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RBI issued Uniform Guidelines on Internet Banking for Cooperative Banks  06-NOV-20! "ut#or $%ites# Top Picks : Novem&er 20! Current "ffairs'  ()onom*' 20! Current "ffairs  0  0Google +0 A+ A- Who: Uniform Guidelines on Internet Banking for Cooperative Banks What: Issued by RBI When: 5 November 2015 Reserve Bank of India RBI! on 5 November 2015 issued revised and uniform guidelines on Internet Banking for all li"ensed "ooperative banks in"luding Urban Cooperative Banks UCBs!# Cooperative Banks $tCBs! and %istri"ts Co&operative Banks %CBs!' ()ese guidelines relate to Internet Banking *ie+ ,nly! fa"ility and Internet Banking +it) (ransa"tion fa"ility' Revised guidelines for Internet Banking (View Only) faility - .ll li"ensed $tCBs# %CCBs and UCBs +)i") )ave implemented Core Banking $olution CB$! and migrated to Internet /roto"ol *ersion I/v! may offer Internet Banking *ie+ only! fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers# +it)out prior approval of RBI' - In "ase# any servi"e offered under vie+ only fa"ility re3uires t+o&fa"tor aut)enti"ation or ,ne (ime /ass+ord ,(/!# banks may adopt t)e se"urity features related to internet banking as pres"ribed by RBI# as appropriate to su") servi"es' - ()e "ooperative banks offering t)is fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers s)ould ensure t)at t)e fa"ility is stri"tly for non&transa"tional servi"es su") as balan"e en3uiry and balan"e vie+ing among ot)ers' - ()e "ooperative banks )ave to report "ommen"ement of t)e servi"e to t)e "on"erned Regional ,ffi"e of RBI and also N.B.R% in "ase of $tCBs4%CCBs! +it)in one mont) of operationalisation of t)is fa"ility' arlier in 2016# only Urban Cooperative Banks UCBs! +ere permitted to offer t)is fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers' Revised guidelines for Internet Banking with !ransation faility ,nly t)ose li"ensed $tCBs# %CCBs and UCBs# +)i") )ave implemented CB$ and )ave also migrated to I/v "an offer t)is fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers +it) prior approval of RBI if t)ey fulfill t)e follo+ing "riteria7 - Credit to Risk .de3ua"y Ratio CR.R! of not less t)an 10 per "ent - Net +ort) is 50 "rore rupees or more as on 81 9ar") of t)e immediate pre"eding finan"ial year - Gross Non&/erforming .ssets N/.s! less t)an : ; and Net N/.s not more t)an 8; - ()e bank s)ould )ave made a net profit in t)e immediate pre"eding finan"ial year and overall# s)ould )ave made net profit at least in t)ree out of t)e pre"eding four finan"ial years' - It s)ould not )ave defaulted in maintenan"e of Cas) Reserve Ratio CRR!4$tatutory <i3uidity Ratio $<R! during t)e immediate pre"eding finan"ial year' - It )as sound internal "ontrol system +it) at least t+o professional dire"tors on t)e Board' - ()e bank )as a tra"k re"ord of regulatory "omplian"e and no monetary penalty )as been imposed on t)e bank f or violation of RBI dire"tives4guidelines during t)e t+o finan"ial years# pre"eding t)e year in +)i") t)e appli"ation is made' "ow get latest #urrent Affairs on $o%ile& 'ownlo ad #urrent Affairs A** UN+,0$ ")#ievements' Relevan)e Needed Reforms  06-NOV-20! "ut#or $.#ravan Top Picks : /is)ussion "nal*sis' "rti)le on Current Issues  0  0Google +0 A+ A-

RBI Issued Uniform Guidelines on Internet Banking for Cooperative Banks

Feb 18, 2018



Gugu Saini
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Page 1: RBI Issued Uniform Guidelines on Internet Banking for Cooperative Banks

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RBI issued Uniform Guidelines on Internet Banking for Cooperative Banks


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Who: Uniform Guidelines on Internet Banking for Cooperative Banks

What: Issued by RBI

When: 5 November 2015

Reserve Bank of India RBI! on 5 November 2015 issued revised and uniform guidelines on Internet Banking for all li"ensed "ooperative banks in"luding Urban

Cooperative Banks UCBs!# Cooperative Banks $tCBs! and %istri"ts Co&operative Banks %CBs!'

()ese guidelines relate to Internet Banking *ie+ ,nly! fa"ility and Internet Banking +it) (ransa"tion fa"ility'

Revised guidelines for Internet Banking (View Only) faility

- .ll li"ensed $tCBs# %CCBs and UCBs +)i") )ave implemented Core Banking $olution CB$! and migrated to Internet /roto"ol *ersion I/v! may offer

Internet Banking *ie+ only! fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers# +it)out prior approval of RBI'

- In "ase# any servi"e offered under vie+ only fa"ility re3uires t+o&fa"tor aut)enti"ation or ,ne (ime /ass+ord ,(/!# banks may adopt t)e se"urity features

related to internet banking as pres"ribed by RBI# as appropriate to su") servi"es'

- ()e "ooperative banks offering t)is fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers s)ould ensure t)at t)e fa"ility is stri"tly for non&transa"tional servi"es su") as balan"e en3uiry and

balan"e vie+ing among ot)ers'

- ()e "ooperative banks )ave to report "ommen"ement of t)e servi"e to t)e "on"erned Regional ,ffi"e of RBI and also N.B.R% in "ase of $tCBs4%CCBs! +it)in

one mont) of operationalisation of t)is fa"ility'

arlier in 2016# only Urban Cooperative Banks UCBs! +ere permitted to offer t)is fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers'

