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Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B

Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Jan 05, 2016



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Page 1: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Reading Lab

The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic)

Zach Dickerson 1B

Page 2: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Imperial China

How were the Sui and the Qin dynasties similar?

Page 3: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.


Both the Qin and the Sui dynasties were similar in that they both accomplished many great things, but were very ruthless in doing so.

Page 4: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Again… Imperial China

Discuss the similarities and differences of the Northern and Southern Song dynasties.

Page 5: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

La Respuesta…

La Canción del Norte reinó en el norte de China hasta que las tribus nómadas llevó a los niños de nuevo en el sur de China. Desde la tierra en el sur de China es más cultivos herbáceos, los Song del sur fueron capaces de cultivar más alimentos y de la oferta.

The Northern Song reigned in Northern China until the nomadic tribes pushed them back into Southern China. Since the land in Southern China is more arable, the Southern Song were able to grow more food and supply themselves.

Page 6: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Holy Roman Empire!!

How did the Roman Catholic Church in Charlemagne’s time influence the Saxons?

Page 7: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

(answer in Arabic) االجابه

تحويل وحاولت الكاثوليك الروم من فإنالذين ، الى السكسونيون ، وثنية كانت

.الكاثوليكThe Roman Catholics tried to convert the

Saxons, who were pagan, into Catholics.

Page 8: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Holy Roman Empire!!!-again

What present-day countries did Charlemagne’s empire cover?

Page 9: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

答案 (answer in Chinese)


Charlemagne was considered the undisputed ruler of Western Europe. All Western European countries with the east borders being at Germany and Austria.

Page 10: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

The Byzantine Empire

What is Emperor Justinian best known for during his reign, and what is known as his biggest mistake?

Page 11: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Antwoord (Answer in Dutch)

Justinianus is het best bekend voor de codificatie van het Romeinse recht. Zijn grootste fout is dat hij de ketterse christenen vervolgd, zodat zijn rijk onder een religie.

Justinian is best known for codifying the Roman Law. His biggest blunder is that he persecuted the heretical Christians so as to make his empire under one religion.

Page 12: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

YAY!!!....more of the Byzantine Empire!!!

What effect did the iconoclastic controversy have on the Byzantine Empire?

Page 13: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Répondre (Answer in French)

Le Iconoclastic théologiens estime que l'utilisation d'icônes, ou images, dans le culte est une pratique païenne. Parce que beaucoup sont opposés à ce point de vue, l'église byzantine scinder en deux.

The Iconoclastic theologians believed that using icons, or images,in worship was a pagan practice. Because many opposed this view, the Byzantine Church split in half.

Page 14: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Mali, Mali, and more Mali!

What religion has greatly influenced the African country of Mali over the years?

Page 15: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Antwort (Answer in German)

Da das Land von Mali ist stark beeinflusst von den Ländern des nördlichen Afrika, es wird auch durch die Religion jener Länder, die den Islam.

Because the country of Mali is greatly influenced by the countries of Northern Africa, it is also influenced by the religion of those countries, which is Islam.

Page 16: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

And more Mali…..

In Ancient times, what was the main export of the African country of Mali? This metal is was greatly cherished by the royalty of Mali.

Page 17: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Απαντηση (Answer in Greek)

Στην αρχαιοτητα, οι κυριοτερες εξαγωγες απο την χωρα του Μαλι ηταν το χρυσο μεταλλο. Αυτο το μεταλλο εχει φθαρμενο απο την ανωτερη ταξη και royalties για αιωνες.

In ancient times, the main export from the country of Mali was the metal gold. This metal has been worn by the upper class and royalty for centuries.

Page 18: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Ibn Battuta (heehee that sounds funnee)

Ibn Battuta, the medieval traveler, is best known for accomplishing what what?

Page 19: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Risposta (Answer in Italian)

Ibn Battuta viaggiò per ogni musulmano governato il paese nel mondo nel suo tempo.

Ibn Battuta traveled to every Muslim ruled country in the world in his time.

