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Quadrennial Report 2013 – 2016 BVI Olympic Committee Tel 284 494 6920 Fax 284 494 5382 PO Box 209 Road Town, Tortola. BVI [email protected]

Quadrennial Report - BVI Olympic · 2016. 11. 29. · Quadrennial Report 2013 – 2016 BVI Olympic Committee Tel

Jan 01, 2021



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Quadrennial Report 2013 – 2016

BVI Olympic Committee Tel 284 494 6920 Fax 284 494 5382

PO Box 209 Road Town, Tortola. BVI [email protected]

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Table of Contents

BVIOC Executive

Strategic Goals

Summary of Programmes

Programmes 2013 to 2016

2013 – 2016 Games Summary

BVIOC and Our Community

Highlights 2013 – 2016

Financial Reports

Looking Ahead

Associations/ Federations


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BVIOC Executive

Message from the Executive

Executive Members

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Message from the Executive This quadrennial proved to be quite interesting, not to mention very busy. On reflection we have been able to meet our goals as laid out in our strategic plan following consultation and engagement with all associations during the review process of your respective quadrennial plans. Our objectives for the past four years were:

‘Person on the Podium’ - getting elite athletes on to the Podium

Increase the number of sports participating in Games

Promotion of Olympic Values including Respect, Excellence, Friendship

Promote drug free sport through the WADA programme

While we recognise we still have a long ways to go, we have made significant strides by focusing on what is important to achieve the aforementioned objectives. As the 2013 – 2016 quadrennial commenced, the biggest challenge from the outset was the introduction of the Non Profit Organisations (NPO) legislation that forced all of us to have a second look at our respective constitution to ensure compliance. We thank Thornton Smith for assisting us to get over that hurdle. Our strategic focus this quadrennial provided the extra push that non team sport athletes have been looking for in prior years, with significant financial support by way of individual scholarships going to athletes from athletics, swimming, squash, skiing and sailing. This was In keeping with our goal of providing the best possible support to our top individual athletes. The Olympic scholarship programme offered NOCs the possibility to obtain financial and technical assistance for those elite athletes who were training, and attempting to qualify, for the Sochi and Rio Olympic Games. Rugby benefitted from a “Team Support Grant” and this is reflected in the growth of their grassroots’ programme. The “Person on the Podium” campaign was also reflected in many of your goals, and as such BVIOC commend and congratulate all associations whose athletes achieved such at your regional and international competitions for example the World Youth Championship, World Junior Championship, Carifta Games, OECS Championship, CAC, CBC etc. We commend once again Chantel Malone, CAC Long Jump Champion, who also got a 4th and 5th place finish at the Commonwealth Games and Pan Am Games respectively. Chantel was the only senior athlete to reach the podium internationally. Congratulations also to our aspiring seniors, the team of Taylor Hill, Nelda Huggins, Jonel Lacey and Tarika “Tinker Bell” Moses who won the silver medal at the 8th IAAF World Youth Championships, and Kyron McMaster, the 2016 World Junior 400 M Hurdles Bronze Medallist Mention must be made of the top 5 associations that were able to benefit from the broad array of programmes and financial assistance to athletes. The gains made by these association in their “Person on the Podium” programme was in many ways reflected by level of funding and support provided by BVIOC, and the level of competition their

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respective athletes were qualified to participate in. These associations were Athletics, Swimming, Sailing, Squash and Tennis. The Grant Summary by Association refers. It is also important to note that while many of our athletes did not make it to the podium, many in fact moved beyond the preliminary round in their various competitions, whether it was the quarter finals, semi-finals or indeed the finals. These efforts deserve praise. The British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee in 2014 celebrated 30 years (1984 to 2014) of participation in the Olympic Games. The celebration by way of a reception held at Old Government House Museum recognised BVIOC founding members and first Olympians. The BVIOC also presented the 2013 IOC Trophy “150 Years, Pierre de Coubertin, Sport as a School of Life” during a dinner event to Past President Rey O’Neal. These 2 events were in keeping with our objectives of promoting, maintaining and recording our BVI legacy; which would be expanded on in the 2017 to 2020 quadrennial with the creation of an Olympic Academy programme. Of particular importance this quadrennial was the introduction and expansion of our community based programmes: Run/ Walk for Health: BVIOC through the Ministry of Health supporting healthy lifestyles in our community. BVIOC assisted with the purchase of pedometers that were distributed throughout the community by the Ministry of Health. Swim for Life: BVIOC supporting and promoting water safety in our community working in partnership with Kids and The Sea programme (KATS). Olympic Day: Olympic Day, an annual celebration is a celebrated around the world to observe the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. It is also a celebration of the Olympic Day pillars: move, learn and discover. Queen’s Baton Relay: The Queen's Baton Relay, similar to the Olympic Torch Relay, is a relay around the world held prior to the beginning of the Commonwealth Games. The Baton carries a message from the Head of the Commonwealth, currently Queen Elizabeth II.

LATD: The Long Term Athlete Development and the promotion of physical literacy programme is currently being undertaken in conjunction with CANOC, Canada Sport for Life Foundation, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and other community based stakeholders.

BVI RADO: Locally based organisation headed by BVIOC President Ephraim Penn, and a group of hard working volunteers being committed to promoting the culture of “Clean Sport”, and arranging for the testing of athletes in BVI. Rey O’Neal Scholarship: BVIOC/ Ministry of Education educational scholarship programme for promising BVI athletes.

