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W -^Scoreboard ^ '" ll . no. a7 . iinGevernor rantedCbunc 5 y House Vo fl 28 (flV-The house voted 52-4 toda j«hert E. Smyiie the 15-member goverm The house state affairs commiti :,.iM clinquency code bjll setting up J h coMmoti”” board, with a fulUims W ive setup, which would take over tl J^^thool at-St. Anthony from the sta fe S S B iU ^ P r o p R eopeninj Two Col] By icettslble." House Boiae. jan. 28 tfl-Re Clartei Cook. R . teacher* colleses clo ttUd the bUI. « y l n g a jeji.iature waa propo U. Uw pcniten- ^1,,^ Introduced In jgfon the word or-a legislature yejtcrday. ^ * . ■ Sens. Howard Hechtnt Mtct_Ml"orKy^y»fw and Leonard C galfflr*nieirflnf-a measure'which would i oBunercla ,200.000 to reactivate Noi ud rtltetoh In PTlMt j„, college of Education i WBfr4ikUL^3oolltt^ M-Letrts-Olarfc-Nornml- which Ii '•"‘y V ^ -^ ^ u E V n a of-the-Unlveralty-of Id riti^ertocatciiana ^ to -coon »,iii .-» u courses with thwa of t 5iari«.J4ablllmalc- ,ny, 'iiras-im siir «na K«y RobUni. R,, Ml; a 1» 1 "» » iroauctd tli« bill to t - ^ $200.000 to reopen Boutf would train only Btflf under union teachers and would be an tm J»y McrrlU, R.. u a h o e u te college wllh a falrj oom- ^f educaUon authorized iritbe mil. but told nter It “a* the board o ahpl. 0>t»Dt) of ISC. f-ly lV C S solution of the cloeed tei _______ lege problem which Is ' w o t P lC B there be none, he hS'pro mlttlng the question to 1tJ vote In lOM on an amen< lit V O l i r t would give the schools Uonal stAtus. Wer, 85, Filer, -------- ---------- = ------- Idrivlng, ent«r«d T - 1 - T il A- ttJn T w iai^ bj city, ilnnlred at Second IJv O lIfflllj « l2 d » * S "** WAfiHJNOTON, Jan, 3 S S 10^h#.ri National AsswlaUon of 1?;^“? hy ^ e r ^ Joined^ » gan^ K S if f iE b 'i t T .r * .a i i ‘r . r l n “ r“S Dr, Harley L. Luts, an )iuco, Twin Palls, was “h d tax expert represe JeranK Police Judge NAM,' said Mr. Elsenho Hmndiy on a charge Bnun ''falls to recognize ^nd{b a Slop sign. the great Importance i »^*->1oyd-D.lM oaplt*Vi-ln-hlih-«»(a®j « In lines had been productloiu ^•taf/lc violations. The President’s report, n WM flntd 110 and “offers stones Instead of speeding and »ofar as reduction* In bus waa Jlned -18 are-coricemed. Mr. Elwr 2iDfiVv" Pf“ sed hope for Ux cuts for both business and 1 |v , but none this year, He ^■^riVCl’S poratlon and excise tax c r\ Labor union cconomU llPnt I Mr. Elsenhower's report lr 1. ijgfore the commlltee yea . TW - Wednesday. They complal tKccordsS-'L^'Sr"'’'"' I , , , , , •-■tmtr. on -the other han Uie federal govern T.m * ts-encroaohlnj too much 'I »lll Pllhfr Wl nr cnpilftl and free enterprla Moose Membi Open state rr” ‘'»«l i>f«l imm w ^ I i r r"' ' ' 'r»I(lc JutMiir. i firce-dny convrntloii, r^,ri:Lr ... ................. r ,;oSr,i:r' ^lllumilly hn> < Al noon a liinclieoii for *lin, luZ,Ju T.l. " '“I “ 'Ol'- * “K l niosi flnnueHni, Women of the Muom •liiiliiiti' Mil, I facorls waa aerved at Ihi ......................... 1,, !,^ of the »»ir, ...... -cMion Inohidaa the elect "tnle officers. Kli.i, ----------------------- J-'ii. M IIP! HTIIIUKH OKAV 0"li"iir,| WAHHINai'ON. Jan, : ^ „ i'l" ''ffl'^ulHira depnrtmenl 1i •i»ani ,si-J» ptow *«''“ Vi'l^.,>mvrr w „M i„r ll.ey are ellgime -------------------- Hid, Feline IsNrM^ ‘B r in g ’U m ''''t not Ixitherlng Dill a N .hf., "I" lit iHiHUrr It Iild ""*» it Ihr iiiijii •iiowilrUi cnne. Dill cn Uin*. "l” '“11 ‘"'""."1 flrftObrfl. fcWi ,' tile tufl «f fur . >0 hniiR niit.i, rpailni, end iif the cat, 7 .h U k l? ,‘, ‘" '''‘lK> ' III "T"*'® f u r - m l n e , l h a t I U, ‘iiDf fii, II,r n frw niltmlei bul 1 llm l a g r i p on iht soruH < '"'*11 ciiir ' ' ’" t >vay he couldn't ""ymora," ['aiill* rtriKMlled till cal **“'ltull j„, ,1,/" " ; 'i"nK of llin car before ' him jl, tvfti iolnj 10 OffltUl CllF tnd '• icir fe / o te ^ n ^ today to give ^'ernor’s coun- imittcc intro- BM jM plaM r up & three- ^ |j||||A n g director tho Indus- state board opose , ing for olleges n—Reopening of by the in aim- In the Idaho Net rd Cardiff. uld a t ^ ^ a t e tlon Lewiston TDml-School:*'----- mly elementary card of regents sf Idaho 'Would "coordinate" Its of the unlver- ieitrRV Cwra, 1., Minidoka, In- to approprlau southern Idaho n-atr-Albloin-Tt inly elemenury De an adjunct of elasa atm coln se wllh the board «" atalrway leadlnt to th •Ized to admin- “ >« on'T tw* toUe ird of trustees" photo-engravlDr) Einc iinendment that hools conaUtu- . Lincoln school is Jammw students, the most glario{ IM School Plannipj^i^ m ltte InSr^bulldttg completed li ^■ M R n ^ ^ h o u ^ g 449 Stdder ■^■^■■Ifooau and Intennedli ["K“»lriy*l W •<>pened-,ln 1037 and J- Tho cver-lncrea«l»g n r.n iiR—Thu elementary school childrei , ^ PalU has forced tho con ?lied Ubor to- *" ‘he prlniarj ** classrooms. Todaj s, an economist , EEEs 31,S S -y essek JE r iport, LuU aald, ^ R la p lf P ' ,d of bread " In- i n buslnesi Uxea REYKJAVIK, Iceland, , Eiwnhowar ex- .Rescu-e tknes of the Uni t cuts next year ,,r force today braved hoi md individuals, Ice storma to shepherd He also asked ^ ti,hlng fleet trapped In ,scheduled_CQT" -black-froel''-that-hos s' tax cuts. , flflhlng vessels snd clalme nomlsU blasted 4b lives, lort In tesUmony o n olher trnwlera, eeekir e yesterday and „,ety from the fearsot mplalned of the phenomenon which ahci actlvlly lo pro- nggmg of gmall ships ^ heavy they ovrrliirn. wea: r hand, charged hacked away at rock-nurd :ovemment atlll n,fir decks and masts, nuch on pHrat* American -seaV. erprise. droned above the toiulni ------- Otr the rocky Icelandic et mnPrQ '"K ‘'■"t'' ‘*'e vesaeU by iiiuvao g„iding tiiem by radio, a f A 'Hie American airmen n aiC lUCCl forming on the wins VfCinbers o t, Uie p]„„{,8 aa fast as do-lcera c I of the Mooae jer n off. i>"' tne ataifl ror a pifcn„j ^bove the endang '*■ . so as to be on hand pi i action rrmay others flaihed distrei '* » ‘Uil In Arc ila« officers at piunge nforassocm tlnn;«*f'« “ « “ « Ivei and officers ................ rfuoM «iid Uialr Til" at lhe 11 and U irdaiidlo trawler, ' Ihf. n.rre.ilav ftaiidl, broke up on a re , iltion of 1 ew of lUe northwcil Ic«l«ndlc election ol new ____ Thfl Irnwler'a romBlnlii iKAYKt» W I"*"' **'■'’ ^roni I Jan 38 (fl-Tlie and alnklng ahlji nnd < (tnl'lina aulhor- nhoro In Icelaiid-s desolal urouosed water- Inlinliltcd northern area, and mototitloii '• iw iy in c n ' DrBYloiuly M to dtilerniliif ftlxmnl two Jlrlllah trawl tfatch for Hailey m Back Alive’ Tu nil a aieat <lfi>l. troiilOi' bpIUiik lhe rrltler lucllmnn,,,. hid l>enrAth a *''7,,. ,,, uir <,t hi.vli.g .;u.i, II crept aimiiid |,|,|,t,ft|„i(.d flimmfd i f utl ri » "« nntlir'ha'fnltatrd-1 lur «ri Ul" linmHa and Joo’a iiui AIU UavBrla. Mis. flavarli lhat Is - flew fui f|nBi,n^i,i. I finally gol an- Hmvlly (ilovatl. U‘» t* irulf of hli neck f,„, Uia i;*l w ildn't bite ami ,„„ti,ri lln«hr<l the lluhl li a,” eyri. s I'alrh In tlir "ll 'H*'"' l'''ll' cfore It dawnnl ar.vril, ' Now Joe's hnii.U IB lo hava more loo- 1 . ____ 1 --------------- n-ini r ^ V -T 'IW ---------------------------- TWIN FALLS, IDj^ iln achooi Is dbrnpUng Btndic* for Iwe ethei to three eUaarooms imt^ovised In ihe base toUeU Id that lecUon of the buUdlog wh * : _______ \ # ^ pCTTOTmc [lergericj^las mmed with 870 commodate two second gi lariog example one.first grade with a to c«j»t*ttoo ob- *Mideats:-------- ' ------- ' a the ClUtens The rooms are far from mittee. Miss Way says. The win * of the prl- too amall, providing ao u ted in 1012 and lory mmfiunt of natural 1 tadents In IS heating irstem works In s mediate build- ard and.oolay manner aoi and used hy a noisy 'w<^en stairway. *] xxu. --------- way-U ii*a<l-^y-MO sti lg number of reach the buHdlng'* two lldrei) In Twin the basement. The noise ] conversion to teachlnc la the three imary building, rooms. -prtnelpalraay* :7* ^ y W a r - ^ - ^ l n aven roday they ac- Into the school's 38 clssaro uide Crowd En Erom^— Benefit A capacity crowd ]arr Filer high school audltorlu md Jan 28 (lfl ‘‘•y SnSB uiS S“'S Tor D , ' d howllnt Arc- jh.rd lo Mt.ty ed In a deadly danced amid clever setting las aunk-three rangemcnlfl. lncludcd.wen lalmed at leaat •» Clawson, baritone who Is now attend «klng to r e a c h - “<> ’“S h e s '^ S e 'Clawson Included "Drfr ,1^1 ll. .n and "Counl Your DlesjhiK '’S*ca!y r m e n ^ l^ ^ 'n ^ ^ « ’«»<>■«• ' nurd lea frozen j— ;;Soi, Backslide Muing trawlers. More cnid and mow i 110 coast, keep- dieted for MskIc Valley la by radar and five-day wrather forec llo. cdvrd mflay via Ai 'S n r n 'M hS ‘'™ , .pr.~ . ... rr 1. . . 1 1 ^.. •■Tniiprraliirea averagl r pauol plan« ,„g,n,y 1 ,^0,y no^n^, idangeied ahl^ ‘’"wnwnrd irend nc* i a «ii Maximiima moally 35 to 3 Istreu algnals. Arctic rescue ciirrlng mnlnly nfler tin unged Into the „i„g „f „rxl week," lurvlve only a iProbablyj. 'om (lie dread . .l;r„‘ .:wS Growers Appr Advertising Atlantic, noiHE, Jan. J8 (W-Tlie RinliiK rrew of nf Idiilio'* |i<it»1ii nnd'onlo rum lhe broken hiivn vnlfil In (avi^r ol iit li nd earrjed to ths advortlAliiu levy for ll: aolata and un- unla. II wiin rc|K>rted yea rea, llrllrr. sn'trlnry. of 1 lulir wera 'lDat iflvcnisinu luiiihiibsIuii., trnwlera which Helirr anUI Hial «• per c .< nk under the voter*, reiiiesemiiig 7« pe { ice, tho viillii* m iTBge, were li ---------------------- nn Ini'.rfiiin 111 niie-lialf Ml lo Ihe iireariil 1 cent J6Vy, a-»r The cnmnilwlon hna reco nn Innraup of 1 renl nnrt * -Jf --------- - .. ,j|,jf„,p-,i,„i(iahnlei;Ulftl Hits U. N. k i iiuiiglil a biih- WAUIllN<riON, Jnn. 3i ned anmewhat. nttllniml coinmander of t ted"1he Bid nf Iran l.eglnn rrltlolaM lli a miillier, Mra. ^atliina laal iiUlit lor lallli iviirla hold tho atiuftg acUuii l« »>VP greuUin. II two yuutlia Couuiianiler tioabuiil I ll wlillr Jiie'a sniil Ihnl "when the Chilli I uht III lhe cat's It la the Uiilird fllatea whl aaaiiine Ihr Imiden ol slop: iicli," lllll (ill- ninnlnl adviini rn. iniidA aia aoie, (;<imiii aililirnnrd the U Ulary's forum on nallonal 1 ____________ ________________________ - N- F a I l LS V— IDAlIOr PftlDA-Yr-JANUARY 2 fl7 ^tggswork- ether eUsaes m Ibe chlldtra fiock dbwirtlil basement a t Lincoln seheoL The basemi r which bas IS joems with 449 stndents, assrooms m I id grades and 'There are seven firs a total or 88 c l a ^ , seven second gra' ~ third grades, four fourlh gr rom RdeQuate, five* fifth grades. All slxt windows are have been-moved to the Ju: ta unnttsfac* sc))ool- building to nha ral light; {h|( ji(^obl ^ipastlon. In a haphaz- As is the ease at W ^lo r and there Is Bickel, Uncolit schooralso >ay. The stair- Its playroom which hss fa two toilets in says the two rooms are mi jlse handlcapa factory than at Bickel. ■ : ree basement larger and the lighting 1 . .. systems are more adequat< 'average of II' —"Next-year welHhare t< itrtnMy crowd tiuf library."' Miss W af-t assrooms. ~ {CntlnaU >■ Pa«« I. Call ]njoys Fine Polii it^Program at F Jammed the ery. Twin Palls high schoo torlum Thurs- presented "Temptation," nd hear Magic Paris," and ‘'You'll Nev -do its bit io r jUoiia.’i-. ------------------------ Another highlight on the lers aang nnd was the Meccarlello tria ittlngs and ar* winners of a place on th . were .#«cliJo- Hcldt Uilcnt jhow . _______ son, Murtikugh Encores filled the audltoi tteiidlng RIoka a performance by Loy Montgomery, Snake River Cowboys, . „ W llh Doris Yout* aa acc Deep Purple, u,e variety show opened c sjhiKS." Ill Ills town Jamboree aequeiice. ins. Montgom- 'n,e Toytown clowiia I RttRdy-Prettcott. Mlke-Orfi • 1 Hovenden, Tommy Hodgi lae - SylvMlMr-XeniteUi— HlHl IOW are nre- VU'gU Telford, Tnd alley In lhe' “ ‘‘‘■•y *n'l Tommy ( forecaat le- Quartet vocalising was Asaoclalcd tiy the Twin m ils nnitna. of MnntRomery, Harold Dr la all gone, ny Olsen and Joe Ulrich. AP reporter An ultra violet llKht p ................... . bnsprt nn a l.ntln tlirmr, eraglng nenr sented by the Harley Cnqtii irmnl wl<h a in the show. Khnroii I^nii nent week, the numhera with a Iwleid i to 35, mini- Alao lilKhllghlIng Ihe t III aiinwa m;- the w in te r Wonderlar r the lieglii- which began with a llieme aenlcd by the Twin Talla ll The trio waa composed . .1 Condle, Bare Robertson an' r«rlsli . ..................... inrflVP Mlsa Pariah also waa fe other aolo imrnbeiB, la* H llfA Martha Van Weller, P Ig lillV C victim. porUayed a aiamc -Tlie majority dancer, onion growera Iircauie sl}« nnild not ait liirreasfl In da|iee Mlaa Van Weller gn or Ihese piud- acllng Interprrtullve pn yealcrday by uaing only her hands, of Uie Idaho 'm e dlrectora. Mr. and ^ ttr.----------------- TJBTwy,- w ire winrronr«fl » >er cent of the fi,si nlglU problems, liicli l« per ccrn of „ t changra, They who rrr lu fnvor ul this Job hy aevrral pan If Mnl or more joinnd In liie Uiak alUr ■ J6Vy, tain. I rei-ommeti(le<l jiurley was stage dlrrrtor ^iirt auch a bill Onooldy wan Ju .dinigti ol HUlntiire. Otiici' bnckstagc iieisuuii ........... rd llarlry and Hetty KaIiii ‘< ’'"'>1 ayateni: Kll ■aUtfL binn. pnsnimMi veronica .1 Aiillii Tlioniaon, nsalstpni V O lallQ Dli'k lllngham wua <1 .11 311 fin The eprenidnlna, Mrs. Krnnklr of the Amer- chairman of lhe 'i'wln r»l tl Hid Unimd “I Nallonal I'oiindallo falling l» lake f''"!"" I'«''«1ysla, apoke Ij I'omniiinlai ag- ciU'i'iin mae, • ' • ■ 'lltr show wlll he give 111 I', Ctillinn Kilrr aiiilltorhim toiilglit lilpa are down" ijrday nlKhl, Cin lnln time I which hna lo in addition, a nuitlnen slopping rom- iilrd nalurdny at 3 imi. Ml proreeds fmm ihr le I,egl(in mix- go to the riineiil Marrh mal ssourliy. drive* Ukreugitoul Magle Nine j^i^tied Id l~Bas€ ~Nai TAIPEH, Formosa, fighter buses along the aerial might, National! ~U. S. air force F-86 ^ as the communists rus shore baaea for one oi Invasions that could come Ume. A Nationalist air force nlque ' said flghter-bombei tlTree communist landing -c olghl nenr Tachen, 300 mil of Formosa, while Natloni Ullery on the Island base b ga communist gvn positions tured .Ylklangshan, eight : the north. High American officials naUonallsls had agreed In 1 to evacuaUon of the Tacl^ the Amcrlcam and Chin not-yet-reached full agretJ when and how the ev ihould be conducted. ~ 0^1 Till Ta, nptl""**!*^ spokesman, said the reds 000 men on the Chekiang c poslte Tachen-and anothei men near Quemoy. About t number were reported mi Matsu, nationalist base mic tween the NaUonallst sources have 1 Invasion of any one of U bases "Im minent''but aside no indication the reds wou '“ Ul they receive a hint of «Se»TX W nts. (Bteff Although the naUonaUsU ^ the communist* were stren = ? = = = 4hefy w m »q^»i1#»Bew>tT>h forcementa arrivli^ there. ' parently were being luld li in the Shanghai area out _Y^Y --------- «{-Pormoe*-t>Med-bomb«r* I fiP Natlonallct p ltn u conUn round-Uie-clock raid* aga .ir,. “rsK Ss'i.'s il5 nd ship concentration* n« ohlngton and air^om and navy could e also Is using W slt^tlon that ml«bt d ss been par- *J!!!ij*n I t e r s ’ ‘tio| re^ t o give J i p , Calaaa I) ____ |. To Marcl ' HAILEY. Jan. 38-Pour f-i#! men, following their relei -U -ltP l* lhe_BlalDfi. coimlyJali,.coD **v/X limp their way to Sun Va . . . . . day morning for the h ?i^h Dimes. Tho four were "arr . 2 Deputy Sheriff W. D. M Never Walk Thursday afternoon In Ha TtT; Char*»^-0f-"cnielty to-nti I Uie program njals" trio Hailey n Uia Horace ‘The ^ou*" Pleaded gullly ____ treating Ihelr "dogs" and 1 dltorfum after lo Jair'by'Pr'ob'r MV Walden's John Wrlghl, Their fines ,, were paid by Robert Rigi , , Shirts ond Kenneth Butl '.5® fleers of the lOOP lodge iM **” " money was turned over to aaalatant adjutanl: llflth ■ r!r^ ^ » ,ri ■eivirrl\Td51ib'nallofial-gii rnd Hodgerl, r*'nuirt«H sergeant adviser, and Ted lin;iT«T^“n“ S ^am T aatB iru M iy ni „||„ 10 e.m v.ll.y .1 11. loqiletles early At 9 a, rn. Friday, as >110 climaxed prepared to leave Hailey. Uon from Job's Daughters cd them with »50 raised ’,unH''".wMrK Thursday night. At eriaiid sketch ^ay they were guests of Pine sung jiie- employes al the ml ,lla IJriilrieites. jo „,ch Bun Vail morning and wlll hii I) anrt uareara jop of Dollar mountain lo . . . March of Olmaa lUg. '* ***'“"<' At Ketchum Friday nigh r nnhl nnlio reception la planned for U and sergeant Bwinter's 1 iamese leinple ,„,„i,cne la to be- auction ,mt Ti.iniiv highest bidder. The serKH not ael inlly p„i ^i,„ m, r a''''" "n ex- j , |>een obtained, prrforiiinncn ____ _ _________________ : including lhe ';;,S"liK ' To Attei l.t c.ll cut. naTIONIJ, N 'H tlca MOM anti AtitnoriinitVfl-ionrcM Ml totii dlrfctoin, major WMteni jwwers.liav a master of Icetl New i&ealancUo m«ki nkln Alwcirth, >nal projKMal to llie 11. N rails chi>])ter Munell on Monday. iKllDnforin- in Moscow. UriUBll .t^Il ke before the Rlr William llayUir railed \ Foreign Minister V. M, Mo given al the urged that fluMia tue its Kilt and Sal- I*' persunue fled C/til lime ll 8 lun. « P l. »« •>*£• **»ed Riuuila nen li sched- Felpliig to ado|il a niMerni toward Uie l^lllllnAnn rrlnl Ihr allow wlil India was expentefi to iTh ol Dimes to play thn role n[ liiiern gla Valley. negoUaUona wlUi Uia 11*0 , i Idaho Counties [_ T T f c _____............... J ....._________ esfor Iji itionalis ja. Jan. 28 <U.R)—Communist .Chin tile FuWen “Invasion coast'* to cc nalisl Chinese flourcea said today. 86 Sabrejets joined the seventh fie rushed men and materials into pc e or more rd". Warning sank _______ ______ SS " Solons WASHINGTON, Jan ;ht miles to N. Y., told the senate t 1 1. /u .u under the tcrma of th m S^cSe resolution could plunge t Tachens but without allies. Lehman •:hine»>i hart Qpflnod thfl Honqto*B th ir «tor Mofse. Ind., Ore.; evacuation dieted, however, th at a f lUst-mUllaiy I .,— 11 - II Zmf£ Censored covering the United’ midway be- jeyjnth fleet off Formosa operaung today unBer-c ? .S, .Z " »hlp restrictions. The restrictions were 0: side from the Adm-P»lU B. Stump, rts thnm was .mander^tn-chlel ef theH would strike fi„t, in a dispatch to Vice ‘‘ I?-!*® Alfred M. Pride. #evwth ■ce • n e g o u a- commander, yesterday. 11 w. noiuicetLiicre. .. ... ' ^Ureported gtump aald that *'lf c ttrengthenlng informaUon concemlnru. il-yiSw^liLl y sfe. 'They ar- be Je'apardUed . . lid la reacrve ________________________ __ out of range nUnued their RcDOrt Stdt€ again raided i lilfiC AlOV I* near YIW- V i For ^Bvide [teSSS?*th2 LONDON, jan. M ttlt-A BriUah- communlst. aald’ I iS refugee m l^ n a ry had lold f new^SvM Cl»h“ e ReSi moved the wre fcSoSuS ?? .‘gr,.'';?. 1- -r-n -ri g(|]icimna lu fake eviueuus . 11 Imprisoned American The ex.communlst, Dougli rUUB u ld the missionary’* Inforai ^i^^jiwlvw •C B erS a week after the crash tht age wa* photographed by t Pour service- munlst* as "evidence” lo : release from their spy-ehargea against thi .contlnmd to now h eld by Uie PtJplng xegl 1 Valley Prl- Hyde, a formereailor ofthe e March of Dally Worker. - "arrested" by The missionary, now In I. Martlndale would not allow his name i I Hailey In a vealed because he fears »-numb ani- Bg«lnst-membrr»-of-hl»-OT remain In Red China, Hyde .iiiiu *« m lt The United SUte* haa mi w.™ Tml =-»! rr%Kniy"~iiiffg7c dowH Itt'-North--K0re^-“0H' r?r?5 Bhot down In Manchuria ar " tort lh. .irmen w .r. ".pto ‘™” ' u..n prUoncr. ol w.r. It r to me pollo sentenced to prUon by Hay. DJerlicn. ___________ ,;rj?r;;iiT .T .X egionA s ;'.i.‘„“'“iuS Solons to Abo VetsCommif t lhe rale of BOIBE, Jan, 38 — A di or Uie March from Uie Twin Falls poal ....................... Amerlran-Legion-*«k»d-Ul as tha men leglalature yeslerday lo abi i#.v . ririPB«- *lat« veterans' welfare coi ifll.. «,« and turn Ila functions ove s^d at a box’ department of public asslsti Al noon Prl- Proposed bills to this efI I of Triumph aubmllted lo tha house civl B mine. They and senate military and Valley Satur- fense committees at a Jolnl I hike lo lhe Rep, w, D, Eberle. R.. Ad n lo raise Ihe man of the hnune group, a Vance. adJuUnt of Uie Idol: nlghl anoUier lr»n Leglnn rteimrlment. li or Uie quartet allied to appear at a later r's handlebar ’11‘e department opposes 1 cUoned to the P " " ' Uiol'I^l" I'aUs p rrKeanl's per- Heading tlie Twin Falla his muatache tlon was Tom Htlvers, T 1, . mUien took no artl<in. tend Ccase-Fii-e M' J, New York, India's Prime Mlnlit«r Ja rd Slalea and Nehru wna on hin way lo to invite Ued todny with whal were bei Natloni in an be Ited Uhlna’a ttrms lor.B rraae-flie for menl to end lha daiiKerotu rncd today, tietwecn Red and Nf ^'nriiidlai?uiiff lisvn a«iu or- |„f„nnaUnn obtained In a 1; N . M e ««»'««'«• y«t«rday wl U, N. .euiilly J,..... .. „„t,,.„,rtnr. who turned only 34 hours earlle i -.t\mbaw«rtM fouf-monUi aUy tn Pciping ,||rd nil Soviet AuUiorltatlve aoiirrea a I, Molntov and u „ |^ d flUtes was lit "fulla s IU good nf. merti'-'Wim IhB p tarW •»' China to nc- o|i|naso delegatej lieAa lor i laaln to advise erforts. iernlo aUllude «n,e nufsUoit Will be i:rlnla. I'elplng wlll nccepl. The to lie aakod nlat Ohinnne giivernmeiil ilrrinedlnry In Riisalan ally both have bit lUd Ohliiue. Ucked c«ui lira auggesUo FINAL EDITION : : I --------------------------- EEICE-S^CENl - — - 1 ^ 1 __________________ ■— n v a s t o n ^ s t s C l a i n rhina han licgun strengthening i)s 0 cope with Amcrlca‘fl'Tiew^lBplo3 ay. . 1 fleet in iwtrollii^ the Formoaa str 3 position opposite nationalist-held. g Sounded as IS Debate Issi Jan. 28 {/P)—Senator Lehman, D., itc today that "rash or reckless act ! the hous^pproved flght-for-Forr Ige this counfry into'war with Red’d man called fog-a Hftlny in ncUnn a third day of-dehat4? on the proposal, i 're.; aii“6ppbnent of the resoluGon,. t a final vote would be reached late to ■' I — M orsOi-Lehmaiv-and-* «' oUiers have sought to strip !Q the measure auUiorlty undet • ) M im — President Elsenhower could u^danti' u.B.-forc«rt<raffend-Qnetra^ ,^1 • Matsu and to aulke at the 01 mn«n wrfM mainland lh case of a rjd bt ir^jinsa^ threatenine-Pormoaa.-i------^— sr censor Asserting that It would "traglo enor” not to seek X *nm A?.2i cation- 7or** AMrlcan^-Sfen If in Uie offshore Islands of Quemo it waa an- jjatjy_ Mf roH^in tehman-*ald that~whllB h« President Eiaen ^ ^ .Trgr- - tha y ^ in pogittonronnnuenea mTi! mlntotraUon and In the eountr ...........* would not be arerae to ajw itfka added .’'there U language la *■’'5 ® resoluUon which lenda aid and 1 fort to such a notlcn." nvp.n . ^bm an. aald be bopea tb ^ p ile d cakulaUons of Adm. i m-. - .. W. TOtMoTd.axataaMr'flf the riP Y If* P ehiefa«f ataft, are coOMt.aai If the ttsoluUon U paaaed th. A v o ^ rafraln XroD~«UacUng )^A Armer Matoi “Woe-iint# aU ot-^Wrlf A g " « •» - « t «-6. Ul Kom to mniitiil f Hsr* '-s& toua’ powen uk«l Siw iilm liiilt h lh«-wt«i- .......... I H S D u U e s P la c e s •5 2 ^ T o R e d C h i WASHINOTON, Jan. 3S « ^ £ s " S d ”' r . , ; r - th w " Communist China to vuit lm) A *'".Sirj.p.rt™ .nt ira convlflled said Uie noUflcaUoni 1 by the rS ? ‘he air force. T llL * partment released tho text of ter from Dulles lo the relative ASK'S two civilian employes of the Dullea'’ letter,-IdenUeal-Ir OOllSn cosR, declared tlie Chinese c< , ■ , nliU. could-best demonstrati f n i f l S i n n concern fol' Uie relaUvss'-p« IlflO O lU II ,nind -only by releasing thoi A delegation hold.” post ol Uie "The Inoreaslngly-belllgere >d- Uta. Idaho Utudf find actions of the C 0 abolish the commimlits In receril aays," !i commission wrote, “have forced this govei 1 over to lhe lo Uie reluctant conclualon sslstance. would be Imprudent for th IS effecl were ^ u e passport* va civil defense t«vcl to Communlat China «nd civil de- Amerlcnn ciUten." lolnl seulon. The Chinese reds had offi Uie relatives visit Uie me .!lri R-m »n*de Uirough Dag ",‘i marsklold, secretaty-general rif^!?rt^«en Wniteil Matimifrwtien he mi S P«lpl"« raU iiI lh« prbom fl? ^ Tlie communlsU ha - „ J 1 ' prlaoned Uie-men as "spies.' Falla delegn- [juHf, tha deelalo I, m e com- lowed "careful deliberation . _________ Biild ll was based on "Uie bell ll Is In the bsst Inlerast xm I b S E C pnditions") R feB ortH epoi V 1o7.^udm liava no dl I ildiri^d t” ei oiuTclaari* w orto- afcilnt- oondllionB ei NAtiomillst ""d »“» Valley reporls cor ^ornmajarg. ni**a'*iriinUiv mountain has one ai WUh R*d half inoiiis flf .light, powda ;r;.i„ s ru rw ifffim - fullest agree, area hai .been w ^ e d and 10 brim RMI and tha]nrklQ gii^han.b for the pence Inrged, Maglo mMntaIn la 1 •uulh of Hanstu. II be wheUier Bun Valley reporla-^U. in rhe Coiiimii- anow on top ct Daldy moun laiil and har Inulies at th* foutulbousa, U e bitterly al- on l>ollar mounlalo tad 11 esUoiu. on th i vaU«jr tlWk . tri mi tr it> je t i ! iBployuf'' t la straits ] if held off-.:l; I S' :| D., Lib.. IB actioi^!! -Formosa led-ChlSa ion aa ha GonTTprS ate today. .nd-A^w strip from inder. whlcb wuld ;OrdM],||| laetiu^ the OhlneM r^ buUdi9 uUId & leek tm it^ d bringing defense-oC Quemoy and llie h« dew Eiaenhoim iHtO a rmTarta-t age lB~tUs Idtndeomo pea tbe rt- 1 IfieiaK wt and tbai led t h e ^ acUng q £ : irit Admlnt’ rota wltlieafe a tha-b^ ees ; China . as (A-6ee- es yeeterdar- ;'t*nt cmicltt«_ lelr travel to M impri»n^ t announce* caUons went . irce. The de> text of a let* elatlves of 17 -airmen aad~ if the army. leai-In-eaeh- nese commu- nstrate their. <ss-peace bt g those they illlgerenfi at> Uie Ohlnes«_ days," DiiUls I government - ualon that It for the Ume rt* valid for 3hlna to any Id offered to ' he men. The :h Dag Ham- Mieral of the he-made We— mission to >rlsoners' re- lU have lm« "spies." decision fot- iratlon." He hs belief that «rast of our n s W ~ " jp o rted no dufleuity IT^wouSS b oiu- eaeaUent- *ls condlUona Ul place* are one and «ng- powdar. aoov o»a>halt feet II wnd lereled-- .u ’W iea ot mountain, tt usa, ift la e t^ laA IV Uiebu n i

rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

May 06, 2022



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Page 1: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

W -^ S c o r e b o a r d ^

'" ll

. n o . a 7 . •

iin G ev e r n o r

rantedCbunc5y House Vofl 28 (flV-The house voted 52-4 toda

j«hert E. Smyiie the 15-member goverm The house s ta te affa irs commiti

: , . i M c l i n q u e n c y c o d e b j l l s e t t i n g u p J h c o M m o t i ” ” b o a r d , w i t h a f u lU im s W iv e setup, which would take over tl J^^thool at-S t. A nthony from th e sta

f e S S B i U ^ P r o p

R e o p e n i n j

Two Col]By icettslble." House B o i a e . ja n . 28 tf l-R e

Clartei Cook. R . teacher* colleses clottUd the bUI. « y ln g a je ji .ia tu re waa propo

U. Uw pcniten- ^ 1,,^ Introduced Injgfon the word o r -a leg isla tu re yejtcrday.

^ * . ■ Sens. H ow ard H echtn tMtct_Ml"orKy^y»fw a n d L eonard C

g a lfflr*n ie irf ln f-a m e a su re 'w h ic h would i oBunercla ,200.000 to reactivate Noi

ud rtlte toh In PTlMt j„ , co llege of E ducation i W Bfr4ikUL^3oolltt^ M -L etrts-O larfc-N ornm l-

which I i '•"‘y

V ^ - ^ ^ u E V n a o f -th e -U n lv e ra l ty -o f Id r i t i^ e r to c a tc i ia n a ^ to -coon»,i i i .-» u courses w ith th w a of t5 ia ri« .J4ab lllm alc- ,n y ,

' i i r a s - i m s i i r « n a K«y R obU ni. R,, Ml;

a 1» 1"»» iro au c td tli« bill to t- ^ $200.000 to reopen Boutf

would train only Btflf under union teach ers a n d would be an t m J»y McrrlU, R.. u a h o e u t e college w llh

a falrj oom- ^ f educaUon authorized iritbe mil. but told n te r I t “a* the board o a h p l . 0 > t»D t) of ISC.

f - l y l V C S solution of the cloeed tei _______ lege problem w hich Is '

w o t P l C B the re be none, he h S 'p r o m lttln g th e question to

1 tJ vote In lOM on a n amen<l i t V O l i r t w ould give the schools

U onal stAtus.Wer, 85, Filer, -------- ----------=-------Idrivlng, ent«r«d T - 1 - T i l A- ttJn T w i a i ^

bj city,

ilnnlred a t Second I J v O l I f f l l l j

« l 2 d » * S "** WAfiHJNOTON, Ja n , 3 S S 1 0 ^ h # . r i N ational A sswlaUon of

1 ? ;^ “? hy ^ e r ^ Joined^ » g a n ^

K S i f f i E b 'i t T . r * . a i i ‘r . r l n “ r“S D r, H arley L. L uts, an

)iuco, Twin Palls, was “h d tax expert represe JeranK Police Judge NAM,' sa id Mr. Elsenho Hmndiy on a charge Bnun ''fa lls to recognize ^nd{b a Slop sign. th e g rea t Im portance i » ^ * - > 1 o y d - D .lM o a p lt* V i- ln -h l ih -« » (a ® j « I n lines had been productloiu ^ • ta f / lc violations. T h e P residen t’s report, n WM flntd 110 and “offe rs stones Instead of

speeding and »ofar as reduction* In bus waa Jlned -18 are-coricem ed. M r. E lw r

2iD fiV v" Pf“ sed hope for U x cutsf o r bo th business and 1

|v , bu t none this year, He

^ ■ ^ r iV C l ’S poratlon a n d excise tax cr \ L abor union cconomUllPnt I Mr. E lsenhow er's report lr

1 . ijgfore th e commlltee yea. TW - W ednesday. They complal

tKccordsS-'L 'Sr"'’'"'I , , , , , •-■tmtr. on -the o th e r han

Uie federal govern T . m * ts -encroaoh ln j too much■ 'I »lll Pllhfr Wl nr cnpilftl a n d free enterprla

Moose Membi Open state

r r ”‘'»«l i>f«l imm w ^I i r r " ' '' 'r»I(lc JutMiir. i f irce -d n y convrntloii,

r^,ri:Lr .................... r , ; o S r , i : r 'lllumilly hn> < Al noon a liinclieoii for

*lin, lu Z ,J u T.l. " '“I “ 'Ol'- *“ Kl niosi flnnueHni, W omen of th e Muom •liiiliiiti' Mil, I facorls waa aerved a t Ihi

......................... 1,, !,^ of the»»ir, ...... -cMion Inohidaa the elect

"tn le officers.Kli.i, -----------------------

J-'ii. M IIP! HTIIIUKH OKAV0"li"iir,| W A H H IN ai'O N . Jan , :^ „ i'l" ''ffl'^ulHira depnrtm enl 1i

•i» an i ,si-J» ptow

*«''“ Vi'l^.,>mvrr w „M i„r ll.ey are ellgime-------------------- Hid,

Feline IsN rM ^ ‘B r i n g ’U m

' ' ' ' t not Ixitherlng Dill a

N .h f . , " I " li t iHiHUrr I t Iild""*» it Ihr iiiijii •iiowilrUi cnne. Dill cn

Uin*. " l” ' “ 11 ‘"'""."1 flrftObrfl. fcWi , ' tile tu f l « f fur. >0 hniiR niit.i, rpailni, end iif the cat, 7 .hU kl? ,‘, ‘" '''‘lK>' III "T"*'® f u r-m ln e , lh a t IU, ‘iiDf fii, II,r n frw n iltm le i b u l 1 llm l a g r i p on i h t soruH <

'"'*11 ciiir ' ' ’" t >vay he couldn 't ""ym ora,"

['aiill* rtriKMlled til l cal**“'ltull j„, ,1, / " " ; 'i "nK of llin car before

' him j l , tvfti iolnj 10

• OffltUl CllF tnd '•

icir f e /o t e ^ n ^

t o d a y to g iv e ^ 'e rn o r ’s c o u n -im i t t c c i n t r o - B M j M p l a M r u p & t h r e e - ^ ■ | j | | | | A n g

d i r e c t o r t h o I n d u s -

s t a t e b o a r d

opose , ing for ollegesn—R eopening of

by the in aim -

In th e Idaho

N etrd Cardiff.

uld a t ^ ^ a t e

tlon LewistonTDml-School:*'-----mly elem entary c a rd of regen ts sf Id ah o 'Would "coordinate" Its o f th e un lver-

ie i t r R V C w r a ,1., M inidoka, In - to a p p ro p r la u

so u th e rn Idaho n -atr-A lb lo in-T t inly e lem en u ryDe an a d ju n c t o f elasa a tm c o l n sew llh th e boa rd « " atalrway lead ln t to th

•Ized to adm in - “ >« on'T tw* toUeird of tru stees" photo-engravlDr)

Einciinendm ent th a thools conaU tu- . L incoln school is Jammw

students, the m ost glario{

I M School Plannip j^ i m ltte

In S r^b u lld ttg completed li ■ ^ ■ M R n ^ ^ h o u ^ g 449 Stdder ■ ^ ■ ^ ■ ■ I f o o a u a n d Intennedli [ " K “ » l r i y * l W •<>pened-,ln 1037 and

J - T h o cver-lncrea«l»g nr.n iiR—T hu e lem entary school childrei , ^ PalU has forced tho con?lied U bor to - *" ‘he prln iarj

** classrooms. T odaj

s, an economist ,

E E E s3 1 , S S - y e s s e k J E r

iport, LuU aald, ^ R l a p l f P ' ,d of bread " In- in buslnesi Uxea REY K JA VIK , Iceland, , E iw nhow ar ex- .R escu -e t k n e s of the Uni t cuts nex t year , , r force today braved hoi m d individuals, Ice storm a to shepherd

He also asked ^ t i ,h ln g flee t trapped In ,scheduled_CQT" -b la c k - fro e l ''- th a t-h o s s' tax cuts. , flflhlng vessels sn d clalme nomlsU blasted 4b lives, lort In tesUmony o n o lhe r trnwlera, eeekir e yesterday and „ ,e ty from the fearsot mplalned of the phenom enon which ahci actlvlly lo p ro - nggm g of gmall ships

^ heavy they ovrrliirn . wea: r hand, charged hacked aw ay a t rock-nurd :ovemment atlll n ,f ir decks and masts, nuch on pH ra t* American -seaV.erprise. droned above the toiulni— ------- Otr the rocky Icelandic etm n P r Q '"K ‘ '■"t'' ‘*'e vesaeU by i i i u v a o • g„iding tiiem by radio, a f A 'H ie American airm en na i C l U C C l form ing on the wins VfCinbers o t , Uie p]„„{,8 aa fast as do-lcera cI of the Mooae je r n off.

i>"'tne ataifl ror a p ifcn „ j ^bove the endang '*■ . so as to be on han d pii action r rm ay o thers f laihed d istrei

'* »‘Uil In Arc i l a « officers a t piunge

n f o r a s s o c m t ln n ;« * f '« “ « “ «Ivei and officers ................rfuoM «iid Uialr Til"a t lhe 11 and U ird a iid lo traw ler,' Ihf. n .rre .ilav ftaiidl, broke up on a re

, i l t io n of 1 ew of lUe no rthw cil Ic«l«ndlc election ol new

____ Thfl Irnwler'a romBlnliiiKAYKt» W I"*"' **'■'’ ^roni IJan 38 ( fl -T lie and alnklng ahlji nnd < (tnl'lina au lho r- nhoro In Icelaiid-s desolal urouosed w ater- Inlinliltcd no rthern area, and mototitloii '• iw iy i n c n ' DrBYloiuly

M to dtilerniliif ftlxmnl two Jlrlllah traw l

tfatch for Hailey m Back Alive’ Tun il a a iea t <lfi>l. troiilOi' bpIUiik lhe rrltle r

lu c llm n n ,,,.hid l>enrAth a * ''7 ,,. ,,, uir <,t hi.vli.g .;u.i,

II c rept aimiiid |,|,|,t,ft|„i(.d flimmfd i f u t l r i » " « n n tli r 'h a 'fn l ta trd -1 lu r «ri Ul" linm Ha and Joo’a iiui

AIU UavBrla. Mis. flavarlilha t Is - flew fui f|nBi,n^i,i.I finally go l a n - Hmvlly (ilovatl. U‘» t*irulf of h li neck f,„, Uia i;*l wildn 't bite ami ,„„ti,ri lln«hr<l the lluhl lia,” eyri.s I 'a lrh In tlir "ll 'H * '"' l'''ll'cfore It daw nnl ar.vril, ' Now Joe's hnii.UIB lo hava more loo-

1 . ____ 1


n - i n i r ^ V - T ' I W

----------------------------T W I N F A L L S , ID j^

iln achooi Is dbrnpU ng Btndic* for Iwe ethei to th ree eUaarooms im t^ovised In ihe base toUeU Id th a t lecU on of th e buUdlog wh

* : _______ \ # ^

p C T T O T m c

[ l e r g e r i c j ^ l a smmed w ith 870 com m odate two second gi lariog example o n e .f i r s t g rade w ith a toc« j» t* ttoo ob- *Mideats:-------- ' ------- 'a th e ClUtens T h e room s are fa r from m ittee. Miss W ay says. T h e win* of the p r l- too amall, providing ao u ted in 1012 a n d lo ry mmfiunt of n a tu ra l 1 tadents In IS heatin g ir s te m works In s m ediate build- a rd a nd .oo lay m anner aoi

and used hy a no isy 'w < ^ en stairw ay. *]x x u .--------- — w a y -U ii*a<l-^y-M O s tilg num ber o f reach th e buHdlng'* two lldrei) In T w in th e basem ent. T he noise ]

conversion to teach lnc l a the three imary building, rooms.-prtnelpalraay* :7* ^ y W a r - ^ - ^ l n aven

roday they ac- Into th e school's 38 clssaro

uide Crowd En Erom^— Benefit

A capacity crowd ]arr Filer high school audltorlu

m d Ja n 28 (lfl ‘‘•yS n S B u i S S “ ' S T o r D , 'd how lln t Arc- jh .r d lo M t.tyed In a deadly danced amid clever setting las au n k -th re e rangemcnlfl. lncludcd.w en lalmed a t leaat •» Clawson,

baritone who Is now attend« k ln g to r e a c h - “ <>

’“S h e s ' ^ S e 'C law son Included "D rfr ,1^1 l l . .n and "Counl Your DlesjhiK' ’S*ca!y r m e n ^ l ^ ^ ' n ^ ^ « ’«»<>■«• 'nu rd lea frozen j— —

;;Soi, BackslideMuing trawlers. More cnid and mow i110 coast, keep- dieted for MskIc Valleyla by radar and five-day w rather forecllo. • cd v rd m fla y via Ai

' S n r n ' M h S ‘' ™ , .p r .~ . . . . r r 1. .

