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TOWN OF WHITBY REPORT RECOMMENDATION REPORT INCORPORAT ED 1855 REPORT TO: Council ; REPORT NO: CMS 14-09 1 DATE OF MEETING: 9 February 2009 I FILE NO(S): I PREPARED BY: Community and Marketing Services 4—LOCATION: All Wards REPORT TITLE/SUBJECT: Arenas and Community Centre Capital Projects - Submissions for Canada's Economic Action Plan 1.0 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council direct staff to make application(s) to the Federal Government for partnership capital funding announced in the January 27, 2009 Federal Budget 'Economic Action Plan' on the following proposed projects: a. Iroquois Park Sports Centre — Expansion and Roof Replacement on Arena 1 b. Luther Vipond Memorial Arena — Roof Replacement c. Brooklin Community Centre and Library - new build 2. That staff be authorized to engage the services of Barry Bryan & Associates (BBA), an architectural/engineering design firm, for the purposes of undertaking the work on the two proposed arena projects; 3. That Council provide pre-budget approval for fees associated with the work to be completed by BBA in the projected amount of $140,000; and, 4. That staff report back to Council on the success of the applications and the level of funding that the Municipality may be eligible for any other projects. 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Federal Government has recently tabled a comprehensive budget plan to stimulate economic growth, restore confidence and support Canadians during this global recession. The 'Economic Action Plan' includes a number of initiatives directed at municipal infrastructure, including a $500 million budget allocation over two years to build and renew community recreation facilities across Canada. Terms, conditions and the application process for this partnership funding have not as yet been provided to


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REPORT TO: Council

; REPORT NO: CMS 14-09

1 DATE OF MEETING: 9 February 2009


I PREPARED BY: Community and Marketing Services 4—LOCATION: All Wards

REPORT TITLE/SUBJECT: Arenas and Community Centre Capital Projects - Submissions for Canada's Economic Action Plan


1. That Council direct staff to make application(s) to the Federal Government for partnership capital funding announced in the January 27, 2009 Federal Budget 'Economic Action Plan' on the following proposed projects:

a. Iroquois Park Sports Centre — Expansion and Roof Replacement on Arena 1 b. Luther Vipond Memorial Arena — Roof Replacement c. Brooklin Community Centre and Library - new build

2. That staff be authorized to engage the services of Barry Bryan & Associates (BBA), an architectural/engineering design firm, for the purposes of undertaking the work on the two proposed arena projects;

3. That Council provide pre-budget approval for fees associated with the work to be completed by BBA in the projected amount of $140,000; and,

4. That staff report back to Council on the success of the applications and the level of funding that the Municipality may be eligible for any other projects.


The Federal Government has recently tabled a comprehensive budget plan to stimulate economic growth, restore confidence and support Canadians during this global recession. The 'Economic Action Plan' includes a number of initiatives directed at municipal infrastructure, including a $500 million budget allocation over two years to build and renew community recreation facilities across Canada. Terms, conditions and the application process for this partnership funding have not as yet been provided to


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municipalities. Staff is seeking Council approval to formally submit application(s) for three recreation projects for Federal partnership funding: Iroquois Park Sports Centre (IPSC) — Arena 1 renovations; Luther Vipond Memorial Arena (LVMA) — roof renovations; and, the Brooklin Community Centre and Library (BCCL) —new build.

The Federal Government is seeking applications on 'shovel ready' projects, and has referenced implementing measures that can begin within the next 120 days. Both the IPSC and LVMA projects can be started within this time frame. The BCCL project is already underway with the detailed architectural designs almost complete for tendering purposes. The BCCL project will commence construction this summer.

The Federal Government's Budget program would benefit the Municipality financially and by advancing essential capital projects that are needed in the future. The community would gain overall, and in addition these projects would provide some economic stimulus as a result of the construction jobs and materials and services required to complete the facilities.


This report originates with the Community and Marketing Services Department in response to the Federal Government's Budget 2009 `Economic Action Plan' that has included a number of economic stimulus initiatives that can assist municipalities with their infrastructure plans and projects over the next two years.


It is now clear that Canada has entered a recession. The federal Budget 2009 addresses a number of economic actions designed to stimulate the economy and to assist Canada in emerging from this recession. The 'Economic Action Plan' will provide almost $30 billion in support to the Canadian economy. The plan includes a number of measures. Most significantly affecting municipalities is the $12 billion in new infrastructure stimulus funding for roads, bridges, broadband internet access, border crossings, etc.

Within the federal Budget is $500 million allocated for the Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) program to build and renew community recreational facilities, $1 billion over two years to expedite new 'ready-to-go' provincial, territorial and municipal projects and up to $500 million over the next two years to accelerate infrastructure projects in small communities.

