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Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University December 9, 2015 Breiman lecture, NIPS 2015 Joint work with Jonathan Taylor, Richard Lockhart, Ryan Tibshirani, Will Fithian, Jason Lee, Yuekai Sun, Dennis Sun, Yun Jun Choi, Max G’Sell, Stefan Wager, Alex Chouldechova Thanks to Jon, Ryan & Will for help with the slides. 1 / 46

Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

May 27, 2018



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Page 1: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

Recent Advances in Post-Selection StatisticalInference

Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

December 9, 2015

Breiman lecture, NIPS 2015

Joint work with Jonathan Taylor, Richard Lockhart, RyanTibshirani, Will Fithian, Jason Lee, Yuekai Sun, Dennis Sun,Yun Jun Choi, Max G’Sell, Stefan Wager, AlexChouldechova

Thanks to Jon, Ryan & Will for help with the slides.

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Page 2: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My history

I PhD Statistics 1984 (Stanford); went home to University ofToronto (Biostatistics & Statistics)

I Met Geoff Hinton

I and Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Rasmussen, Rich Zemel,Radford Neal, Brendan Frey, Peter Dayan

I They were fitting models with more parameters thanobservations!!

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Page 3: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My history at NIPS

I Starting in the early 90’s, attended pretty regularly with LeoBreiman, Jerry Friedman & Trevor Hastie.

I A few hundred people; The Statisticians were minorcelebrities; “easy” to get a poster accepted.

I Jerry: “The currency is ideas!”

I But I haven’t been for about 15 years

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Page 4: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My history at NIPS

I Starting in the early 90’s, attended pretty regularly with LeoBreiman, Jerry Friedman & Trevor Hastie.

I A few hundred people; The Statisticians were minorcelebrities; “easy” to get a poster accepted.

I Jerry: “The currency is ideas!”

I But I haven’t been for about 15 years

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Page 5: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My history at NIPS

I Starting in the early 90’s, attended pretty regularly with LeoBreiman, Jerry Friedman & Trevor Hastie.

I A few hundred people; The Statisticians were minorcelebrities; “easy” to get a poster accepted.

I Jerry: “The currency is ideas!”

I But I haven’t been for about 15 years

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Page 6: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My history at NIPS

I Starting in the early 90’s, attended pretty regularly with LeoBreiman, Jerry Friedman & Trevor Hastie.

I A few hundred people; The Statisticians were minorcelebrities; “easy” to get a poster accepted.

I Jerry: “The currency is ideas!”

I But I haven’t been for about 15 years

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Page 7: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 8: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS.

No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 9: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 10: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again

No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 11: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 12: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again

No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 13: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 14: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 15: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 16: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 17: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited!

(because I’m getting old?)

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Page 18: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

My recent experience:

I Submitted papers to NIPS. No luck

I Tried again No luck

I Tried yet again No luck

I Gave up



I Got invited! (because I’m getting old?)

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Page 19: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

This talk is about Statistical Inference

Construction of p-values and confidence intervals for modelsand parameters fit to data

Frequentist (non-Bayesian) framework

The word “deep” appears only once in what follows. ($5 U.S tothe person who spots it first)

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Statistics versus Machine Learning

How statisticians see the world?

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Statistics versus Machine Learning

How machine learners see the world?

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Page 22: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

Quoting Leo

Statistical Science2001, Vol. 16, No. 3, 199–231

Statistical Modeling: The Two CulturesLeo Breiman

Abstract. There are two cultures in the use of statistical modeling toreach conclusions from data. One assumes that the data are generatedby a given stochastic data model. The other uses algorithmic models andtreats the data mechanism as unknown. The statistical community hasbeen committed to the almost exclusive use of data models. This commit-ment has led to irrelevant theory, questionable conclusions, and has keptstatisticians from working on a large range of interesting current prob-lems. Algorithmic modeling, both in theory and practice, has developedrapidly in fields outside statistics. It can be used both on large complexdata sets and as a more accurate and informative alternative to datamodeling on smaller data sets. If our goal as a field is to use data tosolve problems, then we need to move away from exclusive dependenceon data models and adopt a more diverse set of tools.


