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doi: 10.1098/rstb.2008.0204 , 743-753 364 2009 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B David J.T Sumpter and Stephen C Pratt Quorum responses and consensus decision making References This article cites 61 articles, 8 of which can be accessed free Subject collections (429 articles) behaviour Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections Email alerting service here right-hand corner of the article or click Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the top go to: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B To subscribe to This journal is © 2009 The Royal Society on 22 April 2009 Downloaded from

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  • doi: 10.1098/rstb.2008.0204, 743-753364 2009 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B

    David J.T Sumpter and Stephen C Pratt Quorum responses and consensus decision making


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  • Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2009) 364, 743–753


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    Quorum responses and consensusdecision making

    Published online 12 December 2008

    David J. T. Sumpter1,* and Stephen C. Pratt2

    One conhumans


    1Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, PO Box 480, 75106 Uppsala, Sweden2School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, PO Box 874501, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA

    Animal groups are said to make consensus decisions when group members come to agree on the sameoption. Consensus decisions are taxonomically widespread and potentially offer three key benefits:maintenance of group cohesion, enhancement of decision accuracy compared with lone individualsand improvement in decision speed. In the absence of centralized control, arriving at a consensusdepends on local interactions in which each individual’s likelihood of choosing an option increaseswith the number of others already committed to that option. The resulting positive feedback caneffectively direct most or all group members to the best available choice. In this paper, we examine thefunctional form of the individual response to others’ behaviour that lies at the heart of this process.We review recent theoretical and empirical work on consensus decisions, and we develop a simplemathematical model to show the central importance to speedy and accurate decisions of quorumresponses, in which an animal’s probability of exhibiting a behaviour is a sharply nonlinear function ofthe number of other individuals already performing this behaviour. We argue that systems relying onsuch quorum rules can achieve cohesive choice of the best option while also permitting adaptivetuning of the trade-off between decision speed and accuracy.

    Keywords: quorum responses; collective animal behaviour; Condorcet’s theorem;social insect migration; decision making

    1. INTRODUCTIONGroup decision-making is characterized by individuals

    making choices that rely on the decisions of others. Onebenefit of this interdependency is the maintenance of

    cohesion. Choosing the same destination taken byothers, for example, can make an animal less likely tobe picked out by a predator. Other potential benefits

    are in the speed and accuracy of an individual’sdecisions, both of which can be improved by copying

    the choice of a better-informed neighbour. This paperconcerns group decisions in which cohesion, speed and

    accuracy are important factors. We will refer to these asconsensus decisions, defined as cases when all

    members of a group come to agree on the same option(Britton et al. 2002; Conradt & Roper 2005).

    Consensus decisions are well illustrated by the

    choice of a shelter or nest site, and many experi-mental studies have addressed this phenomenon

    (Visscher & Camazine 1999; Pratt et al. 2002;Jeanson et al. 2004a; Seeley & Visscher 2004a; Ameet al. 2006; Seeley et al. 2006; Visscher 2007).Experimenters typically offer a group of animals a

    choice between two or more alternative shelters andobserve the process by which they make their choice.

    A decision is assumed to have been made once allindividuals have settled at a shelter. The degree towhich individuals are aggregated at a single choice

    gives a measure of their cohesion; the time taken for

    tribution of 11 to a Theme Issue ‘Group decision making inand animals’.

    r for correspondence ([email protected]).


    everyone to choose an option measures decisionspeed; and the proportion of individuals choosing the‘best’ option gives the decision accuracy.

    How does consensus arise from interactionsamong group members, and how does individualbehaviour influence the cohesion, speed and accuracyof decision making? In recent years, these questionshave been addressed by the theoretical and experi-mental study of self-organization (Deneubourg &Goss 1989; Bonabeau et al. 1997; Camazine et al.2001; Deneubourg et al. 2002; Sumpter 2006). Ingeneral, self-organization explains how positive feed-back created by imitative behaviour can generateheterogeneous social patterns in uniform environ-ments. In the context of decision making, this impliesthat a group faced with a choice between two or moreidentical options can spontaneously and cohesivelychoose only one of them. Self-organization can alsoaddress decision making when options clearly differin quality. For example, positive feedback providedby pheromone trail recruitment allows ants to choosethe shorter of two routes to a food source (Goss et al.1989). Colonies of ants and honeybees (Apismellifera) can also direct their foragers to the betterof two or more food sources, because recruitmenteffectiveness is graded according to source quality(Seeley et al. 1991; Sumpter & Beekman 2003).Quality-dependent recruitment differences similarlyunderlie nest site selection in social insects (Mallonet al. 2001; Franks et al. 2003b; Seeley 2003). Thesestudies show that positive feedback mediated byrelatively simple interactions can allow social groupsto make accurate consensus decisions.

