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91 INTRODUCTION The Tubulointerstitial Nephritis antigen (TIN-ag) has been identified as a novel basement membrane macromolecule with limited tissue distribution (Yoshida et al., 1990, Nelson et al., 1998). It has been described as a 58-kDa basement membrane compo- nent recognized by human autoantibodies which circulate in the blood of patients with Tubulointer- stitial Nephritis (TIN). It is responsible for the cause of acute renal failure and chronic renal damage (Yoshioka et al., 1986, Fliger et al., 1987, Miyazato et al., 1992, Nelson et al., 1997). Tubulointerstitial Nephritis is characterized by linear deposition of IgG and complement C3 along the renal Tubular Basement Membrane (TBM) (Butkowski et al., 1990, Crary et al., 1993). Anti-TBM antibodies are then isolated from the serum or renal eluates of the patients. Antibodies to TBM have also been identi- fied in various types of glomerular nephropathies, recipients of renal allograft, uveitis and celiac de- sease (Burnier et al., 1986, Cacoub et al., 1989, Salu et al., 1990, Katz et al., 1997, Oda et al., 1998, Ivanyi et al., 1998). TIN coexists very rarely with membra- nous nephropathy and circulating anti-TBM anti- bodies, but in these cases the GFR and the clearance of creatinin have proved rather tubular lesions than glomerular ones (Ivanyi et al., 1998). Immunohisto- chemical studies on sections from normal human kidney using sera from TIN patients showed IgG binding of autoantibodies to the proximal TBM and Bowman’s capsule, but not to the Glomerular Base- Journal of Biological Research 1: 91– 99, 2004 J. Biol. Res. is available online at Purification and localization of Tubulointerstitial Nephritis antigen (TIN-ag) in kidney and small intestine K. KOUZI-KOLIAKOS 1* , M. KANELLAKI-KYPARISSI 1 , A. CHARONIS 2 , A. MICHAEL 3 , E. CHRISTOFORIDIS 4 , G. KOLIAKOS 4 1 Laboratory of Histology and Embryology, Medical School, University of Thessaloniki, Greece 2 Institute of Biomedical Research, Academy of Athens, Greece 3 Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA 4 Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Received: 8 January 2004 Accepted after revision: 4 February 2004 Tubulointerstitial Nephritis antigen (TIN-ag) is a novel recently described basement membrane component. It is the target of tubular basement membrane autoantibodies, which have been developed in patients with Tubular Interstitial Nephritis. In our study, TIN-ag was extracted and purified from rabbit kidney cortex basement membranes, by collagenase digestion and de- tected by Western blotting. The indirect avidin-biotin method and the immunogold and silver enhancement method were performed on thin and semi-thin sections from rabbit and human kidney cortices and small intestines, using the monoclonal antibody A8 and the polyclonal an- tibody Ab95. . TIN-ag was detected on the tubular basement membrane (especially in proximal tubules), the parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule (especially at the urinary pole) and on the basement membrane of the villi of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum and the crypts of Lieberkuhn as well. It was not detected on the glomerular basement membrane. Because of the localization of TIN-ag on the basement membranes under epithelial cells which are involved in active and extensive transport of many metabolites, it is tempting to speculate that TIN-ag has a specific role in the homeostasis of the body. Further molecular analysis will reveal the antigenic epitope, which is responsible for the development of the circulated autoantobodies in the blood of patients with tubulointerstitial nephritis. Key words: Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen, purification, immunohistochemical detection, photonic microscopy, electron microscopy. * Corresponding author: tel.: +30 2310 999076, fax: +30 2310 269813, e-mail: [email protected]

Purification and localization of Tubulointerstitial ...

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Page 1: Purification and localization of Tubulointerstitial ...



