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RECIPROCITY IN COLLABORATION RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers September 2015 EECA-2-HORIZON is funded by the European Commission under the FP7-ICT programme

RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for …...RECIPROCITY IN COLLABORATION RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers September 2015 EECA-2-HORIZON is funded

Mar 14, 2020



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Page 1: RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for …...RECIPROCITY IN COLLABORATION RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers September 2015 EECA-2-HORIZON is funded


RDT&I programmes in EECA countries

opened for EU researchers

September 2015

EECA-2-HORIZON is funded by the European

Commission under the FP7-ICT programme

Page 2: RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for …...RECIPROCITY IN COLLABORATION RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers September 2015 EECA-2-HORIZON is funded


Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use, which might be made, of the following information.

The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.

© EECA-2-HORIZON Consortium, 2015

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Page 3: RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for …...RECIPROCITY IN COLLABORATION RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers September 2015 EECA-2-HORIZON is funded

EECA-2-HORIZON project identity

Title: “Bringing the EU-EECA cooperation and policy dialogue in ICT in the HORIZON 2020 era” (Contract No 610793)

Duration: February 1, 2014 – July 31, 2016 (30 months) Website: Coordinator: Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS Ltd (Greece, ) Person responsible: Mr Kostas BOUGIOUKLIS (+30-2310-411-191 – [email protected])

Project Overview:

The main aim of the project is to reinforce the development of strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships in ICT between the EU and the East Europe and Central Asia (EECA) countries. The goal is to strengthen links and boost cooperation among the research and industrial communities of both regions to exploit emerging opportunities for international partnerships (under EU and EECA RTD&I programmes) and jointly address common societal challenges. The partners will: 1. Create a knowledge sharing and collaboration environment (“EU-EECA Virtual

Collaboration Breeding Environment in ICT”) to facilitate interaction and support collaboration among ICT research and industrial actors from both regions towards the formation of strategic partnerships.

2. Link and bring together leading ICT research and industrial actors from both regions in areas of mutual interest and added value for EU - EECA cooperation. This will be based on 2 pillars: a. RTD&I actors: sustainable cooperative “ICT Communities” will be created

focusing on specific ICT sub-areas; and b. Technology Platforms: strengthen interaction and cooperation among ICT-

oriented ETPs and similar structures and interested stakeholders from the EECA countries.

3. Reciprocity in collaboration by identifying and promoting RTD&I national programmes and initiatives from the EECA countries that are open to the participation of EU research teams and/or individual researchers, with a view to support the international cooperation under these EECA programmes.

4. Support dialogue between the EU and the EECA countries on enhancing their cooperation in ICT and thus contribute in shaping HORIZON2020 research orientation regarding the participation of the EECA ICT research and industrial actors.

5. Organise a series of increase awareness and networking / twinning events in both regions to promote and facilitate collaboration among ICT actors.

Note: EECA-2-HORIZON consortium will closely collaborate with the EAST HORIZON project in the context of the “EU-EECA ICT Cluster” as both projects focus on the same region and have similar objectives.


1. Inno TSD (France) 2. National Association of Research and Educational e-Infrastructures "a-Arena"

(Russia) 3. Non-governmental organization “Agency of European innovations” (Ukraine) 4. Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and

Technical Sphere (Belarus) 5. Institute for Informatics and Automation of the National Academy of Sciences

of the Republic of Armenia (Armenia) 6. Regional Innovative Technologies Academy (Azerbaijan) 7. Centre of International Projects (Moldova) 8. Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association (Georgia) 9. National Agency for Technological Development JSC (Kazakhstan)

Page 4: RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for …...RECIPROCITY IN COLLABORATION RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers September 2015 EECA-2-HORIZON is funded

Table of contents

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 2

2. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH AND RATIONALE .............................................................................. 3

2.1 Approach ................................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 Main challenges and critical issues identified ............................................................................ 3

3. CONTEXT: RDI GOVERNANCE IN EECA COUNTRIES .......................................................................... 4

4. EECA PROGRAMMES AND INITIATIVES ......................................................................................... 5

4.1 Armenia .................................................................................................................................. 5

4.1.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance .................................................................... 5

4.1.2 Funding Programmes ...................................................................................................................... 5

4.2 Azerbaijan ............................................................................................................................... 7

4.2.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance .................................................................... 7

4.2.2 Funding programmes...................................................................................................................... 9

4.3 Belarus .................................................................................................................................. 10

4.3.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance ..................................................................10

4.3.2 Funding Programmes ....................................................................................................................12

4.4 Georgia.................................................................................................................................. 14

4.4.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance ..................................................................14

4.4.2 Funding programmes....................................................................................................................15

4.5 Kazakhstan ............................................................................................................................ 16

4.5.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance ..................................................................16

4.5.2 Funding Programmes ....................................................................................................................18

4.6 Moldova ................................................................................................................................ 22

4.6.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance ..................................................................22

4.6.2 Funding programmes....................................................................................................................23

4.7 Russia .................................................................................................................................... 24

4.7.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance ..................................................................24

4.7.2 Funding programmes....................................................................................................................25

4.8 Ukraine ................................................................................................................................. 27

4.8.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance ..................................................................27

4.8.2 Funding Programmes ....................................................................................................................28

5. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 29

ANNEX I – PROGRAMME PROFILES ..................................................................................................... 30

I.1 - Armenia ................................................................................................................................... 30

I.2 - Azerbaijan ................................................................................................................................ 32

I.3 - Georgia .................................................................................................................................... 34

I.4 - Kazakhstan ............................................................................................................................... 36

I.5 - Russia ....................................................................................................................................... 39

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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1. Introduction

The present document was elaborated within EECA-2-HORIZON project as one of its essential tasks within the work package 4 “Reciprocity in collaboration – Bringing EU research and industrial actors in EECA programmes”. This task consists of an inventory of existing RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers. The aim is to foster and encourage the involvement of EU researchers and their teams into R&I programmes funded by the EECA countries, in order to exploit synergies with their EECA counterparts and jointly address common societal challenges.

Remark: this document is an update, 12 months later, of the one submitted in August 2014 and provides an updated list of existing RDT&I programmes in EECA countries opened for EU researchers. The main changes in this version concern the sub-sections on the ‘Funding programmes” in each EECA country: new programmes have been added and outdated programmes (e.g. those which are now closed) have been removed, and foreseen programmes are also listed. Detailed programmes are presented in the Annex.

Reciprocity in collaboration

In the new internationalised research area that is emerging, reciprocity and openness in collaboration are likely to become key concerns. The EU's Research Framework Programmes are generally open to participation from Third Countries. In return, the EU's agreements on scientific and technological cooperation with Third Countries require these to open their national programmes to EU researchers or industrial actors. International research collaboration takes place at three different levels, as shown on the following picture

Figure 1: Stages in international collaboration

► First level: Individual researchers have long engaged and cooperated with peers in other countries in the conduct of their everyday work – they travel, attend conferences, work on joint projects and co-publish from within their existing resources, often without recourse to additional dedicated funding.

► Second level: Specific national research funding programmes also support international collaboration, both directly and indirectly. Programmes support individual researchers as well as the work of collaborative teams which can include members from other countries. As some countries take deliberate steps to open up their programmes and re-write guidelines to encourage greater international collaboration, rates of international participation will presumably rise.

► A third level: International collaboration is supported by funding programmes deliberately aimed at supporting engagement with researchers in other countries. It provides funding to international researchers.

