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pnm Cloudberry Kingdom + Interview with Dan Adelman + Video Game Music: Koji Kondo  Exclusive Issue 12 - Aug/Sept 2013 PNM - Y our independent source for all things Nintendo

Pure Nintendo - Issue 12 - Aug/Sept 2013

Aug 08, 2018



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Cloudberry Kingdom+ Interview with Dan Adelman

+ Video Game Music: Koji Kondo 


Issue 12 - Aug/Sept 2013NM - Your independent source for all things Nintendo

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Table of Contents

4 CharacterProle:TomNook

6 ZeldaSymphonyLAConce rt

10 GettingtoknowAC:NewLeaf 

12 DormantNintendoFranchises

18 GameMusic:KojiKondo

22 DanAdelmanInterview

24 CloudberryKingdomInterview

34 SpinTheBottleInterview

40 DisneyRetrospective

42 LYTTP:Pokemon

44 LT:GameDiculty

50 EarthBoundRetroReview

52 GearReview:SumoSultan

54 Reviews

60 VirtualConsoleSuggestions

62 PixelPuzzles

64 UpcomingReleases

66 TopNews

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MeSSaGe fRoM






























Editor-iN-CHiEF:JustinSharpe. [email protected]

HEad Editor: JamesHigginbotham

e. [email protected]

LaYoUt Editor: KatelynSharp

e. [email protected]


e. [email protected]

SoCiaL MEdia MaNaGEr:BenStitzer

e. [email protected]


e. [email protected]


El Cuey

J Csln

Kevn Klen

tsn Memn

Chsn Mlls

M Pxn

alex Schmke


dgl pne me pcks vlblen eques. F me nfmn, plese

cnc [email protected].


PNM s b-mnhly mgzne ll buNnen news n mkng peple we

f he wesmeness f Nnen.







mgzin contact Publshe by Pue Me LLC


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TomNookBy alex Schmke

My nme s alex Schmke n i

hve pblem. i m ce anml

Cssng. F he ps mnh, my 3dS

hs been ken ve by he vllges f 

my wn. Wh anml Cssng n my

mn, hs mnh we’ll ke lk tm

Nk, he ece shpkeepe f he


in he Nh amecn lclz-

n f he gmes, tm Nk hs been

pye s hwkng ccn wh

ems f expnng hs humble shp

n lge, full-scle epmen

se. ineesngly enugh, tm Nk

s efee s nuk ( ccn-

lke nml fmus n Jpn) n he

Jpnese vesn f he gme. He hs

w nephews, tmmy n tmmy,

wh help hm wk he shp when

eches s full sze. i s ume h

Nk h ems f sng suc-

cessful busness, n beng s wk

driven, moved o to the big city leaving

behn ll f hs fens pusue hs

ems. afe succumb-

ng he hsh lfe

hee, he euns he

plye’s vllge wh

nhng shw f

n begns hs em

new. Whle tm

Nk’s wk ehc s

mble, seems h

n ll f he nml vl-

lges see hm n ps-

ve lgh. Whle lkng sme f he vllges,

sme my hn h Nk

tm Nk n New Lef 

Tom Nook’s rst shop, Nook’s Cranny tm Nk’s secn shp, Nk ‘n’ G,

the rst upgrade

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hs “checkee ps”, n he fc h

he lcl blck mke mechn, Czy

re, hs hsy wh hm n cns-

es hm be hs vl suggess h u

belve rccn mechn my n be

s nncen s he seems.

Nk hs been n evey gme f 

he anml Cssng sees e,

n he seves s gue he plye

he begnnng f he gme. tkng

he plye une hs wng, tm Nk

sells yu yu hme n he vllge n

hes yu s p-me wke hs

shop to begin paying it o. His shop,

Nk’s Cnny, s smll n mes

rst, but with the help of the player, the

shp gws n he huge epmen

se, Nkngns. Nk ls helps he

plye upge he huse wh hs n

he se el ese busness. Up unl

anml Cssng: New Lef, hs hs

lwys been he hwkng ccn

mechn’s le. Wh he elese f NewLef, tm Nk hs lef he shpkeep-

e’s gme hs w nephews n nw

helps he plye emel n cusmze

he exe f he hmes wh hs nw

full-me el ese busness.

Hve yu eve wnee why n

he anml Cssng sees funue

uns n lef when plce n yu

pcke n sge? Beleve n,hs s ecly ele tm Nk.

as menne ele, n he Jpnese

vesns f anml Cssng, tm Nk

s s be nuk, n ccn. t-

nuks e ppul nmls n Jpnese

flkle knwn use he shpe shf-

ng pwes f pnks. Snce hey e

ceues f he fes, nuks e ble

un bjecs n leves n e ply pnks n peple. Wh hs n mn,

s neesng hnk tm Nk s

usng hs shpe shfng pwes help

yu cy yu funue un. i my

ls expln why Nk’s shp symbl

hs lwys been lef.

N me hw yu vew hm, tm

Nk hs lwys been n mpn

p f he anml Cssng sees. He

was the rst friend you made when you

seppe u f 

he n n yu

new wn bck n2002 when he

game rst came to

amecn shes,

n he even

helpe un yu

hme n yu

em mnsn.

tnuk ccn,

hee s ne hng

h s cen. He

s belve ch-

ce he anml

Cssng sees,

n he gmes jus

wuln’ be he

sme whu hm.

tm Nk’s h shp, NkWy, he

secn upge

tm Nk’s fuh shp, Nkngn’s,

he ls upge


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dung u me E3 few f he

PNM sta had the opportunity to attend

he The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the

Goddesses cnce he Geek amph-hee n L.a. the cnce shwcse

musc hughu he Zel fnchse s

well s new ngemens h ween’

included in the concert’s rst tour. Here

e u mpessns f he cnce pef-


tsn’s tke

Befe he p E3, i ws n my

m pckng my bgs n bulng up

excemen f he p cme. i hen g

ex fm ne f u wes, alex, skng

me f i ws gng he Zel oches

cnce. Whle i’ve he f hs cnce

befe, i’ve neve ene shw. i

neve seeme lke Kenucky ws eve n

he ches’s mp. Why n mke my

rst E3 even more memorable by attend-

ng hs shw!

afe he secn y f E3, alex,

M, n i g ll esse up. We keep clssy hee Pue Nnen. once

we ve he Geek amphhee,

seeme lke we wen fm ne cnven-

n nhe. all un us hee wee

fnbys n fngls lke csplyng s

he fve Zel chces. thee ws

even smene plyng he Hyule Mke

heme fm ocn f tme use he

mn ge.

Sly, wh u nm cke

puchses we ll ween’ sng gehe.

M n i e be he sysem, bu

he sysem ws n us n ws bck

u especve ses. Whle we ween’

sng nex ech he, we wee e

cene wh he sge gh n fn f us.Nw llw me se he sge f

yu (i wul sy clse yu eyes n

pcue hs, bu hen yu culn’ e

he cle). the sge ws full f lene

muscns whle hee lge sceens

lme ve hem cusng me wne

wh vsuls wul ccmpny he musc.

Sn fe he ches ws ne

unng, Eme Nne k he sge n

led us into our rst piece. The projectors

begn shw gmeply f ll Zel

gmes n he chnlgcl elese e

shw us jus

hw hs belve

fnchse hs

evlve ve heyes.

the u-

ence ws n

f specl

pefmnce, s

he epee

was dierent

fm pevus

cnces. ths

ws le “the

Legen f Zel:

Symphny f he

Gesses ‘Secn Ques’. New muscl

peces wee nuce h bugh bck

wves f nslg f Zel fns.

Cmng fm smewh f musclbckgun, i’ve ene he ches

cnces n he ps. Whle ech shw i’ve

ene hs been nhng sh f beu-

ful, the Symphny f the Gesses

uche hme f me. the Legen f 

Zel s fnchse h me me elly

feel sense f ccmplshmen f my

cns. t he hs musc ene by n

ches bcke up by beuful n

epc ch lne gve me gse bumps n

bugh e my eye.

Wh’s s mzng bu hs


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cnce s whle hee e he ppul

fnchses u hee, hw mny f hem

hve he wn eve ches? N

cunng Ve Gmes Lve (whch s sll

n my ls f cnces see), yu wn’be nding the “Halo symphonic orches-

” he “Mel Ge Sl ches”.

Whle i wul lve see he gmng

fnchses fllw hs ue f hvng he

wn eve muscl gup, i’m gl

knw h Zel hs s wn.

Lng sy sh, f yu lve Zel,

musc n he s, hen i hghly ecm-

men lkng he scheule see f 

hey’e plyng n wn ne yu. Yu

we yuself, my ee. Yu uly .

alex’s tke

Bv, tsn! Bv! (i m mgn-

ng YoU, he ee, e syng hs nw

s yu e tsn’s hefel ws h

pse the Symphny f he Gess.)

“Wh fnsc cle!” yu sy, “En-

ce! Ence!” Well my fens, i he yu

mgny ples f me nse my he,

n i m elve! S plese, s bck,

elx, n enjy my hughs bu hecnce h i hve nw ubbe, the Leg-

en f alex: My thughs n he Cnce.

i’s neeless sy h i m huge

Zel fn. if yu’ve seen u ee’s

secn f he June ssue hen yu knw i

hve n mpessve Zel gmng cllec-

n. one f he ms belve specs f 

he sees s s musc. in Zel gme,

he musc cn mke yu feel venuus

n bl, cn be uchng n he-

fel, n cn even leve yu feelng


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melnchly when nees . When

yu g hs cnce n he yu

fve sngs chese beu-

fully, kes yu bck when yu

rst heard that piece of music, and the

nslg n m he sng cees

is amplied.

as menne by tsn, he

hee lge sceens bve he sge

sply mges f gmeply g

lng wh he musc, n mes he

vsuls p beufully wh he musc

to create a powerful eect. As the

musicians nished tuning and began

ply he n Lnk’s awkenng,

i nce fml lle shp bbbng

up n wn n he ugh ses n

the screen overhead. It was my rst

eve Zel gme, n lsenng

sme f my ms cheshe meles

fully chese bugh es f jy

my eyes.

Wh i enjye ms ws he

bef nemssns befe mve-

men. Bh he cnuc n he

cmpses f he symphny k

me u ell us wh ws n he

nex mvemen n he memes

hey h ssce wh . i elly

bul up sense f cmee wh

he uence n he muscns, n

he hghlgh f he shw ws when

he cnuc use he vey wn

Wn Wke bn cnuc he

Wn Wke pece.

the Legen f Zel hs sme

f he gees fns u hee, n

’s hs lve h bugh hs cnce

gehe. G hs cnce f he

nceble musc h wll bng bck

hppy memes, g f

he fns wh csply s

he fve chces,

n g f he sense f 

cmee yu ge s

yu lsen he musc

h k gme sees

bu yung mn n

geen ske wh svng

pncess, n me



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-tsn Memn


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to know

i’s been cuple f mnhs nw

snce he elese f anml Cssng: New

Lef, n eveyne n he gnmhe

hs been lkng up he gme. Yu hve

been lkng f new gme f yu 3dS,

n yu’e cuus bu he sees, bu

yu n’ wn mke h lep f fh

n puchse gme yu’e unsue yu

wll lke. t help yu ece f he sees s

f yu, hee we’ll exmne he gme nge knw anml Cssng.

the ms cmmn quesn i see

bu anml Cssng s “wh i n

he gme?” ths cn be cky ques-

n, hugh, becuse anml Cssng

cn hve s much s lle f yu

s yu wn. the gme cn lsely be

escbe s “lfe smul” whee yu

ke n he le f my n smll vllge

lled with animal residents. Events hap-

pen n el me bse n he 3dS’s ne-

nl clck, s n cen ys yu my hve

specl evens guess wh vs yu

town, and insects and sh will migrate to

n fm yu wn wh

he chngng sesns. as

hee s n peeemnegl be he gme, s

up he plye ece

wh gls cee n

cheve, n hs s wh

mkes he gme s c-

ve. d yu wn py

o your house’s loan so

yu cn ncese s sze?

Spend the day catching sh

n bugs sell n mke

sme ex mney. Wn

ply nlne? inve fens yu wn

over Wi-Fi and show o your house or play

mn gmes n he sln. Feel lke elx-

ng n kng esy? G shppng n he

gme we lees n lk wh yu vl-

lges. i’s hs ype f se-yu-wn-gls

gmeply h wll hve yu plyng he

gme f few mnues ne y n hus

he nex, epenng n wh yu feel

lke ng h pcul y; n n’wy, hse suggesns e jus bely

scchng he sufce f wh hee s

whn he gme.

Enugh wh he

lng-wne quesns n

nswes hugh, yu wn

knw me bu beng

he my, gh? as my,

yu hve w specl bl-

es: yu cn cee wn

nnces, n yu cn

cee publc wks p-

jecs. t help yu wh hese

sks s yu peky s-

ssn, isbelle. alhugh

slghly clumsy, isbelle he

g wks h cy u

yu pjecs n gve yu

vce n hw mke yu

vllge bee plce lve. tlkng

isbelle fm he my’s se n he bck

f wn hll wll le yu pss wn -

nnce, lw yu cn pss help l

he gme yu ply syle, le yu bul

publc wks pjec, mnumen use

f ecng n cusmzng yu wn.

tlkng isbelle fm he fn esk wll

llw yu ge suggesns n hw

mke yu wn ge plce lve, n

new plyes cn ge vce fm he n

hw mke lvng n yu humble vl-

lge. isbelle s n nvluble sse yu,

n wh he help cusmzng yu wn

s fun n ewng.

Spekng f mkng lvng, yu wll

nee plce lve. Lucky f yu, tm

Nk, ( busness-svvy ccn) wll help

you nd a place to live. Tom owns a shop

wnwn, n ’s hee h yu cn ge

ln ncese he sze f yu huse

or purchase dierent house exteriors to

mke yu plce unque. Whle upg-

ng yu huse kes mney, hee s n

pressure as you can pay the loan o at

yu wn pce. Hvng bgge plcemens hvng me spce ece

wh funue, hugh, s yu’ll quckly

make paying o your loans a priority.

Purchasing dierent exteriors such as

fences, mlbxes, pvemens, n f 

colors oers a fun way to customize the

use f yu hme nywy yu lke.

Whle beng ble puchse huse

upges s nce, wee gng nee

len hw mke mney. Yu wn’s

cuency s knwn s “bells”, n hey

By alex Schmke

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cn be ene by sellng he bugs n

sh you capture, harvesting and sellingfu, buyng n sellng unps n he

“slk mke.” Yu cn sell ny unwne

funue ems yu cllec reese, n

alpaca who runs the ea market known

s re-tl wh he husbn. Yu cn even

plce yu l funue f sle n he

shp, n smemes yu vllges wll

vs he shp n buy he ems splye

hee. if yu’e feelng lucky, yu cn buy

unps n Suny mnngs fm Jn

he l b. thughu he week, reese

will give you dierent prices for turnips,

s ’s mpn buy lw n w f

hgh pce sell. W lng, hugh,

n fe week hs psse yu unps

wll n be whless. i’s b f sk,

bu f yu nsncs e g, yu cn

en l f mney hs wy. the ms

cmmn wy f mkng mney, hugh,

is by selling the bugs and sh you catch

in your town. You’ll need a shing rod

to hook sh and a net to catch bugs,

bh f whch cn be fun f sle

tmmy n tmmy Nk’s shp

n he shppng e. Snekngslwly s he sece cchng bugs,

n pence n mng e ccl

when landing a sh as it takes the bait.

Wh lle pcce, yu’ll be cchng he

rare bugs and sh before you

knw .

once yu’ve cugh yu

very rst rare bug or sh, you

hen fce he lemm evey

anml Cssng plye mus

cnfn, yu sell he e

bug or sh for a ton of bells? Or

yu ne he wn’s

museum s yu cn me

n sply? Blhes, he wl

wh uns he museum, mybe lle chy, bu hs em

s hve full museum h

cmpleely chncles evey bug

and sh that may visit your town. In addi-

tion to the insects and sh, the museum

ls cllecs peces f fmus wk n

nsu fssls. Fllng he museum s n

esy sk, bu s ncebly ewng f 

yu enjy cllecng hngs, n he mu-

seum feues pleny f neesng fcs

bu he ems yu ne .

anml Cssng s gme h

sme peple my n be use . if yu

enjy cllecng hngs, cqung funue

sets to decorate your house and lling up

yu museum wll be ncebly fun n

ewng f yu. if yu hve ceve

se, yu cn cee yu wn pens

wh n n-gme pen mke use

f cusm clhng lne. Cmbnng

pens lng wh publc wks pjecs

and clever landscaping of the owers and

ees n yu vllge cn esul n sme

mpessve lkng “heme wns” (hee

e ene nml cssng cmmunesnlne eve hs). if yu smply feel

lke elxng, yu cn enjy he gme’s

slwe pce by lkng wh yu negh-

bs en ex ems n enjy anml

Cssng’s quky wng. Whle sme ys

e me evenful hn hes, yu my

nd yourself playing for a few minutes

ne y n few hus he nex, hee s

lle b f smehng f eveyne. By

hs me, f yu e vey cuus bu he

gme n suns ppelng, i’ sugges

pckng up. thee s pleny f cnen i

hven’ even menne f yu exple,

n pey sn yu wll be cugh up

n he anml Cssng cze.

