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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 1 Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 Teacher Notes Purposes of Assessment: Assessment of the child’s development is essential for effective teaching and learning. These assessment results: enable teachers to offer the child learning experiences at the appropriate level can show the child’s progress over time can indicate areas of learning where extra help is needed provide the head-teacher, KG co-ordinators and the Education Service with evidence of effectiveness and progress give parents an understanding of their child’s progress provide a formative record of the child’s development and skills during the year Additionally, the final record gives a summative report on the child’s position at the end of the KG1 year. Method of Assessment: The Pupil Achievement Record should be completed as a result of teacher observation and recording while the child is engaged in everyday classroom activities. These may be during whole class circle times, in which discussion is taking place, small group activities, or during facilitated play inside or outside. It is important that the teacher is very familiar with the assessments required as several different skills can often be observed during one activity. e.g. Children may be playing a shape and size lotto game, child A misplaces a large circle on a triangle on the lotto board. Child B says ‘That’s not a triangle that’s a big circle, that goes here’, pointing to a big circle on the board. The teacher can record on child B’s Record of Achievement ‘sorts objects according to shape’ (Mathematics D1), ‘names objects as big or small' (Mathematics D2) and ‘interacts with other children’ (Psycho-social skills A1) The child’s name and the words that the teacher heard during her observation should be recorded exactly as they were said in the teachers notebook as soon as possible after the event. At the end of the day the teacher should take the Individual Child’s Record documents for each of the children whom she has observed that day and date the skills that the child has shown. The child should show the skill on three separate occasions before the teacher can be sure the skill is mastered.

Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten · Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 4 KG1 Further explanation

Oct 25, 2019



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Page 1: Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten · Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 4 KG1 Further explanation

Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 1

Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 Teacher Notes Purposes of Assessment: Assessment of the child’s development is essential for effective teaching and learning. These assessment results:

• enable teachers to offer the child learning experiences at the appropriate level • can show the child’s progress over time • can indicate areas of learning where extra help is needed • provide the head-teacher, KG co-ordinators and the Education Service with

evidence of effectiveness and progress • give parents an understanding of their child’s progress • provide a formative record of the child’s development and skills during the year

Additionally, the final record gives a summative report on the child’s position at the end of the KG1 year. Method of Assessment: The Pupil Achievement Record should be completed as a result of teacher observation and recording while the child is engaged in everyday classroom activities. These may be during whole class circle times, in which discussion is taking place, small group activities, or during facilitated play inside or outside. It is important that the teacher is very familiar with the assessments required as several different skills can often be observed during one activity.

e.g. Children may be playing a shape and size lotto game, child A misplaces a large circle on a triangle on the lotto board. Child B says ‘That’s not a triangle that’s a big circle, that goes here’, pointing to a big circle on the board. The teacher can record on child B’s Record of Achievement ‘sorts objects according to shape’ (Mathematics D1), ‘names objects as big or small' (Mathematics D2) and ‘interacts with other children’ (Psycho-social skills A1)

The child’s name and the words that the teacher heard during her observation should be recorded exactly as they were said in the teachers notebook as soon as possible after the event. At the end of the day the teacher should take the Individual Child’s Record documents for each of the children whom she has observed that day and date the skills that the child has shown. The child should show the skill on three separate occasions before the teacher can be sure the skill is mastered.

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 2

These Early Learning skills, knowledge and understandings are those that form a firm foundation for all later learning. PSYCHOSOCIAL AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS Psychosocial skills are those skills that have a bearing on healthy development and healthy behaviour of young children. These are the skills required for young children to function confidently and competently within themselves and with others and enable them to become effective learners in school. Confidence, Communication and Co-operation form the basis for success in the classroom. PRE-READING SKILLS Before they begin to be able to read children need to have good vocabulary, well established language skills, be interested in books and enjoy listening to stories. They need to know to how to turn pages from front to back of the book and that words are read from left to right. They need to listen and hear that words are made up of sounds and that sounds can be put together in different ways to make different words that have meaning. They need to be able to recognise rhyme and to know that letters represent sounds. They need to know the sounds of the letters of the alphabet and recognise some familiar written words in their environment. PRE-WRITING SKILLS In order to write children need to have developed control of large movements through lots of physical activity. The fine motor skills of their hands and eyes develop later to work together to enable mark making and then writing to develop - large at first and later smaller and more regular. Children need to understand how writing tools can be used and how shapes are made. They need to explore making large lines and shapes before they can master letters shapes. They need to understand that writing conveys meaning and how to put letters together to make words that have meaning. MATHEMATICAL SKILLS AND UNDERSTANDING When beginning mathematics children need to use practical materials to sort, match, name and compare colours, shapes, sizes, weights, lengths, height and position in space. They also need to understand about numbers as words and symbols; to count to ten and add or take away one from a group of objects. As with reading the language of maths has to be used and understood before a child can master written calculation.