    This journal is q 2008 The Royal Society

  • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100






    ty th

    at th

    e m


    ity is



    group size

    Figure 1. Condorcet’s theory. The probability that themajority of individuals are correct (for odd numbers ofindividuals) when each is correct with probability pZ0.6.

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    In this paper, we examine in detail a key feature ofconsensus decisions, namely the functional form of anindividual’s response to others’ behaviour. We argue forthe central importance of quorum responses, in which ananimal’s probability of exhibiting a behaviour is asharply nonlinear function of the number of otherindividuals already performing this behaviour. We firstreview the theory for why and how consensus can yieldmore accurate decisions than those of lone individuals.We then describe a taxonomically diverse array of casesin which quorum-like responses have been found tounderlie group decision-making. Next, we present asimple mathematical model to investigate how thefunctional form of the response to the behaviour ofothers affects cohesion, accuracy and speed of decisionmaking. We show that the sharply nonlinear nature of aquorum response allows cohesive choice of the bestoption while also permitting adaptive tuning of theinevitable trade-off between decision speed andaccuracy. Finally, we investigate these ideas andcompare them with data using a more detailed modelof nest choice by Temnothorax ants.

    2. THE WISDOM OF CROWDSIn his popular science book ‘The wisdom of crowds’,James Surowiecki gives a number of powerful examplesof how a large group of poorly informed individualscan make better decisions than a small number ofinformed ‘experts’. A telling example is provided byGalton (1907), who examined 800 entries in a ‘guessthe weight of the ox competition’, where a crowd offairgoers competed to guess how much a large ox wouldweigh after slaughter. Although, the estimates variedwidely, their average value was only 1 pound (450 g)less than the true weight of 1197 pounds (544.5 kg).Acting independently, the crowd ‘knew’ the weight ofthe ox. There are many such examples of heightenedcollective accuracy in humans, including the reliabilityof audience opinions on ‘Who wants to be a million-aire’; the accurate prediction of American presidentialelections by betting; and Google’s successful rankingof World Wide Web search results by the number oflinks to each website (Surowiecki 2004).

    The collective wisdom argument was first formal-ized by a French intellectual of the 18th century, theMarquis de Condorcet (Borland 1989; List 2004;Austen-Smith & Feddersen 2009). He consideredbinary choices between two options, in which eachindividual has a probability p of making a correctdecision in the absence of others with which to confer.In this situation, one can apply the binomial theorem tofind the probability that the majority of the individualsare correct. Assuming that an odd number ofindividuals n must each make a decision independentlyof one another, then the probability that the majoritymake the correct choice is

    mðn; pÞZXniZnC1




    !pið1KpÞi :

    Figure 1 plots this function for pZ0.6. As the numberof individuals goes to infinity, m(n,p)/1 and themajority decision is always correct. If n is even a rule

    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2009)

    must be made to settle ties, but the overall shape of

    the curve is unchanged. For groups of size 100, the

    majority is almost never wrong, showing that majority

    decisions are good way to pool information and

    improve decision accuracy (List 2004; King &

    Cowlishaw 2007).

    Although, Condorcet’s theorem seems to provide a

    powerful method for groups to make correct decisions,

    it relies on two key assumptions—that individuals are

    unbiased, and that they are independent. Both these

    assumptions must be treated with care. For example, if

    a group of navigating birds each follow an internal

    compass with a consistent clockwise bias, then no

    matter how many individual headings are averaged,

    each will be similarly misled and the group decision will

    be inaccurate. Distinguishing variation due to random

    error from that due to consistent bias can therefore

    pose a difficult problem.

    The second assumption of independent individual

    choices presents a larger challenge. Indeed, this

    assumption contradicts the very definition of group

    decision-making given in the first sentence of this

    paper—that individuals condition their own choices on

    those of others. How can collective decisions preserve

    independence but still come to a final consensus? In

    human decision-making, this paradox lies at the basis

    of ‘groupthink’ ( Janis 1972, 1982). Groupthink occurs

    when the pressures of group members on one another

    narrow down the range of opinions. It is most likely

    when group members have similar backgrounds and

    interests. Janis (1972) proposed that groupthink can be

    prevented by allowing a large number of individuals to

    first collect information independently before present-

    ing their recommended course of action to a smaller

    number of centralized evaluators. By correctly weight-

    ing these independent recommendations, itself no easy

    task, the evaluators can arrive at an average of the

    opinions presented. While effective for humans, this

    solution demands complex information-processing

    mechanisms that may not be available to animal

    societies. We now turn our attention to how these

    groups can solve the problem of groupthink.

