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r e Ir- e LOCAL BREVITIES PERSONAL POINTERS PITHILY PRINT various Tiriii lnrnortl 1rom This i Other IldiUWlint Our Itiople Lust Sunday wits tho tho your Oholoo aJKnrs null tobitouo at- M KlnV Quad rnlns nro of ahu6st flatly c ciirronoo nbvi- Sovurulgood hones for sitlo Chen Tho fourth of July will bo on St unlay this your Soo thoflo stylo nulls 11 U mounts All tlio KiirilnnB about town nro u lloiursliilfjf condition For bloybla fixtures rind houses rout toBtrobhnr 10 tf Stovo Motton pulil his luwnl visit to Fort Mynrs Hint Bmulny- Ooul oil Co n quart IDo a unlit nt H M KliiAfltf Two years ORO today Harry Tim Itlllotl Stanford NVhlto In Now Yo Suits for small boys nobby nt U 0 BlountB1 10 lion Elam 1J Carlton of Wauoh In was n business visitor In our ol- Minday Ico oroiun and cool drinks of t kinds at Hatch and Jolinsonslfi Last Saturday tho fortyflr nnnlvorsaryofthopurjliasoof Alaol by tho nultod States For stock foodof nil kinds go LanlorB food atoro 12 J of Fort Myors bop JnvliiK tho now water nlnlus aloe Mnilun avenue Monday Food for horsos onttlo and elite ails at Lnnlorfl nod store 42 A of orate material wi- Iocolved horo last week for seven of tho pluoapplo growers of Soliuu Gotyour spring and suminor undo wear at ft 0 mounts Mr Darker who Is In sharp of tho mammoth loo plant her spout Sunday with hla family I Arctidin For lowest prices In stock food g to Liuilors food storor42- Dr and Mrs Thomas of Illlnol spent apart of last week with Go and Mrs F A Whitney on Alllgu- tor orookt Latest styles In fall and white clothing at II 0 Wlounts- Tlio guava bushos about town ni fruit and It will soon bogl rlpnnltiK Tho crop will oollps that of last your Big life of fresh pure penny can dies nt J 3 Gouts jrrocory 44 A numbor of Punta Gorcla have already gone away summo outings and others are making pro partitions togo Purest finest candles lot ro calved yoBtorday by 11 M King This market well supplied will Georgia and Florid grown which retail at from 60otpo 4qt basket to 25o per dozon Harness wagons and buggies fo sale at J S stublo 8 Dr MoQuoou on Monday movoi Into the handsome residence 01 Taylor street which ho rocontlj purchased from C Kloo lino of boys knoe pants suits Just received ut B 0 Blounts 10 Emmett Mclvor ono of tho Fish and Produce Dos fishing Lieutenants has gone Chatauooga Touri to visit roluttvos Fon SALE CHEAP A good large flteol range stove F S Strobhar 0 Losllo Willis returned Monday from Eastman Ga whoro for i month past lie has boon doing tin twirling act on a oraok base ball team Fresh lot of pur6 candies Just colvod by Hatch and JolmsonI8tf Mr 8 F J Trabuo wont up tc Arcadia yesterday from whence will RO In a day or two to Frankfort Ky to visit his orally and other rel- atives For tho latest styles In spring and summer clothing go to K O Blount Mr J H Allen who recently moved to this town from Key West loft on a schooner the first ot this week with a cargo of 160 hogs fox that city Is It chills or lover Planks Oiull Tonic guaranteed to euro 26lyr E A White came up from Boon Grando Saturday night to pay his usual visit to his family returned to his work Tuesday morning I 11 ro ton ost n l S otognnt new nt hi to go rk LO N Sykos 1 I full ot for punches both c r 5 A Robinson- r expert to- t L If I t ro- t t t ho- r if o 1 j 7 t W wb rf 1rIna d- In woo- ly sty was car lottd fi r poop t a Flori- da I r rat yi 4 = < < Tho trains pftho GOrtst Mn us- gonnnil thing Uglnn mu timo those tlnyn mill ti employees nf that toyed uru to i oominondod for tho fact wagons and r- snlo at Golfs Olty Llvory stubleK- Tho story of tljo lHusliliiK Tro printed on llrnt of this papo- railothorof the npoolul curies vo n running Ilnud It and solid tho par to a friend Intho North Country cured hunts