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 that need a COMEBACK by harrison milfeld

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Le me ell yu bu me

when Nnen cnsles wee

n jus bul n he funn

f M n Zel.

thnk bck he m

le 1980s n yu’ll emembe

h Nnen’s ve gme

clgue f he Nnen Enenmen

Sysem ws gwng mnh by mnh. the

lby f gmes ws sggeng, espe be-

ing lled with the occasional obscure title or

pece f shvelwe. a h me, Nnen’s

w ms ppul fnchses, M n Zel,

wee becmng husehl nmes, wh echf he gmes bekng sles ecs. N

nly h, bu hunes f he les becme

nancial successes, many of which were from

h-py publshes.

Wh plucky plumbe n geen-cl

he gvng mllns f ks esn wn

n NES n he 1980s, ne mus emembe h

Nnen pve us wh even me pns

fm he nenl evelpmen sus. Wh

m i lkng bu excly? i’m lkng bu

he fgen mn Nnen fnchses

that the company has seemingly shrugged o 

n h enugh es cnceve f fl-

lw-up. these e he bscue cul-clssc

les h e ehe bugh up n nslgc

scussns fun n lcl y sle.

as Nnen’s hme cnsles cnnue

ge bgge n gphclly me vnce,

the ush of original Nintendo IPs began to

shvel up. Sme les fun new hme n

he Gme By lne Nnen dS bu n

n ppe hme cnsle. in n, me

ppul fnchses fm Nnen’s epe-

e sn begn ke bck se n fv

f he cmpny’s mneymkng mscs

such s M n Lnk. i’s esy m

h Nnen hs cnnue suvve s

cnsle mke by bh s ece fnbsen esblshe fnchses, whch hs cn-

tinued to retool and recongure. But maybe,

jus mybe, hee’s sme m esuec

eb sme f hese fgen fnchses f

new uence.

S, wh’s keepng hem fm kng

p bck n me elve S tpcs, Wve

rce, n Ehbun evvl w? Esy.

i’s becuse f he uence n whehe

not the company can nd an enriching game-

ply mechnc bul un.

Sll, Nnen s knwn ke sks,

n kng chnce mkng new iP

evsng n l ne wul help plese he

cmpny’s ms ece fns.

Nnen f amec Pesen n Coo,

regge Fls-ame hs spke n he me f 

mn fnchses n pevus ccsns.

an nevew wh MtV shly fe E3 2013

sw Fls-ame scuss he e f evsng

sme fgen clsscs fm Nnen’s ps.

“Nintendo is a very fortunate place, we

have over 30 dierent franchises, and we

look constantly for opportunities to bring

those franchises to bear on our most cur-

rent systems. I’m not making any promises,

and I’m not making any commitments, butcertainly we are thinking about, for Wii U and

 for 3DS, what are those franchises? Maybe

those franchises that have been dormant for a

 few years, that we can lovingly bring to those

 platforms to drive our business forward.” 

Whu pmsng nyhng, Fls-ame s

ncng h hee e nee sme fg-

en fnchses h mgh be cmng lgh

n he fuue. i s hee h we ke lk

sme f Nnen’s smemes-clse shu

esue ches f iPs n see wh he W U

can oer for a new type of experience.


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S tpcs hs gwn be cul NES

clssc mng y’s ve gme messge

b ppuln. Smll cnngens f gm-

es hve clme f n upe, whle hes

hve cnnue g bck n elve he

series’ sci- quest. And yet, despite its status

s n fenmes fgen le, s uence

gws sely.

relese n 1990, he gme lms neve

sw he y f lgh use f Jpn. Sml

the Legen f Zel, S tpcs feue

p-wn 2d pespecve. S tpcs

cenly we l he Zel fnchse

by nclung puzzles, ungens, n even n

eely fml egsn sceen. Hweve,

unlke he Legen f Zel, S tpcs wsbh lne n h cnsn sylne, bh

f whch wee ve n chpes. the sy

f he gme fllwe he pgns Mke

Jnes, wh ws n vs C-isln vs

hs uncle. Sn fe, Jnes s cugh up n

n venue nvlvng ncen uns, spce,

n even me vel. Jnes’ juney efe

the alien overlord Zoda is lled with twists

n uns h ke he plye hugh (s

he gme’s bx pesens) “ es f sln

cuge.” N be velke, he gme’s

mn ngns, Z, sll esnes wh

mny e gmes s ne f Nnen’s cul


S tpcs wul see mee suc-

cess n he ses n ws le gven n

NES sequel, Z’s revenge: S tpcs ii.

S tpcs wul sn be gven ppe

Vul Cnsle elese n 2008, whch le

iGN ecle nul evlun f he

Zel fnchse. Snce he elese f S

tpcs’ NES sequel, he sees fe wyn bscuy n le becme he lkng

pnng f sevel ums evlvng un

re Sus evelpng sequel. Bu h

neve cme fun. P f he blme f

he sees’ emse cn be bue Z’s

revenge’s p sles ung he le un f 

he NES’s lfe cycle. an hnk h seeng

gmes elese n n gng cnsle hee

yes fe s success wul be smewh


Seeng s Nnen cnn hve enugh

f Zel-nspe les, S tpcs sequel

eb wul be welcme n

blse he W U’s lby. the W U’s gph-

cl cpbles, lhugh lme, wul n

hne S tpcs fllw-up chnce f bengplshe. Bu, hw shul be ppche

n hw cn Nnen mke he gme’s jump

3d n feel lke ehsh f es fm

pevus 3d Zel les? the esy slun

wul be ensue h S tpcs cn be

Nintendo’s agship core experience with an

engssng sylne n gmeply elemens

h eve fm he Legen f Zel, bu

hen ke n whle new ecn. tke, f

exmple, wh we’ve seen fm he evlu

f 3d Zel les fm ocn f tme

Skyw Sw. Wh hse vus les, w

sw slgh shf n cmb mechncs bu

ls new wy exple n slve puzzles

n ungens.

i s hee h W U vesn f S

tpcs cul becme beeng gun f

unuse Zel ungen es puzzles. N

s menne, wul be flsh bul

bck-by-bck 3d Zel clne fm Nnen

One would simply nd it to be the easy way

u n evelpmen. in e cec h,

Nnen wul hve smehng h lms neve es when evelpng le

Put story rst and build the gameplay aroun

. th nn my spell sse n mny

fronts, but Star Tropics seems ripe for a die

en syellng expeence unhe f f

whle fm Nnen. Lke hw we clm f

he Zel fnchse evlve n gne

n cnemc expeence, S tpcs my

be the right substitute. Plus, another sci-

gene venue such s S tpcs f Nn

en wul g gh lngse s mysc

cunep he Me sees.

F hse wh hppene pck up n

NES c f S tpcs when ppe n

1990, ws unque expeence h k

elements from Zelda and rened them forwhu beng jus quck e-hsh. a evs

C-isln n encune wh he evl Z

hs been emne by mny f fns f

yes, n he W U wul be he pefec w

e-cnnec he sees fm he l he


star tropicsLast appearance : NES : 1990

oh, Ehbun ( Mhe s ’s knwn

fns n Jpn). Yu hve elue us f s

mny yes, n Nnen hs kep esng

us me n me gn.

One of the denitive cult Nintendo RPG

sees (me n he he le), Ehbun

hs h que n neesng hsy f skp-

ping out on the Americas. The series rst

me s ppence use f Jpn n 1995

wh ecen vesng cmpgn (emem-

ber the scratch-and-sni ad in Nintendo Pow-

e?) n even nclue segy gue n he

gme’s pckgng. Sll, lke sme Jpnese-

exclusve Nnen ppees, Ehbun

failed to gain any booming nancial success

ung he le en f he SNES’s lfe cycle.

an N64 sequel le clle Ehbun 64 w

nlly plnne bu ws le cncelle n

later retrotted to a Japan-only release on

he GBa n he fm f Mhe 3. Snce hen

Nnen hs elese Mhe cmpl

exclusve Jpnese uences whu

hn f elese n he Ses.

Ehbun fns e n ngung bunc

earthboundLast appearance : SNES : 1995


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s he fllwng s n nly he pefec

nsll bse f nhe sh mkng he

series nancially stable outside of Japan, but

s ls ne f Nnen’s ms ece

n knwlegeble gups. as menne,

fns hve been ese n ese, bu he

nly cnsln ws vus ppences

f sees pgnss Ness n Lucs n he

Smash Bros. series and nally the long-await-

e elese f Ehbun n he W U Vul


S, whee s he lve? Que fnkly,

again comes down to sales gures and Nin-

en’s gh vsn f he sees. Nnen

hs menne n he ps he ese gve

he Ehbun sees ppe esuecn

n Nh amec, bu h wul pve be

flse clm s yes n cnsle gene-

ns psse. Wh he gnl Ehbun

geng much-eseve elese n he

Nh amecn Vul Cnsle, wul hs

men h smehng cul be f? We cn

specule ll we wn, bu he W U cul be

he gh esnn see hw u fens

fm Egleln Nwhee isln e ng

hese ys.

Jus mgne hw Nnen cn ecn-

nec he sees bh s cul fllwng n

sn--be new uences. thngs hve

chnge l snce he m-90s, s nhe

sh pesenng n Ehbun eb

fllw-up he publc cul gne hsuccess n Nh amec h Nnen g-

nlly wne. Nw gne, gn, Ehbun

hs n uence, especlly wh gsss

ses such s h pve evey-

hng yu nee knw bu he sees. N

nly h, bu ecenly gup f Mhe fns

h nsle he Jpnese-exclusve Mhe

3 into English and oered their services to

Nnen ce n use he scp f fee.

Snce hen, Nnen hs ye espn

he fns’ mn eques.

S, wh wul ke bng bck he

Ehbun sees he Nnen’s l-

es hme cnsle? the es wh he W

U’s GamePad are limitless and could oer a

unque chnce blse he sees’ gme-ply n rPG-cenee elemens new

level. the bvus chces e hee wh

chsng cks v he GmeP’s uch

screen or displaying an o-screen map, but

wh else cul be mplemene? Pssbly

evkng memes f he gme’s U.S. elese

wh fee segy gue (espe y’s

information-laden world where nding a

walkthrough is as easy as nding a funny cat

video)? Build o Mother 3’s rhythm-based

ble sysem? o mybe use he Mvese

cmmuny sugges new py membes

jn n v Nnen Newk? Wheve

he cse, Ehbun hs smehng up s

sleeve: s chces n hum. Ehbun

s knwn f s py f amecn culue

n he rPG gene n genel, n Nnen

hs he wes s wh me esuls. a

new ke n hs wul bvusly hve be

ngue-n-cheek, bu gven he uence,

wul be welcme.

Hweve, he e f nhe Ehbunle my sll be suck n pugy. Sees

esgne Shges i (whse cens e

bse n hs el lfe expeences) h n-

nunce n 2005 fe he elese f Mhe

3 h he hs n plns evelp he sees

ny fuhe. a culul cn n Jpn, i’s ps

semens seeme lke punch n he gu

sees fns wh em f fuhe venues

n he Ehbun/Mhe fnchse. in apl

2013, fn even k twe sk f n

upe, “M. i, plese ell us wy ge

you to make Mother 4.” Itoi’s response to the

ege fn’s quesn: “impssble.” a h

swllw espnse, ye even hs y, he

Mhe/Ehbun fnbse keeps chuggng

lng n hpes f seemngly mpssblesk.

Lke ny sees Nnen hnles, gvng

evelpmen ues n use evelpe

wuln’ be h f-feche f pssbly.

Smply pu, Ehbun hs he uence h

Nintendo rst clamored for when the series

ve n he Ses lms 20 yes g,

n he me mgh be gh gve nhe

chnce eempn f he sees’ cm-


star foxLast appearance : DS : 2006

thee’s n enyng h S Fx s

well-known and nancially viable property

fm Nnen. Fx McClu s ne f he

me ecgnzble chces n Nnen’s

clg f iPs, bu hs ken b f bck

se f he ls cuple f yes. Wh he cls-

sc awng ll bu gune, nhe eb he sees fmul (n mybe sy) s n -

der. With nancial stability in its ranks, there’s

n esn why he S Fx sees shul be

gne seemngly pushe se.

Fs ppeng n he SNES n 1993, he

S Fx sees hs h s f she f ups

n wns. a sequel le S Fx 2 f he

SNES ws ne cmplen f he SNES n

1995 bu ws cncelle he ls mnue. Se-

es ce Shgeu Mym h se h

he wne clen sle beween 2d Nnen

fnchses befe hey me he jump 3d.

Sevel roMs f he gme’s ce cn sll be

fun nlne f ne lks h enugh. S, n

eun, wk begn n S Fx 64, whch n

essence ws spul eb, fgeng he

cnn esblshe n he SNES gnl.

Wh le fllwe f he sees ws

re-evelpe Zel-syle gme le

S Fx avenues n 2002, 2005 Nmccllbn n he fm f S Fx assul,

n dS exclusve clle S Fx Cmmn

n 2006. the nly peep we’ve seen fm he

sees ws 3dS emke f S Fx 64 n

2011. rums swle h re-evelpe

S Fx/Me cssve ws n he wks,

but later proved to be a piece of fan ction

h hnkfully neve cme fun.

a g chunk f me hs psse snce

we’ve h ppe S Fx le, n nw

wul be pefec me hp bck n

he awng n vese hugh he Lyl

Sysem nce me. F ses, he S Fx

fnchse s keen n nn-sp, n ls cn.

S, mkes sense h he sees sy f

wy fm mvng bck n he “u-f-he-

cckp” h pesn gmeply fm assul.

Wh me S Fx assul lve he

ype f gme ws h e blnce he

awng n gun mssns cmpensef vese expeence. the pblem wh

hs mxue ws h he gun mssns

wee cmplee mess wh cme ssues,

bken wepn selecn, n cnl

scheme slppe hn S Fx 64’s vce

cng. in n, he esgn f hese gun

mssns ws smplsc n lcke h

pue, unulee cn h he awng

mssns pssesse.

as yu cn see, keepng he S Fx

sees slely s n n-ls she he hn

mxng n h-pesn cn s sfe mve.

Nw, f gven he gh evelpe, ne cul


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Yu knw wh’s mss-

ng n u Nnen hme

cnsle lves? N, n

Pkemn MMorPG, bu he sll ccles n my mn.

N, wh’s mssng s fuu-

sc ce h’s bul f hgh

speed, harsh diculty, and a

cen chce knwn f

Flcn punchng. th sees

s F-Ze.

i’s been lms en

yes snce we ls sw

hme cnsle elese F-Ze,

n he me seems gh f

nhe nsllmen n he

W U. Bu, hse hughs

n ems cme csh-

ng wn n ely June fe E3 2013 when

Shgeu Mym se iGN h he’s

unsue wh ecn ke he sees. “i

cenly unesn h peple wn newF-Ze gme,” Mym l iGN. “i hnk

whee i suggle s h i n’ elly hve

g e f wh’s new h we cul bn

F-Ze h wul elly un n ge

gme gn. Cenly i cn see hw peple

lkng M K 8 cul see, hugh

n-gvy, cnnecn F-Ze. Bu i

knw, hs pn, wh ecn we cul

n wh new F-Ze.”

Mym’s semens wee ugh

swllw f fns f he mn cng see

Nnen h menne h hey wul

lke nenlly evelp n F-Ze le s

ppse when hey hne he sees

F zeroLast appearance : gamecube : 2003

see he n-f mssns semlne n pl-

she b me, bu h’s n wh S Fx

s bu. i’s bu he hll f spce cmb

n kng he bes elemens f vus n-

rails shooters, such as intense diculty and

wll--wll cn.

in ems f cnl, he W U’s GmeP

is a dierent kind of animal (no pun intended,

S Fx fns) f he S Fx fnchse.