. 1 1 ^ . . •■Tniiprraliirea averagl r pau o l p la n « ,„g ,n ,y 1, ^ 0,y no^n^, idangeied a h l^ ‘’"wnwnrd i r e n d nc*

i a « i i Maximiima moally 35 to 3 I s treu algnals.Arctic rescue ciirrlng mnlnly nfler tin

unged Into the „ i„g „f „ rx l week," lurvlve only a iProbablyj.

'om (lie dread .

.l;r„‘.:wS Growers Appr Advertising

Atlantic, no iH E , Jan. J8 (W -TlieRinliiK rrew of nf Idiilio'* |i<it»1ii nnd 'onlo rum lhe broken hiivn vnlfil In (avi^r ol i i t li nd earrjed to th s advortlAliiu levy for ll: aolata and u n - unla. II wiin rc|K>rted yea rea, l l r llrr. sn 'trln ry . of 1lu li r w era 'lD a t iflvcn isinu luiiihiibsIuii., trnw lera which H elirr anUI Hial «• per c.< nk under th e voter*, reiiiesemiiig 7« pe { ice, tho viillii* m iTBge, were li---------------------- nn Ini'.rfiiin 111 niie-lialf Ml

lo Ihe iireariil 1 cen t J6Vy, a - » r The cnmnilwlon hna reco

nn Innraup of 1 r e n l nnrt * - J f--------- - . . , j |,jf„ ,p -,i,„ i( ia h n le i;U lftl

Hits U. N. ki iiuiiglil a biih- WAUIllN<riON, Jnn. 3i ned anmewhat. nttllniml coinmander of t ted"1he Bid nf Iran l.eglnn rrltlolaM lli a miillier, Mra. ^ a tl iin a laal iiUlit lo r lallli iv iirla hold tho atiuftg acUuii l« »>VP

greuUin.II two yuutlia Couuiianiler tioabuiil I ll wlillr Jiie'a sniil Ihnl "when the Chilli I uh t III lhe c a t's It la the U iilird fllatea whl

aaaiiine Ihr Imiden ol slop: iicli," lllll (ill- ninnlnl adviini rn. iniidA a ia aoie, (;<imiii aililirnnrd the U

U lary's forum on nallonal 1

____________ ________________________ -

N - F a I l L S V —

IDAlIOr Pf t lDA-Yr-J ANUARY 2 fl7


e ther eUsaes m Ibe c h lld tra fiock dbw irtlil basem ent a t L incoln seheoL T he basemi

r w hich b a s IS jo e m s w ith 449 stndents,

assroom s m Iid grades a n d 'T h e re a re seven firs a to ta l o r 88 c l a ^ , seven second gra'

~ th ird grades, four fourlh gr rom RdeQuate, five* f if th grades. All slx t windows a re have been-moved to the Ju:

ta u n n tts fa c * sc))ool- building to n h a r a l ligh t; {h|( ji(^obl ^ ip a s t lo n .In a haphaz - A s is th e ease a t W ^ l o

r and th e re Is Bickel, U nco lit schooralso >ay. T he s ta ir - Its playroom which h ss fa

two toilets in says th e tw o rooms are mi jlse handlcapa fac tory th a n a t Bickel. ■: ree basem ent la rge r a n d the lighting 1

. .. system s a re more adequat< 'average of I I ' —" N e x t-y ea r w elH hare t< it rtnMy crowd tiuf l ibrary ." ' Miss W a f -t assrooms. ~ {CntlnaU >■ Pa«« I. Call

]njoys Fine Polii ‘it^Program at F

Jammed th e ery. Tw in P a lls high schootorlum T h u rs - p resented "T em ptation,"nd h e a r Magic P a ris," a n d ‘'You'll Nev-do i t s b it io r jU oiia.’i- . ------------------------

A nother h igh ligh t on thelers aang nnd was the M eccarlello triaittlngs and ar* w inners o f a place on th. were .#«cliJo- H cld t U ilcnt jh o w ._______son, Murtikugh E ncores filled th e audltoitteiidlng RIoka a perform ance by Loy

Montgomery, S n a k e R iver Cowboys,. „ W llh D oris Yout* aa acc

Deep Purple, u ,e varie ty show opened csjhiKS." Ill Ills tow n Jam boree aequeiice.ins. M ontgom - 'n ,e T oytow n clowiia

I RttRdy-Prettcott. Mlke-Orfi• 1 H ovenden, Tommy Hodgi l a e - SylvM lM r-X eniteU i— HlHl IOW are n re- VU'gU Telford, Tnd alley In lh e ' “ ‘ ‘‘■•y *n 'l Tommy ( forecaat le - Q u ar te t vocalising was

Asaoclalcd tiy th e T w in m i l s nn itna .of MnntRomery, Harold Dr

la all gone, ny Olsen a n d Joe Ulrich. AP reporter An u ltra violet llKht p

................... . bnsprt nn a l.n tln tlirm r,eraglng nen r sen ted by th e Harley Cnqtii irmnl wl<h a in th e show. Khnroii I^nii

nen t week, the num hera with a Iwleid i to 35, m in i- Alao lilKhllghlIng Ihe t III aiinwa m;- th e w i n t e r W onderlar r the lieglii- w hich began w ith a llieme

aen lcd by th e Tw in Talla ll T h e trio waa composed

. .1 Condle, B are Robertson an'r « r l s l i . .....................

i n r f l V P Mlsa Pariah also waa fe• o th e r aolo imrnbeiB,

l a * H l l f A M artha Van Weller, PI g l i l l V C victim . porU ayed a aiam c-T lie m ajority dancer,onion growera Iirca u ie sl}« nnild notait liirreasfl In da |iee Mlaa Van W eller gn

or Ihese p iud - acllng In terprrtu llve pnyealcrday by uaing only her hands,

of Uie Idaho 'm e dlrectora. Mr. and ^ttr.----------------- TJBTwy,- w ire winrronr«fl »>er cen t o f the f i ,s i nlglU problems, liicli l« per ccrn of „ t changra, They who rrr lu fnvor ul th is Job hy aevrral pan If M n l o r more jo innd In liie Uiak a lU r ■ J6Vy, ta in .I rei-ommeti(le<l jiurley was stage d lrrrtor ^iirt auch a bill Onooldy wan J u .d in ig ti ol HUlntiire. O tiici' bnckstagc iieisuuii........... rd lla rlry and Hetty KaIiii

‘ <’'"'>1 ayateni: Kll ■ a U tfL b in n . pnsnimMi veronica .1 Aiillii Tlioniaon, nsalstpniV O l a l l Q Dli'k lllngham wua <1 .11 311 fin T he eprenidnlna, Mrs. Krnnklr of the Amer- chairm an of lhe 'i'wln r» l

tl Hid Unimd “ I N allonal I'oiindallo falling l» lake f ' '" ! " " I'«''«1ysla, apoke Ij

I'omniiinlai ag- ciU'i'iin mae, • '• ■ ' l l t r show wlll he give

111 I', Ctillinn Kilrr aiiilltorhim toiilglit lilpa are dow n" ijrday nlKhl, Cin lnln time I which hna lo in addition, a nuitlnen slopping rom - iilrd na lurdny a t 3 im i.

M l proreeds fm m ihr le I,egl(in mix- go to the r iin e iil M arrh mal ssourliy. drive* Ukreugitoul Magle

N ine j ^ i ^ t i e d Id

l ~ B a s € ■ ~Nai

T A IP E H , F o rm o sa , f ig h te r b u se s a lo n g the a e r ia l m ig h t, N ationa l! ~ U . S. a i r fo rc e F-86

a s th e co m m u n is ts ru s sh o re baaea fo r o ne oi Invasions th a t could come Ume.

A N ationalist a ir force nlque ' said f lgh te r-bombei tlTree com m unist land ing -c o lgh l nenr T achen , 300 mil of Formosa, w hile Natloni Ullery on the Island base b ga com m unist gvn positions tu red .Y lklangshan, e ig h t : the north .

H igh A m erican officials naUonallsls h a d agreed In 1 to evacuaUon of th e Tacl^ the Amcrlca m and Chin n o t-y et-rea ch e d fu ll agretJ when and how th e ev ihould be conducted.~ 0^1 Till T a , n p tl""**!* spokesman, sa id th e reds 000 m en on th e C hekiang c poslte T ac h en -a n d anothei m en near Quemoy. About t num ber were repo rted mi M atsu, na tionalis t base mic tw een the

N aU onallst sources have 1 Invasion of any one of U bases " Im m in en t ''b u t aside

no indication th e reds wou ' “ Ul they receive a h in t of

« S e » T X Wnts. (Bteff A lthough th e naUonaUsU

^ th e communist* were stren

= ? = = = 4hefy w m »q »i1#»B ew >tT>hforcem enta a r r iv l i^ the re . ' parently w ere being lu ld li in th e Shangha i a re a ou t

_ Y ^ Y --------- «{-Pormoe*-t>Med-bomb«r*I fiP N atlonallct p l t n u conUn

round-U ie-clock raid* aga

. ir , . “r s K S s ' i . 'si l 5 n d sh ip concentra tion* n«

ohlngton and a i r ^ o m a n d navy could e also Is using W s l t ^ t l o n th a t m l«b t d

ss been p a r- * J!!!ij* n

I t e r s ’ ‘tio|re t o give J ip

, Calaaa I) ____

|. To Marcl' HAILEY. Ja n . 3 8 -P o u r

f - i # ! men, following th e ir relei - U - l t P l * lhe_BlalDfi. coim lyJali,.coD

* * v / X limp th e ir way to Sun Va . . . . . day m orning for the h

? i^ h Dimes. Tho four were "arr . 2 D eputy S heriff W . D. M

Never W alk T hursday afternoon In Ha TtT; Char*»^-0f-"cnie lty to -n ti

I Uie program n jals" trio Hailey

n Uia Horace ‘ T h e ^ou*" Pleaded gullly____ trea tin g Ihelr "dogs" and 1dltorfum after lo J a ir 'b y 'P r 'o b 'rMV Walden's John W rlghl, T heir fines ,, ’ were paid by R obert Rigi

, , S h irts ond K enne th Butl '.5® fleers of th e lO O P lodgeiM **” " money was tu rn ed over to

aaalatant a d ju ta n l : llflth ■ r ! r ^ ^ » , r i ■eivirrl\Td51ib 'nallofial-gii rnd Hodgerl,

r*'nuirt«H se rgean t adviser, and Ted

lin ; iT « T ^ “n“ S ^ a m T a a t B i r u M i y ni „ | | „ 10 e .m v . l l .y .1 11.

loqiletles early A t 9 a, rn. Friday, as >110 climaxed prepared to leave Hailey.

Uon from Job 's Daughters cd th em w ith »50 raised

’,unH''".wMrK T hursday n igh t. At eriaiid sketch ^ay they were guests of Pine sung jiie- employes a l the ml,lla IJriilrieites. jo „ , c h Bun Vail

morning and wlll hii I) anrt u a reara jop of Dollar m ounta in lo

. . . M arch of O lmaa lU g.'* ***'“"< ' A t K etchum Friday nigh r nnhl nnlio reception la planned for U

and se rg e a n t Bw inter's 1 iamese leinple ,„ ,„ i ,c n e la to be- auction

,mt T i.iniiv h ighest bidder. T h e serKH not ael inlly p „ i ^ i , „ m , r a ''' '" "n ex- j , |>een obtained,

prrforiiinncn ____ _ _________________ :

including lhe

';;,S"liK ' To Atteil . t c . l l c u t. n a TIONIJ, N

' Htlca MOM anti AtitnoriinitVfl-ionrcM Ml totii dlrfctoin, m a jo r WMteni jwwers.liav a master of Icetl New i&ealancUo m«ki nkln Alwcirth, >nal projKMal to llie 11. N ra ils chi>])ter M unell on Monday.

iK llD n fo r in - i n Moscow. UriUBll .t Il ke before the Rlr W illiam llayUir railed

\ Foreign M inister V. M, Mogiven a l the u rged th a t fluMia tu e its

Kilt and S a l- I*' persunue fled C/tillime ll 8 lu n . « P l . » « •>*£• **»ed Riuuila nen li sched- Felpliig to ado |il a niM erni

tow ard Uie l^lllllnAnn rrlnl Ihr allow wlil Ind ia w as expentefi to iTh ol Dimes to play thn role n[ liiiern gla Valley. negoUaUona wlUi Uia 11*0

, •

i Idaho Counties [_

■ T T f c _____............... J ....._________

e s f o r I ji i t i o n a l i sja. J a n . 28 <U.R)— C o m m u n is t .Chin tile FuW en “ In vasion coast'* to cc

n a lis l C h inese flourcea sa id to d a y . 86 S a b re je ts jo in ed th e s e v e n th fie ru sh ed m en an d m a te r ia ls in to pc e o r m ore

rd". Warnings a n k _______ ______


;ht miles to N. Y ., told th e s e n a te t 1 1. / u .u u n d e r th e tc rm a o f t h m S ^ c S e re so lu tion could p lu n g e t

Tachens but w ith o u t a llies. L eh m an •:hine»>i hart Qpflnod thfl Honqto*B th i r

« to r M ofse. Ind ., O re.; evacuation d ieted , how ever, t h a t a f

lUst-mUllaiy I . , — 11 - II

Zm f£ Censoredcovering t h e U n ite d ’

midway be- je y jn th flee t off Formosa operaung today u n B e r -c

? .S, .Z " »hlp restrictions.The restrictions w ere 0:

side from the A dm -P » lU B. Stum p, rts thnm was .m ander^tn-ch lel e f th e H w ould strike f i „ t , in a dispatch to Vice

‘‘ I?-!*® Alfred M. Pride. # evw th ■ce • negoua- commander, yesterday. 11 w.

noiuicetLiicre. . . . . . ' ^ U r e p o r te d gtum p aald th a t *'lf c ttrengthenlng informaUon c o n c e m ln ru .

i l -y iS w ^ liL l ysfe. 'They a r - be Je'apardUed . .lid la reacrve ________________________ __ou t of range

nU nued th e ir RcDOrt Stdt€again raided i lilfiC AlOVI* n e a r YIW- V i

For Bvide[teSSS?*th2 LONDON, j a n . M ttlt-A

BriUah- com m unlst. a a ld ’ I iS refugee m l ^ n a r y h a d lold

f n e w ^ S v M Cl»h“ e ReSi moved th e wre

f c S o S u S ?? .‘ g r , . ' ' ; ? .1- -r-n -ri g ( |]ic im na lu fake eviueuus . 11 Imprisoned American

T h e ex.communlst, Dougli r U U B u l d th e missionary’* Inforai

^ i ^ ^ j i w l v w

• C B e r S a week a fte r the c ra sh tht age wa* photographed by t

Pour service- munlst* a s "evidence” lo : release from the ir spy-ehargea again st th i .co n tln m d to now h eld by Uie PtJplng xegl 1 Valley P r l- Hyde, a fo rm erea ilo r o f th e e M arch of Dally W orker. - "arrested" by T he missionary, now In I. M artlndale would no t allow h is nam e i I Hailey In a vealed because h e fears » -num b a n i - Bg«lnst-m em brr»-of-hl»-OT

rem ain In Red C hina, Hyde .iiiiu *« m lt T he U nited SU te* haa m i w.™ T m l = -» !rr%Kniy "~ iiiffg7c dowH Itt'-North--K0re^-“0H '

r?r?5 Bhot down In M anchuria a r " to r t l h . .irm e n w . r . " .p to“ ‘™” ' u . .n p rU oncr. ol w .r . I t

r to m e pollo sentenced to prUon by

Hay. D Je rlicn . _____• ______, ; r j ? r ; ; i i T . T . X e g i o n A s

;'.i.‘„“'“iuS Solons to Abo “ VetsCommift lhe rale of BOIBE, Jan , 38 — A di or Uie M arch from Uie Twin Falls poal

....................... A m erlran-Legion-*«k»d-U las tha m en leglalature yeslerday lo abi

i#.v . ririPB«- *lat« veterans' welfare coi i f ll . . « ,« . .n i and tu rn Ila functions ove s^d a t a box’ departm ent of public asslsti Al noon P r l- Proposed bills to this efI

I of T rium ph aubmllted lo tha house civl B mine. T hey and senate military and Valley S a tu r- fense committees a t a Jolnl I hike lo lhe Rep, w , D, Eberle. R.. Ad n lo raise Ihe m an of the hnune group, a

Vance. ad JuU n t of Uie Idol: n lgh l anoUier lr»n Leglnn rteimrlment. li or Uie q u a rte t allied to appear a t a la ter r's handlebar ’11‘e departm ent opposes 1 cUoned to th e P " " ' U io l'I^ l" I'aUs p rrKeanl's per- H eading tlie Tw in Falla his m uatache tlon was Tom Htlvers, T

1, . mUien took no artl<in.

tend Ccase-Fii-e M'J, New Y ork, Ind ia 's Prim e M lnlit«r J ard Slalea and N ehru wna on hin way loto invite Ued todny with w hal were beiN atloni in a n be Ited U hlna’a ttrm s lor.Brraae-flie for m enl to end lha daiiKeroturncd today, tietwecn Red a n d Nf

^ 'n r i i i d l a i ? u i i f flisvn a«iu or- |„ f„nnaU nn obtained In a

1; N . M e « « » '« « '« • y« t« rday wlU, N. .e u iilly J,..... .. „ „ t, , .„ ,r tn r . whoturned only 34 hours earlle

i -.t\mbaw«rtM fouf-m onU i aUy tn Pciping,||rd nil Soviet AuUiorltatlve aoiirrea aI, Molntov and u „ |^ d flU tes was lit "fullas IU good n f . m erti'- 'W im IhB p t a r W •»'China to nc- o |i|naso delegatej lieAa lor i

laaln to advise erforts.iernlo aU llude «n,e nufsUoit Will bei:rlnla. I'e lplng wlll nccepl. Theto lie aakod n lat Ohinnne giivernmeiil

ilrrinedlnry In Riisalan a lly both have b itlU d O h liiue . U cked c « u i lira auggesUo


I--------------------------- EEIC E-S^C EN l

- — - 1 ^ 1 __________________ ■—

n v a s t o n ^

s t s C l a i n

r h in a h a n lic g u n s t r e n g t h e n i n g i)s0 c o p e w ith A m c r lc a ‘f l 'T ie w ^ lB p lo 3 ay. .1 f l e e t in i w t r o l l i i ^ t h e F o r m o a a s t r 3 p o s i t i o n o p p o s i te n a t i o n a l i s t - h e l d .

g Sounded as IS Debate IssiJ a n . 2 8 {/P)— S e n a to r L e h m a n , D ., i t c t o d a y t h a t " r a s h o r r e c k le s s a c t ! t h e h o u s ^ p p r o v e d f lg h t - f o r - F o r r Ige t h i s c o u n f r y in to 'w a r w i th R e d ’d m a n c a l l e d f o g - a Hftlny in n c U n n a t h i r d d a y o f - d e h a t4? o n t h e p r o p o s a l , i 'r e . ; a i i“ 6 p p b n e n t o f t h e r e s o lu G o n ,. t a f i n a l v o t e w o u ld b e r e a c h e d l a t e to

■' I — M o r s O i- L e h m a iv - a n d - * « ' oUiers have sought to s tr ip

!Q the measure auUiorlty u n d e t •) M im — President Elsenhower could u ^ d a n t i ' u .B .-fo rc« rt< ra ffend -Q ne tra^ , 1 • M atsu and to aulke a t th e 01mn«n wrfM m ainland lh case o f a r j d bti r ^ j i n s a ^ threatenine-Porm oaa.-i------—sr censor Asserting th a t It would „ "traglo enor” not to seek X

*nm A ?.2i cation- 7or** A M rlca n ^-S fen If i n Uie offshore Islands of Quemo i t waa a n - jja tjy_

Mf roH^in teh m an -* a ld that~whllB h« President Eiaen

^ ^ . T r g r - - th a - « y ^

in p o g itto n ro n n n u e n ea m Ti!mlntotraUon a n d In th e eountr

...........* would no t be arerae to a j w

i t f k a added .’'th ere U language la *■’'5 ® resoluUon which lenda a id and

• 1 fo rt to such a notlcn." n v p . n . ^ b m a n . aald be bopea tb ^ p i l e d cakulaUons of Adm. im-. - .. W. TOtMoTd.axataaMr'flf th e r i P Y I f * P e h iefa« f ataft, a re coO M t.aai

If th e ttsoluU on U paaaed th. • A v o ^ rafraln XroD~«UacUng) ^ A A r m e r M atoi

“W oe-iint# aU o t-^W rlf A g " « • » - « t « - 6 .

Ul K o m to m n i i t i i l f

H s r * '-s& toua’pow en u k « l S i w i i l m l i i i l t

h lh « -w t« i- ..........

I H S D u U e s P l a c e s

' £ • 5 2 ^ T o R e d C h iWASHINOTON, J a n . 3S «

^ £ s " S d ”' r . , ; r - ' «

t h w " Com munist C hina to v u it lm)

A * '" .S i r j .p . r t™ .n ti r a convlflled said Uie noUflcaUoni1 by th e r S ? ‘he a ir force. Tl l L * pa rtm ent released tho tex t of

te r from Dulles lo the relative

ASK'S two civilian employes of the Dullea'’ le tte r,-Id en U ea l-Ir

O OllSn cosR, declared tlie Chinese c< , ■ , n liU . could-best dem onstrati

f n i f l S i n n concern fol' Uie relaU vss'-p« I l f l O O l U I I ,nind -only by releasing thoi A delegation hold.”

post ol Uie "T he Inoreaslngly-belllgere >d- U ta. Idaho U tudf find actions of the C0 abolish th e commimlits In receril aays," !i commission wrote, “have forced th is govei1 over to lhe lo Uie reluctant conclualon sslstance. would be Im prudent for th IS effec l were ^ u e passport* va

civil defense t« v c l to Com munlat C hina «nd civil de- Amerlcnn ciUten." lo ln l seu lon . T he Chinese reds had offi

Uie relatives visit Uie m e .! lr i R -m »n*de Uirough Dag

",‘i m arsklold, secretaty-generalr i f ^ ! ? r t^ « e n Wniteil M atim ifrw tien h e mi

S P«lpl"« r a U i i I lh« p rb o m f l? ^ Tlie com m unlsU ha- „ J 1 ' prlaoned Uie-men as "spies.' Falla delegn- [juH f, t h a deelaloI, m e com- lowed "careful deliberation

._________ Biild ll was based on "Uie bellll Is In the bsst In lerast

x m

I b S E C p n d i t i o n s " )

R f e B o r t H e p o iV 1 o 7 .^ udm liava no d lI ild ir i^ d t”

e i o iuT claari* w o r to - afcilnt- oondllionB ei NAtiomillst " " d » “ » Valley reporls cor

^ o rn m a ja rg .

ni**a'*iriinUiv m ountain has one aiWUh R*d half inoiiis flf .ligh t, powda

; r ; . i „ s r u r w i f f f i m -fu llest ag ree , area h a i .been w ^ e d a n d 10 b r im RMI a n d t h a ] n r k l Q g i i ^ h a n . bfor th e pence Inrged, Maglo m M ntaIn la 1

•uu lh of H anstu.II be wheUier Bun Valley reporla-^U. i n rh e Coiiimii- anow on top ct Daldy m oun laiil and har Inulies a t th* foutulbousa, U e b itte rly a l- on l>ollar m ounla lo t a d 11 esUoiu. on th i vaU«jr t lW k .

t r im i

tr it> j e t i ! iB p lo y u f '' t

la s tra i ts ] if held off-.:l; I

S ' :|

D., Lib..IB a c tio i^ ! ! - F o r m o s a le d - C h lS a io n a a h a

G onTTprS a t e t o d a y . .n d -A ^ w

s tr ip from inder. w hlcb w uld ;O rdM ],||| la e tiu ^ th e OhlneM r ^ buU d i9

uUId b« & leek t m i t ^ d b ring ing

d efense-oCQuemoy a n d

llie h « d e w E ia e n h o im

iHtO a

r m T a r ta - t

age lB ~ tU s I d tn d e o m o

pea tb e r t - 1

IfieiaKw t a n d t b a i led t h e ^ acU ng q £ :

i r i t A d m ln t ’

rota w ltlieafe a t h a - b ^

ees ;

China. a s ( A - 6 e e - es y e e te rd a r -

;'t*nt cmicltt«_ lelr travel to M im p r i» n ^

t announce* ’ caUons w en t . irce. T h e de> text o f a let* e latlves of 17 -a irm e n a a d ~ if th e arm y. l e a i - I n - e a e h - nese com m u- n s tra te t h e i r . < ss-peace b t g those they

illlgerenfi at> Uie O h ln e s« _

days," DiiU lsI governm ent - ualon th a t I t for th e Ume rt* valid fo r 3hlna to any

Id offered to ' he m en. T h e :h D ag H am - Mieral of th e he -m a d e W e—

m ission to >rlsoners' re - lU have lm« "spies." decision fo t- iratlon." H e h s belief th a t « ra s t of o u r

n s W ~ "

j p o r t e dno du fleu ity

IT ^wouS S bo iu- eaeaU en t- *ls condlUona Ul p lace* a re

one a n d «ng - powdar. a o o v o»a>halt fee t

II wnd le re le d --

. u ’W i e a o t m oun ta in , t t

usa, ift l a e t ^ laA IV U ie b u

n i

Page 2: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

Local Church "Plans Ydulhs’

Week Rituals_S pec ia l w orsU p l i plaiuied 8 u n - i

^ ■ y by th e Vnlley ChrlsU an churcli iw h ic n U jo tn in^ om er churches of!' t h e Disciples o f C h ris t throuRhoui,♦ht. nallrtn In nh»TT-Lranpi« nf-!.-yQUt>L — —

; w eek" Monday th rough Feb. 6. . I __l-^-Y outii-o f -'the c h u rc h -w ir b e - J » -cha r8* -o f-w «»hIp -M rv icM Sunday

s n d conduct a ll « rv lce « except com-

« fuQ> JUwii:-'tg g r - g n = 5 WKT^ w g t = tro / ■l-D lsclpIe P lan" nre schrdulPd by; yaH B l y o u th 'o r th e church . 1 _ _

A sa lm on d in n e r will bf Iield nl ^

I ralsa fu n d s for one of tlie church's X 1 '■ h o m t m ission stntlonn. The salmon■ h a s been provided by indlans af th r T l■ Y akim a mission. All proceeds from I J H th c d inne r will be fora'axdctl to UieI Y nklm a s u tlo n .I A p ro p n m by ih r youih of the “ o mI c hu rch la planned followliis the d in- reporiI n e r a l o n g w ith a candlelight! bap tism a l service._________________

] George^ndrews^?: Passes at Home “j FILER. Jnn. 29—O eorge Andrews.' C f b; 79 died FVlday m o m liis a t his hom e SeconI here . bu I t B om Dec. 8, 1878. In Ohio. Mr. to bul l i Andrews was a m em ber of the B ap - nnd n I ] t ls t church. ondI I He came to Id ah o In I0J7 from n E ix la td , K ara.H . Hi* wJ^e. A nnie Andrew*, prfCfdM) rtddltl I I W m in d e a th M arch 22. 1547. , (a,un. I t Surviving nre tw o daughters, Mrs, j j g-Qo, I E lva E dw ard i a n d M rs. R u th Schul- I e r. bo th J11er;-th rea aona. D an An- w IL -drfw s-and-E d-A ndrew fl, both-H ler,- move I f- aind -gave - Andrew fl. Du t f a l o r N r ^ TTrar t. 16 BinndchWdrTO, a n d 16 s te a l - sow J ' . grandchildren . Main l>. ru n e r a l a rrangem en ts will be an - » 314. I t npuneed 'b jr thB^W ilto-Tndrtuary.— ............

[rFinarOpportunity L Offerrf Residents Jr JERO M E. Ja n . 28—Jerom e area Falls ll: residen ts a re u rged to have chest day-i

u n i t he re before Ihe deadilne, 6 I t 1 p . m . S a tu rd a y .. gene :

county a n d a n InUmslve cam paign comn: h a a been conducted U> hnve as m any regloi p e m n s X -rayed aa possible, 195t-i

T h e u n it, w il l 'r e tu r n - to . Jerom e ._Mrj F eb . 15 t« 3S to follou-up suspected point

A SK INFORM ATIOK npp°lAU square dance club reporters MytU

iF t r e asked to aend club announce- I f - i f iE n a - a h d Inform ation on fu ture “ TW n eveoU to th e association club re^ Belllr IP po rter , M rs. F ra n k S ir, 331 Elm

■treeU telephone 29S8-R.

I — p — 1 FliI Hospitals {ii M a g ic V a lle y M e m o r i a l .jl T V isiting hou rs a t th e Maglo v a l- prop< k ley M emorial hosp ital a re from 3 squac

■ to 4 and 7 to a p. m . formi m ADM ITTED has dI M rs. A ndy K itlridge . Mrs. O arl T. 8 . di)

Morris, M rs. J o h n Bleveiuon, and Chifl M ra. C. E, W adsw orth, a ll Twin Taipe

Fa lls ; M rs. R aym ond B ennett. BuhU tlonal M rs. F l o y d ^ u f b e r a n d A lra. d . i l i j

J w L araganj ~ munli

M rs, C arl'N orrla . Mrs. Clnra H ub- reaso;bell. Debbie K ay Footo a n d Mrs. Orlo has sW illiams, a ll T w in Fnlls, and Mrs. to de

II H erm an Olese. F iler. tacksB ittT H S llkew

*------Bona-yete bo rn F r ldny -tirM n a n d -------ij M rs. Cnrl Norris, T w in Falls, npd !] W f. and Mrs." Rnym'ond Bcrinclll § B u h l.k

r ......... — C o t t a g e , B i i r l e v L > :'1 ■" A D M nT ED i . n u[1 M rs. F rancis W harton , Burley; Mrs.r O ary W uT , Oakley, and Mrs. Viola 1 p, 1[ Schrenk, Declo, tit tlif DIRMtSNKO ' flylvn

M rs, U u lse W lnnott, Mrs. E dith Ing 1D arrlng ton a n d Evelyn Lnrson, alt OroviB urley; Mr*. B e tty H chnrffer. R up- McCie rt, and Mra. E rm a LInrlsry and SundM rs. Jack ie H andy , b o th H eyburn. Ices.

BIR T H SA dniiBhter wns born lo Mr. nnd KE

M ra. Joseph Piigslry. Burlry, and I'lmvBona were born lo. Mr. and M is, fiteilbonhd l Hnyrtei), Burlcy. niid 'M jv POIfll

— «nt1 Mrs. I r a n flchrenk. D rrlo . and i.— - - n t Ol

S t . I J c n c d i f i ’s , J o r o m oAUMITTCU ‘ J l"

. M rs. W aller-B U ickhuiu. W cndall, r> and Mr*. DelUert Jetpine.

DIHMIHSKH - T erry l Bunkwll/, 'lV )n K nlK y.

•IIIHTHKA dungllter wna linin tn Mr. and ...fon

M rs. W ,Mter'B locktiiim , W piuIpII,

G o o d in g M e m o ria l W mv isitin g hnuiA n l (l;e Cloodlog ‘“ '‘■'y

County Meninvlnl lioaiiKnl nrn fintu I’ "'- 3 I), in, lo 4-an |). m, nnd from7 p; m. t o fi'nii p. ni Bti

A IIM IT 'irh IV CMm. O, M, M lllci, Wrn<l.-U: K alliv 1’

K vrit'll, H hw hdiir, and M|,^, Jon ' ' " i " ' A llbolt, iitlM. iiioiit-

Illlfl'Ulll Illl Tool, W fii.lfll, ii'iv.

Wealher ™'jM a itr V alley—Kuir iixliiv tinilKlil

tum urtuw vrdit uatvUt* ut (i.r Ihn valleys and ronililrralilo h |( li filoudlnMR Inmnrrcnr aflerntm n, III>|| boifa daya 90 tn Sfl. |nw ConinrriW V to a o . Low U at n l |h l l 3 , 14 al N n.m, 1 a n d 2& a ( niion. |,.

Puilon M.v. Hi'„

lil»r-|irfK* .......................... ' -}!,. ><> > ......... , TimMurlrr ,ir | , (<'hlr.».. , , • , .1,; ‘Cirhiilh,! . 1 ,'H It

- . i r / i i i " . - - _______ - i i . ; ;N .- Y«.k .......................... .J H

V l" .* .,* .':" "* ni, pnTnr»l»IM . , !7 " Hl'„r>l.„,l . . . . . . 40 :T


-■•5 ,7

.......... ................

K eep th e W h ite F lag IHoo f S a f e t y F ly in g -

r v AI \ a ^ (he htI ^ f t I endori

"I 3 S x I J®'"I H -------- alllon-

1 3 I ~ was F

I----ZZ&'oIa!3HZdflj/3_V)iihout a” ciai n-

VqUeU. . . L a \ '

Five R«qtresr-^ BuadingOK’s =

Five new building perm it nppllcn- Tlie:lon« have been filed a l itie city hall. In hlireports Mrs, John Lriw r, city clerk, would

F rank Cnmpbell, route 2, Twin pointP^lls, plan.n lo move a 32- by 24-foot tlve"Jwelllng from northeaal of Buhl lo econoi 1955 Fourth avenue D emolition3f- a a cxlsUng.bulldlnR. m oving and T lierepairing for th e 32- by 24-foot lowerlbulldlnit I" expected to cost about rneni$2,000. 1,000

C nnd H Auction company. 309 iggcsBecond nvenuesouU i, seeks to renew d ty j,Its building perm it of Feb, 1. 1947, ^to build n 24- by 40-fool c inder block vote 1and aluminum building n t 309 Sec- latingond 'avenue souUi a t a cost of optomaboul ( 1,200. Qt gt},

a. R. W inkler. 730 O ra n t avenue.p lnai a 15- by 26-foot bedroom ,iiddltlon to a 30- by 30-foot alngfe viainmfamily dwelling. E stim ated coat Is j,n ^ . •M.O'OO.' coiiM

The Rogerson H otel Coffee shop,153 Mnln avenue e ast, p lan s lo re- move a women's lounge a f t 'c o s t 'o fll'lU, ^

8e«r and Save F ab ric ahop. 160 Main avenue n o rth , p lans lo Install ,, ^..r


SoroptimistGlub^ Has Dinner Meet k “'

T he Soroptim lst club of Twin Barly FaUs had n d inne r m eeting W ednes- posed d a y -e v e n ln r-a t th e hom e of Mrs. The

I t was anonunced th a t Mrs. E u- mend: gene Malberg hns been appointed to tutlo r th e flasslflcation and -n ienib frth lp vonHj com m ltue of t h e . Rocky M ountain region of Soroptim lst cluba for Uie . . . 1954-56 period. ...T -;-M rs. U .-N .-T e r ry -h a s been .ap*

pointed to serve o n th e in te rnational

appointm ents w ere m ade by Mrs.M ytt* Hales, governor o l the Rocky f,” *'. M ountain region.

Bellini p resented • a m usical pro-

■■ c ZF l i e r S u g g e s t i o n E 3

G e t s C o o l N o t i c e ' AWASHINGTON. J a n . M (W -Re-

U |?d - ilf lj . a e n C la lr^ C heanau lt's proposal t h a t an tn te rnatlonal j y x r squadron of vo lun teer filers be formed to f igh t th e C hinese Reds . h as dravm a cool res|M nse from U . _ 8 . diplom atic offlclala, BOI

C hennault told U nited Preas In Nle*« TMpeh. Form osa, th a l a n In terna- ^^oy < tlonal group of vo lun teer filers like home hla Wnrlri. w ar‘ n -'F lvlnp TlBi-ri^ . ^ 0

m unlst Chinese. " '" " IBut v. s . nipiomBtie ofTieun mm

reasoned th n t thU com ttry already has a ir power In th e Form osa area to defend nga ln st Red Chinese a l- . °u r tacks and th a t N aU onallst China likewise hns a ir pow er., , . ...

M a g i c V a l l e y F u n e r a l s r in

--------- ------- - ------------------- ----------- l-p. n--------- ' ' flflhBURLEY — P unera l aervlcea for Sylvn

Mrs. Nina Nielsen will be held a t cludli 1 p, m. Mondny a t th e Burley first- Orovi f ittl l wsrd LDS chapel w ith nishop the V flylvnn Morlry nfflclntlnK, CoiicUid- Sund Ing tlt fir 'iv in he held a t r»lni,innt servlc Drove. Utnh, Friends m ay cnil n t (he McCullorh-Biirley funernl home Sunday and Monday to tim e of serv­ices.

---------KFTTCHUM - R.w ary for htr,v n«PH

Frnnres Barry Vennble will lip re- duct riteil n t 8 p. ni. Friday a t tlir Mn- Uapl: □Oiarlck 'Iu n e ta l hom a' In Halloy Ma nnd reqiriem mniw wilt he ee lrb in trd Demi n t Our Lady of th e Hiiow Cnlhnllc bava nhiirrh by (lie Rev. l''n the r .Irionie Hous O 'C onner n t 10 a. m . H alurday, Cnn- T h eluding rite s will be held a t Ihe (heK etchum rem B tfry, • ■ — ........ eveni

-------- - tlitiriT \v iN KAi.TJ» -F unera l services grmii

for Mrs, Klin 1), B m lth will be con- 0:30 1 diirtrd a t 2 pn i. Hnliirday In the serond ward LD.-s rhnpel hy lllslmi) ( \ - IbMs Wni'<l. C oncluding services will ( I k l hn a l Hiiiisei M em orial imrk. ( W en d s miiy m il n t th e W hite mor- ! _ luary I'liajiel Miiliirilay imUl 1:4ft ( U

n im i ; J^ m ern l sei vlros /n r H en- { M ly C, McCiiulry will l.t> lirhl al 3 lu ii. Hiiluiiliiy lit ttio Klmi lliipiint r liii trh With Ihn Itev. lim o til Fie* niniii- riiiiltli iiffli-liilliig, cioiii'ludlng n iin 'w lll b” held a t the niilil rciiie-

llitliii- nliri'l.i 111 Hiuldiifl Hriirnli Hlll_ffci'lluii j c u i a lii, niilililfl<l----------- — t

I S T B I R T H D A Y S P E C I A L !

M'nr a M nilled •nine O nlv) ! :r i t l '^ K 15-D A Y T V S R U V K ’R P O L IC Y '

Wllll All 'I'V A lltcinift 1 Tnnlallafloni (Chininots 3 nr 1) I


: ( lli>lir .‘SrrxUr nn ,\ll II V HB|.«lr« (lluum » « | | . | I


2 2 7 S h o ih o n e S t. S o u th 1 1 P h o n e 3 7 2 7 D ay o r Cv«, ‘

NAll (il<i:i:N KTA,MI>M AM, WOIIK <U)AltAN;iEl;i)

iouse Solons I Grant Smylie bn Adviser Pand

he hmise thl* did no t-eonsU lu te an ndorsem enu - TT,,,rJJoining ihree D em ocrats In oppo-

lllen-fo -the g o m n o r 's ow n ty

i^V 'etf/d tn lh^ lfiT lIon suppo rte r. ' v i‘.i.„ , s'Wuher G ive. Views

■ Swiaier'"{old a - re p o rte r -h e fe ltnlv i>ersons of considerab le f ln a n - ^ , 1»I means would be able to serve .m nin,n.-tfaerUPtwld-ooiin t ll, ..........................

think oov , l,en J o rd a n g o t too lu ili advice Irom live sam e c lass ot j j q j . . leople nnd 1 would like to see Qov- rno^ be tte r ." S ^ ^ s h ^

D em ocrats voting ngalnst th e jj,. |.,leasure were Reps. E. R . B uehler. pianni lannock county. Clay S u tton , W ash-ngton. and Charles W inkler. Adams. i,T lie measure, requested by Smylle con

1 his message to th e lejjlslnlure, nue on.•ould nUthoriz.p thc governor lo ap - «omeoo ln t a council "broiidly rep resen la - c a r TIve" of the sta te 's Industry and rlgh l :conomy. ______ th e sc

Passes Clly Bill T lie senate passed 38-13 a bill

5w erlng ' ihe population .requ ire - iT l f S:ieni fo r second cla.w cllle,^ fro m -•,000 lo 125. This w ould 'a llow vll- J ages. If they desire, lo adopt theIty form of governmeni. FunI t also sent to the house by a 37-5 Pelerf

o te am endm ents lo tlie law regu- a t W ating o'ptometrlsis. T hey enab le th e BlshOjptom etry board to estab lish a code a . C>f ethics. Sen. Leonard C ard iff, R., speakiHearwaier. opposed It. saying th e j . moiode contained such "foo lish" pro- a -<Islons as ihe size of window signs oeorgn d ' ' advertisements optom e.trlsts Raymiould use. Tho

Leads F ig h t dlctloi-L eading U»e figh t a g a in s t th e c ity jjy pn ii/ti ..rv if* hill f> n — p in m a sJealh . R .. Franklin , aa id a new b :lty adm lnU tratlon shou ld n o t have U ,-h a n d s tied" by having, lo hireim'ployes-from Ihc.prevloua a d m in . , ( ^ - pstratlon. son' a r-W ithoutopposlllonrthe-aenato-ap- - 44-4 jroved hiring Paul Davis, Boise, as ja rllam enlarlan a t $20 a day. Daviss a form er chief clerk o f the house. _Jarly In th e session, D em ocrats op- I f t tx»ed th e r id fa , - - - - ^ ” 5

T he senate stale a ffa irs com m it- |w ~ W jjo riM OUL w itn o u t' r e c o u p ------- Jnenjlation a house-paised constl- ‘Thi .utlonal am endm ent low ering th e Libert /oiing age 10 is years. Amerl

-B etting BUI R eferred SOpho■ A WU leaaUilng p a rl-m u lue l be t- Hsh si Ung waa referred lo th e se n ate aero - conlea nautlcs committee. - Ess:

T h e senate jweW Cd tj;o , ^

iv lthd riw n-^ low lng dlsm lssiir of a :lvll suit against an officer fo r fa ll- from 1 lire by Ihe plaintiff to po st sufficien t

aff school district bonds. MnrctN orthern and Sou thern Idaho

Colleges of Education—a cen te r of controversy since they were closed SHI In 1951-were also before th e IcgU- *hone lalure In bills which would reacll- 1 vate them lo U ain g rade school ' ‘‘“ j-

^Mrs. Nielsen, 80, | j

Taken by Death’b o RLEY, Jan : 28—Mrs. N ina ^

Nielson, 80, died a t 8 p . m . 'T h u rs - ^lay a t th e Magic Vnlley Invalid Wlome here following a long illness. H r

narrle*d* to Uw"s W N tefien*!n -

rhcy came to Burley In 1924 from H Rutii. Nev. H e died Ju ly U , 1044,

Surviving are one daugh ter. Mrs.L,aMar Dowers. Burley, th ree grand* Qu rhlldren, six prenl-granjtchO di'an, dum »hd two alalers a’fid -o n e broUter. —— U ri .M ary R)dlng. M rs. C lara Dun- (inm nnd Percy Shelion , a ll Stook- ;on,U(nh.

Funeral servlcea will be held atl -p. m; M onday a t th e B u r le y flrat ■ -------llfih ward LDS chapel w llh Bishop Sylvan H. Morlcy nfflclatlnR. Con­cluding rltea will be held n t P leasant Cirovp, U tnh, Frlcnrt* m ny call nt ihe McCulloch'B iirley funernl home Buiidtiy ■ and Mondny to tim e ot service.1.

Plan ServiceHAILKY. Jan , 2 5 -T h e sen ior lilsh '

B aptltl Y outh Followstilp 'will roii- duct tlie opening services a l llip Uapllsi church Sunday.

M arjorie ■ A n d a r s o n , cnrntyri Dempsey. Claire R elm eis and Bar- t>ava Johnson, assisted by Anthony House, will be In charge.

