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Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7 th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 -1- WELCOME VISITORS We have printed out our worship service to make it easier for all of us to follow. Hymns are found in the hymn section of the Lutheran Service Book or in Worship & Praise, the purple supplement. The service is also projected on the screen. Please visit our “Welcome Center” in the Narthex for additional information about Redeemer. OUR THEME FOR TODAY is "Eyes off Jesus." No, that is not a typo! If we are honest we all take our eyes off of Jesus. Where do you get distracted? Where do you need to take your eyes off of ______ and ask the Holy Spirit to help you place them back on Jesus? As we do, we do this together, because, after all...a Family of Believers says, "Eyes on Jesus!" (*) Those who are able are asked to stand during these parts of the service. GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (We welcome our fellow worshipers.) (*) OPENING PRAYER (Please stand.) We Come Into God’s Presence Redeemer Lutheran Church Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost Thursday, September 12, 2019 – 6:00 pm Saturday, September 14, 2019 – 5:30 pm Sunday, September 15, 2019 – 8:00 and 10:40 am Our Mission Statement: As Christians based on the solid foundation of God’s Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit we strive to live out, lift up, and share our faith in Jesus Christ – welcoming all into our Family of Believers.” Values: Truth, Prayer, Family of Believers, Teaching, Community Engagement, Healing/Caring, Joy Grow In Christ Share His Love Encourage

Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Mar 01, 2020



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Page 1: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


WELCOME VISITORS   We have printed out our worship service to make it easier for all of us to follow.  Hymns are found in the hymn section of the Lutheran Service Book or in Worship & Praise, the purple supplement. The service is also projected on the screen.  Please visit our “Welcome Center” in the Narthex for additional information about Redeemer.  OUR THEME FOR TODAY is "Eyes off Jesus." No, that is not a typo! If we are honest we all take our eyes off of Jesus. Where do you get distracted? Where do you need to take your eyes off of ______ and ask the Holy Spirit to help you place them back on Jesus? As we do, we do this together, because, after all...a Family of Believers says, "Eyes on Jesus!" 


   (*) Those who are able are asked to stand during these parts of the service.  GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (We welcome our fellow worshipers.)  (*) OPENING PRAYER  (Please stand.)   

We Come Into God’s Presence

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Thursday, September 12,  2019 – 6:00 pm

Saturday,  September 14,  2019 – 5:30 pm

Sunday, September 15,  2019 – 8:00 and 10:40 am

Our  Mission  Statement:  “As  Christians  based  on  the  solid  foundation  of  God’s  Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit we strive to live out, lift up, and share our faith in Jesus Christ – welcoming all into our Family of Believers.”  Values:  Truth, Prayer, Family of Believers, Teaching, Community Engagement, Healing/Caring, Joy 

Grow In Christ Share His Love Encourage

Page 2: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


HYMN  “Lead Me, Guide Me” ........................................................................ LSB 721, stanzas 1 & 2    (Saturday) SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM (congregation’s welcome) P:  In Holy Baptism, God the Father has made you a member of His Son, our Lord Jesus 

Christ, and an heir with us of all the treasures of heaven in the one holy Christian and apostolic Church. We receive you in Jesus’ name as our brother/sister in Christ, that together we might hear His Word, receive His gifts, and proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. 

C:  Amen. We welcome you in the name of the Lord. P:  And  you,  William,  the  Lord  bless  you  in  all  your  ways  from  this  time  forth  and 

forevermore. C:  Amen. (Please stand to sing.)  All sing:   Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;     (LSB 805) 

Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen. 

 (The Saturday service will continue with the Hymn of Praise on page 3.) 

 (*) CALL TO WORSHIP (Please stand.) adapted from Hebrews 12:1‐2 P: Here in this place we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses C: as part of the Family of God,  P: who find their name in Him ‐‐ in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. C: Amen. P: Therefore, together, at the foot of the cross, let us lay aside every weight and sin which 

clings so closely: the times we forget Jesus, neglect Jesus, despise others, and sow discord instead of peace.