The Tubulointerstitial Nephritis antigen (TIN-ag)has been identified as a novel basement membranemacromolecule with limited tissue distribution(Yoshida et al., 1990, Nelson et al., 1998). It has beendescribed as a 58-kDa basement membrane compo-nent recognized by human autoantibodies whichcirculate in the blood of patients with Tubulointer-stitial Nephritis (TIN). It is responsible for the causeof acute renal failure and chronic renal damage(Yoshioka et al., 1986, Fliger et al., 1987, Miyazatoet al., 1992, Nelson et al., 1997). TubulointerstitialNephritis is characterized by linear deposition ofIgG and complement C3 along the renal Tubular

Basement Membrane (TBM) (Butkowski et al.,1990, Crary et al., 1993). Anti-TBM antibodies arethen isolated from the serum or renal eluates of thepatients. Antibodies to TBM have also been identi-fied in various types of glomerular nephropathies,recipients of renal allograft, uveitis and celiac de-sease (Burnier et al., 1986, Cacoub et al., 1989, Saluet al., 1990, Katz et al., 1997, Oda et al., 1998, Ivanyiet al., 1998). TIN coexists very rarely with membra-nous nephropathy and circulating anti-TBM anti-bodies, but in these cases the GFR and the clearanceof creatinin have proved rather tubular lesions thanglomerular ones (Ivanyi et al., 1998). Immunohisto-chemical studies on sections from normal humankidney using sera from TIN patients showed IgGbinding of autoantibodies to the proximal TBM andBowman’s capsule, but not to the Glomerular Base-

Journal of Biological Research 1: 91– 99, 2004

J. Biol. Res. is available online at

Purification and localization of Tubulointerstitial Nephritis antigen (TIN-ag) in kidney and small intestine


1Laboratory of Histology and Embryology, Medical School, University of Thessaloniki, Greece2Institute of Biomedical Research, Academy of Athens, Greece

3Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA4Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Received: 8 January 2004 Accepted after revision: 4 February 2004

Tubulointerstitial Nephritis antigen (TIN-ag) is a novel recently described basement membranecomponent. It is the target of tubular basement membrane autoantibodies, which have beendeveloped in patients with Tubular Interstitial Nephritis. In our study, TIN-ag was extractedand purified from rabbit kidney cortex basement membranes, by collagenase digestion and de-tected by Western blotting. The indirect avidin-biotin method and the immunogold and silverenhancement method were performed on thin and semi-thin sections from rabbit and humankidney cortices and small intestines, using the monoclonal antibody A8 and the polyclonal an-tibody Ab95.. TIN-ag was detected on the tubular basement membrane (especially in proximaltubules), the parietal layer of Bowman’s capsule (especially at the urinary pole) and on thebasement membrane of the villi of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum and the crypts ofLieberkuhn as well. It was not detected on the glomerular basement membrane. Because ofthe localization of TIN-ag on the basement membranes under epithelial cells which are involvedin active and extensive transport of many metabolites, it is tempting to speculate that TIN-aghas a specific role in the homeostasis of the body. Further molecular analysis will reveal theantigenic epitope, which is responsible for the development of the circulated autoantobodiesin the blood of patients with tubulointerstitial nephritis.

Key words: Tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen, purification, immunohistochemical detection,photonic microscopy, electron microscopy.

* Corresponding author: tel.: +30 2310 999076,fax: +30 2310 269813, e-mail: [email protected]

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ment Membrane (GBM). Also the patients’ serumreacts with the jejunal basement membranes. Animalmodels for TIN, based on immunization with het-erologous TBM components have developed thedisease (Wilson, 1991). Investigations on the molec-ular origin of TBM components, which react with theserum from patients with tubulointerstitial nephritis,have revealed various nephritogenic tubulointerstitialantigens with molecular weights ranging from 30 kDato 70 kDa (Clayman et al., 1986, Nielson et al., 1991).

TIN may be either acute or chronic. Acute TINis characterized by the presence of interstitial edema,interstitial leukocyte infiltration and focal tubularnecrosis. Chronic TIN is characterized by mononu-clear infiltration in the interstitium, focal intersti-tium fibrosis and extensive tubular atrophy. Deposi-tion of autoantibodies and the C3 complement onthe tubular basement membranes may modify thefunction of the tubules and finally leads to the laststage of renal disease (Wilson, 1991). Immunohisto-chemical studies have suggested that patients withnephronophthisis, a hereditary progressive tubu-lointerstitial disorder, had a defect in the moleculeof TIN-ag (Cohen & Hoyer, 1986), which was anal-ogous to type IV collagen in patients with Alportsyndrome (Yoshioka et al., 1994). The molecularanalysis of TIN-ag and the unique pattern of its lim-ited distribution, indicate that this is a new moleculeinvolving in specific functions of the basement mem-branes. During kidney embryogenesis, TIN-ag fol-lows the expression of other structural extracellularmatrix proteins, such as laminin and type IV collagenand leads to the conclusion that TIN-ag is not only astructural protein of the kidney, but it also involvesin functional activities. Further research will clarifythe specific role of this unique molecule in thepathology of the basement membrane-associateddiseases of the kidneys.

