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. ACO it •ft .**! a/'tttra Hi § * - *- ft«raiifc«: >a Tioi.&rs Aad Friday! Daring A«w-t Vtlltttfe Officers. »ii» L. B*J»&, President. Ucutxi, \ Trtute<5a. •I/.ViJi-tr. Trt»*wrer. M Ftfctr, Collector rj^,* , JoHS C fjAMSH. + ~iul«» R. C RAUJGO. MM »qairi»g att«*>a in fr b«doQe byB. C. KtUagg, f ^ d * * **• DiJtrict AOonwy. Sated. 20 Jnly. 1882- FBANCIS A. SMITH, -Among the gn«Un©w at the Windsor Hoaae aw the Rev. B. 8. Storrm, of New Tork,«nd E«T. H. H. Van Dyke, of Brookly, both ! of extended, we might »y natton*l, repu- tation; Hon. Franklin WoodruH and j. J. Van Nostrand, whose fine horses I &nd carriaga enable themselves and family j to enjoy freely moat of the pleasant drives aad beaatifhL Tiews that abound in the iciaity; i Mrs. Chapman, who has the added comfort of fiavyig brought her own con- venient two'wheeled carriage; Hugh Allin, Esq.; Dr. Talmjulge, (M. D. not the D. D. of eccentric ncjtority), and family; Ohap. 276. Aa Aottoregulate tbe me of certain dips, piers aad vharres in Nev York. Ghap. 402. An Act to repeal certain acts and parts of ts. Gkap. 398. Aa Act in relation to illuminating oils, etc -1 aol ija, ml family,of *t tbs V Alley Hot»3e, I'arrwh »cd M. C. Perry, went . at NH* l'ond, Yestatday. We .1 ii r••!•*; ladies aad gentlemen ]*K»; wiii jom them this week. Hf, party from the Mansion lArutnn.?ftv^teama or coHvey- tit on * pic Die excursion to the »r-a» Flat* on Saturday last. ram] Hop ' w to be given by nettjr Mid Guests of -'The 1 thi. evtmng. I w-wi but jo'ing agaia, A. Kobbaia' Circaa and Me- sa in town yesterday. We sus- xtremety hot weather prevented comiflg, &A the concourse was aa we bare sometimes seen. _. 1 Wardeli came ia on a short is family acd fmnds from Col- Saaday moraing. We under- is not yet disenchanted of allnr- •n to be realized in that g»lden ". Agne (Jure is a parely vegeta- aad a powerfal tonie, free from any mineral anbstanee, aad •ea the sererest cases. fittedtonotice in our laa£ issue . to be held in the grove of A_ ., E-sq., in Essex, on the 15th, j« benefit of the Catholio church ; e. We exceedingly regret the iilage President, R. L. Hand, Tuesday ereniDg on a short sea shere of New Jersey ; . Hand, having been joined by r.Mrs. Noble, has been passing or 4 weeks. Fattd can now move on just as g had happened. The order of- Office Department discontinuing B«of the mail between Elizabeth- "lroon lake has been rescindad. >». Bichard S. Storrs of Brook- _rch in the Methodist church "5-o-J Saaday Moiling next Ajftt 10J o'clock. Communion '' be held ia the evening, cpn- ie Presiding Elder,commence. ^orted that "The Westside," rrected by 0. Abel, Esq., this ie west side of Lake Vlacfd, rus only opened for guests ja since, is n«w nearly 'or jit must be a lovely place tar ;althfni rest. ' j rd of Education have engag- ' ,ndler to act as Principal of ^htown Union Free School for :-, with power to" select his We are informed that he has services of Mrs. S. J. Wicker, -hter, of Willsboro', forassia-' = The Fail'term will com- 11th. Morfc particulars uext WESTFOBT AUG. Htb, 1882. J 'rr : 7ned member^ of the T. Club, do hereby challenge 3. &I- Howard, H. 8. Broneon ce for a prize to be agifeed contestants, and the chi^ui- 7estport, on Thursday Aug. the course below the stone ::lp. m. E. Douglass. ) ' M. Williams. } W. T. Club. yetleLyon. J ; _ ' ;ds, Referee. I inland the residence of T. B. Efeq., which has been^in the 9lion through the spriug ils now so near I completi •ywill outer iutc of the most desirable and sites in the viuinity of tbe Bvinced 8 1 fine " ' of tbo oiffner. ? attractions o] merely hop©; Mr. V'H residence ani ': .. n may for ; ;:„: to 'then ." ;_e and ngre •;:- P. jWitberl has patented ,' by wLuoli a given bo furnist ed to blast jf ^be at am pressure JC© of tab aii. A piston n air cylinder, cannootod . to the rod .irnor wljteh sontrols the "" to the ongit o. Weights '- rodftrofeo]>rop<rrUonod it a given j^nmbor of rovo- engiuo, niyVtht sizo of tbo (j proportioned us roqnirod ,".,', oeonling to . in tho air pressure. To rl is also nttftonjed n pinion in a steam cylinder oonneot- with the ptcatn generator. J . ittir aylindojrR being of ivo proportions. 1 Iu oporo- nir pressure i no reason, tbo ~* ulr cylinder is pressed down, o steam to' bo admitted to nnd if the ntnam prcsmiro in* oniiapa tho pluldn in ntoniu tnovoup nnd shut oft' aUaio " _/, required to kocp down its occupa- the viJlBge, Coddington citizenship yery many as we kuow ee, of Port ft rogulntor George P, )f Brooklyi . Dr. Hint<m, and family, of New York. E. W. L«hman, Esq., of PWUtdelphia, ias been staying there for a season, bat iaa now Iefi. —It is a great pleasure to witness the filling up ol d •Hies, where, gao-ner and Stockwell, Esq., and femily, onr village hotels and snm- h l f k ig p g r residences during the last few weeks. Especially lid the severe heat of the last week in Julp and first week in August ia- dace to suchLresultby making the cool night air of the 4 dirondacks so refreshing and grateful to i he habitual dwellers in the paved eftroets and brick walls intensify its discomforts nntil well nigh insnfferable. We gladly welcime these sufferers to all the balmy and invigorating influences of OUT mountain afmospbeie; and sincerely wish' that every season passed in our healthful valleys ma| evidently add ten years to tbe life of e|very visitant Bat while we hasten to acknowledge our iodebtedntes to our summer gaests and transient friends for much of the vivacity aad interest that is visible in and apper- tinent to our village, we cannot lorget that we owe much to some of our fellow citizens for our measure of prosperity. To thek enterprise and energy it is doe, that the admirers of the village and its (surroundings find suitable accommoda- tions to render their brief period of re- creation pleasant or beneficial. We can b,ardly accord too muoh commendation to our friends, who have invested so largely in erecting and furnishing "houses of refuge," if've may so designate the com- modious Hotels, so much larger, moie costly and | lumerous than were required for mere country business, jhat adorn and characterize Elizabethtowi; and who are so untiring in providing [and doing every thin£ possible to make a sojourn here agreeajble as well as healt! ifol. We will iot flush the modes; cheeks of ir Hotel | proprietors by nailing them while freely awarding them! our poor meed of praise ; bat we will not withhold the expression of oar sincere! wish that the long laboy and liberal enterprise of the genial and-veteran proprietor of the Mansion Hjouse, the spirited aW gentle- manly energy Jhat marks and (popularizes the Valley .House, (ao finely]and pj-aise- worthily evinced in , getting np, and conducting the pie-nic entertainment for the children at the time the beneficiaries of the " Eresb. Air Fund " *ere We), and the dajshing enterprise, h^avy expen- diture and ceaseless care for] gnestls and travellers that gives such nigi character to the Windsor House, may snirely receive a well deserved and generous reward. Mr. Kell|og« of the Windsor has been most untiring in providing means of trans- portation and communication witty tire " less favored " portions of $he county. To him, both guests and citizens are in- debted now for two daily mails. iThey can now receive by 6 o'clock in the loom- ing letters! mailed at 3 o'clock, or later, the dav before in New York, and if desir- able, repljr to them by the! 10 o'olook mail, or by a 6 o'clock mail of that day, if they do riot care to hasten. This is a great convenience to every ote ; yet thi bringing iju from the morning train and takiug out! for the nigbt. train, is gratui- tous on the part of Mr. Kellogg and de. particular' inSDlion. We are free lo confess 'our share of the indebtedness to him eveta in^this public manner. We understand ho will continue this double' service through the season for summer ssideuts. J I - Anminl meeting of Essex Co. Associ- ation of Con'l. J&kiisters and Churches: with the Congregational Church, Morifth. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 28 and 29. 