 (Silence for prayerful confession) 

 ALL: We confess all this to you, Jesus, so that in your love, we might rally together to run 

with endurance this race set before us. P: Look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of your faith. You are His joy that was set 

before Him, which led Him to endure the cross, despising the shame. He did this so that having been raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the throne of God, His resurrection life may be yours each and every day. For His sake, God has forgiven you all of your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  

C: Amen! Praise the Lord!     

Page 3: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


(*) HYMN OF PRAISE  (LSB 411, st. 2) 

I want to see the brightness of God. I want to look at Jesus. Clear Sun of Righteousness, shine on my path, And show me the way to the Father. Refrain In Him there is no darkness at all. The night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.  (Please be seated.) 

  (10:40 am) ANTHEM  “Thy Word” – Alleluia Singers   

   SCRIPTURE READINGS L:  The Old Testament reading for today is from the third chapter of Genesis.     1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"   2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die. '"   4 "You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."   6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.   Genesis 3:1‐7 NIV  L:  This is the Word of the Lord. C:  Thanks be to God.   L:  The Epistle reading is from twelfth chapter of Hebrews.  

God Speaks to Us

Page 4: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


  1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.   Hebrews 12:1‐3  NIV  L:  This is the Word of the Lord. C:  Thanks be to God.  (Please stand to sing.)  (*) ALLELUIA AND VERSE 




  (*) HOLY GOSPEL   L:  The Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, the eighteenth chapter. C:  Glory to You, O Lord.    6 "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!     8 If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.  Matthew 18:6‐9  NIV  

Page 5: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


L:  This is the Gospel of the Lord. C:  Praise to You, O Christ. (Please be seated.)  CHILDREN'S MESSAGE   (Parents, please feel free to come forward with smaller children.)  (Thursday) HYMN     “Christ Be My Leader” .......................................................................... LSB 861  (Saturday/Sunday) HYMN OF THE DAY     “Build My Life”   Worthy of ev'ry song we could ever sing. Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring. Worthy of ev'ry breath we could ever breathe. We live for You. We live for You.  Jesus the name above ev'ry other name. Jesus the only one who could ever save. Worthy of ev'ry breath we could ever breathe. We live for You. We live for You.  Chorus: Holy there is no one like You,   There is none beside You.   Open up my eyes in wonder and show me who You are   And fill me, with Your heart   And lead me in Your love to those around me.  Jesus the name above ev'ry other name. Jesus the only one who could ever save. Worthy of ev'ry breath we could ever breathe. We live for You. We live for You. Chorus  I will build my life upon Your love; It is a firm foundation. I will put my trust in You alone, And I will not be shaken. Repeat  Chorus  I will build my life upon Your love; It is a firm foundation. I will put my trust in You alone, And I will not be shaken.    

Page 6: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


SERMON  “Family of Believers: Eyes OFF Jesus” – Hebrews 12:1‐3   

   GATHERING OF THE OFFERING   (Special prayer request cards will be collected by the pastor at this time.)   MUSICAL OFFERING   (8:00 am)  “Lead Me Lord” – Sounds of Praise    (10:40 am)  “Seek Ye First” – Alleluia Singers   FRIENDSHIP REGISTRATION   (Please pass the red booklets in your row, if you have not already done so.)    (Please stand to sing when the offerings are brought forward.)  (*) OFFERTORY   (W&P 113) 

Open our eyes, Lord; we want to see Jesus, To reach out and touch him, and say that we love him. Open our ears, Lord, and help us to listen. Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus. 

  (Thursday/Sunday) (*) APOSTLES' CREED 

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.  

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell.  The third day he rose again from the dead.   He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From thence he will come to judge the living and the dead. 

 I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the  forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.   


We Respond To God’s Word

Page 7: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


(*) PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Congregation's response: C:     Hear our prayer.  (*) LORD'S PRAYER C:  Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be 

done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.   For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. 


   (*) SANCTUS 




  (*) THE WORDS OF OUR LORD  (*)PAX DOMINI P:  The peace of the Lord be with you always. C:  Amen.    

God Serves Us His Holy Meal

Page 8: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904






(Please be seated.)   (Distribution is continuous.  When directed by the usher, proceed to the rail.  When you have 

communed and had time for prayer, return by the far left side.)  

