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Your New Havanese Puppy A New Owner’s Handbook This template is provided by the Havanese Club of America’s Breeder’s Education Committee. It is meant to be used as a starting point for breeders who would like to give their new owners more information in an organized packet. All sections can be changed to reflect each breeder’s personal experiences and preferences, or sections can be deleted or new sections added by following the formatting of other sections.
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Your New Havanese PuppyA New Owners HandbookThis template is provided by the Havanese Club of Americas reeders !ducation Committee"#t is meant to be used as a startin$ point for breeders who would like to $ive their new owners more information in an or$ani%ed packet"All sections can be chan$ed to reflect each breeders personal e&periences and preferences' or sections can be deleted or new sections added by followin$ the formattin$ of other sections"#nstructions and tips are $iven in (!) at the be$innin$ of each section' and should be removed before printin$"Your New Havanese Puppy(After making all your changes to this document, righclick on the table of contents below and select UPDATE FIED, then selectUPDATE E!TI"E TA#Eto u$date automatically%if you are unsure about formatting the document so that new headings will be $icked u$, consult &' ()"D *EP+If you use a word $rocessing tool other than &' ()"D, consult your software,s *EP section to learn about inserting a Table of -ontents, or .ust delete this section before $rinting+/Table of ContentsCONGRATULATIONS ONTHE NE A!!ITION TO YOUR "A#ILY$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&Puppy Suppl'es%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(General%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(Groo)'n*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(Toys%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+C,ew'n* A'-s%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+Contra.t%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/Pe-'*ree%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0S're 1 !a)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2A3C Re*'strat'on Appl'.at'on 1 Cert'f'.ate%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%45Or'*'n an- H'story of t,e Havanese%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%44C,ara.ter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%46Havanese 7ree- Stan-ar-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4&A.t'v't'es%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%40Your Puppy8s New Ho)e%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%42T,e "'rst "ew N'*,ts%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%42Crate Tra'n'n*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%42Housetra'n'n*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%95General Tra'n'n*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%96Lon* Leas,%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%96Prote.t've of "oo- or Toys%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%967ar:'n*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%96;u)p'n* Up%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%96C,ew'n*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9&Play 7't'n*'n* D7ree-er )ay re.o))en- bran-E!ental :'t < Conta'n'n* toot,brus, an- pasteB f'n*er brus, wor:s eas'est Na'l .l'pper < 't, a repla.eable bla-e 7loo- stop1Sept'. pow-erGrey,oun- .o)b D)etal .o)b w't, lon* teet,E 7rus, < P'n brus, w't, lon* t'nes an- roun-e- t'psHe)ostat F a'-s 'n pull'n* ear ,a'r outEar pow-erPa*e ( of &4Your New Havanese PuppyToys"ly'n* -'s:sB rope toysB soft stuffe- toysB soft pull toysB ,ar- rubber toysB bell ballsB tenn'sballsB toss an- fet., toysB .anvas toysB toys w't, sCuea:8s%Chewin$ Aids3nu.:le bonesB retr'ever rollsB sow earsB )oo ta'lsB an- bully st'.:s% D7ree-er )ay re.o))en- bran-EPa*e + of &4Your New Havanese PuppyContractAssigning a s$ecific location in the !ew )wners *andbook for the owner,s co$y of thesigned contract $rotects it from getting lost and kee$s e0erything together in one $lace+1ou can insert a $lastic $age $rotector after this $age to hold this document+Pa*e / of &4Your New Havanese PuppyPedi$reeA $edigree is of interest to $et owners as well as to show $ros$ect $u$$y buyers+The most informati0e $edigree $ro0ides at least 4 generations but $ro0iding u$ to 5 generations is more common+It is of e0en more interest if coat color, -E"F, )FA or other health information is also included+1ou can insert a $lastic $age $rotector after this $age to hold this document+Pa*e 0 of &4Your New Havanese Puppy-ire 2 )amThis is where you can $ro0ide $ictures (for e6am$le, show $ictures, candid