T he group held a ska ting party nt Ihe rom m unlty len rin k 'liipsiiiiv evening,'Tmin*ed by A pnrty a l the tlitir'cli, Don ro t te r will lend Hip group nex t Sunday In tho regular fl;30 j».in. meellng. ___

k o d a k F i n i s h i n g IDellv Service E

tEEDOM PHOTO IEntrance on alley by W iley n n ig ■

We OlT* RAH G rr^ n f liam p t I


_________' 1

Twm Falls Newi>fld Bale Set ...... . ' D riverPre-school PTA will hold a cook- Pulll;I food sale s l 9:30 a jn .'S a tu rd a y cepse p, C. C. Anderson’s sto re . rou t* 1

• coat lli r r l a i e Licenses ------ FridayA mafrfage license was Issued on hlghursday to Jo h n Shurrum andora Watt.'!, both of Buhl, by the FamilyHinty-oUrk.------------ --------------------- ----- FoUo•.----------------- ^ from tUllnr ringlorDar L-ithrope. Boise, s ta le ve ler- G lenn

rw e/hploym tni representative, was family

nploym ent security office here__5l-

------- - - • C. FrOC Meets T onight n o l 11Tlie Twin Falls ground observers nam ed

prps will mee t a t 7:30 p. m . today civil stSTfil'KTrH' avenue <as{, THe‘pOV» 'b a li <!c Is Invited. T ra in ing film s are T ip tonlanned. • sory ' n

a r Is Damaged Bo* RConrad Schick, 1312'; E igh th ave- c a r l

ue east, told c ity police Friday th a t a r im eone altem pted to break Into his .y e n u t <r Thursday n lgh l, dam aging the j - y _ gh l front window. H e said th is Is le sccond. tim .liB poeacd .. dny nl

c ity p(

llrs. E. Peterson Paid Last Honor

Funeral services fo r M rs. Em m a ' 'e terson were held a l 3 p.m. Friday .n-H n' t W hite m ortuary chnpel w ith nromo llshop U oyd O lsen presiding. ^rrone A. Olsen gave th e Invocation. T he d a y n

peakers were Bishop O lson a n d E. invltet . Morgan.A -q u a r te t o f Ray C. Condle, >

leorge Bennett, Reed CrysU I and jja r j iaymond Sudw eeks-sang. nue e«Thom as Speedy gave the bene- the

lction and E vcra M organ, the fam - <, y prayer. c ou rt 1

n d R uth Sanger, o rganist. stree t.Pallbearers w ere Jo rd an S ize- poitce

lore. Harley Sizemore. L arry P e te r- behlncon ,-R obert-P ete r*o tirD onn is -P cte r----------on and Dale Peterson. The grave ¥ > — ia rded lca led :by :ode irF & Q cberl a t x lunset Memorial park . g

Popic Picked for —Legion’SpContest s,;*‘T h e C onslltutlon — Tem pJe of probnt

.Iberlv" Is the them e of th is year's fc^ lo r

.merlcan Legion essay contest. 'The ophomore, Jun ior and senior Eng- $3o5.93 sh students a re con?petlng In Ihls Mny 6 onlesl, , , , , $3 forEssays, a re due T uesday, reports Valley

Irs, Rose M. N orth. T h e local con- fo r, gc

rom each class. Seven .will be pick- iQ g e i d for the Feb, 32 contest. , valuet! -T h t_ sU tc _ c o n te sU .w iU -b * -h e ld O O -c Jarch 7 In N am pa. S79 li

-------------------- --------- O ntarCLUB T O M EET n o t pi

SHOSHONE, Ja n , 39—Tlie Sho- The hone Rod and O im club will m eet N . Jci it.£ p.m. M onday a t ,the Memorial mil. O fficers will be clected and a C J 1 „ itate f ish and gam e departm en t film O l X vlll be shown, .j

r u i T T L I p BU,

S rin* sQ ulle .oflen Ihe girl whn plays T h e n

i<iiih| | r»«lly ■Itifiirg _____a n d t]

— “BIh e r t th o u ld a sniind,

linsis ii|ioii wliiiih lo colru li

anil value*, you w ill <Iou1jI|<

rn irirn l liusiiieaa ninnnf^rmri

l«v»iry nuT l tliat tm uliriiin .

O i i r fliarfir In r e v rry ilr

a p re n i u |iin i in WfitinR n t 1

nieiilH are nmile.

You mny $erk nu r ci]X 'riri

«'Ul inn irring any iililiRnlinn

se Electric ClotC u tx I r o n in g T im e in 1 OripK I

\ ^ \ NO (» 'u n .r t D itv iU \ ih i

H \ * .l.U '.W lUtV IHAI,!H \ ni,iiii..« 1 WiiMi N n i

\ * H l,,\^■

'*~.*^ . ' * i.«iAn « A r.M 'i'i v:*^"1 IH I’lillliils 1)11111)1 I

___- - - • * i > n ( i c r A iit n .o v v i'fliMiiitli ....... CIciMv

. fl im o i i «:a.s h k o i 'k

K (l |{ V d l ' l l )S tu v

^ M & Y Ei n f \iii iii


W8 in Briefiv e r l sF U ie a ;»ul!lng * -traU B r'w tth expired 11- " pu e p la tes coet Raymond J. Chugg. J n ll* 1. T w in FaUs. a »2 fine and S3It In T tt'ln Falls Justice court c„.^tIday.-He was clled-by s ta le polios Thcatehighw ay 38 la s t Sunday. Bough,

--------- n lg l i l»mlly H ere co-dlrcgoM<Hving-diArfwge. .a«- sw g a a a t TtTnnil im the U. S. arm j’, Lewis _L,, Ar-iglon. son of Mr. nnd Mrs, R. Brandsenn A rring ton . T*’in PalLv-and natlrion lly a re llvm g a t 112a F ifth ave- p ^ ^ , ,

rT r> n ii |-1 h -^ t ' ~ ............. ...........Z. T. B cym cr. «so Rose street. Js ^ t th e C, E . Beymer uho was 'med co -defendani in the *319 ^ ' 'II su it filed In Twin Falls pro- tc 'w u n : We'ffllTOjry by-O het-W t pton' fo r failu re to pay a promls-

,J R e lum a fp' AviniCarl Lemons,- IS-ycar-old son o( , ' r. and Mrs, Lon King. 1785 T hird enue east, cam e home early F rl- y m orning a f te r having been re- rU d m issing by hU paren ts T hurs- y n igh t, T be boy refw rtcd n l the i f ® 'ft ,y pollcc sta tio n and ia ld he had

s iT h e L t a l l M e rc h a n t bureau will begin e et M onday noon a t th e Rogerson )tel to discuss final plans (or the 1 > | | , eclal O eorge W nshlngton b irthday J O U l om ollon Feb. 22, 'The meeting was tt roneously reported scheduled F rl- T ly noon. All local m erchants are

______ b « -

p r „ . F , „ 'H arry T hom as. 1620 Fou rth ave- p ,.h n i le east, was sentenced to 15 days th e county Jail and assessed the

s t of 13 in Tw in Falls justice u r t F r ld a y afW r p leading gulllv to

rect. T hom as v/as a rrested by cityiltce T h u rsd ay n igh t in thc aUey ®'h ind th e Owl cnfe. P

_ for dl.

’ayinent of Bills Requested inSui^ count

M errill L. Cardwell and John "c. Jdegraff w ere nam ed defendants JA™ separa te civil su lls fo r non-pay-

s n r 'o r ~ b tl im ie ( l - in - T w ln - P B l l8 — — - obnte c ou rt T hu rsday by the Pro- sslonal A d justm ent bureau. _y_im 'The bu reau alleges Cardwell owes o3.93 fo r a p rom ttsory note dated ny 6, 1952. $75 In atto rney 's fees,

for m edical trea tm e n t a t Mngic \llcy M em orial hospital nnd $5.61 r ^ g i ^ s d jllvered lo ^ h lm 'b y the ____

! g e 5 he rccelved merchandise ilued a t tI28.96 from Ihe M utchll—companyr—O ntario .—Or«.r—a n d ------9 in m edical services from an n tarlo physic ian for which he hns ) t paid,Tho bu reau Is represented by H.. Jewell.

lix Rings Stolen In Jewelry Theft

BU R l,£Y . Ja n , 2 8 -S lx W i i i l c nblem rings were stolen from the aulson Jewelry store on O verland ^enue som etim e between m idnight Id 7 a.m, -Friday. Jim McCardlc, lanager of th e store, reported to >llce Ffiday morning.A tray containing e ight rings w ss ____

wo of th e rings were found nearle scen e of the .bui Kla u , --------'------- 1 ------Last week the sam e window In­

ie s to re 'w as broken a n d a wntch ns stolen, McCnrdle told police, he missing rings are valued a t »170 ad th e w atch al-MQ.— :--------------- ---------:

B e tic v e

m l, imilrri>li>n(]

Irulnic luiicrat priccs ,jljllriia'a(-r<'n llml our

rm rn t anil (nir profit I

’ iirm «1 c x j irn 'r is

n l lhc lim n.nrraiiK r- _ |

e rirn re .l (•miiiim' 1 witli.

linn .

)thes Dryern H n l f - - ' ! ‘I'H l-’n s lo i - a l l^ R H C o s t | ,

I t v i l l 1 AN MA’i'CH ITH 'n iA U in i-R l

ll,! Aiil<iiiml|ral|v D ries 'Vniir Nn Ilr ;.. . |,,nv i i n u - Rpguli.r

. 'N 'M . I) n tO N T l No llr rpiKlKlV'. Jill,' .\w i.,.,o Wiifthfll t.n,iil 11|1. ClnllliM 1.IMVI lllim , Al,. l) ||r , . ||. ,In llR .’rn-KNKit AT A -Y x m r :

1 'v K S T i .N 'i i n n u s Ki l l l f l ' . . . I 'll .,Ill , i t , . i

ELECTRICIn A v n i im Murti


’heater Guild g, jets Cast; One ' — Role Remains SS fo r the Tw in F a lls L ittle dogs fficater guli**’® comedy,-’'T lie G reen M an -blugh," was selected Thur.viay licenseUlll except for one role, repo rt th e R. 8 . <-directors, Mrs. M e rritt Shotwell rope , ,

JuvcnUe leads, w e r e awarded Bopp e: •enda M cIntyre, N a n c y G orc T ccn -f iddow,' PhylUs Hough. K nlhryn sergear (well, S usan Sw eet and Ann Al- m .ilW I

T . '^ ' a1!^u1 Ut Cu ' Sin III" to be ciTst ls~ the ro le-o f th e pender ofe.«i6or-fathen• 'm e G reen Bough," adapted for Cabinc i>.»uge bv -Tony T a ggartp ^ ft populir..BoV cl w^ by , ^ nne R ltner. T h e comedy is set ",rly In th e 30th cen tu ry and con- rns a professor whose wife died, avlng h im w ith six children. T lie y ofessor choo5«.^ as a step -m o ther l l | ] J old m aid school teacher who nl- • ' ays w anted a large fnmlly.T he play will run M arch 4-6 ntle W ashington school nudltorlum . __eadlngs fo r’ th e still-vacan t p a rt ay be a rranged by contac ting M rs. ^ ^ , 7 lolw ell. I t Is a lead p a rt. Re- :m a ls for " T h i O reen Bough" ' :gln th is w eek-end. * j

Jurley Pair Held iC" Following Action “;r,

JEROME, Jon . 28 -M elv ln T a ll- Hamlll :r i, 30. and P au l M artin . 33. bo th ‘"8 urley w ere bound over to d is tric t Inques m rt here T h u rsd ay -a f te rn o o n by rebate Judge T heron W ard on Hamlll larges of f irs t degree burg lary . The VO were ordered held fo r d is tric t lUrt following their., p re lim ina ry , Th® ;nrlng. ■ - ^ p . rJohn Taut, 2a, nlso Burley, who as arrested w ith T a lb e r t ond M ar- -p . n. previously h a d w aived prelim - * lary hearing a n d w as ordered held . . 8HC ir d istric t court_ac^llon. schoolBall fo r h a s been continued ta s tu i

I Jl/xto. Bonds have n o t been post- be chi 1 and th e th ree a re In th e Jerom e p in t, Dunly.Jall..-They. .w ere..a rre sted .In. th e af urley following th e th e f t of some T he m n Im plem ents -n ea r E den early goven its week. chargi-----------------------------------------------------In itialA nimal te e lh a re used as m oney experu > many prim itive peop l e s ^ ^ ^ ^ straw s

H i r w c









H O R S E, ' l lill lll (ll MiK^ic Vnlley on ^

O P E N 2 4 H O U R S i

— _

Seen T o d ^ S c o ,

HJnlendar In busy office tu rned lo • ^ ^ ^ !cem ber.-lfiM -. . . C. W, o a l S m ing gold founU ln pen tha t | ) K plody” - w hen used , , . twq vJ gs ffghtlng on street corner , g^,.»n - buy .ng-dog-llcense to replace] and ense th a t e ^ l r e d la s t May . ' rpnr. ^

8 . C u t^ r "needling" D ar U th - ' pe , . . W orkmen m easuring store a t th f ,”

ipp exchanging Irlendly la^ults , . . ^:en-age_glrU waving to police desk 'irgeant . . W orkm en Ihstalirng low.ll_ .lo t I .. lU d, J. g j «

cam era In photo shop . , .-Jim

nders . . . YouBg. girl hanglnc ,?*'Dihes on hook Inside car . . ib lnc t being installed In she rlffg ^ < flrp . . . And overheard; "De- niu 3 rt-to-fH H n-‘the-tneome H n fm m t • *y jh t aw ay so I can gel th e money w ' w ey owe me back sooner."


[ury Awards "SS"•/ bik-, and

^ |5 , 0 0 0 S i i m l s iGOODING, J a n . 28 - A d istric t * ' lurt Jury here awarded Chester jtc $5,000 T hursday afte rnoon In is $16,000 dam age action m H am ilton, T he su it was based J®"’1 Injuries lecelved In ari aulom o- , ‘ le accident In which Jo h n A,:ayes, G ooding, was killed la st Pfw^en :arch 14. day-IonfIn h is com plaint. T at* charged v li!!^" ' am llton was Intoxicated and drlv- ig a t an excessive ra te of speed. An iquest in to Mr. Mayes death set 3 blamtf in the tatahty b u t la te r am llton was convicted of d runken :lvlng. H is conviction h a s been a p - p !aled to d istric t court. h v , >T he verdic t was re tu rned a round

■------- ---------------------- offlcUt<

Program to S ta rt S mS H O S H ^ E , J a n. 38 — Lincoln _ g % .

:ho6i here will begin serving m ilk V ®) s tu d e n ts M onday. E ach ch ild will i ( o us charged two cents fo r o ne -ha lf ExpertInt, th e milk to be served a fte r Driveie afternoon r e c ^ gj T h e program ,Is operated th rough

ovem m ent subsidy a n d thc money _harged pupils will go tow ard the P iltla l purchase price p lus opera ting «penses fo r refrigei-atlon a n dJaw s.________ ;____________________

ORLD FANli#, \ f .

■ ■

I • •«•


n i DARK« • H « » 4« •


B s n ^ iin HIgl'woy 93

i S A D A Y

________ ™ day,

' c o u t e r j ^


. SalSnakt ri,5 *'<* dlRtict '*W |

pl*munTJ2 h»


'55 will hw " ^ 1

> plan council Council c h i i , ^

5tt. j f r o ^ JM «»y, P»

A. t u , ! ?'■''"fixation“ ' I ' r . - h r l n MIk-, and Dr. n J lJ r ‘all.v com m lsii^ ' C o n im ii i t e ^ ^

■llh a dinner |t i ? ^ORctson.hoitifl* '■ Icuom m ltiie^Pln» l« lK irt,2S

'ons and m m d i^ Ivltlfs for 1945 J ?

'resident, *ui b e ^ l“y-long m«tin, *

Arrangtffifnuinu ia lah tr« id h li{ ^

R it^Services for Dc).

win dsughte « u’. Sllvey. wirthtViB lay a l Sunset U m h t-d lrec tta rn riq


C o n c r e t eIs O n r B o ^ u Expert W o rt- I^ Drlvewsyt


Pan! HoCeueet


IAT- 1

I GAN(3! I

Page 3: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

/Loan JMhmI ;D E 8 M 0 1 K E S , l a . . .. ^ ^ > - > 1 1 1 su ite Sen. Lftwrcnce 1

i l f l t l O l l - U V - - r a io u g K tr u r io o ic a lJ»*** ^ memb«rs o f the uppcf

WW thcm -hn-fm nrd-l P V I tI C 'C / I 'O I ijjjg dnrnftBeJ In tho

.hff„l reserved Tor leglataloi ^ .< ,^ -W a rc hftii , . „ j t . , . „ o t - t h e prlnc

s : ^ h e £e :Plans-Ar.e;M

F o rPoUca. DolIo~Iieffe(it d aucc .

a ibe -in -*^ on P e O w ere eompi^uw i'Y n - a^^clallon In* of the HClIlsUr Gr«

dny night.iuc«<l ‘ * ^^ „rrB V T h e benefit »vent wl JoHn»n the O range hall. All C

.? fr be rsaFe iSked'tSTFTnFje.rd of dlrecio ^ auction. Mualc for dm

«^!o cm - furnU hed hy Uie T rio L

m, eft»r«cter M ’’“^ p O range donatct f»* fon - polio “ O'* decidedleceif* « " com m unlly ncrvlcp co• . „ nntfiucUon McGregor wns Ihnnkct

t r t S o n a silverw are c h ^ t for « shown G eorge T . Hmiey.

included county chalnnnii for I r)^iirin nnd Dlmea. showed a me

" 1 ? , m !,;,:.“ I »»a spo il '. F.U1 M in t , Shclla R efreahm enta w cre .ae

•f!. i io td lo r. m m - M »- C orn lt L .n t l S c u r r y W .l l .n ,------- — —

Separated T Get Same]

^ A a n f O LANDSTUHL, Germ|g r V l S O r » i^ \ - w h e n U . s . a rm y , I Itches, h is ld(I ll6 l / i n n 6 r Joseph, a lio scratches,

, , n - A rrange- th e y .a re m iles apart. ^S’.nd orogram for W hile altcndlnB a ; l ^ e G o rin g soil a t A nsbach. Eug c n fs

^ w*™-*" an Identical rash,u ire lo hold th e T h e 22;ycar-old P i tt

iSdlni Orange hall, were transferred to the “iS c l- fu n o lf -fo rc - m l - l lmipl ta l .h ere. fbiLi t m s t of all snow Doctors found ou t tn ^,»nhl» tiBSln. WlU old story w ith th e Tt

...................... B oth-had-broken ou t siii chilrman of Uie w ith s im ila r rashes be uitnim tut*. O the r had no explanation.Uf Ruby and H arold --------- -------------

5 S « n “‘.‘r.S Czech, Argei SignTradi

iC o irfe re d -™ ? t;^ ^Jl-Dr. H- E. H am - have concJuded a M r Inj hli second d c - trad e agreenient, the lOOF.Joclje Tuesdny aeriM of such pacts I

m iQOF h i l l r <U T h e tf tii t j - iialU fm " ptiUl be confcrrccf of,)som e IB million d (odldites by a spe - of Czech cap ita l goodj B tm the B uh] tine farm products of r — :-------------- -- ’nsrT ,-w s—c fiU hnrei-a----------- - change about 33 miniUTED w orth of unspecified ' ’riMjouis for pa rta goods.M ’ iponsored by ____ u_---------■UFTA. will be RETURNS TO ( M r a d e school OAKLEY. Jan . 2 6 - . iftm ea and liv e h as retu rned from a K_________ tc Ogden. ________

K c s c r v o d fo r g r a c t o u t l l v l i

• ' " l l . ' . I ,--------------- L,-^ pm4 m * »

■ •I'i'll.U A ,'.,..,I, ( /,,

I 5C)UriilV llM ivt BllNOlD WMI5K

ered— I M em bers f(la.. Jan. 38 HP— ^ ^

ince Putney took I , / \ - l l i \ C , ,i k a - r h l a fellow ' ' " | ) o l lu p '^n> o 'u se"nhd ’ •» » m tl-h ls-jiu tom o- ' V I a a i * . tho park ing lo t J - M t L l I U

slators. . B U in ip r ln e lp le -o f th e -stocKJiflMFi; "•■but th e mowey .„u„i .i,,,,,,'. ! ;’7 ‘ 'J

'■ ..................

• ; M a d e _ . .

)lio_Event s r ' r ° J

r G range W ednes- Coopernuvc vipi-ii i-,,, a .’penkrr v. i< o n i

n t will be held a t Blacktum.All G range mem - Menit)vLs vm.'/i j.x i K ln f lle n is for th'e' tJBTea'^rradjm. .si,;,,,!? r dniicing will be M. n. cmhn,r^„~L< rrto L u is and P a r - "Buhl. c.)o|„.r.u'v,.'

dlicvioi.s-m ated $10 lo th e repnrt nnd Minuii;cr i- elded lo en ter th e prescinni Hip lu.uutiier ;e contP.ll. L esK r Gucat.i w iiircn l nnked for m aking Sm llh, .1 p, sniuli Clif t for Ihc G range. H arry .Sh.iin nnd ney. T w in F a lls Twin Fall.'; O coue for the M arch of Portland, nm lJolm }lrp

» m otion p ic tu re ----------------------

r™ r.rM r; Airlift Will Tchnitker- and Mr. 1 ? i /•L «nting. rood for J I'Twins

n * I 1 an airlift to f;

le Malady zr..'7,;;.G erm any. Ja n . 28 ivest Alnskn. the fcder arm y .P v t . E ugene fen .« adniinistraiion nn I Identical tw in. dav. ches, even though a spokesman at FCD/ mrt. ^ lers liete said f.unilio*? a signal school bounded bv Bristol bnv ^ne^ s^hands broke Ing s» ^ io the n onh am

U U ae tlln .-su ffo r« i Sw-nndfalmdn flslilng.

; P ittsbu rgh tw ins The 500-mlle nirlift o the RCcond G en - shipmenL'i of .>;upplirs . idr_Lrcatm enL. Itom SeatUo to Sewnrd b lUl th a t I t was an from thpte over the A le F e rrl b rothers, road to Anchorage sU ri 3Ut sim ultaneously the airlift, the cs before. D o c t o r s -----------------------

— — . Report State gentina. Million Go ? d e P a c ts ,°sv „

Czechoslovakia n,* in ternational l lb o M m 11 on do llar uon reported yeater-day.

i c tS 'b e t ^ e n '" ih 1s

\nn' Clothing" s? S o < r f S " A r g e S >«‘herts of equal va lue , _____ V:e* also w l i r ^ x -J million dollars R A M S I

Venrttaid"S j i K L E V

; ^ I H i

ip -a W . : W j j & g a R S i a

living„/ U . II.,:.,. 4

■f .„ //„ ^ u'lihktv i» " i"* '

. ■ \ • .

■ H * I S | ! J l i > A i N NIUIW i r i l l i s -


' f o r Insurance Fir W u l v Cites Womei . ' ' / Premium]i n I J I U U CHICAGO. J . n 28 I

surance company, acim ^>011- ifiiin 350 Uioory Ihnl-younc womei '•(1 i j" loiH s\n-Ucivecs iha ii youviK m rn.

" th r Bulll todnv ii Is ellmlnaliiieT llP lri,- .f ,, prfm t.,o, fnr u.A,..T|m n ;l |

^ , The A llstate livsurnurioil Fi,.(! K w h, already hfts' dlsconlinupd ^ 'fd , ih rrc to premium--on -aulom obilr 1 f '^ " k Atkins for glrU and young wonI g u m m r i l i i . iU lM .Vnj-.?-''*' I t will » tl> n ri.lh . p . .,

• >'"i:;.«iul Ako ^*1'''' prem ium fo<-.illi,sifr. ‘’°Vs under 25 will conti

A spokr.tman snid the

" " I" im Krb. 10. nbout 10 p rr ccnl, depeni r rv sltln it o r th e js ta lc and the area. ^;il>plv K.up Ilir ' We hnve no .-1.111,110* t Kj. ,- t l,..i .ud it;ou r bfUef,- the spoke:

i i .d HeiidlH:"bui « c feel there iirr dil ii'iier . ipixirt j di ivlnc prncllces which r r<-ii u ,iu ’h. t.yoiu uoinen a sa fe r bet.- . Clillorcl Amick.' _________

Beef Cattle F Tlj,;. Toui* Is Pl1 i a K 6 RUPERT, Jnn . 2 8 -A f

i 1 I to ob.wn,'e beef cattle ►r A i a S K E PPrhnenls will be co) ■ v«,-i 1 ■ -II, M‘>'ldoka county Mond .. Mich.. Jan . 28 \v , q , p t s „ i , cou,uy exit n commanri has „cre. The (our Is oi>en r . .„ „ . Interested In slock ralei ncm. .surplus The tour will s ta r t a t : mlllej in .io u th . p i , „ f s office nl the federnl civil de- pir.-t stop will be n l 1 m nnnounced lo- m n fr . feed ynrd n ear !■

, classes of slock and dll:FCDA headquar- ing program s will be st Hies in lhe a iea stop will be a t Chris Hf

\\7 i | ‘k dl k " * ^ '

^ S r 'g ol

itesSOO B -V ilv r i Jo Naked READY Cirland, Jnn . 28 Ifl ' / 7 7 Z 5 ^ 5 » Jnllllon people in y ^ = 7 = 7 ^ f ,g T L olear any ciolUcs, d o eL abor..organlza- ■ a t o *

» the barest fact of the world's

u trv • Losni quickly, ton ftd t

ig" and the 300 ♦ P«ymen»t itilored «o j- thcr wilh clolhcs « Frien<41 , prompj tervi

---------- ------------- _ - C a t i J a d a y

SEY “ I SECUR^iln d F a c to ry

W arehouse t,ETE I^ SERVICE ! P h o n e 68C- «J« Ith Air*. W. 239 M ain Atc. W f t , —


. P

N’ E W S , T W I N F A L L S . I D A I

Firm - Q u in t e t o f ] F o r M u s i i

tn Drops bUBLEY. Jan; 38- A <28 i r — An In- hai^plsta who have dubb acimit on the selves " the AngelBlres,” « omen Arc .safer here Feb. S’ under "IBc a u rn . nnnounced the Mlnl-CaAsLi Com munl Hlng iLs exUa|aM oclatlon, Mrs. D ^C . Ho;

rnnre company Ifa m is 8:15 p.m. a t thi nurd the extra tabernacle here. otJilr irwurnnce T he perform er* In-the-. women In live Baum, M arja Breiu

__________ ylevi; au jli.A o ,m il,e .Waid

H o n o r G ivm for men and _ I

“ :i,...,„ T o W a r-]T s - u ^ r i tv F r ,p r - T . n 'o w n r r x n r . ' j r f ? . ■ (•pending ou the body of Ira Haye.v one of i

who raised the U nited ) slle* to back up atop U to Jim a 's M l. S u r poke.^mnn said, liif In sta te today In tl ;t d iffrrences In s la te capllol building.Ich mnke young About 2.000 Ind ians anc

crowded Into Cook Mem----------- - byierlan church a t Sacaltt reservatlorC F C C U funeral services yestcrdi

P l s n n B d '*'*Ai'fellow Iribe-iinan,- . , , , , . Jo sjeh . conducted th e i

- ' I t h e '^ . r m e hero.

coiiducled In NaUonal cem elery In V Monday, reports p , c Feb 2.

The body of the 32-ye. ,1 * Indlnn waa found la s l Mi

I n t 10 n m frnm <>» ‘he ground In the th e counhousT. ® "P '“ ule on the Pim a a t D aryl M an- re treatednr Paul. Several ‘^°P* ‘^e v,I d llfe ren i feed- ,3C studied. Next ------------------—is Haiison-s feed Nlcamgua Is abou t t

U feeding sev- Michigan. ________

la t-O c to b e r t o ___

a t — discussion

—b c—c o n d u cU d ,__near .

P be visited .. . . -------- — _

CASHo f th a _________

d o g h o u s t

i ? '


680 ■ B ilM f rI t .— T w in F>n»

^ | | | H

r ! «11

M j

u s r t ) u fCREDITPLANS!


PANon Ihls the

■ I■ 1 7 -o a ., j i I I


I ’ 1 0 -

l h e n a m e o u

I'A KKINO p a rk l^ i tot r s a r

I A H O ' ____________

f Harpists to App< deal Concert in Bl-A q u in te t of l»n H arding. All a re unm lubbed them - cept Carol’ a u m .'V h o s e ! I.” will apjjear Ihe-com p w e rrP a u lrao ffr! ie a'lispices' o t The Angelairea w ere org nunliy Concert y „ f . , »go by Producer Ho . H oggan .p res - Each member h a s ar lie uf t h i P to- niiuica[~bAckgrouA9 and , th e old LDS vidual success before un

tnleiit.'. As a group, the the -qu ln te t-a re havp tmirea' iiY{*VDrnje'r

M a r ' '*’* seasons.

.............................l»«p- .- i i i i 'tm r - iw it—»MjuI V f t l l i Numbers on the progrB *• ’ elude selections by B ad

Y-w- • G ianadM . Lecuona, SnlM r t l t f ^ l ' O Ger.thwln. R ichard Rodge

■ - Youmans and H arold Arl ffi . a r im -T n - F — -------------------------------

■,?s‘iEr‘S Dinner Ser*™ FILKB. J .n . U -M O I .

" A rlionn BlteiidM) th e a t‘‘.nrf » h iip ..irn dinner honoring p ast maj ■ and 'h l le m e n T ,,„ d a y even■memorial Pres-.acalon on the MacKay.atlon. to hear j, , , p rogram wereicrday for the j , y cobb.

_ L.Mham, Dale W illiams in. Rev, Es^u Vincent, T he Rev, W, A. 3 t ItPTllM lo r p , „ , , „ „ „

• were shown by Raymond•d In A rlington --------- ----------------------------„ W .. . i™ ,o „ , J l

r M o '„ r , r , ‘r , R o c k . s n d . cth e vlJlage of j .a8TEETH, an improvti m a reservation b« «ptln)tle<l on u p p e rs W, l r t , r i , r 1. 11- *Sa'?.';5p” ” ™ ™

“ ssxKUS; fJ.!,"J not HUr. Checks ' ‘plate.c ^--------- ture br*«lb>. 0 » t FAST*]J t thC ,.» lte of arug counter.

EVERYONE ^^ I g f — ^ r t o o k l n r t o ------------

2 and CAIN'S - -: . FO R


t - H E E B G



Yourf>CORD ■ ■ .NTS ■ ■

an d porkfli

'fy td i i ' l i l e n d

>C0U1)S / < ^

. .9 5


3 .9 5 “

' i / e n r u n d e r o w n e m h l f i . a

N<j — ™

________ ^ ________ • ' i:'

pear „Heads Dri\___ JK R pJ4B ^.Jan^ 2 ^ M r s

l i l l l ’ l C V Sm ith ha* been name J com m anderJo r lhe Amcrli

unm arried ex- cer society. Mrs. U R o y Fta com m ander reporta

- O t h e r - o f f i r e ^ o f ^ t h e ^

S ^ l r «'»"‘rm an, and Mrs. Ferre ■|i“ chalrm aji for the II

n J t tS n - a n ^ AU - o L .th « e ...w o rl« rs- .r« T h e ? h iv e P‘*"* • “ *'”* “ ’*■

n ^ TV i h o ^

•ogram will in - T O D iBach, Debussy,3nl?,edo. G eorge n r » n 'f r fodgers, V incent » *

_ _ _ _ ,v—— A U lsslng T eeth RerA M t/A f ) ............♦ BrokeiV-Plnicfl-Rei:' c r v t i u -■-# r a u e T ee th Relin

W H I L E - U - W

, s r . - ; r i Fit-Rite .Dento• lumuiheti bv m n M ain W est . . U

PBO NB S8Ui-ere Mrs, E. A.' bb. Mrs. Erma im s and Roger,!, A. M acA rthur. t M o tb ^ pic tu res!

TECTH I [ ,« ,5|« or Slip? I. fiW Uirovtd powdM to ______'o r lower pUttt. I - If ■ -I flrmlf In pUc». r

5¥«.r;!, SHORTHANIo«nt----------------- d

— W iW -gj


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W id e ro1(ir r

K T ^ m \ lOO'i. all nnnl----------- V P M ian 'nm -iam

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Itrowiii hlUM, Nlw i 20

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page-t:, ^ V O ' - P - ^ N B W - A 8 8 I 8 T * » ^ n v e D N IV E R S nY O P IDAHC-Mrs. J . Em* cow. Jan . 38—O alen M. McI lam ed Jerom e a native o f 'T w lh r a lu , ' f i i mcrlc«n C an- named aw law nl IrrU atlonUt

n**t Unlverslljr of Idaho. H e r r ra s le r . past university and f__ . . . . waa county a g en t- tt-M e aa ,

the ontanlra*Ivs. Sm tU i lu-irey, p rogram n A W I ^ A k ^ l C

ROOFING C:i,r, n s “ niManiefTioil

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't Delay Johnx-M .iw llle Produ, ' C ertified Conlractori

; N o JblTToo X orge- i-Repalred__ ‘ j. -------------_ Q r _ S m o lL -----

" w l i T i F H A T E R M E- T T A I I 8& H O REEN STAMI

n t o l t a b ’ P H O H E 2 9 7 5 C O L I. . UpsUlrs ' Olve m e a place to a tI8S« ] and r u roof th e worli

\HO-rAMOVSA.t-C.SrSTMM. _ ' _ J ! ^ 1 «

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■Wool Suit Pqntsl>l»ln •>1’ l>1ci>tcd fro n tn -

»ool W..r.ln1 n n m r n r t t i r n r-"liif lu ll makers. ■ ■ M M mM t Ih n i a sU a - — M - r —-—,-f

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:: T I L EProductiLractora. o r ge — “>U___________

R M SSTAMPSC O L L E C Te to ( land e world."

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Page 4: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

c l Fab. «. 1112. of th« tdib KM iM U)t Twin riU i N t« l U

dall/ ind Busdir a t 110 f ttrnnj S br Ul* Ttmw-N«w* PubUiblnt C tMonil e lu . n tll m*U<r Aprlfl.

r«lbi-l4«he, Bnd«r Ui* ««> ef I

I W --------i r - c n S t ^ i E P m g i g ? , ^

H B BY UAIL—PAYABLE IN AOVA:■ ■ ■ ItHn I4>h» ••< Z1k« C n a tr . N«<i4>i

j W H u y i i ' s i i i . . irW A .'t" ' '“ '* ' ' ' '

Ilx monlh*---------------- ----- - ........ ...........111* jt*r -------- ■ ______ _____—

nnlFct^ trqulrcd hr Uw er br oMrr rJ ^ ^^ g n rU d k tlo n to ty publUhed »«rUj- » l l l l ^

'NATIONAI. nKPfl SKNTATIVl wcsT.iiniJ.inAT CO.. inc.

_________ t u MirbW Rlr^i. •S.ft Kr.r'.'i.tft.

b n TO O E A R L Y TO JU D II T h e re Is no doub t th n t U. N, Sec

i m i r a l D ag H am m arsk jo ld rc lu rn e d [|Wf* in g un acco m p an ied by th e 11

A m erican file rs . B lit to describe to R cd C h in a th c re /o re as a "fatl

ijpOT K p s co nsiderab ly p r e m a tu r e . - - ' ' S e n a to r K now land , th e R epiib l l l j& .'U y leader, n e v e rth e le ss h a s so cl l lM i : ,it. H e com pla ined , too . th a t "ma. m i g a n d a b u ild -u p Is ta k in g place I M f t h o s e w ho w ou ld an a ly ze th e fac ^ H b a r s k j o l d ’s Visit.

The se n a to r h a rd ly can be expe ^ ^ H t h l s la t te r c o m m e n t ta k e n serl ^ H jA m e r i c a n s d o n ’t s ile n c e easily . Ti ^ ■ R t , ler.s do a l i t t l e an a ly z in g of ^ H jo u r s e lv e s .H M l Over th e p o s tw a r yea rs , we've K ffllp n u iiy ex am p le s ' o f" th e ■waycomm

w hen th e v a r a illega lly holdlM so ld iers o f f re e w orld cou n trie s . N

‘n f i i re lease th e i r p r iso n e rs p rom ptly ' f l i p f th e f i r s t p ro te s ts o r feelers.

~ ~ ;t T T o dD~so~wDTil(i~berTTOr o n ly to itI .L l.facc befo re th e w orld , b u t to s. ~~£?» p ro p ag a n d a ~ ad v a n ta g e ~ t h e y fai iiUnV acc ru e f ro m th e o r ig in a l a c t o| p | [ w e i i rIH jS ! > C onsequen tly , th e r e w as no n ■ I t t h a t H a m m a rsk jo ld w ould speec ■ K h e - 1 1- f I te r s ' re le a se tn -a -s ln g le ^ n i a t Pe ip ing . T h e b e s t hope w as th M i l l -------

H U n o t - b o - s o Im possib le a s to close H B d e a l l n g o n th e Issue.

FVom th e s ta te m e n ts o f Ma ^ H b n d a n d U .J^ .-A m b assad o r. Lodi

^ I p r r g i v e i n o u M c f S t a f f J l f i^ i f F j o n t o - b e h o p e fu l o f th e file

H l | ' To be su re , som e acco u n ts b M H C h in ese P re m ie r C hou E n -la l w ^ p “ freed o m fo r th e s e p riso n e rs w ith K i t Q uestions a s rem o v a l of th e U. ^ I i l l e e t ( ro m F o rm o san w a te rs , a M M R e d C h in a t o th e U -N r^ -a n d B f l f l C h in ese fu n d s o ffic ia lly frozep b; H I K S ta te s .■ M - Obvlnufilv. A m attlturiPR ■ M i r O c a a i s a i a g f i E S r - a t E e t l e R ] m ^ U ^ C h i n a In to th e U. N. o r pul ■ ■ ^ ( t e e t . L odge a n d H am m arsk jo l

k n o w th is . And cou ld n o t be foi ■ M y o p e s o f freed o m fo r th e file rs o ■ u « f f e c t i n g th e se issues.B W * W h e th e r th e y Im ag ine th e mi

B H i h e c lue io t in a l successfu l neg(

B I R * B u t su re ly . In th e lig h t of o th e r ca se s like t h a t o f Rober

‘" l^ i lJ lu n g a ry , w e m u s t re cognize th a i 6j;.p:: ■w hercT reansxnaustW B 'lH e^cvlce [ | i | ' i t lo n w h ic h m ig h t prove o u t. Inev IRm In g s of th is k in d a re . delicate, H f i a n d e x c ru c ia tin g ly slow.

O ccasio n a l p u b lic p ro dd ing ca p f fn ~ B u t p a s t-f iv id e n c e suggestfr-ths i |R |j -b o m b a a t-* n ( J - th r e f t t -o n ly pu ts w K A w h e n w ro n g fu lly im prisoned m e ( l j | f l r e e .

r . : K E R R 'S TA X CUTI • Ben, B ob K e rr , D,. O kla.. nnn KL V ecent n e w s le tte r to h is con stltu | | | : | -Vill s tr iv e d u r in g th is scs.<ilon of IH jl ' ‘A m end th e ta x - la w lo bonofit t; In few ."IH • re sp o n se to a riucry. howcv I M i i to r 's o fflcc m a k e s c le a r Ih n t th I H - a o c s 'n d l 'a p p ly lo diiy change.^ lii m 'w h ich g ive b ig d ep le tio n ailowft i n ' :])roducers of o il nnd n a tu ra l go I I I j i e h im se lf Is o n r.[ H - -^ -W h n t-S c n n lo r ICerr'a I d l e r ti I B h o m a voter.H wa.i in te n tln l to coi ' W 4ie Is p la n n in g to hav « th r U. S,

x x e m p tln n nil.srd fron i tho pip.^ $700 a person . D u rin g th e

I i l l Rren.s, SeiuU nr K ofr Jo ln rd wltli [ i i j W iillp r Grtu'Ko of (icoi'Blii m ul Al ■ I Jr.. o f D elu w arr to nutkc thi.s $l(i( ■ e x em p tio n effec.tivo, n u t ih e El.« H m ln la tra l.ln n oppoiicd th e Ktoa n n g o l tn f i r s t B en n to r K orr dor.s n o t ijplli'vr. li H t lo n fn r oil luu l KHh proiliK'n'fs lio H few , l ie c la ltn s ll. l in iir f lu t l ir mn I I I If a w rre n o t In r f lr r l ., »il it:u | | l w ould h r hlK hn- lliu ii lin y nnw i ^ decrea.sed p rodiic llon ,

f t ; yTllAUSH I.AW* • : A dnill'H l l .P W h HtrnuK-v a-; i-hnl I . T ito m lc e n e r f i y cnnlIUl.^.^lon, fn-l.s T m o r e l h a n h in f i i l r .s liu rr o l t i I . <«onKr«iis a n d t h o p u b lliv 'D ir n r ii fc . i i r l f ic n o v e r s u r h iliinK .s a s th o n l X * . . . Ut«»—D lN O u -Y H U » > o o n lrn o t j ; ■ J r a w e r i n t h n T rn n e .s .sm v n l l r y , i

r —jw n h e lm ijr fiecurKy-enne,A d m ira l 8traiiR .i to ld th e Nu

C lub t h a t th n tnn in piirpone nr j Jn fo rh iu llo u ile p iir l ih e n t wu.<i to i

. o f Uoubli). B u t oven thcMi .lUlllril tlony m o n l iu v c u 'l b een hUIh lo d huii h ire d u prr.Ht)niil, .tpci-liil

r on thiR-prnniBm . hb ts Evoreti. h - ■ B ro R d o fts tln g 'sy s to n i Ci

■ A n a i l <(5[pjo88lon o f hnw n n -nbout |]Ul>llc re la tlo n n , Adnilrul

^ ' iw rltren w h n t h e rn lln tho K iriui.n " If u n y th ln g b a d c a n posslbl]

)>robably Will."

B t a B ^ __________

B B iG E .F O u k _

l '

n l m i i t TUCKER/

^ WHL>0Bd SU..I w -U T.ln WASHINGTON — ’“if» lh. i S r -manRttm cril of thec[ of Martii <■ i>79- under 8leven»on>But- - ------ ------- c lp l ln t^ _ytrlunlly £r ADVANCW- ---------"p»rly-org»nlj!«non-»in_________ — —» l-:» • - __ lllll


__________ t i .u I*'"_____ __v J ^ B 3 f c , t f ^ Q u a

------------- »,*■*«

______- ....i-w ■

i r r T r i ' i i z i M w

l,r fi f'.url rnoip.lrnt r„ T«kif Ii. :m ie - ltiU :u a« m o c » u

----------------------------- Americans for Dcmcon tftc Idcn.s, m rihod

c .iif. nallonal orgnnlzatlon' -------------------- -------- - foundrrt to perpctun

' u d g e

, S e c r e t a r y G e n - ihur sciiip.smKfr. jr.,r n e d f ro m P e lp - Dubmsky.

11 lm p i icd , / ' j |a ' |" o n ‘a i r S p a '1r lb e h i s m is s io n Jilrmony proifTmn. n" f a i l u r e " Is p e r - Sen.i. I lrrb c ri H.• e . - _ . Im , IlHnolK.-Jflmfs Epublican minor-so characterized „ „ sitvm ." m a s s iv e p r o p a - recoRntiion does no ip la c e to s i le n c e proap«ctlve candUlatc

, ta c U " o (H a m - " J i L T , '

e x p e c te d to h a v e p r o - s t e v e n s o nse r io u s ly , .since figures m e procccdlm

ly. To help prove - 'll >■' u» '»ss ”[ o t Ihls m ailer w,

Stevenson fnctlon.e 'v e s e e n a g o o d c isy to n Pritciicy. i o m m n n l s t r t j p e r - m tn a n d -th e -e o m mi 1r ih iy r lM 7P n « n r Stevenson adviser nn es. N e v e r d o th e yn i y u p o n r e c e ip t clicy, nlwny# carriesI. candidalc.l y t o lo s e - B e r lo i i r — , to s a c r i f ic e a n y gtm toay u to dLicred r f a n c ie d w o u ld nssurinK " Ih d r “ i i i s r iCt o f I m p r is o n - yenr* licnce. Thev r

- - ' Jolinson Tcntme"to">

no r e a l p r o s p e c t a “ i * u c ‘‘p“rop“ora s p e e d ily a r r a n g e w h en even T rum a n g le 'n e g o t i a t i o n riftio ruy L ender Jol IS t h a t h e w o u ld ' union m w nK e on th .

t h a t - t h cy w o u ld ^ je y cruulB tcd n e Jlose o u t . f u r t h o r - tln l."-T he> -rrp ra tec l

pcndlnR trea ty lo r U ’ H a m m a r s k jo ld P«cadores.

^ d ? U Q f tc ? g .~ T C AMATEUtuTTlI TV

r i s 't e l f u n T C ^ C i : " p ^ m T n n c iy . T ^ le a .f l ie r s ’ U lt im a te JJ ;* ’

t . u nntl-B ullcr Democrnits h a v e . l t t h a t correspondenu for fiBl w a n t s t o l in k rcatrlcllon h a d to b.w i t h a u c h m a j o r wardiy..0 U. s . aeventhrs, admission ol “ Sa n d - th a w in g -o f win m aka th e dccle n b y th e U n i t e d Editor, m t c h e y . ; .:.