In the present study TIN-ag was isolated and pu-rified from rabbit kidney cortices and was detectedimmunohistochemicaly by photonic and electron mi-croscopy in rabbit and human kidneys and intestines.The distribution of the molecule in the basementmembranes was also ultrastructurally studied withspecific and accurate methods such as colloidal goldand silver enhancement.


TIN-ag Isolation

In this study TIN-ag was isolated from kidneys ofNew Zeland rabbits. The animals were anesthetized

with a sodium phenobarbital injection and their kid-neys were excised and immersed in 0.9% normalsaline. In the saline, the cortices were removed fromthe kidneys in a thickness of 200-300 Ìm and col-lected in an inhibitor solution of 10 mM tris-HCl,0.15 NaCl, (pH 7.4, 4ÆC) containing protease in-hibitors (1 mM EDTA, 2 mM e- ACA and 2 mMNEM). The cortices were disrupted for 30 secondswith a Polytron in the presence of protease in-hibitors. Disrupted tissues were passed through a#35 stainless steel sieve and the eluate was collect-ed in a #250 sieve. The product was centrifuged for10 min at 1500 × g and the pellet was washed by re-suspending in 1M NaCl containing protease in-hibitors. At this point the product contained a mix-ture of TBM and GBM (as confirmed by microscopeobservation) and then it was washed with 10 mMTris, 1 M NaCl and inhibitors, centrifuged for 10 minat 2800 g and the pellet was resuspended in 50 mMTris–HCl, 0.2 M NaCl, 2 mM CaCl2, (pH 7.4). Theproduct which mostly contained basement mem-branes was incubated for 16 hours at 37ÆC with col-lagenase (from Clostridium histoliticum, SIGMAC7926) 1 mg/10 ml of wet tissue and was brought toa volume of 40-100 ml with 50 mM Tris- HCl, 0.2 MNaCl and 2.0 mM CaCl2, (pH 7.4). Following colla-genase digestion, the sample was dialyzed against 2.0M urea, 50 mM Tris-HCl, 0.2 M NaCl, 1.0 CaCl2 (pH7.4) and after centrifugation (10000 rpm for 10 min)and concentration it was applied to a Sephacryl S 300gel filtration column (2.5 × 85 cm). The fraction con-taining TIN-ag was pooled, concentrated and dia-lyzed against 2.0 M urea, 50 mM Tris-HCl, 1.0 mMCaCl2 (pH 6.8) and then further purified by cation –exchange chromatography on a 25 ml- S Sepharosecolumn equilibrated in the same buffer. This columnwas eluated first with 0.1 M NaCl and then with 0.7M NaCl in the column buffer. The purified TIN-agin the 0.7 NaCl elution of the column was aliquotedand stored at –80ÆC. Purification steps were moni-tored by SDS PAGE analysis.

Samples from the aliquots were subjected toSDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 10%polyacrylamide gel under reducing conditions. Theprotein was electrophoretically transferred (0.2 A for2h) from the polyacrylamide gel to a nylon mem-brane, as described by Towbin et al., (1979) and theunoccupied sites on the nitrocellulose were blockedby incubating overnight at 4.0ÆC with PBS contain-ing 3% skim milk. The blocked membrane was incu-bated for 1h at room temperature with the TIN-ag

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monoclonal antibody (A80) diluted to 1:50. Themembrane was washed with PBS and incubated for30 min at room temperature with horseradish per-oxidase-conjugated anti-mouse IgG antibody (SIG-MA). After washing of the membranes with PBS, thebound secondary antibody was detected by enhancedchemiluminescence (Amersham Cor RPN 2106 kit).The MW of the markers, which were used were 200,97.4, 68, 46, 31 and 20.1 kDa. (ECL Protein MolWeight Markers, Amersham RPN 2107 kit).


Rabbit kidneys and small intestines were harvestedand prepared for study with photonic and transmis-sion microscopes. For the photonic microscope thetissues were fixed with 10% neutral formalin and em-bedded in paraffin. The avidin-biotin method wasapplied on 4-5 Ìm thick sections. The primary anti-body was the mouse monoclonal anti TIN-ag (A8) at1:100 dilution or the rabbit polyclonal (Ab95) at1:2000. The detection kit was the EXTRA-2 (SIG-MA Mouse extravidine peroxidase staining kit).