Revised guidelines for Internet Banking with !ransation faility

,nly t)ose li"ensed $tCBs# %CCBs and UCBs# +)i") )ave implemented CB$ and )ave also migrated to I/v "an offer t)is fa"ility to t)eir "ustomers +it) prior

approval of RBI if t)ey fulfill t)e follo+ing "riteria7

- Credit to Risk .de3ua"y Ratio CR.R! of not less t)an 10 per "ent

- Net +ort) is 50 "rore rupees or more as on 81 9ar") of t)e immediate pre"eding finan"ial year 

- Gross Non&/erforming .ssets N/.s! less t)an : ; and Net N/.s not more t)an 8;

- ()e bank s)ould )ave made a net profit in t)e immediate pre"eding finan"ial year and overall# s)ould )ave made net profit at least in t)ree out of t)e pre"eding

four finan"ial years'

- It s)ould not )ave defaulted in maintenan"e of Cas) Reserve Ratio CRR!4$tatutory <i3uidity Ratio $<R! during t)e immediate pre"eding finan"ial year'

- It )as sound internal "ontrol system +it) at least t+o professional dire"tors on t)e Board'

- ()e bank )as a tra"k re"ord of regulatory "omplian"e and no monetary penalty )as been imposed on t)e bank for violation of RBI dire"tives4guidelines during t)e

t+o finan"ial years# pre"eding t)e year in +)i") t)e appli"ation is made'

"ow get latest #urrent Affairs on $o%ile& 'ownload #urrent Affairs A**

UN+,0$ ")#ievements' Relevan)e Needed Reforms


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United Nations "elebrated :0 years of its establis)ment on 26 ,"tober 2015' (o mark t)is )istori" o""asion# a spe"ial .nnual General .ssembly +as )eld at its

)ead3uarters in Ne+ =ork to give its nod to t)e $ustainable %evelopment .genda 2080' ()e agenda is a logi"al e>tension of 9illennium %evelopment Goals

9%Gs! t)at guided t)e global poli"y dialogue for t)e past 15 years'


()e UN +as formed on 26 ,"tober 1?65 at an )istori" @un"ture +)en t)e +orld +as deeply s)rouded by destru"tion of Aorld Aar II and an>ieties about re"urring

use of nu"lear bombs against t)e ba"kdrop of iros)ima and Nagasaki in"idents'

UN is t)e suessor to the ineffetive ,eague of "ations t)at +as formed in t)e Aorld Aar interregnum in 1?20'

()e purpose of its establis)ment is to a")ieve t+in ob@e"tives&(o maintain international pea"e and se"urity and a")ieve international "o&operation in solving

international problems of an e"onomi"# so"ial# "ultural# or )umanitarian ")ara"ter'


re-#old War era

In t)e initial deades of its formation# it lived up to its e>pe"tations by not allo+ing regional tensions to gro+ into Aorld Aar III' ()e +ay it )andled t)e situation

+it) su") magnanimity during t)e $ue Canal "risis 1?5!# pro"ess of de"oloniation in .sia and .fri"a are no mean a")ievements for an infant organsiation'

#old-War era

It +as the $aturing *hase of t)e UN' %uring t)is period# its primary task +as dealing +it) "old&+ar era politi"s bet+een t)e U$. and t)e U$$R and not letting

t)em into )ot +ar' In pea"efully dissipating t)e Cuban missile "risis of 1?2 +as t)e biggest a")ievement of t)e period'

ost-#old War era

In 1??0s# at t)e @un"ture of ." o$*leting /0 years of its foundation it fa"ed a ne+ reality in t)e form of disintegration of t)e U$$R and emergen"e of t)e U$.

as t)e sole global super po+er'

()e primary a")ievement during t)is period +as not to s+ept a+ay by t)e temptation of siding +it) t)e U$. and making t)e organisation relevant for t)e poor and

marginalied nations'

In Reent years

- n"ouraging ma@or "ountries of t)e +orld to form spe"ial groupings to deal +it) problems and a")ieve "ooperation' De+ of t)em are& G20 to deal +it) finan"ial

"risis!# UNDCC "limate ")ange! and A(, trade!- Re)abilitated millions of refugees from $yria in neig)bouring "ountries like (urkey# <ebanon and Eordan

- %eploying pea"ekeeping and pea"e building missions to resolve t)e "onfli"ts in .fri"a

- .bove all# its role in enlargement of t)e "on"ept of development# promotion of )uman rig)ts# leveraging t)e potential of "ivil so"iety for t)e "ause of development

of t)e so"iety and empo+erment of marginalied se"tions are praise +ort)y'

%espite t)e fa"t t)at t)e UN tried )ard to live up to its mandate# it attra"ted "riti"ism from various 3uarters as it +as not able to "ontain U$ +ar in Ira3 and gro+ing

ine3ualities in t)e in"ome levels'

spe"ially# t)e failure of t)e UN in finding solution to de"ade oldalestine *ro%le$ )as attra"ted +ide "riti"ism'


()e UN is still relevant# sine&

- ()e +orld is still under "onstant nu"lear t)reat'

- ver in"reasing et)ni"# religious and regional "onfli"ts in .fri"a

- .round one t)ird of global population is poor +)o need "on"erted development a"tion from t)e global multilateral agen"ies

- /ersistent ine3ualities in +ealt) distribution and t)e need for a")ieving balan"ed and sustainable development of all t)e regions

- Gro+ing t)reats of terrorism I$I$# .l Faeda# et"! from non&state a"tors needs "oordinated efforts among states

- Dinally# no one "ountry "an solve all t)e problems in t)e inter"onne"ted +orld and t)e UN is still t)e rig)t organisation to a")ieve global se"urity


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(o effe"tively e3uip itself to fa"e modern day ")allenges# t)e UN )as to undertake organiational reforms suh as&

>pansion of t)e permanent and non&permanent members)ip of t)e UN $e"urity Coun"il on a priority basis as t)e present stru"ture still refle"ts t)e realities of


Giving more voi"e to t)e developed and developing "ountries in t)e de"ision making of t)e spe"ialied D.,# UN$C,# A,# et"! and subsidiary agen"ies

pea"ekeeping missions!'