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 3


Child’s Age: Date of Birth:

School: Class: Number in Class:

Attendance Term 1: Attendance Term 2: Attendance Term 3:

1 2 3  


1 Interacts with other children.

2 Can use words to express emotions or feelings appropriately.

3 Can make choices when offered two activities.

4 Can suggest different ways to solve a problem at play and in learning situations.


1 Will tell a story about the pictures.

2 Can recognize own written name in 3 different places e.g. on his drawing written by teacher, on the register, on a label on a job list on the wall.

3 Can give sound of first letter of his name.

4 Can ‘read ‘3 or more words on display in the classroom.

5 Listens and retells a familiar story.

6 Takes part in conversation with adults and peers.

7 Asks questions for clarification e.g. What? Why?

8 Answers questions appropriately e.g. Where? Why?

9 Will fill in a missing word in familiar rhyme.


1 When running can change direction on command.

2 Can throw a ball to knock down a target at a distance.

3 Can model with clay, playdough etc.

4 Can undo a screw bottle lid.

5 Can copy a circle.

6 Can copy a square.

7 Can copy a triangle.

8 Writes own name with no copy.

9 Makes marks he calls writing and tells you what it says.


1 Sorts objects according to shape (circle, square and triangle).

2 Names objects as big or small.

3 Makes two groups of objects so that they are more than and less than each other.

4 Counts 1–5 objects.

5 Matches numerals 1-10 to groups of objects.

6 Can continue a pattern from given designs.

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 4

KG1 Further explanation for the PAR points You do not need to limit you recording of the child achieving the PAR point to the activity in which it is stated in the overview. If you see or hear the child meeting an objective in any other activity you can note it in your observation book and record it in the child's PAR.

A1 Interacts with other children

Developing (A1D) Sometimes, greets or speaks to other children, mostly plays alone.

Achieved (A1) Regularly greets, answers and questions other children, usually plays with one or more colleagues.

Moved beyond (A1+) Initiates conversations, takes an active part in group activities, organising colleagues.

A2 Can use words to express emotions or feelings appropriately

Developing (A2D) Needs prompting and support to find some words to express basic feelings in current situation

Achieved (A2) Offers description of own feelings e.g. 'I'm sad', 'I'm angry'.

Moved beyond (A2+) As achieved but can also talk about what events make him/her happy/sad

A3 Can make choices when offered two activities

Developing (A3D) Can make a choice but does not stick with the choice

Achieved (A3) Can choose from two options and stick to the choice made

Moved beyond (A3+) Can make a choice and stick to the choice from more than two options

A4 Can suggest different ways to solve a problem at play and in learning situations

Developing (A4D) Will accept adult alternative solution

Achieved (A4) Can suggest another way of solving the problem when asked 'What could you have done instead?' or 'is there anything else you could do instead?' or 'is there any other way you could have done something about it?'

Moved beyond (A4+) Spontaneously offers ideas for alternative solutions

B1 Will tell a story about the pictures.

Developing (B1D) Can tell a picture story with prompting

Achieved (B1) In response to the question 'Tell me a story', identifies the main character(s), beginning, middle and the ending

Moved beyond (B1+) Can tell a story as above including details from the pictures.

B2 Can recognize own written name in 3 different places

Developing (B2D) Selects own name card to register.

Achieved (B2) Finds his/her name written in 3 places when asked 'Show me your name' e.g. on drawing, registration card and portfolio

Moved beyond (B2+) Can say (read) classroom labels

B3 Can give sound of first letter of his name.

Developing (B3D) Can give sounds for 3 or more common environmental sounds

Achieved (B3) Gives the sound at the beginning of his/her name when asked 'what sound does your name begin with?'

Moved beyond (B3+) can give the first sounds for 3 common words

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 5

B4 Can ‘read ‘3 or more words on display in the classroom.

Developing (B4D) Can identify any one name or label s/he can read

Achieved (B4) Child reads any 3 labels asked in the classroom when asked 'What does this word say?'

Moved beyond (B4+) Can read other children’s names and/or classroom labels

B5 Listens and retells a familiar story.

Developing (B5D) Needs prompting, can give some points from the story but not in sequence or only gives part of the story

Achieved (B5) In response to 'Tell me a story' child identifies main character(s), a sequence of events with conclusion in retelling the story.

Moved beyond (B5+) Retells story with specific details from the pictures, e.g. The man with the goat walks to....., the big mango.....

B6 Takes part in conversation with adults and peers.