As in previous years, PASO continued with its Olympic Solidarity Programmes, with particular emphasis on the training of coaches. BVI participated in or conducted

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programmes in the following sports; Basketball, Athletics, Swimming and Taekwondo. The coaching assistance grant to BVIFA was funded by Olympic Solidarity. Additionally, with assistance from CGA Canada and as part of a CANOC regional initiative, the BVI in 2014 hosted a Caribbean Coaching Certification Programme for approximately 30 local attendees, and most recently in 2016 with financial support from Lima 2019, and organised by CANOC hosted a regional workshop for “Trainer of Trainers” with attendees primarily from post- secondary level institutions from across the region. A new feature this quadrennial was the Pan American Olympic Festival held in the summer of 2014. The festival supported the late President of PASO’s vision to ensure that the group’s athletes were the best prepared to participate in the Olympics. These Programmes included the training of coaches, scholarships for athletes and direct support to the NOCs. Unfortunately, only Squash made the trip to the festival. In 2013 The Capacity Support Officer programme was introduced in 4 NOCs in the region (Antigua and Barbuda, BVI, St. Vincent and Anguilla. This programme an initiative of Commonwealth Games Canada was designed to provide administrative support to NOCs while providing on the job training for Canadian graduates. 2 CSO’s spent a total of 10 months working in BVI. 2015 saw leadership changes in our overseas organisations. Following the passing of then PASO President Mario Rana, Uruguayan Olympic Committee President Julio Maglione was elected as interim President. Maglione is the current FINA President and an IOC member. In the CGF, Louise Martin was elected the group’s first female president. As this quadrennial in particular comes to a close, it is worth reflecting back to prior years to add some perspective to the gains we have made in particular over the past four years: During the 2001 to 2004 era, approximately $142K in funding was received, with approximately 33% going to or utilised for the benefit of athletes. During the 2005 to 2008 era, approximately $290K in funding was received with approximately 49% going to or utilised for the benefit of athletes. During the 2009 to 2012 era, approximately $595K in funding was received with approximately 58% going to or utilised for the benefit of athletes. During the 2013 to 2016 era, approximately $1,900K in funding was received from Olympic Solidarity, PASO and the CGF with approximately 78% going to or utilised for the benefit of athletes. The aforementioned demonstrates that the current executive have been working extremely hard for and on behalf of athletes, and that their focus was athlete centred. It is safe to say that every credible method was utilised to present BVIOC’s case to the relevant organisations, with our efforts being rewarded to facilitate the programmes presented over the past 4 years.

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As far as the future goes, we can only promise to be just as hard-working in our efforts. The programmes we hope to undertake would be reflective of our ongoing dialog and your timely submissions of your proposed programmes for the next four years. The BVIOC 2012 to 2016 executive members take this opportunity to thank all member associations, all local, regional and international stakeholders for their support over the past 4 years, and stand ready to serve for the next 4 years.

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President Ephraim Penn

1st VP Neville Smith Sec. Gen Lloyd Black 2nd VP Roy Barry

Sabinah Clement Cleave Farrington Mark Chapman

Athlete’s Rep BVIOC Office Treasurer

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Strategic Goals


Our Vision


Key Outcomes By 2016


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Strategy To prepare the Virgin Islands athletes for the highest level of local, regional, and

international competitions and also promote and protect the Olympic Movement in the

Virgin Islands in accordance with the Olympic Charter

Our Vision

Inspiring our people through sport and the Olympic ideals

We are guided by the International Olympic Charter and the Commonwealth Games

Federation Constitution

Inspire through sports performance and education

Excel by being the best one can be

Bring effective partnerships together


‘Person on the Podium’ - getting elite athletes on to the Podium

Increase the number of sports participating in the Games

Promotion of Olympic Values including Respect, Excellence, Friendship

Promote drug free sport through the WADA programme

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Key Outcomes By 2016

Outcome 1: Inspirational Games Experiences

Athletes, Coaches and National Federations (“NFs”) believe that the work of the BVIOC for

all Major Games added value to their performance

Our Commitment

We will create an inspirational high performance environment at every Games by:

Being Athlete centred, Coach and Support driven

Ensuring team members feel strong and proud

Ensuring we impact positively on performance by assisting Athletes to excel

Ensuring through an integrated campaign of team, education, marketing and

communications, that all Games are a source of inspiration and excellence for team

members and all BVIslanders

Ensuring Olympians are utilised to lead, inspire and encourage

Ensuring identified medal potential Athletes and Teams are given priority

consideration for resource and support

Partnering effectively with NFs, Athletes Commission and Games Organising


Producing and delivering against a Games Team Plan, outlining the key elements

specific to each Games

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Key Outcomes By 2016

Outcome 2: Inspiration through Education

More youth will know about and feel inspired by the Olympic Games, the Olympic

Movement and our education programs

Our Commitment

We will promote the ideals and values of the Olympic Movement (Excellence, Friendship

and Respect) by:

Developing a fully integrated education plan, delivered through a variety of

mediums and targeting all young athletes

Educating through programs that develop the body, mind and character of our youth

Using Games campaigns to provide inspiration for our education programs

Using our Olympic collateral to celebrate our past and challenge our future

Ensuring our Olympians’ achievements are recognized and recorded, and their

stories are maximised for the benefit of our youth

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Key Outcomes By 2016

Outcome 3: Effective Leadership

We will be recognised as a leader of sport in the Virgin Islands and internationally and as a

strong advocate for our members

Our Commitment

We will demonstrate leadership by:

Being recognised as a credible voice for sport in the Virgin Islands by our members

and their athletes

Working in collaboration with our members, the Government, education agencies

and other organisation involved in sport in the Virgin Islands

Initiating programs and events either independently or with others, that provide

opportunities and benefits for our stakeholders

Maximising Olympic Solidarity for the benefit of coaches and athletes of our


Maintaining an active role in International, Continental and Regional organisations;


Identifying and promoting leaders in sport at every opportunity

Acting ethically and with integrity in all our actions and decisions

Promote Sports Tourism through the hosting of workshops, conferences and major

sporting events

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Key Outcomes By 2016

Outcome 4: Financial Capability

We will have the necessary financial stability and capability to allow us to achieve all the key


Our Commitment

We will retain our financial autonomy and independence by:

Setting and achieving financial targets annually and over the four years of this plan

Developing commercial opportunities and sponsor partnerships for all operational

areas of our organisation through a ‘return on objectives’ model

Increasing the profile and value of our Olympic connection

Enhancing brand and identity through effective communication with our


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Opportunities - In Partnership with others

Elite Sport

Olympic, Commonwealth, Pan Am, and CAC Games , Olympic and Commonwealth

Youth Games

Collaboration with Government to provide funding for sport

Member Federations

Sport development and grass roots program funding

Political and non-political advocacy

Access to Zeus technology

Provide links to IOC, Olympic Movement, CGF, PASO, CANOC and ANOCES

Athlete Support

Athlete Scholarships, Athletes’ Representative

Organisation and inspiration at Games

Olympic Education

Educational resources for schools

‘One stop shop’ for all matters relating to Olympic Games

Virgin Islands Olympic Academy

Olympic collateral and leadership in promotion of Olympic Values

Sport for All

Initiate and support projects and programs

Women in Sport

Drug Free advocacy through RADO

Sport Tourism

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What Makes Us Unique?

