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'A2 - ^ML .f**Js -^vfvr STAFF %r rut VOLUME: - MUMBII PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF \uM(VS^IBRARY T APR %gqaateL DOWNS TRAVELS Director Downs left campus April k for a number of speaking engagements on the west coast. While he was away, Director Downs visited many libraries in the area and spoke before several library groups. His itinerary was as follows: Los Angeles, April ^ 6 ; Speech at the University of Southern California Library before the staff and Library School students. Dinner meeting of University of Illinois alumni, San Diego, April J: Guest speaker at the annual meeting of the California Library Associations Southern District. San Francisco and Berkeley, April g-10: Spoke to University of Califor- nia Library staff and students. Dinner meeting of University of Illinois alumni* Oregon (Eugene, Corvallis, Salem, and Portland), April 11: Visited libraries and spoke to a special meeting of the Oregon Library Associa- tion* Seattle, April 12-13: Guest speaker, Washington Library Association. Spoke at meeting of University of Illinois alumni, Returned to Urbana, April lUt Meeting of Illinois High School Librarians 1 Association, Allerton Park* CIVILIAN DEPEHSB Director Downs has been appointed to the Civil Defense Committee of the University. His special area in the over-all plan will be the protection of expensive or irreplacable equipment, art objects, archives, and rare library materials. imimm^lm NATIONAL POLICY Luther Evans* Librarian of Congres was a guest speaker of the Librarians 1 Association, April ^Learning and National Policy 11 was the topic of his speech. Evans 1 main theme was that it was the duty of the universities to train our scientists not only in their fields, but also to give them a social, economic, and cultural background of the countries where they will be stationed. The library 1 s place in such a program was touched oft briefly* Following the speech, a reception was held in the Journalism Library where coffee and cookies were served* The turnout for the speech and the reception was very good. It was estimated that 300 people were in attendance at the speech. Ph.D. The University Senate recently voted to abolish the L.S.D* degree and establish a Ph.D. in Library Science. This recommendation needs now only the formal approval of the Board of Trustees to became official* The establishment of a Ph.D. was made upon the recommendation of the Library School faculty* The recommends^ tion was approved next by the executive faculty of the Graduate College, the Senate Committee on Educational Policy and finally the Senate* This change was made beaause the requirements are equal to those for the Ph.D* This also puts Illinois on an equal footing with the other schools offering a Ph.D. in Library Science - Chicago, Columbia, and Michigan.

%r rut - University Library, University of · -3-LIBRARY SCIENCE UOS CLOTHING FOE FIKLAKD Arnold Trotier

Apr 20, 2018



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'A2 - ^ML .f**Js -^vfvr


%r r u t



T APR %gqaateL


Director Downs left campus April k for a number of speaking engagements on the west coast. While he was away, Director Downs visited many libraries in the area and spoke before several library groups.

His itinerary was as follows: Los Angeles, April ̂ 6 ; Speech

at the University of Southern California Library before the staff and Library School students. Dinner meeting of University of Illinois alumni,

San Diego, April J: Guest speaker at the annual meeting of the California Library Associations Southern District.

San Francisco and Berkeley, April g-10: Spoke to University of Califor­nia Library staff and students. Dinner meeting of University of Illinois alumni*

Oregon (Eugene, Corvallis, Salem, and Portland), April 11: Visited libraries and spoke to a special meeting of the Oregon Library Associa­tion*

Seattle, April 12-13: Guest speaker, Washington Library Association. Spoke at meeting of University of Illinois alumni,

Returned to Urbana, April lUt Meeting of Illinois High School Librarians1 Association, Allerton Park*


Director Downs has been appointed to the Civil Defense Committee of the University. His special area in the over-all plan will be the protection of expensive or irreplacable equipment, art objects, archives, and rare library materials.