1882. Each Church in the association is entitled to Representation by two dele- gates. Ministerial Members of tbe Asso- ciation are expected to bo present ; and Pastors of our Ghurobes, not moiabers, are invited to bring letters of dismi from the | Associations to which they belong, and unite with us. The public is cordially invited,, all sious beinig open. ' PBOGRAMME. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. 2.00 Organization. 2.30 Exposition of Mark II: 1—12. Rev. T. Watson. 3.00 Hu|)h part of the Association as may bo qualiflod by the oall of the Ohoroh at Moriah will orgauize as au EcoleslaR- tical Couri|Cil for the examination and in- stallation of Kov. Qoo. A. Millor. Exnniinjition during the afternoon and public services of Installation in the even* ing. 7 WEDNESDAY MORNINO . '• 8.30 13u8inee8. V 0.00 Itaport| from the Oharohes. It In desired that tlie reports ef tho Ohurohoi be in writing, and that all report. V> . -15 Devotional Her vices. 10.15 Oar Boneroltut OauMg. Ten miuuteg to oaoh, ' 1. Am, Cong'l. Un. Rov. A. T. Clarke. 2. Am. Biblo doo'ty. " J. F. Whitney. 3. Am. Col. and Ed. BVy" J. A. Mljlpr. 4. Am. Uim'y., Asso'tion •• U. P. Bake. fi. A. B, C. P. M. " J. W. •Cowan. WKP^KSDAY 2.00 PftRtor^I Loiter. Hev. U, 1». Bak«, '2.15 Oouuuijitiiqti ttervtco. ' 3.01) The Kelntion of Oonsaaration k PhUonophy ntad theology, IU». a It. A. Hulkloy, D. 1>J 3 :)0 Ohildhiiod Roliglon, lUr. J. W. Oowivn. -1.00 DusiucN. 7..10 Our Ktmtix Couniy Chorobtd. condition, n««<iN*ftl p ^ D u<l bjf niomboM ol tb« AftoolaUoU, aoo Add** b; n#v. Byraou»« en Ti M I^MltfNl," the «t»Mt{»z«la*Q. Making bis leg. and had to be killed; ibe Horse was s An AM to providefortbe fjitvt of ex- paawa of the trials of con-ricU «tc. of the trials of cojrrictt An ActtoMnd Co*iorCi An Act mMkhS^^ao^ior the An Act to provide for the formation of town andi county Insuzanee companies. 1 Chap. 405. An Act in relation to railroad corporations. Chap. 356. ppropriating money to pay certain awards mftda by the canal appraisers. Chap. 366. To punish false swearing at political cau- cuses, etc. 1 •* Ohap. 280. j Making an appropriation to pay/the ex- penses of the collection tolls, etc. Chap. 397. To amend code of Civil Prcedure. Chap. 238. For the protection of dairymen. Chap. 400. To amend code of Civil Procedure. Chap. 398. To amend code of O\vjl Procedure. Chap. 374. For the improvement of Baoquet river. Chap. 367. To restrict the formation of corporations. . Chap. 257. For tbe purchase of an Agricultural. Ex- periment Chap. 381. . In relation to the election of officers in certain school distriota. Chap. 304. In relation to county Treasurers. Ohap. 196. To confer further powers on Boards of Supervisors. Chap. 118. To conier on boards of supervision fur- ther powers of local legislation. Chap. 100. To authorize the discharge of mortgages of record, etc. i ' Chap. 109. Requiring comers of land office to grant certain lands under water. Chap. 270. Making appropriation for support -of government. Ohap. 289. To provide for the formation of road districts in certain oases, etc. Chap. 349. ' To authorise the useoi the tracks of horse rail-roads in oertein cases. Chap. 319. To facilitate the payment of school taxes by rail-road companies. Chapl 283. To repeal an act to-provide for the dis-. tribution of the acts passed by the legis-, lature to town clerk's offices. Chap. 353. To create a board of rail-Toad cocntriission- ers. i Chap.316. For the incorporation of villages. Chap. 343. To provide for submitting a proposed amendment, etc. Chap. 331. In relation to *eceivers of insolvent cor- porations. Chap. 318. To regulate the instruction of common school tdacbers, etc. Chap. 277. To amend code of Civil Procedure. Ohap. 306. To Amend an aot to authorize corporations to reduce their capital stock. Chap., 326. In relation to drains, ditches and water channels, etc. . Chap. 96. To amend code'of Civil Prooedure. Chap. 65. To amend code of Criminal Procedure. Ohap. 317. Conferring additional powers on Boards of Supervisors. ' ' Chap. 312. In relation to Insurance companies. Chap. 140. In relation to rail-roads. , rwoau*w%t> near «no*iei%g her ckfld by placing a snkwl ove* it while nursing ifL ' About two hundred persons por| by Steamer Williams at 7, a. m. the morning of the 9th, to visit the great Post Alfred Weed of Ticonderoga has received «n invitation to attend the Sol- diers Reunion at Whitehall August 30th. Plenty of Bain last week, it came a little to late for Potatoes bat wiirboneflt corn, beans, and late sowed grain. DaveWaason caught.a fine string of Bass yesterday, some of thezja weighing 4 lbs and over. On account of,the reductionfeycongress of the amount appropriated for salaries of light house keepers, the light house board has found it necessary to recommend to the secretary of the treasury the removal of assistant keepers whose services can be efficiency all through harvesting. The grain crop is the .best we have had in years, Andrew Frisbie and wife, and Henry Friabie and ^ife are making arrangements for a trip to some of the Western States me latter part of this month. .,- M. T. Essex County Bible Society. CBOWM Ponrr, N. Y., March 13, 1882. The First Congregational Church of this town has invited the Essex County Bible Society to hold its annual meeting, in Oct. next, with them. The address will be delivered by Bev. A. D. Heaxt^, of Keeseville, President of the Society. A. T. CLARK. SKOBETAEX. —The 33d annual Fair of the Ess< County Agricultural Society will be held upon the new grounds of the association, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the l«h, 20th and 21st of September, 1882. 33tf spared without impairing the f the light house estabtishmeu Farmers in^tbis vicinity are Town Corn SCH31OON LAKE. Showers and a cold wave arrived too late to save some crops, but haw xione muoh good. Johnson and Bigelowftte hero with theii mammoth photograph tents. Mr. William Pickterdt has treated large patties to excursions tmd entertiunmeni upon his new dtsam yacht, John Oi?awfora, Esq., died on the 28th 1 , ilt., after a Vrief illness, aged 78 > Funtral services vrtxe conducted at tbo house, by Bev. A. V. Marshall, tho 30th. Walter A. Crawford, returned from Prpvi4once B. I. on the 29th, ult., to at- tend the funeral of his father, and wll; remain till September. Dftu'l Plait, Esq., died, on theGtli, inst. after u long and painful illness, aged 84 Services consisting of scripture reading and prayer by Bev. A. V. Marshnl), and singing by tho M. E. Choir, were held nt the house, on the aftornoon of the Cth. Wfeile Miss Aim Albro was absent from homo Taking berries, on the 12tb, ii some unknown 'person or persons broke into and ransacked her house from cellar to garret, and utole about $4 in cash, al |hey found. A large hay rake in tbe yard was wrecked. v - Classical, vocal dnd. instrumental oon- oertM, for tbe benefit of Ht. Andrew's Church, wore given at Mr. Wm. Plok- hardts, Adfrutadack house, on tlie 8th Mid 10th, inst,, by noma of tho hoit iBu talent among the guest*. Tho Programme was ptonounood very recherche, and ar- ltknlly rondcred. Frauk A. Bobbins Circus gave a good entertainmenthoro, afternoon nnd ovoning on tbe lltb. hint., and WM l«rKoly attend od. Tho baby HOD, six dny* old, proved a great attraotlon. Zaxo. WKHT POUT. i Aro. 16. -Northern New i'dlk ^ this year will be bold aa fcllow*< Cfoo neur, last week in Aujnist; Ogaeim^g, flr»l week Iu 8«p(ombor ; Can to u uapouA week Iu Bnptember , jTotsdnm, tblrd keek in September; Mtfaie, Sept. Mill 37 and 88th ; Beiet ocWy, at W«st|ort, Hop), in, 20 and 21st. The Vermont HUte fair will »e 1..1.J at Unrlington BepU 19, 13, H and Ifitb Addlton County fair At MlddUbury M#j»L 6, 7 and Hth; OhUtondomootiuty, at Keeai Jonotiou Hei)l. A, 7 ana Mb | Union Fal At at. Albetis Aug. gist, and H«|>1 !•(. UnrliiK tbe Thunder •bower last Thur». d*y afternooa, tbe 10Ui, Uie lUru of Walter Uo<H ol lbt« Ut»* WM etntok bf Ligbtnlag tad caagbt Irei by tbe tluety bolp nt nelgbbora tbe Am WM eiiiugQ 0.1 b«fore muahf damtge w*e dona. (l.o. Newell of O*llfornu, bni ft)r«*rly ot Hit* town, la vulUM r«l*Ur»* M4 friends In Wvntport. ll»rn«o» otdde RrMl Moll4»y (a Hurl tbonieads lo Ibe oily. Jawbo ptoted all be baa bee* onufeeel op 10 be M 4 etsry bodjr eaid *e OTTB NEW YORK LETTER. ftYom. Our uwn torresjfondent.) NEW YoRK.