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technologies increasing impact on the fitness & wellness industry Bryan K. O’Rourke, MBA

Rapid Radical Change - Technologies Impact on Fitness & Wellness

May 07, 2015



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Page 1: Rapid Radical Change - Technologies Impact on Fitness & Wellness

technologies increasing impact on the fitness &

wellness industry

Bryan K. O’Rourke, MBA

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“impossible without change”

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“those who cannot change their minds cannot change

anything”George Bernard


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tremendous change

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so many possibilities

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“The further backward you look, the further forward you can see.”

- Winston Churchill

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“The future ain’t what it used to be”-Yogi Berra

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future - convergence

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define it

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what is technology ?

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“technologia” systematic

treatment of an art or skill

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“a capability given by the practical application of


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invented after we were born

doesn’t quite work yet or

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“unintended consequences”

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human application of

nature’s principals

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really radical change

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5,000 days ago

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for free


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100 million clicks per day

55 trillion links

8 terabytes of data per second of traffic

2 billion location nodes

2 million emails per second

1.5 million IM’s per second

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reaching the capacity of 1 human brain

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> doubling capacityevery 2 years

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the next 5,000 days?much greater change

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we think lineartechnology is exponential

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ……….

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256…….

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overestimate what can be achieved in the very near underestimate what happens in the long run

we are in the “knee of the curve”

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content & experience

digitized - mobilized

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late 70’s walkman & treadmill

fitness industry

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institutions – cloud infrastructure

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we are in the “knee of the curve”

historically the rate of change is accelerating – years since adoption

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we are in the “knee of the curve”

We are witnessing the exponential shift – years since adoption

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we are in the “knee of the curve”

size of machines shrinkingprocessing power increasingpatents increasingInternet hosts increasingtechnical knowledge increasingcost of mips decreasingInternet bandwidth increasingwireless price performance increasingmass use of inventions increasinginvestment in education increasingglobal poverty decreasing

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connectivity 24/7

delivering content

driven by users

creating impactful immersion

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we are teaching the machine

the semantic web – web 3.0

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it’s all about people

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patterns of human behavior

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the age of transcendence <3> contributing factors

culture shiftingobjective base toa subjective base

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mature adult majority


ubiquity of the information

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in 1989 majority of US adults were 40 years or


most population growth for years to come will be in


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increasedrejectionof priorvalues

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meaningful experience

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diversity =acceptance, openness,


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ubiquity of informationvia the Internet

content, “experience”

the “Prosumer”

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the Prosumer(all customers)

have increasing power

they have access to &/or create the information

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they seek authentic experience


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institutions / organizations


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order thoughts and expectation;

impose consistent behaviors;

reinforce shared beliefs and impose rules;

both constrain and enable behavior;

participants realize value “buying-in”

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designed around

command & control

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not able to keep up with change

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highly inefficientfails at embracing change

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“The greatest obstacle to progress is not ignorance. It is the illusion of knowledge”

-Daniel Boorstin

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collaboration - orchestration

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open – open systems




understand your role

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lifecycle timeframe shrinking

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drive to commoditization

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movie theaters


record stores

failed to embrace change

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drive fixed cost out

transparent - authentic


customer centric


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unexpected emergence

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unexpected “competition”

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alternatives - disruptive

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recap - rapid changegreat opportunity & risk

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implications to thefitness & wellness industry ?


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‘01 to ‘07 estimated US facility growth

70% growth

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< 16% exercise regularly

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impact varies



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tech impact <2>

institutions - customers

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<1> institutions/organizations:

understand your unique position

adopt orchestration strategy

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unique positionorchestrate

program partners

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partner for programming

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partner to createmeaningful experiences

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expensive equipment is not always the solution

invest in authentic experience

limit cap-ex & adoptorchestration

host of new equipment technology innovations

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customer relationshipconservation

Web 2.0

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embrace web 2.0 strategies

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embrace web 2.0 strategies

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seek alliances

leverage globalization

outsource expertise


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<2> consumer


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obesity will bankrupt us all

20% of children


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2007 Market Size in Billions

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2007 Market Size in Billions

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Dr. Jennifer Smith Maguire2007 Fit for Consumption: Sociologyand the Business of Fitness

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opportunity – outcome reimbursement

the market will growby hundreds of billions in the

next decade


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4 ways technology impacts wellness

direct to consumer


through gaming


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streaming content & mobility

integrate into daily life

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monitor technology

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engagement motivation – via the cloud

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direct without physical place

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new business modelsthat incorporate facilities

in a different manner

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summing it all upwhat is the impact ?

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things will be vastly different

how is largely up to us…..

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“those who cannot change their minds cannot change

anything”George Bernard


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& think differently

think of our mission

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