International collaboration between the EU and EECA countries is a rather new but rapidly developing process. However, the EU - EECA cooperation is still limited: lack of personal contacts between scientists in Europe and EECA countries caused by the historical East – West divide in the production of scientific knowledge, language and cultural barriers, lack of funding for cooperative activities; did not allow as yet a wide and reciprocal cooperation between the two large regions.

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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2. Methodological approach and rationale

2.1 Approach

The present deliverable “EECA RTD&I Programmes Profiles” aims at identifying and analysing EECA programmes which are opened for EU researchers.

This analytical report is based methodologically on desk research, study of online sources and other literature. Interviews to deepen the results were conducted by the partners with selected funding organizations and key experts. Partners have identified different type of programmes:

► Funding programmes of EECA countries that are open to participation from all EU Member States (MS);

► Funding programmes of EECA countries that are open to participation from one specific EU Member State or a limited selection of European countries.

It is important to highlight that these EECA programmes may have different funding schemes. More specifically, it can either:

Required co-funding from the EU participant: in most case it concerns bilateral programmes and the cooperation can be made through agreement between the country and its counterpart. The cooperation is restricted.

Or provide financial support for the EU participant: it concerns mostly scientific excellence and research projects. In this case, it enters within the scope of a reciprocal cooperation.

A programme profile template has been elaborated; it contains various fields such as:

Programme owner;


Conditions for participation (financial conditions, main deadlines…);

Countries targeted;


Based on the findings of the analysis, short but concise profiles (“EECA Programme Profiles”) has been elaborated providing a snap-shot of each programme open to EU participants. The available programme profiles will be updated on the EECA platform, and new programmes will be added continually during the project duration in order to assure the promotion of EECA programmes.

2.2 Main challenges and critical issues identified

When trying to detect EECA programmes opened for the participation of European organizations, the consortium faced considerable difficulties, because in most of the countries, national programmes do not fund EU researchers.

It is felt that opportunities for the involvement of European researchers in EECA programmes are primarily through bilateral programmes (with co-financing) and diverse type of cooperation activities (exchanges, joint activities etc.).

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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3. Context: RDI governance in EECA countries

Even though most of the EECA countries are still undergoing reforms on the ICT system or have just implemented them, there is a strong need for capacity and institution building at national (or sub-regional) level to stabilize/advance the ICT landscape. There is also a need to improve the innovation capacities particularly in the private sector. Generally, there is a positive trend manifested through new laws on creating favourable conditions for ICT development and through the designation of state bodies to be in charge of ICT policy development and implementation.

However, it should be highlighted that the EECA region does not include a homogeneous group of countries. Although the EECA countries share common traditional and historical links, there are also significant social, political and economic differences, as well as in the level of maturity in the development of the national ICT landscape.

Russia’s dimension and size of population, but also its economic and geopolitical weight, far surpass the other countries. Also, in terms of ICT potential and absolute output, Russia is greatly ahead, followed by Ukraine. Policy framework for ICT is most advanced in Russia in relation with any other country in the EECA region. Recently introduced measures support the creation of a structured national ICT policy framework, including the identification of national priorities, the introduction of performance-based budgeting, the ongoing restructuring of the governmental R&D sector, human resources and infrastructure development, etc. However, Russia has a complex ICT governance system with several interdepartmental Councils and Committees and no clearly assigned organisation (public authority) for coordinating the development and implementation of the State ICT policy.

ICT policies and National ICT Governance Systems are in a phase of transition in all countries of Central Asia and in Eastern Europe. In the years following independence, all governments have taken up concrete measures for the progress and development of ICT R&D in their countries. Special attention is given so that the new ICT policies and the reformed ICT governance systems take into account the important economic and societal challenges that these countries are facing.

This document points out some crucial aspects of EECA countries’ RDI governance and ICT strategy, their current situations and priorities that need to be taken into account in order to pave the way towards a sustainable collaboration framework that matches both sides’ expectations.

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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4. EECA programmes and initiatives

This part aims at giving an overview of the Research, Development and Innovation landscape in each partner

country and of funding opportunities for EU researchers and R&I teams.

4.1 Armenia

4.1.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

RDI governance in Armenia is led by the Ministry of Economy and by the Ministry of Education and Science and the State Committee of Science.

In 2011, the Concept Paper on the Initial Strategy of the Formation of Innovation Economy (N6 protocol decree) was approved. It is based upon the projects implemented by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, directed to the development of the sphere, as well as legal, business, educational, financial and innovation infrastructure building measures aimed at developing the national innovation system1.

The Governmental Decree (No. 35, August 28, 2008) on approving the Information Technology Sector Development Concept Paper aims to outline the vision and goals of the development of IT sector (the IT industry and information society) in the Republic of Armenia, as well as the challenges, their strategic solutions and implementation strategies. As during the implementation of this concept the society, all strata of society, all governmental groups and entrepreneurs will directly feel its influence, thus one of the important objectives is the consolidation of society’s efforts to secure decent place for Armenia among developed countries.

4.1.2 Funding Programmes

The table below shows an already running relevant programmes.

Type of cooperation

Name2 Type of programme

Participating countries

Type of funding

Budget 2015 (€)


Reciprocity Support to Researches of

Young Scientists

Research grants

- Research supervised by an EU


Flexible Last Call for proposals in this

frame was Announced in 23

July 2013 by Order N994-A/Q of RA

E&S Minister. The new one will be announced (no

information yet).

Restricted (bilateral


SCS Armenia -CNRS France competition

Setup joint Laboratory

France Research flexible flexible

Last call was in 2013, the new one may be announced

(no information yet)

1 In the structure of the organization is acting the scientific and technical library in the specialized funds of which, there are about 17 million copies of patents, normative-technical documents, industrial catalogues, deposited scientific works, thesis and etc. Today the library is completed with modernized scientific and innovative literature, periodicals. Electronic delivery of articles of journals is carried out. 2 These are not official programme names.

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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Type of cooperation

Name2 Type of programme

Participating countries

Type of funding

Budget 2015 (€)


Restricted (bilateral


SCS Armenia – BMBF Germany


Short-term visits

Germany Collaboration

flexible flexible

Last call was in 2013, the new one may be announced

(no information yet)

Restricted (bilateral


SCS MES Armenia Research grant

Armenia Research, Travel,


Budget for 1 year is


depending on the

number of participant


One of the participants can be a consultant from


Open, deadline: 18.09.2015

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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4.2 Azerbaijan

4.2.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

The “National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015” and State Programme on Implementation of National Strategy on Science Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2015” were approved by the President order of 4 May 2009.

The main body responsible for provision and organization of the development of science in Azerbaijan Republic is the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS)1.

On 30th of June 2014, the new “Concept of ANAS development until 2020” and new Statute of ANAS were adopted. The Concept embraces determination of research priorities, training of highly qualified specialists and modernization of research infrastructures. Integration into the world scientific community was announced as one of the main goals of ANAS aimed at development of science.

ANAS carries out the scientific and technological policy of the state, connects and leads the scientific research activity in all scientific and educational institutions.

The main financial sources providing funds for development of science in Azerbaijan are the state budget and contracts with private enterprises and organizations. The state budget appropriations are of special importance in financing of science development. These appropriations pay off the main part of expenditures on basic research and provide funding to perform works of state important. State budget appropriations are an economic guarantee of continuity and successive characters of basic research that is usually long-term and does not necessary produce straight forward and fast economic and social result.

