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MAN2094 Marketing Communications - Module Co-ordinator: Dr Jason Sit, Dr Christine Rivers Monday, November 7, 2011 14:46:03 1 Raindrop Marketing Communications Report by Yuran Wang, Jieun Kwon & Jenny Slee

Raindrop Marketing Communications Report V3

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Jenny Slee
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Page 1: Raindrop Marketing Communications Report V3

MAN2094 Marketing Communications - Module Co-ordinator: Dr Jason Sit, Dr Christine Rivers

Monday, November 7, 2011 14:46:03  


Raindrop  Marketing  Communications  Report  

by  Yuran  Wang,  Jieun  Kwon  &  Jenny  Slee  


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MAN2094  Marketing  Communications    

Group  project:  Creative  commercial  &  written  report    

Due:  7th  November  2011,  4pm        

Raindrop  Marketing  Communications  Report      

1,500  Words                    

Group  Member  Contribution  

(in  %)  URN   Signature  

Yuran  Wang   20        

Jieun  Kwon   35   6205041      

Jenny  Slee   45   6189368      


   Declaration  of  Originality:    “We  confirm  that  the  submitted  coursework  is  our  own  work  and  that  all  material  attributed  to  others  (whether  published  or  unpublished)  has  been  clearly  identified  

and  fully  acknowledged  and  referred  to  original  sources.  We  agree  that  the  University  has  the  right  to  submit  our  work  to  the  plagiarism  detection  service,  

TurnitinUK®  for  originality  checks.”    

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Content    I. Introduction               4-­‐5  

II. Discussion  –  Target  Market       6-­‐9    

III. Discussion  –  Creative  &  Message  Strategy  


IV. Summary               14  

V. Reference  –  Websites         15  

VI. Reference  –  Reports  &  Journals     16  

VII. Reference  –  Books           17  

VIII. Appendices             18-­‐39  







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I. Introduction    

“A  Taste  of  Raindrop,  A  Touch  of  Rainbow”  

As the UK sole distributor for “Skinny Water®”, we are proud to

bring to you “Raindrop”. Our Brand logo is a raindrop shape,

which also resembles our Brand name. “Raindrop” is a natural

theme, which links direct to water. Rainbow always come out

after rain and it reflects our colourful flavored water.

“Raindrop” is a unique zero calories flavored water that focus on

health, wellness, and meeting the needs of millions of calorie-

conscious consumers. We use natural flavors and colors found

in fruits and vegetables, a very small amount of Sucralose and

Ace-K as our sweeteners. There are ZERO calories, ZERO

sugar, ZERO sodium and ZERO preservatives, packed with

vitamins, electrolytes, and anti-oxidants. “Raindrop” is a great

tasting, multi-functional, “one-of-a-kind” beverage, and perfect

additional to an “on-the-go” healthy lifestyle. (Appendix 1: Raindrop

product flavors, information extracted from visit dated 06.11.11)

The bottled water market consists of sparkling flavored water,

sparkling unflavored water, still flavored water and still

unflavored water. “Raindrop” is in the still flavored water market

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segment, one of the unique flavored water products

characterized by zero calories. Still unflavored sales proved the

most lucrative for the UK bottled water market, generating total

revenues of $1.7 billion, equivalent to 69.4% of the market’s

total value while still flavored water sales equivalent to 9% of the

market’s total value. (Appendix 2: Industrial Profile - Bottled Water in the United

Kingdom report by Datamonitor published dated April 2011)

The UK bottled water market grew by 1.8% in 2010 to reach a

value of $2,475.5 million and by 2015 the market is forecast to

have a value of $2,782.4 million, an increase of 12.4% since

2010. UK accounts for 5% of the European bottled water

market value, such market would be very promising in the near

future. (Appendix 2: Industrial Profile - Bottled Water in the United Kingdom report by

Datamonitor published dated April 2011)

As we have seen above, the UK bottled water market is

expanding gradually, showing further demands are still

remaining in the market. Thus, entering this market and

widening our brand reputation with Rainbow would be promising

in the near future. Thus, to success in this market, “Raindrop”

sends out a unique marketing and creative message, which will

be explained in more details as follows.