shots, and litter $icture/, cham$ionshi$ certificates, health certifications and other information orawards $ertaining to the sire and dam of the $u$$y+Pictures are a$$reciated by $et and show $ros$ect $u$$y buyers alike+It is always interesting to see what mom, dad and littermates looked like+Although *ealth -ertifications (i+e+, -E"F, )FA, #AE"/ are most often re7uested by show $ros$ect buyers, as $et $u$$y buyers are becoming more informed and knowledgeable, they too are beginning to ask for this documentation+1ou can insert a $lastic $age $rotector after this $age to hold these documents+Pa*e 2 of &4Your New Havanese PuppyA3C (e$istration Application 2 CertificateIf your sales contract re7uires a '$ay 3 !euter Agreement, you may want to e6clude this document until you ha0e recei0ed confirmation from the 0eterinarian $erforming the surgery+Another o$tion is to $ro0ide a -)P1 of the A8- "egisteration, and wording in your contract that the original $a$ers will be su$$lied u$on confirmation ofsurgery+If you ha0e a sti$ulation re7uiring your kennel name a$$ear in the registeredname of the dog, you may include this as a $refi6 in the naming section of the $a$ers+Also, you can make sure you ha0e been included as co9owner (if contractually arranged for/ by com$leting the owner3co9owner section of the A8- $a$ers+Pro0idingcom$lete instructions to the new owner for com$leting the registration of their $u$$y will a0oid the need for them to contact you with 7uestions or ha0ing the A8- return them for correction+ #ecause the A8- now allows )nline "egistration, which allows naming and co9ownershi$ to be entered, some breeders find it easier to register the $u$$ies themsel0es+1ou can insert a $lastic $age $rotector after this $age to hold these documents+Pa*e 45 of &4Your New Havanese PuppyOri$in and History of the Havanese(This is taken from the *-A website/Alt,ou*, 't 's new to t,e A3CB t,e Havanese 's Cu'te an ol- bree- 'n I-o* yearsI% Its,'story 's fas.'nat'n* an- ')portant to -ef'n'n* typeB as 't 's un'Cue 'n )any respe.ts%T,e Havanese 's t,e Nat'onal -o* of Cuba an- 'ts only nat've bree-% T,e fla* of Spa'nwas f'rst ra'se- over Cuba by C,r'stop,er Colu)bus 'n Nove)ber of 4&29% In t,e tenyears follow'n*B .olon'>at'on was be*un on t,e 'slan- by Spa'nB w,o owne- 't for t,ebetter part of t,e neHt four ,un-re- years%T,e f'rst settlers .a)e fro) two -'st'n.t .lasses< far)ers pr')ar'ly fro) t,e 'slan- ofTener'feB an- t,e Ise*un-osIB or se.on- sons of t,e Span's, ar'sto.ra.y% S,'pJs lo*s oft,e early s'Hteent, .entury reveal t,at -o*s were brou*,t alon* on t,ese early .olon'stsJvoya*esB an- lo*'. tells us t,ey were )ost l':ely t,e -o* of Tener'feB .o))on an.estortoall t,e7'.,onfa)'ly%7e.auseoft,e-ra.on'antra-erestr'.t'ons')pose-on'ts.olon'es by Spa'nB Tener'fe re)a'ne- one of t,e only ports open to Cuba for tra-eB an-'t woul-appeart,esel'ttle-o*sB w,osoonfoun-t,e'r way'ntot,e,o)esoft,eres'-ent Span's,ar'sto.ra.yB -evelope-w't,out )u.,outs'-e'nfluen.e% T,ey-'-B,oweverB -evelop 'n response to t,e .l')ate of t,'s trop'.al 'slan-% T,e Havanese ofto-ay 's st'll a re)ar:ably ,eates t,at 't8s O3 for you to ,an-le ,'s -'s,% arkin$Tea., your puppy r'*,t away t,at bar:'n* 's not a..eptable be,av'or%You w'llB )ost l':elyB not be able to tea., ,') to never bar: but you s,oul- be able to tea., ,') to stop bar:'n* on your .o))an-%,enever ,e bar:sB s,outB L=UIETGB as t,'s usually startles t,e puppy 'nto s'len.e lon* enou*, to follow w't, ent,us'ast'. pra'seB LGOO! =UIET%G!o t,'s every t')e ,e bar:sB w,et,er 't 's 'n-oors or out%It won8t be lon* before ,e Cu'.:ly Cu'ets -own on your .o))an-%;umpin$+pT,'s be,av'or s,oul- be stoppe- fro) t,e be*'nn'n*%It 's a very -'ff'.ult be,av'or to .,an*e on.e your puppy *ets 'nto t,e ,ab't%Use a .o))an- l':e LO""G or LSTOP%G!o not use t,e sa)e .o))an- t,at you w'll be us'n* w,en you want ,') to l'e -own Dyou Pa*e 96 of &4Your New Havanese Puppy.oul- use L!ROPG for t,'s .o))an-E or w,en you want ,') to *et off of t,e furn'ture Dyou .oul- use L!ONG for t,'s .o))an-E%7e .ons'stent an- re)e)ber to follow your.orre.t'on w't, pra'se even 'f no .o))an- or .orre.t'on 's nee-e-%Chewin$Your puppy w'll ,ave a natural ur*e to .,ewB espe.'ally w,'le *o'n* t,rou*, t,e teet,'n* sta*e%Have a Ltoy boHG Dan '.e .rea) bu.:et or bas:etE w,ere ,e .an rea., t,e toys 'ns'-e%T,e toys s,oul- be of -'fferent teHtures Dtenn's ballsB nylabonesB rope toysB ,ar- rubber toysB .,ew ,oovesB bell ballsB stuffe- toysB et.%E%If ,e 's able to *et a toyB ,e w'll be less apt to .,ew on t,'n*s ,e s,oul-n8t%If ,e -oes f'n- so)et,'n* to .,ew on t,at ,e s,oul-n8t ,aveB ta:e 't awayB tell ,') LNOG an- offer ,') so)et,'n* fro) ,'s toy boH%Playitin$'n* water out of t,e .oat w't, a towel%!o not rub t,e ,a'r w,'le towel -ry'n* or you w'll ,ave )ore -e