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Pursuing Social Responsibility

Feb 19, 2018



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  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Management, 7e


    Prepared by

    Michael K, McCuddy

    Valparaiso University

    John Wiley & Sons, Inc

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility



    Copyright 2002 !ohn "iley # Sons, $nc% &ll rights reserved%

    'eproduction or translation o( this )or* beyond that named in

    Section ++7 o( the United States Copyright &ct )ithout the epress

    )ritten permission o( the copyright o)ner is unla)(ul% 'e-uests (or

    (urther in(ormation should be addressed to the Permissions.epartment, !ohn "iley # Sons, $nc% /he purchaser may ma*e bac*

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  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 3


    4thical 5ehavior and Social 'esponsibility

    Planning ahead6study -uestions

    "hat is ethical behavior8

    9o) do ethical dilemmas complicate the)or*place8

    9o) can high ethical standards be maintained8

    "hat is organi:ational social responsibility89o) do organi:ations and government )or*

    together in society8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter ;


    Code o( moral principles%

    Set standards o( good and bad and right and


    4thical behavior

    "hat is accepted as good and right in the

    contet o( the governing moral code%

    "hat is ethical behavior8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter

    4thical behavior should also be legal in a ?ust

    and (air society%

    =egal behavior is not necessarily ethical


    Personal values help determine individual

    ethical behavior%

    "hat is ethical behavior8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter

    "hat is ethical behavior8

    Utilitarian vie) o( ethics6greatest good to the

    greatest number o( people%

    $ndividualism vie) o( ethics6primarycommitment is to one@s longterm sel(interests%

    Moralrights vie) o( ethics6respects the

    (undamental rights o( all people%

    !ustice vie) o( ethics6(air and impartial treatmento( people according to rules and standards%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 7

    Cultural issues in ethical behavior>

    Cultural relativism

    A 4thical behavior is al)ays determined by culturalcontet%

    4thical imperialism

    A 5ehavior that is unacceptable in one@s homeenvironment should not be acceptable any)here


    "hat is ethical behavior8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter B

    "hat is ethical behavior8

    9o) companies can respect core or universal values>

    Respect for human dignity

    A Create culture that values employees, customers, and suppliers%

    A Keep a sa(e )or*place%

    A Produce sa(e products and services%

    Respect for basic rights

    A Protect rights o( employees, customers, and communities%

    A &void anything that threatening sa(ety, health, education, and livingstandards%

    Be good citizens

    A Support social institutions, including economic and educational systems%

    A "or* )ith local government and institutions to protect environment%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter

    &n ethical dilemma occurs )hen choices o((er

    potential (or personal and1or organi:ational bene(it

    but may be considered unethical%

    4thical dilemmas include>


    Seual harassment

    Con(licts o( interest Customer con(idence

    Drgani:ational resources

    9o) do ethical dilemmas complicate the)or*place8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +0

    9o) do ethical dilemmas complicate the

    )or*place8 4thical behavior can be rationali:ed by convincing

    yoursel( that>

    5ehavior is not really illegal%

    5ehavior is really in everyone@s best interests%

    Eobody )ill ever (ind out%

    /he organi:ation )ill FprotectG you%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter ++

    Hactors in(luencing ethical behavior include>

    /he person

    A Hamily in(luences, religious values, personal standards, and

    personal needs

    /he organi:ation

    A Supervisory behavior, policy statements and )ritten rules, and

    peer group norms and behavior

    /he environment

    A Iovernment la)s and regulations, societal norms and values,

    and competition climate in an industry

    9o) do ethical dilemmas complicate the)or*place8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +2

    4thics training>

    Structured programs that help

    participants to understand ethical aspectso( decision ma*ing%

    9elps people incorporate high ethical

    standards into daily li(e%9elps people deal )ith ethical issuesunder pressure%

    9o) can high ethical standards bemaintained8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +3


    4pose misdeeds o( others to

    A Preserve ethical standards

    A Protect against )aste(ul, harm(ul, or illegal acts

    9o) can high ethical standards bemaintained8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +;

