?

Existing Will

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• Lasting Powers of Attorney

• Trustees must take financial advice

• Where to keep your Will

Other Legal Matters

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• Long term care may use up your assets

• Use a Will Trust to protect your house

• Severing your house tenancy

• Take action early

.……..Complex rules – specialist advice essential

“To find out more about any of these issues, please tick the coloured priority form”

Long Term Care – Protecting your assets

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Is Inflation still a threat?

Inflation rates displayed are for illustration purposes only and should not be viewed as proposed past or future inflation values. Figures are based on the value of £1,000


4345997381065977485859209509701 8%5%3%

Annual Rate of Inflation


s Ah


Page 52: Redundancy

Guide to ‘Goods and Services’

Source: Office for National Statistics - ‘Focus on CPI February 2010’

Prices: 1980 vs Today Average

Price 1980’s

Average Price Feb 10

Increase Source

Pint of Lager 83p £2.89 248% ONS 1987*

Pint of Milk 17p 44p 159% ONS

Litre of Petrol 38.46p £1.12 191% ONS

Loaf of Bread 30p £1.21 303% ONS

* Average beer prices not recorded prior to this date

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Guide to Commodity Prices

Source: Office of National Statistics website April 10

July 1985 March 2010 Increase

95.23 217.09 128%


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Your Guide to Investment

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• Security

• Income: now or later?

• Capital growth

• Tax efficiency

• Access to capital

• Rate of return

What are your aims and objectives?

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Interest Earning Investments• Where are the best accounts?

Fixed-Interest Securities• What are Gilts & Corporate Bonds?

Asset Backed Investments• What choices are there?

Your Guide to Investment

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• Bank and Building Society Accounts

• Internet

• National Savings

Interest earning investments

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• Government Stock

Corporate Bonds

• IOUs issued by companies

Fixed interest investments

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• Low/medium risk sector - With Profit, Property*

• Distribution Bonds*

• Medium risk investors - Managed Funds*• Adventurous investors - a variety of specific funds

* Property funds may refuse to switch or encash investments for up to twelve months, as property in the fund may not always be readily saleable. The value of

property is a matter of valuer’s opinion rather than fact.

Suitable for a wide range of investors

Investments Bonds

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• Long-term growth prospects• Potential to beat inflation• Disadvantages/risk• Spread your risk• Stock Market Activity

Help to spread the risk

Unit Trusts / OEICs/ ISAs

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• Broad exposure

• Basket of investment

• Professional management

• Income or growth

• Geographic diversification

Help to spread the risk

Unit Trusts / OEICs/ ISAs -

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Bates Scale – Investment Risk



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• Annual allowance for tax year 2011/12 is £10,680• Two types of ISA - ‘Cash’ or ‘Stocks & Shares’ • Can invest total allowance in Stocks & Shares ISA • Can split the annual allowance across the 2 ISA types but maximum

allowance of £5,340 in Cash ISA per year• Could choose to invest less than £5,340 in a Cash ISA and place more

in a Stocks & Shares ISA e.g. £2,000 Cash and £8,680 in Stocks & Shares ISA, provided annual allowance not exceeded.

ISA Year Subscription

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£5,000 invested for 10 years – Invesco Perpetual Income, with NET income re-invested

Past performance will not necessarily be repeated in the future. Capital held in a deposit account is guaranteed not to fall in value, whereas the value of units and income from an equity- based investment can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. Equity based investments should be considered as medium to long term investments, therefore if

you withdraw in the early years you may not get back your original investment.

Your Guide to Investment

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Security for your capital

Income at a level which maintains your standard of living

Capital Growth because inflation is still a threat

Flexibility to meet changing circumstances

Obtain Independent Advice


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• Complete and hand in the Priority Coupon• Book a one-to-one consultation• Contact [email protected]• Call us on 0845 013 5600

We wish you good luck!!

What do you do now?

The way forward…

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Thank You

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Honister Partners62 Anchorange RoadSutton ColdfieldWest MidlandsB74 2PG

Telephone: 0845 013 5600 Facsimile: 0121 362 1010Website:

Honister Partners Ltd is an appointed representative of Sage Financial Services Ltd.

The Financial Services Authority does not regulate taxation advice or will writing. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The information given is based on our current understanding of Law and Inland Revenue practice. Tax rates and reliefs may change and their value depends on the individual circumstances of the investor.

The information provided in this presentation has been provided as information only and does not represent individual advice.

It is unrealistic to assume that markets/funds or indexes will perform as they have done in the past. Honister Partners offer advice based on the whole of the market.