(Thursday Communion Procedure:  Please exit from the right aisle, and return by the far left aisle.) 

 DISTRIBUTION HYMNS (8:00 am) ANTHEM  “Be Thou My Vision” – Sounds of Praise    HYMN    “Saints, See The Cloud Of Witnesses” ............................................ LSB 667   HYMN  “O Be Careful Little Eyes”   O be careful little eyes what you see O be careful little eyes what you see For the Father up above He’s looking down in love So, be careful little eyes what you see  O be careful little ears what you hear O be careful little ears what you hear For the Father up above He’s looking down in love So, be careful little ears what you hear 

O be careful little tongue what you say O be careful little tongue what you say For the Father up above He’s looking down in love So, be careful little tongue what you say  O be careful little hands what you do O be careful little hands what you do For the Father up above He’s looking down in love So, be careful little hands what you do 

Page 9: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


O be careful little feet where you go O be careful little feet where you go For the Father up above He’s looking down in love So, be careful little feet where you go  

O be careful little heart whom you trust O be careful little heart whom you trust For the Father up above He’s looking down in love So, be careful little heart whom you trust

      HYMN  “Fight The Good Fight” ................................................................... LSB 664   HYMN  “My Faith Looks Up To Thee” ......................................................... LSB 702   

   (*) COMMON DISMISSAL – spoken by the Pastor   (*) BENEDICTION  P:  Together, we will lift our eyes to Jesus  C:  From whom our help comes,  P:  Together, we fix our eyes on Jesus  C:  the author and perfecter of our faith.   P:  Together we pray for and encourage each other.  All:  Lord unite us as a Family of Believers with our eyes on Jesus. Amen. (Please be seated.)   HYMN    “How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord” .............................................................. LSB 853  

God Sends Us Forth to Serve and Proclaim

Page 10: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

Week of 9-15-2019

Redeemer Lutheran Church Weekly Announcements and Highlights

Week of September 15, 2019

Special Prayer Opportuni es: Health Concerns: Mike McCormick, Jodi Hellickson, Ted

Rahlf, Diana Reese, Dorothy Bornmann, Bob Trebble, Corky Welch, Inge Peiker, Mike Hanley, Craig Nelson

Receiving Hospice care: Arlan Hildestad, Rita Priebe, Chelsea

Kramer Grieving: The family and friends of Vernon Urban

who passed away on Wednesday. Safety: Fellow Chris ans living in persecu on in

many parts of the world PRAYER CHAINS – If you have a prayer request, call Gail Sim (289‐2087), the church office (289‐5147), or send an email to Lori Hameister at li [email protected]. PRAYER CARDS ‐ Take a look in your pew rack and you’ll see our prayer request cards! These cards will be collected by one of the pastors during the offering me.

PRAYING FOR OUR FAMILY OF BELIEVERS: Patricia Markwardt Jan Walters Lavon Pavek David and Kay Saterdalen and John Barb Wallskog Dale and Marcia Hass Darrel and Irene Lande

PIZZA! PIZZA! Redeemer! We’re back! On September 16th, from 4:30‐8pm, we are at Pizza Ranch! Your support of this helps our Youth go serve in places like Chicago, Colorado, and par cipate in Na onal Youth Gatherings like the one in Houston in 2022! Come on out! Thanks y’all!

LWML FALL QUARTERLIES The LWML Fall Quarterlies are now available near the Mite box on the long counter in the Narthex. Please look for the copy with your name on it the upper‐right‐hand corner.

FLU SHOTS Sign up at the Welcome Center to get your flu shot on Sunday, September 22, between 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Check out the September newsle er for more informa on. Any ques ons, please speak with one of the Parish Nurses.

FLOWERS IN THE CHANCEL Are in honor of Dorothy Bornmann who celebrates her 91st birthday on September 15.

BAPTIZED During the 5:30 pm service on Saturday, is William James Peterson, son of Bret and Sarah Peterson, born July 1, 2019. His sponsors are Jon and Mary Hoffmann.