  • 0 2 4 6 8 10 12











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    g pe









    no. of non-self cockroaches under shelter












    Quorum responses and decision making D. J. T. Sumpter & S. C. Pratt 745

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    3. POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND QUORUMRESPONSESThe collective behaviour of animal groups is oftendecentralized, with no leader integrating differentsources of information or telling the others what todo (Seeley 1995, 2002). Instead, a pattern emergesfrom a large number of strictly local interactions thatcarry information throughout the group. A key featureof these interactions is positive feedback, in which ananimal’s probability of exhibiting a particular behaviouris an increasing function of the number of conspecificsalready performing this behaviour (Deneubourg &Goss 1989; Bonabeau et al. 1997). In the context ofcollective decision-making, positive feedback allowsthe selection of a particular option to cascade throughthe group, as the growing number of adherents to anoption increases its attractiveness to undecidedanimals. Moreover, this imitative behaviour oftentakes a step-like form, with an individual’s probabilityof selecting an option changing sharply when thenumber of like-minded conspecifics crosses athreshold. Here we refer to this functional form as aquorum response, following well-studied cases inwhich threshold group sizes trigger key changes inbehaviour (Pratt et al. 2002; Seeley & Visscher 2004b).

    no. of ants in nest

    pr 0.2

    0 20 40 60 7010 30 50

    Figure 2. Examples of empirical quorum responses in thedecisions of migrating insects. (a) Cockroaches. Crossesindicate measured leaving times, dashed line is fit given byAme et al. (2006) of


    1Cr xK1S

    � �a :with parameter values SZ40, qZ0.01, rZ1667 and aZ2and solid line is the best fit of the equation


    1Cr xK1S

    � �a ;with parameter values SZ40, 4Z0.00051, qZ0.0067,rZ1667 and aZ1.73. This second fitted line allows for thefact that the probability of leaving does not go to zero withthe number under the shelter. (b) A quorum rule governs theprobability of a Temnothorax scout switching from tandem runrecruitment of fellow scouts to faster transport of the bulk ofthe colony. Crosses show proportions of scouts choosingtransport over tandem runs at different populations underhigh urgency. Open circles show corresponding data underlow urgency. Solid and dashed lines, respectively, show aHill function fit to these data: probability of transportZxk/(xkCTk), where x is the new site population.

    (a) Cockroach aggregationVarious species of cockroach benefit from increasedgrowth rates when in aggregations (Prokopy &Roitberg 2001). German cockroaches (Blattella germa-nica) can reduce water loss in dry conditions byclustering together (Dambach & Goehlen 1999) andtypically gather in dark shelters during the daytime(Ishii & Kuwahara 1968; Rivault 1989). Ame et al.(2004) tested the contribution of social interaction tothese aggregations. They presented a group of cock-roaches with two identical shelters, each with sufficientcapacity to shelter all the insects. In the majority oftrials over 80 per cent of the insects chose the sameshelter. Thus even in the absence of a differencebetween the two options a consensus is reached for onlyone of them.

    Consensus is reached through a very simple rule: anindividual’s probability of leaving a shelter decreases asthe shelter’s population increases. The probabilitydrops quite sharply with population, giving rise to astep like quorum response (figure 2a). By incorporatingthis quorum rule into models of cockroach behaviour,Ame et al. (2004) showed that it could explainconsensus shelter choice. A disproportional responseto the presence of other cockroaches was the keyelement. Ame et al. (2006) fitted the function


    1Cr xS

    � �a ;to the probability per second per cockroach of leaving ashelter, where x is the number of cockroaches under theshelter (figure 2a). The parameters determine the shapeof the response: q is the rate at which cockroaches leavean unoccupied shelter; r and S determine the density atwhich cockroaches respond to conspecifics and adetermines the steepness of this response. The modelpredicted that a consensus will be reached for one of theshelters as long as aO1, that is, the time spent in the

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    shelter increases more than linearly with the number of

    cockroaches under the shelter. This prediction accordedwith the value of az2 measured from the experiments.Further investigation of the model shows that provided

    that aO1, even a relatively weak positive response to thepresence of conspecifics is sufficient to generate aconsensus (Millor et al. 2006). It was thus the sharplynonlinear reaction to others—the quorum response—

    that generated a collective decision.

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    (b) Nest site selection by social insectsFor many social insects, the survival of the colonydepends crucially upon remaining together and makinga good decision about where to live. This is especiallytrue when colonies live in preformed cavities, such ashoneybees nesting in tree cavities and Temnothorax antsin rock crevices or hollow nuts. These colonies havelimited opportunities to repair a poor initial choice, butmust instead live with the consequences or emigrate toa new home. Emigration is especially costly forhoneybees, because they have to abandon theirinvestment in comb construction, brood-rearing andfood storage. A poor initial choice can therefore greatlyreduce a colony’s reproductive success.

