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A Seminar Report On RAINBOW TECHNOLOGY- ‘Future of Data Storage’ Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Technology BALDEV RAM MIRDHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JAIPUR Department of Information Technology (2009-2013) Submitted to: - Submitted By: - Ms. Riti Kushwaha Vikas Aswal (Seminar Coordinator) (09EBMIT121)

Rainbow Technology Report

Oct 31, 2015



Vikas Aswal

rainbow technology for storage of multimedia data on paper...
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Page 1: Rainbow Technology Report


Seminar Report


RAINBOW TECHNOLOGY- ‘Future of Data Storage’

Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Technology



Department of Information Technology


Submitted to: - Submitted By: -

Ms. Riti Kushwaha Vikas Aswal

(Seminar Coordinator) (09EBMIT121)

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Rainbow Technology- ‗Future of Data Storage‘ Seminar Report




Excellence is an attitude that the whole of the human race is born with. It is the environment

that makes sure that whether the result of this attitude is visible or otherwise. The well

planned, properly executed and evaluated thing help a lot in including the good work culture.

It provides linkage between students in order to develop the awareness of cyber crime and

their preventive measures. In this seminar session, the students get knowledge about the

Rainbow Technology in the actual scenario. Most of the theoretical knowledge that they have

gained during the course of there studies is put to test ahead in their life. Apart from this, the

students get opportunity to learn the latest technology, which immensely help them in their

cyber world.

I had the opportunity to share my ideas among them, which has increased my sphere of

knowledge to a great extent.

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―It is not the brain that matter the most, but that which guide them: The character, the heart,

generous qualities and progressive force.‖

I am highly indebted to our respected guide Ms. Riti Kushwaha for his excellent guidance

and cooperation.

I would also like to thank all my friends and my family, who were the source of constant


Above all, I thank the Almighty for his grace.

Vikas Aswal


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Rainbow Technology- ‗Future of Data Storage‘ Seminar Report




Department of Information Technology


This is to certify that VIKAS ASWAL with College Id M09IT121 and Roll No.

09EBMIT121 has satisfactorily presented the seminar on Rainbow Technology

in Final Semester.

Date of assessment:

Signature of the Internal Examiner Signature of the External Examiner

Signature of the HOD

Department of IT

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Table of Contents

1. Abstract of Seminar ..............................................................................................................6

2. Introduction to Rainbow technology ...................................................................................7

3. Basic Principles of Rainbow Technology ............................................................................6

4. Working Method. ................................................................................................................11

5. Products from Rainbow Technology .................................................................................17

6. Implementation Requirements ..........................................................................................19

7. Facts about Rainbow Technology ......................................................................................20

8. Comparison with other storage devices ...........................................................................22

9.Advantages of Rainbow Technology ..................................................................................24

10.Disadvantages of Rainbow Technology ............................................................................27

11. Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................28

12. References ..........................................................................................................................30

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Abstract of Seminar

Rainbow Storage is a group of techniques to store digital data in some colors, color

combinations and symbols in Rainbow Format. The technique is used to achieve high-

density storage.

With the help of Rainbow system we would be watching full-length high definition videos

from a piece of paper! The main attraction is the cheap paper. The Rainbow technology is

feasible because printed text, readable by the human eye does not make optimal use of the

potential capacity of paper to store data.

By printing the data encoded in a denser way much higher capacities can be achieved and the

new trend will be generated in the field of data storage technique. Since it is in developing

phase but I am sure that this technology will prove it a grand success in forthcoming years and

out throw the existing technologies of data storage

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Introduction to Rainbow Technology

Rainbow Technology is a developing paper-based data storage technique first demonstrated

by Indian student Sainul Abideen in November 2006. Abideen received his MCA from MES

Engineering College in Kuttipuram in Kerala's Malappuram district.

Actually Rainbow Storage is not a method to store data on paper but it is a group of

techniques to represent data in the form of colour, colour groups and some symbols. We can

use any colour representable media as storage medium including paper and plastic sheets.

Paper and ink is not the only way to represent colour, there are other efficient methods

available now and many kind of researches are going on in different parts of the world.

Definitely, Ordinary sheet of paper with normal printer and scanner will give poor

density, but it can be used for some specific purposes. (Acid paper with special ink can last to

decades and fading problem can be solved considerably by using some techniques in Rainbow

Storage). It put forward the concept of disposable storage. We can create many useful

products like digital catalogue for commercial products.