As the development of science is directly associated with the development of information technologies, the rapid development of information technologies and implemented important projects will allow Azerbaijan to maintain and strengthen its leading position in the region in this field. State fund for IT Development of Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies2, established on 15 March 2012 supports research and innovation, SMEs in ICT field. With the view of developing businesses in the ICT field, the Fund provides financial support to new startups, companies and small businesses. A priority of the State fund for IT development is to study projects in the ICT field, assess their cost effectiveness and to attract foreign investments for their implementation. The Fund’s activity creates opportunities for attraction of investment and implementation of technology transfer for industrial and technological cooperation between local and foreign ICT companies.

In 2012, the strategic document “Development Concept “Azerbaijan 2020: A Look into the Future”3, was approved by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic. According to the decree of the President the Ministry of Economy and Industry has been assigned as a leading and responsible State Body for implementation of the Concept.

“Development Concept” determined priorities for sectorial development in the country;

Main priorities determined in the concept for science development are as follows:

o Improve the scientific infrastructure;

o Modernize the material-technical basis of science;

o Digitalization of information support systems in this sphere will be ensure;

o Strengthen the link between science and production;

o Increase innovative activity, make effective use of innovative potential and ensure development;

o To strengthen measures to transfer and use advanced technologies and to create industrial parks and innovative zones to develop and apply science intensive products and technologies.

1 2 3

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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National ICT strategy

The first National ICT Strategy for 2003-2012 years was adopted in 2003.

The main regulatory institution in ICT field in Azerbaijan was the Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies (MCIT) of the Republic of Azerbaijan1 established in 2004 after approval of NICTS.

The second “National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020”2 was approved by the order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic of 2 April, 20143. According to the Order the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies (until March 2014 Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies) is determined a coordinating body for the implementation of the National Strategy.

The main aim of the National Strategy is comprehensive development of the information society in the country.

The strategy takes into account all the experiences and recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the European Union (EU) and UNESCO.

The principal objectives of the strategy are as follow:

Increasing of the volume of ICT services in the next 10 years;

Forming competitive and export oriented ICT services;

Transforming the country into the regional centre of information services;

Developing the space industry with a wide application of satellite technologies;

Raising the level of ICT knowledge, skills and qualification of population;

Developing e-government and using e-services at all levels of state administration;

Ensuring information security of ICT infrastructure and users;

Training of specialists and academics;

Integrating deeply the country into the global information space.

The strategy fully meets the needs of the ages, as in the near future, ICT and development of Internet economy will be playing a key part in the development of traditional branches of economy as well4.

1 2 3 4 Order of the President: The text of the Strategy only in Azerbaijani language:

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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4.2.2 Funding programmes

Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2014/2015

(€) Comments

Reciprocity Science Development Foundation under the

President of the Republic

of Azerbaijan. (Established

on 21 October 2009)

Small, medium and big research


Open for all countries

Short-term and


research projects



Azerbaijan scientists may invite foreign counterparts to conduct joint researches in all fields of science.

Expert groups for evaluation of projects may consist of domestic and foreign specialists on a paid base.

Council of the Foundation prepares recommendations concerning creation and functioning long-term and short-term expert commissions consisting of state officials, representatives of research organizations and other specialists (including foreign experts) for evaluation of projects submitted.

“Scientific Fund” of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan


(Established on 14 October


Grants only for ANAS

(Azerbaijan National

Academy of Sciences)

employees and their

foreign co-authors

Open for all countries

Research and



2,800,000/ 2,200,000

Foreign scientists may participate in projects

based on parity financing

State fund for IT

Development of Ministry of Communicati


and High Technologies.

Established on 15 March


With the view of

developing businesses in ICT field the Fund provides financial

support to new start-

ups, companies and small

businesses in the form of grants.

Support research

and innovation, SMEs

in ICT field

NA A priority of the Fund is to study the export projects in ICT field, assess their cost effectiveness and to attract foreign investment for their implementation. The Fund’s activities creates opportunities for attraction of investment and implementation of technology transfer for industrial and technological cooperation between

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2014/2015

(€) Comments

local and foreign ICT companies.

4.3 Belarus

4.3.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

In general, the system of Research, Development and Innovation in the Republic of Belarus is managed by the President and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. The governance of RDI sector in Belarus is carried out by three main organizations that share responsibilities on policy-making and coordination in science, technology and innovation.

The State Committee on Science and Technologies deals with issues of the S&T and innovation policy and coordinates it with a focus on the stages of developments, demonstration and, more generally, innovation activities; legislation in the field of science, technology and innovation activities; budget for STI and monitoring its end use; intellectual property rights protection; international S&T cooperation; scheduling the training of the scientific personnel of higher qualification on the national level and by the field of science.

National Academy of Sciences carries out the organization and coordination of fundamental and applied research, performed by all subjects of scientific activities, with the purposes of obtaining new knowledge, increasing the scientific and technical, intellectual and spiritual potential of the Republic of Belarus organizes, conducts and coordinates basic and applied research, being the leading research organization with the highest concentration of highly qualified researchers. The National Academy of Sciences carries out the organization, conduction and coordination of the state scientific expertise, pursues common state policy, coordination and state regulation of activities of organizations in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, serves as an umbrella organization of Belarus on scientific and methodological support of computerization development, and also carries out some functions of a republican body of state management in the field of science.

Higher Certifying Commission certifies scientific personnel of higher qualification and carries out the state regulation in this field. Besides these three bodies, different branch ministries include in their structure departments dealing with research and innovation activities in various sectors of national economy (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Communications and Computerization, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Transport, etc.).

Regarding the namely ICT policy - different government organisations are responsible for different areas of ICT policy making, (e.g. the Ministry of Communications and Computerization, the State Committee on Science and Technologies, the National Academy of Sciences, etc). However, the Ministry of Communications and Computerization is the leading body, while the Interdepartmental Commission for Computerization Issues of the Ministers Council of Belarus undertakes the proposal and programmes preparation on ICT policy.

There are a number of treaties, cooperation agreements, protocols on cooperation, memoranda of understanding, etc. between Belarus S&T and research organisations and the EU MS/AS:

1. Agreements on S&T cooperation between the Government of Belarus and governments of the following EU MS/AS: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, FYR Macedonia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom;

2. Scientific cooperation treaties, cooperation agreements, memoranda of understanding between the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and academies from more than 74 countries of the world, including the following EU MS/AS: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, FYR Macedonia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom;

3. Most of Belarusian universities have numerous Inter-institutional cooperation agreements with the universities both in EU and all over the world.

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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National ICT Strategy

ICT sector is included in the list of the main national priorities of science and technology development of the Republic of Belarus. The main objectives of national ICT policy have been captured in the Strategy for the development of the information society in the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2015 issued by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on 9 August, 2010 (Resolution No. 1174). The organization responsible for implementation of the Strategy is the Ministry of Communications and Computerization of the Republic of Belarus.

The document describes the strategic goal and main objectives of development of information society in Belarus. The main goal of developing ICT sector is to promote sustainable socio-economic, political and cultural development of Belarus, improve the citizens’ quality of life and create broad opportunities for satisfying the individual’s needs and allowing free personal development.

The Strategy has the following objectives:

- Promoting development of the information society based on innovations;

- Development of ICT industry to anticipate the growing information needs of citizens, business and the State;

- Developing national information industry and attracting investment in national production of ICT, information resources and electronic services;

- Improving the education system to train high-quality human resources;

- Development of a system of information security to protect the national interests of Belarus in the global information space.

The main indicator of successful implementation of the Strategy should be a significant increase of Belarus’ position (inclusion into top-30 countries) in the global ranking of countries’ ICT performance based on the methodology of the ITU and the UN (the ICT Development Index) by 2030.