In its long @ourney of :0 years# t)e United Nations transformed itself into a global institution from a mere organisation' It truly fulfilled its role as a global poli"y

agen"y and an arbitrator in solving international disputes'

<ast but not t)e least it "ould su""essfully establis) fait) among international "ommunity in t)e relevan"e of diploma"y in "onfli"t resolution by repla"ing "oer"ion

and aggression'

Union Government issued notifi)ation for implementation of ORO1


Author :Shravan

Top Picks : Current Afairs or SSC Exams, Exam Se!i"! Current Afairs, Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, Nationa$ % &n'ia, 2015 Current Afairs, Current Afairs or (an)Exams 0 0Google +0

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Who: Notifi"ation for implementation of ,R,/

What: Issued by t)e Union Government

When: : November 2015

Why: (o bring uniformity among pensions of %efen"e personnel

*nion +overnment on Novem#er 2015 issue' the noti"!ation rear'in im$ementation o One .an) One /ension O.O/ in rese!t o een!e 3or!es


he noti"!ation is in tune 6ith the mo'a$ities or im$ementation announ!e' on 5 Setem#er 20154

Features of OROP scheme

7 /ension 6i$$ #e re-"xe' or a$$ ensioners retirin in the same ran) an' 6ith the same $enth o servi!e as the averae o minimum an' maximum

ension in 20184

7 he #ene"t 6i$$ #e iven 6ith efe!t rom 1 u$ 201; to the ex-servi!e men o a$$ the three or!es4

7 hose 'ra6in ensions a#ove the averae 6i$$ #e rote!te'4

7 &n uture, the ension 6ou$' #e re-"xe' ever 5 ears4

7 Arrears 6i$$ #e ai' in our ha$-ear$ insta$ments4

7 A$$ 6i'o6s, in!$u'in 6ar 6i'o6s, 6i$$ #e ai' arrears in one insta$ment4

7 /ersonne$ 6ho vo$untari$ retire 6i$$ not #e !overe' un'er the s!heme4

7 he estimate' !ost to the ex!he<uer 6ou$' #e =000 to 10000 !rore at resent, an' 6i$$ in!rease urther in uture4

What is OROP?

&n sim$e terms, O.O/ im$ies that uniorm ension #e ai' to the arme' or!es ersonne$ retirin in the same ran) 6ith the same $enth o servi!e,

rear'$ess o their 'ate o retirement4

At resent, ex-servi!emen re!eive 'iferentia$ ensions as it is !a$!u$ate' on the #asis o their sa$ar at the time o their retirement4

iferentia$ aments o!!ur as the sa$aries o ersonne$ are re<uent$ revise' on the #asis o a !ommission>s re!ommen'ations4

3or exam$e, ersonne$ 6ho retire' in 1990 re!eive e6er ensions !omare' to their ?uniors 6ho retire' in 200@ thouh the retire' at the same ran)

6ith same $enth o servi!e4

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Who: 9onetary benefits for former Cri"keters

What:  .nnoun"ed by Board of Control for Cri"ket in India BCCI!

When: H November 2015

(CC& (oar' o Contro$ or Cri!)et in &n'ia on = Novem#er 2015 announ!e' monetar #ene"ts or ormer !ri!)eters, #oth 'omesti! an' internationa$,

in!$u'in month$ an' one-time aments4 he announ!ement 6as ma'e a 'a #eore the Annua$ +enera$ (o' eetin o the (oar' in um#ai4

he (oar' a$so announ!e' the mat!h ees or the umires oB!iatin in #oth 'omesti! an' internationa$ ames4

Monetary benets as per payment of monthly gratis’ announce by !""#

#nternational "ricketer

7 A$$ est !ri!)eters 6ho retire' #eore 81 e!em#er 1998 an' have $ae' more than 25 mat!hes 6i$$ et 50000 ruees er month4

7 A$$ est !ri!)eters 6ho retire' #eore 81 e!em#er, 1998 an' have $ae' $ess than 25 mat!hes 6i$$ et 8500 ruees er month

7 A$$ est !ri!)eters 6ho retire' on or ater 1 anuar 199; 6i$$ et 22500 ruees er month4

7 i'o6s o est !ri!)eters an' est *mires 6i$$ !ontinue to et the same amount o ratis or their $ietime4

7 A$$ !ri!)eters 6ho have reresente' &n'ia in One-a &nternationa$ 6i$$ et 15000 ruees4

First "lass "ricketer

7 A$$ .an?i roh !ri!)eters 6ho have $ae' at $east 10 mat!hes #eore 195-5= season 6i$$ et 15000 ruees er month4

7 A$$ "rst !$ass !ri!)eters 6ho have $ae' 25 to ;9 mat!hes u to the en' o 2008-0; season 6i$$ et 15000 ruees er month4

7 A$$ "rst !$ass !ri!)eters 6ho have $ae' 50 to ; mat!hes an' 5 an' a#ove mat!hes u to en' o 2008-0; season 6i$$ et 22500 ruees an' 80000ruees rese!tive$4

Women "ricketer

7 omen !ri!)eters 6ho have $ae' 10 or more ests 6i$$ re!eive 22500 ruees er month or)in Committee 28 Ari$ 200=4