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II. Discussion  –  Target  Market  

We use a descriptive model of segmenting and targeting to

identify our target market. (Appendix 6: Details of descriptive models of

segmenting and targeting & Appendix 7: Profitability Criteria for Targeting a

Segment & Online Target Strategies)

(Source: IMC – Using Advertising & Promotion to Build Brands by Tom

Duncan, International Edition)

Major target market for “Raindrop” is Generation Y (13-29 years

old), Generation Y are the most marketing savvy and advertising

critical generation ever. Three times the size of the pervious

Generation X, they have a much bigger impact on society and

business. (How Cool Brands Stay Hot by Joeri Van den Bergh and Mattias Behrer, 1st

Edition published by Kogan Page 2011)

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However in order to increase market share, our strategies also

focus on Generation X and Z. Generation Y are unique but they

are still influence by Generation X and will have a huge impact

on influencing Generation Z (“iGeneration”)

Generation Y are emotional and they have both positive and

negative needs - Hedonism and Escapism. According to

various industry research, Generation Y are affected by all other

Generations including Silent, Boomer, Generation X and

Generation Y. They are also affected by headteacher, politician,

sport celebrities, singers, movie stars, peers pressure is one of

the major influence and social networking has played and

extensive impact in recent years.

Definition of different Generations

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Source: Pew Research Centre Jan 2010

According to the Psychological Report by Cathrine, consumer

behaviors are affected by their attitude, image, peer pressure,

the Internet, other Consumer and the empowerment and

marketing strategies. (Psychological by Cathrine V Jonsson-Boyd, Volume 40 No

9/10 European Journal of Marketing Consumer Empowerment)

Another article by Peter Gleick “The Story Behind our Obsession

of Bottled Water” also explain the consumer behavior.

Consumer behavior is mainly affected by the five scents – hear,

smell, touch, taste and scent. In our studies, Generation Y are

under the consumer behaviors influence of See, Get, Feel and


Generation Y also have a different shopping behavior, they are

influence by success brands of which giving them a trust and

feel good feeling and they prefer online shopping. Brand

conversation, brand leverage and brand image are very

important issues for Generation Y. Generation Y’s adoration for

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branded emotions, they are not just after happiness. They are

after gratifications, they like challenging experience, both in

store and at events, they require full attention and social connect

such as Generation Y to Peers. (See Appendix 4, CRUSH Model extracted from

How Cool Brands Stay Hot – Branding to Generation Y by Joeri Van den Bergh and Mattias


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III. Discussion  –  Creative  &  Message  Strategy  


“Advertising  relies  on  visual  imagery  to  connect  the  perceptual  with  the  conceptual,  the  signifier  and  the  signified,  the  product  and  the  product  benefits”  Schroeder  and  Borgerson  (2003)  

We are developing a brand model for our new customer, we

need to ensure our brand “Raindrop” is cool, it has it’s real brand

authenticity, it has it’s unique selling proposition and self-

identification with the brand. The messages we sent out are

based on the research of the Crush Model. (See Appendix 4, CRUSH

Model extracted from How Cool Brands Stay Hot – Branding to Generation Y by Joeri Van den

Bergh and Mattias Behrer)

“Raindrop”, our brand name as well as familiar shape

symbolizing the water, is one of the skinny water product,

characterized by unique zero calories flavored water, mixing

scientific additional substances exempt with any calorie. In the

growing bottled water market, increasing rate of still-unflavored

water is remarkable, and, thus, “Raindrop” could be positioning

with our special characteristics which would lead distinguish

from other products.

In terms of the product features, we use very different vivid

colors motivated by rainbow, emphasizing energetic and active

atmosphere. Thanks to these all aspects, “Raindrop” and

Rainbow would attract all Generation X, Y & Z.

For Generation X, their buying pattern for bottled water is from

Supermarket; we are going to build our brand name to be

recognized on shop shelves. For Generation Y, zero calorie and

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colorful bottles could derive them enough to buy it. For

Generation Z, they are the “new kids on the block” and they will

be influenced majority by the Internets (Social networking) and

Generation X & Y.

On advertisement, we have focused on the making of our brand

name “Raindrop” and Rainbow stand out. Using captures of

pictures related to Rainbow, it has shown various features of

rainbow and it could lead customer’s mind into features of our

colorful bottled water “Raindrop”. The adorable young boy,

growing with touching of “Raindrop” into his mouth, and the

healthy mature tree growing with “Raindrops” expressing livable,

longevities and active. In the middle of each pictures of

raindrop, inserted rainbow pictures show more peaceful and

harmony, but also active and energetic atmosphere of our


Especially, at the very beginning and end of the advertisement,

we put “Raindrop” products, showing relatively longer seconds

in our advert to cover our brand image. We have tried to

harmonize our product with familiar nature Rainbow, with

believing it would be helpful to our brand positioning of

“Raindrop” & “Rainbow”, new and unaccustomed brand in

bottled water market.