IlnoHt III absolutely guarantuoU Golfs grocery It- Tho crop of on this tho wild llgtrooB In Mi j Gorbotts yard VIIH 11 good ono in the birds have feasted thoio to tl full extent of tholr nppotitos For fresh vegetables fruits on candlos go to It M King at tl Commercial House Muster Martin Luther a nopliov of Dr N MoQuton Is hero fru- iFayettovllloN 0 and will roinu- lIndoflnlt6ly and attend our gradu school during tho coming term City livery stable safe and rolli bio as well as stylish middle an buggy horses J S Gulf proprO Gapt W J Drisooll of Jtioksoi- vlllo who did valuable work U- Gon in tho recent can patgn among tho Knights tho Grip who invaded out town tin first of tho week ThoGharlotto Harbor hotel J M Bennett proprietor Is open the you round hoard laud lodging flW pi week lOtf Tho newly paved streets tend ronil in unit about Puntn Gorda ore not in condition the roeou rains having packed tho nut urn eonurote used In the paving and lot a Kurd smooth surface Gunulnu pure olive oil niiulo b tho Los Angeles Olive Growers ABSH station now on sate by Wiitkin Drug Co23tf Contractor J N Parkor rocontl mot with ii painful accident wlill building n small noose on till Stralighnn place In Solatia by a iml which wat stuck III the ball of on- if his foot and beta which lio wi- illsnblod for a week A largo supply of pure Ciillfornn now on baud at rcnsonablt and in quantities to suit tho Watkins Drug rho small boys of Punta Gord- irganlzod thonisolvos Into a host team nod last Saturday wont lows to fort Myers whore thoj with tine youiiKstpn f that place winning by a score o- lmo to nothing in ton Innings LOST A of goldrlnimml- pootnclos lost offw llroad dock lust SundRY evening Finder will ho owardod on roturnlng to C K- illdgott or HiutALi oflloo The local shipyards tire tho scone if much nativity those days Many now boats of tho smaller class are wing constructed old ones boinu- vorhaulod and general work being lone preparatory for the opening of ho fall fishing soasoii on August 5th A free gift of decorated china omprlslng n complete sot is iado to ovory cash customer of iort8on and Rhode grocers all nd rot particulars 40tf Miss Ellen Oooporlott Sunday af ornoon for Tallalmesoo where silo nng a solo at the wedding of a npnlnr young couple of that city rhloh occurred tho other day Cooper Is famous for hor wherever she is known and her rlonds hero nro delighted at tho oputatlon she Is making She will- o from Punta Gorda about a month each woll icatod in residence section of Boca rnndo Fla tho now town on tho mlf of Mexlqonnd terminus of Char tto Harbor not Northern By Will- o sold cheapen account of ill health Jno H Fnrrington Punta Gorda la An eollpso of tho sun which will- o visible In Punta Qorda from 800 1182 a m will occur on next unday tho 28th inst People who eslro to viow it should provide locos of smoked glass through hlch to look at It The oollpso will 0 practically a total ono and It will 3 a sight which will not bo present 1 to us again for seven centuries A race to all riders is pulled In on July 4th gating over f200 aro try and other Information Hannn 208 reet Tampa nI haiti lIij III ilL trlllE put onl- y 1 D Gllohrlst of oxoolt lIt live oil lit Co21 hall PI l Miss sing- Ing Two Lots bylWCt to blo ole tobo oft D ti- arsot wee flayed a game away GOft For Joo < > Editorial fail llKUAM out C the Gulf of Mexico before tl votes in tho Into primary wore n counted consequently Ito was tu nt homo to join in the shouting lint from norlhoni Mississippi I sOlids grootlnga with thn- shoors and tv for Gilchis Fletcher and good fiovornmon- tQciiGilchristsswuopiiiff victor cannot ho accepted as an intllca of tho status of proliibltio imitation in Lloriilu ulthotig ionic of our contoinporariea scar o think so Prohibition was lonsidctcd an itistio in