Membership of International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Olympic Family

Membership of Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) and Commonwealth Family

Membership of Pan American Sports Organisation (PASO) and PASO Family

Membership of Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees (CANOC) and

CANOC Family

Membership of Association of National Olympic Committees of the OECS (ANOCES)

and ANOCES Family

Membership of Central American and Caribbean Sports Organisation (CACSO) and

CACSO Family

Membership of Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) and ANOC


30 years of sports experience and involvement

Being an autonomous entity within Virgin Islands Sport

Highly developed expertise in selection, leadership and management of all Games

team operations

Strong values based educational movement for youth

Portfolio of services that add value to Youth, National Federations and athlete


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Summary of Programmes

2001 - 2004

2005 - 2008

2009 - 2012

2013 - 2016

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Column1 Column6

British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee

Summary of Programmes (All Quadrennial Plan) 2001 - 2004

Programme Discription Budget

Olympic scholarships for coaches 6,050.00$

Culture and education 3,363.64$

NOC Infrastructure 80,000.00$

*Olympic Games participation Sydney 2000 25,768.00$

Sports for all 5,000.00$

*Continental & Regional Games - NOC preparation

programm 22,500.00$

Total 142,681.64$

* Approx 33% of funds received was utilised by or for the benefit of athletes

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Column1 Column6

British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee

Summary of Programmes (All Quadrennial Plan) 2005 - 2008

Programme Discription Budget

*Olympic Scholarships for athletes "Beijing 2008"17,000.00$

Sport for all 10,761.58$

*Continental and Regional Games - NOC preparation 05-08 38,695.00$

*Talent identification 28,510.00$

National training courses for Sports administrators 8,895.06$

NOC Exchange and Regional Forums 1,764.00$

*Olympic Games participation Athens 2004 25,450.00$

Sport and Environment 1,722.36$

NOC Legacy 8,926.00$

Olympic Games participation in Beijing 2008 (Chef Mission) 2,495.00$

*2012 - Training grants for young athletes 35,000.00$

International Executive Training courses in Sport Manageme 8,332.64$

Women and Sport 1,834.74$

NOC Administration Development 100,597.96$

Total 289,984.34$

* Approx 49% of funds received was utilised by or for the benefit of athletes

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Column1 Column2

British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee

Summary of Programmes (All Quadrennial Plan) 2009 - 2012

Programme Discription Budget

*Olympic Scholarships for athletes "London 2012" 48,000.00$

*Team Support Grants 2009-2012 42,000.00$

*Continental and Regional Games - Athlete Preparation 09-12 86,289.00$

*Youth Olympic Games 09-12 100,320.00$

NOC Administration Development 09-12 124,000.00$

National Training courses for Sports Administrators 09-12 5,284.05$

NOC Exchange and Regional Forums 09-12 2,767.00$

Women and Sport 09-12 2,093.39$

Sport for All 09-12 10,000.00$

Culture and Education 09-12 642.61$

NOC Legacy 09-12 2,324.00$

*Olympic Games Participation Beijing 2008 (Participation) 09 33,874.00$

*Olympic Games participation London 2012 37,371.56$

2012 Special Assistance to the National Olympic Committee 100,000.00$

Total 594,965.61$

* Approx 58% of funds received was utilised by or for the benefit of athletes

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Column1 Column6

British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee

Summary of Programmes (All Quadrennial Plan) 2013 - 2016

Programme Discription Budget

*Olympic Scholarships for athletes "Sochi 2014" 29,000.00$

*Olympic Scholarships for athletes "Rio 2016" 122,000.00$

*Team Support Grant 2013-2016 60,000.00$

*Continental Athletes Support Grant 2013-2016 106,000.00$

*Youth Olympic Games - Athlete Support 2013-2016 147,140.00$

Technical Courses for coaches 2013-2016 5,837.00$

*Development of national sports stucture 2013-2016 60,000.00$

NOC Administration Development 2013-2016 160,000.00$

National Training Courses for Sport Administrators 2013-20 6,815.02$

NOC Exchanges 2013-2016 27,443.96$

Sports Medicine 2013-2016 7,365.68$

Sport for all 2013-2016 77,500.00$

Olympic Education, Culture & Legacy 2013-2016 15,000.00$

NOC audits (PWC) 2013-2016 10,582.52$

*Olympic Games participation Sochi 2014 38,781.50$

*Olympic Games Participation Rio 2016 39,389.00$

*AMERICA NOC Activities 2013-2016 441,794.00$

Total 1,354,648.68$

* Approx 78% of funds received was utilised by or

for the benefit of athletes, includes PASO and CGF

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Programmes 2013 - 2016

Olympic Solidarity

Pan American Sports Organisation

Commonwealth Games Federation

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Programme Description Olympic Scholarship for athletes “Sochi 2014” Funds utilised to assist athlete with qualification for the Sochi 2014 Games. Funding was for a 12 month period commencing Jan. 1, 2013. Funding approved by Olympic Solidarity in consultation with FIS.

Activity Type Individual Scholarship

Budget $29,000.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Freestyle Skiing (Peter Adam Crook)

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVI Ski Federation

Sport/Association Feedback

PETER ADAM CROOK (ADAM) MET HIS GOAL TO COMPETE IN THE 2014 WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES IN SOCHI, RUSSIA IN FEBRUARY 2014! He qualified for the Olympics by gaining the necessary points in World Cup competitions, as well as placing in the top 30 in the World in Half-Pipe skiing. He was at one time ranked 18th in the World. Adam is the sole athlete of the BVI Ski Association and trained and competed in half-pipe for 6 years. Adam had been very fortunate to receive a generous scholarship from Olympic Solidarity to see him through the Sochi Winter Games in February 2014. Adam’s scholarship made it possible for the BVI Ski Association to hire a professional full-time coach for Adam through to the 2014 Olympic Games.

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Programme Description Olympic Scholarship for athletes “Rio 2016” Funds utilised to assist athletes with qualification for the Rio 2016 Games. Funding was for a 24 month period commencing Sept. 2014. Funding approved by Olympic Solidarity in consultation with IAAF for Track and Field athletes, and FINA for swimming athletes, and ISAF for Sailing.