Page 11: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

2 Week of 9-15-2019


Lower Level: L‐1: 5th Grade (Eric Applen and Ric

Thieke) L‐2: 1st/2nd Grade (Sandy & Paul

Collopy, Julie & Curt Walter, Betty Brand)

L‐3: 3rd/4th Grade (Theresa Zafft and Lynne Gaunt)

L‐4: 7th Grade (Tim and Lonnie Strohschein)

Youth Rm: High School Youth (Josh Heirigs or Michael Harvey, DCE)

South Fellowship Hall: Adult Study ‐ Eyes On Jesus ‐ Pastor Adam Koglin

North Fellowship Hall: Adult Study ‐ Galatians ‐ Pastor Ben Loos

Main Level: 101: 3‐year‐old class (Sally Schneider

and Shelly Potter) 102: Kindergarten (Dawn Shelstad,

Cara Wilson, Becca & Mike Tveten) 103: 4‐year‐old class (Stephanie and

Shirley Fingerson, Jane Quaintance) 

Upper Level: Choir Room: Creation Study ‐ John VanProosdy 201: 8th Grade (Connie Scheid and Dan Zeccardi) 202: 6th Grade (Paul Lewis and Pat Fitch) Upper Room: Faith Legacy Classes  

SUNDAY ADULT BIBLE CLASSES Beginning, Sunday, September 15,

9:20-10:20 am:

FAMILY OF BELIEVERS: EYES ON JESUS: Bible study is a great opportunity to surround yourself with a great "cloud of witnesses" and help each other keep our eyes on Jesus. This class will be a Biblical study on the topic of sight that will not only help you bring focus in a world of distractions but also it will be a constant reminder of how God SEES YOU! Located in the South Fellowship Hall. GALATIANS: This is a short, but powerful, letter that will keep us centered on what is at the heart of the Christian life: the Gospel. In this study, we will see that, on this side of heaven, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important thing, the only thing, and the most wonderful thing that we will ever need. Located in the North Fellowship Hall.

CREATION APOLOGETICS: Apologetic comes from the Greek word apologia which means "speaking in defense." The goal of this class is to solidify the foundation of your faith starting with the first verse in the first book of the Bible. Genesis 1:1. This will allow you to do what Peter says in his epistle, 1 Peter 3:15, “always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” Topics will include...why we need creation apologetics, global flood, dinosaurs, the universe, and the last week is going to be a topic that I just heard presented at one of the conferences listed below...."The High Tech Cell" and prepare to be blown away by it!!! All I could think of when I heard it is "what a mighty God we serve!!" I also attended a creation conference in the spring and by the time we get together I will have been to two more. I will share with the class things that I learned from these conferences too. Hope to see you there!! Join John VanProosdy in the Choir Room.

Page 12: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

3 Week of 9-15-2019

NO QUILTING ON MONDAY Due to the funeral, quil ng is cancelled for Monday, September 16. We will resume on Monday, September 23.

CHANNEL ONE FOOD BANK VOLUNTEERING: You’re invited to come and volunteer in the “Clean Room” packing area at Channel One on Monday, September 16 from 6‐8 pm. If you are able or would like more informa on of this opportunity, please contact Ellen Blanco at 206‐8394 or [email protected] to find out more. We’d love to see you there!

FAITH LEGACY SERIES: FIRST BIBLE Parents of 2nd graders, please join us for the Faith Step “First Bible” as we learn how to encourage our children to use their Bibles to direct their lives. These parent classes meet for three weeks (9/22, 9/29, 10/6) and concludes with the Blessing Event and a Bible presenta on to your child on October 13 during the 10:40 service. This class meets in the Upper Room. Come and learn ways to use the Bible at home and meet other parents!

ELDERBERRIES SURVEY All those age 50 and up, please take a moment to fill out an Elderberries survey. Extra copies can be found by the display in the Narthex. Any ques ons, please contact Darlene Thompson. Thank you for your feedback!




Please join us for a second “Cancer Connec on” evening of spiritual fellowship and sharing for our parishioners, both pa ents and caregivers. Further sharing of your experiences and needs during your cancer journey, will help us to create support groups for both pa ents and caregivers. Feel free to invite other family and friends, who may also be interested. Our event will be held in the South Fellowship Hall, lower level, here at Redeemer, on Monday, October 7, from 7‐8:30 p.m. The AGENDA will be as follows: Opening and Introduc ons Sharing of the Cancer Connec on Survey

Results, completed by Redeemer members Next Steps in crea ng support groups for

our Family of Believers Poten al cancer support/

discussion groups may be held once a month, during October, November and December on the third Monday of each month, from 7‐8:30 p.m., at the request of our members

Please plan to join us for this important evening of sharing and planning .