tho gnbot- intoriiil contest by nil tho hinkinp mid fairminded noopl f the State tuna it wns a inisplitc- id ollort on the part of those vied to innko it an issuo For what ho may have done i lie Into campaign tho editor c PUB HKHAII claims nothing jenoml Gilehrist save that h iviko the State a good govornoi- iccording to tho promised given ersotml friendship tmturall- timulated the editor in his work nit his chief motive was gout ovoriuuont for Florida und le fools assured us ho felt durim lie entire campaign Unit wo ave Gilchrlst Our old friend Biitingor of the Icnln Star was defeated in tau lice for representative front Mn Ion county which wo ro rot for ho would have inado i of which thin whole Stat meld have been It is t- e hoped though that tho f aunty thou choice o- Ir elected a that will give consider of tho Stall durlnir his service ii ho legislative hulls at Talla Wo trust that ihoth Frank of the Ponsuco Journal will not Icavo tin tale because of the triumph o Soiioral im fined Unit ho would bi calamity to Florida W to assure him that ho wm- istakou and that wo shall liavo and nn ir Gilchrist and that he wilt be- en happier and nioro prosper is unaor ould hnvo been under Stock with us Brother ayes Florida cannot such line follow and brilliant editor DK LESLIE W 81KOIAMST- KVK HAil NOSE ANP T1IUOAT American N t Dtnkllltlf- flymte TAMPA FLORIDA Roberts Drug StorePu- nta Gorda Florida Headquarters for Pure Drugs Articles Stationery Etc Prescription Department Our Prescription Department has be come The quality of the drugs the accuracy of the compounding and the promptness filling are which have gained for us the approbation of the ONE BEAUTY Of our service is promptness You arc on when you enter the store us a visit Prices will tell you many things RunMOuc editor WIUI lion not light who of shut II limply who ution to ill 0 In n tOil II 18 YOU wm DON I It 1 I- I tiger Iho ussec EdIICeIai I believed entco F 1 pub- lic > ¬ ¬ > ALTHOUGH OUR GREAT SALE v is OVEK CAN STILL BE FOUND in our stock which is not near exhausted but on the other hnnd is well supplied with both staple goods and specialties Moderatfc means go a long way at our store If you wishto dress well at as low a cost as possible come to see us We can fit you out in almost any line Road and ponder Head Wear For Men- Of what use is a stylish suit without the top piece to correspond We have enough styles and shapes tu suit any man in Punta Gorda We carry only the most popular brands of shoes includingvW L Douglas and Clover Brand for men Qticun Quality and Clover Brand for ladies Lennox Brand for the children 9 bUlYllTiliJti r S Our line of Summer Dress Goods is S of that Cool Fluffy Goods which is v sure to please Who much in J this line If will pay you to call and see j- OUR MENS FURNISHINGS i j Every garment in this department is absolutely j correct in style fabric and finish of the very highest character and without exception the values obtainable ut our moderate prices Furnlshlngs0f AILDescriptions for Ladles Make Us a Call Cash Dry Goods Go- K L Jllgrr PUNTA CORDA FLORIDA U S WHITTAKERPU- NTA GORDA FLA STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES TOBACCO and CIGARS Best and Freshest Canned Goods constantly on hand and all first class Groceries for your rdors receive careful attention and delivery prompt You will find my prices as low as the mo call NEW FIRM A P Hutch NEW STOCK Staple and Fancy Groceries J Stick Replenished Every Week fe Fresh and Reliable OonfficUoneries and Cool Drinks Tobacco and Cigars A Share of Your Trade t Will be appreciated and our best efforts extended to you Give us a trial Jackson Building Punta Gorda Florida n m t S e 0 EJ S DRESS hnvQ so A EAI NI srI t m n t i Du ITS bles t- A p BAIJIOa MANY BARGAINS GULPS 7 great- est r a c I- c

