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ICD10 Disclaimer: Nothing that we are sharing is intended as legally binding or prescrip7ve advice. This presenta7on is a synthesis of publically available informa7on and best prac7ces.

Quirk Healthcare: Impacts of ICD-10

May 07, 2015


Health & Medicine

Ben Quirk

Ben Quirk spoke to the South Florida medical group community about the impact of ICD-10 on the healthcare industry. It was a very informative talk that covered a lot of need-to-know details, including how ICD-10 relates to Meaningful Use and SNOMED.
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Disclaimer:  Nothing  that  we  are  sharing  is  intended  as  legally  binding  or  prescrip7ve  advice.  This  presenta7on  is  a  synthesis  of  publically  available  informa7on  and  best  prac7ces.  

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Based  in  South  Florida,  we  partner  with  healthcare  providers  and  organiza8ons,  helping  them  develop  strategies  and  systems  for  naviga8ng  the  new  landscape  of  the  healthcare  industry.  Our  clients  have  enjoyed  remarkable  success,  including  award  of  the  Medicare  Advantage  5-­‐star  ra8ng  by  the  Centers  for  Medicare  &  Medicaid  Services  (CMS).    

       About  Quirk  Healthcare  Solu8ons  

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       Quick  Overview  

•  October  1,  2014  hard  cut-­‐off  •  Affects  all  en88es  covered  by  HIPAA  •  14,000  ICD-­‐9  codes  grow  to  68,000  ICD-­‐10  codes  •  Version  5010  standards  •  Significant  changes  to  clinical  and  revenue  cycle  systems    

•  Complex  conversion  to  updated  codes  •  System  upgrades  to  expand  data  fields  for  longer  codes    

•  Staff  retraining  on  new  versions  and  codes  

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       The  Healthcare  World  Ends  in  the  Second    Half  of  2014  

9/30/14  –  MU  A`esta8on  Period  Ends  For  Providers  Who  Have  Not  A`ested  for  MU  

10/1/14  –  ICD10  Implementa8on  

12/31/14  –  MU  A`esta8on  Period  Ends  For  Providers  Who  Have  A`ested  Before    

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       In  Addi8on…  

•  Affordable  Care  Act  –  High  deduc8bles  already  increasing  importance  of  self  pay  and  impac8ng  prac8ces’  bo`om  lines  

•  Medicare  Reimbursement  Cuts  

•  Sequestra8on  •  PQRS  Penal8es  and  Scoring  Publica8on  

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WHAT  IS  ICD10?  

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       ICD-­‐10  Historical  Retrospec8ve  

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       ICD-­‐10  Regulatory  Mandates  

Federal  Mandate  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services  Final  Rule  CMS-­‐0013-­‐F  Published  January  2009  

HIPAA  5010  

Transac8on  formats  for  payors  and  providers  

January  1,  2012  


Diagnosis  and  procedure  codes  for  clinical  transac8ons  

October  1,  2014  

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       What  are  ICD-­‐10  Codes?  

•  Granular  code  set  developed  by  WHO  for:  –  Increased  clinical  accuracy  –  Improved  disease  tracking  – Disease  trending  

•  More  ICD-­‐10  codes  compared  to  ICD-­‐9  

ICD-­‐9  14,000  diagnosis  codes  4,000  procedure  codes  5  digit  numeric  codes  

ICD-­‐10  68,000  diagnosis  codes  87,000  procedure  codes  

7  digit  alphanumeric  codes  

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Anatomy  of  ICD-­‐10  Diagnosis  Codes  

•  3–7  digits  •  Digit  1  is  alpha,  including  O  and  I  but  no  U  •  Digit  2  is  numeric  •  Digits  3–7  are  alpha  (not  case  sensi8ve)  or  numeric  •  Decimal  is  aker  third  digit  •  Examples:  

–  A78  –  Q  fever  –  A69.21  –  Meningi8s  due  to  Lyme  disease;  and  –  S52.131a  –  Displaced  fracture  of  neck  of  right  radius,  ini8al  encounter  for  closed  fracture  

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       ICD-­‐10  Adop8on  Maturity  Model  

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       What  is  SNOMED?  

•  Acronym  for  Systema8zed  Nomenclature  Of  Medicine  –  Clinical  Terminology  

•  Interna8onal  standard  for  comprehensive  clinical  terminology  

•  Available  at  no  cost  through  the  Na8onal  Library  of  Medicine  

•  Enables  providers  and  EHRs  to  communicate  in  common  language  –  Increased  quality  of  pa8ent  care  across  special8es  –  Improved  accuracy  of  pa8ent  data  analysis  

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       What  is  SNOMED?  Con7nued  

•  Structured  into  19  “hierarchies”  which  define  the  clinical  concept  

•  Broken  down  into  increasing  granularity    •  Very  specific  clinical  concepts  to  define  pa8ent  condi8on  

•  More  complex  than  ICD-­‐10  hierarchy  

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       Why  is  it  important?  