The Strategy sets the list of development priorities: e-Government; e-Health; e-Education; e-Employment and welfare; e-Economy and trade; the system of mass communication and electronic content.

In addition to these objectives, the National Programme of Accelerated Development of Services in ICT (some kind of the implementation plan of the Strategy) adds other objectives linked to the development of National IT infrastructure, e-Government, e-Health; e-Employment and welfare; e-Education and human resources development; National content formation; e-Custom; ICT security and trust; Development of export-import IT industry, etc.

The prospects of development of national ICT sphere have been captured in the National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development up to 2030 published in 2015. The purpose of the Strategy is to create conditions for sustainable development of national socio-economical system with the main focus on three key directions: human capital, economic system and environment. Within the frameworks of the Strategy, ICTs are considered as one of the main components of the sector of services. Two main objectives have been set up for the period up to 2030:

1. The mid-term goal is to create a single information space through the implementing the following activities:

• Development of multiservice telecommunication network, broadband Internet technologies, digital television broadcasting and cellular mobile telecommunication of new generation;

• Providing legal, technical and economic opportunities to accept new telecommunication services and information resources;

• Widespread implementation of ICTs in industry and social sphere, public administration and defense;

• Growth of export of ICT and software products and services.

2. The long-term goal is to develop the national e-Economy with the main focus on:

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Supported by the by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research in “Information and Communication Technologies” (FP7-ICT)

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• Creation of unified ICT-based system of management for public administration, national economy and citizens;

• Creation of the Innovation Fund in the ICT sphere;

• Development of international cooperation through the integration of national e-service into the global digital market;

• Development of IT education in the country;

• Development of digital security for protecting national interests in global information space and countering external digital threats.

The main indicator of successful implementation of the Strategy should be a significant increase of Belarus’ position in the ICT Development Index, i.e. inclusion into top-30 countries by 2030. To realize this ambitious goal, the Government of Belarus plans to significantly increase the following target indicators by 2030:

Internet penetration – 71 Internet users per 100 people;

Mobile cellular penetration – 130 subscribers per 100 people;

Share of ICT sector in GDP – 6.0%.

State Programme of the Innovative Development for 2011 – 2015

The main direction of production capacity transformations of Republic of Belarus in 2011 - 2015 had to become introduction of the new and high technologies, which are possessing the highest value added, low power - and material capacity, the new types of goods and services, the latest environment friendly (clean) materials and products, as well as promoting the creation, and also providing production of traditional goods and services with the new properties and parameters.

It was envisaged that the growth rate of the ICT sector will exceed the average in 2 - 3 times, and the Republic of Belarus become a major exporter of information technology and software.

The issue “On the Concept of the State Program of the Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2010” was considered at the session of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on July 14, 2015. The Head of the State set a task of the transition from the economy of directives to the economy of innovations based on the business initiatives, personal interest and creation and all-round adoption of new technologies and productions. Solving this problem, about a thousand of new enterprises and productions were created within the State Programs of Innovative Development for 2007-2014. The purpose of this program is to provide a qualitative growth and competitiveness of the National Economy with the concentration of the resources on the formation of its high-tech sectors based on the productions of the 5th and the 6th technological modes. According to him, the basic task to be solved within the program is, first of all, the formation and accelerated development of high-tech sectors of the national economy on the basis of the 5th and the 6th technological modes, the consolidation of the positions of the country on the markets of science-intensive products.

Besides, it is expected to increase the competitiveness of traditional sectors of the national economy on the basis of their innovative development and the adoption of advanced technologies and to increase the share of small and medium innovative enterprises in the formation of the GDP and the growth of the export of high-tech and science-intensive products.

New high-tech sectors of the national economy will be formed within the State Program in such areas as information and communication, and aerospace technologies, biotechnologies and nanotechnologies; robotics and intellectual systems of management; preventive personalized medicine and telemedicine; branches based on the recycling of local renewable material resources, first of all, dendrochemistry and production of biogas. The implementation of the SPID will enable to reach indicative indicators of the innovative development provided by the National Stable Development Strategy up to 2030.

4.3.2 Funding Programmes

Through the research grants, EU partners can participate in few Belarus programmes. However, EU partners cannot get funding from the programme. They are financed by their side.

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In addition, Belarus has a lot of different bilateral programmes open to one specific EU country – with certain budget. On bilateral Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (BRFFR) and State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (SCST) programmes, the budget is around 20 000 Euros for 2 years’ project for Belarusian organizations.

Belarus has also a great number of other programmes, such as academic exchange programmes open to EU countries.

More information on those programmes can be found in Annex I.

Type of cooperation

Name1 Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015 (€)


Reciprocity Science MS 2016

Research grants

All EU countries, except Romania and France

Research programmes

N/A Call is open for Belarusian researchers living in Belarus and working in resident research organizations and for foreign researchers (joint participation), except these ones from Romania and France as there are special targeted calls for those countries. Each side funds its own part of a project.

Main topics: technical sciences, chemistry and Earth sciences, medicine and pharmaceutical sciences, agrarian and biological sciences, social and human sciences.


(bilateral programmes)

BRFBR – RA - 2015

Research grants

Romania Research programmes

N/A Call is open for Belarusian researchers from resident research organizations and for Romanian researchers from Romanian research organizations (joint participation).

Grants can be provided for research activities as well as organizing joint S&T events (conferences, workshops, etc.). Each side funds its own part of a project.

Main topics: mathematics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, biological and medicine sciences, Earth sciences, ICTs, human sciences.

SCST Call for Joint

S&T Projects


Research grants

Lithuania Research programmes

N/A Call is open for Belarusian researchers from resident research organizations and for Lithuanian researchers from Lithuanian research

1 These are not official programme names

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Type of cooperation

Name1 Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015 (€)


Lithuania 2016-2017”

organizations (joint participation).

Main topics: ICTs, lasers, new materials, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, energy and energy efficiency, medicine and pharmacy, environmental protection.

4.4 Georgia

4.4.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development is responsible for governance and policy development in the field of ICT in Georgia. At the same time the mission of the Ministry is providing implementation an effective economic policy and stable economic growth of ICT field in the country. Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) – is the national regulatory authority. This organization together with the Ministry of Economy is involved in the process of governance of ICT sector in Georgia.

The Ministry of Education and Science is also involved in the development of research and innovation in the country. In 2014, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia in cooperation with other ministries elaborated long-term strategy in ICT and Innovations for 2020 which implies to move Georgia to 10 top countries in the world by improving Networked Readiness Index; Global Innovation and UN e-Government ranking Indexes. The mentioned document is not approved yet by the Government of Georgia.

National ICT strategy

For the stimulation of the innovation processes and ICT sector in Georgia two main programs/documents were elaborated in 2014:

1. “Social Economic Development strategy - Georgia 2020”;

2. “Georgian Innovation strategy for 2014-2020”.

The first document was created by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and the second one was prepared by the assistance of World Bank experts. The Innovation Strategy will provide an integrated approach to improve the capacity of existing institutions to innovate (or create new institutions), and to foster innovation activities in the business sector. The Innovation Strategy will drive competitiveness and economic development based on a knowledge-based society driven by innovation, creativity and technological advances.

To support this process, the following new structures were established in Georgia during the period 2011-


The Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA);

Data Exchange Agency (DEA);

Georgian Technology Transfer Center (GTTC);

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4.4.2 Funding programmes

The table below shows that there is a quite restricted amount of Georgian programs which directly funds EU researchers. The modalities of cooperation are basically through joint research activities and international exchanges. The cooperation is conducted through agreement between Georgia and its counterpart (France, Germany, and Italy). The budgets dedicated for these programs are very modest.

Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme1 Participating

countries Type of funding2

Budget 2015 (€)3



(bilateral programmes)

International Research Group

Grants for joint research

Georgia SRNSF




Research program

Georgian side contribution is between 5000 and 10000 per


Call was announced on May 7, 2015. Duration of

project up to 3 years.

International Exchange Program

Grants for joint research and exchange of scientists






Research program

Exact amount is not

available yet.

Will be announced later

this year. Duration of

projects up to 24 months.

Joint Research and Education Program

Grants for joint research

with participation of Georgian

Master students




Forschungs Zentrum Jülich

Research program

Exact amount is not

available yet.

For 2015-16 academic year

call was announced on July 24, 2015.

1 Type of programme: ex: Short-term Visits, Research Grants, etc. 2 Type of funding: ex: Research programmes, innovation programmes, scholarship programmes, others, etc. 3 Budget: expressed in Euros, on the basis of 2014 funding opportunities.

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4.5 Kazakhstan

4.5.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

In Kazakhstan, RDI governance is organized through the Committee of communications, computerization and information of the newly formed Ministry of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the Ministry of investments and development has been given part of the functions from the former Ministry of industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the noted committee has been given the functions of the former Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for communications and information).

Committee’s mission is to create, develop and ensure the stable operation and security of single information space and telecommunication infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan within its competences.

Committee’s basic goals are as follows:

Participating in elaboration and implementation of state communication policy; state control, coordination and governance of activities of persons providing communication services or using such services;

Participating in elaboration and implementation of state policy and state governance of activities in the field of computerization and e-Government;

Participating in development ensuring implementation of state policy in the field of e-document and digital signature;

Exercising inter-industry coordination of communication and computerization industries and of building up e-government, and of information, archives and documentation;

Exercising international cooperation in the field of communication and computerization and of building up e-government, and of information, archives and documentation;

Ensuring security of information space within the competence established by legislation;

Other tasks imposed on Agency.

The above mentioned agency governed the function of the National info-communicational Holding “Zerde” with all its subsidiary organizations, including the National company Kazsatnet, “International university of information technologies” JSC, “National information technologies” JSC, “Information technologies development Fund”, “Corporation of perspective technologies” LLC.

“Zerde” Holding’s basic functions and activity types shall be:

Facilitating the implementation of breakthrough ICT projects;

Promoting the ICT market;

Enabling the creation of uniform ICT environment, information resources, systems and standards;

Encouraging the investment and innovation activity in ICT;

Promoting the intellectual property market;

Implementing the investment activity in ICT;

Implementing the cutting-edge technologies and applying the innovations;

Building up single ICT environment, information resources, systems and standards.

National ICT Strategy

”Informational Kazakhstan-2020” State program: the program is financed through the state budget and means of companies and organizations, including budgets of the national companies and organizations with governmental participation. The program has 4 main directions:

Ensuring effective system of state management:

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o Optimization of state management through computerization;

o Development of the “e-government”;

o Implementation of the new model for computerization of the state bodies;

o ICT to ensure social security, decreasing risks of industrial disaster;

Ensuring accessibility of information-communication infrastructure:

o Accessibility of ICT infrastructure in household;

o Stimulating the ICT market;

Increasing the quality and life conditions through implementation of ICT:

o Development of human capital;

o Development of e-Healthcare;

o Forming electronic economy;

Development of Kazakhstani informational space:

o Modernization of Kazakhstani mass-media;

o Stimulating production of the Kazakhstani informational and cultural content;

o Informational support of the state activities.

The program will be implemented in two stages: first, on the period 2013-2017, and then on the period 2018-2020.

Within the implementation of the strategy of ICT development in Kazakhstan, we also have to mention one initiative. In 2014 the Government established Almaty TechGarden (Cluster Fund), which was derived from merging of function of ICT Fund (one of subsidiary of Zerde Holding) and Management Company of Park of Innovation Technology (former Park of IT technologies). The key goal of Tech Garden to provide support for ICT startups in Kazakhstan as well as attraction of foreign IT companies, including transnational companies to work in Kazakhstan in order to create necessary ecosystem for further ICT startups development in Kazakhstan.

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4.5.2 Funding Programmes

The grant programmes work on limited time and budget. Innovation grants programmes are implemented by the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan and National Agency for Technological Development.

More information on those programmes can be found in Annex I.

Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015-2016

(€) Comment

Reciprocity Professional development of


Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university). However all

projects within the

budget should be

implemented with foreign

or local partner.

Thus, participants

from any countries are

invited for reciprocity application

for the grant scheme with partner from Kazakhstan

Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 40% of the project’s budget

< 7,452 Per 1 specialist

Travel, accommodation,

services of organization.

Outsourcing of foreign specialists

(outside quota)

Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university). However all

projects within the

budget should be

implemented with foreign

or local partner.


Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 40% of the project’s budget

< 33,582 Per 1 specialist

Services of specialists, not

more than 3 in a year.

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Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015-2016

(€) Comment

participants from any

countries are invited for reciprocity application

for the grant scheme with partner from Kazakhstan

Outsourcing of consulting,

project, engineering


Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university). However all

projects within the

budget should be

implemented with foreign

or local partner.

Thus, participants

from any countries are

invited for reciprocity application

for the grant scheme with partner from Kazakhstan

Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 40% of the project’s budget

< 19,900 Outsourcing consulting services

from foreign or national


< 111,940 Outsourcing for engineering

services from foreign or national R&D organizatrion

Industrial research Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university). However all

projects within the

budget should be

implemented with foreign

Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 40% of the project’s budget

< 111 940 Payment for services of foreign

or national R&D organization,

equipment, etc.

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Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015-2016

(€) Comment

or local partner.

Thus, participants

from any countries are

invited for reciprocity application

for the grant scheme with partner from Kazakhstan

Technology Transfer

Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university). However all

projects within the

budget should be

implemented with foreign

or local partner.

Thus, participants

from any countries are

invited for reciprocity application

for the grant scheme with partner from Kazakhstan

Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 50% of the project’s budget

559 701 Purchase of license or patent for

technology from foreign or national



(bilateral programmes)

Introduction of management technologies

Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university).

Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 40% of the project’s budget

< 55 970 Activities on implementation.

Support of high-tech


Innovation grants of the Ministry of

The applicant should be


Matching grant. The


< 186 567 Equipment, manufacturing facilities etc.

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Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015-2016

(€) Comment

Investments and


legal entity (R&D,

enterprise, SME,


provides with up to 70% of the project’s budget

Patenting abroad Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university).

< 23 320 1) Submission of an application

2) Patent

3) Support of patent

Commercialisation Innovation grants of the Ministry of

Investments and


The applicant should be

Kazakhstani legal entity

(R&D, enterprise,

SME, university).

Matching grant. The

grant provides

with up to 95% of the project’s budget

18 656 Proof of concept

93 283 Prototype

Important Note: There also a new type of grant called the Targeted Technology Programmes. In the framework of the Targeted Technology programme, the grant applicant should be only consortium of the companies/organizations (2-3) from Kazakhstan. The consortium may invite Kazakhstani or Foreign R&D organization or University to join the team. It can provide funding to a foreign organization (including from EU) if this needs is identified by the Kazakh partner. Also, at this moment the grant for Targeted Technology Programmes is in development, which will be based on PPP principle and will co-finance up to 80% of expenses for business for joint R&D with scientific organizations (including foreign) to elaborate solutions for their technological tasks.