Activity Type Individual Scholarship

Budget $122,000.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity


Athletics (Chantel Malone - $24,000.00) – Long Jump (Eldred Henry - $24,000.00) – Shot put/ Discus Swimming (Elinah Phillip - $24,000.00) – 50M Freestyle Sailing (Alec Anderson - $25,000.00 ) (Christopher Brockbank - $25,000.00 )

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVI Athletic Association - $48,000.00 BVI Swimming Association - $24,000.00 Royal BVI Yacht Club - $50,000.00

Sport/Association Feedback Chantel qualified for and competed at the World Championship, Commonwealth Games, Pan Am Games and CAC Games. She made the finals in the Commonwealth Games, and won the Gold Medal at the CAC Games. Chantel was just short of the Rio 2016 qualifying mark in the long jump. Eldred qualified for and competed at the Commonwealth Games, Pan Am Games and CAC Games. He also competed at the Rio 2016 Olympics as a universality entry.

Elinah competed at the FINA World Championships, Commonwealth Games, Pan Am Games and Rio 2016 Olympics. She is the national record holder in the 50M freestyle, and has won numerous medals at the Carifta Games including BVI’s first gold medal. Following a promising campaign internationally, Alec and Chris did not earn a placement for Rio 2016.

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Programme Description Team Support Grant Grant to assist with the development of 1 team sport per quadrennial.

Activity Type Sport Development

Budget $60,000.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Develop the sport in preparation for participation in regional and international competition for eventual selection for Rio 2016.

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVI Rugby Association

Programme Description

Continental Athletes Support Grant 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Interim Scholarship Preparation Programme for Americas

Budget $106,000.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Sailing Athletics Swimming

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVIAA $48,000.00 Royal BVI Yacht Club $26,000.00 BVISF $32,000.00

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Programme Description Youth Olympic Games – Athlete Support 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Nanjing Option 1 (Identification of YOG Athletes) Nanjing Option 2 (Individual Preparation – Amarah Phillip) Buenos Aires Option 1 (Identification of YOG Athletes) Nanjing Option 2 (Participation in qualification events)

Budget $147,140.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity Beneficiary Sport/Association

Buenos Aires


Allocation YOG

Nanjing 2014


Tennis 10,000.00 27,250.00 37,250.00

Volleyball 8,000.00 - 8,000.00

Sailing 8,000.00 27,250.00 35,250.00

Swimming 8,000.00 7,500.00 15,500.00

Athletics 12,000.00 28,000.00 40,000.00

Triathlon 4,000.00 7,140.00 11,140.00


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Programme Description Technical Courses for coaches 2013 – 2016

Activity Type National Courses

Budget $5,837.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities FB Course in Football 2013

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVIFA

Programme Description

Development of National Sport Structure 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Development of National Sport Structure

Budget $60,000.00

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Project in Volleyball – 2014 ($30,000.00) Project in Tennis – 2016 ($30,000.00)

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVI Volleyball Association BVI Tennis Association

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Programme Description NOC Administration Development 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Administrative Subsidy $40,000.00 paid annually

Budget $160,000

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Administrative Subsidy 2013 – 2016

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVIOC

Programme Description

National Training Courses for Sport Administrators 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Sport Administrators Courses

Budget $6,815.02

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Sport Administrators Courses/ Shipment of Material for workshop.

Beneficiary Sport/Association All Associations

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Programme Description NOC Exchanges 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Capacity Support Programme

Budget $27,443.96

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities Capacity Support Officer - $24,662.96 Brazil/ BVI Exchange Programme (Derwin Scatliffe) $ 1,600.00 Barbados/ BVI Caribbean Zeus Workshop $1,181.00 Long Term Athlete Development Pilot

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVIOC/ All Associations

Sport/Association Feedback Let me first thank the Olympic Committee for nominating me for this wonderful learning opportunity.

The hospitality showed to the delegates attending the conference created a comfortable setting for

information sharing and learning. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie amongst the delegates and I

have taken away positive and wonderful memories to last a lifetime. The network built by the delegates

will lead to continued information sharing and has created opportunities for the delegates to continue

to communicate with each other even as we return to our own home countries

The conference was a great learning experience to see how other countries sports and school programs

are structured to promote the Olympic values of excellence, friendship, respect, spirit and unity which

in turn help to bond their countries and their communities and provide an avenue for them to showcase

the talent of prospective national athletes in various sports disciplines. As a means to develop the talent

of athletes, promising athletes with potential as prospective players are invited to various camps and

tournaments to improve their skills………….

DS Brazil/ BVI Exchange Programme (Derwin Scatliffe)

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Programme Description Sport Medicine 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Other Opportunities

Budget $7,365.68

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities IOC 2 yr distance learning Sport medicine diploma course. (Dr. Harlan Vanterpool)

Beneficiary Sport/Association BVIOC/ All

Sport/Association Feedback

Programme to build local capacity in the field of sports medicine. Programme to be completed in 2017.

Programme Description

Sport for All 2013 – 2016

Activity Type

Run/ Walk for Health Swim for Life

Budget $77,500

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

Activities BVIOC supporting healthy lifestyles in our community in partnership with the Ministry of Health. BVIOC supporting and promoting water safety in our community working in partnership with Kids and The Sea programme (KATS).

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Programme Description Olympic Education, Culture and Legacy

Activity Type 30th Anniversary “From Sarajevo to Sochi” IOC Trophy Dinner

Budget $15,000

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity BVI Community

Activities Recognition of first Olympians and founding members of BVIOC; Presentation of IOC Trophy to founding President Rey O’Neal Archiving 30 years of BVIOC achievements.

Beneficiary Sport/Association All

Sport/Association Feedback Reception held at Old Government House to commemorate 30 years since BVIOC was established. Founding members and first Olympians were honoured and presented with a “Commemorative Plaque”, information collected to commemorate this event will be archived and would form the basis for the establishment of a BVI Olympic Academy that would continue with the preservation, archiving and dissemination of BVI sporting history. Dinner was held to present the IOC Trophy to founding president Rey O’Neal. Present were sporting luminaries from the BVI community, as well as from overseas namely Johnny Hassan BVIOC founding member, Austin Sealey IOC member, Victor Lopez President NACAC/ APA, Keith Joseph SG St. Vincent and the Grenadines/ ANOC Council Member, Premier Smith and Amadeo Francis IAAF Life-Time Vice President.