Developing (B6D) Gives fewer than 3 exchanges with adult

Achieved (B6) Child has at least 3 relevant exchanges with an adult or child in a conversation. (child → teacher, teacher → child, child → teacher, teacher → child, child → teacher)

Moved beyond (B6+) Child approached teacher regularly to engage in conversation.

B7 Asks questions for clarification e.g. What? and Why?

Developing (B7D) Child when prompted to 'ask me what this is?' asks question 'what is that?'

Achieved (B7) In any context, child spontaneously and regularly asks adult or child both 'What?' and 'Why?' questions

Moved Beyond (B7+) Child spontaneously asks what, why, where and who questions

B8 Answers questions appropriately e.g. Where? Why?

Developing (B8D) Child when prompted to 'please answer the question....?' answers the question.

Achieved (B8) In any context, child spontaneously and regularly answers adult or child both 'Where?' and 'Why?' questions

Moved beyond (B8+) Child spontaneously answers what, why, where and who questions

B9 Will fill in a missing word in familiar rhyme.

Developing (B9D) Child as an individual fills in missing word in 1 familiar rhymes

Achieved (B9) Child as an individual fills in missing words in at least 4 different rhymes

Moved beyond (B9+) Child spontaneously fills in repetitive phrases in known familiar stories such as 'they pulled and pulled and pulled the enormous yam' in the Enormous Yam story

C1 When running can change direction on command.

Developing (C1D) Does not respond to the command to change direction when running. Can not do and listen at the same time (duel attention)

Achieved (C1) Child is seen to respond to direction while outdoors 'run towards the tree/fence, now run back/to the bucket

Moved beyond (C1+) Can follow more complex instructions while running e.g. do 3 jumps, run, then throw the ball in the bucket, run, then hop 3 times

C2 Can throw a

Developing (C2D) Can hit a carton at 5ft using a 3 inch ball using under and over arm successfully 2 out of 3 times

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 6

ball to knock down a target at a distance.

Achieved (C2) Can hit a carton at 12ft using a 3inch ball using under and over arm successfully 2 out of 3 times

Moved beyond (C2+) Can knock over 3 tin cans at 12ft using a 3 inch ball

C3 Can model with clay, playdough etc.

Developing (C3D) Handles clay for it's texture only and has not manipulated it into a shape or object e.g. rolling it, pressing it

Achieved (C3) Child manipulate clay to create a shape or object of their choice.

Moved beyond (C3+) creates a shape or object, elaborating and adding to what s/he has created

C4 Can undo a screw bottle lid.

Developing (C4D) Attempts to unscrew lid but is unsuccessful

Achieved (C4) When handed a water bottle with a screw lid, child can take lid off

Moved beyond (C4+) Takes lids off and puts them on as needed

C5 Can copy a circle

Developing (C5D) When given a square to copy and asked to 'draw one like this' draws any shape that does not meet 'achieved'

Achieved (C5) Copies a continuous curved line with no gap or corners.

Moved beyond (C5+) Can draw a circle without copy

C6 Can copy a square.

Developing (C6D) When given a square to copy and asked to 'draw one like this' draws any shape that does not meet 'achieved'

Achieved (C6) Copies 4 straight lines more or less at right angles to each other with 4 corners. Accept slight wiggles, gaps and overlaps in lines

Moved beyond (C6+) Can draw a square without copy

C7 Can copy a triangle.

Developing (C7D) When given a triangle to copy and asked to 'draw one like this' draws any shape that does not meet 'achieved'

Achieved (C7) Copies 3 straight lines that meet at 3 corners Accept slight wiggles, gaps and overlap in lines

Moved beyond (C7+) Can draw a triangle without copy

C8 Writes own name with no copy.

Developing (C8D) Makes letter like shapes to represent name

Achieved (C8) Writes own name on drawings, includes all letters of name not all correctly formed but name readable.

Moved beyond (C8+) Also writes words other thank own name

C9 Makes marks he calls writing and tells you what it says.

Developing (C9D) Scribbles and can say what it says

Achieved (C9) Makes letter like marks in groups and can tell adult what s/he has 'written'

Moved beyond (C9+) Writes 'words' with mostly recognisable letter shapes

D1 Sorts objects

Developing (D1D) Can sort all circles from a group of circles, squares and triangles

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 1 (Academic Year 2015/16) 7

according to shape (circle, square and triangle).

Achieved (D1) Can sort circles, squares and triangles into shape groups

Moved beyond (D1+) Can sort circles, squares, triangles, stars and diamonds into shape groups Can sort according to 2 criteria e.g. all blue circles, squares and triangles

D2 Names objects as big or small.

Developing (D2D) When given one big and one small object, can identify the big one when asked 'Is this a big one or a small one?' [gets correct 3 times]

Achieved (D2) When given a group of big and small objects and asked 'tell me which are the big ones?' they can identify it.