In preparation of Budget 2009, the Federal Government sought advice from many sources, including municipalities across the country, FCM and others. On very short notice in December, the Town of Whitby was requested to submit possible projects


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that could be considered under an economic stimulus plan. The list of possible infrastructure projects submitted is identified in Attachment No. 1.

If the Budget 2009 is approved, the Town of Whitby will shortly have the opportunity to formally submit projects for partnership funding. The Municipality is awaiting further information from the Federal Government on the process of making application(s).

The Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) initiative is expected to provide local economic stimulus and contribute to a higher quality of community recreational facilities. The initiative will be delivered nationally through three regional development agencies, with allocation on the basis of project merit and readiness.


Subject to Council approval three recreational projects would be formally submitted for funding. The arena projects would qualify under the proposed Recreational Infrastructure Canada or `RInC' program, designed to build and renew community recreational facilities across Canada. Staff is awaiting information from the government if the BCCL project would qualify under RInC or some other proposed program.

A. Iroquois Park Sports Centre (IPSO)

Arena 1 at IPSC was constructed 35 years ago. Arena 1 is our only stadium arena and is in need of renovations. The roof has reached the end of its lifecycle and requires replacement. Because of its age, all of the dressings rooms on Arena 1 are undersized and do not meet the standard that we now provide at such newer facilities as the McKinney Centre. As this is our premier arena, all of Whitby's major league teams, the Whitby Dunlops, Whitby Fury, Brooklin Redmen and Whitby Warriors, host their games on this arena.

We try to provide as part of the service and program to our major teams, exclusive change rooms during the season, equipment storage space, space for training/medical purposes, and shared office space for the coaches and general manager. We also endeavour to provide office and storage space for minor sport organizations. Whitby Minor Hockey Association and Whitby Girls Hockey have dedicated space on the south side of Arena 1, but we cannot currently accommodate Ringette. The Whitby Figure Skating Club office needs were incorporated into the McKinney Centre. Arena 1 needs to be enlarged to provide for new and expanded amenity space for our major sports organizations and elite teams.

Arena 1 is also not fully wheel chair accessible. The public cannot access Whitney Hall, or the mezzanine level above the stands. An elevator is required within the Arena. Whitney Hall is inadequate as meeting space or for the use as a booster lounge. It has limited viewing into the arena and lacks in functionality and aesthetics.


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Renovations to Whitney Hall have been included in the 10 year capital forecast. Discussions on any proposed renovations would also occur with our sports teams.

The federal RInC program may be the opportunity to undertake an expansion to IPSC to accommodate the growing needs of our sports organizations and premier sport teams; to address accessibility issues; and, to provide enhanced amenity space for meetings and booster lounge for our sport groups in Whitney Hall.

With Council support, staff will evaluate options to expand the building and Arena 1 to the north, east and/or south sides to address the matters referenced. This cannot be determined until an architect/engineering design firm is engaged to conduct a full assessment. It is important that an architectural firm be hired as soon as possible in order to complete the assessment, undertake detailed drawings and specifications, and prepare tender documents. Getting out 'in front of the crowd' with any infrastructure projects may help the Town get better general contractor pricing and more timely response to a project construction start and finish.

It is recommended that Barry Bryan and Associates (BBA), a Whitby based architectural/engineering design firm, be engaged to work on the IPSC project. BBA has substantial experience in designing and coordinating arena construction projects. BBA was the architectural firm that designed the McKinney Centre. BBA has done other design work at IPSC. It is important to proceed in a timely manner with this project as the roof replacement needs to be completed when there is a gap in programming i.e., between the start of the ice season and the end of the lacrosse season, specifically August timeframe. BBA's fees are projected to be $125,000 which would include a scope of work for the following: engineering building assessments, concept development for the expansion, evaluation of each concept, preparation of detailed drawings and specifications, preparation of tender documents, assistance in the evaluation and selection process of a general contractor, project supervision and administrative services.

The IPSC roof replacement project was identified in the 10 year capital project as a 2009 project with a budget allocation of $540,000. The Whitney Hall renovations were also identified in the 2009 capital forecast in the amount of $125,000. There was no provision in the budget for building expansion or amenity improvements beyond Whitney Hall. An elevator within Arena 1 was identified in the capital forecast in 2014 with a budget provision of $175,000. The total estimated costs for this project would be in the order of magnitude of $1.5 million to $2.0 million.

B. Luther Vipond Memorial Arena (LVMA)

LVMA was reconstructed with a steel frame in the early 1970's. The arena is still very functional and is required as part of the Town's inventory to meet the ice requirements of our sport organizations. The facility requires a new roof. The CMS Department


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issued a capital budget change request identifying the need to establish a capital budget allocation of $300,000 in 2010.