7 omen !ri!)eters 6ho have $ae' 5 to 9 ests 6i$$ re!eive 15000 ruees er month4


7 A$$ retire' est umires 6i$$ et 22500 ruees er month4

7 A$$ retire' A$$ &n'ia /ane$ *mires 6ho have oB!iate' in O&s as "e$' *mires 6i$$ et 15000 ruees er month4

One Time Payment to #nternational an First "lass cricketers %ho retire up to the en of &''()'* season:

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' more than 100 est mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive 145 !rore ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 5 D 99 est mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive one !rore ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 50 D ; est mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive 5 $a)h ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 25 D ;9 est mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive @0 $a)h ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 10 D 2; est mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive 50 $a)h ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 1 D 9 est mat!hes an' 6ho have $ae' their $ast &nternationa$ mat!h #eore 190 6i$$ re!eive 85 $a)h ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 100 an' more "rst !$ass mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive 80 $a)h ruees4

7 Cri!)eters 6ho have $ae' #et6een 5 D 99 "rst !$ass mat!hes 6i$$ re!eive 25 $a)h ruees4

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ion Government laun)#ed (-1at#s#ala' .arans#' .#aala .idd#i 1ortals


Author :rua$i

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Who: &/at)s)ala# $arans)# $)aala $idd)i /ortals

What: <aun")ed by Union Government

When: : November 2015

he *nion uman .esour!e eve$oment inister Smriti &rani on Novem#er 2015 $aun!he' the e-/athsha$a, Saaransh an' Nationa$ /roramme on

S!hoo$ Stan'ar's an' Eva$uation 3rame6or) Sha$a Si''hi 6e# orta$sF mo#i$e as4

hese orta$s 6ere $aun!he' 'urin the e'NEG, the Nationa$ Coneren!e on &C in S!hoo$ E'u!ation that 6as he$' at Ne6 e$hi4 urin the Coneren!e,

Sha$a aran, -&V.S an' E)ta ro?e!t rom A$6ar, .a?asthan 6ere a$so sho6-!ase'4

2)Pathshala %eb portal

7 E-/athsha$a is a 6e# orta$ 6hi!h hosts e'u!ationa$ resour!es or Stu'ents, ea!hers, /arents, resear!hers an' e'u!ators4

7 &t !ontains text#oo)s an' other e-#oo)s as E-/u# 840 an' 3$i#oo)s in En$ish, in'i an' *r'u4

7 &t is avai$a#$e throuh ese!ia$$ 'eve$oe' mo#i$e a intera!e on An'roi', &OS an' 6in'o6s $atorms or 6i'er a!!ess4

3haala 3ihi %eb portal

7 Shaa$a Si''hi 6e# orta$ is a !omrehensive instrument or s!hoo$ eva$uation 6hi!h ena#$es the s!hoo$s to eva$uate their erorman!e in more o!use'

an' stratei! manner4

7 he 6e#-orta$ 6i$$ he$ a$$ s!hoo$s to assess themse$ves an' the resu$ts !an #e seen # a$$ ena#$in them to rovi'e ee'#a!)4

7 he initiative has a$rea' #een su!!essu$$ i$ote' in our 'istri!ts o ami$ Na'u4

3aransh platform

7 Saransh is a too$ 6hi!h a$$o6s the s!hoo$s to i'enti areas o imrovement in stu'ents, tea!hers an' !urri!u$um to a!i$itate an' im$ement !hane4

7 he $atorm is resent$ avai$a#$e or !$asses 9th to 12th an' rovi'es a !omrehensive overvie6 o stan'ar' 10th erorman!e sin!e 200 an'

stan'ar' 12th erorman!e sin!e 2009 ti$$ the !urrent a!a'emi! session4

7 /resent$, resu$ts o C(SE are avai$a#$e on this orta$Fa4

he event a$so sho6!ase' other &C initiatives in!$u'in the &V. &ntera!tive Voi!e .esonse sstem to monitor the 'ai$ im$ementation o i' a ea$

s!heme an' Shaa$a aran, an interate' $atorm to a''ress a$$ a!a'emi! an' a'ministrative re<uirements o s!hoo$s, tea!hers, arents an' stu'ents4

India re-ele)ted to UN Commission on International rade 3a4


Author :Shi$i)a

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Who: India

What: Re&ele"ted to UN Commission on International (rade <a+

When: ? November 2015

&n'ia on 9 Novem#er 2015 6as re-e$e!te' # the +enera$ Assem#$ to a six ear term on the *nite' Nations Commission on &nternationa$ ra'e Ha6


Aart rom &n'ia, 22 other !ountries in!$u'in the *nite' States an' /a)istan 6ere a$so re-e$e!te' to the *NC&.AH4

he on'a e$e!tion 6as the "th e$e!tion that &n'ia has 6on in 20154 he !ountr a$so 6on the re-e$e!tion to the *N uman .ihts Coun!i$ he$' in 201;4

&n Ari$ 2015, the *N E!onomi! an' So!ia$ Committee ECOSOC e$e!te' &n'ia to the exe!utive !oun!i$s o *N&CE3 an' the or$' 3oo' /roramme, the

overnin !oun!i$ o the *nite' Nations uman Sett$ements /roramme *N-a#itat an' the Commission on Crime /revention an' Crimina$ usti!e4

,bout $+"#TR,4

he *nite' Nations +enera$ Assem#$ # its .eso$ution 2205 GG& o 1 e!em#er 19@@ esta#$ishe' the *nite' Nations Commission on &nternationa$

ra'e Ha6 *NC&.AH to romote the roressive harmoniIation an' uni"!ation o internationa$ tra'e $a64

he Commission is a $ea$ #o' 6ith universa$ mem#ershi se!ia$iIin in !ommer!ia$ $a6 reorm 6or$'6i'e or over ;0 ears4 &t !arries out its 6or) at

annua$ sessions he$' a$ternate$ in Ne6 Jor) Cit an' Vienna4

he Commission !omrises o six 6or)in rous to erorm the su#stantive rearator 6or) on toi!s 6ithin the CommissionKs roramme o