The background music “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head”

reflects our brand “Raindrop” and the nature of the product. The

song has been covered numerous times and was a No. 10 hit in

the UK Singers Chart covered by French singer Sascha Distel

who is well recognised by Generation X. (Source:'_on_My_Head visit dated 07.11.11)

The design of the brand logo, the brand name and the

advertisement of “Raindrop” have spread equally weight on the

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creative and message strategies on real-world application,

logical flow of story, creativity and originality and clarity of

message. We believe that it will be a successful of launching

the product through the right media at the right time.

Steps in Segmenting and Targeting in line with “Raindrop” Creative and

Message Strategies

Chernov argued in his article that he chose a willingness to set

content free, relaxing the urge to require the prospect to fill out a

form in order to access content. Sometimes, it is effective to

communicate with customers, simply using their instincts and

lowering their burden to understand our advertising. (Chernov, Joe.

Visual communications: Try to sound different, not louder, B to B, 5/3/2011, Vol. 96 Issue 6, p7-

7, 1/2p). In the same way, we try to reduce the amount of

information provided by words rather sent the key message

through simple pictures and images and showing our slogan

clearly at the last moment.

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By drawing on humans’ highly developed skills of perceptual

sense making, the old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand

words” may be replaced with “ a picture is worth a thousand

rows [of data]” (Youngworth 1988)

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 IV. Summary    

As per above discussions, “Raindrop” is a unique zero calories

flavored water, our brand will be communicate to target

customers through various marketing communications. We

thank you for all the support of our marketing and research team

and looking forward to share our success with everyone.

“Raindrop” will be promoted corporate social responsibility

through ethical consumer and will continue to maintain this in all

future marketing strategies and campaigns.

“Raindrop” will use all different channels of media to promote

our brand such as: - (Appendix 7: Online Targeting Strategies), (Appendix 3: “Danone

to increase spend on bottled water brands” by Mark Choueke published 10.11.05, Marketing


• TV Advertisement in Prime time and special sponsorship

• Social Networks - Facebook, My Space or Tweeter

• Food, Living TV and Music TV Channels

• Moving Image Advertisement in major Airports, Train and

Underground Stations

• Sports clubs and events – Golf, Cricket, Rugby, Football,

Cycling, Trailer Walker and Fitness Centre

• Co-branding with major Supermarkets and Chain Stores

“A Taste of “Raindrop”, A Touch of Rainbow” - Our vision for the

product is “Be Active, Be Brave and Be Cool” and our promise to

our customer is “ Feeling Fit, Feeling Good, Feeling Happy”.

A must have not just for the unflavored bottled water market but

also for the flavored bottle water market.

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V. Reference  -­‐  Websites

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VI. Reference  –  Reports  &  Journals    

“The 2009 Report on Processed and Pasteurized Non-

Carbonated Bottled Water Excluding Artificially Carbonated and

Sterile Water: World Market Segmentation by City” by Philip M

Parker PhD Chaired Professor of Management Science INSEAD

(Singapore and Fontainebleau, France) (Published by ICON

Group International, Inc. 2008)

Industrial Profile – Global Bottled Water (Published by

Datamonitor April 2011)

Industrial Profile – Bottled Water in Europe (Published by

Datamonitor April 2011)

Industrial Profile – Bottled Water in UK (Published by

Datamonitor April 2011)

Psychological by Cathrine V Jonsson-Boyd, Volume 40 No 9/10

European Journal of Marketing Consumer Empowerment

The Story Behind our Obsession with Bottled Water by Peter


Visual Communications: Try to sound different, not louder, B to

B by Chernov, Joe, 5/3/2011, Vol. 96 Issue 6, p7-7, 1/2p)

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VII. Reference  –  Books  

Advertising and Promotion – An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective by Belch & Belch 9th Edition published by McGraw-Hill Irwin 2012 Brand Management – A Theoretical and Practical Approach by Rik Riezebos with Bas Kist and Gert Kootstra 1st Edition published by Pearson Education Ltd 2003 How Cool Brands Stay Hot – Branding to Generation Y by Joeri Van den Bergh and Mattias Behrer 1st Edition published by Kogan Page Ltd 2011 IMC – Using Advertising & Promotion to Build Brands by Tom Duncan International Edition published by McGraw-Hill Companies 2002 Marketing Communications – A Brand Narrative Approach by Michael Dahlén, Fredrik Lange & Terry Smith 1st Edition published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2010 Marketing Communications – Interactivity, Communities and Content by Chris Fill 5th Edition published by Prentice Hall 2009 Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism by Philip Kotler, John T Bowen and James C Makens 5th Edition published by Pearson Prentice Hall 2010 The Design Experience – The Role of Design and Designers in the Twenty-First Century by Mike Press and Rachel Cooper 2nd Edition published by MPG Books Ltd 2005