Moved beyond (D2+) Can order from biggest to smallest. Can give bigger and smaller when asked 'give me one that is bigger than this one'

D3 Makes two groups of objects so that they are more than and less than each other.

Developing (D3D) When shown two groups of objects, for example, one with 3 and one with 7 can say which group has more

Achieved (D3) Give the child 10 objects and ask the child to make two groups, one with more in than the other. Ask 'Which one has more objects in?' Child to repeat task. Ask 'Which one has fewer objects in?'.

Moved beyond (D3+) Can say 'this is more' or 'this is less' when teacher asks 'has this group got more or less?'

D4 Counts 1–5 objects.

Developing (D4D) Can count fewer than 5 objects

Achieved (D4) Counts putting finger on each object as he/she gives the numeral up to 5

Moved beyond (D4+) As above for numerals beyond 7

D5 Matches numerals 1-10 to groups of objects.

Developing (D5D) Places number cards alongside correct group of objects up to 5

Achieved (D5) Places number cards alongside correct group of objects up to 10

Moved beyond (D5+) Places number cards alongside correct group of objects beyond 12

D6 Can continue a pattern from given designs.

Developing (D6D) Match a pattern with colours, numbers, shapes

Achieve (D6) Continues a simple pattern up to repetition of a 3, 2 pattern

Moved beyond (D6+) Continues a pattern with 2 variables e.g. colour and shape

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 1

Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 Teacher Notes Purposes of Assessment: Assessment of the child’s development is essential for effective teaching and learning. These assessment results:

• enable teachers to offer the child learning experiences at the appropriate level • can show the child’s progress over time • can indicate areas of learning where extra help is needed • provide the head-teacher, KG co-ordinators and the Education Service with

evidence of effectiveness and progress • give parents an understanding of their child’s progress • provide a formative record of the child’s development and skills during the year

Additionally, the final record gives a summative report on the child’s position at the end of the KG2 year. Method of Assessment: The Pupil Achievement Record should be completed as a result of teacher observation and recording while the child is engaged in everyday classroom activities. These may be during whole class circle times, in which discussion is taking place, small group activities, or during facilitated play inside or outside. The Pupil Achievement Records KG1 and KG2 are a continuous developmental record and should be kept together throughout the two years of Kindergarten. The Achievement Record for KG1 should be consulted by the KG2 teacher at the start of the new school year and should continue to be used alongside the KG2 Record to record any new skills the child had not acquired during the KG1 year. The child’s progress on the KG1 Record can be completed in a different coloured pen to indicate the skills acquired during Year 2. It is important that the teacher is very familiar with the assessments required as several different skills can often be observed during one activity.

e.g. Children may be making a linear pattern by threading beads to match a pattern: large red/small red/small blue/large red/small red/small blue. Child A begins with a red bead then says ‘I need a blue bead’ Child B says ‘No you need one more small red one’. The teacher has observed that Child B can 'sort groups of objects based on size and colour' (D1), 'can continue a linear a pattern' (D8) and 'works and plays well with others in a group...' (A2), In this scenario the child has only partially achieved D8 as they haven't been able to demonstrate the ability to create a linear pattern. The teacher could ask child B at this point 'can you make your own pattern?' to give the child the opportunity to fully achieve D8.

The child’s name and the words that the teacher heard during her observation should be recorded exactly as they were said in the teacher’s notebook as soon as possible after the event. At the end of the day the teacher should take the Pupil Achievement Record for each of the children whom she has observed that day and date the skills that the child has shown. The child should show the skill on three separate occasions before the teacher can be sure the skill is mastered

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 2

Children learn through all their experiences. These Early Learning skills, knowledge and understandings are those that form a firm foundation for all later learning. PSYCHOSOCIAL AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS Psychosocial skills are the emotional, social and communication skills required for young children to function confidently and competently within themselves and with others in the classroom. These skills enable children to become effective learners in school and have been shown by research to be an important factor in later employability. BEGINNING-READING SKILLS Before they begin to read children need to:

• have a good vocabulary • be interested in books • enjoy listening to stories • understand that print has meaning • know to how to turn pages from front to back of the book • know that words are read from left to right • listen and hear that words are made up of sounds • know that sounds can be put together in different ways to make words that have

meaning • recognise rhyme • know the sounds of the letters of the alphabet • recognise a few familiar written words in their environment

WRITING SKILLS In order to write children need to have developed control of large movements through lots of physical activity. The fine motor skills of their hands and eyes also need to have developed to work together for writing skills to develop. First steps in writing will be large at first and later smaller and more regular. Children need to understand how writing tools can be used and how shapes are made. Letter shapes are best learnt first through making the shape with large arm movements in the air. Children continue to need the opportunity to make large patterns and drawings in order to develop their writing skills. MATHEMATICAL SKILLS AND UNDERSTANDING In KG1 children will have started to understand about numbers as words and symbols; to count to ten and add and take away one from a group of objects. In KG2 children continue to need practical materials as they consolidate their understanding of sorting, matching and comparing colours, shapes, sizes, weights, lengths, height and position in space. They need to learn the language of maths, more than, less than, the same as and sharing. They also need to learn how to record their findings from practical explorations set up for them by the teacher before doing written calculations.

