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“QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I

Nov 30, 2021



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Page 2: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I

Directorate of Horticulture & Soil ConservationDepartment of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Government of Tripura

No.F.4(12)TSHM/2021-22/ 1) Q l

1. DNIT NO.-

2. Tendered Item

4. Estimated cost

5. Cost of tender form

6. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

7. TenderSemng

9. Date of dropping tender

10. Probable Date of opening of Tender

11. Total no. of written pages including

Agartala, Tripura g,Dated, the Ll / 8/ /2021

; No.F.4(12)TSHM/2021-22/

: Supply of 2800 nos Avacado Graft

Planting materials should be true to type without anyadmixture, vigorous, healthy and free from pest &diseases.

o Variety- A-type cultivar ,Choquette, Gwen,Fuerte, Lula, Reed, Purple, Green, Round,Hass, Purple Hybrid, TKD—1,Naba|,Linda,Puyevla, Pullock, Waldin, Any other varietysuitable for NE region

o Age of Scion — 4 to 5 Months.o Poly bag size — 15 >< 20 cm.o Height of the plant 50 cm. (Min)

Quantity: 2800 Nos. (Tentative)

Quantity may increase or decrease as per therequirement.

: RS.2,70,000/-

: Rs. 200/ - (non refundable)

: Rs. 13,500/-

: From 07/08/2021 to 22/08/2021 (workinghours of office days)

: Up to 5.30 pm. on 23/08/2021

: 24/08/2021 at 3.00 pm. (if possible).

13 pages (including this page).

@\\a{(Dr. P. B. Jamatia)

DirectorHorticulture & Soil Conservation,

Tripura, Agartala2

Page 3: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I

Directorate of Horticulture & Soil ConservationDepartment of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Government of TripuraAgartala, Tripura

No.F.4(12)TSHM/2021-22/l[9L/ Dated,4 /9 /2021NOTICE INVITING TENDER

Sealed Tender is invited for determining the single rate up to Main seed store of differentAgri/Horti Sub Division under West Tripura, Gomati & Dhalai Districts in the state of Tripura forsupply of 2800 nos. Avacado Graft from accredited/approved/registered nurseries ofstate/Central/NHB accredited of the state/outside of Tripura. Nurserymen having valid nurserylicense will be considered as eligible bidder.

Tender form will be available at Directorate of Horticulture, Agartala, Paradise Chowmuhani up to22/08/ 2021 in all working days on payment of Rs. 200/- (non refundable) in favour of Director,Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura in the form of Demand Draft (DD). Tender forms mayalso be downloaded from the web site and in that case the tenderfee to be submitted during submission of the tender documents.

Tender dropping date up to 5:30 p.m. on 23/08/2021

Tender opening date 3:00 p.m. on 24/08/2021, if possible.

The Estimated cost Rs. 2, 70,000/ -

Earnest money deposit Rs. 13,500/- in favour of Director, Horticulture & Soil Conservation,Tripura in the form of Demand Draft (DD).

The details of the tender is available at the Directorate, Horticulture & Soil Conservation. Thedetails may also be accessible by intending bidder from the website for any enquiry, please contact e-mail : dhCtripura@¥ah°°-C°Iin/ [email protected].

J‘ '

(Dr. P. B. Ja atia)Director

Horticulture & Soil Conservation,Tripura, Agartala


Page 4: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I



Technical BidI

. . Item Page No



Financial Bid

Sl.No. Item ~ Page No


Page 5: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I


I do hereby declare that I have personally gone through the relevant

Detailed Notice Inviting Tender & understood all the clauses of the tendered

work along with relevant terms & conditions, instructions of the DNIT and

having been fully satisfied, I have quoted the rate of items of the tender.

This is further to certify that I have suppressed no facts in the tender which

could debar me to participate in the tender. If it is revealed after opening of

the tender that any fact is suppressed by me, tendering authority shall have

the right to reject my tender along with other punitive action against me as

per terms & conditions of the tender. I do hereby affirm that all the terms &

conditions of DNIT are unconditionally accepted by me. I have no objection

if any extra terms & conditions, mutually accepted by me and purchaser are

incorporated into the agreement.

Signature of bidder with Date & Seal


Page 6: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I


Bidders are requested to provide wanted information in this sheet.

1. Detailed Address of the Bidder along with Phone and email no..

2. Detailed Address of nursery area of planting materials

3. Details about the license/registration for production and supply of plantingmaterials.

4. Details about the certified suppliable stock of planting material for 2021-22planting season.

5. Detailed address of the local agent, if any of the bidder along with Phone, mobileand email no. if any.

6. If the Bidder has any past experience of supply of such planting materials inTripura, If yes, give details with documents.


