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QuickSilver Covid Protocols & Policies

QuickSilver -

Nov 14, 2021



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QuickSilver Covid Protocols

& Policies

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What You Need to Know…

P r o t o c o l s

• Know protocol for your pool

• Wear a mask• Sanitize• Social Distance• Keep garbage bag

in swim bag for rain

S t a y D i l i g e n t

• Limit exposure

• Only 1 youth

activity allowed at a

time in Santa Clara


• Travel requires 10-

day quarantine

R e p o r t

• If possibly exposed

or symptomatic,

don’t swim

• Immediately email

[email protected]

• Mandatory County


Po o l I s s u e s

• Chlorine high-range

• Limited options if

pool is down

Q u i c k S i l v e r

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G u n d e r s o n G u n d e r s o n W e l l J o h n M u i r C a s t i l l e r o A l m a d e n S & R P i n e h u r s t

Q u i c k S i l v e r

L e l a n d C l u b S p o r t S J Not Yet Open

2021 Pool Locations & Set-up Maps Click on pool for Google Maps

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2 98765431

Wait at Gate

Symptom Check

Sanitize Hands

Go to Assigned


Set Items Down

3-point entry

Swim Practice

Dry Off & Retrieve


Exit Gate

Return to Pool Road Map

Entry Checks DepartureSafe Swimming

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Return to Pool Entry Check Instructions

01 Wait at Gate

Athletes will enter through the assigned entrance gate. Athletes will stand on pre-assigned numbered marker to maintain social distancing. Swimmers will proceed to the next marker one at a time until they reach station 2.

02 Symptom Check

Athletes will be asked if they have (1) specific symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, or (2) have been in contact with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive

Athletes answering yes to any of the questions will not be permitted to enter the facility.

03 Sanitize Hands

Athletes are required to sanitize their hands with provided hand sanitizer. Social distance markers will be placed on the ground to ensure athletes waiting their turn to sanitize hands are at a safe distance.

04 Go to Assigned Lane

Each athlete will be pre-assigned a lane. Lanes will be marked with numbered cones.

Athletes are assigned one athlete per lane per side. For example, an athlete will be assigned to “lane 5a.” Athletes will follow the ground markers to their lane assignment.

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05 Set Down Items

Any items brought into the facility (such as a towel, clothes, shoes, or gear) shall be placed in the designated square. Each athlete will have a square for their lane to ensure social distancing at all times. After practices, it is the athlete/families responsibility to disinfect any items set down at the facility.

06 Enter Assigned Lane

Athletes will enter their assigned lane with a three point entry. Athletes must sit down and slide in feet first with one hand guiding you into the pool.

07 Swim Practice

Swim practices will have at least two coaches on deck. Due to social distancing measures, athletes be one to a lane and will only be permitted to share with a member of the same household.

Athletes will need to bring all of the required practice equipment for their group level. Equipment, such as kickboards or fins, will not be available to borrow.

Return to Pool Safe Swimming Instructions

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08 Dry Off & Retrieve Items

Athletes will dry off at the pool. The locker

rooms will be closed. Athletes will not be

permitted to shower or change on site.

Via USA Swimming rules, deck changing is

not permitted. Athletes need to plan to

arrive and leave in their swim suits.

09 Exit Gate

Athletes will exit through the assigned exit ide

gate. Athletes will follow marked pathway

and maintain social distancing at all times.

A 5 minute gap will be placed between

practices to limit the number of people at

the facility. Athletes are expected to be

picked up directly at the end of their

practice slot.

Return to Pool Departure Instructions

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Santa Clara County

Mandatory Directive on Travel“All persons traveling into Santa Clara County, whether by air, car, train, or any other means, directly or

indirectly from a point of origin greater than 150 miles from the County’s borders must quarantine for at least 10

days after arrival.”

What does this mean?

→If you travel more than 150 miles from the County borders, then you have a mandatory 10 day

quarantine and you cannot come to swim practice during that time.

Do you still have to quarantine if you have a negative Covid-19 test?

→The 10 day quarantine is required regardless of a negative Covid test!

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Athletes are NOT permitted to attend practices if…• They have COVID-19 symptoms including fever, chills, cough, shortness of

breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, recent

loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

• Anyone in household has symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19• They have been exposed to anyone who has symptoms or tested positive for


Athletes must come to practice with…• Face mask

• Practice equipment

• Wearing a swimsuit• Pre-showered at home

QuickSilver Swimming

Ensure Athletes are Safe to Swim

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• Parents must stay in vehicles at drop-off and pick-up.

• In the event the parent or guardian must exit their vehicle, then the parent or

guardian must wear a mask.

