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Puma M MS Y SY Programming Manual

Aug 07, 2018



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  • 8/20/2019 Puma M MS Y SY Programming Manual



    NC Programming for PUMA Turning CentersEquipped with

    Live Tools, Sub Spindle, Y- Axis

    For PUMA Turning Centers

    200M, 200MS, 230M, 230MS, 240M, 240MS, 300M, 300MS1500Y/SY, 2000Y/SY, 2500Y/SY

  • 8/20/2019 Puma M MS Y SY Programming Manual




    ROTARY AXIS FUNCTIONS................................................................................6

    C - Axis .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

    C-axis locking function................................................................................................................................. 6

    Normal Rotary Axis Assignment for PUMA 1500, 2000, 2500 YS Models ............................................. 7

    A - Axis .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

    A-axis locking function................................................................................................................................. 8

    Switching the Rotary Axis Names by M-Code........................................................................................... 8

    Switching the Rotary Axis Clamp M-Code ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... 8

    Feed Rate Calculation for Linear Interpolation with Rotary Axis ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ... 9

    SPINDLE MODE AND ROTARY AXIS MODE COMMANDS ............................11

    Main Spindle Mode (C-Axis Disconnected) ............................................................................................. 11

    Sub Spindle Mode (C-Axis Disconnected)................................................................................................ 11

    Rotary axis mode (C-Axis or A-Axis connected) ..................................................................................... 12

    M-Codes for switching the Rotary axis Name.......................................................................................... 13

    ANGULAR POSITIONING FUNCTION FOR SPINDLES...................................14

    Spindle orientation ..................................................................................................................................... 14

    Parameter Settings related to Spindle Orientation ................................................................................. 14

    Angular spindle positioning....................................................................................................................... 14

    Angular Spindle positioning and spindle locking .................................................................................... 15


    Simplified canned cycles for hole machining with C and Z-axis.......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ....... 16

     Z-axis peck drilling, C-axis positioning ................................................................................................... 16

    Z-axis tapping ............................................................................................................................................. 16

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the Front Face of a part.................................................................. 16

    Simplified canned cycles for hole machining with the C and X-axis...................................................... 17

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      X-axis peck drilling, C-axis positioning................................................................................................... 17

    X-axis tapping............................................................................................................................................. 17

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the OD of a part............................................................................... 17


    Z-axis peck drilling on the sub spindle..................................................................................................... 18

    Z-axis tapping ............................................................................................................................................. 18

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the Face of a part using Sub Spindle positioning. ........................ 18

    X-axis peck drilling on the sub spindle..................................................................................................... 19

    X-axis tapping on the sub spindle ............................................................................................................. 19

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the OD of a part using Sub Spindle positioning. .......................... 19

    POLAR COORDINATE INTERPOLATION FUNCTION G12.1..........................20

    Principle of Operation................................................................................................................................ 20

    Layout of the X-C coordinate system........................................................................................................ 20

    Programming Notes.................................................................................................................................... 20

    Polar Coordinate Interpolation Example................................................................................................. 21

    Geometry Layout........................................................................................................................................ 21

    Cutter Compensation / Tool Offset........................................................................................................... 21

    NC Program for Sample Part.................................................................................................................... 22

    CYLINDRICAL INTERPOLATION .....................................................................23

    Principle of Operation................................................................................................................................ 23

    Layout of the Z-C Coordinate system....................................................................................................... 23

    Programming Notes.................................................................................................................................... 23

    Formula for converting the length of an arc to degrees of rotation........... ........... ........... ........... .......... . 24

    Cylindrical Interpolation Example........................................................................................................... 25

     Y-AXIS PROGRAMMING FOR PUMA TURNING CENTERS............................27

    Y - Axis Design............................................................................................................................................ 27

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    X-Y Plane Layout....................................................................................................................................... 28

    Y- Z Plane Layout ...................................................................................................................................... 29

    Notes for Y-axis operation ......................................................................................................................... 29


    Parameter Settings related to Spindle Synchronization.......................................................................... 32

    Setting the orientation angle for Spindle Synchronization ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ..... 32

    Oriented spindle synchronization command............................................................................................ 33

    Synchronized spindle stop command........................................................................................................ 33

    Non- oriented spindle synchronization command ................................................................................... 33

    Caution with G96 in Spindle Synchronization Mode......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ...... 34

    TORQUE CONTROL FUNCTIONS FOR B-AXIS ..............................................35

    Live center support with Sub Spindle....................................................................................................... 35

    Cutoff Confirmation................................................................................................................................... 36

    Sample Program1: Spindle Synchronization, Cutoff and Parts Transfer to Sub Spindle........... ........ 37

    Sample Program 2: Spindle Synchronization, Cutoff and Parts Transfer to Sub Spindle .......... ........ 38

    BAR FEED OPERATION ...................................................................................39

    M-codes used for the bar feed operation .......... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... ......... .... 39

    Bar feed sub programs............................................................................................................................... 39

    Bar Stopper (Tool for stopping the bar)................................................................................................... 39

    Top cutting the front face of a new bar .................................................................................................... 39

    End of bar-signal ........................................................................................................................................ 40

    Timer Setting (M50/M51 time-out)........................................................................................................... 40

    Inserting the bar feed command into the machining program............................................................... 40

    Bar Feed Sub Program Call ...................................................................................................................... 40

    Bar Reload Sub Program Call................................................................................................................... 40

    Program Examples for use with bar feeder ............................................................................................. 40

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    M-CODE LIST FOR DAEWOO PUMA-TURNING CENTERS............................42

    M-Codes for switching the Rotary axis Name.......................................................................................... 46

    MISCELLANEOUS PROGRAMMING INFORMATION......................................47

    G76 – THREADING CYCLE – TWO LINE FORMAT ........................................................................ 47

    Programming Examples, using the G76-Thread Cutting Cycle............................................................. 48

    G76 – THREADING CYCLE - SINGLE LINE FORMAT.................................................................... 50

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    When machining with live tools a rotary-axis allows angular positioning of thework piece between zero and 360 degrees. The CNC system converts one of thelathe spindles into a rotary axis.

    C - AxisPUMA Turing centers equipped with a turret and driven tools normally employ arotary axis, called the C-axis. The main spindle motor drives the rotary axis. Aposition-encoding device attached to the spindle provides for positioning of therotary axis at 0.001-degree resolution. Linear interpolation with the rotary axis,together with any other axis is possible. For circular interpolation between arotary axis and a linear axis, special control functions such as polar coordinateinterpolation or cylindrical interpolation is applied.

    The rotary axis is switched ON or OFF by M-codes, alternating between normalspindle operation and C-axis operation.

    Rotary Axis Mode:  M-codes M33, M34, M35 switch the C-axis, ONMain Spindle Mode: M-codes M3, M4, M5 switch the C-axis, OFFSub Spindle Mode: M-codes M103, M104, M105 switch the C-axis, OFF

    Reference Return Command: G28 H0, (or G30 H0)C-axis positioning Command:  G0 C180.000 – Absolute command, degrees

      G0 H180.000 - Incremental command, degrees

    Work offsets G54 through G59 or the coordinate system setting command G50sets the work coordinates for the rotary axis. System parameter 1240 & 1250

    sets the reference point (Home position) for the C-axis.

    Linear Interpolation command:G98 G1 C___(H___) F___ (F = degrees of rotation per minute)G99 G1 C___(H___) F___ (F = degrees of rotation per tool revolution)

    C-axis locking function

    During machining with live tools, locking of the C-axis can provide improvedstability. There are two different locking functions available:

    Low-pressure clamp M88 (Pressure is adjustable. Normal setting is ~125 PSI)X/C axis interpolation is enabled while M88 is active. Rapid positioning isdisabled.High-pressure clamp M89 (fixed at maximum hydraulic system pressure)Both, rapid positioning axis interpolation are disabled while M89 is active.

    Unlock command M90Front view of Main and Sub spindle, PUMA 2500SY

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    Normal Rotary Axis Assignment for PUMA 1500, 2000, 2500 YS Models

    The C-Axis (also referred to as C1-axis) normally assigned to the Main Spindle,on left side.

    The A-Axis (also referred to as C2-axis) normally assigned to the Sub Spindle,on right side.




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     A - Axis

    PUMA Turning centers that are equipped with a sub spindle and Y-axis include arotary axis each on the main and on the sub spindle. The rotary axis on the subspindle is assigned as the A-axis. NC programming for the A-axis is done same

    way as on the C-axis, except as noted, below.

    Reference Return Command: G28 A0, (or G30 A0)A-axis positioning Command:  G0 A180.000 (Absolute position, degrees)  No incremental command is available for A

     A-axis locking function

    Low-pressure clamp M188 (Pressure is adjustable. Normal setting~125 PSI) Axis interpolation is enabled while M88 is active. Rapid positioning is disabled.

