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Qualities of Prophet Muhammad as an Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial Leadership- HIMS
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Page 1: Qualities of prophet muhammad ﷺpbuh s an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial Leadership-HIMS

Qualities of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصas an


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A head of caravan needs VISION, COMMUNICATION

and COMPASSION, — basic tools for a Leader.

Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal

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BOOK TITLE: “100 Performing CEOs & Leaders of Pakistan”

"Seven Secrets of Failure“

Finally the Seven Secrets of Failures of the top 100 business leaders

and difference makers have been revealed: these 100 business leaders did the opposite of these key factors.

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1) Lack of Perseverance (Istaqamat):

Most leaders fail not because they lack knowledge or talent, but because they quit. The total secret of success lies in two words: persistence and resistance.

Persistence in what must be done and resistance what ought not to be done.

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2) Lack of Faith (Yaqeen e Kamil):

People who lack conviction take the middle of the road; and guess what happens in the middle of the road? You get run over.

People without conviction do not take a stand.

They go along to get along because they lack confidence and courage.

They conform in order to get accepted even when they know that what they are doing is wrong. They behave like part of a herd.

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3) Rationalizing (Susst - Musst):

Winners must analyze but never rationalize. That is a loser's game. Losers always have a book full of excuses to tell you why they could not. We hear excuses like……•I'm unlucky•I'm born under the wrong stars•I'm not good looking•I don't have contacts•I don't have enough money•The economy is bad•If only I had the opportunity•If only I didn't have a family And the list goes on….

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4) Not Learning from Past Mistakes (Insanity):

Some people live and learn, and some only live.

Wise people learn from their mistakes.

People who do not learn lessons from history, are ruined.

Failure is a teacher if we have the right attitude.

Failure is a detour (indirect route), not a dead end. It is a delay, not a defeat. Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.

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5) Lack of Discipline (Emotional Intelligence):

Anyone who has accomplished anything worthwhile has never done so without discipline and emotional maturity.

Emotional intelligence takes self-control, sacrifice, avoiding distractions and temptations.

It means staying focused. Steam does not move the engine unless it is confined. Niagara Falls would not generate power unless it was harnessed.

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6) Poor Self-Esteem ( Tasawar-e- Zaat –Takmeel-e- Zaat to Irfaan-e-Zaat):

Poor self-esteem is a lack of self-respect and self-worth.

It leads to abuse of one's self and others.

People with low self-esteem are constantly looking for an identity. They are trying to find themselves.

One's self is not to be found but to be created. Idleness and laziness are consequences of poor self-esteem and so is making excuses. Idleness is like rust that corrodes the most brilliant metal.

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7) Fatalistic Attitude (Proactive vs. Reactive):

A reactive attitude prevents people from accepting responsibility for their position in life. They attribute success and failure to luck. They surrender themselves to their fate. They believe and accept the fated future written in their horoscope. They believe that regardless of their effort, whatever has to happen will happen.

Hence they never put in any effort, and complacency becomes a way of life. They wait for things to happen rather than make them happen.

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AS AN ENTREPRENEUR, CEO & LEADERProphet Muhammad (PBUH) enlightened the world with his celestial charisma and gave a mode of demeanor in all aspects of human beings with his impressive persona. Not only his spiritual presence illuminated the murky era of orthodox conventions, but also his corporeal frame did magic in the age of ignorance and darkness.

He was a role model in all walks of life and still he is an epithet to be followed blindfold. He is a sign of mercy, pity, peace and love. He has taught human kind the ways and methods to outshine in both worlds i.e. this world and the hereafter.

The purpose of including and bringing in the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a deft entrepreneur and a great leader is to explain to our present generation that he truly is an ideal to follow not only in religious facets but also in our businesses affairs.