• pulling out lhe suG 0 E s ii0 >skjold certainly „t ih« nm i lmB f o u n d in g t h e i r have & com ldcrable Ie rs o n a n y t r a d e we found buried m a

meeting, a t Boise, J Ie m a t t e r Of t i i e '8. nnr.k.Cf>iinUt rtU lrlan e g o t ia t io n s , n o wklnK for t move to

ot the historylobert Vogeler in ti,'. „ „ il h a t - w e a r e n o - tru siw a w on't meel

iv lc e s o f n e g b t la - valuntlon m amongInevitably, deal- *?■; JJ*"*"'"!'';' ’me, painstaking, Ilf .

nnd hn.s hnd for 10 yi g c a n b e h e lp fu l job n is to su n d n t - t h a t I m p a t ie n t - “ « « «juts 0 .1 t f , . day1 men shall walk p„b»c niliiiir., »hi».

(rIcU upon n p<ir cfi- J ____ __ aU trkU . A» )t Ir no«(-rm . UUllty p lan t u lllo n

* J . ftMft, Ro llki-wl.^r b .n n n o u n c e d In a „ pi,,,,,

s l l t u e n t s l h a t h o w „ moppet ii,„ i !ii n o f c o n g re s s to , mk thi* liv ili,.flrr f i t t h e nuvtiy I n - u.»»- hm m nn niijoi

(Irvrlopm nii In I’nv

owever, the sen-i t t h i s r r s o l u l io n : ..T hii.tiiiu tilc .\u luu i ‘3 In t h e l a x la w s iim thi.N in.n >nir lo w ftn ce s lo U in Dlc'loi' 'i ' Hoi' ik ; . \ l g a s , o f w h ic h

(Uii>ni:li<l I)icil)lriii h>c r t o t h e O k In -” -^'Thr-T 7rnpijsiti(in ‘f0 r o n v r y Is I h n t If “ ....... . "i’i>Li. S . in c o m e ta xp r r . i c i i t . $(100 lo pi„„,,i;R(p

,t .^C.H.sloil o f c o n - ilnil iinl « lth m tliw ltU D rin o cn v l.s millli)u.A <il .loll

,(l A lle n J , I''i-t'iu', ! ' ' '’ ■''’"••'I' $ lllo in c r r a .s r InC l.sen h o w e r iid - nmlrrKnlni; a vhm i'

r a a n d IL n e v r r t u «' n 'ir.'iion■ ■ Kpeftilftntin, It.i nttn

> v c in x d e p r e c i a - : . : , ' ' ; i \ z r ; i i i ' : : u ' :■S lio n c lllH Jiihl a ,h r linvr-m .t nrfn.-I’ m n n y u n d th i i t tH" I’nratcim tniAt> . u n d KU p r io r , , •ii .a- . u w n n . . l l m m « h

’Hic Inut Ilml. po|u, , , M.nrA of I lla li. Irl«l

I'Huu'lilim hvu iiilllli I’h n lh n n n n f ' t h r u. n d ip iu im rn t nt < rn-l.s h r h a h h u d "iKnUirnnrr tn Mnlt. i

‘IP I r o i i h l n h ftve ihl? .I lv lule n l o m k c n o i jn ' i|..u, ........ . ........r a o t . f o r p r lv i t t n .......Wc m n n n t. dI m 'ilry , n n f l r n o 'n i r -

nr inmi.i inieiiini: )|t N u llo n u l I'l'l^^,^ .-In.....................1 ,1 M.

n f A FO ’fl p u b lle to - jM itk .11 M i.huit1 to k r i 'i i h im o u t 'i i i f i i p i i i j i i i : i r i i v . „lo d ll I h u l . ,M> hu ,» |,|.llv nm |,iM M.,1

li.'i.-.l,stant In w n ik » in . lU n . „ , , ,■tl H filir .v r o r tn rv >"n.iiin c o A n n e n ia to r .' n rn iilt lv n h r l.'i u itii ...........ilru l H tru ii.ts ha.s H ' « kh' " iu); itk n a n Iftw: .j«'mpu..M u»«ibiy h a p p e n , it

Iiont III* 01

. . I


4 — T ho a m a u u ru h - ilr a U B y . » n d | ^th e Deniocrnilc nallonal com m ltw el ^

i-BuU er-Prltchey. aunplces h as p r f - W ly open cstranRcincni belween- theii-ana:D 5iii6«^aIlc:v< tcranrm rcaplto l

liUl, Including leading figures in I—, th e senate and houw.

In - J

- tlv e s , v.ho represent voles r a lh c r • than IdroloBle*. the downtown head- ^iQUarlcrs l"_belnR, run by a qua in t j g m ix tu ie nf ••egghPadi. qollcgc boyij

|h « d to pound U>e pavem ents or ring

■ national office. ^ ^

K K S K N T ADA INFLUENCE— pj* e m u ^ o ja a e n i . jh e . in i lu c n M i a h lch . D«moc;'aUc Action apparently ex erl y j , ;iho<i.'i find cubllcliy praoUcfs of the. . . j itlon 's new olllclals, ADA. w hich w‘aa iptunle P D R 'i hocIbI, economic and

now dom lna trd by ultra-liberal and nnHlnjt from H arvard Professor A r- ,*1 , jr ., to Walt<*r R fiither arid David

kM m rn, whosB rx lirm e dem ands on "Hj ien to cll.^rupt Ihe R ayburn-Jolinson n r j tn. a re few but vocni. They Include not . Iy;hmBn, Nfw York, Paul H. DouR- es E, M u n a y . M ontana, and W ayne 1, th e R epublican defeclloiiist. j n ' t lh a t th e natlonnl committee and t q !venson-for-P rcslden t ndvoc.itcs. T h is wn

n o t malce them popular w llh such f Idatcs as Sen, E.Urs Kefauver. T en - ne^ iiim crous Dem ocratic n"''er«or» ' f rc - .,yr cd fo r th is honor. in i

* * ' for SON FA C TIO N -N nLlonal commlltcc cdlng on th e a.«umptlon th a t fllevcn- 059 nom inee, N allonal C hairm an Pntjl Dp nn. was clccted over the opposlUon of \

biB c lty .p ro fr jjlo n n ls by the pro- chi n-_____________________________________ hei icy. form er Nrw Orleans newspaper- pai om m ltlee's otpciillvn' dlrTctpr;"wa« ~a ;r nnd ghost writer In the 1953 cam - j 'luftsaui' S tW cslnBcrT-ThfDem ocrattc "(5- y's political monthly edited by F rit- ro( Ties laudato ry rcferenccs to the 1063 pa, ______ , nni

iC R E n iT IKK - Thi.^ group’s ba.sic icred lt Presiden t Elscilhower, poMlbly. m s r « ■IJOmmnUnir '.m ii dcclion two' - ,cv refuse lo nblilc by lhe R ayburn- - to 'n u p p o rrK e T iiv rtjo r 'fo re riT irp o ii- no m ore th a n chip n t or modify even ‘ , jposals. P.",runinn, Speaker Rnvburn nnd Senate , r Johnson p ra ised 'Ike 's s la le of the n th e Rround tha t It advocated Roose- llcle.s. B utler and I'Vltchey dls.'srnlcd.

a criU cal mfiiio labeled ''con/idrn-‘ — ■alert (he s tu n t w ith respect tn (he - - lor U. S. defense of Formosa and. the

Der T A C jn c S - E v f n ^ ^ ^

nstend 01 sending the "confrdcntlal” few friend ly spokesmen, the? fo r- Jei

nocraU tinned it over to newspaper ror full publication, the "confidential"to be w ithdraw n hurriedly and aw k- Dc

1g sugRcsllon was, of course, rejected, ble;s pollllcnlly opportune to attack th e OnI m ajor Issue-v capllol hill D em ocrnls pei decUIon. no t Chairm an BuUer nnd cm

. bei------------------------------------- Ho

S = 6 r E = d Q = g y £ E & S ; =

T IO N .O N TAX VALUATIONS . Ja l InlcrcstInK blt-s of news which m ight 3.1 able bearlnii upon legislative programs In a prosaic account of a school board -ni

s e . j n i e rrp o r t wn.'« published In the ,h , tateam an. T h is th e p .iragiaph; chiMl bna r d i .l iciurd a Is ttar fro«v4l«i>> -S i i l l , M n n l hnarti, BoaaUllCr ^ ve to fnrcp K tandardlzatlon of assessed ;houtr Itltihg'.s couiiLlea miil tQ.tHaUlhulu- —hroughm it the s la te on a per capita

iren t suggestion of thn Pocalello iwhool m eet w ith jn u c h nrKumenL..As*es»ed iiong til* counties should be uniform td, T h a t they are nnl It something lleti of th e 'f a c l Idnho operates under ^ of A Stnte bonrd of tax eqnallrntlon10 ycnrs n sU le lax coriimlsslon whose

indnrrtlrr vnluatlons, <1‘ iggesUnn Ln more InUlgulng. AUo I t Ufor-U ie .A U t*-ol. Jdaho.-T‘he . PocaUllo __ly bcllfvea th a t Uixes collecled from nhoiikl br dia trlb iilfd lo achooi dls-sr cpplla (o r populaUon) baals nf the » now a county which hss a big public llllln liA boundarlc.t has a big tax- le b a m ajor Industry w ithin a county

III ‘.he P ocn lc llod la lilc l hns a covrtovi.i n .iclroiilc developm ent alina'it a t Ha rl- ni0..lnlnK c m in ty - th e American >’«IU

I’nwer counlv, Pocalrllo 'a valuntinn 1': P.iwer cnunty haa plenty of money

uluuUuu of oii« of our ituiUiaiH ouun- M'l.r piactlunlly duublrd with n im - n n rn in ity of the 14 dnilnr power p la n l of WJislllnglnn W ater

■. ,s,:h.).ilA In llonner c.ninty have nnin h.dny, , . , ----------------------nn frnm Pocatcllo Is IntilKUlng. lli il '

ii|ipllril lo public iitlliiv valurn. why M> li> o lhe r valiieA? How alxiut U l.ih nplr. KelllUR annielhliiK ou t ol tlir blR iln beltiR e rrcten In nam .ock rnuntyII the J’.irntello aehonl dia lrlcti? Or

.l.illain In valiiatlun irp re.ifu tfd byni.'.>l.i. Imv, mill and paprr p lan t a t ,per p lan t which rrprc.ients an In- id r.l a l.‘ 'i5 million dnilara ami nnw riM r\pniislonl>np .'in ii|> a hiK field fnr dLv:uulnn nnd

n.tnptlon wmild m r r l wllli ]u»I n.t I Ituni llip favored rnuiiliea ami {nvni- . 1., n« l\ would lere lvr tiugip.iK liniu rrn.i And we aiinpri'l, t lie ir ln ir. Hint iliistcp.i nre prlnripally whl.Mlii.u ni rnw Idnhnnlan.

0 l.tVI H J)K HI’ACK TdOp.iiiulnll.>t) o f ll<n t‘M\- ru lriiiu iiuuain Id d in , WyornliiK "ml Nrvinlii h nn- [

inllllun. aucuidliiK lo csUinaLr.N .il iiiu . t nf I'liium erre. U of mnin Ih rn )lll. AlnM i init. «,alie O ily .- — iV 1.1 fill nnd awny th r ll.l»|r^l u iv In 1 •K. aiKl t.> a consldcilllllr piiii nl ilini,11 ... finniirlnl, (iniiM>«^rli.-

............ irad e .Ti.l.-i I1 rm ir-».-clnlm all ol thU a ira , ttliii-li: Uir rf’iii l ir rn U |t o f Mvvaila, •mlv ISO<I t|i|. MrMi:nn Iw idri, tn tlip in.nliMu.ll.' iiig III) 11) Catindn. Uul wr d ii .n u l iily :II M.. n m urk rt. In li.rl (Iwi.l m,- „

...... O o ln radokiid AiiKonn \^l.ii)i mnr •m -aim n "flrld a look lo Hnit i.n iir-

,1 M tl iu whole ITi;lim U rv|iiihilinKI M.ilt l,iikr Cllv and It.' ..................... ., lUUinllilB t.l LIIC4.I «*llll.«l.-., •JhJ.n.Mt'inn iim iril w ith AtH),<Km In lUMi; |n M.<- |).ued iMth 68fl,W0; lU N rvn .u Jt«nm i, lmi.>Kii); in WyomlriH lll.oiii) .

; iTKlnn. t\n rvrr-llirrrn t-in^ nn.l uu b u t a tlll, a n d . lu itiin l\, i l i . i , .^ .II t.pnrr lelV foi thoan nf nn wlin lik.' in ; n n IrrUiiK nf (reodniii nnd u i'U OU-uccaAluu.—ttaU ix ik t T iibuao. ,


PO T j j• S h o t s y

- - ' one ’ pec'

KVIDENCE O F SPRIN G her Perhnoa Pot Bhot.5 has been w rony ted

In jtcofliiiK nt recen t reports ofTqua •'fJrst-njbin.v* when those birds have the been around all w inter. Sure, there’s of

noUilng to l.ndlcal«—th e robins il,i ilii£ [ harbingers ol sprlngV b'uo there 's lom

a period of new grow th . . when ' ficv every clod feeb a s ti r of might. . ." -Jusl

■ People nwakcn, loo. T hey loolc ma.

' v an t. ' • mu- - F o rg e t the robin and notice the, lal.' people. W hen they a ta r i lo repo rt 7■ seeing the "flr-it rob in” of spring. Is- albl

n 't ihftt a jilgn th a t people are Pel nwakenlng, laktnR more Interest In mei th e ir .lurroundlngs? Isn 't th s t Juat cnn ns much indication of spring a.i the F oi "Ura l robin" who'a been hanging pro around for m onths w aiting lo be *ag

' noticed? sou• * * her


! T O : Ann. Joanne, D orothy. Mable 1‘ W ands. Wilma, Louise and Virginia, has' Even though you have touched a th i

new bottom, your expression of u a '.sympathy nnd evidence of concern i n lin a period ot dire streae b rings cdm- forfo ri and confidence. the

• • • Ha TKOURI.ESOME A nU LTS! me

I D ear Poi Siiols: "I-WJi.1t la lha t old snyir.g nboul lor

children sliould be seen - and no t lem h e a rd ’ I nm tjeginnlng to thinlf lhe Chi pa ren ts arc the ones to be seen and Ion

■ n o t licBra: ' sovAt the la st b a ^ e lb a ll gam e I was w b

■ lo , which wnS T uesday h fg h t7 ihe sur rofcrees made a m istake and the att:

I paren ts Immediately b e g ah 'y e llin g ancnnd booing about It. I th ink If the nne

- j’crrrfc s-n inK rinn ls tilte -tn rco frenes- lo,v• will lel them Know about 11 w ithout fo rL th e parcntaL hiJp-------------------------- cltl' T he fnculty haa told th e s tudents hin1 noL .in i>on bccause i t la no t good for' sporUmnnslllp so they don ’t, b u t the Ing' pa ren ts arc sure m ak ing up for C

Ihem l lhe: a th ink the p&renU ahould go to can

• (he Riinies to he lp back th e team mli■--and not to boo lh e referees, Pb( - Ana»y>d Student Pm


D earP o ts: _

-■ n r e - T n !n n r e o 9 - T m r a - a v e n u ( m ij t : ^• Wll


. D ear Sir P o t Shots: J”I have two b ird dogs of very fine '

, blood, one 3 years, o th e r I S years. r One Is trained. T hey ’re for older , i person.s only. T hey have been well I cured to r nnd are In fine health and ‘

beau tifu l to r those, loving nice dogs, *f;‘' Houscbroken.

P hone 698-R

t ZM ight ge t ou t your track shoe* for

. th is one. T h e pooch Is a black, male.2-year-old cocker spaniel. T he folks "

I w an t to give h im to someone who ' c an provide a good home. R igh t now- th e re ere five kids plus a c a t and the ,

pooch and som ething haa to go. The ^

r g e t nim ir a w t m •u a i^ y , '' m w i ckI avenue east, or phone M63.

WANT SOME MAGAZINES? “"i ] D ear P o t Shots: hL>I . .y o u give away do(js, cat.i, apricots ins , and poetry. I w onder If you can give of aw ay some old magazines for me. in{

r T hey keep piling up nnd I ha te lo juj , throw th em away If anyone else can ad) . ge l any good from them . T hey In- fei

elude American. Good llou.ifkeeplng. Fo t R tl( lc r iD lg e il.X Jfe nnd others. an3 ____________ ______ r i is n o - i i l J iW — Cll, iTwin Falls) ell

• * ■ pci 5 FAMO.IIR I.AK’P MNK Ch . •*. . . He'd aooner b« hald lhan ] ’ w h lle -h a lr td :” fer , OENTI.EMAN IN TH E wl



I I K w

!■ I O I ]r- O u r o u t »o Y f tu . . . RUB

W« will mnhe ,m . a |,r f» n il .li Ih f ..................... Ull. ............... ..I, i>ur i r a a t f l c . i . t i . r m Ic, Uiirn

Claude EJj MUSIC - Fl





11 A m erican fliers he ld prisoner by Pu Com m unist C h ina will be released fin no t;t in s tages In from Foj one to -fou r m on ths i-T h ls U -the e x - lan pectatlon of those _ «»'here a t th e U ni-ted N a t t o n s ^ L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B i l h c (TuaTl fled to know th e conseQUencfesof the d ifficu lt ■ > . Co:and d d lc au i - t jloma tic m ill III IIII nl W | j i

ernl Dng pe<m a r s lc J o f T w E o ^ ^ ^ ^ s H

to Peking U.'-just n tic r C h r i s t - 4 An

n T u ik rT l'th” ?r Sm unlst Foreign M inister Chou E n - by lal.

T h b hope Is qualified by Ih t pos- allslblllty of an adverse reaction in visPeiping to P residen t Elsenhow er’s ’message lo M ngreas defining A merl- *nlcnn responsibility for defending "tcFormosa. B u l even a com m unist ta(propaganda bla-st a im ed a t lh a t mes- wosage would noi; In the view of rejsources o f unquestioned auUiorlty ga:here a t th e U. N.. rn tlre ly rule ou l a slofavorable ending for th e American haprisoners charged w ith being spies. Mi

T he H am m arsk jo ld mission, w hich oilhas been widely m isunderstood in toith is country, is one of th e most ex- aid U aordlnary In diplom atic history.In le rp re u d as a n e ffo rt to bargain fuifor the freedom of the A mericans, pothe task held no spch m eaning to toHam m arskjold from Lhe flrsl mo- pem ent the tr ip was contem plated. sal■ ■HammBrskJ61d -u n d ersto o d th a t, th.lor Chou and lhe o th e r com m urlsl teilenders newly com e to power in pr.C hina, se n tenc ing of th e tilers to pelong prison term s was th e a c t of a onsovereign pow er w hich could no t oe Uvsubjected to b a rga in ing or p res- Itsure of any kind. Involved in th is Slli altitude la Chou’s position in Asia and the o rien ta l concep t o f '“ fBce‘-nnd the seriousness w llh w hich the I la w -o f-p r ts t lg c ^ ls—tJiken—The—ef--*!! fo rt to avoid a n y ippenrnnee nfc lth c r .b a r8 a ln ln g .o r .p rc3 a u rc J5 _ b e i__hind P residen t E bcnhow cr's appeal fgr_rcslra ln l In t h is period ot w.tll-in g ................. ; ;

Chou's o ffer lo p e rm it relntlves of 'y the Imprisoned flie rs to visit themcame volufttnrlly a fte r the foreign 3 vm inister had given H am m arskjold J-.photographs and de ta iled health re- Vi) port-.' 10 take back to U. N. head-qunrters, T liose m ost fnm lllar w ith >'‘' Ihe negoliatlons believe lh a t IhU wH.s a p ropaganda gesture In only a lim ited sense.* I t was Chou's waynf f:iylng. *‘lf pn yonr “ S

cHme and see for Uicmselvcs and we wlll facilitate In every wny th e ir

C hou .Is f a j- to o - io p h is t lc f ttcd to fee: th a t th e vLsIt of a few Amerl- cnn.' would have any effecUve progaganda value In.sofar ns ihc ■® general p ic ture of C om m unist China Is concerned.

Aside .from th e prlsoncr.i them - selves, nnd H am m arsk jo ld was not the sligh test expectation of obU ln- ing tlieh- release n* an Immediate consequence of h is vlsll. the m ission ° dirt eontTibute.U>Jjettcr-undeistandr. L“ Ing of a ttitu d e on bolh sides. H am - , m arskjold found th a t Chou h sd no concept of how aroused public opinion Was In tk ls country over the in justice done lo th e filers. C on- < dltloned to th ink lpg In term s of the controlled and m anipu la ted opinion 'o

*'nn i-A .ii.. -HUiaL th is was a factor w hich could m ean the d ifference bet-w eea peace _ and war.

B ul H am m arskjold h as reported lo hLi •s.ioclntes th a t one of his s tr ik ­ing discoveries was th e almlUarlly ol the fears In .EcW ng. a n d W nsh- . Ington. Despite Chou's la te s t blnst. JusL prior to Uie P residen t's mes- snge, w arning again st any In te r­ference w ith -The "libe ra tion" of Formosa, no one aerioualy expects an -alU ok o n - lh e inland basHon of

- C lU ang.K air4litk ..a iin lla fly no .o h e e ither In Peking or W ashing ton ex- . p ecU i.thn t Clilnng wlll a tta c k the Chlne.ic m alnlaiul. - •

I In both rupitnU, )jow ever. the fenr l.n nf nn Involvem ent some- wtiere In brtw prn these two ex­trem es th a t rnuld lead to a war


b | h B

l U B B tR C A R f t T L I N I N GMil............ ..

.............................. .............. ..

Brown's If u r n it u r e



5 CHILDSof Indefln lU -sca le a n d duration, President E isenhow er’s message de-

I flHTn'g American responsibility for 1 , Formosa and th e Pescadores Is-. u a d sL « ;m J} t 'g iy c iii th j:ifu ii :jito p a ------- r

ganda trea tm e n t by Peking. B ut I conceivably w hen th is h a s subsided. °

the very fac t of. a defin ition m ay c jn

^ m n « rs k J o Id found In th e Chinese CommunUtt cap lU l. '

F^om th e f irs t H am m arsk jo ld’s a delicate

-± ,p e m ra n e rn a t l iru id e i t<xexpla tn th e ^ m iin iae^ Irt'^Amerlea a n d- In—t h t “ u . N .-and th e w est on th e fliers.And ihLi line w as carcfu lly pre- ' sel-ved in the U lks th a t added up to ^ n

. .a o o u ij j r 16 hours. Any. new th re a u• by Americans M em lng to s p ^ . ^

authorllallvely probably w ould undo *«■! all th a t was accom plished by the ‘he

I vlsll. "I W hen h e re turned , H am m arsk jo ld• nnid several tim es th a t he hoped : "to be able to con tinue our con-: tacU." G reat s tre ss la p u t on the •'- wording of Ihls s ta te m e n t since ll I represents w hat m ay be a secondary' gain from the H am m arsk jo ld mis- J * 'I lion. For an ou tle t lo th e world Chou to 'I h a s up until now been lim ited to 1-". Moscow, w ith -New D elh i as an - froit o ther bu t on th e whole u nsa tlsfac - l “ * I lory avenue of acccss. to Uie oul-• side w-orld.

T he possibility o f m a in ta in ing 1 fu rther con tact w ith P eking Is lm- ®ou , po rtan t If the objective Is actually afc ) to ense tensions and -keep the• peace. P residen t E lsenhow er has 3

aald th itt he favors a n e ffo rt by, th e Untied N ations lo nego tiate a I cease-fire over Form osa »nd U iat *^e I promises to be th e n e x t g rea t and nai I perilou.1 undertak ing by thla w orld fo^ I organlratlon. In th a t connection , If r W F c irn m n iO T c tln T -rem a m ro p T n ,- sh i• It could be of Inestim able value In ha ' r s ire im ic g o tiit tre n :---------- ------- *h*

------- ------------------- i j t

J Jerome-Elans— .elf pal

; Feedlot Tour r.fen

- - -JEROMB.“ J a n r9 « - - J e n jm r« o u n - as- [ ty's annual feeder to u r fo r th e w est cot , end of th e county will b e held Feb, (loi , 3 with Fred Nelsen, J.-W . Thom ason, Shi I L- H. Vnn R iper a n d O oun ty A gent cor . Vlrgll Croas In charge. ma• The tour will begin a t 9:30 a.m. 8 X a t m e NUiscn Brothers ranch” sbu in - hui 5 we.'^lof Jerom e, F a tte n in g a tee rs and ani , feeding calves will be observed. The hui , nexl stop will be s t Ed and Jam es up, f Eakln's rnnch two m iles so u th and i i I Ipne ttUle^wesj o f Jeyome'. tn i

•p o u n tn n n ’BB'BTseiissea i t k . h . crt? H : ten and sons ran ch a t 10:30 a .m . F a t-

, pulp will be observed a t Cleo Am- I brosc's ranch a t II a .m . a n d fatten^ 4. , . Ing heifers wlll be th e .topic a t th e 1,; Van R iper and T hom ason feedlot [ two and one -fou rth mllea e a s t of . 1

Jerom e a t 11:30 a.m . -Lunch will be served a t noon a t fiei

. the Jerom e G range ha ll. Speakers gki

. on fl panel a t_ l p.m ...wlU h e E , F . grc

. R inehart, extension an im al hus- me ; bandm nn; E, P . S lerk.' head of the *hiI an im al husband ry d e p a s ^ n t a ty i e J S■ U n lT erslty -u r M B ho,-H 4nry :JoBe«, oui J Jam es E akln a n d £>oif N ulsch,

---------------------------oulV ISITIN G PAR ENTS fes

, D IETRICH, Ja n . 28 — Rosanell liiJ . Baugh, a s tu d en t a t Id ah o SU te pre I college, has been v isiting h e r par* ten > CIlU..Mr. APd M rs .-H a rrv B auch. I 1

J "


M u m ^ M mMma




-TMi liLTRA G T y D i :

I S|uilcbal(er„,j-fl much b W ILLIE'S 1

.....“ / ---------------------------

f R l D j

5 , i u S o n irtd b

\ V h a t A n i m a l K i l l s u p " T - t a l O O ^ e e r i i - y ^ a r ?

'IgntSUN. VALLEY—A n a tu re puzzler up. ic

Crnck m y iden tity by No. 2 aud'habii y n u 'rr an fx p r r t : by No, 4 you^r^ acld« p lenty good; « on ly fa lr . 'T h e giVi- to p awny clue Is tucked aw ay In the "ttac l a s t pa ra g ra p h . 9.Hop to it . t. *uffe

. ‘L - A . ' b f , f t U L l f u L |g M M K l l U a L

. ctcature.-:7l ~ t u m r S H | | ^ ^ ^ ^ B tl i s r■ (he w l d e e t j i l i f l t t l s J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K in i_

butlon o f a n y wron m a m m a l in feme

, A m e r i c a . M y her; young do n o t r e - yowl' sembie-Tne.—I - - o a h - w j ^ ^ |B j | j n | | | j un ir ; leap SIT fee t sdm, th e Blr to land o n - H ^ S ^ : ^ H fO.

n b r a n c h . My ^ B B l ^ ^ B [ tongue is covered '^'hhI with sha rp , h om y . £«■•»« !}«»• 1ms . backw ard-directed processes. ‘ne i

a, H a rd y ,r l have ad ap te d myself to conditions from th e spruce for-i^''h» csts of B ritish C olum bia to the l" ''''"

, sw ninplandf of F lo rida , nnd d o w n{^‘“, to the w ind-sw ept Up of Cape Horml'^'^'V , a t sea lp,vel to m ounU ln topj.. from th e foggy chilled foresU ot '* . the no rthw est to th e bu rn ing sand* - r , of Arizona. My b e a t m ay be 100 •''‘to

miles long, covered w ith in 8 lo -fi ['i*'"[ days- Those In th e n o r th e rn and on a' : sou thern ex trem lU es of m y dom ain •« < , arc la rger th a n those encountered 5 In th e tropics. ,m„'j 3, My body Is long a n d lithe. My m.m f skull, sh o r t a n d b road . My rounded Jj','!” I ears are p rom inen t. B eing a pur- t suer, m y yellow eyes, w hich 1 cnn 1 narrow , to ve rtica l silts, e re well H 1 forward )n m y sh o r t face. My pow- Joh [ erful Jaws are arm ed w ith large Lein• 5 h e s rtn g -te e t tr~ O n " TIie ' r ore fetT I b"si j have 5 loes; on th e h ind . 4. My claws, bas<- sha rp and curved, c an be w ithdraw n his

Into horned sheath s . M y h a ir is bns< dose, tb lc k -an d so f t to ih e - to u c h .- i'i

4, My color Is U w ny brown, deep- _}:!- e n in g - ln - to n e - to w a r d —th e - a p ln e r -----

pale a round .Uie eyes a n d w hitish, on th e th ro a t, legs a n d belly. J ^ e

m ale about a fo o t 16'ngcr th a n ihe female, leaves scen ted c law m arks

' a s—lo re -n o te s - on - th e - tr« ll:^ -O u r w sr t courU hip Is b rief, th e en tire rc la - : I, (lonshlp seldom la s tin g a fortn igh t. Jj'!'’ I. Should a r iva l a p p ea r, a dead ly m ,/ t com bat m ay ta k e -p tte e -w llh - th e -fe - —i

male w atch ing placidly.5. I hnve pe rhap s th e la rgest I’inir

• hunU ng te rrito ry of any land-bB sed|^*i' 1 anim al. An accom plished still-e hun te r. I s l a l t m y prey , slinking 2 ' s upon 11, a n d w hen w ith in 60-10 feet, r«n i J_m ny. g ive two g rea t bounds and *7 ;,

■ I do n o t r u a I t d ^ n . U'sualiy, I am 7 ^- rightj a w e d . ________________t 6 , T he reigning p red a to r In N orth: A merica. I k ill Irom 35 to 100 deer “'■/- a year. I n C a lifo rn ia m y yearly toll furii ® Is a round 30,000 deer. A lthough I , s- , seldom weigh 200 pounds or exceed , ‘ ' a Isng th o t 9 fee t. I can kill a n elk

and d r a g . l t a bout. My. food Is all TUii t flesh t r raccoons, foxes, rabb lls , - s skunks. .,«oats. deer, elk. peccaries, vidf, '• ground-nesting b irds a n d m an 's do- >'i'i<i- m estlcated an im als—calves, dogs,I .* h L ^ .,_ c h l( * ^ w llh _ * P_artlculare foiv*>e8»::for_ o ^ l . _ ln i^ y klUlngi <•"« >1 butdooram eh say I am m ore bene- [-I"

ficlal th a n h a rm fu l because I weed tutIi ou t th e subnorm al—thoae w ith In - »■ festatlons o f tick* or bote, o r w ith ?*>*

II injuries, hoof deform ities, a n d m al- e p roportions o f leg bones or b ^- lengths. -- ---------— ----------------L .-li .A ftg C -tu -ln ? fAT T f l.M lp ^

m 1

. . . w a r i d 'e -

N o w here V is ia m o d i

i lo n a l lin«U VISIBILITY I - RnormoMS


R T £$T T O O -T O H IN Q I " ■ • n J " V6 ! Sw oepli

^ i M P R f C e S f ^

v o m p e i i i

[ A V I S T A villa Siud'

h better made...worth mort; TWIN FALLS M W

104 4th AVINUe W tST

f'»‘«allM iii,

5 ' i s i

; ;

j>*«. c.i„,. V i . 5•n nis wny to lh* is W e . Blloxl, Mk

I f S a i lie ffrl.ints J;"'* f f O . ,

1- lh- ).,„J, ofL'ln'l',';,

tl■dlmii' ill 1 h /o I t! , , i t

c r >■»•>•. ■)llI y All M,

; j l:-.: • . ! S .- i ! S ! SIk r*qulitm«ftu cmuW 111 Till.

.<5«'u»a JJ-liu IUl t :s, v|df,I upon Ik. im 0 lilil’Ifr «r UMm kr ■

of CUti A hkMl I 7. Kir furtkr 4M

* ! S i“ S c S r f f i S r V ' a ' S1- ». JU Bmi< rf>w SchMl D litrietika

K M S■ s i . . . , . ,

' ■


. r l J '.< l l> l . r f . a l« W

, b o re l D tM lK 'uW

>I lin e nl 1 9 ) ) « Tr m w l y . l n l M H ^

P r t . l d . n i V - l l l U ^

J „ 'v - B l

m t p i n g » • «, , i N o

| , . . l . i v . p r l c « l “

c r y o u r o t r t p * » " ”I S ludebgkW -*l|y ,^,Clt va lue iioyb*^; money cvir ^

m r i f


------ : " ~ 3

Page 5: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

- i f i t -

» ■

j S ““ ,.“ s i

■ 8

B o T r i S r i nib)< ci,... At th e hom e of b e r d i

f e a i ^ = y » e

f e g -S T A N D /

E ^ - 1 T H 5 6p :S sL .„„„ ,| - Phone i

f ------- "* Dick 8erp» , Dli|? '-^ 'n T /:;;i’ . , . , , , ! STA N D A RD 6 t r " K b ‘,i ''iV'7 l l C»Uforn

F a r m e r s !|W IS THE TIME TO B

^ e ^ 'ti i tz e ^ d

E carry a f u l l Llh ,0F f e r t il iz e r s .^ .


1)1 ynur c r o j j . , . shOWS you fl

' ' " ' ' " l l e . l c u i t s , S c o u i f o r O i *

"Nls Feed & Icei m . .

hes.....UU. C.J O f M a o r i

5 E S 2 H i» l,T ,.il

t i l : : : . , l l i i

w m < - r ' Ag i f | § i £ ~ = S

Reunion Pis■ W lh .r .) » .b-

& | B |


roui^uiM Mk IliL

D ItlHbolorD OILlltornU

i r nI BUY


f 4 D oor SedM DynoHow,

A o n s own

\ 1 9 5 2

^ 4 Door Sedr ^ S v Radio, bflol

^ Now poin t.

% r z zH oorer, got

f A good dri

: ' -■

1 9 5 1 D

Radio, hflolI I k ^ F FImM drii'e.

1 A r td l volu

i_i - . .. i . ..


,u < ,h a m |. • 5 % D l

<r th e rlolU O

" " Used

ceCo.P h o n o 1 9 1 I —


Neighbori i‘i G e ts Churche'I 'ih u te s ““Jif'i'ir™™

S ’^ p t t g p ^ S i

arrlvrrt hertL ii’ ''-''k^ ; »l>t»ker«*_'u«».' r»*

tinrth bf Auclc- - -

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^ g °[ !u : ; a ; a r i y ’i u ' ' ai’ 2 Rlld 3. A bnn- >H«-M..,on. rhurrV

9 0 K ! L O O K !


t ? S » r ' . 7 > r ' , ! S „ r „ r q ;

by r . tu r „ m .ll.

THEYE-1 9 5 2 B U I C K S P E C I A L

S e d a n - ”— .............-3W, hooter, radio. I M £1owner cor. G oei for ... '

> 5 2 F O R D C U S T O M L I N E i

S .d>n * 1 A f lh e a te r ond Fordom otic I l l v Blnit. A very nice cor for ■ W ^

1 9 5 2 C H E V R O L E T

,V o td .u b b o „ 1 * 1 1 4I d rlrin g cor for ................. ■ ■ “

1 D f l S o t o H a r d t o p S p o r t s m

s : ................ 1 1 4

Discounton U

ed Carsirh No "

rrqdes J JERC

n ew s , tw in fa l ls , IDAI

S n l i i S■ h e s j S i - J f e r . . ; ' ; / " . * ' . ' :

i l i S 3 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 “ I SH i l s i S lssass.s

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S 'lH '; ID A t S a " S ' : . N"’. ' ' " " • I " ’" '!"* ; B / S I

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ESfpr i'E H E BY WRKi « 1 ™ “ ■ 342 I>olk

■1 i ’

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m w h (

I B wcHAD A LOI------- COh» 4 9 "They“Z U SO C

^ ’U S I^ 9 9 5 S l------- Wedne!


1 4 9 CHOK* .......... 1947 Dl

I t1 4 9


l i c e C f iOME i

) A H O

~S1 ■■“■: i Law Aids Po Drives’ 'Be

ulr rf ln<ll» »nil I« m » u o B HAGERMAN. J a n . 38

PopUr^ f lw s jo r th e M irc IT o ro■ikitof anm inl polio behelit. bukiiV between H ar*rm an "T rm ‘‘hi liho tlf 'l ' ‘■nmpii. r i n ^ « "v ir« 8lirrH ( ^H th-A nflerM rnion .n.i Mayor Em erson Pugmlre , i / ‘ " i m«t .1 " 'o tlpry nnd.,m. Her of Ihc PedC* Emcrs<— n a a r --------- in fn rU a^4oaaU Q

___ _ .. O lhc r. persons. w crc_dlcmntbtm,*p;4..l'.-ri- ni'OPcr parking.^:-••ohe»rl ^ B ih i w ti^w '^‘o»g tfB in" nnd other I i»rvif” •Trmnn. "US "lnfr*ciinn»." •r.rin*"; nuricr> T he llKRiTmnn women' 1 Ihf churcK Un.ikMball gam f nnd «w"i>‘7br!"» uhi^ hlKh Ifanj de/cnte

^Vh.rint lh»\*rv; '‘''< >'1 nptied *110.84 for iaiA-aM ruVwiii or-D im es, , _

‘irVS £3 Club Organ4 pm. SHOSHONE. J rH. 28-

:. farm e lecirlflcntlon 4-1BAI’TIST oiRnnlrcd h rre thla weel

1 a« leader.T . ^ pr’«'cl.inr. ' O fflcew 'flTe Lavemi1 ..luii'iiuci,. ; : i s presiden t; W ayne SUitp.m. w ^n t.ji.y , p resldetil; L nrry SImoti,™” tr fimn-uni..; la ry . a n d .liQis;»rd .SWfhurch KfK 5 *r.H porter.;J» p.m.. K*h, »lh. jfOUp .chOSS ShCRISTIAS W ires as a tlu b flfltneI. atM iiir m eeting will be held Jsi"n* c ij Uho'^mi LcKlon hall.

i l i S l DANCITY MKTHODISt I e v e r y

I S ' i - : ; ” '; S a t u r d a yiiym»^ --------------- — g fr-'t h e ^

iifctii;.:' Moose LoitI^Q £ 132 Second ATcnue 2 8 -----M rs. A r- To T h e M iulo i


• 2 M onths th ru 59 years o£• L ife Insurance

----- Jam ily -G rQ up Insurance____^ .« - T < ?taUP ^ is?niBaPPiat>nitY* • Double Indem nity

• ’D ism em berment Benefits

RIGHT, RepresentativeP h o n e 3473, Any


and y ylen thiey Ir o k e u p ~ ^

>T FULL OF)NSEQUENTl,Y ey Have H ad It! O U T T H E Y G C

(W a M i o n T h e l

;ed c a rHG SALE DAYS esdoy thru Sun(See T h e ie S leep ing B eau tle i)


R ad io ond_ h e o le r __________

947 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLEIs n ic e o n d r e o d y f o r sp r in g

NASH AM BASSADOR 4 DOORRodio, h e a te r a n d overdrive


R e v iR ) leOpen Evenings Until 8 O 'c lo c k

Polio iFunandFesti Benefit Event Sche

RU PER T, Jan , 38 — / ■* feaUval n ig h t will be held

,. 38—T h e law day by th e M elhodlst V ^Uivtf-xoaUlbu- j<vwohi{>-lB-.oonnecttoiv- a r^ lm c s a i iho school of misaloiu. basketbaU game s tu d y subject ot the e» man and W en- ^

, .„ fre.^hnientj served will be»r»on-«w M U d-. those m inainrA -pT ayT ilnire fo r running be presenl^d. •

Purm ^re Program commitUc tne. ^ S ) t t n MnL^ mV

her m lscellane- ^

men s team w on VISlTINfS FATII,nnd the Jun ior .-W EN D ELL, Jnn, j s - J 'cated th e W en- has been stnlloned i nool. f am . T ha vu i.m y

for the M arch u r d W ert,

anized „ « . ____2 8 -A new 4-H l ^ A N T l 4-11 club wna

‘ N E A T A P P E A

s m l . , . . " " " . ; b u s i n e s s w oImotiton, secre-

.StuU m an re - .for outside advertU lji . , , a n d servicing In Mng

Shoshone Live „ren , Muat be detalllst. J»me. The nex t of selling ability. Ex I J sn . 31 a l the bnckground In selling,

___ ____ _ dom inating fam ily tlcitun lty for m an 's pay foi work. C ar advantageoiICE 3400 Ior even ng Inters

S Y K T F l^ Y N i t e -----------l e f r r r r r ------ :

L o d g e

ZJ-'" \ WAIM B LISS .......1 M usic Band

DO — .............fMo t a ^ e J h . .

B_________ _ _ _ O U R

f - 3 :rrR E D :jS I N S U N !

' I vmmAnytime |


Y 1 9 5 0 O L Dl & f ' ' _ 4 D o o r S e d o ni t * M I o , ' f i M l S r '

I t g o e i f o r .........

I C 1 9 5 0 S T U Ik w 4 D o o r S e d o n

H e o r e r a n d ov i r V A m il e a g e mol^

nday -----------1 9 4

4 D oor S e d o n k R o d io , h e o r e r cP « U v E x fro i p e c io l ....

PE I— —

1 9 4 9 C

H e o te r , g o o d t i r OR D e p e n d a b le t r o

F o r o n ly ..........—


e t . I n c .J E R O ^

_ ___



q H v a I 8U PPE E PLANNBBS U V a l MURTAUQH, Ja n . 3S-* ' h p l l u l p i i s ro u n d h o g su p p e tm n j i s v u « u \ ^ u M urtaugh sthool-fii

between' 6 and B p jn . Feb «t y j ju th pJi* lh e public li

:ie evening--will -------S - ^ ; i - R A D I O D I S P A 1

D E L i v E i n

crinrgP—of J U I _________ w & e a -v o u —

2 8 -Jo h n W ert.ned nt Ft, O rd , | ■ JU -la lh L L ^ lK ll; J f 1 J -


V O M A N i ■* qU A LlT T FU E L OIL!

rtlslpg selling 1 ....................— -Mnglc Vnlley ' * BUDGET PAYM ENT :

lllst. confiden t ] * . . .u T i- n i » n i v * i » v , Experienced * lllng. free of SERVICE

Ilea. O ppor- __________ . -

igeous. Phone M ■

f j f f l ^ T C H F O R m


It J C R O S S ^ S H O E S

I N D A Y ' S T I M E S ^ N E W S

H j H See Themm I i I i M in Our Stor. ■ ■ i i l M O N D A Y

(VRSf!I L D S M O B I L E 8 8 D E L U X E

erThydramortc. *849r l l D E B A K E R C H A M P I O N

* ^ A Qm o k e r (o r o n ly ................. I M

9 4 9 B U I C K S U P E R

e r a n d d y n a f lo w . *449> C H E V R O L E T C O U P E

Buy N ow f No Payment!

U r i f i F ; 7

March 15 th

P ^ C H B




7 e

r s



\ 9 _



: ............. ^


( t h i

----. i

Page 6: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

DraftPodger ^Is-Discoverei U-

■ Slain in Homed lfd At th c h tinda o f T a S n n n r tc r yesterday.

H is body w as fountf bound nnd s;ts on ■ hfrirnnm .flrwr nf ht<

■ y ilth nTenne mnnslon, iV ,T he colorlul. controvcrslnl Rus* -i&

—K tnn-bom W n ll 'S trc e t opcrn tor np* i j i t r e n Hy y a s .^ tta c lte d in h b ~Elttp n:"'>

FW tttW ii A lter "Tltnrl ^ n 8 - g c u i le O u t: t tn m 4 { of JUi W y

I t Wiin iin m m tffl . t.rii.t f - PoUc« Baffledft._B oU cft-C om m iB 8!oner Priincis w .R H . A d u n s w as «flked tf mpre thnn 7 .,); I I ona person m ig h t luvo lak tn p a rt T:2o K Id tb e m u rd er. . 7 -isIB *.T3iere's > posBlbillty.” he replied. r;i,o

‘ Hfltffywj. BBUgfe. ingTHflfflgtTirtop T - j ; ; ffi hom lolde m en In the city, had no Hi such c u t a n d dried solution They nlou I ' seem ed baffled as they hunted clues p .^ r to th e s lay lns. 4 :,^[• Althoujth six other persons—In- ? cludtaR Rubinstein's ogcd '-m o th fr »:w I a n d an a u n t—were In the o rnate * '“® L. m annlnn th rnuehQUt .thC nigh t.. I t _*!»« t wns apparently by rliancc th a t n tUi [ butJor, -WlUlam M orter. djscovered

th e body about fl:30 n.m, . , ; ,o•Clftd In .b lB tk Blllc p a j a m a s j t lay 9;4&

J face upward on the floor of his th ird *J;J”I fitory bedroom. ScverM layers of a d - __‘ heslve tape were wftspped a round I th c neck and across tlie m oulh. Thc U i i i h ands and fee t w ere bound w ith ^ U 3 heavy twine. ]! S e n t Ut PrU on JI nubcM teiiv s e n t d years b v

ft p rison for W orld w ar I I d ra f t dodfj- for a I Ins. W hen h e em erged In 1948. he 2 p t ( faced ft w elter o t law suits, inciud- Merri' I Ine » govenunent move to , deport Lcom1 him. Mcth

jil legal U len t, h e had fough t off th e gonfi J Rovemmcnt ever since Uuough a lude * series of appeals th a t a re s till pend- pn] - lo g . K cnr

I< —------ -_____________________ Dari

tEaTeJESEer ^----- ------------------------------------------

j Kidnaps Son -rBAN OA BIllEL^ Qallf., Jan^ 2q Ofl

J — —An Ira t* ra the r, a rm ed w ith ft [J su n and & vlat of w hftt.he cMIed n n itroglycerine, kidnaped h is 80- , W j U m onth-old son from his divorced M w ife la s t n ig h t hnd th rea tened to ' tJ— b lgw-himaelf nnfl in s baby Up llT n yT *rtjri ;1 one tried to atop him. *"1”IU - . T he f ra n tic m otherj Mrs. Olga .2 M arie Lewis. 2fi. UlephonAl Templea c i ty sh e riff ’s deputies th a t he r 'ex- y jf f ' B husband . H arold Wnyne Lewis. 28.

J She sa id LewU Jumped from the TC

i‘ , Bedao i a w hich b e was riding and Ich lt forced h is way behind the wheel s law o f he r c ar, drove several blocks, nnd w ar

, th e n displayed tho vial and a pistol, futui I " I f anybody tr ie s to stop me. I 'll se t 1. 1 blow myself a n d th e baby up," h is Th

tc rro r-s trick e n wife quoted LewU repn I a s sheu ting a fte r h e snatched th e proa

crying baby tro m th e car. view Sho sa id h e took, th e baby be- of

cau t« i a U\« d tvoice “gol evuiv- M an th in g h e ow ned and h e felt en titled have to th e child .” T h e couple was di-

- -vorqgd five weeks ago.---------------------R gA

m fim e ir fim fK------- lU A IT

' N O W lf i l l f f HI----Open IrlJpniA * J I J j J J j

Prlcea Nowi B9o U ntil D:00 > S9o A fter B;Di

CHILD REN’S P ltlC ES 20c ’TH.


- A N S.

- - * * ■* IND PTATUI

"ROOGIE'S BK rA n n m n . n o i ii^ iv r M THK iii to o iu .Y N IX innK

________ S T A R T S SU


...... ; ■


: CONItBENNEn HEI\ j 'l . t i i j



Mag c VailK f - f X ~ K E l


«;DS W»»Uitr e:«» *E<J»*r<S n6:10 Jo* CItmtnU <:A(I DIcV lllnrhS;tS Jun»ui<blna S : l | KU:P Nt*«;J0 Q uUon ________ t:;iO «Arthnr.<»,'

T:l& Klix K«r»»»fl f ' S;0« Jfronif v»,Kjo Wiiui»u v t y » iu > ______ "n

i f r i S‘ ■.I'li Clll U> r « y « ' f ' ’ 'SATUBf,;lA • Cl* -- .m. ,5,1U llollK-i flunup ColllM TnS Wort7:IS.W«»th«r ■’••li tten«r^ K'T;20 Hh nnfiflBadi OH !/ «» ^tw .■Ii^ir‘M inln AgtOMkj «:U Kfi> MonllsiJo N .-f Too M ltw t

ii:i8-«ottr'r*rDii!M--------- wnw •Wfwi. noi«;0S *011 Jon .nd Ssiiki ■ JOiJS Cu,,in.,.W

10:10 •Bp»e» I-Itroi n ;nn M.lir Hi-p11:0U J8»L rrcilua H Clia N«wi

1?. &.:*■' ss ”cSn.'.;«:00 Oul4loori T -U r r!. ti*Au.'t«V

k.UI-X;«».,-n«»*------------Sifla.<i»S JoiClfmerii * ''* ?.iW Do^*’jtldQ i'..-i.u i,.n>. -rini* ^:tl9 »Twa for t«.:S0 Cr>odin, ... Jrr'm . - S*t. Nltlt'ifl-4& 'IHihn \a Wi i: ^:00 *(.unimolie

■ ! g ________! i»

Funeral Held for Ki Resident of Buhl

B U llU Jan . 28-FunCTnl Mrvlce.^ for Mrs- Lucille Reeves were held a t 2 p m . T hursday n t the Albertson Memorial chnpcl w ith th c Rev. Leonard Carlson, pastor of the F irs t " M ethodist church, officiating.

flolQiflt g a a M rs. Qeorgo BlIcK. nc- ^ eompanled on th e organ by M rs. Leo ,1„2. . Scnften. w ho also played Uje pre- lude nnd postlude music. - “ f ”5

Pallbearers were C harles H earn, ™ K enne th H e a m r- Jam es M iracle.D ari F curer, T hom as Lcvenrlch and , „J^H S flin Oxfo-ra:— ----------------- -----------

L ast r ite s wero conductcd a t the B u h r a ty-'cemetCTy:------------- ------«ylva

Treasury Issues : long'Term Bond if“iW ASHINOTON. Jnn . '28 LTV-'nie cloth

treasu ry anTJOunced yesitrdny l l wHV in lli pu t (I <0-yenr exchange* bond, pny- Bltlii lu g tluuu per coiil mit!rm ,"O h tlie 7151511 m arket Tuesday. - , , Th

T he. new security Is th e longest tlon'i te rm treasu ry Issue slnco the 40- peral year, th ree per c e n t bond floated In menl 1911 to pay for thc P anam a canal. T h

~E iifl^F ore^P r^ STO KY O . Ja n . '28 (IP - PreniFeT ‘‘"'U*

Ich iro H atoyaraft predicts the Rus- s lan s will recognize the end of World w ar H in the f a r 'e a s t "In the near ‘’' ‘f j fu ture,” following the exiunple they ., se t in G erm any th is weekJ “ ‘V

.T he new spaper A saht sa id Soviet _ J l represen ta tives a lready have ap* B H proached th e governm ent w ith a view to ending th e technlM l "state of w ar," b u t Foreign .M inister M am oiu Bhlgemllsu denied there hava been any -'conc re te" overtures.

R gA D T IM B S -N B W a'W A N f'a d s :


--------D o n a ld D tic k f f i

I M I I I 1 I ConamnSeope «1 Novelly & News g |


E N D S S A T U R D A Y g l

H E Y F i n t Show ^K ID S ! 1 0 :3 0 %

■T H . 1 P .M .— 2 5 c A K T K K 3 5-

:uEEns!^n|^I. INC. pnunU ’ H

I^L IJ l f E L ,“ : r |

Dtiltlbultd br t ■(.{! Muilcit >^ Mnlur gW in PHIRTIAKB s▼ cetoii br V


\Tunr. * * * 9S B U M P " 5:Vr M AHHIOT AND 5in n K ii UAi,i> c i , u » jJ

i U N D A Y 5

RILIKILLER...^ -inm U % V i i n U - , f :


HENDRIX J HijI n o n c a m i j i d n

M lirrinc JANK M dlC .

illey Radio Schct E E P K t F l A M - F T !U L0CTCLE8) (1770. & IL0-M .7 U E ((nonaitllU Nitwaik ^B OFBIDAt FRIDAt

ird IL Uurrow * :30 Mifclo V.lleylllnrhin;, hporii 7 ;CH3 xDivtf C#arrv»*r’ »KlfbU

Ti fm/ , - . •:?« »O a.JdiD 'i ruBllri jV r -J;!.t r “ “ -»:lS-Coy-l»b-bSrda ........

ATUBUAT BATUBDAYWorld N««i "^09 of Uo»iB(

,rn llouniJup «'•» «•»!« V ul.j A*rLNtwxif AmrHo OrMWitt Edition

HonllOmffT. •b«»i »* Ui» Wn’^ n S:30 D uilnumia'i EdlUoi ■ft «. L«»li ___ >j“ Top •Tun» Tttti< ___uiilie*"" '* 59:OO Momi Town R»p«rt*i

<Jolden Tlm«Noon .N t..

N>w> *’ 00 Her. W. H i.e l.I.hola n o lfv Honor nollof lllufor fitlurrtif 6:J0 Twin HlBh School

1* for t:lS SiX.|i>lMii K-IIUoabu.Uri >:30 M. V lii,rld«Im inrt r iih ln f ___ _7-:tUl-E*inU-4Ll.HiU— -[> N«w< ititiDd Oti Oprrfor th« Mentr ‘ :l'’ xTown H«ll n n r

NItli'Comtrr-filTl* - tN iw i- ..................imoke <;16 Nln*.(lItMn Edition

Nfwi - - »: !') iDuH. Idnrh J*mhcila TU Mldnlgbl lOtiS Mmie lo MMnighi

King Winter’s She Invade Midwesi

— - By United Press nortl:B l.islj 0 / srclic fllr s trc n c tlic red cd s

ivlnter’s bllterest cold wave In the Me.(nldwest todny nnd blasted thc eas t Arcllinnd southland wlUi Icy gales, snow theito n n i and Iwlaw gero-tcmp ern tur es, wHdw'*A 'ne iccoM fro n t struck enstern pcrftt

({ebroska a t m idnight w ith frigid ' Thiwinds which rcnchcd gusts of 50 to bimiles per hour. , p em t

M eanw hile snow -coverDd Dixie countto-North-<;«K)llnftr-t^»e-t«nipernlure lO-todropped ns far as 10 degrees below nortliiero_iln_Wew E ngland and P enn - antfsylvanln. nnd polnr gusts o f from New 38 to 4S miles per hour whipped NewYork Clly. 0 ^

A slx-nlarm fire bfoke o u l early J.V C today -ln -a -tiu ild ln g io ca te d - I l i ' t h rh e a r t of phll.idelphla's w holesale L clothing dlsufc t as the_clty shivered'in llie bU teresl w eather oF the year- g ia^i B iting tempera tures nnd brisk wind hnmpered tne iireflghtcrs., T he mldtt-est was s till th e n n - „ „ „ „tlon 's lee box, even_,though tem - } n f^pernturca rose to the accom panl- -n n um ent of a four-state snow storm . -rh

T he m m t drftmntlc tem pera ture

alm ost 20 degrees. B u t In te rn a - ^-tionah-FftHfl ■ aa EtiH- t h e co u n t t i ^ -------coldest city thc rLse wns BOfrom 36 below zero ycsterday -to 17 u rn nbelow today. corpc

I t was 55 degrees w nrm er n e a r itallz;Uie sou th pole th a n a t In te rn a tlo n - Barmal Falls. A naval expedition 40 miles B. Cl


SundpyOPEN 1:00 fM . BliSI



d L x x x % a » x x % % % % .x x x x x » x M » w u i

Jodfi. \ l l i n " t

k i m l o f f ll

S j u i l i i i 'V


t i

liedules-FM KBAK TMEG.) ( U » &IL0CXCLK8) . I

•ABC«:00 Tb* DlUtwird

Hi' -;0Q *Ch.i tiuniifr • essar>

7 :li 'QuInc/ IIo»« -W«;=-------------Tua UinUlu m irlil*------------ - T- ICT« ii. •Koolbill VorKiit P*“ UJl

1:10 Hntii br R*ri>M<rr • says.

I - . - - - , ------ iS ;

f,i. ‘.'■Mn Runrli* Mu.l< Tlmi snllsfi1 :«0 Th. Old Corrii attem; ; 5 o M « n , i r7:IS K-ilir KoI(«. Cluk SChOO

------------ -Hilo •.Sp«e l>»«Tn*— —----- VVHperur *;uu Tot'» T u n r 'f« t .i,,Hci

»;0S *No Sthoul ToJ.r StUUCIa:;;0 ‘ No .Srh»ol To.!./ . SChOO

liUho Diyl»r'» >lu»lc«l V'ooIboilu 1I:5» ItegUMt/ullr Your* t-lnCO«)l )t;ns IJw)Uf«l/ullf YounIon ■ 12:04 KBAR Kuh Doi menti

i:;l5 N.w» coin_, --------liUO Aulutna £ereoidi Diavr,ry 1:00 Silufdir M.lodr Ship^ S:M K-n.r Rinch H.nd. th a tn r '‘ tio itiiur. to cn

1,'mhi.rT. ^« 'ci>T h 'js»‘’“ ' - ...............Sheehl ,, 10:30 Nlghl niil.r Of tr---------------------------------------------------- She II I f T ' In T«hock 1 roops est, East, South “io".

‘ “ the SIlorthcflst of L ittle A merica repo rt- arrlv t;d a pJcflMnt 30 degrees' above zero, begin

Mennwhlle. reinforcem ents ' o f m. n r Arctic C anadian a ir s^ e p t across 4:4S.he noriiiern p la ins towards the th a t\ , J ---M-n'--iIal—- *- -J-.-. *A—ti—lliu>*i,bv. luwTttwiin w urvy 1.111- tfu uu )cratures fnr below zero la ter today, lui; l

Thc num bing cold wave continued one I ,0 bring the w in ter's lowest tem - comlr lem turcs to vaat sections of *hc. :ountry as It dropped th e m ercury t„neu iO -to -3 4 -d e g re ee -f ro m -ea s t-T e x ^ p j .^ - lortheastw ard across the G ulf sta tes ind niong th e A U nntltLcoaat. in to c^lldi ^ew England^______________, th a t

Record Otitlay by S;™ Qil Cbmpany Set

SAN. FRANCISCO. Ja n . 28 f v Standard Oil . Cw npnny of C n l l - |X j3

nmouiit (or cnpltnl and exploratory I purposes, this year—300 million dot- •* lars—board chali'm an R . G. Follls Thi innuonced yesterday. drlvt*

T his outlay Is 26 million above th e fj

[(uT T onK riru T T E nB -sffice

BOISE, J a n . 28 L B-W hite Cliffs cd "a U ranium. Inc., Id ah o Palls, wns In- An ;orporated n t a million dollars cep- teen- talization yesterday by Roy C. Pro 3arnes. Farley Rigby and Edw ard given 3. Clark, a ll o f Id ah o Palls. camp


>»r III

I • '

f \5 ^ » ^ m v n » n> x» x n x n x x x x .1

h A u g i1 “ t o i i f i t n f S a i l F n i i i c i H c o ” i n ji

' f h j o r n I io w . . , ( l i t i u 'in ^ r i , , ^

1‘'(‘ H iu’ni'on.s!


‘a c t u s P t


Students Jam Local School In Congestion ?'i’j

. ( ^ a Pm * On.) phone'riiiiK»i|-thBf tW T-iiw^Piai nn l flt-.ta flolte : II u ied ns a c la itroom .bu l crowdj, _ j3e ll 1 conditions m ake the move nec- je fed isary. 1053, i"W e a lready a re receiving com- y iie lalnta li '6 r t" ' sTuderiti . " MiM y ^ ahd tl lys. "T hey are extremely fond oi le lr -lib rary -peri^ . T A t - p r w a ^ tom ej


T h e U brorylhaa no cloakroom fa- lltles o r storage space and un- illsfnctory blackboards. "We shnli BOi ttem pt to remedy these sho rt- oriagc Dmlngs be fo re the sU r t ol Uie nexl ;hool y& r,” Miss Way says. 'w m n n rT x p r tH d n iie re n s c oi 43j lunio- .ud c n u to the "city's e lcm cnury trueke :hool system next year, the serious- y c s t« css 'o f th e crowded conditions n t Stai Incoln will be aggravated, she says. Miller A lthough i t Is the biggest ele- '

len tary school In the system. L ln-nln nevertheless has the sm allest ____iayground.— M is»-W ay points out l a t too m any students are forced l [ * J ) crowd Into small a reas for theirs a c a tio n a j-a c tiv itie s . .............................—She alao brings o u t the problem ,

f tran spo rta tion of the children.; . he feels a new elemenUO' school!I T w in Palls w ould'relieve the s it - , a tion • considerably. Buses would, o t have to travel so far and would! « ot have to make two trips. , 2Now. th e f irs t students arrive a t,

le school a t 8:10 a.m. while the last; rrlvals come a t 8:45 a jn . S tudents, ecln leaving th e school a t 5:35 p-j I. nnd th e la st bus driv«S’away at]:45 p.m. Miss W iy points out] _ la t a to ta l of 34 labor camp andli Oe uU> P ar k children a re aW wH^ ------ig Lincoln, 'T h e school Is the only' nc In th c system w ith students I omlng from outside the city. |M iss W dy stresses th a t (he holl

jnch progrnm , sponsored by th e ' TA ~an-a“ sch‘6or-d l5 lrlctrT s-S irttt- — “ K tory. "We serve a toUil of 450] Al h ildren every noon bu t encourage' fg :iat stu d en ts living less than e ight locks away from the school go ^ ome for tJ»«lr lunch.” Lincoln also Q

dequate clinic facilities;' :

■ - ® Oance to Benefit Polio Is Tonight

T he Tw in Falls M arch of Dimes Ben rlvc will be given another sho t in he financ ia l arm here tonight whenhe ■Teens A gainst Polio o rganlta- ____(on s ta g as -ll^ BrnwTftl-*tw<rtw «4nneet-tne-hlB h"8C l»ol 'gTmnaslOTn:-----W ith Jo n Thom pson designated as

hftlnnatv-the danoe-hw bM n-tw m - ■------d "a da te o r no date affalf.'’ FAn inv itation was extended to all

cen-agcrs In the county. r Proceeds from the event will be

iven in th e ir en tirety to the polio am palgn, Thom pson said.

Regular Prices I

I j 2 F e a tu re si j |H Second F e a tu re '





1 .

u sti i . J tn n c n v I) llit^ n i i h i i c d l ' Lilt)

N H I - W A Y 9 3



For'Phone r i r m

lly due tho M ounU ln S ta te s Tele- ---------lone and T elegraph company, p — “pitu- • - — ; -------J3ellvcrcd goods and services ren- •red from Dec. 32,1952. to Ju n e 22.'153, are Included In th e amount- j n i e principal sum plus in terest |

R epresenting th e bureau is A t- im ey H .-N . JeweU. - _ _

00 ffilB n a B E ~CSMIn^equate.BOISE, J a n . 28 tfl — A t least 62 ridges on th e s ta te highw ay system r t "Inadequate ," e ith er because ley will n o t c a rry Ute 15-top load ^

•ueks,-theh lghw *y^« jj< tftm eo tia id . |>“stcrday.S ta te Highw ay E ngineer E arle V.

tiller said It w ould cost an estlm at-. i |6JIS,000 to replace th e spans.


--------- E N D S T O N I T E ' 1

Dick Powell - Debbie Reynolds [L



SATURDAY ONLYD ana A ndrew s - D onna Reed

------"THREE----- mHOURS


'THFSTATNT'S” “ GIRL FRIDAY" _i^n |EB231 In------ENDS SATURDAY------ y |

JA C K IV ^B B HBen A lexander - R ichard Boone |F


F R I D A y V s A T U R D A Y I M





F rl.-S a il,-------- ------------MATINfE]

New Filer Hi

P O L Ii

¥ A R I E ^

J U N lCfe a tu r in g “7


« m / .I AV C L A W S O N , : M

I l l d l l N S ^ ’ " i . A H ( i l l A i r i ' U T M O N T C :

T w in I'lillB ■ T w in 1

' . O t h e r T q i

DANCERS-MlS pectacu lar Li;

A M . I - l t O C H H D R F O R T V

I’l 'm liii'o ij A D lrfli'K idl ‘y IIAIU.KY .STUDI03

_______________.J_____^ ida y ,A D V E R TIsiN O CAINS K Z T : -

NBW Y O R k , ^ a n . 2S HV-A recoffl 7 ^ 7 ^ ital of 18.145.100,000 was s o e n t ^ -CHlCft lU onal and local advertfifnj iS *N.A.| 154. a n lncrea«ft.o f 43: « ^ l i ^ ^ o r t 7 M j 0 0 X I MTI-TCportea in Ulir^week's imup ---- \: P r in te r 's Ink , weekly magaiine o l ! Ivertla lng , seUlng and marketing i


b r in g t h e C H atCome In For An O ld - ^ s h io n e d



A T R E G U L A R f___ _ _ ^ jrW (L B IG H




jfEE 3:00 P. M.-SATURDJ*

Hligh^chool Audi,IO B E N E F r

CTY-SHO O R R E V'T iie M eccarielh


M i i r l B u g l i , - P o p u l n r K i c lm f a

A I I I K I ) B A I t B A U A

T U O M K l t Y P A l l I S I l

, 'ln M i T f f in F a l la

Fop-M agic Valley

tUSKIANS-COIVL ighting-S cenery-G i:

T W I N F A L L S C O U N T V M A S ADMII■ / AilulW


raraiSH‘ny O U i t a ^

c h il d r e n

’ ioned Suodiu R E N ’S


3 HITS \ l ENTttTAli

tS iH milH M u

S m

L ' j



i ' l l ^

0 *

VOI’Uo Tli

« fa!!?l‘,f

fa W f"

Q M i- c *maSeA Ck o M ia a ™wuii Vjr

• - - f

Page 7: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

p 5 5 M s ^ S tu ^ ‘rtt_Spea-Praorom

, . Joe K le im ann, »n exch i n M e e t den t from G erm any Bpo

W n m NO W l" '• ^ r o u p wo- „ te rn o o n .a a.tff lg tp ; ‘ .the —The p rognun gaa-preaen

>*15?.^ by M«- com pared It to tt

o .-T h o tn « a .-J t^ -W h o U

A g, j jh e d t l t e ^ ^ ' '^ ^ Bbhnlchaen and Mr*. T.

l t D e » * » * f presided, gloJon. W «n. ^ ^l„ the 1“" '® ! , ' , and Mr«. L oren D rake wt

fulcre project. cotnmlttee. '- ___________ ¥ ¥ »

n r i f e O akley Rrogr Given a t C^

i'lB lodU. P a W ^ n OAKLEY, Ja n . 2 8 -R o « K lnnon . p realdent. gave i

«l the home of qj welcome » t th e •‘m eet r BJiir. The program m a j” m e e lln j Tue«lfty M u n . Jick snrop- D arw in C rane Bave tFi rt Mr*. Vern Strol- v e rn a Lee MUla, scripture. ^ to the regular ,^jg R*jinu«M n. them e.

■.■ Singing.-pr4cUc«-\Vfti-d OfllMd Mr«. B «la Poat. ward chIM, *ork for worm ^^KtTlcu w e« con R ay -B la tte r and Cllff( BoHWrlghU TOe tea

^ J in i h dell T . C huketta . accom; , » 6 « t month.

;* , T h e ■•MlaMatlnus" proie M n m e d p resen ted ^ Velma M a t i S I N U i n c u J,, for lhe Momera ^^am a direc tor, and Oi « re appolntea oy aporta director.

j to « Tuesday eve-

M a film, M ra^L aw rence Elliott, w;

E i . n r . t H , - - - » * - ♦ -

s s r r ^ - Bridge Pla>”mS . a

^ u .u ^*y evening a t th e Elka iw U M f .:« D (l jlr t . WUe B m

w"* n .K ir , M « - E lm er France . Mr. llal by Mrs. Robert g Peldhuaen and Mr______________ _ T . T . O reenlialgh were o— l i . . .-. rangcm eht-com m lU ee. . . n M a r t i n Mra. U w u H ack _roce

acore fo r th e women. M -------------- ^ i i ^ .* e c o n d . a n d M ra ..(

Foe th e m en Lawrencea w e -----------------ceived high . Arm our Andi

ond, and R obert Helfrecht

1 ^ ^W ornan Fel

■ M V ------- r SijfCrtTJ IfK / C K A — ....... day afU srnw n a l her hon■ B 2 ( 5 i ----------- io c lu d a d - l i ^ i- T . .E Alblt■ j W - y X L. Shearer, K n . O . L. 8hiH c u A y T . L. C a r tn a .ia n d M rs . Ea:

■ T w in Palto. ^

B f l c ^ p o i

§ H ^ irj, - “W h a tX th J iL a tte r .B o qB a t i i . ■ |T ^B t e a c h e ^ ^ t m e bl

n i i l f l ^ "^ ''n In A Inatiad of B I f l ^ I X I couidn'4 do .the^w ork i I n i I R V ' m e back an ~ r A t / l ' more.-A ITIheTcld* laiighi

"Weil, f;<n> crving. n i gi . . iW A a n d tee abou t it. 8oroathli

! V l r \ J \ Som eth ing l i wrong «I ' A ^ l / y happens. Klr»{, the chlli

W l V ' ahould have been knopV \ \ M m o the r long batore. thij^ )\ blow fell, n the Miii was

V 1 — 'cd“ w eirn iiT -»h (.« ran iw e1 covered early in the ten

J m other toM about It,» t w ' Pa ren ta w an t only whO lio for tltelr children. W hen”«<30 30.42 d e ra u n d w hat the achool

ll " J f r ^ irylng to do they are moat^ H I M m , go along will) tliem an------- m uch a t mcyi c lin .'T iiey

'TQ taken Into conridence andofMVfn tilt, I. II.. P a rtn er in th is co;th fori education of Ihclr chlldrc

innv.'/ri.n N rxi, and not of least li« tn IW U "

“Pln»iimmerl Make Pr“=“ « , I t'f « h^y^ lon ,,,rt I t dW ouragea him c

n r l «Vn- rcgarrt iiiiklcs mlglt have for him.

Bir.M 12 II to lose on very count ai3‘, 3d, aa ho’ <!i' " " 'h ln g for in Hl.t a ta ir r ■ will ufiV t u by b t^P*ltcrn iiivr* jin - lnwrr Rrnd^R.'•**-^lu»'f«i{crt-«ew — VVhfn-i»-jjt»J*lH#-p«>mot* '''y«if|i, lakp th e n«K U'tii'liBr il!J«nU 111 foina Ior I" <h« flra(i f i r , aya, fii^ * ctnt4 for pix'ii wllh the head o^ltlie aolii^ m "illn ir:w ti< llo l u n r i i a a a 'T o itte rence“^ o l'll iiirs-N fw * , in iilh rr and the l teachnW f .a j Wm L ifiti, HcthM. th«S 'U eclire-w ha'LV: m eeiT lh la aituallon, " ' I * ' « l i e mum be iflliwed lo wiirV^ . hiKiier giiule lom e p a rt i


JG S { I Cth in g lU m sm

36 Mon

S W E Ef u r n it u r e

_______ Phona 12'


Womenexchange s tu - J Amtrlc*n

i n r cum r . . a re ^

r r-u^s s p j f ' «i n L J , J ^ l£ J d e c T ] Z - _ _ ^ —

L-Mnljjiieil CoypIeJdonoFiI. T . S. T u rn e r r \ - *

A n n i v e r

! r « « ' 'o n uie honnw ” ^honored on ihetr 43in wedt « il’' CWUV,

jgram -i_ ventlon mcasurej.

^ n u r c h . / *''^>''8 mceimft and

IU d irecte'dTjy . GucaU were Mrs, w ilion,•d chorU ter. and Virgil Mnicne,:. D onald M ab- Tlie white elephant wa* f Clifford W ood- by Mr*. Anderson in d rec•ection of W en- Mr*, T, M, F«lashccompanled by J ' # v ♦ '

■' program was WSCS PrbqrarMabey, apeech ^ . p _

'I oS s’SS: by G, J h e Wesleyan Service gui

:<d bv M r and . '.‘1.*^* program and refr« t t ward d .n r ^ Of tltt. w ard dance an 'a Society of ..Christian

W cdnesaay a t the Methodla* ' Mrs. Hanley Pnyne was

chairm an. A panel dlscusjl a y e c l hew on "The fam U y-ita

r narfv In fh« ChrlsU an life." Mra, I d a ( A h fw Mrs. Helen fimrkoy .nH puii£i* f o 3 jr ^ " “ ' 5 ^ " ’ part to M ? :

B ^ t i t l « . a a n g _ a _ « , l c M r. and M n P ™ edT )y Mr*. Vemon 8m

Id Mr. and Mra. * 4 *

.™ on .h. GoffeethoH-H.received I)Igh FILER, Jan , M—A oolit n . Mr*. D . M. co ffee thon . wa?. iponsored dra. .C. R -.Pox , A m erican Legion auxUlary-

d a y a t the home o fM ri , enge Q uinn re- Shaff. Mr* JarJr R«m.>y v Anderaon. sec- ren Tegan. Mrs. Erneat The

irecht, th ird . Mr*. Paul Brown ■n«)t* hostess.

Feted FOOD SALE SET[« .=E aiL L aH ue ^--HANSgN, J a n ., g fr-n e y

r home, Ouestd nounced later. The group ■Albin,-Mr»r-R, olded-to-purchese-euHftlni J. Shearer, Mrs, ha ll. The ritualistic work rs. Eaxl Ram sey, empilfled, Mrs, Lee Kaslam

F in is Ross were hostesses.----------------------------------------

o f Y o u r C h i ld r e rBy ANGELO PATRI

!r.B09 ? '' and to 'a tlen d claaa a t othime back." In th e lower grade. Thl* ' -W ha t—do—TOU -faim -to woric t»p-to-h l» -y i

' ou t too much loss of presl o f B. She la id > n a ttem p t to p re ork ao ahe p u t <»rt of thing many tchoo w an t to go any have taken up the Idea o aiighed a t me,“ cen t promoUona. This to n n i ffo-to-achool th ln k ln i is no t good. I t all

. . . . . . . .Surely w no t w ant t< )ng w hen th a l s«ch Idea belore ow thHdtt

child* failure thing w orth while In life known lo hia earned and lhe looner thi

:. th is cruahUig get th a t idea fixed in th i was n o t grnd- J 5 beKcr._T iw eT x e n d liP Promoting a pupil who e term and hla done h is grade asslgnmcn

him no good. Finding hln y w hal is best grade beyond hia abillly When they u n - he loaea Interest, gets bf :hool people are loses .hla self respect and I moat willing lo a problem for his teachei n and help aa parents.Tliey sho iiid 'he ......................., —e and consultedIs concern, th e gOl, "K>lln(," Ull> hnw n ' Illdren.•nst Imporlnnce, N i 'l r V)" ii.,, »» m.ling a child bnck voih n , N', Y. 'ce. I t a tuns the ~ i ------- =—

r n f Z - K : I l a m k B A «rh im .H e a ta n d s C O H R E C T IOin t and lo gain . . . is pleasant and

D .tk .c h c . m .y 1.0 oy o tm * in n ,

.._ . UlJ -llUUbftgo. alxiinacli.ani ^ , i I i » VOII h*

O . everylhliiK pIw , 'iTyli. She consulla belief 1* often

*e*ce wltTi Uifl I UeaUnaiiUiacher and to - 1 ) |{ . A L M A I IA

w h a l 'p ro g ra m ' O H nO P ItA (;T ( lallon bfat. Ilo m M ala North ■ I’h

work with lhe pnrl of tlie day U L .iV ii l

F E R M S>1

C A R P E '^ .............

mths to Pa

E T SE STORE1295 __________

ieS e t I H ots Wil^lU-be held- - lean Legion

set for 9 a t 10


Mrs. R ich-

r*. K enneth


lotred^/ersaryRodman were

a n -[XL-Wlil .<a)ub ome ot Mrs,

^ F l 7 l u , . i . , ,U h•n a pollnck *'>»■

r 10 * ^ F rh » l ‘b Kweied wlnj. S. B. Smith!

r Doctor Speak = . " S r . " To M in lo r (

th e M entor club meeting 'wa* furnished ^ome of Mrs. Jc1 received by receivea oy R em jteln said the

palsy school now has Iflevery day and four klnde

r n m "There are tw' ^ e r s aaaUUd by a physlo-tl / ( i \ A grea test need of the iy V J U I I U for volunteer teacher aasisi:e guild fu m - “ Id.refreshm ents Roll call waa answered bj

: of the Worn* event*, atlfto. R m k e T he-yearly -repo tU of. the tiodlst church, be aen t to the s ta le genera was pro^fram Uon waV discussed. Iscusalon was j j r i . G ra n t Carlson b: w te w a rd of c ly d e Allen were appol ■Ola Cockrum. choote a n international

-p ro je c t- .- --------- ------------discussion, ^ program commlttce

i_wlo accom - polntw l to n c h d r i n th 'e^ li n Sm ith. in ihe general federation

fo r a n ouU U ndlng movie. 1 U l A l y J Plana _for^a. d in n e rJ lo r- l - r i e l O ^ n O u sfia n d sjn -P fb ru B iV polio benefit cuased. > -

lored by th e . # M ¥

I Theenor and have a poUucasaUted the j p „,. p-eb. *

open m eeting and memb b ring guesU.

SET All Attending a re 'a sk ed t■Royat-Kelgh- ta b le -H rv lo e r^ ^ o f fe ^ - ro ^ I I'i.itw i tm i- f ix tB m ^w n tl.t ttg im ’ji iz ia g .11 will b« atv- by th e comaUlUa. roup aijo de- Mra. Qeorge E rh ard t is Ft*lna~f«»f-the m en t cha lrma n . -M rs B work was ex- will present th e program, slam and Mrs, M rs. P. B. Wilson, Twin : ues. b« a special guest.


HAOERMAN. Jan . 29 0 f | vi*itors were presen t W

afternoon a t th e meelini P rim ary a t th e LDS chut

I were Mra. ' E rn est SteVe , . H yrum Lee. an d Mrg. Mavi

I other per od* oooding. M rs. ComeUua T ^ charge of th e mee is-^ rade-w ith- group-Will m »t-W ednM 3r> prestige. regu la r olasswork.

prevent thla — — ichool aystems

f t r 5 i r f f e r i n f o . t ^

I t allows chii* can gel along

ml to Ml any Ih»dT tn .C v trv . ^life has to he

;r the children . . . / % # | JIn the ir m ind.

who has no V V A Iim cnl Is doing . . . _________ ___g himself a Illty to m aster ts bAd marks,, and becomes \ A / r ~ A Ilacher and h il y y ^

:svv;";i,%'o"- O P P O !w r.lln i hibH» ^

S £ I? A C K . > 1 1r n o N 1and painiesa. }l)fi auoclated tm . nrlhrllla. h and kldiiayII have tried j 'lYy Adju»t- I

ftpii obialned | <naiit. I ■I IA I ID I N

ic T O H■ I’hona ZltS .

S A!

IT J US a t , .


3 WE■ A N D


I tl .I H S



_____________ TIMES-NEWS

Vill F eature Jew e ls ‘

U ' ' .■

f I ." " . . ' ----------1—

■eclod* Jewel* ia Ihta h andm ade la«« an< Mbony of P a rii. Poised on th e ro ie la a d w ln n from V an Cieef a n d A rpelt.

□ks C a len d ari r C l u b D IE T R IC H -T h e Friends)ountv health “r,t.t L u v . r S a turday- evening. .a t- ..U « S C n e ? - P'^Wlc is^ n v jt.

' ^ e Gooding G range pol . h . K 1 f i t aquare dance will be hel(

Ifl s t u S i P- '‘t lhe G rai

^ t '" 8 *^e asked lo bring cake,tin sandwiches. M yron BlUislo -th trap lil,the school is w w mu sis tan ta . he

« . , . ™ J h e m e G i v e n

V a l e n t i n e D(neral federa- "Romani>lc H oliday" la ll

of the a n n u a l sw ee theart b n (tnd M rs >2-_,Tne danceippolnted tonal relation* ° 3 . i ^ ' - , o r - t h e - s e n l o r 8

w.< . n K ali, Crowning of th e qi unde r_d lrec llon of Cc

L .if i T horson and Sheila Tuckeistlon c o n u s t g a n ey is m charge of ad

Program a and refreshm en t n in a ie a " b y D lahe ChTney,

a a fy w a a d is - D jcfiratlona w iiU carry ..cupld them e in colors of

' a n d wine.

loted ________ SHOWER HELD

oUuck lunch - < rlln was gueat of h ono r i I I will be- an and blue shower T hu rsda jembers m ay hom e of Mr*. W ayne Hu:

B e lly Bowen assisted thesked»to bring roHar-reliahes;

wTri rail* . wiU T O

BARGAINS! BARC s ta k e sale . . . f

I W ednesday to r e d u c e s to c k , seling of the •church. T hey 'JteVens, Mr*. ' - ^ nMaven Cam p. C IIU Thompson. • k # ImeeUng. The

a a r j r i a n K a r -------------------------------------

---------- McKEW

"SHII------------— ' S tz e r i ^"

S TINS a p o r u b ,

A R E P R O U D 'o f O R t U N I T Y T OH Q D S C n i l



“SeebuiJ K E B<, Jon. 29th Will0 T H E MARCH OF

ESTERN Mlf ^ D " S E E B U R G " J U K E B '

I p T h e F o l l o w i n g

M l ^ ( iO O D lN U . 1T.X.X. m i n i . KinHS t lA ( ;K K M A N I



Dinner d a n c e m n r Beta Sigm a J

Slated fo r M(JERO M ^, Ja n . 3»—A Mai

T'or-rfo"/-. u.,m d ly<IM »d.«t Io rE X fiiip IriranaT flinO 'PH 1 Beta s ism a-P h irT n e sd ay -e '

Pal chap ter m e t a t th e 1 Mrs.. Jnck H arris. E xem plar

------- m cm bfrs m et wiOT ' ^lry.

.T he two chap te rs will ho i n ef.-^ain»* a>- i .p i n i M araU-

sem l-form al and miul'c will ulrleri hy-an -o rchM tr» . Mer lh e aocini com m iteei o f botJ are m aking (Inal a rrani T ickets will be available a t rcRulSr

Fsl chap ter member* volet iti liu ie ?5!) ,KltI1B”ro tH fltW downient fund for cancer

’ Arrangem ents were also mai S lsm iM d y 'Je ro m e ~ T a m liy

a n d v h ltB of the ir *ervlde pro jec t, a diam ond were requested to take f

clothing for the fam ily bei urdny to th e home of Mr*.

I Shepherd, Mr*. D a7id Sum T l* (Donald W cdd o r Mrs,

: .- A m e sto y .--- - ............. .. ., , Mr*. Robert W illiam * i

ndshfp circle the ..program on "N ature t card p a rty scapes.-’ Following a ta lk s ..tht-.aciJOOl ed pcinla-of o ld -sirtlita-la . nvjted. famous A m erican landac*

„ . colored sUdes, pollo bene- Exem plar c hapU r m em b

held a t 8:30 to contribute 110 to Ihi O range hall, porccs M arch on Polio and h w a tte n d - fu rther service project*. ^ k e .c o o k i« . The program "A rt in th Bllas wUI be prese.Ued by M rs. Mll

e ll,‘ Twin Falla, in te rio r < Mrs, Powell showed th e i ^ rong way to decorate

n T U r played fabrics, w all p a p er p » petlng. Mrs, B ubak wasL / Q D C e chalrm nn. i— *uV" I ~ 'O u « W '* 'e re ” W r»:~ltcw la th e them e H agerm an, Mr*. Roas Bav f L 1. Mr*. W llU am I

. h igh achool ‘" ^ X p l n r c hap te r will .

f Q u « ° wm* S "l ucker. T h ay re * w v

. . m S S _ D o n Q t i Q a M i,hey. \ The W orlhw hlle club 4orry .out) th e made a l th e poUoJ»n«XU. of deep red to the arm ed forcea marc^

' -Wedneaday a fK m oon a t— onM re.-M arvin C ustar.------

:l d Member* answ ered rollAiljerl BO- gpeclHl- suUJwls.----------------

o r a t a pink A d e u e r t lunch wM lenri rsday a l the were played.H urd . Mr*. T he nex t m eeting will be th e hostess, 9 a t the home of M n . 0 . 1


\R G A IN S! W atch for ou r b ig CLE . . PRICE REDUCTIONS o n every .


; P E C I A L:M " T "

1 * 0 0IRTS s s- 2 - r e - t t -------------------------- l » A y - .


) F T H EO -

m ™

)S O F O U R

i r g ' '

O X E Sill Be DonatedF DIMES FUND


i g T o w n s :

. I ’lL IC U U A N a E N . .K IM II K R I .Y H A Z E L T O N


, 1 0 - y - S A T U R D A Y I

______^ ________


:e o f .. S q u a re D a n c e s 3 ,Phi S e t b y G roK A n r r h Tbe Ooodlng Squarea-w lil t v » u i ^ 1 I flt 8;30 p jn . S a tu rd ay In the M arch d in- Ing O range hall. M yron ' Bl■ t m»«>Hng< ba-lha-iaJlat._________ ______

P i m n B ^ r s :

.T he-.H ee l and Toe Danc n l . r b a n t e r ^old its danceL . w im .m P” - M°°!;

“ ■. - ” avBrjronc ■ la wcicuine. x n'

■ S - ^ “p ro - -------------- s i r t t r B l J i r - ; 'MembMBrOl : “A- w u« n M l« ic e ttlll -b t IKota ^ u p 'a thB-8l»Ter-«aiTgrMmrw7^fB:

r„nE em en ts . Sa tu rday in . t h : Bridge com . , t th e nex t hall, Ray a a lllh e r will be th<

-V ie Q r^ A e tm tj / 'P la n n e d ^ b y C

' b e f ^ S a t- W ednesday a l th e home Mrs C R N E m m ett B auer. M rs, Chari Summy Mrs * “ co-hostess.MrT A lbert T he group U p lann ing a B(_ _____ fling «nniv#raary p a r ty Fe'ns oresented l i 's com m unity h a ll for' 1 ture-* U n d - M™- Jim fie ld s . F rienda a n ik she show- bora w ishing to d ona te fo r a . i .n r i . r . t v . the_couple a re asked to cont idacaoes and Roy H ard lh rl p rea lden l oTI

^ Luncheon was aervedember* voted hostesses.

th e Armed The n e x t m eeting will a n d discussed P-m. Feb. 33 a l th e hom e of

W . Goldsmith.___n the Home" m m .M ilton Pow- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ l i p

o r decorjtlor. ■ ^ > T i A f f l l i F S he B n d | B f l * M | | U l M Ite and dis- ^ ^ ^ K n n V ^ ^ A u I | I | | .per and u r - ^ ^ ^ K d K s 9 |R M } m L i i f i j |l was program

-ill m eet Feb. ■. Dick Callen, ■

“^ S = p a P ^M M e _ _ .;_ ______ — ID < o n a U d |4 0 " . ■ifiXitJood a a U . a ^ ---------- ■larch on pollo L D MXa t th a home ■ 1 ^ ! ^

'roll caU w ith - '

lenred. O am es ■ | / P A | CHANNEI- t V D U l BOISE

11 b e held Peb. "O. D. Tilley. ■ J a n . M th rough Feb

*t - ----- iUJU)A*-»4l.—r ^ ~ i Tpft—H«> IK* II^^^T^

liS lt^uM iT T rarneta t

I v ■

. 7:00-^. & Th..t«r: lear- ;•V ‘t e m ■

I g ' ---------'b v o h s a t p j l

I . I:l(-W oRun'i lyorM:■ a i ie - c tr r Uoort •_ UD—Ob Your Aetount

------------------ » - tT iw = ia v r8 r-t if« (CB8>BB ’ H tllS—Brl|hUr O ir

:■ iiJO -C W m l I C«ml

' ■ -

V ' i m” *

________ __ '§ I - . —k t u u d a t r.M.ri WorU wltkW Rannli W«lll*a Vsur Accoaat

■ liOO-Smllln' W . U>at

■ lliu—Utrrr MIlkmtB

• ll l f t -o y a V m . ir f le la m' a - lili_W«4UtM.«ad-XBOI M]■ 7IOO-LK* Worlh Llvla«

■ til&—Tht ri>yb«Uta l.0»-Sl»4l« 1

_ iie»—oitr D*tMiir«]■ thl Lmwl a lOiOI-lloxlna

_ . . . . , . . . . -----------

■ WIDNUOAT r n . \m } iil-W om in't W«rl4 •Kkl " Ronnlt W.llli■ l i l l —IlnlMrt U, l,«nli (OBl

l " liJO-Oti Yo>ir A«cuu.l !■ 4io»—i,o>« or i,ir«I 4ilfr-th»nn»l » Cari.l—■ 1:00—Rmllln' K<1't R.nC I lilO -M itrr Wlllim.n■ liBO—<;omt4r Ctiitfci

I * il l -0 .p » |n Vldt»liSO—ailS Naw. In r[rlar<

■ aiia-iW tiUiir and kllOl 1 , liOv—Aklwtt and (JmUIIs

.............* - r jL H 7,^n ilH rerA l!o jn«■ lOiOO-H..ln|

'■ ---------!■ rnURBDAT P,M.■ t i l l —Woniin’f World >llh " Uda.I . Walll.

' ■ Dill—Hob (Ihixr■ l,SO-On Y.uf Af.ounl m 4iOl).-l.ov. of l.lf.

tiO«-Hmlllnf K.I McConnil■ lilA-M «rtr Mllkm.ii

t " liM—Oomtdr fll.Mtri■ lilt-tU xialn V|it«o

l " I|3»-«:IIH N .m In PIMur*.■ liU —Wa.lh.r *jd KUUI I

I lidO—niKSi HUtil | | lllO—Alwrla Tlmt

if! tlio-.M idi.... H<|Uiri <UcdlK H IOiOl)-S.Hi<r '■ ISiKI—T«iM n.MlIn'

I ........ s i i s s e : * ’" a, 4lOO—l.o« «l I.IN

3 i l i S f c ; - '

‘ . ■ i i i f l f s i r "i! liiKtei'Sf'fc...'■ --------^ tATIJRIIAT r ,u .

, ...................V lllO-WlBkf Hlnk <nd You I <4 ■ *i(Uk-,A(t r<» Vuii1'!^ I . I jlf t-T h . C r lr «hn»

» . V , ' t v r , '■ liU —l(ok«tl 4, Uol*■ lilM —B tiu i»r Uirqut*

:es Plans M ade for iroups Sw eethedrfBd , S S S To Benefit Fun Bliss will om icron chapter, B eU 'eigiM

r ~ Sw eetheart ball Feb. 5 J u d d a jDance club. ‘'• '’R ffieTiome of Mra. Bill I ince a l 8;S0 The event Is the annual sem M*« halU P * ' dance of the aoror—(TiKmm— nrlri .1 th» ArT iirj,* ! IjHlOrb rine cake. ^1 ' proceeds will go 'tb ''th 'e"'

. ._ The-publlc la In v i t^ ; iV . j j e c a l l e ^ ~ w in b

* t B ,3 trp :!^ Mr*, ja c k rowlua read a com m unlly f ro ^ th e In tfrm itlona r office

le the caller, cem lng th e BcU » g m a Phi lp( Ilonal endowm ent w n d * .- - ^

n t t e s T ' , I b u ^ n w .m e ling. PrlM» were a / ^ 1 . .U e«l Mrs. O erry Lusby. Mrs.

/ N m I U D T haete , M ra.-Jack,Powlua-an< tr? «.*ro rll. H w raan Blevera. n View club ^ ra . B r i l l and Mrf. Slevera. ime of Mr* refreshm ents.

™ '- M.*,cS'’! : r K L ? . £ S n '

] *f‘ “ " j o ' t i '" t i ™ ? ? ; ! m . .U n i will b . h,l tor' Mr .n d ® a t -UlB homB .af^MTB. MCE a .n d n » lth . T H «f n r . \ m ‘t 5 r “ W i n . h c , . « « con tac t MM, * ¥ *

, o T Q ie '^ a ir ‘B H ID G E 'T E A T E D --red by the FILER, Jan . 38—M rs. Ral]:

darholm en terU ined w th a utlll be a t 3 party Tuesday evening. M n IB of M rs. V. Reichert received h igh prise

M arie Hawkins, low. n. L T I j P OTTTHIR LINE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1



I Feb, 8 J a n . M throB gh.Fet J

L.1S1'.' .. 1,11 .p---L.

1 :iO—Jack Bmn* Show l:Slt-U f« or Rlfor

• a l , l » - l U 4 n r M LinatiOO—AU>8Ur TbMUr

. n . . u , iiitfsrr.ffi.v:-"'"IBM tb a rrsm HMdqoaUia

ll!S»_Kt«« final


I . , i K s i H w e i a

i i i w ™ *I lie—Brodi tho Boalt........

n e n , ■■

p a a v j ^ i

iH traaH ^DUuM!^lf\~ r~ T U * 8 I)A f

wltk 4 ill-B hirirf Dtaa"Sonarit 8U(*ooiek

t I ioe-T hi uic PlewroiilO—Ntwi ond Int.rvUwi

-Cem tdr *UO-YMMrd*r-W»wirwl—a t - lii l-W M ttiir PUtUf*

liM -I I 't • a r« .t Ufa I . f no—In.ldo ot SpoTU

liOO-Ford Th««ur

s “ " Mfira

WIONUDAT<i«l-RhtH(f Data

'-Boil al UU Wnmlat'(:i>0-.Vub1lo InUraal

I wKk liei.^W.«lhar '1:00-KU (I.rton

, (0B8) CoflUi Arehaj*>1 tiH —

• Dlitrlel Altornorn« liJO—Ka.liira Tha.lar

"M.nliilUn Lov« Boni** *' l l (00 —Nawa

: £lo'hW ............ THUMDAir"' '

I iSO-Rm x lloldiA*Ii3i—Hnilllni Ed'a Q»n|

. „ *iW.-"Mr, WlMnl"r M. lilO -N tM iflA laUrvliti*

” iioo-Top pur« »r IMIlilft-(liaM «tllU irla.o(lh«

..-.,11 Canlur»I iM-Klof l^ r .» U |h ^ Vlollnll'lU-Wll(iiro ^ h ..l“ r

iKiura* "Ni«ir SaoroU"UUI Nana Uiro-Nawa

rRlUATM llit,.B harirr n u n" • Trlfnar Kli.»ar* _

■“ ■rv------------

J !**!!* A“ Kl»hou.«i i r M k t t

Ic liira i.................... 8hnw"cia#*-----------------------r ....—bun,,, l .lf t- l.lta U Worth Livlni

: .

'<|ua« *' lA T U ^ f ^ '.lite^T h* ilW Plaiura '

I'nS—lliiiai It |«iDi).-Ka.l»r* ThatUrri( • -Oh. Whil a WsM*]u«( ^ llitiO--Naw»

I ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


. B i llB r llt . I B al sem t'fo r* j ^ H ! aorortty to i s H

i m Ij w o t b J Iw

sn o W iH g T H e jH

Mrs. O l e n ^ ^

ie v e r a ^ e m d ^ ^ l

planned tor McDonald as. H

. be held F e b , 'I i;-McDonald.’ " 3 I. T haetaw lU ‘

rsD-------iI. R alph Ce- n r th a bridge W . Mra. Fred I prUe, Mra. i

i i i ■ j

------- -Ji...............■ -

w . ■_U X 8 S g

£ 9 h l • ■ * .


_______ ■ -■klBt ■ra ■

■r t -Mast : ■ qaaun ■ '

' ■ ' ■ - ■

4 - ^ _______ ■ _

a! , i T = f

S l: r r

■I ■ '

------- • -R - 'j i i r i i« n '~ j jQ

■r B

■rtmlaf" -.

- :roK.^ ■ -»rno7 ■— -----------» —

aBonr* ■

! & ; 'r


*i.n . B.ybeuM n

;* ,u . ■Vlollnlat ■

, . i ..

- 4-

■ W . l l . ® •I— ...........

” - - t - v :

r', :.


- V

Page 8: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

I n d e p e n d e

l 8 2 - 5 0 ; F a i

rO ntufiP iad e f e a t t h e D i e t r i c h D e s e r t T r a n t o a m a m e n t a t G c m d in g . T h e P '

L _ : I j u ; & - z . ^ ; 'L i n : i i i e J l M r 8 t a n z n . t h i


....... ....... '—'is l I tj ll?

\ h: U r r rK r '_ . ,, .... -.j™ 1« 20: In1 I,] nei Ml »oo r o i of

i' ..... ; "r lii i5i ivXr - S M SI *' - ...:..lij !5! i;? 'I- ■ ............... ............ 80

Tui.l. ........... - . « « M‘ »« Ul

‘ '..Iiict,. . ; •’ *! J": dn'■ I'lllrunJk■: . . i:.:. i n *5" t*''

r>"Wi. . ......... I '" "»• isn *>< COIj:, H(.*er» .................. liJ I6i H» ail

Toll'. ' 93I ‘ »ii » j j IT»tn K.ll. Moitu.rr Ihi

V r S i ; , - . . . . .. . ::1 S : 11! I S S t :M. Cowhlm ................ Ul Ul UK 4:1 seiS. K Int....................... '<•’ Ij*' po

Tol.l..............»IB J « tU3 Na

i; iMdicp .... .^ " ..-" ’ ' ' i s r i M l i t 5S7 d»| ‘ r::::::::::::!!! ! S r i 5 i S ! “ I

.........- J Z i S " 1 ™II w, Sh.ri. ........- ....m 118 in W T l

— -------- - -I, |Vwr,on ................1*1 no US ««)l. l-hlllip. .........-.....-1 1 7 lU lOJ Jrt -p

■ 'H ; Kn’« J u J : o j m J tToL.1.____ :......... » ; « f - i i n w i M

Clib “ I----- »> U> • »H f |

H lltmer ..................... H» 12* •’•'I J■ j:r;&==^jsjr!u---------- roiVu---------- ^ ^ — i t n - i i i r - u r z m ha

R.l.r«in D.4III]' 8h«l> flj

= -^sSi~=nRiF*5ra 1„ D.Vtl« ---------------J M 123 J M a»0

Tui.1. ........... 7>1 ~7U «< :» a oil


][.i..ilrip ..................... 119 n» U» JH h iJ-. Dillon.......- . . .c ------16S i n m Ol

i i ' . : r ‘ " ” . . . : : : = : l ! ! " ! 11! S ^i r. lU rk.r ...................... ISS 11* 11* «« PTf B. I’eUrMti ........ ..........11* 111 13S *» TC

i , i ! =1! i l ! » '

i I S . f f l i S i r1 — J m J j ! j i j ~

T o l i l . ............. ..........HU j i i Ml u n J_

- . Fnlchlwar*. M indlc.p..... ................ IU K I lU 4JJ Tr

— r & ' ' = = = : s - i s ; : ! i i ! f «....... il. K fH»....... ................. i:* m u* 4M tei

. S ; a : ' “ .:::::::;::::::::jii--------- T«lili .« k ll U t IIS HM «■

Mmm Lo4|t - H.ndicip .............. ...m il nn m ««« de

r , is i iis «*o JfI. W.1 I n Ul UK Jin Ki M. jlelnrleb .................US 114 lU 43J ed

—------ij.-Menmi-.r-....' .•.r..-;-..-- IS»—tilt—r«l—tTT —i Touii ........- ....... ~7M '»s» ’ « « :i» : P«I ------ . JI,

L ■ , . .n . l . . . , ' , ‘^ " " " “ .‘’l * ; X ‘, IM H I * 'I I ; ‘.h:,!SSi.m-;-:;.... 151 i l l «! bur .W. l)«rr(cuU .................lUi 1(1 111 JfJ lU^ u. tu'ekur"...’: . : : : - : : . I J " 'i* i n ji*

T oiiiiT .r. ‘" ‘ 71? ’ (Tr*iVj j lH cX.rcit lUdUtar ^

lUnillM.p................... Ijn IM I»n IJO ‘-

Jl/h.rhlinli. . . . Iia *J5 IM J»ij Y - f c ; ; .................... u ? 155 I n m *'®

..................J ” foiT»l*l. .......... Ktu I i l »il ]I09 A

-• 4 = - — i-i f S

.............. ?r°......................W3 » l . i:il 2CIS wJl

11.11 I’UnlII.,„II,.,- , IVJ i;a 11.V an v i

~ iiiii;!: iii.I■.i.’r .n m . . »x III *il Cfii.. u .r .,. I.-.J Hfl U i i n r l ,

l.,u l. . MI .-I (]> IMl

T o p S k i e r s S e t n

. . F o r U t a h S l a l o m ;AI.’I'A, Ulali, Ja n . afl iM ..M any of i:

Aincrlfn'A \o\} ^hll•l/l ............... .. »ev. {;r rn i Olym plf iirr.i wm rrtiiljiftc l in e r Himrtny Ui llio inmiinl Hik,w Clip I- lll<il)l Hhitiwii. •'

IlradliiK llic 11.1'L ,j[ «,i AllHI CH lilfi Ls M rnd .\l.iiwiTili'r, (Milv iMiiiiiiii ru 'i lo will Iwo wiiuor O ljiiiiJlc KDia ii>cli.l«. ,

Dim mill hii.ilioiiil l i i iu tiiiii liiiilily Jiinl Kk(Tti-r W niii'i m il ik - n,p i r.'ld ia i.( llio A»i.cii, tiki rliili, "

Dttv» LHwrrnpf nn itir lUSJ O lympic lr»m « l l l r l i h » ifr. H krrt- fi- Wci-hrr_wiMl.,lll»:.. IPiy \vuitieii'fl f v f n r n f llic ffiiovv t i i j i anil tvnn a llli'liibcr uf llin n iii iin rs M u utnin 1)1 JOM, niKlily W n i in Imn h rn i

- • <»iunclliiB n »prclRl O lyiniiif tryout

------^-OU i r r O ly m p lo o k lm rn ir r r r t i r o l FJuck ItvdilUli of HnH l.nkr (Ilty <rupl4lii of Ih r 1DA2 U. rt. i liviiiiilo MiUnil. nnti K iily Uixlolpii, u im will Jinid li Jirnf), N rv„ fon lliiH nii, llaUi art! provloiu m ow oup w ln iirn ,

G a i n e y T o n i g h t

.ifulrM,'! Vl

J r . ^ , ' i : , '


lents Top \ lirfield Kim lay by 8hoiT ra m p s '52-48 T h u r s d a y a f te rn o o n he Pocatello te am t r a i le d a t th e hai n th c Teafl cftanged a co u p le Q t_tini

■■■’ ■ ................ | t h

- T w d ® i ^ S i x — ra

-Teams-to^Iafce w =1 Last Attempt jtw

By T h r Aa£i>cl»ti>d; PreM ed?! The Idnho Falla TlRera sn d Poca.- Jj° '! tello Indlnns mnkf th e ir sw ing Tv 01 of the sefliion through w estern Id a-

thl.n wc«li-cnd for w h al m ay be the ir lH*t «tnb.^ n t (he f irs t dlvUlon

« InT H T ^Ig Six high achool baake ti •1’ ball cohRrence.„ W ith IHf season m ore th a n ha lf

• gone, th e Iwo cellar-dw ellcra w ill be '^5 o« U klng on team.^ th a t a re f a r in

irontLJ3ft.t,t|jnK.fot-t-he JcRK U t.lea(L Pocntello will be In Caldw ell P r i- KJ

dny nlghl Ior l u f lra t gam e w ith .11 the Cougar.^, a team th a t racked up oi- J! convincing wlna agn jnat T w in F a lls ,

and Nam pa, in lt« la s t tw o ou ilng j.2] Saturday th e In d ian s will, lake on ^

the league leaders In Bolae..ii Idaho Falls, veblch h u h a d a poor b i : i season, deapit* the a en sa tlonal a i - ic ” point M orlhg average of l u s ta r n«04 forward Mel Pet«rson, will have a «/(— chance Co redeem its e lf F riday a t by “ Nampa and S a tu rd ay a t Caldwell. _

S7 day n lgh l w ith a noneon lw ence Vie- **»' tory over Rigby, C6-60. p , 14 No olher gam es a re scheduled (or i : confcrcnce m em bera th ia week. A i l T>iesdny n lg h l a ffa ir belw eeii !"

Tinmpa and M erid ian waa culled off "J_ nff hrr«imi» ■ r/'tiMl^-Mn- X -hld- —*i -^55:—---------- ----- in'V -------------- Ri

I Baylor Scores" ?. "44 Points ill ji | lW rsda_y Game

r2! CA L D W E L L .-Jan. 28 l^ u -s u re - pc ;»T h a n a e a -E l8 in -m y id r-tb 5 S c S lh " 2 0 « l

field goals and four fre e th row s for ,01 « po ln ti T hursday n ig h t aa .Col- of

TX'1,0 t n t t baakaUjall gam e. rli

W ith the game a b o u t SO aeconds P< '‘9 old. the lanky Baylor scored^ w ith

key. H is .e n tire 44 po ln ta boosted wl i» h is season's to ta l to 413 for 12 games. '’9 I” Coach Sam Yokes sa id h e d id n 't th I'J know o ffhand if B aylor'a to ta l re* sc IM presented a new slng l^-gam e scoring ni »> record for the Coyotes. ta

T he Coyotes took th e lend w ith Baylor's Jump sh o t a n d were never sc

{» o n th e a h o rt end. c ltil ------------------------------ th

Davisfrp Winners >■ Take Doubles

ADELAIDE, Jan . 28 (fl — Tony m* ;J» T rab e rt and V lc-S«lX Ba_Jim i th e {ii

doubles In th e A uslra llan na tio n a l iT IM tennis to u rn am en l PWday. by boat- t .

^ In a five-set f ina l 6-3. 8-2, 2-6. 3-fi, . iH 8-1.

The la st tlm a an A nirrlca ii ,t./)|v I*]' d m won the Aiissle doubles was In a« i(n 1033, when- Ellaw orth Vlne.i and 17(1 Keith O ledhlll of C aliforn ia tu rn - '1[» ed the trick. ________ ___

PlB>TiiS In 88-degree lir a t. ll «p- n i»j peared th e Amerlcniui would sweep I ',

Hond and Rosewall In th ree sU nlgh t m seu . il

[jJ They look th e flrsl two se ts rnslly, iM but then encountered s te rn opposl- i«i tlou as Ihe AUMie p a ir ba ttled sue- ' [‘J cessfully to av ert a sweep.„ ____ _______ r:-----_ ___________ SJ

I; Sports Shortsu5 HUNTINGTON, W. Vn., Jnn . 28 J'* [Ji l^V-NliKi Vnldf.v No. 1 liravywelRht u i

contender from Cuba. .inUl he 'll iry « _ for a knockniil w ltliln five rounds In 09 a lO-roiiiider agnlnst Jnck Flood

SpoKniie._ ■ ______ / ,JJ - ,J in 0 0 K L Y N . ..J«ii. 3B ifl — n-hr OJ Brooklyn Dodgci-s annouiuT .l W nl- ' "7 nesdny Hint p llch rrs E iv i'alii'n niid " ,5 Bob MHUkrn have M sntrt lOM run- . trac ts, m aking a la la i of 31 plnyeia i.'

19 who have come Ui ic in u .

7. I'IRATE SIO N S ” *J- P m s U U n O H , J a n . 2H -The PJ PItlsliurBh I 'lrn lr* Thiirnrtav ip . : M crivrd Ih r signrd 1055 fo iilrm t nf -s " rlKhthonded pK chrr C lin tlrn O or- li man, talnlUK lo ao tlie n iim brr of I],':

players under, ro n irac i.

Basketball Scores iii)f ii.'" ill«*r"’b 7‘i'.‘'Vui',I.,V':.i '

N ..r 1«. Amr.|,.fi iinl>rr.,lr "p .... . •‘., «», t» '''■

5 :



'll l.iiigrAl and olili'nt />,<lrn oiKmI, iiiiii.Minl o iilioiliiiillv I..I iiiiiii I

r.Mril In ('HK'i-i ArllltiK (i| ifiiiiilluip I.I1.I Mii.iilliM, .•.iiniir»i liifilvn (im ii lihrn.Illll no l rMriHiiil. Criiniili'ti■IhH « ..|k Mllri.l VMM 1,niiniiilitioiia irnn iiiiK i U|i lo liu u ru iiir..u iiil liii«p iu i i>»M»(

« I'»|ir,| i l ln i lr l . ', kU hiIv i<r?titio ll* wiiili hiiHl, hnvr r lr <«ii i|ii«llfy, ihrr'i w riir givli •llll>ll(l<'lllllMl^. lllt<ll(^^^ tla lm 1071, r6cA T K I.I.4», All irj.lif

Walker’slockedoshonete d -a h o a d -in - t4ie-flo cow l-hft^f-t-o — lOon in th e 2 8 th a n n u a l o u tlaw * ! h a lf by one p o in t w i th a sco re J im c a T p i i r i n l t h e f i n a l j ^ u t e s ! |- [trh t -O K ca g e f a p u t tn e n o u g h - I- b i ts ktiLiH o .d itch t &6-:iea m e : i~ or(rcI&]i~<ItUFlbed tn s 'g a m e as th e f

“best" so fnr in the tourney. 'Ooodlng M -M en opened th r nlav _

T liu rsday .a ^ e rn p o n w llh a .34-28 win over the M ud laken . T erreton . Cope of t h e . M udlakera was high- p o in t m an w ith ift-po ln ts.

T he'G O odlng tn d e ^ n d e n t j~ ^ u r - ed K ftood Of baskeU th rough the

. hoop to han d .Tommy W alker of V T w ln -H a lb -* crush ing defeat. P inal . score was R2-&0. |f T he Twin F elK team 's defense | n was crushed u n der th e flash ing a t- . I- ta c k -of- the—Independents m th e I

second game T hu rsday n ig h t-P ly n n , fir Ooodlng Independents guard , ran i

u p a lo ln l .o l 2& polnta to b e th e { n h ig h scoring p layer so .f a r l a the ] i tou rnam ent. H e h it fo r la field J . goals aria one ' f f « T ossT T h e ' Two ~t

W ells boys continued th e ir scoring „ punch displayed in th e game w ith ; P Shoshone. Rex h it fo r 11 and Bay '

io r 14 In T hursday n igh t's gam e. i *' Shoshone bounccd back from a ” de fea t In the opening round to

clobber the Fairfield L io n s. 52-24. Bates connected for 14 to lead his team in scoring. T he loss p u t F alr- field ou t of th e tournam ent. They

A were defeated In the opening game >t by Ooodlng.^ T h r_ A a » -rW n P a ll. . nflm «.irrs,'* Winners of the Shoshone to u m a - . o '■ m ent, easily p o lish ed -o K -G len n i - <

Ferry 84-38. T h e D am slteri offen- — alve was clicking and they dum ped ■>

* In b iis itis from all angles. A l th e jl h a lf - lh e -9 e o re -w e a -3 i-1 7 - ln -fa ro p 4

" of American Fnll*.C: ^ .A lo s l b icak a n d Uie diiadly shoot- ^- injr of R. •W hee lerrA m ertcan 'P alls ' I

g u a r i completly sw am ped the J O lenns Ferry team . Perrin of .the Perry gang connected for 13 points.

N azarene collcge wound up the , af lernoon session by w hipping O len 's to Scrvlce of B uhl 45-38. I. F ink- D b lener h ll foi-ia tallies and M. F ink - 91

^ bicncr fliimpt<l in 13 for m c-colleg t ^Q boys. Osicrltamp of O len 'i Service _

r a n up the lm preM ive-to tai-W -21 points In a desperate e ffo rt to w in ^

JO' th e g'ShVe'TSrTifs leam'. ............ Vj r The following teama. will Kjuare] . off In Friday m orning games: Mud- T

[5 n = a e n = M ia = X m « n ^ -rich and O len 's Setvice a n d OK C

is Pood Store and N aiaren# college.■h E d cn -H azelton m opped up tb e I « r u a r ey M -w en ii n n f tM a ttd h a if i o ~ :d win 6l!-51. Carey led a t th e half le <. 29-27 bu l lo il Its scoring punch in pl I't the final period. 8 . Toone of Carey Dl i ' scorcd 18 points a n d B e n n e t t ig punched ou t 15. B lack led th e a l- U;

tack for Eden-H nselton w ith 10. h i h M ountain H om e AFB doubled th e t r score on Faux C igar of Buhl and tb

cleared its bench of players during w the game. The a ir force ooys scored lo

, 67 easy polnta to Faux C igar's 32. w, ) (iOOriNli M-MEK'JI. KUDLAKKRa >• ai

D llutlcr 0 11 4 oill.l. 0 I 0 I,yK„., !!; » " iili!;! si?8ai.r ; ji ffiiig—ifi-;!>■

■ J = * 'J iW ,, . . , , 1 1 7 H

’iLii— —rrr?;* U li:0 3 i; TuUl. U7.US*

n Anitrk.n i(;|,„n. I '.rrr yiid p I f ff ip r ip [ / r f .p f tp

iii is’»t.?;'""- ;;i s i r . i i i : SiI t M Whrrlcr J n I l eWNklho 0 0 i 0y ISX m .* rI- T ,.I .I.' T,«.ii r«V i,iS .,.!, Amnlc.n K.lli 11,


2g c:.Mii>i>*ll i J rM'Svin'lt"^* n a l n HIIt i I •: '’i.mohm'nM n il { fl I:'-y M ' ' ' I - w i " i ' : • 4 II

i ;• ’ ‘‘ t ' i. i. u n i : r „ i . i . n « n i (>«• n..M I* I,,

i"r aTVw-i it. nLi«i«5

S i ' i i - ' r "............. k ' ' / f tV '* '

il|»',|',i.i.' I'.'j 'V ’ i* V''|„ l,tri'fl k 1 i ll

'i,,,.t. I ,m k; i ; i.i jn

HHDHHi iNkT i 'V MIU l»,l.l> ) |

■ l i ^ r ; . J i.’

IFIEDESENT EARNINGS?o|KBiil»nllon of ll" iln il Iua iiitii Ijrtw rrii 2ft and <10 l i i in .Ill I 'lim iilrlr linn of (i|N (r '•iiiiiilliig of iniiiiv viiliiiililr

ca fx iia ilcuco Rdv»iuittttcui.iK ipli'tr snirn Irnininx kKtu KUiniiiilGcd liiuiuiic. iilutir.MI 10 110,000 |)er ye iti), .........i>»M»(li«i - proMwlrd trrrlto i v,Ilv ir i) ra t InulnrM , U vmi r rlrn ii nut apiM-nrBiirr anil giving bni'kgrniiiul nml nil '

li'A Miiiingri'. i‘. O. IHt. .Ml. iriiU ra |iUli;tly roiiflilrnllnl.


From QeatJ - - -


€ -£ ' ^ ' ' ' I ' i


al i

'4. . • • , ; i-Is .

•y , - ■ _ • • ..........

.D etroit L ions halfback D oak W alkr

I- . ommended Souair_Valley a s the site of II - <NEA-«elephoto)— ---------

• M a ^ c 4 f a l l e ; ;T o T r a in in

T he MftVic V alley Cowboys h ■g to L a f a y e t te r L a . , M arch-23-for-,

Dade, new ly n a m e d playinR -m ai 25 of h is p la y e r s wil! Jo in flix ol o f th e -G lnca g o -Gufa.s fu r Ihu .sin'

il ' ha

Cranes’ Apes ™

“ School League Sle I ■ ■ O alt.0 “ I h e local b o n u l league DasketbSlT pli If teams moved in lo th e fif th week of an n p la y ’ With C ran e 's Apes nnd the fo; y D irty 8's in top spo ts In the A league, th t Up u n til J a h . 20 bo th ol the top

teama were undefeated . The Apes had won five gam es and thc 8s four.

* I n th e B league, th e H olshote and id th e B arking Bozo's lead th e packig w llh fou r w ins and no defeats. Fol- M d lowing them Is th e Frolicking Five

w ith a th ree and one rccord. They Fi » a re closely followed _ b y .ltb e D rib^ S t

T h ird p lace In th e A lc.i?ue Is S l I held by tb e H as Beens wiUt UueeI wins a n d one, .d e fe a t T he Coug.irs

’ i have"w om w fl ftnd IM t th V a n d ihe'7 Rowdies have the same nvera^e. g j

.. Vounr J n a : ll.bblntion n 0 3 fl tl(■* T„i.ii :i Ifl 7 ' Toi.ii i T n n r

K.Kllm. »£0r«; hh<i»hon« 2:. I'alrlleld 13 Pf Uin Ifoin* Al'B U :i t .ux Ci(.r <921

K m . . . ' I s .......« n»rn«« A l> I «'V Mi>Vini 1 0 1 5* «ehrowter 4 - 4 -1 IS KMit J J -1 U ' 7 R.imuuo ;t 2 I t II llokUi I a t ! Vl ! l « ! ! J i V• ? = “ ' ; ; ; ; ; i i j

Uf>rr I I « « Kr„M,ri, I I n S’• Tout. J* 11 11 r, i] "l u 3J ^

,g - I.l’!,..' /I'p'f t,. (ley i 'V * * 1 J : * ‘ * “ Bl

IP i -. k ” ,..'’. j i! I I: ' i'..,„.. M 5 l i w

5 l! l l " [ J n n I ° * vlln .* l _4 3 I M JT,

' i i.» 14 M m Tni.l, in H II II !■'<

'* .. to * ; Strl.xHPr lorm n; liiHrlUcr ior “ r lh a Chicago CuIm. I. now th e mnn- ftger of llie Boise clulj m iho rinncer tiu

\ \ league.____________ t|l;



II M V 1-

'n U G IV E U P - Y O U T R Y

I ;

S ’ N n t u i T ’s fn m > .4 jn 'o v

j- ' l ) l ( ) c l ( o o n s l n i o l . i o n , T iu *

( i f l» lo c k « w i l l ap n a r r* a

^ . . . iM iilil w i l l i 1

i ' o r ( ' o m p l r l r h i f o n i m t k

( ’a l l o r S e e (


sats to Skis 1


‘ K T * St ----- :-----ir~.--------- 1----’-.n -r ho

a lk rr trie* ou t the .slope* during a ju, tia U .S , f > |rn p l r fOiBinittee has fCC;.- ^3, e of the 1960 W inter Olympic games, oy------------------ -------------------------------------- sU

e y ^ e w b o y s ri r L o u is ia n a !'

Inis h a v e b e e n o r d e r e d lo r e p o r t ini ■ o r-sp rin g : t r a i n i n g . E d d ie M e- m a n a g e r o f t h e C o w b o y a , a n d X o th e r - m i n o t M e a g u e - a f f i l i a t e s so;

■ h a v e n i n e o f la .s t y e a r ’s p la y -, era w ith h im a t th e j r a i n j n g w

camp. T h e o ther plnycrs are play- m, Ing th e ir f irs t year w ith the Cow- jd

■ 11, ’ ^Gonsalves, b e n e Hooks. Al Ihde,Tom RcQ. 'O ene S teiger, Elmer Tes- Isin. D elm ar W alker. Lee Blckel, who y

r plnyed w ith th e Cowboys In 1952 Tl[ and sp e n t -IflSS w ith the armed "’ forces, will Join th e chib again. th is season. Hi, Those p laying the ir first year fg,5 w ith th e Cowboys are Albert Bales, th

Malcolm Boiirdct. Robert B um s, nl 1 BIU Di«;liey. W lillam Hyde. K enneth ( Lindiey. C harles M itchell, Michael „. Morrison. te e O thers are E rnest Pastcrnlcky. T Y F rank Rom ero, Peter Ropar. M arlin to

** «rlan . W illiam R andall, Robert » Shafer. hi® A to ta l of 200 players will be a t * ih e cam P-frnni.U ie following, clubs;- - D es Molnea. W esitrn lenBise; Macon.

Sa lly- lcaguot Burlington, T hree-I - l e n^ut . B la tU vBll. Wc&tfn r irMionF ** " Hon; Twin Falls, Pioneer league:7 OTnncsvnic;—sooncr~BlSM “ leagiic; " 3 Paris, MOV league.

Vedle Hlmsl, chief Chicago area p scout for (he Cubs, will be field lu - I pervlsor n l the m lpor league camp.

; Women Bowlers j Name Officers■ At Meet Here

Dorothy Swope w is elected pre.-il- ■> (lent of- llir T w in -P a lls Women's ‘ Bowling «.uocintlon a t a meeting , WrdiiORdny n ight a t th e BowladromeI couria.J O lher o fflrrrs elected for (h r 1055-0 &fl bowling icnAnn nrr. Mnrge D arit.

vlca preslclpiii; ixil.i Kny, secretnvy; Fern Aniirpw!!, trensure r; Frnncps

1 Fuller,' pulillr irluMonn rlmlrmnn, nnd Doiinn FpiguROn, s r iR rin l-a t-

r “ rinn.Plans fnr Ihe r l ty tiiuinninenl

r tIuilllK llir Skpck-rnil of Krl), 10 weir tll.icuMnl.

‘ r i ' | i i ' l l i ' i l I i y m o d e r n

’l u ' j ' i i i i c r i o r i ) i 'o iK ;rL i( ‘fl ;

r y n i ] . - s n v ( ^ i I r i r o “ a i u r ‘ '

111 b l o c k s ■

n /(O H .S7 i7 i' V 6 ’ X V / J A y j .

r l i f t T u ila u

y O L C O B U IL D E R S SU P PL Y 1 ^ J o ro m * P h o n * 4 9 0 |

ID A H O M A S O N R Y PR O D .T w in F o l li p h o n « 3 0 6 0


ProtectionIntroducc'd ' ln the Tdaho" leglsln- ni{ ture Tuesday to require p rofcs- lea

- ” iN?upn " igffiaie AtW etic HuuclstfoD^

nock, la id h e Introduced It a s a resu lt o f the death o f Ed Saund- '

• ‘ e75 " ih “ » : 'n tfm ~ tti a o s icn l a a fm onth. Saunders form erly fought on thfl Idaho s la te college boxing /. "J*

' Ha

Oregon Holds "IO bnl

PCC Lead on spla

Team Scoring '"JLOS ANGELES, J a n . 28 Ifl —

Statistical reasons w hy O regon S ta te hi"• ho lds-a-flrm gTTapon ttra trp lacg -ln t

the Pacific Coast conference n o rth - gar' e rn division basketball race are stn

quite simple. haiT he conference s ta tU tlc lan re - bot

ported T hursday th e B eavers lead eve in leam shooting by acoring on 41.6 i per cen l of the ir field goal a t-

. tem pts while Ihelr de lense had lim ited opponents to 53 po in ts pergame and a 31J pe rcen tage' on {'/*shots from the floor, }-“ 5

In scoring average O regon s ta te Is n .11Jusl a shade behind O regon. 62J to " 7

- « ,4 ,-b u t lh > Bwtve r^ -^ d -d ee tB to n a ^ over the W ebfoota and a 6-0 divjslon _ t standing. O regdn'is second w ith 5-3. .

Conference gam es were played In p/J the no rth laat w eek-end a n d are scheduled th is week, hn^ nn gamr.i counting In the loop sta n d in g s were ly^ on thfl docket in th e S ou th ern d iv l- i llion. .....................................G l

Oregon's Jim ' L oscutoff con tinued ^ 1 lo dom inate th e n o r th e rn division i Individual sta tistics . H e is th e lead- q c

t Ing scorer w ith a gam e average of T h . 1S.8 and tho No. I rebounder. Ron yet , Bennick of W ashing ton - s t a t e ‘ h as Me

averaged 16.S lollowed by D ean P a r - as 3 sonsrW csh liiglun, Ig rT o n y -V la s te - 1 t llc» , -Or eg t)n-O U te. 19.7; Hua-'Juy T u . Buhler, Idaho, 13.6. ju:

T his w eek-end O regon -S tste Is a t nc » W ashlnglon w hlle .W ashlngton-S tate sio• and Idaho piny F riday a t Moscow, rec• Ida., and S a lurday a t Pu llm an , clu

^ im at - « »» eoBfg «w aiU M > n .^ '^ - » - ^ Wj

■ U. S. Players Sign F d [With Canadians pn HAMILTON, O nt.. J a n . 28 J/R— ‘‘•ji

H am ilton of th e Big P o u r C an ad ian rhi ^ football league T hu rsdny announced ^

th e signing o l th ree U n ited S ta te s H I- p layers.. •> , ■ft T hey are- tackW Ed C lem ens a n d I ^ end Ed "yaple, who a re being m us- I

tered ou t of th e U. s . a rm y, a n d I f. Tex Robinson, 205rpound back due I n to graduate from 't 'emple u n ive rs ity I

-t T he .e95*pound Clemens le arn ed I h is football a t D ayton university . H e I h es been In th e a rm y two years. I

- a lR H Q ned.B t_Cnm p_H elvpiiU n-V ir- I - glnlR. Yapl«i f. 200-pound u rad u a te I

.f of Syracuse un ive /s lty .. h a s b c :^ I

ginla. _____ I



W E t t I1-•s ----------- -------------------------------------------

TO W Ai-

: for fac to ryI,

D u e t o u n a l l - t

'I t r a d o - i n a

c o m p l e t e s t o c k

v o l u m e a a lc H h<

w e ’r e m a k i n g

f a c t o r y d e l i v e r ;

S A V E 3

O u t s t a n■A- W c ’l l p i i y y

j W n y n e , M i ,

! - k Y o u ’l l s a v e

i ■ ■ yoiir-new'-J

- k W c ’l l c u n l i i

— -------- " f o r y o i t r o l f

O ffo r G ood fl


THEISEI----------------------------------— 3 ? 1

M a l t a T ^

F r o m P a u l '

I n S e e s a w E B U R LEJ ^ Ig jU ,.3 8 .= M a lt ;w le W

n ig h t on th e P u rley . co u rt in a lead c h a n ge m an y tim es during tk r

2 1 = ^ i r < t v o r * 1 i n i t t . A l ' t t e f F ?e nd o f th e f i r s t q u a r te r I 'a u l 'lU j Ifld hyatiLo pnlnts-aod* by -one doitit ' a t the close of the third.

J. Harper of Malta had a bis I -1 0 night netUng eight field goals an d '» « eight free thrOw# Ipr ,a4 point*, d Hatch of. Paul was nigh scorer lor ” J his team with 13,

Prom the start 11 waa anyone's c ^ bnll game. Both teams missed jcv- ,* eral under the basket shou. Cnina- 1°”^'' t a r , M . l t . e m l t t . . . . Iho om, player on either leam to go out ou h.n ^

■ personaT'fouls.' 'K. Harper netted 11 points for tine i

. MalU and K. Hatch nearly matched cn« 1

. him with 10 for Paul. Qona1 -Paul used-only-five-men’ in ihe Co»• game and Malta ysed six. Maltn was dogs: strong defensively while Paul's bnll bas t

handling was outstanding. The back- ^um• board work of both teams was aboul 'ncluc 1 even. ' eastei Personal fouls for both teams were .

■ aboul even. Malta had 17, Paul 15.1 H.IU (t4) ip.ui i4i) cneer /* It pt in! ft fl pr ,D uulvc■ s,;';,r! : !’ ymrp'.r I ! * ‘ RuI _Toi.i. i» Ts_i7_Ml_TQi»ii,.n i l li « C S ]

; I! !! ;s u.I - _N E

: M arciano Keceives ““J r Sports AwardI NEW YORK, Jan. 38 tfl-Heavy- il’®' ; weight champion Rocky Marciano v,j7| I Thursday received the "'man of ihi ■_ year In -sports- iward. f*om .Sport "

» Magadne for hla combined talents '■• aa fighting man and ajjo rt^m nn^• Marilano wai praised by OeneL. r Tunney, former neavyweight champ:

Julius Helfand. chairman _of the t New .York state athletic' commls- ! slonrHarrrM BrksonrmBnaglng’di- ■_. rector of the International Boxing ,.~ . club: Al Weill, his manager, and . . ^r wat WKistJiHrr-piesiUBiiutif j a e j in - it/LB

F i j ^ t R e s u l t s ^

SPOKANK-JImmy C .rter.'nP 1. N.wYork, ouipolnucl Bobhr Wood., I36«i, Spo- r«tImnr. 10. non-lillt. jj,;

- NORKOLK. Vm.-J«y Gknl.llo, 1«. Coo\ rhiltdclphli. oulDolnled Al Androri. U». I>.vJ Sup«rlor. Wl»,. 10. ___ ___ V»l


H— wam NS— l \ B L A C K S M r

— “ - M A C H t I

i l ____ C n l l i m « t . 4 S l i . W f a r f . a i u

_ I ■ . . . : , . . 8 n y t h i n g J n J r < mI.

P A Y Y O l

A Y N E , M ICH!t r y d e l i v e r y o n n e w M i

i l | - t i j i i e h i g h d e m a n d — p l u s ou i"

n a l l o w a n c e s , w e ’v e b e e n i m a b lc

) c k o f n e w . M e r c u r y a o n h a n d . T o

'H HO t h a t w e c a n c o n t i n u e t o li'i

n g t h i s o u t ^ i t a n d i n g P p c c i a i . o f f (

v e r y o f n e w M e r c u r y a ,

3 WAYS on nding Offer!y y o u r t r n n s p o r t n t i o n t h e U I V l i c h i K a n . Y o u ( j e t a v a c a t i o n I

u v c u p l o $ 2 0 0 o h t h c p u r c h a s e

w - ' - M e r c u r y . - N o - f r e i i f h t t o W

n t i n i i c R i v i n i f t h c h i ^ ^ ' “

o l d r n r l - x

I f o r L i m i t e d T l m . O n l y i A

2 4 2 1 T O D A Y o r C 0 >

EN MOTOR!? 1 M A I N A V E . E A S T -


Ss|il54 -

'Bati' I ' f o t e n s j :


■ss?'?* fice. lUfc

G o n a o i ^ '"! Caeh'SltnL dogs u 1 has tJctled 2

I Including ik^ « stem iwiTJ

Ington S titt,? cnee Tech. Cr3

B university. j J Portlind lu i^

■ Russian iCaift ! U.S.Itt. _NEW_X(at

1" here th li jlto

Dsn Pwiifl the AAU. tui'

ln in .U d l.-S‘ accept ao int

^ » r mwUh e (1 *

Ferrii. -udu ceired-TOd 6

'- trlp.wM.ofi.|

teami. im ^ going I h n o ^ H

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Page 9: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

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' “ M a y b e “ th e y ’<l g o ho i t r y . to < lo s e a f e w p o t s ! '



J .S S I

'P h e n la v - ,.c h e p la y I h ic k c r g l

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A B y W I L L I A M

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S j i K t a j o l a r . C o r t ^ I “flwi 5 t i S v ^

^«rtibl«-w hlch was a . ■ > T f V ^ ’ J jf-Tra ilm -asbqa^a te rn . ^

i ^ b i s i - . ^ d s - i

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Nh- L vaRDLV WAI1IN6N'r y ^ SiM T T [I* g l r

a Q I L ^-eVi " E B B S

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y. v^ y g ^ i f e ' ‘A,.r,j^’?IMS > m 5 j M S H K J / <SA«va LIFE -

i { - -|-IV'*NT' TV> I/o^„ a '^ K u l ^ '" '

V ( SU O ftW C K /r- THE ■-iW t_tM uacu33»4ru4ENT - ^


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w o o a w T O i w ^ y A ’ i ^ r n e M i KI] POWN aiCHMlP < K I 'I^THNKMAVM/ WIL^«U^, DOCTOR. W Vt)UH*£»8H W jw e M ie t^ BeoiM h p n c » « a WITH A COUKJTBR I

L 1 ^ ^

t e ^ " ( s » a t e si.aA »W ED ftEeuV ^ P*C !jy vAlO


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:kdriv«r ^ T h a r t all righ t ' * r j 1 7 ^ r / havs a W ith me. i ju s r ■ » r \ f I ca

COMiS'» rH ry iS U M S R i ) I I ^

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I / b t f - .

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Page 10: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

M a rk e ts ♦ ♦ ♦


w w Yo;tic. : i t y -

-------W»od*—H I»»Jt-«T«pnrf'it» low.r.« ^ tw iw I^ u U r i,t f .d ln » qijUl

i : J 0 S b S & i S l S 6 B ^ i i *

■■iltta ''" ''’ I

td rane^ todi/ » rer wllh klrerkfU. itftl* »"'> rill'';*''* ril.pUrlnc mMl «f lh« 10. 1.1111 Iri lb. I.t.

— TTTi.frTfir?‘•tVn*! WM# WTT*. fn W b fow.r -or . i i ' " p

•I Ih* bMt wbll. »»'• t"* ''* "■ ■ .h, „ s ; ;

" ‘S i J l T K . b . . . . . . ; s . r "th .l *lrpl.iiM po»tr«l br »lomle «n*r«r n .r «nd

V*r7*5'lt b.rrt - wh « w nk It'Ufthl.hmi • .ItrccUjri- <lfMPpolnt.d W.ll tfl 1.00

“i f ; s i " r .

2 {winii tcdiT. • ; ............... ............ *ddiMo’NKW VORK T tock ESCIIANRK 1

r s ' * S ; p .. . . f

S H s - ! ;A m T k T :75U H» DUt M i n .M ;«

Sl!! ^& a “ ‘‘B»ld Llmi 1 3 \ r t c a i j ■ « 1 , Wf.k ilcH»lh Iron . 44 P»r» Plo M '» i.r «lMrBfndli «K»; Penney U J. mw* w«.HMh BU Penn RR 2i1. >i.»)y;^ l n « m i l ip . Pti 7JU MO-l.UOjtorten «S _ Pullm»B 70 , si.:s-23.'

lisF??.cS oU I 8 l . « ‘j{o.h M*ICefT0«»P*»C0 43n So* v « >! moR .1.CT t l ^Tllft 4^Ttl I'agttl. At'a *ltiCX-ZA

S S i i S r a c . , !SuCom Bolv * ; * cio.«i :

Sf„ °p!». iii! -s~cLurUu.W rl.lit iStS Te " o u l( fful iS .d “

!i!.;-SS‘Sn »,.-SSii' il.*,: &■? * « • " : » g i : ^ ..

j i g P ; 0|l„CMII S j . 1 3 ,

. f!EK; ’1!“ S:.,?S.L1,. ^ ir‘ 5. ' s a SS:

- ill" .,! '."— - ? ! l i - S J .r1 i ', i— S l | - 'leerirkh Warn Bro Plo Ipi.I

s g ? g . . DENV

Inl Nltlitl .•o J -W M n flw . .Twi h.yi'iVl Inl n«p.r M W»JI«Iit0t0» 40U- l i n T « T ISS Woolworth S t s ,1 *?;■ K»tinMuU 107 Z#nllfi #a?» ' R h l ;Wrt»n ' O^ -T*—----- :-------------— w H rr I

AMERlCANls'xCIIANtSK NKW YORK. J .n . » tU P l~ L u t m U:

TIunk.r HIU 1«H TtchnlcAlor K l. nuA tK . % V '

. m . i r S i r U K , " ’? . w . S S "

g i ! a | 5 £ S ± = z = * »•■'■

. S ,JcInuIJIJ Bl "::.r_;::;::;:';;;:;:::::.:::; ii:«iKenton. KJ ........I - ............ ..........2I.JS

I S to tk A v e ra g e si r e .H W .k y ^ n . A..*.l.l.d^ p f . . . ” u“i«-V

N ., .w „ .» i “i “‘"i*; r —IS; Ji:! !!!:! Bl

1M4-U lo« .-IU .» tT.X 101.0

T w in F a lls L iv e s to c k P r ic e s ? » S____________ aa_.£ut.

' — « 00 .c«t.T he following IJvMlock price* »re *'>>.??

provi(ted by (he T w in Falla .U ve- u r » stock C om m lulon com pany baaed r*nu • nn th e reaulUi of tho auction Ja n :29,SIccra ..........................I30.M to *22.10Ked H olile ln fltw ra-v^JU O l« t l l M NKWHelfera .........................S18 to 120cowa .. . ..................... tta .»o (o iis .so H «7ii'C n n n e n a n d C uttera. I 7 to « 0.00Bull# ............................»13,B0 to I1B.OOVealera ....................... ,»15 io >33 j X i,

-H oraea ............. ............ • 4 ................. »*•'«>» '--------- ---- — —

C a rs D a m a g e d pthey collided In " h p *00 block ofKddy a lre e t Kilday {iiornlnK. A lol

Police aald a IOM Ohevrolet d rU eu m IUi . 'Ihy Bot)by X. M artin . 384 M onroe to r pari/.(reel, collided w llh a 1693 C hevrolel ro ampickup truck driven by H obert B. were MCurl, aaS'» Second a tre e t » m i i ; T h e D olph lrp a a a e n ie rc a r w a a p ii l l ln ia w .y t ro m ahall rJam ra fo o d lln e r when It wa« h i t C uller,by Uie Uuck. don, X

-------------------------- • AgencyKlie liiaurancn coinpanlra pa id 330 re le

million dollar! In oiRimi a l i r r th e to r tninflan rrancU co earlhauaka a n d fire Dolplof- »w«................................................ an expl

T w i n F a l l s M ;

. 1 . . . . ,

-jjit-illij:: ■ ■■■-— - iiis"™'>‘|> lo n :i iVv .. iri'iji'i '<

rnirr: oT.r e ta iNr i - . ' i n ou-u iO *H I... UU Mf. .Icwl.| _ ................... 1, 1,0 lU'l* N.,

S IV -iE z ::-: f S i . p Sr . 'n i'n ,'« n ,r« u lU ..------- _ ' l*ciV!l«o "fi l ± : 7 — ....: r — " ‘ ^ [11!

f t e ' S K l l : : : : : : ......iii.i.: i#o.joo IU. | m o « n « •

Mnd.r 40U Ibt. .... ....... ..............IK.IIO . , ^Uox. o<«r 400 tb.................. ............ Ill.uu "•*’

(Oa. 4 ..I .I o i:i!'’ iBl

rolar.d fowl, I Ibt. i id »M> __ 11. 'l.ranorn fnwt, I Ih*. and ov«r -..rT!.. IDJ y ,„* WklK 4 Ih*. md > ..f ---------11. •'s*r»r*

» « I t ; " *•I..(hnrn and Aii.U* Wbll. fr7<n - __ la* |

(Uwift *nd M*.ltMi.<A i.rA i.ra a n d c i.(>vkr ' ik b d hm.n \

I jjiM' (Uif* d n iir auol«d) litk iii !.


t s a n d F i n

Livestock- - o c o sN ................................. c n ic j

OfiDF.N, J.n . 18 W -rU SD A J-C .tll. on il.u ih l.r el.MM niQ.tl7 .it .d f ; ir.l nf w U> .«.r<f. (ool il.Ufhl.r .M r . lO.OO- Millni U ^om m er< l.l 17.0*. 11.7*: lOod .bcrl. De.llr,1.79; iitlilir nTmm.relil euwi indrrv-i !,«0.13.!4: inllitj J0.08.I1.J9; e»nB»ri ,d ru tin . I.OO.J.IO; ulllllr' .nd com.* - Th* .

S i " - !

s i rlluff. MUhU 100; .Lout »l..d>; liO ll). I.^f.gJai.I .b l. JOO; n,.l .tUbll.hHl. drH ik><

r o i .T , .» » „ .7 5 ^ * , ’iS ., Cl,,,:,w r r - n n - r . l t l . - . n d - W » w ^ l . . - - r«l-|.«4:

<r and ru ll.r « » • ;.»o.K.SO; ollliir >o /m<I 1.0r»k » » ; m.rlirt

*H«'im’'X I . Jiii £ WhMl.00. U .rHoi. f,.r wrrk I . is f f r .Uw. M „-M.<l-wr»ii l» itt l»»»" .IWr July- .Idillon.l iU HKlln.i cbuirc fl.ptJ> » i. lb. IH.:,1».J0.0U. ml&-w<(k f .I . i Dtr

lii 'tr iboV ci r7“i ' i : ? . io T iM : .* .r r o : n . u.M; «wo 8.00.7m___ y . r

flAN FRANCIiSCO Ju*|ySAN FHANCISCU, J.n . 21 It’D ’ C .tll. e«pt

5 ? s .^ ;lc r ’’ 'jr.u';s.‘ „ * / •r .IMr. .nd cow>; lUufbl.r .IMrt *nd u .y w< w.ak In eo low.r. olh.r ( ! .» » .boul ju j. 'tiy . e««pl. Ind l .nd t.w b*ad lood q

QUt l l .id r: f.w (bole. ..*l.r* IZ.OOl >nd d.r Oil Olllhr *nd rt>mm.reUl aoO-KO Ib. SfJ.K

s ’i : . , ' ; s i r : s ; . s ! ; . ^ = d « Td.mI >1 low.r: tows .nd fwd.r p li. Omit- oul .tr .d r : bulk ch»lc. llO-ZtO Ih.ttrherr-l».«.-----------------------------------Shnp .il.b l . far wMk t i t ; comp.rM uil,> n Ith I ..I w.*k. n>od«t*ulr *ci1t.: .i.ufb- i Jambi aboul a tudr: .lo ifb i.r . w m Mdr wllh rec.Dt .Ironier (r.nd; feeder ii.rlrr mb. « on. loi't lood inil chslc* fla>b/< iu ih t.r l.mb. wUh (ull wuoM » .ll. M.tO. ‘

—.......T Hbort.------I.OR ANOBhtSfl ........- - r - - -

IX)3 AWiF-LF-S. J.n . IK 1;)1 -(K .S M N )-______

E H E H H f i B l E T S.T Jut*^V H.iO-U.OOi ^ • u t l l l l y bull '.Oai «uu.r»-l J.M, - - - - - — .................. •

D . N v ^ , ^ g g ; , u ^ - a t o . \S''

S r ? lo p * ttiw ^ * rb m S '« 5 o ll< ^ dtm.nd^I I.mb. 11.&0.

^ A l iA .OMAHA. J .n . » (U P )'H oc. l.aOO;’ r.d r to IS Inw.r th.n Tbundar elote; cillC;lOle. U0-t:0 lb«. I7.2MI.OO. » Caul* eoo; r a l . . Hi .l.u th t .r c tU . nent. 57nn .r"* iii'” ull«V cow.*’^ o” »'oO aT .wlu"" a " <omiVrcUr».7tlll.40i ‘.tJeli'rT JTmlfrf b

.t.adr. . ^ h ; T

chicaJToCIUCACn, j .n . :« <-i^'(08DA1-Ho». reihi*, ‘ OOOi .te .dr lo 2S h lih .r: <holre tSO-220 jo ox. m ,'btJleh.r. l7 ,» .U .tS : UO-UO Ib.. lt.7». j.T»: :io-aoo ibi. i«,0078 : >io-mo lb.. Pj,„n„,C*lli; .ilawVlOo’i .a l.b l. IMiWl .l ..d r ;i .teer and h .if.r mirtirt i in >ah nilnal: 'r t . lm we.V: utlllly commrrclil unwathn

sir* .imm.relil enw. 16.i0-1S.00: eannrrt and { (g n«m »'<uncl

SbMp ..!.bU MO) .t**drl icid and


Butter and Eggs(jlllL-AfiO

CHtCAtIO, J .n . » lUJ'i -C h....! tilnil. " i i^ , Z I.Im .nrt l..n(born. .Ili.i.M 'i e .nu . J-Vi"*'HuHrri l,«8».t»o'veanH.: m.rlAl .Irarfri - - -acuia anU V) Mor. t l r.n ii * pounit: |

Il,a]r'/.*r>: I'i.ilirt (Itm: whl>. A mil r t . .x lr» a»,t m ip l l .r .f . . I t . . 1«' j ntOi nllll

U. oulh ai•-------- -------------------- Pollc«

NKW VOIIK, J.ti, W.-.I Jiilicrril.Mt; M.r' i n t i i V , ' ' ‘m . s li fe l..U ’: .> ic ': r . i i \u , '' ; , j? ‘ ;;^ iii .“ ’ ''- vemcie.W.»l 1.II.I fulur.. fUr.1 l.O ll. 1.2 r.i,l> "Hr WB: ih .r ; M.tcb n.w li<H.<iM: M>r l>i.2ll: -’ v " li i» » i“ '»i "'i'-Viii I's'iiM'i'ff-'n:'.',’, '. . ; '" ' " " • M l

Parkin" FinesA lo la l of 118 In bonrtn nrv* p>«tfd • Ui .T wIh ra il* p«ll**.--Tltur*day • ^ r park ing vlolntlona. • >Poallnn overtime pnrkluK IxiikIx I<■to Mra. Pau l OUaiid, M m bri t I'. ilphln. H ate l nowdeii. C. J . M at- Ia ll Produce. O. O. Preacoti. T. lller. W illiam Fulaoiii, Rod n o r - In ' n, XI. A. )iuA«. Jo<! HallAbtiry 1]7 Mi lency and Ditvr Rogfinoii.Pele l« v n n d rr poated a |3 bond r tn ip h p e r parking. -D olphin aUo poaleit h |,S hontl for ,

expired parking tickri. A B B

Markets HiBtlTTBUrAT

ai!(l'iBj'(OniL.«r u,l.Ml ...........

.....................w , „ z..........

................. -• .,M.,i|l,„ ,^ T ,; «nu..UM, o.nii, 1 ....

• It , . <..1.r. r.,,^ ............................ « (

ilii • ',’■•■ ■‘ " I " '

SfrnS 'jU in 'rJtk * *

s y ' i IK";i" ..... • :j; FII.I

i«ii .... ;■........... lol L — *«


n a n c j e

Grain JrnicA co. J.K. -I* tr j—s.i» m >.<i ^

Ih. iw.f.1 ot i- .d . tod.r whil* tb. .t nf th. f t .ln Illl n .v .r .u«ee«]*J 1. and a I tin . .flf d.flnii. Ir.nd. reSCUe

r i ' r ; . s y . a - a ^-who-Wrm't .n»!mii to .ta r In Ih. ICmTtt rk.M>rfr Ib. wrrk-«nd. Gcm

hr‘ t « . prefll U l 'n V 'X ;r w ^ - ^ .d . '.n c ^ . 'A f.£ n i^ ^ h . Inlet-

i>CUIfcgfy(l> ia tta r. niHtnJg Mar.h —

i:;-1»: flitn «i luw.r I.. % bl»h.t. I t hu

*'.j: .orbt.iK «. to a ceau low.r. M.r.b nouver

d wund. hUh.t, M.rch 1?.H?-?:,S0. caUdhl( AHH CRAIN

;iiiCAi;o. Jan. :k I « -W h . . i J40. J Tlie I-l,*4: N". i m ..« l-« .flkkr-f«d-w h«t -vtttBKc :orn Nn. » n.i.ed l.SI; No. I riKowI. • headqi) . i . No. I h . . . , whit. » 7 N « . 1 -We

t.rl«y nomin.l: m .ltln( <h,ij(. ImK.” :d i.o*-:i. said. "


Tt ■ ■ r u s ijT -s t i i ^ I:!*’,*r J . : i i , J :o i. TheV"" I i;- .t t .u M S':y l ::i.^ ! i7 ‘ r . j 'i ; i l r - ; acntcd Ir I .v .', l . w , 1..S1H. and IJ

i.ii 'k ' H }!” i ' i 't l ' ftudltotVom

,r .7ai; .7«’i D. AnI' -’ tl*- -4?,. s u g e ;« • ; i r : ;?1’: The«M - .................Th8K«' Brown.iJ , , :,j |f ! „ ‘ , SonnleA KJo' i.jv n i.:»;. Thornt

K A NSA s'cirT CiRAIN r.i unch.tii»] lu down \ c : No. 2 hard er. Gal

''in[>7<fN.----- -------- — --------------------" - -K A MMli,>* IMII lo tj.siN . _T2ie

i m ’ o'ttS’jN ^ ' full-setIi.rirr'»i.2i in'iiVuN. . ,i. . today J

. I , : r , / ^ , . M ^ ; . _ 1 _ ----------------

P o ta to e s -O n io n s ^

:iITCAcio."j.**^17'‘(^ ,-D "i; ir fu lu r .. CaT fdr’ •Mil F.h. »l.O). Mareh |1 .« , NovemUr Mhooni

r:o "m . ■;on]?;n'ed.‘ '”foo‘T .’w QUlllCHIOU O *’

rniCAGO. J.ti. :« iiIi’i-Potai-.«.: Ar- Jate Pe .la »>. 301, total . U.^.S. .blp- ' New5"ujp“ 'i’ mod.rat.: dem.itd . m od.r.i.:.rk.l firm on bnl .luck bul ir.d ln i JOtlCS.lUfd bw.ui. of low temp.ratur«s N.w AOd Dc <k: Triek oftetlnii too limited to mU ^ Qyijjr r « " 'aU. (too ll».) tJS lA washed ta len tIh J Inch minimum unle.. aUted: Idaho util tr 3.10. mliad pack baker. i - _ .ox. mlnlrtiuni i.7i, wllh itand.rdu n.SO. ^< 2 3.10; Minnetola and Norlh Dakota Worthyntlaci waiNl 2..SO-2.7S, US eomm.rclal In tl

t‘’.*^ '^^;;‘7toik"-.::v .'h j^ tid p a u0, eobbim MtUIltd blua.M ««*d aleck g rao u*1^1 a ^ « l 'Uaho rm ttU 4.«&.t.U. iO '- , .M 0 : HlnnMota and Mottb Dakotamd red. 3.oo-*:3t. tO Ibt. i.ts ; Uichlsan BOIS

MtClur.i J.;10.2.71. N.W Vl~-ii • FI»tM. 08CS td nd .fd . Id Tb.;-:,:5.3,0(ii u.-! IH J.74- reill, v

. . J i' of Ita pJk.'r’d u i r ' ' wareho

l[r'»t tl.H I unl.M .U l»l: St. /!".*h J *nTh ’r *^3 *"jg ^«h” ^

E £ ^ ^ " E | ! | FC

C a rs C ollide | ]A m inor colll.slon occurrc^l >*ildiiy BJinliig ftt t im I tre e t nnd Sccond nrnue eaat between a 10&3 Plym- BIh and a 1D4D ntilck. gPolice anld R ulh Jolnixon, IBIO 0mberly road, ditive ih r iMyim.uili, gllie Emll lltK 'hlmlier. 311 1.(h:uiI aeel. drove tlie o llirr m r. llo lh 8 - hlciei wen> dnmnged allKl’dy. ?r wan Injured, | ^

M o n e y t o L o o n i• K am i'I/oniM 5 ' • Clly tU sldeiit Lohiik A• C lly Uualiip.w »l(lK, Ixmiij J|• No Apiiiitlniil Krn S• Nil Coininluluiia A - -• We Kill mil Ilfl hralen on S

In tcreal ra te i n


17 M ain Eaat riione 0(17 <

W h t f « - l ^ 9 H y b rld a A

C ire you $116.00 r i l i a egg Ineeme Cpar 100 blrda, par year, % A v e i a i r y . m K k tia KgRa p er \Whenli. “

S lipplira a re Umiled! Order, NOWl


• Holttappla White Rockt p• C h r l i t i e N flw H o m p ih lro t

• O ry d a n W h ite L e s h o rn i

• A u i t r a - ^ h l l o i

• P a r m a n l f r Rada . ^

Sunny Chix \F lU r , ld< iho

; H e l i c o p t e r s

C r a s h , ; . B u r n ; j i S

C r e w s K i l l e d S™.3T U T TG A R T ,:_a«nrany .-Jan ,-a8 - A crippled U. 8 . arm y helicopter ja « aecond helicopter rnclng to Ita n iira tk jcue both crashed In flamea la s t J - . _ ^ ght, killing aU- aix th e pggtott

German police sa td one of t h e . ^ - ^ _ illcoptera developed uouble over | ' 1 I open field and crackcd up In nn l i J

IdnJght:—' - -------

I t hurst Into .flames. ,• \AJA .second helicopter on n ig h t m a - ' * ' ;uvers dropped down to rescue th e j

,UBhl lire.Occurred N ear VlUage

Tlie « e n e waa a farm n e a r the 'llB K c-o(-9chw leberd if»genr-north ___

the seventh arm y'a S tu t tg a r t —^adquft^tera. '------- .-W e know a k peraona were killed ------ :Id the Inveatlgatlon la p rogress- ------ :K.” a aeventh a rm y .spokesm anId. “Up u n til now tt h as been too uabniirk to determlDe a n y th in g , more.'; ^

'lay I s S e le c te d i B y j u n i o r G lass S

The wcatern comedy, "O o W est jung M an" la the play to be p re- nlcd by th e Junior claaa Peb. 17 S ; ? ' id 18 In th e Jun ior h igh K hool . xhij idltorlum. 'Vern H edner la d irec tor a n d M ary ^

A rrington ’iji a tu d en t direc tor, ---------age m anager la A rt Undemet*. ---------Tlte cast includes L orlta B lack. » ^ i l l iBvre Bailey, Bill W hltsell. O er lh •own. Lnrry B lack, D eanna C herry. cWidn innle Hill. Carol Newcomer, K en Timw. lornton, Ron P ippett. Joe Beaver.Btgarei Pryor, H arla R ae B oun- :e..^ t)yllia.B rflHDPn, P a y jd - K f t fc -Luaiu- . G ary SU nlcy, Je an n e P reem an SFEHuj id.Dick-DftUm.

itlan ti< ^S earch— S ta r ts f o r S h ip 02T°*l

H A M lL T O N rB erm iidar-JanrM w - m w The U. S. coaat gua rd launched a yoUTIi ll-scQle .alr-Bca a ea rch a t d a a n of th. day io r an A m erican ya ch t miaa- aia;uu g for two weeks In th e atorm - 5scd A tlantic w ith le v en persons *oard. — --------------------- .. I ' —Four coast gua rd c lancs begnn _____ 'ethodlCAlly aweeplng a 3 5 0 W - uare-m lle expanse of ocean ex- willndlng from B erm uda to th e Cnpe ______;rde Islands, o ft th e coast of A frl- ______; for traces o f th e 60-foo t auxilia ry — hooner H SH . I t .waa laa t heard

m n u a l M e e t S e t " % 1fe fV S tH d en ts AsyQuill and Scroll w ill hold th e an-ial InlU atlon a n d Insta llation In 'le February.New members to he Initiated will ‘‘‘J x M elba W hltUe. R a e Borah. Peggy

ncs. Tom Jonca, Connie Youree Id D orothy Blackstone, .QullI and Scroll U sponsoring a len t ahow next W cdne.sday and * lu rsday . T h e group nlso la a w a rd - 1sr a *100 acholarship to aome ______)rthy student. 1In th e fu tu re members will pnr- :lpat« In som e‘spcclal rad io p ro - |Aou a n d '^ b a k e d food sale-. . K O

— ------------- Flihlni. :DAMACES d e n i e d Lod,,.

BOISE. Ja n , 28 Ml—U. S, D istr ic t “ d g e g r e d .M .Tavlor denied d a m - J ' ; L L cs to Ihe {Irm of Ja raon a n d Za> w Thi III, which aued over dcsln ic tlon Its p roperty in a fire a t n N am pa irehouae In the fan of 1051. ‘

St. A uauallne. Kia,. will celebra tc 400th annlversnry In only 10 RSiSTE'

ara. ________________ _Maj"

F O R T H E B E S T I N___ _ S i;uMi>Li

F U E L ^ t e O I L S i l lf o r K v e ry T y p e i i----------

K q u ip m c n l ^ | , i j

Stove O il . . . pno: Furnace Oil | j i ;

P H O N E 9 5 7 I I “

■ < h m litr l» f t r o l f i im 6 cj\»r I 'r o d i ic t .s . . . JU n»iir|m »H e(l g I----------


K lm li c r lv I to iid . . . 5 T w in F u l ls K

e w n K W k x x w ^ w x v i iv x v x x M ll:I WlNIHI\

\ ■ S S


Or ynu r .u i la t t |

IMK <>r oiir a iillto rliril I ,|,

dealer. In , a ira . <•

- - - ■ ■■■ I IIAI

Hatchery ’P h o n . 2 0 0


P o s it io n s L is te d Li-poui•ederal ciVu aervlce openings for ting. aUttaU cal, auppiy and tra f - _j?o a cl_erit:po«aons i i r r a r t r o - H EL

«nenU -oM he-^iepM U nenU «t f lc j lae th roughout th e nation andsraeat a re announced by Agnes A. n..tih•onfT efvll service secreUtry. avon t> oslM on»-pay-*317M «-*^>® -*^ —uuau: tr. F u r th e r InformaUon and ap-cation form a rtiay be obtained ---------im MLas Stronk a t the T n ln Falls jtofflce. ^

] l a s s U M l------------i— :----- - ----------------~ s a i- irti

W ANT>,D RATES " SsS sE ii

y»r lampi*, '. .a Uhla h»lowi haLIT;~~Wo'rd.~|~Tdar~'l ~»'d«rOjL?y.« _

r ~ J i Z ± r ± t . c t : m - .U n l.. roar <r«ilt h .. b . . . Mi.b-

Mbmt. euh mtul aeeoniMt.» otd«.

Tuwlar. throuih M.ole

ad .Da..lafsnuliao .can .XlT<a..lB i Auukwa/d to tba adtarllaar. north.

. . : — . . ' L . .rrrer . ahould h* r.partM lmm.dl.t*- .rmu r. Ne allawane* wXiuTThlj'’MMVrSrrTM"t“ I fU'ht la .dll

nd r .J« t ao, .laa.i{Ud adT,' ’ cookln

P E R SO N A L SVILL NOT U re.pon.lbl. f o r .TrT . " . FU Rg.da oth.r lh .n mr own. K.r J. Vount. g j ix n : LlABLi: eoupl.'w iih.. U> adopt .mall Utlllll hlldren or bahr- Wrlta Bo* C-1, e/o fT io o i

S P E C IA I N O T IC E S =AKI8 COKabTIKilK. N .w .grim .triM.

l i S ;

. D*v?l?i*£5u »-a U.“ PboB* _no-ni2.__________________________TWO.IQS and upheUurr claaBtas. Phos. _ ^ n w r- n t l iM - C U m m - ......... ........SlcBLi

f ^ f a ^ ^ b i t e ^ i f e V s i i n - b i :OOHOLlCa ABonrmou., Wrtnwdar. * AND ■' r 'U T u i ^ '^ 'K?m*£~ J _______________ ’ NICE 01

CHILD'S BIRTH DAY? d w ”.’iiU S TOY HOUyt: y

Will U a.. Kiaellr Wh«l Vou »Md< ^» a 2nd A ^nu. .South ATrHA|

DUrLEa t for •■Claaalfied" or th e "W ant T.V".id’’* d e p a r tm e n t '’W hether you tii ii tf cfish to re n t a home, buy a farm . jan».,sll a ho«, dog, mou5etrap o r Jsoolanalon. W ell be very happy to ------- '■=elp you do so. You m ay n o t _____ *.ind U possible to visit every tiome In Maglo Valley b u t th e ^ 7—Imes-Newa n-ant ads rea ch m ost ok if them . L e t us do yot>r calling Hunt,or you. — JJj5

____________________ ___________ I

~ tR A V E L & RESORTS *

N O T IC E —F IS H E R M E Nlihlni Is i t J u belt.BOW a l Durd<i>-..odir. I.HOO »prln.>. Iln.U and Mn.!- UNKUKrn Hnt.l .r.ll.bir. W. lerv. fin . -ahl. r'.Kl. and itoul dln..r. a , , ou, .p .- c l ^I* h .v . ■ nir. i;ifi Rhan. *•« Otcif

• "•"‘i n g • C H JR O P R A C T O R S J i TKVk .p.ciall.u Dr. Alma r .rd ln , ISO </ Call. Norlh. Phon. t « l . •___________

BEA U TY S H O P S ctkITTHl’LL’lK moil.ra beautr ..rv lc. br *<-

T rt:;

S m S T S X s M r a“1 j'oO *"*■ “‘a"'"*a" d*"'*

LO ST A N D f o u n d ” ' S L ' ,lINDi Utah oil iriaud atok.r .lack _______(lli.t.d fn, 114.; i p .r ton a t lot.r-

~ I Excel


t i c I I

PIUOHl) n tO M liO OS AT


^ T U A T I O N S W A N T E D ______

..... w A t

■'m iikn .:ki.

m Ys c

...... ™i.r.'i“ m m .si,iiv~ rh ii,i“ ; '. ;^ i----------

i.T T '’!;''. i '” '’.... .' " ' " ’. i t 'n i ----------

....................... jHELP w a n t e d — M ALE ' hkihi i

~ H |- W A N T ! ' : ! ) ■ I . 1

r s i ' i i ) {.lA li ' " ' ' ‘ 'I.* S A l.K S M A N : . i i , ‘hii'i!

'I " ' r linm r.Uiilr O iiniliiit 1 I;:'' .'I' I'A iinlrniTd Mnn lu ■ "

ll iu D nparlm rni f"IIAI.AIIV .a , OOMMU'UK'M •

firi'; MU, tioH K l . 'r . ',: :

! ( ) I ! M M O T O K ( ' ( I•I'Mu r , . ih t ....... ■■

\ r'.i.'i;"

H ELP W A N t E P ^ - ^ l E __ ____IpbUTUlJlTY lor roUB, married "SH S-HOOM llh rellahl* Mapanir.' Halaer and eon- wnabl. iluloB. H u t hav* ear. Apply lo p«r»0B. tfl Main north.____________________ 1^E L P W A N T E P ^ F g M A L E - i ' . ’.J? '

!i‘ jld."Jr“ ‘a^“ C^u i t u a 's r r i r .^ u ';

;.nji whl u rou^^lwro. Writ. Avot. Up.ul

H E L P W A N T E D 3 3 ^ M A L E A N D F E M A L E -----------

,LK Irr cask. Siab*.-aad abi. li> <uli,at. Ciperlmeff] waltrMM.. Owl Oaf., HKI

lDt:ilN~Ch.yroB la . itaitcm (or 117 Ui n rood loealloB. Sm V. FlUlet. SUndVrd MI*C«wiT»CTr«T OBtlfwHla. T*<«-a:alla. -

F U R N IS H E D R O O M S,Li; .n lranc . el«n. aomfortable. .hower '----------ind~IUb.~~aor7tti~ATMtij. Norlh,.......... ■ ■UE. cl..n. warm. »l«pln«~wmii IS7 I lib Norlh._____ 'EAN. oeit u> bath. Htok.r Onlr On blioom.r- rhon. 10»»-Wlt._________ ^ moderiVHH tMi.m.ol room lor nan. I t. US 2nd rnom,

in" nice, cl..n. warm, Mnvi.^

•W*imME7 l i t ^nd' ^ p monlti.'' T7»0 ■l.plewood drive. 2S>8-J. _______^ . q

r* rwi' Rn.a!*iUUMS-.Claii lB..Adulti. U a.K d avtnti.

CEl-V (urBi.hM aeoB. l*0>Ur. U» 7lh ^

<M " ” ond’’“.'enu^^o r7h .‘'phoM - , .7K-W,________I___________________

!»kin*. TrallT^Bd UoUL l u 'w u h - ' ®T“*I ntion. Phon. MM._________ _

•U R N IS H E D A P A R T M E N T S VbV.“ ‘lALL houMkMpiny aparlmenU. Oe.n.Jlllllle. furnl.h»i, ItSO Klmb*rlr Ro.d. ‘•‘"PPl lOOMS. clo.0 In. (round floor, prlv.te u.nlranc. Adull.. IISS-M. __________ ___ ,Vlr.)DKKN. thre* roomi. d o .. In. 920 Ird .I.o (Vvenu. rard—

)DERN I room., eloa* In. 211 <tb ave- S W I

S V » " ii i a .w . . . J t .n .

I2» ath Norlh. - -------.

:ndAv.mi\'NoMhV'"Vhni.‘'m 7* ' ----------CBLy-fqnii.b«l,-war7n. -Wa.hlnr farill- 1

IND a BOOMfl. u u iiu ., fSrofhrt. R.^.OBibla tataa. K .trcra.a Lods.. USS»mbtrlr Road.________________ _ hq. ,UE^on»-joom aBinrataL lniiulta^222 «,h llu b ^

U N F U R N IS H E D A P T S .THACnVK 4 room apartment. eloM-ln. »»»aT» leal a n fw .u r furhi.hed. rhon> 2IS1I-M, “ *»» IIOOMS and batn. Waler. r.n». m tnffrigtr»tnr~rnrnmia.~ Cali 2cwar~

i r W

tM I v . . . r . , . . . ; . El.,.,1. =an*,, r.frlieralor, and hot waUr f — urnlthed. Uround floor. 117.10. Pbon.

F U R N IS H E D H O U S E S ™jf’ ;

Hue l.Ik .r^^rth .., ***°°* a l^ 'oiDEItN t-room hom.. Oil eblldr.n Wteh.i )K. U60 ^ b e if c r Road. Fhon. MIUImII

TTN f u r n i s h e d h o u s e slEDnOOM modern hom*.' w e p t he*l. » nqulre 2 lt Itamai. .Irwt-___________

urnac. Phon. 2S21. LpiJ-J

Ve.1. Phon. 03ll^Kl!"' Rem.rHKDHOOIil modern hou.. and * roon, nodern. MO lllu. l.«kfi North. fKUKNISHKD 2-b«lroom hom.. RMion- ihl. «1S Polk. . ...KAN- 1 ., , . »^,o,,n. 1 . ^ ,

UlHC_3.fOum, ham, pai<£r- l>aa« ; - J O tS h.d.. r.ncd. tSS Illrrh >lr«.l.UKUOKATKI., mod.m,,^2j;, .,11 I______Wenue^Km. ^Jnault. IH o 'lIh Avenue '

^ • ciWn^Tto!m'h,,u... w . f , f , . , . l l i ^nonlh Inguir. 221 JacV..,n . lr . . l . Thon. V .r, I

_______________ .Id. r(KAN hum,, llath. Ilnv ' euv.r.d floor., Iniulaled. NIc. h.lf—I• wn, r.r,I.n Ixx-.l/d at llurrr. wlndiorh t,. rhililt.n .rc,,. JI.VOO. R .f.r- n r .- I ,nf,< rrcul,..!, Phon. 7 nr 3li7*._______ b.»t—(

iniiir. ^i:i..n, w.ll lor.lrd.^oll^fiirnar^a

I l.h.d 1 VKnY.'

:xcelleiit a hclnHtni ifn lftl a t 169 j '•Her Avenue. A-I l^»WttUi^l dla- Ilcl. »00 per inmith, P rrm n n en t enanla de^lrftl, '

rd iitiu t Owner a t ----------

T 'l Vil'-r Avr, (

I’llflllr 301 |,K“.Mn,--- ‘ I §!■£i i 'f r i i i i 'n ^ u i.m .iiM t.,::......... .t,iin l.h , .f . t .n . . . . l-hon. fhlcl.n

J i c i L r A N E o u s T o T i T i E H j

c i

'I 'l t’i'Ki ANO iiAna I 430 MlRIAM v\?i, I'iiK tfv AND _______

i'Aii..i.:i(,Mi (;aH8 _______

M)AllO I------------o - n m v i : , luc,

^ M O N E Y * T O T i ) X l iJ

..i:;:. r - T f f v S........ . *""••• lia I..1I1

I ™■I*, A..',I. I,,,I. ||„udln»,

■h o m e s F o r s m — ..........1

Ev::........... ....... ..,i'V *,T^riir»7ri,‘.ra'. and rn.

f.i.u imho. i-hmt. '■•'"'•I;

— ------------- » I I ,','l'h"} f.

" " "

t w i

u i :m


H O M E S F O a S A L E -------- -

?.T . ° ' i ; f

H -- — iC r a L V O .I J O N E B " '" " '' -

HKOndOM. HOMft. Sp!.n,li,| |i^„ I RENTa w ;

« l bu„. . tiS

J. E. W H IT E AGENCY 'J7 M.i« Avr. K. Phgt., « j ^ __________.Membff MulHpl* I.l,ilnr —IZZ!*;baa. K Looo.r - l£v.nlnf. Ph. JrjT-n W AI

--------- : r

SMALL A C R E A O E ^^ i n4Vn'i*„)n hl«hwy ouuld. cItr IlmU., , |,t.nod.rn 2-b.droom hom.; lars. lj.i„, —nom, kitchen, utlUir anrt Uth. Ym,,, I **’ —■or . .mall down payment. HUnilVtlJnvi. llcket...r. w.itlne for Ur >nH "'■‘U-IIIJt.. t;.., WeWr. tw .tch Ihl. td ‘" 'M .l,oTir n ilBO.---------------------

• C IT IZ E N S A G E N C Y 5 V '" “W c il - R v t W m tT

>honv>»J4 -- Itn.-U»T~2JTJ.J -Wl.lerCi M em ber M ultip le U atlng NonwJJ'

-------:------------------------— — ■ * t b,„

}wB.r I.aytnf—p ,le . reduced for «ul<k Stale. S .. thl. Bl.a.ant attr.ctlv. i ^ *'wdrooRi hom* loratnl on Oraot Avr— Pbo>. in:il.tSa->-HA t.,m i. Need mor* room! ArhU 1-b.droom older bom. c.n b. ' 1|, rad.d for 2-bedrooni hom. tIm. to lhopplB* en ter. Priced at 110.100. -rwo b^room.-Dln* In kUchen-UUlU, p —


3W IM IN V E S T M E N T CO. l i 'S S111 Sboahon. St. N., Twin Kalb

Pbon. t«l or 2J10-J a fu r I , ,,aem ber-M ultJp lr-L lstin j-Scrv lcB -

' J 5t “---------- mil. (t«

• -. ----------------------------------- - , .t ,i . .vri;L ike B u c h an a n S t ? 1^7^/''

- aee these E X CL U SIV E .O F F E IU N aS n

40. 1 Two sood ala.d bdroom., I . , t . H.rtbUaillchen wllh dinlns.corner, c a n . .nd ------ull I^v .lr Iar«* rard. Thl.. --------- ■loma I. Ilk* n .w .............. ll.>?nfi — - -4o. 2 Two bedroom home. wUh i~

« n t plarroom ................ ........... IH.OOO ,>4 A CRE : b

rB«Jr65BTrehT."~Wlth b' Pl.n '*•* low for rou , aprlnK Kard.nlnf- W.l!otal«l .nd . ^ 1 ^

D,U^lo R*«ltora r«T Mala Ava. Wm I T.I. >» j ^

- “ f f l

<eatlr B.» hom.. Built for many rear.rniormenl. All room, ar* apaelou. and•111 pleai* U* moil dUcrlmlnallnr. Well Pboai IIonatructed with atUcbed tarace. Sllu- „ .lied on a larc* lot. Ezceptlooallr larf.ilteh.n boa.t. a seaerou. .uppir ofabineti. UUIItr room off kitchen. Leu. _______10* oil heat. Yard fenced. Priei IIJ.OOO ,----»ilh onlr «l,SO« down.

IfW ir re S i^ ld T r ln r huiwini a new'tom. and need an excplionallr (ood ‘i " "oeatlon It would b* wU. lo J acr. plot north of new lllcb aj'.*” li oi u” ld.‘?nlo‘lhrr**” '*ac« Vlol5: l.m*mbe,l TH.r* I. no b*tter f” “ ■or • btflMlnr ill . available.- L«t va UU- “ " i , '* t^u_atou tl^ ___ ^

ID A H O R E A L T Y S , M

rD o ih o a e .S L .S . .P i lo n e 3660


--------- I IN EW l - N E W l - NEW l !

U tf Inrelr B.brtnKim brIfK hnmwuI-“ ----------Ide rllr-K all. avenue-^lnlnr room- I.{EMBIi7 f-V u T t.« n ..V t-* p r i ,? * « r M*Wa^■ Indnwe. nur now and rhoo*. your rnl. ______ _t .- I .o t llO’*U O .M lur,r-th ll ll th.« .i-m ,ooo , :

' t o u r Y E A R a OLD ............... ...■ 'Will lt»l I.Iwe.n nrw >ll|h Bcho<il atid Waih- K

r . ; i r - t i , r ' ; s r : ; ' r r . - . i‘r r . ' i

• f»—* .nd br..kra.t ntxik.TnY. VKliy NICEI Onlr IH,0CIO. KunlliBi

M n ji ic V a l l e y R e a l ly

a m i l i i a u n i i i c 6 C o m p a n y '" J ! ,," 'l:« Hh<„. R l,„ l .niuh «l'ho.ia I l l t -E v .n ln f . 11(1 Ih I

U.t..b., Mulll|>l. Ll.lin* l . t . l . .

OEIlllOOU ItUUK 1 M.X ‘ *'1 rilOUt ^«'I.?'''n,ch'‘„i Wr'.nmllih f.V UbI. MtDn.| fh .lt.. .ll.oh,.l . . t .» . , (.itn.r,, _.tM Ul, lawn, rarden.j Wlltj.e»-ff>^

Ai:i(K..i. v .t , hU. (..r.tfon, n.aiillficl ^

ilf l.n ho,I.., duiihln i . r . i e . Id. nr-, h«..ill^il l.w.. and IlKI'(I^^ll^Tillf‘^f^a^''p«"»‘"l'■'w" P^r- JHHOM?.

a m IIIO A L lO S T A T E r — ; A G K N C Y fnt'^yii.-

10 MttIn Ava, So. - rlin iia lOQfl

— ----------- 1 I'll' C

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A.nM Xmk a c n u L tu p mSOKE IR zrili owa U M i S

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MEMBER »rasi628 Main AfilM

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i'l.CM. »*•« iiHU

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Page 11: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

^ ^ 1 m a r k e t ^ p l a i m a g i c ” v a r t (

g ^ L - — .....iS ? * c £ ir“ f a r m i m p l e m e n t s

P g ^ : [ l B B E ^ i > d ^ R A I N - B E I• ' — Ij pOBTABI^ POTATO WASHE

P IL E H S -- s o n T ttn a -

- pO TATO E Q m PM EKT-i»» sn4 A»t Bonii Thnn.:

\_____________ ________________

T R ADKRi S ' _ H O RSEiBAUi SW A PPE R S^ C - N O N ■ -W e a re s lL a o ld o u tl- ' stock . . If you liBve any tCBtn* thrBS . know how to work, see AndyICtRS - Bob. Trade thorn In onil b»fer* ' Tractor, Cnr, Truck, Mnchlnc

I 1*0 JOHN ukerf: b

s „ - ; - ; - - I I P I I . . , : . , , 'b*r. *, !»<« VAC CASE

...........A N D Y aS d B O B ’S M 6T (G Com pany.^ ~ [ Phone 345- - Buhl. Id;

M i LIVESTOCK & POULTR' • FOK SALE: U month pur.l,r„l MYOU SEE

■outh. v; WfiC NoMf 14:11.*& JiKAD ot good «wet smnlng u>

<llulth) E«tk>r. OZ«»-J»._______irS ONK GUERNSEY taw, Juil frwh.

« S —-n J« HKA1>-r»»1iteTrt-H»rrfonl-f»utrUO> of Villty hlfh xhoot, K<lrn

ItoM.KOK HALK: Duroc «ow.. l.o PoUnr)

‘ .|UlJ^.wlll^/»rroj._,toon., ,1.. mJlt_.oi

Bnir'TnOC 1 NKKU good iprlBitr «owf'<ir h«irf rRACTORS C.lltornli. Jick U.ntrv. phoD. OJItBUtg Nn. tfTw In K«lli,________

yKAKLIN(i KrEl»cr*<l Otir Wm#rri-«)ow bail

------------------^ o l »BJ_Wunil l.iilt»rf.l fow., fit f____________ I'.. I iT-.#i-. Piih?I TWO I’llllKllKKU Uiirnc botri for

i)imipl<U i»d i loc itrvlce. purthrri Ui• Jrmmf, Hob Kullfr. ’ '' '

l-'OH SALE: 12 »prln^fr cowi. Ho SED ‘n't RueniMyi. Comine with Ulnnd 3rif c«lv»Jr—FTtlhm—vp^y-

FO R SACEI 9 Pack and Riding Horses

I ' Exceptionally good stock tra:



.COMPANY |~ ' "r CACHE VALLEVir.BOLLAND BREEDING AS.SOCIATIONUUiAnu Op»rtt.d br D ilrj r i n“ PKOVEN 8IRE3_ _ UoUldn. Gucrnitr, J tn « r , A »BWW . B»«n BirUij Mllklnr ahortbonu I;

■I - - TEOHNIcfAHSt ' ------------------ ----- A. l.rltch. Phon* 0H1-J4,

^ U*rv|n WoodbHiIfr; Twin K>H- ! Phon« U».M. Twin fillt

Llo Do ^ __________


5Y-BACK ; u .b ..s .r.i« . fo. u u .. d. i„: riinna Twin Ktll> l> :i Cc

I'hon. J,r..n.. ISI C.>1 ttmil-hnur.. Phnn. Hut.1 • }1J Cc

...1 .. ----------—- •• n;« f ■ . , \ .'•ir In ».r-iif,„ ' • f o r p r o m p t

I R E M O V A L^ " ' of Dead snd Useless

L IV E S T O C K• h,. niONK ns COI.I.KCT

.....T w in r . . , . , i . -> U iM r .«

........... . - r l . ID A H O IIID K-M.l i.,.,i„ & T A L L O W CO.

' I b a b y CH tCK Stoh AN'D

:------ . t tMckl. ana-AtlUl A«ru Wblla.r c o i u ’. I

. ™ I U. s. A rP R O V H !)Kliiiilnl l ! v , A .DKAI.Krt .in mU,‘TiI|. M.r.,"'rhV' nf-'N*''

_____________ I' "Iill" fitf llr-l.ln>-« )>lfh-i

^ A KTIOR 1! A T ( 111 IOR Twin Idoho Pliniio ll

1________73ft Main Avf. IC.


t"*« Nrv IIU,''whil* *«!» H|■ I ' l ..........

>"MtANTi:i;n S D N N Y Clfl.Xhinkky IIATCIUOUY

llAllIiu - ' ----Ha"y7 G RA IN A N D Fl

' ’, 11 >Ti (iiiiiiiiiNii—.iT.rinuitMM'

Mlllh.i Nrtvlrr I-l.....

N h u x

, ; i-kot.. lefj-ii or i«i>»-.

