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Realistic Expectations SNF

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Realistic Expectations SNF


  • 8/8/2019 Realistic Expectations SNF


  • 8/8/2019 Realistic Expectations SNF


    would like tointroduce you to ourfacility. We haveprovided skilled nursingservices to ourcommunity since 1984.Our commitment is toprovide quality healthcare to those who havechosen to receive

    consistent medical care for their health needs, as well as assistancefor their activities of daily living.

    It takes courage and strength to make the choice to receive thecare you need. For many, it is difficult to allow someone else toprovide the care for those needs and to realize the possibility thatit may be difficult for your loved ones as well. We pride ourselvesin working diligently to be a team member with all our residents

    and their family members.

    We believe that working together as a team means being able tocommunicate openly and honestly. We hope this guide will giveyou and your loved ones realistic expectations to help you preparefor the changes that occur when moving into a nursing facility.

    In order to be of assistance in this transition process, we havehighlighted general information from each department.

    j jj j x xx x

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    The resident and/or the responsible party will meet with ourAdmissions Coordinator to fill out the admission packet which maytake up to one hour.

    A Resident Care Conference will be scheduled for approximately oneweek after admission at which time you will meet with theInterdisciplinary Team to discuss your plan of care.

    Care Conferences are scheduled quarterly to discuss your plan of careas well as assess your needs for discharge planning.


    Gold Country Health Center maintains thepolicy to identify the medically-relatedsocial and emotional needs of each resident,and to arrange for the provision of SocialServices to resolve any identified problems.

    The Social Services Director is responsible for the following: Resident's intensity of care form with the DON Psychosocial Assessment Advocate for the resident and family with the facility staff. Liaison for Snowline Hospice of El Dorado County Inc. Manages and investigates any resident/family concerns or

    issues. Reports alleged abuse of any kind. Manages Theft and Loss Program. Admissions Coordinator Discharge planning, when needed, including home health


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    OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED at Gold Country Health Center

    on site or from a contracted service provider

    Laboratory Services

    Radiology Services

    Dentist Services

    Hospice Services

    Optometry Services

    Podiatry Services

    Psychological Services

    Pharmacy Consultant

    Rehabilitative Services:

    Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy


    Long Term Care Ombudsman Program

    Crisis line 1-800-231-4024

    El Dorado County Ombudsman (530) 642-4860

    California Department of Public Health (916) 263 - 5800

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    Activity Department

    have an ongoing program of

    activities to meet the needs of eachresident. Residents are encouraged, butnever forced, to participate in scheduledactivities. We want to ensure the bestquality of life for our residents andprovide a "home-like atmosphere". Wehave indoor animals and provide pet

    therapy visits by trained professionals. Activities are provided sevendays a week and include some evening activities as well as outings tolocal attractions.

    A Resident Council meeting is conducted once a month to help ensurethat the activity schedule reflects the choices and rights of theresidents.

    A monthly calendar of scheduled activities is posted in designatedareas for the residents and families to see. A newsletter is sent withthe monthly billing statements to the families to keep them aware of special events.

    In order to promote the physical, mental andpsychosocial well-being of our residents, anactivities assessment is conducted andmaintained for each resident. Residents who areunable to attend scheduled activities in theActivity Room are provided with in-room visitsfor social, mental and physical stimulation. OurActivity Program is staffed with personnel who have the appropriatetraining and experience to meet the needs and interests of eachresident.

    Volunteers at our community are TB tested, supervised and orientedbefore being matched with our residents' needs. If a volunteer orfamily wishes to have a volunteer provide one-on-one time in aresident's room, that volunteer must go through a criminal backgroundcheck as required for all employees hired at Gold Country HealthCenter.

    j jj j x xx x

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    Health Center Dietary Department

    All of us in the Dietary Department would like to welcome you to ourskilled nursing facility. We strive to make a home-like atmosphere foryou. The Dietary Department has to follow state regulations to ensureyour health and safety. Questions most asked will be answeredbelow.

    We provide three meals a day. The schedule is:

    Breakfast 7:30 AM Lunch 12:30 PM Dinner 5:30 PM

    Snacks are offered at bedtime, or if you want, in-between meals.You may eat in your room, but we encourage all residents to go to thedining room.

    Our menus are prepared by a registered dietitian for a four-week cycleand changes with the four seasons. All diets are prescribed by thephysicians. The menus and alternate choices are posted near theskilled dining room on a bulletin board.

    We use Diet Cards with our meals.These diet cards will be on your mealtray. Please send the diet card back tothe kitchen on the tray, so we can cleanthem and use them to set your tray upfor the next meal. Anything written inred on the diet card, means that eitheryou do not like, or cannot have those food items.

    No outside food can be brought into the kitchen per state regulations.

    All food brought in by families must be labeled, dated and stored inthe Nursing Nourishment Room refrigerator. Food will be discardedafter 72 hours. Any bedside snacks must be in a sealed, labeled anddated container.

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    Skilled Nursing Department

    have 24-hour nursing care. There isa registered nurse on duty eight hours

    during the day shift. This does not includethe Director of Nursing. LicensedVocational Nurses are on duty around theclock, and administer medication and

    treatment orders. Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) provide directresident care as regulated by State and Federal Regulations.