Page 7: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I

7. Please justify how you will maintain the time schedule of the tendered quantity. _

8. Is there any Court case or any other dispute related with production centre i.e.' ' ' ' l firm is pendingl under process ? If so,nursery (s) of the BlCICI€l' or their prlnclpa

please give details.

9. Bidders may use this space to provide any fu(if required).

rther information to explain their bids

Signature of bidder with Date & Seal

Page 8: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I

Specification of Planting Materials

Avacado Graft:Planting materials should be true to type without any admixture, vigorous,healthy and free from pest & diseases.

o Variety- A-type cultivar ,Choquette, Gwen, Fuerte, Lula, Reed, Purple,Green, Round, Hass, Purple Hybrid, TKD-1,Nabal,Linda, Puyevla,Pullock, Waldin, Any other variety suitable for NE region

~ Age of Scion — 4 to 5 Months.o Poly bag size — 15 >< 20 cm.o Height of the plant 50 cm. (Min)


Page 9: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I


The Tenderer/ Bidder should go through the entire Bid Documents and sign ineach of the pages.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) & Tender FeeEMD & Tender fee in favour of Director, Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripurato be submitted by the bidders/ tenderer in the form of Demand Draft (DD) at thetime of bidding. The EMD of the successful bidder will be treated as SecurityMoney and will be released after completion of supply by the bidder.

The tenderer shall quote the single rate in figure as well as in word per graftedseedlings as stipulated in the DNIT for the State including transportation & otherCharges.

The Technical Specification of planting material mentioned in the DNIT must befulfilled.

Total supply shall be completed within 20 days from the date of issue of supplyorder and only the quantity supplied in good condition conformity with the DNITwill be accepted at the receiving centre.

If any tender is not keeping with Conformity with the relevant DNIT (tenderdocument), the said tender will summarily be rejected

The Director, Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura, Agartala reserves the rightto increase or decrease the quantity of the planting materials to be supplied andto reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason(s), whatsoever.

The supplier shall deliver the material within the delivery period mentioned in thesupply order. In case of any delay in executing the supply the supplier shallpromptly inform in writing, the fact of delay and duration of extension for supplybefore the expiry of the delivery period.

Enclosure with tender: Bidder shall have to furnish notary attested photocopies (whichever is/are applicable to the bidder) of Sale Tax Clearance, Exciseduty clearance, Professional Tax clearance, Nursery Registration Certificate, PANCard, Copy of the latest stock report duly authenticated by the issuing authority ofthe State/Central /CDB /NHB accredited nurseries/Department.

If any of the above mentioned papers are not enclosed with the tender, tenderingauthority may ask the bidder to furnish wanted documents after opening of tenderduring clarification failing which the tendering authority reserves the right todeclare the complete tender as informal. The copy of certificate(s) must besubmitted through notary in support of tender. Besides this, the tenderingauthority reserves the right to seek any additional information / document at any


Page 10: “QM“h Hum 1frmmM Immmmmm »u u H H $ I

stage from the bidder after opening of the tender. Tender without earnest moneywill be rejected on the opening table.

Eligibility of the bidder and issue of tender form:

Primarily bidder should attain the eligibility as indicated in the Notice Inviting Tender. Itis clear that tender form will be sold to the bidder on the basis of their experience insupply of such materials with appropriate authority only. Hence, naturally it is the onus ofbidder to prove by documentary evidences / declaration that they are eligible bidder forthis tender. If any bidder suppresses any fact which could debar him from participation inthe tender and the truth is revealed to the tendering authority subsequently, the bidderwill be liable for legal prosecution as well as other punitive action by the tenderingauthority within his/her jurisdiction and the received tender will be rejected anddeposited earnest money with the tender fee will be forfeited. Tender form will be issuedby the Director of Horticulture & Soil conservation, Tripura, Agartala on working day &hours up to 22/08/2021 upto 5.30 pm. (all working days) on production of the validcertificate, of the farm /firm/ agency/nursery,(as applicable) as indicated in the DNITand on receipt of the cost of the tender form for the specific item. Tender form may alsobe downloaded from the website and in that case the TenderFee to be submitted at the time of dropping of the tender. Tender form will not be issuedto the bidders who are not eligible and who are not having the necessary certificate etc.(as applicable) as indicated in the DNIT.

11 Extraneous term condition:- Bidder should accept all the terms and conditions of thetender unconditionally and if they impose any extraneous term condition or offer anyconditional discount, the tendering authority reserves the right to declare the bid asinformal .