The tissues for electron microscopy were fixedwith 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehydein PBS buffer and embedded directly without dehy-dration in LR-White resin (London Resin Compa-ny). Colloidal gold particles 5nm in diameter wereused for the Silver Enhancement Method. The silverEnhancement Method (Silver Enhancing Kit forLight and Electron Microscopy, Polysciences Inc.)was applied to semithin sections (0.5-1 Ìm in thick-ness).

Semithin sections were incubated overnight withblocking buffer TBS containing 1% BSA. The nextday, the slides were incubated at room temperaturewith a normal goat serum at 1/5 dilution for 20 min-utes and the sections without rinsing were incubat-ed with the primary mouse monoclonal anti TIN-agantibody (A8) for 2 h in a dilution of 1/200. Theslides were washed with TBS plus 0.25% BSA andthe sections were incubated with the secondary an-tibody which was the anti mouse IgG conjugatedwith 5 nm gold particles for 30 minutes in dilution of1/50. After washing the slides with TBS plus 0.25%BSA, they were washed again thoroughly with deion-ized water. The slides were then incubated for 20minutes in room temperature, (low illumination)with a mixture of 50% enhancer and 50% initiator(Polysciences Inc.) and observed with the light mi-croscope. A color change was observed due to the re-

duction of silver in the solution. The specifically la-beled sites were changed from invisible to lightbrown, then to dark brown and finally to deep black.In the case of weak staining, the procedure was con-tinued with a second application of a fresh mixtureof enhancer and initiator. A negative control slide byomitting the primary antibody was proceeded.

The immunogold method was applied to thin sec-tions (100-200 nm), by using 10nm diameter im-munogold particles which were conjugated to mouseIgG (SIGMA), if the mouse monoclonal (A8) wasthe primary antibody. The copper grids with the thinsections were incubated overnight at 4ÆC with TBScontaining 1% BSA. The next day, the grids were in-cubated at room temperature for 2 h with the A8 an-tibody diluted to 1/100 in TBS plus 1% BSA. Thegrids were then washed 6 times for a total of 5 minwith TBS plus 0.25% BSA and after that they wereincubated for 5 min with TBS plus 1% BSA. Thegrids were covered for 2 h with a drop of the sec-ondary antibody which was the anti-mouse IgG con-jugated with gold particles 10 nm in diameter at a di-lution of 1/5. The grids were washed 3 times withTBS plus 0.25% BSA, additionally 4 times with TBSplus 1% BSA and finally 4 times with distilled water.The grids ultimately were stained with 2% uranyl ac-etate for 5 min and lead citrate for 1 min, washed 4times, with distilled water and observed with a JEOL200 CX electron microscope. Grids incubated onlywith the secondary antibody were used as controls.


Western Blotting

The purified TIN-ag extracted from rabbit kidneycortices was detected with Western blotting. Asshown in Fig. 1, under reducing conditions, a promi-nent immunoreactivity was observed at a molecularweight of 58 kDa using the monoclonal antibody A8.No other bands were detected. The reaction was spe-cific and when the primary antibody was omitted, noreaction was observed.


Binding of A8 (monoclonal antibody to TIN-ag)and Ab95 (polyclonal antibody to TIN-ag) to kidneysections was evaluated by extravidin-peroxidase andimmunogold methods. In Figs 2, 3 all TBMs in therenal cortex were stained positively, although the in-tensity was strong in proximal TBMs and weak in dis-

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tal TBMs. The staining of the Bowman capsule var-ied depending on the location. Staining intensity wasthe greatest at the urinary pole, and it gradually de-creased toward the vascular pole where it was mini-mal. No reactivity was detected on the GlomerularBasement Membranes. In Fig. 4 kidney medulla wasslightly positive and immunoreactivity was detectedon the collective tubules basement membranes. InFig. 5, 5 mm immunogold particles conjugated to thesecondary antibody and accumulated on the same ar-eas, were visualized under light microscope. Particles

94 K. Kouzi-Koliakos, M. Kanellaki-Kyparissi et al. — Purification and localization of TIN-ag

FIG. 1. Isolated rabbit TIN-ag extracted from rabbit kid-ney cortices and examined byWestern blotting. Sampleswere electroforessed underreducing conditions through10% SDS gel. One promi-nently stained band appearsat a molecular weight of 58kDa.