Programme Description NOC Audits (PWC) 2013 – 2016

Activity Type Audit

Budget $10,582.52

Funding Source Olympic Solidarity

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Programme Description America NOC Activities 2013 – 2016

Major Games Scholarships

Athletics 192,000

Squash 48,000

Athlete support to Federations

Athletics 79,891

Swimming 11,498

Basketball 13,772

Squash 10,443

Sailing 10,850

Softball 7,245

Volleyball 5,600

Cycling 4,940

Tennis 3,500

Archery 2,272

Anti-doping 7,066

Promotion of Olympic Values 23,166

Endorsement of Olympic ideals 11,366

Academic scholarships for student athletes 10,186


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Programme Description Pan American Sports Organisation (PASO) Grants

Beneficiary Sport/Association



Swimming 22,996

Basketball 25,576

Squash 17,292

Sailing 20,150

Softball 13,456

Volleyball 10,400

Cycling 9,174

Tennis 6,500

Archery 4,219

Anti-doping 13,122

Promotion of Olympic Values 57,308

Endorsement of Olympic ideals 21,108

Academic scholarships for student athletes 18,916


Programme Description Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) Grants

Beneficiary Sport/Association

Athletics 79,891

Swimming 11,498

Squash 8,611


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2013 – 2016 Games

2014 Winter Olympics Games

Sochi, Russia

2014 Commonwealth Games

Glasgow , Scotland

2014 Pan-American Sports Festival

Mexico City, Mexico

2015 Youth Olympic Games

Nanjing, China

2015 Pan American Games

Toronto, Canada

2015 Commonwealth Youth Games

Apia, Samoa

2014 CAC Games

Veracruz, Mexico

2016 Summer Olympic Games

Rio, Brazil

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2014 Winter Olympic Games Sochi, Russia

Participating Associations

BVI Ski Association


Officials: Mark Chapman, Chef de Mission Luke “Ocho” Allen , Coach Athlete: Peter Adam Crook

Events by Athlete

Men’s Ski Halfpipe (New Olympic Event)

Games Summary BVI 2nd attendance at the winter games A record 88 National Olympic Committees participated. Over 2,800 athletes participated – a record 244 individual athletes and one team supported by Olympic Solidarity competed

Ranked 27th in Halfpipe-skiing by the Association of Free Ski Professionals.

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2014 Commonwealth Games

Glasgow , Scotland

Participating Associations

Athletics Squash Swimming


Officials Mark Chapman, Chef de Mission; Winston Potter, Karl Scatliffe, Athletics Coach; Samir Amad, Swimming Coach; Joseph Kneipp, Squash Coach; Thomas Jeppesen, Physio-therapist; Tracy Bradshaw, Swimming Chaperone

Athletes Athletics: Tahesia Harrigan-Scott, Eldred Henry, Ashley Kelly, Karene King, Chantel Malone, Shaquoy Stephens, Keron Stoute Squash: Joe Chapman

Swimming: Amarah Phillip, Elinah Phillip

Events by Athlete

Karene King

W 100m Round 1, W 200m Semi-Final 2

Joe Chapman Men’s Classic Plate Semi Final Men’s single Rd of 32

Ashley Kelly

W 200m Semi-Final 3

W 400m Semi-Final 1

Amarah Phillip

W 50m Freestyle - Heat 3

W 50m Butterfly - Heat 1

W100m Butterfly - Heat 1

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Elinah Phillip

W 50m Freestyle - Heat 5

W 100m Freestyle - Heat 2

Eldred Henry

M Shot Put Qual. Round - Group A

M Discus Throw Qual. Round - Group A

Chantel Malone

Women's Long Jump Final

Games Summary The Commonwealth Games is an international, multi-sport event involving 71 teams of athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations. 10 athletes representing 3 sports represented the British Virgin Islands at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Karene King and Ashley Kelly both made it through to the 200m semi-finals, Chantel Malone leapt to a 4th place finish in the finals of the Long Jump, and had her seasonal best of 6.55m in the qualifying rounds.

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2014 Pan-American Sports Festival

Mexico City, Mexico

Participating Associations



Officials Mark Chapman, Coach

Athlete Joe Chapman, Squash

Events by Athlete

Joe Chapman, Singles

Games Summary The Pan American Sports Confederations have evaluated the Festival’s results. Even though they have pointed out some problems and difficulties typical of an event of this magnitude, they all agree the Pan American Sports Festival was successful, that it contributed to strengthen and develop their respective sports, that it favoured the preparation of athletes and recommend PASO to study this experience and decide on the convenience of continuing its implementation in the future.

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2015 Youth Olympic

Nanjing, China

Participating Associations

Athletics Sailing Swimming


Officials Stephanie Russ-Penn, Team Leader; Ralston Henry, Athletics Coach; Tracy Bradshaw, Swimming Coach; Chris Waiters, Sailing Coach

Athletes Kala Penn, Long Jump; Akeem Bradshaw, Long Jump; Kyron McMaster, 400 meter Hurdles; Deya Erickson, 100m hurdles; Lakeisa Mimi Warner, 800m; Nelda Huggins, 100m; Sam Morrel, Sailing; Laser; Amarah Phillip, Swimming, 50m Fly

Games Summary The goal of the YOG is not to cultivate future Olympic champions. It is aimed to guide the youth to grow healthily and comprehensively and subsequently showcase to the world the values of sports for human life. Through the platform of sports competition and with a focus on the youth, athletes of diverse backgrounds participated in the YOG as they experienced the ancient oriental civilisation and shared the joy of multicultural communication. The summer of 2014 saw youth from the five continents cultivating friendship, exchanging their dreams and harvesting growth. At the 2nd Youth Olympic Games held in Nanjing, China, all NOCs members of PASO participated.

