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International Criticality Benchmark Comparison for Nuclear Data Validation Isabelle Duhamel, 1 J. L. Alwin, 2 F. B. Brown, 2 M. E. Rising, 2 K. Y. Spencer, 2 D. Heinrichs, 3 S. Kim, 3 B. J. Marshall, 4 E. M. Saylor 4 1 IRSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, [email protected] 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 3 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA, [email protected], [email protected] 4 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, USA, [email protected], [email protected] INTRODUCTION Under a collaborative effort between the US Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) and the French Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), IRSN is leading a benchmark intercomparison effort using a large selection of criticality safety benchmarks. This task is carried out by using the IRSN MORET Monte Carlo code [ref. 1] together with various nuclear data libraries, namely JEFF-3.3, ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0. IRSN collates its results together with those from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) using respectively the COG [ref. 2], MCNP [ref. 3] and KENO (SCALE package) [ref. 4] Monte Carlo codes associated with ENDF/B-VII.1 library. LLNL also shared in 2019 their COG results using ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3. Due to the large number of benchmarks involved (about 3000), this effort is envisioned to take three years and is currently focused on High Enriched Uranium (HEU) and Plutonium systems (PU). About 760 HEU and 500 PU benchmarks taken from the ICSBEP handbook [ref. 5] covering a large energy spectra range (from thermal to fast) and a wide range of isotopes are considered. METHODOLOGY The benchmark development has been performed independently with most of the cases being taken from each codes validation suites. Results were provided with Monte Carlo standard deviation of about 10 pcm for all the codes. Table I gives the number of HEU and PU benchmarks calculated with the different Monte Carlo codes. TABLE I. Calculated benchmarks in validation suites MORET 5 (IRSN) COG (LLNL) MCNP (LANL) KENO (ORNL) HEU systems 447 761 378 102 PU systems 215 526 261 93 Despite the huge number of calculated benchmarks, only 35 configurations for HEU and 33 for PU systems were common to the four codes. Thus, it was decided to focus first on the common benchmarks and also to perform code to code comparison. This paper discusses mainly the results obtained for these 68 common benchmarks, which are briefly described in Table II. TABLE II. Main characteristics of the common benchmarks HST HMF PST PMF Number of experiments 14 21 26 7 Isotopic composition 93% 235 U 235 U> 89% 239 Pu > 95% 239 Pu > 94% Concentration 20 to 360 g/l - 25 to 140 g/l - Moderator Water None, Be, BeO Water None Poison None or boron None None None Reflector None None, Mo, Be, BeO, CH 2 , V, Steel, Depleted uranium Water None, Unat, Th, Be, W, Steel RESULTS Preliminary analysis When analyzing the calculation results using the same nuclear data libraries for these common benchmarks, discovery of discrepant results helped to highlight modeling errors, which were reported to the codes validation teams. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 121, Washington, D.C., November 17–21, 2019 873 Recent Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Technical Accomplishments

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International Criticality Benchmark Comparison for Nuclear Data Validation

Isabelle Duhamel,1 J. L. Alwin,2 F. B. Brown,2 M. E. Rising,2 K. Y. Spencer,2 D. Heinrichs,3S. Kim,3 B. J. Marshall,4 E. M. Saylor


1IRSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, [email protected]

2Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA, [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected] 3Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA, [email protected], [email protected]

4Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, USA, [email protected], [email protected]


Under a collaborative effort between the US

Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Criticality Safety

Program (NCSP) and the French Institut de Radioprotection

et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), IRSN is leading a

benchmark intercomparison effort using a large selection of

criticality safety benchmarks.

This task is carried out by using the IRSN MORET

Monte Carlo code [ref. 1] together with various nuclear data

libraries, namely JEFF-3.3, ENDF/B-VII.1 and

ENDF/B-VIII.0. IRSN collates its results together with

those from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

(LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Oak

Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) using respectively the

COG [ref. 2], MCNP [ref. 3] and KENO (SCALE package)

[ref. 4] Monte Carlo codes associated with ENDF/B-VII.1

library. LLNL also shared in 2019 their COG results using

ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3. Due to the large number of

benchmarks involved (about 3000), this effort is envisioned

to take three years and is currently focused on High

Enriched Uranium (HEU) and Plutonium systems (PU).

About 760 HEU and 500 PU benchmarks taken from

the ICSBEP handbook [ref. 5] covering a large energy

spectra range (from thermal to fast) and a wide range of

isotopes are considered.