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 3


Child’s Age: Date of Birth:

School: Class: Number in Class:

Attendance Term 1: Attendance Term 2: Attendance Term 3:

1 2 3  


1 Attends to tasks and shows persistence in completing them.

2 Works and plays well with others in a group, mostly following rules of games.

3 Can offer suggestions about how own behaviour can be changed.

4 Identifies and repeats sounds in the environment.

5 Can play back the rhythm of a particular instrument.

6 Asks questions for clarification.

7 Recounts an event or story in sequence.


1 Associates letters of the alphabet with the sound of the letters beginning the names of objects.

2 Reads three letter words/sounds.

3 Constructs two and three letter words using letter cards.

4 Reads some word labels around the classroom e.g. Wash your hands, pencils.

5 Can talk about the content of the story s/he has read.


1 Cuts/trims objects with the appropriate tools.

2 Copies words from posters, labels, charts, books and lists.

3 Can write some three-letter words.

4 Writes words using invented spellings.

5 Uses writing as part of play e.g. Labels own paintings, makes labels for shop.

6 Can dictate a short sentence for teacher to write and can then copy it.


1 Sorts and groups objects based on size and colour.

2 Matches objects one to one from two groups and tells which of the two groups contains more, less, or same (equal) number of objects.

3 Collects data from a given group of objects and records numbers.

4 Matches and assigns numbers to given groups of objects from 1-20.

5 Writes the numerals 1-20.

6 Orders objects from smallest to largest.

7 Draws plane shapes: Circle, square and triangle (on request or spontaneously).

8 Copies, continues and creates linear patterns using shapes/beads/objects

9 Estimates and verifies the number of small containers it takes to fill a bigger container with water/sand.

10 Finds missing numerals in series of numbers.

11 Shares objects equally among a given number of people.

12 Finds out the number of objects in two groups put together to total up to 20.

13 Finds the number of objects left when some of the objects are taken away or separated from the group

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 4

KG2 Further explanation for the PAR points You do not need to limit you recording of the child achieving the PAR point to the activity in which it is stated in the overview. If you see or hear the child meeting an objective in any other activity you can note it in your observation book and record it in the child's PAR.

A1 Attends to tasks and shows persistence in completing them.

Developing (A1D) Is easily distracted, does not complete task.

Achieving (A1) Persists with the activity until complete

Moving Beyond (A1+) Stays engaged with a task for the whole time set

A2 Works and plays well with others in a group, mostly following rules of games.

Developing (A2D) Can play a turn taking games but does not tolerate waiting for a turn

Achieving (A2) Can play a turn taking game and follow the rules

Moving Beyond (A2+) Plays a variety of turn taking games, knows and follows the rules and helps others to do so

A3 Can offer suggestions about how own behaviour can be changed.

Developing (A3D) Needs help to agree to a suggestion

Achieving (A3) 'When asked 'What should you have to done instead of...' can make a suggestion of his own

Moving Beyond (A3+) can offer suggestions spontaneously

A4 Identifies and repeats sounds in the environment.

Developing (A4D) Hear a sound and can repeat but not identify it

Achieving (A4) Hears a sound and says what makes it. Can repeat the sound.

Moving Beyond (A4+) Can hear a word and tell you the initial sound.

A5 Can play back the rhythm of a particular instrument.

Developing (A5D) Plays own rhythm but not repeat

Achieving (A5) Can play back a rhythm of an instrument

Moving Beyond (A5+) Can rhythmically accompany a song

A6 Asks questions for clarification.

Developing (A6D) Asks a clarification question such as 'Can we play with this?' 'Is it home time?'

Achieving (A6) Asks questions such as 'What can I do now?', 'Where are the pencils?' and 'Who is that?' when a visitor arrives

Moving Beyond (A6+) Asks clarification questions about an event or story, using, 'why?', 'when?' and 'How?'

A7 Recounts an event or story in sequence.

Developing (A7D) Recounts an event but haphazardly

Achieving (A7) Recounts an event or story in sequence

Moving Beyond (A7+) Can invent a logical story of his/her own

B1 Associates letters of the alphabet with the sound of the

Developing (B1D) Can point to the correct initial letter when asked to say the initial sound of a phonically regular word for some letters of the alphabet

Achieving (B1)

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 5

letters beginning the names of objects.

