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Versorgungsforschung für demenziell erkrankte Menschen Health Services Research for People with Dementia Symposium – Bonn 11.-12. Dezember 2008 (World Conference Center Bonn) Plenary Lectures: INDIVIDUALISATION OF CARE Qualitative nursing research in dementia Abstract (taken from the Abstract Booklet): Qualitative research, an umbrella term for different methods and methodologies, has received increased attention in health care research, also in the domain of the care for persons suffering from dementia. Qualitative research is often used to study the lived experience of health care “clients”, their perception of their situation and the meaning they give to the situation they are in. It allows uncovering processes at play in dealing with (taxing) situations and demands arising form health problems. Qualitative studies can be used to study the process and the effects of health care. Action research studies allow improving practice directly. In the field of dementia care qualitative research has been used extensively to study the lived experience of family members and more particular family caregivers. In particular burden and coping have been paid attention to. More recently family members have been seen and studied as such: persons close to someone suffering from debilitat recently , family members have been seen and studied as such: persons close to someone suffering from debilitat- ing and alienating disease. What it means for professionals to give care to patients suffering from dementia has also been a topic repeatedly investigated. The lived experience of the persons suffering from dementia has been less frequently studied, and almost exclusively in the early stage of dementia. Qualitative studies rely mostly on inter- views and the interviews with patients suffering from (serious) dementia are not easy to conduct and/or interpret. C ii d d h dh b f if ll di d i h hi hd Ob i Care giving and ward atmosphere can and have been fruitfully studied using ethnographic methods. Observation studies, nowadays often using video-registration, can help to understand care processes in dementia care, and evaluate the care from an ethical perspective. Especially the combination of observation and interviewing is fruitful to uncover what goes on in the care of demented patients. In the seventies Norberg et al. conducted a series of observation studies focusing on actions of daily care for demented patients. Nurses and patients were meticulously observed during care giving, and the reactions of the demented patients were carefully analyzed, thus allowing

Qualitative nursing research in dementia - · Qualitative research in patients su ffering from dementia presents

Mar 16, 2018



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Versorgungsforschung für demenziell erkrankte Menschen –g g gHealth Services Research for People with DementiaSymposium – Bonn 11.-12. Dezember 2008 (World Conference Center Bonn)


Qualitative nursing research in dementia

Abstract (taken from the Abstract Booklet):

Qualitative research, an umbrella term for different methods and methodologies, has received increased attention in health care research, also in the domain of the care for persons suffering from dementia. Qualitative research is often used to study the lived experience of health care “clients”, their perception of their situation and the meaning they give to the situation they are in. It allows uncovering processes at play in dealing with (taxing) situations and demands arising form health problems. Qualitative studies can be used to study the process and the effects of g p Q y phealth care. Action research studies allow improving practice directly.

In the field of dementia care qualitative research has been used extensively to study the lived experience of family members and more particular family caregivers. In particular burden and coping have been paid attention to. More recently family members have been seen and studied as such: persons close to someone suffering from debilitatrecently, family members have been seen and studied as such: persons close to someone suffering from debilitat-ing and alienating disease. What it means for professionals to give care to patients suffering from dementia has also been a topic repeatedly investigated. The lived experience of the persons suffering from dementia has been less frequently studied, and almost exclusively in the early stage of dementia. Qualitative studies rely mostly on inter-views and the interviews with patients suffering from (serious) dementia are not easy to conduct and/or interpret. C i i d d h d h b f i f ll di d i h hi h d Ob iCare giving and ward atmosphere can and have been fruitfully studied using ethnographic methods. Observation studies, nowadays often using video-registration, can help to understand care processes in dementia care, and evaluate the care from an ethical perspective. Especially the combination of observation and interviewing is fruitful to uncover what goes on in the care of demented patients. In the seventies Norberg et al. conducted a series of observation studies focusing on actions of daily care for demented patients. Nurses and patients were meticulously g y p p yobserved during care giving, and the reactions of the demented patients were carefully analyzed, thus allowing

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defining what could be considered best practice in the (daily) care of patients suffering from dementia. It seems that the tradition of such studies has disappeared and we would applaud its coming back. The use of a qualitative design to experimentally study the effects of deliberate change in care arrangements or organization is rather exceptional. The study of de Lange shows that it can be very interesting. Action research has been conducted in the field ofThe study of de Lange shows that it can be very interesting. Action research has been conducted in the field of dementia care with the aim of directly improving care.

