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Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To The Full Product?
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Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To The Full Product?

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Comparing My 2 Magazines

When comparing my Final Production to the Preliminary Task, I believe it looks more professional than before. I believe this is due to the photography used and the lack of screamers on the cover.

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Planning & Preparation

When creating my Preliminary Task, I did not do much Research for my product. This is because I was more interested in creating my product. However, half way through the production of my Preliminary, I realised how important the research was, as our magazine did not look like the genre it was aimed at (College magazine).

When creating my Preliminary task, I did not do any Planning before producing it. My Final Production however, I planned the layout before producing it, which made it much easier to create, as I knew exactly what I was creating, which saved time when creating it.

My Front Cover, Contents Page & Double Page Spread Planning

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Planning & Preparation 2When planning my product, I also planned the interview for my

Double Page Spread. This meant that I only had to type up my interview, as opposed to thinking about what to write. Because I did my planning at home during my free time, it meant that I didn’t waste any working time.

My Interview For My Double Page Spread

To conclude; I found that doing research before creating the product, and planning the product before producing it, actually saves time when creating the final piece, and makes it look more professional, and more like the Genre aimed at.

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Comparing my Preliminary & Final Products to professional magazines of the same Genre.

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Organisation Of TimeDuring the preparation, although I did not do any Time Planning, I had more than enough time to complete my product.

On my Final Product however, I almost ran out of time at the end. Because I started production with my Front Cover, I moved on to my Contents Page & Double Page Spread as soon as I had my images. Because of this, I didn’t have time to go back & complete my Cover.

From this, I have realised how important Research & Planning is, as if I re-did this course, I would have decided on a Plan, & stuck to it.

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Photographic Skills

When looking at my Preliminary task, I believe the photography used was average. For example, you can see shadows from the sun on the models face. If I were to redo this product, I would take the image in the shade, or on a day when the sun is not as bright as it was that day.

However, on my Final Product, I believe the photography was decent, and I even got positive feedback from my target audience, claiming that the photography was good.

Because of this, I am more pleased with the photography on my final product, as opposed to the preliminary task.

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ConventionsWhen producing my preliminary task, as not much research was done, I was unaware of typical conventions of a College magazine. Because of this, if mine & professional magazines share any typical conventions, it is more than likely going to be down to coincidence, as opposed to purpose.

On my Final product though, because I did research & planning, I purposely added in typical conventions of the Metal Genre into it, so that my target audience could tell which genre it was by just looking (which I believe to be successful, as all my target audience could.) For example; The genre could be easily recognised, the stories were similar, and the layout in general were all similar to that of typical Metal magazines.

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Post-Production Skills

During the process of my Preliminary product, I did not use many skills when editing images etc. For example, my front cover image was edited slightly on the face, but not much, due to the lack of time.

My final products however, were edited majorly. For example; my double page spread. The a4 sized image has lightening placed in the background. This was obviously edited in, to create this effect.

I also made the majority of my images slightly darker, to reflect the typical conventions of a Metal magazine.

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Target Audience

When producing my preliminary task, me & my friend made the decisions between us, and weren’t too interested in what the target audience liked etc within our magazine.

However, when producing my final products, the majority of the decisions were made by my target audience. For example, the fonts. I chose approximately 8 or 9 fonts, and asked my audience which they preferred. It was these 2 most liked, which I used throughout my magazine.

Another example of this, is my Mood Board. This included some of the ideas which I would include throughout my magazine. I then uploaded this onto Facebook (as I knew my target audience would comment it on here as opposed to FormSpring etc), to get their feedback, and ask whether or not they would buy a magazine with these content. It was because the majority of comments agreed that this would be a good magazine by including these contents, that I kept it and barely changed it for my final product.

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OverallOverall, I believe that the biggest thing I have learnt in the progression from the Preliminary Task to the Final Product, is how much effort is put into a magazine of any genre. For example, research into what is already on sale so that your magazine doesn’t become formulaic and repetitive, but different so that the target audience pick up your magazine as opposed to one of the same genre. Then, analysis needs to be done of existing magazine, to pick up on successful/liked conventions of a magazine (fonts, colours, poses etc), to include within your own. Effort is also needed in to the production of the magazine, and using professional soft ware (such as Photoshop & Quark Xpress), to ensure the magazine is produced to its highest standards.Then research into the target audience is needed, to ensure the magazine is still satisfying the audience’s needs, especially if it’s distributed often.

To conclude; I have learnt the ‘ins & outs’ of creating a magazine, and found the importance of every step along the way.