Can point to the correct initial letter when asked to say the initial sound of a phonically regular word for all the letters of the alphabet

Moving Beyond (B1+) As above for the initial sound and second sound of some words

B2 Reads three letter words/sounds.

Developing (B2D) Can give the sounds that make up any 3 letter word that the child has been taught in the phonics programme.

Achieving (B2) Can 'read' any 3 letter words from the phonics programme

Moving Beyond (B2+) Reads any phonically regular 3 letter words

B3 Constructs two and three letter words using letter cards.

Developing (B3D) Can reconstruct words with prompts to listen to each sound

Achieving (B3) Constructs 3 letter words from the phonics programme using letter cards

Moving Beyond (B3+) Can write some words without a prompt

B4 Reads some word labels around the classroom e.g. Wash your hands, pencils.

Developing (B4D) Can match labels in the classroom

Achieving (B4) Can read 5 words of his/her choice that are displayed in the classroom

Moving Beyond (B4+) Can read more than 5 labels around the classroom

B5 Can talk about the content of the story s/he has read.

Developing (B5D) Can respond to questions about characters, place and plot of a familiar story

Achieving (B5) Can give key information about a familiar story, character, place, action for instance.

Moving Beyond (B5+) Can give a summary of the story

C1 Cuts/trims objects with the appropriate tools.

Developing (C1D) Can 'quick cut' the edge of a piece of paper with scissors

Achieving (C1) Can cut out a circle drawn on paper with scissors

Moving Beyond (C1+) Can use scissors to cut out pictures from various materials

C2 Copies words from posters, labels, charts, books and lists.

Developing (C2D) Can copy 1 word and their name

Achieving (C2) Copies words from classroom environment

Moving Beyond (C2+) Can attempt to write words from the classroom environment using using the label as an occasional prompt

C3 Can write some three-letter words.

Developing (C3D) Can write all letters of the alphabet when given sounds

Achieving (C3) Can write 3 letter words when dictated by an adult (phonically regular)

Moving Beyond (C3+) Can write a short sentence when given help with some spellings

C4 Writes words using invented spellings.

Developing (C4D) Makes marks to represent letters

Achieving (C4) Uses invented spellings

Moving Beyond (C4+)

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 6

Writes using fewer invented rather than spelt words

C5 Uses writing as part of play e.g. Labels own paintings, makes labels for shop.

Developing (C5D) Can put name on own drawings, and copy teachers labelling

Achieving (C5) Writes spontaneously for purpose using some invented spellings

Moving Beyond (C5+) Regularly incorporates writing into play

C6 Can dictate a short sentence for teacher to write and can then copy it.

Developing (C6D) Needs prompting to give a sentence. Attempt to copy with correct number of letters or marks

Achieving (C6) Can dictate a short sentence for teacher to write and can then copy it.

Moving Beyond (C6+) Writes own sentence spontaneously

D1 Sorts and groups objects based on size and colour.

Developing (D1D) Can sort a group of objects based on one criteria

Achieving (D1) Can sort a group of objects based on size and colour

Moving Beyond (D1+) Can sort a group of objects based on 3 criteria; colour, size, and type

D2 Matches objects one to one from two groups and tells which of the two groups contains more, less, or same (equal) number of objects.

Developing (D2D) Can count two groups of objects without matching and say whether they are more or less that the other

Achieving (D2) Give the child 2 groups of objects one with 9&2, 4&6 and 5&5. Ask the child each time to match 1:1 and then ask 'Are there the same number more or less in this group?' If more 'how many more' If less say 'How many less?' [tr asks question 3 times ensuring op for all 3 answers]

Moving Beyond (D2+) As 'Achieving' using groups of 7&7 8&5 6&10 instead

D3 Collects data from a given group of objects and records numbers.

Developing (D3D) As 'Achieving' but from a group of 2-5 objects

Achieving (D3) From a group of 6 different objects counts how many there are of each object and records the numbers

Moving Beyond (D3+) Can do above filling in tally chart made by teacher

D4 Matches and assigns numbers to given groups of objects from 1-20.

Developing (D4D) Can match numerals 1-10 to groups of objects or pictures

Achieving (D4) Can match numerals 1-20 to groups of objects or pictures

Moving Beyond (D4+) Can count and identify numerals up to 50

D5 Writes the numerals 1-20.

Developing (D5D) Can write recognisable numerals 1-12

Achieving (D5) Can write recognisable numerals 1-20 when asked

Moving Beyond (D5+) Can write recognisable numerals beyond 20

D6 Orders objects from smallest to largest.