    We have an on-going training program for nursing assistants, whowill receive their certification upon classcompletion and Red Cross testing of their skillsand written knowledge.

    All nursing staff licenses are verified with theappropriate agency to ensure the license is currentand active before they are hired.

    Your Doctor

    You have a choice of physicians. The physician must be credentialedand be willing to visit you in our facility on a regular basis. Yourdoctor is responsible for providing the facility and nursing care staff with written orders and information as to your specific medical needs.


    We have a facility pharmacy off site that providesdeliveries daily; however, you are free to chooseyour own pharmacy, if you prefer.

    The licensed nursing staff administers medications as prescribed byyour doctor. You are not allowed to keep medications of any kind atyour bedside unless you pass a "Self-Administration Assessment" andhave an order from your physician with their approval.

    j jj j x xx x

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    In case of an emergency, residents will betransferred to the nearest acute care hospital if indicated.

    Room Arrangements

    The majority of our rooms are doubleoccupancy. Some rooms are single occupancyat an extra charge. We encourage all of ourresidents to have a "home-like atmosphere".

    Room Access

    The resident rooms are not locked for safety reasons. On occasionsome residents will wander in and out of rooms.

    Room Security

    Open access to the resident rooms means it isimportant to understand there are certain risksin living in a group environment. Monies andvaluables can be kept safe in the businessoffice or should be left at home. In order toprovide a safe and secure environment, thereare alarms on exterior doors to alert the staff

    when they are opened.

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    It is our policy not to restrain our residents,but if it is deemed necessary by thephysician, he or she must inform the familyfirst for informed consent.

    Physical Changes

    Natural and age related changes in yourflexibility, balance, cognition, vision, heartand vascular condition can contribute toaccidents and falls. We will do everythingpossible to prevent these accidents butcannot promise it will not occur.

    Infection Control

    Upon admission residents are offered informed consent forms for the

    pneumovax and influenza vaccines. Both immunizations are highlyrecommended.

    A tuberculosis (TB) test or a current chest X-ray report is required forall new admissions.

    On going in-services, training and audits are performed to ensure thatstaff is practicing effective infection control in our facility.

    Hand sanitizers are placed throughout the building. We encourage youto wash your hands when you come and go.

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    Staff Development/ Human Resources

    Prior to being hired, all staff are drug tested,fingerprinted and have a back ground check. All

    licensed or certified staff are checked for currentlicense/credentials and active status to ensure that wehave hired the most qualified staff and for the safety of our residents.

    We have mandatory All Staff In-Services every month that arerequired by State and Federal Regulations. We also have ongoingin-services for the staff to increase their current skills and knowledgebase.

    Business Office

    Our goal is to make the financial liability process as easy as possible.Questions can be directed to the business office in the front lobby of the Health Center Building between the hours of 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM,Monday through Friday.

    Billing Statements are generated at the end of each

    month for the upcoming month, so room board isbilled at the beginning of the month.

    We accept Medicare, Medi-CAL, Private Insuranceand will bill most secondary insurances.

    We can assist you in applying for Medi-CAL andany other Long Term Care insurance needs.

    We offer a Trust Account to keep your moneysafe in an interest bearing account with quarterlystatements.

    We offer postage stamps and mailing out of outgoing mail.

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    The resident rooms are cleaned daily seven days a week, and more if needed. Room detailing and heavy duty cleaning are scheduled on a

    routine basis. The disinfection of hand rails, doors and handles, tablesand chairs is ongoing to prevent the spread of illnesses.

    Wheel chairs, Geri Chairs and front wheel walkers are cleaned asneeded.


    ALL resident's personal clothing are to be labeled with the resident'slast name and first initial.

    We make sure all personal clothing are laundered properly and hungon hangers on the delivery cart before being returned to the resident'sroom & closet.

    Please report any missing items to Vicky Hume of Social Services andfill out a Theft and Loss form.

    Any time a resident or family member tells us clothing is missing wetake that seriously. We immediately track it down and return themissing item to the resident.

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    Health Information also known as Medical Records

    Your health record begins and ends in the HealthInformation Services Department. Every resident

    is assigned a record number upon their firstadmission. Discharged health records are storedfor 7 years after the resident's last discharge datebefore the records are destroyed.

    The health information that is within the healthrecord belongs to you, however the facility owns the health record thatwas generated during the normal course of business.

    On admission you will be receiving aCalifornia Notice of Privacy Practices describing how yourprovider uses and discloses healthinformation. You will be signing:(1) HIPAA Summary Sheet formand(2) A Use and Disclosure of HealthInformation form.

    There is also a Release of Information form you will sign only when

    someone requests the release of your protected health information.There is an administrative cost for the release of information if it isnot for a continuum of care with the physician.

    All physician orders written by yourdoctor are entered into the computer.Medication and Treatment flow sheetsare generated by the Medical RecordsDepartment. These flow sheets are usedfor documentation by the licensed staff when administering those prescribedorders.

    If you have any questions regarding yourhealth information please talk to the RNSupervisor, Director of Nurses, SocialServices Director, Health InformationPersonnel, or the Administrator.