Punta Gorda Herald. (Punta Gorda, Florida) 1908-06 … · Itlllotl Stanford NVhlto In Now Yo Suits for small boys nobby nt U 0 BlountB1 10 ... in unit about Puntn Gorda ore not in

Aug 07, 2018



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Page 1: Punta Gorda Herald. (Punta Gorda, Florida) 1908-06 … · Itlllotl Stanford NVhlto In Now Yo Suits for small boys nobby nt U 0 BlountB1 10 ... in unit about Puntn Gorda ore not in






various Tiriii lnrnortl 1rom This i

Other IldiUWlint Our Itiople

Lust Sunday wits thotho your

Oholoo aJKnrs null tobitouo at-

M KlnVQuad rnlns nro of ahu6st flatly c

ciirronoo nbvi-

Sovurulgood hones for sitlo Chen

Tho fourth of July will bo on St

unlay this your

Soo thoflo stylo nulls11 U mounts

All tlio KiirilnnB about town nrou lloiursliilfjf condition

For bloybla fixtures rind housesrout toBtrobhnr 10 tf

Stovo Motton pulil his luwnlvisit to Fort Mynrs Hint Bmulny-

Ooul oil Co n quart IDo a unlitnt H M KliiAfltf

Two years ORO today Harry Tim

Itlllotl Stanford NVhlto In Now Yo

Suits for small boys nobby

nt U 0 BlountB1 10

lion Elam 1J Carlton of WauohIn was n business visitor In our ol-

MindayIco oroiun and cool drinks of t

kinds at Hatch and JolinsonslfiLast Saturday tho fortyflr

nnnlvorsaryofthopurjliasoof Alaol

by tho nultod StatesFor stock foodof nil kinds go

LanlorB food atoro 12

J of Fort Myors bopJnvliiK tho now water nlnlus aloeMnilun avenue Monday

Food for horsos onttlo and elite

ails at Lnnlorfl nod store 42

A of orate material wi-

Iocolved horo last week for seven

of tho pluoapplo growers of Soliuu

Gotyour spring and suminor undowear at ft 0 mounts

Mr Darker who Is In sharpof tho mammoth loo plant herspout Sunday with hla family I

ArctidinFor lowest prices In stock food g

to Liuilors food storor42-Dr and Mrs Thomas of Illlnol

spent apart of last week with Go

and Mrs F A Whitney on Alllgu-

tor orookt

Latest styles In fall and whiteclothing at II 0 Wlounts-

Tlio guava bushos about town nifruit and It will soon bogl

rlpnnltiK Tho crop will oollpsthat of last your

Big life of fresh pure penny candies nt J 3 Gouts jrrocory 44

A numbor of Punta Gorcla

have already gone away summooutings and others are making propartitions togo

Purest finest candles lot rocalved yoBtorday by 11 M King

This market well supplied willGeorgia and Florid

grown which retail at from 60otpo4qt basket to 25o per dozon

Harness wagons and buggies fosale at J S stublo 8

Dr MoQuoou on Monday movoiInto the handsome residence 01

Taylor street which ho rocontljpurchased from C

Kloo lino of boys knoe pants suits

Just received ut B 0 Blounts 10

Emmett Mclvor ono of thoFish and Produce Dos

fishing Lieutenants has goneChatauooga Touri to visit roluttvos

Fon SALE CHEAP A good largeflteol range stove F S Strobhar

0 Losllo Willis returned Mondayfrom Eastman Ga whoro for imonth past lie has boon doing tintwirling act on a oraok base ballteam