    Honeybee emigration usually occurs in spring, whenthe queen and a swarm of roughly 10 000 worker beesleave their old nest and temporarily settle in a densely-packed swarm. Several hundred scout bees then fly outto search for a new home. Successful scouts use thewaggle dance to recruit fellow scouts to the sites theyhave found. Recruited bees may in turn dance for a site,creating a positive feedback loop that drives up thepopulation of scouts visiting a site. Bees tune theirdancing to the quality of the site they are advertising,hence better sites enjoy more effective recruitment andfaster population growth (Seeley & Buhrman 1999;Seeley & Visscher 2004a). Scouts periodically return tothe site they are advertising and somehow assess itspopulation. Once this exceeds a threshold value, orquorum, they return to the swarm to perform abehaviour called piping (Seeley & Visscher 2003,2004b). Piping induces the thousands of non-scoutbees to warm their flight muscles in preparation for theswarm to fly to the new nest site, guided by the minorityof knowledgeable scouts (Seeley et al. 2003). Thisprocess unfolds over one to several days, during which alarge number of sites are found and advertized by atleast a few bees. Usually, only one site reaches quorumand induces swarm lift off, but rare split decisions havebeen observed, in which the bees engage in an aerialtug-of-war as rival groups of scouts attempt to lead theswarm in different directions. In these cases, the beesare forced to re-settle and begin the process again(Lindauer 1955, 1961).

    Ants of the genus Temnothorax form much smallercolonies than honeybees, typically with no more than100–200 individuals. Colonies can be easily kept inartificial nests and induced to emigrate in thelaboratory. They typically move within a few hours,reliably choosing the best site from as many as fivealternatives that they discriminate according to cavityarea, ceiling height, entrance size, light level and otherfeatures (Pratt & Pierce 2001; Franks et al. 2003b).Approximately 30 per cent of a colony’s workersactively partake in the selection process. These activeants go through four phases of graded commitment toany potential new home (Pratt et al. 2005). Each antbegins in an exploration phase during which shesearches for nest sites. After finding one, she entersan assessment phase in which she evaluates its quality.The length of this phase is inversely related to thequality of the site (Mallon et al. 2001), and is followedby a canvassing phase during which the ant leads fellowscouts to the site, using a slow recruitment method

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    called tandem running. These recruited ants in turnmake their own independent assessments and may alsobegin to recruit, a process that gradually increases thepopulation of ants visiting the site. Once the scoutsperceive their site’s population to have reached athreshold, they enter the final phase of full commitment(Pratt et al. 2002) (figure 2b). They abandon tandemruns from the old nest in favour of speedier transports,by which the passive majority of the colony’s workers,as well as the queens and brood, are brought to the newsite (Pratt et al. 2005).

    Despite the many differences between honeybee andant emigration, their nest site selection relies on afundamentally similar strategy. There is no require-ment for direct comparison of multiple sites by well-informed insects. Instead, scouts aware of only a singlecandidate site recruit to it with a strength that dependson their independent assessment of its quality. Becausethe recruited scouts themselves recruit, this generatespositive feedback on site populations that is stronger forbetter sites. This advantage is then amplified by aquorum rule that accelerates movement to the site withthe fastest early population growth. Owing to thequality-dependent recruitment advantage, this willusually be a superior site.

    (c) Other insects and spidersTogether with various colleagues, Jean-Louis Deneu-bourg has shown that a variety of gregarious arthropodsrespond to a choice between two identical options byrandomly selecting one of them (Deneubourg et al.2002). Repeated over many experimental trials, thisleads to a U-shaped distribution of outcomes, withroughly half of the groups unanimously choosing eachoption, and very few splitting between them. Examplesinclude selection between feeders by foraging ants(Goss et al. 1989; Beckers et al. 1993; Jeanson et al.2004a), between settlement locations by social spiders(Saffre et al. 2000; Jeanson et al. 2004b) and betweenescape routes for ants fleeing a disturbance (Altshuleret al. 2005). Positive feedback is seen in each of thesecases: ants grow more likely to join a foraging trail as itsconcentration of recruitment pheromone increases;spiders are more likely to follow a route to a settlementlocation as it is reinforced with the silk strands of otherspiders; and escaping ants are more likely to take an exitchosen by many nest-mates. All of these cues increasein strength with the number of other individuals thathave already selected that option. Moreover, thefunction relating joining probability to cue strength issharply nonlinear, or quorum-like. These empiricalobservations demonstrate a basic property of allcollective decision-making: positive feedback togetherwith nonlinear quorum responses lead to U-shapedchoice distributions and consensus decisions.

    (d) Birds, fish and primatesFor vertebrate groups migrating over long distances,consensus building may improve navigational accuracy.The analogue to Condorcet’s theorem in this case is thetheory of many wrongs (Wallraff 1978; Simons 2004).This theory assumes that each animal has impreciseinformation about the route to its target, and showsthat averaging these estimates allows the group to reach

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    consensus on a more accurate path. Biro et al. (2006)showed that interactions between a pair of homingpigeons (Columba livia) were important in determiningtheir navigational route. When conflict between routeswas small the birds followed an average of the two, butwhen conflict was large one bird led and the otherfollowed. Pairs of pigeons flew more direct routes homethan did solo birds. This result is consistent with themany wrong hypothesis, but it could also be explainedby birds flying more ‘confidently’ when in pairs.Experiments on larger groups would be needed to saywhether quorums play a role, but in other contextsbirds do make choices based on threshold responses toconspecific numbers (Collins & Sumpter 2007).

    Ward et al. (2008) showed clear use of quorum-likerules by fish making binary movement decisions in thepresence of replica ‘leader’ fish. They found that fishchose a movement direction as a function of group sizeand the number of fish (or replicas) going left and right.The probability of following in a particular directionwas a steeply increasing function of the number alreadymoving in that direction. Ward et al. (2008) furthershowed that if two or three replica fish swam past areplica predator then the group of fish could be inducedto follow, despite the fact that lone fish would seldompass the same replica predator.

    Despite their relatively high cognitive abilities, themovement decisions of capuchin monkeys (Cebuscapucinus) have also proven consistent with simplecopying of the decisions of others (Meunier et al.2007). Their response is not quorum-like: the prob-ability of following increased in proportion to thenumber taking a particular direction. In general, themovement decisions of primate groups may depend ondominance hierarchies, past experience and complexsocial structure (Boinski & Garber 2000). However, theinteractions of these monkeys provide evidence thatsimple copying should not be ruled out as anexplanation of complex movement decisions.

    4. ACCURACY THROUGH QUORUM RESPONSESWhy are quorum responses such a ubiquitous feature ofgroup decision-making? In particular, why do individ-ual response probabilities change sharply when athreshold is exceeded rather than varying in proportionto the stimulus? A first answer to these questions isgiven by several theoretical models that show howquorum responses generate cohesion (Nicolis &Deneubourg 1999; Millor et al. 2006). This effect isseen empirically in the U-shaped distributions ofgroups choosing between two identical options.However, cohesion is just one of the three desirableproperties of consensus decision-making. The otherswe quoted in the introduction are accuracy and speed,to which we can add the ability to adjust the trade-offbetween these two properties. Here we investigate allthese aspects within the framework of a simple quorumresponse model.

    (a) Quorum response modelWe developed a simple model of how a population ofpartially informed individuals chooses between twooptions. This model is designed to look at how

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    individuals can observe the choices of others in orderto improve their decision-making accuracy.

    We begin with a group of n individuals notcommitted to either option. Each of these finds oneof the two options with a constant probability r per timestep. This probability is independent of the actions ofothers. If an individual arrives at an option and no oneelse is there, then she commits to it with the probabilityapx for option X and apy for option Y. If an individualarrives at an option and other individuals are present,the probability of her committing and remaining at theoption is an increasing function of the number alreadycommited. Specifically, if x is the committed number atthe option then the probability that the arrivingindividual commits is

    px aC ðmKaÞxk

    Tk Cxk

    � �; ð4:1Þ

    where a and m are, respectively the minimum andmaximum probability of committing; T is the quorumthreshold at which this probability is halfway between aand m; and k determines the steepness of the function.A similar function determines the probability ofselecting option Y and by setting pxOpy , we assumethat individuals prefer X to Y.

    Equation (4.1) includes a range of possibleresponses to conspecifics. If kZ1 then the probabilityof an individual choosing an option is proportional tothe number that have already made that choice. If kO1then equation (4.1) has a point of inflection and thefunction is sigmoidal. As k increases the responseapproaches a step-like switch at the threshold T.

    In order to define a quorum response, we firstconsider a purely linear response function

    px aC ðmKaÞx


    � �; ð4:2Þ

    which shares with equation (4.1) the property thatwhen xZT the probability of committing is half waybetween m and a. We define a quorum response to beone in which the probability of committing is alwaysless than the linear response whenever the number ofconspecifics is less than Tand is greater or equal to thatof the linear response for some number of conspecificsgreater or equal to T. This definition captures theconcept of a less than linear response to numbers belowthe threshold and a greater than linear response abovethe threshold. By identifying conditions under whichour linear equation is equal to equation (4.1), we findthat a quorum response occurs if only if kR2 (figure 3).We note, however, that it may be equally valid to arguethat the existence of a point of inflection defines aquorum response, so that quorum responses occur forkO1. The important biological point is that quorumresponses involve a sharply increasing nonlinearresponse to the conspecifics.

    The above model demands very limited cognitivepowers on the part of individuals. In particular, they haveno way of directly comparing the two options. We assumethat rejecting one option does not increase an individual’sprobability of accepting the other. The populationalready committed gives individuals an indirect methodto gather information about available options.

  • 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 200.1









    no. of committed individuals: x



    ty o

    f co



    k = 1

    k = 2

    k = 9

    Figure 3. Commitment to an option as a function of thenumber of conspecifics that have already chosen it (x). Thedashed line shows the purely linear response given byequation (4.2). The solid lines show nonlinear responsesgiven by equation (4.1), for different values of k. For kO2equation (4.1) gives a quorum response: that is, theprobability of committing is less than the linear response forx!Tand greater than or equal to the linear response for xRT.Other parameters are pxZ1, TZ10, aZ0.1 and mZ0.9.