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Life of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص as an EntrepreneurIf we go through the biography of the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we will find that he was not only a philosopher, warrior, a leader and a great influential person in the history of the world, but very rarely, a few know that Muhammad (PBUH) led a life of a successful entrepreneur and a successful leader. That is why, he should not only be respected as a religious leader and head of state, but should also be appreciated as a merchant who had a range of business network, market share and extensive customers on the basis that his entrepreneurship period of nearly 25 years is relatively longer than his prophetic period of 23 years. He not only emphasized the importance of ethics in business but also involved directly in business activities. Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) unique communication and leadership style led Islam to spread its influence not only in Arabian Peninsula but also outside to the north, south, east and west. The key traits he carried out in his entrepreneurship and leadership were values of honesty, integrity, justice, politeness and liberty, these all were reflected in his practical deeds. Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) skills as manifested in his speeches demonstrated to the eyes of all humankind that he was indeed a thriving entrepreneur and a great leader worthy of note.

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Entrepreneurship in Islam is not simply about the end goal i.e. successful sales, but by the way in which this goal has been achieved and in this regard, entrepreneurship should be based on the exemplary business conduct of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is worth mentioning that he started doing business with an internship at the tender age of 12 years with his uncle Abu Talib (RA) when he became a part of the caravan that travelled to Syria for business trip. He also got preliminary trade experiences from his uncle for several years around Makkah. With experience and honesty in business, he gradually became the trustworthy trader among the business community (investors) in Makkah. He first became business internee, later business manager and then investment manager and ended up as an investor. During his trading period, Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) revealed his highest capabilities of running business that even the Makkans attracted some investors to entrust their capital to be managed by Muhammad (PBUH) with the principle of sharing (Musharaka-Mudaraba) and payroll. At this stage, he switched over from business manager (Managing his own business) to an investment manager (Managing capital investors).

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At a time when there were no ethics of business, Muhammad (PBUH) got the opportunity to expand business and reached trade centre in the Arabian Peninsula. His honesty in business became attraction for the local investors to invest their capital with Muhammad (PBUH) — one of whom was Hazrat Khadijah (RA) who later became his first wife.At the age of 25, he married Hazrat Khadijah (RA) who was a successful business woman in the region. With this, he became owner and manager of Hazrat Khadija's (RA) wealth. Honesty, dedication and integrity increased the trade volume that made him a business owner. He then gave more importance to develop business through trade expeditions regularly. He visited regional and international markets in order to retain customers and business partners. To promote business he visited Yemen, Syria, Basra, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain and other Arab trade cities. Just before the start of the prophetic period, he spent a lot of time in establishing business and came out to be a prosperous entrepreneur.

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Twelve Traits of Leadership according to Holy Qura’an

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while unfolding the traits of leadership said “Everyone is custodian of his/her subordinates and is answerable for his job on the DAY OF JUDGEMENT.” Following are the traits which a leader/head must possess.

Taqwa (Fear of Allah)Human beings should avoid committing sins. Unless one has no fear in his heart, one cannot avoid sins. To achieve Taqwa, one should imagine the wrath of Almighty Allah.

Ikhla’as (Sincerity)It is imperative for everyone to achieve the Will and Pleasures of Almighty Allah instead of doing a task for the sake of public happiness..

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Shukka'ar (Attitude of Gratitude) After getting any comfort, a man should thank Allah

Saba’ar (Patience & Persistence)Patience is of three kinds. Saba’ar Alta’at (Performing Prayer, Fast, Haj and Zakat); Saba’ar Anaal Massia (To keep away from doing offences) and Saba’ar Alal Shaed (To remember Allah at difficult time).

Sadda’aq (Truthfulness)To achieve a height of a task is called Saddaq, based on Aqwaal, Afaal and Ahwaal. Commitment to a task is Aqwal; Every task should be according to Islamic teaching is Afaal while all tasks should be according to Hadith and Sunnah is called Ahwaal.

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Tawaza’a (Submission)A man should consider himself as a meek and modest and do not even think of taking revenge upon anyone.

Hikma’at (Wisdom)Intellectualism bestowed upon a soul by Allah is Hikmaat. One should talk and debate intellectually and rationally.