~Ang. 11, 1682. The bumptiousness of our toifrt* officials is getting unbearable. A dog catcher has just distinguished himself by shooting & "Small boy whose dog he had stolen, illegi " going into a lioftse after it. joamalist was art-ested for sitting on his ( own stoop the other evening, and another gentleman on a Bocka- way eteatnboat was threatened with rest for laughing. There are enty of lampposts in Gotham and this sort of thing goeB on there'll be some queer fruit dangling from them some fine day. The fact is, the men are too highry paid and, made much of. They shouldn't get a cent more than soldiers and be under just as strict discipline. So poor General Warren is dead —harrassed and hounded to his grave by the flagrant injustice of Sheridan. When Hancock was wgundedat Gettysburgh, Warren was placed in charge of the Second Corps, and there first had a grand opportunity to make a reputation. His masterly covering the retreat of thfe Army of the Potomac when Lee, in October, 1863, made his race for Washington, will never be forgotten, nor the magnificent way he handled his men at Auburn and Brietoe Station,whero he outmarch- ed and outfought ihe enemy in greatly superior force, took four guns -and 300 prisoners. He was, indeed a fine fellow. When a clergyman leaves his holy toil and goes for Mammon, he's sure to come to grief, and it serves him right. If men set apart as examples to their fellows deliberately indulg< in sordid greed for pelf, they hurl religion more than the martyrdom of a million Baints could do it good. Bev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., once a very popular but ultra-Evangelical Protestant Episcopal reotor, has been among tb,e fleshpots of Wall street, and is being sued for some $6,000, which, it is alleged, he owed his partner. It's a nasty idea, even if the man is honest. The Peek skill people are begin niog to think there are two sides to the" story about the advantages of tbe State Camp. The spruce young militiamen seem to have turned tho heads of all the girls- There has been one elopement and more an rumored. A littlo Hebrew cigar peddler was tho hero of the first case, and gave a false name, which led to the arrest of a perfectly inno cent party. Tbo wretched littlo monster keeps away from the armory and shows good judgmen in doing BO. After fighting to tho lasf ditch andthe last drop of muddy water in wo last ditch, the elevated rail- road people have been finally com- pelled to pay tho $30,000 adjudgod some four years ago to Major Har rold. Unhappily for him nis law- yers have filed liens against it for $26,000, which, by the way, looks as if they thought he might be rather more of A •lippary customer than they made out when they dofendad him against obargii of ahaniming. Two loving young people won npoooing away at Long Branch tho other evening, and minad tbo lot trnin. Tho hotel was orowdod, nn< tbo situation wan awkward. IJoin g very youog and fery Irtib, tlity couldn't keop their nncMiotli to thoraiolvot, mill Gooioquen.Uy thoi plight b«o*ma known toft•oar« ui more of fcitiro bachelor* And other* Thty w«r« a tonoy crowd, And nura btr«d (imong them a judge, a vai emmiuoni Arohitoot, A ttilt more oinbent dinnor-fflvor And lobbyist, and the too-too (Hoar Wildo. Mar- riA«« wtf rtnally •ugg«nt«4, and A priott bdlojf runtcM oot, the knot WAA iiod At mldalyht Three (ton drocj l^dioA next tnoralag w«r« <, At tMing loft out of ih« fun. In aurth hot wottthor it WM nut A littlo •urprJ*^lo nod U »rc»uk!> AltUrmon, moiUy with AJ<Urmimi flfnrM. irAmpiog AOTO»A UJ« Urook- lyn BHdgo. It WM A poriluu* U«fc, nod Ui«y fioiit? d««or«d Ui« fo«.t thAt Aw*iU*l ih«a on thUtldo wbon Uioy laodcxJ. Tbay wioi homo in TUwx. md pftittfol disease ere a sad YAMr. Wflliam Westfall, JfcfcfcCity,Duchess Go., N,T., of Was! ington Hollow, m the same coonty, came to the office, of Dr. David Kenedy. the eminent. Physician and Sur- on of Bon lout, N. T., some time since, _ a condition to excite the sympathy of :he most cold-blooded and hard-hearted person in tbe world. We say he came— he was, rather, .carried to the Doctor's office, for he was totally helpless, aad bore the weight of 80 yean besides. 'He had Buffered long from Eetention of Urine, and had all the symptoms of an aggravat- ed case of caionlus formations in the blad- The usual instrumental examination revealed th* presence in the bladder of a urinary oalcams of uncommon, size. Dr. Kennedy frankly told Mr. Westfall that, owing to his age and debility, an opera- tion was out of the question, but teat h# coold, by the prescription of "Kennedy's Favorite Remedy," together with, local treatment, make him comfortable and leave him to live out all his days. The outcome of this was that the patient en- jojs good health to this day. Hay Fever. For Hay Feyer I recommend Ely'i Cream Balm. It entirely relieved m from the firdt application; have been a sufferer for ten years. Going from home and, neglecting jto take the remedy, I had an attack; after returning I immediately resorted to if. and found instant relief. I believe, had I began its use earlier, J should not ijave been troubled. J. Cot- I,TEB, OLEBK, 118 BBOAD ST., ELIZABETH, -J. : . . Messrs. Wajte &Burqic, Druggists, Ithaca, N. Tp. — I recommend to those snffering(as|I have been) with Hay Fever, Ely'sIOreamiBalm. I have tried nearly all the remedies, aud give this a decided preference ojyer them all. It has given immediate relief. G. T. STI*BHS, Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Price 60 cents, j Apply into nostrils wit* little 1 Gompoaed of the best known tonics, iron and cinohona, with well known aromatics, is Brown's Iron Bitters. It cures indi- gestion; and all kindred tronblss. , An Array of Facts. Special Telegram. Cairo, N. Y.—Charles Hoffman, of thi place, says: "I have used tor a year oi more Baxter's Mandrake Bitters and And they have been very ben eficial to me, in fact cared me of Dyspepsia .in its worst lorm." Isaao Hoffman, aud Frank Beanie have alecXbeen cared of Si ok Headache/ and Dyspepsia, by their use. WeBtol Salabury sa+s they have been used by himself and] family to great advantage have cured his daughter of Sick. Head- ache* The Bitters seem to be lust the medicine foil the diseases for whiih thi are' recommended. E. 0. STEVEN& Price 25 cts. per. bottle. !• A Difficult Problem Solved. The desire for stimulants is becomin a monstrous evil and how to orercomi is a serions question with refbrmers. Parkers Ginger Tonic fairly solves the difficult problem. It invigorates body and mind without Intoxicating, and has brought health and happiness to i ctesolAte homes.—Enquirer. See othei column. 51 w5 The Reasons Why DrVKennedy's "Favorite, Bemedy' is being, extensively used by our people are as follows. It is a combination o: vegetable alternatives. It is pleasaut to tlie taste, adapted to both soxes and al; ages, is effective in affording immediate relief in all oases of Kidney troubles, Liver Complaints, Constipation of the Bowels and derangements peculiar to women. At the same time purifies tbe blood, thus giving tone and strength ti the system debilitated by disease or ague "Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy" foi Bale by all drnggiftts. * Highly Esteemed. . The yonthful color and a rid luster aro reatored to faded or gray hair by tho use of Parker'* Hair Balsam, a harmless drefieing highly esteemed for its perfume and purity. 51w5 -EuTLOtHZHTvon LADIES.