Page 20: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

More on Ibn Battuta….

What did Ibn Battuta’s voyages and travels reveal about the Muslims?

Page 21: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

答え (Answer in Japanese)


Ibn Battuta's voyages and travels revealed that the Muslims had complete control over the trade routes and economy of the Indian Ocean.

Page 22: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

The Black Death-Oh what fun….

Why did the Black Death spread so quickly in China and from China to so many other nations?

Page 23: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

답변 (answer in Korean)

그래서 중국에서 빠르게 확산 검은 죽음의 국가 너무 채워져 있기 때문에 , 많은 사람들이 살고 있었다 함께 닫습니다 . 페스트가 다른 나라로 확산을 통해 중국의 거대한 무역 경제 .

The Black Death spread so quickly in China because the country was so populated and had many people living close together. The Plague spread to other countries through the huge trading economy of China.

Page 24: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

More of the Black Death (YAY?)

What was the unexpected main carrier of the Black Death, and why did the disease disappear in the winter?

Page 25: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Resposta (answer in Portugese)

A doença foi levada por pulgas, mas o tipo de doença desapareceu no inverno porque as pulgas estavam adormecidas no inverno.

The disease was carried by fleas but the disease sort of disappeared in the winter because the fleas were dormant in the winter.

Page 26: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Black Death………again.

What effects did the Black Death have on the world?

Page 27: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

oтвет (answer in Russian)

Средневекового общества никогда не оправилась от последствий Черного Чума. Кроме того, многие крестьянские восстания вспыхнули в результате Черного Чума.

Medieval society never really recovered from the effects of the Black Plague. Also, many peasant revolts broke out as a result of the Black Plague.

Page 28: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Medieval Ages (Feudal Life)

What purpose did the manors in the feudal ages serve?

Page 29: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Answer (I was out of languages)

The manors served as a central location from which people operated and it also served as a protection from other manors, as one manor owned all the property around it. The manor was also a house for the master of the manor and the serfs who worked at it.

Page 30: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Who really wants to live in the Feudal Ages?? NOT ME!!!

What major medical invention didn’t the people who lived in the feudal ages have that we have today?

CLUE: this invention is a major curer for many of today’s diseases.

Page 31: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.


In the feudal ages, medical care was horrible because the people had not yet discovered antibioticsantibiotics. Since antibioticsantibiotics are used to cure many diseases, sickness ravaged the lives of the feudal people.

Page 32: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Guilds-are you a member?

Why were people of medieval times more inclined to join a guild than to not join one?

Page 33: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.


Since the worker’s and craftsmen’s guilds provided worker protection and a sense of belonging for the members, citizens of medieval times were more inclined to join them.

Page 34: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Guilds-why aren’t you joining?!?!?!?! *twitchy eye*

Could one earn a leadership position in a guild, and, if so, how would this help an individual? oooooh that sounded intellectual!!

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By staying in a guild, one would be able to work one’s way up the leadership ladder until one has reached the desired position. This would help an individual because that person would have the power to have a say in the goings on of the guild.

Page 36: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

The Renaissance (cool word)

What did the Renaissance do for the western world?

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The Renaissance completely transformed the western world into a place where art and literature were adored and people were not constricted by heavy laws and taxes. The people underwent a rebirth emerging as a freer more confident population.

Page 38: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Yadayadayadayada…..more Renaissance

How did the Renaissance affect religion?

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The Renaissance almost completely turned western religion around. No longer was the west dominated by the Roman Catholic Church. The people of the area were pretty much free to choose their own religion. That is, so much as their Christian denomination.

Page 40: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.

Medici (meh-dee-chee)

What did the ruler Lorenzo the Great do for his country?

Page 41: Reading Lab The best thing that Mr. DeMott invented ever!!!! (that was sarcastic) Zach Dickerson 1B.


He protected his father from an ambush and helped himself secure a position in the government. The people prospered under his rule. He was definitely a great leader.

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Thank you!!

All the sites listed on the wikispace.

(except the one in Greek)

Señor DeMott