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2015 Pan American Games

Toronto, Canada

Participating Associations

Athletics Squash Swimming


Officials Xavier Dag Samuels, Chef de Mission; Winston Potter, Anthony Dougherty, Athletics Coach; Tracy Bradshaw, Swimming Coach; Adam Murrills, Squash Coach

Attache Athletes Squash: Joe Chapman, Swimming: Elinah Phillip,

Athletics: Chantel Malone, Tahesia Harrigan-Scott, Karene King, Eldred Henry

Events by Athlete

Joe Chapman, Round of 32 Elinah Phillip, 50m Freestyle Heats Chantel Malone, Long Jump Finals Tahesia Harrigan-Scott, 100m Semi-Final 1 Karene King, 200m Heat 3. Eldred Henry, Shot Put

Games Summary The British Virgin Islands has participated in the Pan Am Games since Caracas 1983. The Pan American Games are the world’s third largest international multi-sport Games; they are only surpassed in size and scope by the Olympic Summer Games and the Asian Games. BVI team comprised 6 athletes in 3 sports. Top performance, Chantel Malone 5th Long Jump Finals. Tahesia Harrigan-Scott qualified for the women 100m semi-finals.

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2015 Commonwealth Youth Games

Apia, Samoa

Participating Associations

Athletics Tennis

Team Officials: Angela Bernard, Team Leader/Coach

Athletes: Kala Penn Paul Oliver K’Cei Moses

Events by Athlete

K’Cei Moses 100m - Men 200m - Men

Paul Oliver Men’s Singles Second Round

Kala Penn 100m – Women – Semi -Final Long Jump – Women – Final

Games Summary Athletics Men and Women: 16 & 17 years (athletes born 1998 & 1999) Tennis

Men and Women (Singles and Doubles) CYG Age Qualification: 15 – 18 years of age (athletes born 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000)

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2014 CAC Games

Vera Cruz, Mexico

Participating Associations

Athletics Squash


Officials Cleave M. Farrington, Chef de Mission; Mark Chapman, Squash Coach; Winston Potter, Athletics Coach, Shaun Williams, Massage Therapist

Athletes Athletics: Tahesia Harrigan-Scott, Chantel Malone,

Squash: Joseph Chapman, Michael Adamson, Joseph Kneipp

Events by Athlete

Tahesia Harrigan-Scott, 100m Final Chantel Malone, Long Jump Final Joseph Chapman, Singles Quarter Final / Doubles Quarter Final Michael Adamson, Team Joseph Kneipp, Doubles Quarter Final/ Team Rd

Games Summary The Games began in 1924 thanks to an initiative from the Mexican Olympic Society, with the objective of raising the competitive level of the athletes in the region. The XXII Central American and Caribbean Games were held in Veracruz, Mexico, with the participation of 31 members of PASO. The results of these Games were considered positive. Tahesia Harrigan-Scott qualified for the women 100m finals. Chantel Malone won Gold in the Women’s Long Jump. 2nd BVI female athlete to win Gold at the CAC Games.

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2016 Olympic Games

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Participating Associations

Athletics Swimming

Team Officials Stephanie Russ-Penn, Chef de Mission; Winston Potter, Omar Jones, Athletics Coach; Benoit Grattepanche, Swimming coach; Tracy Bradshaw, Swimming Chaperone; Dr. Matthew McGrath, Physiotherapist; Dr. Harlan Vanterpool, Doctor

Athletes Athletics: Taheisa Harrigan-Scott, Ashley Kelly, Eldred Henry Swimming: Elinah Phillip

Events by Athlete

Taheisa Harrigan-Scott, 100m Heats Ashley Kelly, 200m Heats Eldred Henry, Shot put Elinah Phillip, 50m Freestyle Heats

Games Summary Largest number of athletes participating over the last 4 Olympiads. “My overall experience of Rio 2016 is that it wasn’t as daunting as it may seem, it’s just like another swim but it just means so much more because you’re representing your country and you want to do everyone proud.” Elinah Phillip; “I had the pleasure of representing the BVI at 3 Olympic Games and every time I have enjoyed the experience and found an inspiration to motivate me to my next task. This third, and what I may consider my last Olympics, was quite eventful. This was the biggest Olympic team that I have been a part of and was extremely proud to be a member.” Taheisa Harrigan-Scott; “Overall the experience has been positive.” Stephanie Russ-Penn, Chef de Mission.

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BVIOC and Our Community

BVIOC Legacy


IOC Trophy Award

Run/ Walk For Health

Swim for Life

Long Term Athlete Development Programme

Olympic Day

Queen’s Baton Relay


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BVIOC Legacy/ 30 th Anniversary: BVIOC Founding President with BVI first Olympians, Guy

Hill, Lindel Hodge, Dean Greenaway and Earl Frazer uncle of BVI first Winter Games Olympian

Errol Frazer being recognised at 30th anniversary celebration.

BVI RADO: Locally based organisation headed by BVIOC President Ephraim Penn, and a group of hard working volunteers being committed to promoting the culture of “Clean Sport”, and arranging for the testing of athletes in BVI.


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BVIOC Legacy: BVIOC Executive Members at 30th Anniversary Reception at Old Government House.

IOC Trophy Award: IOC Trophy recipient Rey O’Neal flanked by Johnny Hassan BVIOC

founding member, Austin Sealey IOC member, Victor Lopez President NACAC, Keith Joseph SG

St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Premier Smith and Amadeo Francis former IAAF Vice President

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Run/ Walk For Health: BVIOC supporting healthy lifestyles in our community


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Swim for Life: BVIOC supporting and promoting water safety in our community working in partnership with Kids and The Sea programme (KATS).

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Long Term Athlete Development Programme

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Olympic Day: Olympic Day is a celebrated around the world to observe the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. It is also a celebration of the Olympic Day pillars: move, learn and discover.

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Queen’s Baton Relay: The Queen's Baton Relay, similar to the Olympic Torch Relay, is a relay

around the world held prior to the beginning of the Commonwealth Games. The Baton carries a

message from the Head of the Commonwealth, currently Queen Elizabeth II

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ANOCES: Leaders from the OECS sub-region’s NOC meet prior to the ANOCES “OECS”

Championship in BVI.

Future Olympians being congratulated by Johnny Hassan at the OECS Championship.

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Highlights 2013 – 2016

BVI delegation at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony

Adam in Half Pipe Competition in Sochi

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BVI Swim Federation

[email protected]

24th April, 2014


BVI Collects First Gold at 2014 Carifta Swimming Championships

Elinah Phillip powered her way to a first place finish in the Girls 13-14 50m fly in a time of 28.71 to

collect the BVI’s first gold at the XXIV CARIFTA Swimming Championships in Aruba last evening. This

is the territory’s first CARIFTA swimming gold and its second appearance at the Caribbean's premier

age group swimming event following an inaugural appearance in 2012.