I prepared Rainbow Storage as my academic seminar paper and it was a study to explore

data representation capability of colours. Most of the living organisms are getting huge

amount of data through vision. Our eyes can only understand colours and colours only. But

our brain is doing many complex operations (like distance calculation of objects by using

images from two eyes) by using this colours. We can identify distance of two objects (which

one is closer) in different environments (e.g.: Brightness difference). So the visible light

(colours) contains a huge amount of data.

Instead of using 0s and 1s here we are using colour dots. Each colour dot can represent

minimum 8 bits (1 byte). If we are using some powerful mode of representation (forget about

ink and paper) we can represent more data on a single spot. By using some groups and

symbols, we can also increase the density in to some extent.

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Initial newspaper reports of the technology were debunked by multiple technical sources,

although Abideen says those reports were based on a misunderstanding of the technology.

The paper meant to demonstrate the capability of storing relatively large amounts of data (and

not necessarily in the gigabyte range) using textures and diagrams.

The Rainbow data storage technology claims to use geometrical shapes such as triangles,

circles and squares of various colors to store a large amount of data on ordinary paper or

plastic surfaces. This would provide several advantages over current forms of optical-

or magnetic data storage like less environmental pollution due to the biodegradability of

paper, low cost and high capacity. Data could be stored on "Rainbow Versatile Disk" (RVD)

or plastic/paper cards of any form factor (like SIM cards).

Sainul Abdeen demonstrated his technology to the college and members of the Indian press in

the MES College of Engineering computer lab, Kerala, and was able to compress 450 sheets

plain text from foolscap paper into a 1 inch square.

He also demonstrated a 45-second audio clip compressed using this technology on to an A4

sheet. Depending on the sampling frequency, bit depth, and audio compression (if any), a 45-

second audio clip can consist of anywhere from a few kilobytes to a few megabytes of data.

Abideen claimed that the technology could be extended to 250 gigabytes by using specific

materials and devices.

This technology is a group of techniques to accomplish high density, high speed, cheap and

reliable data storage and retrieval. It is a storage optimization technology based upon the

usage of printed shapes on a variety of media, unlike the traditional magneto-optical standard,

to store data. This is done by using various geometrical shapes and different colors on the

surface used, which could be paper or plastic.

Storage density can be dramatically increased by storing a bit pattern on a single dot by using

color substances instead of storing bits (0s and 1s) on one dot. Any type of data can be

converted into a picture like format known as Data Picture, and it can be printed in any

printable media.

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Rainbow technology, a break through in digital data storage enables us to store up to a

massive 450 GB on just a piece of paper. Rainbow Storage is a group of techniques to store

digital data in some colors, color combinations and some symbols known as rainbow format,

and therefore a rainbow picture will be generated. The technique is used to achieve high-

density storage. With the help of Rainbow system we would be watching full-length high-

definition videos from a piece of paper! The main attraction is the cheap paper. The

Rainbow technology is feasible because printed text, readable by the human eye is a very

wasteful use of the potential capacity of paper to store data. By printing the data encoded in

a denser way much higher capacities can be achieved. Paper is, of course, bio-degradable,

unlike CDs or DVDs. And sheets of paper also cost a fraction of the cost of a CD or DVD.

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Basic Principle of Rainbow Technology

Each and every technology is based on some principle and follows that principle throughout

its life cycle. So this technology is based on two basic principles which are as follows:

Principle I

―Every color or color combinations can be converted in to some values and from the

values the colors or color combinations can be regenerated‖.

Principle II

―Every different color or color combinations will produce different values‖.

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Working method

In Rainbow technology, the data in any format termed ‘rainbow format’ has been designed

in such a way that it can be printed out in the form of images. The data is converted to

rainbow format on the basis of Rainbow Algorithm. Trigonometric forms like circle or square,

certain color combinations and certain other forms are being used. Each trigonometric

form, color combination represents a complete pattern.

Most modern technologies like image processing, pattern matching, etc. are used for the

purpose. The data which gets converted into an image form is then printed on paper or any

other thing. This is how the data storage is made possible. When the steps are reversed, the

rainbow picture is converted into data.