    High-pressure clamp M189 (fixed at maximum hydraulic system pressure)

    Both, rapid positioning axis interpolation are disabled while M89 is active.

    A-axis unclamp command M190

    Switching the Rotary Axis Names by M-Code

    For programmer’s convenience, the following M-Codes are used for re-namingthe rotary axis:

    M290 This M-Code restores the normal axis name assignment, setting the C-axis on the main spindle and the A-axis on the sub spindle.

    M291 This M-Code inverts the normal axis name assignment, setting the C-axison the sub spindle and the A-axis on the main spindle.

    Switching the Rotary Axis Clamp M-Code

    M390 sets the condition so that M89 clamps the C-Axis, M189 clamps the A-axisM391 sets the condition so that M189 clamps the C-Axis. M89 clamps the A-axis.

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    Feed Rate Calculation for the Rotary Axis

    The feed rate for a rotary-axis is specified in units of angular velocity,either in degrees per minute or in degrees per tool revolution.  

    To convert the tangential feed rate on the circumference of a circle that is definedby the radius R from inches per minute (IPM) into degrees per minute (°PM), thefollowing formula is applied:

    To convert a feed rate from inches per revolution (IPR) into degrees per toolrotation (°/ REV) the formula is the same:

    The above formulas calculate the feed velocity for moving the rotary axis alone,not together with another axis.

    For example: Suppose that machining is done on the OD of a 1.5” diameter part,rotating the C-axis only. The tangential feed rate desired is 5” per minute. What isthe required feed rate in degrees per minute?

     Answer: Feed rate required=5 x 57.296 / 0.75=382 degrees per minute

    Feed Rate Calculation for Linear Interpolation with Rotary Axis

    Caution concerning the feed rate must be applied when linear interpolationbetween the rotary axis and the Z-axis is done. The tangential feed rate along thetool path becomes high when the arc length of the rotary axis move is relativelyshort in comparison to the travel distance along the Z-axis. The feed rate must bereduced, accordingly. It can be calculated as shown in the example, below.

    Example: Machining is done on the OD of a 1.5” diameter part, rotating the C-axis Angle = 30° while moving the Z-axis minus 1”, at the same time.The desired feed rate along the tool path F = 5”/minute.Calculate the feed rate to be used for the interpolation command: G1G98 H60.W-1.0 F ___?

    Steps for calculation of the tangential feed rate:

    1. Calculate the length of the 30° arc segment on the periphery of a 1.5”diameter circle: Arc length=2Rxπ/360x60=2x0.75x3.14/360x30=0.392”

    2. Calculate the length of the tool path: L= Square root of (0.392²+1²)=1.07”

    F ° per minute =F (IPM) x 57.296 / R

    F ° per revolution =F (IPR) x 57.296 / R

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    3. Calculate the time it should take for the 1.07” long cut, applying the feed rateof 5” per minute. Time = 60/5x1.07=12.84 seconds.

    4. Calculate the feed rate in degrees per minute that is required for a rotation of 30 degrees in12.8 seconds: F=30/12.8*60=141 degrees per minute.

    Or apply the following formula, where: F = feed rate in inches per minute, A= C-axis rotation angleL = Length of the tool path

    Feed rate in degrees per minute =5 x 30 / 1.07=141 degrees per minute

    Command line for above example: G1G98 H60.0 W-1.0 F141.

    F ° per minute =F (IPM) x A / L

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    For PUMA Lathes, equipped with a C-axis, the program commands as shownbelow apply. Commands are shown for turning mode and for live tool mode,


    Main Spindle Mode (C-Axis Disconnected)

    For turning operations on the main spindle, the commands as shown in the table,below are applicable. These commands may be used at the initial program start-up in Turning-Mode or when switching from Live Tool-Mode to Turning-Mode.

    Command Explanation

    M5,M3 or M4 These commands are normally used for starting or stopping the main spindle. In addition, they will

    automatically disconnect the C-axis. When the C-axishappens to be clamped, at the time unclamping will be done,automatically by these commands.

    G0 G18G40G80

    Use these G-codes at the beginning of any program segmentwhere “Canned cycles” G81through G88 or cutter compensationG41, G42 is used. G18 (X-Z Plane select, default on power up)

    G99 IPR-feed mode should always be used for turning. (G99-modeis set as default on power-up)

    G96 S__  Constant surface speed control command is used for turningonly. Not to be used for drilling, tapping, milling or threadcutting.

    G97 S__  Constant (RPM) control command. Use G97 for drilling, tappingmilling or thread cutting. (G97-mode is set as default on power-up).

    Sub Spindle Mode (C-Axis Disconnected)

    For turning operations on the sub spindle, the commands as shown in the table,below are applicable.

    Command Explanation

    M105,M103 or M104

    These commands are normally used for starting or stopping the sub spindle. In addition, they willautomatically disconnect the C-axis. When the C-axishappens to be clamped, at the time unclamping will be done,automatically by these commands.

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    Rotary axis mode (C-Axis or A-Axis connected)

    For Live Tool operations, the commands as shown in the table, below areapplicable. These commands may be used at the initial program start-up in LiveTool-Mode or when switching from Turning-Mode to Live Tool Mode.

    Command Remarks

    M35 Live tool spindle rotation-stop command and C-axis-selection.This command is used for switching from Turning-Mode toLive- Tooling Mode.The main spindle now serves as the C-axis.

    G0 G40 G80 Use these G-codes at the beginning of any program segmentwhere “Canned cycles” G81through G88 or cutter compensationG41, G42 is used.

    M90 C-axis unclamp-command. Use at the beginning of any program

    segment where C-axis clamp function (M88 or M89) is used.G28 H0 C-axis Reference-point-return command. This command should

    be used always after the C-axis has been newly activated.

    G50 C__  G50 “C “only! No other axis. This may be used to pre-set the C-axis coordinates, at the reference point, if desired.

    G97 S__M33,M34

    Constant (RPM) control command must be used always whenC-axis is active. (G97-mode is set as default on power-up).Note: The G96 command must never be used in LiveTooling Mode.

    M206  Allows simultaneous spindle rotation of more than one spindleat a time. This command is used just after sub spindle

    positioning is done. It will keep the live tool spindle running.G97 S__M119 Sub spindle positioning (when applicable)

    M33 Live tool spindle-forward rotation command. Also activates theC-axis.

    M34 Live tool spindle-reverse rotation command. Also activates theC-axis.

    M88 C-axis low pressure clamp. Use only when necessary. C-axisclamping may be required for heavy milling, drilling or broachingoperations on relatively large diameters.

    M89 C-axis high pressure clamp. Use only when necessary.

    (See above)G99 IPR-feed mode may be used for any live tool operation, except

    on machines built before 1998. (G99 set default on power-up).

    G98 IPM-feed mode may be used for any live tool operation.Preferably, the IPR (G99) feed mode should be used, if possible. For machines built before 1998, the IPM-feed modemust be applied for Live-Tooling operations.

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    M-Codes for switching the Rotary axis Name

    The table below shows special M-codes that apply for PUMA 1500SY, 2000SYand 2500SY models, only. These M-codes simplify programming by re-namingthe rotary axis name assignment and the rotary axis-axis clamp M-codes. TheseM-codes call the sub programs as registered in NC-parameter tables # 6071

    through # 6079.

    M-Code Description

    M289 Sets the C-axis clamp M-Code as M89 (normal)The A-axis clamp M-code is M189M289 Calls program O9001

    M389 Sets the C-axis clamp M-Code as M189The A-axis clamp M-code is M89(used when the C-axis is switched from the main spindle to thesub spindle)M389 Calls program O9002

    M290 Sets the normal rotary axis assignments:The C-axis is located at the main spindle.The A-axis is located at the sub spindle.M290 Calls program O9003

    M291 Inverts the rotary axis assignments:The C-axis is located at the main spindle.The A-axis is located at the sub spindle.M291Calls program O9004

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     Angular positioning function for spindles can be utilized for machining with livetools. Angular positioning is applied typically on the sub spindle for the PUMAMS-series turning centers.

    Spindle orientation

    When the spindle orientation option is provided the command M19 S0 is used for positioning the main spindle at a preset rotation angle. Spindle orientation is usedfor applications such as bar pulling of polygon shaped stock, in-feeding of polygon shaped bar material from a bar feeding device, positioning of the chuckfor loading of work pieces, etc.