Statistics starts with data. Think of the data asbeing generated by a black box in which a vector ofinput variables x (independent variables) go in oneside, and on the other side the response variables ycome out. Inside the black box, nature functions toassociate the predictor variables with the responsevariables, so the picture is like this:

y xnature

There are two goals in analyzing the data:

Prediction. To be able to predict what the responsesare going to be to future input variables;Information. To extract some information abouthow nature is associating the response variablesto the input variables.

There are two different approaches toward thesegoals:

The Data Modeling Culture

The analysis in this culture starts with assuminga stochastic data model for the inside of the blackbox. For example, a common data model is that dataare generated by independent draws from

response variables = f(predictor variables,random noise, parameters)

Leo Breiman is Professor, Department of Statistics,University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-4735 (e-mail: [email protected]).

The values of the parameters are estimated fromthe data and the model then used for informationand/or prediction. Thus the black box is filled in likethis:

y xlinear regression logistic regressionCox model

Model validation. Yes–no using goodness-of-fittests and residual examination.Estimated culture population. 98% of all statisti-cians.

The Algorithmic Modeling Culture

The analysis in this culture considers the inside ofthe box complex and unknown. Their approach is tofind a function f!x"—an algorithm that operates onx to predict the responses y. Their black box lookslike this:

y xunknown

decision treesneural nets

Model validation. Measured by predictive accuracy.Estimated culture population. 2% of statisticians,many in other fields.

In this paper I will argue that the focus in thestatistical community on data models has:

• Led to irrelevant theory and questionable sci-entific conclusions;


There are two cultures in the use of statistical modeling to reachconclusions from data. One assumes that the data are generatedby a given stochastic data model. The other uses algorithmicmodels and treats the data mechanism as unknown. Thestatistical community has been committed to the almost exclusiveuse of data models. This commitment has led to irrelevanttheory, questionable conclusions, and has kept statisticians fromworking on a large range of interesting current problems.

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Page 23: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

Why inference is importantI In many situations we care about the identity of the features—

e.g. biomarker studies: Which genes are related to cancer?I There is a crisis in reproducibility in Science:

Ioannidis (2005) “Why Most Published Research Findings AreFalse”

Figure 2: Cumulative odds ratio as a function of total genetic information as determined bysuccessive meta-analyses. a) Eight cases in which the final analysis di↵ered by more thanchance from the claims of the initial study. b) Eight cases in which a significant associationwas found at the end of the meta-analysis, but was not claimed by the initial study. FromIoannidis et al. 2001.

true null hypotheses (R) decreases, the FDR will increase.Moreover, the e↵ect of bias can alter this dramatically. For simplicity, Ioannidis models

all sources of bias as a single factor u, which is the proportion of null hypotheses that wouldnot have been claimed as discoveries in the absence of bias, but which ended up as suchbecause of bias. There are many sources of bias which will be discussed in greater detail insection 2.3.

The e↵ect of this bias is to modify the equation for PPV to be:

PPV = 1 � FDR =(1 � �)R + u�R

(1 � �)R + u�R + ↵ + u(1 � ↵)


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The crisis- continued

I Part of the problem is non-statistical- e.g. incentives forauthors or journals to get things right.

I But part of the problem is statistical– we search throughlarge number of models to find the “best” one; we don’t havegood ways of assessing the strength of the evidence

I today’s talk reports some progress on the development ofstatistical tools for assessing the strength of evidence, aftermodel selection

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Our first paper on this topic: An all “Canadian” team

Richard Lockhart Jonathan Taylor Simon Fraser University !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stanford!University!

Vancouver !!!!!!!!!!PhD!Student!of!Keith!Worsley,!2001!PhD . Student of David Blackwell, !


Ryan  Tibshirani  ,    CMU.  PhD  student  of  Taylor  2011  

                 Rob  Tibshirani                                Stanford  

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Fundamental contributions by some terrific students!