Fresh lot of pur6 candies Justcolvod by Hatch and JolmsonI8tf

Mr 8 F J Trabuo wont up tcArcadia yesterday from whencewill RO In a day or two to FrankfortKy to visit his orally and other rel-

ativesFor tho latest styles In spring and

summer clothing go to K O BlountMr J H Allen who recently

moved to this town from Key Westloft on a schooner the first ot thisweek with a cargo of 160 hogs fox

that cityIs It chills or lover Planks Oiull

Tonic guaranteed to euro 26lyrE A White came up from Boon

Grando Saturday night to pay hisusual visit to his family

returned to his workTuesday morning



ton ost


l S

otognnt new nt





N Sykos

1 I

full ot


punches both




A Robinson-r



I tro-



t ho-







W wb








car lottd









yi 4




Tho trains pftho GOrtst Mn us-

gonnnil thing Uglnn mutimo those tlnyn mill ti

employees nf that toyed uru to i

oominondod for tho factwagons and r-

snlo at Golfs Olty Llvory stubleK-

Tho story of tljo lHusliliiK Troprinted on llrnt of this papo-railothorof the npoolul curies vo n

running Ilnud It and solid thopar to a friend Intho North

Country cured hunts IlnoHt III

absolutely guarantuoU

Golfs grocery It-

Tho crop of on thistho wild llgtrooB In Mi j

Gorbotts yard VIIH 11 good ono in

the birds have feasted thoio to tlfull extent of tholr nppotitos

For fresh vegetables fruits oncandlos go to It M King at tl

Commercial HouseMuster Martin Luther a nopliov

of Dr N MoQuton Is hero fru-

iFayettovllloN 0 and will roinu-lIndoflnlt6ly and attend our gradu

school during tho coming term

City livery stable safe and rollibio as well as stylish middle anbuggy horses J S Gulf proprO

Gapt W J Drisooll of Jtioksoi-

vlllo who did valuable work U-

Gon in tho recent canpatgn among tho Knightstho Grip who invaded out town tin

first of tho week

ThoGharlotto Harbor hotel J M

Bennett proprietor Is open the you

round hoard laud lodging flW piweek lOtf

Tho newly paved streets tend ronil

in unit about Puntn Gorda ore not

in condition the roeou

rains having packed tho nut urn

eonurote used In the paving and lot

a Kurd smooth surfaceGunulnu pure olive oil niiulo b

tho Los Angeles Olive Growers ABSH

station now on sate by Wiitkin

Drug Co23tfContractor J N Parkor rocontl

mot with ii painful accident wlill

building n small noose on till

Stralighnn place In Solatia by a iml

which wat stuck III the ball of on-

if his foot and beta which lio wi-

illsnblod for a week

A largo supply of pure Ciillfornn

now on baud at rcnsonablt

and in quantities to suittho Watkins Drug

rho small boys of Punta Gord-

irganlzod thonisolvos Into a host

team nod last Saturday wont

lows to fort Myers whore thojwith tine youiiKstpn

f that place winning by a score o-

lmo to nothing in ton Innings

LOST A of goldrlnimml-

pootnclos lost offw llroad dock lust

SundRY evening Finder will ho

owardod on roturnlng to C K-

illdgott or HiutALi oflloo

The local shipyards tire tho scone

if much nativity those days Many

now boats of tho smaller class are

wing constructed old ones boinu-

vorhaulod and general work being

lone preparatory for the opening of

ho fall fishing soasoii on August5thA free gift of decorated china

omprlslng n complete sot is

iado to ovory cash customer of

iort8on and Rhode grocers all

nd rot particulars 40tf

Miss Ellen Oooporlott Sunday af

ornoon for Tallalmesoo where silo

nng a solo at the wedding of anpnlnr young couple of that cityrhloh occurred tho other day

Cooper Is famous for horwherever she is known and her

rlonds hero nro delighted at thooputatlon she Is making She will-

o from Punta Gorda about a

montheach woll

icatod in residence section of Boca

rnndo Fla tho now town on thomlf of Mexlqonnd terminus of Chartto Harbor not Northern By Will-

o sold cheapen account of ill healthJno H Fnrrington Punta GordalaAn eollpso of tho sun which will-

o visible In Punta Qorda from 8001182 a m will occur on next

unday tho 28th inst People whoeslro to viow it should provide

locos of smoked glass throughhlch to look at It The oollpso will0 practically a total ono and It will3 a sight which will not bo present1 to us again for seven centuriesA race to all