    Parameter Settings related to Spindle Orientation

    Entering data at system parameter 4077 does setting of the orientation reference


    Main Spindle: #4077 S1Sub Spindle: #4077 S3

    Data range for parameter setting: zero ~ 4096, positive or negative value.One full rotation (360 degrees)=4096 units. One unit equals 0.088 degrees.(360/4096=0.088 degrees) One degree equals 11.3636 units.(4096=1000 Hexadecimal value, or 4096=Bit 12 =1 Binary value(1’0000’0000’0000)

    Caution: Parameter 4077 S2 must not be changed. This parameter sets thelive tool spindle orientation position that is critical about alignment of the drivecoupling.

     Angular spindle positioning 

    On machines where the spindle positioning option is available, positioning at aspindle rotation angle is possible in angular increments of 0.1 degrees. Thisfunction cannot do interpolation with another axis.

     Angular positioning of the main spindle

    The command for main spindle positioning is as follows:Zero-degree angle: G97 S0 M19180-degree angle: G97 S1800 M19 (multiply positioning angle by 10)

     Any angle: G97 S3599 M19 (not to exceed 3600 units)

    Once commanded, the spindle is held in position under power by the spindlemotor. The M3, M4 or M5-command cancels spindle positioning.

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    System parameter 4077 S-1 sets the reference angle for the main spindle.

     Angular positioning of the Sub spindleThe command for sub spindle positioning is as follows:

    Zero-degree angle: G97 S0 M119180-degree angle: G97 S1800 M119 (multiply positioning angle by 10) Any angle: G97 S3599 M119 (not to exceed 3600 units)

    The M103, M104 or M105-command cancels spindle positioning.

    System parameter 4077 S-3 sets the reference angle for the sub spindle.

     Angular Spindle positioning and spindle locking 

    When the spindle locking option is provided, angular positioning and locking of 

    the spindle is possible. Spindle locking is available on the sub spindle for allPUMA MS-type turning centers. Angular positioning of the sub spindle is donethe same way as described, above. However, locking of the spindle is availableat 5° intervals, only. Hence, the angular positioning command is to be done in 5-degree increments from zero (S-command in 50-unit increments).

    •  Once the spindle has been positioned at the desired angle, it can be firmlylocked by the M-code M189. The teeth of a gear attached to the spindle willbe in alignment with the hydraulically powered locking pin every 5 degrees.

    •  No M-Code is used for unlocking the spindle. Spindle positioning or 

    spindle rotation command unlocks the spindle, automatically.

    •  System parameter 4077 S3 is used for adjustment and setting the alignmentbetween the gear teeth and the locking pin.

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    Simplified canned cycles for hole machining with C and Z-axis

     Z-axis peck drilling, C-axis positioning 

    G83 C___Z___Q___ P___F___ 

    Z-axis tapping 

    G84 C___Z___F___ 

    Notes: C = C-axis position, X = X-end position, (diameter), Q = peck distance (Nodecimal point allowed with the Q. Repeat Q on each subsequent line), P = Dwell,F = Feed Rate.C-axis clamping command M89 is optional. It can be added to the cycle, asshown in the example, below.

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the Front Face of a part 

    Drill (4) Holes, diameter 0.201 on the front face equally spaced on a 1.5”Diameter circle, 0.45” deep. Peck depth is 0.125”. Clamp the C-axis duringdrilling. Tap the 4 holes, ¼-20-UN, and 0.35 deep.

    Peck Drilling Program Tapping Program (Rigid Mode)

    G0G40G80G99 G0G40G80G99

    M90 M90

    M35 M35

    G28 H0 G28 H0

    T0707 T0808

    G97S2500M33 G0C0Z.5

    G0C0Z.5 X1.5 M8

    X1.5 M8 Z.1

    Z.1 G97S1000M29

    G83C0Z-.45.Q1250F.005M89 G84C0Z-.35F.05M89

    C90.Q1250M89 C90. M89

    C180.Q1250M89 C180. M89

    C270.Q1250M89 C270.M89

    G0G80Z.5M90 G0G80Z.5M90

    X8.Z4.M35 X8.Z4.M35

    M1 M1

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    Simplified canned cycles for hole machining with the C and X-axis

     X-axis peck drilling, C-axis positioning 

    G87 C___X___Q___ P___F___ 

     X-axis tapping 

    G88 C___X___F___ 

    Notes: C = C-axis position, Z = Z-end position, Q = peck distance (No decimalpoint allowed with the Q. Repeat Q on each subsequent line), P = Dwell, F =

    Feed Rate.C-axis clamping command M89 is optional. It can be added to the cycle, asshown in the example, below.

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the OD of a part 

    Drill (4) Holes, diameter 0.201, located at Z (minus)-0.5”. Holes equally spacedaround a 2” OD. Drill through into the 1.5” diameter bore. Peck depth is 0.125”.Clamp the C-axis during drilling. Tap the (4) holes ¼-20-UN, 0.35 deep from theOD.

    Peck Drilling Program Tapping Program (Rigid Mode)G0G40G80G99 G0G40G80G99

    M90 M90

    M35 M35

    G28 H0 G28 H0

    T0909 T1010

    G97S2500M33 G0C0Z.5

    G0C0Z.5 X2.25 M8

    X2.15 M8 Z-.5

    Z-.5 G97S1000M29

    G87X1.3C0Q1250F.005M89 G88X1.3C0F.05M89

    C90.Q1250M89 C90. M89C180.Q1250M89 C180. M89

    C270.Q1250M89 C270.M89

    G0G80X2.15 G0G80X2.2

    Z.5 Z.5

    X8.Z4.M35 X8.Z4.M35

    M1 M1

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    The canned cycles shown below can be applied for drilling and tappingoperations on the sub spindle on PUMA-MS type machines. Angular spindlepositioning is applied.

    Z-axis peck drilling on the sub spindle

    G83 Z___Q___ P___F___ 

    Z-axis tapping 

    G84 Z___F___ 

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the Faceof a part using Sub Spindle positioning.

    Drill (4) Holes, diameter 0.201 on the face equally spaced on a 1.5” Diameter circle, 0.45” deep. Peck depth is 0.125”. Clamp the C-axis during drilling. Tapholes ¼-20-UN, 0.35 deep.

    Peck Drilling Program Tapping Program (Rigid Mode)G0G40G80G98 G0G40G80G98M35 M35T0707 T0808G97S2500M33 G0Z.-5M206 X1.5 M8G0Z-.5 Z.-1X1.5 M8 S0M119Z.-1 M98P1235S0M119 S900M119M98P1234 M98P1235S900M119 S1800M119M98P1234 M98P1235S1800M119 S2700M119M98P1234 M98P1235S2700M119 G0G80 Z-.5G0G80 Z-.5 X8.Z4.M35



    O1234 M189G98M189G98 G97S1000M29G83Z.45Q1250F12.5 G84Z.45F50.G80Z-.1 G80Z-.1M99 M99

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    The canned cycles shown below can be applied for drilling and tappingoperations on the sub spindle on PUMA-MS type machines. Angular spindlepositioning is applied.

     X-axis peck drilling on the sub spindle

    G87 X___Q___ P___F___ 

     X-axis tapping on the sub spindle

    G88 X___F___ 

    Example: Drilling and Tapping on the OD of a part using Sub Spindle positioning.

    Drill (4) Holes, diameter 0.201, located at Z 0.5”. Holes equally spaced around a2” OD. Drill through into the 1.5” diameter bore. Peck depth is 0.125”. Clamp theC-axis during drilling. Tap the (4) holes ¼-20-UN, 0.35 deep from the OD.

    Peck Drilling Program Tapping Program (Rigid Mode)G0G40G80G98 G0G40G80G98M35 M35T0707 T0808G97S2500M33 G0Z-.1M206 X2.25 M8G0Z-.1 Z.5X2.15 M8 S0M119

    Z.5 M98P1235S0M119 S900M119

    M98P1234 M98P1235S900M119 S1800M119M98P1234 M98P1235S1800M119 S2700M119M98P1234 M98P1235S2700M119 G0G80 Z-.5G0G80 Z-.5 X8.Z4.M35



    O1234 M189G90M189G98 G97S1000M29

    G87x1.3Q1250F12.5 G88x1.3F50.G80Z-.1 G80Z-.1M99 M99

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    Principle of Operation

    The polar coordinate interpolation function “G12.1” simplifies programming of 

    linear and circular interpolation between the X-axis and a rotary axis.Programming is done using Cartesian coordinates that are converted into polar coordinates by the control.

    Layout of the X-C coordinate system

    Programming Notes

    •  G12.1 activates the polar coordinate interpolation function. In this mode, therotary axis “C” is programmed the same way as if it were a linear axis. Inputof degree-units is no longer valid for the C-axis at this time.