Whle Fx McClu n c. hve ese hewes f uch sceen feues wh S Fx

Cmmn n he dS, mny fel h spec

me he le h cnl gven he dS’

lck f n nlg ccle p. Wh he

GmeP, hese nunces cn be cece

with ease, but would it benet with dierent

cnl pns? We hve seen fm Sn n

Punshmen: S Success h he Wme

n Nunchuk cn gve he plye n nuve

wy f cnl f n n-ls she wh

pecse shng ccucy n cmf, even

with said game’s diculty.

th’s ne pn cnse, ye wh’s

lef wh he GmeP se fm ewk-

ng wh Cmmn se n he dS? the

simple solution could be to take full eect

of the accelerometer for rst-person ight,

scnnng ems, vnce . one e

h hs pppe n few peple’s mns f

GmeP cnl wul be mplemen

new way to choose ight or destination paths.

in lms evey mn sees S Fx le, yu

diculty ranged from what path you took

fm plne--plne n he Lyl Sysem.

ths usully epene upn n cenmun f enemes yu efee hw

fs ne wul cmplee mssn. these

ve f ech mssn n gve he plye

ppunes exple wh ph sue

ne’s nees n ems f chllenge. in he cse

f he GmeP’s uch sceen, upcmng

phs cul be hghlghe unlcke wh

smple uch even bkmke f fuue

efeence. Nw, h wul ms lkely

spoil the surprise of nding a new

ph f sesne S Fx plyes,

bu cul be use n unque wy

whu unng he jy f scvey.

F exmple, by uchng cen sps

n he GmeP unlck pnels

swches n senng n membes f the Corneria eet could add new ways

to alter the battleeld. This way, the

playing eld is made to give options for

he plye see wh cn cnn

be ne unlck new ph f-

feen bss ucme. Bu, much lke

he W U’s GmeP, he es beng

lse hve penl n mus be use

correctly to garner a dierent experi-

ence h cul swy ne fm usng

jus Wme/Nunchuk W U P


a ppe eun he S Fx

unvese my n be f behn, bu hw

s mplemene s wh wll be specule

f mnhs n mnhs unl Nnen eve

menns nyhng. if hee s ne evelpe

wh cul hnle he sk f envenng S

Fx, lk n fuhe hn tesue. Fme f

ikug n he Sn n Punshmen sees

tesue s n sluch when cmes n-

ls shes. Hweve, hey e knwn f

their unforgiving diculty in their games. If

cmbne he bes specs f S Fx assu

he gmeply mechncs f tesue’s shers, and Nintendo’s overall inuence, it wou

ske fenly blnce.

as sees, S Fx my n be

neglece fgen lke sme Nnen

fnchses, bu s esevng f eun

hme cnsles. F Nnen, i leve yu w

sme wse ws fm Peppy He: “Use y



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i knw wh yu’e hnkng: “Bu, we

ley g Glen Sun sequel f he dS

hee yes g? i’s n fgen fn-

chse.” thse clms e ue n exen,

bu hee’s ne pblem, whch s h Glen

Sun s n unee rPG sees h clms be gven hme cnsle elese. Nw,

i wul welcme nhe en f he

Cmel-evelpe sees h he 3dS,

bu hme cnsle, pen-wl nsllmen

wul gve he sees s ue f he splgh.

as menne ele, Glen Sun n Eh-

bun e w pecul, ye eeply mesmez-

ng rPGs whse penl Nnen seems

see use f Jpn. Gne, he Glen Sun

sees hs seen ll hee f s nsllmens

elese n Nh amec n Eupe, ye

begs he quesn f why hme cnsle

vesn hs neve becme ely.

Fnnclly n cclly successful,

Glen Sun hs sey uence n he

hnhel plfm, s he nsn fm he

smll sceen he bg sceen wuln’ be

h lge f gmble. i shul ls be neh he JrPG gene hsn’ been s mnn

n he ps. Ls genen, he quny n

quly f JrPGs (n nme Fnl Fnsy)

ws lwe hn ps cnsle genens.

thee wee few bgh sps lng he wy

wh he le elese f Xenble Chncles

f he W, ye he gene hsn’ susne s

gp n he mke.

Wh Mnlh Sf’s X sle f elese

smeme n 2014, Nnen hs he pp-

uny esblsh fefn f JrPGs, n

Glen Sun cn be jus h s well. Ppel-

ling the series into a full-edged 3D

wl wul wnes n he W

U, n nly fm vsul snpn,

bu ls fm syellng ne.Glen Sun s pe wh le, even

hugh he sees cves hee

gmes n l, n expnng s

chces n culue cul be

well f fns n newcmes lke.

When i sy newcmes, i men

by n ppng hem n wl

whee hey’ll be ls n he sy

fm he ge-g. Ese hem n wh

sy hey ge ccusme

llw sme ceve wys gve

quck un wn f he sees.

in n he gme’s sy,

n exensve use f he sees’ pene psyn-

egy mechnc cn be evlve f ceve

gmeply uses wh he W U’s GmeP, s

well s he djnn sysem ( unque feue f 

he sees h uses ceues wh elemenl

pwes h enhnce he chce’s clss).

these feues e wh me Glen Sunppul mng Gme By avnce wnes,

n he sles numbes shw . Cclly,

Glen Sun s hen gem mng Nn-

en’s clg lngse Ehbun, n

sechng u hese pcul rPG iPs cul

ssfy fns f he gene.

ovell, he sees fllws e-n-

ue rPG heme wh s gmeply n Cmel-

cul be up sk mke he gme’s

jump hme cnsles. if n, Nnen hs

he n-huse evelpmen em use

help mke Glen Sun n he W U lng-

we ely.

golden sunLast appearance : DS : 2010

amusemen Vsn f F-Ze GX. i’s esn-

ble why Nnen hs shfe s fcus

increase its development sta to further the

cen f me gmes (bh new n l),

n F-Ze s pme cne even f he

es en’ hee ye. Wh nn-k cng

les hvng b f suge ve he yes wh

Fz n Nee f Spee, ensng he F-

Ze sees wul be nce blnce

cnce wh he csul ppel

f M K. F F-Ze, ’s he

nense spee n unfgvng f-

culty that beckons players to mas-

e evey ck wh he fses me

or right nish. F-Zero GX further

esblshe hs, even f hse wh

e mpen cul n ge ps he

gme’s lenng cuve.

Wh he W U beng Nn-

tendo’s rst foray in high-denition,he cks n vehcles f F-Ze

cul be jy behl. imgne

hw Bg Blue Mue Cy wul

lk n Hd wh he checue

n cl pppng u evey c-

ne. Gven he W U’s cnlle pns, hs

cul be mplemene n he sme wy s

Supe Smsh Bs. Bwl f he W n

hw he sn--be elese Pkmn 3 wll be

adapting. This way, the diculty will not be

hnee bu wll gve begnnes chnce

chse he gh cnl pn when ves-

ing through dierent courses. In addition,

nlne ply mus be cnsee. onlne ply

shul n be seen s sme fm f cus-

y f Nnen n s fnchses bu s n

negl p f he expeence. ang F-Ze

h ls f nlne cmmunes wul n

only benet the series but Nintendo as well.

Wh wh we’ve seen wh M K W,

an online F-Zero community would oer the

chnce blse he gme’s ppuly

s lngse Nnen’s ppul k cng

sees.Nnen my n hve ny cncee

es ye f new F-Ze le, ye he nme

lne s beng hwn un n vus ne-

vews, s ’s n u f he elm f pssbly

see s eun. Hweve, we sw hs ung

he W’s lfecycle whu menn f GX

fllw-up. the wl knws h nees s

fair share of futuristic racers, and F-Zero ts

he bll f Flcn Punch n he upghs.


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KoJI KondoWh s gme whu musc? Even f 

’s nex gen le, cul lk lfe-lke n

be n smehng beyn 1080p, bu whu

sun n musc, ’s lfeless. in gmes, musc

s he mmesn n gves he plye

sensn h hey e p f hs wl

jus s much s he mn chce. thugh-

u he yes, Kj Kn hs bugh h

mmesn Nnen les n hs

y cnnues pull us n hese pxle


Whle enng unvesy, Kn neve

fcuse hs sues pcully un mu-

sc; he, hs fcus ws n he genel s.

He gne pesnl expeence cmbnng

he use f pn vns n cmpues.

Gven h hs ws n he 80’s n cmpu-

es wee sll gwng s fm f echnlgy,

hs ws pey mpessve fe. Kn ws

he n Nnen’s em n 1984, s hey

wee lkng f smene wh cul mke

muscl cmpsn f he gmes. Kn

wul wk n ceng musc f Nnen

ce gmes such s ‘Punch ou’ ‘Glf’

and would nish o his rst year by creating

musc f he Fmcn le ‘devl Wl’.

Kn h ge s Nnen,

bu ws n 1985 when we wul be blwn

wy by hs cchy sngs h gmes n

nn-gmes lke knw by he hs y.

Wh s uly mzng bu Kn’s muscl

peces, he hn hw meless hey e, s

hw hey ccen he venue yu my be

n. in M gmes, we’e gven hppy up-

be sng h les yu knw h yu’e n

he clful wl f he Mushm Kngm.

in Zel, yu’e emne by he umphn

heme h yu’e he he n he ln f 


i hve g feelng h ms f yu

hve plye he gnl Supe M Bs.

for the NES. For most of us, this was our rst

nucn gmng n hs le lne

seeme pu Nnen n he mp n he

gmng nusy. S mny fnsc mem-

ries. We remember our rst power-up, our rst

me scveng he Wp Zne, he fus-

n knwlege h he pncess ws n n-


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he csle. the ls seems neve enng. Bu

wh bu he musc? thee e gn l

of ve tracks in Super Mario Bros. There’s the

ve wl heme, unegun n unew-

e heme, csle heme, n s heme.

Even he Legen f Zel hs nly

hee cks. the ve wl heme, ungen

heme n Gnn’s L. agn, lke M, he

lenghs f hese cks e que sh. Hw-

eve, jus lke M, hese sngs e nce-

ibly catchy, as you will nd yourself humming

he gmes heme even fe plyng. Ele

i menne hw mmesve musc cn be.

afe plyng the Legen f Zel f hus

n en, beng expse bh he vewl

n ungen musc epeely, ’s when yu

ene Gnn’s L h yu’ve elze hw f

yu’ve cme smply by he mc chnge

n musc.

Wh’s s fscnng bu hese cks

s h hey’e nly few mnues secns

lng unl hey epe hemselves. Fm he

mny mny MaNY yes f plyng

hese les, i neve nce gew e

nnye by he cnsn epen f 

hese chp unes.Kj Kn’s muscl lens

wul cnnue n hughu he

yes, s he wul cmpse, -

nge n supevse n exensve

ls f Nnen gmes. Hs ms

ecen wk s muscl cmpsn

n wkng lngse wh Mh

Yk f M’s upcmng ven-

ue, Supe M 3d Wl.

Wheneve i ply Nnen

gme feung mj iP, i lwys

listen keenly to the music to gure

u f hs h “Kj Kn” sun n i

lwys exce see hs nme n he ce

Wh yes f cchy hemes n membl

sngs, my es cnn w lsen hs

nex msepece.


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da: Nnen hs been vey pen n ppchbl

ne evelpes f lng me – snce he begn

ning of WiiWare more than ve years ago. Develope

hve lwys been ble mke he cnen vl

n u sysems snce he WWe ys whu he

nee f n nemey publshe beween he e-

velpe n Nnen. Sme f he bes ne gme

f he ls 5-6 yes g he s n WWe. the

ms bvus exmples e Wl f G, an Ye i

Mves, LsWns, Cve Sy n he Bit.triP se

We also had some really experimental stu that not

s mny peple emembe lke Lit, tbsh n ll

line – which was denitely the intent with WiiWare. S

we’ve lwys been suppve f ne evelpes

enblng peple expemen n u s, ne f he bgges chllenges f n

busness segy s h nees hve lgnmen

css evey fce f he pcess, n i hnk h’s

whee we’ve seen he ms mpvemen wh W U

and Nintendo 3DS. We are nding more ways to ma

hngs even ese f evelpes ge se n


Pbbly ne f he bes exmples f mkng

hngs ese f evelpes s u elnshp wh

Uny, whch s yu knw s ne f he ms ppul

gme evelpmen ls mng ne evelpes.

Whle Uny supps ll mj plfms, he plf

Dan AdelmanInterview

Dan Adelman

Business Development

Nintendo of America




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lcense fees cn be que expensve. Nn-

en hs specl ngemen wh Uny

wheeby Nnen s cveng 100% f he

Uny lcense fees f W U evelpmen.

S f yu’e evelpe wkng n Uny

gme, hee e n bscles ssce wh

ng W U vesn.









da: the pcess f geng se up s

licensed developer is denitely a lot easier.

Peple wh e neese cn g wu- to ll out an online

fm. an nce yu’e lcense Nnen

evelpe, yu cn genelly elese pey

much wheve yu wn n he Nnen

eShp. if evelpes beleve enugh n he

gmes h hey e gng spen he me

n mney n mkng , we wn enble

hem bng he cnen u plfms.











da: We y u bes gve vs-

bly evey new gme when

lunches. ou Lcensng M-

keng em es ge jb f 

suppng u pnes hugh

numbe f vlble chnnels,

nclung eml blss, newsle-

es, e shws, evens, scl me n

Nnen eShp mechnsng. the nce

hng bu he Nnen eShp s h we

have a lot of exibility on this point. We can

mke jusmens whu much le me.

afe h, we ely hevly n cnsume

feebck eemne wh gmes e ms

mpn hghlgh. in n, W U hs

ge sech funcnly s h plyes

can nd the games they’re looking for, and

Mvese s n usnng l f scvey.




da: Nnen Web Fmewk s fme-

wk f evelpng W U pplcns.

NWF uses Webk s bse n supps

he sn Web echnlges lke HtML5,

Jvscp, HttP n CSS. NWF pves

wy f newk sevce evelpes bng

he cnen W U n enbles hem

use he vus unque W U feues,

nclung he W U GmeP cnlle. in

n, NWF hs hgh cmpbly wh

Web-ype evelpmen mke

ese mke gmes sell n

he Nnen eShp, n evel-

pes ls cn use supp

he pypng f nl






da:Nnen Web Fmewk

s vlble nw f lcense






da: the nen f Nnen Web Fmewk

s euce he bes f bh gme n

nn-gme evelpes elese pplcns

n he W U cnsle.






da: We hve nhng nnunce

hs me.






da: i cn’ spek f he ene gmes nus-

y n hs, bu fm my pespecve, gmng

s n fm, n f n fm sy ele-

vn, ’s g evlve n gw n chnge.

i lve aaa el gmes s much s he nex

guy, bu he chllenge mny f hse gmes

fce s h hey e s expensve evelp,and there is so much nancial risk associ-

e wh hse pjecs, h ’s elly h

f hse gmes y smehng h’s

neve been ne befe. the wy he p-

cess wks ms lge publshes s h

s p f he nenl geenlgh pcess,

there need to be some nancial projections

bu hw he gme mgh bse n

cmpble sles f sml gmes. Bu wh

f he gme s yng smehng h’s neve

been ne befe? Hw cn hey shw cm-

pble sles pjecns? i’s elly fllng

he ne cmmuny cme up wh hese

es n see hem hugh cmple-

n. the Nnen eShp llws smlle

evelpes exple new es n hemes,

such s bulng gme un he e f 

lenng bu he evls f cnsumesm ngeng plyes hnk bu hw hey e

spenng he lme me n Eh, s n

Lle infen. o mkng gme bse n

he e f plnng muscl sees n usng

he gwh exple he wl un yu

whle escpng he speng kness, s

n Ssee Plgm. these gmes my n

be f eveyne, bu n mny wys, h s

he pn. these gmes fce peple e-

exmne he vew n wh gme cn be

n n he pcess se he expecns.


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Holy Moley!It’s out of


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Pue Nnen h chnce lk wh

Jn Fshe, Pesen; Mchel Suswl,

dec f Busness develpmen’ n t.J.

Luz, Vce Pesen, fm Pwnee Sus

E3 bu he peme gme, Clubey





Pwnee Sus: ou elnshp wh Ubsfse bu ye g, we me wh hem

E3 cully. We wee snekng un

n gng secuy s we cul he up

to the oces upstairs and speak with some

publshes bu helpng us ge Clubey

Kngm n he Xbx 360. We mnge

ge n cnc wh numbe f publshes,

bu Ubsf seeme he ms neese, n

gve us he bes el. We’ve been n g

elnshp wh hem eve snce.






PS: When cmes cully wkng n

he gme, hee hve been n chnges ll.