It uses geometric shapes such as squares and hexagons to represent data patterns, instead of

the usual binary method that uses ones and zeros to represent data. Besides, color is also used

in the Rainbow system, to represent other data elements.

Files such as text, images, sounds and video clips are encoded in rainbow format as colored

circles, triangles, squares and so on, and printed as dense graphics on paper at a density of

2.7GB per square inch.

Rainbow storage targets high availability and survivability of data and performance in the

presence of faults and attacks referred as Ocean Store. The recording media could be either

paper or plastic sheets. The piece of paper or even plastic sheet storing the data has just to be

scanned in the scanner and read over the monitor.

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Fig: Rainbow technology working

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Conversion procedures

The following steps are used to convert the original data to the data detected by the rainbow


1) Level-1 Data to Data Picture:

Data to Data Picture conversion takes place in four steps. A chunk of data bits are taken from

data source (Normally Binary file), which is known as a word. The size of the word can vary

according to the nature of writers, readers and storage mediums. The word can be converted

into a value that will be unique for each different combination of bits. Thus a picture will be

generated by representing values as colors. The value then passes through some error

checking mechanisms. After producing some error correction bits, it will attach to the data

picture. Header, Picture Boundary Mapper (PBM) (for keeping track of the boundary of data

picture), universal Picture Dot (a static value that is used for mapping errors that occurred due

to color fading), etc. will be attached to the picture. Thus the final output (Data Picture) will

be generated. Now the original data is encoded into Data Picture and it can be now printed in

any printable media.

2) Level-2 Data Picture to Data:

Data Picture to data conversion uses just the reverse process. Data Picture is taken as an input

and the parameters like UPD, PBM, etc. are read from the header. The actual data is generated

by picture to value conversion. Some image processing methods are used for this stage. Value

mapping functions are used for mapping the arrangements done on actual data. Some errors

that occur due to color fading can also be handled at this stage. The values are passed through

some error correction mechanisms. Fault tolerance and automatic repair is also performed at

this stage. Then the value to word conversion takes place. The encoded Data Picture is hence

decoded into the result data which will be the original data.

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The paper can then be read through a specially developed scanner and the contents decoded

into their original digital format and viewed or played. The Rainbow technology is feasible

because printed text that can be read by the human eye does not make optimal use of the

potential capacity of paper to store data.

By printing the data encoded in a denser way higher capacities can be achieved. The retrieval

of data is done by scanning the paper or the plastic sheet containing the data into a scanner

and later reading it over the monitor. Instead of using 0s and 1s, we use color dots where each

color dot can represent minimum 8 bits (1 byte).

The rainbow picture will be highly compressed and can be represented in any color medium.

For retrieving the contents from the medium, picture can be captured and data can be

generated from the color combinations. "Although environmental light differences and color

shading is a problem, they can be overcome up to a certain limit by using efficient mapping


In order to read the Rainbow prints, all that is required is a scanner and specialized software.

Smaller scanners could fit inside laptop computers or mobile phones, and read SIM card-sized

RVDs containing 5GB of data. The recording media could be either paper or plastic sheets.

The piece of paper or even plastic sheet storing the data has just to be scanned in the scanner

and read over the monitor.

A scanning drive based on the Rainbow software has simultaneously been developed which

will come in smaller sizes to be initially carried with the laptops and later to fit into their

bodies. The technology has used geometric shapes like circles, squares and triangles for

computing which combine with various colors and preserve the data in images. An RVD

therefore looks like a print-out of the modern art. All kinds of data have to be first converted

into a common format called 'Rainbow Format'.

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Fig: Example of Rainbow format

Representation of data from a file to Rainbow format

A chunk of data bits are taken from a data source (Normally Binary file), which is known as a

word. The word can be converted into a value that will be unique for each different

combination of bits. Thus a picture will be generated by representing values as colors. The

value will then pass through some error checking mechanisms. After producing some error

correction bits, it will be attached to the data picture. Thus the final output (Data Picture) will

be generated. Now the Data Picture can be printed in any printable media.

Fig: Flow Diagram of Rainbow Picture generation




Symbol Table





Security &





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Absolute Rainbow dots

Absolute rainbow dots are used to detect errors caused by scratches, and whether any fading

has occurred. Absolute rainbow dots are predefined dots carrying a unique value. These dots

can be inserted in the rainbow picture in pre-specified areas.