Luther Evans* Librarian of Congres was a guest speaker of the Librarians1

Association, April 3« ^Learning and National Policy11 was the topic of his speech. Evans1 main theme was that it was the duty of the universities to train our scientists not only in their fields, but also to give them a social, economic, and cultural background of the countries where they will be stationed. The library1 s place in such a program was touched oft briefly*

Following the speech, a reception was held in the Journalism Library where coffee and cookies were served* The turnout for the speech and the reception was very good. It was estimated that 300 people were in attendance at the speech.


The University Senate recently voted to abolish the L.S.D* degree and establish a Ph.D. in Library Science. This recommendation needs now only the formal approval of the Board of Trustees to became official*

The establishment of a Ph.D. was made upon the recommendation of the Library School faculty* The recommends^ tion was approved next by the executive faculty of the Graduate College, the Senate Committee on Educational Policy and finally the Senate*

This change was made beaause the requirements are equal to those for the Ph.D* This also puts Illinois on an equal footing with the other schools offering a Ph.D. in Library Science - Chicago, Columbia, and Michigan.

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jEditors: Ruth Rockwood and Dick Chapin j Reporters: Avis Ball, Mary Lois Bull, t : Beth Eessler, Helen Knights, Lelia

McLaughlin, Fancy Olinger, Ruth j Protzman, Lucy Rumble _ J


The nominating committee, composed of D, A* Brown, Alma DeJordy, and Dorothy Black, chairman, presents the following candidates for election to office for the ye^r 1951-5?: Donna Finger and T. E, Ratcliffe, vice president and president-elect; Ruth Protzman and Bill Woods, secretary-treasurer; Ralph McCoy and Ruth Po\tfer, member of executive committee. The annual "business meeting of the Librarians' Association will he held in May,


Chicago had another fire* Hot as famous as the OfLeary fire, hut unique in that it was in stacks of the Medical Sciences Library of the University,

The fire was believed to have been caused by a cigarette left in the stacks. Passers-by discovered the fire soon enough that the damage was kept l<w. Wilma Troxel, librarian, estimated the damage at $560,


Paul Burnette, education librarian, has resigned to accept a position as deputy chief of the Army Library, Washington, D.C,

Burnette, who was formerly a consultant to the occupation libraries in Japan, came here January 1, 195° • During his stay here Burnette v$§ granted a leave of absence to procure materials for the newly created library school in Japan. He worked on this in conjunction with the A,L.A.


Harvey Deal, Circulation Depart­ment, has accepted a position at the University of Virginia, His position will be that of reference librarian.

Deal came to Illinois in the fall of 19^9, from a position as assistant librarian at Baylor University. In connection with his work at the Circular tion Desk, Deal has handled the recreational reading collection, and he served as editor of the Staff Bulletin,

Deal and his wife, Alice Boyd Deal, one of our catalogers, will leave here May 1, He will report to work in Charlottesville May 15,


Thursdays U:00 p.m.

April 5 - Professor J, S, Baker, "Pew Dimensions for Living * (Con­temporary architecture)

April 1? - Professor C, P, Viens, "Sartre1s Contribution to French Drama"

April 19 - Bill 8» Woods, "Every­body Uses Maps"

April 26 - Professor James T. Lendrum and colleagues, "Research in Building Small Homes"


Those on the staff connected with "Library Presents,,." and members of the WILL staff met recently to con­sider the purposes and methods of the program.

Many suggestions for improvement were made by members of the radio station. By stating the purpose a clear understanding of the place of the program was achieved. The purpose stated: "to advance general knowledge of the University and its cultural and research activities and indirectly to promote the interests of the University and the Library",

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Arnold Trotier has some very capable assistance in teaching his Cataloging and Classification course this semester.

Professor Trotier has called in the following people to help him teach the course in their special fields: Dr. Marian Harman, early imprints, incunabula, and manuscripts; Floweree Heckert Brown, musical scores and recordings; Ray Howser, transcriptions; and Jim Ranis, maps and atlases*


A selected list of new hooks received in the Reference Department since November 1, 1950s

Buck, Carl D. A dictionary of selected synonyms in the principal Indo-European languages. 19^9 •

Dizionario Encyclopedico Lah^r* 1950* 2v.