Tawakka’al (Trust in Allah)If a person does utmost to accomplish a task and seeks Almighty Allah’s Blessing for its result is called Tawakkal.

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Ikhla’aq (Ethics)Ethics are necessary to live a prosperous and progressive life as these are natural. Without ethics, this world can become a mess.

Hasoul-e-Ilm (Seeking knowledge)Imam Malik (RA) said knowledge is a high-merit asset and one can ascertain insight through knowledge.

Shuja’at (Courage)The trait of courage protects a man from the agonies and woes and that man becomes a hard rock against difficulties and challenges.

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Shura’a (Consultation)To consult the people concerned and not impose any decision upon others is called Shura. Reconciliation on an issue should be achieved while opinion should be given when inner self is satisfied.

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How to become a Millionaire by MUNIR BHATTI

Answer the question after watching video

Determine qualities essential to become a successful entrepreneur???

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Top 10 Behavioral Leadership Competencies of100 Performing CEOs & Business Leaders of Pakistan

This indigenous study is about the leadership trades of Pakistan’s top CEOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs. This topic will highlight the key factors, styles, attitudes and characteristics behind the success of business tycoons of this country.It is a comprehensive qualitative study which has been done to bring forth leadership qualities of business tycoons of this country. It is important to know particular traits of these business leaders to determine the factors of their success. The aim is to identify these behavioral leadership characteristics and help metamorphosing an ordinary businessman into a successful entrepreneur of this country while, on the other hand, such characteristics would be best guidelines for starts-up for running their business on successful lines. Some people believe the real cause of their success is a stroke of luck, while some are of the views that some mysterious forces are behind their business triumph. But, in reality, there are concrete factors constantly working behind their success. To study this approach it was needed to work on it.

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RESULTSLeadership is not a term but a dynamic process that makes any person successful. As far as a business person is concerned, he does not take this term for granted; rather, he gets success by passing through this process and the volume of success depends on how effectively he sharpens his acumen during this period. Business community, all over the world is considered to be very successful, affluent, satisfied, and role models for the upcoming generation. Everyone wants to know the secrets of their successful business. On these grounds, this research has been conducted so that these secrets should be revealed to ordinary people too.

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The following are those factors frequently recognized by most of the business leaders:•Emotional Stability•Optimism • Assertiveness attitude •Business knowledge/excellence •Professionalism •Effective management style •Family’s support•Strong belief system•Integrity•Global Vision

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The first factor they use for their success is ‘optimism’ and this is the most important trait of their life that helped them to compose their success in this world. The 1st subject reported very clearly, “We should not lose hope or think that we cannot get out of difficult situation, all the leading people and countries were able to achieve glory only after braving hard times”. In this regard other two subjects reported the importance of clarity of vision and global mindset. This shows the leader’s positive approach towards future and hope for better results in terms of success.

The 4th subject reported “leadership is the ability to see things differently, bring about change in the people showing them new directions, raising hopes and transforming culture”.

The 5th subject said, “Leaders are those who raise hopes amongst people. Visionary leaders are those who can convey their message to people in an effective manner and then inspire them. They are who can articulate the vision”.

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The other important theme extracted from their success interviews is self-confident attitude of CEOs and leaders that provokes confidence in their abilities and themselves.

Professionalism or professional attitude of a leader in business is a common theme among the 100 success interviews. Professionalism involves what I find from the coding of the 1st interview are strictly adhering to rules, objectives, management, human resource, transforming culture, professional environment, clear destiny and continuous learning. These are rules they adopted in running their respective organizations.

Family plays very important role in their success. Supportive and caring relationship with your family and their encouragement leads you to happiness and success. We found from all interviews that all successful leaders unanimously reported the role of their families behind their success. Some stated that their fathers are their role models, and that their parents’ prayers and inspiring families are the main motivation of their success.

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Faith in God plays a vital role in the development of the system of their beliefs. Being Muslims they strongly believe in the blessing of Allah as they think if you leave all your cares and worries to Allah and pray to Him for success, Allah will definitely help you.

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