Developing (D6D) Can order 5 objects from smallest to largest

Achieving (D6) Can order 8 objects from smallest to largest

Moving Beyond (D6+) Can order more that 8 objects from smallest to largest

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Pupil Achievement Record – Kindergarten 2 (Academic Year 2015/16) 7

D7 Draws plane shapes: Circle, square and triangle (on request or spontaneously).

Developing (D7D) Can draw a circle

Achieving (D7) Draws plane shapes: Circle, square and triangle (on request or spontaneously).

Moving Beyond (D7+) Can draw a diamond

D8 Copies, continues and creates linear patterns using shapes/beads/ objects

Developing (D8D) Copies a liner pattern with 2,1 repeat

Achieving (D8) Copies a liner pattern with 3, 1, 2 repeat

Moving Beyond (D8+) Copies liner patterns with increased length of repeat

D9 Estimates and verifies the number of small containers it takes to fill a bigger container with water/sand.

Developing (D9D) Can accurately fill and empty containers and sort big and small

Achieving (D9) Estimates and verifies the number of small containers it takes to fill a bigger container with water/sand

Moving Beyond (D9+) Can estimate and check how many blocks can fit into a variety of cartons for example

D10 Finds missing numerals in series of numbers.

Developing (D10D) Finds missing numerals in series of numbers using numbers between 1-10

Achieving (D10) Finds missing numerals in series of numbers using numbers between 1-20

Moving Beyond (D10+) Can fill in missing alternate numbers, both odd and even numbers.

D11 Shares objects equally among a given number of people.

Developing (D11D) Can share equally between two people

Achieving (D11) Can share equally between four people

Moving Beyond (D11+) Can say how many objects are in each group e.g. 'that is 4 each'

D12 Finds out the number of objects in two groups put together to total up to 20.

Developing (D12D) Finds out the number of objects in two groups put together to total up to 10.

Achieving (D12) Finds out the number of objects in two groups put together to total up to 20.

Moving Beyond (D12+) Knows number of bonds to 20 orally and can demonstrate/check with objects

D13 Finds the number of objects left when some of the objects are taken away or separated from the group

Developing (D13D) Give the child 2 groups of objects one with 9&2, 4&6 and 5&5. Ask the child each time to match 1:1 and then ask 'Are there the same number more or less in this group?' If more 'how many more' If less say 'How many less?' [tr asks question 3 times ensuring op for all 3 answers]

Achieving (D13) Given 10 bottle tops and asked to take away 5 can count and tell you how many are left. Repeat for 10-7 = and 10-2 =

Moving Beyond (D13+) Given 10 bottle tops and asked to take away can record on paper the answer to 10-2 =, 5-3 =, etc

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 1 This tool is for the Classroom

FTTT Teacher Monitoring Tool (TMT)

Name of Teacher:

Registration Number:

Name of School

Class being observed:

Date & Time:

Number of pupils in class: Boys Girls Total


A PLANNING Score (0=low, 5=high) Observed comments/evidence

A1 Planning taking place. - Log book - (1 mark) - Rotations working – (1 mark) - Meetings with attendant - (1 mark) - Thematic approach – (1 mark) - Session note – (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

A2 Daily plan linked to overview (Scheme of work) and is followed - Daily plan displayed – (2 marks) - Timing of each session clear and adhered to. – (3 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

A3 Teaching & Learning Materials (TLMs) pre-made/ prepared - TLMs made in advance evident by the week's TLMs available–(3 marks) - TLMs for last week’s activities are evident – (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 2


B1 Classroom is clean and tidy. - Physically clean and tidy. (1 mark) - TLMs well packed and stored. (1 mark) - TLMs well labelled. (1 mark) - children taking part in cleaning and tidying. (1 mark) - Centres are tidy, items clean and in good repair. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

B2 Children’s work is displayed, and visible to the children. - Children’s work related to the theme is displayed. (2 marks) - Recent children’s work in evidence. (3 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

B3 Learning centres are: - 3 centres being used and accessible to children. (1 mark) - not over crowded (based on pupil numbers in the class). (1 mark) - English and local language labels for items and centre names. (1 mark) - TLMs related to the themes in the centre. (1 mark) - centres are three dimensional. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

B4 Furniture arranged to allow space for children to move freely - appropriately arranged in classroom. (5 marks) - chairs and tables in lines facing teacher scores 0.

0 1 2 3 4 5

B5 Use of the outdoor environment - 3 activities for children to complete. (2 marks) - At least 1-2 active activities. (1 mark) - Appropriately organised for effective supervision of all activities. (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 3

B6 Access to drinking water (describe location of the nearest source). - Enough cups/bottles for all children. (3 marks) - Evidence of Veronica Bucket/tap with flowing water. (2marks) - Collecting drinking water from a bowl of water, not flowing water scores 0.