Under the federal RInC partnership funding program, it is recommended the LVMA roof project be accelerated and the project undertaken this year if an application is approved. It is further recommended that BBA be also engaged to complete this project. BBA has working knowledge of this arena complex due to past projects. The firm has indicated they have the resources to work on both the IPSC and the LVMA projects concurrently. The fees associated with this project are projected to be $15,000.

C. Brooklin Community Centre and Library (BCCL)

The new 40,000 SF BCCL project is in the final stages of the detailed design and tender document development. Subject to Council approval, construction of the project is expected to start in August. In preparation for the tendering, Council approved the undertaking of pre-qualifying contractors having the experience, qualifications, capacity and financial stability to professionally complete a project of this magnitude and complexity within budget and on schedule. The project is expected to cost $14.5 million and is included in the Town's 2009 capital forecast. The Province has made a financial contribution of $3 million toward the project, and it is hopeful that the Federal Government's new partnership funding program would at a minimum match that amount. It is not known if the BCCL project would be eligible for funding under the RInC program or some other initiative. This is currently being clarified with the Federal Government.


If Council supports the recommendations and the Town of Whitby is successful in its application(s), there would be an expectation that any partnership funding would be communicated collaboratively by the Town and the Federal Government.





It is not fully known as to the level of financing that is available through any of the programs being announced by the Federal Government in their Budget 2009. There is an allocation of $500 million over two years to the Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) program to build and renew community recreational


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facilities. According to information contained within the Budget, eligible projects include recreational facilities owned by municipalities and the RInC initiative will support up to 50 per cent of the total cost of eligible projects, with the balance to be provided by provincial or municipal governments. It is not determined at this time whether the BCCL is eligible under the RInC program or another program proposed in the federal budget.

Staff will continue to monitor all of the proposed federal programs included in the Budget 2009 Economic Action Plan for funding opportunities of other potential infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, sewers, etc.


Application(s) to the Federal Government would require the assistance of the Corporate Services Department. The Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department would be engaged with CMS Staff on the issuance of tender documents and the assessment of proposals received from general contractors.


The recommendations contained within this staff report are consistent with Whitby's Community Strategic Plan, specifically;

5. Improve municipal and community infrastructure

5.1 Partner with all levels of government, community organizations and the private sector to plan and finance infrastructure expansion and improvements;

5.5. Enhance operational, recreational and cultural facilities, consistent with the long term growth and development of the community.


The new programs outlined in the Federal Government's Economic Action Plan represent an opportunity for the Town of Whitby to complete more recreation capital projects in 2009 and 2010. This will benefit the community overall, as well as provide some economic stimulus as a result of the construction jobs, materials and services required to complete the projects. All three projects recommended represent high priority initiatives. The Town has the ability to implement these projects on short notice and they have the highest probability to attract funding under the proposed federal Budget 2009 programs. Staff is seeking Council approval to move ahead on


k Peter LeBel, Director of Community and Marketing Services, Ext. 4319

etrie, Chief Administrative Officer, Ext. 2211

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three projects so that the Town may be out 'ahead of the curve' in order to get early government approval(s) and proceed with design and construction.


No. 1 - List of possible infrastructure projects for Federal Government Funding

For further information contact: Peter LeBel, Director of Community and Marketing Services, Ext. 4319


CMS 14-09 Attachment No. 1

Capital Projects Submitted to the Federal Government for Possible Partnership Funding (List was submitted December 29, 2008)

1. New Brooklin Community Centre and Library ($14,550,000) — Project is to provide recreational and educational opportunities for residents of Brooklin.

2. Iroquois Park Sports Centre ($1,500,000) — Arena 1 is the oldest and most significant arena pad within the facility. It requires a roof replacement and expansion to accommodate the needs of current users.

3. Luther Vipond Memorial Arena ($300,000) — This facility requires a roof replacement.

4. Various Accessibility Improvements ($1,300,000) — Several accessibility improvements are required to make the Town's recreation facilities more accessible to all residents (Iroquois Park Sports Centre; Kiwanis-Heydenshore Park and Country Lane Park playgrounds, Civic Recreation Complex, Cullen Central Park, etc.)

5. Road Rehabilitation and Reconstruction ($5,912,950) — There are 38 different roads totaling 10.8 km in VVhitby requiring urgent rehabilitation or reconstruction.

6. Bridge Rehabilitation ($650,000) — The Jeffery Street Bridge over the Lynde Creek needs major rehabilitation work.

7. Civic Recreation Complex ($1,400,000) — This facility needs significant maintenance to the pool and HVAC systems along with replacement of the roof.

8. Heydenshore Pavilion Expansion ($800,000) — Expansion to the capacity of this key waterfront facility is required to accommodate events for our growing community.

9. Port Whitby Marina ($300,000) — Replacement of existing piers is required.