Keeley Maduro of Aruba and Amira Pilgrim of Trinidad were second and third in the 50m fly event. All

three shattered the old record of 29.49.

Elinah previously picked up a bronze for her time of 1:08.82 in the Girls 13 – 14 100m fly on the first

night of the Championships.

“The team is off to a fantastic start,” said Elsworth Philip, President of the BVI Swimming Federation.

“The Federation hasn't looked back since its first team event in 2011 and we continue to go from

strength to strength, with a cadre of age group swimmers based at home and abroad who are

propelling BVI swimming forward despite the local challenges and setbacks.”

The Championships are an annual age group meet for the Caribbean, similar in form and origin to its

athletics counterpart. This year’s event has been sanctioned by the International Swimming

Federation (FINA) as a Youth Olympic Games qualifier and has attracted the best in the region for a

very high level of competition. The Championships also serve as a Central American and Caribbean

(CAC) Games qualifying event.

Elinah and her sister, Amarah, were the BVI’s sole qualifiers at this year’s CARIFTA Championships

which features 23 countries and territories from around the Caribbean region. The five day

competition will see the BVI athletes work through the rounds in the sprint events with their eyes

fixed on gaining places on the winner’s podium as they swim their way into the CARIFTA and BVI

record books with medals in tow.

“We’d like to thank the Swimming Federation’s partners, including the BVI Olympic Committee, for

providing the grant funding that made the trip possible, and also KPMG for their continued

assistance,” said the girls’ mother and Federation Secretary General, Tracey Bradshaw.

The Championships run from 22nd to 26th April.



Elsworth Phillip – 496-6831

Eugenia O’Neal – 545-2922

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BVI Relay Team wins Silver Medal at IAAF World Youth’s

The British Virgin Islands joined Jamaica and Barbados as the only English speaking Caribbean

countries to earn a medal in the 8th IAAF World Youth Championships that wrapped up today in

Donetsk, Ukraine, when the Medley Relay quartet earned silver behind the United States in a NACAC

1-2 finish.

The team of Taylor Hill, Nelda

Huggins, Jonel Lacey and Tarika

“Tinker Bell” Moses, had a time of 2

minutes 07.40 seconds to finish

ahead of hard charging Japan. Lacey

who was sick on Saturday and did not

run the 200m semifinals, replaced

800m runner Lakeisha “Mimi”

Warner who carried them into the

final with a gritty 400m anchor leg

after passing the Czech Republic

runner, as they finished second to

Canada in the semis with a time of

2:08.80. With Lacey’s insertion in the

final, she ran the 300m while Moses

moved up to the 400m, with Hill

leading off the 100m and Huggins followed in the 200m.

VI swimmer Elinah Phillip makes history at 24th OECS Swimming Championships

Rio 2016 scholarship athlete, Elinah Phillip set three new

records at the 2014 OECS Swimming Championships with the

fastest ever 200 IM (2:33.20), 50 Butterfly (29.75) and 100

Free (59.83) in OECS history! Photo: BBC Sport archive

It was the largest meet of its kind, with 143 swimmers from

five territories. It was also one of the most keenly contested.

And it was almost certainly the wettest.

Elinah Phillip of British Virgin Islands won the women’s 13-14

division and she will have another year in this age group. She

set three new records on Sunday on her way to winning the

category. Elinah swam the fastest ever 200 IM (2:33.20), 50

Butterfly (29.75) and 100 Free (59.83) in OECS history.

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VI national rugby squad exit Mexico 2014 NACRA 7s tournament after quarter finals

BVI rugby squad at the North America Caribbean Rugby Association’s (NACRA) 7s tournament in

Mexico City, Mexico.

A string of tough losses and lots of lessons to take away as the VI national squad concluded the North

America Caribbean Rugby Association’s (NACRA) 7s tournament held December 3 -4 in Mexico City,


On the second and final day of the

tournament, Pool B teams, BVI and

Barbados clashed in the quarterfinals,

but despite some good opportunities,

the BVI squad lost the encounter, 38-0.

Despite the final score, the BVI showed a

bit of improvement on the score of their

very first game of the tournament which

they lost to Barbados, 69-0.

The loss against Barbados pushed the BVI into the plate section of the tournament where they faced

Jamaica and while they managed to put points on the score sheet, Jamaica won, 43-14.

In their third game of the final day, the BVI faced a determined Bermuda squad. The final score was


BVI Rugby team secures third consecutive victory to top NACRA 2015 South Zone Cup


With three consecutive victories, the national rugby team has topped the South Zone of the 2015

North American Caribbean Rugby Association’s 15s tournament, following an emphatic victory against

Curacao at the A. O Shirley Recreational Grounds on Saturday, May 2.

Head coach Sherlock Solomon was proud of the team’s accomplishment, particularly, since players

from the under-19 program have started to come through. The BVI went to St. Lucia and St. Vincent

and returned home with victories.

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Long Term Athlete Development Programme: The British Virgin Islands Olympic Committee (BVIOC),

in collaboration with Canada Sport for Life (CS4L), the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and the Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees (CANOC) and, with full endorsement from the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare conducted a successful two day workshop on Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) and Physical Literacy

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Team BVI at the 2nd Youth Summer Olympic Games in Nanjing China (Aug 2014)

BVI women basketball team being presented with the Bronze Medal at the 2016 CBC Female


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Rio 2016 scholarship athletes, Brockbank and Anderson in their bid to qualify for the Rio 2016


Rio 2016 scholarship athlete, Chantel Malone - CAC Women Long Jump Champion

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Kyron McMaster – 2016 World Junior 400 M Hurdles Bronze Medallist

BVIOC executive members President Ephraim, Treasurer Mark and Athlete’s Rep. Sabinah, Kats

officials and Premier Dr. the Hon. DO Smith at certificate ceremony for swim coaches.

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Team BVI Rio 2016: The ensemble worn by the team reflects the green, white and gold of the territory's

official colours. It includes a white dress and green cardigan for the ladies and white jacket and pants for the

men - both outfits accented with a blue scarf imprinted with the green, white and gold Vigilate. Kristin Frazer of Trefle Design was a key player in conceptualising the ensemble and was the designer of the dresses and jacket while the team at Quami's Sewing design Ltd. assisted in the production of the tailor made outfits.