     Will  Fithian                                      Jason  Lee                                  Yuekai  Sun                                                                                                                        UC  BERKELEY      

     Max  G’Sell,  CMU            Dennis  Sun-­‐  Google          Xiaoying  Tian,    Stanford                                                                                                              

         Yun  Jin  Choi                Stefan  Wager            Alex  Chouldchova                Josh  Loftus                                                                                                                                                                                                            Now  at  CMU                                                  STANFORD      

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Some key papers in this work

I Lockhart, Taylor, Tibs & Tibs. A significance test for thelasso. Annals of Statistics 2014

I Lee, Sun, Sun, Taylor (2013) Exact post-selection inferencewith the lasso. arXiv; To appear

I Fithian, Sun, Taylor (2015) Optimal inference after modelselection. arXiv. Submitted

I Tibshirani, Ryan, Taylor, Lockhart, Tibs (2016) ExactPost-selection Inference for Sequential RegressionProcedures. To appear, JASA

I Tian, X. and Taylor, J. (2015) Selective inference with arandomized response. arXiv

I Fithian, Taylor, Tibs, Tibs (2015) Selective SequentialModel Selection. arXiv Dec 2015

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What it’s like to work with Jon Taylor

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Page 29: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University


1. The post-selection inference challenge; main examples—Forward stepwise regression and lasso

2. A simple procedure achieving exact post-selection type I error.No sampling required— explicit formulae.

3. Exponential family framework: more powerful procedures,requiring MCMC sampling

4. Data splitting, data carving, randomized response

5. When to stop Forward stepwise? FDR-controlling proceduresusing post-selection adjusted p-values

6. A more difficult example: PCA

7. Future work

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Page 30: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

What is post-selection inference?

Inference the old way(pre-1980?) :

1. Devise a model

2. Collect data

3. Test hypotheses

Classical inference

Inference the new way:

1. Collect data

2. Select a model

3. Test hypotheses

Post-selection inference

Classical tools cannot be used post-selection, because they do notyield valid inferences (generally, too optimistic)

The reason: classical inference considers a fixed hypothesis to betested, not a random one (adaptively specified)

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Page 31: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

Leo Breiman referred to the use of classical tools for post-selectioninference as a “quiet scandal” in the statistical community.

(It’s not often Statisticians are involved in scandals)

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Linear regression

I Data (xi , yi ), i = 1, 2, . . .N; xi = (xi1, xI2, . . . xip).

I Modelyi = β0 +


xijβj + εi

I Forward stepwise regression: greedy algorithm, addingpredictor at each stage that most reduces the training error

I Lasso



(yi − β0 −∑j

xijβj)2 + λ ·


|βj |}

for some λ ≥ 0.Either fixed λ, or over a path of λ values (Least angleregression).

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Post selection inference

Example: Forward Stepwise regression

FS, naive FS, adjusted

lcavol 0.000 0.000lweight 0.000 0.012

svi 0.047 0.849lbph 0.047 0.337

pgg45 0.234 0.847lcp 0.083 0.546age 0.137 0.118

gleason 0.883 0.311

Table: Prostate data example: n = 88, p = 8. Naive andselection-adjusted forward stepwise sequential tests

With Gaussian errors, P-values on the right are exact in finitesamples.

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Simulation: n = 100, p = 10, and y ,X1, . . .Xp have i.i.d. N(0, 1)components

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







FS p−values at step 1







































Naive testTG test

Adaptive selection clearly makes χ21 null distribution invalid; with

nominal level of 5%, actual type I error is about 30%.

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Example: Lasso with fixed-λHIV data: mutations that predict response to a drug. Selectionintervals for lasso with fixed tuning parameter λ.