—The Queen City/ Suapondor Company, of Cincinnati, aro now manufacturing and introducing tboir new Stocking Supporter* for Larilqu and OUildroD, and their unoqnaled Hid: SnupoudorH for Ladles. None whould h< Jthout thorn ; onr leading pfcytiicJiu] ^oomuiuiul thorn, and aro loud iu tliui praise. TIH-BO good* arc manufacture! by ladies who lwvo miul© tbo wnuts lien ami children a study, uml Ihoy m to rofcr Ilium lo Homo rollablu and u er^Gliu lady to introdnco thotn to th county, aud wo certainly lliiuk that i •ftrnont HoliuUatiou in every buiiHi'hol< would meat with a roiuly rospontto, HI thatftdutorminod woinuu eould mako bftndHonio Nnlary nnd haVo tlio uxcluni' Rgeuoy of thin county. Wo udvino tum< lady who i* in uooil of employment •«lnd to tho Company her immo aud ad- irenn, and in out ion thin iiajxir. Add QUoon City Hnnpcndor Comimny, No. 171 Uniu Htr.ot. Olncltiiiatl/ Ohio. 17»|i What alvM a h<mltby n reft»o«1d' " • -" tkiu\ tono lllu tod dluoNtluii. Htronih (o tho uitimOi* lo tho IKUVS? ltrowii'H Iroi i>n:i>. * - " LOW -I)lo.1 At Wonlport, Auuiut Mil Mm. KlIftA HtiiriK I<ow, reliait ot Jnti II liom K«.| , IAU of Wen (port, nt 11 nrtviuiord ny» of Hi yearn. Until lh« hut dnynof hfir !if<-licttn ut auiiatiiiiP rtKilnUci from l>rr 01111111011- nune lo nil in u«r prmcuco, awakening I; the htxtrU or all Ihoito eii),>vlntf h«r <loui« Uo »n«l fAinllf ra)Rlluniihl|) nmmht I aniollona of hn(iplt)P«ii nuil yiiocl ahoe Hho wcui Indoad r*w*f kt»l>|o fur feoi aa(«ty, and ti«at ioUr»«U of th« Ao«t ons• Pi.tru» o4 to tier for early lr»inlt)« ant) II tnigbt K>*tu eiotmlvoij fumt of b.»u. •ufttiHndlttir* »»dtfliiie^rmottMIn tltal MM •«{<}«« atM«bt Homo In IJPW« Itfa *f>(>«*r«<1 IUd liu« »|<irit g«bla« of* lot Inn obfUllanwatljor, N hh*w hpt but in lava nud etUem. *n|»io l>ei ojiirll «u<l I Jr. •tit ( k m w*u MWI woo wh«» Utt BBOWN*S IRON BITTERS is one of the veryfewtonic, medicines tfaa£are not com- posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper- ance by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non- intoxicating stimulant, and , it will, in ^early^every case, take the place m^JAl liquor, and at the same time abso- lutely kill the; desire Jbr whiskey and otner intoxi- cating beverage^ I ^ Rev. G.W. the American view, says of Bitters: Gin., O., Nov.jro\ 1881. Gents:—The foolish wast- ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul- gence of our peopje, makes your preparatio^i necessity; and if applied, will save hun- dreds who resort to saloons fortemporaryrecuperation. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS lias been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestibn, biliousness, weakness, debil- ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, .kidney troubles, &c, and i% never iails to render speedy and permanent relie£ FJARKER'S HAIR BKlSM. J\ j-icrfcctdrcss- PARKER'S [GINGER TON1.G An Uvigoratlng Medicine that fcevar lntcxi;.-.tot Trtis delicious conibinmioa of GmSer _««O^. 1 the bowels, s?o:n::ch, iivcr, ]:ic!ncys andlungs.&is The Oast tai Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If yni are' S'.iflVrir.^ Com Female Complnint XcrciKivss 1 V. :I;.I fulrcis, Rlicumalir-m Dvy.pep- ! iin «.cor''"'v<Ji^-^orii»rr-niiy, ul:e Prrltcr's 1 Cin»?r Tonic 11 will stren-.Ttlicn" brain and body "WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUND' ED POPULARITY 0? Allcock's Porous Plasters' Because they have proved the selves the Best External Remed over invented. They will cu asthma, colds, coughs, rhoumatisi uouralgia, and any local pains. Apj)lio^[ to the small of the bac they are infallible in Back-Ach Nervous Debility, and all Kid troubles; to the pit of tlie Btoinae thoy aro a sure cure for Dytpepsi ind Liver Oornplaint. ALLC0CK SPOMOU PLASTERS urc P ainle8e > grant, and <iuiek to euro, liowan of imitations that blister and buTn Hot ALLOOCK'8,tlio only Gou inu Porous Phister. CHOWN IJSTT CHOWN POINT, N.Y. Mfuiiifactnrcr of , Doom, niln<1*> Hl(tlr«, Htmir ltnlllugw •txl nil kind* of House Bmldifli Material Soceen" Washing Machine Oaoim Patrr, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1WJ Your Wa^hlog UaahlD mk ittob* 1( WM worl •My, Md in Ud » comfort Iu nay U Wo»M »et mt% with itfor<luub)o «bnl Mr.. Una. PAOS. i of sou U b*U»r U)«.» t K to, »»• b«»dr*a itoliM* if Ofar ie,000to0w. GINGER TdfllC. CATARRHTO'fun BALM. HUSK uimx CANADA ONE CHANGE OF €A8S BETWEEN D. *IH. C. CO.. AND CHICAGO VIA MONTJUUL. / j MILES 8S0BT2B TO ^ 1 I 3DETHOIT 71 i *THANB*AKiOTHEaB0UTE.I ^1 IVTALAHIA! KKOWN The l ife<Jst alarming ^iact, in onr aanitarj tidiKons, ia the prevalence ot MALAR IAIaiPOISONnofc only }n marshy.low-lvi aistricta, but in the cilties ana npon e] vated gronnd where, a few years since, was unheard of. Frequently fatal dis- orders of the digestive functions, wasted and enfeebled body and even insanity ar< the dire effects of malkrial pofeoning, th sore preearsors of detjth if th* poison not neutralized. Thd boatmen on 1 Del. & Hudson Canalj as well as the habitants of the adjoining country, hai been great sufferers from MALARIA. N nntil a few years past did they find a rd liable remedy. Now thousands testif* that there is but one real and speed care for Malarial poisoning and that Dr. KENNEDY'S "FAVORITE BE! EDY," which by his aiotion npon the bio. purifies it and. restores a healthy tone the entire system, ^s a preventive localities where this danger lurks, it invaluable. The "PAVOEITE REMED1 also cures the -worst; liver and kidn* complaints and all diseases caused I Vitiated blood. For sale .by all drriggisl prioe $1.00 per bottl^. It is ah absolut ly safe, purely vegetable remedy, t greatest alterative medicine in the worl iddress the proprietor, Dr. pavid Ke nedy, Rondout, N. Y, ; 52i 1882. BootsiSlioe IS.OURWARfcRY We Have #e Largest Stoe' . Tfee Latent Styles, Tte Mo?t Reliable Goods 1 , And Ihe LOWEST Prici We want all to know th; this Spring we have ah and Better than eyi before, and we respectful! invite your attention to ti fact that MONEY CAN BE' SXVED \xy purchasing Your Foot Wea: uithcBtorcof the undersigne S. P. MURpOCK, PORT HKNJIY, N. 1805. HOWARD A. SNOVIP AMICKICAN AND FOKKIC PATENTS, HDOCESSOlt TO (ill.MOlti:, SMITH & CO., AND ', HOHMUU A CO WASHINGTON, I>. C. ,t GRAND S tBAYB MONTBJHI, AS N U O W I : GOING WEST. DAYEXPRE88at9:30a. m.. arriTlajr at )etroit second morning at 9:» a. BL.. aad ! h i i 8 2 t FAST NIGHT EXPRESS at loreo p. m.. u- retroi^ second ovtmin« at 9:50 p.m. jp next morning at 8:« a. m.. OOB- lectlng with all trains for the Wart. lie from Montreal to Detroit, U honrt. tie from Montreal to Chicago. M ho*r*> The ShorUat, Direct aarf ChMp«at ROUTE TO Detroit and Chicago, AND KVL POISTS YTE8T. fileeaBtl)inIn| ^rs on ExpiWtjaiiu.Ea^t Pullman Gars on Bay and Night Express Trains, From Montreal to Chicago without ohaog*. Ask for and see that yi&Hiekets read vte frand Trunk Railway. &«'short Un« to th« For(fartfe«ft particulars apply at th» otBoe of thetJrSad Truak Bauway, corner of Fora and State Streets, Barber's Block, Ogdens- fel}b. Bj 0SWELL-' Eastern Passenger Ajr% , Ogdejusburg^NTV. JAS. 8TEPHENSON, Gen'l Papenger Ag-t. ;WAlNWE,IGHT.Ass'tMan.Montreal,P.Q. CO. PAEEES, Ag't D. & H, C. Co,; yl Port Henry. X. Y. NOTIOEf A good Wheelwright and Blacksmith will find employ- ment by applying at the un- dersigneds place of business. Steady work. M. J.McDEBMOTT, Mineville, Essex Co., N.TT. i hereby given aiiat tlf I ptjraons arc forbid' ' "' ' CBis herey gie ahat tl persons aro forbidden to 8hootk fish or Hunt on any of the proper* tyfofthe Adirondack Iron and Steel Oo. Situated in'township 45, 40*47,inolnding the "Old Military Tract." in the County of Essex, State of N. J.. and are forbidden to trespass thereon iu any way, un<far th« 'pe'hftlty of the law. AH persons U^spasfl ' thereon, for the purpose of Shboting,. tting or Fiskiny, will be prosiooted therefor. JAMES R. THOMPSON, President, * Adirondack Olub, Incorporated. March.8. J877. , 3isl Literary Institute, Franklin, Delaware Co., 1^. Y. j Fall Term begins Wednesday. August 30, 1882. - College Preparatory and Eng- lish Courses of atudjy. Apply to Charles H. VEltRlLL, P h J . , Pr» 1844 FREEHOLD INSTITUTE. 1882 Next term opens September 12th. Pre- pares for College or for Business. Course of Study thorough. Three Departments,:. English, Scieotiflo and classical. Baok- ward boys privately taught. Location perfectly healthful. Discipline, that of a well regulated family. For Orttalagaea giving full information and list ot pwrni- ui'iib men's ia »Uonrtauae,.iftd- ihvBif tbe miaoipal.Kov. A. G. Ga^BpSB, A. M, Freehold, N..J. ' |k)w4 OPIUMIuiTf '* '?* <jfc^'&-