Your Redeemer Parish Nurses 

Page 13: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

4 Week of 9-15-2019

RUMMAGE SALE UPDATES The PYROS youth group have commi ed to a service event from 12‐2 pm, Sunday, September 29. Their tasks will be to help unload sale dona ons from drop off to the Fellowship Hall, remove folding chairs from the South Fellowship Hall and rearrange tables according to a grid. A Pizza lunch will be provided. Addi onal volunteers needed to help un l 3 or 4 pm. A crew of volunteers is needed star ng around noon. Monday, September 30, to: o take down the chairs in north Fellowship hall o rearranging and set up of tables where needed o bringing clothes racks and display racks from the

a c o se ng up the racks, o reloca ng items to appropriate loca on Also, a fresh crew is needed Saturday from noon un l clean up is done. (‘Clean up’ consists of bagging/boxing all remaining rummage sale items for pickup by NP Community, dismantling clothing racks, hauling bookcases/racks/tubs to a c, moving tables back to normal posi on, sweeping floors, wiping tables, placing folding chairs at all the tables, etc.)

Sign‐up sheets are in the Narthex at the display table ‐ your gi of

me and energy is a blessing to this mission as well as crucial to the success of the sale. Dona ons of paper grocery bags

with handles for the Bag Sale, on Saturday, October 5,

are appreciated!

Grief and Loss Support/Discussion Group for Redeemer

Members We will be staring a 6‐week Grief and Loss Support Group for members of Redeemer, on Wednesdays, October 2, 10/9, 10/ 23, 10/30, 11/6 and 11/13, from 2‐3:30 pm, in the Upper Room, second floor, at church. All members, “who are traveling their grief journey” are welcome. This group is offered in a confiden al, Christ‐centered and Chris an‐based environment. We ask that you try to a end all 6 of the group sessions, to promote integrity of the group. If you are interested in a ending

this group or have any ques ons,

please contact Kathy Zarling, RN,

Redeemer Parish Nurse, at 507‐

398‐7036, or contact the church

office. We look forward to having

you join us.

Page 14: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

5 Week of 9-15-2019

YOUTH MINISTRY KICK-OFF NIGHT: All youth going into grades 6‐12 are invited, along with their parents, to attend a beginning of the year Gathering of parents and youth. We will eat, have opportunities to hear about the youth ministry calendar, confirmation, the High school summer mission trip, and get our year started well. Then, the fun begins with a parents vs. youth kick-ball game! Please refer to the invitation you received in the mail and join us Sunday, September 15, 5:30 pm, Slatterly Park!

PIZZA RANCH: On Monday, September 16, Redeemer youth are back fundraising at Pizza Ranch! Youth, please sign up so we know who is helping serve for that evening! Congregation! Come and support us!

IGNITE/PYROS: Most IGNITE times are from 6-8 pm and will have food, games, fellowship, music, and some Bible study! All youth grades 6-12 are invited! These evenings will happen most Sunday evenings this year and we invite you to be an awesome part of our youth ministry! On September 22 we will have IGNITE and our topic will be Quietness.

SAVE THE DATES: Sunday, September 29: PYROS is helping get

our rummage sale set up! These funds are tremendously helpful to community organizations! RSVP to Josh and come for pizza and helping out! Noon-2pm.

Saturday, October 5: Hiking afternoon at Whitewater SP! Sign-up will be on bulletin board soon!

If you have any questions, contact:

Josh Heirigs, DCE (923-6288) OR [email protected]

Youth Highlights!