Ubsf hs le us mnn 100% cnl f 

Clubey, n wns us mke he gme

he wy we wn mke . When cmes

the more messy parts (paperwork, certica-

tion, testing, legal stu) Ubisoft has basically

taken that load o of our shoulders, and let us

pu u full fcus n he gme. S elly, he

nly hng h hs chnge s h hey hve

gven us he bly fcus me n mkng

Clubey Kngm bee, n wy less

about all of the other nasty stu that comes

wh mkng gme.


PS: We elly wne smehng ll

o of the beaten path. So you know every

plfme s lwys bu sme guy svng

pncess. the sy n Clubey s elly l

30 yes le. Lke wh hppens when he

he s wshe up? He’s sve he pncess

“Welcome to Cloudberry Kingdom! The rst ever platformer with fully randomly generated levels

Every level is brand new and never seen before. The diculty level can match any need, from the

csul he hce. Unhpply eve fe? th’s hw ss. the ob esufces n he

clssc chces eun. Kbble wh hs mn, Pncess wh he enless bem. i’s nly

me f me befe Bb, u he, shws up pu e bck mness. thee pwes sug

gle f vcy n he fe f Clubey Kngm hngs n he blnce. Wh wll becme f h

ee he, Bb? Wll svng Pncess ne ls me wn he lve? Cul ue lve eve sp Kb

ble n he pwe f he ob? N, pbbly n. Bu hey, ’s wh sh.”-Pwnee Su


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200 mes n neve elly gen nyhng

u f . Wh es h guy’s he?

S h s kn f he sy. ou he Bb

esn’ elly ce bu he pncess ny-

me. He knws h she s n gng lve

hm n eun. S he’s jus lke yeh, wheve

bu smehw he sll ges sucke n hewhle che f hvng sve he pncess.






PS: We hve gve ll he ce f he

ppecf syle tg He Sus. they

wne exple h ecn f he

cnemcs n we hugh sune lke

pey cl e. obvusly, we wee pey ex-

ce bu he esuls! We cnsee usng

he sme syle whn he gme, bu me

he legbly smewh f n ssue. one f 

he hngs we fcuse n he ms wh he

gme ws mkng sue h he plye ws

ble enfy hs plye mmeely mng

eveyhng n he sceen. Wh he ppecf

syle n-gme, he chces jus ween’

snng u que s well s we wne hem

, s we ece ke me clssc p-




PS: Befe we even se wkng n he

gme, he , n he sy we spen bu

two years just on the articial intelligence

behn he gme. We spen l f me n

teaching it how to put ow into levels, timing,

hw f yu cn spce blcks n sll mke

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jumps, n s n. i ws uly fun chl-

lenge n nce we h h echnlgy, hen

we cul elly ulze mke kck ss




PS: Denitely old school Mario, like Mario 3,

lve h gme. Whle we wee wkng n

Clubey, Supe Me By ws jus geng

bg. i ws elly cl see hce e

platformer really take o. We really wanted

bng h hce elemen gme lke

M, lke he sme mechnc, whle hvng

gme h n me hw g yu ge ,

hee s lwys gng be new chllenge

wng f yu. i cn lwys ge he.





PS: thugh ms f he gme, we hve

smooth gradient when it comes to diculty.thnk tes. Bu n Feeply Me, we hve

few pese pns f peple chse fm

f hey s ese. they e: tnng, Unples-

n, abusve, Hce, n Mschsc.

they me less nsle Esy, Meum,

Hard, Very Hard, and No. Our diculty prefer-

ences msly epen n hw we’e feelng

he me. Jn lkes chllenge hmself 

pey much ll he me, s he wll nmlly

ply n Hce. i lke jus be ble zn

u f whle n elx, s i lke ply n

abusve. Bu hen we bh ge supe cmpe

ve n chllenge ech he n ace

Me uel…h’s wh lwys bls wn





PS: absluely, ne f he hngs h weugh he ai hw s n jus esgn

levels bu ls ply levels. S ’s lms

pefec plfme ai. S ny level yu ge,

there could be 200 reballs on the screen

but it will always nd a way to get through.

anyme ung he gme yu cn pull h u

hve he cmpue kn f shw yu hw

. S f yu e suck n sp, yu cn

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try and gure it out.




PS: once upn me, we be level wh

evey bscle cnke ll he wy 100%. ik us un 8 hus, swchng bck n

fh, n ve 1000 emps. We knew he

level ws pssble – becuse we wche he

cmpue cmplee . i’m n sue wh cme

ve us, bu we ece h we aBSoLUtELY

Had to be h level. i hnk ws wh .





PS: rgh nw n ll f he sysems yu cn

sve levels. rgh nw nly n Sem cn yu

send a level o to a friend. But we are plan-

nng hve pch pey sn fe lunch,

mybe mnh w, whee we’ll hve he

nlne shng feue f he levels.



PS: Evey me n he gme cn be plye

wh mulple plyes. We elly wne hs

gme be n expeence whee yu ge

gehe wh fens n hve ge me.

When plyng gehe, yu nly lse lfe f 

evey ne f yu es n level, s plyngtogether can be very benecial! Bring your





PS: We hve hee mn gme mes n

Clubey Kngm: Sy Me, ace,

n Fee Ply. Sy me s he nl

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cmpgn me f ms gmes. the plye

will have innite lives and will follow a story of 

u hee mn chces, s well s be n-

uce mulple syles f gmeply hugh

dierent hero abilities (more on those later).

ace me s sepe n 4 mn-gmes.

the bsc jes f ll hese gmes s h hey

e fse pce expeence wh lme

lived and a specic hero ability. You can plays Bb wh jepck, Bb wh ublejump,

Bb n mnec, n hes. thee s ls

me whee yu he ype chnges ech

new level, ges pey nus.

Fee Ply s snbx me whee yu ge

cusmze yu wn levels n he ype

Yu e ble mke levels ngng fm

supe esy sme f he ms nsne leve

yu hve eve seen. Yu cn jus ech b

scle plce s mny s yu lke. Bg fn

lses? Cnk up! He elng wh fllngblocks? Turn them o. Want your hero to be

ble jump supe hgh wh n fcn n

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supe gvy? dne. the a.i. wll esgn he

level to your specication, even taking into

ccun whch he ype yu pcke.



PS: S f yu he yu cn pey much cus-

mze eveyhng…yu be, yu hs, yu

cls, eveyhng. an hen f yu elly wn

ge n , he hn hve level e

whee yu plce blcks nvully, we hve

hs cl kn f sn bx feue whee yu

can say ‘Give me lots of reballs and a few

fllng blcks’ wheve…yu gve h n-

fmn he ai n wll mke level ex-

actly to that specication. In addition to that,

hee s ls He Fcy whee yu cn

dene your hero physics…more friction, more

gvy, un fse, jump hghe…ll f h s n

hee s well. the ai wll ke h n mke

gme bse un h new he.




ourhandsonatE3. Wheredidthisideacome



PS: Bungee mode started o as a crazy idea

when we wee lpy e few yes g. We

ene up lughng unl we ce h ngh

n ece h we h keep . We hve

lwys wne expn he e me n

he gme, bu wee neve que sue hw well

peple wul espn . Nw h peple

seem to really enjoy it, we denitely plan on

ng me bungee mes n few me

f u czy es n he fuue.






PS: Yep, we have denitely thought about

h. th’s kn f he menly behn he

Escln Me jus keeps geng he

n he unl yu jus cn’ ke . S h

s kn f he nspn hee bu we wul

lve hve, n i hnk we mgh pck hs

in the DLC, just like one innitely long level

rather than an innite number of levels.


PS: Uh huh. absluely…yep. We ley hve

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supp f ll f h. Yeh.



PS: Yeh bsluely! S i hnk we e g-

ng hve be pck…gh nw we nly

have ve beards and that’s just not enough.

Bu we hve sme new bscles n hees

planned. So denitely expect some more

cmng u!



PS: i hs been elly psve. i hs been

wesme see peple jus shwng up, ply-

ng he gme. Peple elly lve seeng he

supe hce levels n hen seeng sme-

ne be even seeng he cmpue be

becuse s jus s mn benng lke ‘hws h pssble?!’ i’s jus been l f fun.




PS: Yeh, i men hee s mlln hngs h

we wul lve Clubey. Hpeful-ly Clubey es well n we’ll ge cme

bck n mke Clubey 2 f eveyne.




PS: i wsh we hn’ splle ll he bens.

Kevn Sb s u vce c f he he,

Bb. Fm avenue tme, the L f Evl,

Mn olsn, s Kng Kbble, n he pn-

cess s cully Kevn Sb’s wfe.



PS: We lve yu supp n hnk yu f

eng bu us.


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SG: Well, i n’ elly cme up wh he e.

Lu , he, ne gzlln hny ks

bck n he 70’s smehng. i mgne

he e cme up fe sme s f unken

bnsmng sessn bu wh ne cul

wh hs hwe snce KnpKnk hs

g elnshp wh Nnen fm pev-

us pjecs.



SG: Fm he ge g... i’ lke sy ye,

i hnk s nywy. i se un Nc

Gme Cnfeence 2012, n hee hs been

ne me snce hen. thee’s been l bck

and forth with Nintendo and our two ”oces”,

snce we e w cmpnes wkng n hs





SG: the mn nspn ws he lmns

f he syle self. Hw i cul mke hemfeel personal and dier from each other while

sll nly usng bnn shpes. Well, hee’s

hney n pp s well.




SG: N elly, hey e ll bse n chc-

es fm vey fmus bks by vey bng

n peenus wes. oh, w... yu s

”be hnes”.




SG: My fvue s Bmb. Becuse he hshe czes ”exce” nmn. i cul wch

h f hus, elly hppy wh . He’s m-

elle lk lke pesn benng ve.



SG: i ws n ppuny f me wh

eve i wne, s i nlly h n guelnes

ll. S i chse wk wh mnmls

-syle, becuse he n gmes i lke he

ms e gmes lke Lc rc n such.

Yu knw wh i men. the ”cle susge

ppch” ws smehng f wn-wn, Knp-

Knk wuln’ hve h he me ejec

becuse ws sh elne f subms-sn he Nc Gme Pgm. i ws pey

condent they would know what I was trying

, hey’ve me me befe.





SG: the u plys huge, huge le n he

gme, n gmes n genel. i cn n sess

hs enugh. Nkls (Snkel) hs me musc

n suns f bsclly evey pjec i’ve



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eve wke n n he bngs eveyhng

lfe n sme mgcl wy. in hs cse he

hs me ms f n lle cucu ben

sem-y synhesse, whch s fe n self 

becuse suns bly mzng.

As for the audio cues, yes, there are denitely

stu like that, Beach tennis is probably the

bes exmple f hs bu ’s h expln.

Le’s jus sy hey’ve wke l mke he

u p feel g eveywhee.





SG: Nhng excep he sn sceensh

sharing stu, unfortunately. Well, I guess so!

Bu ’s n lkely. Fuue upes wll nclue

me mn-gmes n such, n f hey pyme enough, more characters. Stu like that.





SG: Wul’ve been cl. Bu he pblem s

h he GmeP wul hve be me

he peple f h wk, n hnlng

he GmeP hs feel csul. Pbbly

unks, ks n/ yung spe eles wll

ply hs, s hs be kep pey... esy

hnle. i hnk ’s cky enugh hnle s

s wh he ules f he mngmes.



SG: 6.99 €, becuse 7 € s jus mn

much, we wn peple be ble fee

he ks, yu knw. i wll be vlble n

augus, hee hs been sme elys becuse

Nnen s pey pcky, bu hey, wh cul

i expec?

afe he plnne upe, wll cs 9.99 €,

bu ll upes wll be fee f he peple wh

lley puchse he gme unl h pn


SG: i hnk i’m he nly ne wh feels hs.

When yu g fm he scene whee he

chces s un he W U GmeP, y

clck he sceen, gphcs sle u. Eveyh

s whe. an hen he spnnng ble ec.

pps u. Lke ”pp”, ugh cu. i lve h

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if yu men he cul mngme

cn i lke Bech enns he

bes. i ckles my mgnn he

ms, n esn’ eque me

do too much awkward stu. Youknw, i’m Swesh.




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Coming August 8 for Wii U


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Experience the interactivetablet version today

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Wh esn’ emembe geng hme

fm schl, unng n he tV n wchng

Nckelen, Cn Newk, he dsney

Chnnel? Well f yu wee elly k, hsws hw yu spen yu wnme when yu

ween’ plyng ve gmes.

Shws lke dkwng duck, duck tles,

Chp ‘n’ dle rescue rnges, n Gf tp

e jus few f he mny dsney cn

shws h sck wh u chlh n

hs y, he penng heme sngs e

pemnenly ngne n u hes. i’ll g

he n gve yu chnce Yutube yu

fve shw heme…k yu’e bck? then

les ge ! We mgh slve mysey

ewe hsy, bu n me wh, he Gf 

tp wll lwys sck gehe n wh h

s, les ge ngeus…see wh i hee?in cse yu lve une ck, dsney

h sl cn shw lne up. alhugh

n’ hve s mny f jkes s ren &

Smpy, ws sll chmng n s wn wy.

then cme lng gme cmpny clle

Cpcm. Chnces e, yu knw f hs

cmpny’s wk n gmes such s resen

Evl, Meg Mn, See Fghe, devl My Cy

n hes. Cpcm h usng success

n s ely ys wh he Meg Mn fnchse

n ece ke s plfmng lens

fml wl.

Neeless sy, Cpcm n mz

jb wkng wh dsney bng u fvecns gmng cnsle ne yu. Wh h

s, les ke lk n few Cpcm/ds

ney gmes h i expeence. these e jus

hee f mny dsney/Cpcm gmes h

e u hee. alhugh sme f hem my b

h cme by, i hghly ecmmen expl

ng hese les f yuself. als, f sme f 

hese shws e unfml yu, yus

fv n wch n epse w n

expeence he 80’s/90’s.

ok wh n’ see hs ne cmng?

ducktles s n nly fnsc NES le,

bu ’s ls geng plshe Hd emke

enle “ducktles: remsee”. ths

lle gem f gme h s wn plce n

he wl f ge plfmng les. Ply-

es k he le f Scge Mcduck n

ques becme he ches uck n he

wl. alng wh ge plfmng cme

ge sunck. Whehe yu wee nhe amzn jungle, hune mnsn n

tnsylvn, n he mn, ech wl

was accented with tting music that made

yu emembe h yu wee n dsney

venue. Whle he emsee vesn

mgh be ge ply, i hghly ecmmen

checkng u he gnl NES vesn. Wh

knws, mybe hey’ll elese s Nn-

en Vul Cnsle exclusve.



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i aM tHE tError tHat FLaPS iN

tHE NiGHt! relese f he NES n 1992,

dkwng duck k h fml Meg Mn

ppch f jumpng n shng, gvng us

vey cve n chllengng gme. Cme

hs se sweep he nce f cy f S.

Cn, n ’s up u uck vglne

sve he y! remembe when i s hw he

gme s sml Meg Mn? Well, ’s ls

similar in diculty. This game is by no means

pushve, s pxel pefec jumps e neee

n enemy plcemen cn seem fusng

mes, mkng yu pln yu cns he

ls secn. thughu he gme, yu cul

nd upgrades for your gas gun such as light-

nng gs, hevy gs n me. N nly wshs my fve dsney cn…(well, nex

Ggyles), bu ’s fnsc le h evey

gme shul expeence.

Svng he bes f ls, hs gme s

n nly my fve f he Cpcm/dsney

gmes bu s gme bse n my fve

dsney mve n genel. i’m pey sue

yu ll knw he sy, bu hee’s he quck

vesn. the Suln’s ryl Vze Jf s n

nee f lmp hen n he Cve f Wn-

es, bu he s n nee f chsen nvul.

a mn n he ugh.

in ems f gmeply, hs s yu bsc

platformer. Aladdin uses an acrobatic ght-

ing style to handspring o enemies, posts or

he gune bjecs. thwng pples cn

briey stun enemies, giving you a window

f ppuny ck. Lke ducktles n

dkwng duck, cmes s n supse h

he musc s usnng. tkng fml

sngs fm he mve whle ng he wn

gnl sngs elly shws he quly n

ce h wen n hs gme’s pesenn.


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PokémonBy Jake Spaord

 A Boy once hee lve by nme S-

sh tj. Ssh lve n ul tky.

Ssh lve cllecng bugs. Bu hen

tky gew n evelpe, n he ules begn be cnsume by he

ubn cwl. Fess n ce pes

wee eplce by ces, n bugs wee

eplce by Spce inves. Ssh

lve ve gmes n whle sll een-

ge, he se mgzne clle Gme

Fek. He hnwe he mgzne, hen

phcpe he pges n sple hem

gehe. He me n begn wkng

wh fen nme Ken Sugm n

he mgzne, n feful pneshp

ws bn.