If fading occurs these dot values will change accordingly, and at the reproduction stage this

can be checked and corrected. Absolute rainbow dots will be microscopically small so that

they occupy very little space in the rainbow picture. These will be colored differently so that

each dot will have its own fixed unique value.

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Products from Rainbow Technology

By using Rainbow Storage, we can develop many kinds of products. These products have the

ability to make an impression in the market that no one will use the existing storage devices

like CDs and DVDs and no one can imagine that it will nurture the storage capacity

effectively and efficiently.

They include

1) Disposable storage

2) RVD

3) Rainbow cards

4) Data centers

1) Disposable storage:

Rainbow storage can be used to achieve Disposable storage. We can store any kind of data in

any kind of media that can represent color. It can be used as one time storage. We can use bio

degradable materials here (because it is not intended for long time). This category of products

can be used for distribution of files, documents, etc. Here we can use even printers, scanners,

cameras and so on as input and output devices.

2) RVD:

RVD (Rainbow Versatile Disk) is another product that can be developed by using Rainbow

Storage. We need to develop specific drives for reading and writing. It can hold huge amount

of data and it will be very cheap enough to reduce storage price dramatically. The technique

Vertical lining is used in RVD to ensure high density. Storage capacity will vary according to

the nature of the mediums used.

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3) Rainbow Cards:

Rainbow cards can be constructed as a cheap secondary storage medium for PDAs (Personal

Digital Assistant) and other small digital devices. They can be constructed in many standards

and sizes. The size can vary from visiting card size to the size of a SIM card. Specific readers

need to be attached with such devices.

4) Data Centers:

Datacenters are the static storage servers that can hold Peta Bytes of data. It will be a

sequential access storage system that can be used for secondary storage of data. We can

construct a data center with a cost of around 35 lakh.

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Implementation Requirements

In order to read the Rainbow prints, all that is required is a scanner and specialized software.

Smaller scanners could fit inside laptop computers or mobile phones, and read SIM card-sized

RVD's containing 5GB of data.

The recording media could be either paper or plastic sheets. The piece of paper or even plastic

sheet storing the data has just to be scanned in the scanner and read over them on it or, a

scanning drive based on the Rainbow software has simultaneously been developed which will

come in smaller sizes to be initially carried with the laptops and later to fit into their bodies.

The developer is simultaneously molding the technology into ‗Rainbow Cards‘ which will be

of SIM card size and store 5 GB of data equivalent to three films of DVD quality . As

'Rainbow Cards' will become Popular.

Rainbow Card Readers will replace CD drives of mobile phone and computer notebooks and

will enable more data in portable forms for mini digital readers. Large scale manufacture of

the Rainbow card will bring down its cost tojust50 paisa.

Fig: Plastic waste can be used to manufacture RVD’s

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Facts about Rainbow Technology

Following the wide media attention this news received, some of the claims have been

debunked by various experts; however, Sainul Abideen says that the articles are all based on


Printing at 1,200 dots per inch (DPI) leads to a theoretical maximum of 1,440,000 colored

dots per square inch. If a scanner can reliably distinguish between 256 unique colors (thus

encoding one byte per dot), the maximum possible storage is approximately 140 megabytes

for a sheet of A4 paper–much lower when the necessary error correction is employed.

If the scanner were able to accurately distinguish between 16,777,216 colors (24 bits, or 3

bytes per dot), the capacity would triple, but it still falls well below the media stories' claims

of several hundred gigabytes.

Printing this quantity of unique colors would require specialized equipment to generate

many spot colors. The process color model used by most printers provides only four colors,

with additional colors simulated by a halftone pattern.

At least one of three things must be true for the claim to be valid:

The paper must be printed and scanned at a much higher resolution than 1,200 DPI.

The printer and scanner must be able to accurately produce and distinguish between an

extraordinary number of distinct color values.

The compression scheme must be a revolutionary lossless compression algorithm.

The theory is: If Rainbow's "geometric" algorithm is to be encoded and decoded by a

computer, it would equally viable to store the compressed data on a conventional disk rather

than printing it to paper or other non-digital medium.

Printing something as dots on a page rather than bits on a disk will not change the underlying

compression ratio, so a lossless compression algorithm that could store 250 gigabytes within a

few hundred megabytes of data would be revolutionary indeed.