Funk and Wagnalls standard dictionary of folklore, mythology and legend* I9H9. 2v.

Haywood, Charles* A bibliography of north American folklore and folksong* 1951.

Kingery, Robert E* How to do it books: a selected guide, 1950.

Morgan, S. R* Index to psychic science. 1950.

Partridge, Eric* A dictionary of the underworld* 1950»

Swanson associates* Comprehensive development plan for Champaign-TJrbana* 1950. '

Tilley, Morris P. A dictionary of the proverbs in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries* 1950*

TLS* Federal Bureau of Investigation Bibliography of crime and kindred subjects. 1950*

Letters received from Lisa Castren of the University Library at Helsinki indicate that the UOO pounds of clothing and shoes we sent have met a real need and have been greatly appreciated* It has been distributed tn needy students, library staff members and war widows and orphans* We should like to send several more boxes around April 1. Clothing and low heeled walking shoes for both children and adults can be used. They should be clean and in good repair. If you have any contribu­tion you would like to make, see or call Clarissa Lewis, Catalog Department.


The nine C.A.R.E. food packages sent to Japanese librarians have all reached their destinations, according to word received from C.A.R.E. officials. Seven letters of thanks have reached us at this date, all of which express heartfelt gratitude, and desire to send their thanks i$ the entire staff.

Shin Ichimura writes: "I have no words to thank you for your goodness. I shall remember it for ever I,f

It is interesting that Shuko Kato. librarian cf the Ueno Branch of the National Diet Library, divided his package among his staff (120 people) by drawing lot s.

Miyahiko Mori, a prominent Japanese librarian, says: Today I am very happy finding the package at my sick bed, as I have been ill since last September, owing to my hard work of making the classification plan of adaptation of D.C. (abridged)11.

Anyone interested in seeing these or other letters will find them at Ed Linkhart!s desk* The C.A.R.E. committee would like again to thank the staff for making it possible to send these packages that were so greatly needed and appreciated.

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Library School Library recently received a welcome addition to its school-collection with the gift from the publishers of a complete set of Sirion and Schuster1 s Golden Books. The initial gift consisting of 82 Little Golden Books and 2S Big Golden Books is at present on display in the Library and will be available for circulation shortly. New volumes will be added as they are published. The set, obtained through the offices of Alice Lohrer, will be a valuable companion to the set of Cadmus books for young people which Marie Hostetter was instrumental in adding to the lib rary earlier, through the courtesy of the publishers, E. M. Hale & Co. The library anticipates that the Golden Books, like the Cadmus series, in addition to their primary value to the students in the children*s literature classes, will have a wide appeal for faculty and students with young children at home.


The Microfilm Room, which is administered by the Library School Library, has lately been the Scene of much varied activity. In addition to the already established pressure on the microfilm reading machine, the "̂ eadex and microcard machines have come in for heavier use. The physical education students have begun to use the microcards recently purchased by the P.2. Department and kept in the microfilm room, while editorial work on the British Sessional Papers is resulting in increases use of the Readex machine*


Arthur McAnally and Mary Lois Bull have submitted an article to the Pioneer, a publication of the Library Bureau. The title of the article is "Standardization Pays in Multi-unit Libraries11.

Subject council members of the Public Service Departments have pre­pared a tenative draft of statements regarding the bases of promotion of library staff members. This is an attempt to move away from the idea of rank being based upon administrative position.

A final draft of the statement will be made* If it is approved, this statement will be turned over to the administrative council for further consideration.