5 8 9 16 25 26 28

Naive intervalSelection−adjusted interval

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Formal goal of Post-selective inference

[Lee et al. and Fithian, Sun, Taylor ]

I Having selected a model M based on our data y , we’d like totest an hypothesis H0. Note that H0 will be random — afunction of the selected model and hence of y

I If our rejection region is {T (y) ∈ R}, we want to control theselective type I error :

Prob(T (y) ∈ R|M, H0) ≤ α

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Existing approaches

I Data splitting - fit on one half of the data, do inferences onthe other half. Problem- fitted model changes varies withrandom choice of “half”; loss of power. More on this later

I Permutations and related methods: not clear how to usethese, beyond the global null

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A key mathematical result

Polyhedral lemma: Provides a good solution for FS; an optimalsolution for the fixed-λ lasso

Polyhedral selection events

I Response vector y ∼ N(µ,Σ). Suppose we make a selectionthat can be written as

{y : Ay ≤ b}

with A, b not depending on y . This is true for forwardstepwise regression, lasso with fixed λ, least angleregression and other procedures.

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Some intuition for Forward stepwise regression

I Suppose that we run forward stepwise regression for k steps

I {y : Ay ≤ b} is the set of y vectors that would yield the samepredictors and their signs entered at each step.

I Each step represents a competition involving inner productsbetween each xj and y ; Polyhedron Ay ≤ b summarizes theresults of the competition after k steps.

I Similar result holds for Lasso (fixed-λ or LAR)

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The polyhedral lemma

[Lee et al, Ryan Tibs. et al.]For any vector η


η>µ,σ2η>η(η>y)|{Ay ≤ b} ∼ Unif(0, 1)

(truncated Gaussian distribution), where V−,V+ are (computable)values that are functions of η,A, b.

Typically choose η so that ηT y is the partial least squares estimatefor a selected variable

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{Ay ≤ b}

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Example: Lasso with fixed-λHIV data: mutations that predict response to a drug. Selectionintervals for lasso with fixed tuning parameter λ.









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Naive intervalSelection−adjusted interval

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Example: Lasso with λ estimated by Cross-validation

I Current work- Josh Loftus, Xiaoying Tian (Stanford)

I Can condition on the selection of λ by CV, and addition tothe selection of model

I Not clear yet how much difference is makes (vs treating it asfixed)

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Improving the power

I The preceding approach conditions on the part of yorthogonal to the direction of interest η. This is forcomputational convenience– yielding an analytic solution.

I Conditioning on less → more power

Are we conditioning on too much?

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Exponential family framework

I Fithian, Sun and Taylor (2014) develop an optimal theory ofpost-selection inference: their selective model conditions onless: just the sufficient statistics for the nuisance parametersin the exponential family model.

Saturated model y = µ+ ε → condition on Pη⊥y

Selective model : y = XMβM + ε → condition on XTM/jy

I Selective model gives the exact and uniformly mostunbiassed powerful test but usually requires accept/reject orMCMC sampling.

I For the lasso, the saturated and selective models agree;sampling is not required

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Two signals of equal strength

P-value for first predictor to enter

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











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1. The post-selection inference challenge; main examples—Forward stepwise regression and lasso

2. A simple procedure achieving exact post-selection type I error.No sampling required— explicit formulae.

3. Exponential family framework: more powerful procedures,requiring MCMC sampling

4. =⇒ Data splitting, data carving, randomized response

5. When to stop Forward stepwise? FDR-controlling proceduresusing selection adjusted p-values

6. A more difficult example: PCA

7. Future work

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Data splitting, carving, and adding noise

Further improvements in power

Fithian, Sun, Taylor, Tian

I Selective inference yields correct post-selection type I error.But confidence intervals are sometimes quite long. How to dobetter?

I Data carving: withholds a small proportion (say 10%) ofdata in selection stage, then uses all data for inference(conditioning using theory outlined above)

I Randomized response: add noise to y in selection stage.Like withholding data, but smoother. Then use unnoised datain inference stage. Related to differential privacy techniques.

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Selective inference

Data carving


Adding noise



Data splitting






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HIV mutation data; 250 predictors























r valu


Split OLS

Data splitting
























r valu


Selective UMVU

Data carving

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Probability of screening







Type II err


Data splittingData carvingAdditive noise

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What is a good stopping rule for Forward StepwiseRegression?