    •  G13.1 cancels the polar coordinate interpolation function, restoring the rotaryaxis function back to degree-input.

    •  In G12.1-mode, a coordinate along the horizontal axis “X” is expressed as adiameter  (twice the actual distance from origin). A coordinate along the

    vertical axis “C” is expressed as the actual, linear distance from origin.•  The origin (zero point) of the X-C coordinate system is fixed at the center 

    point of the rotary axis. The origin cannot be changed.

    •  Syntax for Linear Interpolation command: G1 X__C__F__ 

    •  Syntax for Circular Interpolation command:

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    G2 (G3) X__C__R__(I__) (J__) F__ 

    •  Programming of arcs is done the normal way. Letters “I” and or “J”, or letter “R” is used for arc specification.

    •  Z-axis moves must be commanded in a block separately from X-C moves.

    •  Cutter radius compensation commands (G40, G41 and G42) must be

    commanded during G12.1-mode only.•  The cutter radius as registered under “R” on the tool-offset tables is applied

    for cutter radius compensation automatically.

    •  The letter D for cutter radius compensation is not used.

    •  The tool-vector “T” at the tool-offset tables is set at zero when a milling cutter is used.

    •  Positioning command “G0” is not allowed in “G12.1-mode

    •  Plane select command G18 is used in G12.1-mode. Parameters #5460 &#5461 set the interpolation axis names for polar coordinate interpolation.

    Polar Coordinate Interpolation Example

    The sketch, above shows two flat surfaces to be milled onto a 1.232” outsidediameter. The flat surfaces start at the front-face (Z0), ending at Z-0.625”.

     A ¾”-diameter end mill is to be used for cutting the flats. Points 1 through 6describe the tool path. The coordinates X1.950, C0.5339 represent the start pointof the tool path.

    Geometry Layout 

    •  When preparing a layout for the tool path geometry, it is advisable to start thetool path on the positive side of the X-axis. The negative side of X as a startpoint should be avoided. This is due to the limited travel of the X-axis on thenegative side.

    •  A NC program for polar coordinate interpolation may include negative X-coordinates. The X-axis will not actually travel to the negative side of X0.Instead, the part is rotated around.

    •  In the example shown, no cutting is done on the 1.025-arc between points 3and 4. The arc has been added, so that both “flats” can be machined in acontinuous path. Since the arc is not actually machined, a high feed rate isapplied going around the arc.

    Cutter Compensation / Tool Offset 

    The sketch, above shows the dimensions for the tool-center path. In theory,cutter compensation might not be needed, in this case. However, it isadvantageous to apply the cutter compensation function, regardless. Cutter compensation allows the operator to control the size of the entities machined bychanging the “R”-value of the tool offset.

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    •  A ramp-on-move must be programmed, together with the cutter compensation command G41 or G40. A line perpendicular to the flat is tobe constructed for the ramp-on move.

    Ramp-on Distance=0.1” when the tool center path is programmed.

    Ramp-on Distance=0.1” plus cutter radius, when the part geometry onlyis programmed.

    •  A ramp-off-move is required for cancellation of the cutter compensation,G40. A line in the same amount as shown, above, perpendicular away fromthe flat is to be programmed.

    •  In polar coordinate interpolation, size control cannot be achieved byadjusting the X-axis tool offset. Adjusting the R-value for the cutter compensation does size control.The X-axis offset represents the diametrical distance between the x-axisorigin and the cutter center position. This offset value is usually zero, in caseof a standard axial milling attachment. Once it is set correctly, the value must

    not be changed.•  Faulty tool offset data or faulty coordinate data may result in concave or 

    convex shapes, instead of straight, linear shapes.

    NC Program for Sample Part 

    (Note: The “R”-offset for this tool is set = 0 prior to cutting the part. After checking the part size, adjust “R” plus or minus, as needed for size control)


    G30 U0 W0G28 H0T0808 (3/4” DIA. CUTTER)G97 S2000 M33G0Z.1 C0 M8X2.1G12.1G1 G98 X1.950 C.5339 F60. (Point 1)G1 Z-0.625 F10.G1 G41 X1.750 F7. (Point 2)G1 C-.5339 (Point 3)

    G2 X-1.75 R1.025 F60. (Point 4) (No cutting is done on the arc)G1 C.5339 F7. (Point 5)G1 G40 X-1.950 F60. (Point 6)G13.1G99 G0 X2.5Z.1 M35G30 U0 W0. M9M1

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    Principle of Operation

    The cylindrical interpolation function “G7.1” allows circular interpolation betweenthe Z-axis and a rotary axis. Programming is done using Cartesian coordinates

    for the Z-axis and degrees of rotation for the rotary axis. Arc specifications aregiven in units of linear measurement. Typical applications for this function includeengraving operation for lettering or for milling of cam shapes on thecircumference of a cylinder.

    Layout of the Z-C Coordinate system

    The sketch below shows the Z-C coordinate system.

    Programming Notes

    •  Plane Select Command: G18

    •  G7.1H < 0 or G7.1 C < 0 activates the cylindrical interpolation function. An H-value or a C-value greater than zero specifies the radius of the cylinder to bemachined.

    For example: Cylindrical interpolation mode is set by this command:G1 G18 W0 H0 followed by G7.1 H0.75 in separate block.

    •  G7.1 H0 or G7.1 C0 cancels the cylindrical interpolation function.

    •  Z-coordinates specify absolute dimensions parallel to the length of thecylinder. The letter “W” can be used for incremental specification along the Z-axis.

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    C º = L / D x 114.59156°

    C º = L / R x 57.29578°

    •  C- axis rotation is specified as an absolute angle in degrees. The letter “H”for incremental angle specification can be used, instead.

    •  X-coordinates specify absolute dimensions on the OD of the cylinder. Theletter “U” can be used for incremental specification along the X-axis.

    •  Positioning G0 cannot be done when cylindrical interpolation mode is active.

    •  Linear interpolation G1 is possible with all three axes, simultaneously.

    •  Circular interpolation (G2, G3) between Z-linear coordinates and C- angular coordinates is performed automatically by the control using the G7.1-function.Circular interpolation between X and C axis cannot be done.

    •  Arc radius specification. The letter “R” must be used for arc specifications.Letters I J or K cannot specify an arc radius in cylindrical interpolation.

    •  Cutter Radius Compensation Functions (G40, G41and G42) can beapplied. The cutter radius as registered under “R” on the tool-offset tables isapplied for cutter radius compensation automatically.

    •  Tool path: For programming purposes, the surface on the circumference of acylinder is laid out in the shape of a rectangle whose length is equal to thecylinder diameter times pi. The height equals the height of the cylinder. Thetool path is then projected onto this rectangle. Horizontal dimensions are tobe converted from linear to angular C axis coordinates. The Vertical

    dimensions represent Z-axis coordinates. The zero point of the coordinatesystem can be decided at an arbitrary location.

    Formula for converting the length of an arc to degrees of rotation

    The use of RADIANS can simplify conversion from linear units to degree-units.To convert the length of an arc for a segment of a circle into degrees of rotation,the following formula is applied:

    C = Degrees of rotation, L = linear distance

    R = radius of the circle, 57.29578° = oneradian.

    When diameter “D” is used to define thecircle, use this formula:114.59156° = two radians.

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    Cylindrical Interpolation Example

    The letters “J and R” to be engraved around the OD of a 2.9”-diameter part,using cylindrical interpolation-function G7.1 A 1/32-radius ball-nose end mill isused for engraving the letters. In order to define the tool path, coordinates X, C

    and Z for every point on the entities are required.

    Layout of tool pathIn order to simplify programming the cylindrical surface of the part to bemachined is represented in form of a flat sheet that measures the equivalent of the part’s circumference vertically and the part’s length in horizontal direction.Orientation of the part is the same as viewed looking down from the operator’sside of the machine when the part is clamped in the chuck.

    Converting linear coordinates to degrees of rotation

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    For the sample part at hand the factor for converting linear units into degrees iscalculated as follows: 1 / 2.9 x 114.59156 = 39.514331º per 1” of linear distance

    The table below shows the start-points and end-points for the lettering

    X Z C

    Start point of letter J 2.9 - 0.7 0.4 * 39.5143 = 15.806º

    End point of letter J 2.9 -.45 15.806

    Start point of letter R 2.9 -0.3 -0.1 * 39.5143 = -3.951º

    End point of letter R 2.9 -.3 -0.4 * 39.5143 = -15.806º


    G0G80G40G18M35G7.1H0G28H0T1111G97M33S4000G0Z-.7G0X3.1.C15.806 M8G1G98G18W0H0G7.1H1.45X2.9F5.C3.951Z-.45G3Z-.45C15.805R.15G1X3.5F200.Z-.3C-3.951G1X2.9F5.Z-.7C-10.8664G3Z-.45C-10.866R.125G1C-3.9514C-10.866G1Z-.3C-15.8057G1X3.1F200.G7.1H0G30U0M35G30W0M1

    C º = L x 39.5143º

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    Instructions shown here apply for PUMA CNC Turning Centers, series 1500Y,2000Y and 2500 Y or SY with FANUC-control models 18i -T.