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Financial Reports




2016 Year to Date

Cumulative Grant Summary By Association

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YEARS ENDED 2013-2016

(Expressed in United States dollars)

Sep 30, 2016 2015 2014 2013


Government Funding





PASO Funding 100,000




Solidarity Funding 312,820




CGF Funding 25,700



















Bank charges















Dues and subscriptions





Elite athlete grants





Federation grants





Games expenses





Long term athlete development


- -


Meeting expenses





Office expenses





= Olympic Day & Queen's Baton Relay





Promotional activity and social media















Sport for All





Student financing














SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR (193,211) 101,734 (51,484) 4,682

OPENING FUND BALANCE 269,459 167,725 219,209 214,527


$ 76,247

$ 269,459

$ 167,725

$ 219,209

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Federation grants

Sep 30, 2016 2015 2014 2013





























































Table Tennis

























$ 249,200

$ 179,014

$ 172,167

$ 175,049

Elite athlete grants



112,847 56,000 48,000



34,000 24,000 10,000



- 12,000 17,000



29,424 12,000 12,000



12,000 4,000 -

$ 100,000

$ 188,271

$ 108,000

$ 87,000

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Cumulative Grant Summary By Association

Athletics $ 591,634.00

Swimming $ 117,492.00

Basketball $ 39,348.00

Squash $ 101,770.00

Sailing $ 147,000.00

Softball $ 20,700.00

Volleyball $ 54,000.00

Cycling $ 14,114.00

Tennis $ 67,250.00

Archery $ 6,491.00

Skiing $ 29,000.00

Rugby $ 56,000.00

Triathlon $ 6,000.00

Football $ 5,000.00

Total $ 1,258,702.00

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Looking Ahead

Future Plans

2017 - 2020 Calendar

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Future Plans (2017 to 2020) As we look back with pride at our achievements over the last quadrennial (2013 to 2016), we must all feel a great sense of accomplishment to know that together we have built a once dormant NOC - that had prompted Olympic Solidarity to commission an audit to confirm our existence - to one that is now viewed with envy regionally and internationally. I must congratulate our entire Executive Board for a job well done and a special thanks to SG Lloyd Black for putting this report together. As we eagerly await word from Olympic Solidarity of what we can expect over the next four years, I challenge all of us to continue to work for the benefit of all our athletes and citizens and truly make our NOC one of inclusion not exclusion. Strategic Priorities Going Forward:

National Sport Policy implementation (National Sport Council)

LTAD in schools (physical literacy), communities & NF’s

Good Governance Policy

Continuation and expansion of our Elite Athlete program

Introduction of an Emerging Athlete program

Full introduction of the Rey O’Neal Scholarship program

The hiring of an office administrator

Greater emphasis on seminars, workshops and assemblies as a means of Sports Tourism

Hosting the QBR 2017

Introduction of the first Commonwealth Walkway in the Caribbean

Building capacity by conducting Sports Administration Courses and CCCP workshops

Spreading Olympism with the establishment of Olympic Academy/ Legacy programs

Through joint efforts with PASO, FIFA and the BVIG establish a 6-lane athletic track in the East End community

Secure a new office With PASO funding

Support a candidate for the Masters Degree in Sports Administration and Management (MEMOS) Program

Continue Women in Sport programs (recognition of the accomplishments of Taheshia Harrigan Scott)

Constitution review and reform

Sports accomplishment awards program

Continued anti-doping education and testing

NOC Exchange program with fellow NOC’s

OS programs - Sports and the Environment

Zeus data base program review

Increase in Sports for All programs

Continue meetings with the Minister of Sports

Implementation of a our new 4 year Strategic Plan

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Friends and colleagues, we have come a long way but we still have further to go so let’s work together as a team and continue to build our NFs our NOC and, by extension, the entire Territory through SPORT!! President E. Penn

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2017 - 2020 Calendar


Queen’s Baton Relay

Date TBA


VI Commonwealth Youth Games

July 19 – July 23

Nassau, Bahamas

ANOCES “OECS” Championship

Date TBA

St. Georges, Grenada


Commonwealth Games

April 4 – April 15

Gold Coast City, Australia

FIFA World Cup

June 14 – July 15

Russian Federation

Youth Olympic Games

Oct. 1 – Oct. 12

Buenos Aires, Argentina


July 20 – Aug 3

Barranquilla, Columbia


Pan American Games

July 26 – Aug. 11

Lima, Peru

Inaugural ANOC World Beach Games

Date TBA

San Diego, California. USA


Summer Olympic Games

July 25 – Aug 9

Tokyo, Japan

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Associations/ Federations


Dean Greenaway

Secretary General Delva Thomas


Darel Christopher

Secretary General Corina Corea

Director of Youth Sailing Julie Deakin


Clair Burke


Michael Hirst

Secretary Linda Crook

BVI Rugby Football Union


Ronan Kuczaj

General Secretary Simon Knight

BVI Basketball Association President

Guy Malone

General Secretary Delia Jno-Baptiste

President Andrew Bickerton

General Secretary

Alfred Reid

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BVI Softball Association General Secretary Marieta Headley

BVI Squash Association President

Mark Chapman

Secretary Joe Kneipp


Elsworth Phillip

General Secretary Tracy Bradshaw

BVI Lawn Tennis Association President

Carol Mitchell

General Secretary De Shawn Matthew


Antony Spencer

Secretary General Andrew Bickerton

President Sabinah Clement

General Secretary

Kisheba Sprauve

BVI Table Tennis Association President

Derry Maduro

BVI Taekwondo Association

President Orlando Thomas

Associate Member

Olanzo Boynes

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International Olympic Committee

Pan American Sports Organisation

Commonwealth Games Federation

Association of National Olympic Committees

Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees

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Association of National Olympic Committees of the OECS

Central American and Caribbean Sports Organisation

World Anti-Doping Agency

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Thornton Smith Chambers

Past President Rey O’Neal

Nagico Insurance

Road Town Wholesale Limited

Ministry of Education, Culture Youth and Sport

Department of Youth Affairs and Sports

Governor’s Office

Tortola Sports Club

Royal Virgin Islands Police Force

Caribbean Insurers Limited

S & D Securities


BVI Platinum

Virgin Islands News

JTV News and Sports Desk

BVI News

BVI Community Bulletin Board

BVI Sports

BVI Beacon

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