FIG. 2. Positive staining of the basement membrane of theconvoluted tubules and interstitium with A8 antibody andavidin - biotin method. ×400.

FIG. 3. Positive staining of the basement membrane of thetubules and the Bowman’s capsule mostly on the urinarypole (white arrow). Staining intensity decreases toward thevascular pole. The vascular pole is almost negative (blackarrow). ×100.

FIG. 4. Slight reaction of A8 and Ab95 at the collectivetubules (arrows). ×100.

FIG. 5. Immunogold particles on the tubular basementmembrane of two proximal convoluted tubules (arrows).Few particles occur on the interstitium. Silver Enhanse-ment method. ×1000.

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were clearly detected on the TBMs and rarely on theinterstitium and the peritubular capillary basementmembranes. No particles were detected inside theglomerulus. The distribution of the 5 nm particleswas the same with the extravidin peroxidase com-plex, but the presence of the particles reveals that thebasement membranes and not the interstitium occurthe natural localization sites of TIN-ag. In Fig. 6, 10nm particles conjugated to the secondary antibodywere detected with the electron microscope. Theseparticles had the same pattern of distribution as the5 nm ones and the extravidin peroxidase complex,but they recognized the exact position of TIN-agmolecules through the layers of the Tubular Base-ment Membranes. There was no special pattern ofdistribution of TIN-ag. The latter was distributedthroughout the basement membrane, with no differ-ence in the lamina lucida and lamina densa. The useof A8 and Ab95 antibodies showed the same distrib-ution pattern with TIN-ag.

By using the same methods, was also tested thebinding of the above antibodies to the intestine sec-tions.

In Figs 7, 8 by using both A8 and Ab95 antibod-ies, TIN–ag was localized on the basement mem-brane of the columnar epithelium and the centrallacteal of the villi of the small intestine with the sameintensity. The basement membrane of the Lieber-kuhn’s glands shown only focal and weak staining.

TIN-ag was detected with the same intensity alongthe basement membranes of duodenum, jejunumand ileum. The intensity of staining in the intestinewas certainly weaker than that of the kidney tubulesand it was similar to that of the distal convolutedtubules. Also, the stained area along the basementmembranes of the intestine was 2 fold thinner com-pared to that of the corresponding area across the

K. Kouzi-Koliakos, M. Kanellaki-Kyparissi et al. — Purification and localization of TIN-ag 95

FIG. 6. Immunogold particles on the proximal tubule base-ment membrane. Immunogold particles are distributedthroughout the lamina lucida and lamina densa. Immuno-gold method. Bar: 500 nm.

FIG. 7. Positive staining with Ab95 of the villi basementmembrane of jejunum. The intensity of staining of thismembrane is weaker and the thickness of the stained areais smaller, compared to the tubular basement membrane(arrows). Avidin-biotin method. ×400.

FIG. 8. Positive staining with Ab95 of the columnar ep-ithelium basement membrane (black arrow) and the centrallacteal basement membrane (white arrow) of ileum.Avidin- biotin method. ×1000.

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Tubule Basement Membranes. In Fig. 9 control sec-tion by omitting the primary antibody was also neg-ative. In Fig. 10 a few immunogold particles were de-tected on the basement membrane and lamina pro-pria, fewer than that of the TBMs. The staining withAb97 was more intense compared to that with A8,which was very weak. TIN-ag was not detected in thelarge intestine that appeared absolutely negative. InFig. 11, TIN-ag was also identified in the basementmembrane of duodenum with both antibodies frombiopsies of patients undergoing checking for chron-ic gastritis.


TIN-ag was extracted from rabbit kidney TBMs at amolecular weight of 58 kDa and was immunodetect-ed by Western blotting using the A8 monoclonal an-tibody as one very wide and intense band corre-sponding to a 58 kDa molecular weight.