Join us for Chris Tomlin live in

Minneapolis October 12

Chris an ar sts Chris Tomlin & Pat Barre are presen ng An Evening of Worship at the Target Center in Minneapolis on Saturday, October 12, and you will want to be there! This will be more than a concert, this will be a worship experience you won't want to miss! We have reserved 50 ckets and a bus to take a group from Redeemer. Cost is $50 per person which includes your cket to the event and the cost of the bus, driver and bus parking. You may sign up and pay for your

ckets at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Deadline is September 15, so talk to your friends and family now and get your

ckets before they're sold out! Contact Jane Quaintance if you have ques ons at [email protected] or 507‐421‐1734.

Page 15: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

6 Week of 9-15-2019


Mark this date on your calendar ‐ all Redeemer members are invited to

a end.

LWML Whitewater Conference Rally Our Savior’s, Eyota October 26, 2019

Redeemer members are encouraged to donate any (or as many) of these items which will be packaged for delivery to Liberia. A container will be in the Narthex for this collec on.

Gi s from the Heart to support this outreach will be Hygiene Kits which will contain: 1 wash cloth, 1 hand towel (not bath), 1 bar of soap, 1 deodorant, 1 toothbrush, 1 toothpaste, 1 wide tooth comb, 1 small package of sanitary napkins.

Speaker: Evelyn Seton, has founded and works with Chance Interna onal, an organiza on which focuses on rescuing young girls, women and children in Liberia. She will have a compelling story to share. (More informa on available at

'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and 

sisters of mine, you did for me.’”  Ma hew 25:40

Pink-Eye: New Recommendations for Treatment Conjunc vi s (commonly known as pink eye) occurs when the conjunc va ( ssue covering the white of the eye) becomes irritated and swollen. This inflamma on is most commonly caused by the same virus that causes the common cold. An bio c eye drops have been used in the past to treat pink eye. These medica ons are used to kill bacteria, but have no effect on viruses. Therefore, an bio cs are no longer recommended in the treatment of pink eye. In fact, you don’t even need to visit the doctor unless you have addi onal concerns or symptoms have not cleared within three to five days. Mayo Clinic suggests that conjunctivitis be treated by: Trea ng the symptoms

Cool compress on the affected eye Saline eye drops (if needed)

Handwashing Prevent the spread of the virus by

prac cing effec ve hand hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly and o en,

especially a er touching the affected eye.

Wash hands a er contact with a washcloth or pillowcase that someone with conjunc vi s has used.

Pediatricians at Mayo Clinic say that it is ok to send your child to school with pink‐eye. It is similar to sending them to school with cold symptoms like a runny nose or a mild cough. If they otherwise feel well, they can par cipate in school ac vi es as usual!

Informa on in this ar cle is from h p:// 

Page 16: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

7 Week of 9-15-2019

Blessed to Serve Today

Message .................................. Pastor Adam Koglin Liturgist ......................................... Pastor Ben Loos Pianist (Thursday) ............................... Kathy Zarling Organist (Saturday/Sunday) .... April Beckman, DPM Children’s Message ........................ Josh Heirigs, DCE Acolytes 8:00 am ......................... Ian Reese / Liam Olive 10:40 am ........Ryan Nelson / Nathan Rosenberg Altar Guild ................................ Chair: Renee Brandt

Connie Harnack, Linda Krueger, Connie Feeder, Jenny Zmina

Blood Pressures Saturday ..................................... Barb Wallskog Sunday ............................................... Jan Dicke Elders 6:00 pm ............................................ Joel Pralle 5:30 pm ................................ Jim Weispfenning 8:00 am ....................................... Steven Brady 10:40 am ..........................................Mike Holst Greeters 5:30 pm ................................... Need Volunteer 8:00 am ....... Julie Gehrking / Doug & Elle Jerde 10:40 am ......... Lois Norby / Darlene Thompson Lectors 5:30 pm ................................. Bob Vehrenkamp 8:00 am ...................................... Carolyn Walk 10:40 am ....................................... Beth Hanson Technology Helpers 5:30 pm .......................................... Chris Senne 8:00 am ...................................... Stephen Smith 10:40 am ........................................ MJ Harvey Nursery 9:20 am ................. Anna Koglin / Stephanie Fisk 10:40 am .................................. Jane Quaintance Usher Coordinator ........................... .Roger Toomey Ushers 5:30 pm ............................ Kathy Voight / Rich Ward 8:00 am Ed Feeder, Harold Jenkins, Andrew Fockler,