    Y - Axis Design

    In theory, the Y-axis on a Turning Center runs perpendicular to the X and the Z-axis. Machining on three planes is possible by use of live tools. On the machinemodels as listed, above, the Y-axis virtually runs on a 30-degree angle to the X-axis. This design allows for compact construction and improved stability. WhenY-axis movement is commanded, both the X-axis and the Y-axis are movingautomatically synchronized so that the resultant tool path of the Y-axis isperpendicular to the X-axis.

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     X-Y Plane Layout 


    Travel on the negative side of the X-axis is restricted due to limitation of the X-axis stroke. The X-axis will let the cutter center travel approximately 2 inchesmaximum, radially past the spindle center. However, the interference betweenthe turret body and the sub spindle body varies, depending on the position of theZ and B-axis. The safe maximum travel past center is only 0.1 inch, radially.

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    Y- Z Plane Layout 


    Part Layout for programming purpose is done, looking at the part from the backof the cutter, not from the front of the machine. Positioning of the cutter in axialdirection is done by the X-axis. Dimensions specified on diamter.

    Notes for Y-axis operation

    •  During manual Zero-return mode the Y-axis first then the X-axis must be“homed”, independently in this order.

    •  The rotary axis must be active in order to command Y-axis operation inautomatic mode or in MDI-mode. M-codes M33, M34, M35 switch the

    rotary axis ON, allowing Y-axis operation in automatic mode or in MDI-mode.

    •  During machining operations with non-rotating tools, the Y-axis mustremain “parked” at its home position. M-codes M3, M4, M5, M103, M104,M105 switch the rotary-axis OFF, prohibiting commands for Y-axismovement.

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    •  Reference Return Command for Y-axis: G28 V0, (or G30 V0)

    •   Y-axis positioning Command:  G0 Y___  (+/-) Absolute command  G0 V___  (+/-) Incremental command

    •  The zero point for the Y axis can be shifted by work offsets G54 throughG59 or by coordinate system setting command G50.

    •  Plane select command G17 allows circular interpolation between the Xand Y-axis. Due to limitation of the X-axis movement at negativecoordinates, please pay attention, avoiding collision that may occur between the turret and sub spindle body.

    •  Plane select command G18 (default on power up) allows circular 

    interpolation between the X and the Z-axis.

    •  Plane select command G19 allows circular interpolation between the Yand the Z-axis

    •  Helical interpolation between Y and Z-axis with the X-axis used for theaxial dimension of the helix is possible when the “3-D HelicalInterpolation Option” is available on the system.

    •  Diameter programming is used. All X-coordinates are “on diameter”.

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    Transferring a work piece from one spindle to the other is done with the B-axisthat transports the sub spindle. Moving the sub-spindle onto the main spindle

    allows “handing-over” the work piece from one spindle to the other. Normally,machining is done on the main spindle at first then the part is transferred to thesub spindle for additional machining to be done on the back-end of the part.

    The following aspects need to be considered for work transfer operations:

    •  Chucking equipment on the sub-spindle.The sub-spindle that normally serves as the “Receiver” of the transferred partuses either a three-jaw chuck or a True-Length type collet chuck. No axialmovement of the collet must occur while closing the chuck, such as is thecase with a standard collet chuck. The use of compactly designed collet

    chucks is preferred. For example: Type 3-J DL, with reduced collet nosediameter is best. Larger chucks cause interference with turret and cuttingtools during parts transfer.

    •  Chucking equipment on the main-spindle.The main-spindle can use either a three-jaw chuck or a standard colletchuck, for most applications. The use of compactly designed collet chucks ispreferred. For applications that employ the sub spindle for advancing(“pulling”) of bar stock, either a three-jaw chuck or a True-Length type colletchuck is required.

    •  Non oriented, synchronized spindle rotation.This feature allows synchronizing the spindle rotation with both spindlesengaged on the work piece at the same time. Synchronization can be donefrom spindle stopped condition. Both spindles operate in unison, at preciselysynchronized rotation. This type of synchronization is applied typically for turning of long shafts that are clamped by the chucks at each end.

     Alternatively, it can be used for cutting off a part from the bar stock thentransferring it to the sub spindle. Timing or orientation between the twospindles in this case is at random. (See details for parameter settings, below)

    •  Oriented and synchronized spindle rotation.

    Synchronization of the spindle rotation angle on each spindle is done beforecommencement of synchronized rotation. This function establishes andmaintains the rotation angle relationship between entities machinedseparately on the main spindle and on the sub spindle. The condition for using this feature is that only one spindle is connected to the work piece. Thechuck on the other spindle needs to be opened, before synchronization canoccur. (See details for parameter settings, below)

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    •  B-axis torque control functions.a) B-axis torque skip function. This function allows seating of the sub spindle

    chuck in axial direction firmly against the work piece to be transferred,before closing the chuck.

    b) Cutoff confirmation. B-axis torque control function is used for checking the

    actual separation between work piece and bar stock after cutoff.

    Parameter Settings related to Spindle Synchronization

    a) Setting the data of keep relay K0, bit 0 decides the type of spindlesynchronization that is performed.Non-oriented spindle synchronization: K0.0 = 1Oriented spindle synchronization: K0.0 = 0

    b) Phase synchronization angle (orientation) is shifted by following system

    parameters:Main Spindle: System parameter #4034-S1Sub Spindle: System parameter #4034-S3

    Data range for parameter setting: zero ~ 4096, positive or negative value.One full rotation (360 degrees)=4096 units. One unit equals 0.088 degrees.(360/4096=0.088 degrees) One degree equals 11.3636 units.

    Setting the orientation angle for Spindle Synchronization

    When a part is to be transferred from the main to the sub spindle, precisealignment with the jaws or collet chuck on the sub spindle may be required. For example: when gripping on a polygon shape with the sub-spindle chuck, thefollowing procedure is used for checking and setting the synchronized orientationposition.

    1. Set keep relay 0.0=02. In handle mode, move the B-Axis with the sub spindle chuck as close to the

    face of the part. Both spindles must be allowed to rotate freely, withouttouching the part.

    3. Execute following commands, either in MDI-mode or Auto-mode, single block:

    M131 -Sub Spindle Chuck interlock bypass commandM169 -opens the sub spindle chuckG97 S0 M203 -synchronizes orientation on both spindles by rotating

    each of the spindles at their respective orientationposition, as set by parameter #4034. Both spindles arenow locked in position by the spindle motor.

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    4. At this time, the synchronized orientation position can be checked. Alignmenterror is measured by use of the C-axis position display.

    5. Set “Origin” to“H”, on the “Relative” position display for the C-axis.6. Switch to handle mode. The motor releases both spindles at this time. Do not

    touch or move the spindles. Activate the C-axis mode by pushing the C-axis

    button on the operation panel.7. Find the angular mismatch between jaws and the work piece by rotating theC-axis until the sub spindle jaw lines up with the part.

    8. Adjust data setting on parameter #4034, accordingly. Repeat steps 2 to 8 untilperfect alignment is established.

    Oriented spindle synchronization command 

    •  Set Keep Relay 0.0 =zero.

    •  The jaws or collet of one of the two chucks must be opened before thespindle synchronization command. This will allow each spindle to performorientation, independently, without being connected to each other by the work


    The following series of commands are used in the order as shown whensynchronizing the spindles:

    M131 Sub Spindle Chuck interlock bypass commandM169 opens the sub spindle chuckG97 S1000 M203 (M204) Synchronizes spindles at 1000 RPM with

    simultaneous acceleration or deceleration.

    Synchronized spindle stop command 

    When both spindles are running in synchronized mode, it is possible to do asynchronized stop. Both spindles come to a stop, synchronously. Thesynchronized spindle stop command is used only when both spindles areengaged with the work piece.

    M205 Synchronized stop command

    Non- oriented spindle synchronization command 

    Set Keep Relay 0.0=1

    Keep relay is set 1for applications where machined entities on each spindle haveno relationship concerning rotation angle to each other. Synchronizationcommand is possible with both chucks engaged with the work piece.

    G97 S1000 M203 (M204) Synchronizes spindles at 1000 RPM withsimultaneous acceleration or deceleration.