 An Idea the w ghee em un

hem n une Gme Fek n

ve gme evelpmen cmpny.

inse f wng bu gmes, mny f 

whch hey fun wee mece, hey

ece mke he wn. tj k hs

lve f cchng bugs n cme up wh

he e f Pkemn (n bbe-

vn f “Pcke Mnses”).

Wh sme nl funng

fm Nnen n ne

f s subses,

Ceues, inc., tj

se wkng

n he gme wh

smll em

f evelpe,

wh Sugm

pvng he .

Junch Msu

(cuenly gme

ec n dec-

f he B

f he Pke-

mn gmes)

cmpse he

musc. i k he smll em sx yes

come up with a nished product. Many

membes lef ue lck f py, n

tj hmself wke whu sly, lv-

ing o of his parents’ income. He worked

egul hus, fen wkng 24 hus

sgh n sleepng f 12.

one f he key gme mechncs f

hs p f gmes, Pkemn re Ve-

sn n Pkemn Geen Vesn, wul

ulze he Gme By Lnk Cble. tj

lve he cpbles f he Lnk Cble

bu fel h ws beng uneulze

he me. in n nevew wh tiME

Mgzne n 1999, he s he fllwng

bu hs use f he Lnk Cble.

“TIME: Why did Game Boy seem

right for Pokemon? 

Tajiri: The communication aspect

of Game Boy. It was a profound image

to me. It has a communication cable. In

Tetris, its rst game, the cable t ransmit-

ted information about moving blocks.

That cable really got me interested. I

thought of actual living organisms mov-

ing back and forth across the cable.

TIME: Wasn't the cable being used

 for players to compete with each other? 

In Pokemon, players are sharing, too,

aren't they? 

Tajiri: Yeah, everyone

was using it to compete.

The idea I had was

 for information to

 go back

and forth. It

wasn't about


Even before

Game Boy, there

was a communica-

tion capability at game

arcades--like two race car drivers sitting

next to each other to compete. That's all

anyone was doing, using it to compete.

TIME: But if you're not competing,

 games aren't all that much fun, are they? 

Tajiri: I liked competition too. But I

wanted to design a game that involved

interactive communication. Remember,

there was no Internet then. The concept

of the communication cable is really Jap-

anese: one-on-one. It's like karate--two

 players compete, they bow to each other.

It's the Japanese concept of respect.

TIME: Like the ritualistic elements

of sumo? 

Tajiri: A more casual form of sumo.

Over the Internet, communication can be

directed to anyone in the world and it's

anonymous. But with a communication

cable, it's one-on-one and the players

 pick who they play against. It doesn't re-

ally get aggressive.

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It's an intricate style of communication.

 Almost subtle.” 

 A Craze The games were nished in 1996,

bu tj ws sce. Becuse he

gmes k s lng evelp, he

Gme By ws becmng bslee s

me vnce sysems enee he

mke. Neveheless, Nnen k he

gme n se mke . Whle

seeme lke he Gme By mgh be lef

n he us, cnnue be bugh

by yung chlen n Jpn wh

couldn’t aord the ashier,

me expensve sysems.

Pkemn sles n-

cese, fuele n p

by ums (se

by the sta at Game

Fek, n less), f  sece Pkemn

hen n he gme.

ths um hp-

pene be ue,

n he myseus

Pkemn une u

be Mew, Pkemn

nly bnble by ecev-

ng fm specl even.

ths, cmbne wh ncese

enn fm he mgzne CC,

kep pushng Pkemn sles. alhugh

n’ mmeely exple n ppul-

y, sles gew sely ve he pe

f ve ye n hlf unl becme

enenche s p sellng gme.the evenully vewhelmng

success f Pkemn pmpe slew

of spino products. A manga, a trading

c gme, n nme, n mve. these

pucs me he wy he ses,

wh he gmes (nw le Pkemn

re Vesn n Pkemn Blue Ve-

sn) n he tV shw ebung n 1998.

despe Nnen’s fes h amecn

uences wuln’ be exce bu he

cue lle mnses, he gmes becme

a huge success and spread like wildre.

i fun myself, lke mny f my pees,

swep up n “Pkemn.” i g Gme

By n Pkemn Blue Vesn f

Chsms f ‘98, n Pkemn becme

my lfe. i wul wke up n wch he

tV shw befe schl, i wul e

cs wh my fens ecess, n hen

i wul cme hme n ply he Gme

By gme. i ws n lne n my bses-

sn. in fc, he cze becme such

phenmenn h tiME Mgzne n

n cle clle “Bewe f he Pke-

mn” n Nvembe f 1999.

 A Legacy Whle he cze hs quee, he

legcy f Pkemn hs n gne wy.

the fllwup gmes, Pkemn Gl n

Slve vesns, wee nene be he

ls f he fnchse, bu hey cnnue

sell. an tj n hs em Gme

Fek cnnue evelp. t e,

there have been ve “generations” of 

Pkemn gmes, wh sxh n s wy.

ths mkes f 21 mn sees gmes

with many spinos like Pokemon Snap,

Pkemn Clsseum, n PkemnPnbll. the nme hs e ve 800

epses n 15 feue-lengh he-

cl eleses. ths ocbe, Pkemn X

n Y Vesns wll be elesng, n

hey wll cnnue exhb Ssh

tj’s gnl esgn phlsphy. they

wll cnnue mke he ms f he

cnsle’s cpbles (hs me un,

h mens seeng Pkemn n 3d), n

he fcus wll sll be n shng n

necng, nw pssble hugh W-F

cnnecn nse f lnk cble. one

by’s yuh spen cllecng bugs n

spenng fenns n ces hs nw

evlve n n nennlly

successful fnchse, nef he ms ppul n

he wl.


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Kevn Klen


“Dierent people have dierent deni-tions of what is easy and what is hard. For

sme he chllenge s welcme, bu f h-

ers it’s o-putting. “

leT’S Talk



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“ovell, hee’s nhng wng whhee beng ese gmes n he mke,

i jus n’ wn see he clssc f-

culty of games being phased out.”

anew augusn

Ce f Supe Ube Ln

Ve gmes hve chnge l n he

ps few eces. Wh h chnge hs cme

l f benng. as esul, hee s huge

range in game diculty. As games increase

n ppuly n he ge emgphcs

chnge n ben, hey expeence l

of diversication. There are a lot of markets toconquer and many niches to ll.

Wh hs mens s h hee e gmes nw

h e s h s, he hn, ele gmes. these

gmes cn be chllengng, fusng, n ulmely ewng. ths

ssfcn s n mpn p f gmng. resng gme f Fe

Emblem ve n ve unl yu cn successfully cmplee mssn

whu lsng ny f yu chces feels mzng. Sme gmes

thrive o of being just dicult or inaccessible enough to appeal to a

mke f hce gmes.

Hweve, ve gmes hve ls becme ncesngly ppul

csul gmes n fmles. F hs esn, ’s ge h hee e

l f ese gmes u hee. a gwng emphss n scl gmng,

whether local or online, takes focus o of the diculty of a game and

plces n he pssble necns be h wh he plyes.

an yu n’ wn h gme when yu pp n NnenLn f

smehng wh yu fmly membes wh hven’ pcke up Wme snce W Sps.

i’s ls wh mennng nhe me ecen en n gmng:

achievements and unlockables. A lot of games now have stratied

diculty. They might be easy to nish but dicult to complete. That is,

mgh be esy smply ge he en f he cmpgn sy, bu

h sn’ whee he gme ens. thee cul be ex gls, chllenges,

bjecs unlck. ths s wy f pvng fun gme f csul

plyes whle sll pvng n nl chllenge f he me


Jake Spaord


The standard diculty of games has

chnge ve he ps 25 yes. i m sue hs

s ue he mj ncese f ve gme

popularity and casual players. Diculty is

h subjec elly ecphe becuse

elly ll epens n wh smene wul

consider dicult. Certain games require you toenue lng uns f cn n plfmng

befe beng ble sve/es, whle sme my n

punsh plyes wh eh bu eque he plye use he bns

and gure out puzzles. Overall, there’s nothing wrong with there being

ese gmes n he mke, i jus n’ wn see he clssc f-

culty of games being phased out.

Checkpns hve chnge he wy gmes ply gmes. a ne

pn, hey wee use spngly keep he plye fm hvng ply

he ENtirE gme ve jus becuse hey e nce. Checkpns wee

me f ew becuse hey wee plce f enugh keep plyes

n he es ll mes. Nw, checkpns e use evey 30 secns

he pn whee yng sn’ much f cnsequence nyme. Ply-

es n’ fe eh/lsng s much s hey use becuse f he

elnce f checkpns.

Games can still be dicult even with the frequent use of check-

points but that only changes the style of diculty.the resen Evl sees s g exmple f he chnges n

diculty style based on the checkpoint/save system. In Resident Evil

1- Code Veronica, players would be terried of any and every zombie

h cme css he ph becuse f he pssbly f eh whch

men h hey wul lse ny pgess h hey’ me snce he

ls sve/checkpn. deh h much me wegh n hse

gmes hn n resen Evl 4-6. thse gmes ulze fequen

checkpns, whch llwe he plye e s mny mes s hey

wne whu much cnsequence use f hvng e mybe 2

mnues’ wh f gmeply. Bu fequen checkpns llws f much

ughe nvul segmens whu fusng he plye much.

then hee e exmples f n usng eh punsh he plye,

such s Kby’s Epc Yn, whch n’ llw he plye e ll.

Instead they presented a dierent form of diculty by having players

cllec vus hen ems hughu he gme.

temple run n mny he gmes n mble evces hve beenle f she, qucke, me ecn bse gmeply. one cul

argue that they are extremely challenging because of how dicult it is

cully lve beyn 45 secns s whle hes my gue h

they’re not really dicult because dying is inevitable and is basically

he gme self.

ovell, my pesnl pnn s yes, ve gmes hve becme

ese hughu he yes. Cmpleng he vege gme n he NES

wll cenly pse me f chllenge plyes hn cmpleng he

vege gme n cuen gen sysems n evces.

anew augusn

Ce f Supe Ube Ln


GETTINGEASIER?anew augusn jns us n he

subject of game diculty.


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Gmes h gew up n he 80’s, nclung

myself, cn es he fc h ve gmes

used to be dicult. There were many times

s chl whee i ws fce ply vuspns f ve gmes epeely becuse

i ws hvng uble vecmng n bscle.

ove me hs hs becme less fequen c-

cuence n ve gmes. Men ve gmes

hl plye’s hn n help hem hugh he

experience rather than allowing players to gure it out for themselves.

in men ve gmes, mny gmes expec ge fm pn a

pn B whu ny ssues n mve n he nex gme. on p

f hs, s gmes gw le hey e n mvng gmes h e

more dicult but begin playing games that are more gritty and violent.

Yung gmes e nw gwng up wh les lke Cll f duy, whch

are for adults because of the content but are not dicult to play by

any means. What I nd even more disconcerting is that there are even

gamers that claim that there are games that are too dicult and will

sp plyng gmes becuse hey e jus h.

in my expeence, hee s neve ve gme h s h.I will describe some games as brutally dicult or one of the hard-

es gmes i hve eve plye bu yu wll neve he me sy ‘hs s

jus h.’ i my even hve pu gme wn n wlk wy

becuse s jus h h bu i wll lwys en up cmng bck f

me. Ms ppul men y ve gmes hl plye’s hn

fen, n hs s why sme gmes feel h sme gmes e jus

h. F nsnce, assssn’s Cee wll pey much ell plyes ex-

cly wh nees hppen sep by sep hughu vus mssns

leng plyes hugh cmplen. Even he cmb n assssn’s

Cee s bse less n plye’s skll n me bu mshng bu-

ns unlesh ugeus ck mneuves.

re gmes cnnue pve chllenge even f y’s

yung genen f gmes. Men gmes hve gme mechncs

h wee n vlble n ely ve gmes, such s he ‘Supe Gue’

fun n ecen M gme eleses h help plyes h e hvng

diculty with a particular level and provide an easy way out. This kindof help can prove to be useful to a gamer that is nding a particular

level to be too dicult and keep people playing instead of just walking

wy. i n’ fen use hese hnus becuse i enjy he chllenge,

n i hnk h me gmes shul chllenge he sklls. i wul lke

to see more young gamers embrace a game’s diculty instead of run-

nng fm . Sme f my ms memble ve gme expeences

come from the most dicult games available. I am glad that there

e sme evelpes u hee h sll pve hse sul cushng

games that oer a viciously dicult level of gameplay.

Jusn Hnn

He E

“i hnk bee ems f y’s

gmes mgh be “ppchble” “f-

gvng.” they smply gve me he chce

ply hw i wn ply. “

J Csln



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Yes, i feel s hugh ve gmes y

e l ese hn he NES SNES gmes

h i gew up wh. Gmes lke New Supe

M Bs. U hve he bubble sysem n hesupe gue ge yu hugh he level wh-

out any eort. When a game has to ask me to

pu wn he cnlle s cn be he level

f me, s kn f nsulng. i mgh hve fllen

wn he sme p numeus mes, bu i pmse

this 52nd time will be dierent!

afe gvng sme me hugh, i unesn why y’s

gmes e ese. Nnen ppels bh he hce n csul

gme wh selec les. M gmes ypclly hve up fu plyes,

n hese cn be fens, fmly peple wh hve neve plye

ve gme n he lfe. ths mkes sense hve bubble ely

sysem s less sklle gmes cn ply bu sll enjy he gme. Whle

i feel s hugh hs s g mkeng e n Nnen’s p,

seems b gmes f h ewng sensn h cmes fm

beating that one dicult level.

Bu ke lk f exmple Zel les. Whle hee e hnshughu ech ungen ehe gven by yu cmpnn bv-

us ungen plcemen, s neve hn-fe yu. the gme sll

requires you to put on your big boy tunic and gure it out.

if yu lk he sze f n NES gme hls, ’s bu few

kilobytes. Nintendo made their games dicult so you felt as though

yu g yu mney’s wh. Hw yu wul feel pyng un 50

bucks f gme nly be whn few hus? an whle yes,

hese gmes wee h, hey wee n unbeble. Pehps he gme

esgnes wne pu enemes n h kll es s h he

plyes wul ke he me plyng he gme n len fm he

mskes. th s wh mkes chllengng gme s g. the ush

of knowing that you beat what at rst seemed impossible makes you

uly feel unsppble s gme.

So how does one x this little problem? There are young kids who

e jus geng he gmng fee we n cn’ excly ckle gme

like Super Mario: The Lost Levels on the rst try. Giving gamers theoption of a much dicult quest seems to be the most viable answer.

For example, Mega Man 2 for the NES, while dicult, can be played on

“Nml me.” ths gves gmes chllengng ye beble gme,

but gamers can choose the more dicult quest at their leisure.

th, me, seems lke he bgges fc, gvng gmes chce.

i’m sue gmes he hn myself wul lve ke sh much

more dicult Mario quest or games that would give us the challenge

level h s knwn s “Nnen H”. agn, gmes lke Zel

ley hve he chllenge level; ’s jus h he gmes h seem

hl yu hn ll he me cul use chnge. Gmes nee es

he sklls; hey jus nee he pn s.

tsn Memn


as gme, i lve beng chllenge by

games. It is incredibly satisfying to complete

a goal that I struggled to nish, but not every-

one likes to struggle. Dierent people havedierent denitions of what is easy and what

is hard. For some the challenge is welcomed,

but for others it’s o-putting. Often it feels as

hugh evelpes e umbng wn he chl-

lenge n e cpue we uence n n

the process alienate the hardcore players. Over the last few decades,

gmes hve gne fm smply esy, meum, n h mes

ulzng ncesngly ceve es lke n-gme gues n specl

pwe-ups ese plyes h e sugglng. i, f ne, m ll f -

ing these features, as long as they are optional.

i hnk sme gmes e ese y hn cmpe he

previous entries. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it does bring

up he quesns f whehe i hve ugwn cen gmes f i m

no longer their target audience. I feel that developers should make

gmes chllengng bu feues n ppunes f sugglng

players to get help. For instance, with Injustice: Gods Among Us, if players fall during a ght in story mode, the next ght will be slightly

easier. This gives all players the opportunity to nish the story mode.

Esy ve gmes e n b, hey’e jus n s ssfy-

ing. With Nintendo, I feel like they are constantly trying to come up

wh cleve wys keep gmes chllengng n ccessble ll

players. New Super Luigi U is a great example of Nintendo creating a

chllengng gme bu ng new plyble chce h mkes

accessible to all players. Nabbit doesn’t take damage from enemies,

s sugglng plyes cn fcus n plfmng n he bscles.