FS, naive FS, adjusted

lcavol 0.000 0.000lweight 0.000 0.012

svi 0.047 0.849lbph 0.047 0.337

pgg45 0.234 0.847lcp 0.083 0.546age 0.137 0.118

gleason 0.883 0.311

I Stop when a p-value exceeds say 0.05?

I We can do better: we can obtain a more powerful test, withFDR (false discovery rate) control

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False Discovery Rate control using sequential p-values

G’Sell, Wager, Chouldchova, Tibs

Hypotheses H1 H2 H3 . . . Hm−1 Hm

p-values p1 p2 p3 . . . pm−1 pm

I Hypotheses are considered ordered

I Testing procedure must reject H1, . . . ,H for some∈ {0, 1, . . . ,m}

I E.g., in sequential model selection, this is equivalent toselecting the first k variables along the path

GoalConstruct testing procedure = (p1, . . . , pm) that gives FDR control.Can’t use standard BH rule, because hypothesis are ordered.

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A new stopping procedure:


kF = max

{k ∈ {1, . . . , m} :




{− log(1− pi )} ≤ α}

I Controls FDR even if null and non-null hypotheses areintermixed.

I Very recent work of Li and Barber (2015) on Accumulationtests generalizes the forwardStop rule

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Requirement: p-values that are independent under the null

I The sequential p-values from the saturated model, are notindependent under the null

I New paper: “Selective Sequential Model Selection’’-Fithian, Taylor, Tibs & Tibs presents a general framework forderiving exactly independent null-p-values, for FSregression, least angle regression etc.

I These are based on the selective model, using the familiar“max-T” statistic

I they require accept/reject or hit-and-run MCMC sampling

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Step Variable Nominal p-value Saturated p-value Max-t p-value1 bmi 0.00 0.00 0.002 ltg 0.00 0.00 0.003 map 0.00 0.05 0.004 age:sex 0.00 0.33 0.025 bmi:map 0.00 0.76 0.086 hdl 0.00 0.25 0.067 sex 0.00 0.00 0.008 glu2 0.02 0.03 0.329 age2 0.11 0.55 0.9410 map:glu 0.17 0.91 0.9111 tc 0.15 0.37 0.2512 ldl 0.06 0.15 0.0113 ltg2 0.00 0.07 0.0414 age:ldl 0.19 0.97 0.8515 age:tc 0.08 0.15 0.0316 sex:map 0.18 0.05 0.4017 glu 0.23 0.45 0.5818 tch 0.31 0.71 0.8219 sex:tch 0.22 0.40 0.5120 sex:bmi 0.27 0.60 0.44

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Page 57: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

A more difficult example: choosing the rank for PCA

I Choosing rank in PCA analysis is a difficult problem

I Can view PCA of increasing ranks as a stepwise regression ofthe columns of matrix on its singular vectors

I Condition on the selected singular vectors; continuous, notdiscrete (as in forward stepwise)

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Page 58: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University


Scree Plot of (true) rank = 2


● ●●


2 4 6 8 10



Singular values(SNR=1.5)







2 4 6 8 10





Singular values(SNR=0.23)






(p-values for right: 0.030, 0.064, 0.222, 0.286, 0.197, 0.831, 0.510,0.185, 0.126.)

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Page 59: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University

Ongoing work on selective inference

I Forward stepwise with grouped variables (Loftus and Taylor)

I Many means problem (Reid, Taylor, Tibs)

I Asymptotics (Tian and Taylor)

I Bootstrap (Ryan Tibshirani+friends)

I Internal inference— comparing internally derived biomarkersto external clinical factors– Gross, Taylor, Tibs

I Still to come: logistic regression, non-linear models

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Page 60: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University


I Post-selection inference is an exciting new area. Lots ofpotential research problems and generalizations(grad students take note)!!

I Coming soon: Deep Selective Inference r

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Page 61: Recent Advances in Post-Selection Statistical … Advances in Post-Selection Statistical Inference Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University


I Google → Tibshirani

I R package on CRAN: selectiveInference. Forward stepwiseregression, Lasso, Lars

I New book: Hastie, Tibshirani, Wainwright

Has a chapter on selective inference.

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