6or)4 The si5 %orking groups an their current topics are:

6 or)in +rou & - i!ro, Sma$$ an' e'ium-siIe' Enterrises

6 or)in +rou && - Ar#itration an' Con!i$iation

6 or)in +rou &&& - On$ine isute .eso$ution

6 or)in +rou &V - E$e!troni! Commer!e

6 or)in +rou V - &nso$ven! Ha6

6 or)in +rou V& - Se!urit &nterests

India' U5 announ)ed )ommer)ial deals 4ort# &illion pounds


Author :Shravan Nune

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Top Picks : Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, &nternationa$ % or$', 2015 Current Afairs


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Who: India t)e UJ

Where: <ondon

What:  .nnoun"ed "ommer"ial deals +ort) ? billion pounds

When: 12 November 2015

Why: (o deepen e"onomi" engagement

&n'ia an' the *L on 12 Novem#er 2015 announ!e' !ommer!ia$ 'ea$s 6orth 9 #i$$ion oun's in Hon'on4

he 'ea$s too) $a!e #et6een the !omanies oeratin rom #oth the !ountries an' 6ere aree' uon 'urin the /rime inister Naren'ra o'i>s visit to

the *L4

/etails of "ommercial /eals

"reati7e an retail

7 Merlin 2ntertainments: &t 6i$$ oen the rst Maame Tussaus in the su#-!ontinent4 &t 6i$$ #e set u in +e% /elhi in 2014 3urther, it 6i$$ invest u to

50 mi$$ion oun's over 10 ears to oen more o !oman>s i!oni! #ran's that in!$u'e is!over Centre an' Sea Hie A<uarium4

7 ,pollo 8ospitals: &t artnere' 6ith 8ollan 9 !arrett #nternationalto oen 1000 o$$an' D (arrett out$ets in &n'ia over the next 5 ears4 he "rst store

6i$$ oen in Ne6 e$hi in anuar 201@ 6ith 115 out$ets oen at the en' o the ear4

7 enus ,!3 6i$$ invest 1 mi$$ion oun's in &n'ia rovi'in the latest dairy genetics and constructing a state-of-the-art facility near Pune  in aharashtra4


T;3 is oenin a 20 mi$$ion oun's a'van!e' $oisti!s a!i$it in (arns$e the *L eneratin 100 ne6 ?o#s, ro6in to 500 a!ross the VS +rou over 5

ears4 As art o eam Hei'os, the !oman is intera$ to 'e$iverin 500 mi$$ion oun's 6orth o procurement savings to the UK Ministry of Defence over 18


Finance an professional ser7ices

7 8/F". &n'ia>s $arest housin "nan!e !oman, has announ!e' the roosa$ to issue rupee enominate bons o7erseas o u to ;90 mi$$ion oun's4

7 !harti ,irtel 4t announ!e' that it inten's to issue its maien sterling bon of up to <'' million pouns to #e $iste' on the Hon'on Sto!) Ex!hane4

7 a?or $=)base insurance companies $i)e 3tanar 4ife. !upa an ,7i7a have !ommitte' to invest a !om#ine' tota$ o aroximate$ 28= mi$$ion

oun's 6orth o 3& in their &n'ian ?oint ventures4

7 4onon 3tock 25change roup an >es !ank 6i$$ sin a o* to oster the 'eve$oment aroun' #on' an' e<uit issuan!e, 6ith a stron o!us on

reen inrastru!ture "nan!e4 As art o this o*, the #an) is exe!te' to list a green bon of up to ((' million pouns throuh e'ium erm Notes #

e!em#er 201@4

7 3tate !ank of #nia 3!#@ an 4onon 3tock 25change roup have announ!e' a !o$$a#oration to !reate the 3SE-S(& &n'ia (on's &n'i!es to #e use'

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initia$$ # a ne6 investment un' run # S(&4 hese in'i!es, to #e $aun!he' in the "rst ha$ o 201@, 6i$$ a!i$itate investment into &n'ia>s #on' mar)ets an'

suort mar)et $i<ui'it an' ri!in4

7 Ayn an 3un lobal announ!e' that the 6ou$' #e $istin the 6or$'>s "rst &n'ia "xe' in!ome ex!hane tra'e' un' E3 on the Hon'on Sto!)

Ex!hane4 his E3 6i$$ ive internationa$ investors a!!ess to the &n'ian "xe' in!ome mar)et, 6hi!h is 6orth 148 tri$$ion 'o$$ars an' is a vita$ sour!e o

"nan!e or the inrastru!ture se!tor4

7 A ne6 Mo$ on technical co)operation in the rail sector 6as aree' 6hi!h 6i$$ #oost otentia$ #usiness oortunities or the rai$ in'ustr4 3urther,

&n'ia announ!e' its intention to $aun!h the "rst overnment-#a!)e' ruee #on' Rail%ay Rupee !on@ in Hon'on to un' rai$6a inrastru!ture



7 4ightsource Rene%able 2nergy 8olings has announ!e' a 2 #i$$ion oun's investment in &n'ia4 he 6i$$ 'esin, insta$$ an' manae aroun' 8

ia6atts o so$ar o6er inrastru!ture in &n'ia over the next 5 ears4

7 *L te!hno$o !oman #ntelligent 2nerg is no6 a!i$itatin an initia$ or'er o over 10000 h'roen ue$ !e$$s, 6orth over 12= mi$$ion oun's4