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4.6 Moldova

4.6.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

Every year the Academy of Sciences of Moldova signs with the Government – “Partnership Agreement between the Government and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova” which are the basis of delegation to the Academy of Sciences of powers to carry out the state policy in the field of science and innovation.

The Academy of Sciences of Moldova is the public agency of the national significance in the field of science and innovations, plenipotentiary coordinator of scientific and innovation activity, supreme scientific forum of the country and scientific consultant of the public authorities of the Republic of Moldova.

The main actors in Research, Development and Innovation governance are:

The Academy of Sciences, which determines:

o The strategy of development of science and innovation activity;

o Strategic directions of the activity in the field of science and innovations;

o The amount of financing in the field of science and innovations in accordance with Law on state budget taking into consideration the permanent increase of the necessities for its financing.

The Government, which:

o Organizes elaboration of legal acts related to science and innovations, and submit them to the Parliament for examination;

o Creates economic mechanisms of stimulation of the activity in the field of science and innovations and the utilization of the results of such of activity;

o Concludes intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the field of science and innovations;

o Supports the creation of the infrastructure of the field of science and innovations;

o Awards prizes in the field of science and innovations.

Ministries, departments, other public administrative authorities (Ministries, National Council for Accreditation and Attestation, State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova), which:

o Participate in the promotion of state policy in the field of science and innovations;

o Elaborate proposals related to the strategic directions of activity in the field of science and innovations, state programs;

o Perform other powers, stipulated by the law.

National ICT strategy

The National Strategy for Development of Information Society “Digital Moldova 2020” is aimed at providing the necessary conditions for building a modern Information Society in the Republic of Moldova. This policy document is meant to ensure the fulfilment of objectives for Information Society development, based on the “Digital Agenda for Europe 2020”, as well as other successful international practices in this field. The strategy was initiated as a sectorial continuation of the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2020”, in order to provide a multi-sectorial synergy and sustainability on horizontal level.

The National Strategy for Information Society Development “Digital Moldova 2020” (hereinafter referred to as Strategy) is aimed to create conditions through minimum state intervention but with maximum effect for information society development, focusing efforts on three pillars:

1) Pillar I: Access and infrastructure – improvement of connectivity and network access;

2) Pillar II: Digital content and electronic services- promoting digital content and generating services;

3) Pillar III: Capacities and utilization- strengthening literacy and digital skills to enable innovation and stimulate usage.

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4.6.2 Funding programmes

Moldova has bilateral cooperation agreements with Member States of EU in order to facilitate cooperation in ICT areas but there is no national programme that funds EU researchers.

Type of cooperation

Name1 Type of

programme Participating country (-ies)

Type of funding

Budget 2015-2016

(€) Comment


(bilateral programmes)

Academy of Sciences of

Moldova (ASM)

National Research Council

of Italy (CNCI)

Research Grants

Italy-Moldova Mobility 1,500,000

Federal Ministry of Education and

Research - Germany (BMBF)

Research Grants


Research programmes


1 These are not official programme names

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4.7 Russia

4.7.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

Russia has a complex ICT governance system with several interdepartmental Councils and Committees and no clearly assigned organization (public authority) for coordinating the development and implementation of the State ICT policy.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is a federal body of executive power, which carries out functions on elaborating state policy and normative-lawful regulation in the sphere of education, scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activity, nanotechnologies, intellectual property, and also in the sphere of upbringing, social support and social protection of schoolchildren and pupils of educational institutions. Russian Research Fund was established at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation for providing financial and organizational support for basic scientific research and exploratory research, research training, the development of research teams that occupy the leading position in a particular field of science.

The Fund holds a competitive selection of scientific, technical programs and projects for financing fundamental and exploratory research groups, individual scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff, the development of scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education, the creation of scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education laboratories and departments of world level, the development of experimental framework for research. Russian Foundation for Basic Research is a self-governed state non-profit organization in the form of a federal organization controlled by the Government of the Russian Federation. Being a representative of the state, the Foundation provides targeted diversified support to leading groups of scientists regardless of the organization they represent. Support of initiative scientific research in all the principal directions of fundamental science is carried out strictly on a competition basis after a comprehensive evaluation.

Development of information technology is one of the most important factors contributing to the solution of the key tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation, in particular:

1. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No 596 "On the long-term national economic policy":

- Increase in the number of new high-performance jobs to 25 million places in 2020;

- Increase 1.3 times the share of production of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the gross domestic product in 2018;

- Increase 1.5 times the productivity of labour by 2018, including through the use of information technology by improving business processes and improve productivity in various sectors of the economy;

2. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No599 "On measures to implement the state policy in the field of education and science,":

- The inclusion of 5 Russian universities in the top one hundred leading universities by 2020;

- Increase the share of publications by Russian researchers in the total number of publications in the world scientific journals to 2.44 per cent by 2015, including through the development of information technology in education;

3. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No597 "On Measures for the implementation of state social policy":

- Increase 1.4 - 1.5 times the size of the real wage by 2018;

- Increase up to 0.3 shares of highly skilled workers in total number qualified personnel, including through the creation of new jobs in the field of information technologies and other industries with high requirements for the qualification of workers.

Implementation of the Strategy will help to reduce the dependence of the economy on the export of raw materials by increasing exports the information technology industry, will help to increase productivity by accelerating the introduction of information technologies in the most important sectors of the economy and

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improve the overall investment climate in Russia. In addition, the development of the industry is necessary for the transition to a new post-industrial technological structure of society.

Implementation of the Strategy's Actions will support the average growth rate of the IT industry at a level significantly higher than the average growth rate of gross domestic product (no less than 3 times during the whole period), increase the number of high-tech jobs in the Russian IT industry, and will ensure the growth of production of domestic products and services in the field of information technology.

The size of the Russian information technology industry is defined as the total volume of sales of products produced by Russian companies.

Implementation of the Strategy will help to ensure information security and a high level of defence of the country, including through the creation of modern means of response and prevention of global information threats.

4.7.2 Funding programmes

Russian State program for Research and Development implies a number of scientific projects to be performed jointly by Russian and foreign scientific institutions in 2014 – 2020. Inside the Program collaboration with EU countries is budgeted separately, as long as it is considered to be of high priority for Russian scientists. The program is said to be open for all EU participants, though due to the internal procedures applications from only one foreign country usually participate in a single contest.

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) has a number of joint programs with scientific foundations (FWF, CNRS, DFG) in distinct EU countries. Here international teams get partial support from RFBR (Russian participants) and foreign foundation (participants abroad). RFBR also supports international conferences in Russia and thus short-term visits support (travel, accommodation etc.) is provided for EU scientists. RFBR only provides funding for EU researchers visiting different conferences, meetings, other events in Russia.

Russian Ministry of Education and Science provides the program “Research and Development in Priority Areas for Science & Technology Complex of Russia for 2014-2020”. The Arrangement “Support for research in cooperation with EU” of the Program aims to integrate Russian science in the pan-European research area and form stable cooperation between Russian and European research institutes. The program is open for call proposals. The call initiator should be legal entity registered in the Russian Federation.

More information on those programmes can be found in Annex I.

Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015 (€)


Reciprocity Research and Development in

Priority Areas for Science & Technology Complex of

Russia for 2014-2020,

Arrangement Support for research in

cooperation with EU

Research grants

Research programmes

Innovation programmes

Not available

Call reference


Restricted Joint Russian-French initiative

research projects

competition of the Russian

Foundation for

Research grants

France -

Russian Federation

Research programme

Not available

Applicants are welcome to submit their

applications in RFBR information system from

4 March 2015 till 1

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Type of cooperation

Name Type of

programme Participating

countries Type of funding

Budget 2015 (€)


Basic research (RFBR) and

Centre National de la Recherche

Scientifique (CNRS)

March 2017, 17:00 (MSK).

Projects registered in RFBR information

system before 3 March 2016, 17:00 (MSK) will be funded 2016 year,

after 3 March 2016-2017 year.

Call reference:


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4.8 Ukraine

4.8.1 Research, Development and Innovation Governance

In June 2014, the government reorganized the State Agency on Science, Innovation and Computerization by creating the central executive agency for the implementation of policy in the field of e-government – Public service for e-Government, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Deputy Prime-minister of Ukraine - Minister of Regional development, construction, housing and municipal economy.

According to the decree, the Ministry of Education and Science (MESU) is the assignee of the rights and obligations of the State Agency on Science, Innovations and Computerization on the implementation of state policy in the sphere of scientific, technological and innovation.

The current MESU was formed in April 2013 as the main body in the system of central executive authorities to ensure the development and implementation of the state policy on education, science, technology and innovation. MESU is supervising ca. 150 higher education universities and institutions equipped with their own research and innovation facilities. The programs and projects in the sphere of the international S&T cooperation are the base for scientific research aimed at integrating Ukrainian Science in ERA while keeping and protecting the national interests.

MESU coordinates the scientific cooperation of Ukraine with more than 50 countries, including the EU MS&AC; with some of them it has bilateral S&T cooperation agreements and programs. Intergovernmental Agreements on S&T cooperation were signed with 20 EU MS&AC: Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Croatia, Macedonia and Czech Republic. Ukraine cooperates and has inter-governmental S&T agreements with the USA, China, Korea, India, Vietnam, Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Cuba, and Brazil. Traditionally, an important role in R&I cooperation is assigned to the Eastern Partnership countries.

National ICT strategy

The Ukrainian national ICT strategy1 defines aim, basic principles, strategic goals of development the Information Society in Ukraine, tasks aimed at achieving the aim, and leading directions, milestones and mechanism for implementing the Strategy, taking into account current trends and peculiarities of development of Ukraine in term to 2020.

The main strategic goals for development the information society and knowledge society in Ukraine include:

- Accelerating the process of development and implementation of modern information and communication technologies in public administration, public health, culture, education, science, environmental protection, business etc.;

- Development of e-Economy;

- Providing computer and information literacy of citizens;

- Development of the national information infrastructure and its integration into the global infrastructure;

- Improving the quality and availability of administrative services, simplification of procedures and reduction of relevant costs;

- Development of e-democracy;

- Preservation of the cultural heritage of Ukraine by documenting its objects on digital media, ensuring the accumulation and preservation of electronic documents and electronic information resources;

1 The Ukrainian national ICT strategy is not available in English. Ukrainian version:

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- Protection of information rights of citizens and organizations, copyright, support of democratic institutions and minimizing risks "of information inequality";

- Protection of personal data.

4.8.2 Funding Programmes

In Ukraine, a new version of the Law "On scientific and technical activity" was developed and submitted to the Parliament.

A currently valid law "On scientific and technical activity" is generally outdated, therefore new law is significantly updated and improved to meet the nowadays requirements, when Ukraine is on the path of European integration, and when the agreement on associate participation in EU program "Horizon 2020" was signed.

The new law provides the establishment of the National Council of Ukraine on questions of science and technology in the form of a permanent advisory body under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which will provide effective cooperation of representatives of the scientific community, governmental agencies and the real economy sector.

In addition, the law provides the establishment of the National Research Fund of Ukraine, which main function will be grant support for various types of projects, including with foreign partners.

Now we can predict the appearance of new programs in Ukraine on financing research and innovation, but not sooner than 2016.

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5. Conclusion

The present inventory and analysis of existing research programmes in EECA countries have found out that in a whole there is a low reciprocity between EECA-EU: there is only a few special programmes which fund for European researchers, even if ICT appears to be a top priority in all EECA countries.

This fact leads to the conclusion that the openness of EECA programmes is not enough yet. At the same time there is lack of information to as well as access of EECA programmes.

At this stage, the programmes detected are considered as an essential result. In the particular case, it is necessary to carry out constant monitoring of the websites of the major funding agencies in order to maintain a reasonable flow of calls (due to the issue of the very short deadline for proposal submission). This demands also sufficient time for an English translation of the selected calls.

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Annex I – Programme profiles

This annex provides a detailed view of programmes listed in the document (when such details are available).

I.1 - Armenia


Programme title: SCS Armenia competition


Programme owner:

Description: Research groups consisting of 3 to 5 participants can apply for the grant.

One of the participants of the group can be a foreign consultant. The consultant can be a permanent resident of a foreign country, who has published articles in the last 10 years in journals with the cumulative impact factor of at least 50 for "Natural Sciences" and "medical science" or at least 25 for "Engineering and technology", "Agricultural Sciences", "Social Science" and "Science and Humanities' theme for the areas to be implemented.

The consultant must stay in Armenia at least 15 days in each year of during the implementation period of the project.

Conditions: Open

Countries targeted : Armenia

Deadline: 18.09.2015

How to apply:

Financial conditions: Budget for 1 year is 7500-15500 depending on the number of participants.

Programme information:;


Programme title: SCS Armenia -CNRS France competition


Programme owner:

Description: This program will launch grants for years 2014-2015 with a yearly travel budget around 5000Euro. Grants intend to set up joint research laboratories between French and Armenian research teams.

In first round 5 such grants were awarded and the Call will be continued in coming years.

Conditions: Last call was in 2013, the new one may be announced

Countries targeted :


How to apply:

Financial conditions:

Programme information:

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Programme title: SCS Armenia – BMBF Germany competition


Programme owner:

Description: This Call for Proposals aims at support to

• Research cooperation

• Research mobility

• R&D of joint interest

• Joint participation in Horizon-2020

• Integration to the ERA of researchers of Armenia and Germany in fields of exact and natural sciences.

One Grant cost is almost 20000Euro.

In this round 10 projects were funded. Some of the funded projects already completed but there are projects to start in 2014.

Conditions: Last call was in 2012, the new one may be announced

Countries targeted :


How to apply:

Financial conditions:

Programme information:

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I.2 - Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Programme title:

Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Acronym: SDF AZ

Programme owner: Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Description: Foundation aims in support of all branches of scientific investigations – fundamental, applied as well as innovative-search ones. Small, medium and big grants are foreseen for short-term and long-term research projects. Foundation will mainly be financed by the Government but other donations either from domestic governmental and non-governmental or foreign similar sources are highly welcomed.

Implementing its functions foreseen in the Statute, Foundation cooperates with state, local authorities, media, local and foreign public and international institutions.

Rights of the Foundation include cooperation and exchange of scientific information with foreign state organizations, NGOs and other institutions with similar functions, formation of joint expert groups on the base of agreed terms.

Established on 21 October 2009

Conditions: Azerbaijan scientists may invite foreign counterparts to conduct joint researches in all fields of science.

Expert groups for evaluation of projects may consist of domestic and foreign specialists on a paid base.

Council of the Foundation prepares recommendations concerning creation and functioning long-term and short-term expert commissions consisting of state officials, representatives of research organizations and other specialists (including foreign experts) for evaluation of projects submitted.