0 1 2 3 4 5

B7 Hygiene - hand washing taught to children, and taking place. (2 marks) - children using the toilet or designated spot. (1 mark) - Use of water and soap. (1 mark) - Evidence of Veronica Bucket/tap with flowing water. (1mark) - washing hands in a bowl of water, not flowing water scores 0.

0 1 2 3 4 5


C1 Rules - maximum 5. (1 mark) - classroom rules, written positively, are displayed on the wall. (1 mark) - teachers remind children of the rules throughout the day .(2 marks) - consequences are applied consistently. (1mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

C2 Consequences - Misbehaviour is dealt with appropriately using the Consequences Hierarchy. (5 marks) - NO CANES – if cane score 0.

0 1 2 3 4 5

C3 Routines - signals are taught and understood for routine activities. (1 mark) - assembly includes correct dressing, prayers and songs. (1 mark) - system for self-registration, checked by teacher. (1 mark) - hand washing and use of water. (1 mark) - routines for each centre/outside area in place. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 4

C4 Transitions & time - Children are informed that the activity will change in a few minutes, so that they have time to finish what they are doing. (2 marks) - Signals are given to (i) get children’s attention to explain the next activity; (ii) move to the next activity. (3 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

C5 Arrival - Teacher welcomes children individually. (1 mark) - Children hang their bags. (1 mark) - Self registration. (1 mark) - Activities are available for children to be involved in immediately. (1 mark) - Children complete daily chores. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

C6 Break time (30 minutes) - Children are supervised. (2 marks) - Teachers provide activities/materials for children to play with at break e.g. Balls, tyres etc. (2 marks) - Teachers plan for a ten minute break for themselves. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

METHODOLOGY- Following the theme

D1 Big circles - Overview is being followed. (2 marks) - teacher and child led. (1 mark) - children’s understanding of the topic is checked by questioning using why, when, how, where, who. (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

D2 Small group activities - Teacher knows the objective of the activity and its child led with teacher facilitating. (1 mark) - all children are participating in activities. (1 mark) - theme related activities and materials according to the Overview. (1 mark) - teacher is involved in interacting with the children. (1 mark) - teacher is paying attention to the adult focus activity and writing observations of PAR points as required in the Overview. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 5

D3 TLMs are: - labelled in lower case letters. (1 mark) - organised so that they are easily usable by children. (1 mark) - varied to meet all levels of learning, including challenge to the able child. (1 mark) - used in teacher activity and learner activity. (1 mark) - tidied up after each activity with children’s help. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

D4 Teacher – pupil interaction - 80%-20% balance between mother tongue and English. (1 mark) - Gives clear and simple instructions, and allows time for children to understand what is being asked of them. (2 marks) - Gives children the opportunity to chat with the teacher. (1 mark) - All Children are actively encouraged to be engaged in activities. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

D5 Pupil – pupil interaction: evidence that the teacher encourages the children to: - share with each other. (1 mark) - take turns in group games. (2 marks) - talk and problem solve together. (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

D6 Teacher makes provision for individual differences and the social, emotional and personal development of pupils - teacher has grouped children. (1 mark) - teacher can explain why children have been grouped in the way they have. (2 marks) - teacher has arranged mixed gender groups. (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

D7 TLMs provide the opportunity to develop skills and understanding relating to the topic in all curriculum areas (pre-reading, pre-writing, mathematics) to meet the objectives of the daily plan - TLMs fit the objective / PAR requirement. (1 mark) - TLMs available according to overview. (1 mark) - TLMs made by teacher must be big enough for children to use. (1 mark) - Enough TLMs should be available to sustain all children. (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 6


E1 Towards children - Consistent use of non-threatening language and actions. (1 mark) - Tries to praise as many individual children as possible during the day for some helpfulness, effort and achievement. (1 mark) - Verbal and non-verbal praise to big or small groups. (1 mark) - Listens well to children in all situations. (1 mark) - Children are welcomed with a smile. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

E2 Professionalism: teacher - is dressed appropriately. (1 mark) - is punctual and regular. (1 mark) - shows care and compassion for children. (1 mark) - knows children individually (by name). (1 mark) - shows respect for every child. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

Evaluation of pupil progress

F1 Observational notebook - Teacher can show recorded observations of pupils' skills and understanding in Observational notebook. (2 marks) - children who have achieved , are developing or have moved beyond the assessment point are noted. (2 marks) - Daily observations are recorded. (1 mark)

0 1 2 3 4 5

F2 Asks how, why, who, when, where, questions to monitor progress during all activities. (5 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

F3 Additional evidence of pupil's skills and successes - Pupil Achievement Record sheets. (3 marks) - children's individual portfolios. (2 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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Teacher Monitoring Tool (Academic Year 2015/16) 7 Total Score:

Overall Grade:

Summary of comments and suggestions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name of Supervisor:
