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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1) Photographer: Randy Scott Slavin 1// 2// 3//
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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Randy Scott Slavin




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6// Theme or focus of images 1// this 1st image is of a street in New York during a blackout, shot by photographer Randy Scott Slavin. He used the car lights as the main source of light in his images because at the time of this collection, there was no light. He uses techniques such as long exposure to achieve the stretched lights down the street. In this image, there are tall buildings that are on either side of the streets with the lights running down the middle of the buildings. This image also looks as if its been edited to be brighter, to make the lights stand out more and make them more vibrant.

2// This 2nd image is of again, a New York street during a black out, by photographer Randy Scott Slavin. He has used the same technique as the 1st image with the long exposure. This image looks like an intersection as there are traffic lights present in the top half of the image. Again on the left and

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right are buildings that are blacked out. Again this image appears like its been edited for the light to be more vibrant than the camera originally captured.

3// this 3rd image is a circle panoramic of the empire state building in New York. This image could’ve been taken by the photographer holding his camera towards the sky and spinning around a panoramic. This image appears like its been edited to be a bit more HD and vibrant. The buildings on each side of the empire state building have what appears to be a sun rise on them, with them glowing yellow, suggesting it was taken in the early morning.

4// this 4th image, is of a street in new york, again during a black out, with this light in it, it is stretching across the screen rather down a street and disappearing. This image has been edited to be slightly darker than orginaly taken due to the sky and buildings looking a lot more defined. The two buildings on each side are tall buildings, which can take the focus off the light.

5// the 5th image Is of the golden gate bridge in San Francisco it’s a panoramic where hes taken to picture and span his camera around to create a circler image making the bridge appear as if its 3D the sky also moves around it making it look similar to a globe. The water and the sky seem to merge slightly and the colours are all very bright and stand out red being a main colour.

6// This 6th image is of Times square in New York during the day time as the sky is white. This image appears to have been taken with the camera looking directly up towards the sky, there fore making the tall buildings look the way they do in the image. This image has been edited to make the colours of the advertisements in Times Square to look as vibrant as they do.

Composition1// This 1st image is shot from a distance, because where ever he stands, he will be at a distance to something with it all being architecture photography. If the photographer zoomed in a little bit, we might only be able to see one side of the street and the lights, where as if we zoomed out a little bit, we would be able to see more of the buildings that were blacked out. This image was taken on an angle, if it weren’t taken on an angle it wouldn’t capture the same elements that only an angle could capture.

2// This 2nd image is also shot from a distance, aforementioned the photographer could stand anywhere and there would distance from any specific point. If the photographer zoomed in a little bit, we would see more of the traffic light and the vibrant lines because they are more centred. All of this photographers work is taken on an angle as his aim is to take photos that makes people confused or uncomfortable.

3// This 3rd image is shot from a close up distance to the empire state, and a further distance to the surrounding buildings. If the photographer zoomed in a little bit more, we would see more detail in the buildings, where as if he zoomed out a little, we could be able to see the sunrise. The empire state is quite centred in this image making the main focus because it is taller than all the other buildings.

4// this 4th image is of again, a new york black out, but this image was taken at a distance due to the two tall buildings in the background are fully in the frame. If we zoomed out a little more, we would see more of the sky, which could over power the vibrant light. If we zoomed in, we wouldn’t get the whole of the background buildings in and it would be easier to focus on the light.

5// the 5th image has been shot from far away to take a landscape shot originally but as he’s span whilst having the camera setting on panoramic its created a unusual shot of the area surrounding the

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bridge the front main bit being what looks like trees/ bushes makes it seem like he’s taken it from a hill slight away over looking the golden gate bridge.

6// This 6th image was taken at a far away distance as the buildings are really tall, therefore he would of need to be far away to capture this. If we zoomed in a little, we would only see the top of the building and could question what we are looking at, where if we zoomed out, we would be able to see more of the buildings surroundings.

Techniques used1// With this 1st image, the shutter speed would be exposed for a while as the setting was a blackout and the camera would need to focus on it to get the right light, as well as capturing the car lights that would drive past. With the depth of field, in the foreground is the rest of the street and the lights as it all goes to a point. In the foreground is a crossing on the road and the pavement to the right hand side. If we lay a 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, in the central square would be a building and the car’s lights, the centre square wouldn’t be the main focus of the image as the whole image is the same it just goes into a point further down the street.

2// With this 2nd image, the shutter speed would be exposed for a while as it’s a blackout with one main feature which is the light. With the depth of field, the background is more a shadowy outline rather than showing some features on the building such as windows etc.. If we apply a 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, in the centre square would be the ending point of the light, where it disappears down the street.

3// With this 3rd image, the shutter speed would of be a quick exposure due top the time the picture was taken, which is early morning, therefore a long exposure could blur the natural lighting. With the depth of field, in the background is the smaller buildings, which curve upwards to meet each other at the top, in the foreground is the empire State, which appears as if the image has been taken from the bottom of it.

4// With this 4th image, the shutter speed would of be a long exposure since it was taken during a blackout and the camera would of needed time to focus on the dark areas. With the depth of field, in the background is the two tall buildings which can easily take the attention from the light at the bottom of the screen due to them being so tall. If we apply a 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, the gap between the two background buildings would be in the central square.

5// in 5th image the shutter speed is normal exposure because he has edited it so the colours stand out and become more bright the picture isn’t extremely dark or extremely light its just balanced, the depth of field is what looks like the background seems to be the sky surrounding the main feature in the photo the foreground is a very bright green tree/bush like thing which stands out due to the bright colour of the green. The rule of thirds the centre of the photo is part of the green bush and part of the water going under the bridge even if this is in the centre the first thing you a drawn to is the bright red of the bridge.

6// With this 6th image, the shutter speed would have been a quick exposure due to all the advertisements being so bright, they could of easily been over exposed. With depth of field, in the background is not much and in the foreground is the main focus which is the buildings and where they all meet in the sky. If we lay a 3 X 3 grid on top of this image, where the buildings meet in the sky would be in the central square.

Strengths & Weaknesses1// With this 1st image, two strengths would be I like the way the light has been captured, as well as the theme idea of New York during a black out. Two weakness’ would be that it is quite a dull image compared to the brightness of the lights, and the buildings, if it was in New York, it would be more interesting if the buildings were a famous landmark. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the slow exposure.

2// With this 2nd image, two strengths would be the shadowy outlines of the buildings and the

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brightness of the lights. Two weakness’ would be to show bigger buildings and to show more of the new york urban street. I would use this image as inspiration by using the brightness of the light.

3// two strengths would be the panoramic idea, and the choice of focus. Two weakness’ would be not being able to see the sun rise and not seeing any of the street. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by the panoramic idea.

4// Two strengths would be the size of the buildings and the editing of the whole image as it looks HD. Two weakness’ would be not making the light more vibrant and not making it bigger. I would this image as inspiration for my own work by using the editing to make everything look HD.

5// The strengths in the photo are that the colours being the reds, greens and blues they all stand out and boosts the photo in colour the weaknesses are that the editing style is very strange and it takes you a minute to work out what it is.

6// two strengths would be the focus of the image, and how the image has been taken. Two weakness’ would include not being able to see more of the surroundings and not being able top see more of the sky. I would use this image as inspiration for my own work by using the way the image has been captured.