Action of bidder in the tender form: - Bidder should go through each and everypage of the tender patiently and fill up to quote rates, write specification, provide otherwanted information and sign each and every page. Tendering authority reserves theright to declare the incomplete tender in respect to tender form or enclosures asinformal. Violation of a step may lead to rejection of the tender.W _

Sealing of tender and earnest money:-Tender along with earnest money must beproperly SEALED WITH WAX OR SELF ADHESIVE TAPE (CELLO TAPE) before dropping.In the cover of the tender the address of the tendering authority, relevant DNIT No.,name of the item for which tender is bid, must be written clearly. The earnestmoney & Tender Fee as indicated in the DNIT and tender form should be deposited infavour of Director, Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Agartala,

Explanation / clarification and dropping of tender:-If any bidder requires anyexplanation or clarification on any terms and conditions of the tender, it must be soughtfrom the tendering authority before dropping. The full fledged and sealed tender must bedropped in the tender box kept in the office of the undersigned. Tender must be droppedin the tender box up to 5.30 PM. on 23/08/2021. Tender box will be sealed sharp at5.30 PM. on 23/08/2021 (Time as per office clock).


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15.Tendering authority, receiving authority and supplier: The Director of Horticulture& Soil Conservation ,Tripura, Agartala, will be termed as tendering authority. Thesuccessful bidder will be termed as supplier. The Supdt. of Agriculture / Supdt. ofHorticulture of the West Tripura, Gomati& Dhalai District will be the receiving authority.

16. Rate : Rates should include all charges even loading and unloading of planting materialsalso. Any other tax/ charge incidental to the activity, if not already specified in ratessubmitted by the tenderer shall be charged on the tenderer.

17. Price variation clause:- No price variation clause is applicable for the items oftendered projects.

18.Time extension :-Bidder should complete supply within stipulated period. However, ifthe bidder fore see that due to any obvious reason , beyond control they may not beable to maintain the stipulated period, they should apply for minimum time extensionperiod on the basis of documentary evidence to prove that delay is beyond their control.

19. Opening of tender:-Tender will be opened in the office of the tendering authority. Thetentative opening date and time are mentioned in the tender form. If opening schedulegets changed, revised schedule will be displayed in the notice board of the undersignedat least 24 hrs. before opening . During the sorting/ opening of the tender original bidderi.e. who has signed the tender or his agent duly authorized in written by the originalbidder may remain present. Representative of original bidder must show his or herauthorization to the tenderi"rg authority on claim. No unauthorized person will be allowedto remain present in the office of the tendering authority during sorting /opening of thetender

20. Release of Earnest Money :- As per existing rule.

21. Validity of tender and finalized rate : The tender and finalized rate will remain validup to one year for supply order by the tendering authority.

22. Penalty:-Penalty will be imposed for withdrawing of tender, revision of rates afterdropping of tender, violation of terms and conditions, clarification, non execution ofagreement in time, delay in effecting of work order, violation of terms & conditions oftender and agreement, suppression of facts in tender.

Penalty will be imposed for the default as per the following manners:-

I Sl. Default I PenaltyNo.

J 1 ' Withdrawing of tender on the table of . 25 % of EMD will be forfeitedI I opening of the tender & before call for I

I clarification I

supply within the stipulated time . money will be forfeited and blacklisted forI I S next 2 years .

I 2 After signing agreement failed to I supply order will be cancelled , 100 % security

I 3 I Revision of rates after opening of the The tender will be rejected and 100 % EMDI A tender. will be forfeited as punitative action and will

_ __ H g be blacklisted for next 1-3 years.11

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4. For furnishing false information / Forfeiture of EMD/ Security money,statement, playing jugglery/ cancellation of agreement, blacklisting for atsuppression of fact at any stage of the least 2 years.tender process.

23. Disputes & Litigations:- Any dispute arising out of the contracts/ execution orderissued by the Department only the courts located at Agartala, Tripura will havejurisdiction to deal with the same and decide any legal matter or disputes whatsoeverarising out of the contract/ execution order.

24. Payment:- Statutory deduction from bi|l:- The income tax, local sales tax, Exciseduty and other duties or tax in any form incidental to the supply will be deducted frombill at source as per prevailing rates . Deduction at source will not be made if concernedauthority empowers the tendering authority not to deduct such taxes specificallyindicating the execution order, in relevant case, if applicable.

25. Departmental Inspection : The source of planting materials / nurseries may beinspected by the departmental inspection committee / technical committee / Officer (s)in the fields before effecting supply. The decision of inspection committee to reject orto accept the varieties/quality of planting materials will be binding to the supplier.During the inspection, the supplier firm may depute their representatives on receipt ofinformation regarding schedule of inspection. If supplier firm fails to deputerepresentative during inspection, ex parte inspection will be conducted and nosubsequent claim regarding corducted inspection will be entertained.

26. After ensuring quality of planting materials as per specification by the DepartmentalOfficer, supply order will be placed.

27. Right to accept or reject tender :Tendering authority reserves the right to acceptor reject any tender including lowest bid or cancel the whole tender process withoutassigning any reason.

28. For any kind of clarifications /queries regarding tender process bidders may contact withthe office of the undersigned.

(Dr. P. B. Jamatia)Director

Horticulture & Soil Conservation,Tripura, Agartala


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