r Qe - it •ft .**! a/'tttra Hi § * - *-ft«raiifc«: >a Tioi.&rs Aad Friday! Daring

Sep 17, 2019



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Page 1: r Qe - it •ft .**! a/'tttra Hi § * - *-ft«raiifc«: >a Tioi.&rs Aad Friday! Daring

. ACO it

•ft .**! a/'tttra Hi § * - *-

ft«raiifc«: >a Tioi.&rs Aad Friday!

Daring A«w-t

Vtlltttfe Officers.

»ii» L. B*J»&, President.

Ucutxi, \ Trtute<5a.

•I/.ViJi-tr. Trt»*wrer.M Ftfctr, Collector

r j ^ , * , JoHS C fjAMSH.+ ~iul«» R. C RAUJGO.

M M »qairi»g att«*>a in frb«doQ e byB. C. KtUagg, f ^ d * * **•DiJtrict AOonwy.

Sated. 20 Jnly. 1882-


-Among the gn«Un©w at the Windsor

Hoaae aw theRev. B. 8. Storrm, of New Tork,«ndE«T. H. H. Van Dyke, of Brookly, both

! of extended, we might » y natton*l, repu-tation;

Hon. Franklin WoodruH andj . J. Van Nostrand, whose fine horses

I &nd carriaga enable themselves and familyj to enjoy freely moat of the pleasant drivesaad beaatifhL Tiews that abound in the

iciaity; i

Mrs. Chapman, who has the addedcomfort of fiavyig brought her own con-venient two'wheeled carriage;

Hugh Allin, Esq.;Dr. Talmjulge, (M. D. not the D. D. of

eccentric ncjtority), and family;

Ohap. 276.Aa Aot to regulate tbe me of certain dips,

piers aad vharres in Nev York.Ghap. 402.

An Act to repeal certain acts and parts ofts.

Gkap. 398.Aa Act in relation to illuminating oils, etc

-1 aol

ija, ml family,of*t tbs V Alley Hot»3e,

I'arrwh »cd M. C. Perry, went. at NH* l'ond, Yestatday. We.1 ii r••!•*; ladies aad gentlemen]*K»; wiii jom them this week.Hf, party from the Mansion

lArutnn.? ftv^ teama or coHvey-tit on * pic Die excursion to the»r-a» Flat* on Saturday last.ram] Hop ' w to be given bynettjr Mid Guests of -'The

1 thi . evtmng.I w-wi but jo'ing agaia,

A. Kobbaia' Circaa and Me-sa in town yesterday. We sus-xtremety hot weather prevented• comiflg, &A the concourse wasaa we bare sometimes seen.

_. 1 Wardeli came ia on a shortis family acd fmnds from Col-Saaday moraing. We under-

is not yet disenchanted of allnr-•n to be realized in that g»lden

". Agne (Jure is a parely vegeta-aad a powerfal tonie, free from

any mineral anbstanee, aad•ea the sererest cases.

fitted to notice in our laa£ issue. to be held in the grove of A_., E-sq., in Essex, on the 15th,j« benefit of the Catholio church; e. We exceedingly regret the

iilage President, R. L. Hand,Tuesday ereniDg on a short

sea shere of New Jersey ;. Hand, having been joined byr.Mrs. Noble, has been passingor 4 weeks.

Fattd can now move on just asg had happened. The order of-Office Department discontinuingB«of the mail between Elizabeth-

"lroon lake has been rescindad.

>». Bichard S. Storrs of Brook-_rch in the Methodist church"5-o-J Saaday Moiling nextAjftt 10J o'clock. Communion

'' be held ia the evening, cpn-ie Presiding Elder,commence.

^orted that "The Westside,"rrected by 0. Abel, Esq., thisie west side of Lake Vlacfd,

rus only opened for guestsja since, is n«w nearly 'orjit must be a lovely place tar;althfni rest. ' j

rd of Education have engag-' ,ndler to act as Principal of^htown Union Free School for:-, with power to" select hisWe are informed that he hasservices of Mrs. S. J. Wicker,-hter, of Willsboro', forassia-'= The Fail'term will com-11th. Morfc particulars uext

WESTFOBT AUG. Htb, 1882.J'rr:7ned member^ of the

T. Club, do hereby challenge3. &I- Howard, H. 8. Broneon

ce for a prize to be agifeedcontestants, and the chi ui-7estport, on Thursday Aug.

the course below the stone: : l p . m.E. Douglass. ) 'M. Williams. } W. T. Club.yetleLyon. J ; _ '

;ds, Referee. I

inland the residence of T. B.Efeq., which has been^in the

9lion through the spriugils now so near I completi

•ywill outer iutc

of the most desirable andsites in the viuinity of tbe

Bvinced81 fine"' of tbo oiffner.

? attractions o]merely hop©; Mr.

V'H residence ani': .. n may for; ; : „ : to 'then

." ;_e and ngre

•;:- P. jWitberlhas patented

,' by wLuoli a givenbo furnist ed to blast

jf be at am pressureJC© of tab aii. A piston

n air cylinder, cannootod. to the rod

.irnor wljteh sontrols the"" to the ongit o. Weights

'- rod ftro feo ]>rop<rrUonodit a given j nmbor of rovo-engiuo, niyVtht sizo of tbo

(j proportioned us roqnirod,".,', oeonling to

. in tho air pressure. Torl is also nttftonjed n pinionin a steam cylinder oonneot-with the ptcatn generator.J. ittir aylindojrR being of

ivo proportions.1 Iu oporo-nir pressure i no reason, tbo

~* ulr cylinder is pressed down,o steam to' bo admitted tonnd if the ntnam prcsmiro in*oniiapa tho pluldn in ntoniutnovoup nnd shut oft' aUaio" _/, required to kocp down

its occupa-

the viJlBge,Coddingtoncitizenship

yery manyas we kuow

ee, of Portft rogulntor

George P,)f Brooklyi .

Dr. Hint<m, and family, of New York.E. W. L«hman, Esq., of PWUtdelphia,

ias been staying there for a season, batiaa now Iefi.

—It is a great pleasure to witness thefilling up ol


•Hies, where,gao-ner and

Stockwell, Esq., and femily,

onr village hotels and snm-h l f k

i g p gr residences during the last few weeks.

Especially lid the severe heat of the lastweek in Julp and first week in August ia-dace to suchLresultby making the cool nightair of the 4 dirondacks so refreshing andgrateful to i he habitual dwellers in the

paved eftroets and brick wallsintensify its discomforts nntilwell nigh insnfferable. We

gladly welcime these sufferers to all thebalmy and invigorating influences of OUTmountain afmospbeie; and sincerely wish'that every season passed in our healthfulvalleys ma| evidently add ten years totbe life of e|very visitant

Bat while we hasten to acknowledge ouriodebtedntes to our summer gaests andtransient friends for much of the vivacityaad interest that is visible in and apper-tinent to our village, we cannot lorgetthat we owe much to some of our fellowcitizens for our measure of prosperity.To thek enterprise and energy it is doe,that the admirers of the village and its(surroundings find suitable accommoda-tions to render their brief period of re-creation pleasant or beneficial. We canb,ardly accord too muoh commendation toour friends, who have invested so largelyin erecting and furnishing "houses ofrefuge," if've may so designate the com-modious Hotels, so much larger, moiecostly and | lumerous than were requiredfor mere country business, jhat adornand characterize Elizabethtowi; and whoare so untiring in providing [and doingevery thin£ possible to make a sojournhere agreeajble as well as healt! ifol.

We will iot flush the modes; cheeks ofir Hotel | proprietors by nailing them

while freely awarding them! our poormeed of praise ; bat we will not withholdthe expression of oar sincere! wish thatthe long laboy and liberal enterprise ofthe genial and-veteran proprietor of theMansion Hjouse, the spirited aW gentle-manly energy Jhat marks and (popularizesthe Valley .House, (ao finely]and pj-aise-worthily evinced in , getting np, andconducting the pie-nic entertainment forthe children at the time the beneficiariesof the " Eresb. Air Fund " *ere W e ) ,and the dajshing enterprise, h^avy expen-diture and ceaseless care for] gnestls andtravellers that gives such nigi characterto the Windsor House, may snirely receivea well deserved and generous reward.

Mr. Kell|og« of the Windsor has beenmost untiring in providing means of trans-portation and communication witty tire" less favored " portions of $he county.To him, both guests and citizens are in-debted now for two daily mails. iTheycan now receive by 6 o'clock in the loom-ing letters! mailed at 3 o'clock, or later,the dav before in New York, and if desir-able, repljr to them by the! 10 o'olookmail, or by a 6 o'clock mail of that day,if they do riot care to hasten. This is agreat convenience to every ote ; yet thibringing iju from the morning train andtakiug out! for the nigbt. train, is gratui-tous on the part of Mr. Kellogg and de.

particular' inSDlion. We are freelo confess 'our share of the indebtednessto him eveta in^this public manner. Weunderstand ho will continue this double'service through the season for summer

ssideuts.J I

- Anminl meeting of Essex Co. Associ-ation of Con'l. J&kiisters and Churches:with the Congregational Church, Morifth.Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 28 and 29.1882. Each Church in the association isentitled to Representation by two dele-gates. Ministerial Members of tbe Asso-ciation are expected to bo present ; andPastors of our Ghurobes, not moiabers,are invited to bring letters of dismifrom the | Associations to which theybelong, and unite with us.