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    (b) Model simulationFigure 4a,b give examples of the choices over time ofnZ40 individuals for shallow proportional responses(TZ10 and kZ1) and steep quorum responses (TZ10and kZ9), respectively. For both types of responses,the proportion of committed individuals growsslowly for the two options, but slightly faster for thepreferred option X. After the number of adherents to Xreaches the threshold T, commitment to X significantlyoutpaces commitment to Y. Averaged over 1000simulations, 75.5 per cent of individuals choose X fora shallow response, while 83.3 per cent do so for thesteep quorum response. In both cases the proportionchoosing the better option is higher than that wereeach to make an independent decision, in which casepx/( pxCpy)Z66.7 per cent would be expected tochoose X. Thus, in these simulations choices basedon copying others reduce individual errors and makegroup decision-making more accurate than indepen-dent assessment alone.

    While a steep quorum response led on average tomore accurate decisions, the distribution of decision-making accuracy is wider for kZ9 than for kZ1(figure 4c,d ). This observation reflects the amplifi-cation of small initial errors for steep responses. If,through random fluctuations, the least favourableoption happens to be chosen by more than a thresholdnumber of individuals, then the quorum rule amplifiesthese early errors and nearly all individuals make thesame incorrect choice.

    (c) Speed-accuracy trade-offDecision makers typically face a trade-off betweenspeed and accuracy. In the simulations, a steep quorumfunction (kZ9) yielded a more accurate decision, butthe time taken for all individuals to choose was longeron average (307.8G71.0 time steps, meanGs.d.) thanwhen kZ1 (253.7G64.0 time steps). In order to

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    investigate how different values for k, T and a affectspeed and accuracy, we systematically varied theseparameters and measured their affect on the timeneeded for all individuals to make a choice and theproportion choosing the better option (figure 5). Theresults show that speed is maximized by setting a to itsmaximum value of 1 (assuming that mZ1 as well).Greater speed, however, comes at the expense of moreindividuals choosing the worse option. Accuracy ismaximized with low a, high k and T of approximately10, but these values also produce relatively slowdecisions. Thus, for a given quorum threshold, thetrade-off between speed and accuracy can be tuned byaltering the base acceptance probability, a.

    The quorum threshold, T, has more complex effectsthan does a. For large k, T can be also be used to tunespeed and accuracy. For example, when kZ4 or 9,decision speed is maximized for TZ0, but accuracy ismaximized when Tz10. However, for a wide range ofthreshold values (T between approximately 5 and 15),relatively small differences in choice quality producehigh levels of commitment to the better option.

    There is also an important difference between a andT in how speed and accuracy change when oneparameter is fixed and the other varied. If T is chosento maximize accuracy (e.g. Tz10 when kZ9) a can betuned to achieve either the maximum possible accuracy(over all tested combinations of T and a values) or themaximum possible speed (i.e. by choosing aZ1). Thesame is not the case for fixed a and varying T. If ais large then tuning T can do little to improve theresulting low accuracy; if a is small then setting TZ0improves speed but not as much as would setting a toa value of 1. Thus by choosing appropriate values ofT and k, and adjusting a as needed, individuals cantune the speed and accuracy of their decisions toparticular circumstances.

    The simulations also showed that tuning speedand accuracy with a works best with an intermediatethreshold value and a steep quorum response (high k).For fixed k, we determined the parameter values of aand T that give the fastest possible average time until adecision is made given a minimum requirement foraccuracy (figure 6). When the requirement for accuracyis low, a similarly high speed can be achieved for anyvalue of k, by choosing appropriate values for T and a.For higher accuracy requirements, however, a k valueof 1 leads to distinctly slower attainable speeds. Thussteep thresholds not only give more accurate decisions,they also allow them to be made more rapidly.

    (d) Comparison to Condorcet’s theoremGiven 40 individuals, each with a 1/3 probability ofmaking the wrong choice, then by Condorcet’stheorem, the probability of a majority error is just3.33 per cent. This is notably lower than even the mostaccurate decisions made using quorum responses: forsteep thresholds between 5 and 15 and low spon-taneous accept rates, approximately 10 per cent ofindividuals take the least favourable option. This resultis not particularly surprising. Condorcet’s theoremprovides an upper bound for the accuracy of collectivedecision-making. What is striking is that a simplecopying rule based on threshold responses can

  • 100 200 300 400 5000





    no. o

    f in




    time0 100 200 300 400 500


    (a) (b)

    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00







    proportion at X

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

    proportion at X



    n of



    (c) (d )

    Figure 4. Simulations of a simple quorum response model, for (a,c) shallow (kZ1) and (b,d ) steep (kZ9) thresholds. (a,b) plotthe change in the number of individuals committed to options X, solid line; and Y, dotted line for one simulation with kZ1 andkZ9, respectively. (c,d ) show the distribution taken over 1000 simulation runs of the proportion of individuals choosing X aftereveryone has decided. Other parameters are rZ0.02, pxZ1, pyZ0.5, TZ10, aZ0.1 and mZ0.9.