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VIII. Appendix  

1. Raindrop Product Flavors (extracted from

visit dated 06.11.11)

a. Lemonade Passion Fruit (Total-V)

Key Nutrients: - • Vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12 + C – energy, mental clarity

and whole body vitality

• Vitamin A – essential for the eyes, as well as skin and

immune system replenishment

• Vitamin E – boosts red blood cell and muscle


• Magnesium + Folic Acid – help absorb calcium for

bone health and energy production

Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: -

• Calcium – Builds strong skeletal system

• Potassium – Helps maintain cellular hydration

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b. Orange Cranberry Tangerine


Key Nutrients: - • 120% RDI Vitamin C – A powerful antioxidant, boosts

body immunity; Necessary for healthy skin, teeth,

bones and blood vessels

• Vitamin A – Promotes vision health

• Vitamin E – Vitamin A regulator, neutralizes free

radicals, forms and maintains healthy-looking skin and


Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: - • Calcium – Builds strong skeletal system

• Potassium – Helps maintain cellular hydration

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c. Raspberry Pomegranate (Crave


Key Nutrients: - • SuperCitriMax® - a patented form of an herbal extract

rich in hydroxycitrix acid (HCA), naturally derived from

the Garcinia Cambogia fruit native to parts of Asia and

known for its appetite suppressing qualities. Each

1,500 mg SuperCitriMax® serving provides 900 mg of


Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: - • Calcium – Builds strong skeletal system

• Potassium – Aids in the regulation of the body’s water

balance, helps the body hydrate and replenish

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d. Sport Goji Black Cherry (Shape)

Key Vitamins: - A, E, B3, B5, B6

Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: -

• Calcium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Promotes strong, healthy bones & teeth

o Assists in muscle contraction, nervous

system maintenance and normal blood


• Magnesium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Utilized in many bodily functions and

processes, magnesium activates metabolic

enzymes and critical for energy generation

• Potassium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Blood regulator and stabilizer

o Helps keep heart, brain, kidney, muscle

tissues and other important organs of

human body in good condition

o Helps maintain the desirable water balance

for optimal health

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e. Acai Grape Blueberry (Hi-Energy)

Key Ingredients: -

• Acal Extract – Contains powerful antioxidants

• Guarana – Natural caffeine stimulates metabolism

• Ginseng – Combats fatigue and stimulate


• Vitamins B3, B6 & B12:

o Helps your body utilize energy; supports

and increases the rate of metabolism

o Maintains healthy skin and muscle tone

o Enhances immune and nervous system


Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: - • Calcium – Builds strong skeletal system

• Potassium – Helps maintain cellular hydration

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f. Sport Blue Raspberry (Fit)

Key Vitamins: - B3, B5, B6

Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: - • Calcium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Promotes strong, healthy bones & teeth

o Assists in muscle contraction, nervous

system maintenance and normal blood


• Magnesium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Utilized in many bodily functions and

processes, magnesium activates metabolic

enzymes and are critical for energy


• Potassium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Blood regulator and stabilizer

o Helps keep heart, brain, kidney, muscle

tissues and other important organs of

human body in good condition

o Helps maintain the desirable water balance

for optimal health

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g. Sport Pink Berry Citrus (Power)

Key Vitamins: - A, E, B3, B5, B6

Key Minerals & Electrolytes: - • Calcium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Promotes strong, healthy bones & teeth

o Assists in muscle contraction, nervous

system maintenance and normal blood


• Magnesium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Utilized in many bodily functions and

processes, magnesium activates metabolic

enzymes and are critical for energy


• Potassium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Blood regulator and stabilizer

o Helps keep heart, brain, kidney muscle

tissues and other important organs of

human body in good condition

o Helps maintain the desirable water balance

for optimal health

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h. Sport Kiwi Lime (Active)

Key Vitamins: - B3, B5, B6, C

Key Metabolizers & Electrolytes: - • Calcium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Promotes strong, healthy bones & teeth

o Assists in muscle contraction, nervous

system maintenance and normal blood


• Magnesium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Utilized in many bodily functions and

processes, magnesium activates metabolic

enzymes and are critical for energy


• Potassium: Mineral / Electrolyte

o Blood regulator and stabilizer

o Helps keep heart, brain, kidney, muscle

tissues and other important organs of

human body in good condition

o Helps maintain the desirable water balance

for optimal health

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2. Industrial Profile - Bottled Water in the United Kingdom published by Datamonitor dated April 2011

Still unflavored is the largest segment of the bottled water market in the

UK, accounting for 69.4% of the market’s total value. The sparkling

unflavored segment accounts for a further 17% of the market.