Countries targeted : It is open for all countries

Deadline: N/A

How to apply: N/A

Financial conditions: % of funding and reimbursement ceiling foreseen for EU organisations/individual researchers, cost models foreseen, etc.

Programme information:


Person N/A

Organisation: Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Azerbaijan

Address: 48B , Ataturk avenue, AZ1069, Baku, Azerbaijan

Email: [email protected] , [email protected]


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Programme title: State fund for IT Development

Acronym: -

Programme owner: Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Description: Supports research and innovation, SMEs in ICT field. With the view of developing businesses in ICT field the Fund provides financial support to new startups, companies and small businesses in the form of grants.

A priority of the State fund for IT Development is to study the export projects in ICT field, assess their cost effectiveness and to attract foreign investment for their implementation. The Fund’s activities create opportunities for attraction of investment and implementation of technology transfer for industrial and technological cooperation between local and foreign ICT companies.

Established on 15 March 2012

Conditions: N/A

Countries targeted : N/A

Deadline: N/A

How to apply: N/A

Financial conditions: N/A

Programme information:


Person N/A

Organisation: Ministry of Communication and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Address: Baku, Zarifa Aliyeva str. 33

Email: [email protected]


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I.3 - Georgia


Programme title:

Call for Project Proposals 2015-2016 “Joint Research and Education Program” Forschungszentrum Jülich & Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation


Programme owner:

Description: Forschungszentrum Jülich (JÜLICH) and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF) have opened the Call for Project Proposals in the frame of “Joint Research and Education Program”.

Purpose of the Call is to: (i) Enable Georgian students the access to JÜLICH world-leading scientific research centre to experience and conduct frontier research in fundamental and applied sciences and (ii) Assist JÜLICH in recruiting the best and the brightest students from Georgian universities and prepare Master and PhD theses for further progress of Georgian science.

Conditions: On 16 June 2015, a memorandum of understanding as well as a declaration on the Jülich-Georgia master’s and PhD students program were signed. Based on document concluded between Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH the parties agree to announce a joint Research and Education program. The objective of the program is to provide Georgian Master and PHD-students the opportunity to carry out a Master/PhD thesis related research at Jülich during internship, and to establish long-term cooperation with researchers at Jülich as well as German universities or non-university research institutions in the following agreed research field: Mathematics; Information Technologies, Natural Sciences; Engineering Sciences; Life Science and Health;

Countries targeted : The call is open for Georgia and Germany

Deadline: The agreement is valid until 16 June 2020.

How to apply: Applicant should apply Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation or check its web site for taking all type of application forms

Financial conditions: Financial Support of the programs is provided by Forschungszentrum Jülich (JÜLICH) and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF).

Programme information:


Person Khatia Ananiashvili - Expert of International Affairs

Sabine Dues - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Organisation: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation;

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

Address: 1 Aleksidze 0193, Tbilisi, Georgia;

D-52425 Jülich, Germany

Email: [email protected]


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I.4 - Kazakhstan

The following tables list existing programmes of financing the innovative and industrial development (with participation of foreign companies). These types of grants are administrated by NATD and provided by the Ministry of investment and development (former Ministry of industry and new technologies).


Programme title: Professional development of engineers


Programme owner: NATD

Description: Grant given for sending the engineers to attend various training programmes abroad in order to develop professional competences. These programmes should not exceed the period of 3 months.

Conditions: There is no definite list of calls, but the projects attending the grant program should be related to the priority areas of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (including IT, alternative energy and energy saving technologies, machinery technologies, including usage of new materials, progressive technologies in the field of chemistry and petrochemistry, biotechnologies, progressive technologies in the field of agriculture, technologies in the field of mining and metallurgy, R&D technologies in oil and gas industry, transportation and refining technologies).

Countries targeted : without restriction

Deadline: Throughout the year (no deadline).

How to apply: Kazakhstani company applies for the noted types of grant, gets 50% reimbursement of its expenses, and then pays money directly to the foreign company-partner.

Financial conditions: < 8,274 Euros

Co-financing/reimbursement of expenses.

Programme information:


Programme title: Recruitment of foreign specialists


Programme owner: NATD

Description: Grant given to attract (hire) foreign specialists to work for a company, registered as a Kazakhstani resident, not longer than for 12 months.

Conditions: Kazakhstani company can attract 1-3 foreign specialists per year to implement the projects from priority areas, mentioned above.

Countries targeted : without restriction

Deadline: Throughout the year (no deadline).

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How to apply: Kazakhstani company applies for that type of grant, gets 40% reimbursement of its expenses, and then pays money directly to the foreign specialists.

Financial conditions: < 37,234 Euros

Programme information:


Programme title:

Involvement of consulting companies


Programme owner: NATD

Description: Grant given to attract (hire) foreign consulting company to work for a company, registered as a Kazakhstani resident, not longer than 18 months.

Conditions: There is no definite list of calls, but the projects attending the grant program should be related to the priority areas of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (including IT, alternative energy and energy saving technologies, machinery technologies, including usage of new materials, progressive technologies in the field of chemistry and petrochemistry, biotechnologies, progressive technologies in the field of agriculture, technologies in the field of mining and metallurgy, R&D technologies in oil and gas industry, transportation and refining technologies).

Countries targeted : without restriction

Deadline: Throughout the year (no deadline).

How to apply: Kazakhstani company applies for that type of grant, gets 40% reimbursement of its expenses, and then pays money directly to the foreign company-partner.

Financial conditions: < 124,115 Euros

Programme information:


Programme title: Industrial research (targeted technology programs)


Programme owner: NATD

Description: Grant given to finance industrial and scientific-technological researches

Conditions: Same as above

Countries targeted : without restriction

Deadline: Same as above

How to apply: Same as above

Financial conditions: < 124,115 Euros

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Programme information:


Programme title: Technology acquisition (technology transfer)


Programme owner: NATD

Description: Grant given to a company to buy a foreign technology and implement it in Kazakhstan

Conditions: Same as above

Countries targeted : without restriction

Deadline: Same as above

How to apply: Same as above

Financial conditions: < 620 578 euro

Programme information:

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I.5 - Russia


Programme title:

Research and Development in Priority Areas for Science & Technology Complex of Russia for 2014-2020

Arrangement 2.2. Support for research in cooperation with EU.


Programme owner: The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation

Description: The objectives of the Programme are:

- Integration of Russian science in the pan-European research area;

- Geographical expansion of international scientific and technical cooperation (with the European Union);

- Formation of stable cooperation between Russian and European research institutes;

- Development new areas of research and applications in the Russian Federation in cooperation with leading international experts.

The programme funds scientific and technological research in cooperation with the European research and educational institutes:

- Research on upcoming scientific areas;

- Research for set up various applications for different sectors of the economy;

- Unique high-risk research for defining new fundamental opportunities for economic development.

The selection of projects is based on joint and coordinated calls the Russian Federation and partner states.

Research areas offered by the initiators to be implemented in the programme, should comply to the priority areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation, approved by Presidential Decree of July 7, 2011 № 899.

Conditions: The partner is any legal entity except a state-owned institution.

Countries targeted : Open for all EU member states

Deadline: Deadline for the R&D: 1-3 years. Starting of work in 2014.

How to apply: Initiator prepares proposals for research call and uploads it to site Rules and procedures are described at

Financial conditions: The amount of funding R&D: up to 50 million rubles per year

Programme information:


Person N/A

Organisation: Directorate of State Scientific and Technical Programmes (SSTP Directorate)

Address: 123557, Moscow, Presnensky Val, 19, bld. 1, +7(499)702-85-40

Email: [email protected]