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    Caution with G96 in Spindle Synchronization Mode

    The G96-command may cause erratic acceleration or deceleration whenmachining is done on relatively small work diameter. This is typically the caseduring cutoff operation where the cutoff tool is moved to X0. Consequently,

    slippage between the sub spindle chuck and the work piece may occur, whenboth chucks are engaged with the work piece. Slippage causes error in angular relationship between entities that are machined on each spindle separately.

    It is best to do the cutoff operation as follows:

    1. Position the cutoff tool a little above the bar stock diameter with the Z-axis atthe correct position for cutting off.

    2. Start-up the main-spindle in G96-mode and move the B-axis close to the part.3. Cut a groove to the smallest possible part diameter, leaving enough material

    so that the part will not break away from the bar stock. At the bottom of the

    groove, slightly retract the tool. (“U0.01)4. Synchronize both spindles in G97-mode at the desired RPM. Then gripping

    the part with the sub spindle, completing the cutoff operation.

    For reliable operation in spindle synchronization mode, the spindle speed shouldbe kept between 60 and 2500 RPM.

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    Torque Control Functions for B-axis

    The table below shows special G-codes that apply for PUMA 1500SY, 2000SYand 2500SY models, only. These G-codes command B-axis torque control

    functions. G-codes call the sub programs as registered in NC-parameter tables #6050 through # 6059.

    Live center support with Sub Spindle

    G-Code Description

    G300 Live-Center Support with B-axis “ON”G300 Calls program O9010

    Program Example:

     Attach a suitable work support device to the sub spindle, such as a live-center. Then insert the following commands into the program:1. G0 B___ ---Position the B-axis within 0.1” to 0.2”, clear of the end of 

    the work-piece that is to be supported. Synchronize the spindle RPMfor main and sub spindle, if desired.

    2. G300 B-200. –G300 calls the sub program. The “B”-command setsthe torque for the B-axis. “B-200.” Means 20% of the available torqueapplied on the B-axis in “minus” direction. The B-axis nowcommences to move in negative direction, pushing the live center onto the work, applying the specified torque.

    3. X__Z__ Start the machining operation with live center in place.

    4. G301 --G301 Calls the sub program O901, canceling the torquecontrol mode. This command is required before positioning the B-axis.

    G301 Center Support “OFF” (cancel)G301 Calls program O9011, canceling the torque control function.

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    Cutoff Confirmation

    G-Code Description

    G350 Cutoff confirmation

    G350 Calls program O9011Use the cutoff confirmation command for cutoff operation in combinationwith work piece transfer from main to sub spindle only.

    Program Example:Upon separation of the work-piece from the bar stock, retract the cutoff tool with the X-axis, so that the tool clears the OD of the bar stock. Now,insert the following commands into the program:

    1. G350----Calls the sub program O9012. The B-axis will now attemptto close the gap that exists between the bar stock and the work

    piece, automatically. When the movement of the B-axis is less than0.04”, an alarm occurs, signaling that the work piece has not beenseparated from the bar stock. When the movement is greater than0.04, no alarm will occur.

    2. G4 U0.5---A dwell time of 0.5 seconds is required.3. G0 B___  Positioning command, clearing the sub spindle out of the


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    Sample Program1: Spindle Synchronization, Cutoff and Parts Transfer toSub Spindle

    Program includes torque-skip function.

    N1400( CUTOFF & TRANSFER)G0G40G80G99

    G50S3000M31 M31= main spindle interlock bypass

    G53 B0M131 M131=sub spindle interlock bypass



    M169 M169=open sub spindle Chuck

    G97S1000M203 M203= spindle synchronization-command

    G0X3.Z-2.250S1500 Positioning the cutoff tool at cutoff position

    G0B-15.2 S2000 Step up rpm & bring sub chuck to within 0.1”to face of part

    M86 Torque Skip data settingG31G98B-15.8 0 F30. Command the B-axis to move by 0.1” past the

    point where the shoulder on the chuckbottoms out on the face of the part.

    G99M168 M168= close sub chuck

    M87 Torque Skip data setting cancel

    G0X2.1M8 Final approach with cutoff tool

    G1X0 F.002 Cutoff  

    Part in sub spindle is now separated from bar stock. Sub spindle axial pressure releases,pushing slightly against cutoff tool.

    M5 Stop main spindle. This twist-off anyremaining material

    G0B-3.5 Retract sub spindle

    G0X3.M9 Retract cutoff tool


    M105 Stop sub spindle


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    Sample Program 2: Spindle Synchronization, Cutoff and Parts Transfer toSub Spindle

    Program includes torque-skip function, pickup position check and cutoff 

    confirmation G350.





    G30W0M131 Interlock bypass


    G0Z-2.895M114 Move Z at cutoff positionClean sub spindle chuck

    G97S1275M3X2.1 Start main spindle, move X to part

    X1.2G0B-14.986(1-INCH CLR.OF FACE) Move B close to part

    G96S400M8 CSS & coolant on

    G1G99X.25F.002 Pre-cutoff  

    U.02 Tool release

    G97S1500M169 Fixed spindle rpm

    M203 Synchronize spindles


    G0B-17.386(.1CLR) B within 0.1” clear of shoulder  

    M86 Torque skip on

    G31G98P99B-17.9F5. (B-17.811) B to to skip position

    G99M87 Torque skip off WHILE[#5104NE0]DO1 Wait until B quits moving


    #100=0 Set alarm flag at zero

    #524=#5024 Store the current machine Coordinatesof the B-axis.

    #525=#524+17.811 Calculate the difference between actualand theoretical pickup position.

    #525=ABS[#525] Make it a positive number 

    IF[#525GT0.005]GOTO205 Check the tolerance. Skip to N205 if not in tolerance. If within tolerance, donext line.

    M168 Close the sub chuck


    G1G99X-.01F.002 Cutoff all the way

    X2.1F.01 Feed the tool back out (B-axis mayexert pressure onto the tool)

    G0X4. Clear the tool away from stock

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    B axis attempts to close the gap left bythe cutoff tool. If it cannot move at least0.05”, alarm occurs.

    G4U.5 Must have dwell command here

    GOTO206 Skip the alarm flagN205#100=1 Set the alarm flag

    N206G53B0M105 Retract B axis

    G30U0M9 Retract X

    G30W0M5 Retract Z, main spindle off  

    IF[#100NE1]GOTO208 If alarm flag not set, skip to N208

    #3000=1(PICKUP N0 GOOD)  Alarm condition. #525 shows thedeviation from the expected pickupposition


    Bar Feed Operation

    M-codes used for the bar feed operation

    M5 Stop the spindleM9 Stop the coolantM31 Chuck interlock bypass (allows operation in auto mode with chuck open)M69 Open the chuckM50 (M51) Bar-push command (M50 or M51 depending on wiring connections)M68 Close the chuck

    Bar feed sub programs

    Using separate sub-programs that contain all the necessary commands for thebar feed operation is recommended. (See sample programs O7000 and O7001shown below)

    Bar Stopper (Tool for stopping the bar)

    When a SERVO-type bar feeder is at hand, ordinarily no bar stopper is required.

    However, in some cases the user may choose to use a bar-stopper anyway for improved accuracy and reliability. When a bar stopper is used, the bar-feedprogram needs to be modified, accordingly.

    Top cutting the front face of a new bar 

    The front end-face of a new bar in some cases may have to be cutoff or machined separately from the normal machining operation. In this case, the topcutting can be included in the bar-reload sub program if desired.

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    End of bar-signal 

    The bar feeder sends a signal to the NC at the time when there is not enoughmaterial left for the next bar-advance. The bar-end signal operates the Block-Skip Switch “/ 2” on the NC. This feature allows the NC to distinguish betweennormal bar feed out and bar reload operation. When M50 is commanded at the

    time the bar-end signal is “ON” the bar feeder ejects the remnant material first,then automatically loads a new bar. The bar stopper must not block the front of the spindle at this time.

    Timer Setting (M50/M51 time-out)

    Timer T32 in the PMC-Parameters sets the time-out for the M50 & M51 function.Standard setting is 20 seconds. When the bar feed out or bar reload, timeexceeds the set time an alarm occurs.

    Inserting the bar feed command into the machining program

    In a bar-machining program, the bar feeding operation is done typically after all

    machining operations have been completed. The bar feed command is normallyinserted into the machining program near the bottom.

    Bar Feed Sub Program Call 

    N7000 M98 P7000 (Bar feed sub program call.) Insert this command near thebottom the machining program.

    Bar Reload Sub Program Call 

     /2M98 P7001 (Bar reload sub program call.) This command is needed only for applications where a bar-stopper is used or when top cutting is done. Insert thiscommand into the bar feed sub program O7000.