Janet Donaldson, who has been a member of the Binding Department sta^f on one-half appointment since September 195°« w as appointed full-time binding assistant beginning February 1, 1951*

Mary Lou Little has been named assistant music librarian. Miss Little was formerly assistant in charge of the Disc Room, and will be on half-time basis until June when she finishes her work in the Library School*

James Cain has been named assistant in charge of the D isc Room*


Ruth Schweickart, formerly a member of the Catalog Department, has been recalled to active duty in the T,.Taves» She is on leave of absence from her position in Miami University and is now stationed in Hawaii*


The faculty for Library School for the stammer semester has been completed. From the regular staff will be Eaton, Dunlap, Lohrer, hostetter, and Stone. Visiting faculty will include: Robert H. Muller, Southern Illinois University; J. C. Harrison, Lecturer-in-Charge, School of Libr^rianshlp, College of Technology, Manchester, England; Ellen L» Stanley, Earlham (Ind.) College; and Mrs. K. Essin, Milwaukee Public Lib rary •

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IIHRAHT HOUR. Sponsored By the Librarians1 Association

University of Illinois Library

The following lectures will he presented in Room 118 Library from k to 5 p.m. Wednesday afternoons on the dates indicated:

April 18th Dr. Arthur Beva, principle geologist of the Geological Resources Section, State Geological Survey* will show colored Kodachrome slides* The subject will he "Western Canada - Victoria to Lake Louise*. Anyone planning a vacation will get valuable travel suggestions from these.slides. For those who canft go on vacation, this will he a good substitute.

April 25th Sonia Bleeker (Mrs* Herbert S. Zim), who writes books on anthropology for young people, will speak. She has recently had a new book published. This program will be of special interest to those who write, to librarians and library school students who are inter­ested in children1? literature, and to parents who want to choose good books for their children.

May 2nd Professor Keith Hinchcliff, associate professor of Farm Structures* will give a chalk talk on farm housing, HTrends,or Fads in Farm Home Designt!.

May 9th Cyrus E. Palmer, associate dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts, will speak on "Bmberheads and Towing Knees: The New Look on the Mississippi". The talk, which will be accompanied by a 30-minute sound color film, will deal with the revival of inland river activity and compare it to the romantic days of the packet period.

May 16th Illinois Basketball Coach, Harry Combes. This will give people an opportunity to see and hear the coach of the championship 1951 basketball team. Those who know of his amazing recordf know that Harry Combes is outstanding among the nation1s coaches, and will want to hear what he has to tell about basketball in a Big-10 university.


Ernest J. Reece, visiting professor was honored by the local chapter of Alpha Tan Qsega fraternity at a founders1

day dinner Sunday, March 18, in the chapter house* He received the Golden Circle Award for 50 years a member of ATO.

Marie M. Hostetter, assistant pro­fessor, spoke on "Internationalism Through Sooks for You*h and Young. Adults" at the February meeting of the Ogden, Illinois,'Women1s Club.

Friends in the Library Division, Chicago Board of Education, awarded Miss Hostetter gift memberships in two school library associations, High School Librarians, and Elementary . School Librarians*

Visitors Visitors in the Library School in

the past month included: Frederick Wezeman, librarian* Bacine Public Library, Racine, Wisconsin; Edward B* Hayward, head of adult division, Racine Public Library; Warren Hass, head of extension, Racine Public Library; 1* G* Freehafer, chief of personnel, Hew York Public Library; Helen Minaker, a representative of the U.S. Army Libraries; and James C. Andrews, M.S.%k$% technical information service chief* 1* I, BuPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware.

Births Sichard Scott Goldhor was born

March 25 to Professor and Mrs. Herbert Goldhor.

Coloquium April 20. Wilma Troxel, librarian, Qaine Medical Library of the University of Illinois. "Medical Librarianship".

April 27. Irene M. Strieby, librarian, Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana* ^Finding Facts for a Chemical Clientele*

May 3. Everett 0* Fontaine, chief publishing division, American Library Association, Chicago. "The Publica­tions Activities of the American Library Association".