• Parents may not wait in the staging area with swimmers or by exit gates.

• Parents may not congregate on campus.• Parents will not have access to facilities such as restrooms.

QuickSilver Swimming

Parent & Guardian Policies

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• This policy is a living document and will change in compliance with County and State directives.

• QSS requires athletes and personnel to get tested as soon as possible if they develop one or more COVID-19 symptoms.

• Email [email protected] to notify of Covid case or possible Covid exposure

o If you have symptoms → Get tested for Covid19, stay home + notify QSS

o If you have confirmed positive test → Stay home + notify QSS

o If you or anyone in your household have been exposed to Covid-19 → Stay home + notify QSS

o If you traveled 150 miles away → Stay home for 10 days (even with negative Covid-19 test)

• QuickSilver may complete internal tracing, if necessary. Staff will be notified for that swim time slot. The swim slots are stable for this purpose. We will notify the practice group in the event of a positive test, but no names or information will be given for confidentiality. In some circumstances, we may opt to place a waiting period on the session as well.

• Return to Program

◦ Individuals who test negative for COVID-19 and are not close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases should remain at home until at least 24 hours after resolution of fever (if any) and improvement in other symptoms.

◦ Documentation of the negative test result must be provided to the QSS. In lieu of a negative test result, QSS may allow symptomatic athletes and personnel who are not close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case to return to work/school with a medical note by a physician that provides alternative explanation for symptoms and reason for not ordering COVID-19 testing.

Protocols if Exposure to Covid-19

QuickSilver Policy

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Close Contacts of a Confirmed COVID-19 Case

• A close contact is defined as someone who was within six feet of a person infected with COVID-19 for at

least 15 minutes at any time beginning two days before the infected person had symptoms or tested

positive. Close contacts include people who had 15 minutes of continuous contact with the infected

person, as well as people who had repeated short-duration interactions with the infected person.

• All athletes or personnel who had close contact with a COVID-19 positive person OR who are members of

a stable group with the COVID-19 positive person must be sent home and instructed to quarantine at


• Testing: Asymptomatic close contacts should be tested on Day 6 or later from last exposure to a COVID-

19 positive person. Close contacts who develop symptoms at any time during Days 0-14 should get

tested immediately. If testing is done earlier than 6 days after the last exposure to the COVID positive

person, the close contact should get tested again towards the end of the quarantine period.

Protocols if Exposure to Covid-19

Close Contacts

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• Individuals Who Test Positive for COVID-19 (Confirmed COVID-19 Cases)

• QuickSilver requires parents/guardians and personnel to immediately report to QuickSilver if a Program participant or

personnel test positive for COVID-19 or if one of their household members or non-household close contacts test positive for


• Any athletes or personnel who learns they have tested positive for COVID-19 while at the Program should be required to

immediately go home or wait in an isolation area until they can be transported home or to a healthcare facility, as soon as


• Program administrators notify the County Health Department within 4 hours of learning of any positive COVID-19 case.

• QuickSilver will notify affected families and personnel of any positive COVID-19 case in the Program while maintaining

confidentiality as required by state and federal laws.

• QuickSilver will identify and notify all close contacts to a confirmed COVID-19 case within the program. All athletes or

personnel who had close contact with a COVID-19 positive person OR who are members of a stable group with the COVID-19

positive person must be sent home and instructed to quarantine at home for 10 days after their last exposure to the positive

case. Programs shall handle close contacts in accordance with Section 10.b.

• Return to Program:

• Symptomatic individuals who test positive for COVID-19 may return if it has been at least 10 days since their symptom

onset AND at least 24 hours have passed since their last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications AND their

other symptoms have improved.

• Asymptomatic individuals who test positive for COVID-19 may return 10 days after their positive test result was collected.

• Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 and have completed their isolation, as set forth above, shall not be required to

provide a medical note or a negative test prior to returning to the Program.

Protocols if Exposure to Covid-19

Positive Covid-19 Test

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Length of Quarantine

• Asymptomatic close contacts may end quarantine after Day 10 from last exposure if they remain

asymptomatic, but must continue monitoring for symptoms for a full 14 days.

• Symptomatic close contacts who test positive shall be treated as confirmed COVID-19 cases.

• Symptomatic close contacts who test negative may end quarantine as early as Day 10 from last

exposure. However, anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms who tests negative for COVID-19, must

stay home until 24 hours after fever resolution and improvement in other symptoms.

• Household close contacts to confirmed COVID-19 cases who cannot isolate from their household

members must quarantine until at least 10 days after the case completes their isolation period. This

may be 20 days or more.

Protocols if Exposure to Covid-19

Quarantine Period