    Program Examples for use with bar feeder 

    Example 1: Bar Feed Sub Program, for use without bar stopper or without topcutting.

    O7000 (Bar Feed)M5 (Spindle stop)M9 (Coolant off)M31 (Chuck Interlock-bypass command)M69  (Open chuck)

    M50 (M51) (Bar-push command)M68  (Close chuck)M99 (Return to Main Program)

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    Example 2: Bar Feed Sub Programs, for use with bar stopper, without top cutting.

    O7000 (Bar Feed with bar stopper) O7001 (Bar Reload)M5  (Spindle stop) M50(M51)M9 (Coolant off) M68

    T0707 (Bar stopper) M99M31  (Chuck interlock-bypasscommand)M69 (Open chuck)

     /2 M98 P7001 (If bar-end, go to reload program)G0 *Z1. (Positioning Z)X0 (Positioning X)G1G98 *Z0.02 *F100. (Feed to bar stop position)M50(M51)  (Bar-push command)M68 (Close chuck)G0 W1.  (Retract Z)

    *X6.  (Retract X)M99 (Return to Main Program)

    *Note* Please modify the Z-coordinates and feed rate shown above to suit theapplication.

    Example 2: Bar Feed Sub Programs, for use with bar stopper, with top cutting.

    O7000 (Bar Feed with bar stopper) O7001 (Reload & top cut)M5 (Spindle stop) M50(M51)M9 (Coolant off) M68M31 (Chuck interlock-bypasscommand)


    M69 (Open chuck) T0505 (Cutoff tool)/2 M98 P7001 (If bar-end, go to reload program) G96 S500 M3T0707 (Bar stopper) G0 Z-.5 M8G0 *Z1. (Positioning Z) X1.1X0 (Positioning X) G1 G99 X-.02 F.002G1G98 *Z0.02 *F100. (Feed to bar stop position) G0 X6. M9M50(M51) (Bar-push command) Z1. M5M68 (Close chuck) M99G0 G99 W1. (Retract Z)X6. (Retract X)M99 (Return to Main Program)

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    M-Code List for DAEWOO PUMA-Turning Centers

    The table below shows M-codes that apply for most PUMA modelsmanufactured from year 1998 and up. Gantry-loader models are notincluded in this list. Actual availability of the M-codes as shown may vary,

    depending on machine type and optional equipment furnished.In order to verify the existence of an M-code within the PMC; please use thesearch-function in the PMC-Ladder. Press “Search” then key-in the M-codethen press “Search”, again. When the function is not present, the message:“Symbol not found” is displayed. Please note that some of the M-codesthat exist in the PMC will not work unless the necessary peripheral devicesor Control Option for a specific M-function has been installed.

    Note for programming of M-Codes: In a NC program, one M-code only is allowedper block. An M-code can be specified on the same block, together with other NC-commands.

    Feature Code: S= Standard M-code for all machinesB= Standard M-code for Machines with B-axis & Sub SpindleC= Standard M-code for Machines with C-axisY= Standard M-code for Machines with Y-axis

     Option = Peripheral device and or Control Option is required

    ** M-Codes with same number but different function, or for different machine type

    M-Code Description Feature

    M00 Program Stop S

    M1 Optional Stop SM2 Program Reset or Rewind and Reset SM3 Main Spindle Forward SM4 Main Spindle Reverse SM5 Main Spindle Stop SM7 High Pressure Coolant OptionM8 Flood Coolant On SM9 Coolant Off SM10 Parts Catcher Advance OptionM11 Parts Catcher Retract OptionM13 Turret Air Blow OptionM14 Main Spindle Air Blow ON BM15 Main Spindle Air Blow OFF BM17 Machine Lock ON SM18 Machine Lock OFF S

    **M19 Main Spindle Orientation S**M19 360° Spindle Positioning, Spindle Indexing using S-

    command, 0.1° increment. G97S1800M119=180°Option

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    M-Code Description Feature

    Indexing command (FANUC Control Option RequiredM20 Loader-Call, Robot Call OptionM21 Optional Block Skip ON YM22 Optional Block Skip Cancel Y

    M24 Chip Conveyor Run OptionM25 Chip Conveyor Stop OptionM26 Hydraulic Tool Advance OptionM27 Hydraulic Tool Retract OptionM28 Polygon Mode ON (FANUC Control Option Required) C

    **M29 Rigid Tapping, Main Spindle rotation (Option)**M29 Rigid Tapping, Live Tool Spindle rotation C**M29 Rigid Tapping, Sub Spindle rotation BM30 Program End With Rewind and reset SM31 Interlock by-pass (Cycle operation with main chuck in

    open condition or Tailstock advance / retract withspindle running)


    M33 Live Tool-Spindle Forward Rotation CM34 Live Tool-Spindle Reverse Rotation CM35 Live Tool-Spindle Stop CM36 Steady Rest Base Clamp OptionM37 Steady Rest Base Unclamp OptionM38 Steady Rest Right (1) Clamp OptionM39 Steady Rest Right (1) Unclamp OptionM40 Gear Change NeutralM41 Gear Change LowM42 Gear Change MiddleM43 Gear Change Middle or HighM44 Gear Change High


    SpindleDrive Gear 

    BoxM46 Tailstock Body Unclamp & Traction-Bar engage. OptionM47 Tailstock Body Clamp. & Tract-Bar Retract. OptionM48 Override Invalid SM49 Override Valid SM50 Bar Feeder Command 1 S

    M51 Bar Feeder Command 2 SM52 Splash Guard Door Open Option

    M53 Splash Guard Door Close OptionM54 Parts Count SM55 Cycle Repeat after M30

     Available on machines made after 06/2003 onlyS

    M56 Tapping Cycle ON (Locks out single block operation,feed hold. Speed and feed override during tapping )


    M57 Tapping Cycle Cancel SM58 Steady Rest Left (2) Clamp Option

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    M-Code Description Feature

    M59 Steady Rest Left (2) Unclamp Option

    M60 Indexing while axis is moving S

    M61 Switching Low Speed (Integral Spindle Motor) Y

    M62 Switching High Speed (Integral Spindle Motor) YM63 Main-Spindle CW & Coolant On SM64 Main-Spindle CCW & Coolant On SM65 Main-Spindle & Coolant Off S

    **M66 Steady Rest Unclamp / Clamp during spindlerotation.


    **M66 Chuck low pressure clamp in case of dual chuckingsystem


    M67 Chuck high pressure clamp for dual chucking OptionM68 Main-Chuck Clamp SM69 Main-Chuck Unclamp SM70 Dual-Pressure Tailstock, Quill Advance with Low


    M72 Spindle Inverse Rotation (Used for left hand tappingwith G84 or G88 command)


    M73 Spindle Inverse Rotation Cancel SM74 Error Detect On SM75 Error Detect Off SM76 Chamfering On SM77 Chamfering Off SM78 Tailstock Quill Advance S

    M79 Tailstock Quill Retract SM80 Q-Setter Swing Arm Down OptionM81 Q-Setter Swing Arm Up OptionM82 Mirror Image ON YM83 Mirror Image OFF YM84 Turret CW Rotation SM85 Turret CCW Rotation SM86 Torque Skip Active (M86 P99) BM87 Torque Skip Cancel BM88 Main Spindle Low Pressure Clamp, (C-axis) C

    **M89 Main Spindle High Pressure Clamp, (C-axis) C

    **M89 Main Spindle Locking, in 5-degree intervals(Standard on PUMA 160G only)


    M90 Main Spindle Unclamp (160G and C-axis, standard) OptionM91 User M-code, finish signal by external switch OptionM92 User M-code, finish signal by external switch OptionM93 User M-code, finish signal by timer on PMC OptionM94 User M-code, finish signal by timer on PMC OptionM98 Sub-Program Call S

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    M-Code Description Feature

    M99 End of Sub-Program / Return to main program SM103 Sub-Spindle Forward Rotation BM104 Sub-Spindle Reverse Rotation BM105 Sub-Spindle Stop B

    M108 Sub Spindle TSC-Coolant ON BM109 Sub Spindle TSC-Coolant OFF BM110 Interference Check Invalid (MSY machines, Barrier) OptionM111 Interference Check Valid (MSY-machines, Barrier) OptionM114 Sub-Spindle Air Blow ON BM116 Part Eject (Work piece eject) BM117 Mist Collector ON OptionM118 Mist Collector OFF Option

    **M119 Sub-Spindle Orientation B**M119 Sub-Spindle Positioning using S-command, 0.1°


    M120 Part-Cutoff Confirm OptionM125 Long Shaft Work BM131 Interlock By-pass (Cycle operation with Sub-Spindle

    chuck in open condition)B

    M135 Rotary axis-disconnect command. M135 is valid onlyafter the M35-command. It disconnects the rotaryaxis on the main spindle letting it “free-wheel”. Whenthe M35-command follows the M135, it disconnectsthe rotary axis on the sub-spindle, letting it “freewheel”, while the rotary axis on the main spindle isactive.