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    substantially reduce errors compared with purelyindependent decision-making.

    5. SPEED VERSUS ACCURACY TRADE-OFFS INANT MIGRATIONThe decision making of animal groups can beconsiderably more complicated than a simple thresholdresponse to the decisions of others. We described earlierthe complex, multistage algorithm used by Temnothoraxants to evaluate candidate nest sites during colonyemigration. Progress through four stages of increasingcommitment to a site is governed both by each scout’sindependent assessment of site quality and by theindirect influence of her nest-mates, via a quorum rule(figure 2b). Complicating this basic structure are a hostof behavioural nuances, including ‘reverse’ recruitmentof scouts from the new to the old nest, directcomparison of multiple sites by individual ants,changes in the efficiency of recruitment with time andmany others (Pratt et al. 2005; Pratt & Sumpter 2006).

    Experiments have shown that this complex algo-rithm allows colonies to tune the trade-off betweendecision speed and accuracy (Pratt & Sumpter 2006).When choosing between a good and a mediocre nest,colonies showed dramatically different behaviourdepending on the urgency of their need to move. Inthe low-urgency situation colonies in an intact butpoor-quality nest had an opportunity to improve theirhousing. They took a long time to emigrate, but theygenerally made very accurate decisions, moving theirentire population directly to the better candidate nest.Greater urgency was created by destroying the colony’sold nest, leaving them completely exposed. Under

    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2009)

    these circumstances, colonies moved much faster butoften made poor choices, splitting their populationbetween the two candidate nests or even movingentirely into the inferior one.

    We have previously developed a detailed agent-based model of Temnothorax emigration (Pratt et al.2005). This agent-based model is more complex thanthe general quorum model described earlier, but bothinclude the same fundamental mechanisms: an intrin-sic rate of accepting an option that depends on thatoption’s quality, and a quorum function described byparameters for threshold value (T ) and steepness (k).Furthermore, both models make similar predictions forthe effects of T and the acceptance rate on speed andaccuracy: for a wide range of T values, the acceptancerate provides a sensitive mechanism for adjusting speedand accuracy. The model predicted that ants achieve aspeed/accuracy trade-off by quantitative tuning theacceptance rate and, to a lesser degree, the quorumthreshold (Pratt & Sumpter 2006). The small effect ofthe quorum threshold is at first surprising, because onemight suppose that the reaching of a threshold marksthe point at which transportation can commence andthe emigration can be completed. However, as Frankset al. (2009) rightly point out in another paper in thisissue, reaching the threshold too soon can result in aninsufficient number of committed ants to complete thetransportation of ants from the old nest.

    Our agent-based model was not previouslyexamined for effects of k, so we systematically variedthis parameter and monitored its effect on emigrationspeed and accuracy. The results match those for thesimpler model, with greater accuracy as quorumsteepness increases, and little cost in speed (figure 7).

  • 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.852







    accuracy: proportion of individuals choosing better option


    d: 1




    e ta







    to d



    Figure 6. Speed–accuracy trade-off for the simple quorumresponse model. For fixed k and for a fixed minimumrequirement for decision accuracy, we searched over allparameter values of a and T which give the fastest possibleaverage time until all individuals have made a decision. Thiswas done repeatedly for different minimum accuracyrequirements to give a speed versus accuracy trade-off.Solid line, kZ9; dashed line, kZ4; dashed-dotted line,kZ2; dotted line, kZ1.



    um th










    um th




    –1.0 –0.5 0






    ( f )

    –1.0 –0.5 0 –1.0 –0.5 0 –1.0 –0.5 0



    (d )


    spontaneous accept probability: log (a)









    Figure 5. Speed and accuracy of decision making for the simple quorum response model. Predicted effects of the parameters a,T and k on (a–d ) the time until all individuals have made a decision and (e–h) the accuracy of that decision. In each image, aand T are varied for different threshold steepness, k. The plots show mean duration (time steps of the model) and accuracy(proportion of individuals choosing the less attractive option Y) over 1000 simulations for each parameter combination.(a) kZ1; (b) kZ2; (c) kZ4; (d ) kZ9; (e) kZ1; ( f ) kZ2; (g) kZ4; (h) kZ9.

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    In accordance with these predictions, our experimentsshowed that ants made dramatic increases in accep-tance rate, and smaller decreases in T, in response toincreased urgency of emigration (Pratt & Sumpter2006). Re-analysis of this data further shows that antsalso used a significantly steeper quorum function whenaccuracy was emphasized under low urgency (ANOVA:k lowUrgencyZ3.7, k highUrgencyZ1.7, F


    p!0.01). These experiments provide strong evidenceof the ants tune their responses to their speed versusaccuracy requirements without changing their under-lying behavioural algorithm.