riders is pulled Inon July 4th

gating over f200 arotry and other Information

Hannn 208reet Tampa


haiti lIij



trlllE put onl-

y 1



oxoolt lIt

live oillit





Miss sing-


Two Lots bylWCt


blo oletobo oft





flayed a game








fail llKUAM out C

the Gulf of Mexico before tlvotes in tho Into primary wore n

counted consequently Ito was tunt homo to join in the shoutinglint from norlhoni Mississippi I

sOlids grootlnga with thn-shoors and tv for GilchisFletcher and good fiovornmon-

tQciiGilchristsswuopiiiff victorcannot ho accepted as an intllca

of tho status of proliibltioimitation in Lloriilu ulthotigionic of our contoinporariea scaro think so Prohibition was

lonsidctcd an itistio in tho gnbot-

intoriiil contest by nil thohinkinp mid fairminded noopl

f the State tuna it wns a inisplitc-

id ollort on the part of thosevied to innko it an issuo

For what ho may have done i

lie Into campaign tho editor c

PUB HKHAII claims nothingjenoml Gilehrist save that h

iviko the State a good govornoi-iccording to tho promised givenersotml friendship tmturall-timulated the editor in his worknit his chief motive was goutovoriuuont for Florida undle fools assured us ho felt durimlie entire campaign Unit woave Gilchrlst

Our old friend Biitingor of the

Icnln Star was defeated in tau

lice for representative front Mn

Ion county which wo ro

rot for ho would have inado i

of which thin whole Statmeld have been It is t-

e hoped though that thof aunty thou choice o-

Ir elected a thatwill give consider

of tho Stalldurlnir his service ii

ho legislative hulls at Talla

Wo trust that ihothFrank of the PonsucoJournal will not Icavo tin

tale because of the triumph oSoiioral im

fined Unit ho would bi

calamity to Florida Wto assure him that ho wm-

istakou and that wo shall liavoand nn

ir Gilchrist and that he wilt be-

en happier and nioro prosperis unaorould hnvo been under Stock

with us Brotherayes Florida cannot suchline follow and brilliant editor


KVK HAil NOSE ANP T1IUOATAmerican N t Dtnkllltlf-


Roberts DrugStorePu-

nta Gorda Florida

Headquarters for PureDrugs ArticlesStationery Etc

Prescription Department

Our PrescriptionDepartment has become Thequality of the drugsthe accuracy of thecompounding and thepromptness filling

are whichhave gained for us theapprobation of the

ONE BEAUTYOf our service is

promptness You arcon when you

enter the storeus a visit Prices

will tell you manythings


editor WIUI






shut II


whoution toill






18 YOU

wm DON



1 I-


















in our stock which is not near exhausted but on

the other hnnd is well supplied with both staple

goods and specialties Moderatfc means go a long

way at our store If you wishto dress well at as

low a cost as possible come to see us We can

fit you out in almost any line Road and ponder

Head Wear For Men-Of what use is a stylish suit withoutthe top piece to correspond Wehave enough styles and shapes tu suit

any man in Punta Gorda

We carry only the most popular brands of shoesincludingvW L Douglas and Clover Brand for

men Qticun Quality and Clover Brand for ladiesLennox Brand for the children

9 bUlYllTiliJtirS Our line of Summer Dress Goods isS of that Cool Fluffy Goods which is

v sure to please Who much in

J this line If will pay you to call and see j-

OUR MENS FURNISHINGSij Every garment in this department is absolutely

j correct in style fabric and finish of the veryhighest character and without exception the

values obtainable ut our moderate prices

Furnlshlngs0f AILDescriptions for LadlesMake Us a Call

Cash Dry Goods Go-

K L Jllgrr




Best and Freshest Canned Goods constantly on handand all first class Groceries for your

rdors receive careful attention and delivery prompt You will findmy prices as low as the mo call


Staple and Fancy Groceries JStick Replenished Every Week fe

Fresh and ReliableOonfficUoneries

and Cool DrinksTobacco

and Cigars

A Share of Your Tradet

Will be appreciated and our best efforts extendedto you Give us a trial

Jackson Building Punta Gorda Florida


m t

S e 0 EJ S


hnvQ so



tm n


iDu ITS bles