The benchmark development has been performed

independently with most of the cases being taken from each

codes validation suites. Results were provided with Monte

Carlo standard deviation of about 10 pcm for all the codes.

Table I gives the number of HEU and PU benchmarks

calculated with the different Monte Carlo codes.

TABLE I. Calculated benchmarks in validation suites









HEU systems 447 761 378 102

PU systems 215 526 261 93

Despite the huge number of calculated benchmarks,

only 35 configurations for HEU and 33 for PU systems were

common to the four codes. Thus, it was decided to focus

first on the common benchmarks and also to perform code

to code comparison. This paper discusses mainly the results

obtained for these 68 common benchmarks, which are

briefly described in Table II.

TABLE II. Main characteristics of the common benchmarks


Number of


14 21 26 7



93% 235U 235U>


239Pu > 95% 239Pu >


Concentration 20 to 360 g/l - 25 to 140 g/l -

Moderator Water None, Be,


Water None

Poison None or


None None None

Reflector None None, Mo,

Be, BeO,

CH2, V,




Water None,


Th, Be,

W, Steel


Preliminary analysis

When analyzing the calculation results using the same

nuclear data libraries for these common benchmarks,

discovery of discrepant results helped to highlight modeling

errors, which were reported to the codes validation teams.

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Moreover, rigorous cross-checking of results using the

same nuclear data evaluations has also revealed modeling

interpretation user’s misunderstanding, as well as some

inconsistencies in the DICE database, that will be gathered

and reported to the ICSBEP working group.

An important issue when performing a benchmark

intercomparison is to be sure to model exactly the same

configurations. Indeed, in the ICSBEP handbook, among the

225 evaluations available for HEU systems (95 for PU), 77

(45 for PU) have been revised (some of them having been

revised 4 times). In most of the cases, the revision of the

evaluation could have a small, but non negligible impact, on

the keff and could explain small observed discrepancies

between calculation results. For example, the well-known

JEZEBEL benchmark experiment, which is used worldwide

for Plutonium cross sections validation and adjustment, was

revised 4 times, the last one being in 2016, leading to

modifications of the sphere mass and density (implying a

modification of the radius of the sphere). Looking at the

benchmark keff and its associated uncertainty in the different

validation suites, one can conclude that COG and MORET

calculations considered the last revision of the JEZEBEL

benchmark, whereas MCNP and KENO calculations were

performed considering revision 2. It results in a difference

of about 40 pcm for the JEZEBEL experiment but it could

rise up to few hundreds of pcm for some benchmark’s

revision depending on the changes in the model.

Some observed discrepancies could also be explained

by the use of the simplified model described in the ICSBEP

handbook. Indeed, it was not always specified in the

validation suites whether the simplified or the detailed

model was considered. This could lead to small but not

negligible discrepancies between codes. A detailed analysis

is currently underway to examine the input files to

determine which model was used.

Finally, one might also face numbering issues. Indeed,

in a whole experimental program, some experiments could

not reach the critical state or were not considered as

acceptable for a benchmark. Some validation teams had then

considered the experiment number (referred as to the case

label in DICE), whereas some others used the case ID.

PU-SOL-THERM-007 experiments are a good example of

this issue with experiments 1, 4 and 11 being considered as

unacceptable. Thus the fifth case of the benchmark

corresponds to the experiment n°3. As the benchmark keff

and their associated uncertainties are the same for all the

experiments, this issue was not easily detected and the

discrepant results could have been attributed to modeling


Feedback on nuclear data

Once confident in the benchmark modeling, the

comparison of the results obtained with various libraries

allows validating the nuclear data of various isotopes of

interest for criticality safety.

ENDF/B-VII.1 results

Although, it was planned to compare both ENDF/B-

VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 results during 2019, only

ENDF/B-VII.1 results are currently available for the four


Table III presents the mean values of the calculation –

experiment discrepancies obtained for the plutonium

experiments in fast spectra by the 4 Monte Carlo codes, all

giving similar results. Calculations using ENDF/B-VII.1

nuclear data library lead to results within the experimental

uncertainties except for the PU-MET-FAST-008.001

benchmark, which is a thorium reflected plutonium sphere

and shows a small underestimation.

TABLE III. Benchmark keff and Calculation-experiment

discrepancies for plutonium metallic systems.