7 *L-$iste' OP Po%er ;entures plc 6i$$ invest 249 #i$$ion oun's in &n'ia to !reate ;200 o ne6 o6er !aa!it in &n'ia, o 6hi!h 1000 6i$$ #e

so$ar o6er an' 8200 6i$$ #e thermal an rene%able po%er in Tamil +auB

#T an cyber

7 =loupa Mobility Research 6i$$ invest 100 mi$$ion oun's ro'u!e the next eneration o smart 6at!hes, 6eara#$es an' ta#$ets in 3outh #niaB

7 ;oafone has announ!e' investments in &n'ia tota$in 148 #i$$ion oun's o 6hi!h 100 mi$$ion oun's 6i$$ #e use' to !reate a payment bank o!use'

on servin the un#an)e' an' un'er #an)e' an' to a!!e$erate &n'ia>s ?ourne to6ar's a !ash$ess e!onom4

7 E-!ommer!e !$ou' $atorm rovi'er, "lou!uy. 6i$$ sin a !ontra!t 6ith the "onfeeration of #nian inustry "##@ or an on$ine #usiness to #usiness

mar)et$a!e4 Over the next 5 ears the $atorm is ro?e!te' to a!i$itate transa!tions 6orth 845 #i$$ion oun's4


=ing’s "ollege 8ospital +83 Founation Trust an' &n'o *L ea$th!are /vt Ht' 6i$$ oen =ing’s "ollege 8ospital in "hanigarhBhis is the "rst o a

roose' 11 ne6 &n'o-*L institutes or hea$th that 6i$$ #e 'eve$oe' a!ross &n'ia, 6hi!h, 6hen u$$ im$emente', 6ou$' amount to a 1 #i$$ion oun'

investment into &n'ia>s hea$th!are sstem4


7 A artnershi #et6een the !ritish "ouncil an T"3 6i$$ see the $o#a$ & servi!es "rm rovi'e oortunities or 1000 ra'uate interns rom (ritish

universities to train an' 6or) in &n'ia #et6een 201@ an' 20204

7 83!" announ!e' the $aun!h o its 3kills for 4ife initiati7e in &n'ia, a roramme to s)i$$ 5,000 'isa'vantae' oun eo$e an' 6omen over 5 ears4

7 &n'ian interate' $earnin so$utions rovi'er /e5ler 6i$$ set u ex$er E'u!ation *L, its Euroean hea'<uarters, 6ith an investment o aroun' 10 mi$$ion

oun's to aument !ororate trainin, hiher e'u!ation an' in'ivi'ua$ $earnin4

errorist atta)k in 1aris7 8undreds 5illed


Author :Shravan Nune

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Top Picks : Current Afairs or SSC Exams, Exam Se!i"! Current Afairs, Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, &nternationa$ % or$', 2015 Current Afairs, Current Afairs or

(an) Exams


 0 Google +0

A+ A-

Who: (errorist atta"k

Where: $i> lo"ations around /aris

When: 18 November 2015

errorists on 18 Novem#er 2015 atta!)e' six $o!ations aroun' /aris )i$$in aroun' 180 !ivi$ians an' in?urin another 200 eo$e an' se!urit ersonne$4

hi$e ma?orit o the 'eaths o!!urre' in the !ataclan concert 7enue, aroun' =0000 oot#a$$ ans in  the 3tae e France Nationa$ Sta'ium o 3ran!e

!ame un'er the 'ea'$iest atta!)s 6ho 6ere 6at!hin a rien'$ mat!h #et6een 3ran!e an' +erman4

o 'ea$ 6ith imen'in atta!)s, France Presient Francois 8ollane,who was at the venue during the attack , imme'iate$ !onvene' an emeren! !a#inet

meetin outsi'e the sta'ium an' announ!e' astate of emergency4

he 'e!ree ena#$es the authorities to !$ose u#$i! $a!es an' imose !ure6s an' restri!tions on the movement o traB! an' eo$e4

3ran!e sa6 its most re!ent emergency in +o7ember &''< 6hi$e the su#ur#s o /aris !ame un'er a series o atta!)s # riotin mo#4

he resent atta!) in /aris is the 'ea'$iest vio$en!e to stri)e 3ran!e sin!e or$' ar && an' the se!on' ma?or terror in!i'ent in 2015 ater the "harlie8ebo 3hootingB

&n the anuar 2015 in!i'ent, terrorists #e$onin to the A$-Mae'a in the Ara#ian /eninsu$a AMA/ )i$$e' 11 eo$e 6hen the storme' into the oB!es o

the 3ren!h satiri!a$ 6ee)$ ne6saer in /aris4

"9RU ")tion 1lans for : )ities approved 4it# total pro%e)t outla* of !,;: )rore rupees


Author :Shravan Nune

Top Picks : Current Afairs or SSC Exams, Exam Se!i"! Current Afairs, Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, Current Afairs or Civi$ Servi!es Exam, Nationa$ % &n'ia, 2015

Current Afairs, Current Afairs or (an) Exams


 1 Google +0

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A+ A-

Who:  .9RU( ."tion /lans for H1 "ities

What:  .pproved

When: 1 November 2015

An inter-ministeria$ Aex Committee on 1@ Novem#er 2015 arove' State Annua$ A!tion /$ans SAA/ o =1 mission !ities in 5 states-ami$ Na'u, a'ha

/ra'esh, har)han', O'isha an' iIoram un'er A.* or 2015-1@4

he meetin o the !ommittee 6as hea'e' # a'husu'an /rasa', Se!retar, *nion inistr o *r#an eve$oment, 6hi!h is the no'a$ ministr or

im$ementation o  ,tal Mission for ReCu7enation an $rban Transformation ,MR$T@B

As er the arove' SAA/s, the *nion, State overnments an' ur#an $o!a$ #o'ies toether 6i$$ invest 5;= !rore ruees4 Out o this, Centra$ assistan!e 6i$$

#e rovi'e' to an extent o 2;;0 !rore ruees4

An', Out o the "ve states, Tamil +au 6ith &D A.* !ities 6ou$' invest 82;9 !rore o$$o6e' # Mahya Praesh (& !ities-1,@5@

!rore,Oisha E !ities-;5@ !rore, harkhan D !ities-818 !rore an' MiGoram6i$$ invest 8 !rore ruees in the $one mission !it o ,iGa%lB

!reakup of Funs ,llocation

,mount crB rupees@ Purpose "ities co7ere

;290 ouseho$' 6ater



1188 Se6arae ;1

92 Storm 6ater 'rainae 1;

=0 Non-motorise' u#$i!