Jeff Lee, Sam Gehrking, Zach Woolman 10:40 am ... ..Willis Fitting, Joel Pralle, Gary Seering,

Jacob Pralle, Tyler Bruns, Kylie Geib Welcome Center 5:30 pm .......................... Diana and Larry Stoen 8:00 am .............................. Jan and Kurt Rump 10:40 am ....................................... Beth Hanson Worship Recording ................................. Greg Utesch


Weekend Worship Attendance: 608 (49+95+226+238) Guests: 36


Amos 8:4-7; James 2:14-26; Matthew 25:31-46

THEME: “Give Us Eyes to See and Faith That is Seen”

DON’T GET CAUGHT IN A CHURCH SCAM All across the country scammers are getting more and more inventive. They are creating new email accounts that look like the message is coming from a pastor and asking for gift cards to be bought—numbers on the cards or pictures of the cards sent back to “the pastor”. PLEASE BE ASSURED that your pastors and other staff will NEVER ask you to buy a gift card and send us the information. That said, don’t buy gift cards solicited through email by your “grandchild”, by your teacher, or by your favorite Minnesota Viking.


20-22, 2020

Mark your calendars for the next Best Practices for Ministry conference in sunny Phoenix! Redeemer members who have gone have come back changed and blessed. Ideas and concepts from this conference have added depth to our Family and those that attend come back rested and refreshed and excited to do the Lord’s work! If you have interest in attending this event, please sign the interest sheet on the Welcome Center. Scholarships will be offered as we see interest.

Page 17: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

8 Week of 9-15-2019

The Week at a Glance


New Member Class - Session #1 - Rm 102 - 9:30 am Paul Lewis CC - Upper Rm - 10 am HOLY COMMUNION - 5:30 pm


HOLY COMMUNION - 8:00 am Blood Pressures - Nurses’ Office - 9:00 am Sunday School - 9:20 am Adult Bible Classes - 9:20 am HOLY COMMUNION - 10:40 am Japanese Fellowship - Chapel/NFH - 3:30 pm Young Families CC - Upper Rm - 4 pm Youth/Parent Kick-off - Slatterly - 5:30 pm Partners in Christ CC - Upper Rm - 6:30 pm


Vernon Urban Funeral - 11 am Story Time - Library - 10:15 am Japanese Fellowship - Nursery/L-1/ NFH - 12:15 pm Pizza Ranch - Stewartville - 4:30 pm


Ladies’ Bible Study - NFH - 9:00 am Men’s Bible Study - Rm 102 - 9:00 am Faithfully Fit Exercise - 10:15 am Accordion Band - Rm L-3 - 1 pm FCCI Board Meeting - NFH - 6:15 pm Koinonia CC - Upper Rm - 6:30 pm


Called Staff Meeting - Rm 102 - 10:30 am Seekers CC - SFH - 1:00p m Shalom CC - Rm 102 - 1:00 pm Emergency Preparedness Team - 5 pm


Faithfully Fit Exercise - L-3 - 10:15 am Faithful Followers CC - Rm 102 - 1 pm Stephen Ministry - Upper Rm - 1 pm WORSHIP - 6:00 pm Chancel Chimes - Sanctuary - 7 pm Technology Team - Rm 201 - 1 pm CC SEA Group - Rm 102 - 6:30 pm


Library Committee - Library - 9:30 am


Sounds of Praise Retreat - Choir Rm - 9 am WORSHIP - 5:30 pm


WORSHIP - 8:00 am Flu Shots - Nurses’ Office - 8:30 - 10:30 am Blood Pressures - Nurses’ Office - 9:00 am Sunday School - 9:20 am Adult Bible Classes - 9:20 am WORSHIP - 10:40 am IGNITE - Youth Rm - 6:00 pm Partners in Christ CC - Upper Rm - 6:30 pm


Youth Chimes (7-12)-Sanctuary-5:45 pm Men’s Bible Study - Upper Rm - 6 pm One Way CC - Upper Rm - 6 pm Alleluia Singers (2-6) Rm L-4 - 6 pm Cherub Choir - Rm 100 - 6:05 pm 1st/2nd Yr. Confirmation - NFH - 6:10 pm 3rd Yr. Confirmation - Rm 102 - 6:10 pm Angelic Chimes (2-6) Sanctuary - 6:30 pm Sounds of Praise - Choir Rm - 7 pm

Page 18: Redeemer Lutheran Church · 2019-09-13 · Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904-3- (*) HYMN OF PRAISE (LSB 411, st. 2) I want to see the brightness of God.