The public is cordially invited,, allsious beinig open.



2.00 Organization.2.30 Exposition of Mark II: 1—12.

Rev. T. Watson.3.00 Hu|)h part of the Association as

may bo qualiflod by the oall of the Ohorohat Moriah will orgauize as au EcoleslaR-tical Couri|Cil for the examination and in-stallation of Kov. Qoo. A. Millor.

Exnniinjition during the afternoon andpublic services of Installation in the even*ing. 7


8.30 13u8inee8.V

0.00 Itaport| from the Oharohes. It Indesired that tlie reports ef tho Ohurohoibe in writing, and that all report.

V>. -15 Devotional Her vices.10.15 Oar Boneroltut OauMg. Ten

miuuteg to oaoh, '1. Am, Cong'l. Un. Rov. A. T. Clarke.2. Am. Biblo doo'ty. " J. F. Whitney.3. Am. Col. and Ed. BVy" J. A. Mljlpr.4. Am. Uim'y., Asso'tion •• U. P. A. B, C. P. M. " J. W. •Cowan.


2.00 PftRtor I Loiter. Hev. U, 1». Bak«,'2.15 Oouuuijitiiqti ttervtco. '3.01) The Kelntion of Oonsaaration k

PhUonophy ntad theology, IU». a It. A.Hulkloy, D. 1>J

3 :)0 Ohildhiiod Roliglon, lUr. J. W.Oowivn.

-1.00 DusiucN.

7..10 Our Ktmtix Couniy Chorobtd.condition, n««<iN*ftl p ^ Du<l bjf niomboM ol tb« AftoolaUoU,

aoo Add** b; n#v.Byraou»« en T i MI^MltfNl,"

the «t»Mt{»z«la*Q. Making bis leg.and had to be killed; ibe Horse was

sAn AM to provide for tbe fjitvt of ex-

paawa of the trials of con-ricU «tc.of the trials of cojrrictt

An Act to M n d Co*iorCi

An Act mMkhS^^ao^ior the

An Act to provide for the formation oftown andi county Insuzanee companies.

1 Chap. 405.An Act in relation to railroad corporations.

Chap. 356.ppropriating money to pay certainawards mftda by the canal appraisers.

• Chap. 366.To punish false swearing at political cau-

cuses, etc.1 •* • Ohap. 280. j

Making an appropriation to pay/the ex-penses of the collection tolls, etc.

Chap. 397.To amend code of Civil Prcedure.

Chap. 238.For the protection of dairymen.

Chap. 400.To amend code of Civil Procedure.

Chap. 398.To amend code of O\vjl Procedure.

Chap. 374.For the improvement of Baoquet river.

Chap. 367.To restrict the formation of corporations.

. Chap. 257.For tbe purchase of an Agricultural. Ex-

perimentChap. 381. .

In relation to the election of officers incertain school distriota.

Chap. 304.In relation to county Treasurers.

Ohap. 196.To confer further powers on Boards of

Supervisors.Chap. 118.

To conier on boards of supervision fur-ther powers of local legislation.

• Chap. 100.To authorize the discharge of mortgages

of record, etc. i 'Chap. 109.

Requiring comers of land office to grantcertain lands under water.

Chap. 270.Making appropriation for support -of

government.Ohap. 289.

To provide for the formation of roaddistricts in certain oases, etc.

Chap. 349. 'To authorise the useoi the tracks of horse

rail-roads in oertein cases.Chap. 319.

To facilitate the payment of school taxesby rail-road companies.

Chapl 283.To repeal an act to-provide for the dis-.

tribution of the acts passed by the legis-,lature to town clerk's offices.

Chap. 353.To create a board of rail-Toad cocntriission-

ers.i Chap.316.

For the incorporation of villages.Chap. 343.

To provide for submitting a proposedamendment, etc.

Chap. 331.In relation to *eceivers of insolvent cor-

porations.Chap. 318.

To regulate the instruction of commonschool tdacbers, etc.

Chap. 277.To amend code of Civil Procedure.

Ohap. 306.To Amend an aot to authorize corporations

to reduce their capital stock.Chap., 326.

In relation to drains, ditches and waterchannels, etc.

. Chap. 96.To amend code'of Civil Prooedure.

Chap. 65.To amend code of Criminal Procedure.

Ohap. 317.Conferring additional powers on Boards of

Supervisors. ' 'Chap. 312.

In relation to Insurance companies.Chap. 140.

In relation to rail-roads.

, rwoau*w%t>near «no*iei%g her ckfld by placing asnkwl ove* it while nursing ifL '

About two hundred personspor| by Steamer Williams at 7, a. m. themorning of the 9th, to visit the great

Post Alfred Weed of Ticonderoga hasreceived «n invitation to attend the Sol-diers Reunion at Whitehall August 30th.

Plenty of Bain last week, it came alittle to late for Potatoes bat wiirbonefltcorn, beans, and late sowed grain.

DaveWaason caught.a fine string ofBass yesterday, some of thezja weighing4 lbs and over.

On account of,the reduction fey congressof the amount appropriated for salaries oflight house keepers, the light house boardhas found it necessary to recommend tothe secretary of the treasury the removalof assistant keepers whose services can be


all throughharvesting.

The grain crop is the .best we have hadin years,

Andrew Frisbie and wife, and HenryFriabie and ^ife are making arrangementsfor a trip to some of the Western Statesme latter part of this month.

.,- M. T.

Essex County Bible Society.

CBOWM Ponrr, N. Y., March 13, 1882.The First Congregational Church of

this town has invited the Essex CountyBible Society to hold its annual meeting,in Oct. next, with them. The addresswill be delivered by Bev. A. D. Heaxt^, ofKeeseville, President of the Society.


—The 33d annual Fair of the Ess<County Agricultural Society will be heldupon the new grounds of the association,Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, thel « h , 20th and 21st of September, 1882.


spared without impairing thef the light house estabtishmeuFarmers in^tbis vicinity are

Town Corn


Showers and a cold wave arrived too lateto save some crops, but haw xione muohgood.

Johnson and Bigelowftte hero with theiimammoth photograph tents.

Mr. William Pickterdt has treated largepatties to excursions tmd entertiunmeniupon his new dtsam yacht,

John Oi?awfora, Esq., died on the 28th1,ilt., after a Vrief illness, aged 78 > Funtral

services vrtxe conducted at tbo house, byBev. A. V. Marshall, tho 30th.

Walter A. Crawford, returned fromPrpvi4once B. I. on the 29th, ult., to at-tend the funeral of his father, and wll;remain till September.

Dftu'l Plait, Esq., died, on theGtli, inst.after u long and painful illness, aged 84Services consisting of scripture readingand prayer by Bev. A. V. Marshnl), andsinging by tho M. E. Choir, were held ntthe house, on the aftornoon of the Cth.

Wfeile Miss Aim Albro was absent fromhomo Taking berries, on the 12tb, iisome unknown 'person or persons brokeinto and ransacked her house from cellarto garret, and utole about $4 in cash, al

|hey found. A large hay rake in tbe yardwas wrecked. v -

Classical, vocal dnd. instrumental oon-oertM, for tbe benefit of Ht. Andrew'sChurch, wore given at Mr. Wm. Plok-hardts, Adfrutadack house, on tlie 8th Mid10th, inst,, by noma of tho hoit iButalent among the guest*. Tho Programmewas ptonounood very recherche, and ar-ltknlly rondcred.

Frauk A. Bobbins Circus gave a goodentertainmenthoro, afternoon nnd ovoningon tbe lltb. hint., and WM l«rKoly attendod. Tho baby HOD, six dny* old, proveda great attraotlon. Zaxo.


Aro. 16. -Northern New i'dlk ^this year will be bold aa fcllow*< Cfooneur, last week in Aujnist; Ogaeim^g,flr»l week Iu 8«p(ombor ; Can to u uapouAweek Iu Bnptember , jTotsdnm, tblrd keekin September; Mtfaie, Sept. Mill 37and 88th ; Beiet ocWy, at W«st|ort,Hop), in, 20 and 21st.

The Vermont HUte fair will »e 1..1.J atUnrlington BepU 19, 13, H and IfitbAddlton County fair At MlddUbury M#j»L6, 7 and Hth; OhUtondomootiuty, at KeeaiJonotiou Hei)l. A, 7 ana Mb | Union FalAt at. Albetis Aug. gist, and H«|>1 !•(.

UnrliiK tbe Thunder •bower last Thur».d*y afternooa, tbe 10Ui, Uie lUru ofWalter Uo<H ol lbt« Ut»* WM etntok bfLigbtnlag tad caagbt Irei by tbe tluetybolp nt nelgbbora tbe Am WM eiiiugQ0.1 b«fore muahf damtge w*e dona.