Wh i lve bu hs eches plyes cen pncples h wll nly

mke hem bee plyes n llw hem ke n me chlleng-

ing tasks. The creative in-game options don’t take the game from the

gme bu nse help n ech hem.

obvusly, evelpes wn ske g blnce beween

beng chllengng n beng nvng, n hey fen fll n he less

challenging side. I hope the industry keeps evolving with unique ideas mke gmes f bh ses.

Kevn Klen


thee e yung ks wh e jus geng

he gmng fee we n cn’ excly ckle

gme lke Supe M: the Ls Levels

on the rst try. Giving gamers the option of 

a much dicult quest seems to be the most

vble nswe.

tsn Memn



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F me, beng gme s k men

hus f pcce, pence, n ecn.

t scey men lvng n ne’s pens’

bsemen, n kng shwe, n hvngn ne elly lve yu smelly, y, lms

hppe-lke self. Nw, 15 yes le, ll f h

hs chnge n huge hnk yu cn g

he Nnen W.

Peple wh cnsee hemselves hpses

should probably have hated the Wii. The Wii was the rst video game

sysem h elly wen “mnsem.” all he knwn ve gme

me, pens, gnpens, wee enme wh hs new czy

echnlgy. the W even me Nnen ppul enugh bh

thousands of Nintendo-themed blogs/sites. So what eect, if any,

es hs hve n he nusy nw?

the nusy hs shfe becme me ccepng f ll gmes.

Wh Nnen, n i cul smphnes, ws bng whle

gup f csul gmes n he wl f ve gmes. as he success

of this casual market took o, the eyes of the video game executives

gew f he pssbly f wh hs new emgphc f gmescul bng. Nnen une hemselves fm 25 mlln selle wh

he Gme Cube, 100 mlln selle wh he W. tppng n hs

casual pool is something the industry still hasn’t fully gured out.

i s h sy f he gme he nusy hs becme lzy.

a bg p f me s lenng ws he e h nusy ens e

cusng hs “lzness.” the ush supp he cusl mke hs

chnge he fcus f evelpes. Shvelwe se, whch hs been

un snce he s f gmng bu hs becme wse wh he

casual boom, the industry is struggling to nd that happy medium.

develpes wn gme h wll ppese he ce mke bu sll

tap into the ever-owing river of the casual gamer. This is how we get

hese wee-wn gmes h we nce suggle wh n enjye.

Gmes lke M sll feel sml he ce fns bu he sme me

oer a guiding hand to the casual gamer, with hints, guides, and in

sme cses, ese gmeply. ths ges beyn jus M gmes. all

gmes hve seen hs shf help u he csul mke, even f ’sjus by he slghes. Gmes h nce punshe plye f yng nw

oer consistent checkpoints, spawn points, and lives. The punishment

f flng level hs been sclly lee jus slp n he ws.

as f gh nw s h see wh he exc slun s hs

lzy-csul pblem. Ls genen hs pu he nusy hugh

gwng pns, n gh nw hey e n sue wh wh he

extra size. The industry will gure it out and hopefully we can nd a

hppy meum wee bh ype f plyes cn lve hpply eve fe.

Jmes Hggnbhm

Web E-n-Chef 

i m n sue i’ cll gmes “ese” nw

hn hey use be. i hnk cmplexy,

spee, n mng e ll jus s pevlen

y s hey wee n le gmes. in heely ys, gmes lke me wee lef n u

wn whu ny mp hns pn us n

he gh ecn. i emembe spenng hu

playing Metroid trying to nd the Ice Beam and

K’s l, n even full Suy fenns yng

ge my mng jus gh pss by h sup sw ble b n

Meg Mn 2. Mny f us even ese wng u wn mps n

ng hem schl unl he nex Nnen Pwe ssue cme u

becuse whu s mps n cunsel ps, yu cul esly em

suck n gme feve.

the nclusn f mp sysem n y’s gmes jus keeps

me from spending hours wandering around to gure out where I am

n whee g nex. ths llws me cmplee gme n me

esnble me fme, even wh me cnen. ty, gmes cn be

mesue by he numbe f hus hey ke cmplee. Sme gm

my ke upw f 60 80 hus f gmeply f yu wk n ll hse mssns n phy chevemens. Bu hey lwys cee p

whch wll llw plye skp ll he nnsense n cmplee he

main mission in 20 hours or less. With that, I can still be satised wit

my chevemen.

remnsce wh me bu Cslevn f mmen. if n enem

hit you, it would knock you back and potentially o a platform, straig

yu emse. Even wse, sme gmes n’ le yu cnnue f 

yu e -- yu wee suck sng ve fm he vey begnnng. th

Knm ce ws nvene f esn. Cn h sml ssues.

Legend of Zelda was the rst game that ever included a battery whic

allowed you to continue from where you left o the next time you

une n yu cnsle. ths ws evluny f s me.

Ls f gmes y en sml mechnsms n bscles,

bu f yu n’ hppen h excly he gh mng, yu’e sll lkel

to get past that part. You might not slip as easily o a platform, or yo

my hve n escpe mechnsm lke he Bclw n akhm Cy fhse mes when yu elly mess up. Yu my even be ble wk

yu wy u f p by wll jumpng. these es f ese f ply

ely ppee n ele gmes.

i hnk bee ems f y’s gmes mgh be “ppchble”

“fgvng.” they smply gve me he chce ply hw i wn pl

I don’t have to use the map. I can choose my level of diculty. And

ulmely, i cn chse hw much f he gme i wn ply hug

th seems lke pgess me.

J Csln


“ths ls genen hs pu he nusy hugh

gwng pns, n gh nw hey e n sue wh

do with their extra size. The industry will gure it out

and hopefully we can nd a happy medium were both

ype f plyes cn lve hpply eve fe. “

Jmes Hggnbhm

Web E-n-Chef 


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I denitely think video games are easier

hn hey use be. the ms bvus ev-

ence f hs fc s New Supe M Bs. 2

f he 3dS. i ecenly eplye he gnlSupe M Wl n Supe M 3 n he

SNES, and those games are dicult. The later

stages took me plenty of lives to be able to n-

sh, bu nce i he ssfcn ws mmense.

In NSMB2 you have basically an innite amount of 

lves, s yu neve hve wy bu hvng use cnnue

lse pgess. als, f yu e 3-4 mes n level, jus gves yu he

Golden Tanuki Suit which allows you to just y over all of the obstacles

and get to the end ag for free! It is a SUPER easy game that removed

ms f he ssfcn f plfmng. Beses M gmes, n gen-

el gmes e ese . ten yes g, hee wee “hce” gmes,

bu n ne elly hew he le un becuse ls f gmes wee

h be. Nwys yu hve sees lke dk Suls h e spe-

cial just because they are dicult, when ten years ago people would

have just noted Dark Souls as being slightly more dicult than usual.

i cn unesn he chnge n he en. Gmng hs slwlybecme me “csul” wh he pn f mble gmng n F-

cebk gmes. Gme cmpnes hve he ppuny ech f

be uence hn hey eve hve n he ps, n mny cmp-

nies want to capitalize on this. One of the side eects is the “watering

wn” f even mnsem gmes. i n’ mn hn-hlng uls

he ccsnl hn bx, bu when he gme mgh s well ply self,

lke wh men Cll f duy sngle plye cmpgns, hen hee s n

chllenge. Gmes e sll enjyble, bu f l f hem i’ve plye

ecenly (Shn Megm tense 4 se) cmpleng he gme hs been

beeze. i hs been lng me snce i’ve h lk up nlne hw

be bss n i hnk h s cyng shme.

Chsn Mlls


“i hs been lng me snce i’ve

h lk up nlne hw be

bss n i hnk h s cyng


Chsn Mlls



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StoryWe start things o by seeing the quaint

wn knwn s one n he mle f he

ngh. Suenly, lge meee cshes

p neby hll, wkng s czens. then

enes Ness, by chsen by fe sve he

wl. afe ppchng he meee, yu

e befene by smll bug nme Buzz-

Buzz. i seems s hugh Buzz-Buzz cmes

fm en yes n he fuue whee hngs e

pey gm. a hsle len knwn s Gygs

hs ken ve he unvese. Ness s nfme

h he n hee hes, Pul he psychc,

Je the boy genius and Poo the prince from

a far-o land, must gather eight strengths

fm he eh n efe Gygs befe he

becmes pweful.

S les see hee. a bug en yes fm

he fuue ells yu h yu n hee he

chlen (gn, jus ks) e he chsen

hees sve he wl fm n len h

sngle-hnely kes ve he unvese n he

fuue? Seems leg me!

GameplayYu ypcl rPG elemens e pesen

hs gme. Yu hve yu helh pns, exp

ence pns, levelng up, equppble ems,

yu nme . i wn’ g n n-eph els

they’e sn elemens h yu’e lkely

fml wh.

The big dierence is the change from

mgc. in Ehbun ech chce hs

Psychc Pns, hewse lse s PP (g

Hell ees, n welcme vey specl

e evew! Wh mkes specl, yu sk? thee

are two reasons: First o, this game is extraordinarily

ppul n he Nnen cmmuny n s vey e

le, wh n unpene bx f he gme csng up $600. Secn, p hs evew, i’ve neve plye

hs gme. all f my pevus re revew gmes

e les fm my wn pesnl gmng cllecn, s

i ws hlle gve he jucy bekwn f hs h

rPG le. Nw les ke ve n ne f he ms

hghly ncpe Vul Cnsle gmes f he

W U e.




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he n ge yu gggles u f he wy,

n yes, i knw esn’ help h ne f he

chces s nme “P”). Ech chce

wll hve he wn pcul skll se h

ccens wh hey e. Ness n P wllhave a variety of attacks both oensively and

efensvely mkng hem ll un blnce

chces. Pul s yu psychc pwehuse,

as she learns most of the oensive attacks.

Je actually has no psychic powers. Instead,

he makes up for it by xing broken pieces of 

equpmen n peng mchney h cn

be use n ble.

Spekng f bles, Ehbun es

n use nm encune sysem. Ply-

es wll hve he pn ehe mneuve

un enemes, ge he jump n hem

f pe-empve ske. Bu be ceful, s

unnng wy fm n enemy n nly keeps

yu fm levelng up bu ls cn cuse he

enemy ge he jump n yu nse.i’m gng ven elly quckly bu n

rPG elemen h elly bugs me. Hve yu

eve plye n rPG whee yu’e , le’s sy,

level 50, n yu un n n enemy h’s

signicantly weaker than you? You’re stuck

ghting this enemy that you know is a waste

f yu me even f he ble wll be ve less

hn mnue. We knw n well h we’e

snge hn hem s

why wse u me wh

n encune?! the e-

velpes f Ehbun

sw hs s pblem

and xed it.

as i ws wlk-

ng hugh one, i

ccenlly n n

snke h i knew

would instigate a ght.the sceen begn

spl s i wul sn

be ken he ble

sceen. Bu h wsn’

he cse. inse, he

screen just ashed

n s “Yu Wn!” i

ghee my expeence

pns n hey, i even

levele up! if yu’e

bvusly hghe level

hn yu ppnen, he gme wn’ wse

your time with a ght. The battle will auto-

mclly be ve wh yu s he vc n ll

he pzes h cme wh . a mes, enemes

wll even un wy fm yu. the hune hsbecme he hune! Why sme rPGs neve

lene fm hs i’ll neve knw.


ChallengeLe me g he n wn yu. Whle

hs gme my be cul clssc, hee e

mny mmens whee wll chew yu up,

sv yu elcus efe, hen sp yu u.

Sng u, he gme pses chllenge, bu beble ne. Yu efe ne enemy, hen

ge sng enugh efe w. Yu e

few mes befe efeng bss, bu yu

cme bck emembeng wh wen wng.

Vcy wll shne upn yu bu wll hen be

quckly clue by he new enemes h yu


ths s n rPG h wll keep yu humble

bu yu gwh n

me hw hgh yu

level my be. rgh fe

efeng bss, whch

ws que esy, i hen

lef pgess fuhe

n he gme. Wh ech

chce’s level n helw 30s/hgh 20s, jus

vncng he nex

e seeme ke me

bck level 1. Enemes

wll hw sus l-

mens h e nly cu-

ble lcl hspl.

When smene n yu

py es, n f yu’e

lke me n hve n em

bng hem bck, yu

hve juney ll he

wy bck lcl wn,

nd the hospital and pay a doctor’s fee to

bng hem bck lfe. Guess hey n’ hve

fee helh ce n Ness’s wl.

By f he ms unexpece sus l-

ment was homesickness. Yup. It only aects

Ness, n ’s ue yu n cllng yu

mhe enugh. in he mle f ble,

Ness could not concentrate on the ght due

hs mssng hme. When hee seeme

be n en he mun f plye-nhbng

elemens, Ehbun hew nhe cuve-bll.

anhe que chllengng spec s he

levelng up sysem. the rPG’s h i’ve gwn

ccusme hve sple me. Wheneve

new chce jne my py, hey wee

ehe level w he f my mn chc-

e, he sme level vell. th’s n he

cse n Ehbun. Wheneve yu ge new

chce, hey s gh level 1. ths hen

les pnless gnng whch kes wy

fm he gme’s pcng. N nly h, he

enemes yu’ll be fcng wll be nhng f

yu cuen chces, n ye he newes

n he gup wll ge klle fse

hn yu cn sy “M. Sun”. Yes, hs s

chllengng elemen, bu s ne h i cul whu.


VerdictWhle my ls few pgphs my hve

given o the impression that this game is

h ply, h s n he cse. Sue

hee e chllenges hee n hee, bu h’swh mkes gme ge. an bscle h

cn be cmplee by usng ceful plnnng

n ecllng yu ps expeences. ths, n

un, wll help yu gw lng wh Ness n

cmpny s yu g n yu ques sve he


i cnn begn expess hw fune

we e hve hs gme wnlble

ply, s i wul he spen $10 hn $600

ny y f he week. if yu’e lkng f

chllengng rPG wh ceve sy n

wl, hen i hghly ecmmen hs le. Jus

be pepe pu yu rPG sklls he es.


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Evey gme nees cmfy plce s.

i men, hw mny hus we s gmes

clck n weekly? We nee pece f funue

h wll supp—ny—cle us wh such

cmf h we e bh ennce, n nly

by he gme we e plyng, bu by he ch

u bus elx n. recenly he g peple

Sum Lunge sen me ne f he hgh-en

benbgs knwn s he Suln.

When this bad boy rst arrived, it lookedlke mn-fge ws shve n cb

bx. afe feeng he Suln fm s c-

b ccn, ws sll encse n gh

plsc n fe i cu pen, i unes

why. once he plsc ws pece, he Suln

begn eng ll he un me n k

fm. Wh ws nce n gh mshmllw

ws nw un bulbus bg. the vesn f 

he Suln i eceve ws he mcsuee e.

Yu cn ls ge mulple cves, whch nge

fm mcsuee, cuy n nw ul fu.

these cves n nly cme n vey f 

cls bu e mchne wshble s well.

afe geng he benbg’s cve n,

whch hnkfully my bhe helpe me wh,

i hen k my psn n fell bck n

wh wul be my gmng bu’s new hme.

immeely, i le u sgh f cmf n

bg smle gew n my fce, n i knew hs

ws gme’s hne. Bu ws me puhs ch he ulme es. i pulle u my

SNES, pppe n Supe M rPG: Legen f 

The Seven Stars, and began a new le. Some

seus gmng hus neee be pu n

gve hs ch he jusce eseve.

a mnh fe ecevng he Suln, i m

sll exnly plese. if ny pn

lses s supp ny fm f scmf,

all it takes is a good ung or simply ipping

ve n BaM, jus lke new.

the Suln s n yu vege benb

While most are lled with small beads, this

has a mixture of polyester ber and beads,

whch cnnue e suunng s n

nly mls yu by bu ls ens s

shpe wheneve yu ge up. Whle he Sul

my be lge, feels esgne f ne pes

i’m sue yu cn squeeze nhe nvu

n hee, bu be pepe ge cmfy s y

wll be shule shule. Bu hey, hve signicant other? This is a great beanbag to

cule n s yu wch mve gme

s mnc ne cuple.

if he Suln suns lke smehng y

wul be neese n, he ve he

webse n plce

n e. Whle he $250 pce g my be

b much, knw h yu’e geng puc

h wll ls yu n he yes cme.





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recently received its rst DLC pack in the

form of New Super Luigi U. I say ‘rst’

since I bet Nintendo will continue to oer

me dLC pcks f New Supe M

Bs. U n he fuue.