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Dm A* Brownf agriculture librarian, has "been in New York recently conferring with his.publisher, Scribner* Brown1 s took, Old Cattle Trails* is expected out soon* "BJU*1 won!t offer a guess as to a date of release*


Jay Allent music librarian, will conduct the University Chorus in its , final concert of the season, Thursday, May 24, in Smith Music Hall, at 8 p*m* The program will include selections from Haydn1s Oratorio, The Seasons* and some folk songs* The chorus will share the evening with the Womens Glee Club*


Mrs* Betty Fawver, formerly librarian of the Illini Union Browsing Roonb was married in January to Walter Thompson* The couple are now living in 2few York City where Mrs* Thompson is a cataloger at the Chase Kational Bank Library*

Virginia Shirley, formerly assistant music librarian, was married March 30 to Maynard Paul Bauleke in Plainfield, New Jersey* The couple are now at home at 682 West Front St*t Plsinfield, Hew Jersey*


Bill Woods will present a paper, draining for Map Librarianship" before the Geography and Map division of the Special libraries Association during the national convention in St* Paul, the week of June 18-21*

Muriel Hope Parry, former map librarian, and new in map work in Washington* D*C* visited the Map Library recently*


The Undergraduate Library has just published a lengthy selected list of its holdings in the field of economics*


Mr* Maxfield has been appointed co-chairman of the A*L*A* local Chicago Committee on Recreation and Sight­seeing in preparation for the forth­coming July conference*

Jane St* Clair, recently appointed catalog librarian, is a member of the Membership Committee of the A*L*A* Division of Cataloging and Classific&-* tion*

The waterfront Illini had their annual Open House April 11 and.12* At least 6,000 visitors visited at the 3,000 feet of special exhibits*

The Pier Library collaborated with the English Department in a series of joint displays in the Reading Room, collectively referred to as the ,fLitera~ ture Lab"* The show piece was the complete set of Shakespeare folios (1st, 1623; 2nd, 1632; 3*<i# 1663; and 4th, 1685) recently presented to the Univer­sity Library by Ernest Ingold, f0$* The books, insured for $50,000, were taken to Chicago by special messengers and guarded by uniformed policemen all through the two day festivities©

Wide publicity was arranged for the Shakespeare show, including television! Mr* Downs, Professor Baldwin, and Miss Grant cooperated with Mr* Maxfield, and the Pier English Department, to make the special exhibi­tion possible*


Jay Allen, music librarian* has been elected to the Board of Directors of the newly incorporated Steamship Historical Society of America, for a three year term. Mr. Allen is a charter member of the society which was founded in 1932, end founder and associate editor of the bulletin which has become the official journal of the organization, Steamboat Bill of Pacts*


Mrs* Phyllis Henderson and Mrs* Sally Lundeen have joined the Card Division staff*

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A slide, "Showy Laiy-Slipper0 by E* S* Warrick, mathematics librarian, was accepted for the 6th Chicago International Exhibition of Mature Photography, which was held during February at the Chicago Natural History Museum. Over 2,400 slides were entered in the competition.. The 700 slides accepted for showing were on display all during February. In addition, there was a special exhibition of these slides on February 11 and 18.

Mr. Warrick1s hobby is photograph­ing wild flowers in their natural habitat. He.has in his collection over 350 kodochrome slides of wild flowers. Mr* Warrick is a member -fctf the Champaign~Urbana Camera Club. As a member of their color committee, he is busy with plans for a color slide competition which will be part of.the program for the annual banquet of the club at Allerton Park this spring.

maismaxm LIBRARY


The Library of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations is being remodeled to provide 40 percent increase in shelf and work space. When the work has been completed the Library.will take over the responsibility for Institute visual aid equipment.

P* L. Windsor, director emeritus of the Library and Library School and Ralph E. McCoy, librarian, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, attended a reception for Harriet IU Skogh, Illinois State Library, Springfield, March 16. The occasion was Miss Skogh1s retirement as chief of the General Reference Library and her 70th birthday.


Eiroshi Yamanaka, librarian, Hiro­shima University Library, Hiroshima, Japan, visited the Library April 2-13.

.Mr. Yamanaka is in the United States on a 90 day government sponsored tour* The purpose of his visit is to study library management in American institutions of higher education, and to confer with leading American edu­cator So

Hilda J. Alseth, engineering librarian, has been appointed to the Engineering School Libraries Committee of the Illinois-Indiana section of the American Society for Engineer^ ing Education.