Qualitative research in patients suffering from dementia presents particular challenges. As communication with he patient is not easy, interpretation of what is said often difficult, and family members not always able to speak for the patient it is not easy to evaluate findings as to the meaning for dementia care Really understanding patientspatient, it is not easy to evaluate findings as to the meaning for dementia care. Really understanding patients suffering from dementia remains difficult, as the interpretation does not easily allow crossing the border of what is “foreign”. It often remains difficult to judge whether what seems right is indeed right. Nonetheless, even if the research does not allow going further than best guesses, our contention is that it should be used abundantly, as best guesses are certainly to be preferred above uninformed guesses. Qualitative researchers need to be real and realistic as to their pretences, but not so humble that the potential contribution they could make to improve the care and the quality of life of persons suffering form dementia and their family members, would remain unrealized. -----------------

Maria Grypdonck, Prof. Dr., Els Steeman, Sofie Verhaeghe, Dr., Dep. of Nursing Science, Ghent University, 9000 yp , , , g , , p g , y,Ghent, BelgiumE-mail: [email protected]

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Qualitative Research in DementiaQualitative Research in Dementia and Dementia Care

M. GrypdonckypE. Steeman

S. VerhaegheGhent University

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Qualitative Research

• Generic term • For disparate methodologies• With a number of common characteristics• With a number of common characteristics• Fast growing body of research in health care• In spite of the Evidence Based Practice hipe

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Common characteristics

• Data based; empirical• Analysis through interpretation: assigning

meaning to data; saying more than is in themeaning to data; saying more than is in the data

i bj i ld• Investigates “subjective world”• Controlled researcher subjectivityControlled researcher subjectivity• Disciplined, systematic procedures

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The world of qualitativeThe world of qualitative researchersresearchers

• Reality as lived by the subjectsPh l i l ld• Phenomenological world

• Focus or attention to meaning and existential hthemes

• Symbolic interactionism• Or at least perceptions• Research reconstructs co-created reality

(Charmaz)• Several reconstructions can be valid • Objectivity: doing justice to the object of study


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Some important types ofSome important types of qualitative researchqualitative research

• Phenomenological descriptionsOft i “ th ”– Often using “common themes”

– Or identifying “essence” of experiencesSt di l i i i t ti l th d• Studies explaining existential themes and behaviour

By reconstructing the internal logic of the behaviour– By reconstructing the internal logic of the behaviour– Identifying meaning– Laying bare the processes at playLaying bare the processes at play

• Grounded theory – Inductive theory (grounded in the data)– Inductive theory (grounded in the data)– Identifying “basic social/psychological process”

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Major types of qualitativeMajor types of qualitative researchresearch

• Phenomenological descriptionsQ li i di l i i b h i• Qualitative studies explaining behaviour

• Grounded theory • Ethnographic studies

– Studying communities– “culturally mediated meaning and behaviour

• Case studies/multiple case studies– N=1; N=nx1– In depth studies of individuals

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Qualitative research in dementia

• The lived experience of persons suffering from dementia (PSD)– Several studiesSeveral studies– In spite of difficulties qualitative research poses

Li it d t l t– Limited to early stage

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The lived experience of patientsThe lived experience of patients in early stage (Steeman et al.)in early stage (Steeman et al.)

PSD relate positive storiesProblems due to memory loss are limited or– Problems due to memory loss are limited or have limited consequencesTh h t i lti i t– They have many competencies resulting in past and present accomplishments

– They are being valued by others, in the past and in the present.

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The lived experience of patientsThe lived experience of patients in early stage (Steeman et al.)in early stage (Steeman et al.)

• PSD relate positive stories:– Problems due to memory loss are limited or have

limited consequencesTh h i l i i d– They have many competencies resulting in past and present accomplishmentsTh b i l d b th– They are being valued by others

• Positive story does not correspond with b i d / i f f ilobservations and reports/stories of family

members? What does it mean?

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The lived experience of patientsThe lived experience of patients in early stage (Steeman et al.)in early stage (Steeman et al.)

• PSD relate positive storiesP i i d d i h• Positive story does not correspond with observations and reports/stories of family members? What does it mean?members? What does it mean?

• Do we elicit positive stories by asking about problems?problems?

• Struggling to remain of valueB b l i b i l d d b i thl– By balancing being valued and being worthless

– Using strategies such as minimizing, rationalizing, normalizing somatizing problems affirmingnormalizing, somatizing problems, affirming competencies, humour, avoiding confrontation….