New Supe Lug U s n smply

few new levels lke Nnen’s pevus

dLC pcks f New Supe M Bs. 2.

the gme feues me hn 80 new lev-

els f plyes exple s M’s lnky

bhe, Lug. the wl mp s lgely

unchnge fm New Supe M Bs.

U, bu ech level s vey unque. one f he new wss n New Supe Lug U s

he 100 secn me lm. ths smlle

wnw f me mens levels e lle

she hn hse n New Supe M

Bs. U. the s cns n ech level e

ls ese lce bu e n necess-

ily easier to obtain. In the rst few worlds

i ws ble eeve evey s cn s i

pgesse. Hweve, he le wls e

me chllengng n s cns en’

as easy to get on the rst play-through.

anhe ws n he gme s Lug hm-

self. N nly es

Lug jump hghe,

bu he cn ls sy

n he lnge.

Lug’s physcs e

me lke M’s

when he’s een

mn Mushm. i

feels lke Lug s

jumpng wh less

gvy. Lug ls

kes lnge

cme full sp.

Hs sle s llelnge hn M’s

s yu’ll wn be

ceful nex leges enemes. the

he ws n he gme s he bly

ply s Nbb. Nbb cnn use pwe-

ups bu he ls esn’ ke mge

fm enemes. i ws hpeful h Nbb

mgh mke he gme ese f my neph-

ew bu he she me lm elly me

it more dicult, even with the invulner-

bly f Nbb. New Supe Lug U hs

l f new cnen n hs he sme

ge pesenn

f New Supe M

Bs. U.

thee en’

a lot of dierences

vsully beween

New Supe Lug

U n New Supe

M Bs. U, bu

hee e sme

mpessve levels

n he gme. the

levels h feue

sy sky n he

bckgun ls

feue beufully enee cme. i’s

a subtle dierence but one that certainly

mkes n mpessn. ohe mpessve

mmens nvlve jus he shee mun

f enemes nmng plfms. one

f he we levels feue sevel we

spus h lunch enemes n he .

anhe level h sevel un, spnnng

plfms h me f unque spee

un. Smemes he ex nsny me

f nce chllenge bu he mes fel

lke ws much cmplexy. thee’s

lm ng me enemes, n i fel

sme levels wee unblnce s esul.

the enjymen i h plyng NewSuper Luigi U was denitely less than

New Supe M Bs. U. the gme hs

sevel hgh mmens, bu i fel he smll-

e levels wee emenl vell. the

mmen yu ge ppece level’s

esgn, yu’e ley n he nex level

wh ll hee s cns. Whle plyes

ge l f cnen f $20, my n be

wh f eveyne.

REPORTER:JustinSharpEMAIL:[email protected]


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PIKMIN3REPORTER:JustinHintonEMAIL:[email protected]


Pkmn s Nnen fnchse hhs exple n ppuly, lke mny

Nnen fnchses hve ne n he

ps. Pkmn s n unusul gme whee

plyes spen he me lbbng smll,

clful len-lke bengs enemes,

esues, fu, n he ems. Mny

veen Nnen fns e ley fml-

wh he cue lle Pkmn, bu hee

e he gmes wh becme fns f 

Nnen ung he W’s cnsle cycle

n my be new he sees. Pkmn 3,

whch ws gnlly sle elese n

the Wii, is nally here after years of devel-

opment and is the dening Pikmin

expeence. Pkmn 3 fllws

alph, Bny, n Chle s heytry to nd food and return to their

hme plne, Kpp. Lngme

fns f he sees n newcm-

es lke wll hve bls plyng

Pkmn 3 n he W U.

Pkmn 3 s sunnng n

lms evey spec, bu he

gphcl splen h splshe

css my elevsn sceen fe

pppng n he gme s snsh-

ng. Pkmn 3 hs sme f he

bes gphcs u f he cuen

lby f W U gmes. the fu,

ames, vegetation and other items

n Pkmn 3 lk lms lfe-lke,

n he gme s ge vsulepesenn f he W U’s

gphcl cpbles. the sun

esgn n he gme s ls vey

nice and players will nd clas-

sc Pkmn unes s well s new,

plesn supses (y unnng

hugh pch f ll, slene,

e mushms). Pkmn fm he

rst two games in the series make

eun n Pkmn 3 n e nw

jne by w new ypes, pnk n ck

Pikmin. Pink Pikmin can y, which allows

hem cy bjecs ve we, leges,

n hlls. Pnk Pkmn ls help u by

lfng bes gn ccess new

es n he envnmen. rck Pkmncn smsh h bjecs h he Pkmn

cnn bek hugh. Bh f he new

Pkmn e jus s ble n useful s

he fens bu ls n neesng

ws he gme. Plyes wll ls ke

cmmn f hee mn chces, alph,

Bny, n Chle, slve puzzles

hughu he gme h cn nly be

sumune by usng w me f he

chces. they cn ls be use spl

up sks s h plyes cn mke me

ecient use of their daylight.New Ply Cnl! Pkmn 1 n 2,

whch wee bh elese n he W,

fmlze plyes wh he W reme

& Nunchuk cnl scheme, n hs

seup s sll vlble n Pkmn 3. When

usng he W reme & Nunchuk, he

GmeP KpP, s ’s clle Pkmn

3, cs pmly s n necve mp bu

players can also nd gameplay instruc-

ns/hns, nfmn/sus n Pkmn

in the eld, fruit information, and even a

cme. Ech f he feues vlble

n he GmeP funcns vey well n

pves exemely useful gmeply

nfmn. the mp, nfmn bu

vlble Pkmn, n cme seeme

be he ms useful feues f he bunch.

the ele, necve mp s by f

he ms nfmve feue n llws

plyes pn un he envnmenn scpe u he suunngs. one f 

he me neesng ns Pkmn

3 s he GmeP’s cme funcn n

aords players the opportunity to nally

feel lke hey e n fc suune by

Pkmn. When usng he GmeP s he

cme; plyes wll hl he GmeP n

fn f hem, use he GmeP’s mn

cnls lk un he envnmen n

rst person perspective, and snap photos

f he gme wl un hem. these

pcues cn hen be cpne nsen Mvese f he whle wl

see. the GmeP cn be use by self 

nse f he W reme n Nunchuk

controller conguration, but the controls

e lle me cmplex n ke sme

pcce mse. Pkmn 3 cn ls be

plye enely n he W U GmeP us-

ing the o-TV play feature, and the Wii U

P cnlle, whch hs he sme cnl

sucue s he GmeP, s suppe

s well.

the mulplye pns fun n

Pkmn 3 e lme lcl, c-p ply

but actually oer a very expan-

sve expeence. thee e w

dierent modes, Mission andBng Ble. Mssn me s

cpeve expeence h cn

be plye by neself mulply-

e wh ne nl plye. in

Mssn me plyes cn wk

gehe cllecng fu, efe-

ng enemes, blng bsses.

Ech f he hee evens hs

sevel levels h e unlcke

by bnng mels fm he

peceng level. Bng Ble s

cmpeve mulplye expe-

ence whee plyes wll scmble

to nd the items on their Bingo

cs befe he ppnen. in

Bingo Battle there are dier-en sges chse fm n

even f plyes chse he sme

stage, they will start with dierent

Pikmin and run into dierent

enemes bscles. the mul-

plye mes e l f fun n

cnn pleny f cnen keep

cuple fens busy f que

sme me bu c-p mulplye

ung he Sy me wul

hve been fvble n n

ley ge gme.

despe he feelng h Nnen

msse he ppuny cee fn-

sc w plye sy ven expeence

in Pikmin 3, there is nothing I could ndn n he gme h i n hughly

enjy. afe s mny yes n evelp-

men, Pkmn 3 exhbs he h wk

h Nnen hs pu n he gme.

Pkmn 3 s full f supses n evey-

hng fm he Pkmn hemselves he

fnc nue f he c-p mulplye s

jus pue, unulee fun. Pkmn 3 s

vell n usnng gme n plyes

young and old will nd themselves lost in

wl f Pkmn f hus.


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REPORTER:JakeSpaordEMAIL:[email protected]

SHANTAE(3DSVC)   7.5Shne ws smehng f n ll-fe gme. despe ecevng genelly

g pess, ws vcm f p mng. the gme ws elese n 2002 f he

Gme By Cl--h’s ye fe he Gme By avnce h cme u. S un-

funely, ue s le elese, n mny peple h he ppuny ply hs

elghful plfme. Well, nw we hve h ppuny, s he gnl Shne s

u n he 3dS Vul Cnsle.

the gme fllws he ul Shne, hlf-gene ssgne wch n

pec he smll bu buslng Scule twn. Bu ne y, he nefus rsky

Bs, he ly pe, cmes wn n ss cusng hvc. as Scule twn’s

esen gun gene, becmes he uy hun wn n efe rsky Bs.

thus begns vey chmng n chllengng plfme.

Shne wll feel vey fml hse wh emembe he ys f se-scll-ng plfmes n he GBC Supe Nnen. runnng, jumpng, slvng puzzles,

and defeating enemies. In this case, the ghting is done mainly with Shantae’s

luxuus puple pnyl (she cn evenully len mves lke jumpkcks n el-

bow attacks). To add to the variety of platforming, Shantae can learn dierent belly

nces h nsfm he n numbe f nmls, lke mnkey n elephn.

Each of these animals brings a dierent skillset to your platforming experience. For

exmple, he mnkey s smll, fs n gle bu cnn ck.

the gme s vey Mevn. th s, s vey nnlne s he sense h

you will often be required to revisit past areas once dierent abilities have been

unlcke. invul ungens s well e vey nnlne n eque ls f -

vesng cmplee. ths mkes f pey chllengng gme, n hs s cupl

wh he fc h hee s n semblnce f mp. Pyng enn whee yu

e, wh peple hve s, n whee yu’ve been s vey mpn.

Lke WyFw’s he gmes, such s Mghy Swch Fce, Shne s

vey chmng. als lke Mghy Swch Fce, he chces e cue n sexy

without feeling too overbearingly sexual. Just a sexy cartoon genie ghting a sex

cn pe wh he help f he sexy cn fens, n bg el. the lgu

s enenng, wh eveyne yu mee beng cmpleely smen wh Shne.

There’s plenty of enamor and shameless irting. All around, it’s a fun little romp.Shne s sl GBC puzzle plfme. i’s subsnl, ’s chllengng,

n feues n ble hene n memble chces. the gme cn be

unng whu mp, n smemes jumps e hnesly lle h

guge snce he sceen esn’ gve yu vey g vew f yu suunngs.

Bu hey, he fusn h cmes fm fllng n p epeely whle plf

ng s ll p f he

Pjec X Zne (pnunce Pjec “Css” Zne) s gme h elly shuln’

wk. Hw yu cmbne chces, w ls, n sylnes fm zens f gmes n

mulple evelpes n hw hem ll gehe n chesve gme? tuns u, yu n’.

dn’ ge me wng–Pjec X Zne s supsngly fun n ssfyng cnseng s w-bcks. i hnk he bes hng hee s expln eveyhng h bhee me bu hs

game, and then explain why I enjoyed it so much anyway. But rst, a quick summary.

Pjec X Zne s mssve cssve pjec evelpe by Nmc Bn wh

he cpen f Seg n Cpcm, evelpe f he 3dS. i msquees s c cl

gme (bu i’ll ge h le). thee s n vewl cncen yuself wh, jus sees

f bles, nespese wh cuscenes n sy evelpmen. the pl s wh yu mgh

mgne fm hs ype f cssve: rfs s penng up n mespce, lene hses

n pllel wls s cllng, n bunch f splce venues n busy wmen

y pu ll gh gn n ge bck he especve wls.

i plys lke sn ccs gme (hnk Fnl Fnsy tccs Fe Emblem) wh

ws. When ne f yu uns cks n enemy, he sceen chnges smehng yu

mgh see n See Fghe (emembe wh me hs gme). Yu p f uns n he gh,

he enemy n he lef, n yu hve he chnce npu sme cmmns. Yu hve few

cks n yu senl, n mng hem s mpn chnng cmbs, keepng yu

enemy o guard, and doing more damage.

oky, i knw i cmpe he gme Fnl Fnsy tccs n Fe Emblem. Fge i

said that. It’s completely dierent. There is no fullling sense of advancement and customi-

zn. N upge phs, n jbs c lsses. When chce levels up…he ges snge.

the nly hng s, feels pey by. Yu me mge, bu he enemes hve m

helh. i’s bsclly wsh.

thee ls sn’ elly whle l f ccs gng n. all yu chces e bsc

identical, which is kind of a shame, considering their incredible diversity. Their dierencese mnly eshec. Yeh, hey hve “sklls” lke “hel eveyne” “mve cuple ex

spces,” bu i ely fun myself usng hse snce hey expen he sme esuce (XP,

Cross Points) used for crazy nishing moves that are best saved for the bosses.

the bes p f hs gme s he pesenn. Wh he mulue f fnchse-spn

nng chces, mgh be esy f hem ll ge ls n he fy. Hweve, Pjec X

Zne’s ce, evey chce sns u. they hve pesnly, n hey’e wen well. t

lgue s mes cully vey funny (lhugh hes up, ’s pey hevy n he sexu

nnuens). i’s ncebly enenng, cully, wch ll f hese chces fm ll

time and from dierent worlds collide and interact with each other.

Smply pu, Pjec X Zne s fun, ewng gme. i sn’ eep ccl gme,

n sn’ eep rPG. i s, hweve, que n enenng mp wh ge cmb

sysem n well-wen chces h cy l f chm n hum. i’s n gme f

eveyby, bu i wul hghly ecmmen nyne wh s fml wh Nmc Bn

Cpcm, Seg (n i’ mgne h’s l f peple). Even f ’s jus s yu cn see de

rsng’s Fnk Wes ceeply snp phs f ll he well-enwe wmen fm yu fv


  6.5PROJECTXZONEREPORTER:JakeSpaordEMAIL:[email protected]


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Gme & W f he W U s excly wh ne wul expec fm cnsle

W le. thee elly en’ ny supses he gme nyhng h mke

standout. There are the mini-games, the mischief, humor, and the crude innuendos one

cmes expec fm W; bu h’s bu .

The sixteen single player games oer more depth than expected. Surprisingly,

hee s sy ply hugh. Supsng becuse he sy my n be nce, s

sy, unl he en. the sy s l wh sh W syle “cu scenes” befe he s

f ech mn gme. these scenes cn be enenng mes, bu i fun hem me f 

a nuisance and something standing in-between me and the start of the next mini-game.

Only one mini-game is made available at the start of a new play-through. The player

hs cmplee ech gme befe he nex ne s me vlble. ths es gve he

ppuny f he plye ply ech gme, les nce, befe csng jugmen n

the game. Once played through, each of the sixteen mini games seem to oer at least

one to ve more playable game variations to the original mini-game. This does add a

lle me he e-plybly fc f he gme n my gve esn g bck n

play a game that wasn’t liked in the rst play-through.

i gge my wfe n my Gme & W expeence les help me wh, wh

i hugh ws gng be, eep mulplye spec. the ne mulplye gme h

ws ms enjyble s bse n he numbe ne py gme f ll me, Pcny. in

hs gme, ne plye uses he GmeP whle he he/s lk he tV. the plye

wh he GmeP s shwn w w n n jcen spce f he GmeP.

Whle he wng ppes n he tV sceen, he he plye(s) scem u nm

ws y n mch he wng (i m sue ms unesn he bscs f Pcn-

y). once he w s guesse, he plye wh he GmeP hs he cec bun

mve n he nex w. ths s ll ne whn me lm. thee s he bly skp

a word, but a penalty of twenty seconds is allotted. The game oers a wider range of 

neesng n fun ws h cn be wn.

anhe neesng spec f Gme & W s Mvese Skech. ths kes ne

of my favorite games, Sketch, out into the world of Miiverse. Here players can Sketch

ws he plyes hve suggese hugh Mvese sugges he wn ws f

hes skech. thee s ls he bly check u glley f he skeches n

enng ws.

Gme & W s pbbly gme h shul hve cme u he lunch f he

W U. i hs sme hgh mmens, n sme vey lw mmens n ems f gmeply.

Wh wul hve me hs gme s successful he W U lunch s he fc my

show o the capabilities of the GamePad a lot better than Nintendo Land. If you love

he qukness f W gmes n lkng f sme fun mn-gmes f he W U, hs

gme s f yu. F eveyne else, hs gme my n be wh he buy unless yu e

espeely lkng f nhe W U gme.