118 +reen sa!es @

ith this arova$, num#er o !ities !overe' un'er A.* 6ent u to 10 a!ross = states 6ith a tota$ ro?e!t exen'iture o =58; !rore ruees4

Ear$ier, on 22 O!to#er 2015, SAA/s 6ere arove' or =9 !ities in +u?arat, .a?asthan an' An'hra /ra'esh 6ith a tota$ investment o 2=@ !rore ruees4

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he re!ent arova$ o =1 3,,Ps in < states is signicant because

7 A#out ha$ o the ur#an househo$'s in these =1 !ities 'o not have 6ater su$ an' se6erae !onne!tions

7 Extent o !overae o ur#an househo$'s 6ith 6ater su$ !onne!tions rane' rom @ er!ent in Chaas har)han' to 59 er!ent in (a$asore O'isha4

7 On$ !ities in a'ha /ra'esh Chin'6ara, Lhan'6a, an'saur,Lharone, Neemu!h, (etu$ an' e6as, the !overae is #et6een 59 an' ; er!ent4

7 No se6erae !onne!tions are avai$a#$e in ha$ o the ission !ities, 6hi$e in the rest the !overae is in the rane o 8 er!ent in .at$am / to @2 er!ent

in &n'or

20! G20 .ummit #eld in "ntal*a' urke*


Author :Shravan Nune

Top Picks : Summit % Coneren!e, Ne6s Casu$e, Current Afairs or SSC Exams,Exam Se!i"! Current Afairs, Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, 2015 Current

Afairs,Current Afairs or (an) Exams


 0 Google +0

A+ A-

Who: 2015 G20 $ummit

Where:  .ntalya# (urkey

What: eld

When: 15&1 November 2015

he 2015 +20 Summit 6as he$' or t6o 'as on 15 Novem#er an' 1@ Novem#er 2015 at .enum Cara ote$ Convention Centre in Anta$a, ur)e4

&t 6as the tenth summit sin!e the in!etion o +20 in 1999 an' he$' un'er the ur)ish $ea'ershi4

he o!us o the summit 6as to evo$ve strateies to ensure in!$usive an' ro#ust ro6th throuh !o$$e!tive a!tion4 3or this to a!hieve, ur)e has

roose' three #’s)#nclusi7eness.#mplementation an #n7estment for gro%thB

he summit 6as atten'e' # a$$ the $ea'ers o the +20 in!$u'in /rime inister Naren'ra o'i4

o6ever, 3ran!e /resi'ent 3ran!ois o$$an'e !ou$'n>t atten' the summit as /aris !ame un'er a !oor'inate' terrorist atta!) on 18 Novem#er 2015 that

)i$$e' aroun' 180 !ivi$ians4

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(esi'es urin or stron an' !oor'inate' a!tions aainst !$imate !hane an' terrorism, the +-20 has reaBrme' its ear$ier oa$ o a!hievin t%o percent

aitional /P gro%th by &'1HB

On the si'e$ines o the summit, meetins o + an' (.&CS $ea'ers too) $a!e4

At the en' o the summit, ur)e han'e' over the resi'en! o the +rouin to "hina for &'1IB he 201; Summit 6as he$' at (ris#ane in Austra$ia4

&' Members: Arentina, Austra$ia, (raIi$, Cana'a, China, 3ran!e, +erman, &n'ia, &n'onesia, &ta$, aan, exi!o, .ussia, Sau'i Ara#ia, South Ari!a, South

Lorea, ur)e, the *nite' Lin'om, the *nite' States o Ameri!a an' Euroean *nion4

19 Narendra 9odi )on)luded #is t4o-nation tour to U5 and urke*


Author :itesh Lumar ha

Top Picks : Ne6s Casu$e, Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, /erson on Visit, 2015 Current Afairs


 0 Google +0

A+ A-

Who: /rime 9inister Narendra 9odi

What: Con"luded t+o&nation tour to UJ and (urkey

When: 1 November 2015

/rime inister Naren'ra o'i on 1@ Novem#er 2015 returne' to &n'ia ater his t6o-nation tour o the *nite' Lin'om an' ur)e4

urin his "ve-'a visit 6hi!h too) $a!e rom 12 Novem#er to 1@ Novem#er 2015, o'i arti!iate' in +-20 summit at Anta$a in ur)e an' met 6ith

Mueen E$iIa#eth &&, (ritish /rime inister avi' Cameron, ur)e /resi'ent .e!e ai Er'oan an' others4

urin this tour, he stae' in *L 12 to 1; Novem#er 2015 an' ur)e 1; to 1@ Novem#er 20154

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MaCor 8ighlights of $= 7isit

7 o'i inauurate' r4 (himrao .am?i Am#e')ar emoria$ in Hon'on

7 o'i unvei$e' (asavesh6ara Statue in Hon'on

7 o'i a''resse' the &n'ian Communit at em#$e Sta'ium, Hon'on

7 o'i ai' homae at +an'hi Statue in Hon'on

7 o'i met 6ith Mueen E$iIa#eth && at (u!)inham /a$a!e

7 o'i on 12 Novem#er 2015 #e!ame the "rst &n'ian hea' to a''ress the (ritish ar$iament

7 o'i he$' 'e$eation $eve$ ta$)s 6ith /rime inister avi' Cameron o *nite' Lin'om an' a$so met Hea'er o the Ha#our /art an' the Hea'er o the


7 o'i atten'e' the *L-&n'ia CEO 3orum

7 o'i inse!te' uar' o honour at reasur Mua'ran$e in Hon'on

7 o'i visite' auar Han' .over H. $ant, a su#si'iar o &n'ia>s ata otors, in So$ihu$$

MaCor 8ighlights of Turkey ;isit

7 o'i atten'e' 2015 +-20 summit !haire' # ur)ish /resi'ent .e!e ai Er'oan on 15-1@ Novem#er 2015 in Anta$a, ur)e

7 o'i a$so atten'e' the meet o (.&CS $ea'er on the si'e$ines o +-20 summit

7 o'i met 6ith .e!e ai Er'oan, the /resi'ent o ur)e ariano .a?o, the /rime inister o Sain, Lin Sa$man #in A#'u$ AIiI o Sau'i Ara#i

a$!o$m urn#u$$, the /rime inister o Austra$ia, ona$' us), the /resi'ent o the Euroean Coun!i$ ean C$au'e un!)er, /resi'ent o the Euroean


7 o'i roose' 10-/oint /$an to a!)$e errorism an' "n' so$ution to reuee !risis

7 o'i roose' aen'a on 'eve$oment an' !$imate !hane at +20 meet

7 urin sta in ur)e /rime inisters o &n'ia an' Austra$ia announ!e' !om$etion o ro!e'ures or Civi$ Nu!$ear Areement

I"9"I released Internet in India 20! report


Author :Shravan Nune

Top Picks : Ne6s Casu$e, Novem#er 2015 Current Afairs, E!onom, 2015 Current Afairs, .eort % Surve


 0 Google +0

A+ A-

Who: Internet in India 2015 report

What: Released by I.9.I

When: 1: November 2015

&nternet an' o#i$e Asso!iation o &n'ia &AA& on 1 Novem#er 2015 re$ease' a reort entit$e' &nternet in &n'ia

2015 reort4

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he reort survee' usae o internet on 'iferent 'evi!es mo#i$e, 'es)to, et!, in 'iferent areas vi$$ae an' ur#an an' amon 'iferent 'emorahi!


he )e "n'in o the reort is &n'ia>s internet user #ase 6i$$ tou!h ;02 mi$$ion # e!em#er 2015 ma)in it the se!on'-$arest in the 6or$' ater China4

8ighlights of #nternet in #nia &'1<

7 he num#er o &nternet users in &n'ia is exe!te' to rea!h ;02 mi$$ion # e!em#er 2015 reisterin a ro6th o ;9 er!ent over $ast ear4 ith this,

&n'ia 6i$$ surass the *SA an' 6i$$ have se!on' $arest user #ase next on$ to China4

7 Current$, 6hi$e internet users in &n'ia are ee' at 85 mi$$ion, China $ea's in the 6or$' 6ith more than @00 mi$$ion internet users4

7 hi$e &nternet in &n'ia too) more than a 'e!a'e to move rom 10 mi$$ion to 100 mi$$ion an' 8 ears rom 100 to 200 mi$$ion, it too) on$ a ear to move

rom 800 to ;00 mi$$ion users4

7 O7erall, 1 er!ent ma$e an' 29 er!ent ema$e are &nternet users in &n'ia4 he &nternet usae amon ma$es has #een ro6in at a rate o 50 er!ent

6hi$e it is ro6in at ;@ er!ent or ema$e users4 An', amon the ema$e &nternet users, the hihest ro6th has #een amon the Non-or)in 6omen4

#n urban areas

7 &n *r#an &n'ia, the ratio #et6een ma$e to ema$e &nternet users is @2:8=4 Sini"!ant$, &nternet users amon ema$es are ro6in at a rate o 89 er!ent

!omare' to 2= er!ent amon ma$es4

7 Sini"!ant$, there has #een a hue surt in the num#er o eo$e a!!essin internet on a 'ai$ #asis in *r#an &n'ia4 As on O!to#er 2015, @9 er!ent o

users are usin &nternet on a 'ai$ #asis4 his 'ai$ user #ase has one u # @0 er!ent rom $ast ear4

7 &n *r#an &n'ia, mo#i$e &nternet user #ase has ro6n at a rate o @5 er!ent over $ast ear to rea!h 19 mi$$ion in O!to#er 20154 he o#i$e &nternet *sers

have sure' to =0 mi$$ion # O!to#er 2015 ro6in at 99 er!ent over $ast ear4

7 &nterestin$, the reort a$so revea$s that out o a$$ the &nternet non-users survee' in the 85 !ities as art o this stu', 114; mi$$ion Non-*sers are 6i$$in

to a!!ess the &nternet in the next one ear an' over 2F8r' o them inten' to 'o so throuh mo#i$e hones4

#n Rural areas

7 Amon the .ura$ &nternet users, == er!ent are ma$es4 he &nternet users amon ema$es are ro6in at @1 er!ent an' 9 er!ent amon ma$es4 An',

5 er!ent o the rura$ internet users #e$on to the ae rou o 1=-80 ears4

7 he user #ase o mo#i$e internet users in .ura$ &n'ia is exe!te' to rea!h = mi$$ion # e!em#er 2015 an' 109 mi$$ion # une 201@4