More precisely immunostaining results showedthat TBMs and villi basement membranes were theareas mostly associated with TIN-ag. The fact thatthe proximal TBMs and the Bowman’s capsule wereintensely reactive, whereas the distal TBMs ap-peared less reactive, suggests variability in tissue con-centration of TIN antigen in the same organ. Thephenomenon was also observed in the intestinewhere small intestine was intensely stained, whereasthe large was totally negative. Thus a selective dis-tribution of TIN-ag exists in both kidney and smallintestine. The intensity of staining in TBMs washigher than that in intestine and so was the width ofthe stained area across the membranes. Althoughimmunocytochemistry is not a quantitative method,we attempted to compare with each other the partialresults of staining, because the experiments werecontacted in parallel under the same conditions. Asconcerns immunocytochemistry, the total amount ofTIN-ag in kidney was much higher than that in in-testine. The distribution of TIN-ag in kidney showeda gradual decrease from the cortex to the medulla.The staining of the glomerulus and the capsule ofBowman at the vascular pole was negative, but to-ward to the urinary pole it was positive. This can beexplained by the fact that TIN-ag selectively regu-lates tubulogenesis and has no effect on glomerulo-genesis during renal development (Kumar et al.,1997, Kanwar et al., 2001). The proximal tubulesshowed the highest intensity, which was gradually de-creased to the collective tubules. The intensity ofstaining through the small intestine basement mem-

96 K. Kouzi-Koliakos, M. Kanellaki-Kyparissi et al. — Purification and localization of TIN-ag

FIG. 9. Negative staining of ileum control section, by omit-ting the primary antibody. ×400.

FIG. 10. Electron micrograph of ileum. A few immunogoldparticles are deposited on the basement membrane (ar-rows). Bar: 500 nm.

FIG. 11. Positive staining of the duodenum basementmembrane (arrow). The section was taken from a biopsy ofa patient examined for chronic duodenal ulcer. Avidin-bi-otin method. ×400.

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branes was the same and only the Lieberkuhn’sglands showed a weaker reaction. The presence ofimmunogold particles mostly on the basement mem-branes and their limited distribution on the intersti-tium reveal that TIN-ag is a basement membranecomponent, which participates in the basementmembrane functions. The thickness of stainingacross the tubule basement membranes, as it was de-tected with the avidin-viotin method, is in contra-diction with the distribution of immunogold particlesacross the basement membranes, which obviously ismuch more thinner. The high amount of TIN-ag inTBMs, the diffusion of the extarvidin-peroxidasecomplex, the size of the avidin-biotin peroxidasecomplex, and the over 100 nm resolution of the mi-croscope, are facts that give the impression thatTIN-ag is distributed both to the basement mem-brane and the interstitium. The small size and elec-tron opacity of the gold particles are two importantfactors, which permit the exact localization of TIN-ag. Immunogold particles occupy the total thicknessof the basement membranes, and thus there is not aspecific pattern of TIN-ag distribution through thebasement membranes. Very few epithelial cells ofthe tubules and the columnar epithelium of the villishowed reactivity, evaluated as nonspecific. Accord-ing to Butkowski et al. (1991) and our unpublisheddata, kidney cortex first and villi secondly are the twopositions with the highest distribution of TIN-ag.However other organs with limited distribution, suchas skin and eye, had also been detected. It is impor-tant to note that TIN-ag was not detected in lungs,liver, gall bladder, prostate, skeletal and cardiacmuscle (our unpublished data). Both A8 and Ab95antibodies recognize antigenic epitopes which are lo-cated on the TIN-ag molecule. Immunocytochem-istry is unable to recognize whether TIN-ag is exact-ly the same molecule in the kidney and intestine. Itis possible the difference in staining intensity be-tween kidney and intestine is not due to the amountof TIN-ag, but to the presence of different but rela-tive molecules which share the same antigenic epi-topes. Zhou et al. (2000) have identified two formsof TIN-ag from two human TIN-ag mRNA speciesreferred as TIN 1 and TIN 2. The two proteins arethe final products of the alternative splicing of TIN-ag primary gene transcript, which results in two mR-NAs coding for the two different forms. It has beenverified by Nelson et al. (1995) that a full length rab-bit TIN-ag clone, which is equivalent to human TIN1 codes for the 58 kDa form and perhaps TIN 2 may