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Likewise, data can be compressed with any algorithm and subsequently printed to paper as

colored dots. The amount of data that can be reliably stored in this way is limited by the

printer and scanner, as described above.

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Comparison with other storage devices

Every new technology invented or evolved is compared with the existing technology with

respect to different criteria like cost, time to manufacture, boons and bans etc. so this

Rainbow technology is also compared with the existing storage devices to make an

appropriate evaluation of the new developing technology. This will provide a clear picture to

all of us that how this technology will change the trend of storing data and nurtures the

storage capacity.

Currently, there are several options available for data storage, like CDs and DVDs, which

are the best mode, but are yet expensive and everyone cannot afford to buy it regularly

and are not rewritable except in few cases, and are not available in remote areas or interior


While a CD costs Rs.15, his paper or plastic-made RVD will cost just about Rs.1.50 and

will even have 131 times more storage capacity, so by comparing the prices of both

technique, one will surely choose the RVD‘s

Using this technology an A4 sheet of paper could store 450 GB of data. In comparison, a

DVD can store 4.7GB of data. So again a better side for rainbow technology which will

efficiently make the difference in capacity of storing data.

Paper is, of course, bio-degradable, unlike CDs or DVDs which are made up of plastic and

polymers which are hazardous waste for our environment and creates lot of pollution. And

sheets of paper also cost a fraction of the cost of a CD or DVD.

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So the Rainbow technology is environmentally best and will reveal as Eco-Friendly

technique for data storage.

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Advantages of Rainbow technology

How much information can you store on an A4 sheet? Well, according to some new

technology designed by an Indian engineering student, an extraordinary 256GB.

With new "rainbow technology", devised by Sainul Abideen who has just completed an MCA

degree in Kerala, data can been coded into colored geometric shapes and stored in dense

patterns on paper.

Files such as text, images, sounds and video clips are encoded in "rainbow format" as colored

circles, triangles, squares and so on, and printed as dense graphics on paper at a density of

2.7GB per square inch. The paper can then be read through a specially developed scanner and

the contents decoded into their original digital format and viewed or played. The encoding

and decoding processes have not been revealed.

In this technology Data can be stored on an ordinary paper and a picture format is printed by

using a printer. Apart from cost factor this technology have lot more advantages will prove a

charismatic change in the world of digitalization and make a drastic change in data storage


Abideen, the developer of this technology is claiming that huge databanks can be constructed

out of Rainbow-based storage medium and will have following benefits:

Larger amount of data can be had on lesser space.

The extremely low-cost technology will drastically reduce the cost of storage and provide

for high speed storage too.

Files in any format like movie files, songs, images, text can be stored using this


The biodegradable nature of the storage devices would do away with the e-waste


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The four main storage devices made using this technology are RVD, Disposable storage,

Data Banks, Rainbow cards, and answer to the storage problems faced by the Computer


With the help of disposable storage, a high density data storage is made possible even on

paper or plastic sheets, any type of computer files can be stored and distributed this way ,

so instead of giving cd‘s with the computer magazines, its content can be printed in a

page, video albums, software etc. can be distributed at a very low cost With the help

disposable storage

Rainbow cards can be used in mobile devices in place of DVDs & VCDs. In a square inch

sized rainbow cards, (equivalent to the size of sim card) more than5GB data can be stored.

A major crisis faced in the design of the small digital devices is the huge size of the

CD/DVD drives. The rainbow cards can solve this problem. Un-authorized copies of the

films can be controlled to a certain limits using these cards. A UK-based company has

already evinced interest in making rainbow cards

Another theme put forward by rainbow technology is the Data Banks; it is huge server

with a high storage capacity .As per a research project done in US in2003 to store the

available static data (films, songs, tutorials presentations etc.) these required will cost

$500crores (23000crores).But by using data banks , a similar server can be made with

Rs.35lacks. All the available films and other static data can be used by paying cash with

the internet. Almost 125.603 PB data storage is possible in a Data Bank.

Sainul is busy with project Xpre3ssa now .It‘s a software package for regional languages.

By using this, Newspapers, stories, novels etc. can be made audible in its own style. So

online news papers and novels can be enjoyed through mobile phone with a GPRS

connection. Sainul Abideen, a native of Karingappara, is a freelance software developer.