CJ?§deemer Lutheran Cfiurcli 869 7!~ Avenue SE - Roche5ter M 55904

Phone - {507) 289-5147 Fax - {507) 289-7887 E-mail: [email protected]

Web site:







SiAFF Pastor, Adam B. Kogin ~r.ig ·~m.='"tOC"es::t.<nn

(~o;) 507-2a9-Si47 (ce ~ 507-3 '6-8'8'

Pastor, Benj3min L. Loos res:O~" OOS~C'll.3 .CO'l'I

(CTice) 507-28.9-5147 (ce ~ 507-2' 5-6' 55

Oirectorof Parish Music, A{ri Beckm31l

oec.<ma·a· @}o:mal co.'l'I

(o.:;ce) 507-189-5' 47 (oe ~ 65 • -338-0354

Whether lookrng for a churdi homeorjust here for the day, we are g'ad to ha\e }OU

as our guess. Please sign the red Fnendsh1p R~istr&IOO pad .n your pew and peck up a visitor oacket in the Narthex. Remembertha.: }'OU are our guess; the offering is for ou r members who support the v.ork of the church through the ,r voluntary gifts. Saturday 5 :30 pm Sunday 8 and 10:LO al':'I is celebrated rn eadi service the weekends of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. We inV1te those who acknowledge their sJJfulness, recognize thal Christ's body and bbod are tru•y present for our forg veness, and are v,iling to g1\e wfoess to the uniyof the r falh v.~th this comrrun(y, to jotn v.~th us rn receiving the saaament. Fort hose who for health or consoeice reasons are not able to receive v..;ne, please note that there s a cup of v/nie grape iwce in the mddle of each tray. G' wafers are available in the ln.<fdle of the bread trayfor those w:.h tha: al erQy. are always 'f,'elcome at Redeemer. Parentsshouid note that according to your needs and preferences, 1) ch1klren's bu el sand ·co1orb39s~ are ava lab!e in the narthex; 2) our nursery 1s staffed each Sunday morning du f.09 the 9:20 am Education Hou rand the 10:40 am service. The Nursery IS located rust o.1 the Narthex- look for our stQn! are available m the rack by the elevator. isa•'Cli abe each Sundaymormng. Please callthe diurch o.'fice (289-5147)byNoon on Thursda{. Large print bulletins and personal hearing devices are a\'aiab!e the Narthexfrom an Usher or atthe Weloorie Center. lvbndaythrough Fnday 7:30 am- 4:00 pm

Oi"ectorof Faih Formation, Mdiael J. Harvey

1Jo:<.>·'3rc~@<:m .~'\'\ (o:.::::e) 507-289-5' 47

(res.oe•:::e) 507-529-5453

Director of Youth and Education , Joshua Heirigs m-'~~~-.c::m

{cr.:::e) 507-289-5' 47 (eel) 507-923-6288

Administratwe Secretary, Chrisf n3 Tpms

d: ceia>erieeme'"IOC'es::e· .com {o:.::::e) 507-289-5 47

(reso.:•oe) 507-634-7~4

Custodian, Rat1di; Kautz·@rec::mer­

'-:.>chs::·.c:>m (oioe)507-289-Y47

(res ce~ce )507-843-3 • 44

Parish Nurse, J"M Dicke ::..-io cl.:e3'25@9-na .CO'TI

{resoerce) 507-288-6405

Nursery Coordi'lator, ArJ11alrogin

aa~oo 1@:>'ll <ce n 501.3·&.a·11

Arab Women's Ministries, ~'a~~a Fa.-ag

~'l~.srv;•..a:a94@;mai .com 507 -202-4555

Thursday 6:00 pm Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8 and 10:40 pm