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Qualitative research in dementiaQualitative research in dementia in later stagesin later stages

• Problems: – Communication– Interpretation

• Adapted strategies to collect data• Ethnographic and (video-)observation• Ethnographic and (video-)observation

studies to overcome problemsPro ide rich conte t to help interpretation– Provide rich context to help interpretation

– Disease precludes validation with “members”

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Lived experience and burden inLived experience and burden in family membersfamily members

• Approached mainly as caregivers• Study of burden• Study of lived experience as a family• Study of lived experience as a family


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Constructing Alzheimer's: narratives of lost identities confusion and lonelinesslost identities, confusion and loneliness in old age.W. L. Hinton, & S. Levkoff

• Analysis of narratives• Reconstructing the story line• In multicultural contextIn multicultural context• Three story types

Cult.Med Psychiatry, 23, 453-475, 1999

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The story of AD yas recounted by Irish-Americans, Afro-

A i d Chi A iAmericans and Chinese-Americans

St i f l t id titi d d t i ti b i• Stories of lost identities and deteriorating brains• AD is an insidious inner process of deterioration

of the brain and loss of self• “Difficult” behaviour is a consequence of the

disease and out of the person’s control• “let go” and disappearance of the personet go a d d sappea a ce o t e pe so• Social death with grief and sadness in family


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Other stories of AD

• Chinese stories:– Confusion and dependency coming with old age– The machine breaks down over time– Stories about helping and ethics in family

• Puerto Rican stories– Extreme loneliness both as cause and as consequence of

AD– AD is consequence of family tragedies– Destigmatization of AD

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Studies of care andStudies of care and communicationcommunication

• Studies of professional care giversT b i bl t li ht– To bring problems to light

– To identify excellent practicesDescriptions intended as either the former or the latter– Descriptions intended as either the former or the latter

• Studies of care arrangementsEvaluation trough interviews with family members– Evaluation trough interviews with family members, practitioners and (much less frequently) patients

– ObservationObservation– Problem of criteria: what is good care?– Experimental research: de Lange et al. p g

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Daily care for patients sufferingDaily care for patients suffering from severe dementiafrom severe dementia

• Observational studiesU i i i• Uncovering patterns in reactions

• Trough meticulous observation– Of nurses behaviour in practical care giving– Of patient's reactions to this actions at the detailed level

• Leading to advice for care• Video-observation increases possibilities• Could be used by very patient researchers for

study of communication

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Action research

• Participation of researched and researchers i d i i ti d i t ti thin designing, executing and interpreting the study

• Directed toward changing practice in a specific settingp g

• Bringing about and understanding change is more important than the generation ofmore important than the generation of generalizable knowledge

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Using qualitative researchUsing qualitative research diligentlydiligently

• Qualitative research brings to light subjective reactions to illness care loss lifereactions to illness, care, loss, life

• It can foster understandingB i d d i i l f i d fi• Being understood is a crucial factor in good, fine-tuned care

Th i f b i d t d i ti l i– The experience of being understood is essential in humanizing care

– Understanding the lived experience of the client helpsUnderstanding the lived experience of the client helps in choosing well tuned measures, interventions, in designing settings and arrangements

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Using qualitative researchUsing qualitative research diligentlydiligently

• Qualitative research brings to light subjective reactions to illness care loss lifereactions to illness, care, loss, life

• It can foster understandingB i d d i i l f i d ll• Being understood is a crucial factor in good, well tuned careK l d f li i h h ld• Knowledge from qualitative research should not function as prejudicesI h l d d h i i b h ld• It can help to understand the situation but should not take the place of careful and open connection and investigation in every particular situationand investigation in every particular situation

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Qualitative research andQualitative research and Evidence based practiceEvidence based practice

• Qualitative research does provide “evidence” of a diff h i i didifferent nature than quantitative studies

• It is not to be used as “external” evidence• But as an aid in the exploration of the meaning of

the situation for the client and of what can be helpful given the situation and its meaning

• Is is of great value in interpreting how to applyIs is of great value in interpreting how to apply “evidence” in particular cases

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• Qualitative research has much to offer to health carecare

• Despite the limitations in reflective competencies of the PSD and the difficulty to understand theof the PSD and the difficulty to understand the world of the patients, qualitative research can enlighten practiceenlighten practice

• Even though in many cases the researchers cannot offer the degree of certainty that we like to find inoffer the degree of certainty that we like to find in research

• It is better to make well informed guesses thanIt is better to make well informed guesses than uninformed guesses.