Shn Megm tense 4 s h. Vey, vey h. if hee s ne hng i wn

ge css n hs evew, s h hs gme s n f he esly fuse

wek wlle. Cmb s vey unfgvng, whee ne mske cn cuse yu

py lse he uns, n hen ge pummele n he gun by wh p-

pear to be oating water balloons. So save often! Boss ghts end up being a

game of “nd the weakness” which may or may not take multiple reloads. But

once you nd the appropriate weakness, you can whip a team together that

have the right element attack, then the ght becomes winnable. Not easy mind

yu, bu -ble.

SMT 4 also suers from chronic lack of direction. At a disturbing fre-

quency yu wll pck up quess wh uncle bjecves. “Cnnue sechng

f (sples).” Cnnue sechng? Wh es h men? Cnnue sechng

whee? appenly mens wne un unl yu ge s fuse yu lk

up nlne.

thee e mny hngs hlng SMt 4 bck, bu even hey n’ mnge

cmpleely bscue he psve specs f he gme. thee s jus mmense

muns f cusmzn. thee e ve 400 emns n SMt 4 n lms ll

f hem e ecuble n yu em. then yu cn cmbne hse emns

gehe cee he, usully hghe level, emns. Yu cn ls cusmze

yu equpmen, n buy bles wh “app pns” yu ge when yu level

up. i hve n seen hs level f cusmzn n gme n vey lng me. i

mkes he gme ncebly cmpellng n ves yu level up jus ne me

me see wh cl emns ly jus un he cne.

Don’t let this review scare you o from playing Shin Megami Tensei 4.

I actually enjoyed my time with it quite a bit, but it is denitely made for the

rPG enhuss. the cusmzn n vncemen sysems e enhllng

enugh encuge yu cnnue plyng. the sy kep me neese

unl he en, n sme f he wss n un hnesly cugh me by supse.

The game just keeps getting in its own way. The hardcore diculty keeps

cmb nense bu cuses ls f wnme s yu e elng sng

hugh eh cuscenes. the lck f ecn cn be esly be emee

wh wlkhugh segy gue bu he fc h use nfmn s

lms eque s jus s. if yu hve plye he SMt gmes n lve hem,

e exce by he pssbly f clssl muns f cusmzn n

rewarding advancement, this is the game for you. If this is your rst forray into

he SMt sees e nexpeence wh rPGs n genel, i wul e lghly,

n plese, plese, plese sve fen.

REPORTER:JamesHigginbothamEMAIL:[email protected]

REPORTER:ChristianMillsEMAIL:[email protected]


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  7.0Eveyby ejce! d. rbnk’s Men Ben Mchne hs me n he 3dS

vul cnsle. N, i’m seus. i’ve lng been fn f MBM n he Seg Geness, n nw,

’s Gme Ge cunep cn be plye n he plm f yu hns, ll whu bunng

hugh 6 aa bees!the gmeply f MBM s bse n he Puy-Puy sees f gmes n hs he

sme cve puzzle feel s tes. the sceen s spl veclly wn he cene, wh he

plye cnllng he lef pnel, whls rbnk’s n cnes cnls he gh. the

bens fll n clue ps fm he p f he sceen, n s yu jb mch hem n

gups f fu me, heeby cleng hem fm yu g. i suns smple, bu whee

the real challenge lies is in thinking at least one step ahead at all times. The aim is to ll

he ppnens sceen wh cle ‘refugee Bens’ whch e epse n he g evey

me he plye mkes g chn ecn, s vsulzng hw he plcemen f he

bens wll cuse he hes ec, s cnsnly he fn f yu mn. the efugee

bens e emve by cleng jcen bens. Mngng ecns n ben plcemens

cn becme ncesngly chllengng hughu ech sge s he spee f he bens

falling increases, and therefore so does the diculty. In this game, as Sonic would tell us,

you gotta go fast! Taking your time will denitely be your downfall.

the Gme Ge vesn nclues 4 mes. in he mn Scen Me yu e

pesene wh n vevew f he sges, feung rbnk suune by hs mechn-

cl egmen. once ne b sge hs been efee, yu mve n he nex, ech level

becmng ncesngly cky, n ccsnlly ng me ben clus f yu s

u. the plye ges hugh welve bnks, sme f whm wll seem fml fm the

avenues f Snc he Hegehg nme sees, such s Ccnus he mnkey, n

hes wh emnse rbnk spen f me me hchng hs pln hn nmng

hs bs. tke ams f exmple, b wh, yu guesse … ms. afe efeng twelve of the inventively named robots, the player takes on the evil professor in one na

puzzle battle. The game maintains a high diculty level throughout, and even beating th

rst stage is no breeze. This causes a great desire to stick with the game as the satisfac

tion of defeating the level is a reward in itself. I nd myself sporadically returning to my

3dS hughu he y, eemne cle he nex sge. Expec use he ese

point feature! The game never veers into obscene levels of diculty and after a few play

ughs sn becmes ese cle ech sge.

the Gme Ge en f he Geness gnl s exemely fhful n s nly

nfe n sme f he gphcl cpbles f s 16 b equvlen. the b ps

en’ que s nme s he cnsle vesn, whch s shme becuse ’s lwys

ssfyng see he bnks eee s yu gully we hem wn hughu

conict. It also gives you greater motivation, and clearer indication of how close you are

success. Hvng s h, s sll vbn n cve gme h mches he qul

f gmeply fun n he Geness gnl, el ccle f n 8 b hnhel clne. i

f sy h he gme es hve s blemshes.

ovell, f he pce h s beng ske n he eShp MBM s me hn wh h




Cmng hs week he 3dS s ge n he wl f cng bke sun

gmes (pey sue h’s gme gene). Ubn tl Feesyle, cee by te Mulme,

ws elese f he PS V bck n Febuy n s nw mkng s ebu n he 3dS.

Visually, the game looks great on the 3DS. Using the 3D oers great visual depth but

sadly oers no “pop out” features. Playing in 2D mode is just as nice looking, but I mean

cme n, s clle he 3dS f esn s be sue ply n he me ’s men be

expeence n!

Lke ms sun gmes, geng fm begnnng en s yu gl whle beng s

sylsh s pssble. thee e w gme ypes when plyng cuses, sun n me l. Les

talk about stunt mode. Throughout each track there are specic objectives you are required

to complete. These range from precise jumps, long jumps, the amount of ips preformed, high

jumps n spee ess. Whle i’m use pevus sun gmes gvng yu pns f nm

sun cs, ws nce hve gls se up cen lcns whn ech level.the me l me s excly wh suns lke. Ge fm he begnnng f he level

he en s fs s pssble. N suns neee, jus she spee.

if hee’s ne hng h Ubn tl Feesyle wll ech yu, s cnl. Slmmng wn

on the gas can easily cause your bike to ip over. Not only that, but when going up steep hills

or ying through the air, you have to take into account the games physics. Using the control

stick, you can keep your balance when going in and out of ips or squaring yourself up to

ln. oveme, gmes wll be ble ge hugh sges whu cshng, s wll sve yu

from loosing points. Your crashes are added up at the end and can cause your score to suer.

depenng n hw well yu cmplee s me wll epen n yu vell sce. the

more stunts that are pulled o will grant you more stars and the faster a track is completed

wll he sme. Geng he hghes sce pssble s essenl unlckng me cuses

bkes. ths s ge el f chllenge, s yu skll s necessy vnce fuhe n

he gme.

thughu ech level, hee e bgs f mney h cn be use le n buy bk

parts or new outts. I highly recommend picking up the bike parts rst as the outts are

smply csmec.

in ems f he gmes chllenge, ’s h n mss. Whle hee e sme levels h i

beeze hugh n pblem, hes i cugh myself cshng… l. Bu wh ech csh, i

began to understand the games mechanics and overtime mastered them. When I rst start

playing the game, I would usually nish with two or three stars. As I kept playing, I would

ish with either full ve stars or four.

a feue h s exclusve he 3dS s he level e me. ths llws plyes cee he wn cks he hes cnen. Level e me ulzes he 3dS’s uch

sceen pefecly, s ceng fel esy use wh lle n ssues. Wh l f 30 emp

cks, yu’ll hve pleny f spce g czy wh cevy!

ovell, i fun my me, lbe sh, wh Ubn tl Feesyle be enjyble. the

gme hs ecen mun f eplyblly, especlly f yu’e he ype h enjys geng

all ve stars in each track. If you’re looking for a good handheld dirt bike stunt game (again

pey sue h’s gene) hen check u Ubn tl Feesyle f he 3dS le n hs we

n he eShp.

REPORTER:ThomasJonesEMAIL:[email protected]



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thee e mny hngs n hs wl h e s ble h, s n ul mle, i cn-

n hnle. Bby pygmy hpps, nclepc gs n hee legge gs e sme f hem.

attaCK oF tHE FridaY MoNStErS! a toKYo taLE ps he ls. Yu cnl 4h ge

suen Sh s yu nvesge he myseus mnses h ppe evey Fy ngh n

yu wn. the seng s 1970’s Jpn, when gn mnse shws lke Gzll n Supe

Sen (gnl Jpnese Pwe rnges) wee begnnng becme ppul, s he chlen

f he wn e ll enhlle by he ppence f mnses. the sy s mzngly cue

n he lgue s cleve n well wen. the cnvesns Sh hs wh he he ch-

ces, whch s he bulk f gmeply, e funny n fen me me legmely lugh. the

hn wn wk s ggeus n lks lke s sgh u f Hy Myzk mve.

The computer-rendered models t decently into the hand-drawn environments, and the 3D is

almost nonexistent, but that isn’t a big deal since I play with 3D o anyway.

the pblem wh attaCK oF tHE FridaY MoNStErS! s h i’m n enely slh s GaME. Yes, s n ve gme hnhel n yu nec wh he gme by

pessng buns, bu h s bu . the gmeply mnly cnsss f wlkng un n

lkng peple. Sue, he gmes fcus n cnvesn lms enely s well, bu usully

hee s chce sme he spec nvlve. in attaCK oF tHE FridaY MoNStErS!

hee e “Epses” h e ne by lkng vus peple n he wn, n hen

eslve by lkng he peple n he wn. t pgess he mn sylne, yu jus lk

he riGHt peple n he wn. ths esuls n he mjy f he 3-4 hu gme beng: tlk

eveyne n wn, vnce he sy, eveyne mves un, lk eveyne n wn

again. Rinse and repeat. The storyline is great and I denitely enjoyed it, but the game ends

up feeling rather at.

thee s c ble mn gme, bu s jus lle up rck, Ppe, Scsss. Yu

each have ve card, each with either a rock, paper or scissors symbol, then then you arrange

hem fce wn gns yu ppnen. the gme hen ells yu hw mny wns, lsses n

ws ech plye hs, evels w f he mch-ups hen llws yu shf he psn f 

two cards. It is very simplistic and once you gure it out, it is easy to win almost every time

unless yu jus ge cus luck. Yu gn cs by gheng “Glm” scee hughu

the world, but the motivation to nd them is very minor considering the Monster Card game

s pey smple, n yu ge mny Glm by jus cmpleng he Epses. als, f ms f he

gme hee e nly 4 5 ppnens n nce yu be hem nce, yu becme he bss

s hey help yu nvesge he cy (n cs spell n hem h cuses hem fll wn.

N, hs es n ge l), bu f yu plye hem gn n ls hey wul becme YoUr

bss n sp helpng yu, s hee s lle ncenve ply ny ppnen fe yu hvebecme he bss.

i lve he sy n chces n attaCK oF tHE FridaY MoNStErS! a toKYo

taLE, bu i fel lke i mgh s well hve been wchng n anme he hn plyng gme.

the mngme ws esy n w mensnl n, whu ny ppe ncenve ply ,

fgeble. i elly wsh hs gme ws bee. i wsh h he eph f gmeply h he

sy n wng eseve, bu hee wsn’ much hee. runnng un n lkng

peple ws FiNE, bu ws bng. i wul lve be ble ply hs gme mulple mes

uncve me bu he sy, bu fe yu be n cuple f hus, hee s lle esn

eve uch gn.

REPORTER:ChristianMillsEMAIL:[email protected]

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Virtual Console




Genie-girl Shantae is the protector of the small shing village

knwn s Scule twn. thngs e que peceful, unl he

pe rsky Bs lens f ecenly un-ehe esue. ths

mens uble f he peple f Scule, s s up Shne

to ward o these pirate invaders for good! Learn transforming

nce mgc gn new pwes s yu exple ve 50 lc-

ns n hs h Gme By Cl le!


a b wl unmen hs begun n he blue bmbe hm-

self hs enee he cmpen! on he eve f he unmen,

new fe M. X evels h he unmen ws ll scheme

s h he my cnl he wl’s ms pweful bs. Pu

yu pxel pefec sklls he es n hs clssc plfme s

yu jump n sh yu wy vcy!


the le h se ll f M n dnkey Kng. ths

smash classic was for some the rst arcade game they ever

plye. Clmb yu wy up he cnsucn sve yu

glfen Pulne fm he guesme dnkey Kng. Jump ve

barrels, re balls and springs as you make your way to the top.

Hw hgh cn yu ge?


Whle n pcnc, M n fens sumble upn myseus

h kes hem he wl f Subcn. Bu hngs e n

wh hey seem, s he evl Kng W hs ken ve he ln!

Flle wh fml n new enemes, gmes wll mse he f-

feen skll se h cmes wh M, Lug, t n Pncess

Peach as they explore a platform unlike the rest. Can you nd all

f he sece wp znes?

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Colorsneeded LightGreenWhite/Blank

Pink Black


PuzzlesREPORTER:KatelynSharpEMAIL:[email protected]

104 6

4 11 2 92 1


1 82 4 11 2 1

2 4 1 41 1 211 1 2

42 28 2 2

Green DarkGreen Red

3 1 41 3 11 5 1


35 37 1 1

41 56 1 3

715 2 5

86 13 1 1

1 41 2 132 11 21 1

1 41 1 132 11 11 3

3 51 5 41 1

41 11 1 63 1 1 1

44 73 1 1

41 11 5 13 2 1 1

4 33 1 41 4

7 812 2

9 2 9


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Blue DarkBlue



Red Yellow

10 1 2 1 6




Green Blac k

4 2 1 21 1 81

2 2 2 1 1 13 1 61


1 4 3 2 11 2 5 1

26 4 2 1 5

1 1 1 1 12 65 1 1

3 2 1 1 56 1 1

4 1 2 1 13 1 61

2 4 1 5 23 3

10 61 2 1

4 10 6

Grey LightGreyLightYellow

2 214 2

1 1 1 1 11 19 2 2

1 1 2 2 22 14 4 1

13 4 2 8 1 1

3 1 3 1 14 12 1 3

1 1 1 1 11 31 1 12 1 2 1 2

2 11 1 111 11 24 4

2 11 1 411 11 22 1 1

2 711

2 13 1 311 31 12 1

3 2 2 1 31 51 1 1

2 12 1 121 11 11 1 5

5 9 6


Yellow DarkYellowGrey

5 92 1 3

4 1 1 1 1 11 1 63

1 1 1 2 1 12 2 54

1 1 1 1 11 51 1 1 51

1 11 1 121 11 12 2 5

1 2 1 2 21 21 2 1 14

1 3 1 1 2 11 3 214

5 3 1 2 1 12 1 31

1 1 1 2 3 11 1 315

4 1 2 23 2 42

3 1 1 1 32 2 52

3 611

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UPCOMING WIIURELEASESSeewhat’scomingupnextfortheWiiU.Notallboxartisnal.














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Cloudberry Kingdomfor3DSapossibility

























Updated3DS rmwareaddsnewStreetpassgames











Indiegame Teslagrad headedtoWiiU













Top NewS of





LAUNCHINGNOV.5Nintendo conrmed via Facebook that Call of Duty: Ghosts is

ocially coming to the Wii U on November 5th. The game is being

evelpe by teych n wll feue GmeP enhncemens lk

Cll f duy: Blck ops ii h n he W U lunch. ths s vey

signicant news as the Wii U version is launching the same day as

he gme s cmng u n he plfms.


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TwilightPrincessandSkywardSwordwerebothtestedonthe WiiUManygamershaveprobably














Shigeru MiyamototeasesnewNintendoIP













Pokemon RumbleU 













Earthbound nallylaunchesonWiiUVirtualConsole






























Activision releasing6WiiUtitlesthisHoliday 








turd rumor



ONTHEHORIZONNw hee s um ge exce bu. accng n ‘nveny

sysem mj US ele,’ w new Nnen bunles wll be

coming later this year. The rst bundles would be a red and blue

3dS XL bunle wh Pkemn X n Y. the secn wul be WU bunle wh the Legen f Zel: Wn Wke Hd. the um

also mentioned a Black 3DS XL which has since been conrmed by

Nnen n July 30h. i wul sll ke hs wh gn f sl bu

with the conrmation of the Black 3DS XL, it may yet be true.





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