UK  Bottled  Water  Market  Segmentation  I:  %  share,  by  value,  


Still  un(lavored  

Sparkling  un(lavored  

Still  (lavored  

Sparkling  (lavored  

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The UK accounts for 5% of the European bottled water market value.

Germany accounts for a further 29.7% of the European market.

UK  Bottled  Water  Market  Segmentation  II:  %  share,  by  value,  






Rest  of  Europe  

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Groupe Danone is the leading player in the UK bottled water market,

generating a 31.7% share of the market’s value. Nestle S.A. accounts for a

further 18.2% of the market.

UK  Bottled  Water  Market  Share:  %  share,  by  volume,  2010(e)  

Groupe  Danone  

Nestle  S.A.  

Highland  Spring  


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Supermarkets / hypermarkets form the leading distribution channel in

the UK bottled water market, accounting for a 44.9% share of the total

market’s volume. Convenience Stores accounts for a further 19.2% of

the market.

UK  Bottled  Water  Market  Distribution:  %  share,  by  volume,  2010(e)  

Supermarkets  /  hypermarkets  

Convenience  Stores  



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3. “Danone to increase spend on bottled water brands by Mark Choueke (Marketing Week (UK) 8 Aug 2008)

Volvic: Danone boosting marketing spend on brand

Danone is reported to be the market leader on 2010 partly due to their

spending on brand to maintain their market share back in 2008.

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4. The CRUSH Model (How Cool Brands Stay Hot)

 Based on years of youth research and practice with Generation Y, there are 5

success factors of a youth brand: -

Coolness: What does it mean to be a cool brand for this generation? How

do you achieve a cool status and why should you bother?

Realness: Brand authenticity is a key aspect that discerns long-term

winning brands from fads. With Generation Y, authenticity is attained in

another way the traditional approach of claiming origin, heritage or history.

Uniqueness: A clear positioning based on a sustainable brand DNA will

increase impact among youngster. This generation is craving for anchor

brands in a fragmented world. But how do you assert uniqueness when most

innovations are copied with a couple of months’ time?

Self-identification with the brand: Generation Y will only feel

emotionally connected with your brand when it feels like a friend to them.

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This implies that your brand should reflect their diverse lifestyles. A better

understanding of their identity construction will make your brand fit in with

youths’ lives while embracing diversity.

Happiness: Popular youth brands know how to leverage from positive

emotions and avoid arousing negative ones.

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CRUSH Test service provided by “How Cool Brands Stay Hot”

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5. “Corporate social responsibility as cultural meaning

management: a critique of the marketing of ‘ethical’ bottles water” by Vinicius Brei and Steffen Bohm (Business Ethics: A European Review Volume 20 Number 3 July 2011)

According to the above report, bottled water is one of the fastest-

growing industries in the world.

• Corporate social responsibility

• Cultural meaning of consumer goods

• The meaning construction of ‘ethical’ bottled water

Marketing and advertising campaigns help to turn bottled water into a

meaningful, cultural product that is not a mere utilitarian good but a

symbolic message about who we, as consumers, are.

According to Ethical Consumer Magazine, the higher the rating the

more ethical the brand. Both Ethics and online Targeting Strategies

have played a major part on such decisions.

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   Overview of the Marketing Strategies adopted in each local market of the


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6. Four Basic Segmentation Variables – Demographics, Psychographics, Relationship Level and Benefits

Sought (Source: IMC – Using Advertising & Promotion to Build

Brands by Tom Duncan, International Edition)

Lifestyles can be used to segment and prioritize customers and


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7. Online Targeting Strategies & Profitability Criteria for Targeting a Segment (Source: IMC – Using Advertising &

Promotion to Build Brands by Tom Duncan, International Edition)

Source: Heidi Kay, “Media Planning, A Targeting Tutorial,”

ClickZNetwork,, September

21, 2000

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Source: Phil Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing (Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999, p.215)