I. «u. » . L-hl,

^ 1 5 _____


hnn. n t l

-------------- 1 '^HULLbAl-K Uii I,, hx‘1 o7------

E R S_~PiT5 --------

Q .-------- t ” ln.T7!;rlm.M,j W A R f iF T O i f P ^

• m . t

c „ „ . ni

IS 0 “lA i t,. SH u.r

i o t o ’R r ^

1. Id ah o istJ./'*'' Mmlitrlr 11

iLTRY I W IL L PAY CASHrf^^Mllklne - l o r -

I’oinu, ^ CombliinJIon_________ Beet nnd Grain Bedsi* “‘ Flat R.ieki and Slock Racks

Y»**o‘n : ____ Nor'hrop_

' BOB REESE USED CARSr«h. R. L. 600 Black 2nd Avenue BouU

^ ;;n 7 -7 T FOR SALE OR TRADEK*l»n. !.«* KgUITV In Uii i;itC 3-m« >ilK»‘tr ti

. K«tll«fit tonilltinn. lO.un riihb»r. IK- oUnrl Chln» ' Hoitrmn. i'hon* 1

f u r n i t u r e s . A P P L lA N t,d» 'o\7 i -JL tuion.ttir «.jh.r. nood condl>0* u ,.. .I t . WIlion-n.lM.7; ; ;—b^ii NKW m»ho»»ny plmo bttich. Heiion ; VO— i . , . „. , . . . i . ,

t r i n'oUul'ji ^ n 'g .. t l.r .. T.m"'w?Uon.U*‘‘ *" '’

U?l"h "l!I! '"n 'A‘!«rl*n!;m''Ko.*'<. ' ;OTSeB. MAUIC Vallfr Auction »m p>y mor - TOtir furnlttire. Phon* 302^. Evu trai*“ - m o j . _______________________

, n ■ USED UN1VER.SAL .tov« .nd t.friici=>“ Good conHllion. Heuon.ble. Ph

DHO-nt. Uooillnr.______________le 78S-W SEWING mtchlne. f»lhcrwtl|bl. SI

I all »tUchinenu. in. Pbor* m9-W, n'n*».

WK BUV. »ftl~«liJ~lrYdy 'B O TlinF furnllur*. Danotr FurnUuri. 209

1 ahon* «lr>.t .otilh. Phonf »0»-

------------------------------------------' • •™'™ .tlSFH) .ulomatle »nh*r. Top loail a«.klM I afllalnr action. Wiltr ratluncr, 1

OT I *"*'. " '’a C.-ANDERSONS

1.J4, nuhl * .l i " ' - ......................—-------- : - USED




:i3 Collet : u s e d APPLIANCE81------ 1| R IS E R -C A IN and CAIN

I U SE D ~(SI M crchnndiso

BALEnnvenos - ........... t . .Ofi nmlTlll)i^ 1..'................ . l.fH) untlBikos ... ................ 3.W nnd

“ WllillCIA ............... 10.00 lllKlRefriRrratora ....... 20.00 und

:o . At________ W H STK K N 'S...________ _ 33S Mivlii Avr. Eiisi i i’hnnr

.i_______ ’ - - —

^ iu . ,'C kV D a K D _ r .U ltM iX U llK

l>lfh-i»ixl , 1 0 jihonr call*, jPlcftur)

lE R Y W AKHKK(5 HROS,niio UD6W tB9 itli Ave. Bo.


(M liTTtliTtitil'ATM iiinlr, Aii™'ru'tjiiiili‘ii

r - i - s ; - 'S r S S , ! ? ™ ''" ' '

/i'ln "iralU. *''lll*n• .«hlr l ••• (InJ. «• |


r alfalla, ...» Ii‘I u . l'."'r - l" ......

lluhl. ruon.


^AT - ' • '■ _

- . - l a r ; la i E L j m , ____ ___

. «-m; -:::AEll.,AflOU!r:.QUR ,.CASH_--------D ieC O U N T !-------- r -

O IL CITY* Phono 1239

Qiirur.; 2<0 ADDISON.. TWIN FALL ” Hoi ,<irtl. Phan. I*-' ______ ____ -

vini,' ■ STEEL PIPEy ■! Coaled. All alzcs. Also Wfll cailni ' ; large valves and llAngts.

" ■ J. P. KELLY STEEL PIPE• I ’ to*'’*' Jerome. Idahons'i. n u l

•>. Phon. SPECIAL SERVICES„ , - CLUNESr cmUrm drfuln?

• I'oulirr. MtTlt Vallti. K .on,’.. Pbont Ml-W —. Sihl’TIU unk aod Cftipool cldnlai.I K S "1---------- SEt'TIC tank, ciaapoel cltancr., drain 1.h ni.Vfr. ctifckfj and clranrd. Complfl. t tn ^rlr lloiil. r ^ ,g , ^►•r.nfj.U. .l'haof ISC. S17^

^ R A D I O S MUSIC •]J HACKIKILb HuUrt cablV ui<rt|bt pi

;UIIAKANTKLU ua.l pianoa. bl( ««l*cl ' lUit trrmt. Fr*« dtlW.rT. &}a* tmi

'on ! tin t. CUtidt Brown Uuilc ComDanrT R U C K S & T R A IL E R S -

tacks ' 2-WIIEEI, trail.r. »1» ra.h. • » 'n r .

•00 jsi-KUUT trailtr bouM. IkkkI condition.- ^ it.- t-an nth-«-.- ra it-n f«nn r-r .M

>lt7~KlT'trall<r houic. 2S lrtl. lood.. South , ReUon.bU. Phon. Catll,

illiH. ’.j F jit CattlcforH.__________

^ D E Sir W«l'Av»no»’ Kill.’ *>»er truck. CIJSTOM made i-whccl :-born Iriion* Ed.B aprlngn a ilt. Phone or write flltlR. C _______ Int. Hill Mink, noute 1.tR C iS " -AUTOS FOR SAWcondition. QUICK <alr. 1»4K Kilxr. rKon.hti

Palei. mutsr, radio, bca(«r, ciccllcnt Urci, Ileaionable. Phon* 2»*-l J*romi between 1 a.m.

L O O KB e fo re You L eap!

rednlihlni. US* nODCB Cnrpret V-* «.dnor led Fur- Radio. hMt*. Mone p»lnl .11

! 1851 nnnCE CyonM W an. Cyrnmi

' »■<>« »or| 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook l.door• E*enln*i , r i ,n ....................................II

^friicratnr.j »SJ STUDEBAKEtl Comman.ler .JSXv!'.” '" ! " . ' '" ’'*.'’ ,.*'’'’**

I®5tl nODCE 2-door .ulan. Heater, tor .nd t lm In neellent

----1::--------- ^. J09 EhcH 19H CHK.VnOLET eluh eoupe. Ila a»- 1 heater. boocI ihap* methani- ' <allr ................... ........... I

P loadlni ItS2 CHEVROLET *i>tan pickup, ner, com- I a p e r d traniffllaalon, pracllr t tuarui- I stw S-ply rubbci;. O a lr------- 1


M l M ain E as t - Phone


“ 6 .-fl . 2 GAIN'S I Avenue South

.-A V -IC .'R E _L 0A D 5D -0N------------ 1' • CInb Coupcfl

; . . s o W E ’R E —GOING TO U N LO A D

I mill up lost n'lKHtl K|-irl>.»a... Juil like , „i. »l.l. .11 lh. irlinmlna.lI mill U|) , . mi-UUVUDUTH-.Snnn, i:nun». AI H|,(l 11|) I inalln lr»n»nilii|i.n, mllnI lllld Ul) II \«.SJ ri.VMODTIl. Club

I 1»(2 I'l.VMOCTH rr...l.r.-k i;i.,h hnnc I "iii'f.

— '■■■"I im i-iii;vnoi.rr n»ri.i* niiu n

i i u i 1,All 'illf*" Om*

Ii,',t/.T Hi'vn n<-*n Itcrtucrd . .



UH M EM llK ll. I T S -

. O G R E 'S)R SALE , --rtionr• ' ' ‘ I TJIE ninnKH-r i . i t i ' l w u




i.iuV Uur. , : , - l . r r i ^ ! » lTiTa'ih VlV.. -10. w e.i.r,. „„rk^

i T C T - . '................ . ;„,l rli,_w..i.'l'h...

....I.I Mr,.,. U...IU, p.m...,. ..t .11 kloii*. Tin...

V .ra . ’ l.r ,; • ()iKs/.;/. 7'ilU(.'K S i‘«yi(-'K

' ' ,' i' i' ;,i;' i’r " w‘ r h ' ............ • n x x m sam»in<*

■ j.! »«n.lH ap.U »(li 'l»l.».<. H. »' ir rn i^ Tihi. "•*'

sm v ic L c . ntl;r.t.l'.‘"u .lr i ('Iril.'. lU«llhl( n e flr . I'll..... » ."1.1. I . . I - ,




U qS m (Jcxxl ronJitlon.' l8»i.'"’TielMn Mo TLert CiT lJL -

-------iTTrV R iic TmV .‘luh roup,, nadio. k>.'iI («lr i-oniUil<in. i»; .\rflion Avenu. W.

_____ Plfk'. MoMI P.fvi.-c

a n _ - ...

"^‘BROWNING’S ^( Y o u r B u ic k D e a le r )

a l l s — S P E C I A L ! —--------------------IBM -----------------

............. * BUICK 6-Passenser Coupe. . H s; D ynaflow - ' Radio HeRlM ' Custom T rim - B eautiful R«

:ailnB, i F inish 1(SEE TH IS)

PE I IMS nUICK Super (-door. Drnafln.I radlu. healer, low IIJI

’ l»St milCK SperI.l llar.ltnp. Dyn _______I flow, radio, hr.ler, .e lf

S I I»JO STUDEBAKElt Champion S..U

An '•■ORD V-* . uper D.1u>. Kordc1. r h u t ____ S..w over.;m nlur A.J ..... ......»2— 1»IT PONTIAC Se.Unitt.. Radio aj

■ »»“ DeSOTO 4-.l««r .ed.n. >'Uld, heat.r. A hu, ..... |]

• ' ' 202 Second Avenue N orth


.♦‘imaiurj A u to C o m p u n y

‘ • —

^ T i^ l G U A RA N TEED-r.fMnr ---------- -- - ---------. ------------------

!! 1eror°d quick -Al.lera. Tinted sUiradio, healer,,

ESfi'S£i______ 1»51 KTbDEBAkKK Ch.mplon' trailer. Overiirlv. an.l heater .... .....tidmenl, coll 1951 STUDEHAKEK Commander 2-dc .«R, Good- Aulomatie IrantmUalon,

heater ............................. _.._.llX --------- -ll«-OAmLbAC-4Htoor. HtdniBlI

______ radio; heater, n u n ver/on.htioned .......................................*'Ire. lig i 1*0 KORD V-» 4-door. Heater a

,„ij new lire. . ....................... |;1«4T HUDSON 4-docr. N*w tl.M-K

------------ liU MEUCUnV ».Joor. Radio .I heater. Hum veri- *oo-l ...... H

' -t»tt-l»UiC|{-SMtair:—HrtrmMticT* 1«41 STUDEnAKKIl Champion 4-do

U l . or mlle.iie letl In Ihli <for cheap tran«i>ottatlon ...... I

m » CHEVROLET 2-di»jt________ II 1«» D.SOTO 4-door. Runi (ood. :

1 ! i ■ TRUCKS ------------ j _ i>51J-£m ^jaa_»lih^B _ji«d_li'i

>. itan»- ia t.T !iT nn?n^ifrn « i/... • t

P . ^ .n . l*W s tu d eb a k er " i i " ton’ pickIt m » i i.romalle !


-dwor •'ir* tractor In \ery (ood conditl. ... IIOIS 1 n*w paint, i l ...............................-8.ler eluh T W I N F A L L S M O T O F.nd food SKK D. A. McliUlflE

» n iB H om e o l S tudebaker” ater. mo- phon* ISO# Evenln** 5

!■ Radio. —■ ani-

CLEANEST CAR " " S I IN TOWN!i ■ - ------------------------- ---------------

I _ _ electric Trlnijwf, -Iwirl. .<al-one 123 i I^uk. .n<{ ru n .‘lik. n,w l... II

-______ IIS« Konn Countrr .edan 4-door________ ll..n w.B.1.1. R..II0 , h.aler. o_ _ _ _ _ _ Hrlve, ilnte.l ( l .» , pnw.r krai.e

I Nearly n.w ......................... I:I»JJ CIIKVROI.ET t-.lour ledtn. R

„ I s r 'v " '‘,c».r,'j;:^ i I9ij CIlEVUUl.Kr 4 .i lo a r ita

w .fon. Itadl.', heater, tle.n ^

h ■ 1>32 llUItK 4-il'K.r .e,l,n. II.I hr.lir, drii.flow Ir.inmlii

- O N _ U ' ... ,]))Z pt.DnUODILr: "M" (-ilmr. Rl

I nnuh!‘“'sh ir;i* :!:'..''‘',‘.':... iI I»l.1 lleSOl'O .e.lan,. Ill

"nn*'ind i 1»43 OLn.SMOniLK'flJp.r "M” 1..

mub ! ■I USl OI.DHMIIIllLK "•«'• 4.<l..'.r. Ill

Cl.ih l.ratr.^and hrdram.llr.

’.I' l'.iii|'« j lUII Cll.I..SMDIlll.E •'«*'• II......... ..

iih i:ui.l.. ,;„f;VII()I.KT 4-dAnr Hl,lfll..e

«“‘ l * .................. ' •I lisn IlinCK RpMlal 4->l.»r. 11

...........1 ,.,b tnc r aaa.dfB ilinit .........i I t t l i :HKVI11J|,KT 4-*...r, II..II..I hrau..^ V.rr cImu ..wl

I to 1‘l.VM tlimt C.iii>...iIUIl 11

Y O U REE. j M O T O R C O M P A N Y

W U »T -IOI M ain Avr. E B a l-Phonn

S a n d P K O I C J K S S I O N A I .

ECTORYIV'K.'K • ItfOMiY TO I.OANal.1 A..; K. II.' J ,„„ . |.,r'h.iMTr.' an.l 'it.

II...k and 'X,u.lJt,illd>..• ,;.;.i r ..M, •linn, u .i» ^

ft in :A r iN (;

f>iMr.Cain'Ap*i>llan.ii. I'hu... 1411. 'N a • /'V ANTENNA HKHVICt rim...N,w.. ........


i'ii« .. .mua. • I \]‘k W H H k n s ................I’h 'iw i.i:|ll iai,.', ■ r.n la l." .o ,r .■.r.l.a '- 'l'huiP iri lfJ .U , . ^h.rwimd Typ»wrii.r n . »»pp«.lM

I'lmn. rn» Ci...»l«y llnWi|.i"t», il»~Klhh Hi............ . • VA(.'(/IMr < :'t.i\A ^:lis 'nti^ A ili I';..... ’ .Ull,n. Iim .w . KirI.r Va.»iim Hal.. ai.> II



Molof around JJS. Phga. S»»0.

" "" iil'!! NO Dt-IAU B E A T S . , . r r q - .... 1>L M SE J_ - - -t - - ■ -1»M POnn Vlrtorla. R.dlo, kul.r:’ >M.. cle.n. Very .harp . .. IIDI ‘ 1»I0 CIIKVmil.KT 4-door. Heat.r and

I i.rK I'lffV’' .171' use KORD V.« ».,loor. Ilaillo. heal. ; nwlor o'frh.uleil. n.w llrr. 171

; ' ^ Q ^ H ^ n ' p A Y M EN T-'* ^ d j THESE. 1( your credit la

: 5—1»4« PONTAfS a l ____MM .a<I ItIT NASH t'lut. i;oup*. Heater ..'•/Ino ' 1«*| <'i<KViioi-KTt'iubc.<.up.... n •*• . l«tl rONTIAl c:iuh Coup. ........II

' V A L L E Y M O TO R CO.S..Un South

fo" .Vd i ‘ F O R O N E W E E K O N LY

I drive "A copy of thi.1 ad presented...IWO i ftl our office wlH be worth

I $2&.00 on the purchase ot any I used car or truck on the lot."

19SI noniin foiD.iel hardlop. t-loi ^.Inl. nrlc.n a nd leath.r InterloiKicepllonally clean.............Ill

.. llSl'PLYMOUfliTdoorHMWr’a^

^ _ |»}0_CHEVHOLET 4 door. H^Uf. ».r - ^ I —

1»4I PLYUOUTH ] door. Radio am«!»••• I heater ........ .......... ..... .......1'

._«2H 1 1J4T CHEVROLET Coupe. Radio, be■^rrfJr — ------------------ *l.door. I 1»50 RTUDXRA'KER lOB plcVup |i ...I102S .•2-door j 1»3J CHKVROLET 4 - door. A r

-l»4»-KR**KR anil 1#4*-KAIBKR. Y.ttts ! I* ter and • a on ........... _ .

I T W I N F A L L S 3 ^ r-m u m w f - f i s s s u M

, ____JTRUCit-LANB-WEarr_Z -I7S . i _________________ ________>od. n» |L

\ „ -

F -------------—pickup.

»IJ!5 0plekup.------------------------ --------------------

CKIUNG _inditlnn. T).....Sin ^r o R

T - R - A - D - E - I - NIi 91tt '

» II32 CHEVROLET 4-doAr wllh t

i 1 « 2 8TUDBBAKEr“ V-»~. Hard Top ........... .............. 1

i . R S . . . . PLV.0UTI, a -b ., . . . ------ 11»4 BTUDEBAKRR V.R Comiui

BUljon Wa»?n..*,000 mll.....»; UH CHEVnoLl^^tMloor with po|

e. R.rlln, I°>> RTUnRBAKEn Land Crolier '

‘“ i:j»j ' • *” ’ PLY>«OUTH_l.door ...........l«!or .1.. ! liP"" *-P«**»''«e<' BlalionJer" 1 Waion ..................................'ril.e’i ' ' II4» CHEVROLET i-door ............

I UM HTUDJ;RAKER V-« I 4;door wllh automatic ............

i u n i o n

•J:;;!,';: m o t o r s , i n c .

,r. R..1I0. ■ -Enos Schiirier - J a k e T l......... . ACROSS FROM SAKEWA'... III'JS ' __________________________. Ili.ll... 1__________________ _ „----------

r i,*‘r - W K H A V £ THE-BIOSt.lrank.licI Sclccljon o f U sed C ur

,rji..iu . 1 In Tho V alley I

p o n t i a c sa_l i

Irllre'l'l'r' TC rriflc

..."V;.i , - W E - M U S 'J l - C L E J i

...... o u r L O T

•- ......... F o r M .irc N ew TrailrM.... nm

M A K E u a A N O F F E


me Hit# „ g p jj A FEW:

------------*, ifi: rdiiii I'.i.h.ji. Clul. i;.»ipe. n

' lIH.nondE 4-di«r ied.n. V.i, r ' IMI IIIIIi:K ll....lni.iirr 4.d....f .

Ita ly, Malir, <l>na(l«w, po.

] i»in riiKVitiil.Kr nirieiio. i»Ui< . . I ...... II..IIU and Lat...

r ' ^ - j iH C T iK rk ; ; ; : . : . ; ! ; : '-A..” f I

I I.H lll.jIiMOIIII.n ‘'M"

l*4».C llUVSt.Kk,> ..Uau. I■ he.ter. II..I.I d.l.a. All l..l>>1411 ____ liilaili.r,t- Hit rMEViini,i:T nuMi... iwi'i...lea. IMI 1“ '“'

■ m» I'<lNriAlM:hl.(ul.i li.l.... I

B A R N A R DA U T O C O M l ’A N

L i ; . 5 ;-l| tONTlAD OAIJ".".uiii4.J ■ j O|>0ll UllUl n V M.|.*mn‘.'^mn' oinsfd Him - Hrn Ymi Mn

1'--------- ----------------------------- -

______________________t ________ i _ ____

\_____________AUTOS FOR SALE

g..rdil.e. I'h.n. >»-W or 4t»-R.'Coodlr

. SPO T C A S H ! ? . ,

^ ......... ..........OLEAN.--tJSrD-ll_y-‘ no»j i ~ - CARS-aHa:TRUCKS 'I*""* j 8e. Nurrv NOUTIIUOP

. ‘Vth ; Highe.Ht PricesN T C ! BOB R E E iE 'u ^D ^ A ’ ' " ^ : -• #00 Block 2tia Avenue South

ll .ach C

' C H U R C H M A N 'S A-1

; 0 . U sed C ar s an d T ru c k s

---------- A R E A L S P E C IA L !

” I' (T h is W eek O nly)

1052 ffrUDEBAKER Command nted er, V-8 Qiolor, automatic trani 0*’'^ mission. • radio, heaUr, joo 1” " ' ................................. •»'

, l»*« NASH "flOO" 4-do«r ___.....ISit-lone 1947 PLYMOUTH Vdoor _____ 111

U4J CHEVROLET 1-door.... ....... Ill: l»»» PONTIAC 4-dooc ....... ........Ill

r i s a " ■ ;»iB DODIIK Club’ Coupi _. I'.....HI.....! U4I HUDSON 1-door._____________UI*£^»ir» , _________

s and^ I lUi FORU^S-ion r>cku . D.^u» calUk. new......................... lili

*• V.Vr : I«2 CHEVROLET U-lnn. D.Iux* eal--------------------rcfiFWTi*afirf-np*»n*ml:up I in . •!•». f « . lire...... ........... 1101A loofl ;

' Z Z ■ - _ € H U R C H M A N 1 ! M OTORS,. IN C.I JEROME

S ■" Phono 77 or n s -.Ml a

JJ___ I and Sunday*

: . H U R 'R Y !

- t o -

-N-S. . . R IC E C H E V R O L E T

h a new 1 Je ro m s ...... » »

"'"-‘im S , I 3 m o r e d a y s___|U*» 1 _ .m «nd.r BcfOfe

r'p!w.“ ■ ■ ’ OUR S A L E S M E N

' W A W U F ^ " ' "

— ^ - t i » jn ; T ak e A d v an tag e of T he

: : : I m j n q w immand.r ...... |M» I

i R I C E

I C H E V R O L E T , I n

j Jeroma Phone B50 or

:eTWUi --------- Open Bundayi..........



J r a K A N D M O R E- a t


----------- " S E L E C T ”

j ■ U SIC D C A R S . .

E A R - I ii9i 7fAj.H'A...i..M.'.i;;r'r,-,ii.-itvy-rII..1I... hclo. u>i<dil>c, M<

df-iirtfl j S j ' i J n S S

■FEU 1; ...I., 1-e.l »,ilt, Mf> whll.

VE IN I 'I''*- 'I""'' ‘1*11 NAHII Aml.iKKlur Ciiilnin 4-.I

! e 'S 's ii:? !! '" ::;;nadu, i I'i.VHOIITH ........ . ......... );

I rhLrih.'.'le.i'iV.lVnrir."' '

l ltl I'llKVIIDI.KT ri.ih ....... ll<„„f h..l.r, a...... Il«l.h- I, P""*' I i'h.1,,1,1 v.'l 4-.I.-.C

n , IMS iji.iihMiiiiil.K I.awr. s.ioniI......... U.Ur, hr.iram

u .u . . , t . \ I

...I M.lali, lull, *' "'I 1... n i.^il.ll.M ' ...............

r.>ii «>hi M ••• a ili.ri. ‘Il> I ...I, .«la>. lllll nn.. HnowiI,. I e.r.ll.nt, . . . . tl I..I ha.l

Iliri.i.i .. rii.DKll MOUI'U

e.l.n, LO-rn o y LATK MODI':!. .....J..... . Phone flltt-W Twin I'

] ;• W lL L y USIOU C A R

D E P A U l’M l'lNT


vl. , \Jiihiiio Uoily l.r Huy Hiiwai

I Mini. .I -'Wk... ll.i.loh.... K.iiJ ' >'rl<



; JA N U A R Y W H IT E S A L E>»H kuul> -1" Ra<lk..b^lur-

------- .11’. IU. If. «r..n flnl.h.

'lr.'uti \ulM'but'Tt'tlil' — pi.xul. ..-onomlcal. dir.ndabl.

■a... 1 irao.iMri.h.n al low purehaM' I l»49 CllKVnoI.KT :-,|,v,r. Tbl. on.-.

. I I * wl>lch-in_i 'ftHTO'nn~''B7T7ion.’ 4 .p.7d~fi«liii|r'

“ ihlTsn.,-'I I t» OHEVm>I.j;r >i t-.n. 4 ipeeJ.

1»M (IMC 1 lOT, 1 Wlib dualj.Ideal (o i th. IK..i.,^h man.

— s - H U N T - f f l i - F e f t B S -S h ■ - IK g e m . --------------

J W E ' R E L o a d e d

W i t h ’5 1

: ; ^ ~ D Q D G E S L ~ r

Hprc’)! a Chance to Make '' Some Money. AH *n>Me

. Can Came in on“ Naw ■nano- .55 Dodge* and Aretrani* Chrcked Cleaned and

jood Ready to Oo. Every Car1045 1 CnrricR Our Dependable

j u*td Cnr Warranty.

I R E G U LA R P R IC E ..$1095

...««» j S A L E P R I C E ...... 895... Ills '

• --------Lota of other Makei-------... I and Modela

-j : • -i-r- ‘ IiOQl;_for the Revolving„ car: i h e a r t ^

‘,‘*114(1 j B O B R E E S E

■ = ~ U l e a

........ ; 800 BLOCK aND'AVE-'SOUTH'

M onth E n d C learance_ l t» 8up« Coup*. Rl.

j ~ ‘ pn.. own.V\,r"^....*L*!!LJlTimI HID OLDaMOBlLE ">8“ delui* t-JoorII Mdan. Radio, bMI.r. hrdrtmatle,

--------- - W* OLDBM0BlLB-‘‘T«‘MHlmnr-Chit— ' -------uili liial lUiifc' HBlilu BUiint.»ll--------- m TtrigV h6Lrt fa*lttw' t3 S ^ '

dal.. R»die.-h*it*r. m t- eom«, ! if , '


J (3 to chooM from): )-I»l» nuc I-ton eib and cliaa>!i

Many More Uakea &nd Modeli I to ohooee from

: ^ i — r — S P A E T H — -

’ ' M o t o r C o m p a n yO LD S- —QM<

N I . JEROMS ------------------------------- ..Phon*-M»— — .

T h em ■ — ^

' Q U A L I T Y ' .

' ■ - O K - : ^ ^ I n c . 1 ■ ■

or M. i . U S E D C A R S -

I 1033 CADILLAC "02' ' B-Pa»8«l_______ ______ Rcr Coupo. Hydramatic, n

^ din, heater, white aldewi, I tirca, wlnrtahlPlrt washet'j Bpotllyht, Clean........... t^4l

r ' 1054 OHEVROLETT ‘-210” a-Do<! Sedan. Powcrsllrte. rad

and heater. Like New. |17^

P O ' 1053 PLYMOUTH fitnllon Wa> on. Ilftdlo, hfoler. whl sldpwnll lirra ........

1053 CMEVnOLFT Stylelino Dl luxe 4-Door Sedan. Radi hrnter niul S^loiia. painLow MllniKr ................. 112-

ivyTnih ; ■ ‘ • - ' ■ ------- -•| ' 1060 ni.nKMoniLE -aa" B-p*.unli*' i‘hu ' aenger Oouiie. Radio ai11.. Will.' hciiter..............................Wl

“ |] in I iOM cnEVIlOI-BT<-DonrS«da, , 2-Tniie pnlnt, heater di

^Jill!'h'K defriwicia. Seal Covora..$fi'whll. —11

II1UI ID&O nUTCK Special 4-Door Biin 4-ih-or. dnneiie. Haa k radio nt„ 'r!“o'n: i ..............................♦*

1D40 Cnii:VllOLl.T2-PonrSeda out' "w'i ' Jiist overhauled............,.10

.......I7»I 1050 OHKVnOLErra,-noor Bed*>. it.iii.. I Radio and heater..........Hn'.l I12V»1..„. H.. lOiPDEHai'O 2 -Door firdt

livi Radio and lioater. Whl.joni Ul)- ' H r«................... •<

4IKI 1047 KORU 0-l>»M«nii«r. Ooui4..1.H,r . .. I Radio and iieatiir..........13

.V'"* 1 1041 ClIbVROLEl' (•P aw an i " Ooiipe, Radio, heat«r.,..|j

j IMO rORD a-Door Hedan, II »e 1 ____ S i p . I i n a tor..............| l

Vni.h‘"i'n'i I lOBaTNTERNATIONAI.-' 14-Ti t*** : -4>»|>Md-ininamlaiiOTr:l:f1<

)u i:u i I iVa ciiiE'^jioi.Hrr • i - ’i'on.niKUl aiH-nd Uanamlaaliiii...... «ll

Ua ralia j 1047 IN'VEJINATIOHAL 114-TX a-apeed axle, flat bod..|*

A R - -

* i — M an y OUiorH—■KST

I . G L E N G . J E N I C H Sliiwatd 1 _ .



t win ” ”>dabl. ~t rehaM -

cb wa .

r tJ. Iduali.


:e 'le ;w ■ reidi rle

;1095 ‘

■ 895

I------- ---

U T H --------- ’

>ce_.p«. Rl._____

I 4-door..........rtmatle,

eor » r

"h n i- l- - —


chaaiUrra:l i t MtbModels

ny-O M O ,


-Paaaen- atic, ra - aldewall washera,.....«M 8

a-Door . radio IW. i m a

II WaR- , White

ino De- Radio,

<• pa in t..... t l 2 « _

B-Pm- dlo aiul .......WOfl

r Sedan, le r and 'ora..(fi05

>nor Be- dio and ........1848

<r Bedait. ........1045

>r Sedan. ........1140


........ •« # •

Ooup«......... i3oa

'aaM nuer ‘t«r....|S45

HI), R a- ..... ..,|io_a _

' H - r an.-

'I'on. 4- .......«1105

114-Ton, bod..|4DB

I— '



Page 12: rantedCbunc 5y House Vo l~ B as€ ~Nai

Granger Unit Installs Youth ^

Officer Panel ^— ^ H O S H O N B , J in T W = 5 ?sm M ’ of

Juvenile O range o fflce n lnstAll«d *'I rcccntly nnd namcB of commllt«e oldn^pmh^T. a p p n tn ^r t fn r t h . »..hnr, J X .d ln a te O ran g e h av e been announced fln j by th e W ood R i?e r ,C«nter Orange, tha

M embers o f tlie SURar Loni I____O range w ere In charsc of the in- ^

— aUtllaUpiu T h ey w ere M ri. Jay Mar- |

M ra. W ard MllU. Implement bearer;M rs, Tom Curtla, regalia bcnrcr;W ar'd Mllla, m aster, nnd Mrs. Har- n e t Cheney, chaplain.

TBTUniCfl were TWnnJd—O hm ey; T T *- . m aa tor: R leliard Slmonton. over- a

seer: Roberta Hall, lecturer; Edward Sandy, stew ard; Clfludc dooch , as- a lat*ntflt«w ard: Clyde Oooch, chap*Jftln: W ayne s tu tzm an and H ow ard *•'8 * e tu ta n a n , acUnfr pm lem for sec- rcU ry and treasurer, for Yvonne Gabriel. J.

O thers Itulalled were P a l K e l l^ , repn — iTHtclcccpcr; SusanH flU ..C eru : Adele sp o t

Sandy. Pom ona: LH yV lnsant, F lora : ■ A i Snndra Mills, lady ass is ta n t stew ard, cond and Mr*. W. V. G abriel, m a tron . j

Mrs. R uth Nlchcrson, also from S i iK ir ^ a f G range, w u p ian is t and — in

• BoloUt, M embers of th e wboreJlnate S^uci Oranfte Joined juven lle t fo r th e con- e luding cerem ony of Installation. * . . . .

The Juvenile G range Is planning p . a popcorn p a rty a t the nex t meeting m- vi, on Feb, J2. Proceeds will be glvei; the M arch of Dimes fund,

A ppointed to th e 'l i n c o ln counly S extension advisory board were Elden , O uthrJe a n d Mr*. W . W . W hlU htftd ^

------while M n . D onald Sandy, Mra, TomCurtis a n d Mrs, E arl V lnsant were appointed to the home economics comm tttee. _

and W . W . W hitehead were appoint- . a U. tl, . » > ; ;

--------E le c tio n ^ t— "*™___ TTLSR , J a n . 38—F iler 4 -H _U adera_____

and 'S ponso rs council will m eet a t 8 p.m . T uesday a t lh s O range hall to

N om inated a t th e la s t couiidl S I? '" m eeting were M n . H. A.~Chlldress

■ - a n d Jay Cobb fo r president; M n . , Joe MWhacete a n d Vern H tr tin s tr ,Tice p residen t; M n , R obert-W hit*

___ niSfLM tf. C a il.X conard , iK retM y-treaau re r; a n d J a y Cobb and Owln)^ p . | B rann , counly council delegate.


~-yoU {« It htfrty Sinn th tt «tl Jlv««U>ek OA!

T am«n<VUUh. will b< ImpbundtS br tk* U a M JSSSm £i*Im rerMt StrrlM en «r s tu r Ftbraity ^ ^ l IS. lilS. if Ih* <ima b* not SMvlfwilr TOTrt p«rm«n*ml7 frCT th|-WsttBnit rB N -M —After Iht ImpoundDirnT, ewncn of ( r M o u ^ H Inc llv«itock rair m a in poMratlon lh«r«ot ■ ■ by (In t rtlmbunltiK th* Usiltd 8Ut«b In ■ full for tb* «xp«niu lneurr*d In »dr*rtb«^^B Ins. iiLth*tlna. Impoundlni «ni {mAUb puturlnf u ld llT*ito2k. All Inproundtd ■ | animtli not rrdMintd «iUiln flv( (t) d sn H I •d«r lm»oundmint will b* e((ir*d for u l . H

cond>mn*d and dntroyvd, u r«4iilr*dIhn nsuUtloni el Ih* 8Mr*Ury o( Asrl>^^B

-----fi«M d^t-T<rln-F.||«,-ld*fe,-<kb-t<th-dsrH —of J*DU*C7, 1999. ■Cku. I. Dau(h*rir ■ fo rrtt Bunrvltor I^B

, B*wloelh Jl.lIoMi r# r« t ■ ■ ruK t J»n. t l . »8»______________


J ? 5 5 ^ K

O v e r 5 0 % A f o r e C

O t h e r A u t o m a t i c M

t o 1 2 - p o u n d l o a d s a i

l y 1 0 % l e s s w a t e r t

Y o u c a n d o o n e \

w h e n o t h e r w a s h e r

l o a d s .. I

W iitc r-H aver n u t l ( A n toun l o f W utcr L oailt HAVK up w iihIi lo a d .


m w PIL T IR .H 09 W AtHINtt IY!Mm (lllrircl oul nl >iiiir w iih ililil |>el t i c k Thft «i.K w iililu .l.l i. . | » | „ tlilr,

-rirn1nK -|W iy~ tl

520 M ain Ave. So Phone 3766

^ A G E I T O L V E

No Bluffer I S oFO RT W ORTH. Tex.. J a n . 38 g i

(W ^A *teen-i«ed parolee m ow ed n l police tliey couldn 't b luff himwhen probation, officer I . B. M e- TGee asked how h is f ingerp rin ts J happened to lu m up a t theM o e of two burglaries.— -------- gn i

• I t ’s Ju st * lie ” th e Ifl-year- officeold snapped a t McGee yesterday, ,

-!'■! .was wearin g gloves .and. n o. ]u«_r fingerprints could h a te been leftth a t w ay." ^ dues.

T o H o i a M e e t " f sHAOERMAN, Ja n . 36 — Ooodlng { ? " “

county Ponjona G range will m eet g«h l iv*^» 'T»tH« (Irange hall, “ "* A t a m eellng a t the W est Po in t G range h a ll Monday evening new mem bers given the fifth degree by Pom ona M asu r Ira KIstler, Oood- Ing are Mr, find Mrs. JcJm T ow n- " send. HaRcrmarf, and Mr. and Mrs. P * Jo h n EdlnboTough. Ooodlng.

J . M. Hnrwpn. Twin P^lls, field represcniBtlvf for social security, spoke on social security fo r farm ers, p a rt

A question and answ er period w as mecll conducted. Ooodlng County A gent to wo Ed K oester asked th e O range If I t A f wished (0 take any action In th e being program to make Ooodlng county ner< : brucellosis free and th e O range conte voted to a-'k the county .com m W lon- Thi trs to support th e p rogram . natio

Ray Sm ith, W endell, and O lenn aerva Novls and Ed K oester. Ooodlng, w era 1109 I appointed to th c resoluUohs' com ­mittee, A le tte r o f resignation as p Flora wan received from Mrs. H ar- \ j old Brown. Mrs, B verett D atibner, Gooding, reported, fo r th e bylaws committee. Melvin Olbson repo rted 7 5 " ^ on bills which a re l>efore th e ita t« legislature. ^ LouU

Grange raily and a ll IburU i-degree members a rc Invited to a tten d . T hc anual Pom ona banquet will be served a t the H agerm an O range f J J n hall-on-M apeh-3»r^------------------^

■ V e h i S ^ C o i l i d ^ ^ ^JEROMK, Ja n . 2 8 -A collUlon a t

M ain and-B lrch StreeU a t BKM p rm r Tuesday caused dam age to tw o ^ vehicles, police repo rt. ,

A 19M S tudebaker driven by Ly­m an K . N eubauer, W endell. coUided a . * wlth"a I M f O h ev S Ie rp lck u p d r lT e n W lby Kelth-^ V .^ Je n k ln ir^ e ro m e .-------■ * *

Policem an Ja ck C onner who in* veaUgaUd. Uated |150 dam age to th e P h o r pickup and t w to th e N eubauer cor.

_________ T H IP T A K EN ____OAREY. Ja n . a»—Valdo Benson,

TWIH U.T u ^ y to Id ah o Falls. ________


I PHONE 2995

W e

King-Size Ale C a p a c i t y T h a n M a n y

Ic W a s h e r s ! W a s h e s u p

i s a n d u s e s n p p r o x i n m t e -

c r t h a n p r e v i o u s m o d e l s .

xc b i g - c a p a c i t y w a s h l n j ?

i h e r s w o u l d r « i u i r c t w o

lu tlon Lets YOU Selccl itcr (<> He llHed in Kiicli 1 up lo H Kiillonn per


Action1 lYSTIM The VIII lielorr «niir I lllU.l I.. OWI.

ff™.™:,': . ' (Acan,he WMhbuV*!.

Now being dair — or coll fo r a

l i m

s«.H W A' 6 F U R N I T U R E

Soil Group for PT. Shoslione Has CAt


Busy Sessions. Mrs

SHOSHOKE. Ja A .-3 ^ E le c tio n o t m a n 'i officers for the com ing year, plnns the Ui 'o r meetlnRS to .d if tu s i a wild- progrt m a -p ro g ia g , awi rtto for -4oU-<on^ ^ A - : lervatlon posters a n d paym ent ot Mrs lues, have been announced by the count: Wood river soil oonservaUon district counc lupervlsors. count;

O fficers ^ Mon t to .oraiptinson, c h A tm in : p ^ u i j a n c f o f t ; E t i f l yc«_chakm an, a n a n e d KoU..KC'r _ i ta ry -lre a su re r . ,

Oeorge Roesiler. p rea lden t of the f o u r th dU trlct sp o rtsm an 'i assocla- Ion, Is assisting In p lanning a m eet- i-„ w n of dU trlct f ttp e rrtso n , dU trlct co- . >pen ton . -thg-idm lw f lift a nd •»«” «' M f i r U p a r tm tn t a n d 8hoshon« sports- p r„ n e n lo d lsc u u needs fo r-m aterlaU . „ |„ j. ' xees. plants, stock and assistance c n f t s n carrying o u l a complete wlMllie jrogram . T lie dU trlct program and vork plan Is to be revised to show i « ( ni ^ow fu h and w ildlife conditions will ■ je ' Improved and managed.

T enU tlve d a te s du ring the la tte r ja r t of F ebruary have-becn -sc t for neellngs a t Richfield and Shoshone :o work on the wildlife program .

A free dinner, and farm tour are )eing considered aa prU ei for w in­der* In the «oll coD s4r« tlbh potter contest..T h e annuel dues to th e sta te and

national associations of soil con- servatlon dU trlcts, am ounting to ^ 1109 have been paid.. I----- ^

Cruelty Charged SBURLEY. J a n . M—P hsslea l and

n e n la l cruelty a re charged by M ri. MM a M. Knocke in a divorce suit _ _^Ited In dU lrlct c ou rt here agaU ut S £

They were m arried Aug. 30. 1B48, in Burley, and have one child. Mrs.Knocke asks custody of the child / > ■ mid WO per m onOLtUBDOtt._______ 1 . ^ 1

_________ S liT E B .D IE S — ^WEKDELX. Ja n . 3 8 - J . B, H art- A

w ll haa received word of the death 1 ^3i.hli.. lUter,...Mr!i^_FtBnk. K,..Well«. . . . . ^ t>os Angeles. Funeral servlcea were

W a r l H s r f l B n i s ^ ^ sP h o n . 2 4 6 8 H

________ / q M t ' ' / S g r _

K ii

D0.1 specialist fn [r^ iCng-distance-iHoving! ™



T v r ^ ^

wl Filter-1I Cleans & Re Water To Giv

mer Cloflies! $dflm o n itro cd in lh« ito ro o r a FREE hom p dem on-


_____________ J ............ : • "

T’A Board Sets F " Event for Carey '

CARSY, JM i. a > -P la i is w ere m ade # urlng a PTA execuUve meeting •uesday for a founders day celsbra- lon a l 8 p. m . Feb. 8.Mrs. E verelt_Tw om bly U chalr-

la n 'o f th o e re n t-S h c -a a id one of — he th ings to be featured during the rogram w l l l ^ ^ ^ a w n i n g of a

Mrs. MlUord Meanea. B laine Sounty nurse, reporU d th a t a h e a lth /■ouncil plan U available to Blaine ^ounly resident*. She urged groups I*0 organlte a n d express a desire fo r __la v ln U C .l,..

New Club Forms R8HOBHONE, Ja n . J6 — T he M ar* ' *

;y MarveU is th e nam e chosen for ^new 4-H club in the Marley area. C

ifs . Eddie ■7(jhnsoh Is the leadeK “ U P ro jects a re clothing, foods, oan-

ilng. frozen foods and arts ahd >rafU . _____________ _______ *

l[C(NI, Mfir> Mil atraxtd (illNl Mihhl ^

Engineered. Conalm cted and .G uaran teed to Last Yon tb e „ ^ Best of Y oar Life! ' C

M A G I t T T A I X E Y

S E W I N G C E N T E Rm = M o iB = A fB ^C ftt« = B iaa e:a ttS r = l




.. for N ew i of Miiirie ValleV’a F an n _ _ Aocliona a n d (o r th a date their lis tingf wlU a p p ea r i s Uia Timea.News. Check th e ir ada for loeaUoB and mU aeoM M ry InfonDaUoa.

______EEbE iARY-S— - -— — ^ m n _ _------- M re r t l ie a e i i i i , nes . i-z --------- — "

K U oa * Kloma, Anetioneen

FEBRUAR.YL9__*-------------- lU Ip h RobUon ,

A dvertlaem ent Feb. 1-S K la aa a n d K laaa, AncUoneen ^


W hen you p la n a F a rm B u t , - c o n tac t th e Time«-Newi Farm S ale D epartm enL Let us e i» Tp la in how ytfu can_cover Maglo __ cV a l l^ com pletely a t one smail icosL I t will save you both *U a « o o d m oney. T

=■ ' ' ■' 'I B

^ ...................... - I UI u

Washer l l


' '_____ ......................................

W a ih e r

l l Pre- Plum bed.

■Flow I -le-cleans '• - ive Yon

$ 3 4 9 (


i i r s- TELEVISION [


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SAVE 50cCOTY'S SKIN FRESHNER r e g u l a r 1.50— ON SALE.......

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PociceT Photo Album absolutaV FREE!

vlt«. vlth ••tf* mMi <•> mH. *•< ttkw »<

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-SQ U IB B ^S ---------------------- g JThcrogron, 100 't ....9:45 g 4‘Thvrogron-M 100 't, 9 .89 g LB-12 Complex, l0 0 'i3 .S 9 g jAIBOTT'S_________ . 8 , 1OprileH, 1 0 0 't .........9.45 g J

—0oyol#tf,-100!»-m.m.5,40—I - MEAD'S SOleum Percomorphum n

j l0 c c .J 9 c 50ee..3,99 g' T riviioi 15ee ....... ...1.19 " g

50ce .......................2.99 gUPJOHN'S----------------------- gUnlcopi, lOO'i .........3.11 g [

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KINGS MENAFTER SHAVE LOTION Regulor ............................................



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.. All a itflt iij aiMitnaf, 'KmUk nimiiaby'd iipi 'Mij' i:.mllniiou\i i>«|,rr

nfto <(0 1 11,11#“HI*) wllh mall iiiilrii.

r i^ALLS, IDAHO_________

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8 0 c

1 .0 0iTioM I n nAR 2.00 . . . . . r . r . ......... I . W


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: 1

V E T IR T N A R V PtI 2 Million >70 Unit..;...-............ '/7C '



LATE FRESH !of Black Leg, Maligna


i S P E C I A L ! r ... ON SALE 1 .0 0 I ]

World's Safeir, Quiekeir g 1 Acting One Gallon g


VAPORIZER IJIncluding jr A t a«r<« only.... O a V d g |

O lh o n 4 .9 5 ond J .4 5 . |


^ ^ T V I N FALL

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I / y ^

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REGUUR I.Op........ . ONSA

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P E N I O U ii r ^ I ^10 for7.50 I | i

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4 STOCK Iinan t Edema and | VACCINES I

j 1.10 MILES NERVINE |4-W ayC0LDTA BL£1 I CURAD BANDAGES I Gillettci Blue Blades» I BUFFERIN I TAMPAX 1B o v K E w r i n i i t r n t n u c i w it h



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