code for the 50 kDa. Several tubulointerstitial anti-gens associated with TIN have been reported(Yoshida et al., 1990, Butkowski et al., 1991, Miyaza-to et al., 1992, Fliger et al., 1987, Nelson et al., 1998).The molecular weights of these antigens vary de-pending the purification way (Bonthron et al., 1986).It is unknown also whether they share the same re-active epitope. But most of these molecules havesimilar distribution of reactivity within kidney. Re-cently, biomedical studies and purification of poten-tial target antigens from basement membranes ofdifferent animals, have led to the detection of mul-tiple protein forms ranging from 27 to 300 kDa.Cloning of these proteins has shown an exclusive ex-pression on TBM (Masaru et al., 2000). TIN-ag is thetarget of raising autoantibodies in tubulointerstitialnephritis, various types of glomerular nephropathiesand renal allograft recipients (Butkowski et al., 1990).Anti-TBM antibodies eluted from a patient’s kidneyhave been reported to react with jejuna and tubulebasement membranes (Wilson, 1989). Furthermore,anti-TBM antibodies have been recognized in a pa-tient with celiac disease and nephritic syndrome andin two patients with villous atrophy of the small in-testine (Wilson, 1989). Another study has reportedthe presence of anti-TBM antibodies in a human re-nal allograft reactive with basement membranes ofperitubular capillaries and with distal and collectivetubules (Klassen et al., 1973). Persistence of anti-TBM antibodies has been found in two patients withrecurrent membranous nephropathy in the trans-planted kidney and both conditions seemed to be im-munologically associated. The presence of HLA B7and DR W8 antigens in these patients is an indica-tion that TIN is an autoimmunity disorder associat-ed with HLA (Katz et al., 1997). Other investigatorshave reported absence of HLA-associated antigensin patients with membranous nephropathy and cir-culating anti-TBM antibodies (Ivanyi et al., 1998).Coexistence of TIN and uveitis has been also re-ported and TIN-ag could be the common link inthese cases (Burnier et al., 1986, Cacoub et al., 1989,Salu et al., 1990).

Cloning of TIN-ag revealed the presence of fol-listatin motifs, which are known as novel autoantigenin systemic rheumatic diseases (Tanaka et al., 1998).It is possible, the presence of follistatin modules onthe TIN-ag molecule is the target to which immuneresponse was developed in TIN.

Molecular cloning of TIN-ag has revealed a 30%homology to cathepsin B-like proteases, but TIN-ag

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is lacking of a proteolytic activity (Masaru et al.,2000). On the basis of structural features, searchingfor novel cathepsin-related proteins, a new family ofproteins has described, the TIN-ag Related Proteins(TIN-ag-RP) (BrÔmme et al., 2000, Wex et al., 2001).These proteins are expressed not only in the kidneys,but also in the vascular smooth muscle cells, the car-diac muscle fibers, the enterocytes of small intestineand the placenta. It is worthy to note that the TIN-ag-RP have a significant expression in the collectingtubules, in the kidney medulla and cortex and also inthe renal corpuscles. The latter are totally oppositeto the distribution of TIN-ag. The possibility that thepolyclonal antibody raised against TIN-ag-RPshowed some cross reactivity with the convolutedtubules specific TIN-ag cannot be excluded. In ourexperiments, both monoclonal and polyclonal anti-TIN antibodies showed a similar distribution.Cloning and sequence comparison of TIN-ag-RP re-vealed that this protein is more closely related toTIN-ag than to cathepsin B-like proteases (Brommeet al., 2000). The localization of the human TIN-ag-RP gene on the 1p34.2-3 chromosome showed thatthe gene locus is far away than the TIN-ag gene, butvery close to the genes of other extracellular matrixproteins (Wenzel et al., 1998, Gervais et al., 1999).This gene locus is mainly related to human tumors(Tsukamoto et al., 1998), dystrophies (Cormand etal., 1999) and deafness (Van Hauwe et al., 1999).

TIN-ag is a unique molecule with limited distri-bution in extracellular matrices, which are involvedin the creation and maintenance of a physiologicalenvironment for the body. It is also a target of de-veloping autoantibodies in immunologically mediat-ed human nephropathies, which lead in some casesto the final stage of renal diseases. Further molecu-lar analysis of the follistatin motifs of TIN-ag will re-veal the antigenic epitope, which is responsible forthe development of autoantibodies in the TIN. Thisknowledge will lead to the developing of advancedmethods to remove the circulating autoantibodiesfrom the patient’s serum. This method has alreadybeen successfully established for the Goodpasturesyndrome.


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Bromme N, Wex T, Wex H, Levy B, Lipyansky A, Bromme

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