    M163 Sub-Spindle CW & Coolant On BM164 Sub-Spindle CCW & Coolant On BM165 Sub-Spindle & Coolant Stop BM166 Sub Chuck Low Pressure Clamp OptionM167 Sub Chuck High Pressure Clamp OptionM168 Sub-Chuck Clamp BM169 Sub-Chuck Unclamp BM188 Sub Spindle (A-Axis) Low Pressure Clamp Y & B

    **M189 Sub Spindle Locking, in 5-degree intervals(M103, M104, M119 –commands unlocks it )

    B & C

    **M189 Sub Spindle (A –axis) High pressure Clamp Y & B**M190 Sub Spindle Unclamp (A-axis) Y & B**M190 B-axis Control Waiting Mode B**M191 B-axis Control Waiting Mode Y & BM200 Tool Load Monitor ON OptionM201 Tool Load Monitor OFF OptionM203 Spindle Forward, Main & Sub Phase Synchronization BM204 Spindle Reverse, Main & Sub Phase Synchronization B

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    M-Code Description Feature

    M205 Spindle Synchronous Stop BM206 Spindle Rotation Release, Two Spindle Control

    Main, Sub or Live Tool Spindle independent speedcommand during simultaneous spindle operation.

    B or C

    M250 Service Mode Allows restricted machine operation for service or setup purposes while the safety door is open.



    M-Codes for switching the Rotary axis Name

    The table below shows special M-codes that apply for PUMA 1500SY, 2000SYand 2500SY models, only. These M-codes simplify programming by re-naming

    the rotary axis name assignment and the rotary axis-axis clamp M-codes. TheseM-codes call the sub programs as registered in NC-parameter tables # 6071through # 6079.

    M-Code Description

    M289 Sets the C-axis clamp M-Code as M89 (normal)The A-axis clamp M-code is M189M289 Calls program O9001

    M389 Sets the C-axis clamp M-Code as M189The A-axis clamp M-code is M89(used when the C-axis is switched from the main spindle to the

    sub spindle)M389 Calls program O9002

    M290 Sets the normal rotary axis assignments:The C-axis is located at the main spindle.The A-axis is located at the sub spindle.M290 Calls program O9003

    M291 Inverts the rotary axis assignments:The C-axis is located at the main spindle.The A-axis is located at the sub spindle.M291Calls program O9004

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    Miscellaneous programming information


    ( Applicable with Fanuc Controls, T series, systems 0, 16, 18, 21. Also: Mitsubishi 500L,

    50, 64)

    FIRST COMMAND LINE: G76 P021060 Q05 R10 (see details, below)

    P 02 10 60 Specify “P”, followed by a six digit number.

    02 =Number of finishing passes at the bottom of the thread (02 means 2finishing passes) (Sets PAR 5142– see note 1)

    10 =Chamfer-width or pullout-width at the “Z” end position of the thread.Chamfer size is expressed in1/10th fractions of the lead. 10: means thechamfer-width equals one lead. 05: means the chamfer width equals ½ of 

    lead. 00: means no chamfer. See note 3, below. (Sets PAR 5130)60 =The included angle between the thread flanks. This decides the in-feed

    angle for the tool. In-feed angle = ½ of the input angle. Normally, 60 is

    used for standard threads. Other angles, such as: 80, 60, 55, 30, 29

    or 0 can be specified (Sets PAR 5143)

    Q05 =Minimum cutting depth. The system automatically calculates thedepth of cut, which becomes progressively smaller with each pass.It rounds off the depth for the last pass to the Q-value. (Sets PAR5140)

    R10 =Material allowance for finishing passes at bottom of thread (Sets

    PAR 5141)

    SECOND COMMAND LINE: G76 X__ Z__ P__ Q__ R__ F__ (see details,below)

    X =Diameter of the thread. For an external Thread – specify the minor diameter.For an internal Thread - specify the major diameter. In case of taper threads,specify the diameter at the opposite end from the start point.

    Z =End position of the thread.

    P  =Height of the thread. Calculation: Major diameter minus minor diameter,divided by 2 (Radius value, without decimal point) See note 2 below.

    Q =Depth of the first cut. If “P” and “Q” are the same, the thread is cut in a singlepass. (Radius value without decimal point) See note 2, below

    R =Taper: Radial height difference of taper slope. Calculate the heightdifference for the taper as follows: I =TAN [taper angle per side] times thread

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    length + Z-clearance at start of thread]. Specify a negative value for OD taper thread. Specify a positive value for ID taper thread.

    F =Lead. Distance between two threads. (1 divided by the pitch), six digitsallowed after the decimal point.

    NOTES:1.) Upon execution of the G76-cycle all data contained on the first G76-command

    line is automatically stored in the parameter tables.2.) Specify values for “P” and “Q” without a decimal point. For example: 0.0001”=1,

    0.001”=10 0.01”=100 0.1”=1000 1.0”=100003.) Specifying a chamfer (pullout distance) reduces possible damage to the last

    thread lead near the Z-end position.4.) Both, the direction of spindle rotation (M3 or M4) and the cutting direction (Z-

    minus or Z-plus) distinguish between right-hand and left-hand thread cutting. Ona lathe where the spindle is located to the left of the turret, thread cutting isnormally done from right to left (Z-minus direction). With the spindle rotating incounter clockwise direction (M3) as viewed when looking at the front of thechuck, cutting from right to left produces a right-hand thread.

    Programming Examples, using the G76-Thread Cutting Cycle

    Example 1: Cutting a 1”-10 UNS -external thread:

     Action Program

    1. Enter modal commands G0 G18G40 G97 G99

    2. Enter the tool and tool offset command T01013. Enter the Spindle command

    (Always use G97, NEVER G96)G97 S100 M3 (M4)

    4. Turn ON the coolant M8

    5. Move the tool to the start position of thethread

    For “Z”, allow 125 % of the Lead for start-up clearance away from the threadMove “Z” fist, then “X”.


    For “X”, allow 0.05” ~ 0.1” diametricalclearance above the major diameter 



    6. Enter the thread cutting cycle G76 P020560 Q05 R0G76 X0.875 Z-1.0 P625 Q250 F0.1

    7. Return the tool to the tool exchange pointMove the “X”-axis first, then “Z”Optional stop

    G0 X___ G0 Z___ M1

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    Example 2: Cutting a 1”-10 UNS -internal thread:

     Action Program

    1. Enter modal commands G0 G18G40 G97 G992. Enter the tool and tool offset command T0101

    3. Enter the Spindle command(Always use G97, NEVER G96)

    G97 S100 M3 (M4)

    4. Turn ON the coolant M8

    5. Move the tool to the start position of the thread

    For “Z”, allow 125 % of the Lead for start-upclearance away from the threadMove “Z” fist, then “X”.


    For “X”, allow 0.05” ~ 0.1” diametricalclearance below the minor diameter (I.D.)


    6. Enter the thread cutting cycle G76 P020560 Q05 R0G76 X1.0 Z-1.0 P500 Q150 F0.1

    7. Move the tool out of the bore, clearing the face G0 Z___ 

    8. Return the tool to the tool exchange pointMove the “X”-axis first, then “Z”Optional stop

    G0 X___ G0 Z___ M1

    Notes: Source for thread dimensions used in the thread cutting cycles shownabove: “Machinery’s Handbook” (Twentieth edition).

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    Q =Spindle rotation shift angle. Data range is from 0 to plus or minus 360000(360 degrees = 360000, without decimal point) This function is used for cutting of multiple-Lead threads. For example: in case of a 3-start threadthe shift angle is 120 degrees between each thread. Hence, the firstthread lead is cut, using Q=0, the second at Q=120000 and the third at

    Q=240000, where the Z-axis start position remains the same for eachthread.


    Program for cutting a 1”-10 UNS -external thread:

    G0 G18G40 G97 G99T0101G97 S100 M3 (M4)

    M8G0Z0.125X0.800G76 X0.875 Z-1.0 K0.0625 D0.025 F0.1 A60 P1 Q0G0 X___ G0 Z___ M1

    It is possible to obtain a certain number of cutting passes by using the followingformula to calculate the depth of the first cut:

    Where D = the depth of the first pass.  P = Is the radial height of a single thread.  N = Number of passes wanted minus spring passes.

     N  P  D   /=