    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2009)

    6. DISCUSSIONQuorum responses are a ubiquitous feature of con-sensus decision-making. While previous work hasemphasized the importance of these responses ingenerating aggregation and cohesion, here we haveemphasized that they also improve decision accuracy.The shape of the response curve is particularlyimportant in this context. Individuals can make moreaccurate decisions if they sharply increase theirprobability of committing to an option at a thresholdnumber of individuals already committed. Interest-ingly, these steep threshold responses can sometimesamplify random fluctuations and lead to mass adoptionof incorrect choices. This sort of process may accountfor observations of mass copying (Laland & Williams1998; Dall et al. 2005) or peer pressure in humans(Milgram et al. 1969; Milgram 1992) and may leadanimals to make decisions in groups they would nothave made by themselves. Although, quorum responseslead to poor decisions in some notable cases, on averagethey allow greater accuracy than do complete indepen-dence or weak responses to the behaviour of others.

    Another important property of quorum responses isthat they can be used to tune speed and accuracy. Byfixing a steep threshold and then tuning the baselinerate at which an option is accepted, decisions can bemade either more accurately or more quickly. Thesame is not true in the absence of a threshold, wherereducing baseline acceptance slows decision makingbut does little to increase accuracy. Temnothorax antstake advantage of this property to tune their decisionmaking for speed or accuracy (Pratt & Sumpter 2006).Our simple model suggests that many other animalsexhibiting quorum responses may also be able to tunetheir decisions in this way.

    Other studies have emphasized the precise tuning ofquorum size itself for the balancing of decisionspeed and accuracy, either over evolutionary time

  • quor

    um th







    d: T

    accept rate: log (accept)














    –1 0 1





    –2 –1 0 1–2 –1 0 1–2 –1 0 1–2






    ( f )



    (d )


    Figure 7. Trade-off of decision speed and accuracy for an agent-based model of Temnothorax emigrations. Predicted effects of theparameters accept, quorum threshold and k on the (a–d ) duration and (e–h) accuracy of emigrations. In each image, the intrinsicaccept rate and quorum threshold are varied for different threshold steepness, k. The plots show mean duration and accuracyover 32 simulations for each parameter combination. All other parameters are set to values estimated as described in Pratt(2005). Accept gives the recruitment initiation rate at good nests; the rate for mediocre nests was obtained by multiplying by thefactor 0.52 (the ratio of observed values of accept for mediocre and good nests). (a) kZ1; (b) kZ2; (c) kZ4; (d ) kZ8; (e) kZ1;( f ) kZ2; (g) kZ4; (h) kZ8.

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    (Passino & Seeley 2006), or dynamically in response tothe changing conditions experienced by a society(Franks et al. 2003a). Our results suggest instead thatthe quorum size may not require tight regulation orhave a particularly large direct influence on speed andaccuracy. As long as individuals employ a quorum rule,the threshold can vary quite widely with little effect,and the group can achieve both accuracy andtunability, by adjusting the more sensitive acceptanceparameter. Nonetheless, as discussed above forTemnothorax, there is empirical evidence that individ-uals change their quorum size and steepness accordingto circumstances (Franks et al. 2003a; Dornhaus et al.2004; Pratt & Sumpter 2006). Thus a functional rolefor tuning the quorum cannot be ruled out.

    An important question that we have not addressed inthis paper is conflict in consensus decision-making(Conradt & Roper 2005, 2009; Wood & Acland 2007;Sumpter et al. 2008). The models presented hereassume no conflict of interest between group membersand that the inherent tendency to lead or follow othersdoes not vary between individuals. These are reason-able assumptions for many insect societies, but are lesslikely to hold for the movements of more looselyassociated vertebrate groups. A first step to incorporat-ing conflict would be to test the evolutionary stability ofquorum responses; that is, to determine whether selfishindividuals could exploit the quorum parameter valuesthat optimize group accuracy to improve their ownaccuracy. For example, by waiting until everyone elsehas made a decision, an individual might be able tomaximize its own probability of making an accuratechoice. This strategy that should evolve when eachindividual aims to increase its own performancewithout regard to the outcome for others mightproduce group decisions that are neither fast nor

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    accurate. Because quorum responses are clearly usedby animals with conflicting interests, the effect of thisconflict on quorum parameter values remains as anexciting theoretical and experimental challenge.

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    Quorum responses and consensus decision makingIntroductionThe wisdom of crowdsPositive feedback and quorum responsesCockroach aggregationNest site selection by social insectsOther insects and spidersBirds, fish and primates

    Accuracy through quorum responsesQuorum response modelModel simulationSpeed-accuracy trade-offComparison to Condorcets theorem

    Speed versus accuracy trade-offs in ant migrationDiscussionReferences