Un-authorized copies of the films can be controlled to a certain limit using these cards.

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CDs are made using Poly Carbonate which costs about Rs. 400 to Rs. 450 per kilogram

and 16 Grams of Poly Carbonate is needed to make a CD. But the RVD which offers 131

times storage capacity than the CD can be made from paper.


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Disadvantages of Rainbow technology

Every thing having a better side will always carry some black side also and same thing applies

to the Rainbow Technology. It have mainly two disadvantages that;

The paper has the tendency to fade away hence the data loss may occur .

With the extremely low cost of using this technology we can always afford tohave

multiple copies.

Since it is made of paper, it can be easily destroyed.

A scanner can reliably distinguish 256 unique colors and the scanner which can

distinguish 1,440,000 colors is costly.

Apart from the above mentioned disadvantages, the Rainbow Technology will prove itself a

grand success and in future it will overtake the existing data storage methods.

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Technologies like these will lure us more towards it. In future, we will see RVD‘s replacing

DVD‘s and Blue Ray Disks as the major future storage device. To do that, it has to overcome

its shortcomings. Let‘s hope this environment friendly technology comes into our everyday

computing life.

Once the Rainbow technology is in, soon we would be watching full-length high-definition

videos from a piece of paper! With the popularity of the Rainbow Technology, computer or

fashion magazines in future need not carry CDs in a pack. One of the major advantages of the

Rainbow system is the fact that it should cost a lot less to produce than the typical

polycarbonate DVDs, CDs and now Blue-rays. Huge data banks can be constructed out of

Rainbow-based storage medium.

I prepared Rainbow Storage as my seminar topic and it was a study to explore data

representation capability of colors. Most of the living organisms are getting huge amount of

data through vision. Our eyes can only understand colors and colors only. But our brain is

doing many complex operations (like distance calculation of objects by using images from

two eyes) by using this colors. We can identify distance of two objects (which one is closer)

in different environments (e.g.: Brightness difference). So the visible light (colors) contains a

huge amount of data.

In Rainbow Storage, we are converting digital data (any format) into some colors, color

combinations, and some symbols known as rainbow format. Hence a rainbow Picture will be

generated. The picture will be highly compressed (Not in magical) and it can be represented

in any color representable medium.

We can use the medium as a secondary storage device. The density will be according to the

medium, read and write methods using. For retrieving the contents from the medium, readers

capture picture and generate data from the color combinations. Although environmental light

differences and color shading is a problem, it can be overcomes up to a certain limit by using

efficient mapping functions. Each rainbow picture contains a header, body, footer, parity,

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Rainbow boundary mapper etc. Header contains the measurement of the rainbow picture. The

algorithm (not basic) which is being used etc. It also contains an efficiently designed error

checking mechanism.

When this technology is ubiquitous in the future, the word Gigabyte would be oblivion in

terms of hard disk capacity. Scenario | Enthusiastic and pleased guy: Hey check out my new

100 tera hard disk I just bought. It came with a free 5 tera pen drive | Disappointed and

miserable guy: Geez, if I could only find a good excuse to replace my 20 tera hard disk.

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1. "Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper" by M. A.Siraj, Arab News (published November 18,

2006; accessed November29, 2006)

2. Paper storage man misunderstood— The Inquirer article, 12 December2006 (retrieved 15


3. "Store 256GB on an A4 sheet "by Chris Mellor, Tech world (publishedNovember24, 2006;

accessed November 29, 2006)




7. Sean Rhea, Chris Wells, Patrick Eaton, Dennis Geels, Ben Zhao, Hakim Weatherspoon,

and John Kubiatowicz, University of California, Berkeley, ‖ Maintenance-Free Global Data

Storage‖, IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING, 1089-7801/01/$10.00 ©2001 IEEE.

8. Sadik C. Esener, Mark H. Kryder, William D. Doyle, Marvin Keshner, Masud Mansuripur,

David A Thompson., International Technology Research Institute, ―WTEC Panel on the

Future of Data Storage Technologies‖.

9. Peter N.Yianilos, Sumeet Sobti, ―The Evolving Field ofDistributed Storage‖, IEEE

INTERNET COMPUTING, 1089-7801/01/$10.00 © 2001 IEEE.