•  MU2  criteria  expands  upon  MU1  requirements  to  improve  and  u8lize  HIT  and  EHRs  – Provides  consistent,  collabora8ve  care    –  Interoperability  between  EHRs  and  need  for  understanding  each  other  •  Use  of  common  language  

•  Problem  list  

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       The  ICD-­‐10  /  SNOMED  Rela8onship  

•  SNOMED  CT  has  be`er  clinical  coverage  than  ICD  •  Number  of  codes:  

–  SNOMED  CT  (Clinical  finding):  100,000  –  ICD-­‐9-­‐CM:  14,000  –  ICD-­‐10-­‐CM:  68,000  

•  ICD  focus  is  sta8s8cal  –  Less-­‐common  diseases  subsumed  under  general  categories  –  Aker-­‐the-­‐fact  codes  

•  SNOMED  CT  is  clinically-­‐oriented  –  Used  during  care  –  Clinical  relevance  and  user-­‐friendliness  

•  Clinically  coded  data  generates  ICD-­‐10  code  for  billing  

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     Leverage  the  Resources  Available  to  You  

•  Navicure’s  Free  ICD10  Comparison  Tool  •  AMA  and  MGMA  Offering  Training  Guides  and  Classes  

•  Intelligent  Medical  Objects  ICD9  to  ICD10  Conversion  for  Exis8ng  Problem  Lists  

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       Op8mal  Plan  for  2014  

•  Developing  a  plan  for  2014  is  impera8ve  


-­‐  Finalize  Plan  for  2014  

-­‐  Upgrade  to  ICD10  and  MU2  2014  Complaint  Version  

-­‐  Implement  PQRS  

-­‐  Review  Budget  to  Ensure  You  Have  Reserves  for  ACA  and  ICD10  Impacts  


-­‐  Test  ICD10  with  Clearinghouse  and  Payers  

-­‐  First  Try  at  MU  for  2014  


-­‐  Train  Providers  and  Staff  on  ICD10  

-­‐  Make  Up  Quarter  for  MU  



-­‐    ICD10  Implementa8on  

-­‐  Increase  CBO  Staffing  for  Managing  Resolu8on  of  Payer  Issues    


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       Op8mal  Plan  for  ICD10  

Impact  Analysis  • Iden8fy  current  systems  and  work  processes  that  use  ICD-­‐9  codes  • Talk  with  payers  about  effect  of  ICD-­‐10  implementa8on  on  provider  contracts    

Needs  Assessment  • Workflow  and  business  process  changes  • Staff  training  • Prac8ce  management  vendor  accommoda8ons  

Project  Plan  • Implementa8on  plan  with  clearinghouses,  billing  services,  and  payers  • Inventory  systems  and  workflows  • Con8ngency  plan  for  failed  go-­‐live  

Budget  • Time  and  costs  related  to    implementa8on  • Training  • IT/IS  upgrade  • Assistance  from  outside  vendor/consultant  • Poten8al  produc8vity  loss  

Conversion    • Transac8on  tes8ng    using  ICD-­‐10  codes  • Historic  data  conversion  • Review  coded  data  for  claims  reimbursement  consistent  with  ICD-­‐9  rates  

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       Project  Considera8ons  

External  tes8ng  

Internal  tes8ng  

Provider  training  

Review  system  customiza8ons  

Core  team  training  

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•  AHIMA  recommenda8on:  begin  no  more  than  six  months  before  compliance  deadline  

•  Approximately  16  hours  for  ambulatory  coders  and  50  hours  for  hospital  coders  –  Physician  prac8ce  coders  should  learn  ICD-­‐10  diagnosis  coding  

only  –  Hospital  coders  should  learn  both  ICD-­‐10  diagnosis  and  ICD-­‐10  

inpa8ent  procedure  coding  •  Specialty-­‐specific  ICD-­‐10    training  •  ICD-­‐10  coding  training  integrated  into  creden8al  

maintaining  CEUs  •  ICD-­‐10  resources  and  training  materials  available  through  

CMS,  professional  associa8ons,  and  socie8es  

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     Best  Prac8ces  

•  Find  diagnosis  search  tools  (in  EHR  or  Intelligent  Medical  Objects).  Paper  Superbills  and  Cheat  Sheets  will  no  longer  work.  

•  Begin  coding  in  ICD10  before  the  deadline  and  let  Navicure  downcode  for  you.  

•  Keep  in  close  contact  with  payers  who  aren’t  ready.  Work  with  Navicure  to  con8nue  downcoding  aker  10/1/14  for  these  payers.  

•  Understand  that  not  all  payers  will  be  ready  and  your  A/R  will  be  impacted.  

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Quirk  Healthcare  Solu8ons  

[email protected]  