(l.o. Newell of O*llfornu, bni ft)r«*rlyot Hit* town, la vulUM r«l*Ur»* M 4friends In Wvntport.

ll»rn«o» otdde • RrMl Moll4»y (a Hurl

tbonieads lo Ibe oily.Jawbo ptoted all be baa bee* onufeeel

op 10 be M 4 etsry bodjr eaid * e


ftYom. Our uwn torresjfondent.)

NEW YoRK.~Ang. 11, 1682.

The bumptiousness of our toifrt*officials is getting unbearable. Adog catcher has just distinguishedhimself by shooting & "Small boywhose dog he had stolen, illegi "going into a lioftse after it.joamalist was art-ested for sittingon his (own stoop the other evening,and another gentleman on a Bocka-way eteatnboat was threatened with

rest for laughing. There areenty of lampposts in Gotham andthis sort of thing goeB on there'll

be some queer fruit dangling fromthem some fine day. The fact is,the men are too highry paid and,made much of. They shouldn't geta cent more than soldiers and beunder just as strict discipline.

So poor General Warren is dead—harrassed and hounded to hisgrave by the flagrant injustice ofSheridan. When Hancock waswgundedat Gettysburgh, Warrenwas placed in charge of the SecondCorps, and there first had a grandopportunity to make a reputation.His masterly covering the retreat ofthfe Army of the Potomac whenLee, in October, 1863, made hisrace for Washington, will never beforgotten, nor the magnificent wayhe handled his men at Auburn andBrietoe Station,whero he outmarch-ed and outfought ihe enemy ingreatly superior force, took fourguns -and 300 prisoners. He was,indeed a fine fellow.

When a clergyman leaves his holytoil and goes for Mammon, he's sureto come to grief, and it serves himright. If men set apart as examplesto their fellows deliberately indulg<in sordid greed for pelf, they hurlreligion more than the martyrdomof a million Baints could do it good.Bev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., once avery popular but ultra-EvangelicalProtestant Episcopal reotor, hasbeen among tb,e fleshpots of Wallstreet, and is being sued for some$6,000, which, it is alleged, he owedhis partner. It's a nasty idea, evenif the man is honest.

The Peek skill people are beginniog to think there are two sides tothe" story about the advantages oftbe State Camp. The spruce youngmilitiamen seem to have turned thoheads of all the girls- There hasbeen one elopement and more anrumored. A littlo Hebrew cigarpeddler was tho hero of the firstcase, and gave a false name, whichled to the arrest of a perfectly innocent party. Tbo wretched littlomonster keeps away from thearmory and shows good judgmenin doing BO.

After fighting to tho lasf ditchandthe last drop of muddy waterin wo last ditch, the elevated rail-road people have been finally com-pelled to pay tho $30,000 adjudgodsome four years ago to Major Harrold. Unhappily for him nis law-yers have filed liens against it for$26,000, which, by the way, looks asif they thought he might be rathermore of A •lippary customer thanthey made out when they dofendadhim against obargii of ahaniming.

Two loving young people wonnpoooing away at Long Branch thoother evening, and minad tbo lottrnin. Tho hotel was orowdod, nn<tbo situation wan awkward. I Join gvery youog and fery Irtib, tlitycouldn't keop their nncMiotli tothoraiolvot, mill Gooioquen.Uy thoiplight b«o*ma known to ft •oar« uimore of fcitiro bachelor* And other*Thty w«r« a tonoy crowd, And nurabtr«d (imong them a judge, a vaiemmiuoni Arohitoot, A ttilt moreoinbent dinnor-fflvor And lobbyist,and the too-too (Hoar Wildo. Mar-riA«« wtf rtnally •ugg«nt«4, and Apriott bdlojf runtcM oot, the knotWAA iiod At mldalyht Three (tondrocj l dioA next tnoralag w«r« <,At tMing loft out of ih« fun.

In aurth hot wottthor it WM nut Alittlo •urprJ*^lo nod U »rc»uk!>AltUrmon, moiUy with AJ<UrmimiflfnrM. irAmpiog AOTO»A UJ« Urook-lyn BHdgo. It WM A poriluu* U«fc,nod Ui«y fioiit? d««or«d Ui« fo«.tthAt Aw*iU*l ih«a on thUtldo wbonUioy laodcxJ. Tbay wioi homo in


md pftittfol disease ere a sadYAMr. Wflliam Westfall,

J fcfcfcCity, Duchess Go., N,T.,of Was! ington Hollow, m the same

coonty, came to the office, of Dr. DavidKenedy. the eminent. Physician and Sur-

on of Bon lout, N. T., some time since,_ a condition to excite the sympathy of:he most cold-blooded and hard-heartedperson in tbe world. We say he came—he was, rather, .carried to the Doctor'soffice, for he was totally helpless, aadbore the weight of 80 yean besides. 'Hehad Buffered long from Eetention of Urine,and had all the symptoms of an aggravat-ed case of caionlus formations in the blad-

The usual instrumental examinationrevealed th* presence in the bladder of aurinary oalcams of uncommon, size. Dr.Kennedy frankly told Mr. Westfall that,owing to his age and debility, an opera-tion was out of the question, but teat h#coold, by the prescription of "Kennedy'sFavorite Remedy," together with, localtreatment, make him comfortable andleave him to live out all his days. Theoutcome of this was that the patient en-jojs good health to this day.

Hay Fever.For Hay Feyer I recommend Ely'i

Cream Balm. It entirely relieved mfrom the firdt application; have been asufferer for ten years. Going from homeand, neglecting jto take the remedy, I hadan attack; after returning I immediatelyresorted to if. and found instant relief.I believe, had I began its use earlier, Jshould not ijave been troubled. J. Cot-I,TEB, OLEBK, 118 BBOAD ST., ELIZABETH,

-J. : . .Messrs. Wajte &Burqic, Druggists,

Ithaca, N. Tp. — I recommend to thosesnffering(as|I have been) with Hay Fever,Ely'sIOreamiBalm. I have tried nearlyall the remedies, aud give this a decidedpreference ojyer them all. It has given

immediate relief. G. T. STI*BHS,Hardware Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. Price60 cents, j

A p p l y into nostrils w i t * l i t t le1

Gompoaed of the best known tonics, ironand cinohona, with well known aromatics,is Brown's Iron Bitters. It cures indi-gestion; and all kindred tronblss. ,

An Array of Facts.Special Telegram.

Cairo, N. Y.—Charles Hoffman, of thiplace, says: "I have used tor a year oimore Baxter's Mandrake Bitters and Andthey have been very ben eficial to me, infact cared me of Dyspepsia .in its worstlorm." Isaao Hoffman, aud Frank Beaniehave alecXbeen cared of Si ok Headache/and Dyspepsia, by their use. WeBtolSalabury sa+s they have been used byhimself and] family to great advantagehave cured his daughter of Sick. Head-ache* The Bitters seem to be lust themedicine foil the diseases for whiih thiare' recommended.

E. 0. STEVEN&Price 25 cts. per. bottle.

!• A Difficult Problem Solved.The desire for stimulants is becomin

a monstrous evil and how to orercomiis a serions question with refbrmers.Parkers Ginger Tonic fairly solves thedifficult problem. It invigorates bodyand mind without Intoxicating, and hasbrought health and happiness to ictesolAte homes.—Enquirer. See otheicolumn.

51 w5

The Reasons W h yDrVKennedy's "Favori te , Bemedy'is being, extensively used by our peopleare as follows. It is a combination o:vegetable alternatives. It is pleasaut totlie taste, adapted to both soxes and al;ages, is effective in affording immediaterelief in all oases of Kidney troubles,Liver Complaints, Constipation of theBowels and derangements peculiar towomen. At the same time purifies tbeblood, thus giving tone and strength tithe system debilitated by disease or ague"Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy" foiBale by all drnggiftts.

* Highly Esteemed. .

The yonthful color and a rid

luster aro reatored to faded or gray

hair by tho use of Parker'* Hair

Balsam, a harmless drefieing highly

esteemed for its perfume and purity.


-EuTLOtHZHTvon LADIES.— The QueenCity/ Suapondor Company, of Cincinnati,aro now manufacturing and introducingtboir new Stocking Supporter* for Larilquand OUildroD, and their unoqnaled Hid:SnupoudorH for Ladles. None whould h<

Jthout thorn ; onr leading pfcytiicJiu]^oomuiuiul thorn, and aro loud iu tliui

praise. TIH-BO good* arc manufacture!by ladies who lwvo miul© tbo wnuts

lien ami children a study, uml Ihoy mto rofcr Ilium lo Homo rollablu and u

er^Gliu lady to introdnco thotn to thcounty, aud wo certainly lliiuk that i•ftrnont HoliuUatiou in every buiiHi'hol<would meat with a roiuly rospontto, HIthat ft dutorminod woinuu eould makobftndHonio Nnlary nnd haVo tlio uxcluni'Rgeuoy of thin county. Wo udvino tum<lady who i* in uooil of employment•«lnd to tho Company her immo aud ad-irenn, and in out ion thin iiajxir. AddQUoon City Hnnpcndor Comimny, No. 171Uniu Htr.ot. Olncltiiiatl/ Ohio. 17»|i

What alvM a h<mltby nreft»o«1d' " • -"

tkiu\ tonolllu

tod dluoNtluii. Htronih (o tho uitimOi*lo tho I K U V S ? ltrowii'H Iroi


* - "LOW -I)lo.1 At Wonlport, Auuiut Mil

Mm. KlIftA HtiiriK I<ow, reliait ot JntiII liom K«.| , IAU of Wen (port, nt 11nrtviuiord ny» of Hi yearn.Until lh« hut dnynof hfir !if<-licttn

ut auiiatiiiiP rtKilnUci from l>rr 01111111011-nune lo nil in u«r prmcuco, awakening I;the htxtrU or all Ihoito eii),>vlntf h«r <loui«Uo »n«l fAinllf ra)Rlluniihl|) nmmht Ianiollona of hn(iplt)P«ii nuil yiiocl ahoeHho wcui Indoad r*w*f kt»l>|o fur feoi

aa(«ty,and ti«at ioUr»«U of th« Ao«t ons• Pi.tru»o4 to tier for early lr»inlt)« ant)II tnigbt K>*tu eiotmlvoij fumt of b.»u.•ufttiHndlttir* »»d tfliiie^rmottM In tltalMM •«{<}«« atM«bt Homo InIJPW« Itfa *f>(>«*r«<1 IUd liu« »|<iritg«bla« of* lot Inn obfUllanwatljor, Nhh*w hpt but in lava nud etUem.

* n | » i o l>ei ojiirll «u<l I Jr.

•tit ( k m w*u MWI woo



BBOWN*S IRON BITTERSis one of the very few tonic,medicines tfaa£are not com-posed mostly of alcohol orwhiskey, thus becoming afruitful source of intemper-ance by promoting a desirefor rum.

BROWN'S IRON BITTERSis guaranteed to be a non-intoxicating stimulant, and

, it will, in early^every case,take the place m^JAl liquor,and at the same time abso-lutely kill the; desire J b rwhiskey and otner intoxi-cating beverage^ I ^

Rev. G.W.the Americanview, says ofBitters:

Gin., O., Nov.jro\ 1881.Gents:—The foolish wast-

ing of vital force in business,pleasure, and vicious indul-gence of our peopje, makesyour preparatio^i necessity;and if applied, will save hun-dreds who resort to saloonsfor temporary recuperation.

BROWN'S IRON BITTERSlias been thoroughly testedfor dyspepsia, indigestibn,biliousness, weakness, debil-ity, overwork, rheumatism,neuralgia, consumption,liver complaints, .kidneytroubles, &c, and i% never •iails to render speedy andpermanent relie£


BKlSM.J\ j-icrfcctdrcss-


An Uvigoratlng Medicine that fcevar lntcxi;.-.totTrtis delicious conibinmioa of GmSer _««O^.

1 the bowels, s?o:n::ch, iivcr, ]:ic!ncys andlungs.&isThe Oast tai Surest Cough Cure Ever Used.If yni are' S'.iflVrir. Com Female Complnint

XcrciKivss1 V. :I;.I fulrcis, Rlicumalir-m Dvy.pep-! iin «.cor''"'v<Ji^-^orii»rr-niiy, ul:e Prrltcr's1 Cin»?r Tonic 11 will stren-.Ttlicn" brain and body


Allcock's Porous Plasters'Because they have proved theselves the Best External Remedover invented. They will cuasthma, colds, coughs, rhoumatisiuouralgia, and any local pains.

Apj)lio [ to the small of the bacthey are infallible in Back-AchNervous Debility, and all Kidtroubles; to the pit of tlie Btoinaethoy aro a sure cure for Dytpepsiind Liver Oornplaint.

ALLC0CK SPOMOUPLASTERS u r c Painle8e>grant, and <iuiek to euro, liowan

of imitations that blister and buTn

Hot ALLOOCK'8,tlio only Gou

inu Porous Phister.



Mfuiiifactnrcr of

, Doom, niln<1*>

Hl(tlr«, Htmir ltnlllugw

•txl nil kind* of

House Bmldifli Material

Soceen" Washing MachineOaoim Patrr, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1WJ

o» Your Wa^hlog UaahlDmk it to b * 1( WM

worl•My, Md in Ud i« » comfort Iu nay UWo»M »et mt% with it for <luub)o «bnl

Mr.. Una. PAOS.

i of sou U b*U»r U)«.» t

K to, »»• b«»dr*a itoliM* if

Of ar ie,000 to 0w.









Thelife<Jst alarming iact, in onr aanitarjtidiKons, ia the prevalence ot MALAR

IAIaiPOISONnofc only }n marshy.low-lviaistricta, but in the cilties ana npon e]vated gronnd where, a few years since,was unheard of. Frequently fatal dis-orders of the digestive functions, wastedand enfeebled body and even insanity ar<the dire effects of malkrial pofeoning, thsore preearsors of detjth if th* poisonnot neutralized. Thd boatmen on 1Del. & Hudson Canalj as well as thehabitants of the adjoining country, haibeen great sufferers from MALARIA. Nnntil a few years past did they find a rdliable remedy. Now thousands testif*that there is but one real and speedcare for Malarial poisoning and thatDr. KENNEDY'S "FAVORITE BE!EDY," which by his aiotion npon the bio.purifies it and. restores a healthy tonethe entire system, ^s a preventivelocalities where this danger lurks, itinvaluable. The "PAVOEITE REMED1also cures the -worst; liver and kidn*complaints and all diseases caused IVitiated blood. For sale .by all drriggislprioe $1.00 per bottl^. It is ah absolutly safe, purely vegetable remedy, tgreatest alterative medicine in the worliddress the proprietor, Dr. pavid Kenedy, Rondout, N. Y, ; 52i


We Have # e Largest Stoe'. Tfee Latent Styles,

Tte Mo?t Reliable Goods1,And Ihe LOWEST Prici

We want all to know th;this Spring we have a hand Better than eyibefore, and we respectful!invite your attention to tifact that


\xy purchasing

Your Foot Wea:uithcBtorcof the undersigne







( i l l .MOlt i : , SMITH & CO.,







GOING WEST.DAYEXPRE88at9:30a. m.. arriTlajr at

)etroit second morning at 9:» a. BL.. aad! h i i 8 2 t

FAST NIGHT EXPRESS at loreo p. m.. u-retroi^ second ovtmin« at 9:50 p.m.

— j p next morning at 8:« a. m.. OOB-lectlng with all trains for the Wart.

lie from Montreal to Detroit, U honrt.tie from Montreal to Chicago. M ho*r*>

The ShorUat, Direct aarf ChMp«at


Detroit and Chicago,


fileeaBtl)inIn| ^ r s on ExpiWtjaiiu.Ea^t

Pullman Gars on Bayand Night Express

Trains,From Montreal to Chicago without ohaog*. •

Ask for and see that yi&Hiekets read vtefrand Trunk Railway. &«'short Un« to th«

For(fartfe«ft particulars apply at th» otBoeof thetJrSad Truak Bauway, corner of Foraand State Streets, Barber's Block, Ogdens-

fel}b. Bj 0SWELL-' Eastern Passenger Ajr%, Ogdejusburg^NTV.

JAS. 8TEPHENSON, Gen'l Papenger Ag-t.


C O . PAEEES, Ag't D. & H, C. Co,;

yl Port Henry. X. Y.


A good Wheelwright andBlacksmith will find employ-ment by applying at the un-dersigneds place of business.Steady work.


Mineville, Essex Co., N.TT.

i hereby given aiiat tlfI ptjraons arc forbid' ' "' '

CBis herey g i e ahat tlpersons aro forbidden to 8hootkfish or Hunt on any of the proper*tyfofthe

Adirondack Iron and Steel Oo.Situated in'township 45, 40*47,inolndingthe "Old Military Tract." in the County ofEssex, State of N. J.. and are forbiddento trespass thereon iu any way, un<far th«'pe'hftlty of the law. AH persons U^spasfl' thereon, for the purpose of Shboting,.

tting or Fiskiny, will be prosiootedtherefor.

JAMES R. THOMPSON, President,* Adirondack Olub, Incorporated.

March.8. J877. , 3isl

Literary Institute,Franklin, Delaware Co., 1 . Y. j

Fall Term begins Wednesday. August30, 1882. - College Preparatory and Eng-lish Courses of atudjy. Apply to CharlesH. VEltRlLL, PhJ . , Pr»

1844 FREEHOLD INSTITUTE. 1882Next term opens September 12th. Pre-

pares for College or for Business. Courseof Study thorough. Three Departments,:.English, Scieotiflo and classical. Baok-ward boys privately taught. Locationperfectly healthful. Discipline, that ofa well regulated family. For Orttalagaeagiving full information and list ot pwrni-ui'iib men's ia »Uonrtauae,.iftd-ihvBif tbe miaoipal.Kov. A. G. Ga^BpSB,A. M, Freehold, N..J. ' |k)w4


'* ' ? * <jfc^'&-