    9o) can high ethical standards be

    maintained8 =a)s protecting )histleblo)ers vary%

    5arriers to )histleblo)ing include> Strict chain o( command

    Strong )or* group identities

    &mbiguous priorities

    Drgani:ational methods (or overcoming)histleblo)ing barriers> 4thics advisors

    4thics sta(( units

    Moral -uality circles

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +

    /op managers serve as ethical role models%

    &ll managers can in(luence the ethical behavior o(

    people )ho )or* (or and )ith them%

    4cessive pressure can (oster unethical behavior%

    Managers should be realistic in setting per(ormance

    goals (or others%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +

    Codes o( ethics> D((icial )ritten guidelines on ho) to behave in situations

    susceptible to the creation o( ethical dilemmas%

    &reas o(ten covered by codes o( ethics> "or*(orce diversity

    5ribes and *ic*bac*s

    Political contributions

    9onesty o( boo*s or records Customer1supplier relationships

    Con(identiality o( corporate in(ormation

    9o) can high ethical standards bemaintained8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +7

    United Eations@ Ilobal Compact guidelines

    (or corporate codes o( ethics>

    9uman rights



    9o) can high ethical standards bemaintained8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +B

    "hat is organi:ational social

    responsibility8Drgani:ation Jcorporate social


    =oo*s at ethical issues on the organi:ation


    Dbligates organi:ations to act in )ays that

    serve both its o)n interests and the interests o(

    eternal sta*eholders%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter +

    "hat is organi:ational social

    responsibility8 5elie(s that drive organi:ational social


    People do their best )ith a balance o( )or* and (amilyli(e%

    Drgani:ations per(orm best in healthy communities%

    Drgani:ations gain by respecting the naturalenvironment%

    Drgani:ations must be managed and led (or longtermsuccess%

    Drgani:ations must protect their reputations%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 20

    "hat is organi:ational social

    responsibility8Perspectives on social responsibility>

    Classical vie)6

    A Management@s only responsibility is to maimi:e


    Socioeconomic vie)6

    A Management must be concerned (or the broader

    social )el(are, not ?ust pro(its%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 2+

    "hat is organi:ational socialresponsibility8

    &rguments against social


    'educed business pro(its

    9igher business costs .ilution o( business


    /oo much social po)er (or


    =ac* o( public


    &rguments in (avor o(

    social responsibility>

    &dds longrun pro(its

    5etter public image &voids more government


    5usinesses have resources

    and ethical obligation

    5etter environment

    Public )ants it

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 22

    "hat is organi:ational social


    Criteria (or evaluating corporate social


    $s the organi:ation@s L

    A 4conomic responsibility met8

    A =egal responsibility met8

    A 4thical responsibility met8

    A .iscretionary responsibility met8

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 23

    "hat is organi:ational social


    Strategies (or pursuing social responsibility> Dbstructionist6meets economic

    responsibilities% .e(ensive6meets economic and legal


    &ccommodative6meets economic, legal, and

    ethical responsibilities% Proactive6meets economic, legal, ethical, and

    discretionary responsibilities%

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 2;

    9o) do organi:ations and government)or* together in society8 9o) government in(luences organi:ations6

    Some governmental agencies that monitor compliance

    )ith legislative mandates>

    A Hederal &viation &dministration JH&&

    A 4nvironmental Protection &gency J4P&

    A Dccupational Sa(ety and 9ealth &dministration JDS9&

    A Hood and .rug &dministration JH.&

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 2

    A Dccupational sa(ety and health

    AHair labor practices

    A Consumer protection

    A 4nvironmental protection

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 2

    9o) do organi:ations and government

    )or* together in society89o) organi:ations in(luence government6

    Personal contacts and net)or*s

    Public relations campaigns


    Political action committees

  • 7/23/2019 Pursuing Social Responsibility


    Schermerhorn Chapter 27

    9o) do organi:ations and government)or* together in society8Managers ma*e the di((erence in ethics and social

    responsibility because L

    Managers Jand )or*ers must accept personalresponsibility (or doing the FrightG things%

    Managers play a crucial role in responding to public


    4thics and social responsibility play a central role in

    managers@ decisions and activities%