Sigma Average of

C-E (pcm)


Revision 2

1.00000 0.00200 0


Revision 4

1.00000 0.00110 40

PMF-005-001 1.00000 0.00130 105

PMF-006-001 1.00000 0.00300 113

PMF-008-001 1.00000 0.00060 -191

PMF-010-001 1.00000 0.00180 -34

PMF-018-001 1.00000 0.00300 -72

PMF-026-001 1.00000 0.00240 -238

Regarding the plutonium solutions experiments, which

have thermal spectra, one can observe a slight over

prediction with ENDF/B-VII.1, all the codes giving

consistent values, and a possible trend with the plutonium

concentration (see Fig. 1).

For bare, CH2 or Steel reflected HEU metal

experiments in fast spectra, the calculation –experiment

values are comprised in the uncertainty margins and all the

Monte Carlo codes give consistent calculated keff.

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Fig. 1. Comparison of calculation results using

ENDF/B-VII.1 and benchmark keff for Plutonium solutions.

The five Vanadium reflected HEU cylinders

configurations described in HEU-MET-FAST-025 highlight

an over prediction of the calculated keff which increased

with the reflector thickness (see Fig. 2). For these

experiments small but significant discrepancies were

observed between COG and the other Monte Carlo Codes,

which have to be deeply analyzed.

Fig. 2. Calculation-experiment discrepancies using

ENDF/B-VII.1 for HEU-MET-FAST-025 experiments

(vanadium reflected experiments).

Regarding the 14 common experiments involving HEU

solution in thermal spectra, the calculated keff are within 2

sigma. Small discrepancies were observed between KENO

and the other codes for HEU-SOL-THERM-001

experiments, which could be attributed to the ICSBEP

benchmark revision.

Comparison of nuclear data libraries

Currently, only MORET and COG results are available

with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 libraries. Analysis is still

underway and only general issues are presented in this


As expected, no significant changes were observed

between ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 for HEU

solutions (235

U in thermal spectra) and bare Plutonium

metallic systems (239

Pu in fast energy spectra). A small increase of less than 200 pcm was observed for HEU-SOL-

THERM benchmarks using JEFF-3.3 nuclear data,

calculations values being still within experimental

uncertainty margins.

For Steel reflected configurations in fast energy spectra,

the use of ENDF/B-VIII.0 could increase the calculated keff

up to 500 pcm depending on the reflector thickness;

however, the calculated keff remains in agreement with the

benchmark keff and its associated uncertainty.

Regarding the vanadium reflected experiments with fast

spectra, no significant improvement was observed with

ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data, whereas a strong increase,

leading to higher (C-E) values, was obtained using JEFF-3.3


Besides, one can observe in Fig. 3, the improvement of

the plutonium nuclear data in thermal spectra with

JEFF-3.3 and ENDF/B-VIII.0, leading to calculation-

experiment agreement for plutonium solutions. Small

discrepancies were observed between COG and MORET 5

results for ENDF/B-VIII.0 results that might be due to

processing issues. Deeper analysis is needed to understand

these discrepant results.

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Fig. 3. Comparison of benchmark keff and calculation results

using ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 libraries for Plutonium

solution experiments


An extensive common set of independently developed

benchmark models helps provide a rigorous basis for the

validation of nuclear data libraries, which are used in safety

calculations and contributes to good software quality

assurance practices. This work, which is still ongoing for

PU and HEU media, will be completed during next two

fiscal years with others fissile systems (LEU, IEU, MIX,

and U233).

It also contributes to theVaNDaL (Validation of

Nuclear Data Libraries) Sub-Group of the

OECD/AEN/WPEC and to the improvement of the quality

of the ICSBEP handbook and its associated database, DICE.


Authors would like to thank NCSP, which funds DOE

laboratories for this task, for giving all of them the

opportunity to participate on this international benchmark

comparison, which is fruitful for all validation suites.


1. COCHET ET AL., “Capabilities overview of the MORET

5 Monte Carlo code”, Ann. Nucl. Energ, 82, p. 74–84 (2015)

2. BUCK ET AL., “COG11.1 Description, New Features, and

Development Activities”, Proc. Joint International

Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and

Monte Carlo, SNA+MC2013, October 27-31, 2013

3. C.J. WERNER (editor), "MCNP Users Manual - Code

Version 6.2", Los Alamos report LA-UR-17-29981 (2017)

4. GOLUOGLU ET AL., “Monte Carlo Criticality Methods

and Analysis Capabilities in SCALE”, Nucl. Tech. 174(2), p.214-235 (2011).5. "International Handbook of Evaluated CriticalityBenchmark Experiments,” NEA Nuclear Science Committee,NEA/NSC/DOC (95)03.

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